#javi x reader angst
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sturniluvr · 4 months ago
your camera roll dating Pedro Pascal
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javierpena-inatacvest · 5 months ago
Sail Away
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Summary: Another nightmare leaves Javi wide awake, forced to wrestle with the consequences of his past as he looks towards his future
Pairing: Husband!Javier Peña x Wife!reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Heavyyyyy on the angst, PTSD, references to violence/death (from Narcos), panic attack and descriptions of past panic attacks, insomnia, feelings of guilt/shame, mentions of pregnancy/parenthood, comfort, still a happy (enough) ending, post DEA Javi, poor Javi just really needs a hug :(
A/N: We're tryin new things here people!! Fair warning- I feel like this is DRASTICALLY different from the way I normally write (content and style wise) but big sad time, pre-period hormones said it's time to cry 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think a lot about how post-DEA Javi handles thinking about his time in Colombia, and how hard it is for him to talk about, even with the people he knows care about him the most ☹️ I hope this doesn't beat you to death with metaphors, imagery and lack of beta'ing (I can still hear my AP lit teacher screaming SYMBOLISM into the abyss) Trying to emulate a lil @jolapeno on this one (ily my descriptive queen 👑)
It happened again. 
You instantly knew from the stark cold of his side of the bed, the empty void where his broad frame should be, his sheets twisted and tangled from where he had fought another round with sleep and lost. 
3rd night in a row, the 5th time this week. At this point, it was hard not to keep track. 
The cyclical pattern of restless nights, haunted by ghosts of his past that taunted and teased him, cruelly lurking the back of his mind, no matter how hard he begged or pleaded for them to disappear. 
Forcing himself to wrestle with his demons in the darkness couldn’t help but feel like insult to injury- the harsh blacks and blues that flooded the sky, drowning out the last glimmer of sunlight as it dipped below the horizon, perfectly mirroring the way his mind so devilishly seemed to paint his thoughts in shades of ebony and cerulean with erratic, angry brushstrokes over the warm yellows and oranges of his new life he had finally learned to embrace. 
It only seemed fair that he went to battle with the darkest musings of his mind under the night sky that so cruelly reflected his mood. 
You weren’t surprised the first time you found him hunched on the back steps of your porch, head buried in his hands, fingers twitching for a cigarette- the vice he’d sworn to give up after his final return home, a vow that moments like these had made him distinctly regret. You always wondered how despite the stark silence that surrounded him as he stared off into the dark abyss, you could still hear his thoughts screaming at you- crying out for attention, acknowledgement, anything to get someone else to understand what he was hiding inside of his mind that he was too scared to say out loud. 
His midnight disappearances came in waves, fading and reappearing like an unpredictable ocean tide that left you wondering when the cool and salty water would crash around your ankles next as you stood at the edge of the shore. 
For a while, the seas had been calm, Javi’s body nestled next to yours, his warmth comforting and covering you along with the messy piles of blankets and bedsheets that filled your mattress, the nights being nothing more than drifting to sleep in each other’s arms, haunted dreams harbored at bay. 
For the last 5 nights, the tides had shifted. A storm was raging. 
The first few nights you let him go- you’d watched him weather this kind of storm before, always insisting it was a journey he was supposed to go on alone, the type of trip you need to make without risking hurting the innocent passengers that were supposed to ride with you. 
But as the days came and went, golden rays of vibrant sun shifting to dark and lonely blackness, it felt like you were leaving him out in the abyss without even so much as a life vest, praying for a return you knew would never come unless someone weathered the storm to save him. 
“You’re up again.” 
It’s a neutral statement, enough to disarm him from the implications you’ve sent yourself on a rescue mission to find him while you settle next to his stoic frame sinking into the porch step. 
“And you shouldn’t be.” 
Not quite resistance, but certainly not acceptance to you let you come aboard with him. Not yet. 
“I was already up anyway. Someone has been a big fan of punching me in my gut at 2 A.M. Hard not to notice when I wake up and your side of the bed is empty for the 5th time this week.” 
Both your eyes shift down to the subtle swell of your stomach, barley poking out from under the worn t-shirt you’d stolen from his dresser drawer. You’d never really had a knack for thievery until the past few weeks, claiming that everything was too tight for your growing belly. Despite all his years intertwined with the law, Javi had never had a problem with pardoning you for your violation, happy to let you, his household thief, and your new partner in crime indulge in the habit if it brought you any sort of comfort in your constant uncomfortability of growing a new life inside you. 
“Already picking up on her dad’s shit sleeping habit.” He scoffs under his breath, a bitterness in his tone that he thinks he’s somehow managing to inflict years worth of poor choices on his future child, still months away from even making her arrival into the world. 
It hurts, watching the pain well in his eyes as he stares off at the stars, glistening in the distance like some sort of unreachable sanctuary, the savior of a temporary distraction. Right now, you wish he’d look at you the same way, but he knows you won’t let him wallow in the all consuming waves of his own self pity like the stars will. 
A silent journey to outer space is the easy way out. You aren’t. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You ask it like it’s a question, like he has a choice in the matter. He knows that you’ll be gentle with him- you have been since the moment you met him- but Christ, he also knows you’re nothing, if not persistent, too. 
He sighs, accepting his defeat as his gaze drops from the sky down to the ground, cautiously allowing you to climb aboard with him. 
It’s like trying to approach a wounded wild animal- move too fast and you’ll scare him away, leaving him to writhe in even more pain as he tries to flee from you. Move too slow and you leave him to bleed out, alone and afraid. 
“I’m fine.” It’s almost humorous how blatant of a lie it is, immediately putting himself on the defensive, like he has any ground to stand on with his claim. 
You say nothing, your silence enough to intrigue him as his eyes finally meet yours, the look on his face revealing the truth his words wouldn’t. You try your best to remain neutral, but Javi knows the sadness slowly slipping through your expression, the one you’re trying your best to hide because you’re not the one that’s hurting. Yet, there’s something about seeing you hurt because of him that’s enough to chip away at the wall he’s put up between you two, finally allowing you a crack just wide enough to let you see through to the other side. 
“I- I keep having the same dream. Every night, it’s the same.” He says “dream” like he’s letting himself drift off to sleep to all the pleasantries the world has to offer him, waking up to his midnight thoughts refreshed and renewed. Because his dreams aren’t just dreams, his dreams are the most terrifying nightmares the majority people wouldn’t even be capable of imagining, a violent parade of the worst memories his brain can muster.  
“What dream?” You ask, as carefully and cautiously as the way you shift yourself closer to him. 
“I- It’s- I just- Fuck-” 
It’s then you choose to gamble, wagering that he’s let you in enough, your next move won’t startle him, inching yourself closer as your right hand begins to intertwine with his left. He’s resistant at first, but as the familiar warmth of your body grazes across his skin, he begins to let you in, allowing your fingers to gently tangle, anchoring himself in your grasp. 
“It’s okay, Javi. I’m here. You can tell me.” 
It’s then the bets become less of a reckless gamble, squeezing him just a little tighter, stroking his skin with your thumb and feeling him squeeze back, taking your hand and finally letting you start to lift him out of the eye of the storm. 
He still needs the reassurance you won’t leave, that the man his nightmares make him won’t scare you away like they have so many others. An insecurity that distresses him enough to make him ache, despite your compassion. 
You’re not gonna scare me away, Javi.
The words still ring in the back of his head when he finds himself like this, remembering the first time you found him on the living room floor of your apartment at 3 A.M., skin tacky and covered in sweat, heart beating so fast he was convinced he was dying, terrified of his mind, and even more terrified you would leave him, letting you find him exposed, like some sort of disgusting, open wound. 
He’ll never understand why you showed him so much mercy. In no lifetime will he ever be able to thank you enough that you did. 
It still doesn’t make what comes next any easier. 
“I just stood there. I just let him- I just let him do it. He was just a fucking kid.” 
You can practically hear both your hearts break over the stark silence. Javi’s, because of all the things he’s done, this is the one he’ll never forgive himself for. Yours, for the same reason. 
“I didn’t even try to stop him. He was just a kid. We just- we just fucking left him there. What kind of person does that? I- I spent so long trying to convince myself, trying to- fuck- trying to justify it was okay. That casualties happen when you’re trying to catch a fuckin’ monster. But what if- what if none of it fucking mattered because I was the one who was really the monster.” 
It was flowing out of him now, a flash flood crashing through the rest of the brick wall he had built up to defend himself. You can feel him trying to pull his hand away, trying to keep you from getting swept away in the current with him, but it only makes you double down harder. 
“You’re not a monster, Javi. What happened back then, it- it did matter. I know it hurts, but it doesn't make you a monster.” 
It’s not his admittance of guilt that breaks him- it’s your forgiveness. 
He wonders how can stand him, let alone love him. How his past hasn’t left him tainted and useless, like some sort of lame animal with a limp that can’t be cured, its only options left to die or be sent out to pasture, too weak to venture back for help. That you were the only one who wanted to help fix the parts of himself that were the most broken and mangled. That you were the only one who gave him a chance to be healed instead of leaving him for dead. 
When his eyes meet your stomach is when the guilt begins to morph into terror. Because years ago, a mother, just like you, was nestled away in the haphazard rows of colorful buildings that lined the streets of Medellín, carrying her unborn son, dreaming about the life she would plan for him. 
Javi knows that nowhere in those plans did she account for the pain and heartbreak she would suffer as some asshole DEA agent watched her son’s body become one with the earth while he took a bullet to the brain.  
How was he supposed to live with himself when he got a chance to play God- that now, after letting a life disappear, he was allowed to have a hand in creating a new one? 
You watch the gears in his brain churn, yearning for an explanation to the unexplainable puzzle he’ll never be able to solve, even though he’s convinced he can. His brain works in logic and reasoning, only making the emotional torment of his past decisions more confusing for him. The same kind of logic that you’re not sure will ever allow him to forgive himself. 
“How am I supposed to be a dad? How are you ever gonna trust me? How am I supposed to keep her safe when I’ve done so many terrible fucking things?” Tears begin to flow down his cheeks, each word more ragged and shaky than the last until he can’t fight it any more. 
It feels like the entire weight of the world collapsing into your lap as he melts into you, so heavy that there’s nothing that you can do but wrap your arms around him at let him cry and soak the battered fabric of the his stolen t-shirt draped over your top, fisting at the frayed hems. 
He can’t pretend anymore, not after he’s shown you all the cards he’s had to lay out on the table. There’s no more facade, no more attempt at a stubborn masquerade to hide his hurt. He’s finally let you climb aboard his ship and take the wheel, trusting that you’ll guide him home to shore where he belongs. 
“I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” 
The way he repeats it, chanting it like a broken prayer, begging for your forgiveness makes you ache. You’ve forgiven him for the sins of his past long ago, yet he still feels the need to plead to you for redemption. You wish there was a way to take it from him, to let him unburden himself from the shame he’s carried for so long and carry it for him, even if just for a little while. To let him see what you see in him, to know that you love him for all of his past, and not just in spite of it. To let him know that the storm he has to weather is a storm you will never let him weather alone. But for now, three words are the best you can do. 
“I love you. I love you, Javi.” 
And you do. You mean it. With every bone in your body, with every fiber of your being, you mean it. And right now, he may not admit it, but he knows you do, too. Those three words are enough to let him see the shoreline approaching in the distance, to see the light of day beginning to peek its way through the cracks of the night sky, to carry him back home to you. 
He says it with his silence, the way his sobs start to slow, replaced with long inhales and exhales, his chest rising and falling against you. He says it with the way he holds you just a little tighter, hand splaying across the swell of your stomach, muttering a promise to himself just loud enough for you to hear. 
“I promise I’ll protect you. Both of you. If it’s the last thing I do.” 
“I know you will. I will, too. I promise.” 
The promise is the last gentle wave that pushes you back to the part of the beach where tides roll gently, forgetting the raging currents they once were in the middle of the ocean. A place where you can safely row your boat ashore without the fear of another dreadful thought creeping up on you and dragging you back out to face torment again. 
As you look out in front of you, the sky is no longer laden with heavy shades of black- a pastel sunrise is beginning to creep over the horizon, glistening like some sort of trophy for an underdog fistfight you’d managed to win, even if you’d come out the other side beaten and bruised. It was enough to nudge Javi’s head out of your lap, encouraging him to accept his prize at a game where winners came few and far between. 
Tonight, you'd never been more thankful the universe had let Javi come up a winner.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve been up early enough to watch the sunrise.” 
“Yeah. It is pretty, isn’t it? Sorry this is the reason you get to see it.” 
“As long as I get to be with you, that reason will always be good enough.”
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@chaotic-iguana @rhoorl @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
@pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24
@3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @raspberrybesitos
@partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo
@endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @milly-louise
@jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled
@pedropascallvr @millennial-teenybopper @vee-bees-blog
@hopplessilse @mxtokko @its-nebuleuse @mandoisapunk @msmorningstaarr
@amyispxnk @honeyedmiller @mountainsandmayhem @picketniffler @burningnerdchild
@copperhalfcent @theoraekenslover @bloodyinspirationaldemon @vee-bees-blog
@samgirl4life @pigeonmama @survivingandenduring @itsokbbygrl @javierpena-inatacvestnotifs
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marvelwitchergilmore · 2 months ago
Tiny Tornado
Summary: Tyler Owens x fe!Reader -> When a tornado rips through a rodeo, you save a life you weren't expecting to have to save. Upon taking them home, Tyler comes to find out they're a Tiny Tornado.
Disclaimer: This fic does include child abandonment in the beginning, as well as damage done by tornadoes, angst. Happy ending. Slow burn romance, Wranglers being a family and the ultimate Aunties and Uncles, fluffy and funny moments, Tyler and Reader being parents. Not Proof Read.
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Country music blasted over the speakers across the rodeo, different voices speaking over the lyrics as they announced which activities were about to start and when you could find them. 
Like every summer, you volunteered at the rodeo to help out with crowd control whilst the others did their part. Tyler was helping around the rodeo cowboys, talking some of them through their fear before they mounted a bull for the first time in front of the mass crowd. 
Dani, Dexter and Kate had set up a stall to provide information about their work, raise some money to help feed the families who were affected by the tornadoes that tore through homes.
Javi was on crowd control with you, helping those who were lost or in need of directions. Meanwhile, Lily and Boone were by the kids tent showing them footage of different tornadoes, explaining why they can be scary but that they don’t have to be afraid of them. 
And everything was going great until the sirens started. 
People started running, horses were set loose, bulls were either left or ushered towards their pens. Finding your fellow Wranglers, you all started directing everyone to safety whilst you all started running yourselves. 
Javi helped a four year old who had fallen into the ground, her mom thanking Javi before running along with him. Boone and Lily kept an eye on the kids as they ran towards their parents, grabbing their hands for dear life. 
However, as you ran past the stalls, colliding into Tyler, you spotted a box under the stands. 
It was moving. 
“Come on! We gotta go!”
Tyler tried to pull you with him, but your eyes remained fixed on the box. Maybe it was just the wind. 
But it wasn’t. 
Over the yelling, and the wind, and the tramping of feet, you heard a scream. 
A baby’s cry. 
Breaking free from Tyler’s grasp, you heard him yell for you but you remained focused on the box under the stands. Why was there a baby in a box? Had someone left them? Who would leave a baby in the middle of a rodeo?
Feeling your hand slip from his, Tyler turned and called your name but you ignored him. He tried to run after you, only to be cut off by a horse. 
He slipped in the grass but managed to regain his balance just as you came to a stop by a cardboard box. 
The sirens were getting louder, and so was the wind. You didn’t have much time. 
“Y/n! Come on! We’ve got to-”
Tyler stopped talking as he saw what you lifted from the box. Was it what he thought it was?
He didn’t have long to think because in the distance he could see a growing dark cloud, ready to tear everything from the ground. 
Finally you looked up and ran towards him. Holding the baby to your chest, he placed an arm around you, both of you ducking as something came flying behind you. 
“Come on, we need to get somewhere safe.”
And you did. 
Reaching a mechanics garage, Tyler looked behind him finding people either running towards their cars. He yelled but they didn’t hear him. 
The tornado was only getting closer. 
So he ran. 
Running and letting the door close, he ran into the pit before crouching beside you. 
You lowered the baby from your chest to take a look at them. They were wrapped in a sage green baby blanket, a note clipped to it which you were yet to look at. 
“Can’t be more than five months.”
“How can someone leave a baby alone like that?”
With a loud crashing sound, you cradled the baby as Tyler turned his body towards you, covering you from the noise. 
The baby cried out and all you could do was wrap the blanket tighter around them and try to cover their ears with your hand. 
“It’s okay, it’ll be over soon.” You heard Tyler say. 
Around you, there were kids no more than seven, cradling themselves into their parents. Some were crying, their parents comforting them; others were trying their best to be brave and seeing Tyler – the Youtube famous Tornado Wrangler – made them braver. Especially when they heard him say it would be over soon. 
From the back, one of the children stood up, shouting out for their mom. Standing, Lily ran towards the back and sat down with the kid. 
“It’s okay, we’ll find your mom. But we need to stay down, okay?” A loud crash came through the top of the garage and Lily covered the child as best as she could. 
You didn’t know how long it lasted. The wind just seemed to get louder and louder, more things flew in and out of the garage before finally the noise stopped. 
Everyone stayed down for a few minutes before standing, Kate and Javi moved to check outside before coming back and helping people up and back outside. 
Most places were trashed. Tents were blown across the field, food scraps melted in with the mud and dirt, and plenty of trucks and cars had been spun and flipped around the place. 
But you still held a baby in your arms. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay. We’re safe now. You’re safe.” 
It took a moment but you finally managed to settle the baby before Javi walked over to check on you. “Is that a baby?”
You nodded. “Someone left them in a box. If I hadn’t spotted it…”
Javi placed an arm around you. “Maybe we can find someone. I’ll go with you.”
After three hours and two different phone calls being made to social services and a ton of others being made to local foster homes – most of which had been hit by the tornado, too – you were in the passenger seat of Tyler’s truck as they drove back to Kate’s farm. 
She’d left not long after helping people out of the garage; fearful the tornado would take a turn and head towards her mom. 
The others stayed to help whilst Tyler took you back. He’d resupply and head back once he knew you were okay. 
“Have you read the note yet?”
You shook your head, plucking it from the blanket. “Who can just leave a baby like that? In the middle of a rodeo? What if I hadn’t spotted it? What if-”
“You can’t torture yourself with what if’s. You found ‘em. That’s what matters.”
You took a breath and looked down at the baby in front of you, sound asleep. So innocent, so tiny in comparison to the rest of the world. 
Looking at the paper, you read the cover. 
I’m Sorry.
Flipping it open, you read the short letter out loud. 
To whoever finds her, 
With everyone at the rodeo, I know she’ll be safe. It’s my hope one good family will take her in. I thought I could help her, but I can’t. Maybe you can. 
Please keep her safe 
Tyler looked over at you from where he sat. “What? No name?”
You shook your head. “Apparently not.”
“Is her birth registered?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “No idea.”
“Then we should name her.”
You looked at Tyler. “Can we even do that?”
“We can’t just keep calling her ‘her’, can we?”
“No, I suppose not.” Looking down as the sleeping baby in your arms, you spoke out loud. “What is your name, little one?”
As Tyler pulled into the driveway, he hopped out and rounded the truck to help you out as Kate and Cathy came to the front door. 
“Oh, the poor thing. Kate told me. I’ve set up a cot in the attic room. It’s the warmest room in the house.”
“Thanks, Cathy.”
“What did the cops say?”
Cathy followed you up the stairs, Kate going out to help Tyler load up the truck with fresh supplies. 
“That she has to stay with me for a few days until social services get in contact. Most homes have been taken out in the storm so there’s no-one to take her. And I didn’t like the idea of not knowing what’s going to happen.”
Cathy nodded. “I would have done the same thing. Do you know what you’re doing?”
You sighed. “Not really. I’ve never exactly found a baby in the middle of a tornado before.”
Cathy just graced you with a warm smile. “We’ll all help out. This kid won’t have to worry about anything.”
It wasn’t until just after two in the morning that everyone came back, instantly crashing into their beds. But Tyler waited. 
“She’s up in the attic.”
“Thank you.”
You heard Tyler’s footsteps walking down the hall before the door clicked open. “I’m still awake. It’s okay. Come on in.”
He slipped his boots off by the door before closing it behind him. 
“How is everyone?”
“Tired.” Tyler answered truthfully. “How are you?”
Tyler stood beside the crib where your hand was in between the bars, holding onto the baby’s hand. Gently, Tyler lifted up the blanket that had dipped a little before laying his finger in the baby’s other hand. 
Almost instantly, their fingers curled around his finger. Her head turned towards him before she sighed constantly and relaxed again. 
“I think she likes you.” You smiled at Tyler from where you lay in bed. 
Tyler couldn’t help but smile as he looked back at the baby. “Not a care in the world. Have you thought of a name yet?”
You shook your head. “Not yet. I was hoping the others could help. Cathy says she has a baby book somewhere filled with names.”
Slowly, making sure not to hit the creaky parts of the floor, he walked to the other side of the bed and lay on top of the covers with you. 
“We’ll find a name.”
It was laying in the silence, hearing the content snores from the baby, that sent you and Tyler into a deep sleep. When you woke up, your hand was back on your bed and the baby was no longer in her crib. 
For a moment, you panicked. Until you saw Tyler stood by the dresser, talking quietly to her. 
“You’re lucky I know how to do this, or else I’d be asking Boone for help and as much as he’s my best friend, he’s not the person I’d want to ask.” Tyler said to her. “You know, he once did a backflip off the top of my truck. Yeah, just did it. Right there. And as cool as it was, I did think we were about to end up in the ER. Point is – don’t follow Boone’s idea of backflipping off a truck. It’s very dangerous.”
Clasping the baby grow shut, Tyler placed the dirty diaper into a diaper bag and threw it into the lined trash can beside him with the other diaper wipes. 
Then you saw an image that your ovaries would never let you forget. 
A freshly washed Tyler dressed in a clean white t-shirt and jeans, lifting up a baby before holding her against his chest and walking around the small floor before taking her to the window, showing her the view. 
“You’re a natural.”
Tyler turned his head and looked at you before smiling. “Hey, you’re awake. How’d you sleep?”
You nodded. “Pretty good. How long have you been up?”
“Only about an hour. She woke up like thirty minutes ago. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
You smiled. “Thanks.”
Twenty minutes later, you showered yourself and got dressed before meeting Tyler downstairs where Cathy was teaching him how to properly burp her. 
Of course, everyone had a thousand questions so once the understandable questions were cleared up, you were all sat in the living room, the baby on Kate’s knee, going over baby names. 
“I never knew so much went into naming a baby.”
Cathy nodded. “It sets them up for the rest of their lives. God knows it took me long enough to choose Kate’s.”
“Really?” She asked. 
Cathy nodded. “Your dad and I vetoed a lot of names in the beginning. It wasn’t until the midwife came running up our driveway after her shift had finished that I decided on a name.”
Dexter flipped through the book before offering up a name. Nobody agreed on it. 
It wasn’t until after an entire day of going through baby names, different meanings, past relationships with the different names – some good, some bad – that a name was found. 
Despite having napped, eaten, burped and a fresh diaper, she just wouldn’t settle. Until Dexter took her outside to look up at the stars in the sky. 
By the time you walked out onto the porch, standing beside Tyler, Dexter was pointing up at the different constellations and explaining each one and what they meant. 
“I don’t know how he does it, but he’d settled her.”
“It’s because he’s calming,” you said. “If anyone was going to be calm enough to settle her, it would be Dex.”
Tyler smiled. “Any word from the social?”
You shook your head as you shoved your hands into your back pockets. “Not yet. They’re looking for a home but, in the meantime, she’s stuck with us. They’re sending out a social worker tomorrow to come and look at the place to make sure she’s not in any immediate danger with us.”
Tyler nodded. “We still need to find her a name.”
You sighed. “I know.”
Looking back out to Dexter and the baby, you leaned your head against Tyler’s shoulder.
“And no matter where you are in the world, you can just look up at the sky and know we’re looking at the same one.” Dexter told her. “I don’t know how long you’re gonna be with us, kiddo. But…if you remember us, or need some help, there’s a chance the stars will be able to show you.”
As Dexter looked up into the sky and back down to the baby, the stars reflecting in her eyes, something hit him. 
He turned around quickly. “SKYE!”
You and Tyler stood tall and looked at each other before looking back. “What?”
Dexter walked over to you both. “Skye. Her name. We could call her Skye.”
You and Tyler looked at each other before looking down at the baby. “Do you like that name?”
She definitely looked like a Skye. And by the happy babble she gave, she seemed to agree. 
Tyler looked at you. “Skye it is, then. Guys! Come out here!”
Following one by one, they all appeared on the porch. “Dexter’s found her name.”
They all looked at him, hopeful. 
They all gave an ‘aww’. “Skye. Hi, Skye.”
Beside Tyler, Boone almost collapsed. “Man, I tell you. Choosing a baby name is hard.”
Tyler chuckled. “Maybe you can find another way to use those post-it notes.”
So, finally she had a name. 
All she needed was a home. 
But from the social worker’s inspection, she had already found one. 
She came over three times in the space of two weeks, surprising everyone each time. But each time, her report came out better than the last until she made you an offer. 
“Now, we can take her into foster care. There are a few homes a couple towns over but there’s no guarantee for adoption. Between the recent tornadoes and the cost of living recently, the cost of taking in a baby this young…it’s rare we’re gonna find a couple willing to take her in permanently. But, myself and my colleagues do believe the best place for Skye is here.”
You couldn’t deny you hadn’t grown attached to her. Nobody could. You’d all found a new routine that easily fitted around her, and deep down, none of you wanted it any other way. But was a Tornado family truly the best place?
“If you didn’t already have a home base, we wouldn’t have considered it so quickly. But…” The social worker looked around. “You’ve got a good home here. Space for her to run around, plenty of people willing to help. So, if any of you would, in fact, wish to take Skye on permanently, I can help you do so.”
With Skye in your arms, you looked around at the rest of the Wranglers. They’d all been in tears for the last two days, figuring out how to say goodbye to her since you’d all been under the belief the social worker was getting ready to take her away. 
You looked at Tyler and the others. Then Lily leaned forward. “Can we talk about it, first?”
The social worker nodded. “Of course. This isn’t a light decision to be made. And it doesn’t have to be right away, but until you do make a decision, Skye will be taken into a foster home.”
Then Cathy stood. “It’s your decision. If you choose to keep her…her room is already set up.” Once more, she graced you with a warm smile before inviting the social worker into the kitchen for a drink. Then everyone took a seat. 
“It’s a big decision.”
“Are we sure tornado wrangling is the place for a kid?”
“It’s not like we’d be taking her with us into a tornado.”
“We can all split the duties.”
“But if we keep her, one of us is going to have to adopt her. We can’t all be on the birth certificate.”
“Do we even know what we’re doing? Shouldn’t she be with a less adrenaline driven family?”
“They do say kids have less allergies growing up on a farm. They have more compassion and understanding of the world.”
“And we can help her with her homework.”
“Two of my childhood friends are now teachers at our old school.” Kate mentioned. “So it’s a good school district.”
It was another ten minutes of similar discussions until eventually Dani spoke up. 
“You guys know what we’re doing?”
The other’s didn’t seem to catch on to what they were doing. But you did. 
Looking down at the sleepy baby in your arms, you felt yourself smile. “We’re planning our lives with her. I can’t imagine a life without her.”
“Neither can I.” Lily leaned over, stroking Skye’s arm. 
“Neither can I.” Boone joined, leaning over the back of the sofa. 
Dani was in agreement, then Javi, Kate, Dexter and finally Tyler. 
Crouching on the floor in front of you, Tyler looked at you. “So, we’re doing this?”
