#jared leto!joker x yn
yona049 · 4 months
𝐀𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 ♤
Joker x fem!Reader x Jason Todd
Part 1
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
>This story uses Jared Leto's Joker and the batfam from another universe.
>Grenade's and Gun violence.
>Toxic Joker relationship that could be triggering to some.
A shining knife spins through the air towards a target finally hitting the wall beside it. A complete miss!
Y/n snarls before fixing her hair back into its wild style. A girl that wore clown themed makeup with ecstatic colors. Two bright red lines diagonally crossing her eyes and black lipstick reaching her cheekbones to emphasize her smile.
Y/n, more known as The Ace an accomplice of the crown prince of crime. Along side him in many crimes!
"This is impossible Harley!" she whines picking up another knife off a table.
The warehouse was covered in bright spray paint with alot of clown faces and aggressive 'Hahaha' fonts on the walls.
Harley Quinn, ex to the crown prince of crime, Joker. She sat in the corner of the room away from the targets set up, wiping some blood off her iconic hammer.
"Nah, you're just a little out of rhythm!" she stands up and walks over to Y/n ready to throw another dagger.
"Ace, daggers were never my strong suit, but Ya gotta keep your wrist straight! Aim before ya throw!" she scolds and lifts Ace's wrist a little.
Ace bites her lip and aims directly at the bullseye, her hand pulls back and throws it with an incredible speed.
It flies and hits, only for it to bounce off the target and hit the ground.
She sighs heavily as Harley snickers behind her then remarks.
"You could almost take it as a sign! Not being able to hit the mark and missing every time!"
Ace lifts an eyebrow looking at the insane girl.
"What are you on about?"
"I'm just saying girl! That's how your future with that toxic asshole is looken!"
Harley skips back to her seat and goes back to cleaning her hammer.
Ace rolls her eyes and takes a third dagger flipping it around her hand like a fidget toy.
"Harls, you're not gonna get me to break up with the Joker, even if he is a Toxic asshole!"
She smirks thinking about him. Joker. His pale skin and many tattoos across his body and face. His iconic smile tattoo on his hand being his most prized and favorite of the bunch.
Harley rolls her eyes and leans back into the wall behind her.
"Well! You're 'boyfriend' hasn't done alot of crime lately! Must be getting lazy!"
Just as she finished her insult a slow growl comes from the doorway.
"Lazy huh? I don't see you doing anything!"
Ace looks up with an immediate smile seeing Joker leaning on the door frame. His purple coat and sleek hair.
He watches the two girls before he spots Ace and pats on his chest. She immediately walks closer to him and puts her hands on his tattooed chest.
Jokers hand moves around her waist and pulls her against him suddenly.
"Hey, baby."
Joker smirks with his eyes only on her, then planting a slow kiss onto her lips.
Harley audibly gags in the background with a heavy eye roll.
Joker pulls back with a purr and traces Ace's jaw before his eyes land on a small bruise she had on her cheekbone.
His face turns from an amused smirk to an intense dissatisfied glare. He grabs her cheeks and pushes her head to the side to get a better look.
"Their name, Give me their name."
He uses his thumb to rub away the makeup trying desperately to cover up the bruise. Ace slowly moves her hand over his and pulls it from her face.
"It was no one! Really." Ace looks at him with pleading eyes knowing what he'd do if he knew someone hit her.
Joker grabs her face again and yanks it close to his. An angry whisper forces Ace's eyes to look up at him.
"Who hurt you?"
Harley sees Ace's panicked expression and quickly interjects.
"It really was nothing, J! I just took her out for some fun, is all! Some asshole at the bar turned it into a fight!"
Joker looks back at Ace and from an aggressive grab his hand smooths over the side of her head.
"Did you kill him?"
Ace smirks again and runs her finger tips over Jokers lips seductively.
"Ripped all his pretty little teeth out."
She giggles a little in turn joker laughs with her. Getting the confirmation he needed, that Ace was ok he turned to Harley.
"You took her out?" he questioned walking closer to Harley.
Without looking up from her hammer she nodded.
"Yeah, She wasn't gonna go against you're rules! Might aswell take her out because you weren't gonna!"
Joker slams his fist into the wall right above Harley's head.
