#japanese interpreter in delhi
Japanese is spoken by approximately 128 million people around the world. DelSh Business Consultancy offers a reliable network of Japanese interpreters with a strong background. We provide an extensive set of interpreting services for any environment. Meet your interpretation needs through a reliable company that can offer accurate interpretation services for the government, public and private sectors. Contact us today for Japanese Interpretation Services.
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wrvtchedhearts · 3 months
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Stats --
FULL NAME: Zakir Aamir Sethupathi
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28 -- January 8th
OCCUPATION: rapper, translator, interpreter
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis-man, he/him
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, Biromantic
LANGUAGES:  mother tongue: Hindi, Urdu fluent: Arabic, Spanish, English, Russian, Punjabi, Gujarati conversational: Japanese, Cantonese learning: Portuguese, Mandarin, Bahasa Malay
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single ( crushing on Anchali )
FC: arpan kumar chandel aka King
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Biography --
Zakir was sixteen when he moved from New Delhi to New York City hoping to find a richer more full-filling life there. He hoped to become a famous rapper. He grew up the oldest son of a Muslim and Hindu couple, with little prospect in life other than continue his father's business. His uncle - a friend of his father rather than his actual uncle - told him stories of America, of New York City, and the American Dream.
He got into crime because he needed funds and connections to gain his fame. He's known for making songs in which he fluently meshes languages and meanings together, rapping under the alias Baagee. However, a lot of his time is spent translating for Dead Hand or using his understanding of languages to decipher coded messages.
He's been releasing songs steadily during the past five years, and has been an official associate of Dead Hand for three years.
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Headcanons --
He's a polyglot; he speaks multiple languages and easily picks up new ones. Currently he's learning Portuguese, Mandarin & Bahasa Malay. He's however always interested in learning more.
He addresses anyone his age with either habibi/habibti ( ‘my dear’ or 'my love’ in Arabic ) or bhai/bhen ( 'brother’/'sister' in Hindi / Indic language ), and anyone older than him as auntie or uncle. Does this consistently and with respect.
Despite his mastery of languages, Zakir still has a distinct accent when speaking in Russian, English or Spanish.
He produces his own music.
He's a romantic, friendly and charming, and a little afraid of violence. Will always portray the role of a diplomat in a conflict.
Zakir was raised in a Muslim and Hindu household, though neither him nor his siblings got much of a choice which religion they wanted to follow. As a result he still follows a lot of rules from Islam and participates in all its religious days, including Ramadan.
He doesn't drink or smoke - though he on occasion uses the drugs available at El Anhelo, and has his way to say why those aren't as bad.
He has an augmentation in his eyes, installed just before he moved to the United States by a street engineer. Because it was a prototype, he's had to get it checked out several times. It essentially works as a video camera: he can zoom in, zoom out, rewind, slow down, and speed up. As well as choose to save certain moments to his phone to view later. Because his eyes are more sensitive now, he wears sunglasses or tinted glasses almost all the time.
wanted and established connection can be found here.
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Slang --
Some slang Zakir might use and its meaning:
Yaar: friend/buddy/dude, addressing someone.
Arre yaar: addressing someone while expressing disappointment, surprise, or frustration.
Mashallah: 'God has willed it'
Inshallah: 'if God wills'
Wallah: 'I swear', said very often, presume Zakir never lies when he says this, as it's a sin.
Yallah/Chalo/Vamonos: Let's go!
Alhamdulillah: 'Praise to God'
Subhanallah: 'Glory to God'
Māśūqa: sweetheart, used for Anchali
Chai: Zakir never says tea
Jhakaas: Awesome!
Mast: excellent or fantastic
Bhai __ hai?: he uses this in restaurants mostly when he wants something quickly.
