#janus waterbender
gt-fluffy-vore · 4 years
New SandersSides Fanfic and this one’s an AU!
Hello all! This is a little preview I am posting of a new SandersSides crossover fanfiction that takes place in the Avatar: The last Airbender universe sometime BG (BeforeGenocide).  This is the first bit of chapter one, so let me know in the comments if you’d like more of it! Also I don’t know yet what it’ll be named so if you have any grand ideas I would love to hear them!
There couldn’t have been a worse day to be moving into their new school than today. It was the anniversary of the day they lost Patton’s mother and were left alone. There could not have been a worse day.  “Do not worry, Patton. I will do the talking. I cannot promise it will be terribly formal or polite, but you won’t need to talk. Once we get there just find your room and you can stay in there the whole day, alright?”
He nodded and uttered a barely audible reply, slipping off one of the bracelets he was wearing and shoving it into a pocket. “Thanks, Jannie.”
Janus smiled at him and grabbed his hand before stepping up to the entrance of the school, where a man was sitting on the steps scribbling on a piece of paper. He looked up as they stepped onto the stairs and after a moment of looking at them and glancing at the paper he had, he shot to his feet. “Excuse me!” They both stopped and turned. “Um, are you Patton and Janus?”
“Yes. And who might you be? I suppose you have a reason for asking about such personal information?” His voice was practically dripping with harsh sarcasm.
The man hung his head slightly. “Um, my name is Thomas. I’m the R.A. for the dorm we exchange students will be in. You two are from the community school in one of the wandering tribes, right?” Janus nodded silently. “I’m from Yokoya, the port near Qinchao. Welcome to Omashu by the way. The others are already in the dorm. Should we go?” Janus nodded once and followed him through the halls. Once they got there Thomas stopped in front of the door. “I’m not sure what you knew from the scrolls they sent you, but there are four others that are part of the foreign exchange program. The first two that got here are brothers from the western air temple and the next two are brothers from Hira’a.” Then he pushed back the thick bamboo curtain that served as their door and let them through ahead of him. They stepped into a fairly large living-room-dining-room combo with an empty doorway to the left and a door to the right. There were four doors along the back wall, with names carved into boards stuck onto the top of the wooden doorframes. That must be telling who goes into what room. “Oh. Everyone must be in their rooms. Hold on a sec and I’ll get everyone.” Smiling, Thomas stepped up to the first door on the left and knocked, calling out through it. “Our last roommates are here. Could you guys come out for a moment so I can introduce everyone?” He then moved to the second door on the right and repeated the process. In a few moments, four people joined them. “Alright, everyone! These are Janus and Patton. They’re from the wandering tribes near the south pole.”
Almost immediately Janus was raising an eyebrow at the two wearing air nomad garb. Didn’t the nomads shave their heads? The two from the western temple stepped forward. “Roman.” One of them held his hand out, quickly followed by the other.
“And Remus.”
“Grand to meet you both.”
Janus nodded and shook both of their hands. Then Thomas spoke up again. "These two are Logan and Virgil. They're from Hira'a."
They looked over at the firebenders. The first was standing straight with both hands clasped in front of him and the other was half behind him, glaring behind a chunk of hair hanging in his face. Janus stepped up and offered a hand to the first man.  "Janus.  And this is Patton."
The first man nodded once and took his hand. "Logan."
Janus unceremoniously turned back to the two airbenders and raised an eyebrow. "Are the two of you not nomads,  or…? It was to my understanding that the nomads shaved their heads."
The man who'd introduced himself as Roman shook his head. "I did, and I regretted it. He never did, I'm wearing wigs until it grows back out."