"I'm not gonna let her out of my sight! She stays for a reason."
He takes his gun from the holster and spins it around his finger, then pushing it against Harley's forehead.
Ace gasps and growls.
"This DOESN'T concern you!"
He yells back at Ace without looking away from Harley.
Ace felt her heart shrink for a second but her fear turned to anger quickly when teeth clenched.
"You've been breaking too many rules, Quinn. I think it's time you go." he states with a raspy voice.
Harley chuckles a little before pushing him back and off her.
"With pleasure!" she gives a final bow with her hands stretched out wide before flipping Joker off as she walks away.
Ace gives joker an angry glare but runs past him catching up with Harley.
She finds Harley in her room, throwing clothes into a bag aswell as some very powerful hand guns.
Her room looked similar to the warehouse with spray painted walls, with the exception of a broken window and bullet holes in the walls.
She had an old vintage closet with dark brown wooden walls but once again, spray painted and plastered with stickers.
"Harley! Don't go! We really need you around here!" she pleads closing the door behind her.
Harley pulls three beautiful wooden bat's out of the corner of the closet and holds them to her chest.
"No Ace! You need me. It's been a long time coming and I should've just left after I broke things off with Joker!"
She throws the bat's onto her bed with heavy clanking.
Ace pouts for a second and sits on the bed.
"But where will you go? What if you get hurt!"
Harley spots Ace's sad expression and gives in. She sits next to Ace with a sigh and takes her hand.
She talks in a very quiet whisper, just enough so only they could hear.
"Y/n. You know I'll be ok. Me and Ivy have been wanting to get a place of our own anyway."
Ace bites her lip hearing her real name for a second and tears weld up.
"We were enemies when I got here because you still loved Joker, now you're leaving, as my best friend!" she sniffs and rubs her eyes.
Harley smiles before delicately rubbing Y/n's head.
"Now I gotta leave ya to handle J's bullshit by yourself. But listen! If you ever feel like leaving that silver teethed cry baby! You know where to find me."
Ace smiles and the girls share a tight hug. Their friendship growing even stronger in a moment of sadness.
"Thanks, Harley."
The car zoom's though the streets with a roaring engine. It's red blur as it drives past the windows and glass doors. The night air cold making the hot car engine hiss.
Ace looked over at Joker driving the car, his silver teethed grin made her growl with anger before looking back out the window.
"You shouldn't have done that!"
She growls.
"Done What..?" the Joker said slowly like poison filling a wound.
"Chased Harley away because she was pissing me off?" he said with a teasing voice answering his own question.
"Yes! Now she's run off with her plant obsessed girlfriend and left me to deal with you." Ace sneered glaring daggers at Joker.
Joker takes a sudden turn making Ace fall to the side and right into the jokers grip. He held her tightly by the shoulders against him now driving with only one hand.
"I ain't that bad, doll. Besides, Harley was getting out of place, breaking all the wrong the rules. She had to go." he chuckles and it slowly morphs into a slow laugh.
Ace breaks from his grip and looks back out the window.
"At least Harl's knew how to have some fun, you're all business these days." she rests her head in her palm and looks at all the different colored city lights.
Joker turns to her and looks a little offended before his signature grin takes hold.
"Well then, geuss we have no choice then. Lets have some fun."
He lifts his sharply shined gun from the holster on his side and sticks it out of the car window.
Ace felt excitement bubble up inside her before she grabs her own weapon of choice. Grenades with faces painted on them, smiles and angry faces.
Joker shoots a few rounds into the sky and suddenly all the pedestrians skater like rats. Ace takes a grenade and pulls the pin. She moves to stick her upper body out of the window laughing maniacally.
"Now that's more like it!" she yells as she tosses the grenade into a small shop that looked quite empty. The grenade went off and people screamed in terror.
She hold's onto the edge of the window swinging her body back and forth as she laughed. The car radio blasting with loud music and gun fire echoing through the night sky.
The car suddenly hits a bump and Ace almost falls straight forward and out of the car.
Just before her face could get shaved off, a hand grabs the back of her shirt before yanking her back into the car.
She lands onto the jokers lap with a second of silence and staring. She hears him start laughing arrogantly before she joins him in their psychotic harmonious laughter.