Theek hai: ok or it's okay
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ignitedfms · 1 month
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[ arpan kumar chandel, cis-man, he/him ] Look who just landed! ZAKIR SETHUPATHI, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as RAPPER / INTERPRETER / INFORMANT of THE GOLDEN TEARS. The city has plenty of spots for a 28 year old CYBORG like you. You��ll be known in the city soon enough as THE POET, being OBSERVANT and IMPULSIVE. ( niek, 31, CET, removed for discretion )
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00000 - - INTERVIEW INCOMING - - - 001
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Zakir smiled and shook his head, the glasses on his nose slightly bobbing along as he did. “I am not a local, but I’ve been on Mars and in NEW JAKARTA for about twelve years,” he explained, with all the sincerity he could muster. His Japanese was rusty but he’d been taught the formal way to speak it and he was grateful for the lessons now. There was barely a hint of an accent, which was also why he choose to speak in Japanese rather than Bahasa Indonesian or English, both languages he held an accent and his Bahasa was littered with formal/informal irregularities. “I am still at days in awe of the terraforming and what it’s done for the people living here. It is one thing to see it from the television at home and yet another to live through it, to actually set foot in this city. Though it is not much different from Delhi, where I am from,” he admitted. Any city with such a large population might face such difficulties, it was only natural.
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“I have been informed by my neighbours of the criminal complaint,” he stated, bobbing his head. “And of course!” As if he wasn’t already an informant, and doing his job well, because very few people thought to link him to the GOLDEN TEARS. Even Zakir wouldn’t link himself to that particular criminal organisation, hadn’t he owed them a lot of money. If it wasn’t for what this side gig earned him, he would’ve never been able to make a name for himself as quickly. He was barely twenty-eight and already an up-and-coming rapper, able to navigate the world of music within the city and understand its complicated language culture. Being within that world however, meant he saw plenty of things out of the ordinary. He was often in the AKUMU SLUMS, while living in the MAWAR DISTRICT. He recognised some key players, he often ran lines of communication for the GOLDEN TEARS. Most people he met seemed to be multilingual, but it was rare to find a polyglot like him. He made plenty of money that way.
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Zakir bobbed his head once more. “Of course, of course. I’ve been tested after the incident at the Arcade last mind for SIGHIR, and I get checked once every six months for viruses.” Being affiliated to the GOLDEN TEARS came with some perks. Their line to X ACADEMY was clear to anyone who had knowledge of what they were up to. And thus he could acquire those free tests easily. He wasn’t from Mars however, so the chances of him having SIGHIR were nihil, but there was a growing wariness. And the BOARD clearly wanted to know more about this Magic form. He wanted to stay clear of it, as well as any of the viruses that were natural to Mars.
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Zakir was adamant to showing his augmentation, it had not been done by any recognised medical facility and more than that: it had been done on Earth. There were risks to it, and he realised these risks. For all he could’ve known, his eyes could’ve exploded on his way up. They hadn’t luckily. But they just gave him a headache and he was forced to wear sunglasses or tinted glasses at all times. He lifted his glasses, revealing the augmentation, a clear blue light in his otherwise dark brown eyes. “Standard eye adjustment,” he lied. “Works like a phone camera.” And it did so much more. “Earth-issued, I have papers if you’d like to see them.” Faked papers of course.
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1mpulsec0ntrol · 9 months
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nickname; baagee ( rebel in Hindi ) // age; 27 years old - january 8th 1972 // gender/pronouns; cis-man, he/him // occupation; rapper/associate // protected by sawayama // from new delhi, india
quick summary;
Zakir was born in New Delhi, India to a Muslim father and a Hindu mother. The preasure was always on, growing up. To get the highest marks at school, to be the perfect son. Zakir excelled in very little aside from languages. And as a darker skinned brown kid, he was at the mercy of his peers constantly. His uncle, a delhi businessman, travelled often to the USA, and brought back cassettes filled with hip-hop music for his nephews; Zakir and his three younger brothers. Unlike his brothers, Zakir grew obsessed with it. He'd written poetry all his life, and here was something that put poetry to music. Only a month before he turned eighteen, Zakir immigrated to New York City, to the city where hip-hop was born. He'd always thought that these kids were similar to him, facing the same struggles because of the colour of their skin. Reality hit him only a few months into trying to make a name for himself. He continued his attempt at doing exactly what everyone around him was doing, until he realised he was lacking in two things; originality and money. He started working for the Sawayama organisation as an interpreter and translator, able to switch quickly between languages. And this too he began using in his music.
