#jason alderidge
American Housewife OCs
I decided that instead of continuing to reblog this post, I would make a new post with more information on my American Housewife OCs
1. Bethany Otto in In My Blood — Bethany is the oldest Otto sibling, about 8 years older than Taylor.  She had left home the summer before her family moved to Westport, skipping university to travel the world and pursue her music, which her parents didn’t approve of, but after Something Happens, she returns home (Note: I’m going to be adjusting some timeline/age stuff regarding Greg and Katie in this fic)
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2. Skylar Otto in Come Alive — Skylar is Taylor’s twin sister, the younger of the two.  She and Taylor have a lot of the same interests, namely music and sports, but it can cause a lot of tension between them because no one ever seems to see them as individual people, which has taken a toll on Skylar’s mental state and if she isn’t careful, she might just snap
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3. Dannie Otto in UNTITLED — Dannie is Oliver’s twin and best friend.  She’s just as much of an overachiever as Oliver is, though less money oriented.  They both dream of Ivy League universities but Oliver’s focus on money and success has been known to drive a wedge between them.
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4. Willow “Will” Brown Mueller-Lawton in UNTITLED — Chloe Brown Mueller’s eldest daughter, and a friend of Taylor’s.  They’ve known each other in passing for years but haven’t spent much time together because of their moms, but they become close friends during Little Shop Of Horrors.  Will develops a bit of a crush on Taylor and is heartbroken when she gets back together with Trip.  But Taylor and Trip love hanging out with her and the more time she spends with the both of them, the more she realizes that she has feelings for both of them too, will end up poly with both of them
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5. Marissa Missy Bradford in Mirror Glass — Missy is Cooper’s older sister and in the same grade as Taylor.  She’s the leader of the blondetourage (despite not being a blonde herself) and is generally regarded as a rich princess and spoiled brat.  Katie dislikes her on principal, and is shocked and appalled when she finds out that Missy has been single handedly raising her younger brother since she turned 10; eventually shipped with Taylor and Trip (published here)
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6. Joan De Loughrey in UNTITLED — Sadie is a young housewife and stepmom in Westport.  She hasn’t had any luck hitting it off with the other moms because she’s seen as just being a trophy wife, but after she defends Katie to the other moms, she starts to become a part of the Katie-Angela-Doris squad
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7. Jackie Sullivan in Edge Of Glory — Jackie is a pageant queen and a dancer in Oliver’s ballet troupe, but has lost her childhood passion for dance due to an overbearing stage mom.  She and Oliver immediately hit it off and he reignites her love for ballet, which is how she and Cooper meet.  The three are inseparable, and all secretly crushing on each other, but when Oliver starts dating Gina, the two get cast aside.  eventual Jackie x Cooper x Oliver
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8. London Windsor in UNTITLED — London is Trip’s sister, either his twin or a year younger, but doesn’t really have a backstory yet because I have too many moving pieces with her!
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9. Gwyneth Huntington in UNTITLED — Gwyneth is Viv’s stepdaughter and the oldest of her three stepchildren.  She didn’t particularly like Viv at first, feeling like she was trying to replace her mom and feeling uncomfortable with how close they are in age, but they grow closer over time and by the time Viv and Alan separate, Gwyneth is heartbroken because in her words, Viv was the first adult to ever actually give a shit about her; eventually shipped with Taylor and Trip
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10. Wyatt Otto in UNTITLED — Taylor’s twin brother and a genius!  Wyatt and Taylor could not be more different but they also couldn’t be closer!  When Taylor and Eyo (Taylor’s boyfriend and Wyatt’s best friend) introduce him to the cute new boy, Trip Windsor, Wyatt is immediately smitten
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11. Jason Alderidge in UNTITLED — Jason and Cooper were childhood best friends but drifted apart as they got a bit older.  But when he, Oliver, and Cooper get assigned to work on a school project together, they start to rebuild their friendship and soon the three are thick as thieves.  
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12. Juniper Kelley in UNTITLED — Juniper is Angela and Celeste’s eldest daughter.  While Angela is totally laid back, arguably too laid back, Celeste is extremely overbearing and puts a lot of pressure on Juniper to be perfect.  She does Little Shop Of Horrors at Celeste’s insistence, but hates every minute of it until Taylor Otto walks into the theatre and changes everything.  Eventual Taylor or Taylor x Trip ship
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13. Acacia Summers in UNTITLED — (note: name is liable to change).  Acacia is Tara Summers’ eldest daughter, the same age as Eyo.  When Taylor and Eyo start dating, Taylor and Acacia also become very close friends, and Acacia starts to realize that her mom’s intense parenting isn’t actually normal outside of Westport.  Acacia will either be shipped with Trip (in which case Taylor and Eyo stay together) or Taylor (in which case Eyo will get a new ship!)
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nightsfclls · 2 years
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ flora  alderidge ⠀. ˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ katya  novikov ⠀. ˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ winifred  seymour ⠀. ˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ kore  vaughan ⠀.
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ darius  vos ⠀. ˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ tobias  vos ⠀. ˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ jason  vos ⠀. ˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ noemi  vos ⠀. ˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ aaliyah  vos ⠀.
