#javier pena x fem reader
megamindsecretlair · 9 months
Break My Heart
Pairing: Javier Pena x Black!Fem!reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. There is smut! PWP, PIV, size kink, kinda toxic, spanking, pet names. Non-inclusive language. Somes sentences are intentional AAVE. Apologies if I missed some.
Summary: You intended to spend New Year's Eve alone, per usual. But Javi's pestering convinced you to have a few drinks with the team. You want to remain strong and resist him but you aren't sure for how long.
Word Count: 3,421k
A/N: Ahhh, my first Pedro fic. This was intimidating! Even after watching more of the show. Be gentle, I'm sensitive 'bout it LOL. This was still fun and so hot and lordt, I need him so badly. Likes are always awesome. Please considering commenting and reblogging to help support writers!
Taglist: @nerdieforpedro @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @browngirldominion @thecookiebratz
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“You’re coming to the bar with us, right?” 
You looked up from your desk to see Javi hovering over you, entirely too close. He knows you hate that. He’s always crowding into your space. Leaning too close, leaning that sinful ass on your desk, or bending down to turn those puppy brown eyes on you. 
He smelled like cigarettes and sweat. A combination that shouldn’t be so hot, but here you were. 
“No,” you said with a smile. 
“Come on, you’re hurting my feelings,” he said. He had a sleepy way of talking that immediately turned your thoughts dirty. Thinking of what he must sound like first thing in the morning. But that line of thinking was dangerous. You just hadn’t had a good fucking in a while. 
“Aww, you don’t have any feelings, Javi,” you said. You gave him an extra sugary smile and he huffed a laugh and looked around the office. He leaned his ass against your desk and you sighed loudly for his benefit. 
The office was noisy, filled with agents running around chasing down leads. With your complexion, you were relegated to the office. You were an agent in name only and it pissed you off. The higher ups thought that they could stick you in the ass end of South America and you’d quit.
Joke was on them. You loved the food here and there wasn’t a person alive that could get you to quit being an agent. 
“Maybe I’d have some feelings if you finally agreed to go out with me,” Javi said. 
You wrinkled your nose. You’d happily climb on Peña if he wasn’t such a slut. Not that you were in the market for commitment. The last thing you needed was to get caught up with someone, especially at work, when you were still trying to prove yourself to the agency. 
“I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole, Javi,” you said.
Javier only licked his lips and smiled. His fingers played with a cigarette but all of his attention was on you. “So, what, I need to find an eleven foot pole?” 
You rolled your eyes and fought off your smirk. You didn’t need to encourage him. “What favor do you want this time, Javi?” You asked. 
“I want you to finally say yes! We’ve been working together for years and you won’t even give me the time of day,” he said. 
“Why would I do that?” You asked. Fuck it, the numbers were starting to swim in your head anyway. If Javi was good for anything, it was a distraction. You sat back in your seat and prepared yourself for the Javi show. 
He smirked and turned those puppy eyes up to a thousand. “You know we’d be good together,” he said. His voice even got deeper. 
You weren’t entirely immune to Javier Peña. There were more than a few times that you caught yourself staring at his ass. Or that damn black shirt that clung to him in all the right places. Your favorite time was when he got back to the office from chasing a lead all day. The way he got so flustered and sweaty. The way his hair would plaster to his head and he’d settle into the office with a deep sigh and a soft curse. 
You looked away from him so he wouldn’t see the downright lust in your eyes. No, you were not immune to Javier Peña but everyone knew his vices. You were not trying to be another notch on his belt. 
Your eyes roamed to the desk in front of you. In their infinite wisdom, the higher ups also put you in front of Javi and Murphy’s office. They thought it was real hilarious to wave the lonely Black woman in front of Javi the slut. They were itchin’ to ditch you. That also meant that no one else sat around here. The empty desk in front of you was a dumping ground for random files, donuts, or supplies.
There were times when people left random food there for anyone to snack on. Like now, there was a jar of pickles on the desk abandoned and swimming in pickle juice. You smirked and looked at Javi. 
“Javi, there is no way on the green earth that I would entertain this,” you said.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” He asked. 
“Because you’re a pickle,” you said and smirked. 
He laughed and shook his head. “What?” 
“A pickle! You’re like…community pickle,” you said. You waved your hand for him to catch your drift. He just stared at you, patient, focused. It was unnerving to be on the other side of that look. 
Your throat dried and you had the sudden urge to disappear. To leave that sight line. But you forged on. Maybe he’d get insulted and move on. “See that jar? You’re like those pickles. You’re on every burger, every sandwich, readily available,” you said.
Javier tilted his head. “Are you calling me a slut?” 
“Your word, not mine,” you said.
“I didn’t take you for someone who listens to rumors,” Javi said. 
You laughed. “Rumors? Javi, you scream it loud and clear for anyone to hear,” you said. 
Javi waved your comment off. He looked around the office and then slid closer. You leaned back, scooting your chair back. He wore a denim shirt, open at the collar, and his tanned skin showed through. You brought your eyes back to his, though that wasn’t any better. He was a danger to your sanity.
“Come on. Have a drink with me,” he said. 
You sighed and rubbed your head. “We already tried this, Javi,” you said. 
“When?” He asked, sounding offended. 
“Hmm, ‘bout six months after I got here. You asked me out, I said not on your life. We did that surveillance job together and you wore me down. Said let’s meet up and we never did,” you said.
Javi held his hand to his heart. “You’re killing me, princesa. I wouldn’t do that to you,” he said. 
A shiver ran through you and you hated it. You had to be strong around this man, though you really, really didn’t want to. “I’m not mad, Javi, it’s just in your nature.” You stood up and placed your hand on his shoulder. It was a huge mistake, but you pretended to be nonchalant. You tapped his shoulder and walked around him. 
You went to the wall of file cabinets and dug through for the next set of numbers you needed anyway. Javi followed you, getting even closer. He leaned against a cabinet and smiled. 
“I think you’re just scared,” he said.
“Scared of what?” You asked.
“Getting close to us. To me,” he said. His eyes dropped to your mouth. You almost couldn’t believe his audacity. 
You couldn’t help licking your lips and his eyes flicked up to yours. “If I go…”
“If I go, you’re buying all of my drinks and you’re keeping your hands to yourself. Got it?” You asked. 
“Scout’s honor,” he said.
“You’ve never been a fuckin’ Boy Scout,” you said.
Javi shrugged and smirked. “You never asked,” he said. He walked backwards, looking at you with that satisfied, smug smile on his face. “See you tonight!” 
Why not, it was New Year’s after all. 
Later that night, you were nervously walking up to the bar. It was a bar friendly enough to Americans. The air was balmy but comfortable and you opted for a short purple dress and short heels. Your purse swung on your shoulder and you mentally prepared yourself to see Javi off the clock.
You knew that other people would be there and you weren’t expecting any funny business, but it was still nerve wracking. You made a career of being ice cold because that was all anyone expected of you. The minute you laughed or - goodness forbid - showed a personality, the guys suddenly remembered that you were a woman. 
You walked inside to a raucous mix of Spanish and English. The words hit you even over the loud music, drinks clinking, and general rowdiness of the bar. You found your group easy enough. They took up an entire corner of the bar. Murphy saw you first. The huge white boy stuck out even more than you did but he seemed to make it work, despite not knowing a lick of Spanish.
He waved you over and you approached the table. Some of the other guys looked you over. Look it over, boys. You inwardly smiled. You knew that you had a great figure that you hid under ugly and boring business suits. It was rare that you got to go out in something pretty for once, so you might have spruced things up more than usual. 
Javi turned to see you, his eyes roaming over your outfit, and you felt the tips of your ears burn. You sat down, immediately swiping Javi’s beer and taking a sip. He let you, still not having said a word.
“Find this place okay?” Murphy asked.
You nodded. “Surprised to see you out too!” You had to yell over the noise but he heard you. 
“Only to show my face. Gonna head home and celebrate with the missus,” he said.
You nodded. You turned your attention to Javi who still hadn’t said anything. “Mad I stole your drink, Javi?” 
Like waking from a stupor, Javi shook his head. “Who knew there was a girl under there,” he said.
You shoved him and rolled your eyes but laughed along with the table. “I’m surprised you can recognize one with her clothes on,” you said.
The guys at the table erupted into laughter. Javi’s personal activities were a well-known fact by this point. Javi waved everyone off.
“Since we’re laughing, we might as well laugh about the prank on poor Murphy,” Javi said.
Your eyes rounded as Javi betrayed you to Murphy. Murphy’s jaw dropped as he looked at you. “That was you?”
“That was all Javi’s idea!” 
“You stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?” Oh, he sounded so innocent and wounded.
You tried to kick him under the table but he moved his leg at the last moment. “I was…” You tried to think of a good excuse for your whereabouts as you hid Murphy’s things while Javi kept him distracted. It was an innocent prank, but it had Murphy in a panic.
Everyone snickered and laughed while Murphy hunted and stalked around the office. It was a team effort and you tried to convey that without words while you looked at Javi.
“Wow, real nice,” Murphy said with a smile.
At least he was a sport about it. You glared at Javi but he only smirked. Ass. But it was the icebreaker you needed. The other guys warmed up to you and began to tell you wild stories about their hunt for the elusive Pablo Escobar. It seemed like no matter what they tried, Pablo already bought his way several steps ahead. 
You listened as they told you the sanitized version of some of the skirmishes they got into. How they found people connected to Pablo but each one was too scared to speak. How they were trying to work with the local police but Pablo had more than half of them on the payroll. 
It made you sick that someone could just pay their way to the top like that. It wasn’t lost on any of you that one wrong move and it was your ass. 
True to his word, Javi kept his hands to himself for the most part. He bought you drink after drink, until you finally had to stop and drink some water before you ended up stumbling home. No thank you. You did not need the hangover in the morning, celebrating the new year or not. 
Javi did other things. He shifted in his seat and always managed to brush against your bare leg. He would turn his whole body towards you when you were speaking and then turn completely around when you weren’t. He was driving you nuts and you wanted to smack him.
“What is your deal?” You whispered to him while the other guys were preoccupied with Murphy leaving. 
“You!” He said.
“Me?!” You smacked his arm. He rubbed his legs and took a deep swig of his beer. 
“Wearing that!” He hissed.
“What are you talking about?” Murphy was making his way around the table, saying goodbye individually. Any minute, he would make it to your side. 
“I just want to…rip that damn dress off. You tell me to keep my hands to myself and you come in wearing that,” he said. 
You reared back as if he’d slapped you. Javi had dabbled in harmless flirting since you met him. It was just how he interacted with women. Truly, you didn’t hold it against him. But the way he was acting right now…it was a mistake coming here.
Because of the drinks you had, the atmosphere, the celebratory mood…you suddenly couldn’t remember why you were fighting this man so hard. 
“It’s just a dress, Javi,” you breathed. Your heartbeat sped up in your chest, thumping in your chest painfully. Your hands shook and you rubbed the tips of your fingers together. 
“Like hell…” Javi started. Murphy made his way to the end of the table, shaking Javi’s hand and giving you a hug. 
“See you in the office.”
You smiled at Murphy but you had no way of remembering what you said. Your eyes were on Javi. His eyes were on you. 
“I’ll be back, bathroom,” you said. You scooped up your purse from the table and disappeared down the short hallway towards the bathrooms. The dim lights were actually a blessing.
You didn’t want to think about how you looked at the moment. You didn’t want to see if you looked as needy as you felt. You didn’t want your dirty thoughts projected all over your face for anyone to pick up on. 
You were careful. You were smart. You avoided Peña like the plague and you didn’t need to be here right now. 
A knocking on the door tore you from your spirling thoughts. “A second!” 
The knocking continued obnoxiously and you finally had to approach the door and open it a crack. “I said–” 
Javi pushed into the room, closing and locking the door behind him. “Javi!” 
Javi slammed his lips against yours, groaning once you made contact. You melted instantly, wrapping your hands around his shoulders and molding your body against his. He groaned low in his throat and pulled up your dress. His fingers dragged along your thighs and you sighed.
You were chasing relief. Your skin was feverish. The wet heat of the night did not mix well with the cheap beer you consumed. You felt like you were crawling out of your skin with a red hot need. Need for Javier fucking Peña of all people. 
“Tell me to stop, princesa,” he groaned against your lips.
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare,” you moaned. His thick fingers were working magic on you, dagging along your skin and igniting a fire in your veins. His fingers found your panties and he yanked them down, nearly snapping the flimsy fabric. You kicked them off to the side, not caring where they ended up.  
Your hands worked furiously to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his jeans, and slide that zipper down. Your hands reached in eagerly, palming him, and he groaned. His lips descended on your neck, biting and licking away the gathering sweat.
You shoved his pants down low enough to free that dangerous dick you heard so much about. He was long and thick, easily backing up his claims. You see why he had so much sex. He was practically built for it. Sculpted for it. He was forged by the gods to hand deliver pleasure.
His hands squeezed your hips, slipping down to your ass to grab and pinch and yank closer to his body. He lifted your leg  and placed it over his hip. He rubbed the tip of his dick through your slick folds. He moaned and bit your neck.
“Fuck, princesa. Have you been sitting there wet for me?” His voice was so deep and dark and filthy in this dim bathroom. 
“Whole time,” you said, licking his lips and pulling him by the hair for another kiss. For a taste of those lips soaked in beer and cigarettes and something uniquely spicy and all Javi.
He groaned and finally shoved in roughly. Your head fell back against the wall as you cried out. He was so big and it had been so long and fuck, he felt so good. Why did you deny yourself this? Why would you do that? 
You panted in his ear as he slid out and then shoved back in. He was fucking you. There was nothing sweet about how hard he gripped your thighs, how roughly he fucked into you, or how loudly he groaned against your chest. He licked the top of your breasts, the part exposed from the cleavage of your dress. 
Javi sped up as if he couldn’t help himself. As if he needed to keep going, needed to stake his claim. He lifted your leg higher, spreading you wider, as he continued to pound into your pussy. 
“Oh fuck, Javi,” you moaned.
“Say it again, princesa. Again,” he moaned. 
“Javi, Javi,” you moaned as he pounded into you so fiercely, you were seeing stars as you came. Flooding his dick with your arousal. Filling up the tiny room with shrieks and screams. It was drowned out by the ruckus of the bar. Noise exploded as you assumed it finally turned midnight. 
This was a hell of a way to ring in the new year. 
“Love feelin’ this pussy, princesa,” Javi moaned. He slipped out and you cried out, needing him back inside. He kissed your cheek and smirked. “I wanna see that ass.” 
He flipped you over. He shoved you against the low sink to your right. Your hands gripped the porcelain as he thrust back inside. You bit your lip and moaned lewdly. You didn’t give a fuck who heard. 
Javi smacked your ass once, twice, three times as he continued to rut inside of you. You looked up at the dirty mirror and looked at his gorgeous, focused face as he pounded you into oblivion. 
“Fuck, fuck, right there, Javi,” you moaned. You brought your hand back to dig into his hair. You gripped his fine brown hair and pulled. Javi groaned and licked the shell of your ear, nibbling on it while his hips slapped into yours. 
“Javi, I’m–”
“Shh, shh, let me feel it,” he whispered in your ear. You finally exploded once more, cumming with a sharp vengeance that robbed you of all breath. Javi thrusted two more times before joining you, moaning as he unloaded inside of you. 
His cum stuffed you and he thrusted at least once more time with a groan. He dropped against you, kissing the back of your neck and shoulder. Your legs were noodles. Your thighs shook as you calmed down from such a rough fucking.
Screwing Javi was absolutely everything you imagined and it sucked. It was like tasting paradise knowing you’ll never return. It was cruel and you hung your head thinking about what everyone was going to say.
Something like this? Office fodder. And once they got a hold of it, they were not going to let you live it down. They would give him hi-fives and they would judge the hell out of you. Although with his dick still inside you, you couldn’t bring yourself to care too much.
Javi softened and slipped out of you. You cleaned yourselves up in silence. It was like that wild, crazy and burning need was finally sated. You could think straight for once, see more clearly and breathe easier. 
Javi zipped himself back up and you retrieved your panties, stuffing them into your purse. Javi sidled up to you, pulling your hips until you were too close. 
“You don’t have to do this, Javi,” you said. 
Javi nuzzled your neck and placed a soft kiss there. “Maybe I want to do it,” he said.
“You know this was the first and only time, right?” There was enough light to see him smirk. 
“We just gettin’ started, princesa,” he said with a wink.
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The Secret Javier Pena Files - not sure if there will be more, but never say never.
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talaok · 1 year
The Pause
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader
Summary: You and your colleague Javier Peña have never gotten along, but with just a simple proposition that started off as a joke, it turns out you do work well together in some areas.
Warnings: smut| fingering, oral sex (f receiving), squirting, protected p in v sex (ik me writing that they use a condom? Incredible), praising, size-kink, and reader is not shaved (bc lets be honest now yo girl is so over that) 
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A roll of the eyes and a loud enough huff... the usual warm greeting reserved for your colleague.
"Good morning to you too" he mocked, raising his head as you sat at the desk in front of him.
"had a rough night?" he continued, wanting nothing more than to see that look on your face when he poked you just enough.
"Well I had a great one" he informed you like you cared, as he lit a cigarette.
"I'm sure you did" you finally spoke "Which one was it tonight? My money’s on Vanessa, you have a sweet spot for her"
He let out a small chuckle, knowing he had gotten exactly what he wanted.
He would have never admitted it out loud, but he loved your daily banter, and even more, he loved your smart mouth.
"Is that Jealousy I hear?"
Now was your turn to laugh "You wish, Peña" you smirked, "the day I'll start being jealous of you and your special friends I'll have officially gone insane"
His eyes slowly analyzed your face, making you feel more uncomfortable than you liked to admit 
" I think it wouldn't hurt you, you know?"
"what?" you sighed, organizing some files somebody had left on your desk during the night.
"a good fuck"
Your eyes shot up to his, a mix of disappointment and annoyance firing out of them.
"Unlike you, I'm not really into paying for it" you tilted your head, watching his hazel eyes closely "and not that it's any of your business, but I'm fine in that department"
"How long has it been?" he asked, like he knew, like he knew he was annoyingly right.
It had been a dry month, hell, a dry year.
"why, are you offering?" you raised an eyebrow, not backing off.
"why... are you refusing?" he mirrored your expression, a smug grin tugging at his lips.
Your breathing slowed, and time stopped for an infinite instant, all the office's noises blurred in the background as wrong, wrong images filled your brain.
like the one where that same mouth draped around that cigarette crashed with your own... or the one where his big, strong hand wrapped around your neck as his breath fanned against your lips, or the one where...
"good morning"
A whimper left your mouth, and as quickly as you tried turning away from Javier, you didn't miss the smug smile growing on his lips, or the way his eyes searched every inch of your face.
"Hi Steve" you cleared your throat, praying to whoever was listening that the crimson painting your cheeks would be blamed on the heat.
The blonde nodded at you with a genuine smile as you willed your breathing to even out.
"Messina said two of us gotta go check out something"
"something?" Peña asked
"Yeah apparently there's a guy that might be able to give us some information" Steve shrugged
He said two, didn't he?
The look on Javier's face certainly cleared out any doubts you might have had.
Oh no. no way in hell I'm spending the whole day with him after what happened not even a minute ago.
"I'll stay behind" you blurted out, earning a frown from Steve and an amused grin from Peña.
You weren't fooling him
You were never one to back down on these things. You wanted to go on the field as much as possible, and they both knew that.
"I just-" you muttered, trying to come up with a believable excuse "I have some things I need to finish up here anyway"
If Steve wasn't convinced, he didn't show it, but Javier on the other hand... Javier was looking at you like he could read every single thought crossing your mind.
"alright" Murphy sighed "Let's go then, Peña," he said, giving you a farewell nod before starting down the elevator
Javier lingered for a moment longer, bending much closer than he needed to as he put out his cigarette in the ashtray between your desks.
"Goodbye y/n" he spoke lowly "I'll be back"
and to anyone that would have sounded like a normal thing to say, but to you... to you, it sounded only like a threat.
__ __ __
Turns out you didn't need to lie, turns out that there actually was a lot of shit to do at the office.
The hotline had been buzzing all day, and being that you were the only dea agent available, most calls had to go through you, plus all the reports to go over and the forms to fill... you didn't even realize how much time had passed before Messina startled you as she walked out of her office.
"Goodnight agent" she called, making you glance up from your desk for the first time in the past two hours.
"goodnight" you called absentmindedly, as you took in the office... it was deserted, not one single soul at their desk.
What time is it?
You glanced at the clock hanging on the wall to your right
9:30 pm 
9:30 pm?
When the fuck did that happen?
the elevator dinged in the distance as your boss stepped into it.
You must be seeing things, because there's no way in hell... nope, the clock was still telling the same exact time.
"fuck" you exhaled into the empty room, running a hand down the length of your face.
Ok, it's definitely time to go home.
You glanced at the papers on your desk and divided them into two piles, one of them going into your drawer, and the other in Messina's office.
You sighed heavily as you got up, the old chair creaking under your weight.
The click of your heels against the tiles echoed off the walls as you made your way to the Messina's door.
She's not gonna be happy about how many papers she's gonna have to look over in the morning...
You turned the doorknob and the door emanated a soft shriek as you pushed it open.
You walked to the desk and just when you were about to drop those papers on it, a voice rumbled from beside you
"You waited"
You gasped, turning around immediately in shock
"Jesus Christ!" you breathed, realizing who it was "You scared me"
"I'm sorry sweetheart" Javier spoke softly
sweetheart? When did that happen? And when did my body get permission to react this way?
He was leaning on the doorframe, his arm crossed over his broad chest.
"what are you doing here?" you asked, retracting your hand from your hammering heart and finally setting the files on the desk.
"I told you I'd be back" he put simply "We never got to finish our talk this morning"
You swallowed what felt like sand in your mouth,
A part of you, a naive, stupid part of you, was hoping he would have already forgotten about that, but of course, it's Javier F. Peña we're talking about, and when it's about torturing you... you can be sure he'll never forget anything.
"what talk?" you lied through your teeth
maybe miracles are real, maybe he'll just let it go.
He didn't respond, he didn't need to, he saw right through you.
He smirked instead, uncrossing his arms and taking a step towards you.
Now your heart wasn't racing from the scare, this was all him.
You were the only people in the office, hell, the building probably, and he was right there in front of you, looking at you like he could see right through your clothes.
"You paused" he murmured, now towering over you
"What are you talking about?"
Fake it until you make it, right?
"You paused this morning"
You frowned, pretending not to know exactly what he was talking about “Listen Peña I gotta go home, so if you-“ you moved out of his way, starting towards the door, but before you could actually exit the room, his hand on your wrist stopped you, making you turn around
“Do you want me to fuck you, agent y/l/n?”
To say heat rushed to your face was an understatement
“What the fuck?” 
“Oh don’t look so surprised, I saw how you looked at me before” he cooed, wetting his lips 
“And how did I look at you?” you shook your arm out of his hold, just for him to get even closer to you, his body now inches away from your own
“Like you wanted me to say just that” he murmured “like you wanted me to bend you over your desk and take you right there in the middle of the office”
A breath got caught in your throat, and as much as you wanted to get out of his penetrating gaze, you couldn't do anything but stare at those endless wells of brown.
I don't know what to say, What the fuck could I say?
The same pleased grin was adorning his lips, and for a moment you pondered whether you wanted to smack or kiss it off of him.
"I don't know what you're talking about" you managed to say, praying you sounded more confident than you actually felt
"c'mon sweetheart" he chuckled "I know you want it" he breathed, ducking closer so he could whisper in your ear as he moved some hair out of your face "A good fuck wouldn't hurt you... you're always so tense"
He drawled out his words like spells
"You're confident for a man who needs to pay women to fuck them"
he smiled amusedly at that
"Is that a challenge?"
"most definitely not" You ignored the shiver running up your spine
he raised his head again so that he could look at you
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, y'know," he said "It would just be two friends helping each other out"
"since when are we friends?"
"fine then" he agreed "Two colleagues"
Was he being serious?
Did I fall asleep at my desk and this is just some fucked up lucid dream?
"c'mon baby" he persisted, his hands finding your waist "I can make you feel real good"
"Peña..." you breathed, trying to get your mind to collaborate and realize what a fucking mistake you were about to make
"yes, sweetheart?" the bastard asked, his voice dropping an octave.
You gulped, cursing yourself internally
There was no turning back, your mind was already made up... and he knew it too.
You glanced out the door.
No one was here,
No one would ever have to know about this.
"If I agree... we'll never speak of this again ok?" you stated "This never happened"
The widest grin you'd ever seen split his face
"You sure about that, baby?" he murmured, "that way..." he brought his right thumb to your mouth, slowly tracing its shape "How will you be able to beg me to do it again?" 
You snorted "please"
"Ok, how about this" he proposed then "I promise to never speak of it again, if after we're done... You can sincerely tell me that that wasn't the best sex of your life"
You laughed again, "fine"
"You can't lie" he reminded you, his mouth now ghosting yours
"I won't" you repeated "Now can you please just-"
"Gladly" he muttered, but before you had time to respond or think of any other rules to impose, his lips were already on yours, and his tongue had slipped into your mouth
He was...hungry
Both his hands wrapped around your waist and he picked you up like you weighed less than a feather.
The squeak you let out was muffled by his mouth, but you somehow managed to wrap your legs and arms around him in the haze.
his hands were on your ass, and the groan he let out didn't even try to hide just how much he liked them there.
You could feel his mustache, taste his cigarettes, and his scent was wrapped around you like a mantel, and god you hated admitting it but it felt good, he felt good
And you were so caught up in everything that your body was feeling for the first time in so long, that you didn't even realize he hadn't stayed still, but in fact, had walked you right in front of Messina's desk and was now sitting you on it.
Oh god
Why did it now just tick that you were in your boss' office?
"changed your mind yet?" 
Javier on the other hand, couldn't have cared less
"From just a kiss?" you teased, cocking an eyebrow
He snickered, parting your legs so he could fit in between them.
His mouth trailed away from yours until it found your ear "Well I am very talented with my mouth" he murmured, before biting your lobe.
You wouldn't have even realized you had moaned if it wasn't for that smug smirk on his face.
"Oh don't worry" he cooed, his mouth now lowering to kiss your neck "I'll show you in a minute"
His lips started a slow, torturous trail down your neck, each peck sending a ripple of warmth to your core, and when his teeth grazed your collarbones, then you couldn't do anything but whimper, as you threw your head back.
You couldn't see him, but you sure as hell could feel that smile on his lips.
Next was your blouse, he took his time gently undoing each button, reserving a kiss for every new inch of skin he uncovered, until the fabric wasn't doing anything to cover up your bra, and all he needed, and hence did, was to get rid of your shirt.
"fuck" he muttered mostly to himself, all his eagerness showing for a moment as he removed your black bra like his life was on the line "Where have you been hiding all this?"
"I haven't been hiding anything, and you know it" you scoffed "I catch you staring at least twice a day"
A soft chuckle fled his throat "Can you blame me?" he asked, his eyes focused on your body "I mean look at you" his hands traveled up your belly until they were cupping your tits "You belong in a museum"
And you knew he had probably said that same line to more girls than you could ever imagine, but the blush on your cheeks rose nonetheless.
But before you had time to lie and ask just how many those girls were, he had ducked and sucked your left nipple into his mouth.
"oh shit" you whispered, hypnotized by the image in front of you.
He caught you staring as he opened his eyes, and just when you were expecting a snarky comment, he only smirked before taking your other nipple into your mouth.
This time you closed your eyes as you moaned just to be safe.
He let go of your skin with a pop, making you whimper.
"Can I take off your skirt sweetheart?"
What is this, a joke?
"mh-mh" you hummed
"All the sudden you don't wanna talk?" he mocked "Use your words baby"
You had to fight the urge to roll your eyes 
"Yes, Javier, you can take off my skirt"
A smirk pulled at his lips
"Good girl"
If you were wet before, those two words had now rendered you completely drenched, and that look on his face told you he knew exactly what he was doing
His fingers quickly slipped under your skirt, and before you knew it, you were sitting in front of him in only a pair of black panties, and your work heels.
You were breathing as if you'd just run a marathon once he started peeling your panties off of you.
"wait" you suddenly remembered 
"What is it sweetheart?" he stopped
"I-" all the sudden you were embarrassed "I didn't shave"
he looked at you like you'd just told him to go fuck himself
"Baby girl, you're insulting me" he cooed, stoking your sides "You take me for a man who cares about that sort of thing?"
"Oh," you breathed "I just-"
"You got me all wrong sweetheart" he shook his head, slowly kneeling between your knees and gradually taking off your panties in the process.
"god, you're beautiful" he breathed, once you were entirely bare before him.
And again, red crept up your cheeks.
He picked one of your legs up and unhurriedly bent down to kiss you just above your ankle, and then your calves, and then your knee, and then all the way to your inner thigh, until you were screaming internally and your heart was beating faster than you thought humanly possible.
he took his time placing your foot on the chair next to him, so you were spread wide for him, and then did the same thing all over again to your other leg, only changing his routine when he placed your leg on his shoulder instead of the chair.
You were close to hyperventilating.
"What sweetheart?" he teased, his lips now inches from where your body was begging him to be "You're already desperate?"
"You-You wish" you lied
He chuckled, and the vibrations of his voice went straight to your core, making you whimper
"no?" he taunted, kissing you even closer to your cunt
"no- just-" you swallowed
"what? Tell me what you want baby"
"You know what I want" you begged
"I do, but I wanna hear you say it" he murmured, kissing you just above your pussy "I want to hear you begging me to lick this pretty pussy of yours"
"That's not going to happen" you breathed
He grinned "You sure?" his lips lowered to kiss your clit
"fuck" you moaned with a thread of voice
"You sure you don't want me to?" he asked again, his lips now finding your hole "'cause that would be a damn shame..." he continued, the tip of his tongue now finding your core for just a second "You look fucking delicious baby"
"I-" you stuttered, shutting your eyes "Javier c'mon"
"I want to hear you say it, princess" he smirked, "What's the magic word?"
And fuck him, but you were desperate
"Please" you surrendered "Please Javier just-"
The rest of your sentence died in your throat as he finally dove down, taking your pussy into his mouth.
"Javi" you whimpered, clutching his head to your body with one hand and gripping the desk with the other.
You had never called him Javi a day in your life, but this seemed as good a time as any.
He sucked on your clit first, stretching it into his mouth and going back again and again making you squirm and desperate to come, before starting to devour every other inch of you, licking up and down and swirling his tongue over your nub, getting drunk on your taste.
"Shit- oh my fucking god" you panted, losing every bit of decency you had and grinding against him.
His mustache was tickling your skin, only making you want to moan louder.
Good thing you were the only people left in the office.
And just when you thought it couldn't get any better, two of his thick, long fingers plunged inside of you.
"Fuck-javi!" you screamed
he curled them inside you while he didn't even dream about stopping his work on your clit, and you couldn't do anything but arch your back as a series of obscenities left your mouth.
his other hand came up to palm your breasts and again, a shock of pleasure coursed through you as he added a third finger.
"Oh god- that's-" you moaned "Javi"
You didn't even know what to say, you just knew that you hadn't felt this good or full in far too much, if not ever.
Three fingers of his didn't even compare to the two of yours you had spent months using as some sort of relief.
"I love it when you say my name like that baby" he leaned away for just a moment to say, before resuming his work of art.
"f-fuck" you cried "Javi please"
"What is it sweetheart?" he asked, his fingers pushing in and out of you filling the room with an obscene sound.
You were soaked.
"Javi I think-" You felt your stomach start to shake as the orgasm was about to take hold but... but something wasn't right.
"fuck javi something's wrong I-" you moaned, 
You had never felt like this, it felt like... it felt like you were about to pee.
"I think I'm gonna-"
And before you had time to finish, he pitched your left nipple and a tsunami of pleasure washed you all the way to the shore as your vision went white.
You were sure your moans could be heard from outside of the building.
"Goddamit sweetheart" his deep voice brought you back to reality
You opened your eyes, and he was... he was glistening, and- and that wet spot on his shirt wasn't there before, was it?
"Did I-" Your eyes widened
 You...squirted? You didn't even know you were capable of something like that
"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen baby," he said, looking at you as if you'd just turned water to wine "Was this your first time?" 
"yeah" you nodded
A smile spread on his lips as he stood up again 
"You still sure you aren't gonna beg me to do that again?"
"God, I hate you" you breathed
"yeah? Enough to let me fuck you apparently" he murmured, before crashing his lips with yours, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
"Shut up" you mustered, before he kissed you once again.
You racked your hands down his chest, fumbling to undo his shirt's buttons.
thank god he didn't wear a tie today
Once his shirt was off with his help, you let your hands move down his body until they found the bulge in his tight jeans.
"fuck" he groaned, as you palmed him through the fabric.
His belt was even harder to take off.
"Eager sweetheart?" he cooed, undoing his belt for you, and while he was at it, unzipping his pants.
"Shut up"
He smirked that same smug smirk he seemed to have stapled to his lips "We'll see who'll be the one who won't be able to talk in a minute" 
"I'm not sucking your dick, Peña"
"That's not what I'm talking about baby" he murmured, getting rid of his pants and boxers at the same time.
Your gaze lowered and- oh shit
"fuck" you muttered, not even realizing you had
He chuckled, his chest raising with his voice "What? Too big for you?" he mocked, kissing your cheek before trailing his mouth to your ear "Don't worry, I'll go slow just for you, sweetheart"
Your mouth was still agape, but you were finally able to tear your glare from his member.
"Do you-" you swallowed "Do you have a condom?" you remembered.
In no time he materialized one from the pocket of the jeans pooling at his feet.
"Of course" you huffed out a laugh.
He didn't pay you any mind you as he rolled on the condom, and you watched the motion, mesmerized by... well, by how big he was.
He caught you red-handed, and his grin only widened.
"Open your legs for me sweetheart" he ordered, and something in his tone made you oblige immediately.
He positioned himself at your entrance, taking his dick in his hand and sliding it between your folds.
"fuck" you moaned softly, closing your eyes
"I want you to look at me" he stopped you, "You look at me when I'm inside you, baby"
You hesitated a moment before doing as told, looking into his lust-filled eyes.
"Good girl" he praised you, before finally entering you.
"Oh my god" you moaned at the stretch.
"That was just the tip sweetheart" he smirked, pushing himself even deeper.
Just the tip?
You looked to where your bodies were meeting and, to your dismay... he was right
How is that all gonna fit?
"It's gonna fit" he read your mind, retracting his hips just to thrust himself deeper "You're gonna take it all like a good girl y/n" he murmured against your mouth, as his fingers found your clit "and then when I'm done with you" he forced his cock into you again making you quite literally scream "you're gonna feel so sore you're gonna remember me every time you take a step"
And with that, he drove his whole dick into you, making you bite your own lip so hard you could almost taste blood.
"God you feel good" he groaned, starting to find a slow pace "so fucking tight for me sweetheart"
"fuckfuckfuckfuck" was all you could cry out into the air
it was so big
and so deep
"I know" he cooed, kissing your neck, before fastening his pace.
"Javi!" you screamed, one of your hands going to grip his shoulder to keep you anchored to this world.
It was nothing like anything you'd ever felt. You could feel him everywhere, taking hold of every single part of your being.
"Look at you" he murmured, kissing ur lips again, even if they were parted as you gasped for air "Taking it so well" he cooed, his fingers resuming their work on your clit "Being such a good girl for me" he continued, his breath fanning against your mouth "letting me use this pretty pussy of yours" he groaned, as you sucked him right in "drenching me with all your juices" he growled "so so good"
"javi please" you moaned
"do you even know what you're begging for?" he asked "Or are you so cock drunk that brain of yours has stopped working?"
