#jared leto social media
I feel like if there’s any old movie that would make for an interesting remake/modern reimagining, it’s “American Psycho”. Mainly because I feel that a modern version of the movie would be about social media influencers. Go on YouTube and look up Patrick Bateman’s morning routine, people have pointed out that the scene is not so different from how influencers make their vlogs.
And also, there’s other scenes that feel like they could work as satire of the influencer scene, like Bateman’s insincere call for activism and the inner monologues in which Bateman is always judging the people around him. A reimagining could also add on to Bateman’s character. For example, in addition to mentioning his residence first before his name, symbolizing that Bateman views his status as more important than his identity, Bateman could also mention his follower count. Which I do think is an actual thing since I remember TheOdd1sOut mentioning an encounter in which his subscriber count was what drew people to him.
(Or, better yet, modern American Psycho would be about the crypto/cryptobro scene)
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anniehathaways · 1 year
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annehathaway: Motek keeping me on my toes since 2014 #wecrashed @ appletvplus @jaredleto
Photography: @ plsphotogetty and @ kopaloffphoto
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kelly-clarksons · 10 months
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kellyclarksonshow: Hanging out with the amazing Jewel and @ crimejunkiepodcast host Ashley Flowers today on Kelly PLUS a special #Kellyoke with @ Sheilaedrummer and a SURPRISE guest… 👀➡️
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propaganda-inc · 1 year
Thought I'd post some more propaganda, since people are really getting mad at ONLY /u/Spez for this. For the people in the back that are still using Reddit- this is ultimately the reason why I left Reddit.
TL;DR: Yes, /u/spez is the CEO of Reddit, but now he's beholden to the true owners of Reddit- Literal white supremacists, Chinese businesses looking to subvert American democratic values, and businesses that are desperately looking for new ways to make money after a pandemic has gutted the people dry of all the money it could take.
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Let's get a little Pepe Silvia in here, shall we? Setting mood music:
Reddit was originally founded by /u/Spez (real name Steve Huffman), Alexis O'Hanion, and Aaron Swartz (RIP). In 2006, Conde Nast bought Reddit. So, if you read Vogue, Pitchfork, Wired, Vanity Fair, & the New Yorker, you may have gotten some of the same content owned by the same company- just through a magazine rather than Reddit. Also, since June 2020, Conde Nast has claimed that their advertising revenue has gone down 45% have gone down dramatically since the pandemic, alongside the cancellation of major publications by Conde Nast. Buut in 2017, Reddit was made into an independent subsidiary by Advance Publications. Sounds like an innocent enough name, until you look at which companies these lovely people own:
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That Charter Communication, is just a fancy name for the lovely ISP known as Spectrum- Better known to some of our older folks as Time Warner Cable. You know, one of the ISPs so hated in the United States that they actively changed their name so that people wouldn't recognize them doing their dirty work again?
Isn't it interesting that one of the main complaints by Huffman is that Reddit isn't getting it's due in advertising revenue? Huh. I wonder where he's getting that from. But that's only one section of the shit sandwich. Let's talk about some of the lovely* investors that Reddit's had on aboard since 2006. The list is.... interesting. 2014: A group of investors, including Marc Andressen (an investor in nearly all of the major social media networks that exist), Peter Thiel (a literal white supremacist), and for some reason, Snoop Dogg and fucking Jared Leto. 2017: Advance Publications buys Conde Nast and subsequently Reddit, raising its valuation to about $1.8 billion. 2019: Tencent (you know, the CHINESE VIDEO GAME COMPANY THAT HAS BANNED PLAYERS FROM THEIR GAMES FOR SUPPORTING HONG KONG DEMOCRACY DEMONSTRATIONS) buys a 5% stake in the company. Did I mention that Tencent is also the largest gaming company in the world? 2021: Fidelity Investments(??? an insurance firm and mutual fund????) decides to add another $700 million to the pot, giving them a whole stake as well too. So, let's tie this all together. Yes, /u/spez is the CEO of Reddit, but now he's beholden to the true owners of Reddit- Literal white supremacists, Chinese businesses looking to subvert American democratic values, and businesses that are desperately looking for new ways to make money after a pandemic has gutted them dry. Of course Huffman is going to stay the course on this one- his job literally depends on it in the first place. All of the people that make this site (what other social media network do you know that doesn't pay it's mods and is valued at $10 billion dollars) ? have been tossed to the side in favor of making money. Remember this:
Reddit and its investors do not give a fuck about their community.
