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undeniablereckoningart · 6 months ago
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cw eyestrain
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quarterkrogan · 2 years ago
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jason blushing and giggling and kicking his feet
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undeniablereckoningart · 3 months ago
[ ??? ]
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Not now.
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kleptoknowledgist · 9 months ago
I was just SCROLLING through this GRUMBLR, when I found something REALLY DISTURBING and I feel should have ATTENTION DRAWN to it.
So it ALL started when I encountered a blog named @undeniablereckoning . It's run by a TROLL name ZENQEY. They seemed to be TRAPPED somewhere and can't remember . This was really CONCERNING, so I kept looking. Then there's this weird set of posts that GLITCHED OUT... but I could pick out the names JAYCAL and XETZAI. There wasn't a lot afterwards, but I did see a SCREENSHOT of DMs with a user named @heightenedcompliancy . So, I went there NEXT.
His pinned post WASN'T a post made by it. It was from @autonomymodifications . I recognized their URL, so I searched THERE instead of heightenedcompliancy. I found that they SHARE the blog with him, his name being FAWN, and their name being MODIFY. They modify ANATOMY as a job, in frankly DUBIOUS ways. Their posts aren't TOO special, until they got CALLED OUT by a troll named ZOMBEY ( @undeadstillliving ). And THIS is what tipped me OVER THE EDGE. To SUMMARIZE, MODIFY started the business to CHANGE THINGS and to prevent LOWBLOODS and MUTANTS from getting CULLED. But EVENTUALLY, they started doing it for their OWN BENEFIT. ZOMBEY spoke OUT about it first, and FLED due to being AMBUSHED, but had to LEAVE ZENQEY BEHIND. WHICH UNCOVERS why ZENQEY was TRAPPED and COULDN'T REMEMBER anything! ZOMBEY ssid that MODIFY has been MANIPULATING FAWN. They ALSO mentioned JAYCAL, FEZIKA, and RAERLY, with BLOG NAMES ATTACHED. ( @rotting-sink , @untimelystay , and @rarelyunreal RESPECTIVELY.) They ALSO revealed Fawn's REAL NAME, being TRATZI DAICOL. I will be REFFERING to Fawn as TRATZI for FULL TRANSPARENCY.
That's ALL that I KNOW for now, but I will EXPLORE the OTHER BLOGS for any EXTRA information RIGHT after this is posted, and I'll UPDATE you once I gather enough INFO.
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undeadstillliving · 10 months ago
█ ▅ ▃ Ok♻y, ♻fter getting in contact with a few peeps, i think i can safely post this shit ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Dropping the ♻ ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ do not trust @autonomymodifications , like ever ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ever since the beginning of their "career", they've done nothing but deceive and hurt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start, it was me, "modify", jaycal ( @rotting-sink ), fezika ( @untimelystay ), raerly ( @rarelyunreal ) and at some point, there were a few more ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start it WAS only a bunch of kids hoping to change shit and help mutants and lowbloods not get culled, which was fine, it was cute ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ but after a while, it was clear that modify was doing this for their own benefit only. i have found that out the hard way when they performed shit in me when i was unconscious. later i found out they even collected any blood i lost, they claimed that it was for the best and i, an idiot, believed them ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ at some point, they requested that they are the only one doing the procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ THEN they started tricking people into believing them and then performing on them, which usually ended up in the trolls dying. around that time i've found out that they tend to keep parts (fins, frills, ...) of their "clients" for their own benefits. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i was the first one to say something against it, i fought with them and planned to leave in the span of a wice. but i got ambushed when i tried to leave with a future victim of their shenanigans. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i managed to escape. but i had to leave zenqey behind. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ zenqey is a fuschia who has been tricked into a quadrant by modify, and then used as a caste transfusion experiment without his permission. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ they used to trick goldbloods into supplying them with psionics and such, they used their other "coworkers" to get more victims. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ fezika has left, she is now in constant danger. jaycal left after a drastic procedure that has progressed the stage of their voidrot, which was supposed to do the opposite. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ last time i've seen "fawn", aka TRATZI DAICOL, he was already struggling due to a few procedures modify has done on him ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ modify is killing her slowly. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ im barely conscious right now so ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ tldr ; modify uses others so they can mutilate and kill others, all the while slowly killing their "moirail" with life threatening procedures. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ me, fezika and jaycal are currently planning to stop them. on my way to meet up with fez ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ this is just a warning for anyone who thought about getting a procedure from them. there is a chance they will use you as spare parts. do not trust their "coworkers"; Raerly Grzkai, "Fawn" aka Tratzi Daicol, Ayzrit Zairik. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ questions can be answered ▃ ▅ █
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clansofthepantheon · 26 days ago
(wip) clans of the pantheon - allegiances
info on each clan
overview of new ranks
more on the leaders
note: this is not a complete list of every cat in each clan, just high ranks, prominent characters, and notable background characters.