"I got ya, baby." he laughed as she nuzzles her way into his neck.
Their drive came to a sudden holt when joker spotted a fancy looking store with fancy clothes and shiny jewelry. "Allow me to spoil you, doll."
He opens the car door and doesn't bother closing it as he carries Ace bridal style towards the store. Ace giggles with a grin before taking jokers gun from his holster.
Not daring to break eye contact she shoots bullets into the air sensing the employee's in the boutique.
When they finally enter the room Ace is dropped to the ground and with a skip in her step she grabs the first glittered dress off the hanger.
Joker smirks and takes his second gun from the holster.
"Excuse me! You can't-" a brave employee steps forward but stops in his tracks when Joker puts a bullet in his chest.
He walks closer to Ace and uses the gun to lift her chin making her laugh in excitement.
"Ya like that one?" he breaths out with a teasing tone.
He bites his lip with a seductive growl. "All pretty and dazzled for me?"
Y/n pushes her arm though the sleeve of the dress before placing her hand on the back of Jokers head.
"I could wear it for you all night." she moves onto her toes and kissed Joker slowly pushing his head forward.
Joker closes his eyes enjoying the deep kiss.
"I'll get ya every sparkling dress you want!" he grabs hold of her waist and they both start laughing in harmony.
"Not tonight, asshole!" A strong voice interrupts the laughter.
Ace's head turns to look at the Batman and Red Hood standing at the entrance. Red Hood is the first to jump forward and pull out two guns.
Ace growls and throws the dress off her arm and over Red Hood's mask.
"We were just starting to have FUN!" She yells in frustration and grabs another grenade off her belt.
She takes a step forward blocking Joker with her body, only for Red Hood to send a bullet into her thigh.
She yells in pain and falls forward throwing the grenade as she does.
A sudden explosion shakes the ground but red Hood took cover behind the front desk of the shop.
Joker growls loudly and charges toward Ace.
"Baby! Ace!"
Just as he was about to reach her Batman sends him flying back with a kick.
He laughs a little lifting his body up before sending bullets flying towards Batman.
"Hitting my girl first Batman? How bold!" his purple coat flutters through the air as he runs.
He shoots a few more bullets towards batman's face, Batman used his arm cuffs to block oncoming fire. But with his eyes covered he didn't see joker push a shelf with expensive handbags onto the Batman.
The shelf collapses with a thud and purses fly every which way.
"Suits you!" he laughs once again running right past Batman to Ace who was crawling on her stomach and tossing grenades at Red Hood who was still huddled behind the desk.
"I'm coming, baby!" Joker calls out to her.
She looks back at joker for only a second, Red Hood takes her distraction as an oppertunity. He jumps out from behind the desk, using his grappling gun he catches Ace's wrist then dragging her through the rubble and into his grip.
Swift and quick he's got her in a choke hold, stareing Joker down.
"Don't move or I twist just hard enough to break her neck and rip her jugular!" Red Hood threatens.
Y/n struggles punching at Red Hood's arms trying to grab his head.
"Joker-" She chokes out.
Joker lifts his gun again and points it right at Ace.
"Hold still, Ace."
His eyes glisten as she stares down the barrel over his arm. His focus so intense and aims towards Red Hoods arm holding Ace down.
He cocks the gun back ready to fire but Batman is first to kick him down.
Within moments Ace's eyes close and her body falls limp.
Red Hood throws her over his shoulder and runs to the Batmobile that was waiting outside. Batman follows shortly after and they zoom off in the black sleek car into the dead of night.
Joker recovers with gritting teeth running into the street. He shoots the batmobile with all the ammo loaded into his gun screaming after it.
"You can't take her! She's MINE!"
Y/n Shoots up from her bed with a sudden gasp.
Thick wooden walls around her with mesmerizing carved architecture. The bed she layed in was a double with a thick goose feather blanket.
She was comfortably sat down with a bandage around her throat which she delicately traced. A glass of water was on the bed side table along with her grenade belt and gun she kept on her person.
She looked up at the mirror in the corner of the room. Smudged clown make up and still in costume, only difference was her hair was down and a small bandage over her nose from her harsh fall.
She growls when the door opens and her body tenses ready to move.
