cycas · 6 months
The tale of Dáin Ironfoot, told loosely in the style of a saga of Iceland (in English translation).
Jarakrisafis posted a prompt to LOTR Secret Santa 2023 that said "I remember as a teenager reading the Silmarillion for the first time and wishing there was more about Dàin Ironfoot than was in the book and the appendices" specifying book rather than movie canon.
I read that and thought, ah, what an absolutely fascinating idea! I'm sure I could write that in a few hours! Also, what if I wrote it roughly in the style of an english translation of a saga from thirteenth century Iceland? Several months later... it's 12,000+ words. Whoops. It will be posted in chapters rather than the whole thing at once.
Thank you very much to Aprilertuile for beta reading this oddity.
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theluckywizard · 6 months
No Context WIP Tag Game
Thank you for the tags @crackinglamb, @rosella-writes, @dreadfutures and @greypetrel
#1. I crawl on my cut up forearms closer to the puddled draught on the dusty tile floor and push my hands through it. The potion tastes like bitter hope as I suck it from my fingers and spit splinters of glass.
#2. Maker that girl. Like fresh veal to market in this place. Vivienne feels a flutter in her chest— a most inconvenient sensation— as the thought of Rose’s death takes hold.
#3. “You don’t need to sweep me off my feet you know,” she remarks, raising her brow.
He grins back at her. “I could just knock you over, if you like.”
Tagging @delicatefade, @jarakrisafis, @samseabxrn, @monocytogenes, @nirikeehan, @megasaurusssss, @hekaerges
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liminal-zone · 9 months
where there is love it is never truly dark
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fic link: hell is murky (for none can call our power to account)
fandom: LOTR, The Rings of Power | ship: Elrond/Durin/Disa
Rated: M | tagged: angst, threesome, bittersweet
summary: When Elrond looks back at this time, when he speaks of it, he wonders when it was first the ring of power sensed their bond, and began to covet it.
Or, an elven princeling falls for a dwarven prince and his princess on the precipice of tragedy.
Written for the Yuletide 2023 for Jarakrisafis
When Elrond looks back at this time, when he speaks of it, he wonders when it was first the ring of power sensed their bond, and began to covet it.
They lead him blindfolded into the dark depths of the mountain, with wandering hands making the hedonist journey delightful. It’s against a newly discovered mithril vein that Durin sucks his cock and Disa holds him. “Let the rock listen to you moan,” she croons. “Sing to the mountain with your desire.”
In the frenzy, the blindfold slips but he can’t see anything anyway, the darkness so deep. Darker than blackest ink. His sense of touch almost too much, almost too sensitive. But they’re warm and they’re alive and they’re his and they love him. His desire, yet another treasure for them to dig for, to share. They will pull what they want out of him, and he cannot deny them.
“What if we keep you down here,” Durin growls, easily guiding Elrond’s face between Disa’s legs, helping him find her already tasting of the sea and mingled desire. “Locked under stone for us to find and for us to take over and over again.” He chuckles as Elrond shivers under the firm grip of Durin’s hand and Disa’s thighs. “Would you like that? To be ours forever?”
His answer is in action, the movement of his skilled tongue. Disa wails into the darkness, Elrond knowing her needs so well. Her hand reaches for his hair, tearing at it. Urging him on, wishing him strength renewed.
He does not come up for air till she is a quivering mess, desperate for recovery before she can feel her pleasure again. Her words are broken in her mouth, and beautiful to his ears.
Durin is on him immediately, and does not let him rest. A ferocity matched only by Elrond’s willingness. The prince rips from him unknowable levels of pleasure. Elrond feels as if he’s made of a raging flame, coming again as Durin’s buried inside him. A joy unnatural. Is he a creature of flesh and blood and great purpose, or is he made for this, for desires met and desires taken?
It is as if the very mountain itself fucking him, claiming him in every hole, marking his skin, holding him down. Ravaging him in the dark. Taking pleasure from him, again, and again, and again, and –
What he doesn’t quite remember, for there were more demanding distractions of the flesh: the feel of cold metal on a warm hand, gripping his thigh.
