#jarod my baby
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kaemelo · 22 days ago
This looks so good
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Currently convincing everyone around me to play road 96😔
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funk7-m4x · 11 months ago
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Imagine them trying to get his bitch ass to smile
He never would and Pim would cry
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enbyleighlines · 1 year ago
Leigh plays Tellius prt 19
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We are in the final arc of part 1 of Radiant Dawn! Which starts with this terrifying scene of Tormod almost losing his surrogate father all because Izuka is up to his racist bullshit again. I'm so glad that Rafiel was around for this.
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That said, I feel like this is sort of beside the point, Tormod. I do know that he goes on to say that the feral drug destroys a laguz's sense of self, but I feel like that part should have gone first. That seems like the more important bit. Anyway, the fact that Tormod chose to stick around after this is baffling. If someone tried to turn my surrogate parent into a mindless zombie, I'd probably be committing murder.
I am kind of interested to see how the feral drug might affect one of the Branded. We know how they affect laguz, and how they affect beorc (via Renning), but how would it affect someone of mixed decent? I like to imagine that it would transform them, but instead of turning them into a full dragon, bird, or beast, it turns them into something in-between, kind of like a werewolf situation.
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Here comes the biggest douche in town. I feel like his character art in this game is drastically different from his art in PoR. In PoR, he gives off the vibes of a grumpy chef. I much prefer this art, because it makes him look like the self-righteous bastard we all know him to be. I cannot wait to destroy him.
Next was the solo Micaiah map. I did have to redo this one once, only because Micaiah failed to dodge a series of hits, despite the enemy's low hit percentage. Ah, but that's Radiant Dawn in a nutshell.
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Alder always bewilders me. He doesn't seem to be much of a character, but then here he does this, and even has this arguably touching bit of dialogue with Jarod. If only Jarod wasn't an absolute monster of a human being. Otherwise I might feel something other than disappointment that we don't get to kill Jarod here. I know this would make an anti-climatic ending to part 1, so he has to survive here so that we can do the big battle in the next chapter. But man. The fact that he could have died here but doesn't is such a tease.
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Micaiah, I love you, I really do. I know your core character trait is your compassion. But this man is responsible for all the pain and suffering of the Daein people. Just let the Black Knight execute him. Again, I know it would make the story less interesting, but Micaiah. Jarod needs to die.
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Oh Pelleas, you adorable awkward bean. But I have to give credit where credit is due. This takes a lot of courage, courage his spineless body does not usually possess. And though his speech starts out rocky, in the end he does a much better job that I could have done. So kudos to you, Prince Pelleas!
The next chapter is the finale of part 1! But before getting to the map, I'd like to go through my Radiant Dawn babies to compare their stats to their averages and see how they're progressing, so I'll do that in part 20.
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kaelsleftverdantsphere · 2 years ago
The scars left unsealed and words left unsaid
AN: Okay so this rare ship has been very special to me for the longest time, Dath'remar and Jarod are my actual babies and I want them to be happy together AHHHHH!
I had my spotify on shuffle the whole time I was writing this and casually made a playlist of the songs that just... U know... Worked.
Possible TWs: Loss of a loved one
He was growing sick of this. And one of the ways he dealt with the mundane and frankly annoying repetition of his daily life was meeting with a special someone. Outside of town, in solitude, there stood a small hut that he had already gotten to know so intimately.
"Starlight! Where are you?" He yelled impatiently as soon as he unlocked the door. "You will not believe what happened to me today!" He closed the door behind himself and carefully took off his shoes. Afterwards he almost ran into one of the doorways, his manerisms lacking all the gracefulness he usually radiated. "Why aren't you answering?" He frowned and walked over to Jarod who was seated on his bed with a wide smile on his face.
"I knew you could sniff me out, lynx... " The white haired elf chuckled and got up, taking the slightly taller man's face in his hands and planting a gentle kiss on his lips. "Should I make tea to ease your mind, sunshine?"
"Well... You should have already done that before I even came here, don't you think?" Dath'remar spoke with a smirk and stepped back. "Please, and don't forget to add honey unlike last time."
"You are entirelly too stuffy for a ginger..." He laughed and left for the kitchen.
The mage dramatically gasped and stomped off behind him. "Excuse you?!"