You both looked around at the others, them looking back. 
“We’re doing this.”
The sun had been beating down all day. Yourself and the Wranglers had managed to chase the third EF-2 of the week and were finally putting the data through its paces. And just as the hum of the barn wrapped around you all for the second time that hour, you heard a familiar set of giggles. 
Skye giggled and shrieked as she looked behind her before running through the barn and towards you. Sliding away from your desk, you opened your arms and she jumped into them as quickly as she could. 
“Quick, you’ve gotta hide me.”
“Hide you? Why?”
Then you heard Boone’s voice from outside the barn door. “I’m the big, scary monster.”
Skye shrieked again before she wiggled from your grasp and hid under your desk. As you looked at her, she placed her finger against her lips and you nodded before you rolled your chair back towards your desk. 
Boone continued his act of being the big scary monster, calling out for his new best friend he was playing hide and seek with. 
“I’m sorry Mr Monster, I haven’t seen Skye anywhere.”
Boone pouted. “Mr Monster’s sad. He can’t find his best friend.”
Then from under Kate’s desk, Skye ran out and around. “I’m here!”
“Best friend!” 
Boone scooped her up into his arms, her giggles filling the entire barn. You’d never get tired of hearing her laugh. 
“Do I hear a Tiny Tornado in here?”
Skye leaned up high and gasped. “Let me down, let me down.”
Boone set her on her feet. “There you go, kid.”
Running directly back down to the barn doors, Tyler dropped the pile of rope he was carrying over his shoulder, to the ground beside him. As Skye reached him, he bent down before he lifted her into the air, and he swung her back into his arms. 
“How’s your day been, kiddo?”
“Aun’y Cathy teached me to ride a ‘orse.”
“Taught!” You called out to Skye.
Tyler nodded. “Your mom’s right. She taught you to ride a horse.”
“She taught me to ‘ide and ‘orse.”
Tyler smiled. “Did you enjoy it?”
Skye nodded. “She promised to show me tomorrow.”
Tyler smiled, “Well, in that case, you’re gonna need your own hat.”
From your desk, you watched as Tyler set Skye onto her feet before he reached for something just outside the barn doors. Then, with one knee on the floor, Tyler pulled her to stand a little closer. 
“This right ‘ere. This was my first cowboy hat.”
Skye’s eyes lit up. You could all see her practically vibrating on the spot as she gasped and tried to stay still. 
“And since Cathy tells me you did such a good job with the horses today, I think it’s only right you get your own.”
Tyler nodded. “‘Course, kiddo.”
“So, Boone, you recording this?” Tyler turned back to Skye. “S’ not everyday a girl gets ‘er first hat.”
Boone pressed record as everyone came and stood around her, Dani and Kate giving their own rendition of a crowning ceremony theme. 
And once the hat hit her head, Skye’s eyes kept looking up at it. 
“What’d ya think, Momma?” 
Skye turned to you, her eyes begging the same question Tyler just asked. And you could help but just smile. 
“I think you look wonderful, little one.”
Skye started smiling even wider than before and jumping up and down before nearly knocking Tyler over with how tightly she hugged him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, kiddo.”
“Baby, you wanna go and show Cathy?”
Skye stood back and nodded. “Can I?”
You and Tyler nodded and with a hand on the top of her hat, she ran out of the barn and down the field towards Cathy. 
“Thank you for doing that with her, Ty.”
Tyler just smiled. “She’s my Tiny Tornado.”
“You know, she’s not gonna wanna ever take it off.”
And it was true. Skye wore it whenever she could. Running through the fields, eating her dinner, taking a bath; she did try and keep it on when getting dressed, but it got knocked off her head a few times.
The only time she took it off was when she saw Tyler take his own off when he hung it by the door. Coming down the stairs, you saw two cowboy hats hanging by the door and it made your heart melt. 
And it only melted even more when you walked onto the back porch and found Skye cuddled up and falling fast asleep on Tyler’s chest. 
An image like that one was one that you loved to see. It happened almost every night. Tyler was the one she would fall asleep on. Sometimes it would be in Lily’s lap when she played with her hair or when Dexter would tell her all about the stars. 
Skye would fight sleep when she was learning but eventually sleep would win. 
And she’d only fall deeper into sleep when Tyler began to lightly swing the porch seat. 
“Can you believe she’s almost four?” You asked Tyler later that evening as you both folded what was left of the bed sheets and clothes. The others had long since gone to bed. 
It was like that most nights; you and Tyler the last to go to bed. 
Tyler shook his head. “Feels like only yesterday we registered her birth.”
“Before we know it, she’ll be off to college.”
Tyler chuckled. “We’ve still got years before that happens, but…I know what you mean. She’s growing up.”
“She’s learning how to ride a horse. Before we know it, she’ll be taming a tornado.”
Tyler smiled. “I don’t call her a Tiny Tornado for nothing.”
You smiled at a memory. “Did you see she hung her hat up, same as you?”
Tyler shook his head and disappeared into the hallway before coming back. “I think that’s officially the cutest thing I’ve seen today.”
“I know you’re not down on her birth certificate, but…you are her dad, Tyler.” You told him. “She loves you like one, and I know you love her as a daughter. I…I just wanted to tell you that.”
Tyler smiled. “Thank you.”
Forcing your gaze away from his, you looked back to the freshly folded clothes. “We should get to bed. God only knows what time that kid’ll wake up to be outside with Cathy and the horses.”
Tyler chuckled, “You’re right. Goodnight.”
“Night, Ty.”
Tyler watched as you climbed the stairs with the washing basket of freshly folded clothes and he waited until he heard your door click shut before he made his rounds around the house, locking the place up. 
And as he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, he wondered if he would ever be brave enough to tell you the truth about his feelings. 
But apparently, the Tiny Tornado had enough courage to do that for the both of you. 
It was a few weeks later, sitting at the breakfast table that Skye asked a question that nobody had been expecting. 
“What’s a romance?”
Swinging her legs over the edge of the table chair as she waited on her cereal, Skye didn’t know what kind of bomb she was about to drop. 
“Why do you wanna know, kiddo?” Dani asked as she handed Skye her bowl of coco pops. 
Skye just shrugged. “That’s what Boone called my princess book.”
“Well, it’s not a bad thing.” Lily assured the little girl. “In fact, it’s something really, really good.”
“Is it?”
You nodded. “Yep.”
As Tyler placed his plate down on the table, he sat down beside Skye. “And there isn’t just one kind, either.”
“There isn’t?”
Javi chuckled from where he was leaning against the dishwasher. “Maybe you wanna explain what a romance is first, before you tell her there’s more than one.”
And so they did. 
“It’s when two people meet in a story and they fall in love. So, like with Cinderella. You know how she meets Prince Charming but he doesn’t know who she is until she puts on the glass slipper and then they live happily ever after?”
Skye nodded at Cathy. 
“Well, that’s a romance. It’s when two people fall in love and live happily ever after.”
For a moment, you felt a pair of eyes fall on you, but when you looked up, he was looking back at Skye. 
“But there’s more than one?”
Crouching beside her, Dani explained. “You know how Dexter has all those books in the back of his camper?”
Skye nodded. 
“Well, think of a romance like them. Each one has a different story.”
“Like Disney Princesses?”
Dani nodded. “Exactly like Disney Princesses. Sometimes they don’t know who the other person is until the big reveal, sometimes they’re childhood friends who fall in love when they meet again, sometimes they’re mortal enemies and think they don’t like each other until something makes them realise they don’t hate that person anymore.”
“Ooh, like Princess Diaries!” 
Everyone, including Skye, turned and looked at Javi. 
“What? It’s a good film.”
“Are there any other romances?”
Dani nodded. “Sure there is. Umm…”
Dani looked around the kitchen for help. 
“Sometimes they’re soulmates who fall in love in every universe.” Skye gave a confused look, so Lily added; “Like the stories in the stars.”
“It can be love at first sight,” you told Skye. 
“Sometimes they can be best friends and not realise they’re in love, even though everyone else can see it.” Cathy mentioned. 
Then Skye dropped a tornado that was far too extreme to deal with at eight in the morning. 
“Oh, like Momma and Tyler.”
The entire kitchen went silent. Javi, mid chew, looked over at Tyler who was turning redder by the minute as he looked at you by the stove, standing incredibly still. 
Skye looked around, a little confused about what she had said. “What? What is it?”
You turned and looked at your daughter, speaking to her just as Tyler did. 
“Nothing, honey-”
Just as you and Tyler locked eyes, the tension sparking from both of you, Boone barrelled through the back door with Dexter not too far behind him. 
“Told you I could run it quicker, man.”
“A car is still faster.” Dexter told Boone. 
Then they looked around, noticing the sheepish looks on everyone’s faces. 
“Hey, what happened here?” Boone asked. 
Lily stood, coming to your rescue. “Nothing. Did you get the-” She looked inside the brown paper bag. “YES! Waffles!”
As commotion started up in the kitchen again, Skye looked up at you from her seat as you handed her a spoon. “Momma, did I do something wrong?”
You shook your head. “No, baby.” Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, you sneaked a glance over at Tyler before forcing a smile back on your face to look at Skye. 
“Eat up, honey. You’ve got a long day ahead of you.”
“Okay, Momma.”
For the rest of the day, you and Tyler avoided each other. Cathy apologised to both of you for having given the example in the first place, but she made sure to tell you she thought Skye was right. 
“You’ve been pining after her for years.” Cathy told Tyler as he lifted another hay bale onto the back of the truck. 
“We work together, Cathy. Nothing can happen there.”
“The hell it can’t.” Tyler looked at her. “Tyler, you and Y/n have been practically raising a kid together for almost four years. From day one of you getting here, I’ve seen how you look at her. And I know the others agree with me.”
Tyler stood tall. “How do the other’s know?”
Cathy just gave him a look. 
“Either way, the kid is right. You’re both in love with each other, you’re both just too chicken to do something about it.”
Cathy gave a similar speech to you, too, when you came to check on Skye at the stables. 
“And if you’re about to tell me you’re worried about Skye, don’t. Whether his name is on her birth certificate or not; whether she calls him dad or not. He is her dad. She is his daughter. Nothing will ever change that. Ever.”
With a short sigh, you looked out into the field where Skye was carrying a small bucket of water around to each of the garden plots. 
Similar conversations were had throughout the day until the late afternoon rolled in and Tyler and you had to awkward dance-shuffle around each other to get in and out of the house whilst trying to avoid all sense of eye contact, but giving plenty when the other wasn’t looking. 
Unbeknownst to both yourself and Tyler, Skye was standing on the fence bars with Kate. 
The kid sighed heavily. “They’re always like that.”
“You’ve only been here for four years, kid. Imagine being here seven.”
Skye gasped. “Seven?” She tried to count that on her fingers quickly, but needed Kate’s help. Skye gasped again. “That’s bigger than me.”
Kate hummed as she nodded. 
“Is this like one of the romances from before?” Skye sounded out. 
Kate nodded. “I’m afraid so, kiddo. I’m afraid so.”
And unbeknownst to Kate at that moment, Skye was hatching a plan. But she needed her best friend’s help. 
“Can you help me down?”
“‘Course, honey. Ready, three, two, one, jump.” 
“Weeeee.” Holding onto her securely, Kate lifted Skey from the bars and set her down on the ground beside her. 
“Thanks, Kate.”
“Be careful, honey!”
“I will!”
Less than five minutes later she burst through the barn doors and ran towards Boone, yelling out his name over and over again. 
“Slow your roll there, kiddo.”
“I need your help, now, come on.” She tugged Boone’s hand until he was stood up. “Come on, come on, come on.”
Skye dragged him towards the carrot beds before laying on the dirt, telling him to join her. And so they hatched a plan. 
“You’re a genius, Skye.”
“What’s a gen…gen..igus?”
“Genius.” Boone smiled. “It’s like a crazy smart person.”
“Oh, cool.”
High fiving, they got to work. Everyone had their orders to be in bed early. They couldn’t know why, but they all agreed. And Skye’s plan of laying in the dirt worked because the minute she came running through the back door, you caught her mid run. 
“Where do you think you’re going, little miss?”
Skye smiled like butter wouldn’t melt. “To the table.”
“Covered in muck? What have you been doing? Rolling in the muck? Come on, bathroom.”
You ran Skye a bath before shoving her dirty clothes into the washing machine with the rest of the dirty laundry. Twenty minutes later, the mud Skye had collected on her person was washed down the drain and she was in a fresh pair of pajamas. 
The rest of the night ran smoothly enough. Dinner was made and eaten, updates were shared about work, and Skye had asked Tyler to read her a bedtime story. 
He read two stories before she began falling asleep beside him so sitting up, he laid her down under her covers before tucking her in. 
And just as he shut the book and laid it on her nightstand, he opened her eyes and looked at Tyler. 
“Do you love Momma?”
Tyler felt his cheeks heat. “Get some sleep. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
“But do you love her? Like in the stories?”
Tyler looked at his daughter. “What’s got you so interested all of a sudden?”
“Lily told me what soulmates means.”
“Did she now?”
Skye nodded. “That’s you and Momma.”
“Do you love her?”
Looking at Skye, Tyler felt his heart tug inside of his chest. He couldn’t lie to her. 
“More than she’ll ever know. More than I’ll ever be able to tell her.” Tyler admitted, unaware of the presence just outside the door. 
“I think you should tell her.”
The corner of Tyler’s mouth curved into a smile. “Do you now?”
Yawning, Skye nodded. But then Tyler sighed. “It’s not that simple, honey.”
“But what if she floats away like Mary?”
Tyler’s brows furrowed. “Mary?”
“Poppins. Burt never got to tell her he loved her.”
Tyler chuckled. “Skye, your mom isn’t going to float away. Now, close your eyes and get some sleep.”
Leaning over, Tyler kissed the top of her head. “Goodnight, my Tiny Tornado.”
Then he flicked the lamp off; only Skye wasn’t finished. 
“If you love her, you should tell her.”
In the moonlight darkness, Tyler saw the look his daughter was giving him. She was pleading with him. 
And if a four year old could see it and say it…
He leaned back down and kissed her head. “Go to sleep. We’ll see you in the morning. I love you.”
Skye yawned. “I love you, too. Goodnight, daddy.”
It wasn’t the first time Skye had called him that. Usually it happened in moments like this, where she was really tired and already half awake and half asleep. But it made his heart soar out of his chest all the same. 
Quietly leaving the room, he closed the door behind him and waited there for a moment. The lights were off around most of the house since everyone had gone to bed once Skye had said she was. 
But one light was still on. 
And he knew who it belonged to. 
Walking down the hallway, Tyler waited by the edge of the hallway for a moment, just watching you fold some more fresh laundry whilst he prepared what he was going to say. 
That seemed like a good start. 
You looked up, a little startled. “Hey. She asleep?”
Tyler nodded and walked further into the living room before taking a seat on the arm of the chair, pulling a few items from the laundry pile to fold. 
A slightly awkward silence settled over you both for a moment. 
“Listen, about this morning-”
“She was right.” Tyler said, looking at you. “Skye was right. This morning, she was right. With everything that she said.”
He stood up. “No, just. Just wait. Please. Let…let me get this out? And then if you want me to leave and never talk about it again, I will.” You couldn’t speak so you just nodded and listened as he continued. “Skye was right. I am in love with you. I have always been in love with you. I think I always will be. I know there’s a lot to consider; work, home and, most importantly, Skye. But if…” Tyler took a breath. “If there’s any part of you that feels the same…I think we should do something about it.”
“Finally taking our daughter’s advice?”
Tyler was shocked but a small smile came to your face. “I wasn’t spying or anything. I was walking down the hall and I heard Skye and…thinking about it, maybe I was spying.”
Tyler chuckled. 
“But you’re right.” You told him. “You’re both right. I don’t know when my feelings changed for you, but I know what I feel today, what I feel when I see you with Skye, and what I feel when you look at me. I’m in love with you, too, Tyler.”
“You are?” You nodded. “You’re not just saying-”
You shook your head. “I’m saying it because it’s the truth.”
So, standing in the middle of the dimly lit living room, you and Tyler looked at each other. One of his hands in yours, your other resting on his wrist as he pushed his hand under your hair to cup your cheek.  
“Kiss her.”
The small and familiar voice made both of you and Tyler turn to look at the corridor. Skye stood, trying her best to hide, behind the lamp and the table it sat on. 
Tyler looked back at you with a smile which you both shared. 
“Can’t go against orders, can we?”
You shook your head. “No, we can’t.”
Finally feeling him kiss you was like a thousand dreams were shattering, only to be replaced with the fact that the reality of Tyler was much better than the fantasy you’d granted yourself. 
And, as it turned out, having you and Tyler finally grant yourselves permission to be open about your feelings for one another didn’t change much in terms of routine, save for a few more morning kisses before breakfast and quick pecks to the lips or cheek throughout the day when passing each other. 
It was definitely no surprise how Skye had come to the conclusion that you and Tyler were in love before you’d both admitted it to yourselves. 
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deardev0teddelicate · 1 month ago
february thursdays |
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Pairing: javier peña x afab!reader
When Javier comes home to see you passed out from exhaustion, he takes care of you. After all, you always took care of him.
WC: 4.1k
Warnings: fluff, angst (hurt/comfort?), mentions of burnout, mentions of weight loss due to stress (weight/size not mentioned), reader has hair (no specifics), mentions of reader’s breasts, soft!javi, nakedness (implied sexually and nonsexually), IMPLIED smut (minors dni), no use of y/n. Overall, nothing too explicit, just some soft and loving moments (and a little self indulgence)
Today was long. Most days were, but today, for some reason, it was even more tiring than usual. It was a Thursday, one of the longer days of the week for you. Mondays started late, and Wednesdays and Fridays were usually reserved for your work hours at the local daycare. Tuesdays and Thursdays, though, you would wake up and leave before the sun rose, returning home only after it set.
You loved going to classes; it was just the fact that you were trapped in a tiny, windowless lecture hall all day for almost eight hours, only to go outside and be greeted by the cold, harsh February wind that bothered you. And with the darkened clouds always looming in the sky during the winter months, it was just…bleak. You yearned for the sun and for warmth—anything to pull you out of the sluggish state you’d been stuck in the past few weeks.
You loved going to classes. You did. Truly, you loved learning about anything and everything.
What was strange, and particularly frustrating, was that this morning hadn’t started any differently than your usual mornings. At 5 AM, Javier kissed you on the cheek as he left for work, just like he always did during the weekdays. It was a welcome greeting, and despite the early hour, it was your favorite way to wake up. Your eyes fluttered open and shirt for a moment, listening to Javier’s footsteps in the kitchen while he grabbed his work bag and walked out the door. You listened to the start of his engine and to the soft crush of the gravel under his tires as his headlights faded from view. After a moment or two, you got up as well. Pushing back the covers and sliding your legs off the bed, you tucked your feet into your slippers to protect yourself from the icy hardwood floor. Most mornings, you would make scrambled eggs and toast, but sleep fogged your muddled brain, so you just poured a small cup of leftover coffee Javier had made and a bowl of some wheat cereal. While you ate, you read over your notes you had taken on Tuesday to prepare for your classes, which began at 8:30 AM.
And then you went through your day as usual—listening to lectures, completing assignments, studying material, etcétera. Most days, you minded your own education, but as the semester had progressed, you noticed your peers and their interactions with each other and the professors. They spoke to one another so…efficiently. They asked complex questions and received complex answers from the professors. You love learning. You loved going to class, even if it was sometimes harder to keep up with the fast-paced environment.
By the time you ended up driving home, it was seven at night and the sun had already sunk low into the sky, leaving hardly any light except for the sparse lampposts and the passing cars in town. You didn’t even have the energy to flip through the radio stations on your old, dusty blue Chevy truck—the one you and Javier had bought in Laredo. No, you just listened to the low grumble of the engine and the harsh wind battering against the windows.
In the silence of the truck, you couldn’t help but wonder about Javier. Did he ever feel this tired at the end of each day? The kind of tired that leaves on unable to articulate even the smallest of words. The kind of tired that leaves one unable to move more than what is barely even required. The kind of tired that is too exhausted to register one’s surroundings. Your brain felt like mush, your eyes were blurry, and all you could think of was how debilitatingly exhausted you were. You tried to focus more on the road and your frozen hands gripping the wheel, breathing in and out with increasing effort.
As you drove further and further from the center of town, your thoughts slowly drifted further and further from the present. After you and Javier decided to leave Bogotá together, your fear of Escobar and the narcos began to slowly subside, only to be replaced with the fear of the unknown. You had never left Colombia before; your world wasn’t much larger than the block you grew up on. Not only were you afraid, but you were worried—worried for Javier, specifically. He would never admit how hard it was for him to leave Bogotá, to leave his work that he had spent his life on, but you could see it. It was etched deep into his molten eyes and the crevices of his face. What you might have not entirely realized was that you had helped him out of the trench he found himself in during your time in Laredo. With you by his side, he found his groove once again and moved forward with his life. That’s why, when a group of law enforcement officials approached him with the opportunity to be director of defense tactics and investigations at a new policing academy in the flats of West Texas, he jumped at the chance.
Your train of thought was interrupted by the sound of your truck turning off the main road onto the old dirt path that led to you and Javier’s house. Flicking on your brights, you slowed down, watching for any critters that might scurry across the dirt road. A minute or two passed, and you pulled up to your small house, parking your Chevy in the driveway. You turned over the engine, and despite the cold leaking into the cabin of your vehicle, you signed and sat there. You listen to your breathing pick up from its slow, even pace to a more erratic pattern. A sting pricked behind your eyes, blurring your vision further as tears welled up. It felt like a rock sat in your throat, forcing you to think more actively about swallowing. You sat and stared for a long moment before you gather your items and wiped at your eyes.
Slowly, you trudged into he house, not caring to take off your shoes by the twisting coatrack in the corner of the entryway. The house creaked in the wind, settling into itself as it tried to make peace for the night. Normally, the lack of light filling the house would disturb you, and you would flip on almost every single light switch to scare away anything lurking in the dark—a habit that Javier wasn’t always the most appreciative of.
“You gonna pay the electric bill this month, baby?” He asked, flipping off the unnecessary lights. You tucked your feet under the blanket and pulled your knees to your chest as the living room grew dimmer.
“Only if you protect me from the ghosts,” you laughed, looking at him as he climbed back on the couch, pressing you to his chest. The scent of cigarettes and rosemary filled your nose. His cologne always smelled like rosemary and something else—something woodsy. It was euphoric, making you feel as though you were intoxicated.
“Ghosts? Of course, I’d protect you from the ghosts,” he said, grinning as he looked down at you. You giggled at his declaration. “The ghosts will never getcha. That’s my job!”
Before you could react, Javier tackled you onto your back, hovering over your body. His hands came up to attack your sensitive sides, eliciting a deep belly laugh from you.
“Stop, stop, stop, stop!” you tried to say through a fit of giggles. “Javi, Javi, Javi—”
His fingers slowed, finding rest by your sides, a smile stretching across his face. He laid on top of you, his weight pressing into you, anchoring you. You loved the feeling of him on you; it felt as though a blanket of his devotion had found you, protected you. In the warm yellow light, you basked in contentment.
You didn’t turn on the lights. Instead, you made a beeline for your bedroom, if only to prevent your body from collapsing and shutting down right then and there. You and Javier’s room wasn’t small, but it was a nice and comfortable space to live. Knick-knacks form your endeavors together were meticulously placed on shelves and desks and walls. Papers and sticky notes covered in your handwriting and Javier’s chicken scratch were scattered across the desk by the windowsill. Your bed, which was usually made up before you left for the day, had the covers hanging halfway on the floor, making you sigh in defeat.
Without another thought, you dropped your bag on the floor, undressed, and turned on the shower. Steam from the hot water filled the air, clouding your vision like some kind of hazy dream while you went through the motions…
A day’s work instructing at the police academy was long and exhausting. Not as exhausting as being int he field, though. The slicing cold of the West Texas wind only made it worse, as this type of weather was not exactly what Javier had been used to. But what got him through the day was the knowledge that his lover was waiting at home for him. Since meeting you in Bogotá, you had changed something in him. Once, he was a unsatisfied man, consumed in his work of taking down Escobar’s empire. But you gave him a purpose, a different kind of constant in his life. Going home to you left him feeling safe and tame—it made him feel loved. You were his peace.
When you and him decided to move to the States together, he became worried that once you got a taste of life outside of Colombia, you would decide that there was more to see and you would leave him. It was an uneasiness that struck him deep in his chest. When you arrived in Texas, you did get a taste of the world and of life, and you did decide that you wanted more. You hungered for more. Javier’s anxieties were quelled when you approached him with the idea of attending college. His fears were replaced with pride and joy as he smiled and helped you prepare for your exams, applications, and interviews.
By the time Javier got into his car and began to drive home, all he could think about was getting you in his lap and on the couch, holding you in his arms while the two of you talked softly into the night about each other’s day. Your voice, your face, your body—everything, every little thing about you filled his head. Holding you, dancing with you, sleeping with you…It took all his strength e not to speed through town to get to your home. Passing cars and rickety buildings int he dark of the night led him the way, eventually pulling into your driveway next to your truck.
Your truck was usually always in the driveway before his, so that was no surprise to him. What did surprise him, however, was the total darkness he stepped into upon crossing the threshold of the old house. He was used to being blinded by every single light that was turned on.
“Hermosa?” he called out, placing his work bag on the countertop in the kitchen. He flipped on the lights, grimacing as his eyes adjusted to the soft, almost orange lighting. He looked over to the living room in search of signs of you, but alas, there was nothing. Making his way into your bedroom, he almost tripped over your bag that lay on the floor. He looked toward your shared bed, where you were laying diagonally on top of crumpled sheets and a quilted cover, your hair wet and mop like. You were on your stomach, arms tucked under your breasts, with a towel wrapped around your torso. Obviously, you hadn’t been out of the shower very long, given the state of your hair and the steam still clinging to the mirror. In the bathroom, the soft, yellow light above the sink was still on, and a slow drip flowed from the shower head. Javier turned off the light and proceeded to shut off the water completely.
Striding over to your sleeping form, he leaned down on his knee next to you and placed a gentle hand on your cheek, rousing you from your sleep. You curled in on yourself and groaned, protesting his attempts to wake you up.
“Hermosa,” Javier whispered, “we need to get you in bed. Okay, baby?”
You simply grunted in response to Javier. He knew that your classes recently had been taking a toll on your energy. Almost every day now, you’d come home with a million new things you’d learned that you’d excitedly share with him over dinner, while you lay together, or during a late-night ride with him. But as much as you were learning, you were spending almost every moment of your day studying, or working, or completing whatever else needed to be done. Every day, you’d wake up with bags under your eyes, despite the greedy glint in your eye for more—more knowledge, more work, more anything.
Javier had asked you to slow down, to rest with him, to just press on the brakes once in a while.
“Why on Earth would I do that, mi amor?” you yawned. Your shoulders hunched over as you sat at the desk. Pencil residue clung to the side of your hand from your endless pages of writing you had been immersed in for the past several hours.
“Because it’s Friday, and I miss you,” he looked over to you from the bed. Your nose was just inches from a textbook as you furiously copied down the concepts. When you didn’t respond, Javier knew that you weren’t ignoring him—you were simply in your own world. “Hermosa, you’re going to overextend yourself. Gotta take a break.”
Javier rose from his spot and walked over to you. He leaned over to read what you were writing, resting an arm over your shoulder. He kissed your cheek and played with your hair.
“C’mon, baby, you need a break. You can finish in the morning.”
Finally pulling your head up, you turned to look at Javier. His concern was clearly written on his face. “I’m fine, Javi, just need to finish up this chapter real quick.”