They do not give a fuck about their moderators. They do not give a fuck about disability rights. Most of all? They don't give a fuck about you.
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notafunkiller · 5 days
of course her latest selfie is pretty weird but no one is talking about how everyone was tweeting photos saying how beautiful she was at that match but in reality that photo was fucking unflattering (the photo when she noticed David). I also saw that some people added a photo from this match and Sebastian from the latest pap walk and I felt a bit... well, I had a lot of questions and especially how can someone think that they fit together? xd
Personalities speaking for me Sebastian would be a huge red flag if they were together for real becauss we know she is a royalist, stalking his fans, her exes' girlfriends, bffs with Jared Leto for years, defended W. Allen, still friendly on social media with A. Hammer; she always baits him, uploading pics live etc, completely opposite to his: there is a life out there, stop being on social media preach (which he also does not respect, she likes comments about his voice, posts only about projects when they can bring her attention; she is kinda zionist (not pro Palestine for sure - especially since her first post was more pro Israel "neutral" my a§s and she looooves tagging the A list) + let's not forget she liked deuxmoi's post without being tagged (no, shippers, that is not MOTHER behaviour. If Ale did this, you'd have went insane) and so on.
And he'd be a red flag as a boyfriend if that's how he is with someone he is supposed to be in love with (noth: at the beginning when we first saw them together and now): body language (weird fake smiles, no warmth, no synergy, never caught kissing, no real hugs, that kiss at Cannes was in the corner of the mouth and she looked so icked after it, argue with the wall... I got second hand embarrassment watching them bc I felt the awkwardness), stepping on her dress, not even posing for a sec at Cannes; I remember fans saying they were distant in Portugal, him giving her his finger to hold something he's never done with his exes and it was not something cool), covering his face with her, not touching her, fake smiles, always in his phone, letting go of her hand once paps walk away, not helping her with her luggage (not because she can't handle it but bc we saw him constantly and even on Thunderbolts set helping a crew woman carry something) and so on. If that is hin being a boyfriend after Ale aka changed completely, he is a huge red flag.
If this = relationship goals, I do not want it.
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kmp78 · 8 days
This https://x.com/jay2p/status/1834569107842150458?s=46 and the comments 🙃
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Jared Leto oooooooor...
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...whoever of his 12 servants happens to be on "Luring random social media influencers with freebies" duty. 🙌
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erelavent · 2 years
I have so many things to say about the "clarification" of the FIA's policies, religious and personal statement ban.
Whoever drafted the wording should be fired because this sentence that says drivers can "express their views on any political, religious or personal matter before, during and after the international competition, in their own space and outside of the scope of the international competition" is the most vague shit I've ever read. They claim that drivers' spaces include social media and press conferences, but social media isn't a space (it's a platform), and press conferences aren't owned by the drivers but I digress.
Drivers are not allowed to do anything that will compromise the FIA's stance on neutrality which is defined as any and all proselytizing gestures, clothing, speech etc without approval (which should be requested 4 weeks in advance). They said Lewis' rainbow helmet would qualify but not, for instance, Pierre's symbol of the cross before a race. This is where things start to get messy. If a rainbow on Lewis' helmet can convert people to queerness, why doesn't the FIA think Pierre's gesture can convert people to Catholicism? People have joined cults for far less. Do they not think that people could switch religions if they are influenced by their favorite, good-looking celebrity expressing their belief in God? Because I hate to break it to them but Scientology, Hillsong church, and Jared Leto's cult are prime examples of that. They may not view Pierre's cross gesture as proselytizing but that's only because they've never watched Fleabag. Anything can be proselytizing and I mean anything.
What happens if Lewis, in a feat of malicious compliance, does request to wear his rainbow helmet 4 weeks in advance for Qatar? They have put themselves in a position to be fucked if they let him wear it and fucked if they don't. They can have fun trying to parse their way through that backlash.
What happens in the event of an emergency on track. Let's say, GOD FORBID, a driver or personnel gets hurt or dies due to conditions on track or related to the FIA's governing. Are they gonna have to wait 4 weeks to express that? What if their message isn't approved because they were critical of the FIA or the specific country's national motorsport organization? They're just supposed to pretend like they support the FIA? Lol ok.
Their decision is in direct contradiction to the wants on Formula 1. Domenicali literally stated that last week, and instead of backing off, MBS decided to double down and have a dick measuring contest. He chose to strain the relationship further at a point when F1 is literally having its moment on the world's stage. They have never been more eyes on the sport and specifically on the drivers than ever before, and instead of capitalizing on that, they're deciding to muzzle them. Let's see how that strategy pans out longterm.
