#javi mason
graphicpolicy · 1 year
Marvel's undead rise again in Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood
Marvel's undead rise again in Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood #comics #comicbooks
Marvel’s hit Black, White & Blood series delivers the most violent and savage adventures of pop culture’s deadliest icons including Wolverine, Carnage, Moon Knight, and even the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader! The best-selling line continues this October with the installment fans have demanded. Prepare yourself for unimaginable horror as Marvel Zombies gets the Black, White & Blood treatment…
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comicbookclub · 11 months
Marvel Zombies: Black, White, And Blood #1  Review: Across The Zombieverse
The brain-eating superheroes are back in Marvel Zombies: Black, White And Blood #1, which features three tales of terror.
The brain-eating superheroes are back in Marvel Zombies: Black, White And Blood #1, which features three tales of terror. We reviewed the book on the Stack podcast. But in the interest of highlighting more about the title, here’s a summary of the conversation with our thoughts. And if you prefer the longer audio version, that’s below as well! Powered by RedCircle Marvel Zombies: Black, White,…
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comicbookclublive · 11 months
Marvel Zombies: Black, White, And Blood #1  Review: Across The Zombieverse
The brain-eating superheroes are back in Marvel Zombies: Black, White And Blood #1, which features three tales of terror.
The brain-eating superheroes are back in Marvel Zombies: Black, White And Blood #1, which features three tales of terror. We reviewed the book on the Stack podcast. But in the interest of highlighting more about the title, here’s a summary of the conversation with our thoughts. And if you prefer the longer audio version, that’s below as well! Powered by RedCircle Marvel Zombies: Black, White,…
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Marvel Zombies Rise Again in New “Black, White & Blood” Comic
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Marvel Comics’ “Black, White & Blood” series is about to welcome some zombies. 
Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood is a four-issue anthology series. In the first issue:
Writer Garth Ennis and artist Rachael Stott explore the fate of Matt Murdock. An old accomplice will have to finally put the Daredevil zombie out of his misery.
Writer Alex Segura and artist Javi Fernández’ follow Peter Parker’s trials. Forced to fight his zombified loved ones, will Spider-Man give up?
Writer Ashley Allen and artist Justin Mason’s Moon Knight story will see how Khonshu, god of the moon and vengeance, intervenes to protect Marc Spector.
Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood #1 (of 4), featuring a cover by Gabriele Dell’Otto, goes on sale on October 25, 2023.
(Image via Marvel Comics - Gabriele Dell’Otto’s Cover of Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood #1)
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nexkoyotl · 11 months
Can we please talk about how Natalie is maternal?, like I know Shauna is the one who is the most in the whole group, but literally nobody talks about Natalie.
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At first we don't see her interact with Javi too much but that makes sense, she is hooking up with his brother wich makes it weird specially because Travis "acts" as if Javi was just annoying him. But then as things with Travis get more serious and Nat realizes how much Javi means to Travis, she at first thought he was dead and was unhealthy for Travis to just keep holding to "fake hope" but when Javi is back she tries to redeem herself but not for Travis anymore but because she actually wants to do something for Javi, maybe as an apology?.
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Now, we didn't see as many interactions of Javi with Nat as we did with Shauna but she still impacted him in some way because he knew how important Nat was for his brother and impacted enough for him to wanted to save her.
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And of course, Natalie as many of the other suffers Javi's dead because they were part of it, Nat literally tries to justify herself with Travis, but let's put that aside, everyone that eat from him is "guilty". But Nat tried to save him, she literally was about to do it if it wasn't because of Misty, but Natalie could easily push her and get him but then she would have die, she chose herself instead of him and I don't blame her due to their situation, they were hungry and scared. But again, this doesn't mean she doesn't blame herself after since she CHOSE not to save him.
Now I don't see Natalie as the one of "I want to have kids" type, specially after how her parents were and I don't mean she is like "families are the worst is just the same" no, I mean as "I'll become one of my parents" situation, specially after Javi, chosen herself instead of the kid is something a father like hers would have done, she believes she is such a pretty shitty person that she would be a shitty mother as well. So In short I just mean that for her is more of "I don't want to hurt a kid" than "I don't want that life again".
But now we go to the "present"
Natalie has been in and out of rehab for 5 times now, of course If she consider herself a shitty person before the crash then just imagine now? So she continues this toxic path of drugs and alcohol, probably same as Travis, now idk if they ever were a couple after they were back but I'm pretty sure "settle down" wasn't really an option they consider or at least not her for what we have seen so far.