a nomadic clan with camps scattered across the territory, they pride themselves on their strength and adaptability.
leader: bearstar
deputy: duskclaw
duskclaw's tense relationship with her father, bearstar, and brother, branchclimb.
fogstep (senior medic);
fogstep's relationship with ozzy
how fogstep and ozzy met
foxtrot (junior medic)
foxtrot and faking omens
hunting head: branchclimb
kitchen head: shimmerpelt
educator: threadfur
champion: bearstar
jaypaw (mentor: weaseldance)
woodpeckerpaw (mentor: duskclaw)
residing by the central lake in the territories, this reserved clan seldom are known as prideful and even arrogant.
leader: troutstar
deputies: pikesnap; saugerleap
physician: turtlestep
hunting head:
kitchen head:
champion: stingtongue
once composed of three small clans, this clan resides at the base of the mountain near the abandoned town where they focus on scavenging whatever and whenever they can.
leader: oxeyestar
advisors: goosehop; duckstrut; grousetail
saint: icesnap
hunting and kitchen head: mothflutter
champion: rattlerfang
tinyscratch (formerly mouseears)
a clan that resides in the rockier territories of the mountain side, boisterous and bold.
leaders: dawnstar; sandstar
massive, intimidating, and terribly awkward, close friends with raindrop.
rowdy and entitled, insistent that he deserves more praise.
finds her name terribly embarrassing; disabled and currently courting cranegaze.
originally from coyoteclan, was adopted into dawnstar and sandstar's already big family. eventually does return to help usurp tempestclan's control over coyoteclan.
champion: nightstride
a clan that resides in the heart of the forest, who focus on order and lineage.
monarch: swiftstar
next-in-line: cranegaze
doesn't share her brother's reverence of their deceased parents.
magistrates: cootwaddle; crowfoot; piperstreak; tattlertail; gullcry
clerics: loonback; cormorantpelt; pelicanjaw
monarch's kin: mallardsong
some fun random facts on mallardsong
head of kitchen:
head of hunting:
head of construction:
senior warriors:
junior warriors:
a clan that resides in an abandoned town high up in the snowy mountains, using their harsh environment and strict religious beliefs to maintain order. c = coyoteclan origins
the tempest star: tempeststar (former name: snowdancer)
naming ceremonies are one of tempeststar's favorite duties.
tempeststar's demise.
saints: martinbounce
cariboucall is stupid
cariboucall's fate and regrets in the aftermath of the fall of tempestclan.
lynxstrike is blizzard(strike's) bio dad.
a sheep and a wolf who aren't what they appear to be.
sheepfall and the catharsis of telling your ex husband to kill himself.
granddaughter of marmotscreech (and struggles with that pressure).
batflight (C)
snakebite (C)
mothflutter (C)
hyacinthspeckle (C)
one of the few cats from a family that came willingly to tempestclan.
betrothed to ptarmiganmarch.
flurrypaw (mentor: batflight)
queens + queens' aids:
moonbeam (formerly nighteyes)
wolf's rebellion
a group of cats that reside in the mountains that take in runaways from tempestclan, work to overthrow tempestclan.
leader: wolf
wolf and cariboucall's relationship over sheepfall
a sheep and a wolf who aren't what they appear to be.
the fireflies
cats who reside in a town that was abandoned after being ravaged by a massive fire.
hijinks "jinx"
cats who with no allegiance to any group.
blightspirit and self-flagellation + the aftermath of the fall of tempestclan for him
blightspirit's role in the attack on wolf's rebellion.
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undeniablereckoningart · 11 months ago
[cw glitches]
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[Zenqey] — why wont you just? help me??
[Jaycal] .. . cant ..
[Zenqey] — BULLSHIT!