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thisandthat-whatever · 10 months
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He is soooo predictably pretentious and fake 🙄. He deliberately says these sound bites and one-liners knowing it will get him social media clicks and notoriety. When I say Jared Leto and this phoney idiot exhibit the same level of pretentiousness, I am right…. I still laugh when some people think I dislike Jacob because of the Z thing when I have categorically always disliked this type of personality.
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msclaritea · 7 months
Care to elaborate about "They're creating another Jared leto" ???
Another actor who gets put in everything that nobody cares about except Hollywood perverts. It's almost comical watching the industry keep crap shooting at the box office with their little crushes. Oh, I know Dune will do well. It's been engineered to. But he's already getting off-the-cuff remarks about his role in the project.
You see, I'm not dumb enough to believe social media hype about anything from Hollywood. The proof is in the crowds you can pull. That shows the real potential power of your box office. THAT'S the pudding and I feel nothing but a dry itch looking at Butler. Hollywood really is in its stupid era, of Men Worshipping Men On Screen. Do you know who invented fandoms? Women. We do them right..unless you're a group of paid, psycho hyenas going by the name of Stalkerinas.
And more importantly...WE ARE THE MONEY. Men are cheap, by nature. It'll be the movie and a game, if attached. Women will buy almost anything if you give them someone and something worth looking at, and I see nothing lately worth wasting my time and money on. You see, I don't do 'New Masculinity'.
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gamerdog1 · 1 month
Morbius Review
Yeah, I know I'm late to the party with this one, but better late than never, eh?
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I think everyone knows, or has at least heard of the infamous Morbius movie. A film trying so hard to launch a universe of Spider-Man baddies without Spider-Man, that got launched into the spotlight through sheer force of meme potential. You couldn't take to steps anywhere on social media without hearing about it.
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Fast forward a few years, and while picking out bean sprouts from pad thai I could've sworn I asked for without, I decided to give this living legend a go. And what I found, unfortunately, does not live up to the hype.
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The film follows a doctor with rare blood disease, who spends his entire career experimenting to find a way to cure himself. When he discovers that splicing bat DNA into his own blood eases his symptoms, he thinks he's cured, but quickly realizes that he's become a bloodthirsty vampire. With the feds hot on his tail, Morbius tries to find a way to fix himself, save his girlfriend, and avoid the wrath of his rival.
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Sadly, my wordy plot summary does this film more justice than it does itself. This film drags on more than a grandmother giving a stern talking-to. So much of this film is bland, stock set-up, and then when Morbius finally becomes a vampire, we quickly go back to human drama like its nothing. Its almost like the film doesn't think we should see him doing cool things for very long, so it forces the little freak to sit down, shut up, and be normal while it keeps spinning its yarn about hospital workers and rare diseases.
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its quite an accomplishment, really, to make a story like Morbius' so dull. At times I found myself on my phone, distracted from all the mundane talking scenes. I now understand how my little cousins feel, when they ask me to skip to fight scenes in shows we watch.
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Eventually, when the seriousness of this film bubbles over, it becomes accidentally hilarious. Jared Leto saying "stinky little pinky" nearly made me spit out my drink, and watching him and Matt Smith throw each other around like ragdolls had me kicking my feel and giggling. This film should not be funny, and clearly isn't trying to be, yet somehow it is. Maybe if all other crappy Sony movies like these did this, we'd be a better society.
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However, I'm not counting out this film entirely. At various times while watching, I exclaimed "that was pretty cool" or "what a nice shot", unsarcastically of course. Within this ball of over-seriousness and accidental humor are some half decent shots, scenes, and effects, which injected some much needed life into the veins of this shambling corpse of this film. The swarms of vampire bats were a stand-out for me, mostly because I can't imagine how long it took to animate it, and I hope the animators got paid good money. The smoke effects during flight and echolocation were pretty cool to look at too, and are a fresh take on visualizing sound.
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All in all, though, Morbius isn't what I expected. I came for a so-bad-its-good film about a silly vampire guy who 'morbs', and I ended up with a film that took itself way too seriously to make itself funny all the time. I'm a bit disappointed, but hopefully this doesn't dissuade Sony from making more crappy offshoot movies like these. If they can make them sillier, I'll watch them all.