Zakir has sculpted a personality for himself that he uses when in public, going by his stage name Baagee, meaning rebel in Hindi, he is all suave and charming. He's loose and easy to talk to, will spark up conversations with anyone, and isn't afraid to talk about his passion and his talents. He comes off as loving expensive things, beautiful women, and fast cars, while switching between languages at the drop of a head to impress people.
In the company of friends however, Zakir is much more anxious and reserved. He tends to say fewer words and gives more meaning to gestures and non-verbal communication. He's a romantic at heart, always looking for genuine love from others, and always worried about distorting this image of the suave rapper. He's especially worried of the outside world learning of his bisexuality, after all, a rapper is supposed to be seen with a woman at his side, not another man.
head canons;
Zakir is a polyglot, he was quick to pick up new languages in his youth and has mastered several, while always picking up new ones. At current he's fluent in Hindi, English, Russian, Urdu, and Arabic. While being able to understand and convey a general message in Spanish, Gujarati, and Japanese. And learning Mandarin and Portuguese.
He always wears glasses, most often sunglasses.
Can often be seen scribbling down new ideas in his notebook; sentences he hears that would work good in a song, concepts that would make for good songs, little poems, and quotes from people around him.
He addresses anyone his age with either habibi ( 'my dear' or 'my love' in Arabic ) or bhai ( 'brother' in Hindi / Indic language ), and anyone older than him as auntie or uncle. Does this consistently and with respect.
Despite his mastery of languages, Zakir still has a distinct accent when speaking in Russian, English or Spanish.
people he can learn languages from
fellow artists (any type of creative)
fans of his music
Anchali Malee Shinawatra - pen pall / unrequited love
Katherine Boyd - friend / mutual banter
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akshaya7eagles · 4 years
Technical Translation Services
 NNB TRNASTECH SOLUTIONS concentrates exclusively on services of technical translation that deals with scientific and engineering documents. Here accuracy, precision, and consistency is the priority. Poor services can result in equipment damage and sometimes system failure.so, a good translator having in-depth knowledge is always reliable. Our company translators have immense background knowledge in science and technology, which provides high-level precision and zero error in services. Technical translation complexity demands intelligent minds with excellent expertise. 
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  What is Technical Translation?
Technical translation refers to the specialized translation of documents dealing with technical and scientific subjects delivered by technical writers. Or in other words, the translation requires a technical translator who has a good understanding and knowledge about the subject matter and should be able to deliver in the targeted language. It often includes the translation of the technical manual, user guides, patents, safety reports, system requirement documents, tender documents, and many more. Some of which are explained below.
Website Translation
In this process, your website content is your original language is converted into other languages to make it useable and accessible for global users. There are numerous degrees of translation. Each one is ideal and unique for different needs.
  Software Translation
This translation involves more than just language skills. It requires experts who have proficiency in the programming language. Our company ensures that translation is done without affecting the software code.
  Technical Instructions
We provide the translation of technical instructions in all formats to fulfill your requirements.
Translation User Guide Translation
Your manual should be converted into the native language to attract a vast number of readers. Our native translators efficiently translate your manual and provide you with the best service. Some more translations that we provide include handling descriptions, technical training material, technical brochures, technical catalogs, datasheets, service manuals, installation instructions, etc.
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delshlangcnsl · 5 years
Do you Know Google Translate Still Too Risky for Health Care Industry?
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We all know Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100+ other languages. Basically, Google Translate is based on “SMT” (statistical machine translation). This means that they gather as much text as they can find that seems to be parallel between two languages, and then they crunch their data to find the likelihood that something in Language. And Google translates more than 100 billion words per day. That's roughly equivalent to a stack of 128,000 Bibles, every single day.
Is Google Translation Accurate?
According to Google's test of accuracy, Google Translate has mixed reviews. Overall, Google said its new tool is 60 percent more accurate than the old Google Translate tool, which used phrase-based machine translation, or PBMT. Google can be wrong and never everything accurate on Google, Google spends its resources scouring the Web trying to predict what will be the most relevant content to show users for their 3.5 billion searches per day. Usually, Google's guesses are accurate, but sometimes they're not.
