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mego42 · 4 years ago
#is someone standing by with a spritz bottle and they just mist him with water every time he starts to dull#or did the make up dept come up with some sort of long lasting solution that looks like dampness but is actually vaseline From what I know it's a mixture of water and glycerin and depending on how much glycerin you put in the sweatier it gets. xD So I guess they just stand there and spray it on and re-apply it if needed. But I would totally take on the job. Just saying!
the mental picture of someone one standing by and spraying him like a cat that needs to stay off the furniture is unspeakably hilarious to me. 
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lunafeather · 4 years ago
#I think I want the using-his-pinky-to-move-her-hair-and-touch-her-face more than I want another kiss SAME! Gosh, I miss it SO much! :(
I mean, I would kill a man for them to kiss again, but I would burn down a city for Rio to do the face touch/hair move in a mostly genuine way again, I want it so bad it fucking h u r t s
when will the softness come back from the war???
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medievaldarling · 4 years ago
I was wondering and I hope you don't mind me asking what your thoughts are on the Stan plot/arc happening? I kind of sat up and listened more closely when Gene (?) told Stan about the "little bitch" and the "big bitch". And I have to admit I immediately thought of Rio and his brother (?). I might be reading too much into it but I think sooner or later Stan will meet Rio and it's gonna bring all the people (Beth and Rio) together again. What are your thoughts? :D
I’m extremely interested in Stan’s arc right now because there’s so much potential!
It’s a complete flip on what we’ve seen up until now. Ruby is the one delving into crime and keeping it a secret from Stan, and now we have Stan doing the same thing and I’m low-key wondering if Ruby can pick up on Stan lying because she used to do it constantly (or does she trust him too much to question him?). I’m interest to see if Stan realizes what Ruby must have been going through being unable to share what she was doing to save Sara and their family.
I’m not sure the little/big bitch holds any weight quite yet. It could just be a way to show that Stan’s boss is holding the parties over Stan’s head and making him work off his debt by participating in some shady business.
I would love Stan and Rio to meet - it would be really interesting to watch! Maybe as Stan starts delving into crime more, his path will cross with Rio?
What I most want is some Hill harmony because I miss the S1 + S2 moments we had where they were painfully cute and basically marriage goals.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years ago
Happy belated birthday! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I think I missed out on congratulating yesterday. But I hope you had a lovely birthday.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aaaaah, thank you!! 💕💕💕
And don't worry, the tumblr birthday gates opened pretty late in the evening yesterday so you didn't miss out!! And since I'm claiming the whole month it doesn’t matter anyway 😂😂
I had a quite relaxing day compared to what the rest of my week looks like, and I certainly had a very nice bday dinner along with very cool, booze-oriented presents 🍷🍸
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inyoursheets · 4 years ago
"putting my body body body on top of you" put such a big smile on my face and I wanted it to continue. Loved it! <3 <3
ahhhhh that is so wonderful!!! and so sweet of you to say, im very glad you enjoyed that one ❤️
as for continuing iiiiiiiiiiii cant make any promises but....im also not not interested in writing a follow-up bc i love office AUs and this fandom doesn't have too many sooooooooo
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misshazelevers20 · 4 years ago
If you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not. Let’s get to know the person behind the blog :)
1. My favorite color is green
2. I got into Good Girls because of you and I am forever grateful for it <3
3. I can’t wait to have a cat
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pynkhues · 5 years ago
replied to your post
“Oh boy, the hitman is definitely for Max! Or what do you think? And...”
I wonder though: what must happen for you to criticize the show's choices. I know you think of it "It's just a tv show" and you certainly point out stuff you don't like but I'm genuinely curious. :)
Hey! Okay, so I’m responding to this comment as a post just because I’ve had this question come up a few times in comments or in asks or on other people’s blogs, and I think there are a few facets of that that might need unpacking. 
The first part, and perhaps the biggest, is that I’m just a fan of the show.
I’m honestly not anyone. I’m not connected to the show, or anyone who works on it; hell, I’m not even in America. So this blog is just mine. And when I write about the show, or write fic, it’s just me, enjoying it, and enjoying my free time by watching it and chatting about it and writing fun scenarios about it. 
I’ve had quite a lot of people who have reached out to me to tell me that I don’t criticise the show enough, and that I waffle in my praise or have my blinders on (to say nothing of the people who’ve sent me abuse, or other user’s asks about me, or the users who’ve written posts or subtagged me), and I generally don’t respond, because I don’t really know how to, and also, y’know, as my old therapist told me - you can’t tell somebody how they feel - and I’d never, ever want to assume to tell anyone that how they felt was wrong. 
But still. 
I know how I feel. 
And right now, I know that I do want to say that when people tell me I don’t criticise the show, I not only find it frustrating, but insulting too. 
Because I do criticise the show a lot. 
I also make an active choice to be positive. 
And it is a choice. It’s actually not easy for me (I have lived a life, let me tell you, haha), and I work really hard to talk about things positively because that’s the effect that I want to leave behind me. 