"I-" You tried to come up with a comeback, but all you could do was whine and whine and then whine again.
 "fuck" was now his turn to moan "babygirl you feel so fucking good"
"Yes say my name sweetheart" he thrust into you more harshly now, more deeply even somehow "Scream it"
"just like that" he nodded, looking you right in your eyes as he split you in fucking half "Just like that baby"
"Javi I'm-" you whimpered, not able to find the words
"You're coming sweetheart?" he found them for you "You gonna drench me again?" he asked mostly himself "No you need to have it licked to do that, don't you?" he realized "fuck I can't wait 'till you'll let me have a taste again"
"oh my god" you moaned, as pure ecstasy ran through your body "Fuck I'm-"
"come all over me baby" he urged, grunting with every one of his deep fucking thrusts "Be a good girl and come on my cock"
And that was all you needed, that's all you heard before you were screaming his name as loud as you could, letting him drill you into another earth-shattering orgasm.
"fuck" he groaned, just after you were done, "fuck-y/n" was all he could muster before he too, had the best orgasm of his life.
it took a moment before any of you got enough breath in your lungs to do anything but stare into each other's blown-out pupils.
"So?" he asked, not even bothering to pull out
Part of you was still wondering if this was a dream, and the fact you couldn't feel most of your body certainly didn't help
"You know" you rolled your eyes
He smirked "I do know, but I wanna hear you say it"
"Yes, alright?" you admitted
"Yes, what?"
fuck. me.
"Fine" you sighed "Yes, Javier, it was the best sex of my life"
And again, his grin only got wider "Good" he said "'cause it was mine too" he gave your lips another quick peck "and there's no way we're not doing it again"
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a worthwhile purchase
pedro pascal x fem!reader | 3k words
summary: your new robe grips pedro's attention… leaving the both of you very pleased you bought it
warnings/notes: explicit (18+). smut. p in v. oral (fem receiving). established relationship. mutual teasing (but dominant pedro) some soft pedro. pretty much filth with some lead up.
a/n - first post!!! i've been writing for years but only now have the guts to post anything. sorry if it’s a bit too wordy (i just love writing detailed description) i really hope you enjoy - this one was very fun to make :)
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with a flick of the light switch, you make your way out of the darkened bathroom to join pedro in bed. the thought of curling up sweetly beside him almost as warm as the new robe, fresh from the dryer, that delicately hugs your figure.
to your surprise, he is sitting on the end of the bed, patiently, seemingly awaiting your arrival. the sound of your soft steps against the hardwood floor catches his attention, his head turning to you approaching in the doorway. instantly, his expression shifts - a look all to familiar, happily so.
“what?” you say a few times, at first with genuine curiosity, then more so with slight tease. you can’t help but smirk at him, against your best attempt at remaining unaffected by his gaze.
you’re stuck standing in your place against the doorframe; his affect on you strong as ever. nevertheless, you try to fight it - the best way you know how.
“why are you looking at me like that?” you say, teasingly. you know the meaning beneath that look. but you also know that how you approach this moment, makes the reason for that look’s presence even more avid.
“like what?” he plays along, per usual. he has that way of never breaking character. that way of not revealing his fatal smirk until he wants to.
“like a kid in a candy store.” you reply, coyly.
“i can't help it, it's how i feel.” his head tilts to the side, as to take you all in. his stare burns into you, and you love the way it stings just right.
blushing, you walk towards him; pedro’s eyes never dropping their gaze upon yours. his legs spread instinctually to allow you closer, yet his hands stay prudently at his side. you step in as far as possible, thighs touching thighs. as you place your hands at his ever-so-tense shoulders, his hands wrap swiftly around your wrists, grabbing hold of them gently. his eyes remain locked on yours as his lips, in which your timid gaze has fallen to, part to speak. “when did you get this?”
at first, your mind is too blissed out to understand what he’s referring to, but his fingers quickly bring you back to reality. one of his hands now trails to the sleeve of your filly new robe; black and satin, draped over your body in the most heavenly way. the front hangs open, exposing your figure beneath it.
“today,” you state plainly.
“any particular reason?” he says suggestively.
“i like the way it makes me feel.”
“i like the way it makes you look.” he says, eyes widening at his own words as they scan up and down your frame. you scoff slightly in response, unconvinced of his words of praise.
“i’m not even in my sexy underwear.” you find yourself to say in a whisper, though not exactly sure why. probably the nerves from his longing eyes now back on yours.
“i still think they're sexy,” his lips remain parted slightly, as if to say more. his hands fall from their place on your arms to your hips, his fingers hanging gingerly from the waistband of your panties. then he continues, shyly like a child, but with enough charm to kill a village, “can i take them off?”
his hard, dominating gaze falls soft for a moment as he begs beneath you. with the slight shift, a surge of confidence rushes through you.
“i suppose.” you say teasingly, feeling as though you now have the upper hand.
his hands make their way around your waist to your back. icy, their touch sends a shiver up your spine. abruptly, to your dismay, you exclaim "jesus your hands are cold!” your eyes fall shut, head thrown back, as your hands grasp the hair at the back of his head for support.
“not for long.” he claims, the smirk in his voice evident. and just like that, as usual, your short-lived dominance has been stolen. your eyes remain shut for a moment, as if to prepare yourself for what’s to come.
“look at me.” you tilt your head down before slowly opening your eyes; eyelids hanging low as if to cover yourself somehow. but theres no staying covered when pedro is like this.
he looks up at you, pupils enlarging as he takes you all in. you feel his hand gently trace circles on your lower back. you watch him intently as he leans forward, placing a kiss between your breasts. the contact makes you shudder, your breath hitching and becoming heavier, more needy. you’re convinced he must be able to hear your heart beating from the outside; it’s certainly all you can hear in the moment. he hums as he pulls away from the lingering kiss.
“i love that after all these years you still react that way.” he thinks he is in control here, and although you know he is, you’re desperate to act the opposite. after a moment of collection, you have the courage to speak.
“and still, after all these years, i'm impatient.” you say giving him a certain look.
“i’m gonna take things slow.” - again with the assumed control, you think.
“i’ll allow it.” you say proudly, managing to remain serious and self-assured. he chuckles at your words, a defeated grin taking over his lips. that’s better.
both of pedro’s hands trail up, locating the clasp of your bra and undoing it in a swift, skilled motion. you’d hoped he’d find your wearing it to bed silly, leading to this eventually; but this is all the more greater than you’d anticipated.
your breasts spill out slightly, though still somewhat contained by the straps wrapped around your shoulders. pedro’s hands slowly snake out from behind your back, carefully caressing your waist on the way. reaching both arms up the billowing sleeves of your robe, he grabs ahold of the straps, gently bringing them down around your arms.
“now that's real sexy, huh?” you say sarcastically at the odd maneuver. he watches you intently as you speak, spellbound by you. you’re not even sure he heard what you said. then his eyes make way to your chest, your breasts bouncing out from your bra, now fallen to the floor.
“really sexy.” he says, eyeing your now exposed chest.
his hands find their way around you again, pulling you in to close the gap. you fall into him, your legs lazily finding their place on either side of him for support. eager, his mouth finds way to your breasts, leaving a trail of sweet kisses across your skin. the warm, wet sensation leaves you entranced. your chest rapidly heaves as he works his magic. coming up for air, he looks to you, eyes darkened with lust, before diving back in for more - this time to your mouth.
his kiss starts sweet, tender, and deepens to a rough, sloppy fashion. your hands, still tangled in his hair, move down to the neck of his shirt, pulling on it as if to signal him. he obeys, lifting his arms up, not breaking the kiss until the last necessary moment. once his shirt is off, thrown somewhere across the room, he goes right back for more.
his hands are immediately back to your waist, nuzzled under the soft satin of your robe. your lips go numb from the euphoria of it all. gently, he grabs your bottom lip with his teeth, nibbling it softly. releasing it, with one last peck to your mouth, he pulls away. you whimper at the loss of contact.
“can you lay down for me?” he asks tenderly as he rises, guiding you up with him. you happily take his supporting arms, finding that your legs are no help in the process. eyes lock as you nod, biting your lip as you turn with him, your body now the one at the edge of the bed. 
he leads you benevolently to lay on your back, using his knee to spread your legs as he does. your body melts into the mattress, completely at pedro’s will - and he lives for it.
your back arches as you adjust yourself on the bed. pedro’s rough hands lay softly on your knees, holding them open as he watches over you. “fuck,” his tone is rough before it turns sweet, “look at you...” you wonder if the words weren’t meant to slip out. you blush at them regardless. 
as his hands slide up your thighs, your eyes squint shut in anticipation. pedro, however, wildly gazes down at you. “so wet for me already, huh...” he says brazenly, noticing your already soaked panties. his hands linger closer to tease the skin just before your still clothed pussy, achingly taking his time.
“pedro,” you whimper. the pace, although clearly stated earlier, is driving you crazy with need. he ignores your words and continues his game. climbing onto the end of the bed, he hovers over you. his hands now on your waist. his eyes locked on your burning face. you watch him, dazed, waiting for him to make his next move.
his fingers dance around the waistband of your panties, beginning to tug at them, then stopping all at once. you grunt. he laughs to himself, then proceeds again. looping around the hem, pedro pulls them down painfully slowly. the cool air of the room hits your most sensitive spot in a delightfully, erotic way. 
as you lift your hips for him to remove the tangled cloth the rest of the way, he helps you - raising your legs the rest of the way then resting them over his shoulders when done. leaning down, you feel his hot breathe right where you want it.
with a kiss to each thigh, ever so close to your throbbing center, you let out an agonizing moan. “pedro, please.” you sound desperate, but you don’t care anymore.
“what?” acting coy, he begins to pull back to look to you, but you force him back down with your legs before he has the chance. you hear that smirk in his voice again when he speaks, “what do you want, baby? tell me.”
“touch me,” you say instantly, breathlessly, “now.”
in lieu of words, he breaks the distance. his mouth crashing into your pussy, spreading you open with his warm, eager tongue. he aims straight for your aching clit. a whimpering mess, your back wiggles and arches with every movement. your hands grasp hopelessly at the sheets before moving to his hair. his head bobs beneath your hands, your body squirming pleasantly beneath him.
“oh fuck,” you let out as his tongue works at all the places you need it most.
“that’s it baby,” his words are tender as he pulls away briefly. a whimper is all that fills the air as you mourn the loss of his sweet contact. with composure, you lift your head to look down at him. his face shiny, lips dripping with your slick, his eyes fixated on yours. 
with a smirk he spits directly on your clit. your back arches at the euphoric sensation. eyes rolling back, your head follows swiftly with a thud to the pillow beneath it. before you can even plead for him to hurry up, pedro dives right back in for more; eager to clean up the mess he’s made.
your legs struggle to remain open, closing in around his head, as the feeling in your lower stomach builds more intensely. his hands, wrapped firmly around your thighs, hold you down and open for him. breaking contact with your aching slit once more, he speaks softly against your inner thigh, “use your hips baby, take what you need from me.” with a kiss to your warm skin, he resumes his favorite activity.
this time he aims further down, fucking your hole with his skillful tongue. your hips remain still beneath his touch, too focused on keeping a steady breath. but he is clear in his demands; he always is. pressing his nose to your clit, the motion of his work creates the perfect rhythm for an increasing high. tightening your grip on the curls by his neck, you wiggle and grind beneath his face. with every flick of his tongue, every bounce of his nose on your throbbing bud, you’re tugging, pulling at his hair. soft, pleased moans vibrate against you’re wet folds.
“oh god,” you exclaim, “fuckkk,” your words dissolve into a pathetic whimper. he takes this as a sign to go harder. mouth now returning to your clit, he begins to suck, his hand now nearing to join it. two rough fingers slip up and down your opening, acclimating them to your pussy. teasingly slowly and with intentional force, he fills you up just right.
“pedro please,” you huff out in agony. removing his mouth from your wet slit, he looks up to you; pretty as a devil. fingers still working your pussy he speaks, tone low and full of lust, “please... what?” you know the game he’s playing at.
not an ounce of the teasing confidence you earlier tried to possess is left in you as he tires you from the inside out. when you don’t speak quick enough, his rough fingers begin to bend, curling up into you in an assertive manner. 
a frustrated “fuck,” leaves your lips, quivering from the overstimulation. “please,” he watches as your chest rises and falls with heavy, shaky breathes, “i need you...” you know that’s not going to satisfy him to the extent he desires, so you breathlessly continue, “i need you to fuck me.”
fingers slipping out of you with a pop, pedro brings them to your mouth with dark eyes searing into your own. “open,” you oblige with no contest. taking his dripping fingers into your mouth, your tongue licks the mess you’d made of them clean.
with swiftness, he’s at the end of the bed, on his feet before you; eyes never leaving yours. your own, heavy with lust, look hungrily up to him. your shaking fingers find their way to peaked nipples from their place clutching the sheets beneath you. circling your raised peaks you begin to thrust your hips at nothing; eager for the presence of him.
pedro’s hands are at his waistband. rapidly, he undoes his belt with ease. jeans falling to his feet, he wastes no time in fully removing them before he’s grabbing you by the hips to pull you to him. 
adjusting himself to your entrance, he spits on your open, throbbing pussy once more before he slides in with delicious ease. you pull your bottom lip in to stop the whimper that begs to fall from it.
“that’s it baby, atta girl.” one of his hands presses firmly down on your right hip, holding you in place. at the same time, his other hand lingers up to grab ahold of your breast. the room, dim and hot, is filled only with the sounds of skin on skin, of whimpers and moans, of pure, overwhelming pleasure.
his thrusts are steady and deep before he suddenly pulls out, running the tip of his cock firmly against your aching clit. your back arches involuntarily, head digging firmly into the pillow for support. with efficiency, he’s back inside in an instant. 
he’s huddled over on top you now, his chest on yours, craving to be as close to you as he can. as he dips his head into the curve of your neck, hot breathe fans across your skin sending a shiver down your burning hot spine. your rapid pulses and shaky breaths begin to sync as pedro pounds up into your g-spot. your arms go suddenly to grip his shoulder’s for support as he hits it just right.
head still buried in your neck, he leaves sweet kisses behind your ear, nipping at the soft the skin here and there. with his thrusts becoming sloppier and slower he speaks, “you close baby?” your walls clench from his words, your back arching under his weight. “fuck,” he hisses.
“cum for me baby,” he demands before softening his tone, “can you do that?” he slips out slightly before diving deep into you again. hard and fast, he works your body to climax. spasming, inside and out, you begin to whine and cry out. clenching down tight around his cock, you have so much built up energy you simply don’t know what to do with. your nails dig into the toned muscles at the back of his neck as you squirm beneath him. “yeahhh, just like that baby,” he hums, coaxing you through your orgasm.
the pressure in your stomach builds and builds before it collapses like a wave against the shore. gasping for air, your hands caress pedro’s head as he follows right behind you. with a final rough thrust, he’s done for - the tough man that held so much power over you, now a whimpering mess at your will.
“oh fuck baby, fuck,” he whines. 
moments pass, your bodies still entwined as you come down from your shared breathless high. with a kiss to your temple, pedro finally removes his twitching cock from within you. a low and gutural groan escapes him as he slides through your tight walls one final time.
falling to the bed beside you, his arms stay tenderly wrapped around your body. laying there easing your breath, you look around the room. layers of clothing lay scattered about, but the only thing you care to take note of is your new robe tousled on the floor. a lazy smirk creeps onto your flushed face.
pedro, watching over you with admiration, brushes the unruly hair from your face. noticing your gaze fixated on something, he follows it. with a soft chuckle and a tender squeeze to your hip he states into the still calm after the storm, “i’m real glad you got that thing.” he plants a warm kiss to your shoulder. turning to face him, you sink into the depth of his big brown eyes.
“me too,” you hum, blissfully.
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whxtedreams · 8 months
When You're Sick
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Summary: Drabbles about how they would look after you when you're sick/unwell.
Word Count: 3.5k
Tags: Fluff, comfort, they're just soft babies, I am sick while writing these, Javier being a soft jerk - he means well, Din doing his best, Frankie just being a soft bf, Joel is nothing but caring, sick!reader
Characters: Joel Miller, Din Djarin, Frankie Morales, Javier Peña
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Joel Miller
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Joel: How’s my baby girl doing? You: Honestly Joel, I have a killer headache and just want to go home. 
Joel frowns at the small screen in his hand before he looks down at the shirt he is ironing. He had planned on surprising you and taking you out to dinner tonight since Sarah was at a friend's house for the night but he quickly scraps that idea.
Joel: Come over after work  You: I just said I wasn’t feeling well… Joel: No funny business. Promise 
Joel spends the afternoon bringing every pillow and blanket he owns into the living room. He drags chairs from the dining room and drapes blankets over them, making a nice dark blanket fort in his living room. He digs around in the Christmas storage boxes in the garage until he finds battery operated warm fairy lights that Sarah begged him for one year. With a few grunts and mumbled swears, he manages to hang them on the chairs within the blanket fort, hoping you liked it and it wasn’t too bright. 
He checks his watch that Sarah fixed for his birthday last year and swears when he notices the time. 4:24pm, you’d be over any minute now. He scrambles around the living room making the last final touches. He rushes up to Sarah’s room and looks through her cupboard for her small candle collection. As he goes to grab a vanilla scented candle, he freezes as he remembers you mentioning that the heavy scents make your headaches worse. 
Okay – so no candles then. 
He’s taking the stairs two at a time when he hears your knock on his door, still not wanting to let yourself in even though he’s told you on multiple occasions that you’re more than welcome in his house. 
Joel opens the door after turning the last light off by the front door and his smile drops as he sees the pain behind your eyes. He takes hold of your hand and you sigh as you enter the dark house. 
He gently guides you into the living room and watches you as you take in the space he made for you, a small smile falling to his lips at your soft expression. Your arms are around him in an instant as his hand wraps around your shoulders, his other hand softly rubbing your head, hoping to ease a little of your pain. 
He lifts your head to look up at him when he feels the subtle shake in your chest as he hears you try to muffle a cry. “What’s wrong?” He quietly asks. 
“Nothing, my head just hurts and this is beautiful.” You reply as you turn your head to look over at the pillow fort, the soft warm glow illuminating the room from inside the blankets. 
“Come.” Joel offers as he detaches your hands from his waist and continues to guide you into the living room. He lifts a corner of a blanket and ushers you inside. He crouches at the entrance as you crawl in, taking in the small bowls of snacks and fruit carefully placed on the edge of the blankets and pillows. “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll go get you some pain killers, and fresh popcorn, yeah?” He asks and you eagerly nod in agreement. 
On his return, he shoves the bowl inside before crawling in, thankful for the softness of the blankets on his old knees. You take an overly big handful of popcorn and shove it to your mouth, small crumbs falling into your lap. He hands you a bottle of water and the pills and you struggle to swallow the popcorn before you take the pain killers. 
“How’s your head?” Joel asks as he pushes your hair behind your ear. 
“Think it might end up being a migraine.” You sigh as you pull a blanket over your lap, the crumbs falling into the pillow beneath you. The father in him dusts it to the side without thought, years of cleaning up after Sarah subconsciously implanted into his brain. “Might take tomorrow off work.” You mumble as you lay down, nestling into the pillows. 
Joel huffs as he picks up the popcorn bowl and your hand shoots out from the blanket, tugging it back beside you. “Darlin, if it’s that bad, then let's forget about the popcorn, the snacks and the blanket fort and get you to bed.” 
You frown as you pull the blanket up to your chin and hum in protest. “No. This is nice, I don’t want to move.” You grumble. 
“You sure? I know it's comfortable but if it’s turning into a migraine, you should go lay down.” Joel offers as he leans on his elbow, his other hand slowly tracing your body over the blanket. 
You sigh at the touch and close your eyes, smiling. “Really, it’s nice and dark in here. You did a good job, it’s sweet. I just want to stay here with you.” You open your eyes and look up at him and his heart clenches in his chest.  “But I'll let you take me to bed if it gets worse, deal?” 
Joel’s fingers grip onto the blanket before he soothes the blanket on you. “Yeah, okay. But if I even see the slightest hint of it getting worse, I'm taking you straight to bed, no arguments.” He says in a false firm declaration. Knowing full well that you won't do anything you don't want to.
“Deal.” You say on an exhale as you hug the pillow under your head. 
Joel leans over and kisses your temple, soothing a hand over your hair and you sigh at the touch. 
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Din Djarin
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Din knows something is wrong when the cockpit is silent for more than a few hours. You had muttered that you were going to go lay down a mere six hours ago, and he didn’t think anything of it, thinking you just needed rest. 
When it hits hour eight, he descends the ladder in search of you. He finds you curled in on yourself in his bed. His bed. He stands there blinking at you for a moment before looking around in search of anything that could explain what was going on. Nothing.  
He says your name but you don't move an inch. He sighs before he wraps a gloved hand around your ankle, instantly making you recoil from his touch as your leg curls into your chest. 
Okay, so not asleep then. 
“What’s wrong with you?” Din asks as kindly as he can but he knows it came off harsh, he normally does. 
“Nothing. Leave me alone.” Your voice is distant and weak and he’s taken back by how you sound, not used to anything but your overly positive attitude. 
Din might get frustrated at how lively and energetic you are, but he definitely wouldn't trade it for anything. Your personality is what makes you who you are and he loves – no, tolerates it no matter how hard it is to keep up at times
Your sniffle brings him back to the moment and he tilts his head at the sound. He would have blamed it on his imagination but he hears it again. “You’re crying?” He asks.
“Din, I said leave me alone.” You snap and he raises his eyebrows under his helmet. 
He turns to leave, listening to your demand but he hears you sniffle again and he stops as he sighs, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He turns the lights off, sending the room into darkness. He takes armour off piece by piece, carefully placing them on the floor before he walks back to you in his flight suit. He takes a strip of cloth and leans over you, pressing the fabric in your hand. “Put this on.” He orders. 
It’s now you finally look over your shoulder and frown at his lack of usual Beskar. “Wha-” 
“I said put it on, cover your eyes.” He points at the cloth and you slowly nod. He watches as you tie it around your head and waits until you lay back down until he takes his helmet off. 
He crawls into the bunk behind you and tugs your back to his chest, a startled gasp coming from your mouth as he moves you. 
“What are-” 
“Have I done something to upset you?” He asks, worry laced in his unmodulated voice. His bare hand holds onto your stomach as he holds you close to him, your own hand covering his. 
You shake your head as you sniffle again. 
“Then why are you crying cyar'ika?” He pushes as his thumb lazily draws circles on your clothed stomach. 
You shrug in his arms and he slowly nods, his lips landing small kisses to your shoulder. “I don’t like it when you push me away.” He sighs into your neck. 
“I’m sorry.” 
He turns his hand from your stomach and holds your hand, squeezing it. “Talk to me cyar'ika. Please.” 
“I don’t know, I don’t know why I feel this way.” You almost choke on your words as you sniffle again and he squeezes your hand again. 
“That’s okay. We can lay here for as long as you need mesh’la.”   
And you do just that, until you turn in his arms and wrap your arms around him. Your head resting on his chest and you sigh contently.
“Feeling better?” He asks as he kisses the top of your head. 
“Sort of.” 
“Anything I can do to fix that?”
“Just hold me.” 
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Frankie Morales
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To say that he’s in a good mood would be an understatement. Why is Frankie in a good mood? Well, that’s easy, he knows you’re at home waiting for him when he gets home from work. As much as he hated that you were gone before he woke in the mornings, coming home to you made your difference in working hours that much better. 
You’ve been living together for an easy month now and that blissful honeymoon stage never seems to end, and frankly, he doesn’t think it will. 
His mood does however falter when he opens the front door and he doesn’t hear you. Normally there would be the smell of dinner or the sound of music but there’s nothing. Which he thinks is completely fine, just out of the ordinary. He calls your name, thinking maybe you’re in the backyard by the pool but he hears your grumble from the living room.
He cautiously enters the living room, his head peeking around the corner before the rest of his body. 
His happy mood completely vanishes at the sight of you gripping your stomach and taking deep breaths as you lay on the lounge. He rushes to the couch and kneels in front of you. He places his hand on your stomach as his other hand wipes the hair fallen on your face. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He asks, a frown settling on his face. 
“‘M fine.” you grumble and he shakes his head. He’s about to protest but you continue, “Just a bad period, ‘m fine.” You say before your breath falters, your hand gripping onto your own shirt. 
He sighs in relief, his forehead resting on yours as he begins to rub your lower stomach. He pushes himself from you and sits on his heels as he looks down at you. “Why didn’t you text me? I could have brought some stuff home?” He asks as he moves his hand to hold yours. 
“It’s okay.” You sigh as you sit up and his hands rests on your thighs as he looks up at you, his hands slowly running up and down your thighs. 
“Do you have everything you need? I can go to the supermarket, it’s no problem baby.”
You nod as you reach out and run a hand through his hair and he closes his eyes and sighs at the touch before snapping his eyes open and swatting your hand away with a playful frown. “Stop it – it’s supposed to be me looking after you.” He laughs as you roll your eyes. 
“Nope, you sit right there, Doctor Frankie will look after you.” He grins as he leans in to kiss your forehead before standing from the couch. 
“You’re stuck with me now, your fault for moving in.” He teases as he reaches to take your hands in his. “We can order in if you like? Chinese?” He offers and you nod with a smile. “Perfect! I’ll go get you a heat pack and some chocolate from my stash.”
Your head snaps to him as he moves to go into the kitchen. “You have a hidden chocolate stash?” Your words rushed and your jaw hangs open in shock. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” He snickers as he enters the kitchen. He reaches for the back of the cupboard and takes out a box of cereal you hate and empty the chocolate onto the kitchen counter. 
“IS THERE CHOCOLATE IN THIS HOUSE YOU’RE NOT TELLING ME ABOUT?” you yell from the living room and it takes everything he has not to burst out laughing at your reaction. The exact reason he began hiding the chocolate when you moved in. 
He walks back in with the warm heat pack and block of chocolate and you snatch the bar from his hand. “I will tear this house apart Frankie.” You mutter as you open it and shove a whole row into your mouth. 
He falls into the couch beside you and smiles down at you as you moan at the taste, your eyes closing in bliss. He reaches around your shoulder and tugs you into his side and you willingly snuggle into him. He rests the heat pack on your stomach and you sigh at the feeling.
He finds it oddly amusing that your entire mood changes at the consumption of chocolate, that all the pain you were feeling vanishes. He knows that’s impossible, but it’s cute. He does however rub your stomach at every strained breath, trying to take your focus away from the cramps you felt. 
“Thank you.” You smile as you rest your head on his shoulder. 
“Anything for you baby.”
“Will you tell me where you hide the chocolate?”
“Oh, not a chance.”   
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Javier Peña
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Javier lifts his hand to knock on your apartment door for the fifth time. His foot taps on the carpet below him and he sighs in frustration as he hears no sign of movement inside. 
“Fuckin’ hell.” He mutters as he digs in his pocket for the space key you gave him; for emergencies only. He really didn’t want to walk into your apartment uninvited but he considers this an emergency.  
It’s been just shy of a week since you last showed up at work, just shy of a week since he last ran into you in the hallways of the apartment complex you shared.
He slowly pushes open the door, half expecting you to start yelling at him – but you don’t. 
He spots the pile of dirty dishes in the sink first and he instantly knows something is wrong since you’re always nagging him for leaving his empty coffee mugs on your desk at work, hating the mess he made just to annoy you. 
He spots the couch next, blankets and pillows left unattended with used tissues covering the floor. Gross. 
He moves to your bedroom door, leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed as he looks at you in your bed. Your eyes are closed and your chest struggles on each inhale, the sound of your blocked nose filling the room. He almost laughs at that, hearing you snore – but then remembers that you’re actually sick. Great. 
Not wanting to disturb your sleep, he moves to leave. 
“Please tell me you’re here to put me out of my misery.” You groan as you sit up, wiping the snot dripping down from your nose. 
He scrunches his nose at the sight, ignoring the way he wants to rush to get you a tissue. 
“Your place is a mess.” He says instead as he looks down at the sea of tissues both in your bed and the floor and instantly feels guilty as you start coughing, your hand clutching at your chest. 
He frowns then, wanting to rush to your aid but he doesn’t. His feet feel as if they’re concreted to the ground, not allowing him to set foot in your bedroom. 
“You’re welcome to clean up if it bothers you, because I ain't doing it.” You mutter as you collapse back into your pillows. “While you’re at it, can you get me a heat pack?” 
Yeah, he can do that. It’s the least he can do, right? 
He pushes off from your doorframe and walks the short distance to your med cabinet above your stove. He takes the purple sack from the cabinet and tosses it into the microwave as he leans against the counter. He taps his foot as he looks down at the countless plates and half empty take away containers. 
He takes the pack when the microwave beeps and strides back to your room, freezing in the doorway before sighing and walking over to your side. He outstretches his hand and offers you the pack. He pulls it back however as he sees sweat trickle down your forehead as you shiver. He places the back of his hand to your forehead and swears. 
“You’re burning up.” He frowns as you grab for the heat pack. “This is the last thing you need.” 
“But I’m cold Javi,” You whine and he shakes his head. 
“When was the last time you took any Tylenol? Or had a damn shower?” He asks and you shrug. 
He sighs again and walks back into the kitchen, tossing the useless heat pack on the counter along with all your other mess and opens the cabinet again, taking out the container you use to store all your medications. He digs through it and takes out the Tylenol packet and groans when it’s empty. He looks up at the ceiling and closes his eyes. 
Of course it’s empty, why wouldn't it be?
It’s then and there he decides he’s dragging you out of this apartment and into his own. Because there’s no way in hell he’s leaving you here when you’re doing what seems to be a very poor job at looking after yourself. 
He walks back into your room without hesitation this time and grabs onto your hands. You groan as he lifts you to sit up. “What are you doing?” You ask with a frown as he continues to lift you from the bed. 
“Comin’ ‘cross the hall with me.”
“You’re going to take a shower, take the Tylenol that I actually have and sleep in a bed that’s not full of snotty tissues.” He softly orders as he drags you across your bedroom. He stops in the middle of your room as he looks down at your snot covered pyjamas. He moves over to your dresser and takes out the first set he sees and continues to march you back to his place. 
You sigh in defeat and follow him, because let’s be honest – you’re in no shape to argue with him right now. 
He hands you the set of clean pyjamas and pushes you into his bathroom. He waits until he hears the shower start before he moves into his bedroom, quickly cleaning up the dirty clothes from his floor and shoving them into the hamper he bought, telling himself that he would actually use it. He hasn’t.  
He pours a cold glass of water and sets two pills on the counter. He stares at the counter and scratches the back of his head, maybe some tea?  
He opens his pantry and kneels as he searches for the box of tea he knows you left here months ago when he had nothing you wanted to drink that last time you were there. He pushes cans around until he finds the box tucked away. 
By the time you exit his bathroom, you look like a different person. Not quite healthy, but no longer looking like you’re on your deathbed. He ushers you into his bedroom and you protest when he motions for you to get into the bed. 
“Get your fuckin’ ass into this bed.” He orders without a hint of anger and you roll your eyes as you do what he says. 
He comes back in with the water, pills and tea. He places the hot tea on his bedside table and hands you the pills and water. You smile as you thank him and he looks around his room, not knowing how to take your thanks. 
“Yeah, well can’t really have you dying across the hall. They’d think it was me.” He jokes instead and you laugh before it sets off another cough and he swears at himself for making you cough.
“Right – well, get some sleep.” He mutters to the floor before he leaves, leaving the door open a crack in case you need something. 
He waits until he hears you snore before he walks over to your apartment and begins cleaning. 
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I am so sick pls tag me in sick!reader fics
My desk is covered in tissues. My bed is covered in tissues. The tissues that make it to my bin, my puppy tips over and starts eating.
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thesummerpetrichor · 1 year
𝓥𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓸 𝓰𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓼
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Dads best friend!Javier Peña x afab!reader
Summary: For years he’d lived in your head like a distant memory. Something too good, too far away to attain. You shouldn’t be so hurt he’d left his old life behind, but how could you not be, when you had been such a big part of it? But you can’t hold a grudge. Not when he’s standing in front of you– doing everything to prove he’s not a stranger.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI you will be blocked. Mentions of DEA, dads best friend trope, morally questionable relationship, minor angst, chunky age gap [reader is in her 20s Javi is in his 40s], banter, lotsa sweet moments, explicit language, explicit sexual content, couch sex, inebriated sex, cigarette and weed smoking, alcohol, dom!javi, sub!reader, pet names [cariño, baby, babygirl etc.], dirty talk, major praise kink! [lotsa good girl action iykwim] some over the clothes action, grinding, fingering, unprotected P in V [ do better!!]. Let me know if I missed anything!! <;3
Word count: 12.8k oops
A/N: Oof this took longer than I thought it would but I’m so excited for you to read it. Javier is the man of my dreams here 🥺. lotsa porn for you nasties. morally questionable relationship fr but it’s fiction so we’ll forgive Javi. I hope you darlings enjoy! Mwah 💗
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Swinging in the backyard
Pull up in your fast car
Whistling my name
Open up a beer
And you say, "Get over here
And play a video game"
The last time you saw him you remember all but tackling him to the ground as he walked through your front door. He had bought you a special edition copy of your favourite Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale, and DVDs of ‘film noir’ movies– the kind your dad didn’t like you watching. You spent the days reading as he smoked cigars by your pool, and you remember your father joking about his ‘bad influence’ as he poured you drinks in the evenings. 
That was several years ago, and now all you had left of him was a hazy memory of that distant summer, a fading image of his golden eyes glittering in the setting sun, and your copy of “The Little Mermaid”. That had been the last that he’d visited you– before his work got in the way, before he decided he’d rather stay in Bogotá than come home. 
Your life had gone on, and while every year you wondered whether he’d make his grand appearance, as you grew older you came to terms with the realisation that it would just be you and your old man lounging on the patio on those treasured, warm, golden evenings. At university you were pursuing those dreams you always wanted to, the ones your father wasn’t so keen on you chasing, the ones you’d confess to him when he would drive you around the city–  to that faraway ice cream place no one else would take you to. 
He was all cigarettes and whiskey and secret promises.
“He’ll literally kill us, it's midnight.” It was too late, he was grabbing his keys and jacket, and despite your better judgement the thought of the fairy lights by the beach as you walked with your mint chocolate chip cones had you giggling as you followed him out the door. It was your 18th birthday. “He doesn’t need to know now, does he, cariño?” 
He’d telephone your father once in a while, you knew because your house would fill with laughter only invoked by one culprit. You wondered what adventures he was on, were they like the ones he’d tell you as you sat by his side till the early hours of the morning? You wondered if he even remembered– remembered you. 
But now you were in Bogotá, in the sweltering June heat, suitcase in hand, scanning the crowd for a face you barely remembered. You were scared, stupidly so, worried that your physical proximity would do nothing to mend his distance. You worried he wouldn't see you as he did before, wouldn't remember your inside jokes, your mischief, how you’d beg him to take you to that dance bar because your dad didn’t like you going alone. That he had somehow morphed into someone you couldn't recognize. You felt hot all over once again, and this time no thanks to the summer sun. 
