#jasper liu
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bemybaebaebae · 5 months ago
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Jasper Liu
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thebadscarecrow · 8 months ago
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Jasper Liu (actor) ;; gallery.
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balticprincess · 1 year ago
I can‘t be the only person here who loved the Taiwanese drama Before we get married? It was fantastic in all its mess and I thought it was so well acted and seriously hot. The main couple had an amazing chemistry. And don’t tell me you didn’t think about what they would do after meeting again? I had to write a short fanfic about it. Read it if you like…
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seunggibroughtmehere · 1 year ago
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animatedshortoftheday · 2 years ago
Baozha! (2016) [6 min] by Jasper Liu | Singapour
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daisyjoners · 1 year ago
“ if somebody i was still in love with was getting serious with somebody else i’d be pretty upset too. ” // addison & aspen
caso o seu eu de um ano atrás descobrisse tudo o que havia mudado nos últimos meses, provavelmente entraria em síncope. entre o momento de seu noivado, e o reencontro com o ex-namorado pouquíssimo tempo antes, tanto se desenrolar em sua vida que acreditava que mal conseguiria se reconhecer; aspen, em muitos momentos, sentira vergonha de suas ações, da mesma maneira que uma parte enorme sua a insistia que não teria como ter agido de outra forma, dadas às circunstâncias. não havia discutido uma boa parte de suas ações com ninguém além de jasper, porque era ele com quem a maior parte de seus problemas estava associado, e, por mais que quisesse, não conseguiria evitar conversar sobre a falta de moralidade na relação que acontecia entre eles, e todo o conflito interno no qual se encontrava desde o retorno de sentimentos que, talvez, nunca houvessem realmente desaparecido. era como se estivessem, na verdade, apenas adormecidos durante todos aqueles anos em que não se viram, desde o término em sua adolescência.
entretanto, não importava mais pensar naquilo. quebrar a sua cabeça tentando entender o que sentia era somente arrumar motivos para se magoar e aumentar o nível de estresse em que entrava sempre que os dilemas começavam a cercar aspen quanto a como deveria agir, agora que tudo havia acabado. quando afirmou a ele que não queria que tivessem mais nada, que deveria deixá-la em paz e continuar com sua própria vida… bom, agora lhe era óbvio que uma parte sua estava esperando o contrário, mesmo que a liu insistisse a si mesma que estava muito melhor sem continuar a relação que tinham. e ter de ver o ex com outra mulher doía muito mais que anteriormente acreditava ser uma possibilidade. para tornar sua situação ainda pior, acreditava não ter ninguém com quem conversar sobre; por mais que sarah e finn a escutassem, e vice-versa, quanto aos problemas de seu cotidiano, não queria ter de admitir o que fez, e tentar explicar toda a sua proximidade com o ex-namorado enquanto usava o anel de noivado de mark. e, por mais que addison fosse sua melhor amiga desde a sua mudança para são francisco, era a irmã de jasper. não queria colocá-la em uma posição ruim, muito menos confidenciar algo que talvez ele não a quisesse sabendo. 
talvez, estando tão descrente que a melhor amiga se daria conta em algum momento, por nunca ter dito a ela nada sobre o que realmente acontecia entre ela e o benowitz mais velho, a surpresa com o que era dito pela outra naquela noite só se tornasse ainda maior que o esperado. desde que escutou tal sentença saindo da mulher, sentada ao seu lado, estava completamente sem reação; tudo bem, deveria esperar de addison que acabasse tendo algumas suspeitas quanto a ambos, mas aquilo… por deus, acreditava que estavam escondendo muito melhor tudo aquilo. tudo o que aspen poderia fazer naquele instante era dar graças a deus que não estavam na casa da amiga, ou ter de encarar o ex-namorado - provavelmente em companhia de sua nova namorada - algum tempo após escutar aquilo dela a faria ficar potencialmente louca. “eu não…” não levou a sentença adiante, ao se dar conta de que estaria apenas soando mais na defensiva diante de quem a conhecia como ninguém. resolveu respirar fundo e ir direto ao ponto, pois duvidava muito que addison fosse deixá-la livre daquela conversa. “desde quando você sabe?” aspen acabou perguntando, um pouco mais direta. 