Positivity =/= a lack of criticism, nor discussion, just like the capacity for negativity does not mean that the conversation somebody is generating with that tone or outlook makes them somehow more knowledgeable or socially aware.  
I’ve talked at length about how much I thought 2.13 was a disaster, about how the end of season 2 suffered from a narrative lull and a lack of sufficient rising tension, among many other things, and this season alone have talked about how the Dean x Gayle storyline isn’t working, how Annie’s therapy storyline is pretty mangled, and how much I really, really need the Beth and Dean arc to be working towards divorce. 
I just also like the show, so I’m never going to be the sort of person who says ‘fuck this, fuck the writers, everyone’s bad at their job’, as a small, but vocal portion of this fandom are. 
In fact, I hope I never will be. 
I hope that if I felt the urge to be so , that I’d have the self-awareness to rein myself in, or to quit a show and find something more in line with my interests, or at least quit posting about it, and just rant to my friends instead. 
Because there’s a difference between having conversation around plot points, narrative choices, racial and gender stereotypes, and just feeling miserable about something you’re watching and doing your darndest to make sure everyone else watching it feels miserable too. 
What I’m getting at is that if you want a user who rags shit on the show, that’s okay! I’m just not the woman for you, and I never will be.  
The biggest reason for that is that I don’t want to contribute to a culture of negativity and mockery, I want fandom to be a fun, safe space which helps people to explore what they do and don’t like in stories, and relationships, and characters, and also - - y’know what? 
People work hard on this show.
The episodes don’t just manifest as some sort of season-long-blob with Jenna as a dragon who sits on the top, like I feel some people would like the broader fandom to believe. It’s a team who’ve come together from Jenna, yes, as showrunner, but it’s one made up of other writers, the cast, producers, directors, art department, costume crew,  grips and gaffers and editors and music crew, among many others. A lot of people have come together to make this, and it’s not something that we get ownership of, and in fact, I actually resent some of the entitlement that I see in this fandom.
It’s something that’s being given to us.
We don’t get to dictate the story. 
And it has issues, for sure, and we can not like the show as a whole, or parts of it, or find things problematic, absolutely! But I hate this idea, honestly, that we’d spit on a lot of people’s hard work just because it wasn’t what we personally imagined or wanted it to be.
It hasn’t been written for anyone in particular. 
It’s just a story that a bunch of people have gotten together to tell.
If you don’t like it as a whole, pay it with your lack of attention. If you like it, but have a problem with it - then like it, but have a problem with it - instead of just choosing not only aggression against the show, but aggression and a desire to police how other people feel about the show.  
And on that note, I’ll continue to criticise the show in my own way, and as I feel it’s necessary, but I’m also not going to be posting diatribes after the end of each episode criticising the minutiae. 
I just want to enjoy it. 
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veronicamarz · 4 years ago
If you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not. Let’s get to know the person behind the blog :)
awww i never check my inbox anymore, but here you go:
1. i’m a graduate student
2. i’ve lived in 3 states in the last 4-5 years
3. i have a cocker spaniel named margaret
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bbmarks · 5 years ago
@jazillia007 reblogged your post and added: “What makes me angry the most about Good Girls is that the writers are...”
Heck, remember the 17-minute long “preview”...
See and that’s what I love about the way they treat Reno/Stan’s screen time. He doesn’t get it just to have it or to have his own BS storyline that doesn’t really connect to anything else. There’s always a purpose and that’s why it’s entertaining. I have been enjoying the strip club stuff because I see the reason, that he’s doing it for his family. When watching Dean’s scenes I’m always left sitting there like “why? what a waste”. The episodes where he’s utilized the least are honestly the most enjoyable to me. The scenes in 3x07 were such trash. He hasn’t earned giving anyone else their comeuppance when he’s never atoned for a single one of his sins. It’s almost like they’re making him out to be the victim (Rio the perpetrator) and I am not here for it. 
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bathroombreaks · 5 years ago
Beth x Rio or Ruby x Stan?
oh damn. starting with a hard one. if i’m honest... beth x rio. i’m sorry!!! ruby x stan is infinitely healthier and more supportive and good and like perfect in every way, and i would be heartbroken if anything happened to them on the show, much more than i would with beth x rio, but it’s beth x rio that has me obsessing over every interaction, i gotta go with them
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mrslackles · 5 years ago
jazillia007 replied to your video “3x02/3x03 – The entire bar scene”
I get she thought she was able to just leave. I think that's the only reaction I totally understood. Like WE all would try to run if supposedly dead Rio shows up and threatens to kill her. So... I think this was really good. Just as good as Rio stopping her. Everything afterwards was just straight from "what did the writers smoke" hell.
I agree. The lines, reactions and performances in this scene were really great and miles better than anything else in the rest of the episode.
