#jarty?? kinda??
itsjaywalkers · 7 months
you could only imagine how degrading James and barty are to each other
OH ABSOLUTELY NONNIE and it's not even a kink thing (even tho they're both into it) they just . hate each other so much . they get straight up cruel and nasty, like, to the point in which it'd bring anyone else to tears. not them tho. that's just a normal tuesday for james and barty
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remusbuzzcutt · 2 months
barty and james as dean and jess. that’s all.
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v7lgar · 6 months
what if i say: trans regulus cheating on james with barty? but surprise, james set this up with barty because they wanted to both fuck him (his ex barty and his next james) because they adore regulus so much
u opened a portal in my brain rn
barty teases him while wrecking his pussy and regulus missed his cock so much even tho james is thicker barty has that piercing and knows how to use it and he is hitting all the right spots in him and fucking him violently bcuz every time he saw james and regulus together all barty thinking was fucking regulus's holes one more time and regulus is all wet, clenching around barty's cock and demanding harder, faster, don't stop and who is barty to deny his precious reg? he sticks two digits in reg's tight ass too and fucks it at the same rhythm and reg starts to see stars he is a sobbing mess and all he wants to be filled good and barty slapping his ass so hard his handprints turning into purple and he doesn't even care he spits onto reg' ass while fingering him and he is opening up for james but reg has no idea but his mind is somewhere else so he doesn't even question him and barty continues teasing whilst doing so "what would your bf think if he saw u like this" and "who fills your whole better?" also "u are such a whore, u can't even close your legs for your ex" and regulus cums like two times in a row
on the other hand james is stroking himself while watching barty fucking his bf and they switch positions so regulus is in Barty's lap, barty still fingering his ass w three digits now and he makes eye contact w james so he can start walking towards them and when he is behind reg barty just says "look behind" and regulus is in shock, but he will be more surprised after james and barty starts kissing and barty is stroking james' hard cock and the wetness of regulus is enough to coat james cock' already and they both fill him up at the same time and regulus is just. fucking lost. he is all limbs and nothing more and his ex and bf is fucking him rough and filling him up so good and seeing them make out just makes regulus all flushed and now he wants to see them fucking too but he prefers when they're fucking him at the same time and-
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thatcoolguyeli · 2 months
James's love for Barty is obsessive, a constant need for validation and physical touch
Whereas Barty is addicted to James, high on the love and sex, living for the highs and lows
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ninety-two-bees · 6 months
tell me more about the regulus serial killer au to me it's so diff like jarty being bf's first??? count me in
agon i am so happy to talk about this (it got kinda long oops)
so yeah, jarty are together at first and regulus is Not Happy about it. in his head, james belongs to him, and he doesn’t like barty playing with his things. james and barty aren’t like,, in love or anything but the sex is good and they’re a little bit obsessive and codependent so it works out anyway
regulus kills barty at some kind of big party with lots of people and frames one of them, then makes sure he is the first person to get to james so that he can comfort him. james relies a lot on regulus while grieving, and eventually they fall in love. it’s incredibly obsessive and codependent (moreso than jarty) but there’s also a lot of intimacy and romance in it
james starts to get… suspicious when they go to a bar together and the bartender that hit on him turns up dead the next morning. instead of asking questions, he just asks regulus straight “would you kill for me, baby?”
and soon enough, regulus is killing anyone he and james deem deserving (which is just so many people), and regulus will come home covered head to toe in blood, which james will insist on cleaning (often with his tongue)
i also had the idea that years before, back when they were teens, barty and evan were dating and regulus was in love with barty, so he killed evan but failed at getting barty’s attention the way he wanted it. and so, throughout the fic, regulus is haunted by cunty rosekiller ghosts that actively encourage his violence and are constant voyeurs to his and james’ relationship
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sixlane · 5 months
jartylily....u gotta tell me more now
happily layla happily (renn this is for you too)
ok so i did just see challengers and that’s what sparked this idea for me… so if you don’t want mild spoilers (mostly just about the relationship dynamics) stop reading! so one way i see jartylily working is heavy on jarty with lily kinda just watching and getting off on the two of them fighting over her/struggling for dominance. lily will lay back and take care of herself while she calls out demands. “pin his hands above his head, barty” “slower, deeper” “beg for it, james” etc etc. i think she really gets off on having power over their relationship more than she does actually being involved.
the other way i could see this going is bartylily heavily ganging up on james “humiliation kink” potter. they are soooo mean to him and he likes it so much. he wants to be called pathetic, be stripped down while the two of them are fully clothed and laughing at how hard he is when they haven’t even touched him. they ignore him while they have sex, but barty will pull out just to come on his face. you get where i’m going with this.
and that’s what i got for now!