In walks a familiar black suit along with a shiny red helmet with creepy white eyes.
As soon as they came into view Y/n pounces onto Red Hood tackling him to the ground her hands grab hold of the helmet and she yanks it off his head.
"I'm gonna KILL you, Jason!"
She yelled looking down at the blue eyed boy, dark fluffy hair with a white streak through the front. Jason Todd. The one and only Vigilante Red Hood.
He slowly smirks and moves his hand onto Y/n's cheek giving it a gentle rub with his thumb.
"I missed you too, babe."
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The Worst Surprise (Pt. 4)
Joker x reader
Part 1  -  Part 2  -  Part 3
My green haired lover was lounging comfortably on my bed, the same look of pure rage that I had left him with still present on his face. I regarded him as if he were a wild animal as he slowly pushed himself up from my bed. 
“Oh baby,” he growled, “you have been a bad girl.” 
Never taking my eyes off of him, I cautiously lowered my gun and placed it on the dresser by the door. Pointing a gun at him when he was in such a bad mood would not do me any favors. Of course he noticed the movement, which triggered him to look me up and down. He apparently did not like what he saw, and let out another growl.
J eyed my bare legs as he took a step towards me, “I should kill that boy for having his hands all over what belongs to me.”
My eyes widened and my heart stopped. Shit. Shit. Shit. How long had he been following me? If J saw me dancing with James, then he probably saw me drinking too. Not to mention the fact that I went out in tiny shorts and a crop top.   
Noticing my panicked expression he grinned, “Oh you thought you would get away with it? No, no, pet, you will be punished.”
That got my blood boiling as I remembered Harley. Raising my eyes to meet his, I glared, “You can fuck other people, but I can’t?”
He growled again and stalked toward me. Gripping my face in his hands, he smashed his lips against mine. I fought against the kiss, pushing at his chest in an attempt to make him let me go. It obviously didn’t work very well since he was a lot stronger that me, but after a few seconds he let me escape. As I took a hard step back, my wig got stuck on one of J’s many rings. It slid off my head, releasing my natural blonde hair. J’s eyes seemed to be glued to it as it fell around my shoulders and down my back.
“No, J,” I shook my head,  my hair dancing around me, “You don’t get to touch me! You don’t get to touch me after touching her.”
My Clown Prince laughed shortly and raised a non existent eyebrow, “You’re mad at me?”
I nodded, an unimpressed look on my face.
“Baby girl, you shot at me and missed. You’re lucky to be alive; I’ve killed people for less,” he said through gritted metal teeth, “You have no place to be mad at me.”
Scoffing, I crossed my arms, “I didn’t shoot at you. I shot at the bitch you were cheating on me with, and I didn’t miss. She’d be dead right now if it wasn’t for that damn glass.”
Even though he looked perfectly calm, I knew that he was beyond enraged. In fact, his left eye, the one with a little J under it, was twitching. I had spent enough time studying him to know that a twitchy eye was a very bad sign. Normally when his eyes twitched, it meant that someone was about to die.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Azrael,” he ground out, his voice shaking slightly with the effort to restrain himself.
“Fuck that. In fact, fuck you. You’re an untrustworthy asshole, J, that deserves worse than just me running away.”
Having been pushed to his limit, J raised his hand as if to backhand me. My mind immediately went back to over a year ago, to our first fight. It was the only time he had ever hit me, the only time he had even raised his hand against me. The slap had knocked me to floor, causing me to hit my head on the side of his desk and loose consciousness. When I had woken up,  he wasn’t there. I found him in his office, sitting against his desk with a bottle of liquor in his hand and tear stains on his cheeks. He told me he couldn’t loose me, and promised that he would never hurt me again.
With fresh tears in my eyes, I met J’s angry glare and repeated the exact words I had said to him then, “Hit me and loose me forever. I will not be your new Harley, and I will not stand for an abusive relationship. Hit me, and even if you lock me away for the rest of my life, I will never love you again.”
J’s gaze immediately softened as he dropped his hand to his side. He knew that he had struck a nerve, and he quickly tried to fix his mistake before he pushed me too far.
“Baby,” he said in a soft voice that was quite uncommon for him, “you know I would never hurt you.”