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mego42 · 4 years ago
For the Writer Ask Game: 💻, 😂 and ✏️. Thank you! <3
ty ty ty 💖
💻- three works of yours that are must reads
oooooooohhhhhhh i love this question though my answers probs aren’t surprising, hahaha.
a song inside the halls of the dark - my sprawling alternate s3 baby!!!! my most ambitious project ever! watch me learn how to plot a grandiose multi-chapter in real time! other features include: an MC villain I probs v obviously got uncomfortably into, hey what if beth and rio fell in love but make it canon? a weird number of buildings catching fire 
listening through the air shaft - aka meg plays with voice. it’s basically five fics in a trenchcoat, and all five think beth and rio are gigantic embarrassments. well, not dean, dean’s just sad. and suffering. it’s great. i heard a rumor that parts of it are funny.
trade my heart for honey - it was a v close call between this one and swear on a silver knife (sneaking in a bonus bc I do what I want) but I went with honey bc a) it’s complete and b) probably the most specifically tailored to me collection off my interests you will probs ever see me write.
😂- a line that made you laugh out loud
I still really love this bit from as the world turns, the blunt burns, idek why it just continually cracks me up:
“Mick,” Beth frantically tugs at his pant leg because apparently he doesn’t have all of the information. “We’re in the yard.”
“Yeah, Mick.” Rio says, glaring. “You’re in the yard.”
✏️- favorite part about writing
answered this one here but if you don’t feel like clicking through, i’ve really come around to editing being my fav part (currently, at least). there's something weirdly relaxing about having the thing fully drafted and then diving back in to work at it until it really shines. 
i usually do four editing, mmmm buckets? i guess? bc each one can be made up of several passes:
1. what the hell am i working with here - let’s see what ended up coming out between here and the outline. is it working? does it need to be refined to conform more to the outline? did anything new come out and should i go down those rabbit holes? what needs to be teased out and shored up to cover everything i want to cover. usually, a bulk of the editing passes happen here. 
2. that’s nice but how does it feel? - this is the one where i read through the whole thing and look for stuff i think can be tweaked and tuned to amp the emotional resonance, whatever i want that to be. usually one of these passes includes a non-sober run-through bc that’s usually when the really feelsy bits jump out to me (pro tip: always make a backup copy before this pass)
3. tuning - at this point i’m happy with the structure and vibe, now it’s time to line edit and/or get a second set of eyes if i’m working with a beta (and sometimes this results in going back to step one but personally i’m okay with that because i am an absolute weirdo when it comes to (solicited) critique). this is also where i start flagging whatever the three words i abuse to death and back each fic are and cursing myself for my limited vocabulary and OH MY GOD THERE ARE ONLY SO MANY HAND RELATED WORDS WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT
4. fine-tooth combing - at this point the thing is p close to post-able. i’ve started forcing myself to let things sit for 24 hours to clear my head and then i do my final read-through pass, making tweaks as i go.
writer ask game
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jimmyhopper · 5 years ago
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in the notifications!
I already answered one of these but I’m gonna try to think of 5 more sooo:
1. my sister 
2. my friends and tbh mostly my internet friends
3. when my ships deliver some good ass content (we don’t get that often because writers are on crack these days)
4. summer time, because that’s when i’m less stressed 
5. sunsets, actually my favorite thing in the whole world
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nakedmonkey · 5 years ago
jazillia007 replied to your post: Re: the possible look at young Beth & Dean meeting...
I haven’t seen people saying that Beth isn’t the main character and they don’t care about her backstory. They just don’t care about Dean. And it’s a valid opinion. Just like yours.
I don’t believe I stated anyone said Beth wasn’t the lead character. Just pointing out that her ties to Dean and her past with him are an integral part of who she is because she’s been with him for like two thirds of her life, therefore insights into her life with him (including the good parts) are important to her arc, that’s all. 
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inyoursheets · 4 years ago
If you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not. Let’s get to know the person behind the blog :)
ummmmmmmm this is hard!!!!!
im still not all the way sure what color my eyes are exactly
i once saw penn badgley perform live..........without realizing it was him
i have come out by accident more often than not and idk how i feel about that
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misshazelevers20 · 4 years ago
Some for the Writer Ask Game: 👻, 💍 and 🎀. Thank you! :D
👻- 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet
From chapter two of Falling for her incognito ( it’s from Diane’s POV)
She had met Rhea almost 2 years ago, at a park. She was supposed to take care of one of her young cousins, when she had noticed that a boy felt down and was crying. She had wanted to comfort him, of course, but since she had only paid attention to him she hadn’t seen his mother until it was too late, and the two of them just walked straight into each other. And yes, it had been so awkward, but after they have both apologized and made sure that the boy was okay they introduced themselves and exchanged numbers.
She hadn’t dared to hope that she could actually date someone like Rhea, she seemed so perfect, and Diane had been convinced that she must be married, since she had a kid. And was it was most likely that she was straight anyways.
💍- your most underrated story
Falling for her incognito, which was the first brio fic that I wrote :)
🎀- favorite story
So you wanna get crime married?, because it’s pure crack and I had so much fun writing yet <3 
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