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dasmutquisition · 1 year
2024 info
Welcome back. Yes it's rather late in the year. Yes the exchange has been absconded with by Jarak who's running it this year. Or next year as it's a January start. Yes, I know, we're all doomed. No, I will not be taking any criticism of my technological abilities (or lack thereof which is why there's no pretty images in this).
If you've not gathered what this is:
Nobody Expects the Dragon Age Smutquisition is a fanwork gift exchange that showcases works rated Explicit in the DA Fandom. Any pairings or groups are eligible as long as they contain at least one DA Character from any DA Media. All works must be rated Explicit and tagged appropriately.
2024 Important Dates:
Noms: Jan 1st - Jan 14th
Signups: Jan 15th - Jan 28th
Assignments sometime 29/30th
Due date: 3rd March
Anon Reveals: 10th March
Creator reveals: 17th March
Further information forthcoming when I get the hang of posting to tumblr again. It's been a long time.
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lotr-sesa · 9 months
Lord of the Rings Secret Santa 2023 Masterlist!
To date, we have FORTY stories and two pieces of fanart. The mods would like to thank all the writers and the pinch hitters, and also extend a special heartfelt thanks to those who filled prompts without signing up with prompts of their own. Thank you! ❤️
All the links in the masterlist go directly to the work on AO3. Go, read and enjoy, and please don't forget to leave kudos! And if you received something, please thank your writer or artist!
A long Journey Home by Plant_Murderer for octopus_fool
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Éomer & Théodred, Éowyn & Théodred, Théoden & Théodred, Thèodred/OC
Characters: Théodred, Gríma, Théoden
Summary: Thèodred, now older and called Aldred, thinks back on the events that led him to be mocked and scorned in the home of his birth as he rides through night to get home.
A star docks at Balar by Kirta for Plant_Murderer
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Elrond & Elros & Elwing, Eärendil/Elwing
Characters: Elwing, Elrond, Elros, Eärendil
Summary: Vingilot docks at the Isle of Balar near the end of the War of Wrath, brilliant with light and the gleaming of crystal dust undimmed by the scars of battle. (in which Elwing is fully prepared to carry on the family tradition of rules-lawyering)
Aftermath by ingenious_spark for silvergreyleaf
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Characters: Maedhros, Eluréd, Elurín
Summary: Maedhros searches for Eluréd and Elurín in the aftermath of the Sack of Doriath. He cannot allow Celegorm's last act to be this tragedy.
All day I had the feeling a miracle would happen... by I_did_not_mean_to for cilil
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Irmo & Námo & Nienna, Námo/Vairë
Characters: Irmo, Námo, Nienna, Vairë
Summary : Right after the beginning of everything, it soon turns out that "everything" is not quite...what it was promised to be. Námo, Nienna, and Vairë struggle with their purpose on account of a certain lack. For once, Eru actually intervenes positively. Enter Irmo, stage right... Welcome to my reimagining of canon. No warnings--it's all very tame!
And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? by I_did_not_mean_to for Melkor (Melkors_big_Tits)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Relationships: Manwë & Morgoth, Manwë/Morgoth, Morgoth/Oromë, Morgoth/Tulkas
Characters: Morgoth, Manwë, Oromë, Tulkas
Summary: This is Melkor, Cílil, and my little person. Please heed the tags and take care of yourselves-this is your official warning not to proceed without asking yourself long and hard whether you really want to do that.
Anoint My Love, Under the Sky by Maironite (noxeos) for Anonymous
Rating: Mature
Relationship: Arien/Eönwë
Characters: Arien, Eönwë
Summary: Telling her that he worries for her, that he craves her full attention is selfish - not in his nature. Eönwë is there to guide them, to protect them, to fight for them. He is his Order firstmost, and his own person secpond. Manwë's Herald has no time for matters of the heart, no right to claim a specific person. And yet-
Athelas by nyctophilic0vitnir for atamascolily
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Characters: Éowyn, Aragorn, Théoden, Éomer, Daisy Baggins, Celandine Brandybuck, Elendil, Isildur, Eärien
At the Mirrormere by Caiti (Caitriona_3) for Jarakrisafis
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Aulë/Yavanna
Characters: Aulë, Durin, Yavanna
Summary: Family is found and created in many ways, and a son will always seek to match the example, the legacy of his father.