"I said what I said and there is no way to take it back, I apologize, darling..." Jarod started boiling water and turned to the other.
"You should be apologizing on your knees-" The highborne almost growled, with a strong hint of playfulness in his voice. Truly, like a lynx.
"Stuffy AND bratty, huh?" He smirked. "As if you could possibly get me to do that when I have to do everything for you..."
"Everything? Well it is true that you are one of my dearest most loyal servants..." He ran one well manicured hand over the shorter elf's pectorals.
Jarod scoffed and grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm behind his back enough to restrict the mage without hurting him. "Oh I will serve you, alright..." He breathed into his ear.
"OW! YOU'RE UNBELIEVABLE!" He faintly struggled against the other before Jarod let him go.
"Am I?" He couldn't help but giggle as he turned his back to Dath'remar to finish making tea for them. "So, what happened today? You looked displeased-"
"OH! I shall tell you everything, my darling, do not worry!" He shook his head. "Xavius mocked me today, can you believe it?"
Jarod picked up the two cups of tea and walked over to the table, sitting down with a smile. "Xavius, that utter fool-" He shook his head.
"RIGHT?" He sat down opposite to Jarod. "Do you want to guess what was the subject of his jests today?"
"Hmmm..." He rubbed his chin as if lost deep in thought. "Yourrrrr-"
"Lack of a relationship!" The noble almost spat. "He was acting like a teenager without a brain or magic... Simply horrid."
"I can believe that, honey..." He chuckled.
Dath'remar looked into his eyes. "I hate that I can't just spend my days here with you, you know that, right?" His face tensed, his tone changed into a far more serious one. "I would give anything to-"
"You would lose so much, sunshine, it is not worth it..."
On a night when the moon shone lighter than ever, the two men lied together on a blanket in the lonely hut's garden, embracing one another and whispering sweet nothings into their ears.
"I shall love you until my days are left but few... Until I pass on and even after. I will always treasure our companionship, my starlight..." Dath'remar whispered as he lazily got on top of the other elf, gently rubbing his cheeks and kissing every little bit of his lips. "The light on my path... The fire in my veins..."
Jarod hugged the elf's slimmer frame and traced fingers along his spine. "I am not one for eloquent promises but, sunshine, I promise I will never stop loving you..." He reached one hand up into the ginger locks, pulled his face even closer to his own and kissed him, hungrily, as if his life depended on it.
Dath'remar woke up next to his starlight and after planting a soft kiss on his temple, he took a look at the bedside table, where he found a half eaten bowl of raspberries and an almost finished bottle of wine. He chuckled, as he thought of all that they did yesterday, how they danced and sang together, how they cried and laughed. How his nightsaber of a boyfriend couldn't help himself but mark every bit of his body with bites and scratches while tenderly kissing him.
They were inseparable. It was just them against the world.
Until they weren't. Until it wasn't.
Dath'remar left without a warning, without a goodbye, without a kiss to spare. And that broke Jarod. He could not understand why he could not atleast... Talk to him. Hell, he would even likely leave with him.
Screw his home, they would make their own. Screw his friends and family, they can live without him. But Jarod could not live without his sun. Or so he thought.
Time healed parts of him, but all the scars Dath'remar's leave left within him could not be sealed.
After centuries-... No, millenia, actually... -of little else than emotional hurt and regrets, Jarod finally got to travel to him. All he wanted to do was to slap and kiss him senseless. To scream and yell at the Sunstrider. To not let him forget him ever again.
As he sneakily entered the royal gardens of Silvermoon, he hoped he would meet the beautiful ginger man looking back at him. He wondered how he would look by now. What if he did something to his hair? Short haired Dath'remar sounded like a nightmare. He pictured how all the color would drain from his face when he sees him. Maybe even how he would jump to embrace him, apologizing profusely... But he did not find him.
Instead, a confused short blonde looked at him. The young man was so similar to Dath'remar, the familiarity almost knocked the air out of his lungs. Did the love of his life have a child? He didn't know how he should feel about the posibility of that.
"Who are you and what are you seeking?" The blonde said. "Should I call the guards?"
"I-" He begged Elune to allow him to speak again and coughed a bit. "I am looking for someone..."