In your relationship, you were always the strong one, his support beam. Not only did you take everything life threw at you in stride, but you would also make something else from it. You had this way of changing your perspective on things on the fly, something he greatly admired about you. Since you started the new program at the local college, though, he could see you slipping from the edge. You put all of your energy into your studies, leaving Javier in awe of your work ethic. The way you juggled everything in your life was something else. But. Just as he would never admit to struggling in Laredo, you would never admit that you were burning the candle at both ends.
Dark circles began to form beneath your eyes, and you had lost some of the plumpness from your face and body. Your hair had become strongly and brittle, unlike its usual volume and texture. Though you always walked around with the same happy-go-lucky demeanor you always presented, there were shadows in your eyes and an edge to your voice that suggested you were only a moment away from breaking down on the spot.
And as much as Javier would ask you about your day, your thoughts and your feelings, you would always reply with nothing but positive remarks. You would say you had a wonderful day. You would say that this has been the greatest experience of your life. You would say how much you loved the town. What you wouldn’t say was how much constant information was thrown at you during classes. What you wouldn’t say was how discouraged you felt when your peers spoke with such confidence and understood everything around them with ease. What you wouldn’t say was that, even though you loved your new town, you sometimes missed Bogotá.
Javier would never force you to talk about things you didn’t want to, but he wished that you would speak out your frustrations to him—or anyone, really. He wished you would stop holding everything in and pushing it down. He wished you would find a way to let everything out. Your brave face, though admirable at times, was becoming more of a mask to hide the obviously struggling person behind it. He just wished you would let him bear the stress on your shoulders, support you, ease your mind—just as you had done for him in Bogotá and Laredo.
Sighing, Javier rose from his spot in front of you, and walked over to the dresser where he knew you kept all of your garments. Top drawer for underwear, middle drawer for pajamas. ‘Pajamas.’ Your pjs were just old shirts o this that you would sneak from him. You started your collection only just a few days after you started seeing each other. Javier hadn’t even noticed you were slipping things form his apartment until he stayed over at yours for the first time and spent the whole night there.
“It’s that my shirt?” he asked, taking a drag from his cigarette as he watched you pull the old, tattered yellow shirt over your sweat lined, bare body.
“It is!” You grinned, spinning around, showing it off to him as you strode to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “It’s my favorite; it’s so comfortable.”
Javier let out a quiet laugh and exhaled, putting out his cigarette, “Looks better on you than it ever did on me.” he leaned down to kiss your forehead, then the tip of your nose, and then your soft lips. The tender kiss quickly turned into a fervent, hungry kiss. A battle of dominance and power ensued between the two of you. Sliding your arms from your hold around him, you pushed him till his back ran into the wall, placing a hand on his chest.
“Wha’d’ya say? Round two?” You asked, looking at him with feigned innocence. His head leaned back against the wall as he tried to catch his breath.
“You’re gonna kill me, baby.”
Smiling at the memory, he pulled out some soft, dark blue panties and that old yellow t-shirt. Javier wandered back to where you lay. Carefully, he turned you over and leaned you against his chest as he pulled the dusty pink towel from your body, tossing it as best he could toward the bathroom. He slid the shirt and underwear onto you, savoring the fact that you were letting him take care of you for once. He could feel your slow breaths flowing in and out and was hyperaware of the warmth of your skin against his. He relished every moment of tranquility you gave him, but there was something different about this moment in particular. Something about the way you were half asleep, helping him maneuver your body into the clothes.
“Javi,” you mumbled, curling up into a ball with your head on his lap, arms tucked into your chest. “Javi, I am sleepy.”
“I know, c’mon, let’s get you into bed, mi amor,” Javier said with a smile, moving you off him so he could pick you up. With you in his arms, he adjusted the covers and gently laid you down, your head on your preferred pillow. He covered you with the cotton sheets and the patchwork quilt you had picked out together, then proceeded to get ready for bed himself, climbing in next to you.
He pulled you into his arms, your back to his chest, as he tucked his face into your hair. God, he thought to himself, you smelled so good—coconut and lavender, the combination that made him instantly think of you. It took every ounce of control not to kiss your neck, worshipping your very being. Groaning, he tugged you in closer, his grip on your waist tight, as though you might be taken from him.
“Javi, you’re gonna squeeze the life from me,” you chuckled softly, whispering over your shoulder. You moved your arm to try and create a little space between the two of you. He eased his grip but kept his arms around you. Shifting to get comfortable, you finally flipped over to face him, settling back down. “There,” you sighed.
You mustered up the strength to look into his eyes. His soft puppy-dog eyes gave you his undivided attention. He look content, something you hadn’t seen in him until recently. There was something else written on his face, though, in his furrowed brow—something you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“What’s wrong, Javi?” you asked, bringing your hand to his jaw your thumb rubbing lightly against his mustache. He leaned into your touch, craving any physical contact you offered.
“Nothing, mi vida. I should be asking you that. Are you alright?”
You didn’t know what else to say to him that you hadn’t already said, “I’m fine.”
“No. You’re hangin’ by a thread. What’s goin’ on?” He wasn’t usually one to be pushy, but seeing you passed out from exhaustion, bare naked, on the bed…It made him more than just nervous.
“I’m just tired,” you looked down, avoiding his intense gaze. “It’s just a lot of work, and this next round of exams is going to take a lot. I might need tot take a day or two off from the daycare.”
“Have you found anyone to study with in your class? Maybe that would take some of the pressure-”
The rock was back, and the stinging in your eyes had returned as well.
“Hey? What’s-” He cut himself off, lifting your chin so he could look at you completely. “What’s wrong?”
You hesitated, upset with yourself for slipping up and letting something like this get to you. Upset that you weren’t able to pull yourself together enough to let it pass. How were you supposed to admit that you…you couldn’t do it all?
“Sometimes,” your voice wavers. “Sometimes, I just—I don’t always understand. You know? I just don’t…”
And just like that, Javier understood a little more why you were so exhausted. Why sometimes you wouldn’t speak for several hours.
You exhaled and whispered just loud enough for Javier to barely hear, the words tumbling from your mouth, “I understand everything, but sometimes, I just can’t keep up. They say things and I know what they’re saying, but I don’t think like them, and I have to spend so much time, and I can never keep up.”
He didn’t say anything. Instead, he pressed you against him, rubbing circles on your back with his palm. He knew that you loved your classes—that was almost all you talked about to him. He had never considered the fact that you would have more obstacles than the others. Javier held you and let you cry to him. Feeling more vulnerable than average before but never safer, you let the barriers you had built up so long ago crumble down.
A moment or two passed as you cried in Javier’s arms, sitting in his quiet affection. As your tears slowed, you inhaled deeply, trying to recover. Sleep beckoned to you once again, feeling heavier than before.
“I’m so sorry, I sh-” you tried to apologize to him, but he stopped you mid-sentence, shaking his head softly.
“In Bogotá, you cared for me, took the weight from me. In Laredo, you encouraged me, loved me. If you can sacrifice and support and be there for me in every waking moment, I can do this for you. You can cry to me, rant to me, anything. I’m worried about you. Let me bear this with you.”
You listened to his pleadings with open ears, taking his words to heart. “I know, mi amor. I am sorry. I am going to be better, I promise.”
A yawn escaped your lips, as he reached to wipe away the tears from your face.
“Go to sleep, hermosa. You need sleep, need rest,” he whispered to you. “Thank you for tellin’ me what been goin’ on. We can talk more tomorrow.” He moved to kiss the top of your head. “But you need rest.”
“M’not tired.”
“I beg to differ, baby,” he said in that tone of his he gets when he’s amused.
“No, I promise,” you yawn again, eyes fluttering closed from the weight of lack of sleep. “I promise.”
“Mhm, “ he threaded his hand through the hair on the nape of your neck, lulling you back into your dreams. “G’night, mi amor. I love you,” he kissed you again, drawing a soft sigh from you.
“Love you. Nigh’,” you breathed out, leaning further into the safety of him as sleep lovingly took you over.
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Sweeter Than Revenge Part 1
Fandom: Twisters, Tyler Owens, f!reader, Scott's Sister!reader Summary: When you try to surprise your brother with a visit in the hopes of mending your strained relationship, it does not go as planned. Rudely dismissed by Scott, you decide to get a little revenge. And who better to do it with than the head Tornado Wrangler himself... Word Count: 3509 TW: Family Conflict, Brief Mention of Reader's Clothes/Breasts, Unsucessful Flirting, Language Notes: A massive thank you to @blue-aconite and @green-socks for reading this over for me and for all the constant support! And to @mayhem24-7forever for always answering my late-night panicked messages
Divider created by me (please ask/credit before using)
Series Masterlist
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Grabbing your backpack off the seat beside you, you stood and joined the crowd of passengers making their way to the front of the bus. You stopped to let an elderly couple join the line in front of you and used the momentary pause to glance out the window at your destination. A small diner in need of a fresh coat of paint and a good window washing sat off to the left while several rows of gas pumps were lined up on the right. Trucks, vans, campers, and SUVs filled almost every parking spot and spilled into the grassy field around the lot. Some vehicles were ancient, rusted machines that barely looked driveable while others were so fresh and high-tech they could have just been driven off a lot. Those were the vehicles you were looking for.
Stepping off the bus, you headed towards the group of four shiny new vehicles on the other end of the parking lot. On the way, your head was on a constant swivel as you took in everything around you: a middle-aged couple arguing loudly about who forgot to tie down the lawn chairs the last time they stopped, a somewhat familiar-looking man in a cowboy hat unloading a piece of equipment from his huge red truck while another long-haired man filmed him, a woman with dreadlocks fiddling with a remote control only for a large drone to drop out of the sky a moment later and land at her feet, a few children racing towards the diner with their exasperated mother trailing behind yelling at them to watch where they were going. 
It was utter chaos and you loved it already. 
As you approached the vehicles, you saw the Storm PAR logos printed on the sides and breathed a sigh of relief that after this sixth bus stop, you had finally tracked them down. You still didn’t see who you were looking for, so you walked up to a man with dark curly hair wearing a white button-down Storm PAR shirt who was currently crouched down examining a weird solar panel-looking piece of equipment set up next to one of the vans. As you cleared your throat, he looked up from the machine and blinked, as if he was shocked to see someone standing there despite the crowds of people around him. Glancing around, he asked, “Um…can I help you?”
You guess you shouldn’t be too surprised by his reaction. In your cut-off shorts, boots, and halter top, you looked like you should be hanging out one of the trucks you passed when you first got off the bus, not the polished, company polo shirt-wearing tech heads milling around the Storm PAR vehicles. And you didn’t even want to know what your hair and makeup looked like after four hours on that poorly air-conditioned packed bus. 
So, instead of taking offense at this guy’s slightly dismissive tone, you smiled as you adjusted the backpack on your shoulder. “Hi. I’m looking for Scott.”
The man glanced over his shoulder but made no move to stand up. “He’s here but he’s in the middle of some data calculations. Can I help you with something?”
“Not really. I had time off college and he mentioned you guys were having a really active season so I figured why not come out and see all this in action.” The man was still looking at you like he couldn’t understand why you were talking to him and you suddenly realized you hadn’t explained the most important detail. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I guess I should have mentioned, Scotty’s my older brother.”
Instantly, the man’s demeanor shifted and a huge toothy smile spread across his face. “Oh! You should have led with that. Nice to meet you.”
Rising to his feet, he stuck out his hand and you shook it, officially introducing yourself. When he said his name was Javi Rivera and it was your turn for things to click into place. “Javi! You’re Scotty’s business partner, right? He’s told me about you.”
Javi let your hand drop and his eyes shifted towards his equipment once more. “Really? Well, um, you know, I’ve, uh, heard great things about you too.”
You grinned, grabbing onto the straps of your backpack. “Scotty never even mentioned he had a sister, did he?” Javi gave a slight shrug, still not looking directly at you and you laughed. “Yeah, that sounds like him. Never wants to get personal, everything’s about business with him. To be honest, I don’t see or hear from him that much which is just another reason I figured I’d come surprise him when I had the chance. Plus, I read some research Scotty left lying around last time he came home and it was really interesting. I’m excited to be able to see what you guys do firsthand.” 
“Well, I’m sure Scotty will be glad to see you. Let me go grab him.”
Javi turned and disappeared into one of the vans. A moment later, he returned with your brother following closely behind. “Javi, I was in the middle of some important calculations. Why did I have to–” Scott stumbled to a stop as he saw you standing there.
Since he was a teenager, Scott had mastered the art of keeping his emotions hidden. He could be fuming mad, joyously happy, or heartbrokenly sad, and in each case keep the same perfect mask on his face. However, you knew his one tell. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t keep the emotion out of his eyes. And right now, you could practically see flames burning within them. 
For the first time, you wondered if coming to see him had been such a good idea. Shifting from one foot to the other, you tried to force a smile as you half-heartedly held out your arms. “Surprise.”
Scott remained rooted to the spot, his only movement the constant forceful chewing of his gum. Javi glanced back and forth between the two of you, the smile slowly draining from his face. Hesitantly, he explained, “She said she was your sister so I figured…”
A cultivated smile spread across Scott’s lips but it didn’t reach his eyes as they continued to burn into yours. “No, it’s all good. I’m just surprised to see her.” Without breaking eye contact, he held his tablet out to Javi who took it from him. “Give me a few minutes to talk to her and then I’ll get back to those numbers.”
Javi started to protest, assuring him there was no rush and he could take his time, but Scott had already closed the distance between you. Grabbing your arm tightly to the point of slight painfulness, he guided you past the rest of the Storm PAR vehicles and into the empty field. 
Once you were far enough away that you knew none of his co-workers could hear you, you wrenched your arm from his grasp, snapping, “Get off of me!”
“What the hell are you doing here?” he growled, his mask finally slipping as his nostrils flared and lips curled into a snarl.
“Well, hello to you too!” You examined your arm where he had grabbed you, massaging it gently. “Can’t a girl come visit her big brother?”
“Not when she wasn’t invited or even asked if she could come beforehand! What were you thinking? This isn’t one of your wild party vacations. This is my job!”
“I know that. I wasn’t expecting you to drop everything and take me sightseeing. I just thought I could hang around and watch you guys in action. I’ve read some of the research you left at Christmas and I was hoping maybe I could learn a little more about it.”
Scott shook his head, his hands on his hips. “This is our busiest time of the season. I don’t have time to babysit you.”
“What do you think I am? Eight? I don’t need you to babysit me. I told you, I’m interested in what you do and thought I could just hang around and see how it all works.” You shrugged, “Maybe you could even take me on a chase or two.”
“Hell no. I won’t have you getting scared and causing us to have to turn around in the middle of a storm run. Javi and I have worked too hard to get this company to where it is and I’m not going to let you ruin that because, on a whim, you thought it would be fun to see a storm.” Scott scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “It’s so typical of you to still think that just because you want something or because Mom and Dad will pay for it, everyone else will bend over backward to accommodate you. Well, I don’t have to put up with your bullshit anymore.”
You took several deep breaths and tried to keep your anger in check. This was not at all how you thought this would go, but lashing out right now would only make things worse. So, in a calm, steady voice, you tried to shift approaches. “Scotty, we haven’t spent any real time together since you left for MIT. And back then…I’m not proud of the person I was and I can’t imagine what that must have been like for you. But I was a kid who didn’t know any better! I’ve grown up since you left. And this trip isn’t just something I thought would be fun to do ‘on a whim’. I worked hard to save up the money to come here because I wanted to see you and spend time with you—however little time you may be able to work into your schedule. And I promise I won’t get scared or make you stop your chase. If I don’t like it, I’ll suck it up until it’s over then not ask to go again.” Taking a step forward, you gently placed your hand on his arm and gave him a timid smile. “Let me show you who I am now…how much I’ve changed. Please, Scotty.”
But Scott yanked his arm away and took a step back. “I don’t care where you go, but you need to stay away from me and Storm PAR. Now, I have work to do.” He took one last look at you, and, for just a moment, you thought maybe he felt bad for what he said and was reconsidering things. But then, he blew a small bubble with his gum and popped it loudly in your face. You jumped slightly, the sound sharp and startling, before glaring at him. He had been doing that since you were kids and he knew how much you absolutely despised it. Shooting you one last smug smirk, Scott turned and walked off towards the cluster of Storm PAR vehicles. 
You turned to look out into the open field, lip quivering, as you fought against the tears that were burning your eyes. Things between you and Scott had been pretty bad when he left for college, but you hadn’t realized he still really thought so poorly of you. The last few holidays or family events he had been forced to come to, things seemed to be getting a little better. You thought that maybe you had reached a turning point in your relationship. But now it was clear you had been very wrong.
Looking back at the diner and overflow of vehicles, you wondered what you should do now. You had no idea when the next bus came by or how to get a ticket home or if there was a motel nearby you could stay in for the night or how you would even get there if there was or what you would do in the morning or—
UGH! The longer you stared at the Storm PAR logo on the side of the van Scott had disappeared into, the less hurt you felt. Instead, the pain began to shift into outrage. How dare Scott treat you like this? You had spent a lot of money and wasted two weeks of your summer vacation to take this trip to see him. You knew it would involve listening to him drone on about numbers and graphs you could barely comprehend for most of the time, but you were willing to smile, nod, and seem interested to show you cared about what he did. But no! He didn’t even give you a chance to explain yourself or prove that you weren’t here to interfere with his work. He had just torn you down before turning his back on you and walking away. That asshole!
The sun was starting to dip lower in the sky and you realized standing here fuming about Scott wasn’t going to help your situation. You could do that once you found a bus schedule or a place to stay for the night. However, as you stormed back through the parking lot, something caught your eye. 
When you had come through the first time and passed the familiar-looking man and the long-haired guy with the camera, you had only seen their truck from behind. But now that you were looking at the front, you noticed the distinctive metal logo attached to the front of the truck’s grille: a tornado with horns jutting out the top of the vortex. And you realized why the man in the cowboy hat looked familiar. 
Scott might not talk to you very often, but during the instances that he had, you had heard plenty of complaints about Tyler Owens and his group of Tornado Wranglers. Everything they did was the complete opposite of how Storm PAR operated and it drove Scott crazy that while he was out there doing the “real work”, this group of amateur YouTube chasers were the ones getting all the attention and acclaim when all they were really doing was getting in Storm PAR’s way. 
And Scott seemed to have another level of hatred for Owens himself.    
Out of curiosity, you had looked up the Wranglers’ YouTube channel and found it pretty entertaining. While Scott viewed every aspect of his work with complete seriousness and professionalism, these guys tackled the same work like they were having the time of their lives. They were still informative, explaining to their viewers how tornadoes formed and the types of destruction they can cause, but they would then drive straight into the center of a funnel or take chat requests of crazy things to do in the storm. It honestly seemed like a great way to get people excited about learning about tornadoes while also keeping them entertained. And it seemed like their nearly 850,000 followers would agree. No wonder Scott hated them so much. 
Suddenly, you had an idea—the perfect little act of revenge.
Changing directions, you made your way over to Owens’s truck. You could see he was now alone, tinkering with the equipment attached to the bed of his truck. He had traded his white cowboy hat for a faded backward cap and had pushed his sleeves up above his elbows as he worked, his sun-bronzed skin on full display in the dying light.
Though you had only watched a handful of the Tornado Wranglers’ videos, you had a pretty good idea of the kind of man Tyler Owens was and how you could persuade him to help you. After all, these narcissistic, jacked-up truck-driving, overcompensating pretty boys were all the same. The kind who had been fawned and swooned over their entire adult lives just because they flashed a charming smile or a playful wink in the right direction. However, with just a little stroking of their ego or a bat of your eyes, they could become putty in your hands. All you had to do was introduce yourself.
Reaching the side of the truck, you tucked your hands into your back pockets so it thrust your chest forward and, biting your lip, called out coyly, “Hey there, cowboy.”
Owens glanced up, a curious smile curling across his lips as he saw you, his eyes traveling from your head to boot and back up. “Well, hello there.”
Giggling softly as you placed your hand on the side railing, you asked in a sing-songy voice, “You’re Tyler, right? The big...bad…tornado wrangler?” With each word, you walked your fingers across the railing, your eyes locked on his.
He leaned back, wiped his hands on his jeans, and said, “I might be. Depends on who’s asking.” He was still looking at you but his smile had slipped slightly and you realized you might not have grabbed his attention as well as you thought.
Placing both hands on the railing now, you pushed yourself up slightly, your chest pressed together, and you looked up at him from under your lashes. “What if I’m asking?”
Owens stared at you for a long moment, his eyes still examining you thoughtfully, though you were shocked to see they stayed locked on your face and didn’t dip down to your breast like you had expected. Then, finally, he said, “You seem like a nice girl, sweetheart, but I don't think I'm what you're looking for. Good luck though.” He gave you a kind, yet dismissive nod, and went back to whatever he had been working on.
Your jaw dropped, lips moving silently as you tried to figure out what just happened. This kind of thing always worked on guys like him in the past. Show a little skin, stroke their egos a little, and they would be wrapped around your finger in no time. But he hadn’t even given your act more than a passing glance. It was possible you weren’t his type or maybe he was in a committed relationship, but neither of those things had exactly deterred guys in the past. 
You turned around—properly dismissed—and were just about to walk away when another thought crossed your mind. What if…what if you had misjudged him? What if he wasn’t the kind of guy you assumed he was? From what you had seen in his videos, he was cocky and overconfident and a huge flirt, but what if that was all for the cameras? During your very brief interaction, he seemed polite and respectful even as you tried to throw yourself at him, something no other guy had ever done in that situation. 
Maybe you had gone about this all wrong. Maybe you needed a different approach. A more honest one…
You hurried around the other side of the truck so you were in front of him once more. Dropping all the over-the-top flirtatiousness from your voice, you said, “Okay, I’m sorry. I thought…it doesn’t matter what I thought, but the point is I shouldn’t have done that. I’ve had a really shitty day and approached this situation all wrong.”
Owens didn’t raise his head, but his eyes drifted back in your direction. Feeling like he was offering you a chance, you explained, “Listen, the deal is I came here to surprise my brother with a visit, and as soon as he saw me, he told me he doesn’t want me here and I should fuck off out of his way.”
That got his attention. Looking up, his brow furrowed, Owens asked, “Your brother said that to you?”
You rolled your eyes and hit the heel of your palm against the side of the truck. “Well, not in those exact words but the sentiment was there. The point is, he told me he didn’t care where I went as long as I left him and his team alone. So, I plan on respecting his wishes…and wondered if I could hang out with your team instead.”
“Well–” He leaned back, clearly not interested in your request, but you cut him off before he could turn you down.
“Please! It’ll just be for a day or two. I promise not to get in the way or mess with any of your work. I just know he has a problem with you guys and seeing me with you will drive him insane.” 
Putting down the wrench he was holding, Owens shook his head. “Back up…who are we talking about now? Who’s your brother?”
You realized you needed to get better at introducing people into a conversation before jumping right in. “Scott? He works for Storm PAR?” He hesitated so you sighed and turned towards the other group of storm chasers at the other end of the lot. With one hand on your hip, you pointed lazily with the other, “The surly tall one who never takes off his stupid baseball cap?”
Instantly, Owens straightened up and you knew you had piqued his interest. Chuckling, he asked, “Wait, so you’re telling me Mr. Clipboard and Chewing Gum is your brother?” You nodded. “And you want my help messing with him?”
“Yeah, that about sums it up. So, will you do it?”
The cowboy leaned over the side of the truck and gave you a wide grin. “Oh, sweetheart, you’ve come to the right place.”
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Part 2 coming 8/19!
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missmarveledsblog · 5 months ago
Bet on it ( Bradley bradshaw x reader ) part one
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summary : everyone thought since they were best friend that their kids would be but after some unknown reason bradley bradshaw and y/n mitchell hated each other . after confrontation one night that leaves bradley in a dry spell well the guys make a claim and bradley's willing to bet and prove them wrong all he had to do was get into a relationship with the one person that couldn't stand him .
warning : enemies to lovers, bradley bit of a dick in the start not gonna lie , bet trope , age gap ( ten years hes 38 , she 28 ) this series is gonna be a roller coaster of emotions
They were soulmate platonic  where Mav was, goose was not far behind , both mischievous , both good at what they did . best friends til the end of time even if the time was short lived . so naturally people thought it would be the same with their kids and yet they were very wrong. It was like the two were fire and ice constantly going against each other whenever they got close .  there was a break she went to med school as bradley was back at top gun only for their secret feud to fire back up when she was transferred to a hospital right in san diego and of course she was able to win the hearts of the dagger squad and her turning up to the hard deck it was his worst nightmare come true . if they weren’t locked in the childish back and forth it was ignoring the other existence all together which honestly their friends preferred and as aggravating as y/n mitchell could be nothing was going to dampen bradley bradshaws mood tonight. He almost floated over to his friends the moment he step into the hard deck . the smile on his face was almost cheek splitting when they all looked at him . 
“ guess who got a date with the barista” he flashed his dazzling smile pulling the aviator to perch on his nose . 
“  nice even for you chicken” hangman nodded. 
“ well bagman you know i could give you some advice  , i mean i guess it been a dry spell” he shrugged taking his seat beside phoenix who rolled her eyes and called them both “ disgusting pigs”. 
“ yeah i don’t need advice we both now i do well and even better than you” . 
“ god you both ever gonna tire of the hook ups “ she groaned . 
“ hey this could be best date of my life and she could be the one” bradley smirked. 
Before they could even say more the door open and an excited y/n bounded towards them . 
“ i pass the interview i passed it” she yelled excitedly. 
“ wait the internship in new york?” nat asked unsure of how to feel . 
“ yes it’s not til six month from now but  in six month i will be heading to big city and studying under the greats of pediatrics “ she excitedly dance in her spot barely even sparing the usually happy man in her wake. 
“A date with hot ass woman and she leaving jesus this is my lucky day” rooster felt like crying he was so happy. 
“ in six month pornstache … wow playing in the dog park finally worked out good job” she smiled only for jake to lift her up and spin her around . 
“Knew you could do it , what i tell you this morning” he chuckled ruffling her hair. 
“ not to doubt myself “ she smiled bashfully . “ shit there’s my dad i’ll be back “ she giggled rushing off . 
“ or don’t that’s a good option “ rooster smiled. 
“ i don’t get why you don’t like her” fanboy mused . 
“ because you’ll learn like i did she’ll drop you like that no reason” he rolled his eyes sick of his friend constantly going on about how great she was honestly he thought the same one time and well he learned his lesson . 
“ people change or maybe you done something “ jake mused although he may of know more than he let on giving how close he and y/n got over the two years since she came to san diego. 
“ day that happens i’ll sell my bronco “ bradley scoffed. “ going to the mens room if my date comes tell her i’ll be out in a minute” . 
She stood watching the news sinking in from excitement to straight on nerves .  hoping he would show even a hint of happiness for her . 
“ it’s great news but we .. i just got you back” he smiled uneasy . 
“ it’s only a short flight and i’ll be home for holidays come on dad this is once in a lifetime opportunity i’m literally the youngest and female to be accepted on to this programme “ she almost pleaded with him . 
“ how long is it” 
“ two years with a chance to stay on in new york or head back to my residency here which i will because it will earn my spot on more paid job and more opportunities  it’s only two years and i can visit” she repeated . 
“ well i still got you for six months so i better make most of it i am proud of you but your my baby girl too … penny round on me to celebrate my daughters great work” he smiled sadly although he meant it when he said he was proud . 
“ i’ll have this one with you next one with the guys “ she smiled . 
“ sorry i was suppose to meet someone here and i don’t think i can see him “ a woman called making them turn . 
“ who you looking for honey “ penny beamed 
“ bradley bradshaw oh god i have the wrong place don’t i “ she chuckled . 
“  the wrong man i’d run if i was you” another woman scoffed. 
“ you sure he was charming when i met him “ the girls eyes widened . 