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Then we get Kevyn, he was her best friend back then and I guess they like each other at some point and now he is an attractive divorced man that still likes her but he has 2 children, and when she tell this to Shauna and Tai they both are like "that sound complicated" but Natalie affirms that she doesn't care. Now, I don't think she was talking about Kevyn's ex since she has never cared about that as we see with Travis and Jackie, so I guess she talks about how she doesn't care about Kevyn having kids.
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And in this scene of Mason's game she actually was enjoying before the Ptsd kicks in.
Now, where am I going with all this? Motherhood and maternity are a whole spectrum in the life of a girl, not matter how you view it, as positive or negative, it still forms a part of girlhood, and I think for Nat is more than we realize, she claims she is poison, she is selfish and that everything she touches dies but she was also the hunter, the provider, care for the younger, gived advices, protector, etc.
But what do you guys think? As I say this is a topic that has an impact in every girl's life no matter what, for me I see Natalie like this, maybe in another life, she would've had kids or just like the idea of it. (Specially since I've known a lot of people that you wouldn't think of them on wanting a family or settle down but then they have kids and are like the best kind of parents) is so sad we never got to see Nat thinking about it, she probably didn't even had the opportunity to do it, specially since she died when she was just healing.
So again, what do you guys think? Can you see what I'm trying to say or am I just crazy?
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Love's Unexpected Gift
Summary/Request: Hi love 💕
I absolutely adore the hangster X daughter serie!
If you would like, no problem if you don't like this idea but how would they react after finding a positive pregnancy test in their teen daughters bathroom on the day the daggers are over helping them clean.
Pairings: Bradshaw-Seresin!Reader x OC Mason Floyd, Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw
Warnings: implied smut, angst, fluff, talk about abortion, pregnancy
Our Little Girl
Prequel: Love's Unexpected Gift
Sequel: The Gift of Love’s Arrival
A/N: after going back and forth with @multifandomlover4life, @justabigassnerd, and @maverick-wingman about how to do write this, this is what my mind came up with at 12 AM. I hope you enjoy!
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Every spring Jake, Bradley, and Y/N do a little bit of summer cleaning and changing winter clothes out for summer clothes and it never fails. They would have all of The Daggers over and they would help out claiming they have nothing better to do but in reality, they don’t want to do it at their houses. Nothing exciting ever was found expect on this one fateful spring afternoon. Everyone’s lives changed especially Jake’s, Bradley’s, and Bob’s. Nobody knew how to react especially not the fathers of the two 18-year-olds that had just finished their senior year of high school.
It was a Friday night when The Daggers were at The Hard Deck having a couple of drinks after having ended a pretty successful work day. It wasn’t that terribly crowded in the bar that had become a regular part of their lives. Everyone was feeling pretty good about how the day of teaching the new Top Gun cadets. The subject of cleaning came up and how everyone needed to do it.
“Since everyone doesn’t want to clean their own houses. Why don’t you come and help us with ours? Ever since we moved to the bigger place, we have found it harder for us three to clean it.” Bradley said and everyone thought about it.
“I’ll be there.” Bob said. Ever since Bob’s son and Y/N started dating Jake, Bradley, and Bob had started to hang out a lot more. They had already hung out while at work and were already close but this just made them closer.
“I would love to.” Nat said and then everyone else agreed. Goose, Carole, Maverick, and Ice would have agreed to help but they had already had plans that they absolutely needed to get done.
“How is Y/N and Mason doing?” Javy asked the parents of the two kids.
“They’re doing good. They’re together pretty much every day.” Jake said
“They’re a perfect couple.” Mickey said and everyone smiled and agreed with him. They loved the kids and they all had a part of raising the two kids and they loved them dearly. They had no idea what they were dealing with at home right now however.
Mason was holding a crying Y/N on the bathroom floor against the tub. The tears were one of shock and being scared. She loved the thought of having kids with Mason someday and maybe now was too early but they loved each other and Mason was not going anywhere anytime soon. She wouldn’t be giving this kid up or aborting it she wouldn’t have the heart to do it. Mason was scared as well but he too wanted kids with her.
Y/N had been feeling sick the past few mornings and she didn’t know why and it was concerning her. She brought this up to Mason and he was concerned for his girlfriend so he had suggested to get a pregnancy test and she agreed. When he was coming over, he stopped at the drug store and bought a couple of tests and headed over to her house. They were going to be alone due to The Daggers having their night out after work.