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otrtbs · 9 months
while I didn’t see jarty at first, I think I can see it now??? Because imagine James thinks he’s in love with regulus because his heart always pounds and he gets butterflies when he’s around him
but!!!! It’s actually because of Barry because Barty is always around regulus and he figured it out when he realised he wants to invite Barty to places when him and Reg do something
and this is such a valid and real take!
for me it’s more like ,,, seething, boiling, hatred. but they’re both very reluctantly like “…he’s hot”
well, to me, barty’s like “james potter ? i hate that insufferable, arrogant, cocky, smarmy fuckwad. but he’s hot tho, i’ll give him that, 13/10 would hit”
and james is like “if barty even looks in my direction im gonna rip his throat out”
and barty’s like “promise ???”
and, well, they hate each other so bad but the passion is so undeniable. like they’re drawing blood, they leave each other scratched and bruised and sore
and they like it? they kinda love it. and then they go back to being dicks to e/o
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sommerregenjuniluft · 7 months
Do you have some jarty headcanons?
never rly thought about it but like just lots of hate sex/rough sex. and like tension. if they actually get as far as to consider a relationship i think they’d do Ridiculously competitive board game nights or some shit, like something where they start/keep arguing so much and that also turns into fighting/sex or like. both<3 i can also see them do some kinda sport together or like even gym partners kind of and make each other pass out from pushing the other to their limit rep/weight wise (which isn’t rly healthy in the long run but like neither is the rest of their relationship dynamic so *shrugs*) but i think a relationship Could work with like a lot of work and i could see cute things even like mysteriously the fridge/pantry always being stacked with james’ fav drinks/snacks and james making sure barty eats healthy and regularly and takes his fuckin vitamins and disinfects his piercings and puts ointment on fresh tattoos and whatever but also just a lot of bitching and biting and snapping at each other and being exhausted and irritated agitated infuriated :p
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swimmingclass1978 · 2 months
About me
- so my name is Ariel 😃
-a hellenic pagan but its new so let me be, no convering christians allowed
-slytherin/ravenclaw but if i like you then im giving kinda griffindor energy? Tho i get tired easily and my social battery is lasting max of an hour
-I'm fine with any pronouns really but mostly he/she, they is also great but she has a special place in my heart even tho i hate it sometimes and he makes me want to scream and giggle
-so im unlabeled and ace but i don't think i would date amab people. Its nothing personal just my preference but it also depends. (Idk why i put it here its kind of personal need for me to say)
-my favourite colour is green, but like deep green or like dead green not neon green and i also love deep red and black
-my natice language is polish but i also speak english tho its not as good as i wish it would be
-im obsessed with collecting little animal figures/plushies and giving them names????
-i love reading and all the crafty things like painting, drawing and diy and id love to learn book binding one day even if my printer doesn't agree with me
-im also a poet and a writer so i suffer from creativity more times then id like to but i unfortunatelly love it all too much 😔 i don't publish my poems bc i fear they are not very good but i wish to be a published book author one day
-if you are a hater or use any of these tags: anti <character/ship name> or pro <character/ship name> or you are a canon fanatic who can't stand people having fun then dni bcz i dont want any of your toxic bs on my blog or in my dms/asks thank you very much
- if you want to share you homo/transphobic bs then get out and never come back
-im a sucker for good no voldy hogwarts jegulus aus tbh, amd anything that contains slytherin skittles or black brothers/sisters, i love them
-greek mythology
- percy jackson
-good omens, i love them but considering things that have been happening then i dont think we will be getting seson 3 anytime soon :(((
-the poppy war thrilogy (started reading age 9 and kinda reggret it but happily it didn't caused me as much of my mental health as i thought) (dont repeat my mistake tho)
- bsd but i cant remember all the names yet I know whats going on so its fine
Kins: Regulus; Pandora; sometimes Barty?
Im happily married to jegulus twilight au with reg as bella that got abandoned in february 2024 and to a demon james/human regulus au that is still ongoing but id let it tear me appart and i would apologise to the author( im talkimg about The Devil Tastes Devine by TheBiButterfly on ao3 (it has me in a chokehold tbh))
Ships: jeggy, wolfstar, dorlene, pandlily, marlily, emmary, rosekiller, bartylus, pancas, marylane, lilylane, any marauder lesbians, nobleflower, quillkiller, teddromeda, poppy x minnie (i forgot their ship name), evanreg, jarty, kinda rosekiller + lily, rosestarkillerchaser(any variant of them really), moonwater, percybeth(is that their ship name?), solangelo, (shin)soukoku, any legal lesbian ship thb, i also liked jily in the past but the toxic shippers ruined it for me :( i still love her tho thats my wifey
My ao3 fanfic:
there is a light, i feel it in me: WIP, black brothers angst, jegulus, wolfstar +more, trauma healing, angst/fluff, everything pandora and barty are doing is great i do not make the rules
Face reveal:
Tumblr media
Im also a proud owner of this justin biber ahh haircut I thought it was a wonderfull idea few months back and i do feel the best in my skin i've ever felt since my dysphoria went almost 2lvl down but no one want to talk to me at school now i think its not very nice of them tbh im a great person sometimes
Thats all lol have a good time or whatever
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drowninginthoughts27 · 8 months
Sleepover asks!