He nodded slowly.  So they had some rebels on their hands. He felt Patton's grip tighten around his hand and glanced at the doors. The second from the left had their names. "If that is all we will be in our room." Without another word they left. The second the door was closed he brought Patton over to the nearest bed. “Are you okay?” He didn’t answer. “We did get the same room, though. I told you you had nothing to worry about.” He cracked a smile this time and gently leaned against Janus’s shoulder as he finally let himself cry. “Yeah, go ahead. Get it all out, Buddy. Whatever you need…”
There was a long silence after the two left. Everyone stood around awkwardly and Thomas started at their door. Finally, one of the brothers from Hira’a mumbled something incomprehensible and retreated to his room, immediately followed by his brother, who nodded respectfully before stepping out behind him. Thomas shook his head at them. This was going to be a lot harder than he expected.
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maya-tl · 3 years
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ATLA Sanders Sides made with this picrew by @ALOHASUSHICORE.
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bruisedribs · 3 years
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at no point did i stop and ask myself why i decided to draw for an au i didn't remember four hours ago
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pattxnsanders · 4 years
Janus is a waterbender and he knew once he was sentenced to the Boiling Rock prison that he wasn't going to make it out alive. After the Fire Lord made that law stating that homosexuality was to be punished with over 20 years of jail time or something far worse, he knew it was bad. But he thought he was safe when he kissed his boyfriend, but there were firebenders watching them from the bushes... Now his boyfriend is dead and he has a nasty burn scar on his face, leading to him becoming blind in the fight. He just wants to live somewhere quietly in the Water Tribes...not this...
Patton cries out in pain as he’s literally dragged off of the ship and into the main facility. The young firebender babbles apologies as he’s dragged across the yard to be prepared for a cell.
The guards are rather rough with him. Especially for a firebender.
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coconut-cluster · 4 years
Fucken tell us the bender au
frick yeah okay (btw a lot of this info i got from the wiki bc i havent watched enough of the show to be an expert or anything lol)
Virgil/Patton: airbenders - Pat mostly bc they’re pacifistic even in battle, and Virgil (both tbh but mostly Virgil) bc they value like freedom and peace as solutions to life’s troubles and lbr Virgil needs some chill in his life 
Janus: earthbender - a lot of their combat focuses on being patient and watchful and waiting through the opponent’s attacks to catch an opening and acting on it, and Jan seems very perceptive, and like he’d be the first to use his opponent’s moves and strategy against them? if that makes sense?
Roman/Remus: firebenders - intensity, force, willpower, this one’s pretty obvious lol 
Logan: waterbender - i love this one best but waterbending is the element of change and control and grace and that seems very Logan!! also, connection to the moon spirit for the space geek :9
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(Block DW) Does that mean Ainslie has stats as well? Since she's part of the party? Or do we only get character sheets for player characters?
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Virgil  / [Pre-Surface]
Roman / [Robear]
Ainsliee (here!)
(More to be unlocked)
Reference Page Unlocked: Ainsliee the Nereid!
For those who don’t know, the six numbers are her Strength, Dexterity, Constitution(health bar basically), Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, ranked from 1 to 20, with 8-10 being ‘average human peasantfolk’ level. 
Ainsliee is very charismatic and quick on her feet, but average-to-below-average in most other regards. Which is understandable, since she is a baby. Her main weaknesses lie in the facts that it takes very few hits to keep her down, and she has very few combat abilities available to her if she is not near a relatively large body of water. And, if she goes too long without touching water, she could dry out, which would make her very sick!
In the water, though, she can be downright deadly! Her Aquatic Invisibility makes her and her Mantle completely impossible to hit while completely submerged, and she has a lot of attacks and abilities that are basically waterbending~!
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singingpuppies · 4 years
Janus is a waterbender and he knew once he was sentenced to the Boiling Rock prison that he wasn't going to make it out alive. After the Fire Lord made that law stating that homosexuality was to be punished with over 20 years of jail time or something far worse, he knew it was bad. But he thought he was safe when he kissed his boyfriend, but there were firebenders watching them from the bushes... Now his boyfriend is dead and he has a nasty burn scar on his face, leading to him becoming blind in the fight. He just wants to live somewhere quietly in the Water Tribes...not this...