When Mason got there, they immediately went to her room and into her connected bathroom. Jake, Bradley, and Bob were ok with leaving them alone because they trusted their kids. They raised them to be good kids. When the topic of sex came up, they sat them down and gave them the talk and told them to be safe. Y/N took the tests and waited the required time for them to be done they began to talk, once she allowed him into the bathroom.
“What if I am pregnant?” She asked her boyfriend of 3 years going on 4.
“Then we’ll get through it. You’re going to be a great mom.” He said and smiled and she smiled back. He always knew the right things to say, he must get that from Bob.
“You’re going to be a great dad.” She said to him and he smiled and kissed her. When they broke apart the timer had gone off and she took a breath and walked over to them and looked at them and began to cry. She would’ve collapsed on the ground it if weren’t for Mason catching her and bringing her down to the floor. She crawled over to the tub and leaned against it clutching the tests.
“What is it baby?” Mason asked her and she showed him the tests and he looked at them as she began to speak.
“I’m pregnant.” She said
“That’s great Baby. Unexpected yes but its great.” He said trying to cheer her up.
“I’m scared Mason.” She told and he nodded and held her tighter.
“I’m scared to but we’ll get through this.” He said to her and kissed the top of her head and then rested his chin on top of it.
“How did this happen? We were safe.” Y/N said and he nodded.
“I know Baby.” He said as she sniffled and he hugged her tighter. “Wait, the condom broke. Remember? We talked about it.” He said realization coming to his face and then her’s. The condom had broken after having slow passionate sex after graduation. After he had taken it off, he saw the tear and alerted his girlfriend. They both said that they would wait a few days and then see if something happened. That was a week ago.
“What are we going to tell our parents? I don’t want to abort it or give it up” She asked him.
“We’ll find a way and the right time. I’m with you every step of the way. I want this baby too but will support whatever decision you make. It’s late. Let’s go to bed yea?” Mason asked and she nodded and cried harder. She buried the tests deep into the trash and they got ready for bed in silence. Mason held her while she cried herself to sleep and once he knew that she was asleep he went to sleep.
When Jake and Bradley got home, they weren’t surprised to Mason’s truck there. He was either over at their house or Y/N was over at Mason’s house. It was a normal now. Jake and Bradley quietly walked into the house to find it silent but then again it was late at night. They walked upstairs and checked in on them and smiled to find them curled up with each other sound asleep. They left them alone and then got ready themselves for bed and were mentally preparing for the day ahead of them.
The next morning Bradley and Jake were up before the Y/N and Mason getting breakfast ready and some of The Daggers were coming over for breakfast as well. The smell of bacon and pancakes woke Mason and Y/N up and they groggily headed downstairs to be greeted by the earliest risers that they had seen.
“Morning Pops and Dad.” Y/N said and walked over and greeted them with a kiss on their cheeks.
“Good morning, Bradley and Jake.” Mason said now on a first name basis with them after they repeatedly told him to call them by their first names.
“Good morning, Sweets and Mason.” Jake said
“Good morning, guys. How did you sleep?” Bradley asked handing them both a plate of food.
“We slept good.” Y/N said and Mason nodded in agreement.
“That’s great. Hey, we have The Daggers coming over to help with some summer cleaning. You’re welcome to help.” Bradley said
“We actually planned on going to see a moive this morning but we can bring lunch back and help afterwards.” Y/N said and they nodded.
“That’s perfectly fine. Let us know when you’re coming back and we’ll tell you what we decide on.” Jake said and smiled at them as the doorbell rang and Bradley went to open it. The first one to arrive was Bob, he walked in and greeted Bradley and then went into the kitchen and saw his son, Y/N, and Jake. Jake turned around when he heard footsteps.
“Hey, Bob!” Jake exclaimed and then went back to cooking breakfast.
“Hey, Jake.” Bob said taking the plate of food that Bradley gave to him. Then he went and sat down next to his son and his girlfriend. “Good morning, Y/N and Mason.” He said turning his attention to the couple.
“Good morning, Bob.” Y/N said taking a bite of her breakfast.
“Good morning, Dad.” Mason said to his father at the same time as Y/N said her good morning.
“Are you two going to be helping out today?” Bob asked as he took a bite of his food and Y/N shook her head.
