nocek · 4 years
You draw animals so soft and well and I’m amazed by your talent!!!!
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it’s easy when they are cute and fluffy XD 
Thank you so much and I’m so sorry for the late reply >.<
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appa-yee-yee · 4 years
Okay here me out: it’s Zuko’s birthday, and he invites Jin in order to apologize for their lackluster date. Aang invites Teo because why not right? They’re friends. Both of them are super out of place in the palace, not like the gaang who hang out there regularly, and they bond over being two fishes out of water. Teo catches feelings for Jin but he’s worried she might not like him back because he’s in a wheelchair (1)
(2) Aang tries to reassure him that he’s a great guy, why wouldn’t she like him? But it’s Toph who tells Teo that if his disability is what prevents her from feeling the same way, then she’s not worth his time at all, and he really takes that to heart since it came from someone who understands in a way. He confesses his feelings to Jin and she’s completely shocked because wow this awesome dude who can basically fly feels the same way about her as she does him?? Totally wild 
(3) their first date is of course gliding, which Jin totally gets the knack of, and their second date is to the Jasmine Dragon, where Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko are there serving them as waiters
You have hit it out of the PARK, my friend. Teo and Jin?? The two sweetest people in ATLA... being set up by Zuko and Aang, inadvertently. Oh man, and their second date would be such a mess with the gaang getting all up in their business. I imagine Zuko would be the only one trying to hold himself and the others back with their meddling so that Jin could finally have the nice date she deserves lmao. Also what better time to love Teo more aggressively and vocally than disability pride month?? 
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aroace-mako · 4 years
Me sitting up from the floor Bc I saw your account name you are absolutely right my friend
thank you for recognizing the truth❤️
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rotten-dan · 4 years
The first Pokémon op! For the Dickinson poem thing
oohhh the op thanks for telling!
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unalaq · 4 years
On god the idea of Katara allowing any of her friends to be bad parents really really fucks me up because they said Toph was a bad mom too. You know characters can still be developed without having fucked up parents right?? Like, Bumi can still feel disconnected from his family without his dad actively driving a wedge between his fucking kids?? Which he’d NEVER do?? Aang losing Gyatso was super fucking difficult for him, he would KNOW that Bumi needs his fucking dad!!
EXACTLY. lok really the their personalities and threw then out the mf window. katara and aang would, in no way, be terrible parents and favor any of their own kids based on bending ability 😒. i don't think top would be a bad parent either.
the writers really pulled the shitty parenting card just for some conflict but even did that terribly.
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troiastar · 3 years
Jasminedragonpatron —> fancyholycrow
In reference to this panel:
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Please also look at Korra’s dad Tonraq they really had no business making him so attractive
Ok i looked it up and ur right damn they really said the southern water tribe is  dilf city 🥴🥴🥴
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appa-yee-yee · 4 years
Zuko picked Druk because he saw him watching baby turtleducks. He wanted to play with them but he was anxious because he knew he was too big which made him sad but he still wanted to play (this isn't canon I just want to believe)
imagine him hanging around the turtleducks so long they obvs trust him....
imagine him curling up next to the pond and they hop out to lay with him....
imagine him eventually being brave enough to boop them with his snout (he tries to be gentle so he doesn’t knock them over but they don’t seem to mind even when he does)
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appa-yee-yee · 4 years
Azula and Sokka are both on the PTA for their kid’s schools and their niece’s and nephew’s schools and they’re both very aggressive about it. Katara and Suki aren’t on it because they get scary scary
Omg at first I was like “scary? why would Azula be on PTA then?” but they are VERY different types of scary. Katara and Suki wouldn’t be on the PTA bc they let their tempers get to them and so even at their calmest their eyebrows are twitching and they’re clearly taking deep breaths to not slap Becky the Granola Mom. 
Azula on the other hand has a very cold anger, so she’s super good at hiding it and then intimidating people into not acting up at PTA meetings. And most importantly when she’s around shit gets DONE so no one wants her to leave anyway.
Speaking of getting shit done, Sokka. Ofc Sokka’s a PTA parent. I am thinking of him and Azula together--Sokka comes up with foolproof plans of action, and Azula would be the person to make them happen. They would actually be a super efficient team together?? Even if they never really get along bc Azula has no real social skills to speak of and Sokka is ridiculously socially adept. I’m imagining Sokka trying to crack jokes around her, getting no reaction and trying to explain them, then giving up when he realizes she just doesn’t get it. On the other hand, any time Azula ACTUALLY says something that is funny Sokka LOSES HIS SHIT in the middle of a PTA meeting bc he’s so proud.