“não me odeia por não ter falado nada com você?” encarou a melhor amiga, as palavras carregadas de constrangimento. estava travada, sem saber para que lado realmente ir, e nem a possibilidade de simplesmente tentar cortar o assunto de uma vez, muito menos a de se abrir e deixar o que ocorria em seu coração ser verbalizado para a amiga, pareciam ser genuinamente boas. “não sei se ele… se ele te falou alguma coisa. ou se você só acabou percebendo,” o que, na verdade, era o que a liu acreditava ser a opção mais provável, considerando alguns comentários que addison tinha feito nas últimas semanas. “mas não é bem assim. quer dizer, eu acho que não é.” engoliu em seco, sabendo que, na verdade, estava contando uma mentira mais para si mesma que para addie. era complicado por incontáveis razões conversar sobre a temática do ex-namorado, mas, especialmente, porque odiava ter de admitir em alto e bom som o que tinha feito enquanto ainda estava com outro. o máximo que fizera fora conversar com jasper em relação a isso e, ainda assim, era complicado, porque nunca queria ter de tratar sobre a seriedade que existiria ou não entre ambos. como se apenas negar tudo tornasse as coisas menos sólidas. “amor não é…” se interrompeu, não conseguindo encontrar as palavras com facilidade naquele instante. 
abraçou os joelhos sobre o sofá, ponderando sobre como prosseguir. “eu ainda tenho sentimentos por ele, mas daria pra considerar algo tão forte assim? olha, não sei, porque… é confuso. me perguntei muito o que aconteceria se a gente ficasse juntos outra vez, de verdade, ter um relacionamento de novo, mas não parece certo. amor deveria ser uma coisa tranquila, não é? te deixar com estabilidade. não é o tipo de coisa que acontece com ele.” era como acreditava que se sentia, ou deveria sentir, por mark. porque o que mais gostava em seu noivo, naqueles anos de relacionamento, era justamente o quanto se conseguia permitir sentir segurança de que não haveria nenhuma movimentação grande na relação; ela sempre teria a presença de mark quando precisasse, por mais que não existissem faíscas entre eles. “eu sei que ele é o seu irmão, mas… eu não sei o que tinha na cabeça. não sei o que acontece comigo por causa dele, porque eu disse várias vezes pra ele desistir, que não iria dar em nada, que… não sei, que a gente não iria realmente estar junto porque não fazia mais sentido, e que ele tinha que seguir em frente. e agora, que ele fez tudo isso, eu sinto vontade de gritar.” doía ver jasper com a nova namorada, sabendo que não era somente uma tentativa boba de fazê-la sentir ciúmes; poderia não saber muito sobre a relação deles, justamente por seu afastamento quando jasper apareceu com olivia, mas era claro que aquilo era sério. vê-lo com outra doía muito mais que imaginava, todas as vezes em que o mandou fazer isso. “não deveria ser assim, que inferno, eu não tenho mais dezessete anos. e não deveria mais ficar mexida com essas coisas, com ele, a última coisa que eu preciso é largar a vida que eu construí por algo que eu nem sei se é de verdade. não sei nem se ele levava a sério o que falava.” murmurou as últimas palavras, passando uma das mãos pelo cabelo. “mas, não vale a pena falarmos disso, porque… não muda nada, né? que diferença faz agora? ele tá feliz com ela. o que eu sinto ou não, não vai mudar nada pra nenhum de nós.”
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rhaenyrz · 2 years ago
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ jasper ace benowitz and aspen elizabeth liu (future’s version) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀    ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀featuring chewie, anakin and luke everrett liu benowitz. 
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kennycatchabreak · 10 days ago
the pregnancy story line has been useless in my opinion and just a reason to make a woman suffer
fatima thought she couldn’t have kids, so you give her a fake pregnancy?
like even if fromville as an entity is doing this for shits and giggles, it’s lazy writing…
if you wanted to get into body horror, the pregnancy wasn’t needed cuz you can lose teeth and eat rotten shit from high levels of stress
or since this is a supernatural place, she could have contracted the worms, entering a parasitic relationship where they’re eating her from the inside, controlling her to feed on rotting flesh/food simultaneously
is this all we have to offer women in horror/sci-fi? the fear of unhealthy pregnancy and not being believed? like what makes this more innovative than what already happens irl?
like atp have fatima turn into one of those mole faced bitches and have her and ellis navigate their love story. ellis has to keep his wedding vows to fatima despite her transformation and she’s slowly slipping away —no longer craving to eat but craving to kill for satisfaction, devoid of humanity. now ellis is tasked with reminding her why she loves him and the townspeople
hell this could set up a theory that the moles become evil cuz they no longer have loved ones fighting for them so they literally become hollow, bile filled creatures that used to be HUMAN
cuz there’s those scenes of smiley touching things and turning the steering wheel, then jasmine looking in the mirror almost somber to the fact that she kills for pleasure. like they were once people, what the fuck happened?