“No, we had already planned on doing something this morning but I told Pops and Dad that we could pick up lunch and help out with the rest of the day.” Y/N said and he nodded.
“What do you have planned?” He asked
“There is a movie that we both wanted to see and we had already bought tickets. I didn’t think Dad and Pops would be cleaning today.” Y/N said feeling a little guilty.
“Honey, it’s ok. Go to the movie and plan out what we talked about.” Bradley said walking over with his plate and sitting down and the doorbell rang and Jake went to open it. Greetings were heard and then The Daggers walked in. Everyone greeted each other and Mason and Y/N were off to their movie.
The Daggers got to work after cleaning the table but not before they decided on what they wanted to eat for lunch and then Bradley texted Y/N. When something that looked important came up, they would go to Bradley or Jake to ask them if it was important. They cleaned all the rooms and did the showers, sinks, and toilets. Nothing too interesting was found throughout the house that is until Natasha got to Y/N’s bathroom she had volunteered to clean her room and her bathroom since she was female and Y/N trusted her, yes, she trusted her fathers but when it comes to female things, she trusted Nat.
Natasha had just gotten to the bathroom Javy had joined her. As she was going to get the trash the garbage can hit the corner of the counter and the contents spilled. Nothing that would scar Javy was in there but something caught her eye. Two positive pregnancy tests. She cleaned up the trash and then set the garbage can down. She slowly picked the tests up and was glad they were capped and looked at them. She and Javy had been talking and when she stopped talking, he turned and looked at her.
“Is that what I think it is?” Javy asked coming over to inspect the tests and Nat nodded her head.
“Yup, Bob, Jake, and Bradley are going to become grandparents.” Natasha said
“Should we go and tell the future grandparents?” Javy asked
“It’s not our place to tell but they need to know what we found.” Natasha said and he nodded. Before they could leave the bathroom, Jake had come in.
“Hey Nat- “He began but stopped when he saw what she was holding. Jake’s face went through so many emotions that Javy and Nat didn’t know if it was possible to do so. “Is that what I think it is?” He asked hoping it was a joke.
“Jake- “Javy said and Jake laughed.
“Good joke guys. Really good a positive pregnancy test. You had me there for a moment.” He said but when they didn’t laugh, he stopped laughing and turned serious to raging father in just a few seconds that it actually scared Javy and Nat. “Bradley! Get your ass in here!” Jake yelled out and, in a few seconds, he was in his daughter’s bedroom where he saw a furious Jake, and an unreadable emotion of Javy and Natasha. Then he saw the pregnancy tests.
“Jake.” Bradley said slowly. Jake turned towards his husband.
“Our little girl is pregnant.” Jake said furiously.
“We don’t know that.” Bradley said “It could be someone else. Maybe a friend.” Bradley said trying to reason with his outraged husband.
“She would’ve told us if it was one of her friends. She also would’ve told us if it was hers.” Jake said practically seething. “We’ve told her she could come to us if something was up. We raised her that way.” He said and Bradley nodded.
When they heard Mason’s truck pull into the driveway Jake was already rushing downstairs to meet the 18-year-old couple. They had just walked into the house with food and she smiled when she saw her Pops, followed by Nat, Javy, and her Dad. But when she saw his face and he wasn’t smiling her face fell. Mason looked at saw the look and grabbed her and pulled her into his side protecting her and their unborn child. Y/N was scared and confused until she saw the pregnancy tests and her face paled and she shrunk into Mason.
“Tell me this is not yours.” Jake said and waved the tests around and she didn’t speak and neither did Mason his face turned beet read. “Robert Floyd!” He yelled and went to where he was and stormed up to him.
“Yes- “He started but didn’t get a chance to say anything because he was thrown into the nearby wall.
“I’m gonna kill you. You know why?” He asked and Bob shook his head too scared to speak. “Because I can’t kill your son because he’s the father of my daughter’s unborn child.” Jake said just as everyone rushed into the guest room.
“Jake, let him go.” Bradley said and was grabbing onto his shoulders
“Pops let him go.” Y/N said and then after a few seconds Bradley pulled him off of Bob but that is only after Y/N said something.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bob said finally finding the strength to talk. Jake then showed him the two positive pregnancy tests and his face fell and he looked over at his son.
“Is this true?” Bob asked Mason and Y/N and they both nodded.
“Yes. We just found out.” Y/N said
“Let’s go in the living room to talk.” Bradley said everyone nodded.