How do you feel about James/Barty as friends and/or as a ship?
Ok so Jarty (I think thats the ship name, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong lol)... ok so I haven't really read a lot with them in it tbh, I've read like Jegulus x Rosekiller before and I think in the right situation they work and I've also read like past Bartylus and then Jeggy which lead to like a Jegulus x Barty threesome but overall as far as romantically or sexually goes I'm really not a miltishipper tbh especially when it comes to James and Regulus, my one and only ship for them is with each other, Jegulus just has my heart,,, when it comes to platonically I typically write them butting heads a lot more than being friends yk, I personally do that because I think they both really care about Regulus and neither of them are inherently bad but have very different opinions on how to care about him especially cause I often write Jegulus with past Bartylus so theirs kinda some tension between them, thats also kinda the dynamic I've typically read them in but I could see teaming up and making a great chaos duo in the right situations lol, I definitely do think that they would bicker a lot tho!!!
✨sleepover weekend! ask game✨
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
James walking in on Barty eating regulus out 😏
depending on the au this can go in a really fun way or . a very dangerous one . like either james gets a lil jealous but still decides to join, bickering with barty every step of the way, or he literally loses his shit. i obviously love the former option more, barty and james eating reg out together and ending up making out in the process, but also . i gotta be honest nonnie . and it's a matter of which fic we're talking about
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thinkinaboutambris · 6 years
I just want to see Iris singing Honey by Kehlani to Amber or Buffy singing She by dodie to Andi or Kaitlin writing a song for Libby or TJ rapping a cute little thing for Cyrus or Marty and Jonah chilling and listening to Geronimo by Sheppard or Cece listening to Mozart with her plants or Bex and Bowie dancing to You Girl.
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v7lgar · 6 months
i LOVE YOUR BRAIN OMFGGGG jarty fucking regulus at the same time? then MAKING OUT? regulus wanting them to fuck each other? i'm in love
i'm already thinking abt who would top
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thekarleffect · 4 years
It is crazy to me how different this fandom treated Jyrus compared to like any other ship
(After Cyrus said his crush on Jonah was over)
1. Like before and after the show ended myself and other jyrus shippers would get anon asks like "Jyrus isnt going to be canon stop shipping it" or "Jyrus was never canon stop shipping it" but do you wanna know how many times I have heard someone say "this ship isnt going to be canon stop shipping it" or "this ship was never canon stop shipping it" to someone that ships ambi? 0 bandi? 0 Juffy? 0 Wonah? 0 Tonah? Jarty? 0 any other non canon ship you can possibly think of? 0 but jyrus had like at least 6
2. I could say "I ship Tj and Marty" or any other ship and I would get people going like "oh okay" but I say i ship Jyrus and people are all like "oh but you do know that jyrus wont be canon? Like it wont ever be canon you should know it wont be canon ever it's just platonic"
3. Cyrus said his crush on Jonah is over and immediately this fandom was like "even If the show goes on for 40 seasons jonah and cyrus can never be canon ever" yet I guarantee that if tyrus didn't get together in the s3 finale, and we got a s4 if on the second episode of season 4 TJ could say "I used to have a crush on Cyrus but not anymore" I would of see 300 different here is 20 different ways that TJ and Cyrus could be canon next episode"
5. Someone could say "I ship Ambi" is it romantic? Is it platonic? They don't feel the need to say, same person could say "I ship Juffy" is it romantic? Is it platonic? No need to say, but the same person says "I ship Jyrus" and it's all "platonically of course oh so very platonic, did I mention how platonic it is, cause I see it as super platonic, just platonic"
6.i have seen multiple posts where it's like "imagine shipping Jyrus, Ew" or "ew people still like Jyrus?" Never saw anyone say that about any other ship
7. Someone made a "I ship Jyrus now" post as a April fool's prank no one ever did it to any other ship and the reactions are as if he admitted to some horrible crime like "OMG NO WAY, PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS A JOKE, PLEASE!"