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harryzhangs · 4 years
DATE & TIME: november 26, 2019 :) a lil after 3am :) LOCATION: u know where :) AVAILABILITY: taken @bxstvrd​
there was no getting around it, harry zhang was drunk.
to be honest, it was shocking she wasn’t even more drunk, with the fact that closing night had been followed by what were probably the strangest vibes she’d ever felt at a show afterparty. first there was that weird fight between chandler and grace back at the castle-- harry had only glimpsed it from a distance and didn’t overhear much, but she didn’t think she’d ever seen her roommate look that upset. then orson and mads seemed to have fought, but harry had no clue why, as she was making it a point to avoid mads as much as possible these days. then, her peers kept disappearing throughout the night. she hadn’t seen grace since the official party, mathias and josie snuck off earlier only for harry to catch them acting weird as fuck later on, then hudson and teddy left too, and jesus, where the hell was orson? this was his house, after all, and he’d been m.i.a. for an hour now.
these were all oddities harry would’ve been far more concerned with if she’d been sober, but instead she stretched out across the white carpet of orson’s living room, waving up at jonah. “get down here with me, the room looks dope from this angle,” harry called at him over the music that played on despite the lack of any remaining party. the last people to leave had been jason and saffi a few minutes ago, and harry knew she and jonah should’ve followed them, but she wanted to delay getting back to the castle just a bit longer. harry was still riding that post-performance high, and she was going to get full mileage out of it. after all, they didn’t have many of these left until they’d be graduating from alderidge.
“i know i swore off having anything to do with her anymore, but i’m pretty sure mads and i are gonna have sex soon,” harry sighed out of the blue. “probably a super bad idea, right?”
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pvlmer · 4 years
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jason isn’t super active on instagram. he didn’t have one for the longest of times, thinking it kind of futile to scroll through people’s curated lives that reminded him of what he didn’t have. as such, he was really reluctant to get one, but people convinced him to get one in case he ever wants to network or make it big in any theater industry. he doesn’t post much, because he doesn’t really see the point. he doesn’t lead what he thinks is an interesting life so he mostly just posts about alderidge events and when he gets new headshots. he’s not really the type to go on instagram more than maybe around once a month. basically, whenever it’s nate’s birthday or the school is putting on a play. other than that, he keeps it pretty quiet because he doesn’t have much to share. or well, he does. he just doesn’t have much to share that he thinks other would want him to. 
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ensemblehq · 4 years
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last week, detectives interviewed fifteen theatre students at the alderidge school of arts, all of whom worked closely with orson hobbs. these interviews revealed several previously unknown facts which are informing our investigation into mr. hobbs murder going forward.
first, we can confirm that prior to mr. hobbs’ house being vandalised, he hosted an unofficial after party for an unknown number of fourth year theatre students. the identity of students who attended the party is currently unknown, but we suspect it was the majority of the year. 
second, mr. hobbs was a difficult, controversial individual who was known to have antagonistic relationships with several of his students. we also have cause to believe that mr. hobbs may have regularly consumed illegal drugs. during our interviews, we discovered that mr. hobbs also had inappropriate relationships with his students, which included at least one romantic affair with a fourth year theatre student, whom we are not naming for privacy reasons.
third, we continue to be unable to verify whether the individual who vandalized mr. hobbs’ house is the same individual, or individuals, who murdered him.
finally, the department has identified five people of interest through the interviews, all of whom were mentioned by their peers. these individuals are mathias knight, josephine flores, madeline le, chandler rosen and hudson williams. we currently have no evidence that these individuals were involved in mr. hobbs’ death, but believe they may have additional information that is of value.
summary of information:
hi all! anything stated below is currently known by the police, but is not known in character. we’ve included this short summary to give the group an idea of what went down in the interviews and to facilitate plotting ooc and ic! we’re reaching a point in the overall plot at which things can start to go a variety of different ways, so if this gives you any larger ideas for your character-- whether you want them to become more of a suspect, come forward with new information, anything really-- please come talk to us about it and hopefully we can incorporate. 
if you think something should be added below or have any questions, please let us know!
HELEN accidentally confirmed that an after party to the official after party was held at orson’s house the night he was murdered.
SAFFI, HARRY, JULIAN, JASON, MATHIAS and JONAH all alluded to orson’s challenging nature/personality and his status as a polarising figure among alderidge students.
GRACE mentioned that orson was known to cross boundaries with his students. NATE and JOSIE confirmed that orson was having an affair with chandler.
ZAHRA stated that josie and mathias were two of orson’s favourites, and NATE referred to them as orson’s “lapdogs.”
NATE suggested that orson regularly consumed drugs and that this is well known by alderidge and its students.
CHANDLER suggested that mathias was involved with orson’s murder, stating that he had anger problems and could have been mad about his casting in last semester’s play. ZAHRA suggested that mathias and josie may have been responsible for vandalising orson’s house, suggesting they were both displeased with their parts in last semester’s play. ZAHRA also noted that their whereabouts after the party (the first one) were unknown. NATE suggested that josie and mathias might have additional information about orson’s murder and also noted that he did not see them at the party either. MATHIAS confirmed that he and josie left the party early, but did not explain further.
ZAHRA informed the police that orson planned to expel mads from the program and suggested that she felt better off with him gone. MADS stated that on the night of orson’s death, she turned in at 12am, but HARRY contradicted this by revealing that the two of them saw each other around 4am.   
whilst noting that several students had cause to vandalise orson’s house, JASON singled out hudson, stating that he was mad at orson for pairing the two together.
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aldysfool · 4 years
𝖉𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊, 𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘  — nate’s audition for macbeth.
alriiiiiiiight, so! a few ooc notes: nate loves macbeth, but i genuinely don’t think he ever really considered he was the protagonist/hero type, so that’s why he chooses to steer away from those roles. should he have given it an honest shot? i’m not sure ─  i don’t think he’ll know what to do with himself if he even got the title role, macduff, or even malcolm. frankly, i just don’t think he’d be inspired enough by them to put his all into it. anyway. enjoy! // triggers: mentions of drug use. word count: 1400+? google doc for better viewing!
so, here’s the thing: nate didn’t know what the fuck was happening anymore.