“Javy, Nat, and Ruben let’s stay here and let the parents and kids talk” Mickey said and the rest agreed.
When the 5 of them reached the living room the kids sat on the couch and the parents stood in front of them. “Tell us what happened.” Jake asked and they looked at him and he rolled his eyes. “I know how it happened. I want to know how and why it happened.” He explained.
“It was after graduation. We used a condom. We did. But afterwards we found out it broke. That was a week ago. We just thought that we would see what would happen but when I started to get sick and smells bothered me, I had Mason get pregnancy tests before he came over last night. We officially found out last night.” Y/N explained and she looked down and tears began to fall. “I’m sorry Pops, Dad, and Bob. We didn’t mean for this to happen.” She spoke.
“We really didn’t but we talked and we both want to keep this baby.” Mason added and everyone was silent.
“Are you absolutely sure with this decision?” Bob asked the both of them and they nodded.
“Dad, I love her and want to marry her. I want to have kids with her.” Mason said whole heartedly. Y/N looked at him with tears in her eyes, they talked about kids but not marriage and she felt the exact same way. Bardley, Jake, and Bob looked at him and they could tell he was serious.
“You really mean that?” Y/N asked him and he turned to look at her and nodded.
“Every word of it.” He said and Y/N crashed her lips onto his and they only broke apart when Jake cleared his throat and they turned to look at their parents.
“Even though we’re not thrilled about the situation of how it happened or the timing. We are happy for both of you and will support you both all the way. All three of us love you. You both can come to us at any time. Now come here and give us a hug.” Bradley said and Mason and Y/N did just that.
“We love you three so much.” Y/N said and then The Daggers came out of the room having heard the conversation end. They broke apart and looked at them.
“I take it you heard?” Y/N asked and everyone nodded and said their congratulations to both the couple and the parents and hugs went around. “I’m hungry. Let’s eat.” She said and they laughed she was like that to begin with, she got that from both Jake and Bradley.
“Wait until your grandparents find out that they're going to be great-grandparents.” Jake said as they began to eat and everyone chuckled. Everyone but Mason and Y/N that is instead they looked at each other they hadn't thought of telling them. It was definitely going to be interesting, that’s for sure.
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soleilnewspaper · 4 months
Who will I write for?
A list of what fandoms/characters I will write for
Divider creators: @saradika-graphics, @strangergraphics, @bwbatta, @firefly-graphics
Request: OPEN!!
Request rules here
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King George Duke Simon Basset Anthony Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Francesca Bridgerton Eloise Bridgerton
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Any characters from the Netflix series
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Dr. Spencer Reid Special Agent Emily Prentiss Special Agent Aaron Hotchner
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All BAU members
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Nightwing - Richard “Dick” Grayson
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Finnick Odair Peeta Mallark Johanna Mason Katniss Evergreen Young Coryo Lucy Grey Baird
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Any characters mentioned in the series
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Remus Lupin Sirius Black James Potter Lily Evans
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Poly wolfstar Poly moonwater Poly jilly Poly marauders
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Pandora Evan Rosier Barty Crouch Jr Marlene McKinnon Mary McDonald Dorcas Meadows
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Spiderman - Peter Parker The winter soldier - James “Bucky” Barnes Scarlet Witch – Wanda Maximoff Quicksliver – Pietro Maximoff Hawkeye – Katherine “Kate” Bishop
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Black Widow – Natasha Romanoff Iron Man – Anthony “Tony” Stark Hawkeye – Clint Barton Thor Odionson Doctor Strange – Dr Stephan Strange
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Lt Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw Lt Jake “Hangman” Seresin Lt Robert “Bob” Floyd Lt Natasha “Phoenix” Trace Lt Javy “Coyote” Machado Lt/Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell Admiral/Lt Tom “Iceman” Kazansky Lt Nick “Goose” Bradshaw
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Lt Reuben “Payback” Fitch Lt Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia Carole Bradshaw
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scienceninjaturtle · 7 months
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Variant Cover by RYAN STEGMAN • Variant Cover by Jonas Scharf
Saturday Morning Variant cover by TBA
Variant Cover by FRANK MILLER • Virgin Variant Cover by FRANK MILLER
It’s all come down to this: the final battle between WOLVERINE and SABRETOOTH. The Sabretooth War concludes in the way it began – a violent, bloody battle – but WHO will be left standing?
