#jaskier fan fic
cheesynoodle22 · 2 years
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A mini comic for a favourite scene from Three steps from the sky by bunnynegativeeuphoria 🐎❄️❤️‍🔥
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thedemonofcat · 4 months
How to Write Fanfiction
1. Develop an idea for a fanfic based on a fandom you enjoy.
2. Choose your writing method: computer, tablet, phone, or pen and paper (for a more whimsical touch, consider sending drafts via carrier pigeon).
3. Begin writing your story.
4. Come up with a new idea.
5. Return to step three and start writing your new idea.
6. Continue alternating between steps three and four.
7. Repeat this process until you have accumulated over a hundred works-in-progress (WIPs).
8. Postpone finishing any of them until much later.
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itendswithakiss · 2 months
I need a really long Geraskier fic to read please
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ladynearthelake · 1 month
A snippet
I know I said it would only take a few days, but I'm a dummy like that.
Here's a snippet of an arranged marriage Radskier thing I'm working on...
See, the thing is Jaskier always knew this outcome was possible. When he was young, his father never stopped crowing about what an advantageous match he made for his ne’er-do-well son. Problem was, Jaskier tuned the earl out every time he started on about it. Sure, he knew the details. The Redanian spare would need a pretty partner to entertain the court when he came of age. The Earl of Lettenhove had jumped at the opportunity soon as the rumor got around that the prince was on the auction block. Jaskier would be off his hands, and his ties to the throne and his land solidified. Jaskier didn’t care. He had no intention of remaining in Lettenhove, much less following through on the betrothal. Soon as he left for Oxenfurt, Jaskier would have to be dragged back kicking and screaming. Shit of it was, there had been kicking and screaming, just not as Jaskier envisioned.
He should have seen it coming. After all, his father wasn’t going to ignore a contract unfulfilled. He remembered the letters those first few years following Geralt. They were filled with lots of stern language about duty and family and honor and blah blah blah. When they finally stopped, he thought he’d outrun his responsibilities.
Turns out, the Earl hadn’t given up. He was just biding his time.
As he followed Geralt that summer, a letter seemed to appear at every settlement they passed through. Jaskier ignored them all. The messengers were always twitchy. They would stare at Jaskier’s witcher as if waiting to be cut down. Jaskier sent each of them on their way with the unopened letter and a coin for their trouble. He though nothing of it when he parted from Geralt for the winter. He would do what he always did: mold the minds of the best and brightest at the university and see just how many flat surfaces he could bespoil with his partners.
He had barely even settled in when several very large men in Lettenhove livery kicked down his door and suggested very violently that he should leave with them. Jaskier refused, and that was when his father appeared. As he presses his head against the cool stone of the room they’ve locked him in, Jaskier hears his father’s words echoing in his pounding head.
“Now more than ever, the Redanian crown wants to fortify their position. The spymaster worries we can be bought by Nilfgaard and demands that the marriage contract be fulfilled. You can accompany me to Tretogor with the dignity befitting your station, or you can continue to act like a child.”
Jaskier has never been accused of making thing easy for himself. He doesn’t remember much of the ride from Oxenfurt to Tretogor.
He presses tighter to the stone. The cold makes him think of Geralt, safe and so far away until spring.
It’s almost like his prick of a father had been planning this little abduction for years. He’s being ever so smug about it too. When Jaskier awoke in a strange bed in a locked room, he found a note in neat, familiar, infuriating script.
Duty comes for us all. Be ready by sundown.
Think there were more folks on that original post, but here's the people I remember interacting with it lol
@endiness @misterkarchie @nicestmeangirl @underthebluerain @elder-flower @highwarlockofphilly
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alaskanbby · 6 months
Long time no fic! I was gripped by a scene and couldn't let it live in my brain and so a fic was written around it. This is a Trans!Jaskier fic, and a coming out fic. So mind the tags if you don't like certain things, it has a very happy ending I promise, but also read the author's note! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this labor of love :)
Relationship(s): Geralt/Jaskier Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Chapters: 2/2
“And?” Jaskier’s head snapped up, his eyes wide, “What the hell do you mean ‘and?’” “Do you think me so shallow as to have that change how I would feel about you?” “People fall out of love over less,” He muttered. “Then they aren’t really in love.”