Most of the medical translations performed are for new medicines, clinical trials, general medical information, and medical devices. Medical document translation is necessary in order for medical professionals to provide the necessary care and treatment to patients who speak another language. It is more important for healthcare professionals to be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with their patients no matter what language they speak. Another area where medical translation is important is in reviewing medical histories in order for the patient to receiving an accurate and safe medical service. For example in some legal proceedings medical records may be called upon as evidence in the case and will only be considered as evidence upon receiving a certified translation.
Medical Interpreters
Professional medical interpreters are trained in medical terms and procedures and are familiar with healthcare settings.
Communication For Full Understanding,
Unbiased Accurate Communication,
Risk mitigation,
Comprehension improves patient satisfaction,
Comply with laws and regulations.
Delsh Business Consultancy utilizing professional medical translators and interpreters are crucial to healthcare-related communications. When patients can communicate with providers, the patient is more likely to be diagnosed and treated correctly and can follow after-care programs. Qualified medical interpretation improves patient satisfaction and safety, while simultaneously building trust across cultures to provide the very best outcomes for the organization and all its patients.
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advika-translation · 3 years
Going Spain with your Dreams
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Qatar Embassy Attestation in India If you are going to Spain for further studies, you might get selected in one of the top universities of India such as Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, University of Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona or Complutense University of Madrid and looking for certified translation services in India for your documentation work. Spain is the best place to go for studies and higher education. India is a country rich in human resource and youthpower, to enhance the circumstance and opportunity to grow, people prefer to go abroad. Sworn translation services are rarely available in India, if we talk about speedy and expertise Spanish translation services in India. Advika Translation is the best certified translation in Delhi/NCR provide you the best services for all personal and professional certificates, Sworn translation for Spain, Apostille, MEA attestation, Embassy attestation, HRD attestation, Visa attestation, Notaries Legalization and voice over service in Delhi in 400+ languages and 100+ commercial languages. You just need to send us your document via mail or can visit us at Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chandigarh. Drop us your document with the brief of your purpose (helpful for us to do all the needful tasks) on the given email address [email protected]. To explore our services visit our website : Translation services in India and you will get to know that not only for spain but we do have 50+ experts having expertise in different Indian and foreign languages like Hindi, English, Punjabi, Gujarati, Kannada, Urdu, Bengali, Marathi, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Polish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Czech, Turkish, Japanese, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Korien and more. We have been serving since 2001 with mentioning our imagine as the most trusted and speedy services. Call us at : +91-9718888896, +91-9911493831.
Who we are :   Top Translation services Agencies
Our services :   General Translation Agency in India
 Document Attestation Services in India
 Fast Translation Services available in Delhi
 Embassy Legalization Agency in India
 Czech Embassy Attestation
 Chinese Embassy Attestation Services in India
 Kuwait Embassy Attestation in India
 Libya Embassy Attestation Services in India
 Qatar Embassy Attestation in India
 UAE Embassy Attestation in India
 Russian Notarized Translation Service
 Saudi Arabia Embassy Attestation Services in India
 HRD Attestation Services Near Me
 Interpretation Services in India
 Ministry of External Affairs Attestation Services in Delhi
 Best Multilingual Services in Delhi
 Travel Insurance Service Agency in India
 Expert Visa Assistance Agency in India
 Voice Over Services in Delhi
 Spanish Translation Services in India
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voicemonkstudio · 3 years
The Best Place for Translation and Voice Over Services
VoiceMonk studio is one of the best voice-overs studios in Delhi that offers high-quality and budget-friendly services to clients. For accuracy and Sonic purity, the VoiceMonk studio is specifically designed. For all Indian and International Languages, we have many talented and experienced voiceover and dubbing artists. For both creative and commercial purposes to ensure high-quality services we have professional male, female, and child voiceover artists. With a high accuracy rate at lightning-fast speed, we can make any kind of voiceover, dubbing, subtitling, transcription, translation, and localization projects. VoiceMonk studio always provides the best service whether it's an entertainment project, advertisement project, corporate project, educational project, or commercial project, and because of our fast, professional, and accurate work ethic, our clients come to us repeatedly.
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About the VoiceMonk Studio
VoiceMonk studio is an India-based post-production voiceover studio with 15 years of experience in this industry. The VoiceMonk studio is an International multilingual voice-over agency and we are capable of fulfilling all your Indian and international voiceover requirements in any accent in any language you want. To find the best Voice Actors for your project with tools that empower your business our team is always ready to deliver you the remarkable output for your project. We assure you to provide talented and professional voice actors and exceptional production service for your project. To record high-quality sound service we have a wide collection of microphones, the latest technology, and professional sound designers with an advanced studio.
