volturialice · 11 months
TRICK OR TREAT!!! My costume is james twilight
OMGGGG HIM <333 happy halloween jenny!
ok obviously you get gushers and some o' these
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linuxgamenews · 13 days
Introducing Moon Watch: A Tactical Survival Game with a Twist
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Moon Watch is a new time-stop horde survival roguelike game coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to developer Jaspel's creative talents. Due to make its way onto Steam this year. After the massive success of Backpack Hero (with 500,000 units sold!), the developers at Jaspel are back with something fresh — Moon Watch. This new game mixes tactical survival gameplay with a strategic deck-building twist. But here's the kicker: it’s not your typical horde survival title for Linux. Moon Watch introduces a unique flow — move, stop, strategize, and then act. It’s a clever system that makes you stop and think, unlike the usual chaos you’d find in traditional horde or bullet-hell games. This is a time-stop horde survival roguelike. For Jasper Cole, the lead developer at Jaspel, this idea was born out of a mix of his favorite games: Vampire Survivors and Slay the Spire. “Combining them just felt natural,” he explains. But there was one thing missing — something to really tie it all together. That’s when Superhot came to mind, with its time-stop mechanic. “When the world stops as you stop, it gave us that last puzzle piece we needed,” says Cole. Now, they’re inviting everyone to try the demo and see what works, and what can be improved.
Moon Watch Reveal Trailer
In Moon Watch, you take on the role of a hardcore vampire hunter disguised as a nun (because why not?). You’re also armed with some high-tech time-stop abilities to take on waves of vampires, ghouls, and other undead baddies. Your goal? Beat the Vampire Lord on the dark side of the moon. With each run, every decision matters, and the stakes are high.
Here’s a breakdown of what you’re getting into:
Survive the Horde – Fight through endless waves of enemies with a mix of skills, time control, and strategy. Outsmart your Moon Watch enemies with clever moves.
Sequential Flow – This isn’t button-mashing. You’ve got to move, stop, plan, and then unleash your combos at the right time.
Build Your Deck – Collect cards and relics to customize your playstyle and find the best way to crush your enemies.
Grow Stronger – Unlock new powers and items as you battle through the Vampire Lord’s stronghold, making each run a chance to level up your abilities.
Moon Watch is all about thinking ahead, planning, and then executing perfect combos to survive. It’s time to freeze time and dive into this fresh take on the horde genre. The time-stop horde survival roguelike is due to make its way onto Steam in Q4 2024. So Wishlist it. Coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
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savingcontent · 16 days
Moon Watch announced from Backpack Hero developers, is a time-stop horde survival roguelike coming to Early Access this year
Continue reading Moon Watch announced from Backpack Hero developers, is a time-stop horde survival roguelike coming to Early Access this year
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fridge-reviews · 8 months
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Backpack Hero
Developer: Jaspel Publisher: Different Tales, IndieArk Steam Deck Compatibility?: Yes Rrp: £15.68 (Itch.io), £15.99 (Epic), £16.75 (Gog.com and Steam) Released: 14th November 2023 Available on: Itch.io, Epic, Gog.com and Steam Played Using: Mouse and Keyboard / Steam Deck Approximate Game length: 12 hours +
I've been waiting for this game to finally leave Early Access ever since I saw the youtuber Manyatruenerd play it. I purchased this game fairly early in its development but held off from playing it because even though I could see its potential I wanted to see what it would blossom into.
The core mechanic of this game revolves around your inventory and what you have in it. The inventory is represented to be similar to a Resident Evil style inventory grid system, which you make use of in combat. Combat is turn based, during which most items stored within the inventory can be used. There are some examples such as armour that automatically gets used and some items have no use in combat at all. By default you start three energy points, each item you use has an energy cost (which is typically one point). Some items have adjacency bonuses or gain benefits from their position within your inventory. For example, there is a gem that adds two damage to any weapon that is two spaces away from it.
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Each time you win in combat you can take up to three items, you also gain experience based on which enemies you defeat (as some enemies will flee granting no experience). Levelling up allows you to add more spaces to your inventory, depending on which character you are playing as at the time this may work slightly differently. For example when, Purse (the default character) levels up you select three spaces that are contiguous to your existing inventory. However, when Satchel levels up he gets to choose between two shapes that can be added to the existing space or can create a separate ‘pocket’. Something to note is that all your levels are removed upon ending a delve causing you to start afresh each time you try again.
Upon completion of a delve into the dungeon you return to your home village of Haversack Hill, it’s seen better days, but through your adventuring you can improve it by constructing new buildings. The buildings you construct can roughly be split into two types, resource generation and research.  Resource generating buildings will build up resources in the Haversack Hill while you’re dungeon delving. These resources are necessary for creating more buildings as well as unlocking new items through research. Research buildings allow you to unlock new items that you can encounter in later delves.  Much like with your inventory buildings also have adjacency bonuses that increase their effectiveness.