Basic Instinct by BaccaratBlack for Anonymous
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Eönwë/Gil-galad
Characters: Gil-galad, Eönwë
Summary: During the War of Wrath, Gil-galad seeks comfort where he can find it. He?s simply not prepared for the peculiarities of his Maia comrade.
Berry cakes and elfling plagues by GoschateWabn for Lost_inMiddleearth (between_thepages)
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Erestor/Glorfindel
Characters: Glorfindel, Erestor, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond
Summary: The (failed) attempts of lord Glorfindel of the golden flower to propose to head councillor Erestor.
Budding Romance by ingenious_spark for Lost_inMiddleearth (between_thepages)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Elrond/Gil-galad, Celebrían/Elrond, Celebrían/Elrond/Gil-galad
Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad, Celebrían
Comparative Studies On Eldarin Cultures Across Aman and Middle-Earth by maironite (noxeos) for sallysavestheday (illustrated fic)
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Silvan Elves, Avari Characters, Laiquendi Characters, Noldor, Sindar, Vanyar, Falmari
Summary: An artistic rendition on the various different ethnicity amongst Elves
Dawn Comes For All Of Us by maironite (noxeos) for Anonymous
Rating: Mature
Relationship: Fingon/Maedhros
Characters: Maedhros, Fingon, Sons of Fëanor, Fëanor, Nerdanel
Summary: And would have Maedhros ever imagined to get such life, a life he still felt that deep down he did not deserve. But loving someone wasn't only about whether or not you felt you deserved it, it meant becoming the best version you could for them and Fingon, his sweet loving Fingon had awaited ages for his return. For Maedhros to put back together a sense of identity not tied to the cursed stones, not tied to a bloody oath, not tied to a doomed legacy. Until he could stand on his own two feet and accept love in his life once more without the broken shards of a looming tragedy awaiting in every shadow. It's the Winter Solstice in Aman. and Maedhros' family is here.
Excerpt from Flora and Fauna of the Third Age, Volume 1: Flora by Galadriel for atamascolily
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Alphros, Original Characters
Summary: A page taken from celebrated non-fiction author Barahir Elfwine IV's botanical guide, Flora and Fauna of the Third Age, Volume 1: Flora. This exclusive excerpt concerns the habitat and history of the mysterious simbelmynë.
Finding Our Way by Melusine6619 for likethenight
Rating: Not Rated
Relationship: Imrahil/Legolas
Characters: Legolas, Imrahil
Summary: After getting to know each other, Legolas and Imrahil confess their feelings and take a first step together.
Forged by Jarakrisafis for Tathrin
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: character death
Relationships: Celebrimbor/Narvi, Celebrimbor & Sauron
Characters: Celebrimbor, Narvi, Sauron
Summary: In the ashes, what is left?
Geriatric Gas Giant by I_did_not_mean_to for cilil
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Eönwë/Gothmog, Eönwë & Manwë, Eönwë & Finarfin
Characters: Eönwë, Gothmog, Manwë, Finarfin
Summary: Yes, that was a weak pun-ny title...sue me! Here we go, friend, I am a woman of my word. Firebird à la sauce Twilight... I am afraid I'll end up insulting and offending everyone, but that's a risk I've got to take :D
Haladriel Fill by nyctophilic0vitnir for Anonymous
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Galadriel /Halbrand
Characters: Galadriel, Halbrand, Sauron, Finrod, Felagund, Celeborn
I Do Wander Everywhere by Empy for facethestrange
Rating: General Audiences
Character: Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot
Lanternlight by Empy for Anonymous
Rating: Mature
Relationship: Bard/Thranduil
Characters: Bard, Thranduil
Summary: Thranduil pays a late visit to Dale at Yule and Bard receives more than one gift.
Letters from the eve of despair by octopus_fool for Kirta
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Characters: Fíriel of Gondor, Faramir (son of Ondoher), Artamir
Summary: On the evening before riding to battle, Faramir and Artamir write each other and their sister Fíriel letters in the knowledge that they might not see each other again.