Plus: Special short stories celebrating fifty issues of this run and 50 YEARS OF WOLVERINE, from legendary Logan scribes including Larry Hama, as well as a final send-off from Benjamin Percy and Javi Fernández, and some special SURPRISES!
64 PGS./Parental Advisory …$7.99
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taiturner · 9 months
CREATIONS FROM EVERY MONTH OF 2023 tagged by @girlbutcherwife (thank you so much!💖)
Post your favorite and most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months). / no pressure tags (so sorry if you've already done this!): @wyllhalsin, @cardvngreenbriar, @seance, @natscatorrcio, @ughmerlin, @lottiemilfews, @capinejghafa, @laylakeating
MOST POPULAR: Bill & Frank (3.6k) FAVORITE: Tracy Stewart (Make Me Choose) / Luther (ft. Gerard Way quote) / Yumiko Okumura (Blorbos of 2022)
MOST POPULAR: Joel, Ellie, & ravioli (19.5k) FAVORITE: Viktor & Sissy / Klaus & Dave
MOST POPULAR: Ellie + "broke your fucking finger" (24.3k) FAVORITE: Viktor (who I've always been) / TLOU S1 / Mason Hewitt + dynamics
MOST POPULAR: Taissa "I'm losing my fucking mind" scene of all time (1.6k) FAVORITE: Michael Coghlan / TLOU 1x05 / Jackie & Shauna
MOST POPULAR: Shauna & Taissa abortion/birth parallel (3.7k) FAVORITE: Five Hargreeves (make me choose) / Yellowjackets season 2 VHS tapes
MOST POPULAR: Yellowjackets + Fantasticland (1k) FAVORITE: Other Tai / Taissa Turner + pride / KJ Brandman + pride / Trini Power Rangers + pride / Viktor Hargreeves + pride / Simone Hicks & Thea Mays
MOST POPULAR: Mabel Mora + trust (1k) FAVORITE: Mari & Akilah non-canon ship / Henry & Sam Burrell / Akilah + "I am a fraid" / Mari "Who I am" / Nat Scatorccio + hunger /
MOST POPULAR: OMITB PTSD Check (2.3k) FAVORITE: Travis & Javi Martinez / Luther Hargreeves "for the bad nights" / Viktor Hargreeves + catastrophe / Allison Hargreees spotify wrapped /
MOST POPULAR: Hazel Callahan (4.7k) FAVORITE: Taissa (favorite YJ character) / Akilah (favorite YJ character) / Taissa + symbolism / Favorite YJ quote / YJ + music / Favorite YJ episode / Luther Hargreeves + the Lumineers / Five Hargreeves + spotify wrapped / Sasha Williams (make me choose) / Tracy in 5x07
MOST POPULAR: Madeline Usher (4.2k) FAVORITE: Yellowjackets Horror Element ("It") / Scream 6 / Other Tai + Tawny Cypress quotes / Escape Room / TUA Birthdays / Yellowjackets + Fantasticland / Nat & Javi ft "Hide" / Van + "Hide" / Zoey Davis / Sam Carpenter
MOST POPULAR: Sydney Adamu (844) FAVORITE: Tracy in 5x10 / Trimberly Power Rangers / Luther Hargreeves + spotify wrapped / Yellowjackets + Fantasticland / Sam Carpenter + "Hide"
MOST POPULAR: Taissa Turner + "Elm" (393) FAVORITE: Yellowjackets + "Still Alive" / Travis Martinez + spotify wrapped
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graphicpolicy · 11 months
Exclusive Preview: Marvel Zombies: Black, White, and Blood #1
Marvel Zombies: Black, White, and Blood #1 exclusive preview. The undead plague starts here…and you know it won't stop until everyone's in its clutches! #comics #comicbooks
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javycray · 1 year
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Excerpt from Javy Cray's story
On his days off, after working hard at Disneyland, Javy Cray spends them among other people, other streets. Cray often transforms into a snow-white lady, but she does not know that violence should not be shown to other people.
You can remember the moment with the ax that Cray found. Hmm... that evening she could not control her anger and killed a simple ball attendee.
The most unpleasant thing was what was found after this “bloody murderer”. After all, she has a habit of killing those who consider her weak or those who run into her further actions. After the murder, Cray can hang a person's body from the ceiling on a chain, and also rip open the flesh, starting from the mouth to the stomach.