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Social Media AU Masterlist
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Disclaimer: stories are fictitious and should not be taken literally, the behavior is entirely imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
Updated & repaired: 17/07/2023 (if a story won't load or something else, please message me and let me know)
Big Boy series:
Victor Creed
Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent
Steve Rogers
Victor Creed:
Brotherly Love?!
Secret Collection
Public Love
What A View
Bruce Wayne:
Patiently Waiting
Billionaire Wife
X-Mas Travel
Bucky Barnes:
Movie Star
Cheat Day
Miss You Punk
Steve Rogers:
Tony Stark:
Arthur Curry:
Normal Things
Stephen Strange:
Wishful Thinking
Joker(Suicide Squad AU):
Jared Leto:
Met Head
Lovesick Puppy
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twyftwyt · 11 months
hi, i'm in love with your blog 👑💝
and i completely agree with you on this "yeah, let’s normalize obsessing over celebrities. we’ve all done it at some point. i was so head over heels jared leto when i was younger, it was borderline psychotic (don’t ask why jared leto exactly, he was hot 10 years ago). as long as you’re not harming others (and by that i mean invading said celebrity’s privacy/getting into all that parasocial shit) and yoruself, it’s okay."
i've been a fan of TSTM since 2007 (sometimes if i've got enough free time i still revisit their old/gold records and they still hold up.) and when i turned 15 Jared became my craze for several years. i read fanfics, even wrote a couple of imagines but without any warnings and stuff (i wasn't good at it though 😄), had fun on Twitter with Echelon some of them were my peers and plus shared this band's music with my friends. still miss those days. i remember being kinda "in love" with J and making fake scenarios in my head distracted me from several serious problems i had to deal with in real life. maybe it's weird to think like this but i'm sure i couldn't have managed to make it through those rocky years without TSTM and that imaginable relationship/friendship.
i know everybody is aware of "dark sides" of parasocial relationships but there are tons of good ones like befriending people with the same interests, learning new languages (i partially improved my english interacting with the fans from all over the world), being inspired to craft something on your own (i started sketching/drawing on a daily basis because of my "new social circle"), discovering other bands and musicians and so on. in spite of my fascination with fake scenarios i didn't cross any edges. i didn't stalk J's social media accounts, never sent him dms, never trashed on women he was in photos with, never attacked other fangirls who constantly admired him but there was the certain number of people in the fanbase who did this. and i remember that one fanfiction writer published an odious short story of how she would have punished those fangirlies for being overly dumb and annoying. i don't think that many people read it but i came across it and it was ridiculous. vile as fvck but ridiculous.
anyway, if you know it's only a fantasy this fantasy can't hurt anyone.
Sending much love your way 💗🌻🌄
“if you know it’s only fantasy, this fantasy can’t hurt anyone” very well said, anon. and thank you for your kind words 🫶🏻
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anniehathaways · 1 year
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annehathaway: Thank you #emmymagazine for having @ jaredleto and I on your cover to talk #wecrashed! First three episodes streaming now on @ appletvplus 🍏
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kelly-clarksons · 9 months
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November 14, 2023
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2o3dinge · 7 months
The pandemic brought us Farrelleto back (kinda): 2021, the year of The Batman and House of Gucci and faked Italian accents
2021/22 was a Farrell/Leto year first and foremost due to the stellar make-up work by Mike Marino (@ prorenfx on Instagram) and his frequent collaborator Göran Lundström (@ effexstudios_goran) who created the stunning masks for Colin's Penguin and Jared's Paolo. The Batman shoot ended about the time that House of Gucci's started, so for Lundström these were back to back jobs. Because of their unrecognizable appearances in their roles, Colin and Jared were constantly mentioned together on social media for the most part of 2021/22. That was fun while it lasted.