Life just over there by oakenting for Anonymous
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Elwing/Maedhros
Characters: Elwing, Maedhros
Summary: Sometimes you just have to break out of the life you live and do something stupid. Elwing goes to meet Maedhros, and they connect.
Limit Testing by cilil for Melkors_big_Tits
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Morgoth/Sauron, Gothmog/Morgoth
Characters: Morgoth, Sauron, Gothmog
Summary: Melkor suggests an experiment - testing the limits of physical pleasure. His two favourite servants are more than excited to participate and fulfill their lord's wishes.
Middle-Earth's Greatest Tourist Trap by octopus_fool for Adsters
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Characters: Hobbit Characters, Sauron, Original Baggins Character(s)
Midwinter by Lost_inMiddleearth (between_thepages) for sallysavestheday
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Éomer/Lothíriel
Characters: Lothíriel, Éomer
Summary: It is Midwinter in Rohan, and Lothíriel, recently wed to the King, joins the celebrations for the first time.
Mission Impossible: Dragonhoard by GoschateWabn for octopus_fool (fanart)
Rating: General Audiences
Character: Ravens of Erebor
Summary: In which the ravens of Erebor would like their share of the treasure, thank you very much.
Ode to a Nightingale by ohboromir for Anonymous
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Aragorn/Arwen
Characters: Aragorn, Arwen
Summary: An unkempt stranger pays a visit to the Elven-Queen of Gondor. Neither of them are disappointed.
Old friends by silvergreyleaf for Anonymous
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Celebrimbor & Narvi, Annatar/Celebrimbor
Characters: Narvi, Celebrimbor, Annatar
Summary: Narvi has died of old age and learns of the fate of Ost-In-Edhil in the halls of Mandos. Enraged, he seeks out his old friend. A conversation ensues.
Out Of Love Cometh by chiliadicorum for Anonymous
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Irmo & Námo
Characters: Irmo, Námo, one sleeping Elf
Summary: The Valar have decided to invite the Elves at Cuiviénen to move themselves to Aman, but Námo didn’t say a word during their entire council. Irmo seeks him out afterwards to find out why.
Parure by Empy for Anonymous
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Gimli/Legolas
Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Summary: A series of vignettes. Legolas does his best to court Gimli properly.
Perfect Moments by Lillithsea for Anonymous
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Maglor/Turgon
Characters: Turgon, Maglor
Summary: Turgon falls in love with his cousin, almost without realizing it.
Sharing is caring by I_did_not_mean_to for Anonymous
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Caranthir/Haleth/Caranthir's Wife
Characters: Caranthir's Wife, Caranthir, Haleth
Summary: Here is my tiny take on Haleth/Caranthir/Caranthir's wife.
Songbird by facethestrange for oakenting (Fanart)
Rating: General Audiences
Character: Disa
Summary: Sometimes Disa likes to go outside to sing and make some winged friends in the process.
Spinning by I_did_not_mean_to for BaccaratBlack
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Curufin/TurgonCaranthir/Turgon
Characters: Curufin, Turgon, Maedhros, Fingon, Celegorm, Caranthir
Summary: Here is my take on your beloved having a little bit of fun! I love you dearly, and I hope you'll like this :D
The Edge of Flames by BaccaratBlack for Anonymous
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Elwing/Maedhros
Characters: Elwing , Maedhros
Summary: After ages together as unlikely companions on Elwing’s lonely isle, she has her ways of both comforting and haunting Maedhros.
The Egg is the World by cilil for GoschateWabn
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Eönwë /Gothmog
Characters: Gothmog, Eönwë, Sauron, Morgoth (Mentioned), Manwë (mentioned)
Summary: When Gothmog's attempt at helping with brooding and hatching their precious egg ends with Melkor and Mairon discovering and seizing it for their own collection, Eönwë fearlessly marches on Angband alone to retrieve it - by any means necessary.
The hands of a healer by GoschateWabn for Plant_Murderer
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Arondir/Bronwyn
Characters: Bronwyn, Arondir, Theo, Aragorn, Sam
Summary: The moment Bronwyn touches the cursed swordhilt, she and Arondir are whisked away to the battle at Weathertop, where another cursed blade has just done it's damage.
The quest for a book by GoschateWabn for Anonymous
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Ori /Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Ori, Original Female Character(s)
Summary: In which Ori makes a friend at the library.