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There are lots of things to discover while delving, sometimes it’s combat, sometimes its treasure and occasionally you have the chance to unlock other characters to explore the dungeon as. Each of these characters come with their own inventory mechanics that change the way the game is played.
Occasionally some of the items you find are cursed and if you don’t add them to your inventory they will follow you and begin to replace items you find in combat and from chests. To get rid of them you have to cleanse them through a healer or finish your delve. It should be noted that cursed items are almost always powerful but have a downside.
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The game runs great on the Steam Deck, though I did have some minor issues specifically regarding switching between using the touchscreen and then returning to the buttons. If you use the touchscreen the game has a bit of an issue switching back to the utilisation of the buttons, this thankfully is fixed by pressing the pause button and then using the buttons to exit it.
This game was wonderful to play and an amazing example of what a simple concept can do when expanded upon. This is a game I highly encourage you to try out and see what builds you can create.
If this appeals to you perhaps try;
Peglin God of Weapons
---- If you’d like to support me I have a Ko-fi, the reviews will continue to be posted donation or not.
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geekcavepodcast · 11 months
Backpack Hero Nintendo Indie World Showcase Trailer
A-HA! I know those Tetris packing skills would come in handy someday!
Jaspel's Backpack Hero is a organizational roguelite with turn-based battles. Explore the dungeon, fight enemies, pack your bag, and rebuild the town.
Backpack Hero launches for Nintendo Switch today, November 14, 2023.
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Penyaluran Jaspel Tersendat, Tenaga Kerja Kesehatan Puskesmas Datangi Inspektorat
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LAMPUNG UTARA - Tenaga kerja Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lampung Utara di Puskesmas Bumi Agung Kecamatan Abung Timur Kabupaten Lampung Utara keluhkan penyaluran jasa pelayanan (Jaspel).  Keluhan para tenaga kerja UPTD Puskesmas Bumi Agung, Kecamatan Abung Timur, Kabupaten Lampung Utara itu terdapat adanya miskomunikasi antara Plt Kepala Puskesmas dengan bendahara sehingga berdampak kepada Jaspel para tenaga kerja di puskesmas setempat.  Menurut tenaga kerja UPTD Puskesmas Bumi Agung, keluhan mereka itu terkait pembayaran jasa pelayanan kesehatan yang dianggap tidaklah sesuai dengan hasil absensi jam kerja mereka. Alhasil pada Kamis 6 April 2023 para tenaga kerja di UPTD Puskesmas Bumi Agung itu mendatangi inspektorat Kabupaten Lampung Utara dan menyampaikan keluhan mereka. Maksud kami datang ke inspektorat itu untuk meminta aparat pengawas internal Pemerintah Inspektorat Lampung Utara supaya bisa memberikan pengawasan dan pembinaan terhadap Plt Kepala UPTD dan Bendahara BOK Puskesmas Bumi Agung, ujar salah seorang tenaga kerja di UPTD Puskesmas tersebut saat dihubungi, Jum'at (7/4/2023). Diketahui jasa pelayanan itu merupakan salah satu honor yang mesti diterima oleh para tenaga kerja kesehatan non-gaji yang diterima tiap bulan oleh dokter dan perawat. Honor ini dihitung berdasarkan jumlah pasien Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) yang dilayani tiap perawat.  Disisi lain, Irbansus Inspektorat Lampung Utara, M Ridho Alrasyid menyatakan terkait laporan para tenaga kerja kesehatan dari UPTD Puskesmas Bumi Agung itu belum sampai kepadanya.  Dia menyatakan kemungkinan laporan para kenaga kerja itu masih diproses oleh irban IV Inspektorat Lampung Utara. (YN) Read the full article
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harperonni · 4 months
Veronica Valentine: 1, 2, 8, 38!
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Thanks for the asks @jaspell and @matcharabbit
Excited to share more on Veronica aayyyy
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Thoughts about this new study? Why are they always overestimating by such a high degree? https://www.tumblr.com/jaspell/755443706685947904
This is the first line in the "study" from The Lancet
By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
That's literally all you need to know to disregard the entire thing. The Gaza Ministry of Health is run by Hamas, and they've been caught lying about civilian deaths before. Any study based on numbers from them cannot be in any way accurate.