[Zenqey] — just help me! tell me what's going on! tell me where i am!
[Zenqey] — tell me who i am!?
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[Zenqey] — it hurts! my whole body has been aching ever since i woke up!
[Jaycal] .. . know ..
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[Jaycal] .. zenqey ..
[Jaycal] .. bel.eve me that you dont need me to tell you anyth.ng ..
[Jaycal] .. .t'll all come to you ..
[Jaycal] .. r.ght now . you need to calm down ..
[Jaycal] .. youre freak.ng out . youre scared ..
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[Zenqey] — ... What-
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heightenedcompliancy · 10 months ago
[ 1/? ]
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You feel... Calm.
You feel so relaxed. Like you're actually getting some sort of rest.
Sleep has never really refreshed you. It always felt like you were running on 4 hours of sleep, and no amount of rest would ever change that.
But it all feels different now.
You feel... Strangely comfortable.
You don't want to open your eyes, you want to stay in this limbo of comfort and warmth. It feels so.. New.
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But when you open your eyes, you see nothing.
It's too dark. Or maybe there's just nothing? Maybe both.
A dark abyss of nothing. Yet, you feel more comfortable than anywhere else. It's so strange.
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You begin to realize you're asleep.
And suddenly, all the comfort feels like it's draining from your whole body, the warmth leaving your soul as the realization sets in.
You left your body vulnerable.
You are in the middle of nowhere, alone, unarmed.
And your moirail is still out there.
The relaxation immediately leaves you as you suddenly become restless. You can't relax. You need to wake up. Why the fuck are you here?
Where the fuck is that gold piece of shit now?
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[?????? ] : „Found him.”
[Jaycal ] : „good . don't wake him up .”
[?????? ] : „I still don't understand why I shouldn't wake him up.”
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andiv3r · 1 year ago
Remaking a post because I lost it.
The following is a full list of every Good Omens character that I have turned into a cat, in alphabetical order and with links to their reference images posted.
(?) | Adam ✘
Alpinetail | Aziraphale ✔✔
Bombylius | Beelzebub ✔✔
(?) | Brian
Crowfur | Crowley ✔✔
Egretpaw | Ennon ✘
(?) | Eric ✘
Galetail | Gabriel ✔✔
(?) | Hastur ✘
Jerboakit | Jemimah ✘
Jaycall | Job ✘
Kestrelpaw | Keziah ✘
(?) | Ligur ✘
Milkweedtail | Michael ✔✔
Murinetail | Muriel ✔✔
Pepperpaw(?) | Pepper ✘
(?) | Saraqael ✘
(?) | Sitis ✔
Umbertail(?) | Uriel ✔✔
(?) | Wensleydale ✘
also, for reference;
✘ - not started
✔ - sketched (wip)
✔✔ - finished
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aspenthetreeart · 8 months ago
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OC is Jaycall by EzmeraldFuryDragon
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fallenclan · 1 year ago
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ngl drawing Crowflame happy has healed my soul i think
but YEAH little reveal time. Honeykit has the Ghost Sense skill! i think for her it's just not a big deal at all--some cats are ghosts, some cats aren't, and that's that. probably after she figured out she was the only one who could see the ghosts, she doesn't tell anyone about them, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like to spend time with her grandparents regardless. if grandma can't talk, getting grandpa to talk about her is the next best thing
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undeniablereckoningart · 9 months ago
As you sit there, on the stair up to your old-new hive, the cold air blows past you. You take a drag of your cigarette. It hurts. But only slightly.
„You ... Smoke again ...?”
You don't bother turning around. You know who it is.
Their voice, the pauses. The scratchiness and hoarseness of their voice. Of course you know who it is.
„What do you want.”, you bark, „You can't physically be here. So- am I hallu-hallucinating or on the verge of fainting?”, you add before they can answer you.
They pause, before chuckling softly.
„... Guess.”, of course. You're not in the mood for this. You cant bear to hear their voice. You just want to be alone for a moment, your head throbbing with a vicious hangover, making you even more irritable than before.
„What the fuck do you want.”