8. Some people in the fandom go out of their act like Jonah is some toxic person who like hates Cyrus, when he didn't do anything bad towards Cyrus
9. If let's say for example Libby and Andi went to the watch a movie at the movie theater together I would of seen "Aww how sweet and romantic I kinda ship them" posts but when Jyrus went to the movies alone its "oh what nice friends, absolutely nothing romantic here"
If buffy and Amber went to a restaurant alone and had a meal, the whole fandom would be all "I kinda ship them, that scene was super romantic and sweet" but if Jonah and Cyrus instead went to the same restaurant and did 100% the EXACT same things like no difference at all, this fandom would be all "oh what nice friends, nothing more, just friends"
10. People say "Jonah and Cyrus being canon is unrealistic as Jonah was Cyrus' first crush but as far as we know Jonah was Andi's first crush and was Amber's first crush and libby's first crush, and they got together, Buffy was Walker and Marty's first crush and Walker or Marty was Buffy's first crush Cyrus was iris' first crush, Marty was Rachel's first crush Bex and Bowie were each others first crush and they all got together and no one ever said it would be unrealistic for any of those couples to get together
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andi mack: julie and the phantoms au
buffy is julie; she lost her mom while she was deployed. she had enjoyed singing and was a part of grant’s music program, but stopped after her mom passed since music was always one of her favorite things
andi is flynn; buffy’s ride or die. is a part of grant’s music program as well through a joint program that sava and grant host, but enjoys visual art more
amber is carrie; bitchy at first and at risk of losing her man, but eventually is willing to reconcile
walker is nick; wuffy is still as much of a nightmare as we all remember, and he didn’t actually date amber, she just liked him and kinda forced him into it but he’s out of that mess now
i don’t really ship juffy but i don’t really ship juke either so i guess this works because jonah is luke; he talked to his mom about his panic attacks and how music helped him with them but she simply minimized it every time he tried to bring it up, eventually he got fed up and ran away despite knowing that if she knew a bit more about it she would love and support him
marty is reggie; this is not to imply reggie liked julie, but come on, man. their energies are exactly the same. it’s literally almost copy paste except we never heard about marty’s home life. i feel like i don’t need to elaborate any more on this one
tj is alex; he discovered that music was the one thing that somewhat evolved around numbers that he was actually really good at and ran with it. he plays keyboard in some of their songs, but usually leaves it to buffy. his parents didn’t kick him out after he came out, they just never looked at him the same way, as if he was never really their son in the first place
cyrus is willie; i know this one seems like a stretch but let me explain. cyrus had been friends with andi and buffy, but when he had just turned 16, he decided he would try some new things on his list, one of which was skateboarding. the first time he tried, he broke his thumb, but after it healed, he decided to try again, which resulted in the crack along his helmet. after he passed, he taught himself how to skate by watching others do it and found it actually calmed him down quite a bit. he had turned to caleb soon after passing, needing what seemed like a fun support system after feeling so distraught over his two best friends never being able to see him again. needless to say, he regrets it
when the band goes to the hollywood ghost club, one of the foods that cyrus asks to bring the boys is muffins
in return for teaching tj simple ghost tricks, he teaches cyrus how to somersault
andi made the logo for buffy and the boys
y’all remember how you shipped jarty for a minute? remember how some of y’all ship luke and reggie? i rest my case
y’all also remember the tj used to have a crush on jonah theory? y’all also also know the theory that luke is alex’s ex? again. i’ve thought this through
i don’t think i would change calebs character to someone else tho tbh he’s too much of an irremovable character to have someone from the am universe play him
also shadyside is now a suburb of a major city in midwest, Majorville (since, yk, LA is nowhere near there)
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sixlane · 5 months
What’s ur thoughts on rosestarkiller or rosestarkillerchaser?
i like them both a lot! i think this triad/quartet is really interesting because they all fill something different in each other. i think they’re all kinda soul mates in different ways. reg and barty are childhood friends to lovers. they are two halves of one whole to me. james and reg are like two wholes that complement each other; they bring out the best in each other. same with evan and barty. they’re just a weirder more fucked up version of jegulus imo. they make each other a bit more human. evan and reg feel really safe with each other. idk if it’s necessarily challenging either of them, but they can just sit and be quiet with each other. i honestly see their relationship as really innocent and not super sexual. and then jarty is just Big feelings that only come out with each other. james will never leave barty no matter how much he self sabotages, and barty always seeks to pull the truth out of james. get him to drop his nice guy act a little and be selfish. evan and james i have to think a little more on. i think where barty gets off on evan’s weirdness james is like, understanding of it? like if barty is grinning getting so hard with evan on top of him explaining just where he could press to make barty pass out james is like. nodding along, listening closely, asking thoughtful questions. he cares in an unselfish way where he’s not deeply turned on by what evan is saying but more so that evan is passionate about something. competency kink type beat. maybe?
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