Your head turned left to right, and you spotted among the crowd families reuniting, couples kissing hello, young people returning home, lone travellers, lonely travellers, and in the hustle bustle a black leather jacket walking briskly towards you. He looked older, and tired, but his eyes still sparkled the way you remembered, still turned golden when they met the sun. From the distance he spotted you, and you watched expectantly as his furrowed brows relaxed into a calm, almost surprised expression. You felt a little short of breath, felt suddenly larger than life, as he neared you, your mind spinning and hoping, praying that he was still the man you knew. 
“What have you done with my cariño?” 
He was looking down at you with that same smile. Everything about him was really the same. He still smelt like tobacco and cedarwood perfume, still wore the same leather jacket, the same faded, button up shirt– with the first two buttons undone. In a moment you felt your mind's eye reconstruct those waning images of him you once cherished, from the dells of memory. And now you saw him vividly, reclining in his chair, sipping his whiskey, leaning on your porch, hair falling in his face in soft curls as he lit his cigarette. 
He was a lot more handsome than you recalled. 
“Hi” You were smiling so wide your face hurt, and despite the years of his absence there was a familiarity you found comfort in, a sense of belonging, and maybe naively… longing. His hands moved to grab you by the shoulders, and he stepped back to get a good look at you, almost examining how time had passed. “Lookat’ ya, university girl now huh, smart cookie?” The way he looked at you had your heart pitter pattering– with so much pride, and gentleness, and adoration. 
Without any hesitation he pulled you into his chest, wrapping you up in his arms, holding your head against him. Waves of calm washed over you, an immediate reassurance you were desperate for. It was his non reluctance, his lack of worry, the way he brought you into his arms like nothing else mattered.  With a heavy sigh you collapsed into him, all the uneasiness you felt before melting away as you melted into his touch. He felt warm, and strong, and like you’d remembered. 
He was everything you’d remembered. 
You felt yourself relax. It had been a long day, a long time getting away from your father, who, despite the fact that you had been living alone for years now, had called you about a thousand times – reminding you to take all your things, to be careful, and importantly to not get into any trouble. 
If there was one thing everyone knew about Javier, it was that he was trouble, trouble, trouble. 
He was still smiling when he gently pulled away, still looking at you with the same enthusiasm. He was happy to see you. He chuckled as he let go of your shoulders, and you felt your chest swarm with butterflies when he grabbed you by the hand and twirled you around, and in typical Javier fashion produced a white lily from his shirt pocket, and tucked it behind your ear. 
“Welcome to Bogotá cariño” 
You felt your cheeks heat. For as long as you could remember you pretty much idolised him, and the longer you didn’t see him the more distant and adored he had become.  You had worked that distant memory up so much, the memory of that fateful summer, that he’d come to be a symbol of fear and dread in your head. At least until that moment.
You felt silly for ever thinking he’d be different. And there he was, standing right in front of you, putting flowers behind your ear. You mumbled a soft thank you, securing the lily, which was inadvertently an excuse not to meet his overwhelming gaze. 
“Your old man give you a hard time on the way up?”  
You laughed as you rolled your eyes. If there was one person who knew how much of a stickler for organisation and responsibility your father was, it was him. “He gave me an entire list of things to not do”. Javier’s deep baritone joined your laughter, and he shook his head in faux irritation at the mention of his best friend. 
Reaching down for your bags he leaned beside your ear, and you felt your heart race when you turned your head ever so slightly to meet his gaze– at that glimmer in his eyes, his mischievous smile, and raised brow. 
“Well, he’s no fun now, is he?” 
And with that he was heading towards the exit. 
I'm in his favourite sundress
Watchin' me get undressed
Take that body downtown
I say, "You the bestest"
Lean in for a big kiss
Put his favourite perfume on
Go play your video game
“He says I'm like you, y’know?” You leaned your elbow on the open window, knees to your chest as you sat curled up in the passenger seat of his car. His eyes were on the road, but his attention remained on you, and you were instantaneously reminded of your trips to the pier, your mint chocolate chip ice creams, and innocent secrets. 
You felt warm and fuzzy inside, and your eyes wandered the beautiful Colombian city –the colours, and the smell of summer flowers, and food as it wafted out of the mom and pop restaurants you passed. 
“Yeah, you a troublemaker?” He glanced at you momentarily, just in time to catch you rolling your eyes. “”M not, but he thinks Dora’s wreckless for wandering around without her parents.`` His laugh was hearty and he had that smile, that tilt of his head you were sure had all the women around him swooning. You felt your cheeks heat at the thought, especially when he chided you. “Cariño” he dragged out every syllable of that treasured pet name, shaking his head, and raising his brows in your direction, teasingly. “Okay.. maybe I like to have a little fun, but I’m still not like you.” 
Letting out an exaggerated gasp his head whipped towards you. “Fuck’s that supposed to mean?!” Your head was buzzing, he's still the same, the same. 
“I’m good.” He rounded the corner, and you couldn’t help but wonder who else had been in the passenger side of his car, getting this view you so cherished. You didn’t know why you cared, or why you were even wondering in the first place. It wasn’t any of your business, but somewhere deep down it made your heart ache. 
“I know you are honey.. Thought your dad was gonna’ have a fuckin’ heart attack when he called me.” You could only imagine. The poor man. The thought of him persuading Javier to convince you to stay with him for the sake of his peace of mind making you giggle. 
“Can you blame him? It was either you or Maria, and somehow you're the better of the two evils.” When you decided to come to Bogotá you originally planned to stay with one of your  close friends from university. She had offered you a room in her apartment for as long as you needed. The both of you had applied for the same summer program, and were looking forward to spending your vacation together. That was before you confessed that a certain somebody also lived in Bogotá. A somebody you weren’t initially keen on meeting again. Somebody you had planned to avoid at any cost during your stay. 
You weren’t really sure why– if you wanted to keep him away out of spite, or convenience, or fear, but all you did know was that when Maria had practically forced you to ask your dad to give Javier a call you were nothing short of petrified. She would not let it go, even said you’d regret not meeting him, better yet staying with him after how much you’d talked him up in the time you knew her. She was so confident she placed a bet you’d give up her house for his in less than forty eight hours. 
“I’m a cop, I’m the obvious choice here cariño” His confidence was charming. He was deceptively charming. 
“Yeah. A terrible one.” 
“Was a little shocked you wanted to see me..” sometimes you really thought he could read your mind. Not just in that moment, in fact he had a habit of hitting on right whatever you were thinking about, whatever was bothering you, things you felt you couldn’t tell anyone else because they wouldn’t understand. You were not sure if and how you wanted to respond, and if you did honestly whether he would know how much the whole situation had preoccupied you. 
“Strictly practical. Wanted to see if you remembered me..” 
“‘Course I remember you, been haunting me like a little ghost since I last visited..”. you thought you might just explode at his teasing. You asked yourself if he was being truthful, if he truly thought about you, about how he’d up and left. 
“You’re the one that disappeared into thin air!” Undeniably, despite the laughter and banter there was a tension in the air– floating between the two of you heavy and low. But what was he expecting?  
Thankfully, the car came to a slow and gradual stop at the side of a small side street, where you spotted a small glass door over which flowers blooming from the floor above had been cascading. “Where are we?” 
“Mint chocolate chip”  One hand on the wheel, the other grabbing his keys, he looked at you as he spoke, so matter of factly it made your heart flutter. Like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “No pier, or fairy lights though, and no thrill of running from your papa.” 
He remembered. 
Heart bursting with love ache, you weren’t really sure what to say. As if he had anticipated your fears he seemed like he was coaxing you into your natural rhythm. Reminding you he wasn’t some stranger whose house you were staying in out of convenience. That you knew him, and that he knew you, remembered you. 
“Thank god for the last one..” The memory fluttered between you two– the same thoughts, hovering between your heads. He was opening the door, taking a quick check of the traffic. You stayed put, finding your bearings. With one hand extended he beckoned you towards him, offering his arm when you hopped out the car on wobbly feet.  “Oh hush, you loved it, cariño. And he knew, I told him the next day.”
With locked arms you crossed the street, and as if no time had passed you had squished yourself to his side, and had smacked him against the shoulder lightly at his admission. “What?! Traitor!” 
“I handled it.” He sounded quite impressed with himself, and when you tilted your head and locked eyes with him you noticed how he looked quite impressed as well. You pressed your cheek against his arm, the leather of his jacket brushing against your warm cheeks.
“You were always the fun one.”
A large ‘OPEN’ sign stared you blank in the face, that was until Javier had gently tucked a finger under your chin, and delicately directed your eyes towards him. “He’s your dad, ‘s not supposed to be the fun one..” he softly remarked, his smile remained, and you felt nothing but warmth, and comfort from his presence. 
The moment fell naturally, and he reached forward to pull the door open for you, letting skip ahead of him and into the store.  “Feels like my 18th all over again.” 
It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you wanna do
I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?
“You're the boss Peña, give me the word, and it’s done.” You caught Javier’s reflection in the mirror as you sat down to get ready. Fresh out the shower it took about three seconds for the summer heat to get back at you. He liked to keep his place freezing, and at times like that you could only be grateful– the cool air soothing your scorched skin. 
Carillo, Murphy– you could recognize the voices as they bounced off the wall, the same men you’d met when they barged into his home unceremoniously at six in the morning. You would have preferred to meet them in actual clothes rather than your pyjamas, and maybe outside instead of infront of your concerningly large cup of coffee, but they seemed to be used to finding unexpected guests in Javier’s apartment early in the morning. 
Regardless of the fact that they’d interrupted your quiet breakfast with Javier, they were really nice people. Carillo’s wife even sent some snacks over with him the next time he visited. One because she wanted you to try the local food, and two because “Javier had nothing in his kitchen.” 
“I will. soon as that dick Stechner gets out of my fuckin’ way” reaching to put you necklace on you watched as Javier moved out of your field of vision for a quick moment, returning with a glass filled with ice and an ashtray. What were they talking about? You never really asked about his job, you'd tried to talk him out of it many times, but he never budged. One day he hated it, one day he didn’t. 
What he was like at work was a point of endless curiosity for you– he just seemed so different. If you were being honest he seemed like an asshole. In the few times you’d seen him interact with his partners he’d barely cracked a smile, trading in his joking and teasing for curt jabs or looks of disapproval. He also admittedly liked ordering people around, telling them what to do. His phone rang about five thousand times a day, and each answered call was punctuated with an air of control, indifference, and the steady and constant confidence of a man who knew what the hell he was doing. And did not like to be questioned about it. The only people who seemed to break the ice were the two he was speaking to at that moment. 
“Javi, think this one through, don’t be fuckin crazy.” The voices drowned out as you put your attention back to getting ready. Maria was right. By the time you called her the evening of your arrival you had abandoned all plans to escape Javier's home for hers. She was in hysterics, endlessly pulling your leg over the whole situation. Your overthinking, your panic, your regret, and most obviously your complete infatuation. 
She had picked you up the next morning, and had impersonated you the entire ride to the university. You hoped that you didn’t sound the way she said you did when you spoke of him, that you weren’t all heart eyes. It only made you worried about what you sounded like when you spoke to him. 
With your bag tucked under your arm you grabbed your shoes off the floor, heading towards the dining table. “You got work this evening?” you were hoping he didn’t. His eyes lifted off his work to watch you shuffle around the small kitchen.  Opening the fridge you grabbed a bottle of chilled water, and leaned against the closed door as you spoke. 
“Depends if they call me in, they’re tracking some radio signals so we’re sitting tight till then.” He was leaning back in his chair in absolute exhaustion. Knowing that his day started around seven thirty, and never seemed to end, you didn't blame him. The few days you had been staying at his place he’d join you for dinner and be right back to work in a second. This job of his pretty much consumed him, and judging by his commitment you understood why he had no time for anyone or anything else. The guy was practically married to his job. His job and his co-workers, that is. You wouldn’t be surprised if Murphy and Carillo’s wives were envious of how much quality time Javier got to spend with their husbands. 
“So you’re staying up until they get back to you?” You didn't mean to sound so perplexed, but you were. Mostly at how unpredictable his hours were. Did he really want to leave the quiet, laid back life at home for whatever this was? He crossed his arms over his chest, and spoke to you in between puffs of his cigarette. 
“Yes, cariño, I'm in my forties, dont got a bedtime.”  The man could barely keep his eyes open, and when he lifted his glass to his lips you felt a little better about ditching him for your fun night out. Of course you wanted to sit with him, have him talk about everything under the sun, like he used to, but you didn’t want to be another thing he had to worry about. 
You barely got to speak to him outside meal times. If he stayed home, safe to say he’d be preoccupied, and if he didn’t it would be just you, and the white noise in his empty apartment, like it had been for the past four nights you had been there. 
The man looked like he needed a cup of tea. You reached for the kettle, pushing it on and leaning against the closed fridge door. “They tell you that at the old people's home?” Grabbing your buzzing phone off the counter you moved towards his surprisingly organised kitchen drawers, in which there was little besides some tea bags, coffee beans, jam, canned fruits and bars of candy. That combined with the eggs, bread and milk in his fridge came to make an almost comical representation of what most people would consider a bachelor's desolate pantry. 
Your eyes shifted to the illuminated screen of your phone, an unread message staring back at you. 
Maria: Leaving in five &lt;3
As you took the bubbling kettle off the burner you made a mental note, reaching for a cup, and a tea bag from the unopened box of earl grey you were pretty certain Javier did not buy for himself, rather became the owner of thanks to one of the nice old ladies who lived opposite him. 
“Somones in a mood today huh?” It was then you realised he had abandoned his work to watch you trudge around his kitchen barefoot in your little party outfit, one hand rested on his chin, one leg crossed over the other as he leant back in his wooden dining table chair. 
The teabag bobbed in the steaming water a couple of times, before you were pulling it out and tossing it in the trash. You grabbed his blue mug by the handle– some generic, machine made ceramic devoid of any personality, something you’d probably find in a show home. It looked like it had always been sitting on his kitchen shelf, only seeing the light of day every once in a while when he ditched his liquor cabinet for the coffee machine on the far end of the counter. Knowing him that wasn’t often.
“I'm kidding .”
“Well cariño I was thinking we could go to the dance bar tomorrow, but now I guess I'll have to stay home and rest my old knees.” He looked so surprised when you placed the mug in front of him, rested on a white paper napkin. It was almost like he had expected you to make it for yourself. The chair made a slight squeak against the floor as you pulled it back and took a seat, pulling his glass, now lined with the slight golden residue of whiskey, towards you. He was still surprised, a little taken back even, but not in offence, rather a tender, grateful smile tugged at his lips. 
“Since when do you dance?” With your focus no longer split between tasks you turned back to the conversation at hand. Making sure to emphasise you remembered just how uncharacteristic Javier’s little suggestion was. 
He took a sip of the earl grey, leaning forward and letting his shoulders fall ever so slightly. The glimmer of a distant memory played in his eyes as he met your gaze.“I don’t. But you do.” Your little reminiscence played in the back of your head like a movie reel, the soft sound of music from the dance bar by your house hanging in the air. As if transported into a distant dream you could see clusters of people twirling and dancing with the beat, like little ghosts behind Javier as he spoke. 
“And who am I going to dance with” When you said those words out loud you meant for them to sound a whole lot more utilitarian than they ended up sounding. Whether it was hope, or some odd suggestion you were in no mood to unpack where from deep in your subconscious that had come. All you could wish for is that he didn’t notice. 
“Plenty of people at the bar who’d love to dance with my darling.” And there it was, that answer you dreaded, delivered with that signature smile, with that warm, twinkling light in his eyes. “You don't have work tomorrow?” unable to bear the thought you moved along to more practical matters. 
He was already halfway through that cup of tea, and like his body was in the middle of some sort of spiritual cleanse you could see him resurface somewhat coherent and with eyes that weren’t half as dead as they were two minutes ago.“‘S friday, need the time off. Besides, I'd kick myself if I didn't make good on your time here. These fuckers still gonna be around when youre gone.” Sometimes you wondered if he was talking more to himself than he was to you. 
You felt a little buzzing in your purse, and you rummaged through it to find your phone. A text from Maria reminding you you needed to leave. “Yeah, you're gonna sit at the bar like a senior citizen while I have some fun?” 
Rising from your seat you searched the room for the last of your things. Notwithstanding the lack of time he had put into making the place home there were still small elements of him scattered throughout that little two bedroom. The fresh flowers in a glass vase on his centre table, framed pictures and art he’d been collecting over the years, small artefacts he’d brought back from his travels. It was so odd, the whole place stood suspended somewhere between home and a place far from it. Familiar yet distant. 
“Hey, they’ve got great drinks.”
He finished the last of his tea, and you picked up his mug and set it in the kitchen sink, running it under the tap water for a quick second to rinse it. Truth be told, you just wanted to sit and chat, and if half heartedly doing the dishes was going to give you a few more minutes with him you’d take it.“Don’t get too excited old man, I'm not driving us home.”
“I can take a few cariño, ‘m not like you.” You travelled to where you’d dropped your heels. 
“Slander.” pausing momentarily in the middle of putting on your shoes you lifted your head to find him looking back at you. His eyes had seemingly followed you all the way behind him, and he was still smiling. Had you not had one hand on his couch holding you in place you just might have tumbled over.  
“You be careful tonight, and don’t walk anywhere alone, especially if it's past ten. I know you– can't even read a damn map, so no wandering around, call me.” It looked like he had already given up on you, one hand rushing to his face to rub his tired eyes, the other plastered to the table. He was shaking his head the way he did when he caught you sneaking out your house one summer. 
“I’ll think about it.” of course you were going to call him, you didn't need an excuse. But you liked to see him all agitated, bossing you around like you knew he liked to do. With everyone, that is.
“No no, you're gonna call me when you get there, and you're gonna call me when you leave, and you're gonna tell me exactly how, and with whom you're gettin back.” You were already at the door, hoping to escape him, but he was yelling your name in that exasperated voice, and you heard him shuffle from his seat to stand up– catch you and drag you back in case that was necessary. 
“But-” Turning to meet his peering form over the wall of his living room you parted your lips, attempting to protest, playfully, but still protest, but he wasn't having any excuses. 
He was doing that thing where he looked at you with his soft eyes, slightly downturned, and the look could convince you to do just about anything, made you feel like you’d rather die than let them down. Anybody else’s nagging would have got you on your last nerve, but you only felt warmth, concern and care when he did it. Hell he could throw you off his roof and you’d still think the same. 
“No buts, no excuses. Thats final” You giggled, half because he sounded so much like a boring old man, and half because he was now leaning against the wall, with the top buttons of his shirt undone, and his hands on his hips, hair dishevelled from when he’d combed his fingers through it. 
“You sound like him..” With brows raised you looked at him expectantly, taunting him with your teases, and you nearly jumped out the door when he walked towards you, ready to grab you back to him as you escaped. Any insult was better than being compared to your dad, especially in this context. “Don't you say that, cariño” He was laughing, and you were laughing, and his otherwise quiet apartment building was now singing with an uncharacteristic gleam, a glow, a gaiety. 
Your shoes clicked against the floors as you scurried away, turning one last time to see him leaning against his door frame, shaking his head as he watched you skip into the night. “I don't make the rules old man”. You heard him chuckle behind you as you ‘sing songed’ your words, your heart fluttering when you noticed he waited for you to get outside before he closed his front door. 
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
And, baby, now you do
“Thought I told you not to wander around alone, cariño.” You jumped, but it was too late, he had wrapped you up in his arms, and you were pressed up against his chest, and his voice was a low whisper in your ear. And you were dizzy. The alcohol in your system only partly responsible for your petrified squeak, wavering voice, and the way you swayed gently in his embrace. But when he kissed the top of your head ever so gently you could only giggle, recognising that warm hold, that faint smell of whisky on his shirt. 
“Psycho, you scared the shit outta me.” He was laughing when you turned around, exhausted, defeated almost, but his eyes were gleaming in the moonlight, and you felt yourself all but swoon at the way he was looking down at you.  “You’re lucky I'm the only psycho you ran into” Grabbing your face in his hands each word he spoke was punctuated with hyperbole, and a teasing disbelief. Your own hands shot up to grab his, and your cold palms thawed at the touch. You were sure you felt your heartbeat in your throat when his thumbs brushed the swell of your cheeks, you were sure he could feel the way they grew hot under his rough hands. “Just came out for a smoke, don’t go into cardiac arrest now” your fallen cigarette crumpled under your foot when you stepped on it, and in the midst of your eye roll you watched as he stepped back to look at you in faux disapproval. 
“Look at ya’, terrible.” He motioned his head towards the trampled butt on the ground below you. “Me? Terrible?” When you closed the distance between the both of you you stepped on it again, hearing it crush under your shoes, and shoved his shoulder playfully, poking his chest with your pointer finger. “Drinking on the job again old man?” Then he laughed again, this time at your playful yet truthful accusation, and the sound made you feel lighter than a feather. How could one person be so charming, so charismatic, at one in the morning? Like he was divulging a trade secret he raised his brow. “Keeps me awake.”
The blaring music in the club was muffled in the distance as you walked towards the steps of the church in front of you, the quiet and empty street echoing your footsteps. He walked beside you, kept you close on that pleasant summer night. When you turned your head your eyes caught a group of men huddled by a small food stall at the side of the street, hunched over some beers, smoking cigarettes. In the crowd there were two familiar faces. Steve was dressed casually, Carillo and the others in military fatigues. You wondered why he wasn’t walking in their direction, but judging by the look on their faces you concluded there would probably be a better time to do so. Besides, you weren't complaining, he was enough, he always was. 
They shot you a half hearted wave, and two strained smiles from across the road. 
Taking a seat you pat the stone ground beside you, watching as he looked around, almost willing someone to come into sight, one foot on the steps leading up to the cathedral entrance, wringing his hands. “What’re you doing here anyway?” You wondered what he had done that evening, but you knew you were better off not asking. You were glad to have bumped into him, and the last thing you wanted to do in your giggly half tipsy mood was have him explain something you were sure would keep you up at night. Not when he had that look on his face, his work look. 
“Waitin’ on an informant, but someone fucked up and well, we’re back at square one.” he was still searching the street when he bent down to sit beside you, so close your knees bumped. 
You felt your heart race a little when he pulled out what looked like a joint he had rolled moments ago from his shirt pocket, when he leaned back on his arm, lit it and looked up at the sky as he took a drag. You wondered if in your little emotional panic, your worry of his disappearance you had blocked out the memory of his striking, handsome face. You wondered if he had always been this beautiful, this captivating, everything he did set you on fire, the way he carried himself. 
“Smoke a lotta weed for a DEA agent.” 
He turned his head towards you, letting it fall lazily in your direction, and his hair fell in his face the way it did all those years ago, and he shot you that smile that felt like home. “Been a long day cariño”. He was looking back to the sky, but your eyes didn't leave him. He looked so tragic in the moonlight, half lit by its platinum glow. You weren’t sure if it was the liquid courage, or the fact that his shoulder looked more inviting than ever, or the fact that a cool breeze just blew by, and you shivered as it brushed your shoulder, but you leaned your head against him, and you felt your tummy erupt with butterflies when he placed a lingering kiss to your forehead. It was forbearing, and merciful, and you wondered if he had somehow noticed your girlish fawning, your silly admiration, and your heart dropped momentarily, but was soon resuscitated by his soft laughter. 
“Remember those cigarettes of mine you'd steal back in the day.” The breeze had picked up, and it’s cool was far more jarring when it kissed your hot cheeks. “‘S’not stealing… you knew.” you closed your eyes, and let yourself get lost in that comfortable memory. “yeah , could've told your papa” He was looking down at you, but you kept your eyes ahead, too intimidated to meet his gaze. 
“Should’ve” His voice was a mumble beside you, and you found yourself thinking about your dad for the first time in a while, and you were instantly reminded the man you were so taken up by was his best friend, and almost twice your age, and saw you as nothing more than his buddy’s daughter. You stiffened against him. 
He took another drag of his joint. “If he was here right now his blood pressure would be through the roof”. A cold breeze tickled your skin, and he rubbed your shoulder gently and despite the murmured chatter in your head you couldn’t help but melt into his touch. 
“Darling, I can't believe you've been out this long.” He was laughing, and his horrible impression had you in a similar state. Conflict bubbled in your chest, each word slipping past his lips reminded you of your relationship, of your dad, and what he would think if he could peek inside your head, at your little thoughts. You felt guilty, but how could you hold that feeling? Not when he was shaking with joy beside you, not when he had his arm around you the way he did, not when you were tucked into his side, shielded from the winds. 
“You smell like a dingy bar” It felt so natural, your regular routine, the way it had always been, when your dad would say something funny, or outrageous, and the both of you would have a field day. It was well incorporated in your repertoire at that point, but the years apart had the memory sitting on a shelf in your brain, collecting dust. You remember when your dad made a terrible joke the day of your senior prom, and the two of you refused to let it go the entire evening. Javier had a vocabulary of his favourite phrases, and so did you, and you couldn’t help but pull them out every once in a while. 
“How am I going to survive you?!” You spoke in tandem, each letter dragged out with faux frustration, an uncanny similarity to your dad’s tone ringing in the air as your blended voices formed a familiar melody. It hung between you as he laughed heartily, and you wanted nothing more than to frame the moment, keep it tucked away where it would be yours, only yours forever. The starry night, a twinkling sky above you, the chirp of the crickets,  and perhaps your most treasured person, holding you against him. 
You wondered why he left, why he left you behind. Did he feel the same as you did in that moment? Was he happy to be there? To have caught you on your night out? After he’d called off his wedding all those years ago he’d become a rarer sight. You were too young to remember, and it wasn’t long after your parents got married. Growing up in your little town you’d heard he always had a reputation with women, but you never believed a word of the neighbourhood chatter. 
They were not the same person– the guy everyone talked about, and your Javier. While you’d never give him a break from the teasing, bringing up all the times you’d run into women in the streets, asking if you’d seen him, you could never really imagine him as the man everyone made him out to be. He was reckless, sure, and impulsive, and insolent, and a hardass, but he was also gentle, and thoughtful, and gallant.
At least he was to you. 
As if he could hear your thoughts, and they were so loud in your head you wouldn’t be surprised if he could, he broke the silence. “I wanted to come back cariño, but-” 
“But you couldn’t, I know '' There was no point going over what had happened and why, and while you incessantly wondered you knew it was a fruitless exercise. It was just how he was, he liked to up and leave, disappear, keep his distance, and you wondered if that had anything to do with you. But you didn't want to kill the moment, more for yourself than for him. 
“Glad you decided to come, cariño” It was like he was trying to convince you, of what exactly you weren't sure, but he sounded so earnest, so true.. and you felt deep down he was trying to make amends for his absence. Not just from you, but from the life he left behind. Were you an exception? Or a way to right his wrongs? mend all that had been pushed aside? You didn't know, but you’d worry about that later.
The winds had picked up, and the sky was gleaming, and for the first time in a long time you felt at peace. 
“I like it here, it's nice.” When you spoke he was almost surprised, but your words seemed to only widen his grin. He squeezed your shoulder gently. 
“Me too baby, me too.” 
Singin' in the old bars
Swingin' with the old stars
Livin' for the fame
Kissin' in the blue dark
Playin' pool and wild darts
Video games
He holds me in his big arms
Drunk and I am seeing stars
This is all I think of
“Looks like they knew you were coming.” You swivelled the bar stool in your direction, hopping up on the seat. It was early in the evening, around seven, but the music was already going, and there were people on the dance floor, moving to the beat of retro spanish tunes. Javier took a seat beside you, still in his suit from work, shirt haphazardly tucked into his dress pants, tie loose around his neck. 
“Why?” the bartender placed your drinks on the counter, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the fact that he’d stuck to his whiskey on the rocks. “They got the oldies on”. You were giggling, and while he wanted to pretend like he was far too tired to care about your antics he couldn’t help but crack a smile. There was a charm to it– catching a break at the end of the work week, the tranquillity of the weekend enveloping you like a safety net. One of you that is. 
Friday night was busy at any joint, buzzing with nightlife, food and drink. Somewhere along the way you’d gotten up from your seat and headed to the large empty space in the middle of the bar, where tables and chairs had been cleared to create a somewhat makeshift dance floor. Javier was right, while he sat sipping his whiskey you found plenty of dance partners. 
It was all easy, getting passed from one person to the other as the group formed a large circle. It was like you had disappeared into the crowd, bodies moving left to right in the dim green glow, only occasionally giving you a glimpse of the man sitting at the counter– face rested in his palm. Ask him to dance. These urges of yours were momentary, little private lapses of judgement that would only remind you of what was just not possible. 
When he’d take you out back in the day he’d have some minor injury to blame for his lack of participation on the dance floor, and when he didn’t he was “a terrible dancer” or “had too many drinks”. After a while you stopped asking. You realised you’d never really seen him dance. 
You had grabbed the hand of a stranger, letting them twirl you around– Javier was looking in your direction. For how much fun he liked to have you had come to recognize hardly any of it involved other people. Weddings, birthdays, barbeques. He was there. However, you’d always felt he looked at it as an obligation. A hi to the bride and groom, a bouquet of flowers, some meaningless small talk and he would disappear out the door. When he stayed it was solely in the company of a few familiar suspects– your dad being one. While he was often the subject of conversation, he was a pretty reluctant conversationalist. 
It was hot, and muggy, and if someone asked you where you were in the room you surely couldn’t place yourself. Forcing yourself out of the chatter in your head you looked up, noticing finally that your partner hadn’t changed in the past 10 minutes. 
He was looking down at you quite sweetly, he was actually quite handsome, your age, but he didn’t have a white button up on, didn’t have that sideways smirk. He wasn’t Javier. And unfairly, for that reason alone you didn’t want him. But who were you to say no to pretty green eyes, soft, delicate looking light brown hair, a black button up that wasn’t very buttoned up. Neither of you had the confidence to speak up, so you let him sway you side to side, one hand firmly planted on his chest.
You wondered what he really thought of you, if after this little visit he’d be more compelled to come visit, at least spare you a call. Would he disappear once again? Call your dad once in a while and ask him to deliver some impersonal message like ‘say hi to her for me’? You wished you could care less, but you knew you couldn’t, and something inside you told you he knew too. 
A firm arm wrapped around your waist, spinning you in the opposite direction, faces turned to motion blur as you turned on your heel. “Looks like a saved you, cariño.” He was twirling you, holding your hand in his and pulling you into his chest. He hadn’t really saved you but at the same time he had. He could pick you up from a field of lilies and drop you in a medieval torture chamber and he’d still be your knight in shining armour.  
What the fuck are you doing here? You wanted to ask, but you held back. You wondered what had prompted him on the dance floor. Did he think some weirdo wouldn’t let go of you? Had seeing you dance with someone else accomplished a task years of your coaxing couldn’t? You turned back, but the stranger had already disappeared, and Javier was directing your gaze towards him. 
As you had always suspected he was a great dancer, and he sure as hell liked holding you close as you moved along the dance floor. The songs ran over the decades, and he’d often sing lines to you– smiling and pulling you towards him. He looked so handsome, lights reflecting off his face, his smile tired, but earnest, and wide. You almost couldn’t keep up. 
“Danced your energy away?” Picking up the pace once again you twirled around him, unwilling to give in. “No! Why? your back needa rest?” You watched him laugh– shake his head and grab you by the hips. “Sure you didn't cariño.. Can't keep up with an old man?” Voice raw from yelling over the music, you pulled his leg. “Think I heard your knee pop.” His raised brow only aroused suspicion. “Oh really?” Before you could even respond his arm had hooked under your thighs, and his hand was on your back and you were being lifted into the air. “Oh my god!” Your own arms flung around his neck, both your laughs floating between you as he spun around. 
It felt different and not because something in his head had dragged him out onto the dance floor. The way he was looking at you, the way he just couldn’t let go. It hurt your heart more than anything you’d ever experienced. The pain was conflicting– the love ache and the hurt. Did he know how much he meant to you? Did he even care? Something in your heart told you he did but you chalked it up to innocent hope. 
The music slowed down, and you heard emerging from the stereo a familiar tune. 
You’d hum it all the time, so much so it would drive your father nuts. In the kitchen, while doing chores, sometimes as you read by Javier’s side. On the weekend when you woke up early to help cook breakfast it’d be the first song on the playlist. You recall how he’d watch you dance around the kitchen, truth be told rather ungracefully in the mornings– spatula in one hand, kitchen towel in the other.They played it at some wedding once, and your friends had bounded to the dance floor with you just to ensure you didn’t miss a note. You were running so fast you all but collided with him, and he had to catch your falling form as you stumbled towards your best friend, shouting a quick “sorry” as you bounded in her direction.  
He remembered. 
Words were useless when you looked at him the way you did. An expression of surprise, confusion, realisation, all at once, a smile tugging your lips, your doe eyes gazing into his soft brown ones. And his arms were around you, and you were pressed against his warm chest, and you were gently swaying to the beat of the music. 
“Looks like they knew you were coming.” 
It felt like a blip in time, but it would’ve been hours. People came and left, all around you groups of twos and threes and tens, but you stayed, and he stayed. Smiling down at you, holding you tight. You were a little light headed from it all, feet fighting the urge to take a little break. You just couldn’t let go. 
Plopping down on the bar stool you let your cheek hit the cool marble of the counter. Your legs felt like wet noodles, trembling when you finally sat down. You weren't really sure where Javier went, but it felt like an eternity he let you lay there with your eyes closed. Every second was one hundred times longer when he wasn’t holding you. His arm was firm around your waist when he finally helped you out of your seat. You realised he’d been standing only about two metres away the entire time. 
“Let’s get you home, ‘s late.” He had picked your shoes up from where you’d abandoned them, his own blazer draped over his arm– the one you weren’t hanging on to. With closed eyes you let him lead you out into the night, all your weight firmly supported by his broad shoulders, your stumbling feet only stabilised when he tucked you into his side. 
Unintelligible to anyone but him, and muffled by your yawn and cheek pressed against his upper arm you slurred your words as you spoke. “Past your bedtime?” 
He chuckled to himself, placing a soft kiss to the top of your head, his voice a faint murmur– the last thing you really remember hearing.  “Yes cariño, past my bedtime…” 
It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you wanna do
I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?
“You been drinkin’ my whiskey….” He was leaning on the table, waving the glass you left out in the air, holding it between two of his fingers. He wasn’t upset, rather looked quite amused. You rubbed your eyes, making out his smile from a distance.  “Couldn't sleep.” Peering into the room you were staying in you were sure he saw your blankets bunched up on the bed where you had been tossing and turning for hours. Your eyes caught the clock on the wall. 
It had been a long day. Being assigned to a new supervisor proved to be a real curse. He was quite a piece of work. Patronising, condescending, everything in between. If that wasn’t enough he rejected your proposal, and asked you to submit a new one in two days. God knows you had a lot on your mind. 
The kitchen cabinet swished when he opened it, bringing you back to the present. “God, you really are like me huh?” He still had his jacket on, but judging by the look on his face he needed a drink first. The couch dipped as you threw yourself on it, and you turned over its back rest to watch him move around the kitchen. 
“I had like one shots worth, with like a whole glass of water, so not like you.” Curled up under his plush throw blanket you sank into the cushions, eyes following him as he sat down beside you. With a deep sigh he leaned back, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index. “Fuckin’ hell” 
“Long day?” He picked up the joint he’d just rolled from the side table, groping for the handle of the drawer to grab a lighter. “Can say that..” It was just another night for him. You were lucky you heard him pull up outside, and had got yourself to look somewhat presentable so you could see him at least once that day. Granted that involved nothing but putting on a bralette. 
Maybe it was the fact that it was late, or that you had such a shitty day, or that you just couldn’t help yourself anymore, but you leaned against his chest, snuggling into his side as he took a drag. “I would try and talk you out of this job, but I think I've exhausted all my arguments..” You twiddled your fingers, just wanting to melt into him and disappear. 