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goodeveningjasper · 3 months
notary of service | Jaspelle
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Game release: "Backpack Hero" (PC, Nintendo Switch)
Jaspel and Different Tales‘ deck-building roguelike Backpack Hero comes out of its Early Access management system. Roguelikes and deck-building games aren’t especially new these days, so in order to stick out of the crowd, a USP has to be found. In this case, one doesn’t simply carry items, but organizes them in one’s inventory, which has an immediate effect on their efficiency. Of course…
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Sudah Dianggarkan, Pencairan Jaspel RSUD Tangguwisia Tunggu Evaluasi APBD Perubahan 2023
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Dana jasa pelayanan (jaspel) untuk paramedis di RSUD Tangguwisia, Kecamatan Seririt, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali sebenarnya sudah dianggarkan pada Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) Perubahan tahun 2023. Saat ini, APBD Perubahan 2023 sedang dievaluasi di Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Bali dan selanjutnya segera dicairkan. “Ini sebenarnya sudah dianggarkan di perubahan. Tinggal menunggu evaluasi dari provinsi. Setelah itu, saya instruksikan untuk segera dicairkan,” ujar Penjabat (Pj) Bupati Buleleng, Ketut Lihadnyana saat mengunjungi RSUD Tangguwisia, Selasa (3/10/2023). Lihadnyana menjelaskan, jaspel merupakan hak dari pegawai dan dokter yang didapatkan karena pelayanan yang diberikan. Jaspel dibayar oleh pasien yang datang. Saat ini, karena belum menjadi BLUD, pola yang digunakan adalah harus menunggu aliran kas daerah maupun kondisi dari APBD. “Sekarang ini, dokumen APBD Perubahan 2023 sudah berada di Pemprov Bali. Saya juga sudah meminta di Provinsi agar dipercepat evaluasinya. Saya juga minta kepada direktur untuk segera amprah membayarnya setelah evaluasi selesai. Ini sudah ada anggarannya,” jelasnya. RSUD Tangguwisia ditargetkan menjadi BLUD pada tahun 2024. Dengan status BLUD ini, perencanaan bisa dilakukan langsung di internal dan juga aliran keuangan bisa langsung dilakukan. Termasuk pembayaran jaspel kepada tenaga medis dan pegawai seperti sekarang ini. Pembahasan implementasi BLUD harus segera dilakukan bersama dengan Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (BKPSDM) dan Inspektorat. “Sehingga bisa lebih fleksibel. Inspektorat nanti coba dicek siapa saja boleh jadi dewan pengawas (dewas) dan pengelola,” ucap Lihadnyana. Lihadnyana pun mengungkapkan alasan lain kenapa dirinya mendorong perubahan status RSUD Tangguwisia menjadi BLUD. Ini terkait dengan adanya dua jaspel yaitu dari pelayanan umum dan klaim dari BPJS Kesehatan. Untuk pelayanan umum sudah lancar dilakukan. Sedangkan, klaim BPJS Kesehatan terkadang pembayarannya rutin dan terkadang juga agak terlambat. Terlepas dari semua itu, dengan status BLUD, semua manajemen terbuka langsung. “Manajemen bisa langsung memberitahu bahwa klaim BPJS Kesehatan sudah dibayarkan ke manajemen. Kemudian, dibayarkan langsung ke pegawai dan tenaga medis. Itulah sebabnya kenapa saya mendorong agar perubahan status bisa dilakukan dengan cepat,” ungkap dia. Sementara itu, Direktur RSUD Tangguwisia, Putu Karnasih menyebutkan pada saat audiensi dengan Pj Bupati minggu lalu dan kembali ditegaskan pada pertemuan hari ini, jaspel telah dianggarkan pada tahun ini. Pengamprahan dan pembayaran akan dilakukan setelah evaluasi oleh Pemprov Bali selesai. “Kita akan segera amprah dan bayarkan jika evaluasi sudah selesai. Penegasan pada hari ini juga telah memberikan kepastian kepada kami yang sebenarnya dari minggu lalu saat audiensi sudah diakomodir dan dianggarkan,” sebutnya. Mengenai perubahan status ke BLUD, pihaknya mengatakan, bahwa jajarannya akan mempersiapkan karena peraturan mengenai BLUD sudah ada. Mengenai kelengkapan BLUD, sudah dalam proses penyusunan khususnya untuk pengelola. “Kita akan bahas lebih detail lagi nanti sesegera mungkin, setelah itu tinggal menunggu SK. Pada tahun 2024 mendatang, RSUD Tangguwisia sudah berstatus BLUD,” tutup Karnasih.(adv/bpn) Read the full article
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linuxgamenews · 10 months
Backpack Hero: Crafting Your Way Through Roguelike Dungeons 
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Backpack Hero 1.0 launches for the deck-building roguelike game on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. The imaginative and skillful efforts of developer Jaspel have brought this dynamic title to life. Available on Steam, GOG, and itch (with Steam key) plus 87% Very Positive reviews. Backpack Hero is a fresh take on the deck-building roguelike genre which now hits 1.0 on Linux and Steam Deck. Here's what makes it special, especially if you're into titles that require smart thinking and strategy. In this game, how you arrange your items in it is very important. The better you organize, the more powerful your items become. This is a unque twist since it's not just about what you carry but how you arrange it. You'll also explore various places like dungeons, caves, and swamps. Plus each area in Backpack Hero 1.0 is more unique and offers new challenges. As you journey, you'll meet interesting characters and face tough opponents. The game's world is full of surprises, so you need to be ready for anything. Don't worry if you feel lost at first; that's part of the adventure! One of the best parts of Backpack Hero 1.0 is rebuilding your hometown, Haversack Hill. You use the resources you find on your adventures to make the town better. This isn’t just about fighting and exploring; it's also about creating a nice place for people to live. You can buy and sell things, research new stuff, and unlock new heroes, challenges, and quests. By building the perfect village, you help save the world of Orderia and its animal inhabitants.