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the-owl-tree · 2 months ago
other misc notes:
nine gods for nine lives. when a new leader takes on their new name, a representative of the gods, one that obviously has a link to the new leader, is sent to bestow it upon them.
tempestclan doesn't have this system, their leader has one life. the reasoning given is that the saints and the leader make up the nine lives themselves. in practicality, this makes their leader easily replaceable if they're not cooperating.
i like the idea of each clan have a different leader marking system. something that immediately visually differentiates them.
serpentclan and cardinalclan definitely have some makeshift crowns
the coliseum and their gathering spot double as one space, i'm thinking some sort of abandoned mine quarry so there's like....layers in which the audience can sit and watch.
honestly gathering spars are probably pretty common, a show before the leaders deliver the news.
there's a small town where quite a few cats live, including a big family of cats.
because of mustangclan and boarclan's close alliance, mustangclan will sometimes stay at one of boarclan's camps on their journey to their own camp. it's a big feast and resulted in a lot of the cats between the clans growing up. foxtrot and redclaw have a sibling-like relationship with dawnstar and sandstar's family because they all grew up together.
characters notes (for funsies)
saugerleap's secret boyfriend is boarclan's jaycall, one of the healers and one of the boarclan leaders' sons. pikesnap is the one who found out and immediately tattled to their dad.
raindrop was originally from coyoteclan but fled at a young age when she was going to be brought to tempestclan, was taken in by boarclan after collapsing.
lifeseeker's original prefix was originally turtle- but was changed when he was a kit and nearly died of sickness. dawnstar made a dramatic plea to the gods and changed his name to "imbue" him with life. he finds the name very melodramatic and embarrassing as an adult.
mallardsong, his friend (and one of the cardinalclan royal family members), likes to tease him about it.
foxtrot and redclaw are childhood friends, redclaw likes her strange and weird bestie a lot even if she doesn't always understand her.
blightspirit eventually joins mustangclan to be with foxtrot
also figured out the clan names i wanted to use so! we got mustangclan, serpentclan (might change), coyoteclan, boarclan (thank you bonefall), cardinalclan and tempestclan.
some light notes on each, might do a more detailed post later-
some general worldbuilding notes:
do not ask me how this biome functions
the cats cook, prepare food, and know how to start fire.
subranks like courier, head of patrols, head of hunting, and so on exist. their power and relevancy varies within each clan. the deputy/deputies are in charge of managing them.
not all clans have the same positions and wording.
no starclan, these cats worship a pantheon of gods and pray to the appropriate god for advice. the gods have different names and appearances depending on which clan you go to, not writing them out because i haven't figured out every name yet lol
leader: bearstar; deputy: duskclaw; medic(s): fogstep and foxtrot
semi-nomadic, have a few different camps scattered around the map they travel to depending on their needs.
because their camps are so scattered, they often have pre-arranged travel paths through other clans territories. in the past, they'd just brute force their way through though, with different leadership, have begun to put more value in negotiations.
heavy emphasis on might makes right, though that's begun to change. lots of value in conquest, combat, and defending one's honor through force.
names often reflect this with aggressive predators and suffixes like -claw, -strike, -bite being common.
the clan is your family, lineage and blood relations are downplayed in favor of serving one's clan.
unfortunately for bearstar, his father was the last leader...and his own daughter won the trial for deputy. no one would outright accuse such a popular leader of nepotism and spitting on their values...at least not to his face.
leader and deputy are decided through combat, i like the idea that there's a makeshift "coliseum" that all the clans can use to settle minor disputes.
you can challenge the leader and deputy for their position at any time, you just have to win through battle.
outsiders can enter if they prove they're strong enough.
mustangclan cats are blunt to the point of coming across as rude and have a dark sense of humor, which can often rub other clan cats the wrong way.
strongest ally is boarclan, whom they fought alongside in a moon's old war against coyoteclan (pre-war, who were actually three small clans in a coalition!) and cardinalclan.
most of the cats here are followers of the god of war and glory, though followers of the god of the hunt and harvest are common (though they are a popular god in all clans)
leader: troutstar; deputies: saugerleap & pikesnap; physician: turtlestep
stationary, reside in one massive camp that's split into three sections: exterior where the warriors sleep, middle section where the nursery, elders, and physician's den lies, and the central section where the leader, deputies, and other leaderkin stay.
essentially a hereditary monarchy, the leader here is the one that speaks with the gods. this keeps their power absolute, the physician in serpentclan is purely to help heal.