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keyboardserpent · 1 year
Day 29473992 of trying to work up the motivation to write a modern AU geraskier fanfic based on the song Life is a Highway.
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snailqueen42 · 2 years
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When you've been reading too much witcher fan fiction and you start rethinking your life choices.
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potatocollections · 1 year
I wrote my first ever fan fiction yesterday while sitting on a plane waiting for it to take off.
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Ahhhhh! I did it! I finally finished a short thing I started ages ago. Here's hoping it's not too crap and that it maybe reignites my writing. I have ideas and I have missed it!
It could have been longer but I thought I would stop while I was ahead and actually post it. Would be awesome if I actually manage to write more for it and other things! 💜💜💜
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restless-witch · 2 years
Better Not Wake The Baby - Part 2.... ish - The Spring...ish
Fic Summary: Jaskier isn't helpless. He'd been a shepherd before. He'd killed a wolf before. He'll slaughter again if that's the price of freedom.
Rated M: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, really gross attitudes towards omegas, abusive relationships, references to fucking
This fic was current up and to part 17 of Honey - Sometimes the Tunnel Only Leads to Darkness and after Better Not Wake The Baby- Winter. You'll enjoy this fic more if you’ve read them <3
Witcher 3 + Netflix / This part is rated M / Incomplete
Make your moan of your lot in life Split your mind half crazy Gouge your eyes with a butter knife But it better not wake the baby
-The Decemberists -  What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World
hey y’all, I’m what the kids call trash going through a dry spell of writing... it’s slow going on both my fics but I wanted to share a bit of the next chapter of Better Not Wake The Baby. The way I’ve been structuring it in my mind has been on the four seasons plus another winter- as I’ve plotted it out now, Winter (last posted- 3.6k) is pretty much complete. Spring has swollen up to 5.6K already and I expect it to probably double. Summer should be short- I’ve only got 300 words written and I really don’t expect much to happen. The second Winter is 5.6k and will also probably double.
Below is a little bit of spring that I can share without spoiling anything or a major cliffhanger and below THAT are just little bits of the other seasons for you to chew on :)
Thanks @oldandkinky for letting me play with Honey-verse!!! It’s such an enticing place to explore
Lambert leaves, then Eskel and the last storms, and Vesemir starts calling Geralt down to sow the gardens with manure. During the day, Vesemir sends Jaskier out to forage for the herbs and mushrooms he can identify; at night, Jaskier tucks himself between Geralt's legs with a book. He learns to suppress the shudders as Geralt's hands start to play with his cunt and widens his sprawl as he ruts against Geralt's cock. Jaskier clutters his mind with the sources of alchemy ingredients and sweetens his scent with memories of blackberries and fields of rye and the freedom of ambling a flock across Lettenhove. Geralt softens even more as arid misery gives way to the tedium of tallow and rosemary.
After what's certainly the last frost, radishes already unfurling from the hard ground, Vesemir and the goats are the only ones to see them off.
Vesemir gifted Geralt with all the little conveniences of a mated couple; a larger bedroll and kettle to share when they made camp, an ornamental medallion Jaskier might wear if he behaved back from the days Witchers did have sweethearts on the path, a new ledger to record their travels.
Geralt has packed up Roach and Vesemir has loaded Jaskier down with a novice witcher's kit; a gambeson and leather cuirass to keep him safe from bandits, a brick of honey and nuts and figs to supplement their field rations, a copy of their novitiate's songbook to help him remember the sprawling roads and names of beasts and plants.
The descent from Kaer Morhen is worlds easier than before: they bypass The Killer entirely, taking the smoother paths long since opened up by early spring slides and storms.
The two pick a path through the Blue Mountains through Kaedwan down into Aedirn.
During the day, on the Path, Jaskier croons his way into a modicum of freedom. The days come in starts and stops: unlike the grueling endless days of the last fall. The day Geralt taught him to sew up his thigh is a breath, the day Geralt presents him with a crown of aphrodisiac flowers stretches on endlessly, and the regular fruitless tupping beside the road becomes a dull hum threading the weeks together.