ever since heidi made the announcement of their spring play, he had been feeling one step behind everybody else. while most of his classmates jumped on rehearsal spaces, monologue runs, and every other kind of audition prep and/or ritual, nate couldn’t seem to share in their enthusiasm. and it scared him. there was something eerie about it all ─ like some kind of storm had formed over the department and no one seemed to notice, or worse, care. or maybe they were better at hiding their fears than he was. nate had tried his hardest to prepare for this audition properly, but he hadn’t been able to focus long enough to even give it an honest try.
serious talk about what happened that night had pretty much ceased amongst the group, but now it felt like no one had given the winter masque a second thought. did everybody know something he didn’t? either way, he had been so distracted that the auditions came sooner than he realized. nate considered just waltzing in and recycling one of his faves from hamlet, because as much as he wanted to go for the big roles, he felt like this wasn’t the play for him to take that risk. nate already had a lot of other shit to deal with on a daily basis, and he convinced himself he would be a liability if he even considered the thought of going for, say, the title role. and in all honesty, the amount of emotional and psychological lifting he would have to do in order to portray macbeth (lady ‘beth or macduff for that matter) accurately was something he just didn’t have the capacity for at the moment. 
so that’s where he was the day of auditions. the waiting was always the easiest part for him ─ being able to send quick texts or share jokes backstage was where nate shined. he didn’t think about the stage, or heidi, or the audition piece, because right now what mattered most was making sure other people felt comfortable and strong going into their auditions. lately nate had grown introspective as fuck, and he didn’t really understand why. 
or maybe he did, but he didn’t want to acknowledge the facts as they were: he and teddy were having their drug-induced fun, but it was unsustainable by the way things were going; jason was probably guilty for something, and nate was sad that he was still too afraid to just confront him; discovering orson’s body had done something to nate, and he hadn’t stopped worrying about his own mortality since. he didn’t want to end up like that ─ drugged up, miserable, and alone. nate wanted to be this upstanding, nice guy, but there was this heaviness that had been creeping up on him after all these years of destructive behavior. and of course everyone saw the silly, carefree nate who was so easily relatable and funny all these years that it would be near impossible to believe by almost anyone that he had a personality beyond popping vallies like candy and sharing internet memes in group chats at 3 am. fuck. 
he doesn’t hear his name at first, because he’s too busy thinking about a lot of other shit, but then he hears his name called once more, and nate comes back down from the stratosphere for two seconds to remember oh yeah, he has something really important to do right now. like audition. nate walks out on the stage just like every other audition for alderidge, except this time when looks up and sees heidi’s face, a fire ignites under his ass.
“yo. my name is nathaniel palmer and…,” he resists the urge to say, ‘and welcome back to my youtube channel’, “i’ll be auditioning with iago’s soliloquy from act two, scene three of othello.” maybe it’s the look on his face or how he takes a few steps backwards from the edge of stage, but heidi doesn’t verbally respond and nate’s thankful for it. his nerves are already bad enough, so he closes his eyes and counts his deep breaths. he tries to remember something of what he’s learned before. the exhale expels the fear, the inhale centers him in place. by the time he’s opened his eyes, iago takes form. 
“And what’s he, then, that says I play the villain?”
at base, iago is written off as one of willy’s cruelest characters; he’s manipulative, cold, and intense as hell. but nate understands a part of iago, though, where who he presents to the world is not always how he feels behind the closed doors. honest iago, just like honest nate, has dark tendencies. but while nate has chosen to run from his (via literal running, drugs, or sex), iago sees no other choice but to embrace it. and here, in a rare moment, nate allows himself to embrace it too. where does that darkness come from? nate’s eyelids are low and he moves slowly, but each step is calculated in a wide S shape towards downstage center. in this moment, there are only two players: nate as the predator, and heidi as his accomplice and his prey. "─His soul is so enfettered to her love / That she may make, unmake, do what she list, / Even as her appetite shall play the god / With his weak function.” his breath is a little shaky, so he takes a beat to collect himself. 
if orson could see him now, he’d probably laugh to spite nate’s attempt at pulling out something else besides the humorous, non-threatening fool. but that’s where orson was always wrong. humor was present in everything, especially in moments of high drama and danger ─ like conspiring to see the downfall of one’s appointed general, for example. and as long as humor is there, nate knows how to tap in. so he smiles then laughs, short and dry, before switching tactics and continuing with the piece. that’s the thing: navigating iago was second nature for nate, because he had become an expert at thinking on his feet and blending in wherever seemed necessary. it’s what he had to do to survive, and he wasn’t going to apologize for that. neither did iago. 
 “─When devils will the blackest sins put on, / They do suggest at first with heavenly shows, / As I do now.” 
iago was basically airing out nate’s dirty laundry right there on the stage, because holy shit, how else would devils know how to act, how to behave, how to charm like their heavenly counterparts? maybe they didn’t ─ but fallen angels did. and nate never once felt like he was an angel, even when he was young and his family tried convincing him otherwise. he had a lot to be grateful for of course, but there was an anger that lurked deep below the surface. it manifested in his bad behavior in school. in his drug abuse. in his relationships. and that was no one’s fault, he’s had to realize. even though he wants to blame someone so badly. anyone, really. maybe that would help him hurt less. 
the audition comes to a close, and the room is so quiet he can hear his heart beating through his chest. heidi breaks the silence at first, but nate feels a little lightheaded, so he non-verbally motions for her to hold her thought. putting on iago’s jealousy, his speech patterns, and his demeanor takes a little more effort to let go, so nate has to shake him out. literally. exhale to expel, inhale to center. 
damn, he misses his therapist. 
after another few seconds of obnoxious bouncing around, nate turns on his heel and beams in heidi’s direction. honest, silly nate was back in control. he hears her question for the second time and doesn’t miss a beat, “oh, sorry i didn’t mention it earlier. that was my audition for one of the weird sisters ─ the first witch, if you wanna get more specific.” she looks at him expectantly, but his grin refuses to falter. what else had she been expecting from him? nate thinks about his classmates, especially jason, and doubles down on his decision. it would be better this way. “and no, i’m not interested in other roles.” nate crosses his arms behind his torso and sways from side to side. there’s a lot more he could say, and in fact, a lot has already been left unsaid. but that was always the case, wasn’t it? 
nate shrugs, and just like that, his audition is over.