with creature fatima, she could go in the underground tunnels and we spend time learning about this mole community and who they serve (the entity on the colony house radio/liu house phone)
also the whole “why doesn’t anyone believe me?” thing is tired now. we already did that with boyd but a writer obviously is tired of it too cuz marielle comments on that
we are in a supernatural town. anything coming out of someone’s mouth is finna be believe to me atp ( i swear to god by the time we get to randall’s cicadas, victor’s jasper and elgin’s ghost, i better not see another person question them)
the first time with sara was like “okay, strange. i can see why ppl don’t believe her really cuz so far this hasn’t happened.”
then boyd’s worm arm is like “leering on medical racism. the man needs help.”
now tabby and fatima is “no one believes women, especially woc”
let’s move away from this if you’re not going really tackle it. lets get to actually solving what’s going on with this freak ass town
what does jasper know?
who is kimono lady?
what’s up with bottle tree?
what’s up with the cellars?
what’s up with effigy cabin and the three red rocks?
where the fuck is the motel?
who is communicating to jim from the radio and phones?
who’s dead body is in elgin’s cellar?
who are the ankoohey kids?
what did julie, randall, and mari see?
why randall got cicadas?
like lets wrap fatima up by next episode, deadass
she’s not pregnant so what is she? answer it now, so we can move tf on
or atp put her ass in the box for killing tillie along with acosta and let’s see if they take fatima cuz she’s special? or maybe fatima rips out the box herself?
also crazy how tabby is the only women moving the story forward meaningfully and not just having stuff happen to her and she react to it. she actively making decisions
i honestly advocate that fatima run and go find out what tf is wrong with her by herself. give her the reigns
if i’m being honest this feels like a boyd redemption arc. fatima is going to go crazy and he’s going to have to save her because he couldn’t save abby for ellis
or ellis is either going to take boyd’s place in this situation and get a chance to save fatima, resulting in ellis feeling like he can’t put his full faith in his father to save everyone. so, he basically begins undermining boyd cuz if he can save fatima how come boyd couldn’t save abby?
or ellis is going to have to kill fatima, re-traumatizing both boyd and ellis, but especially boyd because he has to watch his son make the same decision he did
but essentially fatima becomes a pawn to teach men a lesson while she suffers for no reason
tian chen’s murder already fulfilled that arc of “i can’t save anyone” because fromville via the creatures committing torture in front of him
and i’m not saying boyd should not have any lingering feelings about how he failed tian chen, but he shouldn’t be re-learning this lesson because kenny already gave him that reassurance of “there was nothing you could do cuz you’re human”
i hope this show doesn’t become boyd goes on the same journey to come to the same conclusion each time
and i hope they don’t keep using women to fulfill that
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lgcmanager · 3 months ago
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last week, we've posted an announcement and, at the end of it, asked for a like to confirm that it has been read. for all the muns who liked the post, here's a surprise reward of +5 NOTORIETY for all your muses.
for reference, here’s a list of the muses rewarded ( and if we forgot about you or one of your muses, let us know! ) you may use this post as proof of your points sheet.
ahn yein
bae heejin
bae nathan
bae sojin
baek byeongkwan
carter jaejin
cha hyoseop
cha sori
chae rua
chen maylin
cho iseul
cho minkyu
choi junkyu
choi kai
gong hyejoo
han jisoo
han noeul
han rowon
han seunghyun
hirawa emi
ito mio
jeon haru
jo eunwoo
kang maximilian
kang minjun
kang yoojoon
kim cherry
kim jinhyuk
kim jinseo
kim jinyoung
kim nayoung
kim sehun
kim seyoon
kim yujin
kuramoto misaki
kurosawa akio
kwon baekhyun
kwon hyuntae
kwon sena
lee hyunsoo
lee jiho
lee minji
lee yushin
lim sanghyun
liu yuxi
mae jasper
min hanbin
min soyoun
moon hayoung
moon jiah
moon jino
moon somin
nam gyuri
noh areum
oh eunhye
okamoto kentaro
park hyukjae
park seojin
park sujin
park taeha
park zoe
seo minseo
seo nina
seo yura
shin jieun
son nabi
su parker
sung haneul
takanashi asami
won yeonwoo
xu lili
yamashita ichika
yang aeri
yoo haemin
yoon bitna
yu milan
zheng leo
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heartfullofleeches · 7 months ago
I’m sure you’ve been asked about your ideal blunt rotation, but what’s is your NIGHTMARE blunt rotation
I haven't actually-
There's two types of dream blunt rotation for me- Those where the vibe will be relatively chill - and those where I'll be lucky to remember the next twenty-four hours after smoking with them. Group A is Liu, Miller, and The Janitor. Type B is C.C, Bathroom Succubus, Peach Milk, Demon Weed Dealer, and Dylan.