“ really rooster is great guy , don’t listen cheryl she as bitter as those gins “ y/n smiled . 
“ yeah great guy when he and hangman used me as pawn in their who can sleep with most women game , i think i was number 8 made me think i was special never felt the spark like it “ 
“ she’s drunk really rooster is great , he’s sweet and listens to good music “  y/n defended more although she didn’t know why he was an ass to her all time even though he was one that hurt her all those years.
“ sure look he already over there high fiving his friend “ cheryl smirked as the other girl eyes narrowed before y/n  could say anything the woman was barrelling over like a storm . 
Now as bradley looked up ready to greet his date what he didn’t expect was the slap across his face or the anger of a bull on her. 
“ you bastard i thought .. shit i thought one decent guy out there til that woman set me straight “ she pointed over at cheryl although bradley misread it  now he was pissed. 
“ whatever she said was crock of shit  trust me” he defended. 
“ so you and some guy called hangman didn’t have a sleezy contest i will not be a part of delete my number asshole “ was all she said before storming out the bar completely . 
“ she has got some nerve” was all bradley said before he storming towards the bar only he wasn’t going for the right person . 
“ what the hell is your problem  what me being happy isn’t good enough you have to ruin it “ he pulled y/n around as she almost looked shocked. 
“ i didn’t … i didn’t do anything” she stuttered out completely confused. 
 “ yeah you told her about stupid game me and hangman had … do you really like ruining things for me i mean life was great til you showed up here making everyone think your some little sweetheart when in actuality  your’re a cold hearted bitch” he scoffed. 
“ and you said he was a great guy” cheryl laughed . 
“ i guess i was wrong, drop dead rooster “ y/n walked off ignoring everyone’s calls . 
“ shit that girl defended you after i told your date what your really like jesus thanks for proving me right”cheryl saunter off playing her bill and leaving . 
“ wait wait what “ he froze . 
“ rooster what the hell .. you two used to love each other now god your at each others throat but never like that ...   i thought you were better than that .. godson or not you talk to her like that again we’re gonna have problems “ mav warned as he headed out the door .  leaving bradley looking like biggest dickhead in the hard deck head low and tail between his legs he headed back to the table the guys were bar nat and jake who probably fixing his fuck up . 
“ wow harsh man” payback whistled lowly . 
“ yeah not my finest moment “ he grumbled . 
That  sentence was like a mantra on his tongue hell he didn’t want to admit it the dry spell he was having which after his outburst completely extended it first couple of week no girl would even look his way hitting another bust as he headed back to the rest of his squad as y/n sat with jake as far as she could barely even looking his way til she ended up smiling at her phone and bidding the rest a farewell , he didn’t want to admit it but the complete freeze out was worse than before the fact she didn’t even give him a second thought was driving him crazy maybe  the dry spell was affecting him more than he thought . 
“ guess it was a bust” fanboy smirked. 
“ losing your status rooster”  javy laughed , 
“ maybe it for the best between him and hangman  they going to sleep through san diego or that was case” bob chuckled . 
“ now what i would love to see is either of them try a relationship they would fold the second things get serious” payback  pointed out . 
“ ok first ouch bob i’m nothing like bagman  and second i could do serious relationship with any girl “ he stood hand on hips . 
“ not any girl “ bob mused . 
“ baby on board is right not any girl “ jake leaned against the pool table maybe it was a risk and shit if it ended badly well he would hate it but he could see it , he could see it the moment she walked into the hard deck two years ago . 
“ i’d bet my bronco on it “ bradley stood falling into the trap hook line and sinker . 
“ you sure you wanna bet on something you’ll lose chicken ?”  he goaded willing him to take the bait . 
“ fuck it your on bagman name her , point her out” he stood toe to toe with the man . 
“ easy y/n “ that damn smile , the cocky one rooster loved to wipe of his face and yet this one was gonna be tough shit did he have it in him. “ you really are a chicken on it “ he had him hook , line  
“ your on “  sinker .
A.N : Let me know if you wanna be added to taglist for future parts
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kiefromgingerland · 5 months ago
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
A/N: hii this is my first post so it’ll prob be shit, but it’s time someone fixes the lack of travis fics on tumblr </3
WARNINGS: switching between past and present tense, coach martinez, mentions of domestic abuse, mentions of child abuse, self-harm, mentions of death
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a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
he was hesitant to be affectionate at first. if you two weren’t close before you started dating, he was definitely awkward in the beginning of the relationship. if you were friends before dating, he’d probably be less awkward. he would still be nervous, but because he was worried about ruining your friendship. either way, it would take a while to get him to be affectionate.
he isn’t the making out type of affectionate, nor is he a fan of PDA. he probably holds your hand a lot, but that’s all the PDA you’ll get. when you’re alone, however, he is much more touchy.
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
he would be the type of friend that’s bitchy, but he’s definitely not as on-edge with you. you. he feels like he can trust you, especially if you’ve been friends for a while. you were probably childhood friends, or became friends because of seeing each other soccer events that had both the girls’ soccer team and the boys’ soccer team.
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
travis doesn’t usually cuddle, except for when he’s exhausted. he’s usually tired, but it’s when he’s bumping into things and dozing off level exhausted that he’ll get more touchy with you.
he’s also clingy when he’s drunk or high.
he tries not to be so clingy when in the right state of mind, but when he’s exhausted or under influence, all those walls come tumbling down.
(probably because his father refuses to show affection with him or Javi, and rarely shows his wife any affection)
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
travis wasn’t getting his hopes up when you started dating. he assumed it would be a casual relationship that wouldn’t last very long.
however, when you two started getting serious, he realized that he did want to settle down with you in the future, which led him to letting his guard down around you. he was worried about getting serious or settling down with you, because of his father. he didn’t want to turn into his dad, and didn’t want to make you a victim like his father did to his mother.
if you do settle down together, he probably wouldn’t want kids because he was worried he would become like his father, but if you want kids, he would trust you. i can see him being the dad to a little tomboy girl.
(made the kids optional bc i am def not having those little shits)
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
he would never break up with you. not out of pity or fear, he just would never want to. if you two broke up, it was you. he would probably make it seem like you both agreed, but it’s just his protective walls going right back up.
f = fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
he is terrified of commitment, but would try, for you. he wants you two to be forever, and he doesn’t want to lose you. he would probably propose after a while. he doesn’t want to move too fast.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he’s the gentlest. he refuses to treat you like his father treated his mom. although you two might get into arguments fairly frequently, he is far from emotionally, verbally, or physically abusive.
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
travis was never a hugger until you started dating. he gives good hugs, although it would be awkward in the beginning of the relationship or friendship. if you’re upsetX he’s the type of person who will kiss the top of your head or your temple if you’re shorter than him.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
he would be the first to say it, but it might take a while. probably six to seven months tbh, although it definitely felt faster to you. i don’t think it’s a “__ fell first, __ fell harder” type of relationship. he fell first, and fell harder.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
travis is a jealous person. he trusts you deep down, but it wasn’t obvious for a while. he’s a bit insecure in the beginning, but it’s soon more that he’s worried about the guy trying something than you cheating.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
surprisingly good kisser?? even if you’re his first kiss, he’s still a good kisser. he never even thought about having to kiss someone, it just came naturally to him.
he likes to kiss your forehead or temple. again, he wouldn’t do it for a little while, unless you were friends before. it’s a sign that he trusts you tbh.
he likes to be kissed anywhere as long as you’re the one kissing him. travis is fs head over heels for you.
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
he’s not bad around kids, just awkward. his father made him hate the idea of being a parent. the only kid who he’s very protective over is Javi because they’re trauma bonded.
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
he either wakes up late or very early. rarely ever an in-between. if you stay the night, you’ll probably wake up to him asleep with his arms tight around your waist. clingy sleeper !!!
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
won’t hesitate to stay up with you all night (not in that way, you filthy mind (well, not not in that way))
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he’s very slow to open up, but his decision to open up is very fast. he just needs to fade into it. the more you open up, the more he opens up.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
a lot of people and a lot of things anger him. he’s very easily angered, but by you? never. you could never make him mad, he loves you too much to harbor any resentment for you.
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he remembers a lot about you. it’s pretty easy for him to remember things about you, but if there’s something he really wants to remember, he’ll write it down somewhere.x
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the morning after your first time together. you were in his bed, in one of his shirts. you were asleep, and he woke up early. it was still dark out, and smelled like rain. his father was out on a business trip (which was an obvious lie), and his mom and Javi staying with his aunt (also an obvious lie). he knew the reason his parents were both away was probably because of a serious fight, or legal issues, but you being there with him made him forget all about it.
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he’s very protective of you. he won’t fight someone, he’s smarter than that. he’ll ruin someone. he can be a bit evil sometimes, but only when it comes to protecting you. if someone is a little too close to you, or is threatening you, he’ll frame them for something that will get them suspended or expelled. they won’t even know it was him, nobody will.
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he knows it doesn’t take a lot to please you, but he tries hard anyway. he remembers anniversaries, and you two will probably stay at one of your houses all day, and skip school.
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
how easily angered he gets. you two would probably argue about his anger issues and refusal to open up before you knew about his home life.
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
he’s insecure, but doesn’t obsess over his looks publicly. he doesn’t tell anyone he’s insecure, he just keeps it bottled up.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
definitely. if you left him, he probably would never be fully whole without you. you were his first love, and soulmate tbh. if you die, he’d probably just stop caring about anything for a while. it would take him until the winter of his freshman year of college to go back to normal, but he would never get over it.
he’d probably make some friends at his college. i feel like they’d be very open people, so he’d trust them enough. they would persuade him to party a lot, and he would resort to drinking and getting high to try and forget you. he would tell his friends about you. they would be the ones to tell him he doesn’t have to forget you, and he can live happily while still missing you. he got better after that. he would still drink and get high, but not as much.
(i got a bit carried away, might make a fic about it 😈)
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
he has scars. he has sh scars on his wrists, and scars from his father. after opening up to you about it, he would try his best not to relapse. he’d move out the moment he turned eighteen. he loves his mother and brother, yes, but his father made his house insufferable. even after his father died, he would still never see that house as a place where he was welcome. his mother also isn’t amazing to him, but she’s only a bit emotionally and verbally abusive. she doesn’t realize it, and they would make up when he was an adult and started visiting his family on holidays again.
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
he hates a lot of things, but never you. there’s not a lot in specific that would piss him off.
z = zzz (what is a sleep habits of theirs?)
like i mentioned earlier, he either wakes up very early or very late. you help him sleep better, though.
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year ago
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A/N: so after rewatching Narcos all weekend and staring at the screen with big ole heart eyes for the infamous Javier Peña, I decided that he, like Joel, deserves nice things 🤍
~word count: 1.2k~
Summary: Javier Peña desperately needs a fucking break and to be kinder to himself <3
Pairing | Javier Peña x f!reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of guns, cigarettes, implied death(s) due to an unsuccessful raid, established relationship, fluff, hurt and comfort, Javi is incredibly hard on himself, takes place during season 3 of Narcos, both Javi and the reader speak Spanish, reader has no physical descriptions, no age gap, +18 minors dni!
Lo entiendo, hermano. - I understand, brother.
No lo entiendes, hermano. Nadie lo entiende - You don’t understand, brother. No one does.
No tienes que esperarme despierta todas las noches, querida. Tu sueño es importante también, cariño. - You don’t have to wait up for me every night, querida. Your sleep is important too, baby.
Jav, yo quiero asegurarme de que has llegado bien a casa. - Jav, I always want to make sure you’re home safe
Javi, No tienes que disculparte por nada. Por favor, mi amor. - Javi, please don’t apologize for this. Please, my love.
Siempre tan bueno conmigo - Always good to me
Te quiero con todo lo que pueda ofrecerte, cariño - I love you with everything that I have to offer, cariño
Te quiero más a ti, Jav - I love you most, Jav.
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When he comes home, he’s still in his olive green tac vest. His hair is strewn about in a sweaty mess across his face. He reeks of gunpowder, stale tobacco, and disappointment. It drips from his pores and lands in a puddle at his shoes, once shiny, now dull, scuffed and speckled in blood. A failed raid. Innocence lost, and disappointment. So much fucking dissapointment that swallows Javier Peña alive.
An anonymous tip leading to more fucking bloodshed. So much for things being done differently this time around.
A hero? Hardly.
Javier doesn’t feel like a hero. Not when all he’s done is failed over, and over again.
We’ll get them next time, Javier.
Will we?
Of course. You know the Cali Cartel like it’s the back of your hand, Peña. We’re this much closer to bringing them to justice.
Justice? He laughs. If there was any justice in this world, I would be in fucking jail right now.
Lo entiendo, hermano.
Javier laughs, voice rasped in bitterness. He swings his keys around on his pointer finger, jaw ticked, muscles aching beneath the sweat stained fabric of his shirt.
No lo entiendes, hermano. Nadie lo entiende. Javier responds coldly and unlocks his car door before climbing into the driver seat.
He thinks hard on his failure the entire drive home. He doesn’t listen to the radio. He sits in silence, puffing away on a stress cigarette even though he swore he was trying to quit.
In the lowlight from the hallway, Javier is able to make out your sleeping mass under the colorful patterned quilt on his couch. He swings the door shut softly behind him and quietly locks it.
His back and shoulders are tense, aching with each step he takes. Another jab and painful reminder of his failure tonight.
Despite Javier’s protests, you always wait for him to return home. He appreciates this more than you realize. It’s his one sense of comfort that he feels he’s undeserving of.
No tienes que esperarme despierta todas las noches, querida. Tu sueño es importante también, corazón.
Jav, yo quiero asegurarme de que has llegado bien a casa.
The worn couch cushions gradually press down from the weight of his body as he slowly sits down in the unoccupied space between your covered feet. He winces when he feels that annoying pinch in his lower back and brings his hands over his face, dragging them down over his alquine nose with a heavy sigh. He pulls out his gun, badge, cigarettes, and lighter. He tosses them onto the coffee table and leans back just as you begin to stir awake from the sound.
“Jav?” You murmur softly and subconsciously reach for him over the blanket.
“Its me, cariño.” He rasps. His hand reaches towards you in the dark, finding you soon after. He laces his fingers through yours.
“Are you okay?” You ask softly, sitting up and facing him.
“No. I’m not okay.” He admits.
“What happened?”
He looks over at you through the darkness and shrugs his shoulders. “What didn’t happen.” He clarifies. His thumb skates across the back of your hand gently.
“Do you want to talk about it?..”
“No. I just..I’m tired, querida. I’m tired of failing all the fucking time.” He sounds exhausted. You know just how much his job truly weighs on him.
“Javier, my love, you are not failing all the time. You aren’t. No one thinks that you are a failure, Jav.”
He makes a snuffling sound through his nose that comes across more like a scoff. His movements cease when he feels your freehand grasp his jaw and pull him in close. Even in the dark, your eyes are soft, gentle, and laced with concern.
“Everyone tells me that I’m a hero, cariño. I’m not a hero. I’ve never been a hero.”
“Javi, you don’t have to be a hero. People mean well with their words. I know they do, but you have to try and not let it get to you this much. Okay? Javier, you have one of the toughest jobs out there. No one but yourself is going to understand how you feel. Whatever happened tonight, does not make you a terrible person, or a failure. You’re doing everything you can to take down the Cali Cartel.” You reassure him.
“I feel like I have to be the hero. Javier Peña, the dashing DEA agent that took down Pablo Escobar.” He laughed. “Cariño, I was told that this time things would be different, but they were wrong. Everytime I try to ensure that innocent lives won’t be lost, someone gets caught in a crossfire. A civilian. A child. An unsuspecting bystander. It weighs on me. It fucking weighs on me more than I’m willing to admit.” He said in an exasperated tone.
You saw the tears begin to brew along his waterline before he even realized he was crying. You detected the strain in his voice, and sprung into action. Your hand dropped from his face only to then pull him into a hug with your hand gently cradling the back of his head and your fingers slipping through his hair, nails scratching his scalp gently in hopes to soothe him.
His arms instinctively wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his lap so he could be closer to you. His warm palms slid under the thin fabric of your shirt along your lower back and he buried his face into the crook of your neck.
“I’m sorry.” He sniffled. “I don’t want you to see me like this, cariño.”
“Javi, No tienes que disculparte por nada. Por favor, mi amor.”
“You’re so good to me.” He kisses the exposed skin on your neck, the tips of his mustache tickles you as you hug him tightly, rubbing your hands up and down his back and shoulders in a soothing motion.
“And you’re good to me, Javier. Siempre tan bueno conmigo.”
He nuzzles you affectionately, wishing he could crawl inside of you and live there forever. “Cariño, can you do something for me?” He asks softly, dragging his lips across your skin once more.
“Anything, Jav.”
“My back and shoulders are fucking killing me. Can you—” you cut him off before he even has a chance to finish his sentence.
“Of course I can.”
He breathes a sigh of relief through his nose “Gracias, cariño”
He slowly drops his arms from around your waist so he can remove his shirt. He undos each button with meticulous precision and slowly slides the fabric down from his forearms. He lays his shirt along the side of the couch while you slide into the space behind him, with your thighs wrapping around his torso. He leans back into your touch, lashes fluttering shut when your hands work their way up from his lower back, kneading the tender strained muscles there.
You work your way upwards and pay close attention to the areas where he’s feeling the most pain. He murmurs praises in both Spanish and English under his breath when you slowly and delicately work through a particular nasty knot between his shoulder blades.
Your gentle, yet firm touch sends the DEA agent into a state of bliss, and he’s putty in your hands in no time.
Your chin comes to rest along the crook of his shoulder, pressing a soft kiss along his jawline. He hums and tilts his head to the side, finding your lips in a gentle kiss. A thank you. An I love you, and an I appreciate you can be tasted through the kiss. He rests his hands along your thighs that are wrapped around him, gently kneading the soft flesh with his strong, yet gentle hands.
“Te quiero con todo lo que pueda ofrecerte, cariño”
You smile against his lips, kissing him deeper while your fingers gently brush through the wispy tendrils of hair along his forehead.
“Te quiero yo más, Jav.”
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Banners made by the lovely @saradika 🤍
I no longer have a taglist so please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications.
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notjustjavierpena · 6 months ago
Thank you for the Husband Javi series. This family is absolutely incredible. Would you ever write about their miscarriage in between Lucas and Ines? It would definitely add to and shows strength of the bond between wife and Javi.
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N:  This was done with utmost respect and care. If anything in this piece is unrealistic and tasteless, I take full responsibility. Please read the tags.
Summary: You wake up to a nightmare.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags: Miscarriage, loss of a child, heavy angst, grief, child in distress, description of vomit, description of blood, brief mention of loss of a parent, hospitals, the inherent suffering and guilt of being a mother, hurt/comfort, somewhat happy ending
Word count: 5.4k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58943479
It is a known fact that you easily stir from your sleep when Javier is out of your reach, always needing to feel his skin on your own in some way even if it is just your fingertips touching him. It is why you are confused about being woken up by your body in the early morning hours when Javier’s hand rests so gently on your shoulder as he snores beside you. On top of it, having a toddler in the room next door makes you sleep through the night whenever you can. 
Lucas doesn’t need you right now. Javier is right there. There’s a hint of anxiety in your mind because the only explanation must be that something is wrong and your brain is yelling at you to figure out what. You sit up carefully, fumbling slightly as your hand searches for the light on your nightstand. You flick it on.
However, it is not the sight of red that makes your heart skip a beat. It is that you feel it; you are sitting in a pool of your blood, its dampness cold and clammy underneath you as it has soaked through your sleep shorts only to stain the sheets in a dark, crimson color. Where it comes from hasn’t clicked yet but when you throw the covers to the side, the realization of what is happening creates a drop in your stomach that is nauseating. 
Your heart sinks at the thought of what is lost and your breath catches in your throat before you let out a wreaking sob, frantically scooting back on the bed until you are pressed into the bedframe and wanting to get away from what feels like a bodily crime. Your hand is on your belly, your breathing so fast that it is dizzying. 
Beside you, Javier stirs from his sleep when his mind registers the noises coming from you. He blinks a few times in his barely-awake state, confusion evident on his features, until the realization hits him as well and his eyes widen. 
He sits up immediately and flicks on the lamp on his own bedside table, “Fuck, baby. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“I’m losing it,” you breathe so rapidly that you are about to throw up, trying to abstain from looking at the trail of blood you have made from moving around on the bed, “I’m losing the baby. Javi, I— I’m losing my baby. I’m lo— I’m losing my baby.”
Javier is out of bed not a moment after, having walked around it to stand by your side. He puts a firm hand on your shoulder, demeanor having changed to show that he is completely in control of the room. He squeezes you, “Hey, heyheyhey, hey, baby. Eyes on me, mi amor (my love).”
You raise your gaze to him, your wet eyes huge like a doe’s from the panic in your body. You sound so frail as you talk, your voice filled with nausea, and Javier feels like he could punch a hole into the Earth for you, “I’m not pregnant anymore. I’m— my baby. I’m not… Javi.”
“Honey, we gotta get you out of bed, okay?” Javier tries to hold his own tears at bay. He swallows a little too often, still struggling with the disorientation of being abruptly interrupted in his sleep. You take his hand when he offers it, and he gets you onto your feet, “That’s it, there you go. We have to get you to the hospital. They have to take a look at you. We don’t know anything yet.”
“I know but… I think I do know,” you are sobbing on the spot, barely comprehensible as you do it but you still follow when he starts guiding you down the stairs. He wraps you in your longest coat, gets the car keys, and walks you to the truck all the while praising you with each step.
“But the car seats,” you cry, trying not to gag from the whole situation, “I’m bleeding.”
“Fuck the car seats, baby,” he reassures, stroking his hands up and down your shoulders, “Listen to me. I’m going to get Lucas. I don’t want to leave you here all alone but I need to get him, okay?”
You nod with a whimper, so brave in this moment of peril that it floors him a little. How do you manage to think of anyone else when you are experiencing the most horrific thing? He unlocks the car for you and makes sure you get inside alright. 
“Five minutes,” he says, holding up his hand for show in case your ears are ringing like his are. Then he staggers back into the house with the most neutral expression he can force onto his face. Upstairs, Lucas is sobbing loudly in his nursery as he has sensed that his parents have gone. He is holding onto the railing of his bed, screaming his head off from anxiety but Javier feels nothing but relief at the sound because then at least he is alive and breathing. Who knew those little lungs could make such noise? 
He hurries to his son’s side and scoops him up into his arms, cooing soothing words at him as he moves through the house like he is treading water. Lucas doesn’t seem convinced and Javier doesn’t blame him, frustration building up in his chest as his son cries until he feels tears escaping his eyes as well. 
“I know, mijo (my son), I’m sorry we left, I’m so sorry,” he says with a shaky breath, passing the car with guilt in his chest to cross the neighbors’ front lawn. He knocks frantically on the front door, waiting impatiently while bouncing Lucas to make him settle even if it’s to no avail. 
The Correas, the elderly couple, who live next door open the door with bleary eyes, startled by the noise at three in the morning. Mrs. Correa looks at Lucas with sympathy but then frowns in concern at the lack of color on Javier’s face. 
“You alright, son?” Mr. Correa asks.
“I need to—“ Javier catches the swear that bubbles up in his throat but he doesn’t manage to keep his sob in. He bounces Lucas desperately but he still shrieks, “My wife needs to go to the hospital. I know it’s late but we really need your help. Can you take him? I know it’s a lot to ask for—“ 
They exchange glances of concern but then Mrs. Correa nods and her husband squeezes her shoulder with a little smile, “Of course, dear. Anything to help.”
Javier passes his son to them, and they already start comforting him with soothing words during his wailing for his parents. Javier hears him even as they close the door, bombarded with the image of his tiny frame being wracked by fear and confusion every time he blinks. He feels it coming as he approaches the car again, the burning sensation in his throat that makes him run to the nearest bush and empty his guts into it, coughing up bile because he hasn’t eaten since dinner time. He isn’t a father of two anymore. Was he ever? He can’t figure out where definitions start or end. This is worse than anything he felt back in Colombia.
Back in the car, you’ve gone numb. Javier finds you sitting in the backseat with your knees against your chest and your arms clutching around them. He swallows at the sight of the red stains on the car seats, the red on your palms too. You look so small as he glances at you in the rearview mirror, wrapped in yourself with your eyes distant as if you’re trying to make yourself disappear. He wants to say something but he is at a loss for words, figuring that he might make it worse if he tries to comfort you in a situation that is unable to be comforted. 
However, as the car takes off and he drives you towards the hospital, things seem to make everything worse on their own accord. You suddenly gasp on the backseat, clutching at your lower belly as your pelvic floor starts to cramp up. Any hope that this might have just been bleeding is squashed because you know instantly that your body is trying to reject something. 
Javier reaches behind his seat to take your hand in his own, feeling your clammy palm and trying his hardest to not let it show how helpless he feels, “I’m almost there, okay? They’ll get you something for the pain, baby. They’ll take care of you.” 
You nod with gritted teeth, feeling like the rest of the drive is longer than an eternity. Seconds feel like minutes, minutes like hours in this fog of pain mixed with grief. You don’t know when you’ve started crying again but tears drip down from your chin, landing on the coat that you try to drown in. 
When he’s finally pulling into the hospital’s parking lot, you’ve laid down on the backseat with tears streaming steadily down your face until they dampen your hair. You can barely breathe every time sharp pains in your pelvic floor crash over you like a wave, causing you to whimper like a wounded stray. 
Javier slams the door behind him as he hurries to help you out of the backseat. His heart hammers in his chest as adrenaline rushes through his veins. He remembers this feeling from his time in Colombia, the dizzying high from being on guard and ready to fight, but he didn’t actually think that he would ever experience it again. 
“C’mon, baby, just a few steps, attagirl,” he coos as he walks with his arm wrapped around your shoulders, you hanging onto him for support as you tremble. He was, however, never quite this gentle in Colombia. 
The automatic doors to the emergency room slide open and Javier can’t see anything for a few seconds due to how bright the lights are. He manages to get your staggering body inside, barely making it to the nurse at the front desk before she calls for assistance and a wheelchair. 
Two nurses help you into the chair, already asking questions that quickly blur together and follow each other so rapidly that he cannot comprehend what is being said, hearing nothing but the adrenaline-infused blood rush in his ears. You answer mechanically, something that frightens him too, your mind seemingly trying to process the reality of what is happening while he feels in the middle of it, overwhelmingly aware. 
They wheel you to a private examination room, helping you undress, and then onto a table. Javier follows helplessly behind, making himself known by saying your name so you don’t fear that he has abandoned you in all this. He holds your hand tightly while watching a middle-aged doctor enter the room, a serious expression on his face as the both of you cry silently. As the doctor does a quick scan of your belly, Javier tries to hold onto you, feeling as if you’ll fall apart if he lets go.
Your doctor is silent for a while, his mouth a thin line as he moves the stick around on your stomach. He looks like someone who hopes for better things than what he sees on the screen, uncomfortably quiet and drowned out by the whirring of the ultrasound machine. Eventually, he swallows thickly. 
“I’m so sorry,” he says softly. “There’s no heartbeat.”
The words hit Javier like a punch to the stomach, knocking the breath out of him. His vision blurs with tears, and he hears a wail of grief escape your lips, raw with anguish and absolutely heart-wrenching.
He keeps hearing the sentence inside his head, feels his knees start to tremble so much that he has to grip the edge of the table you’re lying on until his knuckles are white if he doesn’t want to collapse to the floor. Your wailing is unbearable, cutting through him until everything hurts and bile starts rising in his throat again. He swallows it down despite the burn, trying not to think of how robbed he feels; there’s laughter and sibling rivalry that won’t be happening now. 