Now that I was no longer in mortal danger, the events of the day caught up to me and I was suddenly extremely exhausted. Leaning against the doorframe beside me, I shrugged and gave him a tired smile, “J, you already did.” 
My clueless Mr. J seemed to finally realize the damage he had caused as a crestfallen look overtook his beautiful face. He didn’t know what to do, and he didn’t receive any clues from me. After a few moments of just staring at me with a sad expression, he finally decided to pull me into a hug. Too tired to fight it, I allowed him to embrace me, in turn wrapping my arms around his torso and burying my face in his chest. I inhaled his wonderful scent, and for the first time in two weeks, felt my whole body completely relax.
“Why did you do it, J?” I asked, my insecurities beginning to emerge in my tired state, “Am I not good enough for you anymore?”
J growled and pulled me tighter against his chest, “Don’t say that. You are perfect, I would never want anyone else.”
“If you really thought I was perfect, you wouldn’t have kissed her,” I grumbled quietly against his chest.
He shushed me softly, running his hand through my hair to calm me down. Unfortunately his comforting touch wouldn’t let me forget what he had done and why I had left. I may not be screaming at him, but I was angry, and I was hurt. He wasn’t going to get away with that lame answer, so I reluctantly pulled away.
J regarded me carefully as I stood up straight and crossed my arms over my chest. Fixing my eyes on his, I gave him a hard look, “I need an answer, J. Why did you kiss her?”
Gritting his teeth, J ran his hands through his bright green hair. He turned away and started to pace across my room. I just watched and waited as he seemed to be having a battle within himself. After a few moments of trying to wear a hole in my floor, J stopped suddenly and turned to face me. He had decided what his answer would be.
“You unnerve me Azrael, that’s why I let her kiss me,” he gritted out. Slightly offended, I raised an eyebrow. I opened my mouth to tell him that if anyone was unnerving it was him, when he shot me a scolding look,“You know better than to interrupt. Keep your mouth shut and listen.”
I rolled my eyes, but complied. Leaning my shoulder against the doorframe, I motioned for him to continue.
“You unnerve me because you get under my skin in a way that no one else ever has. Every little, annoying  feeling inside my body pushes me to protect you. The voices inside my head all call out for you, urging me to never leave your side. I would kill most anyone who dared to glare at me or run their mouth to me, but when you do it, I just want kiss you. When some idiot manages to piss me off or ruin a deal, you make it better. All I have to do is touch you, and all the demons go away. You tame me, Azrael,” he said, causing my heart to flutter, “that’s why I let Harley kiss me. I had hoped that it was just a stupid obsession, but when even she couldn’t pull me out of it, I knew I was screwed. I told her that I would kill her if she ever came back to Gotham as soon as you left.”
J paused to take a step toward me. My heart beat hard in my chest, trying to break through the cage of my ribs, when he grabbed my hips and pulled me towards him. There was a look in his clear blue eyes that I had never seen before as he ran his tongue over his silver teeth.
“You snuck your way into an organ I was beginning to believe I didn’t have, and now it belongs to you. I kissed Harley Quinn for the last time because I’m in love with you, and it is the only thing that has ever terrified me.”
My heart swelled and tears spilled onto my cheeks. Having never expected to hear those words from him, I was completely shocked. Six months after he had claimed me as his, J had found out that I loved him when I said it in my sleep. He had taken it better than I thought he would, but it still wasn’t the desired reaction. After we had recovered from that, I had realized that J would never be able to tell me he loved me. I had realized that J showed his feelings through his actions, and I eventually came to terms with that. Now here he was telling me he loved me, and I was absolutely elated.
I quickly wiped the tears away and closed the distance between us. Harley was completely forgotten as I pulled him into a passionate kiss. J immediately wrapped one arm around my waist and tangled the other into my hair. He crushed my body against his, his lips meeting mine in a hungry fervor. Grinning against him, I kissed him back with an equal amount of passion. 
Kissing him after so long felt like absolute heaven. J tugged at my hair, using it to tilt my head back so that he had easier access to my lips. I couldn’t help but moan as his silver teeth sunk into my lower lip. J purred, releasing my lip and pulling back to look at me.
“You’re mine, Azrael Lestat, and no one else is allowed to have you.”