“I don’t think there’s anything else I could do.” You shivered, his fingers tracing shapes on your upper arm. “Couldn’t do whatever it is you’ve been doing…” redirecting your gaze from your lap you looked up at him. “Sometimes it feels like I can’t either” He was looking ahead, voice low and rumbly, and just what you needed to hear. 
“You’ve got time, got one’ve my lifetimes ahead’ve you” He pulled you closer, head resting against yours. “Don't say that” You poked his side lightly, hearing him chuckle beside your ear. “Oh yeah, now those jokes gettin’ to you?!” 
Stewing in a comfortable silence you let yourself ease into his embrace, willing your mind to shut up for the time being and enjoy his company. The way he was holding you– so much more delicately than he ever had before had your heart clenching. “Tell me your day was better than mine.”
His words cut through the chilled air, and your heart soared at the thought that it even mattered to him. “No, sucked.” to anyone else you would have responded with a simple ‘it was good’, some white lie to avoid further questions, but you couldn’t lie to him, he’d figure it out one way or another. “My supervisor’s an asshole..”
Nothing was more comforting than the kiss he placed to the side of your head.“‘m sorry honey” He offered you his joint– seemingly having deserted his agenda of being a good influence in favour of apparently celebrating your mutual disappointment. You felt your cheeks heat. 
“I've never smoked before.” 
Gasping comically he whipped his head towards you. He tapped your nose with his index, pinching your cheek and giving you possibly the most suspicious look he could muster. At least he tried, because his smile peaked through the interrogative exterior. “You little liar.” The gesture had you jumping to defend yourself. Shifting to meet his drooping eyes you almost knocked him over as you plopped on the couch, letting him wrap his free arm around your waist to steady you. “No, promise!” You leaned your forehead against his, your eyes gazing into his in an attempt to convince him. Despite his disbelief you were indeed telling the truth. 
“Oh really? Been drinkin’ too, trouble.” his hand snaked up the nape of your neck, cupping your jaw. It was then you realised just how close you were to him. Your eyes flickered to his lips momentarily. When you realised he had beat you to the task you were convinced you were hallucinating, or had somehow gotten high off the second hand smoke. In pain, you were in utter pain, unveiled and unprotected– subjected to his piercing gaze. 
Painfully aware of the tension that had settled like a thick cloud over you, your voice came out small and strained, but also hopeful. “‘M not trouble….could be though” 
The tightness in his jaw was something you couldn’t ignore. “Yeah, I know” In a moment of bad judgement, or in hindsight good judgement you decided you knew what you needed to do. You were exhausted of having to wonder. You were exhausted of asking questions, exhausted of his absence. You slung your leg over his thighs, lifting yourself onto his lap Leaning against his firm chest you peered up at him through your lashes. 
“Baby, careful”  You knew this time those words were not for you, you knew he was fighting the urge to gather you in his arms. You could see that look in his dark eyes– hungry, and hot. You could feel him, hard against your cotton panties. He bent down to press his forehead against yours, your noses bumping. “Cariño, you don't know what you're doing.”  His actions were in direct contradiction to his words, his large hands cradling your soft cheek, pleading you to put him out of his misery. But you were selfish, like he had been all those years ago, and you needed him to put you out of yours. 
“You don’t want this, Cariño” He swiped his thumb over your bottom lip. He was doing that thing again, where he was talking more to himself than to you. But couldn’t let him decide what you wanted, because for years you’d let him convince himself you’d wanted to keep your distance to maintain his own conscience– to make him feel better about how he’d disappeared from your life. 
“I know what I want..”  You didn’t mean to, but you were pouting, and despite your best efforts to speak with conviction you couldn’t help but come off a little pleading, “show me, please.” surely he knew you weren’t just talking about the weed. 
His lips ghosted over yours, and you could just about burst into tears the way he was looking at you. He probably noticed the way your chin wobbled, the way your doe eyes blinked away from his. Because in a moment you heard him sigh heavily, painfully, and apologetically all at once. 
And he was kissing you. Soft and slow, and gentle, and benevolent and like everything you’d ever hoped for. He tasted how you’d always imagined– like whiskey and cigarettes and everything in between. Like home. His thumb stroked your cheek gently until you pulled away, glossy eyed and wobbly on his lap. 
“Want me to show you what?” And here you thought his eyes couldn’t get any darker. He mumbled into your lips, voice commanding and steady– everything you weren't. He grabbed the back of your neck and guided you back towards him. Threading your fingers through his hair you let yourself get lost in the shelter of his hold. You felt as though he could pretty much eat you alive, the way his lips were moving against yours– suddenly hot and soft and needy. 
Heart racing you chased his lips with your own, but he steadied you with his hands, amused at your zeal. “Gotten all worked up now have we?” You couldn’t help it, you tried, tried to sit steady in his lap, but you just couldn’t, not when you felt his cock, twitch against your clothed pussy. 
You rolled your hips against his, watched as his head fell back against the couch. The crease between his brows only persuaded you to continue. “Shit baby, tryna kill me?” barely audible, his rasp had you bracing yourself with your hands planted firmly on his chest. You dragged your hips again, leaning down and tugging the fabric of his shirt. He reached for the joint he’d abandoned on the side table, bringing it to your lips. 
He observed you greedily. “That's it, good girl.” His voice had never sounded more strained than it did in that moment, watching you take a drag, eyes glossing over. The praise had your heart fluttering, you’d do just about anything to hear it again. Smoking wasn’t helping either of your causes, because it only made you press your pussy harder against his clothed crotch. This time his hips rose slightly to meet you, and he cursed lowly under his breath. Already unable to maintain control. 
Taking another drag he leaned back, letting you rub yourself against him, eyes screwing shut every once in a while, just like your own. He’d bring the joint to your waiting mouth every now and then, revelling in the sight of you getting more and more desperate with each puff. 
“dirty little girl..” you whimpered at his words. “rubbin’ that drippy lil pussy all over my lap.” You looked down, only to find a dark spot on his grey jeans, for where you pressed yourself against him. Incapable of stopping your movements you continued, relishing how the friction eased the throbbing between your legs. “Yeah? few drags got you all achy cariño, got you squirmin’?” 
He was watching you, and you could make out his intense gaze through your fluttering lashes, his eyes scanning you up and down, then fixing on your face of strained pleasure. “Tell me how good it feels, Cariño” His palms smoothed up and down your thighs, harsh and slow, and exercising all the self control he could muster. It was difficult to answer, a response bubbling in your throat before you were incoherently blurting it out. 
"Feels so good..” whining, you grabbed the fabric of his shirt in your fists, bouncing on his lap lightly to feel just anything against you, you wanted more, lust and intoxication clouding your judgement. “Please, need it, need it so bad” Losing all sense of restraint one of his hands reached for your hips, squeezing and gripping firmly. 
He dragged your already rolling hips against him, sliding you against his clothed crotch to the point you couldn’t help but let your legs fall limp, your forehead press against his shoulder. “Need what?” You could feel the tick in his jaw where it was pressed up against your cheek. 
His hand slipped between your bodies, moving your soaked panties aside to feel your wetness. You shuddered when you felt him against you, grinding down on his hand. “Fuck, look at that. So fuckin’ wet for me babygirl.” 
“Need you inside me, please.” Nosing his neck you pressed a kiss there, mouth falling agape as he rubbed your clit, fingers teasing your entrance, just barely pushing into you.  “Like this?” If your laboured breaths were any indication you couldn’t take it much longer. 
You wiggled your hips, trying to bear down on his digits, but he pulled away only to squeeze the inside of your thigh. ““Gettin’ to you already? use your words baby” he was taunting you, your little ‘no’s making him smirk against your shoulder as he went back to sliding his fingers along the cut of your pussy. “What do ya’ want me to do to you? Tell me babygirl.” You knew the sweet talk was only meant to encourage you, and while it worked you couldn’t help the way your cheeks burned when you replied. 
“Want your cock inside me. Want you to fuck me.. please … need it” 
Now that he listened to, fingers pulling away and tapping at your lips. When you gazed down at them you could see how wet you really were– having drenched them in the little while he’d had his hand in your panties. Obeying you parted them, letting him slide them into your waiting mouth, sucking gently, the taste of yourself heady on your tongue. “Good girl.” Even though he looked quite composed on the outside you still noticed the way he swallowed thickly when your tongue ran along his digits. 
“Want me to fuck the cute lil pussy?” you shook your head vehemently, and he chuckled at your enthusiasm. “That's my pretty baby.” he kissed you like he wanted to devour you, frantic, and urged, voice so rough it came out almost like a growl. His hands roughly grabbed your hips, flipping you to lay back against his couch. In a moment your sleep top and bralette had been discarded, in a pile on the floor alongside your shorts and his own clothes. 
Slotting himself between your legs you looked down to where his fingers were tracing the inside of your thigh. You gazed up at him, upper body lit by the dim orange light of the side table, broad shoulders slumped as he admired the sight of you– on your back, in nothing but your panties, all for him. As he slowly pulled them down your legs, he sure seemed to relish the way the fabric of your cotton panties clung messily to your wet pussy.  
“Poor thing, just need someone to take care of you don’t you?” It was less of a question and more of a declaration, and undoubtedly it made you feel open and weak. How could you not feel that way? There you were laid out in front of him, every part of you exposed, his toned torso being the only part of him you could really see thanks to the half lit room. It felt like if he looked just a little closer he’d be able to see right through your naked body– and into your scrambled thoughts. 
His index teased your dripping hole, briefly dipping into you and coming back to rub soft circles on your clit. Gasping, your fingers flew to grip his wrist when you felt him slide his cock against your cunt, tip teasing your sensitive nub ever so slightly. “Relax babygirl, be good for me.” Bringing your hand to his lips he peppered your knuckles with kisses, willing you to ease into the cushions as he draped himself over your body. He grasped your face in his palm, kissing his reassurance against your forehead as you felt him line himself up with your leaking entrance. 
You mewled at the stretch of him, at how hot you felt against him as he eased himself into your soft pussy. “Shit- so fucking tight-” his stopped for a second, like he was willing himself not to split you open with one quick snap of his hips. “can barely fit my cock in this lil pussy.” Leaning in your lips searched for his. He let you melt into him, fingers brushing against your side as if to calm you down. 
It was so much– his weight on top of you, his hips slotted between your thighs, forehead pressed against yours. You could feel every pulse, every throb, every ridge of him inside you, nudging those spots you could never reach yourself– and he wasn’t even moving yet. 
When he did start moving you couldn’t help the whimper that slipped past your lips. Your fingers digging into the flesh of his biceps, pulling him closer. You needed him, pressed up against your rising chest, holding you. “I know cariño, I know.” His right hand squeezed your waist, “Feels so good doesn’t it? Yeah feelin’ all full?” 
His voice was so sweet, like honey, warm and sultry in your ear. You nodded a quiet ‘yes’. He cradled your face in his palm, nose nudging yours gently. Mumbling his own rhetorical “yeah?” he kissed the underside of your jaw. For the first time he felt as close as he physically was, big and thick inside you. 
You were drowning in his arms, enveloped by them, cocooned in a bubble of heat, and low breathy sighs, and his lips ghosting over yours as he thrust into you– hard, but slow, and deep.  “That’s it, just like that–” he picked up his pace ever so slightly. “Such a good girl.” His words were gruff, and stuttery and his breath tickled your ear whenever he spoke. 
Feeling the drag of his thick cock against your pulsing walls your eyes struggled to focus on him above you. He on the other hand seemed to have no trouble fixing his gaze on your trembling form. “Makin’ me feel so–” he brought his thumb to brush the swell of your cheek, “fucking good, baby”. Your head buzzed at his praise, burning face turning to rest in his palm. 
With your back lifting off the soft cushion you reached to pull him impossibly closer, wiggling your hips to meet his thrusts. “More, please, please.. Want it” you couldn’t recognise your voice, not when you were begging him, watching his eyes twinkle. “Yeah? Need me to fuck this pretty pussy harder?” you nodded– feeling embarrassed enough at his smirk of surprise to hide your face in his neck, but not enough to stop begging. Another soft “please” barely falling from your mouth.  
Rising slightly he grabbed your hips, holding your thigh against his side. Your tilted hips granted him a whole new angle, and before you knew it you were throwing your head back, letting it fall against the upholstery. “You want that, don't you baby? Need me to stuff you full of my cum?” You could only respond with your sounds of pleasure. 
He pushed you against the cushions, hovering above you to drive himself deeper, watching you turn into a moaning incoherent mess– your whimpers and whines bouncing off the walls and only exhilarating his pleasure. “That's right cariño, I gotcha’” one hand squeezed the flesh of your hip, then travelled up to brush against the exposed column of your throat– fingers tracing your skin before he was leaning down and placing sloppy kisses against you. 
“gonna fuck this pretty pussy till she’s dripping with my cum.”
He must have noticed that dumb, hazy look in your eyes when propped himself back up, still fucking you till your hips pressed into the sofa’s cushions. “Fuck, nothin in that head of yours huh?” You made out his smirk of pride as you jostled around, trying your best to keep your eyes on him as he moved above you. 
It was far easier said than done. Not when you could feel his cock against your throbbing walls, could hear his scruff groans whenever he felt you clench around him, not when he was looking down at you with his furrowed brows, and sweat gemming his hair– which’s curls had been ruffled out of place from when you’d ran your fingers through them. 
Especially not when he shifted ever so slightly, and you felt his tip brush that sensitive spot inside you you didn't even know you had. Javier cursed above you, feeling you squeeze his cock. “that the spot huh babygirl?” he watched the way your eyes fluttered shut, face scrunching in pleasure as he hit it over and over and over again. 
Your head lulled from side to side, your body in overdrive and completely overwhelmed at the sensations. That was until he was cupping your cheek in his palm, tilting your face in his direction. “Use your words for me.”. But you couldn’t, parted lips struggling to form anything coherent besides soft, little whines. 
His hips snapped in a deep, slow thrust. “Say it..” Your eyes were barely open, and you reached and tried to grab him closer, but he stayed above you, unwilling to budge as he slowed to a complete stop– waiting for you to voice your needs. “Yes-”
He mumbled against your lips, nipping, and kissing. “Good girl, my good girl.” To that you nodded, back arching as he drove you closer and closer to the edge.  Every part of you singing at his touch– how he kneaded and squeezed your hot flesh. 
The coil in your belly only tightened and tightened, and you suddenly felt too vulnerable, too exposed to meet his hooded eyes. Turning your face to the side you let the plush throw blanket hide your hot cheeks, burying your face in it. “Look at me, wanna see your pretty face.” It was an instruction. One he expected you to follow like all the others. 
You didn’t think he’d notice that hitch in your breath, the way you did the opposite and smashed your face against the soft fabric. It was all too much, and he was fucking into your soaking pussy, and his hands were roaming your body, and you could feel his skin brush yours, and you were dizzy, and overwhelmed and you could scream and–
And he was slowing down again, just enough to where he kept you on that edge, to where you could savour every bit of him inside you. – “Cariño, look at me..” God he sounded so tender, coaxing you out of your daze just enough to the point you shook your head ‘no’, whimpering and turning only further away from him. 
He kissed your cheek, cooing at your overwhelm. Not to mock you, rather he sounded quite endeared, prideful even. “Baby” Nudging his nose with yours you felt his thumb rub soothing circles against the apex of your cheekbone, urging you in his direction ever so slightly. Your eyes fluttered open, just barely, only to find him smiling down at you. 
“There’s my girl.” 
“Need you to look at me when ‘m fuckin’ you.” He held your face in place as his hips met yours, slow and languid. No part of you was left untouched, his kisses adorning every inch of your exposed skin, lips coming to press against yours every now and then. It was like he could see through your nakedness, and the thought terrified you to no end, made you feel small and defenceless, and had your sensitive cunt squeezing his cock.  
“You close honey?” When you nodded your nose bumped his, and he laughed before he was kissing you gently. He brushed the sweat from your brow, voice so mellow yet in control. “Cum for me baby-” You felt him deep inside you. So so so close. ”Wanna feel you cum all over my cock” 
It rolled over you, slow and intense and deep, in waves. He held you close, cooing at your trembling frame, holding you against him. “'M here cariño, I gotcha, just like that.” Groaning, he watched your eyes struggle to remain open, rolling back into your head as he fucked your throbbing cunt. “That's my pretty girl.” 
His own hips stuttered, thrusts becoming sloppy as he neared his release. Still experiencing the aftershocks of your orgasm you felt him fucking into your warm, pulsing pussy. You felt his cock twitch inside you before he was filling you up with his cum, a strained curse slipping past his lips. 
Ears ringing you registered him catching his breath above you, but it was all too hazy for you to make out. All you really knew is that he hadn’t let go of you, hadn’t abandoned you on the couch to smoke a cigarette or pour himself a drink, instead he was peppering your face with little kisses. “ ‘m so proud’a you cariño– did so well for me.” 
Pulling out he slid his hand under your back, flipping you over so you were snuggled into his chest. The cold air from the open window could barely touch your skin before Javier was throwing the blanket over you– keeping you warm, close. 
You were still in your daze, but even as you lay on top of him, drifting in and out of a deep slumber you couldn’t shake the worry that when you opened your eyes he would be gone. 
That he would have traded you in for the comfort of his bed, or worse would have disappeared into obscurity once again. The thought only stung more as you felt his cum leak out of you, mixing with your own to drip down your thighs obscenely. 
You never really knew if he regretted it, if he wanted you for sure, if he liked having the weight of your body against him. Flinging your arms around his neck you tugged him impossibly closer, burying your face in his neck. A silent plea to stay where he was. You didn’t care if you seemed needy, or clingy or pathetic. 
It was like he knew somehow, like your thoughts floated to him after you’d thought them. And as always there was no explaining to do, no questions to answer, nothing to say. His embrace was safe, and secure, and unwavering. “close those eyes for me cariño mìo” He planted a soft kiss to your nose, his arms tightening around you, palms rubbing soothing circles on your back. “‘m right here babygirl, not goin’ anywhere….”
You did. And he didn’t. 
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
And, baby, now you do
Now you do
Now you do
Now you do
Now, now you do
Now you do
Now you do
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I would also like to add that we are engaging with this concept solely in the realm and interest of fiction. This type of situation is a huge red flag. While the reader is seemingly consenting and enthusiastic there is a huge power imbalance between her and Javier. He has also known her her whole life and has been a significant part of her childhood. Engaging sexually or romantically in a relationship like that is creepy gr*omer behaviour. I used their past as a narrative device because this isn’t real, but please be aware of your media consumption, and that dynamics between characters in fic are vastly different from what is healthy, and ethical in real life. 🫶🐝💗
I really hoped you lovelies enjoyed it!! Please let me know what you think, I'd love to hear it! Thank you to everyone who reblogs my work, you keep me writing. Dividers and banners by @ saradika 💗🐝✨
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psychedelic-ink · 11 months
ㅤjavier peña x plus size f!reader
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genre: smut, strangers to lovers/fwb, minors dni
word count: 4.5k
summary: it's the 80s. when the dig you've been working at has to take a short break due to escobar and politics, you decide to wait it out at medellín. while hitchhiking, a charming stranger pulls up.
warnings: mild weed usage (reader), car sex, nipple play, dirty talk, dry humping, age gap, piv, creampie, unprotected sex, brat taming if you squint, some weight-related insecurities if you squint but mostly she's just vibing and living her life
a/n: i would really consider writing more of this so please let me know what you think! a special shoutout to @inklore because i feel like i wouldn't think about hitchhiker smut on the bus if it wasn't for her fic roadside delight which all of you should go and read rn because it's amazing, ily bby 💗
**dividers by the amazing @saradika xx
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Raindrops land sparsely over your skin, most of the wetness caught over your cheeks. Sliding down your neck, they sneak beneath the sweetheart neckline of your olive green dress. The skirt dances with the wind, teasing the inner curves of your thighs as it playfully flutters in your wake. Despite the rain, it’s still warm. However, that doesn’t stop the chill of the gray clouds from settling over your skin. With a deep sigh, you lift your thumb once more. 
You have no idea how long you’ve had your thumb sticking up; maybe it’s been only ten minutes or an hour, regardless, you’re frustrated and want the wait to end. 
Some cars had slowed down but upon seeing the men that were driving, you had quickly hidden your thumb away. You knew what they were thinking. Thanks to the rain, there was only little left to the imagination. The dress that already hugged your breasts and hips hugged you even tighter now, the fabric almost sheer as it exposed your tight nipples. You should’ve brought a jacket with you but honestly, how were you supposed to know it was going to rain today? 
“Fucking hell,” you mutter, pushing your wet hair away from your neck in frustration. Not a single car in sight after what you thought had been at least ten minutes of waiting. Clicking your tongue, you reach into your bag, retrieving a lighter and a joint thoughtfully rolled by one of your colleagues at the excavation site. It was greatly appreciated since you weren’t the best at rolling. 
Taking a drag, you sigh, the smoke mingling with the misty air. The excavation site had declared a short break due to some unforeseen issue related to the escalating Escobar problem in the region. It's hush-hush among the team, but you've caught snippets of worried conversations about increased security concerns and the need to lay low for a while. 
Your shoulders relax as the smoke swirls in your lungs, your body now feeling rejuvenated instead of cold under the rain. In the distance, you hear the soft hum of a car approaching and narrow your eyes as you look at the distance. Your eyes light up when you see a car approaching and this time, no matter who’s in it, you promise yourself you’ll just get in. 
The cigarette still between your lips, you lift your thumb with enthusiasm, taking a step further into the road, you giggle slightly thinking you might just as well jump in front of it to make it stop. You want to get out of the rain, want warm clothes and blankets. 
The car comes to a smooth halt. 
You lean towards the already open window, you quickly pluck the join away from your lips and smile broadly at the dark-haired stranger. 
“Hola,” you say, hoping your accent is decent enough. “¿podrías darme un aventón?”
The stranger gives you a curious look, his lips curl upward, eyes dropping to your cleavage before lifting them back up to meet your gaze. Your breath catches in your throat, chest heaving at the sight of him. He’s beautiful. Dark hair, dark eyes, plump lips. Blinking, you swallow and press your legs together, thankful he can’t see it. 
“Where you headed?” he asks. 
“Medellín,” A timid chuckle escapes your lips. “Did my accent give it away?” 
“A little,” he jerks his head to the side. “Hop in. You must be freezing like that.” 
Grateful, you open the car and slide yourself inside. Warmth immediately envelops you like a cozy blanket and you sigh happily, leaning into the comfort of the seat. “Thanks,” you say, offering your name along with it. “What’s your name?” 
“My name’s Javier. But you can call me Javi.” 
“I think I’ll stick to Javier, I like the way it hits my tongue.” 
He grins, “Do you, now?” 
It takes you everything to ignore the delicious roll of his tongue and how it would feel on your skin. You lift your hand suddenly, the joint visible between your fingers. 
“Is it okay if I smoke this in your car?” 
He looks confused for a brief moment. You notice him taking in deep breaths, sniffing the air, his eyes go slightly wide with realization but then the surprise in his eyes molds into amusement. 
“Go ahead,” he says. “You’re awfully bold to ask that without knowing who I am or what I do. What if I was a cop?” 
“Cops don’t look as good as you do.” 
“I look good?” 
You hear the mirth in his voice and quickly change the subject, “You want one?” 
“No,” he answers firmly. Confusion furrows your brow and his tone quickly softens. “Let’s just say I’m not a fan. And it’s illegal.” 
“Oh, sorry. I can put it out, you don’t have to be nice about it.” 
He thinks about it for a while but shakes his head. “You don’t have much of it left anyway,” The car starts moving and you look at the spot you’ve been waiting at for god knows how long one last time. Good riddance. “So, Medellín, what business do you have there?” 
“No business,” you answer promptly, taking another drag. You blow the smoke out the window, the wind whisking it away. “I’m studying archeology. I was doing research at Ciudad Perdida but we had to take a break for safety reasons. We might still go on so until I get a firm ‘go back home’ I was thinking to wait it out there.” 
“It’s not really safe there either, you know. You gotta be careful when you get there,” he gives you a side glance, eyes moving up and down your curves. Your heart rate escalates and when you press your legs together once more, it doesn’t go unnoticed. “You’re awfully squirmy there,” he says, voice low and all gravel. “You okay?” 
Your veins buzzing, you throw the remainder of the joint out the window. Your head is swimming pleasantly, the smoke loosening your tongue and making you eager to confess all the dirty things you want to do with him. But along with that, uncertainty creeps in. You don’t even know if he wants you that way. He seems older than you. He might’ve just been looking after you and the lust you heard in his deep voice might’ve just been in your imagination. 
“I’m not squirming,” you say quickly. He doesn’t look convinced by your answer, hands tightening around the steering wheel. “How long until we get there?” 
“A couple of hours,” his eyes catch your lingering gaze and he smiles. “There’s a gas station a little ahead so I suggest you go to the bathroom, sweetheart. If you have to go.” 
“Yeah, okay.” 
“You hungry?” 
Your hand wanders to your stomach, you can’t tell if he’s asking because of your appearance or if it’s a genuine question. He speaks up before you can decide. “I’m starving,” he says. “I also need to buy a pack so if you want anything just tell me. I’ll pay.” 
“I have money.” 
He laughs at that, and laughs even harder at your pout, “You’re a student in Colombia, hitchhiking. I doubt you have much,” he shrugs. “Besides, you’re a guest in this country, let me treat you.” 
“You’re being awfully nice.” 
“Am I? I don’t think so.” You see the gas station coming into view. “But mamá always did say I had a soft spot for pretty girls.” 
“You think I’m pretty?” you answer, hoping to have more a sultry tone but your words come out breathless. Excited. 
The car slows, his eyes are glued to your neck, he slowly moves them down. His dark gaze eating you up. You can almost feel it caressing your skin, heating you, and licking over the waterdrops that stubbornly remains on your skin. 
“Don’t say it like you don’t already know.” The car stops along with your breath. He pulls the keys out and leans close, lips almost touching your pulse. You feel his breath on your ear, warm, it coaxes goosebumps to rise across your skin. His eyes trail over the curve of your lips. “Do I make you uncomfortable?”
You shake your head, “No.” 
His lips touch your cheek. It happens so quickly that you feel you might’ve imagined it. The rough hairs above his lip tickle your skin and you instinctively chase the heat of him as he moves away. 
Before you know it he’s out of the car, the patch of skin where his lips touched still burning with delight. Stunned, you touch your cheek with the tips of your fingers. 
Maybe waiting in the rain for someone like him wasn’t so bad after all. 
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You should’ve known it would end up like this. 
Him, to park the car in a semi-remote spot. 
You, to cradle his lap, your dress pushed up all the way up exposing your soft thighs with his hands all over you. 
You should’ve known. 
The soft pitter patters of rain hit the top of the car, you’re too occupied by his mouth to realize the sun had slowly started to peek through the clouds, warming the damp concrete. Javier’s tongue is awfully skillful. He slips his tongue between your lips, licking himself deeper into your mouth, his hands pull at your neckline, exposing your bare breasts. He flattens his palms against them, your nipples tighten against the heat of his palm. 
He breaks away with a groan, “I knew you were braless,” he rasps, dipping to your neck. “I fucking knew it.” 
“And I knew you were staring,” you tease and expose more of your neck. He nips at the tender skin playfully, a shiver runs up your spine. “Here I thought you picked me up out of the goodness of your heart.” 
“Tell me to stop and I will.” 
“No—god, no. I don’t ever want you to stop.” 
And that’s all he needs to hear as he lifts your breasts towards his mouth. He dips his head, swirling his tongue over the pebbled flesh. Your body seizes. Your breath caught in your lungs, burning like wildfire. He twists the other with his finger and you moan loudly. The fabric of your underwear grows damp, sticking to your skin. He sucks harder. The thick outline of his cock rubs against your core, a feeling like electricity shooting up your spine, your head falls and he bites. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—” you whimper, grinding down. Another wave of arousal washes over you, the effect of the weed you inhaled pounding between your thighs.  
Javier glares up at you, “Such a dirty mouth,” he grunts and holds your tongue between two fingers. Your brows furrow with pleasure, the hard denim of his pants growing damp thanks to you. “I don’t like bad girls. And you seem to be walking on the edge of it, sweetheart.” 
“I–I’m not bad,” you whimper, your words slurring thanks to his hold on your tongue. He lifts a brow, unconvinced. You don’t know why you’re hurt by him calling you bad, but you want to make it up to him—why you do, you have no idea. “I’ll. . . I’ll be good.” 
You only nod and he pinches your tongue, pain blossoms over the soft muscle. 
“Promise,” you slur. “I’ll be your good girl.” 
Satisfied for now, he releases your tongue and brings his hand back to your aching nipples. He sucks on one while pinching the other, both sensations making your mind whirl. 
“You like it when I play with your tits, hermosa?” he groans at the way you rolls your hips, pulling away his lips, he starts playing with both with his fingers. Twisting, pinching, and pulling. You’re trembling. A sopping, wet mess. “So sensitive. You think you can come like this?” 
You only moan, your lids fluttering like a butterfly’s wings as you look at him. He smiles, something dark crossing over his handsome features. “I think you can,” he says. “Because you’re my good girl, aren’t you?” 
Slack-jawed, you answer, “Y–Yes.” 
Javier guides the sloppy roll of your hips. His mouth on your neck, he teases the flesh there while mercilessly playing with your tits however he sees fit. Your nipples are so hard from stimulation it almost hurts, Every twist of his fingers prompts a fresh wave of arousal seep into your underwear. Your body is out of control. Burning from the inside out. You’ve never felt it this intense before, never felt your orgasm nearing so viciously. 
His lips hover an inch away from yours, you part your mouth for a kiss but he smiles cruelly, you can smell the hints of tobacco when he speaks, “I can feel how soaked you are, baby. So wet and all for a stranger you just met,” he nips at your chin, gives your nipples a hard pinch that makes you see white. “I wonder if you’d do this with all the others who would’ve stopped for you?” 
“Others did slow down,” you say followed up by an elongated whine. Javier thrusts his hips, the rough denim of his pants catching against your clothed clit. He licks your bottom lip. “But they gave me a weird feeling so I hid away my hand. So. . . I wouldn’t do this with just anyone.” 
“Fuck, preciosa, you’re saying all the right things,” with one hand, he slides your dress up further, fingers teasing your slit. “It’s an honor to have this cunt all to myself.” 
Only then does he kiss you. It’s hungry, depraved. He sucks on your tongue, presses his lips hard into yours. The hand toying with your core moves to your hip, he squeezes your love handle, tugs you down as he thrusts his hips into the air. You cry out and he swallows the wanton sounds that rattle your throat. 
“That’s it, come for me,” he purrs, his hips pressing into yours. You grind down helplessly, aching to feel the hardness of him. Your ears begin to ring. Your body tingling and tensing while the taste of your nearing release stains your tongue. Your eyelids flutter closed, his lips once again drawing an aching nipple into his mouth. He sucks and sucks and sucks—and you finally break down, gushing and squeezing around nothing. You feel the wetness bleeding into the fabric, your legs shaking around where they frame his narrow hips, your head falls over and the soft locks of his hair soothe your burning cheeks. 
Javier is still moving against you. His cock painfully strained against his zipper, coated in your slick. Both his hands drop to your waist, squeezing as he finds your lips, giving you a tender kiss. 
He doesn’t say a word, his hand sneaking between your legs, he slips them under the elastic and pushes two between your folds. You swear you feel his cock throb when he realizes how wet you truly are. 
“Shit,” he breathes out. “Fuck, you really did come. Such a good girl,” he lifts your head by the chin and stares into your eyes, your pulse races again. “Good girl,” he repeats, watching as your lips tighten and eyes go wide. “You feel so good on top of me, making a mess out of these shitty pants. You come so pretty, querida.” 
“Javier,” you moan, your nipples tightening again. 
He pulls his fingers out out and tastes you in earnest, he moans around his fingers, “So sweet.” 
You moan again, the fire between your legs roaring to life. He cups your breasts and pushes them towards you, watching the way your eyes roll, “Let me fuck you in the backseat,” he says, as if you would ever say no to that. “I wanna see this ass bouncing on my cock.” 
No one ever mentions how awkward car sex can be, especially when you need to move around. 
You try not to show it to Javier but you have a sneaking suspicion your face is basically an open book. He slides to the back first, moving between the middle of the front seats. Moving around in a car already makes you awkward, it’s even worse when your tits are out in the open, moving side to side. 
But you guess it can’t be too bad since Javier is staring at them instead of you. 
“Is it bad that I want to play with them some more?” he chuckles.
“Definitely not,” you smile back, the light-hearted conversation gives you the courage to finally move between the seats. He quickly slides to the side, his lips on yours before you can even sit. He strokes his cock through his jeans, tongue dancing along yours, he sucks the air from your lungs. 
“Take off your dress,” he orders, watching, he unbuttons his jeans. You strip quickly, your body already aching to feel him deep inside you. He hums with approval when you’re bare to him, he doesn’t bother taking off his clothes, instead, he slightly pushes down his pants and frees his cock. 
A bead of precome glistens at the head, the head of his cock swollen, a hint of red adding color. He’s thick enough to have your pussy already throbbing. Your mouth waters. Javier wraps a hand around his length and pumps it under your lustful gaze, more precome gathers at the slit, slowly trickling down the side. Your breath hitches when you notice him smiling. 
“You want a taste?” 
You immediately lean down with your tongue out, sucking the tip, you clean him and push yourself further down. Your lips stretch around him deliciously. 
Javier doesn’t allow you to taste him further though, with his hand on your nape, he squeezes, “If you do that I’ll come in seconds.” You look up to him between lowered lashes. “And I’d rather come somewhere else, preciosa.” 
“How do you want me?” you ask, voice horse. 
“On all fours.” 
Again, a bit tricky because you have the constant fear your leg is going to slip and you’re going to fall, but the backseat is comfortable enough for that not to happen. His hands slide up your back and he holds you by the shoulders, bringing you close. His cock pushes between your thighs, parting your folds, your slick wets his cock, making the glide easier. 
“You know,” he says, his voice dropping dangerously. “Anyone could see us right now. Anyone who decides to drive by is gonna see us fucking.” 
You don’t expect yourself to clench at his words but you do, a soft whimper echoing from your lips. You can’t see it, but you know he’s smiling from ear to ear. “Does that turn you on, hermosa?” When you don’t answer, he leans closer, breath tickling the shell of your ear. “Don’t worry, it turns me on too.” 
Pushing the tip of his cock into you, your chest begins to move with labored breaths. He buries himself to the hilt with ease. A loud moan escapes his lips as his hips are snug over your ass. Your elbows give way, your head dropping to the leather sheets. It feels too good, too full, too intense. Your body breaks in sweat, your body fluttering around and clamping desperately around his cock. His hands follow the curve of your back, laying on top of each ass cheek. 
“Love this ass,” he mutters. “Are you alright? Can I move?” 
“Y–Yeah,” you choke out, desperate. Javier begins to move. Slowly pulling back his hips, he slams into you, ripping a moan from your chest. The leather seats creak as he thrusts into you, his pace gradually picking up. Each time he snaps his hips forward, you feel like your world is spinning. He grips onto your hips, his fingers digging into your skin as he pounds into you.
“Come on, sweetheart, push those hips back. Prove to me how good you’re feeling on my cock.” 
All coherent thoughts leave your mind as you surrender yourself to the sensations. You meet his thrusts halfway, your body screaming at how deep he is. Your eyes roll to the back of your skull, your hard nipples grazing against the leather, it adds to your pleasure. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoes throughout the car. He leans forward, his lips brushing against your neck as he groans your name.