"For who?" The man raised his eyebrows.
"A-... Friend of mine... From way back when... Dath'remar-"
The young man looked a little shocked for a second before masterfully hiding his expression. Ah, what did Dath do..? Is he no longer well liked by the high elves?
"Do you know him?" Jarod asked, hopeful.
"Of course I know of him-" The blonde man's tone didn't sound as rough as it did at first, suddenly it was overrun with uncertainty.
"Could you lead me to him? Please, I beg you-"
"No, no, I cannot do that..." The blonde shook his head.
"Why not? May I... May I ask for your name, young one? I am Jarod Shadowsong-" he was growing desperate and he absolutely hated that.
"Kael'thas... Kael'thas Sunstrider..."
Oh no.
"Yes, I know it might be unusual for you to speak with the crown prince but-"
"Prince? You are a prince?"
"Well aren't you a smart one..." Kael'thas shook his head. "Yes."
The simple yes opened the door to so many new questions he wanted to ask.
"So... Dath'remar is... The king of your people?"
"No... Not- Not anymore..."
Something within Jarod dropped and broke into a million pieces. What do you mean not anymore?
Obviously his face reflected exactly what he was feeling because Kael'thas spoke up. "He... Is my great great grandfather, actually-"
There it was, the million stings in his eyes.
Not only was his sunshine gone... Jarod was late. Far too late.
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pigtailedgirl · 2 years ago
Oh man my stan of relationships where I want or enjoy the hell out of seeing two people who care about each other but can’t communicate it until breakdown at or about each other. 
Brought to you by head-canons of Clark ending up at the Torch bawling his eyes out over failing to save Lex in Asylum and maybe Chloe finding him and not getting it but he has to bury all that feeling inside, because he now knows Lex’s trust of Clark’s secret was true, that Lex was that one person whose belief mattered and Clark saving him would have been the super in Superman, made Clark acknowledge his identity as good, but no, it’s still dangerous and harmful, it’s him not Lex that lies, that you can’t trust or isn’t safe, and no one else cares, cares that Lex was good and trusting and it failed him, and only Clark, not Lex will ever carry the memory or guilt. The self-loathing that inspires. So he buries it down under a weight that will kill their friendship, because Clark can’t take the guilt again, not after his Dad’s heart and his mom and lost baby and his heritage and Lana... and he purposefully and shamefully and angerly won’t accept failure of a hero doesn’t mean you get to cast labels of villains. 
Or for an oldie, I always picture Miss Parker just fucking breaking one day at Jarod and his phone calls, their life games, probably somewhere after Thomas’ death and just laying it out that she hates him for thinking he can solve and play at life, that he can find his beloved family but hers is dead or uncaring enough to condemn her to living in hell, the Center, and he can stop or disappear, after all he wasn’t born there and he’s smart enough can pretend enough to be anywhere or anyone else but she can’t ever not hunt for escape, because it’s lonely death of self inside. Except her life, alone now and always emotionally, is as good as death too. Damn him for dangling outside hope at her. And he’d just grab her in a vise grip or hug and maybe finally confess I don’t disappear because of you. I don’t want you to be alone, I want you to pick me. Like I realized as a child, when I first met this lonely little girl, maybe I need more. I see it through her pain because I was conditioned to ignore mine, and this isn’t living but oh that odd feeling, our ghost of a kiss, love?, no but maybe it sparked hope in life outside a pretended self.
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artisticmenace · 9 months ago
so, the way i tend to see avatars is that
a) they need to have been affected by a fear(whether that be being afraid of it or being somewhat chosen by it), but prefferably the fear theyre an avatar and
b) they need to be able to dish it out
most avatars have history with the fear theyre accociated with, which is also why even though jonah IS afraid of death, he also has a lifelong love of learning, drawing him to the eye.
agnes was literally desolation messiah.
mike crew got struck by lightning and shit
peter lukas was the Lonely's favorite nepo baby
jarod hopworth was handsome as fuck
oliver banks just started having dreams i guess
jon was planned out, experienced every aspect of the eye as a fear and all, but he still liked to learn and read and shit. the web didnt hook him enough with mr spider i guess.
BUT YEAH. thats my chip in. tell me if somethjng doesnt work here.