“what can i say? i guess i’ve got a thing for sexy, bearded hags.”
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American Housewife OC Masterlist
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Name: Bethany Otto
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Lily James
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Name: Courtney Otto
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Dove Cameron
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Name: Gabrielle Lowder
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Anne Hathaway
Love Interest: Wesley Otto
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Name: Gwyneth Huntington
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Taylor Otto & Tripp Windsor
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Name: Jackie Sullivan
Story: Edge Of Glory
Face Claim: Jenna Ortega
Love Interest: Cooper Bradford & Oliver Otto
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Name: Jason Alderidge
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Asher Angel
Love Interest: Cooper Bradford & Oliver Otto
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Name: Joan De Loughrey
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Leighton Meester
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Name: London Windsor
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Peyton List
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Name: Meadow Brown Mueller-Lawton
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter
Ship: Taylor Otto & Trip Windsor
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Name: Missy Bradford
Story: Mirrorball
Face Claim:  Abigail Cowen
Love Interest: Taylor Otto & Trip Windsor
Read it on AO3 HERE | FFnet HERE | Wattpad HERE
Missy Bradford really was everything that Katie Otto hated about Westport rolled into one privileged princess.  Too rich for her own good, no regard for the rules, the most obnoxious brother in the world; really, she was just the perfect Westport housewife in training, and Katie hated her on principal.  At least she did, until Missy interrupted her second breakfast to thank her for grounding Cooper, and Katie learns that there’s a bit more to the town princess than anyone knew.
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Name: Wesley Otto
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Nicholas Galitzine
Love Interest: Gabrielle Lowder
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Name: Wyatt Otto
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Corey Fogelmanis
Love Interest: Trip Windsor
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Name: Yasmin Kelley
Story: Untitled
Face Claim: Sofia Carson
Love Interest: Taylor Otto & Tripp Windsor
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pvlmer · 4 years
location: fab (fine arts building) time & date: macbeth auditions notes: i think i went a little overboard with this self para but i really think this explores the parallels between the monologue and how jason is feeling about Everything that’s happened. also i decided to put a little bit about his tenuous relationship with god and i think i’m going to make that like an official headcanon because why not trigger warnings: mentions of death, murder, religion
Jason had spent far too long teetering back and forth between what he wanted to do at his audition. With Orson gone, there was a chance to start over, a new slate, maybe someone who could finally see him in the way that Orson refused to. But it wasn’t like Heidi wouldn’t know about his past -- him almost getting kicked out, how his brother would surely outshine him. It felt like even with Orson gone, the feeling of just being someone to fill up space and never getting to carve one out of his own would always follow him around. But he knew he deserved space. Despite his low self esteem and optimism, there was something inside of him that was begging for someone to see him. Maybe Heidi would be that person, he told himself. One of his goals for the semester was to be more positive, something others had been telling him to do for years, and this was a goal he was trying to reach, unlike the forgotten New Year’s resolutions of promising himself to finish that play or finally opening up to Nate. 
After studying the texts for so long and feeling like he knew both his monologue and Macbeth inside out, Jason couldn’t shake the feeling that he should go out for the role of Macbeth. He had always wanted a bigger role and he felt like he could channel everything he had been feeling about Orson’s death into his acting. He had never been one to outwardly express his feelings to people in a direct way, which was probably a problem but he pretends it isn’t, and he had been feeling so conflicted over the death ever since the winter masque. It felt kind of right that he was auditioning for Macbeth, both ambitious and willing to kill for it. Well, Jason didn’t technically kill Orson but he wasn’t sure how the cops would see that excuse. 
Opening the door to the theatre, the thought this is it rode through his mind over and over again as he approached the stage. This was one of his final attempts to prove to Alderidge that he was more, more than just a background character, more than just the quiet theatre kid that no one ever really noticed, more than just Nate’s brother, more than just a prop, pardon the pun. After practicing and speaking with Julian, he got a little more confident. He took a deep breath as he stepped towards the middle of the stage.
“My name is Jason Palmer and I’ll be auditioning for the role of Macbeth.” The sentence felt odd for Jason to say, yet it was oddly freeing. In the beginning of his career at Alderidge, he would audition for the lead and have Orson laugh right in his face. So he started to go out for smaller roles, because he figured it would hurt less. Now with no laughter, it didn’t hurt as much. If Heidi is surprised, she doesn’t show it much as she just nods as she writes down some notes and tells Jason to start whenever he’s ready.
And in a way, Jason has been ready. If four years at Alderidge have been anything, they’ve been training him for this moment. All of the times that he stayed up memorizing the lines of parts that he didn’t have, all of the extra time he put in over school breaks, all of the time spent looking at all of the other actors. Even though he would be reluctant to admit this, Orson was training him as well -- despite Orson’s faults, Jason figures that Orson gave him thicker skin and determination. If Orson had just given Jason the lead, Jason would have never put his nose down and tried to prove him wrong. Although it didn’t excuse the professor’s horrid behavior towards him and other students and Jason would never admit it, there was a small part of him that maybe benefited from Orson. A very small part of him. 
The other part of him, the one that was much bigger was determined to take Orson’s death as an opportunity, as twisted as it sounds, to start fresh and to be seen. Jason tried to push these thoughts away, he wanted to be a good person. But it was like, no matter what he did, the thoughts slipped into his mind, seeping like a dark cloud. Jason knew that it was wrong to be glad someone was dead, but that didn’t stop him from thinking it. Just as Jason knew it was wrong to resent Nate, but that didn’t stop him from doing it. The whole thing made Jason think that maybe he wasn’t as good of a person as he pretended to be. Because the dark thoughts he, they weren’t new for him, they had just been amplified. Maybe the darkness had been inside of him all along.
