#jason todd x swiftie!reader
catinpinklace · 2 years
Jason Todd with a ‘swiftie’ s/o headcanon
Jason Todd (dc) x gender neutral swiftie! reader
warnings : english is not my first language, so there’s probably a grammar error somewhere lol, just fluff and domestic stuffs
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He would jam to Taylor Swift with you. Hype her up with you whenever she drops a new album/re-record her stolen albums.
When you are brewing your favorite drink in the morning —in his oversized shirt that smells like him— he comes to the kitchen, hugging you from behind, kissing your shoulder and hair softly. Daylight is playing softly in the background.
“I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden. Like daylight…”
“You’re my daylight,” he said, kissing your head, then swaying you both left and right gently to the romantic song.
Definitely sit next to you when you’re going through a ticket war online. Cheering with you if you got it, and comforting you if you don’t. (I honestly don’t know what concert ticket war is like lmao).
When midnight was released, he stayed up with you and listened to the album together. He’s giving you tissues when ‘You’re On Your Own, Kid’ started to play.
I don’t know why, but I feel like his favorite albums are Fearless and 1989..
I can see him jamming to Mr. Perfectly Fine, Anti-Hero, Haunted, and Wonderland.
His favorite activity is playing a vinyl record of your favorite album and dance the night away together.
A car ride is not a car ride without a karaoke session.
“Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? Didn't you calm my fears with a Cheshire cat smile?”
The car windows are open, the night wind in your hair makes you look more beautiful than ever. His eyes are twinkling with adornment everytime he takes a glance at you. Your voice singing along to the song and the sight of you in his leather jacket flutters his heart. It was a perfect night for the both of you.
Cooking and baking together in the evening. The two of you have a tradition of baking a pie together while listening to ‘Evermore’ when fall comes (an underrated album btw). The sweet smell of pie is not the only thing filling up the room, yours and Jason’s laughter are heard from your shared kitchen.
“What must it be like, to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes. My mind turns your life into folklore, I can't dare to dream about you anymore.”
The yellowing leaves are falling down outside, and the air started to become a little bit chilly. Candles are being lit as the two of you eat the pie you two just baked. You’re just rambling about how your day was, Jason is sitting next to you, with his half eaten pie on his plate, putting all of his attention on you. 
Wasn’t surprised when your spotify wrapped number 1 artist is Taylor Swift.
He secretly made a playlist full of Taylor’s songs that remind him of you. You never find out because he’s good at keeping it a secret.
Before you started dating, he knew you like Taylor Swift, cause you ramble about her to your friends almost all the time. So he listens to her songs, and the next time you two get the chance to talk, he can use her as a conversation starter. (mastermind moment).
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a/n : helloooo, this is my first time posting my writing, I hope it’s good enough <3 have a nice day/night, love u <3
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kimberly-spirits13 · 7 months
Hello loves I just wanted to pop on and give you an update
So my mom has cancer, I’ve mentioned it before but it’s genetic and inherited through the mother. I have to have genetic testing done to see about me having cancer and there’s a good/ slight chance that I have the cancer or will have it. There’s lots of other cancers and diseases that run in my family so this is also going to clear chances of me having those up a bit. Next Monday on the 26, I’m scheduled for an ultrasound because of my periods. There’s a chance I could have endometriosis or even cancer in my uterus, but they don’t think it’s cancer because I’ve dealt with this since I had my first period. My gynecologist said that it could range from just having thick uterine lining and imbalanced hormones to cancer so they have no idea. If I’m MIA for a bit, that’s why. I just have a lot of stress right now and even though I’m pretty secure in myself and all the possibilities because of my trust in God, I also am a bit nervous waiting for results and testing. I went with my mom to her doctor’s appointment yesterday for her scans and got sick thinking about having to deal with this and pay for treatment for the rest of my life but I know in my soul I will get through whatever happens. I love this little community and just wanted yall to know what was up
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spvilers · 2 years
anti-hero by taylor swift is so jason todd
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moo-moohead · 5 months
Jason Todd lovers who are Swifties (the Venn diagram is a circle) i propose we all just sit down and write a Jason Todd X Reader fic / one-shot based on But Daddy I Love Him
like now
like right now
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candid-confetti · 3 years
@littleredwing89 1 year Anniversary Challenge!