These Our Braided Lives by sallysavestheday for Anonymous
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Gimli/Legolas
Characters: Gimli, Legolas, Thranduil, Thranduil's Wife
Summary: Legolas and Gimli among the Elves. The challenges and delights of marrying into the Greenwood, in a chain of drabbles.
This is Our Place by tehhumi for Anonymous
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Fingolfin/Maglor
Characters: Fingolfin, Maglor
Summary: Two regent-kings glare at each other from opposite sides of the lake. There's nothing more to it, just cold calculated politics. (That's a complete lie)
When the Hurly-Burly's Done by sallysavestheday for Kirta
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Elrond & Gil-galad & Celebrimbor
Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad, Celebrimbor
Summary: Elrond and Gil-galad and Celebrimbor picnic on the edge of the world.
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delicatefade · 6 months
If you’re tagged, make a new post and share 1-2 (a few) sentences from your most recent unposted WIP(s) with zero context – Let your followers guess!
Thanks for the tags @dreadfutures @rosella-writes @theluckywizard
The “I love you’s” came easily now. Having said it once was like bursting a dam. And like with a dam burst where the torrent of the water brought with it other things too — fish and twigs, tadpoles, silt and pebbles of light — so it was with their love, a gushing, wet-whispered flood of adoration and promises. “I love your skin.” “You’re so beautiful.” “I never want to stop.” “You and me, babe. Forever.”
Tagging the DAFF list: @warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren | @breninarthur | @ar-lath-ma-cully | @ir0n-angel | @inquisimer | @crackinglamb | @theluckywizard | @nirikeehan | @oxygenforthewicked | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | @melisusthewee | @blarrghe | @agentkatie | @delicatefade | @leggywillow | @about2dance | @plisuu
and @mrslyncx @oliversrarebooks @flaggermuser @anderstrevelyan @moonlightheretic @hekaerges @curioushappenstance @jarakrisafis
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tathrin · 9 months
Well, it turns out I'm a dumbass who doesn't understand how prompt-fills on AO3 work, so my LotR Secret Santa gift is a late delivery due to author-not-knowing-how-to-hit-the-damn-post-button-on-draft...but here it finally is, for anyone who wants to read a rambling meander on human genders seen through the eyes of a baffled elf and dwarf: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52665241
And more importantly, if you have not yet read the gift that was written for me, I cannot heap enough praise upon this masterpiece of Narvi/Celebrimbor/Sauron that oakenting Jarakrisafis created so please, go read about my favorite doomed ot3 of all time: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52667359
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rosella-writes · 2 years
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BTV Satinalia: My Works and Gift!
It was super fun to be involved in this exchange this year, and to have the opportunity to try some new things! BTV was one of the first servers I ever joined and it’s been great to be a part of it.
My Gift 💚
I received a gorgeous, thoughtful, atmospheric fic from @melisusthewee about Loghain in the Inquisition, and what about him is true vs fabricated. Seeing him through Cole’s eyes touched me deeply.
Teryn Loghain Mac Tir is whatever people say he is - hero, murderer, traitor, king, exile - because that Loghain exists only in the stories of others. Grey Warden Loghain is something else, something more perhaps. Or perhaps he is somehow both. Cole doesn’t know, and he can’t untangle the knots of pain that weave around the man until he does.
What I Made 💚
I have fic to give, so that’s what I did. These were a joy to make and I’m lucky to have gotten to know these folks (if I didn’t already) through their characters and their love of Dragon Age.
For @thedastrash. Rated E for smut of the Cassandra Pentaghast x Solas variety.
She said it back as a whispered matter of fact. The sky was blue. Water was wet. She loved him. Cassandra kissed the truth of it into the edge of Solas's jaw, the lobe of his ear, and then his mouth when he turned to kiss her back with a desperate groan of his own. I love you, I love you, I love you.
For @jarakrisafis. Rated E for smut of the M!Aeducan x Gorim Saelac variety, featuring a new OC of mine.
His lord’s shield leans against his hastily unbuckled breastplate. His lord’s sword, in need of sharpening and spattered with the blood of his vanquished challengers, rests on the floor at his feet. His lord’s hair tangles in his clenched hand.