By now, I think that it's not quite a coincidence. If you listen to Jared and Colin, you might get a feeling that they, too, talked about it — with each other…
Jared Leto about “the idea of a mask” I’ve heard about actors who didn’t have the character until they put on the shoes. In this case, I was sent the script for another part; when I read the script, I really connected with this character and I saw a lot of opportunity for heart and humor. Once I started doing the research, I [knew] this was going to be a pretty intense transformation. And I love immersive work. I love the idea of a mask. In the earliest theater, actors would wear masks. It’s not only a disguise — a mask also reveals. My job is to create a life behind the mask, and Göran’s job is to find humanity in the mask. It’s not just about how well he puts together some chemicals or chooses the right colors. It’s really about creating an individual. THR, December 7, 2021
Jared Leto about taking the chance to channel his own grandfather in House of Gucci The Dallas Buyers Club Oscar winner — who is speaking to Screen International prior to the death of that film’s director Jean-Marc Vallée — was originally considering a different part in House Of Gucci, but after reading the script fell in love with Paolo, the black sheep of the Gucci family who ends up turning on his relatives after his dreams of becoming a designer are thwarted. “I could relate to Paolo’s desire to be taken seriously as an artist, his desire to be heard, his desire to create something special and share it with the world,” says Leto. “He reminded me a lot of my grandfather, who had a kind of mischievous charm to him and was gregarious and full of life and laughter. In my life I can be quite reserved and quiet unless I’m on stage [with his band 30 Seconds To Mars], so I love that Paolo was virtually singing and dancing all the time.” Screendaily, January 2022
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Jared Leto about having permission to “go completely fucking crazy” on set Leto let Scott know that he wanted to work with him years back at the 2003 Morocco Film Festival. They’d run into each other. And Scott was on the set of “Blade Runner 2049.” After asking to play Paolo instead, Leto spoke to Scott on the phone. “I basically told him I was going to go completely fucking crazy if we were going to this,” he said. “He was going to have to take the cuffs off and let the lunatic run around the asylum, in a way.” IndieWire 2021/2022
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Colin Farrell talking about all the things Jared Leto talked about — the idea of masks, shadows and having the permission to let loose without judgment Look I only had as I said five or six scenes or seven scenes, and I wasn't quite I was at the early stages of looking at what I felt, I could do or bring to it, I was at a bit of a loss and then when I saw what Mike did, the whole character made sense to me, I swear to God, I saw what he did, and I just went okay, okay, and I got really excited about this all that to say that most of — if anyone ever thinks what I do in Batman is a decent performance, I'll gladly take 49% of the credit, I — honest to God, I'm not—I’m not joking you, cause there's — you know mask work? And like Jung used mask work and certain eastern philosophies have used mask work, it’s a very powerful way to allow the shadow to have permission; the shadow that exists in all of us to have permission because you're aware that you're not gonna be judged, that you feel protected from, you know, the awful rule of judgment that man inflicts upon each other. Well, that's gone and so the sense of I—you know, conventional logic would say, maybe with a full face covering you, that it would be limiting that it would, you would feel constricted… it was 100% the opposite! It was so f—damn liberating, it was so liberating, and I felt so free, and I felt like, and I may be proven wrong, I felt like it was impossible to be too big — cut to: Farrell is too big— but like I had such, Mike gave me such permission to just explore you know behaviors by the brilliance of the work that he did, Mike Marino… Happy sad confused Podcast, July 2021
It’s not only that, but Colin and Jared approached their characters, Oz and Paolo, similarly - the kind of similar I perceive as essentially the same ...
Colin said Oz is a variation of Fredo from the ‘Godfather’. Fredo served as “emotional reference”.
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Jared conceived his Paolo as a mixture of his own “cheeky” grandfather - which he admits - and the real Gucci imbued with Fredo-like motivation.
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It makes a lot of sense, for both!
Also on a personal level in regard to Colin’s and Jared’s struggles to be taken seriously as artists, one of the great themes of both of their careers, I figure.
It’s kind of amusing to think about Al Pacino playing Jared’s father in HoG, so the ‘Godfather’ inspiration went full circle ;)
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marsmad · 2 years
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First of all I will not have that word used to describe him as he most certainly is not that! There have been far too many rumours and lies spread over the internet about him by people who believe stories on groupie websites, most of which are made up and have been debunked a thousand times. He doesn't have a cult and quite frankly I can't believe people think he has the time to run a cult. What he does have is a loyal fanbase and the phrase "Yes this is a Cult" goes way back in the band's history, a marketing ploy? a joke? call it what you may but he is not a cult leader and the whole thing has been blown up out of all proportion by the media and idiots on social platforms who love to stir the pot and are desperate for likes and clicks, such a sad world we live in.
As for being a womanizer, I'm not denying that he's had his fair share of women and why not? He's a good looking guy and women are naturally attracted to him. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, some may say he's an acquired taste but he's not the man people think he is. There have been so many instances of his kindness which are ignored and brushed under the carpet, which is yet another reflection on our society that people would much rather tear someone down with lies and conjecture than praise them for actually being a good person.
You must bear in mind that we only see a small fraction of his life, only his family and the people closest to him know the real Jared Leto.
Personally, I think he's an insanely talented man with a good heart, who is sometimes misunderstood and doesn't deserve all the hate he gets.
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