Holy shit this took me way too long to even get the courage to even write this. Honestly, I don’t write often because I like to ✨imagine✨ and obsess over other people's own work and writings but y’know, IT'S TIME FOR ME TO PUT THE WRITING CAP ON!
I promised Elle I would try, and this is me trying (any swifties see what I did there? I’m not subtle.)
But in all seriousness, A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Elle! I absolutely love your writing, and I positively adore you, you’ve worked so hard. Cheers to you!! Thank you for challenging me to get out of my comfort zone with this challenge.
Warnings: None. Just likely some grammar things. Let me perish on my mistakes 😂. I own ‘em, I cry over ‘em. English minor is I, but only because English is fun. Not because I’m particularly skilled with the quill. I also was super excited to post this because I just finished it and I’m like really happy that its done because I honestly thought I wasn’t going to get it done by the 3rd.
Word count: 1,210
A !Batsis Reader x Wally West story.
“You’re everything I could’ve wanted and more.”
If Y/n had to guess, Wally likely cut down his speed by a solid 3% to get this here. The box was in pristine condition; oddly, Wally likely transferred the box when he brought it home and slapped a label on it to be more inconspicuous of what it was. You were no detective, but you had a knack for guessing what was in your gifts. So Wally worked to surprise you each year.
“Alright you’ve saved the best for last sis, I think it's about time you opened the damned box. We all want to know what the hells in it already.”
“Well from the label on the front of the box, Todd, one would assume it's from—“
“You can shut up demon spawn, I saw the label.”
“Someone seems impatient, huh?” Y/n asked incredulously, tapping her chin, “you almost remind me of that one kid during Halloween that rang our doorbell 52 times after hearing we gave out full sized candy bars.”
Everyone groaned, “Not this story again.”
The kid in question during that Halloween night was none other than Jason of course. But Y/n didn’t know that, so when this random kid spammed the manors doorbell, Y/n considered opening the door to just slam it in the kids face.
Alfred was off that day, and Y/n had volunteered for trick-or-treat duty. Jason the brat, even dressed up in one of Dick’s old circus costumes, thinking he could deceive her and get away with snagging yet another Kitkat bar, even after stashing half the box in his room.
Y/n never forgot that night, and she loved to bring it up whenever the opportunity arose.
“Sis, everytime you tell this story I swear you add another number to how many times I rang the damned thing. We’ve been over this. I only rang the bell like 15 times! MAX.”
“Well our security camera would say otherwise.” She drummed her fingers atop the top of the box, “Need I bring up the footage?”
“As much as I would love to see you two bicker over this exact same scenario, for the umteenth time that could honestly be in its own Guiness book of world records, why don’t you see what Wally brought you?” Dick chimed in, gesturing to the box in question.
“Ah yes, sorry, right. The box.” Y/n stuck her tongue out at Jason as he rolled his eyes.
Y/n let out a breathy laugh as she read the label, “Made in Canada, of course.” It was a bit of an inside joke that when she would be given a gift it would often be Canadian themed. So the label on the box didn’t give much indication to its contents.
“I’ve noticed a theme here in your apartment Y/n, why… Canada?” Duke inquired, as Y/n began to pick at the label with her nail.
Tim piped up, “Well, Bruce had met her on the streets of Gotham as she tried to barter with him in selling a Canadian flag lawn chair.” Tim nodded in direction to the very lawn chair that sat in the corner of the room, with beaver stuffies Cass had gifted you over the years.
“Mhm, that's right. Timmy, don't forget to tell Duke about my amazing bargain.”
Tim snorted, “She even tried to throw in those beaver slippers, Bruce wears around the manor on occasion, to ‘better the bargain.’”
“It was a good deal.” Y/n muttered, as the label at last came off and she opened the box with a soft gasp, turning towards her boyfriend with glee, “Aw Walls I can’t believe you got these!”
“Um, sis? All we see is box.”