When Patton was little, he believed what his family taught him, what his nation taught him. The Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history, and they were just trying to share their greatness with the rest of the world. But as Patton got older, it just didn’t sit well with him. The more people he met from other nations, the more he heard about what was happening, the more his morality told him that there was right, and wrong, good, and evil, it just felt like he was on the wrong side of history, and Patton didn’t want to be on the wrong side. He wanted to be on the right side, the side of peace, and justice, and everyone being treated kindly. 
His family picked up on that kindness at a far earlier age than he did, and they used it to their advantage. He’d been a huge disappointment when the realization struck that he wasn’t a bender, but Patton was such a thoughtful, sweet, kind kid with a fantastic heart, that it was almost better for his family to use that to their advantage instead. Any time someone questioned the Fire Nation or their motivation, his family would just use Patton as an example. Patton’s family was wealthy, Patton’s family was well off, Patton’s family was political. Patton’s family had a lot to say about what happened, and look at what a sweet kid Patton was. 
Would a family that raised such a compassionate, loving kid do anything bad? Of course not, they did it for the greater good, for the good of the nation. 
Patton struggled for a long time with a major identity crisis. Who was he? What was it that he wanted? He just wanted to be good. He wanted to do the right thing by other people, no matter what their differences. What was it he could do to do right by the world? That, he wasn’t quite sure yet. He spent the majority of his time with his Uncle, his parents were never around and while Patton wished he had people to spend time with, he actually would’ve rather been home alone than with his Uncle. He hated going with his Uncle to work, it depressed him. When he was a child, he didn’t know how his Uncle could be the warden at the Boiling Rock Prison because it seemed like the scariest place in the world. A place full of bad people. 
Now that he was older he didn’t know how his Uncle could be the warden at the Boiling Rock Prison because he didn’t know how his Uncle could live with himself knowing the majority of the people there didn’t deserve to be locked up, and Patton was sick of being dragged there every day knowing there was nothing he could do to help those people. Finally, an idea struck him. Maybe he couldn’t free these people just yet, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t help. He made it his mission to sneak the prisoners better food, to help them when they were assigned clean up duty, to get them clean water to drink. It wasn’t as much help as he wanted to give, and the people were understandably skeptical at first, afraid that it might be a trick since he was the warden’s nephew after all, but in time, word got around that Patton could be trusted, that he wasn’t like the others. 
He wanted to help more, but it was a start, a start some people appreciated, others still were a bit wary but Patton never gave up trying to help them either. Maybe his family had failed at being good people, but Patton still had a chance to work towards always doing the right thing and he was going to take it. Sneaking by with food in his pockets, he tried to look as casual as possible so he could see if there were any prisoners who hadn’t gotten enough to eat that day, accidentally bumping into someone. “I’m so sorry, I was just...” he adjusted his glasses as he looked the guy over. He didn’t think he’d seen him before around here, he hated to say it, but he would’ve remembered a burn scar like that one. “Are you new?” he asked softly, it upset him to see this guy here... he didn’t look much older than Patton... what could he have possibly done to end up here?
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What are your opinions about which side would bend whatever element from ATLA?
Task: Dishes!
Logan: non-bender. I know that’s probably not what would be expected, but it’s hard for me to picture Logan as a bender at all. And I personally kind of like the idea of Logan as the non-bender of the group. I think he’d find ways to utilize others’ bending (think like how Sokka made the submarines through waterbending), but I see him as more of a man of science. Invention rather than bending.
Virgil: Earth. Virgil is very direct. (”You did a bad job, Sanders”, “Roman, you get super insecure for some reason and when that happens, the work suffers”, “Logan’s gotta cool it with the deadlines”, “Get rid of it. Get rid of the phone now.”, etc.) He can also be relatively stubborn. I think Virgil struggles with the idea of give-and-take, ebb-and-flow. I see Virgil as an earth bender largely because of that. 