You can feel the tension building up inside you, your body on fire. The coil in your stomach tightens, your legs starting to quiver, you gasp his name, barely able to breathe. “Come on my cock,” he commands, licking the start of your spine. Arousal pours between your legs, slick trickling down his cock. “Show me how good you are—” 
You cry out as your orgasm crashes over you, your walls clenching around him. Your breathing is caught in your throat. You roll your hips desperately, begging him to fuck you harder, god deeper—he does. He hammers into you, groaning over and over about how much of a good girl you are. His praise short circuits your brain and another orgasm washes over you, softer this time, but still powerful, enough to have you dripping over the seats. 
Javier continues to thrust into you, chasing his own release. With one final deep thrust, he spills himself inside you, his body shuddering. He grinds his hips, pushing himself deeper until he’s dripping from where he stretches you. You moan his name, your lips moving against the leather. 
Both of you collapse onto the seats, panting heavily as you try to catch your breath. Javier hugs you tight and pulls you up until you’re draped over his chest. You feel pleasantly lifeless, your lids heavy. He strokes your damp hair, fingers grazing over your cheek, he kisses your forehead. The gesture makes your heart swell.
“Mi preciosa, eso fue increíble, fuiste increíble.”
His words were said heavily as if he was barely keeping himself from falling asleep. You smile, burrowing yourself into his neck, you focus on the sweetness of the fleeting moment and not the come dripping out from between your legs. 
“You were the one that was incredible,” you sigh happily. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt that good in my life.” 
“Let’s just say it was a team effort then,” he grins but his smile quickly falters. “How the hell am I supposed to drive now, I need a nap.” 
“We could. . .” 
He sighs, “Sadly, I have work I need to get to.” 
“You never did tell me what you did for a living,” you muse. “Care to share?” 
His grin is back, lips curling mischievously, he looks you up and down. Your body shudders at the heat of his gaze. 
“We were busy doing other things,” he quickly gives you a peck on the cheek and reaches for your dress. “I’ll tell you later.” 
You pout a bit but shrug it off quickly as you take your dress. To each his own. If he wants to keep his job a secret, that’s fine. You just met him after all. And you’ll probably never see him again after you reach Medellín. 
The thought sours your mood. Turns your stomach. You don’t want to think about that. You don’t want to think about the end. You always did get attached too easily. 
With a sigh, you put on your dress and watch as Javier slides back to the front. You still have a couple more hours with him, you might as well make the best of it. 
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The ride had been a pleasant one. You’re pretty sure you talked the poor man’s ear off but he talked a bunch too, telling you about his father, his hobbies—which weren’t a lot—and his dislikes about the city. You had listened with rapt attention, eating up every last detail. But still, you had no idea what he did for a living and refused to ask, not wanting to pry. 
Almost at Medellín, you notice a checkpoint ahead. Your eyes narrow for a better look and groan, these guys meant business, especially when cartels were on the rise. No matter how many times you batted your eyes, you know your bag is going to get checked along with Javier’s belongings. 
“Oh no,” you mutter, prompting Javier’s eyes to shift from the highway to you. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I still have a couple of joints in my bag. If they search it I’m toast. They won’t let me go back.” 
You’re not sure why but he smiles, did he know the checkpoint would be here? Your heart drops and stomach lurches. 
“You’ll be fine,” he says, then he winks for good measure. “Trust me, querida. You won’t get into trouble.” 
You have your doubts but nod and lean back anyway. The car slows down as you approach the checkpoint, and you can feel the tension building up inside you. Javier pulls the car to a stop, and a stern-looking man walks up to Javier. The officer’s gaze lingers on you before turning to Javier. 
“Documentos e identificación.” 
“Hola,” he greets along with a short nod. “Soy Javier Peña, de la DEA. Estamos de paso.”
Your eyes grow wide when Javier shows his badge to the officer, your jaw nearly drops, blood rushing to your ears. You desperately have the urge to shake your head and yank the badge out of the officer’s hands to inspect it yourself. To feel it under your fingers. 
The officer nods and motions to the others to let you through, “Adelante, buen viaje.”
The car starts to move again and finally—finally, you allow your jaw to drop. 
“You’re DEA?” you ask, upper body rising up from your seat, your tone shrill. Javier doesn’t say anything but he does nod, eyes never leaving the road. “Oh my god,” you say. “Oh my god—why. . why didn’t you tell me? I—I smoked weed in your car! You could’ve arrested me at any given point—I. . . I—” I fucked a DEA agent. 
You drop back down, defeated. 
“You don’t need to worry about me arresting you,” he answers, smiling. “I would’ve if you were a threat but. . . I think we established that you aren’t.” 
“A bunch of criminals fuck with agents you know,” you snap, weirdly offended. “Just because we did it doesn’t mean I’m not dangerous.” 
“Do you want me to arrest you, hermosa?” 
Cuffs do sound tempting but you aren’t playing that game right now, “No. . .” 
“Good, we’re on the same page then,” he drums his thumbs against the steering wheel. “My intention wasn’t to trick you or anything. You already seemed miserable under the rain, waiting for that long. I didn’t want to stress you further. And you can’t really blame me for thinking like that when the second sentence you said was ‘do you want a joint’ you would’ve freaked out. Am I wrong?” 
“No,” you say, clearer this time. “I still feel embarrassed though.” 
“You’ll live.” Finally entering the city, he turns to you, meeting your gaze. It’s a bit ill-advised since he’s driving but you appreciate having his full attention. “Where should I drop you off?” 
“I. . actually don’t know. Do you know any good places to stay? A room I can book on short notice?” 
“You don’t have a place to stay?” 
“I’m a girl who was hitchhiking through a country I don’t know. Do I look like someone with a plan?” 
“Fair enough,” he says, eyes turning back to the road. “Well, this is going to sound weird but you can stay with me if you want to.” Before you can answer, he adds. “I have a spare room.”
Saying yes is easier than you thought. 
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𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 - Javier Peña
pedro pascal has me in a chokehold and i'm not gonna apologize for it. take this smut. also, this is basically just a self insert cause i couldn't help myself
Summary: All alone at a bar after being stood up by a blind date, you catch Javier's lustful eye.
Warnings: self insert basically (I'm half Mexican so...yeah, I made reader Mexican too. sue me), alcohol and drug consumption, dancing and leaving no room for Jesus (grinding), SMUT (MINORS DNI), one night stand, fingering, oral (m!receiving), spanking, kinda mean dom!Javi
word count | 4.3k🤙🏻
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You didn’t think your night could get any worse.
First, you get all dolled up just to be stood up by your date, then the friend you came to the club with abandoned you to hook up with some random guy. You hoped you’d at least meet someone here to soothe your bruised ego, but there weren’t any takers or anyone that met your standards. Yeah, tonight seemed like it would be a bust.
Unbeknownst to you, across the bar, Javier Peña couldn’t keep his eyes off you. After a rough day on the job, his partner encouraged him to come to this club to blow off some steam. He was content just hanging out with Murphy, until he saw you. The expression on your face is what caught his eye first, the way you had a permanent frown and look of disappointment. He instantly knew you must’ve gotten stood up, or broken up with. Why would anyone stand up someone as gorgeous as you? He’d never know. He really thought you were. Gorgeous. The way your eyes sparkled in the club lights, the way your lips wrapped around the rim of your margarita glass, leaving a subtle red stain with your lipgloss. Of course, he couldn’t help but notice your attire; a dress just above knee length lined with lace, hugging the form of your torso but flowing around your hips. He followed the curve of your ass down your legs until he got to your freshly pedicured feet that sported wedges that matched the dress. He hated knowing that you must’ve gotten dressed up for nothing.
You were such a stunner, Javier didn’t even register Steve was even talking to him. “Sorry, what?” He tried speaking over the music blaring over the speakers.
Steve only laughed, shaking his head as he took a swig of his beer. “You’ve been eyeing that bird ever since we got here. Just go talk to her, man.”
Javier shook his head, turning back around to face his partner. “Nah, I came here with you. It’s fine.”
Steve gave him an unimpressed look, totally not believing him. “You’re so full of shit. Right now, I know the last thing you wanna be doing is spending time with little ol’ me when you could be chatting up a beautiful woman. I’m alright, thinking about heading home to my woman actually.” He finished his drink and started to get up before Javier could even respond. “Enjoy yourself, you’ve earned it after the day we’ve had. See ya on Monday.” 
“But, I-” Javi’s voice trailed out the farther Steve walked away, leaving him alone and slightly buzzed. He looked back over at you, somehow looking even more pitiful and on the verge of completely giving up on fun. He sighed heavily before chugging the rest of his beer. “Fuck it.”
You didn’t hear the approaching footsteps over the music, getting startled out of your thoughts when you heard a voice from beside you. “Te ves como si te estuvieras divirtiendo.” The man beside you said, his voice straining a little so you could be able to hear him. At first glance, you thought about leaving right away, but once you got another look, this man was actually pretty attractive. He was tall, gruff looking, but his smile was sweet.
You smiled apologetically. “Lo siento, no hablo español.” You cursed yourself for never learning Spanish.
“Oh, no problem. I’m originally from the States, so. You’re not Colombian?”
“Mexican, actually.”
“Ah, muy bien.”
You giggled, taking a sip of your margarita to calm your nerves in front of this very handsome man. “Spent my whole life around Hispanics and never seemed to pick it up. My father is very disappointed in me.” His laugh made a blush bloom across your cheeks, but thankfully the lights in the club were dim enough to make sure he couldn’t notice.
“What are you doing in Colombia?”
“Holiday, invited by a friend.”
“And what brings you to this club tonight? Got a hot date?” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
You huffed. “Well, I was supposed to meet someone here, but he was a no show. I came here with my friend too, but said friend has ditched me tonight.”
His eyebrows furrowed into a frown. “They left you after you got stood up?”
“Oh, no, she wouldn’t do that. I told her she could, but that was before I was ghosted. She’s probably back at our hotel getting dicked down right now. So, I figured I’d stay here a while to give her some privacy or snag someone here for myself.”
“Any takers?” Javier already knew the answer to that, but he wanted to hear it from your mouth.
You sighed with a sad smile. “Nope. I’m completely alone here.”
He leaned in closer to you, resting his forearms on the bar stand. “Well, not anymore. Can I buy you a drink?”
You smirked. “I don’t even know your name.”
He reached out his hand. “Javier Peña.” You closed the gap, taking his course, warm hand in yours. He grinned as you told him your name, as if you just told him the secret of life. “Bonita. Two whiskeys, por favor.” He spoke to the bartender. Oh, this guy was good.
“You’re a bold one, aren’t you?” You giggled.
He shrugged. “Have to be in my line of work. Plus, if I wasn’t, I’d never get laid.” You almost spat out your drink. Well, bold was an understatement.
“And what line of work would that be?”
Javier seemed to hesitate at that, scrunching his face in a frown for a brief second. “DEA Agent.” You nodded in acknowledgement, your expression plain so he couldn’t guess what your stance was. You weren’t running away immediately, so that was a good sign.
Throughout the next hour or so, you both talked each other’s heads off. Each of you telling each other about your work, hobbies, likes and dislikes, even some political stances (the alcohol may have loosen your tongues).
Then, your eyes lit up as a popular Spanish song sounded through the speakers. “Oh my god, I love this song!” You beamed, your body instantly swaying to the beat in your chair.
Javier smiled, stepping away from the bar and extending his hand. “Dance with me?”
“You’re just gonna assume I know how to dance?”
“You’re Mexican, aren’t you?”
“Half.” You chuckled nervously.
He shrugged, grabbing your hand and pulling you off the stool you were sitting on. “You’ll be able to keep up. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle. Promise.” He purred, bringing your hand up to kiss your knuckles. Oh, he was trouble.
You let out a surprised squeal as Javier spinned you around with his hand before getting into the dance. The song was more fast paced, so you both settled on a messy salsa. Javier led you well, laughing off whenever you accidentally stomped on his foot. You had taken a salsa class before, so you weren’t too terrible. But you could tell Javier could’ve looked much better with a more experienced partner. But he didn’t choose someone else, he chose you. “See? You’re not that bad!” He shouted over the music, causing you to grin.
“Well, you’re an excellent dance partner.”
As the energy died down and a slower song came on, you and Javier stepped closer together, wrapping each other’s arm around the other as you started to sway to the music. Your heart thumped in your chest as he looked down on you with those dark, mysterious eyes. He didn’t even try to hide every glance down to your lips or your chest that was pressed up against his. Taking a look around, all the other couples on the dance floor were in similar positions, most making out which caused a blush to form on your cheeks. Javi seemed to notice as he smirked, stepping back to twirl you around, pulling your back against his chest, still keeping up with the beat.
“And what about this song? Is this another favorite?” He spoke against your ear, eliciting a shiver down your spine as you felt his breath fan across your skin.
You shook your head. “I’ve never heard it before.”
“Oh, it’s a great song. It’s about getting to know a woman’s body for the first time.” Your eyes widened. “What she likes, how she likes to be touched, learning if she likes it slow…or rough.” You silently gasped as Javi gripped your hips tightly, pulling your ass against his pelvis, bringing one hand to press against your lower stomach. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the music or maybe it was just you, but you subtly smirked as you grinded back against him, a soft groan escaping from his lips as he tightened his hold against you.
“That does sound like a great song. I bet you know all about that, hm?”
“I am a fast learner.” He growled, running his tongue up the side of your neck, instinctively allowing your head to loll back to rest against his shoulder. You bit your bottom lip to keep in a moan that threatened to escape as his teeth dug in gently. You smiled as you felt Javier’s bulge against your ass, the music allowing you to grind against him without raising any brows. 
“Should I guess what you like?”
He hummed. “If you come back to my apartment with me, you won’t have to.”
You turned back to face him, a bright smile on your face. “Will you be gentle?”
He smirked darkly. “I don’t think that’s what you want, querida.”
The both of you didn’t waste any more time in that dance club. You felt your arousal pool in your underwear as Javier all but dragged you outside to slam you against his car, his lips already brushing against every piece of exposed skin he could find before kissing you roughly, his mustache tickling. You moaned at the intensity of it, not having been laid in a long, long time. But you couldn't get too ahead of yourself, you weren’t at his apartment and you were still in public, but by how handsy Javier was being, you figured it didn’t bother him. “Are we going to your place or should I just take off my panties right now?” You giggled as you gently pushed him away, keeping him at arm's length.
“Sorry. I don’t normally take my time…” He whispered breathlessly, placing a feather light kiss on your cheek.
You smirked. “I have some weed if that’ll make you relax.”
Javier narrowed his eyes and pinched your side playfully, making you wince. “You know, I could arrest you for that.”
“Yeah. But from the hard on that pressing against me right now, you really want to get in my pants. Can’t fuck me when I’m in a jail cell.”
“I can be creative.” You let out a whimper as he smacked your ass hard, groping the fatty flesh through your dress before reaching behind you to open the passenger side door of his truck. “Get in.”
You chuckled at his demanding tone, clearly worked up, but you didn’t have the heart to tease him anymore so you obeyed. You almost flinched as he slammed the door shut, speed walking to the other side of the car and starting the engine as soon as he got in. On the road, Javier extended his hand towards you, palm facing it. You raised a brow in confusion. “The drugs.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Seriously? It was a joke. I don’t have any weed.”
Javier looked you up and down with a glance before a smirk came to his face. “So you wouldn't mind if I search you?”
“Where would I ever hide it? My bra? My cunt?”
“Scared I’ll find some?”
You bit your lip to keep yourself from smiling, shifting in your seat to slightly face him, leaning up against the door as you removed your underwear but keeping your dress covering your modesty. “I’ve got nothing to hide, sir.”
Javier’s eyes darkened as he glanced between you and the road. There wasn’t much traffic, so he figured he could get away with it. He reached his hand over and patted your torso down, reaching further and further until he got to your breasts, kneading the flesh softly until his fingers dipped in past your dress and bra. You sighed out as he roamed your tits, pinching your nipples until they hardened. “All clear?” You teased, squeezing your thighs together to get some friction.
“Not yet. I have one more place to check.” You tried not to shiver as his hand trailed down your body, lifting the hem of your dress out of the way and pushing your legs apart to lay his eyes on your glistening pussy. You could hear a soft growl from him as he slid one of his fingers through your slit, your wetness gathering at your entrance quickly. “Been a while, has it?” You gasped as his middle finger started to press against your clit, heat rushing to your face and neck, contrasting against the cold window your head rested against.
“A bit, yeah.” You exhaled shakily.
Stopping at a red light, Javier’s eyes were fixed on your face as he inserted two of his fingers inside you, watching the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head briefly as your lips parted in a moan. He groaned, curling his fingers rhythmically and trying to stretch you out preemptively. “So fuckin’ tight, babygirl. Squeezing my fingers so hard.” Well, it was hard not to when his fingers were so thick and long. He definitely was an expert in this field, finding that place inside you that always had you panting and whining, which is exactly what you were doing as he paired the thrusts of his fingers with his thumb circling your clit.
“Fuck, that feels so good Javier.” You moaned, holding on to the dash for dear life as you tried not to squirm too much.
“Call me Javi.” A sudden honk of a horn jerked you and Javier out of the moment, the spotlight turned red minutes ago, causing the car behind to lose their patience. You giggled as he cursed in Spanish as he sped off, faster than before, anxious to feel all of you. With his fingers still inside you, Javi hastily parked his vehicle on the street outside his apartment, ripping off his seatbelt to lean over to kiss you sloppily. “You were close before, weren’t you?”
You nodded with a whine, the windows starting to fog with your panting breaths. You held onto his shoulder as he forced you to that peak once more, just the right move to push you over the edge. “Javi, fuck-!” You whimpered, the wet squelching of his fingers moving in and out of you echoing in the truck.
“So wet.” He chuckled darkly. “Gonna come on my fingers, querida?”
“Yes. Yes, Javi!” You moaned loudly, heat taking over your whole body as you rode out that wave of ecstasy on his fingers. Javier groaned as he watched your face contort in pleasure, it almost making him come in his jeans untouched. He grinned as he watched your slick coat his fingers and pool into his palm, pulling his hand away to see your cunt make stringy cobwebs of cum. “All clear on those drugs, agent Peña?” You joked when you noticed his oblivious fixation.
He chuckled softly. “I don’t know. I think you’ll need to join me in my apartment for a further evaluation.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Your hands shook as Javier led you up the stairs to his apartment with heavy and hot gazes towards you, almost to make sure you were following him. Like you’d ever want to leave with the promise of getting laid. He seemed to be antsy like you, fumbling with his keys and having to take a deep breath before unlocking his door. But once you stepped over the threshold, all possible nerves promptly left his body as he pinned you to his wall and kissed you passionately. You whined as his hands wandered until they gripped onto your ass, grinding his clothed erection against you.
“God, I can’t wait to fuck you, hermosa.” He growled before latching onto the crook of your neck with his teeth.
“Then don’t.” You whispered shakily, palming his bulge which elicited a low, deep groan from him, the noise causing a pang of arousal to resonate through your entire body. You wanted to hear more, but Javi grabbed your wrist.
“So eager, babygirl. Want me to make you come again that badly?” He chuckled mockingly when you nodded. He led you to his bedroom, sitting you down on the edge of his bed with his lips latched onto yours. “Wanna feel those pretty lips around my cock.” He hummed as he unbuttoned his jeans. Your eyes widened and mouth watered as Javier took his cock out, thick and long. Obviously his jeans had hidden its actual size, you didn’t know if you’d be able to fit it inside. “Think you’ll be able to take it?”
“I’ve just never had someone as big as you, Javi.” That seemed to make him smirk with pride.
“Don’t you worry. I’ll go easy on you. First, at least.” Javier gently grabbed your chin, tilting your head up to look at him, suddenly feeling intimidated by his domineering stature; but it only turned you on even more. “You wanna suck my cock, princess?” You smiled in reply, licking your lips and leaning forwards to lick up the small bead of precum gathered on his slit, the action making him hiss softly. Making sure to keep eye contact with him, you licked the underside of his cock from base to tip, wrapping your lips around the head and suckling on it gently. “Oh, you’re a tease, huh?” You yelped as Javi grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled harshly, taking advantage of your surprise and shoving his cock in your mouth. You instantly tried to relax, sucking on him until he let out a lovely moan. “That’s it. That’s it…good girl.”
His praises and moans went straight to your core, making you even needier than before. He sounded so pretty. Even if your jaw started to ache, you wanted to keep hearing his breathless noises of pleasure. You made a pretty picture, Javier thought. Your lips and tongue around his cock, looking up at him with tears spilling out the sides of your eyes whenever he hit the back of your throat, your moans of exertion causing a delightful vibration. He wouldn’t last much longer like this. He needed to fuck you. Now.
You gasped as Javier pulled you off his dick, kissing you roughly before removing his shirt, your lips upturning in a smile as you admired his body. “Clothes off and lay back on the bed for me, sweetheart.” He ordered, and you had no problem obeying, might’ve even been a bit too eager, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Your face flushed with heat as his gaze fixed on your breasts, licking his lips and smirking. “Goddamn, you’re gorgeous, baby.” You giggled as he pounced on you, sloppily kissing you while positioning himself in between your legs.
You bit your lip as Javier rubbed his dick in between your slick folds, gasping as the head nudged your clit. “Want you inside me so bad, Javi.” You whispered, one hand cupping the side of his face and the other bracing yourself on his shoulder as he started to slowly push in. Your head fell back to the pillow beneath you with your mouth open in a moan, Javi fully sheathing himself inside your velvety walls.
“Fuck, babygirl.” Javier groaned, his brows furrowed, trying to restrain himself from plowing into you right away. He had a vice grip on your hip, while his other hand was groping your tit. “You feel so good.”
“Fuck me harder, Javi, please.” You whined, canting your hips upwards to try and get more friction, but he roughly pinned you down with his hands.
“Ain’t gonna last long if I do that.”
“I don’t care. Please.” You begged, looking up at him with your best puppy dog eyes. Javier growled as he pulled out of you, flipping you over on your front, head down and ass up, pushing himself back in your pussy harshly, setting a cruel pace. “Fuck!” You groaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your skull in a pleasured haze. He fucked you hard and slow, each thrust making you jerk and cry out every time he hit the ends of you, a loud slapping skin against skin noise echoing through his entire apartment. You’d be surprised if his neighbors didn’t come banging on his door telling you to keep it down.
“You like this better, slut?” He mocked before letting out moans of his own, the new position one of his favorites, that much you could tell.
“Yes. God, yes, Javi!” You started to prop yourself up on your elbows, but Javi pushed you back down, keeping your face pressed against the pillow.
“Keep your fuckin’ head down.” He demanded, grunting loudly with every thrust. “Anything else you wanna complain about, sweetheart?”
“Can you…can you spank me, please?” You couldn’t see him from your position, but he grinned, followed by a couple hard slaps to both your ass cheeks, making you moan in appreciation. You could tell he enjoyed spanking you, since he did it often, your skin throbbing and raw but it felt so good. His grip on your hip he used as leverage started to turn painful as opposed to the pressure it previously felt, just knowing you’d have plenty of marks afterwards, and you couldn’t wait to see the masterpiece of bruises he left on your skin in the morning.
“Fuck, babygirl, you’re making it real difficult to keep it together. I don’t think I’ll be able to last much longer.” You lifted yourself with your arms, trying to turn yourself on your back. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I wanna watch as you come.” You smiled sweetly. Now how could Javi deny you when you looked like that? He allowed you to turn over, then he sat up on his haunches and wrapped your legs around his waist. He looked so fucking angelic from this angle, looking down at you with a pleasure ridden face, the sweat coating his body making him shine, his hair disheveled and a dark look his in eyes. The sight paired with his ruthless thrusts, his cock hitting that sweet spot inside of you, made your second climax of the night get closer and closer, you could almost taste it. 
Javier watched as goosebumps rose all over your body, your nipples hardening and your walls clenching around him tightly, signaling you were close. If it weren’t for how close he was as well, he’d surely have an arrogant smirk on his face from how drunk you were getting off his cock. “You gonna come for me again, querida?”
“Yes, Javi!” You cried, your body starting to shake uncontrollably as the first shock waves of your orgasm washed over you. “Oh my god, fuck, I’m coming!”
Javier let out a strained moan as your walls pulsed around him, soaking his cock and your face contorting in pure euphoria. He couldn’t resist grabbing ahold of your hand, giving you an anchor to ground yourself as you came down from your high, additionally giving him something to hold on to as he started to reach his own climax. “Where do you want me to come?”
“Inside…” You whispered breathlessly. “Come inside me, Javi. I want it. I need it.”
Javier grunted loudly as his warm ropes of cum painted your walls, his muscles tensing and soft whimpers escaping his mouth as he stilled inside you, panting as if he’d just run a marathon. He surprised you by kissing you softly, then your chin, cheek, and finally your forehead. Much more tender than he previously was. You almost whined at the loss of contact as he laid beside you, immediately lighting a cigarette, offering you one, but you politely declined, claiming you had your own. Instead, you slightly sat up in the bed and pulled out a joint from your bag, smirking to yourself as you knew he’d throw a fit.
You took glances over at Javier as you lit up your joint, resisting the urge to laugh as his eyes widened at the smell, immediately snapping his head towards you with furrowed brows. “Are you really smoking grass in front of me right now?” He scolded. “Seriously? You lied to me.”
You smiled. “What’re gonna do? Handcuff me?”
His eyes darkened, setting down his cigarette in an ashtray and leaned over to hover above you.“I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You only replied by taking a puff of your joint and blowing the smoke in his face. You whimpered as he kissed you hard, biting your lip until he broke skin. “You know marijuana is a gateway drug?”
“Oh, shut up!” You chuckled, putting out your joint so you could focus on kissing him. “You really gonna arrest me, Javi?”
He rolled his eyes. “No, just…just don’t do it around me, alright?”
You raised a brow playfully. “Oh, so this wasn’t just a one time thing?”
He didn’t meet your gaze. “I mean, not if you want it to be. I was going to ask if you wanted to, ya know, do this again sometime?” He spoke softly, looking back up at you with a hopeful expression.
You giggled giddily, feeling like a teenager who just got asked out by your crush. The grin that stretched across Javi’s face at your reaction made your heart thump in your chest even faster. “Of course, Javi. I’d love that.”
“Good.” He smiled, kissing you one more time.
You smirked. “Hey, maybe you could use your handcuffs on me next time.”
“Whatever your heart desires, querida.”
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fuck sake
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pimosworld · 6 months
Read it again- part I
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I wanted to start a list of recs that I find myself going back to when I’m happy or sad or just in need of something to distract me from the crazy world we live in. This will be multiple parts so consider this the first installment. These will be old/new/current wips and fics.
Please head the warnings in each fic or series.
Triple Frontier
The devils backbone- @ezrasbirdie
Feed your ego- @whatthefishh
War makes thieves and peace hangs them- @brandyllyn
Messy Pile of Affection Series- @flightlessangelwings
The homecoming series- @astroboots
Awakening Series- @romanarose
Switch to channel 2- @autumnleaves1991-blog
My best friends girl- @tropes-and-tales
Moon Knight
Prized possession- @melodygatesauthor
Third ones the charm-(part I, part II) @missdictatorme
Egg Fried Rice- @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
The Jake problem- (part I, part II) @bensolosbluesaber
For science- @projectionistwrites
Joel Miller
Pink- @netherfeildren
The checklist- @thetriumphantpanda
Trick or Treat- @morallyinept
Meet me in the back- @atticrissfinch
Honey do- @kiwisbell
Take care of you- @theidiotwhowritesthings
Javier Peña
It’s never too late- @javierpena-inatacvest
Paranoid heart- @goodwithcheese
Late night texts- @undercoverpena
D.I.Y.- @swiftispunk
Please comment and reblog the authors works that they pour their time, heart and soul into.
Feel free to leave a comment with your favorite re-read or message me directly to include in future installments.
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Hi! Welcome to my space. Choose something for yourself based on what is right for you. Take a bite! And thank you for your time.
✤ Joel Miller [The Last Of Us]
the black alley - you didn't expect to see him there (+18, smut, angst)
the queen of ice - you got into trouble when the ice broke beneath you, and it wasn't just because of your wet clothes (+18, smut)
the flower guy - someone leaves flowers at your door (just fluff)
the anniversary - he forgot about a very important date for you (+18, smut, angst)
one night, one call - the trip to the bar ended differently than you planned (+18, smut, angst)
toxin - (dark!Joel Miller) your relationship wasn't healthy, something had to change (+18, smut, angst)
sleepover - the house was quiet and you missed each other very much (+18, smut)
Friday night - you were friends who met on Friday night (+18, smut)
patrol - you took a new person on patrol, not everything went as you expected (+18, smut, angst)
small series :
the rash decisions [part 1] [part 2] - a guy at a bar spilled his drink on you, then you made some weird decisions (+18, smut)
broken trust [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [epilogue] - you used to be very close, but he broke your heart, now your paths have crossed again (+18, smut, angst)
✤ Javier Peña [Narcos]
ricochet - you shouldn't sleep with a coworker who also irritates you so much (+18, smut, angst)
archives - you shouldn't have met him there (+18, smut, angst)
✤ Frankie "Catfish" Morales [ Triple Frontier]
blind date - you were supposed to spend a quiet evening, but someone sat down at your table (fluff)
Netflix and chill - he always had your back and you wanted to help him (fluff)
don't leave - it wasn't a nice conversation for you (angst)
✤ Marcus Moreno[ We Can Be Heroes]
tacos - he would like to invite you for a drink (just fluff)
bad day - it was a hard day (just fluff)
✤ General Marcus Acacius [Gladiator II]
the arrangement [part 1] [part 2] - you have to ask General Acacius for help and you know that only one thing can convince him (+18, smut, angst)
the letter - one letter changed everything (angst)
the favourite of gods - you were in the temple when the war came and the man of your dreams stood on the doorstep (+18, smut)
sea shore - your father wanted you to accompany the General, but you didn't want to do it (+18, smut)
✤ Javi Gutierrez [The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent]
boom! - Javi almost hit you with his car, that's how it all started (fluff)
champagne bubbles - a little champagne and the conversation changed (+18, smut)
inhale, exhale - he will help you deal with something unpleasant (fluff, tw: panic attack)
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chaotic-iguana · 1 year
how about a five where Javi rejects the reader, so the reader like gets really sad, but one day Javi hears she is going on a date (is not true, Murphy made it up) and he rushed to her apartment and confesses and reader is like ?? What are you talking about, super angsty but super fluffy? Pleaseeee
Out of time | javier peña x f! reader 
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summary: javi rejects reader. repents like the idiot he is. (i love him) he is a FOOL in love. fight me. 
wordcount: 2.1k
warnings: rejection, angst and fluff, hurt and comfort basically, happy ending. 
A/N: i got you, anon. this promt is the perfect apology for the last one. repentance fr. love u ALL. let me know what you think. also nothing against “hippies” just giving murphy pov. i do however as an indian have a  bone to pick with fake white yoga gurus. it’s gotta be appropriation. 
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Javi had never been heartless before. Never been cruel before. Now, as you pointedly hunched over your desk in an effort to ignore the chortles and cheap jokes that kept sounding from the men crowded around his desk as they all stood around a nameless note someone -you- had slipped onto his desk. 
He laughed boisterously with them, before crumpling the paper in his fist and dropping it into the bin next to his chair. You refused to so much as raise your head and look his way, feeling the crushing wave of heartbreak sweeping through you. It wasn’t until you felt a tear on your cheek that you realised that you had started crying, and so you muttered an excuse about getting some coffee before rushing to the bathroom and sobbing in a closed stall. So much for Valentine’s day. 
It wasn’t until the end of the day, when you saw him walking your way in the parking lot, that you met his eyes. And you could see, with the set of his jaw; the arch of his brows, that he knew. Before you could scramble into your car, he was yelling after you. 
“Is your new hobby being extended to everyone or did I win the lucky draw? Cute note.” 
Oh, that bastard. 
You scoffed, looking him straight in the eye. “Call it a moment of weakness, Peña. Thought I felt something for you, and it was Valentine’s day. Pretty sure all I feel now is rage, you asshole.” 
A laugh from him. “Don’t be like that, hermosa. Let me know if you feel something between your legs for me, alright?”
Scowling, you turned from him and got into your car. You could have sworn he looked like a kicked puppy as you pulled out of the parking. These past few weeks, you had caught him looking at you more often. Finding excuses to touch you more often, too. A hand on your back, fingers accidentally grazing yours, his knee pressed against your thigh in Murphy’s backseat. Fucking idiot. You didn’t even know if you were madder at him or yourself. You know him. All of fucking Bogota knows him. God knows how you were foolish enough to think he felt anything except for between his legs. 
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A few months go by, excruciatingly slowly. It’s as if time itself has decided to fuck with you. You miss his gaze on you, his hands, his smile, him. You’ve been avoiding him like the plague. Stopped looking at him even when he was in the same room, hardly spoke to him even if it was in the middle of a raid, declined Connie’s many many invitations to parties you knew he’d be at. It was just easier to pretend that February the 14th had been a completely normal day. You’re just tired of all of it. It would have been easier not to have said anything at all. 
What you were completely unaware of, however, was that you had a sneaky little shit for a partner. The fact that he had clocked what was going on immediately was completely unbeknownst to you. Both of you pining silently with what Steve dubbed “moony heart eyes”, the radio silence, and the fact that you had stopped talking to Connie just so you didn’t have to show up to her parties? Something had gone wrong. Initially, Steve thought that maybe Javi had made an unwanted move on you - and had damn near scuffed him to death - until he saw Javi’s eyes the next day. Haunted. It seemed that you had managed to take more out of the man than Escobar had. But you weren’t faring much better, either. Irritated and tired and grumbly all the time, refusing to so much as look in Javi’s direction. But you both were pretty much just staying out of each other’s ways, not causing any trouble, so he let it go. For now. 
But then Steve and Javi had to chase a lead down together, and Javi introduced him to an informant who - with a little imagination - looked like your spitting image. The same hair, terrifying similar voice, and a lopsided grin, just like yours. And it clicked. The day that had started it all, and the “anonymous” note Javi had gotten. The idiocy with which you both had handled the situation made him want to run unarmed into a sicario’s den, but he came up with another idea instead. 
Just before a weekend he knew on good authority that you had no plans except for lounging in bed, he started nudging and hinting to Javi the randomest shit about you. Just to reignite the interest. Almost like, you know - bait. 
“Man, her hair looks good. I wonder if she got it done?”
“Hey Peña, d’ya reckon that’s a new skirt? Connie’d kill me if I didn’t ask where from”
“Javi - look - she got her nails done. Before an op? Doesn’t that get a bit…impractical? Hey, I’m jus’ asking.” 
Each time, Steve was met with an irritated eyeroll, scoff, or just flat-out ignored. But around midnight on Friday, he ‘bust out the big guns’, so to speak, making an offhanded comment while jutting his chin out in the direction of your chair. 
“Good thing she left early. Never woulda made it to the date tomorrow mornin’ otherwise.”
Which, instead of being met with the usual options, was met with Javi’s brain almost short circuiting. The sight of his friend, gaping like a fish as his eyes practically bulged out of his head while he stammered out the easiest one-syllable word in the English language is one Steve can never forget. Or let Javi forget, either. 
And so, like the most devious matchmaker on the planet, Steve proceeded to make up some utter bullshit about a boy he’d supposedly seen you around with, one that had apparently asked you out tonight to meet him for ‘brunch’ tomorrow. Just to fuck with Javi, he made the guy from LA, and a tourist. And white. And the kinda hippie who did yoga and spoke about his newly-discovered chakras all the time. 