Nightmare Blunt rotation would be V, Jasper, and Maddox. This is absolutely no shade to my sweet angel Mad, but if they are smoking it has to be in a circle of people they trust 100%
But like I said Maddox is chill otherwise and is great to smoke with. C.C and Mad have a somewhat friendship that stems from this hobby, and Mad's art skills.
V and Jasper are just terrible people to smoke with unless you want horny losers all over you cause both of these dorks are the type where weed goes start to their dick
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gizkasparadise · 10 months ago
What is the worst, most technically inept drama that you secretly love? Tell us of the best badgood drama, the clunkiest dialogue, the most inexplicable casting, the hideously costumed yet most fun dramas, please.
🫥Anonymously yours🫥,
dear complete stranger (<3),
man i love badgood dramas so much!!! i chose ones that are flatout objectively not good, but i was glued for them all. here's a few that are jumping out
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triad princess (taiwan). it ends on a cliffhanger that will never be continued, the relationship building is non-existent, jasper liu basically plays himself yet still acts like he's doing a community service project, but omg it's cute and hit all the right notes for me. fave bonus is that one of the gangster henchmen falls in love with the FL's best friend, a shy boy who works at a mart and makes youtube covers
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hold on, my lady (chinese). a bandit is offered a choice when she's caught during a heist: be executed or marry this aloof but beautiful but delicate son of the general. she chooses the latter, and hijinks ensue. made on a budget of pocket lint and just wacky, im going to rewatch this today, actually. fave bonus moment: the FL falls dramatically down and the ML breaks both his arms instantly when he tries to catch her
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thumping spike & thumping spike 2 (korean). the two are barely related, but both deal with a competitive men's volleyball team! thumping spike 1 is about a washed up competitive female player going to coach a high school team to glory (just dont...think too critically about the age difference, there) and the second is COLLEGE EDITION with a love quadrangle between two identical twins, one of whom is a cheerleader for the team, the ace volleyball player who's too cool for school, and the WILDCARD volleyball player who gets mad when people call him gorilla. the second one is definitely worse than the first one, but neither are bringing home awards. i still watched them both in one sitting.
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my heart twinkle twinkle (korean). this show is actually insane and a parade of toxic that i can never, in good conscience, ever rec to anyone. but gd did i watch the whole fucking thing. look at this fucking poster. this fucking poster looks like it was doused by a fake snow machine.
premise: Noble But Poor family has 3 daughters: the eldest, who is the caretaker; the middle who is Aloof and Ambitious; and the youngest who is A Fucking Menace. they are lead by their single father, who owns a fried chicken store
Rich but Dysfunctional family also has 3 children: the eldest, who is the only son and a fucking piece of work, the middle who is school colleagues with the other family's middle daughter and a hot mess who loves Da Club, and the youngest, who is clingy and gets into a ton of fights with the other family's youngest but is otherwise ok. they run AN EVIL FRIED CHICKEN FRANCHISE that is poisoning people through subpar ingredients!!
there's so much that's so wrong with this, im going to bullet point it from another post i made:
the entire premise is that there’s a fried chicken restaurant rivalry between two families but somehow there’s murder and slush funds and this guy who owns a string of fried chicken franchises named after himself (yeah) has direct access to seoul’s police commissioner at any given moment
one of the main actresses was involved in a scandal a little over halfway through production so they just….vanish her character/entire plotline like it never happened
the main male lead is toxic personified. him and li chengyin from goodbye my princess could co-author a dating strategy/forced-marriage-after-you-kill-your-girlfriend’s-head-of-household book because jesus christ. he literally screams that he hates women and he ends the drama (rightfully!!) in fucking prison
the second female lead disappears/creates a new identity and becomes a chicken chef student of the world. shes later in a love triangle between a single dad chicken shop interior designer and another vanilla guy
that's right, one guy’s job is he’s an architect for chicken restaurant interiors i cant
the main male lead leaves the main female lead’s father to die in a chicken-coop-themed arsony and then cha-cha slides into the son-in-law’s role during the father’s funeral and later MARRIES the female lead
the main male lead tells the female lead’s father’s grave that HE WON AND DAD LOST because the male lead is standing and the father’s in the dirt?!
a friend/almost!love interest of the second female lead dies tragically in a chicken delivery motorcycle chase????
it's the worst drama i've ever seen. i watched all of it.
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kakafukaka (japanese)
this one is so gd weird and unappealing it somehow circled back around and became off-puttingly charming to me? so the premise is that there's a 20something year old woman whose life has gone to shit and she ends up in a sharehome with the most sexually dysfunctional bunch of people in the world. one of these is her ex, who tells her that she's the only one he can get a boner with (yeah) and asks her to help him get over his impotence in order to write his novel (yeah). if you read the whole show as kind of an exploration into sex without romance/love, it's as not bad, and there's something weirdly endearing about everyone--i really love the second female lead akari in particular. but it's not a good show, not by a long shot (MDL rating? 6.6), and the ship is dysfunctional at the very best. the ost somehow is great though?
speaking of trash dramas with great OSTs, love in sadness has some of my favorite songs:
okay that's enough for now!!!!