“I will be performing King Claudius’s monologue from Hamlet, Act III Scene III.” Jason had also teetered back and forth between doing a monologue from a Macbeth scene or this one, but there was something about this one that stuck out to him. Maybe it was because both Claudius and Jason were struggling with recent deaths. Or maybe it was because they both had tenuous relationships with religion, Claudius not being able to get down on his knees and pray, while Jason struggling with his relationship with God ever since he can remember. 
“O, my offense is rank. It smells all the way to heaven.”
Jason is thinking about the guilt he carries for helping to kill Orson. If he believed in heaven, which he’s not sure that he does, he’s not sure if he belongs there anymore. It’s quite tragic, really, which is fitting. Never feeling like you belong anywhere on earth and not even belonging somewhere once you’ve left the earth. Jason continues on with his performance, having memorized the monologue ages ago and recently gone over it so many times that he was muttering it in his sleep. He knew it like the back of his hand. 
“My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent.” 
Claudius at this moment, Jason thinks, is reckoning with the moral ambiguity of his actions. Watching him and everyone else be accused of killing Orson was very similar to when Claudius saw the play which reenacted his brother’s death. It was like seeing a ghost. Through Jason���s voice, you hear a little tremble -- it’s almost as if his voice is coming to terms with the struggle between his guilt and his intentions. 
Jason loses himself in the monologue, as he often does. He almost forgets Heidi is even there for most of it. He moves around, taking full opportunity of the space he’s given. Something he hasn’t had the luxury of doing before. He is completely immersed in the character of Claudius, one that he coincidentally tried to go out for in high school but instead, he got the role of Cornelius, with a whole one line. But this production was going to be different. He could feel it. 
“But oh, what form of prayer. Can serve my turn, “Forgive me my foul murder”?”
This line echoes throughout the stage. It comes out as almost a cry, begging to be forgiven. Jason stumbles for a moment, due to the fact that his voice cracked a bit. Maybe it was because he pushed too much or it was just all too real for him. He takes a deep breath and continues the scene. If there’s anything he’s learned from his failures, it’s that stopping to apologize just ruins the pacing of the scene, even though it is in his nature to do so. Not just when he messes up, but it is in his nature to apologize for taking up space. Maybe he should stop apologizing for things he shouldn’t feel sorry for. 
“Try what repentance can. What can it not? Yet what can it when one can not repent?”
Jason isn’t really sure where Claudius ends and he begins at this point. He’s pulling everything he can from his real life, even though he figures he repents Orson’s death less than Claudius does his brother’s. For some of this monologue, Jason had to channel something other than Orson’s death. He had to imagine himself killing his brother which was one of the most conflicting things he had ever done. But he was sure that Nate would understand, it was all for the craft. And it did help, he could feel the genuine repentance Claudius would feel, rather than the ambiguous guilt he felt over Orson. 
“Help, angels. Make assay. Bow, stubborn knees, and, heart with strings of steel, Be soft as sinews of the newborn babe.”
Jason starts to try to kneel. This part is too real. His knees almost hit the ground but never quite getting there. He has never felt like he’s had a God that was truly on his side. Praying had never come easy to him because every time he prayed, it felt like it was just a big joke. Or maybe he was the joke. His brother was great at telling them, but Jason was good at being one. 
“Be soft as sinews of the newborn babe. All may be well.”
Instead of kneeling gracefully, Jason practically falls to his knees. Like the ground is the only thing that will be able to catch him. He puts his hands together and stares at the ceiling, or God, he’s not quite sure. He bites his lip before standing up and doing a small bow to indicate that he’s done with his performance.
Heidi thanks him for his audition and he walks out of the theater doors. It was probably his best performance to date, but if he were being honest, that wasn’t saying that much. You couldn’t really get a chance to put on a performance of a lifetime with limited lines. But despite that, for some reason, Jason was always determined to put everything he had into a performance. Even if that performance were as fleeting as the feeling of belonging. But as he exited the stage, there was a certain feeling of levity, contrasted with the heavy emotions he just displayed on the stage. 
He somehow felt lighter and heaver at the same time. Like some sort of paradox -- he was lighter because he just gave the best performance of his life and was able to channel so many emotions into the monologue. But there was a certain heaviness to it, the fact that he was still coming to terms with everything he had said and felt in the monologue. And it seemed right, that he felt this way. Somewhere in between, he sometimes felt like his existence was a paradox. After exiting the building, he decided to text his brother that he just finished and to wish him good luck.
“Just finished my audition. Good luck on yours. Love you.” 
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aldysfool · 4 years
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who the fuck swiped my capri-sun?, an intro.
hey all you cool cats & kittens, i hope you enjoy getting an abridged version of this lil’ shit. xoxo, gossip girl. (sorry, i re-watched the season finale the other night.)
name: nathaniel “nat(e)” palmer as the comic.
gender & pronouns: genderqueer & he/him.
age & date of birth: 22 & dec 2nd. (sagittarius, babyyyyy)
sexuality: pansexual
hometown: in ur heart
nate, a vine collection: yup, this one, uh huh, also this & one more! 
character parallels: phillip gallagher (shameless), donkey (shrek), jughead jones (exclusively archie comics), nathan young (misfits)
full app. |  pinterest.
alllllright, so nate was born with some hearing loss & just when the doctors thought he was going to live a life of rapid hearing loss, his adopted parents swooped in & turned all that shit around for him. in those early days especially, he was so obsessed with being all of what they could hope for and more, that he undoubtedly absorbed so much of their love & support in comparison to his brother.