some leader lineages have placed their children in the physician position, just to maximize their power over the clan. troutstar didn't get that, had two sons with no interest in learning medicine.
family lines often have a naming theme. troutstar's lineage uses fish names.
they try to completely avoid war, troutstar has established a long history of lengthy negotiations to avoid combat (saugerleap likes to joke his father has won negotiation wars by boring his enemies to tears).
can come across as snooty and arrogant to the other clans, they find the other clans history of war and bloodshed to be, not repulsive, but almost like...embarrassing?
they don't get along with mustangclan and boarclan cats lol
completely isolated during past wars.
outsiders are allowed to join, but most are barred from every ascending to the position of leadership or even become a physician.
one of the clans that practices betrothals, though it's most used for cross-clan negotiations. saugerleap and duskclaw were briefly engaged to cement a travel path for boarclan through serpentclan territory, though that fell through after saugerleap got discovered with his boarclan boyfriend.
lots of followers of the god of water here, thanks to troutstar's long reign; also lots of followers of the god of art.
leader: oxeyestar; advisor(s): goosehop, duckstrut, grousetail; saint: icesnap
once three small clans - lupineclan, roseclan, yarrowclan - that worked in a coalition; a past war against stallionclan devastated them as they were forced into one cohesive unnamed clan to better control them. when the war ended, stallionclan pulled out from this group, leaving a massive power vacuum that a new player, tempestclan, took notice of.
this ended with them putting a leader of their choosing into this new clan, renaming them coyoteclan for their cleverness and resourcefulness to survive. this move solidified the alliance between the two groups...an alliance which slowly has begun to degrade as more of the warriors recognize just how much control tempestclan assumed.
the advisors and the saint of coyoteclan are all sent from tempestclan, feeding information back to tempestclan and swaying oxeyestar's decisions.
oxeyetail was no special warrior when picked, some naive and arrogant enough to believe he was so special that the god tempestclan worships picked him out of everyone. it's gone to his head quite a bit.
leaders are picked by the advisors of the clan, though they do a bit of fog and lights to try and make it more legitimate, as if the leader really has been handpicked by a god.
anyone can join, not many want to unfortunately.
it's not uncommon for coyoteclan to skip gatherings, there's a lot of resentment. when they do go, they can come across as prickly and quick to judge. but their sharp wit can make them good conversation partners.
their closest ally is tempestclan.
while tempestclan's influence has forced a lot of them to believe in their sole god, followers of the god of the sun and day still take up the majority in coyoteclan. other popular gods are the god of luck and the god of the hunt and harvest.
leader(s): dawnstar & sandstar; deputies: nightstride, darkwater, dewleaf, lifeseeker; healer(s): raindrop, jaycall
a big clan with five different camps, set up around their territory where they often shuffle around depending on what they need. one's probably utilized completely for the healers, acting as both a herb garden and a quarantine zone.
the non-healer camps are run by the four deputies while the leaders often circulate around each week to make sure everything is alright.
similar to mustangclan, boarclan has a big culture around combat. though, it's more considered a performance akin to art rather than a way of life. showing off your strength is encouraged.
leadership is done the more traditional canon wc style, picked based on merit. however, you can absolutely challenge a deputy, healer, and leader if you'd like. it's a big event though, everyone's getting their roasted duck legs to watch a fight.
while hereditary leadership lineages aren't law enforced, they aren't discouraged. dawnstar and sandstar are mates, with their deputies and one of their healers (jaycall) being their kittens.
two leaders only, any more is demanding too much from the gods. they used to have more, but it resulted in a civil war that killed all four of the original leaders. two makes sure there is balance.
a very boisterous and loud group, play fighting is common and loud tales of glory and survival are often told at night around a fire.
for that reason they can come off across as abrasive, loud, and disruptive. they aren't trying to be, but not a lot of boarclan cats realize how loud they are.
they used to be a closed clan, though they've opened up somewhat to idea of cats joining.
their closest ally is mustangclan but dawnstar and sandstar has been working to try and repair relationships with cardinalclan.
a majority of boarclan cats are followers of the god of beasts.
king: swiftstar; next-in-line: cranegaze; magistrates: cootwaddle, crowfoot, piperstreak, tattlertail, gullcry; cleric: loonback, cormorantpelt, pelicanjaw
a very hierarchical clan, their hierarchy extends to warriors themselves though i'm still teasing out the details.