In front of him, the doctor is holding his hands in front of himself, palms clasped tightly together as he gives you a moment. He looks down at nothing in particular, looking like someone counting the seconds until it is okay to open his mouth again. Javier doesn’t want him to say a single goddamn word.
But he speaks again, and Javier tries not to want to punch a hole through him. “We need to act quickly. Your wife—“
Javier glares at him. He turns to you, “Mrs. Peña, you’re losing a lot of blood, and there’s a risk of infection. We need to perform a procedure to remove everything from the pregnancy to ensure your safety and recovery.”
You look to the doctor, swallowing thickly through the tears, and then glance at Javier. He leans in to rest his forehead against yours, holding your hand as it rests in your lap, “They need to take care of you now, okay?”
“Don’t leave me,” you beg quietly, breaths shaky.
“I’m right here, I’m not leaving,” he replies, brushing his thumb over your knuckles repeatedly, trying to ground you. You nod slowly and look so small, “I love you so much, baby. You need to let them take care of you for me.”
“Okay,” your voice is barely there, weak and frightened. 
The medical team works quickly after that. A nurse puts an IV into your arm and gives you something for your anxiety, causing you to half-doze off while they wheel you out of the room. 
Javier walks down the hallways of the hospital until he cannot follow you anymore, his hand slipping from yours as you are wheeled into an available OR. When the doors close behind the team of medical professionals following you, the reality of what they’re going to be doing to you crashes over him like an avalanche. It is unbearable. Each second feels worse than the last. 
A kind nurse touches his arm, makes him flinch, but then she apologizes and tells him the directions to the waiting room. His feet take him there without him quite knowing how but when he finally collapses into a chair against the wall, he doubles over and buries his face in his hands. A shaky breath leaves him in the colorless room, his thumbs pressing into his eyes until fireworks go off behind his eyelids. There’s the sound of the clock on the wall ticking quietly and then there’s the sound of his violent sobs, his chest burning as he finally allows himself to let devastation consume him. 
“Fuck,” he swears under his breath, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
He has never felt this kind of fear, not even when he was fighting for his life in Colombia, and never knew the outcome of the dangers he faced. This isn’t the same terror that ambushes and flying bullets coming from machine guns brought along because back then, he knew - and still knows - how to act to keep himself safe, to get out of there alive. But back then, there was nothing to lose and if tragedy was upon him, it was only him arriving home in a casket. This is new and the fear suffocates him because there’s no clear enemy to fight, no escape route or strategy that can save him from watching his family suffer. His instincts tell him to return the fire but there’s no fire to return. All he can do is sit idly with the feeling that he can’t fix this, can’t protect you or him from the hurt. All his instincts from the chaos of Colombia are useless here. 
Instead, he just feels like he did when he sat through the funeral of his mother at barely ten years old. This fact makes him reach into his pocket and fish out his work phone to dial the number of his father’s landline with the intention of getting told what to do, his inner child screaming for the soothing words and guidance of his parent. 
Chucho Peña answers groggily on the fourth ring, “¿Bueno?”
“Papá…” Javier breathes quietly, pinching the bridge of his nose. He feels his throat constrict as tears well up in his eyes again and how the words suddenly feel too hard to speak. 
Chucho knows something is wrong from the way his son trails off and suddenly his voice comes through the receiver again, sharper and fully awake, “¿Qué pasa, hijo? (What’s going on, son?)”
Javier swallows hard around the lump in his throat, his nose prickling, “I’m calling from the hospital. We— we lost the baby, Dad. There was so much blood. I didn’t know what to do.”
There’s a moment where he can only hear his father’s hitched breath, the older man seemingly trying to process what he has just been told. He clears his throat, “Lo siento mucho, Javi (I’m so sorry, Javi). You don’t have to have all the answers right now.”
“But I am sitting here and I am doing nothing,” he answers bitterly and a tear rolls down his face again just when he thinks he has it under control. 
“Javier, listen to me,” Chucho commands, his voice still soft even when he is stern, “Some things we have no power over. Losing your mother taught me that. You don’t have to fix it, mijo (my son). You just have to be there.”
Javier wants to throw up at the mention of his mother. He shudders in his seat, trying to push down the flood of tears that threatens to repeat itself as before he made this call. He doesn’t want to think about his mother, doesn’t want to experience loss that same way again. All he wants is to fix it, “It’s not enough.”
“It is enough. She doesn’t need anything more from you, and even if this feels like it overshadows everything, you’ll find something to fight for. For me, it was you. And for you, it’ll be your family. Lucas. And her.”
“Fuck,” Javier’s throat tightens again as his thoughts turn to Lucas. He had barely been able to say goodbye before rushing out of the house, and the guilt of seeing his tiny, devastated face is going to keep hurting for a while. “I left him next door, Lucas, I mean. He was screaming for me, Pop, and I just left him.”
Chucho’s voice softens even further in reassurance, “You did what you had to, mijo (my son). He’s safe. Do you want me to get him? I can be there by morning. I can take care of him, handle things at the house so you can focus on her. Whatever you both need, Javi. You don’t have to do this alone.”
“I don’t want to bother you, Papá. It’s late, and—”
“Javier,” Chucho interrupts, the gentle sternness returning but when he continues, Javier swears he can hear his voice wavering even as he tries to be strong. “You’re not bothering me. You are my family. You’re my son, and you need help. I’ll be there if you need me. Say the word, and I’m on my way.”
A nurse taps Javier on the shoulder. He looks up at her and she gives him a gentle smile as soon as she sees the tear streaks on his face. She speaks softly, “Your wife is recovering from surgery. Everything went smoothly. You can go see her now, I’m sure she’ll wake up any moment.”
“Papá,” he speaks into the phone after mouthing a ‘thank you’ to the nurse, sighing softly, “She’s out of surgery. I gotta go see her now.”
“You want me to go get Lucas?” Chucho asks as a final question.
“If it’s not too much trouble then—“
“It’s not,” he reassures steadfastly, “Hang up. I’ll make sure everything is okay at home. Te quiero tanto (I love you so much).”
“Te quiero también (I love you too),” Javier replies and hangs up. He pockets his phone and pushes himself to stand, walking to the front desk to get your room number, and then practically runs down the hallway to get to you faster. 
He enters the hospital room after bracing himself outside the door. You’re lying underneath the dimly lit lights in the ceiling that are supposed to be soothing but have lost their charm. Javier has never seen you actually sleep soundly in a hospital room, barely saw you do it when you had Lucas because you didn’t like the cold, sterile interior. He doesn’t like seeing it now because he knows you’re not sleeping on your own accord, especially does not like seeing it accompanied by the steady beeping sound of a heart rate monitor. 
He carefully drags a chair across the room to sit by your bed, dropping down into it with a small sigh from finally being at your side again. You don’t move by the little noise, and he recalls the nurse telling him that the drugs might take an hour or so to wear off enough for you to wake. 
“I’m here, mi amor (my love),” he hears himself whisper, taking your hand in his own and resting his body against the white mattress. He closes his eyes, allowing himself to doze off while still being completely aware of the room around him. He had no idea that sleep would overtake him as soon as he saw you, all the tension of wondering if he ever was going to again seeping out of his body. 
The clock tells him that half an hour has passed when he jolts awake but it only feels like barely a minute, his poor back killing him from leaning forward in the chair. Your fingers twitch in his hand - a sign that you’re waking up - and the pace of the pulse monitor’s beeping increases. He straightens to watch your eyes flutter beneath your lids before you blink a few times to adjust to the lights. Confusion clouds your face for a moment before the memory of what has happened hits, and Javier sees the pain flood back in without being able to do anything. He squeezes your hand, trying to offer some comfort, but it feels useless against the weight of what you’re about to remember.
“Hey,” he says quietly and you turn your head to the sound of his voice. He is sure that he looks tired, bags under his eyes, “I was waiting for you to wake up to me.”
When you don’t say anything, he reaches out to gently run a hand over your hair, his thumb occasionally rubbing against the spot between your eyebrows, just like he has come to love it when you do it. He soothes you whilst you try to find out what is happening, speaks quietly and gently, “Are you thirsty? Hungry?”
“Where’s Lucas?” You don’t register the question, voice cracking as you speak and Javier is sure you are distracted by the lack of life in your belly. He swallows thickly as you talk, “We left him. He—“
“He’s fine. He’s with the neighbors. I made sure he’s safe,” he pauses to press a kiss to your forehead before resting his head where his lips have been, “He’s okay, baby. Pop will get him in the morning. You don’t have to worry about him.”
It’s as if the fact that you don’t have to be strong for your son makes your face crumble. You breathe shakily as tears start to well up in your eyes. For a moment, it looks like you cannot breathe and then you sob. 
“It’s my fault,” you tell him through tears.
“What? No… no,” Javier feels disoriented by that statement, pulling back to let you see him shaking his head, “No, baby. Why on earth would you say that? Of course, it’s not.”
“I should’ve been more careful. I should’ve known something was wrong, but I didn’t, and now— We could’ve seen a doctor—”
“No,” Javier interrupts firmly. He takes your hand to stress his words. He suddenly feels strong in your hour of need despite his own tears having started to fall from his eyes, “No, don’t do that. This wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known. You did everything you could, everything you were supposed to do for our baby.”
He watches tears slide down your cheeks until they drip down from your chin, some of them even sliding down into your messy hair. He pushes the chair back when he gets up from his seat, the legs on it scraping loudly across the floor. 
You are inconsolable even when he moves onto the edge of the bed, one leg stretched out on the mattress and another dangling over the edge, so he can plant his foot on the floor. He holds you gently, crumbling the sheets by wearing his usual jeans in bed, and rests his lips against the top of your head. 
“Hey hey hey,” he shushes you softly and rocks you as much as he can without disturbing your IV, “You have already given me - us - a beautiful boy. You are so good to me.”
You quiet down a little at that but there seem to be no words to describe how you feel. You whimper at his words and shake your head, and it makes him ache to make all of this go away. 
“Yes,” he stresses, reaching for your hand to hold it against his mouth. He kisses it repeatedly, opening your hand like a flower to kiss your palm too, “I love you both so much, and I love our baby. Even if they weren’t ready to meet us.”
“How can you love me when I can’t even—“
He shushes you gently, cooing at you as he would his son whenever he is in distress, “You are not hard to love, baby.”
“Yes, I am,” you sniffle.
“No, you’re not,” he sniffles, feeling a tear drip onto the covers, his hand still clutching yours to ground the both of you, “Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. You and I are forever, you know that.”
And this is where your cries intensify because you had never expected to find anyone who would do this for you, say these things to you. You weep and kick and scream for your baby in the small hospital bed, and Javier holds you through it all, not wavering once.
Silence fills the room when you miraculously feel empty of tears even if it’s brief. You breathe deeply into the quiet room, not sure what to do from now on because it feels too surreal to imagine going home.
“We can try again soon,” Javier says eventually. 
“It’s going to take a while,” you reply. 
“Then it will,” he reassures, reaching up to run a hand over your hair and kissing it too. 
“Okay,” you sniffle. 
“Okay,” he repeats and then pulls you close so you can bury your face in his chest. He rests his palm on the back of your head, cradling you gently, “Now we’re just gonna lie here and you are gonna let me protect you from everything in the world. Just for a moment.”
You let him and he lets you cry quietly into his shirt whilst he coos at you. The only other sound is the sound of the hospital; its continuous, rhythmic beeping, and the sound of squeaky shoes worn by nurses that pass by outside. Javier rests his cheek against your head. He can tell you feel soothed by the way he breathes quietly against you, the steady and reliable sound of his heartbeat, and his chest moving up and down. 
The sun has gone down enough over Chucho’s ranch that everything has a golden hue. You kiss and hug goodnight and then head to the car, an SUV that has replaced the truck a few months prior. You are walking a few steps in front of Javier, dangling the key for Lucas to take because he has asked to press the button to unlock the car. Your son snatches the bundle and runs along excitedly, watching the car lights with fascination as they blink when he pushes the button. 
You grin over your shoulder at Javier who smiles back at you. On his strong arm, Inés is fast asleep with her legs dangling with each step he takes as he carries her to the car. Her mouth hangs open, her eyelids flutter just slightly, and sometimes, she grabs at her father’s shoulders without waking up. She wears her new sandals, the ones with sunflowers on them that she begged you to get for her when you were last out shopping with her. Javier carries her so gently. You look at the sky behind them, feeling a tug in your heart. 
It’s been four years since you lost their sibling. However, there’s a feeling of peace within you now, even if that night in the hospital is always with you, lingering just beneath the surface. Now, instead of a sharp constant ache, it has dulled into a grief that sometimes knocks on memory’s door and you answer it by letting Javier hold you a little tighter in the house that has become your home even more. 
Lucas crawls into the backseat and confidently clicks his seatbelt in, having neared that age where he desperately wants to show you how much he can do by himself and grins with a ¡Mira, Mamà! (Look, Mom!) to win your praise. He has grown so much since that night, doesn’t even remember it that much but you have talked to him about it a few times when he has caught you in your grief, mostly back when it was a fresh wound to your heart and tears would sneak up on you out of the blur. It’s rare that he’ll mention it now but he knows he has two siblings; one here with him and one that he didn’t get to meet. 
You had been so afraid of letting him carry the weight of your grief, trying to find the right words that would not overwhelm him but seeing him grin at you out of the car window, you know that you have done just fine. You wave at him with a big smile and knock on the window as you pass by it to see his excitement bubble over in a little laugh. 
You sense that Javier lags behind and when you turn around, you see him cradling Inés in his arms as she only blinks a few times but doesn’t fully wake. He is quiet as he coos down at her, cupping the back of her small head and kissing her head with a smile. He loves her, there’s no doubt. You think back to how scared you both were after losing the baby, unsure if you could go through it one more time if it were to end up in tragedy again. But here she is, your precious daughter, peacefully asleep in her father’s arms who will do anything for her safety.
He meets your gaze as he walks up to you and smiles enough to make his eyes crinkle. You offer to take your daughter but he shakes his head, so instead you walk to the side where Inés’ car seat is and open the door for them. 
Your husband carefully lowers Inés into her seat beside Lucas, and you catch the way his fingers linger, brushing her cheek as he fastens her in. She stirs slightly but doesn’t wake, her little mouth still hanging open, completely at peace.
When the both of you are in the car - you in the passenger seat - Javier puts a hand on your thigh. He squeezes it, rubbing a soothing circle with his thumb, “¿Estás bien? (You okay?)”
You nod, glancing back at the kids in the rearview mirror before turning to him with a soft smile, “Estoy bien, te prometo (I’m okay, I promise).”
He looks at you for a moment, searching your face like he always does, making sure you’re truly okay. When he sees the truth in your eyes, he leans over the control center to kiss your lips like he has a million times before, “Good.”“Keys, mijo (my son),” he then says and Lucas hands him the car keys when he is asked, stretching dramatically to reach his father’s hand and looking curiously when Javier inserts it in the ignition and starts the car, “Let’s go home.”
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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twistersobsessed · 6 months ago
I seen you were asking for Scott request!
Reader and Scott are engaged and she's best friends with Tyler in this...
While on a chase everyone stops to refuel bathroom break get food. Reader is talking to Kate when a guy starts to hit on her. She politely tells him she's engaged then turns back to Kate. The guy doesn't take the hint and doesn't care and keeps on making comments(I'm thinking there's a bar close by and the guy is drunk) so the reader gets more firm with him tells him to back off he grabs her arms pushes her against the van and back hands her. Scott and Tyler see this and high tale it over there Scott punches the guy a few time tyler checks in the reader. The reader has a gash on her face from his ring and a hand print on her arm. The reader gets Scott off the guy. He sees the marks ask Kate to go get her some ice while he cleans the gash. Then something fluffy while he's taking care of her.
Hands Off | Scott x Reader
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The tension between Storm Par and the Wranglers had certainly improved since you and Scott had gotten engaged. It was like bringing two families together that hated each other. That’s not even accounting for Kate, who had started with Storm Par and ended up a Wrangler.
Your groups were… amicable at best.
Currently, both were stopped at the same gas station, everyone scattered. Some people had gone to the bathroom, some had gone to get food at the gas station. You were standing next to one of the Storm Par vehicles talking to Kate. Then it happened.
A man who is clearly drunk stumbles up to you and Kate and begins to sleazily hit on you. You made it clear you were uncomfortable. “I’m engaged,” you told the man, holding up your left hand and showing off your ring.
“That’s okay, baby. I don’t see him ‘round, and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt em.”
Kate tried to intervene but the man just waved her off. “I’m not talking to you,” he growled. Turning his attention back to you, he leaned in uncomfortably close. “Come on, don’t be a fucking tease. Out here lookin’ like that…”
You bristled. “Get away from me.”
The man didn’t like that at all, and before you even knew what was happening he had slammed you into the side of the Storm Par van and backhanded you across the face. Kate screamed.
Scott and Tyler had seen what had happened from across the lot and raced over in record time. Scott yanked the man off of you, throwing him to the ground and climbing on top of him, landing solid punch after solid punch.
Tyler examined the gash on the side of your face with his jaw angrily locked. He gently grabbed your arm, where the man had grabbed you, and examined the hand print he had left.
“Scott!” you gasped, not wanting him to catch charges. You pushed away from Tyler and placed your hands on Scott’s shoulders. He stilled at the touch.
Slowly, he got off the man he was beating. He rose to his full height before turning to you and pulling you to him. He bent down to examine your face. Upon seeing the gash and hand print, he very nearly turned to continue beating the man, but one look at your face kept him glued to you.
“Kate, will you get me some ice?” Scott asked, gritting his teeth. “Come here, baby.” He led you to his truck and sat you in the passenger seat. He left the door open and you sat so your legs were hanging out of the truck.
Scott crouched down in front of you, taking a cloth he had produced from who knows where, and gently dabbing at the gash on your cheek. Then he disappeared, only to reappear with a first-aid kit.
“This is gonna hurt,” he warned as he poured hydrogen peroxide on some gauze. He dabbed it on your gash and you hissed in pain. “I know, I know, I’m sorry,” Scott mumbled. By the time he finished cleaning it, Kate had returned with ice in a plastic bag.
Scott muttered his thanks and took it from her, holding it up to your cheek. “Keep that on there until I say otherwise,” Scott commanded. Your hand took his hand’s place, holding the makeshift icepack against your face.
That’s when you noticed his knuckles. They were bloody, and whether it was his blood or the man’s, you couldn’t tell.
“Scotty…” you frowned, concerned. Scott followed your gaze and flexed his hands. “I’m fine, baby,” he assured you. The shock of everything wore off and you felt tears pooling in your eyes.
“Oh, honey,” Scott frowned, reaching up and wiping away a tear with his thumb.
“Don’t cry. I’ll never let anyone put their hands on you ever again.”
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cowgurrrl · 9 months ago
I Don't Smoke
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader
Author's note: this hatched as an idea for @tightjeansjavi 's june writing challenge but it doesn't end as I thought it would necessarily but I kinda lurv it so (ps thank you @egcdeath for your help 🫶)
Summary: "Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be. Sometimes you'll put up a good fight and lose. Sometimes you'll hold on really hard and realize there is no choice but to let go. Acceptance is a small quiet room." aka Javi makes a reappearance in your life [8.6k (she’s a whopper)]
Warnings: canonical type shit
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It's a random Friday in April 1998 when you're walking down the hallway of FBI headquarters and hear a familiar voice call your name. Not just any voice but a voice you came to know as well as you would know your own. A voice you loved. A voice you haven't heard in four years. You freeze in your tracks and take two breaths before you actually turn around to see him.
He smiles big as he approaches you, and you struggle to find the same response. His hair is shorter and styled nicely, and he's wearing a bureaucratic suit, which you know he hates or used to hate. He's broader than you remember and seemingly more confident. You're still tense, but once he's close enough, muscle memory takes over, and you hug him.
His cologne is different. For some reason, that tugs at your heart.
"Hey, honey," he says into your hair, squeezing you a little harder. You hold him for another second before remembering you're at work and let him go. "Wasn't expectin' such a warm welcome."
"Well, that's what happens when you see an old friend for the first time in a long time." You say and Javi smirks, scratching at the stubble on his jaw.
"'Old friend.' Is that what they're calling it these days?"
"It is when I'm at work and have a reputation to uphold."
"Right," he says and puts his hands up in defense. "Didn't mean to insult Ms. FBI."
"What are you doing here? Last I heard, you resigned." You redirect, making him laugh even though you just gave away that you kept up with him even after you broke up.
"Stoddard asked me to teach a few classes to incoming DEA agents. Figured it was a good enough reason to get out of Texas," he says. You step to the side to let somebody go by in the hallway, and that ever-wandering eye falls down your body. "You look great."
"You too," you adjust some files against your chest, suddenly all too aware of how heavy his gaze is, and glance around. "How long are you in town for?"
"A week. We should get drinks or something. Catch up." He says, and you laugh at the absurdity of it all. You're talking like you went to college together, and you're gonna reminisce about the good ole days over a few drinks. You take a deep breath and nod.
"Sure, Javi. When are you free?"
"For you? Any time," he says so easily your heart squeezes. "But, I'm around tonight. I can meet you at the bar across from the Hill after work?"
"That works for me."
"Alright, then. I'll see you tonight." He smiles and looks you over again before swaggering down the hallway and into one of the classrooms like he used to walk to your desk or into your apartment. Nostalgia and something bigger bubbles in your throat, and you swallow it down.
You've often wondered about what it'd be like if you ever saw Javi again.
You never expected it would sting as much as it does.
You force yourself down the hallway into your office and let out a big sigh as you bury your head in your hands. Your engagement is cold against your skin.
You should be planning a wedding. You should be debating which version of white the napkins should be— eggshell or cream— or fighting with vendors on the phone. You should be doing a lot of things in the two months leading up to your wedding. Getting drinks with your ex is not one of them.
You worked at the United States Embassy in Bogotá during the hunt for Pablo Escobar in the early nineties. You were a fresh graduate from the DEA academy and got shipped off the day after you passed all your exams. They needed bodies in chairs and on the ground doing work to end the drug war, and you just happened to have a pulse and the qualification. Javier Peña happened to have those same things. Now, he's known as one of the men who took down the most dangerous crime syndicates in Latin America, but, at the time, he was just Javi.
He was a little older, a little more experienced, and, by all accounts, a little bit of a slut. He had a wandering eye and a bad habit of sleeping with newly minted Embassy employees who didn't know better. You were warned about Javi and his brown eyes and swagger, but you couldn't avoid him. He was your coworker, for Christ's sake. So all you could do was remind yourself you were there for a job and try to ignore him when possible. What they don't tell you about being thousands of miles away from home and dealing with nightmare-inducing horrors every single day is that you start looking for comfort wherever you can find it.
You made bad decisions like smoking cigarette after cigarette, sneaking just a little bit of whiskey in your coffee, or letting Javi bend you over his desk and leave bruises on your skin as he buried himself inside you. One time, you told yourself. You'll do this one time to get it out of your system, and then you'll both move on. As long as it didn't interfere with work, you thought it was okay to fuck him once, but either convenience or care kept you reaching for each other for the rest of your time in Colombia.
You spent most nights at his apartment because it was a little nicer and it felt like it would be too real if he entered your space. For all his sarcasm and hard edges, he was sweet with you. He'd make you breakfast and drive you to work under the guise of carpooling. Over time, you started to learn all his little quirks and tells, and you looked for him first when the smoke cleared and the gunfire ceased. He started stealing files off your pile of paperwork so you'd have less work to do, cook your favorite meals, and was ready with open arms when things got to be too much.
The love was like everything else that happened between you: quiet yet all-consuming.
As the months stretched on and you only grew to love him more and more, you started to imagine a life with him. You were naive and had too much faith in the world, but you couldn't stop yourself. The daydreams of a house with a big backyard, a dog, and maybe a few kids to fill it kept you alive when it felt like not even the weapon attached to your hip could. You wanted it so bad. You told him how much you wanted it, and he agreed despite how fucking crazy it sounded out loud. Love allows you to be delusional to avoid the possibility of rejection.
And you loved him so much that you let yourself believe once Escobar was dead or in prison that, you could go home together and live a somewhat normal life. That he could give it all up. That you could make it work.
So you threw yourself into the hunt. You didn't sleep. You barely ate. You went from smoking a few cigarettes a day to a pack as you got closer and closer. Javi wasn't much better off, and you definitely enabled each other's behavior, but you believed so hard in this future that you thought it would be worth it in the end.
He got snappy, and you argued a lot. You both shut down so much that it's a miracle you could find your way back to normalcy. He didn't even tell you when he got sent to D.C. for questioning. He just disappeared. When you and Steve stood over Escobar's body on a rooftop in Medellín, you couldn't focus on anything but the blood splatter on the shoes Javi got you as an early Christmas gift. At the end of the day, your only thought was, "It's over. We can go home. We can start over. We can make something of this."
Escobar wasn't even cold when Javi accepted a new position in Cali.
Everything he'd seen and done, the things you counseled each other through, the faces that kept him up at night didn't matter as much as that job. He broke the news to you as you were packing up your apartment. "There's an opportunity out there for you, too," he said, looking at you with those big eyes. You almost folded, drowning in affection for him, until you remembered how many times he'd almost died or disappeared without a word or struggled so much he buried his memories between your legs or at the bottom of a bottle.
How could he want to return to that? How could he want you to return to that?
That's when you broke.
You don't remember exactly what was said during the argument, but you know it was bad. There was a lot of yelling and tears. You said things you didn't mean, and he returned the favor. It went on for what seemed like hours, back and forth back and forth, until you were exhausted and done negotiating. You gave him an ultimatum: come to D.C. with you and start your lives, or go to Cali. He chose Cali. You chose D.C., and that was it.
That had to be it.
You didn't talk much in those final days, but you did a lot of crying. The horrors he helped keep at bay threatened to suffocate you. You were a shell of a person, but you couldn't reach for him again, knowing he didn't love you enough to stay with you. You had the tiniest shred of self-respect.
So, the day you left, you gave his stuff back, and he drove you to the airport in complete silence, even walking you all the way to the terminal without saying a word. His final act of care even when you'd told him you hated him forty-eight hours earlier. You waited until the very last second to get on the plane, hoping he'd change his mind or you'd change yours. You were both too stubborn and too broken, so you wished him luck and left. You didn't even hug him because you were so scared you'd never leave his arms if you did.
Things happened fast once you were stateside again. Within a week, you found a nice apartment in D.C., transferred to the FBI, adopted a cat named Astro, and swore off dating. With all your experience in Colombia, you got your pick of jobs and workload. You avoided field work for a while and got stuck pushing papers around at your desk, but you got bored three months in and asked to go back out. Your first case back in the field had you dealing with a serial arsonist who may or may not have had ties to a terrorist group. You were examining the rubble of yet another building when one of the firefighters called your name.
Harry was tall and charming and trying to explain something about accelerants, but all you could do was watch his scarred hands as they pointed. You remember thinking he was going to be a problem. It took three more fires for you to catch your guy, and Harry would later say it took those fires to build up the courage to ask you out. "You were much scarier than any fire," he told you. He had soot on his cheeks, and the flashing lights made his eyes sparkle. There was something about that stupid New York accent that just made you melt.
You thought one date couldn't hurt. You thought it would help you adjust to your new life. When he showed up in a nice shirt with a bouquet of flowers to pick you up for your first date, you knew you were fucked.
You went on a second date. And a third. And a fourth. He was patient with you as you struggled to open up to him about your time in the DEA and never pressured you to tell him anything you weren't ready to. That Christmas, you went home to New York with him and met his parents and all three of his sisters. By the next spring, you, Harry, and Astro moved into an apartment halfway between each of your jobs.