I think a lot of tma fans mistake what makes you suseptible to becoming an avatar and what makes you suseptible to being a victim.
In my view, being a victim is about what you are afraid of while being an avatar is about how you cope. Yes, some cope by diving head first into what they are afraid of, but not all
For example, Jonah is afraid of death, but he isn't an end avatar. Instead, he is an eye avatar because he copes by learning all he can so he can exert control.
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lyonfamilyinafrica · 8 months ago
Final blog entry for trip
Well that’s the end of our African safari adventure.
Some stats and Q&A to wrap things up.
We drove a bit over 3,400 kilometres whilst in our 4WD hire car driving across two countries - Namibia and Botswana.
We visited 5 African countries (Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa) and saw the banks of another (Angola). We also visited Singapore for 3 nights on our way home.
We experienced temperatures ranging from -5.0 to 28 degrees in Africa.
We visited many reserves and the following National Parks:
Namib-Naukluft National Park
Etosha NP
Moremi NP
Chobe NP
Victoria Falls NP
We saw hundreds of different wildlife including the Big 5 - Lion, Leopard, African Buffalo, Rhinoceros (Black & White), Elephant.
A big thank you to our friends Greg & Jasmine for inspiring us to do this trip and providing an itinerary to follow and many chats and tips to make this trip possible. I think we would have been hesitant to book everything for the trip on our own without your guidance.
Thank you to my Mum Rhonda for looking after our little Lyon of the canine variety, Zoe, for the past month.
Q&A time.
Favourite location in Africa we visited & why:
Shanaugh- Third Bridge (Moremi NP), for the animals and fancy tented accommodation
Jarod - Moremi NP most wildlife
Max - Etosha (Okaukuejo) for animals at waterhole at night
Finlay - Etosha at the water hole because it was one of our first times seeing a lot of the animals and there was so many to watch
Favourite shower:
S - Mobola Island guesthouse
J - Kasane guesthouse
M - Mobola Island
F - Mobola island lodge
Funniest moment:
S - Pedalling on the 6 person cyclo to go across border from Zimbabwe to Zambia.
J - my Tame Impala joke every time I saw an Impala
M - When the Baboon was holding its willy. I thought it was a hot dog
F - pedalling on 6 person bike
When were you the most scared:
S - First night at Third Bridge as was first night in unfenced campsite
J - lion in camp
M - When Jarod farted in the car
F - when the lion walked past our camp and we all had to jump in the car
Best bargain:
S - Two loads of washing done and expertly folded for $10 - so worth it
J - a large painting, two wooden monkeys and a bracelet for $20
M - big hippo for free and apple for $1
F - ‘Free’ trip to Africa
Biggest rip off:
S - 50 Billion Zimbabwe dollar note for $2.50
J - Singapore sling for $39
M - nothing because Mum & Dad paid
F - nothing because Mum & Dad paid
Best tour guide:
S - Kay - Soweto tour
J - Greg
M - Mobola Island river tour and Khwai game drive tour guides
F - the guy at Mobola Island river tour
Favourite African animal:
S - Giraffe
J - Giraffe
M - Warthog
F - Elephants and all the baby animals especially the monkeys
Favourite meal:
S - South African shared meal or Otijiwa Lodge
J - Oryx (Gemsbok) from the restaurant at Otijiwa Lodge
M - Gemsbok steak at Joes Beerhouse Windhoek
F - either the fancy dinner at Otijiwa Lodge or the home cooked one at Victoria Falls
Favourite Spotify song from Africa playlist:
S - Africa by Toto of course
J - Africa by Toto
M - Pata Pata (about dance in Johannesburg)
F - Africa by Toto
Least Favourite part of trip:
S - Jarod’s farts in the car
J - South Africans
M - Dads farts
F - Dads Tame Impala jokes
3 things most looking forward to when home (apart from seeing Zoe):
My own space
Good bed mattress
Driving on smooth roads
Getting back to building outdoor room
Deer shooting in July
Yoghurt & protein powder for breaky
Riding bike with friends
Playing Forza on XBox
Listening to radio next to bed
Seeing friends
Knowing when can play soccer
My own bed
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chayacat · 2 years ago
Road96: Shandara’s Land (12)  
Fandom: Road96 
Rated M for Language and Violence.  