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bemybaebaebae · 5 months ago
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Jasper Liu
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thebadscarecrow · 8 months ago
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Jasper Liu (actor) ;; gallery.
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jaspermorgan · 3 months ago
Jasper William Morgan (born 12 June 1970) is a British-American hotelier, businessman, and former actor. He is best known for his portrayals of Liam in the 1997 film Dark Skies, of Sebastian Harewood in the 1995 television miniseries The Outcast, and of Daniel Austin in the critically acclaimed 2009 detective noir film A Conflict of Shadows, for which he earned an Academy Award. He also received a Tony for his role in The Lights of Love (2003).
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▲ Early Life and Family
Morgan was born in Mayfair, London to parents Alexander Morgan, the UK's financial secretary to the treasury, and Jillian Morgan (née Spencer), who was the Dean of the University of Central London. He is an only child.
Morgan's paternal grandfather, Sir Ambrose Collins Morgan, was a decorated Royal Navy Admiral, and his great-grandfather, Professor Nathaniel Morgan, was an acclaimed neurosurgeon and neurosurgery researcher who taught at Oxford University. His maternal grandfather, Phillip Spencer, was an investment banker and his wife, Augusta Spencer (née Clairmont), was an oil painter and sculptor.
He spent the majority of his childhood in the care of his maternal grandparents and it was his grandfather, who Morgan cites as being a major influence in pursuing acting as a career as they often watched classics together. His favourite films growing up were The General (1926), Casablanca (1942), and One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961), and To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). His parents wanted him to follow their footsteps into government or education or even to become a doctor, but Morgan was always adamant about wanting to be an actor. Eventually he was allowed to enrol in a local drama club where he built up his confidence and started to gain some experience in amateur dramatics.
His education was spent in private London schools, which Morgan doesn't credit as having any significant impact on him at all. He has said that there was always more of a focus on mathematics, science, and competitive sports rather than any of the arts and often felt very much an outsider from the rest of his classmates. However, he managed to encourage his secondary school headmaster to put on a rendition of Macbeth for pupils and parents, which was met with praise.
At the age of 18, Morgan attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. His parents helped to pay for the majority of his tuition, but only agreed to do so if Morgan got himself a part-time job to pay for the rest. He ended up at the at the Mornington Hotel near Regent's Park where he first worked the reception nightshift before transferring to waiting tables and later becoming the restaurant manager. He gave up the job once he signed on to The Outcast.
▲ Career
After appearing as an extra in several British television shows throughout 1993, Morgan portrayed Sam Woodbury in the short-lived London West End play One More Night, and then as the younger version of Eric Radcliffe Reid’s character Wilson in the short film Whirlwind, Morgan landed his breakthrough role in the 1995 miniseries The Outcast, playing the lead character Sebastian Harewood: a young upper class gentleman who is disowned by his wealthy father and is forced to make his own way in the world. The show’s director Kathryn Liu states that she ‘took a risk when casting Morgan, not knowing if an inexperienced actor would be able to handle a complicated filming schedule’, but later admitted that "he was perfect for the role and absolutely smashed it’ and ‘his inexperience as an actor even benefited him greatly in that his naivety transferred well into Sebastian’s own". Morgan and Liu later went on to work together on the 2013 action film Highwire.
Morgan was then quickly cast in the 1997 psychological thriller Dark Skies, which was filmed in his hometown of London. His role as the protagonist Liam, a recluse with a vendetta against the world who is also trying to maintain an equilibrium within the relationship he has with his overbearing girlfriend, gained him international recognition. Variety praised Morgan’s performance, writing: “it’s hard to tell that he has very little professional acting experience when watching him portray Liam. Morgan perfectly encapsulates his character’s life of hatred and from his very first moment on screen you’re simultaneously sympathetic and agitated, wanting him to improve his situation and yet also completely understanding why he is the way he is”. He was nominated for a BAFTA for this role and was the catalyst to his career.
When the filming of Dark Skies concluded, Morgan went to work in New York City after landing an off-Broadway role in Impolite Society (1998), which ran between 15 January and 12 March. Whilst his role was small, he was popular with audiences and it gave him the confidence to continue pursuing his career on the stage. Morgan told the American Theatre Magazine: "Theatre was always the most formidable area of acting for me. Doing a play at school was immensely different to doing one on a stage in front of almost 500 people in New York City. Whilst my first show in London played to more people than Impolite Society did, it felt far more daunting this time, strangely enough, and to be performing in front of an American audience was certainly surreal and incredibly special. I'd dreamed of that as a young boy and to have that dream come true is a huge ego boost". It was following this success that Morgan permanently moved to Manhattan.