but anywho, he had surgery for two cochlear implants before age 6, and it’s worked out for him, especially because he was (and still is) a quick study. kid’s got a knack for learning/adapting like nobody’s business. but hey, he’s a human - he’s bound to make mistakes and the expectations got so high that he got frustrated with himself and decided enough was ENOUGH. the golden shine he had was starting to wear off.
so, then’s there the Age of Ethan Crabgrass  - which yes, is someone from nate’s past that caused a lot of trouble for him - but honestly, the name is more of a representation for all the discrimination and bullshit nate had to fight against. and fight, he did. in a small literal way, but mostly in a social way. humor is his best and sharpest weapon, and he’s had lots of practice wielding it.
found theatre in one of those moments ya see on the movies where the character is walking by the auditorium and the magic of the stage just pulls them in (like glee omg). it’s also where he started drinking alcohol, smoking mary & juan, and exploring his gender/how he wants to present himself to the world. the love he felt there led him straight to alderidge.
so yes, he kinda blackmailed orson after he found out - through his connects in the art department - about the extent of orson’s drug habits & took this spicy info. straight to the source. i imagine their conversation left nate feeling like he was going to Soar in this dept. troil & cress gave him a little more to work with, but he was still hungry to do something different. but then orson dies, and nate has...lots of feelings.
speaking of which, he has a therapist he’s seen since first year, dr. june, but for the last month or two, he hasn’t spoken to her. he’s too busy doing more drugs, having lots of sex, and being a Shit. to sit down and unpack that entire night and what it means is something he is putting off until...? he’s not sure, tbh. orson’s death has him Shook.
aldy (as he fondly calls alderidge) has been some of the best years of nate’s life. which is probably why he’s trying his hardest to soak up every single moment while he still can. he knows he and the rest of his classmates might not be bffs after this is all said and done, but he wants to create some lasting memories (read: be more Annoying than usual this semester).
so i did this thing here that’s my interpretation of potential connections for nate to all of his peers. from the chameleon to the villian, nate’s thoughts about everyone is there! feel free to read & if you dig what he had to say, let me know! if you hate what he had to say, let me know! (if i don’t reach out first!)
fluent in ASL (let him teach you, it’s his favorite thing) & knows lots of bad words in different languages
gives “cute” nicknames to lots of things, because hey, words are hard and sometimes his mind runs faster than his mouth. there’s probably a dictionary of these words collected over the past few years. (e.g., supe effin awk, ors ho, cae sal, mary & juan)
wants the chance to be a Serious Actor, for once in his academic career. with orson dead, maybe that has a better chance to happen. and...if nate’s honest, he’s not as sad as he should be.
especially since he still has jason’s watch, nate’s spidey senses have been tinglin’. like, i imagine he’s gonna be nosy and want to figure out what the hell went down that night. not to snitch, but to protect whoever he can. if he can.
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pvlmer · 4 years
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JASON PALMER (THE UTILITY) is thrilled to be making his ENSEMBLE STAGE debut. other credits include troilus and cressida, henry viii, as you like it, coriolanus, and richard iii. (alderidge stage).
full name : jason matthew palmer age : 21 ( born oct 15 1999 ) zodiac : libra  gender & pronouns : cis male & he/him/his character parallels : natalie goodman ( next to normal )
jason was born to two parents who never thought he would happen -- after many failed times trying to pregnant, they had accepted the fact that they would never have children of their own so they decided to adopt.
but little did they know that jason would be born and so they got two children -- jason and his sibling ( the comic ). jason was born the same day in which his sibling’s adoption was finalized.
when jason was really little, he had grown up with a lot of optimism and confidence but it soon faded after years of living in the shadows of his sibling.
whatever people saw in his sibling, they just couldn’t see in jason even though he could see it in himself and every time he tried to stand out, he either made a fool of himself or just blended in more.
jason grew up largely feeling invisible in comparison to his sibling which led him to have a complicated relationship with them and a complicated relationship with himself.
jason is the king of biting his tongue and doing the grunt work that no one else wants to do. he puts everything into his craft and works his ass off, even though he doesn’t get the results that he wants.
as much as he tries not to, he resents his sibling and pretty much everyone who overlooks him -- including his peers, his parents, orson, and even himself.
he’s been delegated to the sidelines his entire life so being the utility isn’t anything new for him, fading into the background and being a cog is one of his specialties.
he lives in the shadows -- and it sucks. but it’s also home in some weird twisted way. he’s lived their for so long that it’s somewhat comforting, sometimes he thinks that’s where he belongs because he doesn’t feel like he belongs anywhere else.
probably one of the shyest kids in the program -- he’s a lot more introspective and introverted than the typical theater kid.
his energy doesn’t really come out because he keeps most of his thoughts inside.
he’s super nonconfrontational because it’s just in his nature to do what others want and to kind of go along with everything instead of standing up for himself.
despite his timidness, he has a lot of things to say but he thinks so much that he never ends up saying anything.
he’s constantly trying to prove himself -- prove that he deserved his spot, that he belongs in the theater department, but his way of proving himself is just buckling down and doing the work, it’s not anything spectacular unless you see how hard he really does work
he’s the type of person to get revenge not by malice but by proving people wrong
he’s got a ridiculous work ethic -- he’s constantly reading plays and history and basically will not sleep until everything is perfect.
he’s on financial aid because of how hard the school is to afford but his sibling has a full scholarship. his parents didn’t want to deprive him of the opportunity but they secretly wish he had gone to another school.
despite loving acting, he thinks that he could also have a career in writing plays/movies and/or directing because he’s always had ideas and thoughts floating around his head
i’m still working out the kinks on what the “mistakes��� were so i will get back to u abt that!