Things don't always go as planned. And Merlina Yung, learned it well the hard way. But she always ended up having the last word. whatever the situation. However... she had to admit that Anna and her little gang were causing her much torment. Yet this makes her and Anna "fight" for historical discoveries. And they always end, much to Merlina's chagrin, at a perfect tie. But this time it will change. She does not intend to let this little explorer steal the show once again. She intends to have her moment of glory.... alone.  
“Tsk... I am surrounded by incompetents. I'll have to find a solution to get rid of them... once and for all.” She said as she looks at recordings of drones flying over the convoy before and during the attack. 
She noticed something that made her smile. A cold and calculating smile. An idea came from crossing his mind while observing the two brothers Sanchez and Alex. That's where she must hit. where it will break them the most. And if she manages to get Anna as a bonus... It will be a perfect success. It has to put all this in place. And convince this whole small group to come to her directly. Like taking candy from a baby... Because she perfectly has the ideal bait for that.  
On Anna's side, the group had returned to the hideout. Everyone took care of their best. Stan, Mitch, John and Alex took care of John's truck, making the final modifications to make it more useful than before. We could already see some changes; windows were at the sides and rear doors of the truck. A hatch with ladder had also appeared on the ceiling. Seats were at the back, at the door separating the back and front of Mr. Grizzly. And a small space for the two brothers' motorcycle was now present. Stan was underneath the truck, working on the different parts of the engine. 
“Mitch, can you pass me the pliers please?” he said, holding his hand out until he feels the pliers in his hand. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” Said a woman which startled Stan, bumping slightly before sticking his head out.   
He then saw that it was Anna, laughing slightly and looking at him with a small, friendly smile. He straightened up, clearing his throat, a little embarrassed by the situation.  
“Oh Anna! I... sorry, I thought Mitch was still around.” He said, embarrassed.  
“Don’t worry It’s nothing. I just hope I don’t scare you.” responds Anna laughing.  
“Me? Getting scared? Of course not! I’m not the kind of guy who can be scared that easily you know!” 
“Of course... Stan... I wanted to say thank you. To have saved us. If you hadn't been there...” replied Anna.  
“Oh, it was nothing you know. I wasn't alone and then... it was out of the question for me to lose all three of you, especially Sonya.” said Stan.  
“You know sometimes I feel like you're playing the role of the protective big brother.” 
“Yeah, it’s...it’s true. I know Mitch and Sonya can defend themselves and... I can release the pressure a little but... It's stronger than me. I've always been there to protect them... It's... all that remains of my family. And I promised that I would do anything for them.”  
“That’s adorable...” 
Stan laughed slightly, looking to the side blushing. The two looked at each other for a few moments before clearing their throats each other while blushing. Luckily for them, Sonya wasn't there to tease them. Because believe me, she would not have shy away from doing so.  
“And so... you... Have you been able to advance in your research?” Asks Stan.  
“A little. the language of the Shandarians is quite complex. Even if I have everything i need to decode it.... It's not fun either. But I'll find something eventually.” responds Anna.  
“I’m sure you will.”  
 “Hey! You should come and see that.” said suddenly Jarod at the garage door before leaving. Anna and Stan exchanged glances before heading to the living room where the rest of the team is. When they arrived, they found everyone in front of the television, listening to a speech by Tyrak... with Merlina by his side.   
*I will now turn the floor over to our new Director of Operations, Ms. Merlina Yung, Chief of the Purple Lynx. * Said Tyrak on the screen.  
*Thank you. As you already know, and as I am sure you have noticed over the last few days, my organization and I have moved to different parts of the country, restructuring and renovating old buildings into our various bases of operations. So, I want to thank your dear President for... its cooperation. Petria.... has returned to its former glory thanks to him. However... There are fugitives on the loose. Fugitives who... are starting to get a little too annoying for my taste. * Said Merlina before looking at the camera. *Hello, Anna. *  
Everyone tenses, Anna frowning and clenching her fists as hard as she could. Merlina spoke again.  