Between 1999 and 2004, Morgan played Dr Reginald 'Reggie' Keller, a paediatrician and the younger brother of Dr Carolyn Keller (Erin Hardy) in the long-running medical drama series Heartlines, filming the majority of his later episodes in blocks so he could star in other projects (namely the 2002 film Unity and the 2003 theatre production The Lights of Love). During an interview for The Hollywood Reporter in 2012, Morgan said: "this period of my career was easily the most challenging I had done up to that point. Simultaneously acting in 27 episodes of a TV show and a film whilst also preparing to take on a Broadway role wasn't the smartest decision I had ever made, but it was one that allowed me to push myself to my limits and see what I could do under such immense pressure. My hard work certainly paid off; the honour of receiving a Tony award at the end of it all came as a wonderful surprise. However, I wouldn't recommend that kind of schedule for any actor, no matter their age or prowess."
In 2006, Morgan took on his only voice role in animated adventure Nightwalker, alongside Ricky Santos and Florence Martin-May, in which he played a crow named Merrick. He stated that he “wished to have taken on more voice acting in [his] career, but it was, unfortunately, never meant to be”. Directors Julia McGregor and Imaan Bashar had bronze statues made of the animal characters to give to their respective voice actors once filming commenced and Morgan is known to keep his in the office of his hotel.
Morgan spent most of 2007 on hiatus. He spent time out from acting in London as well as in Scotland, Tuscany, Munich, and Hawaii. During his time in London, he returned to his alma mater to give talks and acting classes to drama students; he was almost persuaded into becoming an acting coach, but turned it down to the fact he didn't believe he "had enough viable experience" at the time. It was in August 2007 that Morgan began to partake in philanthropic work, which he said he wished he could have began sooner, and was introduced to the Brave Youth Theatre Charity by friend and fellow actor Cecilia Crane, of which he is still a patron.
In 2008, he took a small role in the miniseries Small Mercies, appearing in three of the five episodes, in which he played Louis Graves, the father of the main character Serena Graves (Lily Richardson-Gill). Filming took place in Seattle, Washington, between April and September, with the show airing on New Years Day 2009. A second series had been proposed, but was ultimately scrapped.
His next appearance was in A Conflict of Shadows (2009), noted internationally for being his greatest performance. Morgan portrayed Daniel Austin- a corrupt police detective working for the NYPD in 1917- who slowly loses his sanity over the course of the film. On his role, Morgan commented: "Playing Daniel was like playing several different people. Each scene he was in was slightly different in terms of his speech and body language and to maintain those distinctions consistently was tough, but he was an incredibly entertaining character to play. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to play him again if a sequel ever came into fruition." Audiences and critics raved about the film as a whole and of Morgan's performance, Edward Quartermain wrote: "he can express so much by one simple glance and it can be such a powerful gesture, especially to reflect the torment and gradual change in Daniel's internal world as he actively shuts out reality. The range that Morgan presents, from subtle finger switches to full-blown fiery rage, proves he is a formidable actor and one that will continue to both impress and surprise audiences around the world". The film eventually earned more than $1 billion worldwide and went on to win five Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Costume Design) as well as numerous other awards (see here) and several other nominations (see here).
Morgan appeared in his fourth and final stage production, Heart of Steel, in 2011, in which he played Charlie Steel: a down-on-his-luck English man in New York City whose cold heart slowly starts to melt when he inadvertently befriends a lost, yet perpetually optimistic 12 year old boy named Ben (Samuel DeWitt). He was highly praised, with critic Laura Pryce saying: “his performance is captivating and deeply moving, a real intriguing insight into how a troubled man's life is a constant battle and can be suddenly transformed into a different kind of battle with something now worth fighting for. His chemistry with DeWitt is also exceptionally joyful to watch- a real bond was formed between both characters and actors”.
In 2012, Morgan starred as the lead in the critically acclaimed miniseries Snowfall. He played Archer Ellison- the mayor of a small Alaskan town that, blanketed by the perpetual darkness of winter, is being haunted by a supernatural force that brought despair and destruction to the residents. Talking to Variety, he said: "Snowfall was one of my more interesting and fun projects, even with the harsh filming conditions when on location. From the moment I read the script I knew I had to be a part of the show. The only disappointing thing for me was that it was only six episodes!" Morgan was also a producer for the show, the opportunity coming from the fact that original producers couldn't afford the full desired funding and Morgan offered to pay the remainder out of his own pocket. "They had a crystal clear vision for what they wanted out of the story," Morgan added, "and without the extra funding the show would have had to have been filmed on a soundstage in hot Los Angeles instead of in Alaska itself. The aesthetic of the setting is paramount to Snowfall; it wouldn't have had anywhere near the kind of chilling impact on audiences if they could clearly see the snow and backdrops were fake and digitally added in. Nobody can fully immerse themselves in a story when the details aren't all there. I was passionate about the story and knew that audiences would be just as enthusiastic as the creators were, so being able to help in adding to the budget was the least I could do. It was a high honour to be starring in the show, let alone being able to produce it".