But despite all this horror, Cray also has positive qualities. She can be nobler than anyone if you did something good for her or for Disneyland itself, or she simply saw a good person in you, as she saw it in Mason¹
1. Mason is a Mickey Mouse clone.
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comicwaren · 11 months
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From Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood #001
“Undefeated”, by Garth Ennis (W) and Rachael Stott (A)
“Hope”, by Alex Segura (W) and Javi Fernández (A)
“Deliverance”, by Ashley Allen (W) and Justin Mason (A)
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badgersighted · 7 months
Finished ANF part of the replay
not much to say other than I'm still mad about Mariana, and the rest of the season was just a bit boring/I wasn't invested. If they'd kept the original stuff with the "Mason"/slavers villain and killed Kate instead of Mari we would've been looking at at least a C tier run of episodes because Javi would be looking after two kids rather than desperately trying to stave off Kate's advances and an unnecessary love triangle.
Finally escaped the darkness, though. Onto the Good Seasons again lol
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I now write for the following along with the rest of my fandoms!
Gears of war
Anya Stroud
Marcus Fenix
Samantha Byrne
Augustus Cole
Elizabeth Carmine
Dom Santiago
Alexandra Brand
JD Fenix
Sofia Hendrik
Anthony Carmine
Alicia Valera
New/Current Oscar Isaac charaters
Abel Morales
Jonathan Levy
Jose Ramos Horta
Peter Malkin
Nick Wasicsko
Michael Perry
Nathan Bateman
Santiago "Pope" Garcia
Poe Dameron
Steven Grant
William Tell
Llewyn Davis
Mikael Boghosian
Duke Leto Atreides
Marc Specter
Kane Double
New/Current Pedro Pascal Characters
Joel Miller
Pero Tovar
Dave York
Marcus Pike
Pietro Alvarez
Nathan Landry
Mandalorian/Din Djarin
Javi Gutierrez
Frankie Morales
Marcus Moreno
Jack "Whiskey" Daniels
Dieter Bravo
Zach Wellington
New/Current Garrett Hedlund Characters
Luther Fox
Don Billingsley
Murtagh Morzansson
Beau Hutton
Mike Burden
Johnny Five
Perry Montroy
Dean Moriarty
Jack Mercer
Mitch Keller
Benny Miller
Rami Malek Characters
Elliot Alderson
Jim Baxter
Louis Dega
Merriell "Snafu" Shelton
New/Current Yellowstone characters
Kacey Dutton
John Dutton
Jamie Dutton
Jimmy Hurdstram
Colby Mayfield
Teonna Rainwater
Monica Long Dutton
Rip Wheeler
Beth Dutton
Neil Tenet
Mia Toretto
Joey Coalter
Pierre Dulaine
Bobby Hicks
Kimberly Hart
Lorenzo Do Lamberti
Trini Kwan
David Abbott
Tory Nichols
Luigi Mario
Anna Morales
Miguel Diaz
Princess daisy
Peter Joshua
Lin Mi Sheng
Dash McMahon
Evelyn O'connell
Leonhard Seppala
Polly Shelby
Hector Villanueva
Tris Prior
John Kelly
Laurel Pride
Scott Barringer
Elsa Dutton
Matt Flamhaff
Jessie Eden
Baker Dill
Julianne Potter
Perry MacKendrick
Celine Naville
Eli Moskowitz
Laura Burney/Sara Waters
Rick O'connell
Gail Perkins
Sean Anderson
Ares (John Wick)
Tobias "Four" Eaton
Robert Lewis
Mason "Mace" Brown
Sam Munroe
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
My Daughter, My Heart Prolog
Summary: Jake had it good, he had the girl of his dreams, a good job, and a great friend circle until he got called up on a dangerous mission that would be a year-long deployment. He thought to himself that he couldn't break the heart of his love if he didn't return. So, he decided to go ahead and break her heart by moving out. Only he didn't know was that a special little girl would come into his life and make him whole again.
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Ex-Girlfriend (OC: Elizabeth Taylor), Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: Angst
My Daughter, My Heart
A/N: sorry for the shortness! It is just a background of Jake having it good until he decided to mess it up.
Prolog Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Jake Seresin and Elizabeth Nicole Taylor were both madly in love with each other. They fell in love their senior year of high school and stayed together throughout Jake's time at the Naval Academy, where he met his only friend Javy Machado aka Coyote, flight school, and her time at college. Javy became quick friends with Elizabeth and to this day keeps in touch with her.