*I know you're watching me from your little hiding place with your little team. I must admit that on all our meetings, all our... Battles for discovery, this one is the one where you give me the most trouble. I almost admire your determination while compared to me, you have practically nothing except your ridiculous little notes and your little brain to help you. I sometimes wonder how you managed to never go wrong once... such intelligence.... It is surely family. * 
Anna gritted her teeth and fists in the face of this pike from her rival. But for all that she managed to remain calm and reasonable, while Yung continued to speak.  
*But don't hope that this time you will win. I intend to find the city of miracles of Shandara before you. whatever the cost. However... I decided to have a little heart. I know that for you, coming from me, it is impossible. Look at this instead. * 
An image then appeared on the screen. There could then be Adam locked in a cell, alone but alive and healthy. Sonya felt tears come to her eyes, while Stan and Mitch gritted their teeth. The others frowned, worried to see what she planned to do with him.  
“Adam...” said Sonya with tears.  
*I'll give you a chance... to come and pick him up. You can find your little Adam here. I look forward to seeing how you do it. I grant you a period of 2 days. After this time... bye bye Adam. * Said Merlina.  
“No!” replied Sonya with more tears.  
*2 days. Not one more. You'd better hurry. And to decide quickly. * Said Merlina before the TV transmission cuts off.  
Everyone was silent for a few moments. Only Sonya's crying echoed in the room. Mitch took his sister in his arms to comfort her. Stan clenched his fists, while Jarod tugged on his cigarette before spitting out the smoke.  
“What do we do?” asks Fanny.  
“We're going to look for him.” said Stan coldly before starting to walk out.  
“This is a very bad idea.” said Jarod.  
“Excuse me??? And what do you want us to do? that we stay there and wait kindly for him to be executed?? We have an opportunity to free my sister's boyfriend so I'm not going to sit back and sit here!” 
“Think for two minutes why she would give us all the information to go get him? Imagine if we will fall into a beautiful ambush. I feel sorry for him, but we can't take any risks.”  
“In this case I go alone, if you are too scared, which is surprising when we know that you wanted to kill my sister!”  
“Stan!” said Mitch shaking his head slowly.  
“You are both right. You can't just sit back and do nothing. If we can save him, then we must not miss this opportunity. But neither can we rush headlong into the mouth of the wolf. We must think of a plan. And let us decide who goes. No need for everyone to go.” said John calmly.   
“Yes. We can't go there without knowing what awaits us. And if we all go... We all risk being captured. That's why we must think about what we're going to do.” said Anna.  
Everyone nods. In the headquarters of the Purple Lynx, Merlina was sitting at her desk, a big smile on her face, proud of her little speech. Tyrak was more puzzled. He had a hard time understanding why she had given them an opportunity to get Adam back. So, what did she have in mind? 
“Can I know what makes you smile like that? This is a completely ridiculous idea that you had. There is nothing to smile about.” said Tyrak grunting.  
“Hahaha! oh my dear Tyrak, sometimes you must know how to have fun with your food, with your prey. Give them even a little hope.... to better break them afterwards. In a chess game like this, a move as silly as you say, can be decisive. And fatal, for the adversary. If Wheatherlaw and his small team have even an ounce of humanity, I guarantee you that they will come to save him without wasting a single second. And at that moment... at the very moment when they will put even one foot inside.... they will be condemned.” Said Merlina smirking.  
“If you say so...”  
“You'd better take care of your little prisoners... I heard that Flores tried to escape. It would be a shame if she managed to regain her place as president, don't you think?”  
Tyrak growled, before leaving, slamming the door. Merlina smiled before looking at her computer from where she could observe everything. She saw Adam in his cell, curled up on himself, alone, isolated from everyone. She changed cameras to observe the iron pit where all the prisoners were located, including Flores. She had to recognize that this woman had teeth. She wondered how Tyrak was going to handle the situation... Then she focused again on her research. 
“I can't wait to see what wonderful magic trick you will use to get you out of the mess that awaits you... Weatherlaw. You have no interest in disappointing me...” 
She walked towards the large windows that gave the view of the landscape. A big smile was born on his face. A smile almost... crooked.  
“Because this time... I intend to attend your funeral march... in person.”  
She left her office and set off for her next destination. She was looking forward to witnessing this. And she didn't plan to miss a beat. If she must put her hands in the mud to get what she wants, then...She will. 
And if she has to kill Anna with her own hands... 
Then...So be it.  