Services we provide
Voiceover: whether in India or abroad VoiceMonk studio specialized in providing voiceover services for all major industries. We can record an authentic voiceover for your project on time at a reliable price. We have a vast pool of professional and trained voiceover artists to choose from. They are extremely talented and completely devoted to providing our clients the best service.
Dubbing: we at the VoiceMonk studio work with certified dubbing artists and they are committed to providing you professional and accurate dubbing services whether it's a commercial project or entertainment, such as movie dubbing, trailer dubbing, theatrical dubbing, commercial dubbing, corporate dubbing, e-learning dubbing, or documentary dubbing.
Translation: If you expect to express the exact message in your content you need the proficient criterion in subtitling services. At a very reasonable price before the deadline, our skilled translators deliver you a fast turnaround and excellent translation service.
Subtitling: The global success and failure of a movie mostly depend on the quality of the subtitles. We are a competent and professional subtitling agency that delivers you manual subtitling services to communicate accurate meaning and nuances of dialogues for your valuable audience.
Transcription: Our human transcriptionists guarantee you to provide transcription service with 99% accuracy. Providing professional transcription services is our main goal. We at the VoiceMonk studio offer both automated and manual transcription services, simply upload
your file, pay the fee by choosing the plan and within the expected time the text in a word file is returned to you.
Localization: To expand your customer reach, products, and business services we will localize your content in a manner that perceives it completely local.VoiceMonk studio provides professional and 99% accurate localization of apps, videos, websites, and other digital platforms by certified and trained linguistics.
Song recording: We create high-quality song recordings for you with the help of our experienced team, advanced technology, moderate studio, and incredible sound designers. VoiceMonk studio creates mesmerizing songs to make you stand out from the crowd and make you a center of attraction.
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Languages we offer:
Indian languages:
International languages:
English accents we provide:
Voices we offer for all languages and accents:
American English accent
Australian English accent
Canadian English accent
Neutral English accent
Singaporean English accent
VoiceMonk studio provides professional male, female, and child voices for your project.
Male voices:
Romantic voice
Aggressive voice
Tragic voice
Comic voice
Arrogant voice
Cartoon/ animation voice
Female voices:
Romantic voice
Aggressive voice
Tragic voice
Comic voice
Arrogant voice
Cartoon/ animation voice
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Why us:
Our professional voiceover and dubbing artists record your project flawlessly, the VoiceMonk studio has professional and experienced voice actors to choose from that suit your project requirement. From the best actors and broadcasters, we have a talent bank of superior voices to choose from. By a brilliant creative team of experts and with years of experience our goal is to provide our clients the highest quality services. For commercials, E-learning, promotional videos, explainer videos, IVR, and audiobooks, advertising, documentaries, and corporate video VoiceMonk studio provides voice-over services before the deadline. For all of your urgent requirements, we are available 24/7. We are committed to delivering the most accurate, highest quality, and budget-friendly services before the deadline. From technology and manufacturing to marketing and healthcare with relevant certified degrees and years of professional experience we have a trusted network of voiceover artists, dubbing artists, linguists, reviewers, translators, and interpreters. At an affordable price.
Contact us: to know more about us contact us at [email protected] C 56/12, C Block, Phase 2, Industrial Area, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201309
Mobile no- 09716953004
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Japanese is the world's sixth most commonly spoken East Asian language, spoken by 128 million people. Thousands of people are studying Japanese to improve their job opportunities or to understand Japanese culture better.
Japanese is a resourceful, time-consuming language with phonotactics and simple vowel and consonant sounds. If anyone wants to Learn Japanese in India, they must take small steps, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
In the Indian job market, learning the Japanese language course brings up more opportunities.
Japanese enterprises like Yamaha, Honda, Sony, and Toyota in India offer more job opportunities to Indians who speak Japanese. The learning aspirants of Japanese language school may work in the Indian market or travel to Japan or other countries to serve the Japanese companies listed above. India is the leading marketplace for Japanese-manufactured products. Also, Japanese companies were among the first to invest in India. Suzuki is the most well-known company that has made significant investments in India.