Everything was going well, the relationship was going great until Jake got his deployment papers. He kept them a secret from her and decided to break her heart instead of crushing it if he didn't make it back home. Jake had secretly bought another house and while Elizabeth was at work Jake moved everything he had into the new house. She came home to an empty house, her stuff, the couch, the TV, and all of the bedroom items were still there, but his stuff was gone. She tried to reach out to him but he had already left on his deployment and the only way she found was through Javy. She was devastated, it made her sick and she kept getting sick, especially in the mornings or certain smells. She decided to take a pregnancy test and waited the required time for it to be done and it was positive, she immediately called Javy and explained everything and he was over there in an instant.
She couldn't stay in there any more so she moved to sunny San Diego when she was 2 months along where she met Grant Mason Braxton. They dated 7 months until they decided to get engaged on December 29th. 2 days after they got engaged is when Y/N Y/M/N Seresin was born December 31, 2017. When Y/N was 3 months is when Jake came back from his deployment. He decided to man up and go see her and meet his daughter. He wants to be in her life.
October 2019 Jake 'Hangman' Seresin gets called back to Top Gun with his best friend Javy 'Coyote' Machado. Jake has been in his daughter life for 2 years and it was wonderful. He was the best dad to her and would drop everything for her if she needed him. After finding out that The Daggers are a permanent squad does he actually let them meet his daughter. They were surprised but decided that they liked this Jake.
Elizabeth agreed for Jake to be part of his little girl's life. It's rocky at first but it turns out they co-parent very well. She becomes everyone's favorite and they're all glad that Jake is a little bit nicer because his little girl brings out his soft side.
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deanstead · 2 years
I am here for Week 2!
Under the cut, because it got long
Will with a kid!!!!
I do get why Will's so frustrated that everyone keeps telling him to just give up on his building though? Like all the money he invested? (is resa going into protect will halstead mode again? shhhhh) But the ending makes me just think they're finally writing Will properly lol
Always liked seeing Ethan with the juniors (interns/residents). Reinforced only by him seeing the problems the new resident had and giving him boot camp, that was nice to see!
Not sure what I feel about the Maggie drama though. I like that Vanessa finally saw how uncomfortable Maggie was. But I actually expected Ben to be more reassuring to Maggie so that part where he walked away was a little meh for me though maybe he just needs some time to wrap his head around it.
Also Kai makes me want to punch him everytime he appeared on screen. YES BUT I LOVE SAM. And the "It's Dr Marcel"??? Crockett handled the whole thing really well, though. Kai deserves a punch honestly, why do we have to put up with a character like this.
once again, fk Archer, everytime i think he's stabilizing, he opens his mouth and i want to punch him.
Also, just want to once again say idk why we had to lose Dylan. I miss him already :(
Javi being at the firehouse is !! And I liked that Kelly picked up on Cruz's feelings and told Javi the story about Cruz. And Herrmann's "Nobody can" when talking about competing with Severide HAHA.
I like that they finally remembered paramedicine LOL. They neglected this storyline for too long. And honorary mention to PLOUCH yaaas. The Brettsey thing still hurts, but I hope they let Sylvie shine in her own right as Sylvie without a love interest for now!
Hawkwami is adorable, i love them
And in the scene in Molly's? RITTER'S FACE HAHA. He picked up on it like immediately i love it!!! I hope there's more scenes for Ritter this season because seriously there's so much more they can give Ritter!
idk still meh about Carver, not super invested in this storyline, but maybe I just miss Mason.
"like you're late to work but you're building a birdhouse" CAN YOU TELL IM ALREADY SPIRALING
The way Adam jumps at the word 'if' because it isn't the first time feeling like Kim was questioning him
Just making me want Sarge Halstead more when they hit the motal rooms and I hate it here
Sorry but Will calling Hailey and having Jay glance at his wife while his brother calls her? Is this another level of weird ass crack
Half expected Adam to charge his way in but when he backs up and Kim goes ????
Adam putting Kim behind him cos he's wearing a vest !!!!
Kim acknowledging Adam's feelings about how Kim doesn't trust him? And apologizing for it? YES
The whole Jay thing is sad, and kind of sus, because idk Jay is suddenly doing everything different. I mean I can get on board if it means something, but with like what, one episode left for Jay (?) I'm not sure why we're on this trajectory since it's like there's not much time to build up such a storyline idk?
Ask box is open for thoughts, comments, etc!
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