“Ah right, sorry.” You turned the box towards the rest of the table, “Look! Wally got those mochi donuts I’ve been raving to try! All the way from Toronto!” Your siblings leaning in to peer at the box of sweets, with “Oohs.”
You squeezed his hand, “He went all the way North for me, thanks baby.”
Wally smiled sheepishly, leaning in to give you a soft peck on the cheek,“‘Course I did. Happy Birthday, love.”
Your family chiming in with, “Happy Birthday Y/n!”, and “Happy Birthday Sis!”
“Alright go,” she laughed, with a shooing motion, “You can go have pizza now.”
The room erupted into whoops and cheers, as your brothers and Cass, scrambled towards the kitchen to grab plates. Dibs being called out for edge pieces, and Damian threatening them if they even opened his box of vegan pizza.
“Just saying, we should have food first then gifts, but it makes sense given how impatient you are.” Steph teased as she gave a quick hug to you from behind, dodging your elbow with a laugh at her ‘impatient,’ comment.
“Rude!” You called back at her, turning back towards Wally who had an amused smile.
“Nothing, nothing.”
You whacked his arm. “I am not impatient.”
“Mhm sure, love, no comment.”
“Hush Sonic, you’re the one that can run at super speed. If anyone is impatient it is you. Now shush while I try one of these donuts you’ve so graciously brought back for me.”
“And I’m the impatient one?” You shoved a donut into his mouth cutting him off, “Mhmpf.”
“Shhh it's my birthday, we’ll just ignore that fact for today. Now bite. I think that one's matcha and I want to eat one of these before those squirrels come back. Especially the sugar plum fairy.”
“I heard that!” Jason shouted from the kitchen.
“You were supposed to!”
He chewed while you looked at him expectantly, motioning for him to chew faster and tell you how it tasted. “Sooo? Is it as good as I’ve been telling you that I think it is?”
He swallowed, “It's a bit bitter? But the texture is different than a typical donut because of the mochi. But it's good, you like matcha here.” He offered.
Taking a bite you hmmed in delight. “Gosh, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted and more.”
“Aw thanks, love. Wait— are you talking to the donut?”
“Wow, that's cold. I’ve travelled a thousand miles for you for this treatment?” He said in mock hurt.
“Aw baby, don’t be like that, now put down the donut before anyone gets hurt.”
He glanced down at the donut in hand, getting up with a grin, stepping towards the living room. “This one? You want this one?”
“Yes,” you laughed, getting up to follow him as he backed away with waggling brows.
“Wally! Come on, give it here!”
“Mmm no.”
He zipped behind the couch, taking another bite. “You should really have a second bite, love. The flavour really comes out then.”
Your family, having got their pizza, shook their heads, as they watched you and Wally dart around the couch.
“So, she still didn’t see the proposal on the business card, huh?” Duke asked, glancing at the business card taped to the top of the inside of the box, with a cursive font of ‘marry me?’
“Well she’ll spot it eventually.” Dick shrugged, “Run Wally!”
“Whose side are you on?” You glanced over at your brother in disbelief, failing to catch Wally's arm with a laugh.
You’d spot it eventually.
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imaginationjunkie · 3 years
Dancing with our hands tied
Jason Todd x Reader
It’s kinda soft
Thought of these songs while writing, so give them a listen while reading!
Note: Jason’s 25 and the reader is 21
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I was always a fan of the over the top charity galas Bruce Wayne threw. The elitists in their flashy riches, extravagant decorations and endless varieties of food, and a certain Wayne brother in a suit. It was all very amusing to witness.
I felt like a princess walking down the stairs with Tim every time, who refused to ever get an actual date. So I’d been stuck being his unofficial date for the 5 years that I’d known him. Not that I minded much; he was my best friend after all.
I chose a simple flowy dress tonight, blood red in color, silky like water. The subtle eyes that followed me through the evening didn’t go unnoticed.
But my eyes followed just one sight. A sight that erupted the unwanted greenness of jealousy as I sulked in a corner, celebrating turning 21 recently with a champagne flute in hand.
I felt him before I saw him. Warmth soothed my skin at his presence, despite the fact that I was unfairly mad at him. It wasn’t like he was my boyfriend.