You got into the habit of bringing him cookies when he worked overnights at the station and smelling his shirt when he got home because, more often than not, it'd still smell like smoke. He'd surprise you with coffee or flowers at work "just because" and drag you away from your desk when you've been staring at the same words for however long. When a bullet grazed you in the middle of a chase, he made one of his EMT friends drive him to the hospital you were at in the ambulance with the lights on so he could get there as fast as possible. He made it in seven minutes and started crying the moment he saw you lying in the hospital bed, even though you were completely fine.
For something as unexpected as this relationship, you guys work really well. He cooks dinner, and you wash the dishes at the end of the night. He looks at big houses in nice neighborhoods and humors you even though there's no way you can afford it with two civil servant paychecks. But, when you see him playing with your nieces and nephews, something so deep inside you aches that you think the life-long debt would be worth it if it meant he got to be a dad. You take time off to visit his family, and even though he thinks it's the most badass thing about you, he doesn't say anything about your involvement with Escobar until you accidentally let something slip during a barbecue. When work gets too much, you hold each other, cry, and make promises to stay alive.
He proposes to you on the fourth anniversary of your first date. You knew he would because you'd looked at rings together, but you blub like a baby anyway and almost tackle him to the ground in Rock Creek Park. You're deliriously happy as you celebrate your engagement and even as you start to plan the wedding. It's like you blinked, and suddenly, it'd been four years since you left Colombia, and you're living the life you dreamt about, just with a new person. A person you love so fucking much, you still get butterflies when he walks in the room. The ring on your finger and the way he casually drops "my wife" into conversation when he means "fiancée" only adds to the giddiness.
You can't wait to spend the rest of your life with him. So, why the fuck did you agree to get drinks with Javi?
You pick your head up and dial the firehouse number before your brain can fully devolve into panic mode. They might be out dealing with a fire, but you figure it's worth a shot. On the second ring, Jack answers with his gruff "D.C. Fire Station 19."
"Hey, Jack."
"Oh, hey, darlin'! How're you doin'?" He asks, and you swear you can hear him smiling. Jack is one of Harry's best friends and groomsmen, and he absolutely adores you.
"I'm good. How're you?" You ask, already feeling the weight come off your shoulders just from talking to someone.
"You know, I can't complain. I mean, I could, but I won't," he says, and you laugh. "You callin' for your lover boy?"
"If he's not busy, yes."
"Nah, you're all good. Well, listen, it was nice talkin' to you, sweetheart. I'll get him now." He says before yelling Harry's name through the station so loud you wonder if the neighbors could hear him. There's some shuffling and a quick "'S your wife" as the phone changes hands. The identifier makes you laugh and it's the first thing Harry hears when he presses the phone to his ear.
"Oh, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that." He swoons, and you make a sympathetic noise.
"Rough day?"
"No, I just miss you."
"You're so cheesy," you say. "I miss you too. A lot."
"You okay? You sound off." He asks, and you chuckle. Of course, he caught the tiniest change in your voice.
"I'm okay. I bumped into somebody I worked with in Colombia today, so I just… feel weird," you say, rubbing your forehead. You hear him shuffle like he's trying to move to a more private place, but the cord on the phone isn't letting him get very far.
"Good weird or bad weird?"
"I don't know. Just weird. We're gonna get some drinks tonight and catch up."
"Maybe that'll help," he chirps. "I mean, as much as I like listening to your stories, it might make you feel better to talk to someone who was there. Maybe get some closure."
"Maybe." You say. It goes quiet on the line, but you know he's there because you can hear him breathing and hear the distant sounds of the firehouse. You don't feel pressured to say anything; just knowing he's there breaks up the tension in your chest. "Chief is gonna have your ass if he finds out you're running up the phone bill." You tease, and he laughs.
"I'll just tell him I'm talking to my wife, and if he doesn't want me on the phone, then he should stop making me work overnights."
"Which I'm sure he'll take well."
"You're his favorite. I'm almost positive he'd install a whole phone just for you," he says. It's true, but hearing it still makes you smile. It goes quiet again.
You watch people mill around the bullpen from your office window and chew the inside of your cheek. You should tell him it's Javi. He wouldn't discourage you from getting drinks with him, but he knows your history with him. He should be in the loop. He's going to be your husband, for God's sake. But you also don't need him worrying about this while in a burning building or doing CPR.
"You know I'm not technically your wife for another two months, right?" You change the subject, and he hums.
"Yeah, but it has a nice ring to it. My wife." Even the way he says it over the phone makes you giddy.
"I can't argue with that." You say. He takes a deep breath, and you copy him.
"You're gonna be okay. Go get drinks with your friend and try to have some fun. Maybe invite them to the wedding if you get drunk enough and decide it's a good idea," he suggests, and you laugh at the idea of Javi at your wedding. "I'll be home tomorrow afternoon, and we can talk about it or not talk about it if that's what you want, okay?"
"Okay." You resolve and twirl the phone cord in your fingers.
"I love you."
"I love you, too. Have a good day. Don't be a hero."
"Wouldn't dream of it." He says. You wait another second to have him nearby before hanging up and looking out over the bullpen again.
You could not show up. You could go home, cuddle with Astro, and put on Sex and the City or something else to take your mind off the day. You could go to bed early and take Harry breakfast in the morning. You know his hair will be messy and a little darker than normal, but he'll still smile and pull you into his lap even though the guys tease him all the time about your PDA.
But you're also too interested in what Javi could have to say to do that. You owe it to yourself to get closure or answers or whatever the fuck he has left to offer you.
And then you'll never think about him again.
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It's a slow day filled with paperwork and pencil-pushing at the FBI. No bombs or killers or threats. Just meetings and emails and the dread about meeting with Javi all day. You linger around the office a little longer than you need to until you're almost late, and only then do you start walking to the Hill.
It's bustling with tourists dying for a peek at the cherry blossoms scattered around D.C. and the Suits you usually see trying to get home. The April sun feels good on your skin, especially after being inside all day, and you take a moment to watch the sun dip lower and lower in the sky.
All things considered, if Javi was going to visit D.C., this would be the time to do it. Spring is in full bloom, and the last dredges of winter only show up at night or early in the morning when it's still cold. People are constantly out walking their dogs or taking their kids to the playgrounds. It feels like the city has come alive again after such a long winter. You come up with a list of recommendations of things for Javi to do while he's here, even though he probably won't do any of them. The least you could do is give him something to distract himself from work.
By the time you get to the bar, the sun has nearly set, and traffic is a waking nightmare. You push your anxiety away and duck into the bar, searching for Javi's familiar eyes amongst the exhausted interns and law students. He's in the corner, scanning the space just like you thought he would, and there's a glass waiting for you at the table. His eyes light up when he sees you, and your chest aches.
He gets up to greet you with a hug and pulls your chair out for you like a gentleman. "Don't know if your order's changed, but I figured I'd make a guess." He says, gesturing to your drink as you settle across from each other. You smile and hang your jacket on the back of your chair.
"Thank you. Next round is on me," you say as you raise your glass to his and take a sip. "How was teaching?"
"It was fine. Although I wish they'd actually listen instead of just staring at me like I have a second head." He says, and you laugh.
"You're a living legend to them. Escobar and the Godfathers of Cali? You might be the most experienced person they've come across."
"I think I'm the person professors warn students not to be in the field."
"There are much worse things to be than a Javier Peña or a Steve Murphy," you say. "Besides, I think the DEA has bigger problems than a few rogue agents."
He shrugs and glances up when the bell above the door chimes, checking out whoever just walked in. He did the same thing when you sat in bars in Colombia like he was always waiting for a fight. You used to tease him about it, but the fact that he still does it makes you smile.
"Steve sends his love, by the way." He says.
"How is he? How old is Olivia now?"
"She's gonna be five soon, and they're about to have another baby. A boy," he beams. "They're all doing good. Steve runs training courses for FBI agents now and sometimes goes back to Colombia to liaise with their government. Connie works at a hospital, and Olivia's in Pre-K."
"Sounds like you guys talk a lot." You're pleasantly surprised. They were good partners, but they could barely stand to look at each other when things got tense. Not to mention Steve leaving the DEA at the same time you did.
"Well, when Olivia started calling me Uncle Javi, it was pretty hard to ignore him," he says, and you 'aw' at the idea of her little hands reaching for him. Uncle Javi suits him. "She's a good kid."
He fills you in on his work in Texas and asks about your transfer. You tell him what you can about your job and the annoying bureaucrats you hate working with. He seems lighter than you've seen before, not just because of the drink in his hand. His shoulders are relaxed, and even though he still has the instincts of someone working in the field, he doesn't get trapped in them like he used to. It's a nice change.
You're almost done with your first drink when he digs a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and offers you one. God, when was the last time you even bought a pack of cigarettes? It had to have been right after Harry came home from a particularly bad fire resulting from a stray cigarette. Three people died. After that, you couldn't pick up a cigarette without thinking about the seventeen-year-old who got stuck in the apartment. That must've been three years ago now.
"I quit," you say, and he raises his eyebrows at you.
"That's new." He says like your hair turned blue before his eyes, but pops one into his mouth anyway. You shrug.
"Sorry to disappoint."
"No, no, 'm not disappointed. Just surprised."
"Yeah, well," you sigh. "American cigarettes aren't as good as the Colombian ones."
"I guess that's true," he says as he flicks his lighter open and inhales until the end glows. Just as always, he politely blows smoke away from your face. "Alright, so you got a new job, a new apartment, a cat, and you quit smoking. What else has changed since I saw you last?" He asks, and your thumb immediately presses into the band of your engagement ring.
Well, it's now or never.
"I, uh... I'm getting married," you say, and his eyes fall to your ring. "In two months." He takes a big sip.
"Congratulations," he says. It might be the most unenthusiastic thing you've ever heard somebody say. "Who's the lucky guy?"
"His name is Harry. We've been together for a few years now."
"What's he do?" He asks in his interrogator's voice, and you give him a look.
"We don't have to do this." You say. Javi takes another drag of his cigarette and grinds his teeth.
"Do what?" He asks. "It shouldn't be hard to talk about if you love him."
"I do."
"Then, why don't you want to tell me about him?"
"Is that a serious question?" You scoff, and he shrugs. "Fine. What do you want to know?"
"I already asked you," he says. "What does he do for work?"
"He's a firefighter." You know it's a cliche: a cop and a firefighter, but you don't really care.
"How'd you meet?"
"First field case I had was an arsonist. He was one of the guys on site when I got there."
"Romantic," Javi muses, and you hum. You wait for him to continue bombarding you with questions, but the air gets thick, and suddenly, all you can do is take big gulps of your drink. You signal to the bartender for another, and Javi finishes his cigarette in silence. "Well, I'm happy for you," he says softly. He doesn't seem like he is, but you know better than to press him, so you just nod.
"Thank you," you say. The bartender drops two more drinks off at your table, and Javi raises his glass to you.
"Here's to you and Terry-"
"Harry," you correct, and he laughs, breaking up the tension that's settled. He took the news much better than you expected, but you're still waiting for the other shoe to drop. There always seems to be one waiting when Javi's around.
"To you and Harry and a lifetime of happiness." He says, tapping his glass against yours and taking a drink. "Now, tell me what you've been doing with the fuckin' FBI."
"Oh, you're gonna need to buy me a few more drinks before I start spilling government secrets, Peña." The name rolls off your tongue before you can stop it, and it brings you back to hot Colombian days and red yarn on a corkboard and his apartment. He raises his eyebrows like it's a challenge and smirks.
"Don't tempt me with a good time."
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It's late and you're drunk. Drunker than you've been in a while. You didn't mean to. You just kept talking and drinking, and it felt so good talking to him after so long. Once you got through with the elephant in the room, it was so easy to fall back into the groove with him. You talked about Colombia and your lives outside of work. You even tell him the story of accidentally letting it slip that you used to work for the DEA after smoking a little bit of weed with Harry's sister, Caitlin.
You laughed together until last call and then argued over who would pay the tab. "Consider it my weddin' gift," he half-slurred, and you rolled your eyes and let him pay.
Now, you're strolling the empty National Mall, working off your buzz and elongating the time you have with him. You didn't realize how much you missed him until tonight. Despite everything that happened, you did have good days with him. Days filled with music and chain smoking and laughter. You'd like to get those back. You'd like that version of him back.
As you walk, you point out monuments to him and messily retell the stories the tour guide told you when Harry thought a walking tour of D.C. was a good second-date idea. You switch presidents and periods too much to make sense, but Javi listens anyway. Every so often, his warm hand will brush against yours, barely touching your skin but enough for you to notice when he does it. Neither of you say anything about it or break the flow of your conversation. Maybe it's for old-time's sake. Maybe it's because you don't know what there is to say. The night is clear and eerily quiet. The only sound besides your laughter and drunken stories is the chilly wind blowing through the trees and the clacking of heels from an exhausted-looking White House intern as she walks by.
Or, at least, it was until you stumbled across a busker by the Lincoln Memorial. The empty space echoes with the sound of his saxophone, and you smile as you get closer. There are a few other people milling around, and a few take turns throwing coins in his case. You've seen him playing here before, but you've never had the time to actually stop and listen. He's good. You wish you'd stopped sooner.
"You wanna dance?" Javi whispers in your ear, his breath fanning across your neck, and you furrow your eyebrows.
"Here?" You ask, and he shrugs.
"Why not?"
"Because nobody else is."
"C'mon," he tuts. "Live a little." He doesn't wait for you to say anything else. He just grabs your hand and pulls you a little closer to the musician. You sigh but let Javi hold one of your hands and rest the other on his shoulder. He smirks and you roll your eyes to hide the fact that you're shocked he wants to dance. With you. In public.
Sure, you had little moments where you danced in the kitchen, but never in public. Even then, it wouldn't have ever been his idea to dance. He's like a whole new person. You don't know how to feel about it.
What the fuck happened to him in Cali?
He spins you under his arm, and you do your best to follow his lead. You have two left feet as it is, something Harry has helped get out of your system, but the alcohol makes it even worse. You almost trip yourself but land against Javi's chest before you can hit the ground. He makes an oomph sound but doesn't do anything to push you away. You don't do anything to pull away.
The saxophonist continues playing, and the cicadas chirp nearby. If you listen hard enough, you can hear Javi's heartbeat. You think you'd know the sound anywhere. You memorized the rise and fall of his chest when you woke up from nightmares, and he was the one to calm you down. You used to count the contractions of the muscles in his heart until you fell back to sleep. It was often the first thing you heard when you woke up if bombs weren't going off somewhere in the city or your phone wasn't blaring with an emergency message from the Embassy.
And now, here it is again, unexpectedly thumping against you after four years, following the rhythm of the music surrounding you. Javi's warm as he tentatively rests his head against yours, and you feel his fingers flex around your hip. A mixture of his cologne and cigarettes invades your senses, and you can do nothing but ride the nostalgia wave until the song ends.
You pry yourself from Javi to turn and applaud the saxophonist, and he gives a gracious bow. Javi looks a little disappointed that the song is over but drops a ten-dollar bill in the saxophone case anyway.
"Didn't take you for a dancer." You say as you walk away from the Lincoln Memorial, and he shrugs.
"'M full of secrets now."
"I guess so," you say. You start walking toward your apartment, suddenly too cold and tired now that you're a little more sober. Javi follows, putting himself between you and the street and grazing your lower back whenever you cross the road. He's always been protective of you, even before you started dating. It makes sense he would still be, right? You're trying to make sense of the muddled mess in your head when Javi pulls his cigarettes out of his jacket, and you eye them. You must not be as discrete as you thought you were because he laughs at you.
"For someone who quit smoking, you look like you want a cigarette." He says, offering the pack to you, and you sigh. You take one from the middle and put it between your lips. Javi is quick with his lighter, and you lean into him just a little as you inhale. He watches your every movement like he's watching a miracle unfold before him.
You hate to admit how good the smoke feels in your lungs. After three years of not even looking at a cigarette, all it took was an offer and a quick puff, and you're back to the beginning. You'll start again tomorrow.
"Don't tell Harry." You say as you blow smoke away from him, and Javi laughs.
"What? He doesn't like you smoking?" He asks, looking for a reason not to like Harry, and you chuckle.
"It's not that. I've just heard one too many horror stories about a stray cigarette starting a fire." You say, and he hums.
"Is that why you quit?"
"Kinda. I also…" you start but then shake your head. "Never mind."
"What? Now you have to say it."
"You're not gonna like it."
"Try me." He says, and you inhale deeply, blowing smoke out of your nose. You think about telling him to leave it alone, but the alcohol and the pain in your chest tells you to say fuck it.
"I quit because it reminded me of you." You admit. He gets quiet. He takes a long drag of his cigarette and looks up at the stars as you silently spiral. You feel like you need two more cigarettes and a shot of tequila.
Javi has always had a special talent for making all your worst habits bubble to the surface.
"You're right, I don't like that." He says softly, and you nod. You walk a few blocks in silence. The only sounds are your shoes clicking against the pavement and the tiny crackling of your cigarette as you smoke. A siren blares somewhere in the city, and your stomach drops. It always does, but especially now.
Your fiancé is out there, putting his life on the line to save others because that's how good of a man he is, and you're getting drunk and slow-dancing with the man who broke your heart? You didn't even tell him it was Javi. What if something happens to him tonight, and you're out? What if you miss the phone call? Guilt gnaws at your throat like an angry dog, and you feel like throwing up. You swallow hard and stomp out your cigarette before it can get to the filter.
"I'm glad we did this," you say, trying to get things back on track. Javi gives you a weak smile. "I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"You know, Harry said there's a place for you at the wedding if you want it. I know you'll be back in Texas, but it could be fun. We'd love to have you," you say, and he shakes his head.
"I don't think that's a good idea." He says. You knew he'd say no, but it still stings.
"Just thought I'd ask." You say, and he nods. You're about two blocks away from your apartment, and you start fishing for your keys out of your purse when Javi stops. You keep walking, thinking he's going to finish his cigarette and pull out another one.
"Don't marry him." He says, just loud enough for you to hear, and ice floods your veins. Whatever alcohol left in your system seems to vanish, and you freeze.
"What?" You ask as you slowly turn around. Javi chews on his bottom lip and stares at you.
"Don't marry him," he says again. Something behind his eyes is familiar, and suddenly, you're the girl he couldn't leave Colombia for again. Tears prick in your eyes, and you shake your head. "You'll get bored in a few years, and you'll be stuck if you marry him."
"I love him."
"I love you."
"Stop," you mumble. He takes a step forward and cradles your face in his hands, tilting you up to look at him, and your jaw tightens. You wonder if he can feel it. "You don't love me."
"I do. I always have. I fucked up, and I'm so sorry for hurting you, but I'm here now. We can start over. I'll move to D.C.. I'll do whatever." He says in one breath like he's afraid he'll lose the courage to say the words out loud.
"It's too late." You say, and he shakes his head.
"No, it's not. We can go tonight. Anywhere you want. I-"
"You let me leave," you cut him off, years of frustration and heartbreak coming back up to the surface as you take his hands off your face. "I was drowning and you let me get on the fucking plane."
"I thought that's what you wanted."
"I wanted you to reject the position in Cali and come with me because I really thought you could at least try to love me more than your job."
"I couldn't just give the Cali position up." He says and you scoff and take a few steps away from him.
"But you could give me up," you say, throwing your arms up in defeat. "That's not love, Javi. That's having someone around to play with and throwing them out when you get bored."
"It wasn't like that."
"Enlighten me, then."
"Do you remember when Carillo died?" He asks and you take a deep breath before nodding.
Most of your memories of Colombia are muddled, but not that day. You were pissed Messina wouldn't let you go, but you were fine to let the Colombian police make the raid. Javi and Steve were anxious. You remember watching them stand next to the radio like guards and trying to guess what was going on in their heads. Javi's gaze lingered on you a few too many times to be an accident, and he smiled fondly at you. You joked about them paying for the drinks you'd have later to celebrate. Things felt stable enough for you to sit down next to Messina. You were halfway through a cigarette when the gunfire chattered over the radios.
It wasn't an ambush.
It was a fucking massacre.
They never stood a chance. The scene was horrendous. Hearing Messina call Mrs. Carillo to tell her what happened was worse. Steve, somehow, was able to go with Carillo, so he wasn't alone in transport back to Bogotá. You and Javi were the cowards who went back and drank until you stopped seeing the pile of bodies you felt responsible for.
Javi put his fist through the wall of his apartment when he got home that night. You wanted to cry but knew that if you started, you'd never stop and who were you to be crying? People had just lost their sons, husbands, brothers, and fathers on your orders. You didn't deserve to cry. It was the beginning of the end for you and Javi, but you clung to your idea of the future so hard, it had claw marks on it when you finally let it go and got on the plane.
So, yeah, you remember. You remember it all.
"I couldn't let that happen to you or anyone else ever again. It would kill me," he says. You're about to tell him it's not his fault, and it never was. It was shitty intel. It was a trap. It was a lot of things, but it wasn't his fault. That might be the only thing you can say for sure about that tragedy. "So, I put everything that wasn't work out of my mind and made bad decisions, and that's on me, but I never stopped loving you or believing in our future."
"Then, why didn't you fight for us?"
"I didn't know how. You were so…" He searches for the right word. "Sure. You knew you didn't want to go to Cali, and I couldn't make you stay."
"I would've if you said the word," you say. "Even though I was miserable in Colombia, I would've come back if you asked me to because that's how much I loved you. Even if you'd just called me after I got here, we probably could've worked something out, but I'm marrying the love of my life in less than sixty days. And I've never had to beg him to stay with me or give him an ultimatum and question if he loves me because he wakes up every day and shows me how much he wants to be with me. I can't walk away from that."
"Does he know what you did down there?"
"Of course, he does." You say, annoyance buzzing in your molars, and you cross your arms over your chest.
"Does he know everything?"
"You mean, does he know I've killed people?" You ask. "Yeah, it was super fun trying to explain that to him. You want to hear about how I hyperventilated through the whole thing, or do you want to ask me another question to try to undermine my relationship?" He purses his lips and shakes his head.
"No," he says. "I just don't think you know what you're getting yourself into."
"Fuck you, Javier." You spit. You don't know the last time you used his full name like that. Something about it feels wrong and makes your skin crawl. "You left one girl at the altar over a decade ago, and you think you know about marriage?"
"That's not fair."
"No, what's not fair is you coming here and making me feel like the bad guy for moving on. I deserve to be happy. I've worked, and I've cried, and I've fucking killed for it, and the second I feel like things are going my way, you do this!" You yell.
"I love you." He says again, like it'll change anything. The pressure behind your eyes returns, and you turn away from him, but he catches your wrist before you can. "Listen to me. I love you. I love you. I love you." He repeats over and over again, but all you hear is, "I love you, but I can't come with you." "I love you, but I need this." "I love you. Isn't that enough?"
You rip out of his grasp and punch at his chest with tears slipping down your face. He takes it, still saying that he loves you, and for some reason that hurts more. You push him hard and watch him stumble back, his brown eyes tracking the tears down your face.
"If you really love me-"
"I do." He cuts you off and you take a stuttering breath.
"Then, let me be happy," you beg. "Let me go. Please. If you love me, you'll do that for me."
You feel pathetic, standing there crying like he shattered your heart all over again as he just stares at you and thinks. You want to go home. You want this to end. You want to never see him again.
Maybe in twenty years, you could stand to face him again. You'll be happily married, and you hope he'll be, too. You'll have a few kids, and you'll tell stories about them and Harry will pull pictures of them out of his wallet. You won't hurt anymore. Maybe when your daughter goes through her first heartbreak, you'll find the courage to tell her about Javi. Maybe all this grief will be worth something someday. You want it to.
But right now, you're just the girl he didn't love enough to leave Colombia for, and he's not the man you love enough to marry.
He clears his throat, his own tears glistening in his waterline, and nods.
"Okay," he mumbles. "I'll tell Stoddard I had a family emergency or something back home. Get the first flight back." Your eyes flutter shut at his words, and you try to keep yourself from crying more.
"Thank you." You say.
"I love you." He says again, and you open your eyes. He's grinding his teeth again, and his hands are in his pockets as if he's forcing himself not to reach for you. You give him a small smile and nod.
"I know," you say. "I'm sorry."
Just as you did at the airport all those years ago, you stand awkwardly far apart, unsure of what to do now. He waits for you to change your mind. You won't. He'll get on the plane, and that'll be it.
He nods to himself one more time before turning to walk away.
"You do deserve to be happy. I've never doubted that. I wish I could've given that to you." He says like he's trying to convince you he's a good person. You sniffle and spin your ring around your finger.
"You did for a while. It's just Harry's turn to do that now," you say. "Goodbye, Javi." He opens his mouth like he's going to say goodbye or something else, but you turn your back to him and start walking toward your apartment before he can.
You figure, after everything, it's only fair that you get the last word.
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You didn't sleep. You knew you wouldn't. Astro seems to sense your anxiety and cuddles into your chest, purring loudly to try and drown out your thoughts. You reassure her you're okay and kiss her head as the inky blue sky is replaced by a stunning pink and purple morning.
A good omen, you hope.
You force yourself to get up and get ready for the day. It's Saturday and a fire station breakfast day. It's never anything fancy: donuts picked up from a nearby cafe, greasy fast food breakfast, sometimes cold pizza. Today, you walk to a nearby bodega and pick up his favorite breakfast sandwich with two steaming cups of coffee before walking to the fire station.
It's cold, and D.C. hasn't quite woken up yet. It'll be a few hours before life returns as people sleep off hangovers or long weeks. That's okay. This morning is just for you.
The garage door is wide open when you get to the station, and Harry is perched on the back bumper with the firehouse dog, Maisie, whispering things to her. He looks tired. You don't think you look any better, but he still lights up when he sees you, and Maisie even starts wagging her tail.
"Hey there, stranger," you greet him as he pulls you closer and smirks up at you. "You have a good night?"
"No, but it doesn't matter now that you're here." He says. You would normally roll your eyes at his cheesiness but your chest fills with warmth instead. You lean down and kiss him. He smells like smoke but tastes like the chapstick you make him wear because of the heat. Maisie sniffs at the bag in your hand, and you laugh against his lips when she licks your arm.
"I think she's jealous." You say, and he sucks his teeth as he looks at Maisie.
"You have breakfast, you little terrorist." He reminds her but he immediately folds when she gives him that innocent look. "She can have one piece of bacon, but that's it. We need you trim to get up in the trucks, right?"
You pull a piece of bacon off one of the breakfast sandwiches and make her sit and shake before you give it to her. She crunches on it happily, knowing she's absolutely spoiled rotten. She makes space for you to sit next to Harry on the truck and you rest your head on his shoulder. "You okay?" He asks as he kisses your hairline, and you nod.
"Just missed you," you say. "I couldn't sleep last night." He makes a sympathetic noise and wraps an arm around your shoulder to tuck you further into his side.
"Were you thinking about Colombia?" He asks and you hum. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Not right now."
"Okay. You wanna hear about why our kids will never be allowed to buy candles ever? No matter how old they get or how much smarter they think they are than us?" He changes the subject easily, and you laugh despite the pain still radiating in your body. You know he'll be there when you're ready to tell him about last night, no matter how long it takes you, and you will tell him. Eventually.  
"Hit me with it." You say as you unpack your breakfast sandwiches and pass him his coffee. Maisie wags her tail as you alternate between sneaking her treats and listening to Harry's story. He knows you're giving her extra snacks but won't ever stop you.
You sit there on the back of that dirty firetruck, talking and watching the sunrise together and debating on which version of white the napkins at your wedding should be— eggshell or cream— and know you'd do everything all over again if it meant this was the outcome. You love him with everything that you are and ever could be.
And as you eat your breakfast and soak up each other's presence, you find yourself hoping Javi could love someone like this someday. You believe he has it in him. You've seen it. Whoever ends up being the one to tie Javier Peña down will be lucky and loved.
It just wasn't meant to be you.