I nodded, “And you, Mr. J, are mine. Don’t even think about letting another girl touch you ever again.”
He laughed and nodded. J gave me another kiss then started to walk backwards towards my bed. I smiled widely as I followed, my eyes never leaving his. When his knees hit the edge, he sat down, his hands finding my hips and pulling me between his legs. There was a mischievous look in his eyes as he gazed up at me.
I laughed, allowing the sound to fill the room. When I looked back down at J he was smiling a true, perfect smile.
“I love you Mr. J,” I whispered, running my fingers through his vibrant hair.
He allowed his eyes to slip closed and purred, “I love you too my perfect Azrael. Please don’t ever leave me again”
  “I promise J, I’ll never leave you again,” I said as he leaned his head against my stomach.  I was finally happy, and I knew that no matter what, I would always have my insane, over-protective Joker by my side.
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The Worst Surprise (Pt. 1)
Joker x Reader
Part 2  -  Part 3  -  Part 4
   Dancing at the club was my favorite part of every day. It felt so good to have everyone’s eyes on me as I lost myself in the all-consuming beat of the music pumping through the speakers hidden throughout the room. The other dancers and I were meant to distract the sweaty, drunk, possibly high crowd from the true business that went on at J’s club. If they managed to pull themselves out of the haze of alcohol, the first thing they laid eyes on was me and the girls. We were meant to entertain until they found another glass of alcohol and slipped back into their hazy state or they managed to stumble their way out of the club and into the night beyond. Either way, all eyes were on us, and I absolutely loved it.
   The club was were I watched J and his beloved Harley fall apart. I watched as she began to hate him, and I barely escaped the wave of destruction that came when she finally left him for good. The club is were J watched me, night after night until he finally called me into his office, demanding a “private dance” from his “favorite girl”. I thought he was going to shoot me right then and there when I refused, harshly spitting that I wasn’t a hooker before storming out. But J admired my courage (or stupidity, depending how you looked at it), and only laughed. After that, I became his beloved Azrael, and he did everything in his power to convince me to be his. It took a year for me to finally trust him, but eventually I fell for him and became his queen. It’s been a little over a year since then.
   Tonight J left for the club before me. My makeup was taking longer than I had expected, and J was pissed. He continued to pester me, yelling about how the King of Gotham couldn’t be late for a business meeting, until I finally just told him to go without me. After a moment of silence he grumbled out, “Fine,” and stormed out of the building. Rolling my eyes at my lover’s mood, I continued applying my eyeshadow. 
   Thirty minutes later, after artfully fixing my makeup and slipping on a sexy purple and gold dress, I made my way downstairs. I found Frost sitting on the couch, looking at his phone and looking bored.
   “Awww, did J leave you to look after little ol’ me?” I asked, batting my eyes at him and looking as innocent as possible.
   Frost rolled his eyes and stood up, “Mr. J knows very well how easily you find trouble, Miss,” he gave my outfit a once over before continuing, “and how much you hate wearing clothing that you could hide a weapon or phone under.”
   “Mr. Frost, you underestimate me,” I grinned before pulling up the end of my skirt just enough to reveal the bottom of a knife strapped to my thigh.
   The henchman looked impressed, obviously not expecting me to be able to keep a weapon hidden under such a tight dress. He gave me a simple nod before turning and heading towards the garage.
   Smiling, I skipped after him, “So what car are we taking?”
   “It’s up to you, Azrael.”
    I squealed and immediately went to the turquoise and black Jeep sitting at the opposite side of the garage. The Jeep, my favorite car in my favorite colors, had been my birthday present last year. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to use it very often considering I didn’t usually go anywhere without J, and he preferred his Lamborghini. In fact, I had only been allowed to actually drive it once. J didn’t really trust my driving seeing how I didn’t particularly like to drive, which led to me being slightly reckless sometimes.
   Bouncing excitedly on my toes, I stood by the passenger door and waited for Frost to open it for me. Once he did, I stepped up into my Jeep and sighed as I settled into the seat. Running my hand over the expensive black leather, I spent a moment simply appreciating how much J spoiled me.