Easier to say than do, and thus all the salt in the world seemed to be in my tone as I spoke first.
“Where’s your date?”
Jason Todd’s eyes might’ve been cool blue, but the feel of them didn’t match the description. The side of my head felt like it would burst into golden flames under the intensity of his stare.
But they were the good kind of flames, the best kind of flames. It was almost miraculous, the way I managed to keep my calm.
“She bailed, something about her sick grandma,” was his soft response.
“What’s with the tone?” He leaned closer, hot breath teasing my cheek. Jason had gotten awfully bold since the first time we met, when he couldn’t even look into my eyes straight.
“Is it jealousy I sense?”
I tried to be subtle about my sharp inhale. Judging by the stutter of his lips as he suppressed a smirk, I failed.
But why hide anymore? I was never one to hold back anyway.                                                                                                                          “Yes, it is.”
It was my turn to take his breath away. I turned my head, challenging him with my stare. But I was too tangled in his game to play in charge. He had me, and he knew it. Right?
A smile filled with swirls of mischief and satisfaction designed his lips. Yes, he definitely knew it.
It caught me off guard, the unfiltered beauty of it. Of him. Watching Jason Todd smile, really smile, was not for the weak hearted.
“Then I think you’ll be happy to know that she wasn’t a date. Just a friend.”
Eyes the color of a swirling blue sea, a face handsome enough to cause heartache. Why’d it take me so long to realize that I could never resist him? Not even in a million years. Not even if Ryan Gosling came offering himself to me.
A little too far?
Maybe, but it’s true. What to do?
I was just about to walk away from him, refill the empty flute of champagne to bring back sparkle to my uneventful evening. A large hand wrapping around my wrist stopped me.
“Let’s dance,” he said with the softness of tulle, pulling my frame closer to his larger one. Close enough to smell his cologne. Like a creep in the street, I subtly took a slow sniff of it.
It’d never stop amusing me, how a man who seemed as rough and rugged around the edges as he did had so much softness in him.
And smelled so. damn. good.
“M’kay,” I agreed, following as he led the way to the ballroom. Or so I thought.
“I thought you wanted to dance?” I inquired, looking back at the flashing dance floor full of people we left behind.
“I do.” His eyes twinkled as he looked back at me, still walking to God knows where with my hand in his.
“We literally just crossed the dance floor, where else on earth do you plan on taking me dancing?”
“Who said anything about a dance floor?”  Jason smirked, coming to a stop in the garden behind the manor.
Even though it was off limits to Bruce’s guests tonight, the garden looked particularly beautiful. Strings of fairy lights decorated the flawlessly kept greens and flowers, courtesy of Alfred. The pool lights were on, and a surreal soft blue glow lit up the water.
It matched Jason’s eyes.
But that wasn’t all. Long fingers tilted my chin up, and a gasp reverberated the air as my eyes met the mystical view. Stars glittered the midnight canvas endlessly, and in the center of it all sat the full moon like a queen.
She was regal tonight.
My mouth was slightly open in awe, and Jason’s fingers on my chin softly closed it as he chuckled.
“I’m guessing you like the view?”
“Like it? I might as well marry it!” I exclaimed, eyes wide with glee as I gripped his shoulders.
“Dick used to bring his, ahem, lady companions to charm them back when I was Robin. I’d always barge in and interrupt to interrogate about the last woman I saw with him,” he laughed while recalling the memory.
“Did it work?” I smiled back and stood closer to him, the fronts of our bodies slightly touching. My hands had come down to rest on his chest now, and while my eyes were up roaming the sky, my soul’s attention was solely on him.
He shuffled with something in his suit pocket. “Did what work?”
“Dick’s method of charming the ladies?”
“Judging by the walks of shame Alfred and I had to witness every morning after each Wayne gala, yes. It very much did.”
I felt Jason put something in my ear, and finally looked down from the stars to his eyes in confusion. It was an airpod, and I watched silently as he put the other one in his ear.
“I promise I’m not a creep or anything, but I stalked your Spotify playlists and found one titled ‘dancing under the stars’.” He confessed. In a very un-Jason like manner, he looked almost sheepish.