The Top Advantages of Learning Japanese
Corporate Japanese language Training has always been a fascinating experience. It's an exciting journey, unique experiences, minor difficulties, colourful illustrations, strange and unexpected encounters. In Noida and Delhi, students can enrol in a Japanese language class. For the students, learning the Japanese language course Gurgaon opens up a global market.
The first advantage of learning Japanese at the No. 1 Japanese institute in Gurgaon is that it allows you to look professional from the crowd. It is unique since it is not a simple language to learn.
Second, after learning a language, Japanese is the 5th most popular language when it comes to career prospects. Japanese investors are the most successful in India, with strongholds in the automobiles, electronics, heavy industry, and optical media industries. After studying the JPLT N5 Course in Gurgaon, the top career choices include translators' and interpreters' jobs, Japanese instructors, Japanese teachers, Japanese embassy jobs, aeronautics, travel and tourism jobs, as well as the IT industry.
A Japanese translator is in high demand by a large organization due to the rising enterprise. When they travel to Japan for meetings and seminars; as a result, you should take your chances as a Japanese translator.
It has a large and vigorous culture. Japanese is currently the most common East Asian language, and the reasons for this are apparent. Japanese Language Institute in Gurgaon resolves all of the candidates' concerns and questions so that there is no confusion in their minds.
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wrvtchedhearts · 9 months
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Stats --
FULL NAME: Zakir Aamir Sethupathi
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 27 -- January 8th
OCCUPATION: rapper, translator, interpreter
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis-man, he/him
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, Biromantic
LANGUAGES: Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, English, Russian, Punjabi, Gujarati, Japanese, Cantonese
FC: arpan kumar chandel
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Biography / Headcanons --
Zakir was sixteen when he moved from New Delhi to New York City hoping to find a richer more full-filling life there. He hoped to become a famous rapper. He grew up the oldest son of a Muslim and Hindu couple, with little prospect in life other than continue his father's business. His uncle - a friend from his father rather than his actual uncle - told him stories of America, of New York City, and the American Dream.
He got into crime because he needed funds and connections to gain his fame. He's known for making songs in which he fluently meshes languages and meanings together, rapping under the alias Baagee. However, a lot of his time is spent translating for Dead Hand or using his understanding of languages to decipher coded messages.
He's a polyglot; he speaks multiple languages and easily picks up new ones. Currently he's learning Portuguese & Mandarin.
He addresses anyone his age with either habibi ( ‘my dear’ or 'my love’ in Arabic ) or bhai ( 'brother’ in Hindi / Indic language ), and anyone older than him as auntie or uncle. Does this consistently and with respect.
Despite his mastery of languages, Zakir still has a distinct accent when speaking in Russian, English or Spanish.
He produces his own music.
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Is an Interpreter Indispensible for your Business?
If your business is a multinational company or contemplating to expand the business to other countries, perhaps you require the services of an Interpreter so that there is a seamless flow of communication. Of course, it might be next to impossible to keep the experts on the rolls of the company unless the requirement is not on a permanent basis. It, therefore, becomes prudent to outsource the services without draining your financial resources. Whether you require the interpretation from Korean to other languages or vice versa, the Korean Interpreter In India would come to your rescue.
Source — https://ello.co/translationworkzone/post/regtevsnnhep-rzje9zk6q
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Best IELTS Coaching Institute In Noida
Many students intend to pursue their studies or job in another country. The IELTS exam serves as a gateway to achieving this goal. To study or work in another country, you must first pass the IELTS with good bands. If you are a Noida student who wishes to qualify for the IELTS with the highest possible score, you must be searching for the Best IELTS Coaching in Noida. As a result, after conducting extensive research, we have compiled a list of some of the IELTS Coaching in Noida.
About IELTS Exam 
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a test that assesses your ability to communicate in English. It is the most widely used high-stakes English language competency assessment system in the world. IDP Education Australia, the British Council, and Cambridge English Language Assessment jointly organise the IELTS exam. Those who plan to study or work in a country where English is the primary communication language. They must pass this language test in order to pursue higher education or work in another country.