Patton: Air. I’ll admit that this is less about the element itself and more about the Air Nomads. But if any of the group is a borderline-pacifist, I think it’s Patton (aside from his threat to physically fight Virgil, which was done out of a protective instinct anyway). The Air Nomads were a fundamentally peaceful people who taught that all life is sacred and meant to be protected. That strikes me as a very... Patton-like approach to people and the world (who praised Thomas’s empathy). The Air Nomads were also particularly communal. As far as the canon of the show itself tells us, there aren’t really “family units”. Aang never refers to a mom or dad. It’s always “the monks” or Gyatso, who was a mentor figure. Patton’s emphasis on the group as a family reminds me a bit of the dynamic Aang has with the monks. 
Roman: Fire. He’s feisty. He lashes out when he’s upset or feeling insulted or cornered. Passion is at the heart of everything he does. Roman is very driven. 
Remus: Water. Remus kind of goes with the flow. He spews random comments as they come to him, but unless you directly try to contradict or fight him, he just kinda follows along with wherever the conversation leads. He’s flexible, and though he’s very contrarian and can be upsetting, I still think that his element would principally be water.
Janus: Water. Janus adapts to situations but is willing to intervene in whatever ways he finds most beneficial to him (and, in his perspective, Thomas). In the same way that water takes the shape of whatever glass it is poured into but can also carve through rock if given enough time (or become razor sharp ice), I think Janus is best reflected as a water bender. He has an adaptability that is very loosely similar to Remus, though Janus is willing to change the playing field to best suit his needs. 
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acceberv · 4 years
Since Logan picked earthbending, it would be cool to see him metalbend like Toph or lavabend like Bolin. I can also imagine Remus combustionbending and Roman control lightning since they would both be firebenders. I think Patton would have fun flying around with his airbending and Janus could either be a waterbender (who may or may not use bloodbending) like Virgil or a nonbender.
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kieraelieson · 4 years
For the fake title thing, what about: "Flames of Ice and Blocks of Fire"? :3
Avatar the last Airbender AU, where Virgil is a firebender and Roman’s a waterbender. But neither of them are very good at it.
Over a series of circumstances, they keep meeting up somehow, and at first hate each other, but over time they get to be friends, and teaching each other their different kinds of bending. Now, they can’t bend the other element, but the way in which they bend their own element changes drastically, and the two of them become an unstoppable team, and even more when they end up becoming friends with Patton and Logan and Janus. Remus takes a longer time, and doesn’t end up quite friends exactly, but once all six of them are friends? They change things.
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wroammin · 4 years
I, for one, would LOVE to see your atla au bc you can never have too much
oh that’s sweet of you, thank you!!
since the drafted post is far too long but i want to tell you about it anyway, the basic gist of the storyline is:
roman & remus are royalty from the fire nation who are on a diplomatic mission to gather 2 ambassadors from the water nation (specifically the northern water tribe) & the earth nation (specifically ba sing se) for a peace meeting
the twins are only teenagers (even if they are on the older side), so when they show up asking for ambassadors, no one takes them seriously & they all think it’s another plot for the fire nation to murder some of the other nations’ important politicians
because of this, each nation basically sends a joke ambassador in the form of two teenagers who were foolish enough to volunteer (a waterbender called virgil & an earthbender called logan, both of whom weren’t exactly popular or would be missed too much)
still, roman specifically is determined to hold this peace meeting because oh, wait, he’s actually the heir to the fire lord’s throne, so he needs to be a strong leader & take action & this peace meeting is his chance to prove that he can be good at that!! (also because he kinda sucks at firebending oops)
remus has. other plans. en route back to the fire nation, he kind of betrays his brother and sinks the ship & escapes, taking virgil w him so that he can’t waterbend them all out of it
(we find out that the fire lord actually doesn’t want roman to be his heir since he kind of sucks at firebending a little too much & is a little too eager for peace, so he promises remus that if he can get rid of his brother he’ll rule instead)
anyway roman & logan somehow survive and meet patton, a non-bender who has somehow found & been taking care of the avatar’s flying bison
meanwhile, remus & (a very begrudging) virgil meet janus at a nearby merchant’s pier, who is a non-bender & an ex-pirate (maybe still just a little bit of a pirate). basically janus just forces himself into their group because he recognizes remus as fire nation royalty immediately & is like. oh. this guy should be Very Interesting to tag along with.