He didn’t look at me as he pressed play and pocketed his phone. Almost immediately ‘Dancing with our hands tied’ by Taylor Swift came on, and he took my hand in his.
Tingles shot up the pit of my stomach as his free arm wrapped around my waist, fingers resting on my hip. We swayed in beat to the music in our ears, eyes on eyes.
I, I loved you in secret First sight, yeah, we love without reason Oh, twenty-five years old Oh, how were you to know,
The lords, and anyone who knew me actually, knew how big of a swiftie I was. The fact that he had put in the effort to pick the absolute perfect song to dance to had to be the most romantic thing that ever happened to me.
I was completely mesmerized. Guys like this only existed in the encasement of my stash of romance novels; but time and time Jason Todd had proved that idea wrong. Every one of his gestures, one after the other, seemed to catch me off guard more than the previous one.
“Wanted to do this since I was 17,” I breathed the fresh air in, craning my neck to rest my chin on his shoulder. This right here was all I needed to relax. This was my very own customized form of peace.
“Yeah, Tim let it slip when he got drunk on your birthday and started blabbing about how you’re growing up in front of his eyes,” he laughed and pulled back to twirl me.
I crashed back into his chest softly, grinning at his revelation.
“It’s so hard to believe you guys are best friends, that Timmy’s actually capable of having normal human conversations other than his usual nerdy blabber,” Jason continued, pulling me even closer to him while dancing.
No objections were made from my side as I obliged (obviously), staring up at his eyes.
They were like an oceanic maze, too easy to get lost in. Too dangerous to get lost in.
“He’s a good friend. Awfully robot-like at times though, and he always smells of coffee.” I breathed with a chuckle as the air around us got intense.
The gold of the fairy lights hit his eyes, making them shine brighter than the stars above I let my hands grip the hairs on his neck, watching carefully as he took a sharp breath in response.  
If there was something Jason and my relationship, whatever that it was, didn’t lack, it was moments like these. Moments where we had a conversation with our eyes, expressing how much we wanted to kiss each other, how much we wanted to stay frozen in the present and relish in the feel of our undeniable chemistry.
It had been going on for way too long, and even Tim was getting tired of us not taking the leap of faith.
Initially he was pretty against it, but when he saw exactly how much I felt for his brother, his blessings for us suddenly started pouring in.
“Uhuh,” Jason hummed. An electric sensation buzzed the air around us as the chorus hit, and all the space between our bodies vanished. Butterflies went haywire in the places of my body he touched. He was everywhere.
But we were dancing Dancing with our hands tied, hands tied Yeah, we were dancing Like it was the first time, first time
“Stop me if you don’t want it,” he harshly whispered, brows furrowed and eyes clouded with desire as he tucked a few loose strands of my hair behind my ear.
“I do,” I whispered in response, knowing exactly what he meant.
His breath hit my lips, forehead fell against mine in a moment of desire and the next thing I knew, he was kissing me.
It was needy and rushed and a thousand other adjectives, but it was my most perfect kiss. It would always be my most perfect kiss.
Jason’s muscular arms encircled my waist as he pressed me up against him, gripping my sides and lifting me to stand on his feet. My own arms wrapped around his neck, and a sneaky stutter of a moan escaped my lips, earning me a groan from him.
Passion burned us under the cool night air as we kissed and kissed and kissed, all thoughts of oxygen forgotten in our haze of need.
But even our passion couldn’t defy nature. We pulled back to breathe in as much air as we could, but instead of diving back in towards each other’s lips like I expected us to, Jason simply stared at me with eyes that now looked navy from being hooded.
It was a stare of a few seconds that seemed like hours as his thumbs brushed the side of my face. The fire of need from a while back was gone, but the desire wasn’t.
We both tried to calm ourselves, but an unstoppable part of me leaned up to press a kiss on his cheek. He blushed.
“Wanted to do that since you were 17,” he said cheekily, hands tracing my back as we now let ‘Wonderland’ by Taylor amuse our ears.
“Liar,” I grinned. “You couldn’t even look at me back then.”