forest clan, their camp hidden away. i'm still figuring out the details, i think they operate similar to serpentclan's camp just with more layers to reflect their hierarchy.
a hereditary leadership system, swiftstar is a long line of leaders groomed from birth to inherit the throne. his sister cranegaze is next-in-line, with their youngest sister, mallardsong, being the one to inherit afterwards.
magistrates act as the leader's advisors, the next-in-lines mentors, and enforcers of the leader's rulings. despite not inheriting the throne, they command a massive amount of respect from the clan and hold a lot of sway, with some forming their own unofficial courts of cats they can rely on to get things done.
betrothals are common in the "noble" bloodline of cardinclan, with swiftstar, cranegaze, and mallardsong's parents' mateship having been prearranged.
their parents were killed in a raid organized by the previous leaders of boarclan in a bid to control a very lush piece of territory. the devastation of losing their king and queen increased the antagonism towards boarclan tenfold.
swiftstar entertaining dawnstar and sandstar's pleas for peace is wildly unpopular, especially among his own magistrates.
cardinclan only names their cats after birds, yes this will probably come to bite me in the ass if I ever try and do a full allegiance.
i'd like the swiftstar line to have some sort of surname or title? still mulling it over.
a big artsy culture encouraged by the ruling cats, portraits of the king, of the clan in its prime, and of the god of art are very popular. cats of cardinclan also love to decorate themselves for gatherings and just general special events, smearing mushed up berries on their fur and rolling in flowers.
they used to have a strong alliance with the three clans that once made up coyoteclan, but tempestclan's control has withered that alliance away.
leader (referred to as the "father" of tempestclan): tempeststar; saints: martinbounce, wolverinesnarl, cariboucall, lynxstrike, cougarpelt, marmotscreech, beaversnap, pikapounce
isolated in a mountain range, the harsh weather and conditions to travel to this clan has kept them from being invaded by others for a long, long time. their camp resides in an abandoned village with an old church being where camp meetings are called.
an intensely religious clan, born around the idea there is one singular god whom they must devote themselves to entirely. they are patriarchal in nature, mostly as a way to better control the numbers of their clan.
this extends down to sometimes arranging mateships for the cats of tempestclan, blightspirit's parents was an arranged mateship between cariboucall and sheepstomp, a loner who was "rescued" by tempestclan after nearly freezing to death and was coerced into joining them. yes, it's as horrific as it sounds.
saints are often from a long lineage, though they dress it up with the idea they have been picked by their god. their leader, who when ascending to leadership is always renamed to tempeststar, is mostly just a figurehead to vocalize the saints orders. an ultimate figure of authority for the cats to follow. the current tempeststar's old name was snowdancer, he misses his old name and his close friends refer to him as 'snowy' in private.
blightspirit was being trained to take over his father's position, decided to get rid of any specific healer position. saints now handle that to maximize their control and authority over the clan.
this intense isolationism in both their policies and their territory has resulted in their clan numbers dwindling, taking a heavy toll when an exiled cat, stripped of her full name and just referred to as 'wolf', took some of her followers with her in exile.
so when mustangclan left a group with a big ol power vacuum in a region with prey, herbs, and lots of kittens to bring up the mountains...the saints decided the kindest thing to do would be to lend their aid, in exchange for herbs, resources, and some apprentices. it's only fair after all they've done for coyoteclan, don't you think?
kind of a miserable place to live, either with those unable to leave or those who genuinely believe in the religion pushed by the saints.
reserved, tired, and distrustful of strangers, most of the other clans barely know what tempestclan is like. they never come to gatherings and none, besides coyoteclan, have gotten into talks with them.
closest alliance is coyoteclan, whom they essentially rule from within and take advantage of.
they pray to a different god from those in the pantheon, choosing one singular god of cats that rules absolute.
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saeflin-art · 6 years ago
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Couple of sketches + art of my oc Jaypaw who recently earned the warrior name Jaycall 
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quarterkrogan · 2 years ago
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made them cuddle to cheer myself up
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scandalsavagefanfic · 6 years ago
Calvin Rose, any thoughts?
I see the potential definitely.
Sadly I haven’t read Talon. And I don’t remember much about him from the little he appears in other things. I would have to do a lot of reading.
Sorry I can’t give you more than that
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