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lokischocolatefountain · 1 year ago
Javier Peña Masterlist
Description: A collection of chapters where I reimagine local slut Javier Peña as a married man. My most popular series. Can be read out of order as one-shots. Full of fluff, smut, and angst.
(Congressman!Javi x Congresswoman!Reader)
Description: It was an open secret in Washington D.C. that Javier Peña, Congressman from Texas found her absolutely infuriating. Everyone had, at least once in their time in Congress, witnessed them bickering in the hallways, the staircase, committee rooms, outside the restroom over policy. It would be such a scandal if they found out what the two members of congress did behind closed doors to find common ground. Holdout Summary: Sometimes it was better to talk face to face than to send his lackeys to speak for him. And who knows? Maybe he’ll get a sweet deal out of it. If nothing else, she was at least a good time. Word count: 4.5k
Red Tape, Red Line
(Post Season 3 Javi x State Department Staff Reader)
Description: He’d won. Or at least that was what the ambassador had said. It was hard to feel victorious when crushed under the boot of DC bureaucracy. The job wouldn’t be finished. Not until the hearings ended. Not until he got key informants out. With his old friend nestled high up in bureaucracy, he wouldn’t complain if he got some help crossing the red tape. He sure wouldn’t complain if, in the process, they crossed some red lines. For Old Time's Sake Summary: Javier runs into an old friend in DC. Word Count: 3.4k
I Know
Summary: They knew they shouldn’t. It was vile, it would be a betrayal. But God, they couldn’t stop themselves. Word count: 3.3k
Whiskey and Wine
Summary: He drank whiskey and she drank wine. After years of offering her the wrong drink, Javier finally buys her the right one. Word count: 4.4k
Summary: You and Javi discuss children Word count: 0.6k
Gif inspired Drabble
Summary: Javier anxiously awaits your arrival Word count: 0.6k
248 notes · View notes
thetriumphantpanda · 1 year ago
where have all the good men gone? | javier peña
Take The Weight Off His Shoulders - Chapter Three
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Chapter Summary | A date, supposed to get your mind of Javier, goes terribly, and he's the only person you can think to call that will make anything better.
Chapter Warnings | Mutual pining, slow burn, sexual tension, flirting, alcohol consumption, protective!Javi, misogynistic comments (not from Javi), (1) man being a pushy douchebag (also not Javi), swearing, mentions of the drug trade - nothing else I can think of.
Pairing | dbf!Javier Peña x F!Reader
Word Count | 3k
Authors Note | I am truly having the most fun with these two and I hope you're enjoying their story so far! Things are definitely going to be heating up soon, so please hang in there, it'll be spectacular when they finally do get spicy with each other! If you're enjoying this then comments, asks and reblogs are my lifeblood and if you'd like to support me further, please consider a donation to my  Ko-Fi.
I no longer use taglists. Please follow @thetriumphantpandanotifs to be notified of new updates.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi | Series Playlist
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“I promise he’s good fun,” Liv’s voice speaks through the phone, cradled to your ear by your shoulder as you skim through your wardrobe, “Nice, and age appropriate.” She teases. 
“Shut up,” You grumble, still annoyed that you’ve allowed her to talk you into this at all, “This is still a terrible idea.” 
“You were the one complaining about Javier Peña being a bad idea,” She defends herself, “And you also could have said no, too late now.” 
You sigh because she’s right. You’ve been trying for the past week to convince yourself that finding someone else might make wanting Javier go away, even just a little bit. Someone your age, not entangled in your family dynamics, or at least you’re hoping anyway. Liv had suggested someone she knew from work, a nice boy, two years older than you, his head screwed on, a managerial position at work. Sensible. 
“I have no idea what to wear.” You groan down the phone, there are plenty of dresses you could choose, but somehow, it feels like this person you don’t know doesn’t deserve that of you. 
“Put those jeans on,” Liv speaks, crunching coming down the phone line, clearly she’s snacking like she always does, “The tight ones, makes your ass look phenomenal, and the lowest cut top you own.” 
“Liv,” You chastise, “I’ve never met him before, I’m not fucking him tonight.” 
“I didn’t suggest you did,” She chuckles, “Just give him a taste of what’s to come.” 
“Unbelievable,” You mutter, but follow her advice anyway, pulling out a shirt that cuts low, scooping out your jeans from the drawer, “Right, I gotta go and get ready, but if this is awful, you’re entirely to blame, okay?” 
“Hearing you loud and clear girl,” She chuckles, “Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” 
“Goodbye!” You chuckle, hanging up. 
It’s still light out, so you opt to walk to the bar in town. It’s not all that far, and the air has cooled enough by the time you leave that it doesn’t feel too stiflingly hot. The bar is not one you would have chosen, one of the more upmarket establishments in town. You wish you could go back to your normal dive bar, with its slightly sticky floor and the smell of fried food. You give him the benefit of the doubt though, maybe he’s just trying to impress you and you can’t fault him for that, can you? 
Liv told you he’d be sat at the bar in a blue shirt, and there’s only one person it can be when you get close enough, “Victor?” You ask, stood next to him. 
“The one and only,” He smiles at you, standing from the barstool to give you a hug, which you allow, “You look hot.” 
“Thanks,” You chuckle, sitting down on the stool next him, noticing a drink already there for you, it’s a cocktail, bright pink, and you know you’ll already hate it, and you do when you take a sip, wincing as the fruity blend moves down your throat, “Oh, it’s very sweet.” 
“I thought it was a safe option, most girls love this drink.” 
You’re tempted to make a comment about this clearly being his favourite place to bring his dates but you bite your tongue, working through the necessary small talk as you try and drink it as fast as you can so you can choose something you might actually enjoy. 
“So, Liv told me you’re a journalist,” He comments, sipping his glass of whiskey, “What kind of things do you write?” 
“I mainly cover news about the drug trade and how that affects the town.” You explain, taking the last sip of your drink, flagging the bartender down. 
“Pretty morbid,” He shrugs, ordering himself another whiskey as you opt for a margarita, “Surely a girl like you should be writing about fashion or something.” 
You scoff, “So I can’t write about things that are important to our town because I’m a woman?” 
“No, I don’t mean it like that,” He tries to backtrack, “Just that it’s intimidating, is all, might put people off,” He chuckles then, “Although not me, like my girls with a bit of personality.” 
You roll your eyes and don’t even try and hide it as you sip at your margarita, much better, you think. It carries on like that for another hour, Victor and his thinly veiled misogyny and his boring, surface level conversation. He tries at some point to put his hand on your knee, but you jerk away, moving so he can’t touch you. 
“You want another?” He asks when you finish your third drink, “The night is still young.”
“No thank you,” You say, trying to be as polite as possible, “I have work tomorrow so probably best to head home.” 
You try and insist that you pay for your part of the bill, but to his only credit, he insists on covering the tab but does then try and wrap his arm around your waist to walk you outside, which makes you want to hit him more than anything. 
You stand next to him on the pavement outside the bar as the doors close behind you. You can still hear everyone else talking inside, but you have no idea what to do. You want to go home, but it’s dark, and you know you’d told your dad that Victor would walk you home, but you don’t want to spend another minute in his company. 
“So, am I gonna get my goodnight kiss?” He asks, trying to take hold of your wrist to pull you into him. 
He’s stronger than you, so he does sort of succeed in pulling you into his body, but you manage to put your palm against his chest to push him back. 
“I don’t think so.” You cringe a little, trying to lean back as far as you can with his hand pulling your wrist. 
“You’re joking right?” He scoffs, “I paid for your drinks, try and be interested in what you said and you’re going to refuse me?” 
“Look, I don’t mean to be rude,” You speak, trying to talk the situation down, “I just don’t think this is gonna work.” 
“Don’t need to tell me,” He snaps, “Such a fucking tease turning up dressed like this, but you’re really just a prude.” 
“Oh fuck off man!” You try and push him again, succeeding in doing it enough for him to let go of your wrist so you can put some distance between you, “I don’t owe you shit.” 
“Forget it,” He turns around and walks away, leaving you on your own, “Probably would have been a shit lay anyway.” 
You’re tempted to call back but realise it’s not worth it, so you let him wander off, leaving you on the sidewalk on your own with no idea what to do now. You would walk home, but if your dad see’s you on your own, he’s going to kill you for being silly enough to walk home alone after dark, and then find Victor and kill him too for being a jerk. 
You slump against the brick wall of the bar, rooting through your bag, there’s enough cash to go back in and get a drink and try and calm down a little, then, your fingers brush against the card you’d slipped in there a few days ago. The name and the number, and the few coins in the bottom of your bag, draw you to the phone box at the end of the street. You’re putting the money in and dialing before you can convince yourself it’s a silly idea. 
He picks up on the third ring. 
“Peña.” It’s so formal. 
“Javi?” You ask, trying to keep your voice level, but ultimately failing. 
“Are you okay?” Is the first thing he asks, and he sounds frantic. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, I just-” God this seems so stupid now, mainly because you don’t want to admit you were on a date, you don’t want to make yourself seem unavailable to him, “I was on a date and it didn’t go well, he was meant to walk me home and well, I don’t want him to, but I don’t wanna call my dad.” 
“He hurt you?” He seems cross, protective even, which makes your tummy flutter. 
“N-no,” You sigh, “He got pushy when I wouldn’t kiss him but I’m fine.” 
You can hear him shuffling around on the other end of the phone, can hear the jangle of keys, “Where are you?” 
“I’m at the phone box at the end of Grant Street.” You say, you’re about to speak again when Javi beats you to it. 
“Stay there, go inside a store or something and wait for me, I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay?” 
“Okay,” You nod, like he can see you, “Javi?” 
“Yeah, querida?” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t you dare,” He scoffs, “Never apologise for needing my help, okay?” You can hear the sound of his truck engine in the background, “I gotta hang up to drive, but I’ll be there soon, promise.” 
“Okay,” You sniff, “Thank you.” 
You can hear the dial tone before he can reply, so you hang the receiver back up and head into the liquor store on the other side of the road. You smile at the clerk, who asks if you need anything, you shake your head, tell him you’re just waiting for someone and then spend the rest of the time looking out of the window. 
He’s parking up in a worryingly short amount of time, and as you walk from the store you worry that he put himself in danger driving so fast to get you. He’s opening his door and climbing down from the truck. As soon as you’re close enough, he’s got his hands on your shoulders, searching your face to make sure you’re alright. 
“I’m fine Javi, I promise,” You insist, holding gently to his arms, giving him a smile, “I’ve probably overreacted.” 
He lets his arm drops and signals for you to get into the truck, following swiftly, “If he made you uncomfortable it’s not an overreaction,” He speaks, turning the truck back on and pulling away, “He still around?” 
You shake your head, “I don’t think so.” 
It makes you wonder if he means good because he won’t bother you anymore, or good because it means he won’t be tempted to do something about his blatant disrespect. You decide not to probe that one, but file it away for later. You’re driving down the street when your stomach grumbles, reminding you that you’ve not eaten since lunch. 
“You hungry?” 
“I could eat,” You mumble sheepishly, “I’m sure there’s something at home.” 
Javi nods, but drives straight past the turning he would need to take you home, driving straight on instead and turning off a little later. You’re about to ask where he’s taking you when he pulls into the parking lot at McDonalds. He parks up and tells you to stay where you are. 
You watch him as he walks away, perfectly broad back, shirt tucked into his jeans. He really is a vision in every way when you look at him. He’s striding back out a little while later, brown paper bag in one hand and a soda cup in the other. He passes them both to you as he climbs back into his seat. 
“What’s this?” You ask, taking a sip of the cold soda. 
“Cheeseburger, extra pickles and a Sprite with extra ice.” 
Yet again, he’s managed to amaze you with his observation skills. There was a time where he’d taken a trip with you and your parents, just a day out of town somewhere, and you’d stopped to get food on the way home, you’d made this exact order, turned to him and told him it was your favourite, and somehow he’d filed that away for right now, when you needed it the most. 
“Thank you.” You speak simply, reaching in for the burger, unwrapping it carefully before taking a bite. 
Javi can’t help but watch out of the side of his eye as you eat. God, you looked beautiful. Jeans that looked like they’d been painted onto your skin, showing off all those perfect parts of you. A shirt that was enticing without being too much. Fuck, he wanted to reach over, use his thumb to wipe away the tiny bit of sauce that had gathered in the corner of your mouth, push it into your mouth and let you lick it off his thumb. 
You ball up the wrapper your burger had come in once you’ve finished, dropping it into the paper bag, picking up the cup of soda to suck the Sprite through the straw, “You alright now?” He asks. 
You look at him, small, sad smile on your lips, “Just can’t help feeling there’s something wrong with me.” You shrug, offering him a sip of your drink which he declines. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, wanting to reach over to you, put a comforting hand on you, but deciding against it for now. 
You shrug a little, leaning your head back against the seat, “No-one ever looks at me in that way, I suppose,” You answer honestly, and he wants to tell you it isn’t true, that he thinks of you exactly like that, no matter how much he shouldn’t, “I’ve been with one guy in my whole life and I don’t think he ever really liked me, was only with me because I was the only one left out of my friends.” 
“Did he say that?” 
“He didn’t have to,” You shrug again, “He never really made an effort, never took me out, never really wanted to sleep with me much either, I guess I was just easy for him,” You say, “Convenient.” Is what you finish on. 
“It isn’t you,” Javi speaks, turning his head to look at you, resting it against his seat in much the same way you are, “First of all, college boys are always idiots, don’t let that be your base line,” You snort and turn your head to look at him now, “What did tonight’s idiot do?” 
You shake your head at him, “He was just a misogynistic asshole,” You add a shrug, “Apparently because I’m a woman I should write about fashion and not anything that actually matters.” 
Javi scoffs, because in his experience, women make the best journalists, quiet, unassuming but they always knew how to pull strings and get what they wanted and he doesn’t doubt you’re the same, “Take it as a compliment,” He offers, “Sometimes it’s best to intimidate boys, and the ones that you don’t?” He asks as a rhetorical question, “Those will be the men worth your time.”
You chuckle a bit, rolling your head on the headrest behind you to look back out of the front of the car, “You’re just saying this to make me feel better.” 
Javi reaches over, takes hold of your hand and gives it a slight squeeze before he’s letting it drop again, almost like he’s been burnt, like he knows he shouldn’t have done it, “I am saying it to make you feel better, that’s the whole point, but it’s true,” He shrugs a little in his seat, “Don’t feel like you’ve got to rush into that side of life either, you’re still young, there’s plenty of time for you.” 
You hum in agreement because you know he’s right, it’s what everyone always says to you in these circumstances, but somehow, coming from him, it means more. He’s older than you and although you’ve no doubt that he’s known plenty of women in his time, he’s in just the same predicament as you are. 
“Will you take me home?” You ask softly, “I’m tired.” 
He nods, starting up his car, pulling out of the parking lot and finally driving you back home. 
He pulls his truck up just down the street from your house, far enough away that your dad won’t be able to see, but close enough that he knows he’ll be able to sit and wait to watch you get in safely. He cuts the engine and turns to you, giving you a soft smile, trying to tell you that it’ll all be okay. 
“Thanks,” You speak softly, “For all this, made a shitty night not so bad in the end.” 
“Always,” He smiles back, “I mean it when I say you don’t ever need to worry about calling me.” 
“I know,” You smile, and he feels his heart swell at the sight, “Well, goodnight Javi.” 
He doesn’t really register what’s happening until it’s too late. You drag your body across the truck instead of moving to the door to open it and press a gentle kiss to his cheek. It would be innocent enough if it wasn’t for the fact your lips press into the skin just far enough away from his mouth so as not to cross a line, but not right in the middle of his cheek either. It’s the softest way he’s been touched in a long time, and he can feel himself wanting to grip onto you, smash his mouth to your own and finally scratch the itch that’s sitting under his skin. 
You pull away, but before you can open the door, he’s taking hold of your wrist and moving closer, pressing his own kiss to your cheek right back, further up your skin than you had done to him, but it’s a kiss to your skin none-the-less, one that floods his chest with hope, a feeling he hasn’t really felt in years. He keeps his mouth there probably for a little longer than he should, committing the feel of your skin on his mouth because he knows this is as far as he should push things, but he also knows that he now needs to know what the rest of your skin feels like under his mouth. 
He pulls away and when he looks at your eyes, all full of hope and want, the same look he’d seen countless times in Colombia, whether he was promising a visa or led next to someone in bed, and he knows he shouldn’t have done it, shouldn’t have encouraged these kinds of feelings, but he’s done it now, he can’t take it back, wouldn’t want to if he could either. 
“There’s nothing wrong with you, querida,” He says softly, “Nothing wrong with you at all.” 
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thewulf · 11 months ago
Skies of Concern || Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Summary: Request -may i request for top gun maverick with husband!mickey 'fanboy' garcia x civillian maverick's daughter!reader please? when you heard that mav called mickey to join a mission, you kind of mad to your dad cause it is dangerous for mickey (worried)... Read Rest Here
A/N: Eeeeek! This one was fun to write. Super cute and fluffy. Memories are in italics. Hope you enjoy anon!
Pairing: Mickey Fanboy" Garcia x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.6k +
T/W : General TGM warnings
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The sun dipped below the horizon casting a warm, golden glow across the tarmac of the Naval Air Station as you waited for the aircraft carrier to arrive back on base. You stood near the water as the anticipation built with each passing minute. You were anxiously awaiting the return of your father, Maverick, and his trusted wingman and your beloved husband, Mickey Garcia.
But even in the middle of the tension and worry that gripped your heart your mind wandered back to a warmer memory. A moment of serendipity that had brought you into the orbit of the charismatic WSO who would later become your husband much to your fathers dismay. Although he eventually came around and loved Mickey as his own son.
It was a balmy evening at the Hard Deck as you waited for your father to return from a training mission. He’d asked you to meet him there against your better judgement. Although you didn’t frequent the bar that often anymore you had sought solace in the familiar surroundings of the bar, the chatter of fellow Navy personnel providing a comforting backdrop to your thoughts. As you nursed a drink at the counter trying to push aside the nagging worry that always accompanied your father's missions, you noticed him.
Mickey Garcia, with his effortless charm and magnetic presence strode into the bar. His flight suit a testament to the adrenaline-fueled world he inhabited. His gaze briefly met yours and in that fleeting moment, something sparked between you—a connection born in the anonymity of the crowded room. You should’ve run far, far away after the smirk grew on the pilot’s face. But you couldn’t. It’s like that one look had you rooted right into the bar stool.
Unbeknownst to Mickey he had just caught the eye of Maverick's daughter. You had planned to keep your identity hidden. More than content to observe from the shadows as he approached with a casual confidence that belied the danger of his profession.
"Hey there," he greeted you. His smile as warm as the fading sunlight outside. "Haven't seen you around here before. I’d remember a pretty face like yours. You can’t be a regular, no?"
His words were laced with genuine curiosity with a playful demeanor drawing you in despite the weight of your worries. Little did you know that chance encounter would set the stage for a journey fraught with danger and adventure but so much love. Oh, so much love.
As Mickey leaned casually against the bar with that signature mischievous twinkle in his eyes you couldn't help but return his flirtatious banter. "Well,” you replied with a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Maybe I like to keep things interesting. You never know when a new face might turn up." He was right. You often avoided the Hard Dec as it was your father and Penny’s spot.
Mickey chuckled. The sweet sound sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. "I like the way you think," he said. His gaze lingering on you with unmistakable interest. "Name's Mickey, by the way. Mickey Garcia." You nodded. You knew that. Hell, you knew most of your dads pilots even if you hadn’t formally met them. But you had to play dumb to keep up your charade.
You extended your hand. A coy smile playing on your lips. "Nice to meet you, Mickey. I'm... just a girl trying to enjoy her night."
His handshake was firm, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. "Well, just a girl, if you ever need someone to show you around this place… you know who to call," he spoke with a confidence only pilots seemed to have.
Before you could respond to him the familiar sound of your fathers voice cut through the air, drawing your attention to the entrance of the bar. Your heart skipped a beat as you watched your father stride in. He looked to be in one piece. Your concern washed away in an instant. His presence commanded the attention of everyone in the room. When he spotted you chatting with one of his pilots at the bar he made a beeline right to you with a less than thrilled look on his face.
"Hey there, sweetheart," Your dad greeted you. His voice was warm with affection as he pulled you into a quick hug. "You holding up okay?"
You nodded. A small smile tugging at your lips as you leaned into his embrace. "Yeah, Dad," you replied oh so grateful for the familiar strength of his arms around you. "Just glad to see you back in one piece."
But as Pete pulled away his gaze fell on Mickey, and you felt a knot of tension coil in the pit of your stomach. There was a shift in the air. A subtle change in your dads demeanor that set your heart racing with apprehension.
"Fanboy," Maverick spoke with an icy tone as he turned his attention to the charming pilot beside you. "Fancy seeing you here."
Mickey's easy grin faltered and was replaced by a look of uncertainty as he met Maverick's gaze. "Hey, Maverick," he replied. His voice tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Didn't expect to run into you here. You’re not usually here after missions."
There was a moment of uncomfortable silence between them. The air thick with unspoken tension as Maverick's gaze bore into Mickey with an intensity that made you squirm in your barstool. Finally, Pete spoke, his voice low and dangerous. "No funny business with my daughter, Garcia," he said. His words a thinly veiled warning. "Or you'll answer to me."
Mickey swallowed hard. The weight of Maverick's stare bearing down on him like a leaden weight. "Yes, sir," he replied. His voice was barely above a whisper as he nodded in silent acquiescence.
And as Maverick turned away with his arm slipping around your shoulders in a protective gesture. You couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for you with Mickey. The chemistry between the two of you was something you’d never experienced before. There had to be something more. You felt caught between the love of a father and the allure of the skies.
It had been years since that fateful meeting at the Hard Deck, years filled with adventure, love, and the occasional heart-stopping moment as you watched your husband and father take to the skies together. But through it all you had remained steadfast in your support for both of them.
As you stood there the memories of that first encounter with Mickey came flooding back. A bittersweet reminder of how far you had come since that chance meeting. Now, as you awaited their return, your heart swelled with a mixture of pride and worry. You knew all too well the dangers that lurked beyond the clouds. But despite the nagging fear that gnawed at your insides you refused to let it consume you. You had learned to trust in Mickey's skill and your dads experience.
Your thoughts then took to earlier on in the week when you father broke the news he was taking your now husband with him to go fly a mission in Russia. He couldn’t tell you the details, but you knew it was going to be risky. Anything overseas always was. A pit formed in your stomach at the thought of the two most important guys in your life putting their lives in danger once again.
Unable to contain your fears any longer you turned to your father with a pleading look in your eyes. "Dad, you can't do this," you said, your voice trembling with emotion. "You can't take Mickey on this mission. It's too dangerous dad!"
Maverick's expression hardened. His jaw tightening as he met your gaze with a steely resolve. "I have to, sweetheart," he replied with a sorrowful look as his voice firm but tinged with regret. "We're the best chance they've got and Mickey's one of the best damn WSO’s I know."
You shook your head. The frustration and fear bubbling up inside you like a tempest ready to burst. "But it's not fair," you cried out as the words tumbled out in a rush. "Both of you don’t need to go. How about just you? Or him? Not both of you! I can't take it dad. Please" You knew the pleading would likely fall on deaf ears, but you had to try.
Your voice cracked with emotion. Tears welling up in your eyes as the weight of your fear threatened to crush you. You had spent countless nights lying awake dreading this exact moment when the call would come. One that summoned your father and husband into the heart of danger once again but farther away than you thought possible.
This time felt different, the stakes higher than ever before. And as you stood there with anger and despair boiling over inside you, you knew that you couldn't bear the thought of losing them both, not now, not ever.
Maverick's expression softened. A rare flicker of sympathy crossing his features as he reached out to pull you into a comforting embrace. "I know, sweetheart," he murmured. His voice gentle against your ear. "But we have a job to do, and we'll come back to you, I promise."
You clung to him like a scared five-year-old but you really couldn’t care. You were terrified. The weight of his words offering a sliver of solace amidst the storm of uncertainty you prayed with all your heart that his promise would hold true. That both your father and husband would return to you unscathed once more.
The anticipation was palpable as you stood on the base. Your eyes fixed on the horizon where the carrier would soon appear. It had been over a week since you last saw your husband, and your father depart on their mission. Each moment of their absence had felt like an eternity.
But now as the massive silhouette of the carrier emerged from the vast expanse of the ocean your heart leaped with relief. They were back. They were safe. You knew it because you hadn't received that dreaded call. The one that brought news of tragedy and loss. Still, despite the reassurance a knot of anxiety tightened in your stomach as you waited for them to disembark. You couldn't shake the lingering worry, the fear of the unknown that had plagued you since the moment they left.
And then, finally, the gangplank descended, and a surge of relief washed over you as you caught sight of familiar figures making their way down onto the dock. Your heart raced as you scanned the crowd searching for the faces you longed to see.
And there they were.
Your father emerged first with his iconic aviator shades shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun. Beside him, Mickey walked with a confident stride. His tattered flight suit a testament to the adventure they had just returned from.
Without a second thought you rushed forward ignoring the protests from the officers guarding the walkway. Your heart pounded with a mixture of joy and apprehension. They were here. They were safe. But still you needed to see them with your own eyes. To feel the reassuring warmth of their embrace. His embrace. Your husband and beloved.
Without hesitation you rushed forward to you husband. Your arms outstretched as you leaped into his embrace wrapping your legs around his waist. "Babe!" you exclaimed while happily peppering his cheeks with kisses. "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you? I missed you so much! Don’t go for that long again, please." Your eyes scanned his frame for any sign of distress.
Mickey laughed while wrapping his arms tightly around you and returning your kisses with equal fervor. "I'm fine, honey," he reassured you, his voice filled with affection. "Not a scratch on me. I missed you more than you know pretty lady." He gave you a squeeze as he held you in his arms as the both of you ignored the bewildered captain beside you.
Your attention wholly focused on the man holding you in his strong arms. But when you finally pulled back you couldn't help but notice the grin spreading across your fathers face as he watched the reunion between his daughter and son-in-law.
"Looks like someone's glad to see her husband and not so much her old man," he remarked with amusement twinkling in his eyes.
You flushed with embarrassment realizing you had been so caught up in your reunion with Mickey that you had all but forgotten all about your father. But as you glanced back at him you found nothing but warmth and understanding in his expression.
"Sorry, Dad," you said sheepishly. "I was just... really glad to see Mickey. It’s good to see you too." As you attempted to slip down from Mickey's hold expecting to stand on your own feet again, you felt him tighten his grip around you. He wasn't willing to let you go just yet and a warm sense of contentment washed over you as you remained enveloped in his embrace.
Maverick chuckled. His eyes had a knowing amusement in them as he watched the scene unfold. "I can see that," he replied. His voice tinged with pride. "I see I’ve officially been replaced."
You grinned with your cheeks flushing with affectionate embarrassment at your father's teasing remark. "Well, Dad," you spoke playfully jabbing his shoulder from Mickey’s hold. "I think there's enough love to go around for both of you."
Pete laughed. "I suppose so," His voice filled with warmth as he spoke. "Just don't forget who taught him everything he knows."
You smiled, feeling a rush of gratitude for the two most important men in your life. "I could never forget.”
As Maverick chuckled, shaking his head, and walked away he left just the two of you there to continue on. Mickey still held you close in his arms. His embrace filled with a longing that mirrored your own. With Pete out of sight he seemed to pull you even closer. His touch igniting that usual fire within you.
Feeling his warmth enveloping you, you melted into his embrace. Your body fitting perfectly against his. His lips found yours in a hungry kiss. A silent declaration of his desire and his longing for you. The kiss deepened becoming more passionate as if he couldn't get enough of you after being apart for too long.