In 2013, Morgan starred in Highwire, alongside Nina Fischer, who he previously worked with in Unity. The film was almost never made, however. Writers Dashiell McCormack and Kyle Draper wanted Kathryn Liu to direct after the first director, Jeri Schulz, dropped out last minute for personal reasons, but she initially turned down the opportunity. Despite the producers pushing to begin filming, McCormack and Draper refused to go ahead without Liu. It was Morgan, who was in the final stages of negotiations to star in the film and is a close friend of Liu's, that persuaded her to direct. After almost 8 months of filming, Highwire was released on became a success, both commercially and with audiences, earning more than $130 million worldwide, making it the biggest success of Liu's career. After the success of the opening weekend, Fischer claimed that Morgan had the rejection letter that Liu sent to McCormack and Draper framed and gifted it back to her. Liu herself later confirmed this and stated that along with the letter Morgan included a handwritten note that read: 'Dear Kat, I'm glad you took a chance on yourself and the film, like you did with me in 1995. Be brave and never doubt yourself. Love, J'.
Morgan’s final film role was in the 2015 fantasy epic Tyrant, in which he played the eponymous tyrannical ruler Lord Reynard. Filming began in early 2014 and was split between Scotland, Ireland, and Canada. He has cited that the film was his ‘most taxing’ and that ‘the villains are always the most entertaining to portray and wished I had the chance to take on that role more’. Tyrant's director Simon Leyland has often been cited to be difficult to work with due to his perfectionist directing style and long shooting periods and in an interview Morgan told The Hollywood Reporter that: "Even though Simon was determined to make a perfect fantasy film- and, in my opinion, he came rather close- the filming schedule and conditions were harsh and his criticisms only made things worse. I had a few squabbles with him on set, nothing more than minor creative differences that were eventually resolved, but sometimes had to play mediator between him and some of the crew members and actors. I was surprised I wasn't fired and replaced". He then went on to add: "Despite everything, the concept of the film was fun to play along with and being an unhinged ruler of a kingdom, shouting orders and laughing maniacally, was quite cathartic. It's an experience I'll never forget and I'm glad my acting career could end on a high". Morgan's performance also earned him a Critics’ Choice Award.
▲ Personal Life
Morgan is a trained pianist and has been playing for 45 years. It was his mother's idea to enlist him for lessons and did so from the age of 7. Morgan’s skills can be seen in the films Unity, A Conflict of Shadows, and Highwire. He has also played the piano at many charity galas, mainly focusing on charities that helped children and young adults with their literacy and that encouraged them to join in with the youth theatre. He was known for playing classical pieces as well as popular songs from film and television. Despite no longer attending these events, having stopped in 2016, just after he retired, Morgan still donates to the same charities.
Morgan is also talented in close-up magic, a skill that was introduced to him by RADA classmate Marcus Creaghan, and he would later perform these tricks for interviewers at award shows and at charity galas he attended. Morgan is also a self-professed impressionist, having learned by repeatedly watching specific film scenes and mimicking tone and inflections from a young age. He is known to do uncanny impressions of actors such as Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, James Stewart, Liam Neeson, and Christopher Walken, amongst many others, having shown them off on the first season of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and The Graham Norton Show.
From January to July 1997, Morgan was in a relationship with actress Natalia Sinclair. Their relationship was initially private for the first two months as they began to film Dark Skies together, but soon became public after they were seen together outside of filming in Hyde Park. Although Morgan has always refused to talk about the subject, several reports were made that their time together was ‘heated, passionate at first’ but then ‘rapidly developed into something toxic’. He has also refused to comment on Sinclair's untimely death, too, only stating in an Instagram post in April 2024: “…I still respect her greatly, as a person and as an actor, and that she deserved better, both from her short life and from myself”.
After selling his home in London, he moved to an apartment in Manhattan, New York City, which he bought from an undisclosed NBL player in 1998 and stayed there until his retirement. It is a well known fact that Morgan loves parties and over the years, his apartment has been the setting of many personal social events and charity events, even hosting an array of celebrities, including Lillian Grace Bower, David Solis, and Ethel Ajibola.