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appa-yee-yee · 4 years
When Aang and Ty Lee become good friends Appa sometimes has a hard time telling them apart bc they're both so happy and chipper. The gaang finds out that Azula really likes animals, but isn't good at handling them, so Aang lets her borrow Momo and shows her how to be a good pet owner while they go on a wacky adventure to find her a therapy animal
omg with how many costumes aang had to wear and how similar ty lee’s face is to aang’s i bet appa assumed ty lee was just aang in a wig until aang ALSO walked up and then he’s just like??? um sir, there are two of you now. is this an avatar thing?? 
i bet appa is such a good starter for azula bc he’s WAY too big to be intimidated by her, he’s super patient, and if she crosses a line he can literally just stand up and walk off and they know he’s probs done for the day with her. then aang is like i have a pet you can actually keep for a while! here’s momo, you can practice with him. :)
i was thinking about what animal she should end up with as a therapy pet.... and like her and aang (maybe zuko too? this could count as a life-changing road trip) could maybe find something cute and cuddly through some shenanigans.... but I also just love the idea of her missing her mongoose lizard?? and maybe getting a new one that’s a hatchling so she can raise it and train it as her own <3
i will not lie to you, the thought of azula and momo TOGETHER?????? that’s horrifying. i can think of nothing more worrisome than a relatively stable post-redemption azula, who’s trying to learn how to be a good person but probably still has a lot of bad attitude, and momo who is chaotic neutral AT BEST being left alone together. he would be so good for her to relax and have fun tho 😭 can you imagine if she and momo were together pre-mental-breakdown??? they could’ve taken not just Ba Sing Se but the entire earth kingdom in like. a day and a half. 
anyway, here’s a little colored doodle of momo and azula being up to no good :)
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appa-yee-yee · 4 years
Here me out: Momo and Mai hate each other. It’s completely on sight for the two of them, and no one really gets why, but they’d never hurt each other so it’s whatever. Then one night after a party the two of them are asleep, Momo sleeping peacefully against Mai’s chest, and the first photo of the gaang isn’t Aang and Katara and their kids but that because somehow Mai and Momo slept through the camera set up
I love this a thousand times over. Am I projecting on Mai bc I am just like her and I detest Momo? Maybe. But also it’s just so cute. I imagine after that, when Mai sees the photo of them, she decides maybe she doesn’t hate Momo as much as she thought she did, but Momo is still 100% ready to through down if Mai comes near him, so she has to pretend she doesn’t care and isn’t totally hurt by all of his rejections. Poor Mai.
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appa-yee-yee · 4 years
Okay I know I keep hitting you up with HCs but like, Azula's fire, when she comes home from therapy (I believe that they suggested a water tribe facility since they're more specialized in healing and restoration rather than punishing like the fire nation) is a softer blue, the same color as Katara's eyes, because she was the one who brought her to the facility and was the first to take pity on her (which may or may not be a fic im writing lmao)
1. sounds a little gay, i’m in
2. i think the gaang and atla society in general would agree that having katara, the only person to defeat azula one-on-one as of yet, would be an EXCELLENT option for healing azula until she’s a little more stable lol
3. i think we, as a society who like characters that play with fire, overlook a fantastic option: white fire??? i mean the temp/color of fire goes from red-->yellow-->white-->blue so WHERE are my white fire users??? they always go straight for the blue fire. there’s some SYMBOLISM begging to be written for an azula who struggles to maintain as high of a temperature for her fire and can only manage white fire while she’s recovering... and yeah, maybe once she gets that control back she’ll admit her fire’s color is a little subdued and a lot like katara’s eyes but what is anyone gonna do? bring that up to azula and imply she cares about someone? hahaha think again
4. ...if you publish/published that fic, send me a link lmao
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appa-yee-yee · 4 years
First of all, I am v flattered, but second of all, since I can never stop thinking about her, Azula after therapy in the northern water tribe (which Katara suggested because she felt guilty about Azula’s end) secludes herself for a little while, traveling around namelessly and seeing the world for herself. Partly because she’s not sure where she belongs anymore and partly because she doesn’t know if the gaang could ever forgive her, since she barely does herself (1)