jason had a weird relationship with orson. he hated him, hated that way that orson never really saw him the way he wanted to be seen -- but he still craved his approval.
orson always compared jason to his sibling and told him that he wasn’t good enough, that he was just filling space on a stage. there was a part of jason that wanted to prove him wrong but a part of jason that believed it.
jason saw orson clinging to his life, begging for help. jason had always thought of himself as the type who would do the right thing when the time comes, but that night, he laughed in orson’s face and walked away.
jason feels guilty but relieved at the same time. he could’ve helped orson but not helping orson also helped him because he hopes he can get into the good graces of the new director.
wanted connections
so besides the pre-established connections, here are some i’d really like:
enemies to lovers (i just live for that shit)
people who bond over their hatred for orson
someone who sees the untapped potential in jason
someone who’s using jason to get close to his sibling
someone who thinks jason is too shy/quiet compared to everyone and tries to get him to open up
literally anything else!!
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ensemblehq · 4 years
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— CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS upon their enrollment in the alderidge theatre department’s fourth-year class! please send your account within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS and make sure you’ve gone through our post-acceptance CHECKLIST. we can’t wait to see you on the dash!
EVIE, not only was teddy absolutely heartbreaking from beginning to end, but i could feel the attention and care you put into crafting him with every word i read. all of the little scenes you included had me so emo, from the meeting between teddy and his dad (i was crying at “he believes him”) to the final words orson said to him. in so many ways, teddy is a scared little boy, but there’s so much more to him that i can’t wait to see brought to life. 
PAOLA PEREZ as THE LEADING LADY (fc: sofia carson)
KIWI, paola was so unexpected, but even after finishing your app i just couldn’t get her out of my head. everything about her background cultivated so seamlessly into this nuanced, imperfect drama queen. i love that her desire for success was driven by wanting to give her mom a better life, you gave her so many layers beyond the selfish diva described in the skeleton and i’m so excited to see where you take our leading lady!
GRACE ISHIHARA as THE SCENE STEALER (fc: reina hardesty)
RED, i don’t know how to convey in words just how stunning this application was. everything about your writing is so beautifully deliberate, so neatly constructed (so…grace like, if you will!). you wove a story from start to finish, with each little thing connecting to another. and that story? breathtaking. i saw the scene stealer in every part of her life - from chasing perfection at ballet, to imagining herself in orson’s footsteps and all the way to her wholehearted devotion to people. i cannot wait to see grace on the dash!
ALEXANDRA “LEXIE” O’BRIEN as THE STATUE (fc: hunter schafer)
BEE, you’ve mapped lexie out so vividly that she just jumped off the page from the moment i read about why she was sent to live with her grandfather. i loved seeing the map of their personality, separated between the internal and external parts of them, because it’s an incredibly important distinction for lexie. you’ve allowed her to be both cruel and soft, simultaneously angry and scared and insecure and vain in a way that works. i also adored the expansion of lexie’s aesthetic -- just an amazing attention to detail!         
JULIAN BENNET as THE STUNTMAN (fc: fady elsayed)
ALEXA, where do i begin? with the way this app was structured according to fencing positions? with the tiny little details that made julian feel so real (my heart shattered with the harris treaty!)? everything about this application screamed stuntman - from his grace at his first fencing match loss, his way of befriending the underdogs and his continued resistance to being changed by alderidge. i cannot wait to see our resident with a heart of gold in action!
MISHA, i won’t lie - this choice was a tough one! what drew us back to your application was the attention you paid to mads’ time at alderidge - her journey from starlet to black sheep. i love the idea that she does community theatre - and the concept of dragging all her peers there! with her wicked tongue and fishnets, i know mads is going to be an explosion in this roleplay - and i can’t wait to see the chaos she causes.
ZAHRA MALIK as THE TEMPTRESS (fc: mishti rahman)
NATALIA, with six temptress apps, this was always going to be an agonising decision. what sold us on yours was your unconventional portrayal of the temptress. there’s nothing i love more than being surprised by my own skeletons - and zahra certainly did that! from her birth on andromeda’s rock to her unconventional theatrical training, zahra was so fresh. but i think what really sold me was how you dug into hers and orson’s dynamic - her reason for being cast as cressida was super spicy - and one i never would have come up with!
JORDAN, there’s something so special about an app that just sucks you in and doesn’t let you go, and reading about chandler absolutely did that to me. she just feels so real, every detail you included was so perfect that it’s hard to focus on any one. it’s so funny to me that chandler’s beginning as “the tomboy” was just that there weren’t enough boys in her high school theatre department to fill the male roles -- and it just became what she was good at! 
HUDSON WILLIAMS as THE UNDERSTUDY (fc: michael evans behling)
ASH, i just want to wrap hudson in a blanket and keep him safe forever, is that too much to ask? you’ve got me absolutely sold on this characterization, from the pressure he felt from his military family to a perceived lack of passion being the reason he could never break through into lead roles. it’s obvious that hudson is really not coping well right now, and i’m so excited to see where you take him from here!  
JASON PALMER as THE UTILITY (fc: jordan fisher)
DIANA, our cast of characters would not be complete without the utility and diana, i am so glad that you will be taking them up! your application was an absolute joy to read! i particularly loved the paradox between who jason is and who they want to be - i can’t wait to see that dichotomy played out on the dash! and your future plots section? chefs kiss! that moral quandary and the fallout from orson’s death (and how jason navigates it) is going to be so fun to watch unfold!
JONAH PRYCE as THE VILLAIN (fc: alex fitzalan)
TARA, this decision nearly broke me. we had so so so many good takes for the villain - and i was still torn until about five minutes before this note was written! however, in the end, i just couldn’t say no to jonah. everything about this application took my breath away - its originality (how achilles was orson’s punishment), its detail (i literally teared up reading about his backstory!) and even his motivation for going to alderidge! you know this skeleton better than i do - the villain wholeheartedly belongs to you and i for one cannot wait to see how you break out hearts with him!