In 2004, Morgan officially became an American citizen whilst also retaining his British nationality. He has stated that ‘even though I have lived in the United States longer than I have lived in London, I will always consider myself British first and foremost’.
He has never married, but dated English actress Hattie Radford-Lowell between 2001 and 2004, American actress and singer Twyla Blake between 2006 and 2010, and briefly dated American author Summer Aston during 2013. He also dated English actress Arabella Woods whilst they were both studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. He remains friends with Blake and is also close friends with A Conflict of Shadows director Colton Hensley, whose youngest son Morgan is godfather to.
Just weeks after the release of Morgan's final film, Tyrant, he hosted the 87th Academy Awards where he announced his retirement from acting. The announcement was met with a mixture of high praise of a prosperous career and disappointment from both fans and critics, many noting that they had been looking forward to seeing more of Morgan in theatre productions and speculating that he would even progress onto directing. In July 2015, he moved to Aurora Bay, California, where Of Fire and Stars was partly filmed and where he bought the Seascape Hotel from a local resident. He spent almost 2 years renovating and restoring it, with the funds coming from his own pocket, before reopening it as a luxury hotel that draws in guests from all over the world. Morgan still performs acting and music often on the stage of the hotel’s lounge & bar and takes a very active role in the day-to-day running of the Seascape.
▲ Filmography
► Film
• Whirlwind (1994) as young Wilson (short film)
• Dark Skies (1997) as Liam
• Of Fire and Stars (1998) as Ashford Roy
• Unity (2002) as Dr Quentin Horrocks
• Nightwalker (2006) as Merrick (voice role)
• A Conflict of Shadows (2009) as Daniel Austin
• Highwire (2013) as Ethan Maythorn
• Tyrant (2015) as Lord Reynard
► Television
• The Outcast (1995) as Sebastian Harewood (8 episodes)
• Heartlines (1999-2004) as Dr Reginald 'Reggie' Keller (27 episodes)
• Small Mercies (2008) as Louis Graves (3 episodes)
• The Graham Norton Show (2009) as Himself/Guest
• 82nd Academy Awards (2010) as Himself/Host
• Snowfall (2012) as Archer Ellison (6 episodes) ; also producer
• The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon (2014) as Himself/Guest
• 87th Academy Awards (2015) as Himself/Host
► Theatre
• One More Night (1994) as Sam Woodbury (Ambassadors Theatre)
• Impolite Society (1998) as Nik (Astor Place Theatre)
• The Lights of Love (2003) as Elliott Bird (Broadway Theatre)
• Heart of Steel (2011) as Charlie Steel (Gershwin Theatre)
▲ List of Awards and Nominations received by Jasper Morgan
• British Academy Television Award for Best Actor: Sebastian Harewood in The Outcast (1995) – won
• British Academy Television Award for Best Actor: Liam in Dark Skies (1997) – nominated
• Critics’ Choice Award for Best Supporting Actor: Dr Quentin Horrocks in Unity (2002) – nominated
• Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Play: Elliott Bird in The Lights of Love (2003) – won
• Academy Award for Best Actor: Daniel Austin in A Conflict of Shadows (2009) – won
• Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role in a Motion Picture: Daniel Austin in A Conflict of Shadows (2009) – won
• Critics’ Choice Award for Best Supporting Actor: Archer Ellison in Snowfall (2012) – nominated
• Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Play: Charlie Steel in Heart of Steel (2011) – nominated
• Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role in a Motion Picture: Ethan Maythorn in Highwire (2013) – nominated
• Critics’ Choice Award for Best Actor: Lord Reynard in Tyrant (2015) – won
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seunggibroughtmehere · 1 year ago
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ghost-e1 · 3 months ago
The Dealer's Hand
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OHOHOHO Another Mass Attack!! I am going to hide this bit under the cut because its... a lot!
Castiel (AF) - Theodore Stine ViscountArt (Twitter, Insta) - Barclay @styxwings (AF) - Alis @spiralingbeetle (AF, Insta) - Erik @shattered-tea-art (AF, Insta) - Caleb Liu @approximately-74373-bees (AF) - Ace Stevenson Poppy_corn (af) Jasper Evergreen @cookies-super-secret-blog (AF, Twitter) - Tess Wells @saltyzcryptid (AF, Insta) - Andy Wright Cryptidaer (Twitter) - Pariah @noodlesewp (AF) - Carina Bellairs Cryptidaer (Twitter) - Nerissa Anasi @friccafracc (af, twitter) Strandy @blazecat86 (AF, Insta) - Eve Hallows @labyrinth-guard (AF) - Gabriel the Twisted Angel And once more the guy in the middle is my oc, Wren!!
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