For @dreadfutures. Rated M for sexual themes of the Ixchel x Dirthamen variety.
She surprises him, always. Ixchel is a secret to unweave, a mystery to pick apart, but in these moments he steals with her, it is better, almost, to sit in the unknowing of it. Dirthamen is a secret-keeper, after all, and who better to appreciate an unknown than he?
For @plisuu. Rated G for queerplatonic friendship of the Connor x Solas variety.
He tucked close to his friend, glad for the surety of this one moment with him each day that they were both at Skyhold. It was a simple daily ritual, unlike any chant or whispered prayer or set of candles lit to mark an occasion. It was merely the both of them preparing to face the day, before they allowed their respective masks to settle into place. But here, in the privacy of this liminal space, Solas and Connor could be themselves with the other.
And that’s all, folks. 💚
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lets-get-brave · 2 years
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Another Secret Sanders piece, this time for @jarakrisafis ! It's our favorite healer enjoying some quality time with Warden Commander Brosca. ;)
Anders has two hair styles because I'm indecisive. XD Click HERE to see the full uncropped NSFW versions on AO3! And check out the secret sanders 2022 collection on AO3, there's so much good stuff!!!!
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WIP Share
I was tagged by @natsora to share a snippet of something I’m working on. This is from a comfort piece:
Wheels bounced over cracked asphalt. Clem followed her mother around the front of the bus, watching her mother wave to the bus driver, and stepped onto the grassy path. She waited for the moment of magic that she had read about in books. A troubled person steps into a small town and finds solace.
Nothing happened.
Her mother checked the silver wristwatch on her left wrist, one of the few pieces of jewelry she hadn’t sold, and clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “The bus was late. I think Robin might’ve gone ahead to the farm house,” she said, the drawl she had hidden for so long in the city making a brief appearance. “Let’s go.”
Clem watched the bus pull away, a version of her still sitting in her seat, and disappear down the tunnel, the red lights glowing like sinister eyes in the dark. Her fingers tightened around the handle of her suitcase.
“Clementine,” Georgina said, exasperation entering her voice. “We’re losing sunlight. I want to make it to the house before nightfall so I can see what we’re working with.”
I am tagging: @thevikingwoman @roguelioness @pigeontheoneandonly @barbex @jarakrisafis
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melisusthewee · 2 years
Beyond the Veil’s Satinalia Exchange 2022!
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Another year goes by and another Secret Santa comes to a close!  This year continues the tradition of niche rare pairs!
I was only able to create one thing for this year’s exchange, but I moved the furthest outside my character comfort zone I ever had all for the sake of the wonderful @rosella-writes​.
Title: Ode to River Dane Pairing: Loghain Mac Tir & Kieran Characters: Loghain Mac Tir, Cole, Kieran, Morrigan, Virelan Lavellan Rating: G Words: 1,014 Summary: A lot of things are said about Warden Loghain, and somehow all of them are true.
Read it here on AO3!
I also received two fantastic gifts this year that I have been anxiously waiting to be able to share with everyone!
It’s Always Been You - by @plisuu​
First and foremost is this beautiful artwork by Sterling of my rarest of rare pairs that has just absolutely re-ignited and inspired all the Morris & Quinn drabbles that have been on here lately.  Just two childhood friends to lovers to distant acquaintances to lovers again.  Finally reunited after all the Inquisition and post-Trespasser/DA4 drama.  Because Morris deserves good things, and maybe Quinn Trevelyan deserves to retire in the Free Marches countryside with a gentle painter and his bees.
Inevitable - by @jarakrisafis​
If anyone saw Jarak write a piece about Solas and spirits and a human Inquisitor... no you did not. ;)  This is a fantastic drabble on the inevitability of conflict and pain between two men.  In this house, we don’t have redemption for Solas.
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lesbianarcana · 4 years
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Drew @jarakrisafis‘s Cadash in thanks for betaing my chapter! Look at this silver fox.
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coryfirelion · 4 years
Caretaker Prompts!
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Asked for @halesfire22​ and an anon (that apparently is @jarakrisafis​) Thank you both! :D
So just in case: Blood :v (but not much)
"Inquisitor, are you alright?"