(Finally!!!! After a blocked back, weeks of exhausting work, and an internet that trolls me, I'm finally back! I was able to at least get ahead of Zelda and I've almost finished it. But I have the same feeling as with Hogwarts, this little pinch in my heart to tell me that I would soon have finished such an incredible game. Does this happen to you too? I hope you’ll like it like the other ones! Feel free to tell me what you think about it! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya!)  
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alysseaallyn · 2 years ago
Woman Into Wolf: the play
Roy hates Bish but Jarod's willing to give him tumble
(PERSEY & BISH finish their yoga with a good gossip when – unexpectedly – ROY, PERSEY’S husband – who hates BISH – comes home) BISHBut I have no playmateAs you cruelly point out.(Sighs) PERSEYSorry.(Offstage, ROY’s voice) ROYCupcake! I’m home!Where the hellz is my baby? (PERSEY & BISH galvanize. He picks up scattered clothes and rushes, dripping, to change behind a screen. DIGGER lifts a head…
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forcentreuseonly · 4 years ago
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The Pretender | 04x12 Lifeline | First Aired: Feb. 19, 2000
God forgives. I don’t.
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hanisaway · 4 years ago
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"whatever happens next, we stick together."
[mackson in 7x16]
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enbyleighlines · 1 year ago
Leigh plays Tellius prt 16
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It's been a while, but I'm back! I wanted to take time to focus on my Big Bang fic, but I found that the promise of playing Radiant Dawn motivates me to write, so... Here we go!
Here are my goals for Radiant Dawn:
Beat the game without losing any units
Unlock Ike and Soren's special base conversation
Take Ranulf to endgame
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And here we go! I'll probably just speed through the first few chapters without much commentary, because there isn't much to say. I will say that my personal theory is that Edward and Leonardo were initially intended as one character before being split into two. Because they gave Edward a personality but no backstory, and they gave Leonardo a backstory but no personality.
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Ahhh, Jarod. I do love to hate Jarod. He's just such an asshole. And he makes for a great antagonist to Micaiah, because he's everything she's not. He's power hungry and sadistic, while she wants to help others but is nervous about being the center of attention.
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This is random, but I just wanted to take a second to appreciate that donkey they added to the left. Too cute.
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I think the implication is that Micaiah foresaw the fact that she would run into Jarod, and so she decided to split the party so that the others would have a chance to avoid capture, but I still think this is a terrible idea. And I am surprised that Sothe agreed to this plan, considering how overprotective he is of her.
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(Insert gagging noises here)
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I love Micaiah and Sothe's dynamic. With everyone else, she is polite but distant. With Sothe, Micaiah isn't afraid to be more honest about her thoughts and feelings.
Also, this was the first map that gave me trouble in RD. There are just so many reinforcements! And my Dawn babies were just not strong enough to keep up. I'm so glad I got Ilyana all those transfer bonuses. I don't know how I would have gotten through this map without them.
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I did get my first perfect level up on this map, though. And it was for Micaiah! Go, Micaiah!
And I think that's where I'm going to end it for now. From now on, the actual plot starts kicking in. Overall, I had fun with these chapters, despite the frustration of trying to keep Edward, Leonardo, and Laura alive. There are so many squishy characters in the Dawn Brigade! At least my Nolan seems to be doing well.
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sadmatilda · 2 years ago
Re-reblogging this with my recommendations:
A Dim Light in the Maelstrom by @melowenarts —> a very sweet and very sad take of the ship IN THE FUTURE. Slow burn, print tissues. Poor Jarod
MyVerse by @thewritingof-therose —> an excellent spin on baby Illiev before the Sundering.
Mafia AU by @thewritingof-therose —> Illiev but make it pew pew. Very hot
Le Hasard Fair Bien les Choses by @thewritingof-therose —> basically the most action-packed, comic book like AU you’ve ever read
One Interview, Two Actors (I think, im doing this by memory don’t shoot me) by @melowenarts —> what if Illidan and Maiev were actors and Illidan was a little shit that smelled nice? One-shot
Calling all Illidan/Maiev - Illiev - Maidan shippers
Tell me your favorite fic with them
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deansbaby-1967 · 5 years ago
Is it really so much to ask for a fandom that doesn't make me wanna kill myself by the end?!