roman, logan, & patton are trying desperately to stay alive (since eventually remus finds out they are still alive & goes after them) while also trying to help roman take his rightful place as fire lord so he can bring peace and whatnot
and logan & patton specifically also become interested in finding the avatar, since if his flying bison is around that must mean the avatar is, too
and that’s up to where the main sides all get introduced so i’ll leave it there, maybe one day i’ll post all the little character details i have in mind for each of them but for now i hope the plot is at least mildly interesting
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Avatar: The Last Airbender AU
Instead of Aang running away, he got killed when the Fire Nation invaded the Air Temple. The new Avatar isn’t from the Southern Water Tribe, or the Norther Water Tribe, but is instead a Swampbender. The Swampbenders don’t really know about world politics so they don’t realize they have the Avatar, and the Waterbending Avatar dies unremarkably.
This is where the Sides come in. The next Avatar is Thomas, an Earthbender. The Fire Nation isn’t expecting the Avatar to be an Earthbender, they’re still looking for a Waterbender, which allows Thomas a certain amount of anonymity. But when Thomas’s village is burned down by the Fire Nation, Thomas and his best friend Logan need to start Thomas’s Avatar Journey.
Meanwhile, the Fire Nation Princess (female!Roman), banished for disrespecting her Father’s war council, has forsaken her mission to hunt down the Avatar after seening the pain her Nation has caused the world. Now she does her best to sabotage Fire Nation Forces, without hurting anyone (they’re still her people after all), so when she comes across the Avatar, she agrees to teach him Firebending.
Remus, the Crowned Prince of the Fire Nation, seems to be loyal to the Fire Lord, but is loyal to himself first and foremost, and his twin sister second (his father is like tenth on the list, maybe). Because of this, he seems antagonistic, but really, he’s just having fun and keeping up appearances.
Patton is an Airnomad from a clan that managed to stay hidden for the last hundred years, and although they cannot celebrate their culture as they once did, they are still wise and spiritual. Not only do they teach Thomas Airbending, but they teach him about the spirit world, and his job as the Great Bridge.
The Northern Water Tribe is in the middle of a terrible battle with the Fire Nation, so Thomas and the gang travel to the Southern Water Tribe to look for a Waterbending Master. Unfortunately, the Fire Nation kidnapped all the Waterbenders from the South Pole. The last Fire Nation raid was five years ago, and they took the last Waterbenders.
The gang travel to Kyoshi Island where they meet female!Janus, a member of the Southern Water Tribe who was abandoned by refugees traveling to the North Pole. She’s not a Waterbender, but the Kyoshi Warriors trained her to be a skilled fighter. She joins their group.
Thomas meditates like Patton taught him, and talks to some of his past lives. The last Avatar, the Swampbender, suggests Thomas look to the Swampbenders for a Waterbending master. With that in mind, the gang head back to the Earth Kingdom.
In the Earth Kingdom, they run into the Blue Spirit (or a more original name :/), the scourge of the Fire Nation. It’s rumored that it’s the Moon Spirit, taking revenge on the Fire Nation for the damage they’ve done to the Water Tribes. But surprise! It’s actually Virgil, Janus’s little brother who was taken during the last Fire Nation raid. He was pretty young when the Fire Nation took him, but he was very powerful. The Fire Nation underestimated him, and he managed to sink their ship. The Moon and Ocean have been teaching him Waterbending ever since.