Articulating words had become a challenge. Cough by cough, breath by breath, Ketra's throat felt tighter, the sensation of having swallowed a thousand daggers was impossible to remove, no matter how much she coughed. The urge to cough worsened as soon as Josephine got her some water to drink and it passed down her throat as if it was fire. Something was definitely wrong with that wine.
“Inquisitor?! … Oh no. Call a healer! Now!"
Josephine looked pale at Ketra. The struggle to speak turned into a struggle to breathe as blood had begun to fill her throat. Slowly, reality began to blur, the edges of her vision growing darker. One moment she was sitting having dinner with the love of her life and the next she was on the ground, kneeling from the lack of strength in her legs, fighting for air, covering her mouth with a hand soaked in her own blood, hearing the desperate calling for help from her lover, to finally kiss the ground, losing consciousness.
 When Ketra was finally able to hold onto consciousness it was torture. Her skin felt as if she had spent days in the desert sun, her muscles screamed with exhaustion, and her throat and stomach felt as if she had drunk fire directly from a dragon's mouth. What had happened? The memory was clouded in her mind, her head felt like it was about to explode when something icy touched her cheek, making her wince and trying to pull her face away from the cold that lay on it.
"Hey, it's me, it's just me."
Hearing that voice, she finally opened her eyes and reality made more sense. It was obvious that she was no longer in Josephine's office. Softness and comfort surrounded her in a bed that was large even for a qunari like her. Her room, in Skyhold. And by her side, the woman who owned her heart.
Her attempt to speak arose in something like a growl that ignited the hell in her throat even more, tears falling from her eyes from the force she made to contain the urge to cough. Whatever that wine had contained, it had definitely shattered more than their evening. The urge to cough was impossible to fight, and the last thing Ketra wanted was to cough again in her life.
"Here, drink this."
Draining the potion that Josephine handed her, relief slowly spread, sliding like ice cubes down her seemingly raw throat, calming the urge to cough, and numbing the pain that was in her. Staring at the ceiling, Ketra sighed in relief, feeling again the cool touch of the cloth Josehine was using to cool her feverish skin.
Ketra connected glances with Josephine. In all her life she had never met a more perfect woman, but now her hair was a mess, her usually beautiful dress laid on a chair, stained with blood and she was wearing a shirt that Ketra recognized as hers, but what tightened her heart the most was the face of her lover, marked with large dark circles under her eyes, from which tears began to flow, marking their passage down her cheeks. With a great effort, Ketra raised her hand and placed it on Josephine’s cheek, trying to convey with caresses and gazes what her words could not: that she was fine, that she loved her and, above all, that Josephine should rest. Gentle hands took Ketra’s rough and calloused, slowly rubbing the back of her hand.
"I understand what you mean, mi amor. And I know you can't speak, but I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere."
Leaning down, soft lips brushed Ketra's, which drew a smile dedicated only to the love of her life, who smiled back, calming her soul and warming her heart. Sighing, Ketra looked at Josephine with puppy eyes, pleading. Giggling, Josephine lay down beside her, hugging her firmly, but at the same time with the delicacy that characterized her. Letting her presence envelop her, Ketra intertwined her fingers with hers, bringing Josephine’s hand to her lips, planting a kiss on it and then placing it on top of her heart, in such a way that Josephine felt her beating. Sighing, Josephine began to relax, as did Ketra, eventually letting sleep claim their consciousness, together, in each other's arms.
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serphena · 4 years
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my part of the collaboration with @jarakrisafis, organized by @dragonageden‘s discord event! we had fun coming up with silly ideas for our ocs, and we picked Kelton and Faren
Faren discovers the idea of a small animal being just a pet, because in Orzammar similar creatures are mostly just, well... snacks 
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felassan · 4 years
49 Questions You Have Never Been Asked tagmeme
tagged by @resjade, thanku ◕‿◕ I will tag @jarakrisafis and @missveils, but there’s no obligation! cut for length
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
2. A food you never eat?
anything derived from animals
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
on average, compared to other people too cold. that said, I prefer cold weather to warm weather.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
checking the latest in my DA/Bio newsfeeds..