Since Jaskier proposed "courting", they've struck a number of bargains; though Jaskier isn't sure Geralt would think of them that way. Geralt stops taking the fertility treatments, holding off when Jaskier gently asks about the strain of heavy pregnancy or a newborn taking the path to the keep. Jaskier begins learning songs from tavern bards and the novitiate's songbook and practices singing for the hour after they lunch.
He sings to the boundless skies- swallows his envy of the thrushes and spits out his own song of gliding through the spring.
He can't control the groan that escapes him when a foot nudges into his back: he looks up into a pair of golden eyes and knows he is absolutely completely fucked because if there was one thing the Witchers of Kaer Morhen could agree on- it's that the Cats are fucked in the head and not above blood sport. he doesn't feel fear, more like a bit of humor, because he'd hardly expected to make it this far and he's waiting for his death like a punchline.
"It used to be a treat for the novices to be taken down the mountain," Vesemir says lightly, "and with your temperament, I imagine you'll want to pick between millet and oats." 
Jaskier snorts. He does- he can't stand oats.
They make it to the hamlet in the late afternoon and it's almost evening before they find a house with spare supplies to barter: a merchant is due to make his last trip of the season soon, but the locals are reluctant to turn over their cushioning after the augur predicted an early freeze. Jaskier goes into the last house alone at twilight and drives a hard bargain. Vesemir fails to hide a fond glance when Jaskier slips the fat purse of crowns back into his breeches and wordlessly starts filling Wielki's packs with salt, hops, yarrow, slippery elm, saltpetre, and other provisions. He went back to the homestead and came out with two sacks of millet.
"What's my real name Geralt?" the pace of stabbing quickened, the grooves on the table between his fingers deepening as Jaskier's voice became a jab as well, "You saw it on the papers I signed when Nenneke took Essi in her care. What's my name?" Geralt didn't answer. Jaskier rammed the dagger where his palm had been only seconds before, fast enough Aiden nearly dove for a bandage, "Call me whatever the fuck you like then- it doesn't make a difference to you."
A/N- kind words and messages are always appreciated <3 thank you for reading
Rough and tumble ragged drafts on tumblr here: Actual Fic Better Not Wake The Baby
This fic is based on OldandKinky’s Honey-verse and you can also find them here: Honey-verse on Ao3 and OldandKinky on Ao3
and if you like my writing, I’ve also got “Varieties of Exile”
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cheesynoodle22 · 2 years
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Part 3/3 of a mini comic, part 1 here, part 2 here; from a favourite scene in Three steps from the sky by bunnynegativeeuphoria
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thedemonofcat · 1 year
One of my all-time favorite movies is "The Princess Bride." Currently, I'm toying with the idea of creating a Geraskier-inspired story, but I'm not quite in the mood for it. Instead, I've been thinking about casting characters from "The Witcher" as the characters from "The Princess Bride." Here's what I've come up with so far:
- Grandfather: Vesemir
- Grandson (or granddaughter, in my version): Ciri
- Princess Buttercup: Jaskier
- Westley: Geralt
- Prince Humperdinck: Radovid
- Vizzini: Dijkstra
- Fezzik: Eskel or Lambert (either one could work)
- Inigo Montoya: Renfri
- Count Rugen: Stregobor
I'm leaving out some of the minor characters since I can't think of good matches for them at the moment.
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Drop the they them jaskier fic!!
not sure what exactly you mean? like link it? bc it was just a post on my dash and I didn't reblog it or notice who wrote it
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ladynearthelake · 1 year
Big ups to @poemsingreenink who suggested a Ravinia meet cute while I was ranting at her about these two.
For the three people out there who give a shit about this pairing. Love you, Radskier Nation.
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alaskanbby · 2 months
Hello and welcome to chapter 13 of my 16 part fic that's going to have taken I think about 3 years to finish lol, but never say I gave up! I hope everyone who is reading this fic enjoys the update, and to anyone new please please please mind the tags. This fic discusses heavy topics. But anyways New Chapter Up!!!
Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Now it is becoming spring at the Keep, Jaskier is starting to improve but is also anxious about the impending journey down the mountain.
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thepopsicle · 1 year
Toss a coin to my Redbubble?
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