When he finally pulled back his breath came out in ragged gasps. He pressed his forehead against yours with eyes dark full of desire. "God, I missed you," he murmured. His voice husky with emotion. A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes as he winked suggestively. His lips curling into a playful grin. And as you stood there wrapped in his embrace surrounded by the sights, and sounds of the base, you knew that the reunion you had been longing for was just beginning.
With a shared smirk Mickey held you a as tight as he could without squeezing you completely. His gaze was filled with promises of the passion to come. "Let's get out of here my love," he whispered. His voice low and intimate. "I want to show you just how much I missed you." The earned a giggle out of you as you knew he meant business when it came to that look.
And with that he carried you effortlessly towards your car. Each step filled with anticipation and desire. With a thrill of excitement coursing through you, you knew that the night ahead held endless possibilities. And you couldn't wait to explore them all with the man you loved.
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Jake Seresin/Top Gun: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mamachasesmayhem @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @illisea @jessicab1991 @guacam011y @dempy @hiireadstuff @kenn-spencerswifey @abbersreads @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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postmortemnivis · 1 year ago
"why're you here?"
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you never knew much about javier peña. 
his voice was always sharp anytime you tried to ask for something about him, and you felt so pathetic each time he’d snap at you after your sweet toned questions. you’d tried to tell yourself that maybe he was just shy or reserved, but you knew too well he wasn’t either of the two.
what you did know for a fact was that he would never call before 11, he’d never talk much about himself—whether it was his personal life or his family—and he didn’t care how long he’d been ignoring you; he’d still call without shame, and then he knew how to hit all your right spots.
it had been almost three weeks since you had last seen javier. at first you felt bad, mostly about yourself, you knew the way you were letting him treat you was shit, but then you started missing him. how pathetic of you, you repeated to yourself any time your mind would linger on him for too long. he could sweet talk you into murder.
“¿cariño?” a husky voice asked. 
you checked the time on your watch, but you knew who it could be. it was twelve minutes before midnight, right on the spot. 
“yes?” you sighed into the phone, holding it tighter, scared you would break it. 
“why’re you still up?” javier asked, and you could hear him inhale from his cigarette. that you knew, that he would always be seen with a cigarette between his lips. maybe that’s what you missed about him: the smell of smoke, whiskey and something woody that you couldn't get your head around.
you were pretty sure that your craving, your depency, your addiction-like to him was caused by all the cigarettes he’d smoke around you, you’d grown addicted to them too, therefore, to him. knowing the man as much as you did, he could’ve done that on purpose.
“what if you woke me up?” you asked back. was being smart a good idea? with peña, probably not.
not as if you had been waiting days for this call. 
he coldly chuckled. “i saw a light in your apartment still on about ten minutes ago.”
“you were under my apartment ten minutes ago?”
“ajá,” he said, exhaling now, “drove past it and stopped for a while.”
“for a while?” you sporadically would glance at the street outside during the dark hours: when living in medellín, it was best to keep your mouth shut and eyes closed, better not to see anything that could cause you troubles. 
“more or less forty minutes.”
“what’d you do for forty minutes under my apartment?” you walked to the big windows in your living room, which overlooked the street. moving the curtain with your fingers, you checked the silent and empty street. nobody to be seen. 
“lookin’,” javier inhaled again, “at you. what i could see, your silhouette from the curtains. always told you that place didn’t give you any privacy.”
“why didn’t you come up and say hi?” you asked. 
were you… teasing him? how pathetic of you, you thought. 
the man sighed. “want me to come up and say hi?”
“well,” you sat on the couch, “you haven’t talked to me in three weeks, that would be nice.”
“three weeks, already?”
“time flies when you’re having fun.” you almost snapped. that would make him win the little stupid game he was playing. you took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. you brought both of your knees under your chin as you leaned on the backrest. deep breaths. 
“i’ll come over now then.” he said. 
“i’m going to bed now,” you tried to stop him, playing disinterested, but you could hear the hesitation in your voice yourself, “maybe another time?”
“i’m already dressed, nena.” he said and before you could complain again, he hung up. 
it was after ten minutes, the time that took from his place to yours, that you heard a knock on the front door . 
“cariño.” javier peña greeted as you opened the door. he was leaning his shoulder on the doorframe, arms crossed. how cliché of him. 
“javier.” you crossed your arms over your chest, imitating him. 
he stared down at you for a brief second before you realized, the worn out dark grey shirt you were wearing was his. it was too big on you, reached almost halfway through your thighs, just below your ass so the curve was still visible, and he wondered if you were wearing anything underneath. he hoped for those cute light pink panties, the ones with a hole on the side from him pulling the lace down too harshly once, the last time you two saw each other. 
“you left it here, after a week of no reclaiming it becomes mine.” you said, trying to defend yourself as he stepped into your apartment, and you closed the door, locking it. 
“i don’t care, quédatelo.” he breathed, sinking into your couch, not even bothering to remove his shoes or his jeans jacket. 
you stared at him as he took his gun out of the back of his jeans and placed it on your coffee table along with his badge. 
“what, aren’t you gonna ask me if i want anything to drink?” javier smirked. 
you rolled your eyes before making your way into the kitchen. “want something to drink?”
“no,” he said from the living room, but you could hear his grin “i wouldn’t want you to feel constrained.”
you walked back to the living room, rolling your eyes once more.
“javier, listen-”
“javi,” he interrupted you, his dark brown eyes not leaving yours, “not javier. go on, nena.”
you looked at him, he was waiting for you to keep talking as he got himself comfortable, spreading his legs open like the whore he was. he knew your eyes would linger on the bulge in his jeans for one second too long. 
“javi,” you sighed, and the texan nodded. it wasn’t like you never called him javi, but now he was on your nerves, or at least you had to pretend he was, “you can’t keep doing this…”
“what?” he asked, his arms on the headrest of the couch, finally comfortable. 
“this.” you waved your hands in the air. “you’ve been ignoring me for weeks, almost a full month.”
“i’ve been busy.” he said, before adding, “with work.”
you rolled your eyes. you’ve known him for months and he always used that excuse. sure, trying to catch the most dangerous narcoterrorist drug lord in the world did take away a lot of his time, but one call?
“you know it keeps me busy, cariño.” he sighed, and you thought he was trying to convince himself more than you. 
“i don’t believe it.”
he raised both his eyebrows, tilting his head slightly lower. “no?”
“no.” you spat, crossing your arms in front of him. “i don’t believe you’ve been busy for three whole weeks, day and night.”
“i was away too,” he said, getting up from the couch and walking closer to you, “they sent me to chile for a while.”
“and they don’t have phones there?” you asked as he softly took you by your elbows and drew you closer. 
he didn’t reply. 
“bizarre, i thought you remembered my number since you’ve called me multiple times from pay phones.”
he sighed again, his face closer to yours. “i’m sorry nena, i really am.”
“for…? disappearing from my life every two months?”
he shook his head. “no… actually yes.”
his big hands grazed your hips, slowly sliding on your soft skin, underneath the hem of the shirt. 
“either yes or no, peña.”
he nodded. “yes, i’m sorry. perdóname.”
you shook your head. “not so easily.”
he tilted his head to the side, like an animal seeing something unfamiliar for the first time. 
“it’s honestly… exhausting having to put up with you, you know?”
he nodded, chuckling as you put little force into trying to push his chest away.
“exhausting…” he repeated on your lips and you nodded, your arms wrapping around his neck instinctively, “now, now.”
“extremely.” you nodded, biting back a smirk. 
“i can imagine…” his lips brushed over your jaw, his tone still teasing and unserious. he never took his actions seriously, at least not with you. he was a beast outside your apartment, one of the most dreaded dea agents there were, but with you—it was different, he’d return to his almost boyish personality. he needed someone he could be himself with, his old calm and immature self. 
“i’m so serious this once, peña.” you muttered, your eyes looking at the ceiling as he started kissing your neck, your fingers resting on the base of the back of his neck, twirling the ends of his hair.
“oh, i know you are, cariño, i know how serious you are.” javier breathed on your neck as he lazily kissed it up and down.
you sighed again. you knew how serious you were. 
“javi…” you sighed. 
“why're you here?” you asked, looking anywhere but into his eyes
he stopped and took your chin in his hand. “mírame.”
in the months you had spent together–and not–you had learned to recognize and understand most of the phrases of spanish he usually muttered to himself, picking them up. pride and joy were displayed on his face anytime you’d tried to repeat something yourself, even if you got some pronunciations or verbs wrong, he'd praise you as if you had just given a speech on micromedicine or astrophysics.
that was what fucked your mind, he made you feel so special.
“why are you here, javi?” you asked again.
“can’t i see my favorite girl anymore?”
you rolled your eyes. what about the other girls? you bit your tongue from asking. 
“you don’t bother to call but now you want to see me?” your eyes looked up into his, looking for some answer behind them. 
he shrugged. “i know you think i’m an asshole.”
“oh, i know you are, believe me, i know.”
he rolled his eyes. 
“cmon i wanna make it up to you cariño.” javier’s voice was as confident as always, he knew he had you in the palm of his hand, you’d do anything, you’d listen. 
“mh, how?”
“i’ve got a few ideas in mind…” he grinned. 
you shook you head. “nah-uh.”
“nah-uh?” he asked, tilting his head to the side once again as his brows furrowed. 
“no.” you remarked, “i’m not one of your prostitutes, javi. you can’t just… fuck me and leave me like a doll, y’know?”
“you sure do look like one-”
one of his whores or a doll? you’d ask that later. 
“save it.” you bit back a grin. 
“can’t compliment you anymore?” he raised an eyebrow, a smirk crawling upon his face.
you shook your head, placing your hands on his broad chest. “i’m not something you can use and toss, you know? it hurts me. you hurt me.”
his cold heart, that usually barely cared about himself, let alone other people, seemed to miss a beat. 
javier knew he hurt you, how he was hurting you and how’d he hurt you. he knew he was a selfish person, so selfish he didn’t even care about himself. was it fear of commitment? his incapability to love? he could fool you and everyone else but he could not fool himself. he just didn’t care enough. 
“i’m sorry nena.”
“are you?” you placed your hands on your hips, “are you, really?”
“you know i am.”
bullshit. deep down you both knew it was bullshit. 
“mhm…” you hummed. “i just feel-”
“im sorry.” javi repeated, “you know it hurts me too to stay away from you.”
“does it, now?”
he sighed. “it… does.”
“doesn’t look like it.” you comment. 
“well, im sorry i don’t cry if you don’t call me every other hour.”
“hypocrite.” you spit. 
javier peña was a man of patience, he liked to think of himself as one, but really his temper and anger often took over him. with you, it was different, you rarely poked a reaction out of him. you knew javi as a calm and charming man, not the irascible, short tempered boy he was still inside. 
“you heard me.” you look up at him as you finally distance your bodies. “a goddamn hypocrite, that’s what you are, javier. you can’t treat me like this!”
“i’m not treating you-” he attempted to defend himself before one of your neighbours yelled something through the walls. 
cállense todos! 
it was after midnight, and you couldn’t blame them. 
“you treat me like one of the whores you can call up anytime you feel like fucking.”
“i don’t do that.”
“last time i saw you, and the one before that and the one before that too.”
“don’t talk like i'm holding you prisoner.” javier remarked, trying to keep his voice down this time. “you can ignore my calls if you feel that way.”
“oh, you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” you took a step closer to him, an accusatory finger pointing at him, “so i’m out of your hair for good.”
“yeah, do that, one problem less.” he rolled his eyes.
he pinched the bridge of his nose as his other hand went to rest on his as your eyes started watering. 
“you know- you know i care about you.”
you shook your head, walking to your bedroom. 
he sighed, following you. “nena, you know i care about you. deeply.”
“why’d you never say that before then?” your red eyes studied his.
“i did.” javier replied, “i’ve told you. i’ve told you i love you, for christ’s sake.”
“grunting you love me when you’re balls deep inside of me doesn’t count as a love confession, javier.” you pointed out as you sat on your bed, sinking in the comfort of his scent mixed to your perfume that lingered everywhere in the apartment. 
“i’ve…” the mexican seemed at loss of words, his usually know-it-all demeanour falling down, “doesn’t that count as love?”
you didn’t laugh at his attempt to lighten the mood. “no.”
“i’ve showed you i love you-”
“we talked about it, everytime i try to talk to you about this, us, you brush me off.”
“no need to label-”
“bullshit!” you cried out, more tears pouring down your cheeks like a mountain stream, warmer and saltier. “fuckin’ bullshit, javi… you break my heart every fucking time you walk out of that goddamn door, and i’m left in the puddle of confused emotions you leave me in. sometimes i feel like i'm drowning in it, and i feel so damn pathetic every time you call me up, saying you missed me and all that shit, so pathetic because every time i let you back in my life.”
“done crying?” if looks could kill, he’d be long dead, but luckily for him your eyes alone can’t cause a satellite to crash him. 
“when you stop being an asshole, yeah.” you sniffle. 
“again,” he murmurs, caressing your cheek, “i’m sorry cariño. really sorry.”
he knew you wouldn’t believe him, sorrys weren’t what you wanted. you knew it better than him.
you also knew that arguing was pointless, you had just said it yourself, no matter what you’d let him slip away and right back into your life.
you sighed as he rested his arms at your sides and kneeled in front of you. “i do love you.”
“god,” you sniffled, dramatically rolling your eyes, “didn’t mean to cry.”
he wiped your tears away with his thumbs as his hands cupped your cheeks. 
“shit.” you hissed, wiping the mascara off your cheeks, hoping the stains wouldn’t make you look like a raccoon. 
but javi didn't seem to care, ever the gentleman. 
“lay down with me, nena, mh?” his voice, now soft, asked, and you reluctantly let your shoulders fall onto the mattress. 
“you should’ve listened to me,” you croaked as he lay down on his side next to you, “shouldn’t have come here.”
“i should listen to you more, eh?” javier tried to cheer up. 
“why are you like this?” thousands of doubts flooded your mind. were you not lovable, not pretty or funny enough? was it because your laugh was always a little too loud and your crying face not as cinematographic as other girls? maybe it was the way you never seemed to quite catch the right note of your favourite song or that you’d lose all your femininity when you watched fútbol games with him? perhaps your scranky spanish? no, it wasn’t you. javier perfectly knew it wasn’t you.
“i often ask myself that question, nena.”
“mhm, me too.” you rolled your eyes as he caressed your cheek.
“let’s just sleep it off, ¿vale?” javi whispered, brushing a lock of hair out of your eyes.
you sighed, opening your mouth and immediately deciding it’d be better not to ask.
“what is it?”
defeated, you regained some hope. “will you be better in the morning?”
a childish, foolish, naïve and unnecessary question. you both knew he wouldn't.
“of course.” he answered anyway, that liar.
he kissed your head and engulfed you in his big and strong arms as you two laid down on your bed, your back pressed into his chest. how pathetic of you.
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vintagepascal · 2 years ago
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AN - the poll I put up the other day won out with fluffy pedro/reader and I'm working on a request I got for it but it's taking me a hot sec, so have this one that I already have written to hold you over :) hope you enjoy!
word count - 2,900+
rating - teen
content warnings - no warnings, just fluff!
summary - you decide to surprise pedro for his birthday on set with some help from bella (ao3 link if you prefer, it's titled pedrito over there :) )
you worry too much
You hit send, tucking your phone quickly between your thighs as you tried to relax, eyes trained on the window outside as the plane started to pull back from the jetbridge. You were never much of a liar, but you hoped desperately that you could pull this one off somehow. 
Your phone buzzed. A text from Pedro, no doubt.
Mi amor, that’ll be four shifts this week. You need a break :( 
You couldn’t help the smile that it brought to your face, knowing that he had no idea that you’d be seeing him so soon. 
I’ll survive. Busy is good. Now go film some cool shit, tell Bella I said hi. I’ll text when I can. I love you
Love you more. and no hi for Bella, they ate all my bday cookies. 
You chuckled to yourself and quickly clicked your phone over to airplane mode. You’d paid for the inflight wifi so he wouldn’t suspect anything if he happened to have enough breaks in filming to text you - he was a worrier at heart, especially when it came to those he loved, and an undelivered text would be enough to put him into a panic. 
With everything set into motion, you settled back into your seat and reviewed the plan.
You’d had it in the works for a month. All behind the scenes of course, but you’d gotten everyone in on it that you could. Neil, Craig, Bella, Gabriel - anyone who would be around set. The filming schedule was insane, but you knew that they’d want Pedro’s birthday to be special, especially since he wasn’t able to come home and spend it with you.
In the years that you’d been dating, you had learned he loved a good surprise, though he would never admit it. And even more so, he would never, ever , let anyone make a big deal out of things for him. Even if he played it off for the press about loving the attention, when it came to those close to him he would much rather celebrate those around him than be the one in the spotlight. 
It was no surprise that they were one hundred percent on board with throwing a bit of a surprise party, with you being the main surprise. The next part of the plan was simple - getting a few days off work had been easy enough, considering Pedro had insisted that you went part time and only worked when you wanted to once he landed another job. It was a luxury that you allowed, considering it meant you got to spend so much more time with him when he was off filming, and even go on the occasional press tour with him. 
Once the flight was booked and everything else had been arranged, the hard part came - keeping the love of your life in the dark. Pedro was the type of person that you wanted to tell everything to. From the simple things, like the dog in the rain boots that you’d seen on 2nd avenue that morning, to how much you wished you could be together all the time - any thought you had flowed off your tongue so easily to him. He was your safe space, and you were his, which was a cornerstone of your relationship from day one. 
Thank god you’d only finalized your plan a few weeks ago, or you weren’t sure you would have made it. 
As a cover up, you found a highly rated South American bakery in Vancouver to send some of his favorite cookies and sweets to set, just like the ones his mom used to make when he was young. You sent some flowers too - hydrangeas, spray roses, gerberas - something to warm up the cold Vancouver set he’d been dealing with. He’d called you that morning from hair and makeup, so grateful and excited. You’d promised him there was more to come when you could see him in person, which he thought was in three long weeks when there was a small break in scheduling for something Bella needed to do back in London. That seemed to be enough of a birthday present from afar to satisfy him.
You hoped he was still in the dark as you watched the small plane flit across your screen, taking you mile by mile closer to him. 
It was a long flight from New York to Vancouver. You spent the majority of the time doing something you didn’t get to do often on flights - watch something Pedro was in. Majority of the time, if you were on a long haul, Pedro was right beside you and in his true almost 50 year old fashion, he’d break out his headphone splitter and want to watch something with you. You’d only recently got him to agree to airpods. Obviously, that meant anything he had been in was off limits, so you took the rare chance to go back and watch Narcos - you were only in season two, and you were loving how much screen time Pena was getting. 
It made you smile hearing Pedro getting to show off in both Spanish and English - he’d taught you quite a bit in your relationship, and you caught quite a few words throughout the episodes that you recognized, though most of the time you were too busy watching him to pay much attention to anything else. God, you would never understand how you’d gotten so lucky. 
Halfway through an episode, a text popped up on your phone.
This is gonna be so good dude, he is proper clueless. 
You laughed as you read it in Bella’s voice. A picture came through next of them holding a small cookie and running away, with a blur that you assumed was Pedro in the back.
Also, pls send more alfajores before he kills me
By the looks of the photo, they were shooting outside of the city still, which was what you had planned for. Pedro had begun a habit of sending you a picture each morning of the set for the day, a way of keeping you involved from afar. It seemed to be the same beautiful landscape as earlier - you hoped he had been having a good day so far.
The rest of the flight went off without a hitch. You texted Pedro once, feigning that you were on break at work, unsurprised that he wasn’t able to answer right away, as you knew he was busy. 
The excitement really started to set in when you touched down in Vancouver. You shot a text to Craig once you landed - it was 7pm local time, and you had about an hour and a half drive to get to set. To your surprise, the crew had insisted that you got the celebrity treatment by association, and had sent you a driver who met you outside of the airport and immediately got you on your way. 
You made small talk with her until the first and only hiccup of the plan appeared - Pedro’s face popped up on your phone, an adorable picture of him from last summer on your vacation to Hawaii - an incoming facetime call. Of course. He usually called you in the evenings, but it wasn’t always a facetime. As much as it killed you, you let it ring through, waiting about five minutes until you returned it with a regular call.
“Hi mi amor , everything okay? You off work?” He picked up on the first ring.
“Yeah yeah, I’m good! I’ve got a headache so I took a shower and got straight in bed, sorry I didn’t pick up.” It felt so wrong to lie, but you knew it would pay off. 
“Oh no cariño, did you take some medicine? Did the shower help? There’s some of that tea I made you last time in the cabinet still, in the purple box.”
“I’m fine love, just need some sleep is all. Guess it’s a good thing I’m not there to put a damper on your birthday fun,” you teased, grinning to yourself. Your driver let out a tiny chuckle that you caught in the rearview mirror. 
“Wish you were here, headache or no headache,” he sighed. “I miss you.”
“Miss you more.”
“ Mentiras. ” He said. “Lies,” he translated when you didn’t contradict him. “I won’t keep you, just wanted to see your pretty face. We can talk in the morning when you feel better, okay? Call me if you need me. I love you.”
“I love you too. Happy birthday Pedro, I’ll call you in the morning.”
“Bye amor.”
You hung up, letting your head rest back and your heart flutter as the city began to fade away behind you. 
One hour later, and you were frantically texting with Bella, attempting to find the best way to surprise Pedro as you arrived on set.
Have your driver drop you off by my trailer, and I’ll sneak you into production stage. Meet you there in five.
You relayed the message and sure enough, Bella came scurrying around the corner, practically tackling you in a hug once they found you. You’d met them the first time you came to set with Pedro, back in the beginning stages of production during some team bonding time, and you knew how important their relationship was to the both of them.
“Do you think he has any idea that I’m here?” You asked, following Bella as they led you around the back of a large temporary structure that you assumed was production stage. 
“Not a single fucking clue. Craig and I have been playing it off all day long, talking about how fun it would be if you were here,” Bella grinned. “I think Neil is bringing out a cake, c’mon, we gotta hurry. He’s probably in his chair, just hang back and sneak up behind him.”
As you rounded the corner, you heard the hum of voices inside and noticed the chairs. Bella gave you a quick thumbs up and hurried around so they didn’t draw any attention to you, coming in from a different angle and taking their chair next to Pedro. You spotted Neil first, walking very carefully with a large chocolate cake alit with candles in the general direction of the chairs. 
Crew began to gather around and you swung to the right so you could blend in but still see Pedro’s face as he realized what was happening. They all began to sing and you watched the adorable blush spread across his cheeks. Bella was filming beside him as he smiled and blew out his candles to the applause of all of the cast and crew - it warmed your heart to see so many people celebrating the man you loved.
They took the cake to a nearby table and began to cut it, passing Pedro his piece first. In all the noise, you seized your opportunity to sneak up behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and squeezing gently. 
“Can I have a bite?” 
His eyes blew wide as he craned his neck to try and see who was behind him. You leaned back to help him out, laughing at the pure shock on his face.
“What!? What the fuck are you doing here!? You’re in New York!” He discarded his cake to the side, roughly pushing his chair out of the way to get to you as he stood up all in one move, wrapping you up in his arms. You could vaguely hear applause somewhere behind you but you didn’t care. It felt too good to be in his arms after so many weeks, your brain didn’t have much space to process anything else. 
When he finally loosened up it was only to kiss you softly twice on the lips, then once on the forehead before he leaned back and grinned at you.
“You sneaky little thing.”
“Guess I’m not in New York,” you teased, popping up on your tiptoes to kiss him one more time before you disentangled from him, leaning over to give Bella a fist bump. 
“Oh you knew about this? Huh?” Pedro asked.
“Of course I knew about it, I’ve known for a month man!” Bella grinned. 
“Oh you see if you make it through a single take tomorrow kid,” he threatened, but they were both laughing. 
“Actually, as a birthday gift, tomorrow is a rest day. Everybody can thank Y/N for that one!” Craig announced, which was met with whooping and cheers from everyone, with a few yells of your name. Pedro pulled you up against his side. 
“I assume that means you’re spending the night then, eh?”
“Nah, figured I’d just pop in for five minutes and then catch the next flight out,” you grinned, rolling your eyes at him. “I’m here for three days, two nights.”
“Not long enough. Never long enough, but I’ll take what I can get,” Pedro sighed, kissing your hair. “Now get some cake so we can go home.”
Home in Vancouver was a nice apartment that Pedro was renting downtown. After cake was had, final birthday wishes were given and hugs were distributed, Pedro changed back into his own clothes and led you to his rental - an Audi, of course. He opened the passenger door for you and climbed into the driver’s seat, holding your hand as he sped off of set and back towards the city.
It didn’t matter that you had just done this drive - he held the back of your hand up to his lips, pressing soft kisses there as he drove down the highway and you couldn’t have been more content.
“I cannot believe you’re here right now. I thought I wasn’t going to see you for weeks,” he said, shaking his head. He hadn’t stopped smiling since you had appeared behind him. 
“I couldn’t leave you alone on your birthday,” you sighed, leaning over and resting your head on his shoulder. It was late New York time, and the adrenaline of the day was beginning to wear off now that you were with your man. 
“You can sleep cariño, I’ll wake you up when we get there,” he murmured to you.
“No, no I'm okay,” you reassured him, but it was already garbled. 
The next thing you felt were soft lips on your forehead. 
“We’re here mi amor. C’mon, let's get you upstairs.”
He helped you out of the car, the lobby lights of the building helping to wake you up a bit as you made it to the elevator. The driver from earlier had put your suitcase in Pedro’s car, and he managed it with ease as well. You stayed tucked up to his side as you headed up to the top floor. He unlocked the door easily, keeping one arm wrapped around you even as you walked through the door, rolling your suitcase into the corner. He kicked off his boots and tossed his keys somewhere, and then he was scooping you up, making you squeal a bit when your feet left the floor. 
“God you don’t know how many times I’ve thought about you being here lately. I’ve missed you like crazy baby.” He carried you down the hallway and into the kitchen, sitting you down onto the counter. Without asking, he turned and made you a glass of ice water. “Drink. You’ve been on a plane all day.”
You listened to him, grateful for the cool liquid on your dry throat. 
“I need to go get all this makeup off, but I’ll be ready for bed in five minutes. Meet you there?” 
“I could go with you,” you offered, but your words were garbled by the long yawn that immediately followed. Pedro chuckled, kissing your nose. 
“I don’t think I can hold you upright and wash all this grime off at the same time love. Go climb in bed. Stay awake for me, I’ll be there in just a minute,” he instructed, taking you by the hips and placing you on your feet. He didn’t let go until he was sure you were steady, and then he disappeared to the bathroom. 
You didn’t even bother going for your suitcase. Instead, you moved to your boyfriend’s drawers, finding his old Lakers shirt. It smelled so much like him that it made you smile as you stripped out of everything but your underwear and pulled it on. 
You climbed into bed, making yourself sit up so you wouldn’t fall back asleep as you listened to the water run in the bathroom, then turn off. Pedro was humming a song as he got ready, and you couldn’t help but grin when he emerged only a few minutes later in just his boxers, hair damp and a matching smile on his face. 
He wasted no time in climbing into bed next to you, immediately reaching over and pulling you right up against him. His hands splayed out underneath your shirt, finding skin as he sighed, pressing his nose up to your neck and breathing you in.
“Ahh, mi deseo,” he breathed.
“Translate,” you whispered, eyes closed as you melted into him, trying to get your skin onto his everywhere that you could. It lit a familiar fire in you that began to burn deep.
“My wish,” he said. “I wished for you. Today, but also for so long.”
“I’m here. Right here,” you breathed, hands slotting into his hair. His fingers found purchase against your hips, pulling you over and on top of him. 
“Happy birthday Pedrito.”
“Happy birthday to me,” he grinned, and got to work.
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