“Yeah, because I’d do this if I looked at you for more than 5 seconds. I had no plans of going to jail for getting handsy with a minor,” he replied, leading us to the wooden benches Bruce had installed in the garden a few weeks earlier.
I lifted a teasing brow, masking my shock at the fact that he wanted to kiss me even back then.
“And how’re you so sure I would’ve let you get handsy with me? For all you know I could have kicked you in the balls myself.”
“Don’t act coy, you could never stop staring at me when you were over,” he smirked, sitting down on the bench and pulling me to his lap.
I hesitated for a second, my brain getting lost in the fact that after months of banters and unbelievable tension, interruptions and two sided pining, I was finally in this position. Where we were able to be open about our want for each other.
Sensing my hesitation, his smirk dropped. “This is okay right?”
I snapped back to reality, taking his nervous expression in. Yes, this was real. And I wouldn’t waste a second of the time God gave me with Jason. I smirked and ran my fingers through his dark locks, making him close his eyes.
“Of course it is, just thinking about how long it took for you to man up and kiss me,”
“Excuse me, you could’ve-”
I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. He responded almost immediately, putting his hand on my hip as I sat sideways on his lap. Unlike the first one, this kiss was sweet and slow. We were cherishing the night with it.
“About damn time, I thought all my teeth were gonna fall out due to old age before Todd here grew some balls,” the sudden voice of a certain sass filled Wayne interrupted us.
My magical night with Jason ended with him running after his kid brother Damian, teasing him about kicking his ass.
But that was okay, because I was happy. Jason was happy. The long wait for him, for us, was worth it.
Even though he gave off the impression that he couldn’t care less, I knew that the reason he hadn’t made a move was because he wanted Tim to be completely fine with us being a thing.
Alongside being friends with Tim, I became friends with his brothers and Alfred over the years. I knew of their nightlife, and everything that went on behind the polished doors of the Wayne Manor. I knew Jason well enough to know that his tough posterior and damn care attitude was just a facade.
Being with Jason wouldn’t be a walk in the park, and I knew that too. He was reckless and intense, impulsive and careless.
But he was also sweet and passionate, and his love would brand you like a tattoo with it’s depth. I was willing to give my 110% to make it work with him.
Because even fairy tales take sacrifice and effort to get a happy ending. And I’d do about anything to make sure I earned mine.
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violetflowerswrites · 3 years
Masterlist and Author Bio
Disclaimer: I am an 18+, smut/erotic fiction writer. Minors, please be safe and DNI with my content and this blog. Welcome to my nsfw fantasies!  
Author Bio
mid-20s 🥺
brand new elementary school teacher 🍎
literotica and smut writer 🙊
Aaron Hotchner makes me go 🙈🥵🥺🥰❤️
Fandoms: Criminal Minds, SWAT, Stranger Things, Disney, Marvel, DC,  Lord of the Rings
Lover of Historical Fiction 🏛🗡🛡
Swiftie ✨✨✨
Pinterest Vision Board 🌅
Literotica 📝
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Aaron Hotchner
Morning Kisses - Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Call Me Hotch - Aaron Hotchner x Reader (Mini Series)
Can’t Sleep - Criminal Minds x Reader Drabbles 
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Hondo Harrelson 
A One Time Thing - Hondo Harrelson x Reader
Jim Street
Too Complicated - Part One - Jim Street x Reader
Taking it Slow - Part Two
I’ll Be Here - Part Three
It’s Been A Long Day - SWAT x Reader Drabbles
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Steve Harrington 
I Don’t Date Skinny - Steve Harrington x Reader
Eddie Munson
Always Been This Way - Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
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The Batman
Five Minutes - Bruce Wayne x Reader
Jason Todd / Red Hood
I Hate Motorcycles- Jason Todd x Reader
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Loki Laufeyson
Sweet Relief - Loki x Reader
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Movies and Shows
The Gray Man (Netflix Movie)
The Gray Man - Sierra Six x Reader x Lloyd Hansen
The Great (Hulu show)
The Great - Catherine x Leo
Ongoing Series (on hiatus) 
Master de Vil and His Maids 
Chapter 1
A Roman Bath
A Pleasant Surprise
Creative Writing Prompts
New Year’s Surprise
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