The UK, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada are the most common nations where IELTS is recognized for university admissions. Students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills are assessed in the IELTS exam.
IELTS Exam Pattern
IELTS is a task-based test that assesses four language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It takes two hours and 45 minutes to complete. IELTS can be taken in either a pen and paper or an electronic format, depending on personal preference. Every level must be passed and the overall needed bands must be maintained. The IELTS exam scores are computed on a “band” system. Candidates who apply for IELTS exams receive a score at the end of the examination that reflects their proficiency. The scale ranges from 0 to 9, with 9 denoting expert knowledge. A minimum of 5.5 bands is required to pass the examinations on average. The sections are arranged in the order listed below –
Listening– Aspirants are assessed on their ability to interpret the correct answer based on an audio recording that is played once. In addition, you have 30 minutes to complete 40 questions.
Reading- The aspirants are assessed based on their reading and comprehension abilities. There are 40 questions in this module, and you have 30 minutes to complete them.
Writing– There are two parts to this section, each lasting 30 minutes. On the basis of the information provided, applicants are requested to write two essays.
Speaking- Depending on the slots available, this test is given either before or after the completion of the preceding modules. It is divided into three sections: introduction, cue card, and questions depending on the theme of the cue card. It takes 11 to 14 minutes to complete.
Cambridge English Academy (CEA) India
Cambridge English Academy is regarded as one of the best institutes in Noida, the main motive of this institute is to make the students pass in the IELTS entrance examination. In this institute, the speaking, writing and conversational courses are held in ten different languages. This is the leading corporate training academy having centres at East Delhi. This institute offers training for nearly eighty percent of the students, and the institute offers placement for the students who join and take up classes in this institute. Spanish, German, Chineses, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Persian, Portuguese and French are the languages taught in Cambridge English academy. In this institute classrooms are equipped with A/c rooms to provide you a better learning environment, the institute offers courses in conventional, reading, writing and translational levels.
Faculty members: 
This institute holds highly motivated, experienced and dedicated staff members to deliver the best training to the students. Normal and fast track batches are available for IELTS coaching, the institute offers highly designed course materials and you can choose convenient class timings. The institute is equipped with Air-conditioned classrooms to provide students a better learning environment.
Contact Details -
Address - 
Contact Number -  Website - https://www.cambridgeenglish.org.in/ielts-noida.php
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delshlangcnsl · 5 years
Best Translation Company in India
Delsh Business Consultancy is India's No.1 ISO certified Translation Company that provides accurate Language Translation services in Delhi India. We offer the world’s most accurate translation services to the global clients that are also the fastest in speed. Often, it is seen that the companies fail to render quality and precision in translation due to pricing rates, in making haste for the project delivery.
As Delsh understands your business is mostly about words, we not only translate language we transform business in the world of words.
We work with professional IT translators for a quality driven translation output for all types of documents.  
We are quick and expert at translating the hotel menus, brochures, travel guides and other stuff with quality.
Our medical translators are well versed in using the medical terminologies in all sorts of clinical documents.
In Media Translation - Translation for media content requires great knowledge. Hence, we have expert team on board to help you out.
Established 15 years ago as an online translation agency, Delsh Business Consultancy is one of the most sought after translation companies in India. The reason it is included in the top 10 translation companies in India is due to its professional services. Delsh is a privately held language service provider, yet it has gained expertise in providing translation in over 2000 language pairs. That is the reason that 45% of its clients are listed in Fortune 500 companies.
Why Delsh Business Consultancy Company is best in the worldwide?
·         Higher Quality & Accuracy Level
·         Comprehensive Language Solutions
·         Certified Translation Services
·         Native Professional Translators
·         Strict Quality Guidelines
·         Easy Project Consultation
·         Fastest Turnaround Time
·         100% Data Privacy With secure servers and file management panels, we commit for 100% data privacy and confidentiality so that the info is not leaked out to a third party.
 We offer a wide range of services (as mentioned under) to let the clients bridge the gap between them and their targeted customers.