   Frost started up my Jeep, and I immediately turned on a playlist that helped me relax and forget any worries for the night. As he drove to the club, I began to get excited to see J watching me as I moved sensually in my cage. When I danced, I always had the goal of impressing J. I loved feeling his eyes land on me, captivated by the way my body moved. I loved when I opened my eyes and they met his, a dark look of need taking over his expression. Only I was able to completely capture J’s attention, and I absolutely loved it. 
   When we got to the club, Frost drove into the underground garage and parked right next to J’s purple Lamborghini. I grinned as I slid out of my Jeep, thanking Frost before making my way inside. The security guard at the door immediately opened the door for me, and I smiled in thanks. I stepped into a richly decorated hallway with low, sensual lighting. At the end of the hallway was a doorway covered in heavy curtains, through which lay J’s favorite club. 
   Before I could step through the curtains, Frost lightly grabbed my arm. I turned and gave him an impatient look, “What is it Frost?”
   “Mr. J is in his meeting and doesn’t want to be disturbed. He says to go straight to dancing and that he’ll find you when he’s done.” the henchman said, a serious look on his face.
   Frowning slightly, I nodded. It was unusual that J didn’t want to see me before I got in the cage. Normally he would walk me to it, helping me up and giving me a kiss to make sure any newcomers knew that I was his. This meeting must be really important for him to ask me not to interrupt it.
   I shrugged off my concern and made my way into the club. I was immediately met with the booming bass of the song that was currently being pushed through the speakers. The club was full, as always, sweaty bodies filling the space. J’s club was for the people wishing to escape their lives and experience a bit of danger. It was, after all, dangerous to be so close to the King of Gotham. 
   Ignoring the bodies dancing around me, I made my way to my cage. It stood at the far end of the club, closest to the room J held his meetings in. J had it added when he was trying to win my affections, and it was the only cage that could see into his private room. As a result, I always had a view of my Mr. J and he always had a view of me. 
   When I got to my cage, Frost, who had stuck close to me as I travelled through the crowd of strangers, helped me into it. I gave him a smile, and he motioned for me to bend down so that I could hear him.
   “Remember,” he said loudly, speaking into my ear, “don’t disturb Mr. J, wait for him to come to you. If you wish to leave the cage before he comes, motion for me and I will get you. Tonight is not the night to be wandering around and pissing him off.”
   Frost’s words had me even more confused than I was before. J didn’t particularly like it when I wandered around the club, but he didn’t usually care that much as long as I sat at the bar and didn’t mingle with any men besides Frost or whatever henchman he had assigned to me that night. He knew that I know how to take care of myself, at least until he could come and resolve the situation. J must be really on edge tonight to want me to stay in the cage or by Frost’s side all night. 
   Shaking off my concern, I stood back up and focused on the music. It wasn’t long before I started moving my body and loosing myself in the music. The DJ was playing one of my favorite songs, which made it easy for me to forget about my worries. I could feel the adrenaline start to flow through my veins as a dipped and turned to the beat. As I got more comfortable, I started to grind against the side of the cage. Making sure not to do anything too inappropriate (J would have a fit and try to massacre the place if I did), I danced sensuously. I could feel the crowd start to notice me, getting excited as they watched me in my element. Thinking about how I captured their attention made me grin.
   After a few songs, I started to come back to myself a little. I noticed that I didn’t feel J’s heavy gaze on me like I normally would. Instead, I felt a sharp, critical gaze watching my every move. Curious as to who it could be, I opened my eyes and began to search through the room. I quickly noticed that it wasn’t coming from anyone on the dance floor. Turning to the bar, I saw that Frost, true to his word, was watching me, but the gaze didn’t belong to him. Dipping down and coming back up, I threw my hair around and turned my head to look behind me. My eyes found the owner of the harsh look, and my heart dropped.
   I was looking into J’s private room, and the sight I was seeing was not a pleasant one. J was sitting there in his handsome gold and black suit. His white shirt was partially unbuttoned and he was grinning at the man across from him. On his lap was a pale, but beautiful woman in a skimpy dress. Her grin matched J’s as she met my eyes, raising her eyebrow as if to say, “What are you gonna do about it?”
   Sitting on the lap of my Mr. J, my King, was Harley Quinn, the bitch who called herself his Queen.
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