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
do skittles count? it’s candy, but not a bar? I like skittles
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
yes, quite a few times: soccer games (both for Scotland’s national team and the local team I support)
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
I literally don’t remember 😅
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
chocolate (plant-based)
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
protein shake (vanilla, plant-based)
10. Do you like your wallet?
don’t have one
11. What was the last thing you ate?
a banana 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
the last time I bought new clothes was like 1.5 years ago (for my friend’s wedding)
13. The last sporting event you watched?
couldn’t tell you. I prefer seeing them in-person rather than on tv/the net. on a screen it’s too passive for me. what I like is the atmosphere at the event
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
sweet or salted. not big on any of the flavor-flavors like toffee or butter or w/e
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
my bro
16. Ever go camping?
from time to time. camping is fun
17. Do you take vitamins?
yes. B12, iron, a multivit and some other stuff like plant-derived omegas. the average person can eat the way I do without supplementing if they pay attention/plan (or repeat it til it becomes unconscious habit/intuitive) and add stuff like fortified plant milk and fortified nutritional yeast to their diet (altho I would always recc regularly taking B12 at minimum just in case), but I cba tracking or planning and stuff so I just take them cause it’s like, a simple and super low effort way to be safe and have peace of mind
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
nah. I’m an atheist
19. Do you have a tan?
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
I love both!!
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
no but I should shouldn’t I
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
24. What terrifies you?
the future, + icebergs, glaciers and ice caves (lmao)
25. Look to your left what do you see?
cellphone + laptop charger
26. What core do you hate?
tf is a ‘core’
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
“a sound cunt”, an old workplace of mine, fun people, Steve Irwin, folk I used to know
28. What is your favorite soda?
diet coke is my go-to
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
usually just go in
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
my best friend. thinkin bout having a socially distanced picnic
31. Favorite cut of beef?
I don’t eat beef
32. Last song you listened to?
This is America - Childish Gambino
33. Last book you read?
TN, re-run again..
34. Favorite day of the week?
Friday, I’m basic
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
yes but it would take a while and I’d feel stupid/slow in the attempt lol
36. How do you like your coffee?
black (sometimes with artificial plant sweetener, sometimes without), or with plant milk. if I’m getting it out somewhere I get a plant milk latte with a bit of sugar as a treat (oat milk is best imo for lattes).
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
my doc martens
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
it’s literally a RNG at this point
39. At what time do you normally get up?
as above
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
mostly non-existent
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
I’m dry, but I was partial to sweet fruit ciders, ciders like Thistly Cross (a Scottish craft cider), vodka diet coke, red wine and cocktails. (didn’t have a problem or anything, it’s just a personal choice I made for a couple reasons. I quit it at the same time I quit dairy and eggs). I occasionally drink the alcohol-free version of one of the ciders I used to like, cuz the flavor is nice, and nostalgic.
44. Do you play cards?
45. Can you change a tire?
46. What is your favorite province?
I get that this probably refers to Canadian provinces but idk so I’ll localize it and say that of the four nations that make up “the UK” my favorite one is Scotland and yes I’m immensely biased
47. Favorite job you ever had?
probably any of the animal work, or my latest one
48. How did you get your biggest scar?
49. What did you do today that made someone happy?
sent someone the link to the DA novel deluxe edition illustrations compilation, so they could see them since they were wanting to. I hope it makes them happy :D
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silvanils · 4 years
BTV QT: If your character had to choose between saving a group of innocents, or their Love Interest, which would they choose?
BTV OC Questions (August/September)
I don’t actually have to answer this one individually, because the OCS I usually answer with would all choose the group of innocents. Thing is, I’m also pretty sure most of them would also trust their Love Interest to be able to get out of a situation like this and save themselves...
Plus, the Love Interests would also be very upset if they were chosen and the innocents died. (Well... Morrigan might not care either way much, but she’s the sort who rolls her eyes when Mahariel chooses to help people and tags along anyway because she cares about him. She’d think choosing HER would be “most unlike him” and that would actually be a source of concern.)
And Varlas has a special case, because his love interest is Solas and... he might end up having to make the even harder choice of standing between Solas and a “group of innocent people” before everything is over and... he would do it.
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