Javier could feel the blind panic clawing at his chest, his heart threatening to burst. He didn’t know exactly why, but he had hated every single second you hadn’t spoken to him. Laughed at his jokes. Flashed him your smile, even the sarcastic one. He missed your quips and the way you groaned and swore at him when he pissed you off. He’d convinced himself he could live with that. But this? A date with some idiot he knew wouldn’t treat you right? He couldn’t understand his own feelings compelling him to pack up in a frenzy, ignore Steve’s pointed laugh, scramble into his car and drive straight to your apartment. He didn’t even stop to smooth his hair back, or fix the wrinkles in his shirt from slumping in it all day. No, all that mattered to him in that moment was you. Who was he kidding? He knew exactly why he felt the way he did. He’d just been under the illusion that ignoring it would make it go away, but it hadn’t. He had to fix this now. 
Standing on your doorstep, Javi blinked for a second while marveling at how fast that drive had been - he’d barely registered doing anything since he heard the word date come out of Steve’s mouth. Hesitation clamped a hand over his mouth, his body, and he stood frozen, unsure of whether to knock or just turn around. But if not now, never, right? And who knew how long he would live? Wasn’t this a time he should be getting what he wants, spending time with the people he…loves? 
Before he could overthink himself out of doing it, Javi raised his fist and rapped it against your door, twice. And when you opened the door, rubbing your eyes and standing there in your sleep shorts and an oversized shirt, it took a second for his brain to catch up. It wasn’t until you were squinting at him, then stumbling over nothing as your eyes widened that he realised where he was. The hurt on your face in the split second before you moved to close the door had him jamming his foot in the doorframe. 
“Just hear me out, hermosa. I promise if you want me to fuck off after that, I will.” 
After waiting for you to nod and open your door wordlessly, he stalked after you, further into your apartment, stunned by how homely it was. The walls had pictures of you and other people laughing, of art and paintings and sketches that seemed to all have been done by the same person; the sofa was a rich brown leather and the fluffy throw on it just a shade lighter. Everything was carefully coordinated, in color and texture, and he couldn’t help but note the contrast. Some of his stuff was still in boxes. He’d been in Colombia for longer than you, and his stuff was still in boxes. The difference was laughable. 
But when he heard a sniffle from ahead, he found himself walking faster - practically walking into you - before he was planting his hands on your shoulders to turn you around to him, and then gripping the sides of your arms as if they were his salvation. His eyes searched yours, and the heartbreak he found as you tried to look away threatened to make his knees buckle. So he hooked an index finger under your chin to tilt your head up to him, resting his forehead against yours. Moving his thumb to smooth out the furrow in your brow, he huffed at the stubborn frown that refused to budge. 
“I am sorry. I truly am. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know how to react. I want you, and I did then, too. But I just…didn’t think it was real. I swear I thought you were joking at first. It’s why I let the guys see. Then I saw you in the parking lot, and you were actually sad, and I just panicked. I just don’t think I was ready back then. But I swear to God, I can’t bear another six months of the cold shoulder. I love you, you know. I’ve just been too much of an idiot to realise it.” 
For a whole minute, you just stare at him unblinkingly. Then, suddenly, your face crumples, limbs slackening in his grip. He holds you through it, letting you sob into his chest as he coos reassurances and apologies to you until you pull back from his embrace to look at him questioningly once more. 
“Why now?” Your words make Javi smile, and he cocks a brow at you. 
“You really thought I’d let that idiot take you out before I told you how I feel?” 
You look even more confused now, which is confusing him in turn. 
“Wait, what idiot?” There’s no twinkle in your eye - no smirk tugging at your lips. Not a joke. 
“The one who…asked you out?” Javi cocks his head at you, watching your frown deepen. 
“Who?” The absolute befuddlement on your face is on the verge of making him snigger, and he feels his lips twitching already. 
“The-does Murphy know? That you weren’t busy tonight?” His overworked mind supplies the answer to him, and he has never more in his life wanted to punch and hug his other partner simultaneously. 
“Oh, yeah. He asked cause Connie wanted to know if she could come over? I guess she must have gotten caught- oh. Oh.” Javi gives you a moment to reach the same conclusion he did, and both of you end up bursting out in laughter at the same time. 
But Steve was the one with the biggest grin when, come Monday morning, a bottle of premium whiskey and a brand new watch sat on his desk with a little note: 
Well played, motherfucker. 
What is it they say about couples adopting each other’s habits when they get into a relationship? Javi’d picked up your so-called hobbies within a weekend. 
You ended up spending enough time with each other to pick up everything else, too. Call it cliché, but atleast you weren’t boring. Or, you know, going on dates with imaginary guys that existed only in Steve’s extremely limited imagination. Win-win. 
hello loves, as always - thank you for reading. comment your thoughts or find me on ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! taglist: @imherefordeanandbones @theywhowriteandknowthings, @josephquinnswhore,@millerscoffee, @ nostalxgic, @sscorpiiiio, @pedrosaidsheispunk dividers by @reveriesources
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romanarose · 6 months
Such a Needy Little Thing
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Javier Peña x Fem!Reader
Join my taglist : Masterlist
Summary: Javier and his boots. That's the fic.
Warnings: Rough, but lots of communication and consideration for reader. use of daddy and kitten that made me cringe a bit XD (i kept thinking of NOT NOW KITTEN, DADDYS BUSY!), mildest of petplay but like not really? Insinuated PIV and smut latter. ending can infer use of belt or not . Boot riding, humping, licking, boot on coochie.
Immersivity: Reader is fem, dresses very feminine. Mentions of hair but I think it's inclusive of all hair types, if not just lmk.
700 words.
Javier threw you by your hair onto the floor and slammed the door behind you. You tumble onto the rug, one he picked out especially for you. He spent hours finding something plush and soft for your knees but wouldn’t give you rug burn. He was thoughtful like that.
“Dirty little thing, teasing me at work in the little dress.” Javi chastises, but when you kneel in front of him, sat back on your legs and look up, he can’t help but smile at how cute you are. He caresses your head, and you hum and nuzzle against him. “Such a naughty kitty… pretty little girl wanna get fucked?”
You nod eagerly. “Yes sir.”
He likes the honorifics.
“Gonna have to earn it.” Javi bends over, gripping your face until your lips made a little ‘O’. “I want you to grind your wet little cunt on my boot and beg me to fuck you.”
This, you could work with. You were in a dress so that was easy to work with. Javier liked how cute and innocent you looked in dresses, even when doing dirty things. “Underwear on or off?”
“On. Can’t be letting you get too dirty, can I?”
You loved how he always cared for your comfort and safety. Just as you’re told, you straddle hs black boot, lowering your pussy until the tip slid against your clit, making you shutter. Javier chuckles. 
“Cheating little minx, I didn’t say you could get off.”
You obey, getting on his boot and humping away, mewling and whimpering like the needy little thing you were.
“Such a good kitten.” Javi praises you, patting your hair softly to not mess anything up. Javier appreciated how much care you put into your appearance, and had respect for that. “Dirty girl just needs her daddy doesn't she?”
“Yes” You whine, grinding on him, feeling your underwear soaking and you were sure it was getting on his shiny, polished boots. “Please fuck me, Javier, pleasepleasepleaseplease.” You wrap your arms around his leg, clinging to him for security and stability as you debase yourself for him. “I’m so wet, I need you, only you…”
“Kitten needs her daddy to fuck her silly?”
You nod against his thigh, edging yourself slowly closer to that high, but you dare not tip over. Your dress flutters around your legs with each movement.
Tears prickle at your eyes, heat flushing over your whole body and even sweat at your hairline, evidence of your desire for him. “Daddy, please.” You choke a sob, still refusing to cry but needing him so badly.
“Oooooh, poor little thing… don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, always will. Get off.”
Excited, you pry yourself off him and make a move towards the bed, but Javier stops you. “Now, now, kitten, you have to clean up your mess first.”
For a moment you’re confused, desire and need clouding you, but when he points to his boot, you see wetness. Ah.
You get on your hands and knees, swaying your butt as your crawl towards him and keep eye contact. Little kitten licks on his boot, tasting the leather and your own juices on him, a tangy and stark combination. Sure to keep you back arches for him, you wiggle your booty as you give a final, long lick to the shiney black boot.
“All clean, daddy.”
Javier towers above, tall and handsome. His nose is beautifully arched and you admire the way his hair lays. It was getting a little long, slight hints of curls breaking out at the ends. His mustache was your favorite, even better when it was soaking wet.
“Such a good girl…” Javier hums above you, motioning you to lay on the floor, which you obey immediately. “But such a needy girl… what am I going to do with you?”
“Fuck me?” You say hopefully with a broad smile.
Javier’s chuckle is fond and genuine. “Maybe…” Then, he takes his boot covered foot and places it between your legs, pressing down on your still-clothes cunt. From your back, you look up at him and christ he’s tall like this. Broad as all hell, it’s like the whole room is just Javi. He undoes his belt. “Or maybe I need to teach a naughty kitty how to behave.”
You can’t help but buck your hips, grinding against the ridged soles.
Javier takes the belt off in one swift pull, making it snap.
Thank you so much for reading!!! This was just a quick thing that came to me this morning as I was still half alseep lol. YES I LIKE FEET OKAY. Kinda want a part 2 with steve LOL
New chapter of If You Wanna be Wild out to day too, which is my bi!Javier Pena x latina reader/oc x bi!younger!Santiago Garcia series with my dearest, most beloved cowriter Fen!
As always, thank you for the support, relbogs, comments, and likes! I adore you all!
Please join me in helping raise money for injured Palestinian children to be evacuated to turkey and receive medical care
@fandxmslxt69 @runa-falls @k-ra @ahookedheroespureheart @mikaelak @littlenosoul @stevenandmarcslove @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @faretheeoscar @harriedandharassed @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @campingwiththecharmings @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @milly-louise @casa-boiardi @joeldjarin @mrs-oharaxx @pedge-page @readingiskeepingmegoing @survivingandenduring
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megamindsecretlair · 9 months
The Secret Javier Pena Files
Do not copy or repost my work. Reblogs are encouraged. Do not use my work to train AI. 18+ only. Minors do not interact.
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Break My Heart - Pickled Pena challenge
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talaok · 1 year
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Pairing: Javier Peña x sex worker!reader
summary: Javier is desperate to see you, and he's not above begging
Warnings: Smut | oral sex (f receiving), unprotected p in v sex, creampie, lots of fluffy smut even though it wasn't the initial idea, and Javi being a simp
You were already late, the last thing you needed was for the phone to ring.
"Hello?" annoyance was tracing your tone ever so clearly.
"Hi sweetheart"
You stopped what you were doing, the shoe in your hand momentarily forgotten.
"Javi I'm busy" you immediately blew him off.
"mh, how busy?" the sweet sound of him taking a drag from his cigarette traveling through the phone.
"Very busy" you cleared "I'm late to meet a client"
Silence on the other end.
Lately, you kept having a feeling he didn't like when you talked about your other clients.
"don't you usually arrive late on purpose?"
"I do, but just of five minutes, not half an hour"
"I'm sure he'll wait, doll," he said "I can't think of a man who wouldn't"
You rolled your eyes "I don't have time for this Javier, why did you call?"
"you know why baby" his voice was warm and sultry "I've had a long day"
The implications behind his words were clear as day for someone who'd heard every variation of - I need you- falling from his lips.
"It's 3 pm" you reminded him, glancing at your watch
"It is, and I've been thinking of that sweet mouth of yours since 6 a.m," he said, his voice lowering as he skimmed around the office to make sure no one heard.
"well you did nine, you can survive for another two"
" 'm not sure I can sweetheart" he breathed "I need to see you"
"I can't now Javi, I've got a client"
"blow him off"
"you know I can't do that"
"why not?"
"I have a reputation to maintain, and this one pays well"
"I can pay too" he suggested, his desperation cracking through "I can double the amount"
You laughed softly "I doubt you could afford that"
He winced "That much?"
"yes, that much"
He paused for a moment "Y'know we've got cash laying around here, I doubt anyone would notice a few stacks disappearing"
You feigned a gasp "Agent Peña, that's a very serious offense you're joking about, I doubt your boss would be happy to hear you talk like that"
"I doubt Messina would be happy to hear me talk about anything today" he sighed "And 'm not joking, sweetheart, I need you"
You could hear and feel the hunger in his voice
"I can't Javi" you spoke, ignoring the feeling in your chest 
"Please baby" he groaned " just five minutes"
You bit down a laugh "We both know what five minutes mean to you"
He almost smiled too now "You want me to beg sweetheart, is that it?" he asked " 'cause I'll do it"
you chuckled sweetly " I've heard you beg plenty of times before baby, it has gotten old" you joked
"Please princess" he prayed nonetheless "I promise I'll make it up to you," he said 
"I thought we'd already established you don't have the money"
"That's not what I meant" he murmured, his eyes trained on the agent walking past him, until he was sure he could speak again "I'll make you come as many times as that perfect body of yours can take"
A breath got caught in your throat 
"I'll do anything baby, anything at all that you ask me I'll do it, just please let me see you," he sighed "I just need to feel you... and hear you, and have you all to myself for even just a second"
"I miss you" he interrupted you "fuck I miss you so much" he clutched the phone in his hand " 'just need to see you, baby"
You let out a deep breath, begging your mind to switch up on what you knew it had already decided.
Your fingers slowly twisted around the phone's chord as you surrendered to your destiny, to your only weakness.
"this will never happen again, Javier, we clear?"
"yes 'mam"
"you have twenty minutes to get here or I'm calling my client back"
"I'm on my way baby"
__ __ __
The door hadn't even closed that his lips were on you.
His strong hands gripped your waist and felt all of what they could.
You struggled to not stumble backward, but his fingers gripping your hair so as not to leave any space between you, prevented you from it.
"A hi would have been nice" you smiled as he ducked to kiss your neck.
"hi sweetheart" he carelessly murmured against your skin, one of his hands finding your ass.
“god I missed you" he groaned, leaning away just an inch to properly look at you.
"you know, you could have called any of your other women..." you raised an eyebrow.
"what other women?" he said with a smugness only Javier F. Peña could ever get away with.
You couldn't help but laugh "What can I offer you, water, food, anything?"
" I'm not hungry for food sweetheart" his grip on you got tighter 
"Mh" you bit down a grin "and what exactly are you hungry for, agent?"
He chuckled, his nose gently brushing yours "How 'bout I show you?" he asked, giving your lips a quick peck and starting towards the couch, as it was the closest surface.
"na-ah" you stopped him "We're going to the bedroom this time, you can wait five more seconds" you scolded, ignoring his frustrated sigh and getting out of his hold to walk towards your room as he followed like a lost puppy.
"There," you said, closing the door after he entered "wasn't so hard now was it?"
He wasted no time getting all over you once more, his lips, his hands, every part of him was claiming you like a lost treasure.
"I have a surprise for you" you murmured, distracting him from his work on your neck.
"oh yeah, what's that?"
You didn't answer, just slowly, excruciatingly slowly, started slipping your black silk robe off.
Javi's mouth turned to sand the moment it fell at your feet.
You were wearing what he could only describe as every men's ticket to heaven, or hell perhaps.
It was a fire red lingerie set, with small panties and an almost see-through bra, but what really got Javier contemplating if perhaps god really existed, were the stockings adorning your legs, and especially that small bow on the hem of each of them.
"fuck" he breathed "You're too good to me" he murmured, hesitating to touch you, as if the moment he did, you would dissipate into thin air
"I know I am"
"Is this what you were wearing to see your client?" he asked, his hand finally finding your waist
You shook your head "No, I wore this just for you"
" you did?" he breathed, his eyes not knowing were on your body to focus.
"I know how you like red"
He let out a small laugh "I think it's just become my favorite color"
He was so overwhelmed with all the possible things he could and wanted to do to you at that moment that he found himself leaning in to just kiss you.
His tongue parted your lips and explored your whole mouth as his fingers traced the lace of your panties.
If this was heaven, then Javier was happy he died.
"Please get on the bed" he instructed with what resembled more of a beg.
You did as told, observing with amusement the lust in his pupils.
His eyes didn't leave you for even a second as he took his gun and badge out of his jeans and placed them on the nightstand and not even when he took, or better, threw his shirt off.
"you scared I might disappear?" you joked
"I'm scared I might wake up" he answered, finally stepping in front of you just to kneel before you.
His digits trailed the fabric on your leg until they reached the hem, and that's when his lips came to play.
he gently picked up your left leg and started leaving hot, desperate kisses starting from your ankle up until he reached your naked thigh.
By the time he'd done it to both your legs your body's temperature had risen a worrying amount.
His eyes found yours again and he could have come right there in his pants just by the sight of your reddened cheeks and caged lips.
"Open your legs for me, sweet girl"
You did as told without hesitation.
He slowly took your panties off, and let out an adoring sigh.
He grabbed both your legs and placed them on his shoulders, before bending down to kiss the inside of your thighs, sending goosebumps up your spine.
"god, the woman you are" he breathed, his eyes fixated on your core.
"Please Javi" you whimpered
And as always, the teasing was over the moment he heard that sweet voice of yours.
He dove in, taking your pussy into his mouth.
"oh god," you breathed, clutching his head to your body and falling back on the bed.
No high felt this good. If Javier had to choose a way to go, this would be it, his head between your thighs and you moaning beneath him.
His tongue spread your folds hungrily, tasting and licking up and down so that each inch of you had been worshipped, before starting to focus on your clit.
His tongue swirled around over your nub and your back arched off the bed, a high moan climbing up your throat.
"Fuck, baby" you cried, your eyes shut in bliss and your fingers gripping his locks.
The feeling of his mustache and the tip of his nose occasionally hitting your skin was only heightening your pleasure.
While one of his hands remained on your thigh, one traveled upwards until it could freely grope and feel your tits.
Your nipples were perked under the feeble fabric of your bra, and he groaned lowly as he gently toyed with one of them.
You could only let out a desperate moan.
His tongue kept lapping at you, focusing on your nub and occasionally exploring your heat or threatening your entrance until you were panting and squirming under him.
his hold on your leg tightened when he felt your stomach start to shake as your orgasm approached.
"Javi!" you could only cry, once his mouth finally sent you over the edge.
You gripped his hair for dear life as you breathed his name over and over.
He did not stop until you had fully come down your high, and even then, he hesitated before leaning away.
You locked eyes as you both caught your breath, a grin tugging at both your lips before he climbed on top of you and kissed you, your taste still lingering in his mouth.
His dick was fighting against his jeans for room to grow, and your hands roaming closer to where he needed you definitely didn't help.
he let out a low groan once you palmed the bulge in his pants, and you smiled softly.
"Fuck, sweetheart" he growled, kissing the skin beneath your ear 
"What?" you asked playfully
"I need to fuck you"
"need?" you raised an eyebrow, stifling a grin
"yeah, need" he nodded, unwillingly climbing off the bed to unfasten his belt and take off his jeans in record time.
In the meantime, you took off your bra, making the conscious decision of leaving your stockings on.
By the look of it, he was pleased with the idea.
His cock was hard and already leaking some precum, and even if you'd seen him desperate before, today he seemed even more.
You were gonna talk to him later, now you had a more pressing matter at hand.
"come here" you invited him, shuffling up the bed and spreading your legs.
He immediately obeyed, coming down on top of you to nestle between your thighs, and melting into your mouth.
He kissed you deep and through, like he dreamed of doing all day and all last night (even if he didn't tell you that), and you whimpered weakly into his mouth, as your arms came up behind his neck.
"God I missed you" he breathed
"you saw me the day before yesterday javi"
"yeah, and that's what?" he asked, leaving another quick kiss on your lips "More than 24 hours without kissing this perfect mouth of yours?" he said "I call that torture"
You chuckled lightly "Careful there, that's what addiction sounds like"
"Yeah, well maybe I am addicted"
You smiled again "now, I don't think your colleagues at the DEA would like the sound of that" you joked.
"then I'll quit," he said 
"You'll quit?" you teased
"Yeah" he kissed you "I'll quit and then we'll buy a farm in Texas and spend the rest of our lives like this"
You felt your heart speed up at that childish, unrealizable vision, and yet, you couldn't help but smile.
"I like the sound of that," you said, because it was the truth, because you did like all the impossible plans Javi'd made for your future over the course of all your meetings.
It started as a silly joke, but each time it grew to be something more, you could feel it in his tone, in the way he'd stroke your cheek as he told you about how many dogs you'd keep on the farm.
He was the one that started it, but after a while, you joined him. You contributed with your own hopes, your own dreams, and so, those hours spent together became much more than sex, you became much more than a prostitute and a DEA agent, you became dreamers, and for a few moments, that's all you stayed, as everything else disappeared.
"yeah? I do too, sweetheart" he breathed, kissing you once more before finally positioning himself at your entrance.
Your cries mixed with his groans as he slowly entered you.
One of his hands was on your cheek while the other one kept your legs on his waist so he could hit the angle he knew would make your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"fuck baby" he growled softly, starting his slow but oh-so-deep pace as you gripped his shoulders.
That's the thing about Javier, he was always sweet.. gentle. when you first met him you thought he was gonna be another overworked man looking for a way to relieve some stress, but he was everything but.
He cared, maybe a dangerous amount.
"oh my god" you moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"I know baby, I know" he murmured, picking up his pace and sinking deeper inside of you.
He was mesmerized by your body underneath his, by your tits bouncing with his movements, by your lips between your teeth, by the way you shut your eyes once the feeling overwhelmed you.
He wanted to take a picture and keep it in his wallet, fuck, he wanted the sight to be tattooed inside his eyelids.
"god you're amazing" he whispered, dipping down to suck on your breasts as you moaned and whimpered.
"fuck, sweetheart" he breathed, coming back up to kiss your mouth.
Your moans filled the room, growing louder and louder until the creaks of the mattress couldn't be heard anymore.
"please" you begged in just a whisper "Please don't stop"
He pressed his forehead to yours, both of you near hyperventilating as he thrusted over and over again, lost in the feeling of you and everything you brought with you.
"I couldn't even if I wanted to baby" he groaned "You feel too good," he said.
"Oh my god!" you moaned, as pressure built in your belly and his cock stretched you so well "Right there Javi, right there" you whimpered "Please-" 
"come for me baby" he urges "Give me all you've got"
And just like that, you did, your back and neck arched from the bed as you let out what could only be described as an animalistic moan.
Javier forced himself not to blink so as not to miss a second of the artwork occurring beneath him.
He was so distracted by your beauty in fact, that he didn't remember to pull out, and it was only after you opened your eyes that he realized.
"oh shit" he whispered, worry taking over his face.
You smiled, still blissful "Don't worry" you reassured him, reaching your hand to stroke his cheek.
You moved some sweaty hair out of his face, and he did the same, a joyful smile finding its way on both your faces.
"You're incredible baby" he kissed you much more gently now
"you're not so bad yourself agent" you teased, giving him another quick peck before he halfheartedly pulled out and collapsed beside you.
His hand reached on the nightstand for his cigarettes, and he lighted one as his other arm wrapped around you to keep you close.
You rested your head on his chest as he took a drag before he offered it to you.
You accepted, inhaling and exhaling slowly before returning the cigarette.
You raised your head to look at him better 
"so what's going on?"
He hesitated before returning your look "Things are messed up right now" he answered vaguely
"aren't they always?"
"yeah" a cloud of smoke escaped his mouth again "but now ever more"
"mh" you hummed, contemplating "I'm sorry" you kissed his peck "I'm sure everything will be alright though, you're Javier Peña after all"
He chuckled drily at that " 'm not sure that's a good thing right now"
A small smirk tugged at your lips all of a sudden as a question came to you "If things are so messed up right now, you think it's a good idea to be here?"
"they can wait"
you snorted "Pablo Escobar can wait?"
"for you? " he said "The whole world can wait for you"
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nathanbatemanfucker · 2 years
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summary: javi’s always happy to come home to you and your snores.
pairing: fem!reader x javier pena
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, established relationship, consensual somnophilia, unprotected (rough) sex, praise kink, creampie
word count: 1.2k
an: this was originally requested by @honeybrowne for kinktober but i didn’t get to finish it but now it’s her birthday and it is doneeeee. happy birthday bestie, love you always! 🥰
pedro characters masterlist | requests open
When Javier slips into the dark quiet of his apartment he hears your soft snores immediately, and his body relaxes at the sound. You’re here, you’re safe, and now that he’s home with you he feels safe too.
It had been a rough day full of deadends and slaps on the wrists from higher ups. Too tired to take a shower, he heads to the bedroom immediately, stripping himself naked before joining you under the ridiculously fluffy duvet you’d convinced him to buy.
Soft things. Comfort. You deserve that Javi.
He’d agreed begrudgingly though he wasn’t sure any of that was true. Admittedly, he does sleep better these days, but maybe that’s because you’re at his side.
All he can do is look at you, watching with wonder as you sleep peacefully. You’re completely naked, and his body can’t just ignore that, especially when you shiver, rolling over to press yourself into his warmth. He pulls you closer, using a strong hand to hoist your leg over his hip, his erection nestled in between the pliant silkiness of your thighs. He’s hungry for you, and while he’d love to skip the preamble and sink into you, he knows he has to get you ready.
His mouth finds your neck and you whimper softly when his teeth sink into the skin there, his tongue soothing the spot afterwards. He gets a hand on your breast, gropes it with a needy sound in the back of his throat. His mouth nips and kisses at your neck as he takes your nipple in between his fingers, rolling it gently. He knows your body, and that with just a little bit of this you’ll be wet for him in no time even in your sleep. But touching you is a luxury and he takes his time, savoring the taste and feel of your skin so tenderly that it allows you to continue sleeping, relaxing into him further.
“You’re so perfect, querida,” He whispers when his hand drifts between your legs, two fingers sliding easily into your slick, wet pussy.
Carefully, he turns you over, holding you open for him and his buries himself into your tight heat. He can’t hold in the loud groan that builds in his chest when your walls flutter around him. He holds you tight, rocks himself into you gently a few times, burying his nose into the nape of your neck to inhale your scent. And when you stir, the pleasure blooming in your lower belly lifting you out of sleep he dusts kisses across your skin.
“Javi,” You breathe sleepily, your hand reaching back to grope at his hip.
“Hi, baby,” He murmurs against your throat, thrusting into you harder now that you’re awake.
“You needed me?” Its a teasing question that both of you already know the answer to and you yelp softly when his teeth nip at your skin.
“I always need you, baby, you and your perfect little pussy.”
“Fuck, Javi, yeah,” You whine, hand moving up his body to get your hand firmly planted in his hair.
“Look at how well you take me. Even in your sleep, you let me in so easily,” He whispers sinfully into your ear, and all you can do is nod feverishly, pushing your ass back against him to work him deeper into you.
He rolls you over onto your stomach, bringing his hips all the way back to pound into you with a roughness that makes your eyes roll back into your head, “You were made for me weren’t you? I can fuck you whenever I want because you’re made to take my cock.”
“Yeah, baby, made to make you cum. For you to use,” You gasp, fingers searching for a pillow in the darkness to anchor you as he fucks you almost brutally.
“You’re so pretty, you smell so good, feel so good,” He praises, his breathing quick and harsh.
“All for you, Javi. Always for you, I love you.”
“I love you too baby, gonna show you, fill your pussy with me,” He grits out between his teeth, a subtle sheen of sweat coating his skin from the strength and length of his movements.
He must be close because with those words he snakes his hand between you and the mattress, starts rubbing perfect circles into your clit that make you clench around him. His pace doesn’t stop and soon, your orgasm floods your body, a soft cry leaving your lips as you’re brought to the peak. Javi follows suit, grinding himself into you to not waste a single drop— he had promised to fill you up.
As the room quiets, nothing but the sound of deep regulating breaths and the sounds of the night pouring in through an open window Javi says something that surprises you.
“Move in with me.”
“What?” You shift under him the best you can, turning to look at him.
His eyes are wide, full of hesitancy but he repeats his previous words, even adds some reasoning, “Move in with me. When’s the last time you slept at your own apartment, mi amor? The last time you did laundry there? I bet your plants are hanging on by a thread.”
You study him for a moment, “Are you sure?”
He nods slowly, pulling you closer, “Would I ask if I wasn’t?”
It never gets old, the concept of him loving and choosing you despite the way he lived before, and your heart quickens as you answer, “Okay, yeah, I’ll move in with you. Begrudgingly you add, “And my plants are just fine.”
He grins, a mischievous glint in his eye, “I know the perfect way to celebrate.”
“Mmm, what’s that?”
He pins you down again, kissing his way down your body until his tongue finds your sex. And he stays there for what feels like hours, thoroughly celebrating the next step in your relationship by bringing you to the peak of multiple orgasms.
javi taglist: : @lesbianhotch, @hotchs-bitch, @jazzelsaur, @bubblybubbubs, @sheresh0y, @midnightwolf04, @mccn-bcys, @jxvipike
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whxtedreams · 8 months
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Until Next Time
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: You're a Diplomatic Courier in Columbia for the night and meet Javier at a bar and take him back to your hotel room, only to be called back into the embassy in an emergency and have to leave Javier behind. To your surprise, Javier is also called into work in the early hours of the morning in an otherwise empty office...
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 8.5k
Tags: smut, oral sex (female receiving), cunnilingus, kissing, hotel sex, flirting, alcohol, Porn with plot, fingering, protected p in v (be safe yall), dirty talk, some biting, office sex, begging, cockblocking, gags, panties as a gag, praise (let me know if I miss any)
a/n: I have never written actual smut before; oh, have mercy on me, please.
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You gaze at the rippled, amber glow of your drink in the glass. The dim, warm lighting of the bar accentuates the dark liquid of the drink. You find comfort in the sound of the bar patrons' voices, the drunken laughter and banter filling your ears. You take another sip of your drink, your worries and cares momentarily slipping away as you immerse yourself in the atmosphere. 
You and your partner had just landed at the airport five hours ago after an eventful flight to Columbia. Upon exiting the plane, you were met with armed hostility, being forced into compliance at gunpoint due to a misunderstanding. This, however, was a common occurrence in your line of work, being a Diplomatic Courier. With immunity from bag searches, arrest, and detention, your job transporting the American Diplomatic Bag between countries led to frequent interactions of this nature. Although your status was known to higher-ranking officials, those lower in the hierarchy often refused to budge and threatened force. After a few calls and furious management, you were eventually released to proceed to deliver the confidential bag to the American Embassy.     
You bring the glass to your lips for one last time, drinking the final few drops before setting it down on the bar with a soft thud. As you go to stand up, your attention is quickly grabbed when someone sits down at the stool next to you with a soft smile on their face.
Your eyes subtly drift over him, taking in his simple yet well-maintained outfit. He wears a neat dark blue button-up with an old green jacket. His hair falls in a slightly unkempt yet stylish style that frames his face well, begging for fingers to run through the strands. He has a lean, fit physique with nicely defined muscles, though it's his features that really catch your attention. His face is sharply angled, with piercing eyes that seem to look directly at you, as if he can see right through you. 
He notices you taking a moment to look him over, but he doesn't seem to mind your attention, instead returning the subtle smile you gave him. He motions to the bartender and orders not only an additional drink for himself but also a refill for your glass. Even though you attempt to decline the offer, the bartender has already begun pouring the drink without hesitation. 
"You didn't have to buy me a drink," you say, feeling a bit sheepish yet also strangely flattered by his gesture. You look over at him as you speak, unable to help but be a bit distracted by his captivating gaze and confident manner. He holds your gaze, and that same small, subtle smirk remains on his lips, though there is a hint of mischievousness in his expression that has your curiosity piqued.
"I wanted to treat a beautiful woman to a drink," he responds, his deep yet smooth voice filled with confidence and a hint of genuineness. He holds your gaze as he slowly takes a sip from his drink, a small smirk playing on his lips that only adds to his charm. Your face heats up at the unexpected praise, and you can't help but be a little flustered by the attention. 
You look down and take a sip from your newly refilled glass, trying to ignore the feeling that your face is still hot from his compliment. You sigh slightly, contemplating whether another drink would really hurt or not. It's just one more drink. You look back over at him and maintain eye contact, trying to ignore the way your heart is starting to pound in your chest. Your mind is telling you not to have another drink, but something about being in his presence is just too hard to resist. One more drink won’t hurt, right?
He locks his gaze onto you and asks, "So, where are you from? If you don't mind me asking," his voice maintains the same calm and confident tone as before. His eyes never leave your face as he leans on the bar, remaining intense yet somehow friendly at the same time, as if wanting to get to know more about you. You feel a bit flustered under his scrutiny, not used to being on the receiving end of such direct attention after a long day.
"America" you answer, feeling a bit uncertain about giving away too much personal info to this mysterious stranger but not wanting to kill the friendly vibe either. "Flew in this afternoon."
"I'm assuming you're here on business, then, and not for pleasure?" he asks, taking another sip of his drink and savouring the taste before focusing his attention back on you.
You softly laugh and shake your head at his question, "Business," you answer, taking another sip from your drink. The smirk on your face adds a playful sense to your response, as you seem to enjoy the way this conversation has gone. It's comfortable yet also a bit flirty, leaving you feeling a bit excited and curious about how this night might go. You glance at your watch briefly, realising that it's getting pretty late and you should probably get back to your hotel soon, but you don't feel quite ready to call it a night yet.
"It's dangerous for a woman like yourself to be in this part of town, and at this hour," he says, his expression becoming more serious yet also concerned. His hand makes its way slowly to the top of your forearm, causing an instant rush of goosebumps and butterflies to take over you. As he speaks, his voice becomes a bit more hushed as well, and you instinctively lean in closer to hear every word he says. His gaze is intense, holding your eyes and never averting his focus from you. Your heart begins to race, and the feeling of excitement only increases as you become more drawn to him.
You look down at his hand on your arm, and your smile falters slightly before you look back into his eyes. "A woman like myself knows how to take care of herself," you warn, your voice thick with flirtation.
His hand still rests comfortably on your arm as his other rests on your thigh, and you can feel the butterflies in your stomach as you try and maintain a level of confidence. He leans in a bit closer, his lips just inches from your ear as he whispers. Your breath catches in your chest, and your heart rate quickens yet again.
"A woman like you shouldn't have to ‘take care of herself’ when she could have someone else do it for her." He whispers, his voice full of charm and seduction as he continues to lean in slightly closer, his breath hot on your neck. He brushes his hand up and down your thigh, slowly tracing his fingers over your jeans.
His fingers leave your skin tingling from his caress, and you close your eyes as you shiver. His touch is so unexpectedly sensual, sending a rush of pleasant sensations throughout your body. 
"Is that so?" you whisper, your voice low and breathy.  
His breath tickles the edge of your ear as he whispers, "Mmm, you're just too irresistible for me to let you take care of any potential danger by yourself." He lifts his head to look back into your eyes with a cheeky smirk on his face."In fact, I should escort you back to your hotel." He softly squeezes your thigh, his eyes still looking directly into yours. "You wouldn't want to run into any harm.. would you?"
You tilt your head and consider his offer, weighing the risks in your mind. You know that you have your gun back in your room, along with your partner in the room next to yours, just in case this guy turns out to be a complete jerk or worse. He seems relatively safe and normal, though, and your mind wanders a bit as you think about how long it's been since you've let yourself have some fun. Moving around every few weeks leaves little time for serious commitments, so maybe one night of innocent fun wouldn't hurt. Plus, it's been a while, and you could use the distraction, so why not?