(2) when Azula comes home it’s on her birthday, and they put on a celebration in her honor. She tries to be well, but by the end of the day she’s clearly not. Katara finds her wandering the courtyards where she chained her up, and Azula just starts to cry on her shoulder, apologizing for what she’d done. How sorry she is about killing Aang and almost killing Zuko, about how the two of them now have chronic pain to deal with and memory loss. Katara holds her through all of this
(3) and when Azula is done Katara tells her she knows how difficult it must’ve been, not having her father’s love without violence, wen her mother and uncle were both scared of her even as a child. Katara tells her that Zuko and Aang have long forgiven her, and so does she (Mai and Ty Lee will take a bit longer though) and she offers a small kiss on the forehead. Azula is healed by this somewhat, but only somewhat
4) as she gets older though, Azula still feels guilty. She’s not sure how to get rid of it, and as her friends invite her to weddings and birthday parties and baby showers she still feels a gnawing paranoia that they’re all just waiting for the moment to drop her, because she’s not good and she never will be. She lives on ember island, and plays with her nieces and nephews, who all lovingly call her auntie Zuzu, but she’s still scared of not being good
5) this is when she meets a small child on the island. A mute little girl who clings to her robes and follows her around. Azula can’t figure out who she belongs to, so she takes her to her brother, who already has Izumi and the fire nation to deal with, she takes her to Katara, who’s also busy with a tribe and children, and eventually to Toph, who has herself an adopted son named Satoru. And Toph tells her to just keep her
7) Azula’s been feeling all this guilt about being a good person, even though they’ve already forgiven her right? Maybe this child was sent by the spirits so she can prove to herself she’s a good person. So Azula accepts, and names the girl Luana after her late cousin (which Iroh cries about) this little girl has pretty violet eyes and brown skin and unruly brown hair and looks nothing like Azula, but they get along great as Azula learns sign language to communicate with her daughter
8) Luana grows into a beautiful woman, and Azula couldn’t be prouder, and eventually as an old lady she lives on Ember island, known by the local kids as auntie Zuzu, and she occasionally visits Katara in the southern water tribe to keep her company (am I still running with the idea that Azula is a little bit in love with Katara? Maybe) and I’m sorry for blowing up your inbox I just brainstormed this idea last night with a friend and wanted to share UwU
 I mean, no worries about blowing up my inbox this was SOOOO CUTE and a little bit bittersweet but still. Also I literally almost demanded that you send me more HCs lol your ideas are always welcome here!!! I love the idea of Azula essentially getting stuck with a kid!! (And naming her after Lu Ten, awwwww) I am also crazy just in general abt the idea of Azula being a fantastic aunt, or at least one that is there a lot and tries to be fantastic lol. And honestly? who could blame Azula for falling in love with Katara. I’m still thinking about that one line from your last Azula HC you sent in about her fire calming down to the color of Katara’s eyes (w h a t  that is so adorable. what.)
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appa-yee-yee · 4 years
Idk if you know Pokémon but I think about Suki having a tyranitar and Sokka having a blastoise who’s absolutely in love with that tyranitar a lot (Katara has a wartortle that’s the sister to Sokka’s blastoise)
my niece loves pokemon!! her faves are “epseon��� and “seeveon” currently lmao
i love the idea of suki having any pokemon that’s just. giant. sokka’s like “this is my blastoise, ik he’s kinda big but don’t worry—“ and suki’s tyranitar just kinda looms over them and he stops talking immediately
i am not gonna lie. the thought of katara and sokka training their squirtles together and evolving them together and just having pokemon that are SIBLINGS i just—
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unalaq · 4 years
Sokka, Appa, Gran Gran, Katara, and LuTen!
Sokka: What or Who is something/someone that makes you laugh?
my cat, he almost fell off my desk yesterday sjsbsjsj
Appa: Do you have any pets?
yes! i have a cat
Gran Gran: What is family to you?
someone/people who you have a good foundation with and you can wholeheartedly trust
Katara: How stubborn are you on a scale of 1-10? 10 being the most stubborn.
like a 6 maybe
LuTen: What is something you have lost recently?
motivation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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appa-yee-yee · 4 years
Your birthday is today? Mine was yesterday! July gang! Happy birthday!!
Haha happy belated birthday fellow cancer!! 🎉
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