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unchained-hound-dog · 2 years ago
Jack Harlow x Reader
Well Damn - Reader facetimes Jack and he realises where his hoodie went
Sick Boy - Jack is sick and Reader becomes his nurse
You Know I'd Never Hurt You - Reader flinches during an arguement
I Need You To Breath - Reader has a panic attack at an event
We're Having a Baby - Reader tells Jack she's pregnant, leading to an argument
Jack Wants to Facetime - Jack can't sleep, leads to an early morning facetime
Stay a Little Longer - Reader seduces Jack into staying home
Movie Night - Reader and Jack have a movie night after time apart
Burgler's Would Have Done the Dishes - Jack and Reader Argue over Chores
Mother-in-Law Advice - Pregnant Reader turns to her MIL for advice
Personal Space - Reader loves her own space
Stop - Reader is an overthinker and Jack helps settle her mind
Should of Ordered In - Reader and Jack's relationship is revealed
Never Playing Nurse Again - Jack catches Reader's cold
Co-Parenting / Co-Parenting P2 - Jack and Reader have a daughter but aren't in a relationship
What Are We - Jack decides if he wants to commit or not
Jealous of Jarod - Jack has a crush on Reader and is jealous on set
Hot Ones - Reader misses out on Jack filming Hot Ones, so he surpises her for her birthday
Pregnancy Shoots - Reader and Jack announce their pregnancy
Christmas In Kentucky - Reader, Jack and their new baby girl celebrate Christmas in Kentucky
Urban Mediates - Reader and Jack argue, Urban intervenes
Meet the Family - Reader meets the Harlows!
Baby Fever - watching reader babysit makes Jack want a family
Clingy - Reader gets drunk in the club and Jack looks after her
Up All Night - Jack can't sleep while the Reader is away
The Boy Is Mine - Reader gets jealous after Jack gets close with a fan
Bad Day - Jack has a bad day and reader comforts him
Christmas Markets - Jack and the reader go Christmas Shopping
Urban Wyatt x Reader
6 Months Too Long - Urban and Reader argue over being apart during tour
Tell Jack - Urban is crushing on Jack's ex
Can I Take You On A Date - Clay and Jack play cupid for their friends
Austin Butler x Reader
Oh Let Our Love Survive - Austin and Reader's relationship isn't all sunshine and roses
I'm Home - Reader suffers with depression and Austin comes home
I'll Keep You Safe - Austin and Reader watch a horror movie
My One True Love - Reader is insecure due to negative comments
Shy Girl - Reader gets flustered and Austin finds it adorable
Tell Me You Love Me - Reader does a TikTok trend on Austin
Come Get Me - Reader is out drinking and calls on her boyfriend to pick her up
The Most Beautiful Girl - Reader goes to an event with Austin
You're Sick? - Reader is sick and Austin becomes a nurse
That Guy That's Dating Y/N - Reader is more famous that Austin
You Need to Leave - Austin's Co-Star over-steps the boundaries
Lunch Time Blurbs - a collection of blurbs written on my lunch hour
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soodoonimin · 2 years ago
About me:
I write a bunch of fanfics and hang out here on Tumblr because like the majority of us, I basically grew up here. I have a twitter and other social but if you're here I doubt you care about all that.
Pfp by coranimania 💖
My Eddie and Venom Chaotic Love
Symas playlist
Current work(s):
Just touch me : Logan doesn’t hurt the people he loves. Wade doesn’t know this rule, much think that Logan might love him. Wires get crossed and hearts are very nearly broken.
If only I could stay: How could they have known? In all the universes that they've existed in, this has never happened and now...now they needed to protect Eddie because the unthinkable has happened, home has come knocking at their door.
My most popular fics:
Your home is our home: Venom and Eddie get sent to the MCU, Fix it, fluff, and angst. They actually get to be in the story and make things better.
Tasted Oblivion before you knew your name: Cute short soulmate AU ( I love soulmate AUs so much), little bit of angst but also not? Title based on a poem book Field Guide to the Haunted Forest by Jarod K. Anderson.
We only sleep at night : Cute little baby AU about if Sleeper was born to Sony Venom and Eddie. I took a bit of inspiration from the original comic because I love them ❤️
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