You smirk back at him once you make up your mind, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation build up within you. "Such a gentleman," you tease, the playful tone of your voice leaving no doubt about what your intentions are. "My hotel is just down the street if you feel like walking me back there."  
"Lead the way, mi bella," his voice drips with charm as he leans close to you again. His arm wraps lightly around your waist, and the smell of his cologne fills your senses, the scent only amplifying the rush of excitement and anticipation you already feel. A mischievous smile plays on his lips as he adds, "I have a feeling tonight's going to be fun for the both of us." He seems to be in control now, leading you out of the bar and towards his hotel nearby, and you can't help but find it exciting the way this night is unfolding.
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You take the stairs to the second floor to your room with the man close behind you, whose name you learnt is Javier. You pray to the heavens that your partner doesn't hear you as you pass his room and stop in front of yours. You grab your key from your pocket and unlock your door. You step into your room and hold the door open for Javier, smirking as you gesture for him to follow.  
He walks into the room, and you close the door behind him, the two of you now alone together. The thrill of the moment makes your heart pound in your chest. 
Once the door closes, he immediately pushes you against it, your bodies pressed up closely together. His hands grip your hips tightly, and for a moment, the world becomes muted as his lips press against yours, his tongue slowly making its way into your mouth. His kiss is firm yet warm, and his moustache tickles your lips as it brushes against your own.
As his lips release from yours, he looks down at you with a passionate look on his face, his breathing heavy. His hand gently rubs along your cheek, sending a shiver down your spine.
You look up at him, catching your breath as your hands rake down his chest, feeling the toned muscles under his shirt. As you press yourself against him, you can feel the deep, steady beat of his heartbeat as your tongues intertwine once more and your hands explore the length of his clothed body, tracing every line across his chest and back. The excitement between the two of you grows with every passing moment, and you can feel the tension in the air as you become lost in your passionate embrace.
Your teeth gaze on his bottom lip as you softly bite his lip and he moans at the sensation. "My, my...you're a feisty one, aren't ya?" He whispers teasingly with a grin as he leans back slightly from you while your hands continue to explore the contours of his lean physique, eliciting another soft moan of pleasure from him as he leans in close to your ear. 
Your heart races with each of his kisses against your neck, adding to the already thrilling atmosphere. He continues to kiss your neck as he speaks, his breath hot and his touch sending waves of butterflies through you. "Let's take this somewhere more comfortable, shall we," his voice is both playful and intimate, the sound of it sending shivers down your spine. 
You nod in response, and he smiles into your neck as his hands travel under your thighs to lift you up. You wrap your legs around his hips, and he grunts at the added weight, but he doesn't seem to mind the change in dynamics. You blush at this bold move, and he seems to relish the sensation of your weight against him, grunting slightly but continuing to kiss and nip at your neck as he walks towards the bed.
You can't help but let out a light moan at his touch, feeling the butterflies in your stomach grow with each passing moment. 
He gently lays you down upon the soft sheets, your heart pounding as he looms over you once more.
He gently pushes you back onto the bed, slowly hovering his body over yours. Each breath you take leaves you more lightheaded than the last, your heart pounding against your chest as his lips brush against yours once more.
He looks down at you with a grin, his deep breath filling the room as his hand caresses your hair in a gentle and loving fashion. His lips begin to make their way down your neck slowly, his teeth slowly nibbling and biting at the skin along the way. 
As he reaches your collarbones, he looks up and whispers, "I'm going to take good care of you." His words fill you with a sense of comfort as his lips continue back up your neck, and your body shivers with anticipation as you begin to get lost in the pleasures he is already putting you through.
You softly moan at his words and reach up to unbutton his shirt as his lips continue to taste your bare skin. He chuckles and sits up to shrug off his jacket and shirt, his own fingers fumbling with the buttons, making you smile at his eagerness. 
The hotel phone rings beside you on the nightstand, and you sigh heavily as you lean over and take the phone off the dial to silence it.   
Once his shirt is off and thrown across the room, he leans back over you, and you run your hands over his toned chest as he kisses you. 
Your touch seems to have an instant effect on him, his body tenses, and his breath catches in his throat as he lightly bites your lower lip, making you gasp. His eyes look down at you with a passionate gaze, and your mind begins to cloud with an array of thoughts that make it difficult for you to focus. His body slowly begins to move against yours, his clothed dick grinding on your hip, causing your own breath to catch as his hand reaches for the buttons of your pants. He looks up at you again, his dark eyes meeting yours before his lips slowly descend upon your own once more, leaving you completely breathless and lost in his embrace.
“Fuck”, you groan as his hand slips inside your unbuttoned work pants and cups your aching heat through your underwear. 
He chuckles at your groan and applies pressure, sliding his fingers through your folds covered by your panties as he removes his hand from your pants. “So responsive.” He praises you as he tugs your pants down past your hips. He stands from the bed to take your boots off before completely discarding your pants and tossing them to where he threw his shirt.  
He dips back onto the bed between your now bare legs and stares deeply into your eyes for several seconds before speaking in a breathy whisper. "I want to worship every inch of your perfect body." Your body instinctively responds to his touch as your head tilts back into the pillows with a groan. His lips continue their slow movement up your thighs, and his hands slowly move past your shirt, and you feel your body begin to tremble.
A loud, obnoxious knock slams on the hotel door, and you groan as Javier's head lifts up from between your legs, and he looks over at the door with a frustrated glare. "Ignore it," you groan as the sound of the knocking grows louder. 
He nods before smirking at you from between your legs and licking a wet strip over your underwear, making you gasp his name. He groans into your clothed heat at the sound of his name, and it sends a shiver down your spine from the vibration. 
Your heart races as keys click in the lock the door swings open. You sit up quickly and push yourself away from Javier, just in time to see your coworker barge in and stop in his tracks as he sees the two of you in a compromising position. Javier is still lying between your legs, and his eyes are wide with shock as he quickly realises that someone actually walked in on you both. Your partner looks from you to Javier and back again, and his face is a mixture of confusion and disgust. 
“What the fuck Ash.” You grab a pillow from behind you and throw it at your partner, who catches it and tosses it on the floor.
The tension in the room heightens as everyone stares at each other, the air thick with awkwardness and embarrassment.
“You have…a boyfriend?” Javier questions, breaking the silence, and slowly sits up between your legs with a frown. 
You groan and cover your face as you fall back into the bed. “No, I work with him.” You mumble under your hands that cover you from your embarrassment. 
You feel Javier's body shift on the bed as he pulls your hands away from your face, and you see your partner — Ash — throw your jeans and Javier's shirt at you both. Javier slowly sits himself up on the side of the bed, a smirk on his face.
Ash’s tone is serious, but his expression is awkward. "Get dressed," he orders. "We're needed back at –" he pauses and looks back at Javier, unsure of how much information to disclose in front of him. 
Javier leans in closer to you. His hand slowly slides up your thigh, his lips once more brushing against your ear as he whispers, “You must have really wanted me with how wet you were.”
Your eyes widen at his statement, and you feel your face turn a darker shade of red.  
Oh my god.
Ash sighs, and it's clear that he wants Javier out of the room. "Time for your friend here to leave," he adds, directing his gaze at you once again.
You apologetically look over at Javier, who puts his hands up in defeat. "Alright, alright, I'm going," Javier states, slowly gathering his clothes as he throws them back on his body. As he pulls his shirt over his head, your eyes follow the bare skin underneath as the muscles on his back move. 
His voice takes on a flirty tone as he talks to you while tucking in his shirt
"Don't worry, hermosa, I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other again before you leave," Your heart races as you feel his eyes on you, your face once again turning a deep red.
Ash barks another order for him to leave, and he hurriedly does so.
“You asshole.” You glare at your partner as the door closes after Javier. 
“You can get some later, but right now, we’re needed back at the embassy.” he looks down at you with a chuckle, amused at your embarrassment. 
You shake your head as you pick up the jeans he threw at you and stand from the bed to get dressed. You freeze when you notice that Ash hasn't made a move to leave, and you raise your eyebrow at him. 
Ash breaks out of his trance and quickly apologises. “Right, I’ll be waiting outside. Meet me when you're ready to leave.” He rubs the back of his neck as he takes your hint and leaves you to get dressed. 
What a shit show. 
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With a frustrated grumble you take another mouthful of your now lukewarm coffee, trying to keep alert and awake during these early hours of morning. The flickering lights above you only add to your mounting aggravation, along with the dull ache between your legs. It's going to be a long day.
Your head snaps up in surprise as a loud thunk of files hitting your desk jarred you from your tired and bleary state. You barely avoid spilling your coffee with the sudden jolt it caused, and glance sharply in the direction of the sound.
Your eyes narrow sharply at Ash as you sit up, fixing a hard and furious glare on him at the disruption he's causing with his obnoxious behaviour. "What the hell, Ash?" you question him with a frustrated edge to your voice, carefully putting your mug back down on the table to avoid knocking it over.
“Open it.” He demands, leaning his hands on the desk. 
You glance down at the pile of files that Ash has shoved on your desk before you, and feel a frown grow on your face at his demanding tone. He was definitely being more of a bother than usual, which was saying quite something. "What's up your ass? Open what?" you respond tersely, your patience quickly wearing thin.
Ash rolls his eyes to the ceiling and shakes his head before looking back down at you. “What do you think? The files, smartass.” He huffs. 
The corners of your lips curl into an unimpressed sneer at his snide remarks, feeling irritated that he's already testing your patience this early in the morning. "What about them?" you ask defensively, arching an eyebrow and giving him a hard stare back.
Ash takes the file from the top of the pile and places it in front of you and opens it to a random page. You look down with a frown at the completely blank page before he begins flicking through the entire blank file. 
You glance down at the blank pages with a frown and a furrowed brow before Ash begins flipping through another one, feeling a mixture of confusion and irritation as more and more blank pages are revealed. After a few files you look back up at him and open your mouth to ask him what the meaning behind this is when he quickly holds up a finger, turning more pages before looking at you expectantly.
“The damn bags we transported are basically fucking empty” He explains as he gestures to the files. “Not only that but there was other evidence listed that was supposed to be in our bags that aren’t there either.” He stands up from the desk and crosses his arms. 
“Okay, but that’s not our problem. The bags are sealed when we get them and they're sealed when we deliver 'em.” You shrug and push the empty file across the desk, taking a sip from your cup of coffee.
“They're accusing us of tampering with the damn bags." He shakes his head and grimaces as loud voices and footsteps echo down the hallway.
Your eyes widen in shock at his words, and your mouth opens as if to protest, but it's cut short as two men abruptly enter the office you've been stationed in.
You sputter and almost choke on your coffee as Javier unexpectedly walks into the room, dressed in the same outfit you saw him wear during your hotel encounter and is accompanied by a blonde haired man. 
Javier's eyes flash over to you from the noise you suddenly made, and his mouth quirks in a smirk at your reaction. His gaze darts over your body and you instantly sit up straight in your chair, gently placing your coffee cup back down on the desk.
“Oh great.” Ash mutters under his breath as he spots the man he found in your hotel room. 
"So what's this about the evidence being missing?" The blonde-haired man asks, stepping up to the desk and opening a file. The frown settles on his face as he flicks through multiple blank pages, clearly trying to understand the situation.
Javier gives a quick glance over his shoulder, but his gaze ultimately rests on you again. You feel your pulse quicken as you feel warmth rise again in your lower regions, your body and mind responding to his heated gaze as his thumb wipes over his bottom lip.
Your eyes widen as you follow the way his thumb traces over his lips. You force yourself to tear your eyes from him and focus on the other man, trying not to think about how Javier had his head between your thighs for only a moment late last night and how your body is responding to that.  
“Who packed the bags?" The blonde-haired man asks, moving his head back and forth between you and your partner. He's clearly trying to figure out who is at fault here, who is responsible for the mistake of the missing evidence.
You explain that you are merely just the courier and that you are unaware of what is inside the bags. You confirm that the bags don't leave your hands from the moment they are given to you until they are handed off to the next embassy. “Whatever is or isn’t in the bags, is exactly how it was packed. Either someone is fucking with you, or this is exactly what you were meant to get Agent….” Your words trail off as you were unsure how to address him as he was yet to introduce himself. 
He introduces himself as Steve Murphy and gestures behind him and introduces Javier Peña. You chance a glance back at Javier and turn your head over to your partner before your cheeks flush as he’s still looking you over. 
Ash introduces himself as he shakes Steve’s hand and introduces you. You nod in greeting, keeping things cordial and professional even though you can’t stop thinking about Javier’s hands on you. 
“Alright, so show me this bag in question.” Steve asks, and Ash immediately volunteers to take him to the location of the bags in a locked evidence room. 
You start to rise from your seat, but Javier steps over and takes a seat beside you, lightly gripping your arm and pulling you back down. You shoot him a quick glance, clearly surprised and confused by this unexpected and intimate action. You then turn your gaze to the pair walking out of the office.
"So this is where you were dragged off to?" He leans closer to you as he talks, his smirk growing wider and his hand lets go of your arm. The goosebumps continue rushing up and down as your skin is teased and tantalised with each trail down of his fingertips. He gives a soft chuckle at your skin's reaction. 
You look back over at the doorway, making sure you are truly alone. His spare hand takes hold of your jaw, gently guiding you to look back at him. Your body melts as you surrender to his attention once more. “Why don’t we continue where we were so rudely interrupted? Hmm?” He hums as his eyes focus on your lips and your pulse quickens at his offer. 
You try to look away, but Javier’s hand tightens on your jaw. He forces you to look at him, his voice reassuring as he tells you that you are alone. "It's two in the morning, sweetheart. There's no one here but you and me." He leans forward, bringing his lips to yours. You're overwhelmed by the sensation of his touch, and your breath catches as your lips meet. The moment feels like an eternity, but only for a moment, his lips pull away.
Javier flashes his charming, mischievous smile as you try to chase after his lips, a soft whine escaping from your throat as his hand keeps you in place. "I bet you're just as wet as I left you hours ago?" He taunts you, a smug glint in his eyes as he observes the way your eyes slide shut. You confirm this by nodding as you try to rub your thighs together.
"Poor little thing." He teases, leaning in closer and his pupils growing darker as he peers down at you. “Been sitting here dripping into her panties?” You feel his gaze upon you as you try desperately to relieve the intense pressure between your thighs. You gasp as your leg is pulled towards him, his hand gripping your thigh and pulling it closer. You feel the warmth of his hand slowly spreading throughout your body, making it throb with desire and anticipation. “Need some help?” 
This time you fight against Javier’s grip, pulling your face away from him. You glance back over your shoulder, anxious that either Ash or Steve could enter the room and witness you and Javier’s intimate moment. You feel the heat of his body, of his breath, of his touch still lingering on your skin, and the thought of anyone bursting into the room causes a spike in adrenaline and stress.
Javier softly pats your thigh and then stands up from his chair, moving to the door and closing it. The distinct squeak of the lock being engaged is heard inside the room, giving you both the reassurance of privacy. "Better?" Javier asks softly, his voice carrying a hint of gentleness as he stands behind you. He tilts your chin to look up at him, his body close as he towers behind you. 
"Better." You respond truthfully as you lift your gaze and make direct eye contact with him. Your heart starts pounding in your chest, the adrenaline of the situation making it race and speed. His hot breath upon your neck as he bends down causes your body to shiver slightly with excitement, anticipation and desire.
"Good, because I can't stop thinking about how your cunt tastes." Javier whispers against your neck, his mouth softly grazing and exploring your skin. His breath against your neck is like a trail of warm fire, his words filling you with a yearning desire. Your body responds by arching slightly and tilting your neck for more access. 
His warm mouth on your pulse ignites a surge of sensation, sending shivers down your spine and causing you to shudder. You softly moan at both his words and the feeling of his mouth on you.
His mouth leaves your neck and you inhale sharply, missing the warmth of his lips and breath. Javier rounds the chair and stands directly in front of you. You breathe rapidly as you stare up at him, your chest rising and falling with each intake of breath. You feel as if you are on the brink of begging him to touch you again, desperate for that feeling of his mouth upon your neck, your skin quivering under the anticipation of his next move.
He leans forward until he is hovering above you with his hands resting on the chair's armrests, a smirk spreading across his face as he peers down at you. "You really are so responsive." He says with an amused edge, his lips crashing down upon yours with an eagerness that makes you quiver.
Your hands reach out and grasp his jacket as he feasts on your mouth, pressing you into the chair. Your body sinks back into the chair as Javier devours you, as if desperate to consume your entire person. Your breath catches in your throat as the kiss grows more fervent and heated, your fingers gripping his shirt tightly as you surrender to the feeling of passion.
His lips break from yours and return to your neck as you gasp in an attempt to catch your breath. You feel the waves of pleasure swirl inside of your stomach as he slowly moves your shirt to the side, exposing your shoulder as he bites down upon it. You shudder and squirm in your seat, your body quivering as if you are ready to explode from the intensity of the sensation.
"Please Javier,” you whine as he kisses the bite. He lets out a soft moan at your words and rises to look you in the eye. Your eyes are glazed and your mouth is parted, and his lips softly press against yours, teasing and tempting you with gentle caresses.
“Javi.” He corrects you and you quickly correct yourself and whisper his name and beg him once again, this time more softly and with more pleading behind your voice. 
Your stomach flutters as he pulls you up from the chair and turns you, pressing you against the desk. You eagerly climb back onto the desk and spread your legs as he stands between them while he holds your face between his hands. Your body responds instantly as you feel the weight of his frame against you, your hands reaching to try and push his jacket off. He chuckles as he kisses you again, his mouth devouring yours and his tongue probing into your mouth as if searching for more. He shrugs off his jacket for the second time in mere hours and tosses it on the floor.
His hands fumble with your pants buttons as he keeps attacking your mouth with his own. You struggle to keep up with him, feeling your heartbeat pulsating through your whole body as he leaves you gasping with every kiss. He pops the buttons of your pants and yanks, making you lift your hips as he pulls your pants down your thighs.
You pull your mouth from his and lean back on your hands, tipping your head back towards the ceiling to catch your breath. He kneels in front of you and quickly rips off your boots, your pants shortly following as his hands work quickly and furiously. 
Your breath catches in your throat as he forces your legs apart, his eyes hungrily locked on your clothed core. You bite down on your lip as he lets out a breathy moan at the sight of your soaked panties. You feel his breath warm upon your skin, and a sudden flood of arousal rushes through your entire body. "Fuck, they're drenched." He pants, his chest rapid rising and falling from the sight.
"Haven't stopped thinking about you," you confess, and it’s all he needs as he pushes your panties to the side and lets out a slow moan as he licks a long, hot strip up your centre, his moustache tickling your sensitive core. Your back and head hit the desk with a loud thud from the impact, your foot instinctively rising to the desk to lift your hips to meet the caress of his lips.
You let out a long, drawn out moan as the sensation of pleasure radiates through your whole body. Your body quivers and shakes as you feel it shattering through you. Javier's arm wraps around your middle and holds you down harder, pinning you tighter against the desk as his mouth pays your aching clit the same attention he paid you mouth. In other words, he was sucking the life out of you. 
You’d happily let him kill you like this. 
He pulls back too soon and you cry out, trying to reach down and pull him back. You look down and you moan at the sight of the bottom of his face almost dripping with your arousal. Your walls clench around air at the sight as he smirks up at you, his thumb wiping his bottom lip before sucking the juices from his thumb. 
“Of fuck.” You gasp at the sight and he chuckles. 
“As much as I love how vocal you are, you gotta keep it down, wouldn’t want that partner of yours walking in on us again.” His smirk widens at your shock. You hadn’t realised you had been making any noise, too caught up in this feeling of his lips on where you needed him most.  
He tugs on your panties and pulls them down your legs before standing up and leaning over you, his eyes playful as he looks down at you. “But don’t worry, I have a perfect solution for that hermosa,” He hums and you gasp as his thumb parts your lips. You groan at the taste of yourself and you push yourself up to take his thumb in your mouth and he moans at the feeling of you sucking and moaning around his thumb.
He pulls his thumb from your mouth and forces your mouth open as he shoves your panties into your mouth. Your gasp is muted by the wet fabric and he hums at the sound as he pushes himself from you and kneels between your legs again. He pulls your legs closer to the edge of the desk and your back hits the desk again at the movement as he lifts your thighs over his shoulders. 
Your back arches off the desk as two fingers are plunged into your core without warning, your shout muffled by the makeshift gag and his huffs as his other hand presses you back down to the desk again and keeps you there. 
“Don’t make me tie you to this desk,” He warns as curls his fingers and rubs, searching until your legs tense around his shoulders when he finds the spot that makes you want to scream out in pleasure. “I’d bet you’d like that though, dirty girl.” He teases before his mouth attaches to your throbbing clit and sucks and his fingers press down and drag. 
Your eyes roll and your head tosses back and forth on the hardwood, the pleasure too much yet not enough. Your legs pull him closer as the sweet heat swirls rapidly in your stomach, hands flying down to grip into his soft hair, tugging a moan out of him.
“Javi, I- Fuck!” You whine as you clench down on his pumping fingers as he adds a third, stretching you with his thick fingers. Your head slams on the desk as your vision blurs, the pleasure swimming through your body as your limbs start to tense up in anticipation.
Javi’s groan vibrates through your cunt and your eyes roll. “C’mon, be a good girl and cum on my face.” He orders as he lifts his face from you for a brief moment before latching onto you again.  
The pleasure builds and builds and builds. Your legs shake on his shoulders and you’re sure your grip on his hair is too tight but you’re so close, so achingly close. 
Javier’s teeth scrape on your clit and you scream behind your panties as the pleasure snaps. His hand leaves your stomach as your back aches and wave after wave of pleasure washes over you as your walls flutter around his fingers as they pick up speed, drawing out your orgasm for as long as possible.
You slump back onto the table as you come down from the high as his fingers leave you feeling empty as he brings them to his mouth and tastes you, moaning at the taste. “So sweet,” He mutters as his fingers leave a string of spit as he brings them down to run a finger through your folds. You flinch at the touch as he flicks over your overstimulated clit and brings his finger back to his mouth as he removes your limp legs from his shoulders. 
He stands between your legs and rests his hand on your stomach as you breathe deeply from the orgasm he pulled from you. His other hand leaves his mouth as he palms himself over his jeans and he groans as his hand fists your shirt. 
“So pretty cumming on my fingers like that hermosa,” he praises as he looks down at your dripping pussy. “Bet you’d look even prettier cumming on my cock.” He groans as his hand grips onto your waist, kneading the skin there under your shirt. “You’d like that? Yeah? Cumming on my cock?” He asks, his voice needy and wrecked. 
Unable to voice your response, you look up at him and eagerly nod, needing him to fill and stretch you. 
“Fuck–” He groans and he grips his dick through his jeans, his other hand leaving your body to undo his zipper. “Such a good girl.” He praises and it sends shots of pleasure down to your core at his praise. 
He pulls a condom wrapper from his back pocket and rips it open with his teeth, spitting the plastic to the floor before pulling the condom from the packet. He pulls his jeans down enough to pull his cock out and rolls the condom on before he moves to lift both your legs over his chest and over one shoulder, his arm firmly around your legs to keep you still. He spits into his hand and pumps himself a few times, his eyes closing in pleasure. Your eyes widen at his girth and are suddenly thankful he used three fingers to stretch you enough for him. 
You feel the head nudge at your entrance and groan when he pushes in, the sting catching your breath in your throat. His spare hand that isn’t holding your legs to his chest sprays over your stomach as he hisses at the tightness. He pulls out slightly before pushing back in and swears as he keeps pushing until his hips are flush with your ass. 
The stretch is overwhelming, your eyes rolling and body going limp as pleasure swims through your body. 
His hand slides down and presses down on your lower stomach and you gasp behind your gag as he presses down to feel himself deep inside you, the position making you feel tighter and him thicker.  
“Fuckin’ made for me.” He groans as he pulls back and slams back in, the hand pressing down on your stomach making you feel him even more.
He builds an unrelenting pace as he loses himself in you, his eyes focusing between how your pussy grips him and your glazed over eyes as you lose yourself in the feeling of him pounding into you.    
You want to tell him how good he feels, how fucking amazing he’s making you feel but you can’t. Your panties are dripping with your drool, your own spit leaking from the makeshift gag and into your face. 
Instead you reach down and take hold of the hand pushing on your stomach and hold him there and he grunts as his hips stutter. He pulls his hand off you and takes your hand and pushes it on your lower stomach where his was and laces his fingers in yours as he makes you feel him rearranging your guts. Your eyes roll at the feeling and the sudden intensity of pleasure rising throughout you takes you by surprise. 
Fuck, you could cum twice from this. 
“You gonna cum for me again?” He asks, his voice tight as his eyebrows furrow and his lips part, puffing out air with each pump of his cock into you. “Need to feel you cum on my cock.” 
You nod, feeling pricks of tears falling from your eyes from the pleasure rising, not used to cumming twice in a row. 
Javier’s groan is long and drawn out as he takes his hand from yours and wipes a tear from your face. “Fuck- Feel that good?” He asks as he leans over and bends your legs over you. He moves one leg over to the other shoulder and you close your eyes at the change as your legs are folded to your own chest. His hands grip onto the backs of your thighs as your feet dangle over his shoulders, hitting him with each thrust.  
The change of position makes you scream in pleasure under your gag as he hits your g-spot and you would have thrashed under him if his body weight wasn’t pressing you into the table as his hips somehow pounded into you faster. 
“Can feel you getting tighter-” He grits between his teeth as his hips stutter. He slips a hand between your legs and presses tight circles into your clit and you choke on your breath. He tears your panties from your mouth and you gasp before his lips cover yours, muffling your gasps and moans.
You grip onto his shoulders as you start to shake, whining into his mouth as his fingers and dick pull the noises from you. 
One hard thrust pushes you over the edge and his mouth covers yours as you scream his name. His forehead crushes into yours as he swears, his hips moving in quick short thrusts as he chases his own release as your walls tightly flutter around him and he buries his head in your shoulder as his hips make three short thrusts before he stills, cumming into his condom with a deep groan, making your pussy grip onto him tighter. He grinds into you as his cock twitches, filling the condom and you sigh at the feeling, your fingers loosening their grip on his shoulders. 
He lifts himself slightly as he lets your legs down from his shoulders and you groan at the sore feeling as your legs hit the table. His chest rises and falls and he stands, looking down at where you’re still connected and softly runs his thumb over your clit, smiling when you whine. He slowly pulls out and grunts at the feeling.  
“So perfect.” He sighs as his hand trails down your thigh as you look up at him with a soft fucked out smile. He kneads your thigh and your body melts to the touch before his hand retracts and carefully takes his condom off before tying it and tossing it into the trash beside the desk and taking a few tissues from the tissue box beside you. 
He quickly wipes himself and throws the tissue on top of the used condom before he tucks himself back into his jeans and stands back between your legs. He drags the tissue between your folds and you try to push him away as he touches your very overstimulated clit. He chuckles and tosses the tissue into the trash. 
His hand snakes around your neck and pulls you into a soft kiss, making you moan into the sensation. The kiss is lighter and sweeter than before, and you sigh as his tongue dips into your mouth. Your breath catches in your throat as you melt into the kiss, the warmth of his body pressing into yours making your stomach flutter in delight.
He leans back before kissing the corner of your lips and stands up breathless. “Better get you dressed before we have visitors.” He says as he helps you up from the desk. Your legs are shaky as you stand and you blush as he steadies you on your feet. 
He walks over and picks up your pants, underwear and shoes, he hands you your pants as he places your shoes on the floor beside you. You go to take your panties from him but he flashes a mischievous grin and moves them out of your reach. “Don’t think you’ll be wearing these, they’re basically ruined.” He taunts as he tucks them into his jean pocket and you gasp at his action. 
“Javi, give them back.” You laugh in shock as you attempt to reach behind him to retrieve your underwear. 
He grins as he moves out of your reach as he takes hold of your wrists. 
The sound of voices down the hallway stops you and your heart falters. “Better put your pants on,” he teases and you glare at him before quickly tugging your pants on without your underwear and throwing your shoes on in a rush and the voices get louder. 
Javier rounds the table as he picks up his own jacket, shrugging it back on as he sits in the chair behind the desk, lounging with his legs propped up on the table. He grabs the Rubix Cube on the desk and starts fiddling with it as you hastily tie your laces. You feel rushed as you try to get your shoes back on, your hands shaking with the lingering effects of your climax.
“Better unlock the door,” Javier says in a nonchalant tone, his focus on the Rubix Cube puzzle in his hands. Your cheeks are flushed with heat and your body is thrumming with lingering arousal as you make your way to the door, hearing the voices of Ash and Steve becoming louder as draw closer. You hastily unlock the door, your limbs almost shaking with the rush of anxiety as they approach.
"Jerk," you mutter under your breath, clearly annoyed by his sudden behaviour. You walk back over to the chair you were originally sitting in before they left, trying to reclaim your composure.
The pair walks back in, their expressions neutral as they are unaware of the events that just took place behind closed doors. Javier hums softly as he looks up towards them, his hands still occupied with the Rubix Cube in front of him. 
"We have a flight to catch." Ash says flatly as he follows Steve in, his expression neutral as always. You let out a frustrated sigh as you lean forward and rest your head in your hands.
"I haven't slept in two days, Ash." You groan in a tired voice, feeling frustrated and annoyed as you push yourself up from the chair. Ash shrugs nonchalantly in response, his attitude seemingly unchanged from when they first left.
“Can’t you sleep on the plane?” Javier asks, finally looking up from the rubix cube and you shake your head, explaining you can’t leave the Diplomatic bags out of your sight. He hums and places the cube back on the desk and stands up from the chair. 
His eyes glance down at your body and smirks to himself as he places his hands on his hips. “Well, until next time.” He nods in your direction and you fight the blush that threatens to raise to your cheeks under his gaze. 
“Until next time.” You agree and turn to Ash as he gestures it’s time to leave. You say your short goodbye to both Steve and Javier and follow your partner out the door, leaving as Javier’s eyes tail down to your ass as you walk out the door. 
Ash looks over at you as you walk through the empty building, with a knowing look on his face. "In the office, really?" He remarks with a scoff. Your face flushes red in embarrassment, the sound of his voice carrying a sense of sarcasm as he mocks your actions. 
You give him a playful nudge on the shoulder and he stumbles over his feet, losing his balance for a moment before he is able to regain it and catch himself by leaning against the wall. He looks at you with a smirk, the feeling of your playful nudge making him laugh in spite of himself.
"Hope it was worth it, because you've got another day before you can sleep." He teases you as he returns to walking by your side, his tone playful and teasing.
You give off a nonchalant shrug, but inside you are thinking about Javier's groans and the feeling of his hands and mouth on your body. How he made you feel and how he made you crave more as he fucked into you. How he made you want to turn around and run back into his lap and beg for more.  
Yeah, it was worth it. It was definitely worth it.
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Oh my, I have never written actual smut before. Is this even good? I have no idea.
on a real note, I started this back in October last year and dropped it as I started to get sexually harrassed at work and writing anything sexual made me sick, especially one that was about a workplace. Since then, I've gotten better about it and refused to let the situation stop me from doing what I wanted. So today I finally finished this one shot. Might be another part, idk.
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thesummerpetrichor · 1 year
𝓞𝓯𝓯 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓼
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Javier Peña x afab!reader
Summary: You’re a sociology student writing your final thesis, you shouldn’t care whether the new DEA attaché is an asshole, you shouldn’t be getting on his nerves every chance you get, shouldn’t be dreaming of him the way you do, and you certainly shouldn’t be bent over his desk in the middle of the night– letting him fuck you senseless.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI you will be blocked. Mentions of DEA, big girthy age gap [reader is in her early twenties Javier is in his mid 40s], petnames [sweetheart, girlie, baby, babygirl etc], smut, explicit sexual content, explicit language, daddy kink, dom!Javi, mean brat tamer! javi, sub!reader, major size kink, reader is a menace and a brat, cheek pulling, like two spanks and a slap, minor choking, degradation, name calling, fingering, semi public sex [in his office], rough sex, unprotected P in V [don't do it you’re better than them!!] let me know if I missed anything!!
Word count: 8.7k
A/N: Lotsa porn, lotsa plot. Filthier than I’d like to admit but here we are. Javier is emotionally unavailable but I don’t care. Enjoy nasties. Mwah 💗
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My old man is a bad man, but
I can't deny the way he holds my hand
And he grabs me, he has me by my heart
He doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas past
He doesn't mind I have a L.A. crass way about me
He loves me, with every beat of his cocaine heart
You were sure you looked nothing short of unstable– the way you were smiling to yourself as you hit the ‘submit’ button on the first checkpoint of your research paper. The past few months had been absolute chaos, and you weren’t really sure what was worse; the fact that your workplace had become an HR nightmare, or the way you were enjoying every goddamn second of it. 
Not long ago you’d been lucky enough to pack your bags and board a flight to Bogotá, where you were going to be writing your final sociology thesis. You’d fought tooth and nail with the department for this opportunity, and the fact that you were finally going to be there doing the work you’d always imagined– it was a dream. While you were initially a little weary of having to go through the American embassy to access records, and archives, you knew this was the best deal you were going to get, so you pushed your hesitation aside and took them up on their offer. You were obviously aware the department was going to give you hell for it– your work would be put under immeasurable scrutiny, they were going to bother you with emails all day every day, snoop around your work through their contacts at the embassy, and take any chance to fly you back. But it didn’t matter; it was going to be a dream. 
Impressing the ambassador was your top priority, impressing everyone around you really was. For as long as you could remember your bright smile, hard work and sunshine attitude had only worked in your favor. If there was one thing you enjoyed, it was the great privilege of being all your professors’ favorite student. That’s how you’d even convinced them to let you travel thousands of miles away on the university’s dime in the first place. 
The world of academia was hard, especially when you were starting out, everyone you dealt with wasn’t a progressive professor who valued your opinion despite your age and gender. Sometimes you needed help from the sleazy HOD, or the grumpy receptionist and neither cared about your expertise on Helmut Schoeck. It didn’t bother you, all you cared about was the quality of your work, and you were not going to let anyone get in the way of it. So, if good work and behaviour didn't get you what you wanted you just used your batting eyelashes, innocent pout and harmless bribes– the receptionist had mentioned liking strawberry shortcake nearly two years ago in passing, and that information sure as hell came in handy when you needed to get your paperwork sorted out. 
Boy did that skill of yours come in handy during your time in Bogotá
No one was going to make this experience anything but splendid, you were going to get to the embassy, meet the ambassador, charm her and all her coworkers in no time, make some trusted allies and go about your research unbothered and unfazed. You were determined. It was going to be a dream. 
That was until it was an absolute nightmare. The moment your plane’s wheels hit the tarmac you were slapped with wave after wave of absolute frustration. Your phone was inundated with missed calls from an unknown number, and when you called back you were promptly informed by the Ambassador’s secretary that due to spacing issues you were being relocated to the DEA offices at the far end of the embassy. 
Great, nothing better than being around a bunch of cops 24/7 .
You hadn’t made it three steps off the aerobridge before two men– both of whom looked terribly out of place in their baseball hats, grabbed you by the arm and dragged you through the airport. You wouldn’t say the word ‘accosted’ was dramatic when describing the way two employees of the American embassy had apprehended you. They didn't seem much older than you were, but they sure as hell thought they ran the damn place. When you thought about elitist diplomats thinking they were doing god's work you could be sure you imagined Agent Daniel Van Ness and Agent Chris Feistl’s faces before you’d even met them. 