·         Translation Services
·         Interpretation Services
·         Dubbing Services
·         Moderation Services
·         Editing Services
·         Voice Over Services
·         Subtitling Services
·         Multilingual SEO
·         Language Testing
·         DTP Services
·         Localization Services
·         CAD Services
·         Transcription Services
·         Market Research
Website Translation
·         Technical Translation
·         Multimedia Translation
·         Proposal Translation
·         Email Translation
Content Translation
·         Book Translation
·         Script Translation
·         Brochure Translation
·         Resume Translation
Document Translation
·         Contract Translation
·         Pharma Translation
·         Research Translation
·         Enterprise Translation
Certificate Translation
·         Quick Translation
·         Urgent Translation
·         License Translation
Website Localization
·         Academic Localization
·         Marketing Localization
·         SEO Localization
·         Subtitling Localization
·         Multimedia Localization
·         Industry Localization
Content Localization
·         Document Localization
·         Certificate Localization
·         Software Localization
·         Advertising Localization
·         Localization Types
·         Language Localization
·         App Localization
Mobile App Localization
·         IPad App Localization
·         IOS App Localization
·         IPhone App Localization
·         Android App Localization
·         Localization Combination
 Language Service Providers we help businesses speak in 250+ languages – both Indian and foreign languages.
Indian Language
·         Punjabi Translation
·         Hindi Translation
·         Tamil Translation
·         Urdu Translation
·         Bengali Translation
·         Telugu Translation
Foreign Language
·         Russian Translation
·         Spanish Translation
·         French Translation
·         German Translation
·         Japanese Translation
·         Arabic Translation
Language Combination
·         African Languages
·         Asian Languages
·         European Languages
·         Middle East Languages
·         Indian to Foreign
Have Any Doubts? Want to talk about languages and related services?
Call us right away at +91-999933921 or write to us at [email protected]
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newsresults · 4 years
Banksy’s oil painting expected to fetch £5m at London auction
Banksy’s oil painting expected to fetch £5m at London auction
By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | September 20, 2020 12:00:32 pm
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Two technicians handle Banksy’s artwork, ‘Show me the Monet’ on display at Sotheby’s in central London. Banksy’s contemporary re-interpretation of Claude Monet’s depiction of the Japanese bridge in his garden at Giverny will be part of Sotheby’s live-streamed auction on…
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Japanese is the world's sixth most commonly spoken East Asian language, spoken by 128 million people. Thousands of people are studying Japanese to improve their job opportunities or to understand Japanese culture better.
Japanese is a resourceful, time-consuming language with phonotactics and simple vowel and consonant sounds. If anyone wants to Learn Japanese in India, they must take small steps, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
In the Indian job market, learning the Japanese language course brings up more opportunities.
Japanese enterprises like Yamaha, Honda, Sony, and Toyota in India offer more job opportunities to Indians who speak Japanese. The learning aspirants of Japanese language school may work in the Indian market or travel to Japan or other countries to serve the Japanese companies listed above. India is the leading marketplace for Japanese-manufactured products. Also, Japanese companies were among the first to invest in India. Suzuki is the most well-known company that has made significant investments in India.
The Top Advantages of Learning Japanese
Corporate Japanese language Training has always been a fascinating experience. It's an exciting journey, unique experiences, minor difficulties, colourful illustrations, strange and unexpected encounters. In Noida and Delhi, students can enrol in a Japanese language class. For the students, learning the Japanese language course Gurgaon opens up a global market.
The first advantage of learning Japanese at the No. 1 Japanese institute in Gurgaon is that it allows you to look professional from the crowd. It is unique since it is not a simple language to learn.
Second, after learning a language, Japanese is the 5th most popular language when it comes to career prospects. Japanese investors are the most successful in India, with strongholds in the automobiles, electronics, heavy industry, and optical media industries. After studying the JPLT N5 Course in Gurgaon, the top career choices include translators' and interpreters' jobs, Japanese instructors, Japanese teachers, Japanese embassy jobs, aeronautics, travel and tourism jobs, as well as the IT industry.
A Japanese translator is in high demand by a large organization due to the rising enterprise. When they travel to Japan for meetings and seminars; as a result, you should take your chances as a Japanese translator.
It has a large and vigorous culture. Japanese is currently the most common East Asian language, and the reasons for this are apparent. Japanese Language Institute in Gurgaon resolves all of the candidates' concerns and questions so that there is no confusion in their minds.
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