Backpack Hero 1.0 Launch Trailer
Backpack Hero 1.0 has really grown and changed. At the start, it had just Purse, but now it's got four more characters, with updates to two. There's a huge variety of over 800 items and 100+ enemies to encounter. The developers have added support for controllers, and it's compatible with Steam Deck. The best part? The community's involvement. Since their ideas and mods have been a big part of shaping it. The new Story Mode helps you progress even between play-throughs and makes it easier for new players to get the hang of things. This mode lets you explore at your own pace and discover the secrets of Haversack Hill. Designing the town layout is going to be a fun challenge! But there's more to come in Haversack Hill! After the 1.0 release, the developers will keep adding more stuff. This includes Kickstarter rewards, seasonal events, more items, NPCs, and quests in the town. They're also planning to add more music, improve mod support, and update holiday events. Plus, they're always fixing bugs and making balance tweaks. If you're just starting with Backpack Hero, welcome to 1.0! There's a lot to explore and enjoy. Check out the character guides, learn about Haversack Hill, and definitely join the Discord community to stay in the loop and also impact future developments.
Platform Support:
Play Anywhere: You can play this 1.0 launch of Backpack Hero on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. Plus it also works well with a controller. So you can enjoy it at home or on the go. Backpack Hero is a deck-building roguelike game that offers a lot of fun, strategy, and variety in the 1.0 launch. Whether you're battling through dungeons or building up your town, there's always something new and exciting to do. It's a great title for anyone who likes to think, plan, and see their clever ideas come to life in a vibrant, ever-changing world. Priced at $16.99 USD / £14.23 / 16,14€ with the 15% discount on Steam, GOG, and itch (with Steam key).
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mrol93memo · 2 years
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c-kiddo · 3 years
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ye!!!! its th scene whenn jester is kinda sad and wants to go see bees on an island and cad is like :-3 i think bees would suit you and tells her he can talk to bees. and she asks him to teach her and he just goes Hey bees :-3 
i dont remember what ep it is but thats th scene skfnksj
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nott-gay · 3 years
Number 14, 15, 16 and 20 :)
#14 - Sleepwalk by Forrest Day
This song is so good. I haven't listened to it in a couple months but it still makes sense to me how high it is on the list. Idk what else to say about this song, it's such a vibe and I love it sm.
You know actually, the "aura" thing Spotify gave me was "spooky" and I was confused why but y'know what with this song it makes sense.
Memory I have associated with this song:
- Being in the backyard. A lot of the grass dry and yellow.
#15 - Free by Mother Mother
Ughhh Mother Mother so good. I am BLASTING this song through my headphones as I type. That guitar that beat those lyrics... so good so good god damn it.
Memory I have associated with this song:
- I don't think I have a memory associated with this one; I listen to it too much in different places and contexts that I don't have one that stands out in particular.
#16 - t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l by WILLOW feat. Travis Barker
Willow never misses. I don't actively seek out her music but whenever it finds me I tend to play it constantly for weeks at a time.
Memory I have associated with this song:
- Most of Willow's songs remind me of driving late at night from my school to get some fast food, Cane's usually. My friend in the passenger seat as we sing along and alternate between her music and mine.
- I discovered the song through this edit of Brennan getting whomped btw
#20 - Dead Inside by Younger Hunger
Maybe this is another reason why "spooky" was listed as my "aura" lol. I don't know if this song is particularly "spooky" but it is rad as hell.
Memory I have associated with this song:
- Oddly enough I don't have any memory associated with this?? Which is very weird because I know it warrants the #20 spot with how much I listened to it, but can not conjure a single memory of listening to this song ever. wtf.
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084392 · 4 years
can your bug-turned-human charas communicate with insects? do they feel a kinship with other bugs or avoid them?
ayvlins the only one who still remembers any **bug language** so shes really the only one who still communicates with them. none of the others remember nearly enough to communicate properly with bugs so they dont really bother...
and as for feeling a kinship with them? ayvlin does. maunt finds it kind of hard not to...STING actually got stung by a bee once as a kid and that was the end of that for him...venns nice to bugs ig? like she just lets them do their own thing...
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