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ensemblehq · 4 years
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NAME: jason palmer AGE: twenty-one GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis man & he/him FC: jordan fisher AVAILABILITY: closed
beneath the lights.
nestor in troilus and cressida. gardiner in henry viii. corin in as you like it. scrivener in richard iii. first soldier in coriolanus. bottom of the cast list, one small step above the second years, you’re gifted the roles no one else wants. universally regarded as the weakest of your cohort, it’s half a miracle you made it all the way to graduation, avoiding being cut not once, not twice, but three times. overlooked and underappreciated, people hold the mistakes you made onstage over your head; refusing to accept the possibility that youth may have matured into talent. those of a weaker disposition would have given up by now, accepting the inevitability of their place in the world. not you. you’ve only got a semester left, but you’ll be damned if you don’t prove them wrong.
behind the curtain.
they may as well call you the “leftover”, because that’s all you were in orson’s eyes; an extra body to pad out the stage. you’re not even sure he took the time to learn your name. when you asked for extra help prior to your performance as nestor, orson laughed in your face, informing you that in his opinion, you were a lost cause. so long as he was in charge, you would never have a chance to shine. that’s why, when you had the chance to save orson’s life, you chose to walk away; sealing his fate.
fellow players.
THE COMIC: you grew up calling each other twin, not by virtue of blood, but because their adoption was finalised on the day of your birth. the apple of your parents’ eyes, chosen whilst you were unexpected, you’ve spent your entire life playing second fiddle to them. it’s easy to make comparisons when your lives have followed similar paths - both actors, both at alderidge - and yet, when the two of you are placed side by side, you always come off looking worse. you love the comic with your whole heart, but spending a lifetime living in their spotlight is enough to frustrate anyone.
THE STATUE: the word that most aptly describes your relationship is solidarity. long before you ended up standing over orson’s body, you lent each other support, bonding over your shared dismissal by him. it wouldn’t have been accurate to call you friends, but you certainly understood each other. as it turned out, you understood each other enough to know you’d rather leave a man for dead than let him torment you for another four months. since the night of orson’s death, the two of you have struck up a friendship, bound equally by secrets and a shared desire to be seen.
THE UNDERSTUDY: pairing you two together was a cruel joke on orson’s part - and everyone could see it. at first, you were excited - eager to learn from the understudy. when you caught onto their resentment of being compared to you, eagerness soon hardened into anger. it was never your intention to escalate your rivalry to quite such lengths, but things quickly ran away from you. logically, orson’s death should put a stop to all your bad blood, but you can’t quite bring yourself to bury the hatchet. instead, it feels like just as good of an idea to go up against the understudy in auditions for the spring semester play - and finally prove your worth by beating them.
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pvlmer · 4 years
sonneillon: do you hate anyone? / lucifer: what are you most proud of? / carreau: do you consider yourself compassionate or harsh to others? why?
sonneillon: do you hate anyone?
the word hate had been something jason had had a complicated relationship. hearing the word hang in the air, he wasn’t exactly sure how to answer. he wasn’t sure if he outright hated anyone but he definitely thought it to himself one time or another. the most obvious answer was orson, but even then, there was still a part of jason that admired the director as much as he feared him. there were times when he swore he hated some of his peers but it was mostly fleeting -- just a passing thought. and there were definitely times when his relationship with his brother could verge on hate, but there was too much love for it to ever get to the point. “feel like hate is a strong word but of people i know personally? i think orson takes the cake on that one. as much as i sometimes admired him, i hated him and the way he made me feel. so much.”
lucifer: what are you most proud of?
the boy never felt like he had much to be proud of. he originally thought that getting into the alderidge program was something to be proud of but once he arrived, he noticed that he was at the bottom of them all in orson’s eyes and it felt like he was just a pity acceptance. “i guess, the thing i’m most proud of is my work ethic,” jason said, running his hands through his hair. “i mean, i work really hard and am constantly trying to hone my craft so i guess that’s something to be proud of. right?”
carreau: do you consider yourself compassionate or harsh with others? why?
jason furrowed his brows at this question. for the most part, he wanted to say that he considered himself to be compassionate. but that statement was probably slightly tinged with lies. what kind of compassionate person would laugh at someone clinging to life and refuse to help them? to save them? he sighed. “i wanna say i’m more compassionate. but i know sometimes i’m harsh with others. mostly because of things like jealousy. but i would say i’m more compassionate with others and harsher on myself.” 
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pvlmer · 4 years
date and time: in between scenes location: the refectory availability: taken @ofperez​
jason used to look forward to the masque ball, in his earlier years at alderidge, he would dream about his senior year and being a part of the performance. back then he thought that he would prove himself by his third or fourth year, and get at least a substantial part. but instead, he found himself looking forward to it being over. everything about the night just felt like a reminder of his place at the program and how replaceable he felt. he only had a few scenes, so he spent most of the time either watching the performance or eating the food. he wanted so badly to prove that he belonged up there with a prominent role, but all he could do was watch from what felt like the outside. 
he was watching when he got the urge to look away, maybe it was too painful, after all he was growing tired of people playing parts that he knew he could do if given the chance. he tapped someone that he thought was a friend on their shoulder and was about to ask them if they wanted to get away from the action for a minute. but when the person turned around, jason’s face almost turned red. even through the mask, paola’s eyes and beauty were unmistakable. “sorry, i thought you were someone else,” jason said, looking away from her. paola, of course, was playing juliet and probably wouldn’t even want to be seen with him yet alone interact with him. that’s what jason figured, given the way they had barely talked since his first year at alderidge. “carry on.”
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