“Ow! What the hell do you think you're doing?!” Van Ness pretty much tossed you into his suspicious, unmarked vehicle, and as if you weren’t sore from your excruciatingly long flight you were sure you were going to need some ice packs when you got to your service apartment. “Okay, let's not make a scene, as I said we were told to get you as soon as you got off that plane” Feistl started the engine with one hand, and put the other one up in mock surrender. 
“Didn’t know kidnapping was part of the Ambassador's agenda in Bogotá” .
The car ride to the embassy was mostly quiet, and you took the time to enjoy the beautiful Colombian city as it came into view, clear your head and mentally plan for your stay. That was, save for the two men’s grumbling about a certain Javier Peña. “Yeah, we miss this meeting and Peña’s gonna be on our ass for the next week” You’d quickly learnt he was a little bit of a hero in the DEA world, whatever that meant– took down Escobar and all. And if you couldn’t loathe him more already he was now promoted to attaché. From what Van Ness and Feistl told you  he sounded like a character– hard ass, stubborn, insolent, the list went on and on. This Javier must really be something
How bad could he really be? Probably some grumpy old guy you’d run into once in a while at the water station or fax machine. He’d pay no mind to you; some irrelevant college student. Besides, you’d win him over with your signature smile. Who knew maybe you’d even become friends? “Well Im looking forward to meeting this Javier Peña” 
 “No one has ever said that. I don't think his mother said that when he was poppin’ out.” 
And boy were they right, Javier Peña really was something. The elevator doors opened to what would soon become a familiar sight– Javier trailing the ambassador as she tried to escape him and the DEA offices. “With all due respect, if I wanted to be a babysitter I would've taken up a job with the RIPs”  She turned to face him, her back to you. “Agent Peña, I'm going to repeat myself one more time, and I really shouldn't have to, but please stop referring to them as the “RIP’’s ”. Talk about professionalism, you definitely weren’t expecting whatever the hell this was when you thought of diplomatic work. 
Noonan almost unceremoniously bumped into you as she skirted away from Javier, raising her hands in absolute elation now that he had to take care of you, and couldn’t bother her any longer. “There you are, perfect! Agent Peña show her around, and please, be nice.” She all but pushed you into him, and you heard Javier helplessly and pathetically yell after her as she walked to the elevator. “I still need that clearance ambassador–” 
Despite the fact that he was looking at you like he wanted to tear you apart you didn't let that distract from the absolute marvel Javier Peña was. If you didn’t know any better you’d be on your knees for the man, and you couldn’t trust that you did. With the way his hair sat messily ruffled atop his head in soft curls, falling dangerously close to his eyes, or the way his now crinkled button up from the tiring workday hugged his forearms, who could blame you? Who knew, maybe you even liked the way he looked at you? 
You shot him your signature smile, and extended your hand to introduce yourself. Forget about Noonan, she’d probably retire soon anyway, it was his approval you really wanted now. With brows raised he took his time assessing you. You didn’t miss the way his eyes raked over your body, or the way he chewed on his lip as he did so. Feeling a little, or maybe very, hot under his gaze you shifted uncomfortably, still holding your hand out politely, but all you got from him besides his shameless gawking was a condescending chuckle, and he was turning away and walking back inside. 
So he really was an asshole. 
You stood in shock for a moment. Was this some sort of odd hazing process at the embassy? What the hell was going on? His voice zapped you out of the absolute embarrassment of an interaction you just had. “You gonna stand there all day?” God he was such a prick. You’d barely been there two minutes and you were already on Van Ness and Feist's team. You couldn’t even imagine what life would be like if he was your boss. Or could you? 
Your gaze hardened at the realization. If there was one thing you were not going to do it was lust hopelessly after a man who didn't even want to give you the time of day, someone who thought he was so much better than you were. You were not going to inflate his already massive ego by crooning for his praise, no! You were not going to let him wield that kind of power over you. 
You watched as he walked through the office, the man sucked the air outta the room with the way he quite literally strutted across it. Practically dragging yourself behind him you tried your best to compose yourself, you were not going to let Peña and his asshole ways ruin your stay– he was going to like you, going to give you the time of day– and if hard work and a good attitude didn’t do it, your batting lashes certainly would.  
Swimmin' pool glimmerin', darling
White bikini off with my red nail polish
Watch me in the swimmin' pool, bright blue ripples
You sittin', sippin' on your Black Cristal, oh, yeah
In the subsequent days you surprisingly had made yourself quite at home in the embassy– after all you did spend almost all of your day there. Van Ness and Fiestl soon became great friends, and would often drop by your workstation during breaks, or to invite you out for drinks after work. Things were going rather well, there was nothing much to complain about. The people who worked at the embassy were really friendly, and many of them took a liking to you. If charming your way into everyone's good graces was still your plan it sure as hell was working. 
You’d even met a certain blonde haired, blue eyed office heartthrob. While they were both certainly easy on the eyes, Agent Murphy was otherwise little like his partner, he was friendly, helpful, and generally in a good mood. Hell he even wished you ‘good morning’ when he got into work everyday. In due time you could even say Steve Murphy had become somewhat of a friend, he was quite fond of you– then again everyone in the office really was. 
That is almost everyone. 
Progress in the Javier department of your life had barely made moves. He was such a dick. On your second day you remember knocking on his door and politely asking if he could sign some papers that would get you some cultural records in Bogotá. You didn’t know what response you’d been expecting, but he'd essentially told you to leave him the hell alone.  
You wondered if being such a bitter jerk was exhausting. “Now girlie, runalong..” And with that he shut his door. You didn't want to let it affect you, but it did. You crooned for his attention, but he was so cold and detached, and nothing seemed to get through to him. The smiles, the ‘good mornings’, the way you’d offered to drop his files at the Ambassador's on your way there, it did nothing. He only smiled at you condescendingly, and at one point even joked about how he wasn’t sure you were capable of making it to the other side of the building. 
“Don't worry your head about these files, wouldn’t want you wandering around, lost, tryna find Noonan’s office.” 
Not to mention how he couldn’t keep his mouth shut about your “silly little paper”, how your work was “cute” or “funny”. God, you couldn’t stand it. The way he leaned over your desk, jumbled up your resources while he carelessly looked through them. With his messy, loose tie, and his sideways smile, and warm, comforting brown eyes, and that mocking teasing tone…... 
My old man is a tough man, but
He got a soul as sweet as blood-red jam
And he shows me, he knows me
Every inch of my tar-black soul
“If he can’t drink it, or fuck it, he’s not interested.” When Feistl had told you that on your first day you scoffed, but it proved to be valuable, and unbelievably, true information in no time. Unintentionally Javier had condemned himself to an eternal state of perdition, you were not giving up, and this time you were going to drive him crazy. 
He surely wasn’t prepared for the little menace you became in the following weeks. You only felt pride when you’d catch him looking at you– embarrassing how he couldn't keep his eyes off. You and your cute little dresses, skirts, those you didn’t initially plan to wear to the office. His glare almost burnt a hole in your back everyday at midday, hotter than the afternoon sun peaking through the blind covered windows as you sat on Van Ness’ desk, laughing at something Feistl said. If there was one thing worse than an HR violation, it was an HR violation with a girl nearly half his age.
You’d found a fancy for discovering his ticks, new ways you could push his buttons. When you weren’t calling him sir as you addressed him, or taunting him with your dopey eyes and girlish smiles you were making his life a lot less convenient. 
“Where the hell is Peña” at least twice a week Stechner would all but slither into the office, talking about congress people, funding and how the DEA was raining all over his parade. As much as you hated the man, he was your trusted ally in trying times, especially when you decided breaking the office’s unspoken rule was going to be your new favorite pastime. That rule was of course, never telling anyone, especially his colleagues, where the hell Javier Peña was at any given time. 
So when Bill walked up to you and leaned beside your desk you faithfully pointed to the filing room you knew Javier was quite literally hiding in. When he walked, more like stormed out with Bill you were sure he could break you in half, the way he was looking at you, but you had given up lying to yourself, you loved it. Every morning he’d come into the office and have to find other places to escape to– from Noonan and Murphy and all other accountability. But for a cop he was pretty shit at it, and you always found a way to tell where it was he'd gone to. It also helped that nearly everyone enjoyed it when Javier had to deal with the bureaucracy, it was free reality tv, and you could be sure if you didn’t know who or what he was trying to avoid, someone else in the office surely would.
You had simultaneously become a great asset to Steve Murphy, who was, more than you expected, willing and enthusiastic about getting shit done, shit that Javier’s stubbornness would only prolong, especially because he knew the mix of Peña and the CIA was anything but productive. Whether it was distracting him while he got support for their missions, or rushing to answer the phones and covering for him and making Javi deal with Noonan you were always game. Murphy was always appreciative. 
“Steve’s out right now, but Javier’s in his office if you’d like to speak with him…” Steve pretty much cackled behind his desk as you handed the phone’s receiver to Peña, and watched as he exhaled heavily through his nose, using every bit of restraint he could possibly muster not to kick the two of you out of the building. He settled for flipping Murphy off instead. 
As someone who wasn’t an embassy employee you pretty much had free reign over the place, and you knew it only made Javier more upset knowing he couldn’t do anything about it. You were thoroughly enjoying your time in Bogotá, you knew Javier was thinking about you, you knew how much you got on his nerves, you loved the way he’d glare at you, boss you around, get annoyed at your little antics. You craved his attention and you were finally getting it. 
Though every once in a while you’d feel a little pang in your chest, at the way he’d roll his eyes at you, be his regular mean self. But you shoved that feeling aside, you did not want his approval. That would be pathetic. You just wanted a little payback.
He doesn't mind I have a flat broke-down life
In fact, he says he thinks it's what he might like about me
Admires me, the way I roll like a rolling stone
Javier had been avoiding you like the plague for a good two days. That was after he overheard a conversation you were having with your supervisor he wasn’t really meant to be a party to. You remember twirling the cord wire between your fingers as you updated her over the phone. “Yeah, I need to get to the congress library, they have all the copies there.” You pushed the speaker button, letting go of the receiver to sift through the piles of printed paper on your desk. “Do you have access, did the embassy get you an ID? I spoke to Noonan but she’s busy babysitting her employees.” You bit back a smile. Javier and Murphy sure were a handful. 
“No, of course they didn’t. They don’t give a rat's ass” Frankly, you were exhausted from having to get or find somebody to do anything around there. Noonan was practically no help until the dean was breathing down her neck, for people who had been working in Bogotà for years very few in the embassy knew the directions to anyplace that wasn’t a bar, and everyone was far too busy kissing each other’s ass to get things done. “The DEA can go, can't they? Get one of em to take you” Before you could respond you heard the rattling of the water cooler behind you, and you caught Javier’s half shocked half annoyed expression in the reflection of the window as he scrambled for a paper napkin to wipe the water off his dress shirt.  
“Hmm, I didn’t think of that…..that's a great idea” 
That was on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent turning in the opposite direction anytime you approached him, sneaking past you on his way in and out, and begging Murphy to take that trip to the Congress library instead. On Thursday you were sure you won the lottery. 
Both Murphy and Carillo in the same room, and better yet in the office before Javier had made his grand entrance. They stood over what looked to you like a large map, arguing about something with far too much energy at eight in the morning. You saw this as your little opening. Where the hell was Peña? 
Turns out he was with the Ambassador.  
Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom, Château Marmont
Slippin' on my red dress, puttin' on my makeup
Glass room, perfume, cognac, lilac fumes
Says it feels like heaven to him
“And you’re going too?” Ambassador Noonan sat back in her chair, twirling her pencil between her fingers, looking expectantly at the irate face in front of her. You thought you’d spare Agent Peña his white lies, answering promptly in that sweet voice of yours.  “Yes, Agent Murphy told me, and besides, if he's around I can access all the archives..” You shrugged your shoulders and shot her your most persuasive smile. “Government ID an’ all” . You almost felt bad for Peña, the way his friends were so quick to rat him out. But then again he’d stirred up enough petty fights over the years so that nearly everybody was quick to get their petty revenge. That jerk was planning to take his little trip to the library– with Carillio of all people, and he was going to leave you behind? Not anymore.
“Well, I don't see the problem, just take her to the goddamn library. Jesus Peña why is everything so difficult with you.” Javier shot you a glare you could only describe as deadly, but you could only giggle at his exasperation. He rose from his chair, leaning on her desk, like he was trying to seduce her into getting out of this situation. You wondered how Noonan showed so much restraint, if you were her you’d be giving into anything he said no questions asked. 
“Ambassador, really, all that is below my paygrade, don't ya think?” Your mouth fell agape, and you turned to him to find he was smiling, looking directly at you. Asshole  “This whole conversation is below my paygrade. You’re bothering me Peña, get to work..” and with that the two of you were practically kicked out of her office and thrown into the hall,  where in the deafening silence you heard the large wooden doors slam behind you. 
You were lucky there was no one else around, especially when he practically slammed you against the wall. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Tryna fuck my whole day over baby?” You had to physically fight yourself to not give into the death grip he had on your shoulders, to hold yourself up as he caged you against the corridor.  “I just really need these papers, and only you can get ‘em for me ” You bat your lashes at him, and he pressed his forehead against the wall beside you in complete frustration, sighing. He knew that wasn’t true, and he knew you did as well. Any intern could have gotten them for you, but who was an intern in comparison to him? 
“I won't bother you again, promise” you bit your lip and held your pinkie finger up in what Javier saw as practically an act of war. His hands moved from your shoulders to grab you by the waist as you looked up at him. Despite your smiley exterior you were all giddy on the inside, especially when he leant beside your ear and warned in his low whisper, thumbs drawing circles on your flesh. 
“You're playin’ with fire baby..” 
I'm off to the races, laces
Leather on my waist is tight, and I am fallin' down
I can see your face, is shameless, Cipriani's Basement
Love you, but I'm goin' down
As much as you wanted to bother Javier during his little snoop session with Carillo, you still had a job to do, so you shoved your brattiness aside for a few hours and got to work finding the documents you needed from the archives. You were honestly expecting a medal for your self restraint, because once you were done you waited patiently till he strutted outside after his meeting, barely holding up the heavy box with all your findings. You’d been standing there for almost two hours, and the jerk hadn’t even given you a heads up so you could sit inside.
“Finally.” He rolled his eyes, and like he was running some sort of marathon didn’t bother even helping you, speed walking across the parking lot as you stumbled and struggled behind him– attempting to keep up. 
“We gotta get back, now.” 
You buckled your seatbelt as he pulled out of the driveway, and relaxed against your seat as you caught your breath. “Where’re we going?” He turned to you and smiled, but it was in that signature condescending way that he always did. Meanie You thought to yourself. “We are not going anywhere. You are going back to the office, and I am going to take care of something you don't need to worry about.” You didn't know whether there was any use still being offended by his patronizing attitude, he could’ve just said you were going back to the office, but that was too normal, too dignified of a response for the great, cartel busting Javier Peña 
“I could come.” He laughed at your pout, as he turned to look at you, rounding the corner. “Baby, don’t ya’ think that's a little ambitious comin’ from someone who got winded carrying a box across a parking lot.” You scoffed, yes, it would've been nice to have some help. “Don’t worry, I don’t want anything to do with whatever it is you're going to do, anyway” Wanting to turn away from him you looked out the window, but that only lasted so long. 
“If this lead comes through, everyone in Bogotà’s gonna want everything to do with it.” You watched as the setting sun drenched your surroundings in a golden glow, and you couldn’t look away from the way Javier’s brown eyes too turned into pools of gold as the sun caught them. His voice a low hum just a little louder than the radio he habitually played as he drove around. It took a special type of maniac to go on missions off the clock. 
“Who’s it for, the lead?” He hummed, and smiled to himself as he spoke, that look on his face you couldn’t quite place– like he was just waiting for his opponent to slip up.  “One of the big guys. You should meet him when we bring him in– you’d get along–  he's a pain in my ass” 
You turned your gaze from the opening embassy gates to meet his eyes, your own narrowed into slits as you stared him down– he was smiling, and you hated it. “Mean.” He shook his head at your irritation, and wordlessly pulled up into the driveway. “Now, you're gonna take those files, and you're gonna sit your bratty ass down, and you're gonna work on that silly paper of yours” You were halfway out the door, lifting the giant cardboard box off the floor of the car with embarrassing difficulty.
Great, there was another thing he could berate you for. 
“That's a lot of instructions..” Your voice was muffled behind your paperwork, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it when he tried to boss you around. 
“Well here's another– don't touch anything while I'm gone.” He laughed to himself as he caught your rolling eyes peering at him over the top of the box, that being the only part of you that was really visible to him. Waiting for you to make it to the entrance he watched as one of his colleagues, one of the many heading out for the day, took it from you, and helped you inside. 
The low hum of the radio replaced the sound of your voice, an old spanish tune coming over the static as he drove out and away from the embassy. 
God, I'm so crazy, baby
I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving
I'm your little harlot, starlet, Queen of Coney Island
Raisin' hell all over town
Sorry 'bout it
“Didn't I specifically tell you not to touch anything” You lifted your head in the direction of that familiar voice, irritated as usual, but also a little more gruff, a little more tired. For a moment you regretted annexing his office while he was away. You watched as he sauntered in and towards his desk, opposite the little workstation you’d set up on a spare table where he’d dumped his tie and blazer for when the Ambassador popped around. He propped his hands on his desk, leaning against it to meet your gaze. 
God did he look good, the day had taken its toll on him, but it was only doing him favors. That soft brown hair had been ruffled out of place, and that crisp button up sat wrinkled on his back, loosely and messily tucked into his navy dress pants, sleeves haphazardly rolled up his forearms. While he looked like he worked a regular nine to five, from the little you knew about his job, an intentionally minimal amount, you were sure the unkemptness was the result of some high stakes chase, raid or whatever it was he’d set his head to doing that day.  
“‘M not touching, I just needed the AC” He rolled his eyes, but his neatly hung blazer and rolled up tie caught his attention from across the room. “See.. Untouched” You shot him that smile that you knew drove him up the wall, and he shook his head, now concerned more with sorting the paperwork splayed out in front of him. “Must be real hard, highlightin’ all that paper” He pointed to your reference material. As bad as the day was, it wasn't bad enough to persuade him to stop being a jerk.  
The place was a mess, and he couldn’t leave it this way till the morning, that would be a hit to his professionalism far worse than any of the shady shit he’d done over the years. He didn’t have time for your childish antics. At least for the moment. It’d been a long day and he wanted nothing more than to get it over with. Boy did he look like he needed to let off some steam, and while at first glance your actions were doing anything but helping him relax, couldn’t he see you were just begging for him to use you for exactly that? 
Maybe it was because he was tired of your shit, or because he was far too preoccupied with his work at the time, or because the office was dark and quiet and cold, but the next few minutes passed in uncharacteristic silence. You gazed up once in a while to see Javier’s scrunched brows sort through an abundance of filing. He’d sigh heavily every once in a while, and you could only wonder what or who, besides you, got on his nerves that much. You were almost eager to eliminate the competition. The world drowned out in the white noise of shuffling documents and clicking pens and you were once again lost in your paper. 
Every part of you really wished he wasn’t such an asshole. What had you ever done to him anyway, for him to be so cold and mean? You couldn’t pretend you had nothing to do with it, you'd egged him on beyond measure, but you’d only ever wanted him to like you. Okay maybe you thoroughly enjoyed his irritation, but you only really ever wanted his attention. Pathetic.. You thought to yourself. You pretended he wasn’t bothered by you taking over his office for a moment.
“Done yet?” You hadn’t even realized how or when Javier had crossed the room and made his way in front of you. His fingers danced on the edge of your laptop screen. You didn’t feel like answering just yet, so you typed away at your keyboard for a while longer. The silence wasn’t appreciated, and you could feel the exhaustion radiate off him like heat. You caught him fiddling with the pens on your desk, and skimming over some of your printed material from the corner of your eye, and you bit your lip to stifle your laughter when he chucked it back on your desk in what you assumed was complete disinterest. He was going to try harder to get your attention. 
You weren't prepared however when he practically slammed your laptop shut, forcing you to stop ignoring him. Talk about disrupting the workplace. Groaning, you rested your chin in your palms and peered up at him through dopey eyes. A man who had been driven to the edge, that's the gaze you met. It was not going to affect you, that muted rage, that wrought iron glare. You promised yourself. But your desires were already betraying you.. you rubbed your thighs together to alleviate the ache. 
“There a problem?” With a tone that set his last teeth on edge you kept up the facade, against your better judgment. It was just too much fun not to. When you looked up at him through your lashes you could almost see the slight tick in his jaw, and your mind wandered to what other ways you’d like this type of view. “Yes, in fact there is. It's 1am” He leaned forward, dangerously close, to the point you could feel the warmth of his breath fan against your lips, the tip of his nose brushing against yours. You caught the faint smell of cigarettes off his disheveled clothes, the scent of whiskey on his lips. You felt your breath hitch, but you hoped he didn't notice. How naive, that was. 
“And” Your eyes darted to his mouth momentarily as you spoke, voice wavering. He raised his brows, almost to tell you not to push him any further than you already did. It was too late, however. Whatever this was had spiraled far out of your control, and he could see the way you squirmed under that commanding gaze of his. Your brain was screaming at the attention, and you had to inwardly yell at yourself to stop being so needy. 
“And?” Your brows furrowed, your lips forming that signature pout when you heard him mock your tone, your voice.  “I've had a long day, baby, and I wanna go home” You huffed girlishly at his ridicule, the way he liked to humiliate you by throwing your attitude back in your face with his snide imitations, his raised brow and faux sympathy. He talked like one does to a misbehaving child. In that patronizing, explanatory melody. You watched him chuckle with slitted eyes, though you were slowly turning to a puddle underneath it all.
“Go home then Mr. Peña. I'm not stopping you am I?” You watched his eyes darken, and you weren't even sure that was possible, but you didn’t have much time to think because before you knew it he was pinching your cheeks between his fingers, his other hand still holding him up on the table. You could only whine under his rough touch as its effects licked between your thighs. He laughed when you mewed at the sting. 
“Oh but you are. You're just beggin’ me to stay, aren't ya’ baby?” Your soft and pathetically unconvincing ‘no’ was muffled as he squeezed your cheeks in his large hands, yanking you in his direction as you fruitlessly attempted to free yourself from his grip. Unable to help yourself you were almost crooning into his touch, your body basically begging him to rough you up. “Such a fuckin’ brat. Runnin’ your mouth all day, showin’ up in those clothes, fuckin up my schedule, acting like a whore” His soft whisper made you shiver, your skin now on fire. He spoke slowly, and every syllable made you want to drop at his feet with a vigor you could only be embarrassed of. He made you feel small, made you feel helpless under his touch. 
You wanted to push back, wanted to defy his accusations.“‘m not a whore” He smiled at your whining, and if you were delusional, and you were, even hopeful,  you’d say he did so endearingly. But Javier Peña didn’t care about endearments, and after the way you’d acted you’d be crazy to think he thought there was anything endearing about you. “Right baby. You're not. Gotta pay girls to act this way ‘round me. But look at you. Didn’t spare you a fuckin dime.” 
He had let go of your face, and had in a moment, quickly and uncaringly dumped you on the table in front of him. You let out a soft “ow” when you felt your knees bump the wood before your legs were dangling off its edge. You were far closer to him now, and if you had felt small before you thought you were only shrinking in comparison to his domineering frame– physical, mental, everything. Your brain was mush, your body was mush, and you could only lean into his touch– benevolent or not. 
In an uncharacteristically gentle gesture he patted your cheeks with the palm of his hand, lightly, as if to soothe the sore flesh, but it only made the way he pulled them mockingly far more jarring. “Know what that makes you babygirl?” He paused for a moment, knowing you couldn't answer, looking down at the way your eyes were now welling with tears at the pain, and reveling in the sight. 
“Makes you a little slut” 
You wanted to respond, wanted to defend yourself, but you could only settle for grabbing his dress shirt in the balls of your first. The fabric of your panties had pretty much soaked through, and you felt it cling to you uncomfortably as you shifted on the table to pull him closer. Practically begging for his touch. 
He let go of your face, but he didn’t plan on being any more gentle. He knew there was nothing you could do, nothing you could say at that moment, and he took full advantage of your silence– telling you everything he’d wanted to scream in your face for the past month. It was even better now however, because as a fun bonus, for his superhuman self control, you were even pleading for him to do so. He could see it in your eyes, feel it on your hot skin, the way you subtly rolled your hips against the table to ease the pang between your thighs. He reduced you to a dumb, empty headed bimbo, with his words alone. He couldn't help but rub it in a little. “Aw baby, no words for me? Where’s that snappy mouth now?” That faux sympathy was back again
His hands rubbed up and down your sides, moving to toy with the buttons of your top as he spoke. Fiddling with them he popped the first few open, enough to expose the swell of your breasts to the cool of the air conditioned office. With lust blown eyes he trailed his thumbs along your collar bones and then down to your admittedly skimpy lingerie– you gasped when he yanked it down, practically tearing if in a swift motion. He admired you for a moment, held you in place when you squirmed against him, wrapped your legs around his waist. 
You shifted on the desk, leaning your face against his torso, looking up at him,  pleading with your eyes. “Like you better like this, clothes half off like a desperate slut that couldn’t even wait to get undressed.” He paused, still admiring, tracing your cheekbones with his thumbs. “Oh, and fucking quiet”  he flipped you on your stomach, your legs dangling of the table when you writhed under his punishing grip– pushing your face down against the wood, bending you over it. “Whaddya think baby?” 
As if he had enough of just looking you felt him flip your skirt up with his vacant hand, and yelped when his palm came down harshly on the flesh of your ass, the sting only egging on your tears of desperation. “You know what I think baby? Think I needa fuck some manners into you.” He smoothed his hands up and down your warm thighs, fingers finding the soaked fabric of your panties as you moaned and sighed above him. He knew what he did to you and he loved it. “Can pretend there's anything in that head of yours besides the thought of goin’ dumb for me”
You lifted your head to look up and behind you, you’d give anything to witness the sight you’d touched yourself to for the past month, but Javier was quick to slam you head back back to where it came from, and send your eyes rolling back into your head as he shoved your soaked panties aside and roughly pushed two fingers into your sopping cunt. "Fuck, look at this tight little pussy, can barley take my fingers." He groaned in your ear, leaning up against you as his digits fucked you at an agonisingly slow pace, just barely soothing the burn of desire building in your core. “Bad girls don’t get a view.” Light headed, you could only squeal, could only hide your face from him as he leaned over to catch a glimpse of your knitted brows and that pout. 
"Y'know how messy y'are baby? Feel how this pussys cryin' for me, drippin' all over my hand?"
You kicked your legs in protest, salty tears streaming down your face and pooling at its side on the wood beneath you. He wasn’t happy when he found you pushing back against his fingers, grinding helplessly on them. For a moment you thought your wish was granted, but he was only yanking you off the desk so you could have your back flush against him, and he could get his hand wrapped tightly around your throat. Still languidly pumping his fingers in and out of your soaking pussy he turned your face to meet his, and sneered as his palm collided with the side of your cheek. 
“Watch it” You wanted to be a brat, wanted to defy him, but it was all too much to handle at once. You felt fuzzy all over, and who were you kidding you were always going dumb for him. Besides, how could you even keep your mind steady, not when you felt his hard length against you. You gazed right up at him, pushed back against him, eyes rolling back into your head as you did. He only laughed. “Oh baby, think it's gonna be that easy? Think ‘m gonna let you cum jus’ like that? After you've run me up the wall?” He squeezed your breast in his palm, bending you back over the table, now more gently, extending the olive branch, giving you a chance to repent. “‘M not a needy slut like you baby, those little tricks ain't’ gonna work” Javier was an asshole, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t waiting to ruin you. But first he wanted to have a little fun. 
“Please, please, promise I'll be good.” He hummed, pretending like he was debating whether he was going to give into your pleas yet. He wasn't. He wanted to soak in the sight– you splayed out on his desk, begging him to fuck you sensless, his hands roaming your body torturously teasing you as your pussy clenched around nothing, dripping for him. 
“So now ya wanna be good? Well baby I'm not buyin it yet. Gonna take a lot more convincing than that.” His fingers found your clothed cunt once again, drawing soft circles on your clit. You wailed, knuckles going white when you gripped the table edge in front of you. "Feels good doesnt' it babygirl, I know, feels so good when you finally fucking listen." You pushed back against his fingers, practically humping his hand. The tears were back, and he loved them. “Aw, poor baby, too much?” He wasn’t asking, and you knew he didn’t care what you had to say anyway. He wanted one response, and you were far too wound up not to give it to him. 
“Please please please. Won't be a brat, wanna be your good girl.” He kept you waiting and distraught, fingers still rubbing you through your panties as he spoke, knowing very well you could barely concentrate when he touched you, the squelching of your wetness only drove you towards the edge. “Now babygirl, you're gonna listen, and you're gonna listen good, and do exactly what I say. Ya hear?” You nodded your head vigorously, but a smack to your ass reminded you to use your words. “Yes. promise” He laughed. “Such an easy little slut.” You heard the jingle of his belt behind you. 
You shivered when you felt his cock drag against your drenched cunt, tip bumping your clit with every pass as he wet himself with your slick. Your hips moved frantically, unable to get enough of the friction, but he held you back just enough, to where you would remain unsatisfied and frustrated.“Say" I'm sorry daddy. I'm sorry for being a tease.” You could hear the smirk in his voice, and the command alone was enough to send you over the edge. 
“‘m sorry for being a tease daddy ” 
“Say “I'm Sorry for being an easy whore”” 
“M’ sorry for being an easy whore” You’d never been more shy in your life, forget around Javier, who could never guess you had it in you. “That’s my good little slut.” But the way he was speaking to you, teasing, mocking, telling you what to do, what to say– you were hot all over with humiliation. You hid your face, pretty much smashing your forehead against the table, making sure no matter how far he lent he couldn't see the way you were coming undone under him. 
He could probably sense it, though, especially by the way you reacted to his little praise. “That's it babygirl. Comin around now are we?” You didn't want him to have that on you, but you were lucky, in a way, because he didn’t care much to tease you anymore. He grabbed your hips harshly and with a rough thrust of his hips he was fucking you into the mahogany desk, your ribs bruising as he held you down against it. He wasn’t wasting any time, wasn’t stopping or going slow to let you adjust, he was reminding you of how tightly you’d wound him up.“So fuckin tight” his voice was a strained whisper behind you, and you made a noise you could barely recognise as your own at his words. “Hurts” you were whining again,this time at the sting,  and you knew he didn’t care but you couldn’t help yourself. “Yeah baby hurts when daddy stuffs you full of his cock? My poor thing.. But you like it don't you babygirl? Like it when I stretch you open” he wasn’t wrong. The feeling of him splitting you open had turned you into a puddle, a moaning mess. “”S too big” his hands smoothed up and down your back erratically.  “I know baby, I know, but you’re gonna take it aren’t you? Gonna take it how I give it to you dirty little girl?” You were, you took it how he gave it to you. “Gonna ruin this pretty lil pussy” He squeezed the flesh of your hips till you squeaked, the pain only adding to the pleasure as his hips smacked against yours. 
You felt your legs shake as his cock pounded your aching pussy. “Jus’ needed daddy to fuck all that brattiness outta ya huh?” You nodded your head and he cooed at the way you melted into his touch. “Oh baby, that’s it, just like that.” Gazing up with hooded eyes you caught his reflection in the glass of his office window, half illuminated by the dim lighting– his own face scrunched up with pleasure. The sight only had you fucking back against him. You felt like jello, your heart pitter pattering at his little praise. 
“My good little slut” 
Wrapping his arm around you he grabbed your face roughly again, dragging you up and against his chest again. 
“My slut, hear me?” 
Yours, yours, yours 
Your brain was a fog, and the only thing you could focus on was the way his cock was hitting that sweet spot inside you, making you clench around him as that burn built in your core– a string of incoherent “daddy’s” being the only thing you could manage to get out your mouth.  “My dumb fuckin baby, my whore, squeezin’ my cock”. You repeated like a broken record; “daddy’s, daddy’s daddy’s”, the feeling of your slick running down your thighs making you go dizzy. 
“Look at you, daddy’s little cumdump” your cheeks were burning, your eyes barley staying open. He pulled your face up from the desk. “Can barely look straight huh baby? Gettin all cock drunk on me.” You made out his dark eyes in the reflection. But you couldn’t bear to meet them. It didn’t matter. He was always looking at you.
“Only for you daddy”
Your release was building, like an inextinguishable fire, your pussy throbbing with need, just begging for it, and he knew it too, the way your walls quivered around him, the way you were moaning and panting, whispering soft calls of “daddy” when he held you against him. “Gonna cum babygirl? Gonna cum on my cock, bent over my desk? When ’m usin’ ya like a fuckin toy?” 
Your body went lax in his arms as you came, your lips parting in a wordless cry, eyes fluttering shut. “That's it… cum for me”. You cherished that almost gentle encouragement as you came undone, tummy swarming with butterflies as you shook in his arms. He was still fucking into your sensitive pussy, pushing you further into the desk as he neared his release. You heard a strained curse behind you, before he was fucking you full of his cum in deep, hard thrusts, your legs dangled off the table as you milked his cock. Shivering at the feeling you closed your eyes, his spend leaked out of your sore pussy when he pulled out, dripping down your inner thighs obscenely. You heard his belt jingle again as he caught his breath behind you, and you felt silly for the way you missed his warmth when it was replaced by the chilled office air. He quickly shifted your panties back in place, making sure you stayed stuffed full of his cum. You winced when he smacked your pussy lightly. Raising your head you caught his reflection again, but you hid your face back against the desk almost immediately when you saw the way he admired his work in the reflection, like he could see the way he’d fucked the brattiness out of you. 
With closed eyes you hummed as he turned you over and sat you on the desk. Now that you’d finally got Javier’s attention you were satisfied– all sleepy and fucked out. You wished he’d hold you, but you had to remind yourself fucking you hadn’t taken the asshole out of him. He was still Javier. Hardass DEA attaché Javier. You sat there for a while, and when you opened your eyes you saw him picking up his blazer and briefcase. 
“If you're not up in 10 seconds I'm leavin’ ya here.” He was back to usual in a moment, and in your fuzzy little head you heard a well meaningness in that tone. “In those messy panties.” You pouted at his words, once again, and he watched as you hopped off the table, rubbing your eyes as you gathered your things, albeit clumsily–your knees wobbly to the point where you could see Javier’s smirk behind you as you shoved your laptop into your bag. 
Turning off the table lamp he motioned with his head for you to get moving along, and you rolled your eyes at him as you walked out the door, stumbling slightly as you did. He gave you what you now recognised as that look, brows raised, and you didn’t have the energy at the moment to be combative. 
Maybe you didn’t want to be. 
“Come on now, runalong”
My old man is a thief, and
I'm gonna stay and pray with him 'til the end
But I trust in the decision of the Lord, to watch over us
Take him when He may, if He may
I'm not afraid to say that I'd die without him
Who else is gonna put up with me this way?
I need you, I breathe you, I'll never leave you!
They would rue the day I was alone, without you
You're lyin' with your gold chain on
Cigar hangin' from your lips, I said, "Hon'"
"You never looked so beautiful as you do now, my man"
And we're off to the races, places
Ready, set, the gate is down and now we're goin' in
To Las Vegas, chaos, Casino Oasis
Honey, it is time to spin
Boy, you're so crazy, baby
I love you forever, not maybe
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
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Let me know what you think please!! I’d love to hear your nasty thots. I really hope you lovelies liked it. Thank you to everyone who reblogs my work. You keep me writing! Dividers and banners by @ saradika 💗💗🐝🐝
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