And that’s all I’ve got, but Emile and Remy are probably in the mix somewhere
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will-die-for-janus · 4 years
Ok I know canonically the sides have said which elements they would control but-
Roman- earthbender
Patton- waterbender (I imagine focused on healing)
Virgil- Firebender
Remus- waterbender (have you seen the octopus technique-)
Logan- airbender 👀
Janus- the avatar 👀
(Nah I’m not sure about the last two lol)
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oh-theatre · 4 years
AVATAR PATTON?#?!? :0000 ILYSM THAT MAKES MY HEART SO HAPPY u make me wanna draw for it if u continue and add info about it so this is an ask,,,, for u to infodump if u wanna,,, - sage 💛🌻
OHMYGOSH ABSOLUTELY I WILL!!  also it kinda follows ATLA like i take some plotlines but also alot is just me :D
- important notes: Ro and Remus are earthbenders and twins! however they are extremely close with Toph because i said so 
- i forgot to mention in OG post but Janus is a waterbender but hes apart of the southern water tribe and spoiler hes also a bloodbender!-
He has a flying bison named Tomi, Tomi actually has a little baby bison which Patton named spirit (because i say so)
He was told to keep the fact that he was the avatar a secret because of the dangers it would bring. 
Didnt matter much cause during a raid of the air temples he was whisked away and frozen in a ball of ice with his bisons. 
Flash forward and guess who finds him! A frustrated Logan whose waterbending is giving him a hard time followed by his rowdy but loyal Polar Bear dog Wiso 
So thats kinda the beginning of the journey..sound familiar teehee. 
Ok so more about my boy Pat! Hes the next in line of the avatar line so he was born an air nomad
Funnily though as he was training in secret with the monks they quickly found out he was having trouble airbending. 
However during a break in his training he was playing around with some water before realizing he was actually bending it! 
He kept that a secret but would play in his own time
Soon enough, with alot of trial and error he was able to airbend! He even crafted his own glider! 
Hes a very cheery character but he does have this side that he doesnt show, its quiet and focused. Its also sad and sometimes you just have to remember hes just a kid. 
Hes actually incredibly smart and absolutely adores learning ! Alot of people seem him as goofy but Logan saw right away how incredible his mind was
He takes to Logan instantly! Fascinated but all the things hes showing him and everything thats changed since his last “conscious” state. 
Hes prone to depression, anxiety and severe adhd but of course its not exactly named in his world. 
Hes more creative prone and he loves calligraphy and art. Hes really good at it too!
After some incidents he realized his eyesight wasnt the best so he crafted his own pair of glasses!
Hes a sweetheart who sees the good in people, for the worse sometimes and truly believes that everyone is a good person. (Thank god hes got Lo to ground him!)
However he will die for his friends and family and anyone he loves. Hes willing to give up everything for them. 
this is a future thing but he actually becomes like a general like uh...i guess king of sorts of all the nations but like hes rules in harmony and everyone loves him and hes amazing and yes (i just realized i based alot of him on my ATLA OC lmao)
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twofacedbelief · 4 years
waterbender janus... with snowflake freckles and ice piercings... and arms covered in ice burns...
they'd be from the northern water tribe because it's bigger and feels more restricting, like the sexism and arranged marriage. probably transphobic. and janus is (of course) nonbinary.
idk if the burns should be from their waterbending teacher or from their parents, but the burns are punishment
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airiervessel · 4 years
Not a prompt but saw your tag of atla/ts sides au and just kinda went 👀👀👀👀 would you consider... maybe... sharing more about it?
oh BOY nonnie thank you so much for giving me this opportunity
i can’t talk about this without mentioning @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors because violet has listened to all my ramblings on this so far and helped me come up with the ideas for it -- this is as much their au as it is mine
so it’s going to follow the general plot of atla and be a slowburn romantic LAMP au -- possibly with some demus as well? i debated a lot over the roles, but i think i’m mostly settled on these for now? we’ll see if it changes. 
Patton is the Avatar, and the last airbender. Roman and Logan, two kids who grew up in the Southern Water Tribe (but who are NOT brothers), find Patton in the iceberg. Virgil, crown prince of the Fire Nation, is banished and sailing around the South Pole and happens upon the Avatar and his new friends. 
The twist is this: their bending powers match the ones they chose in the Q&A video. Patton’s an airbender, which matches the show, but the others don’t. 
Roman is a firebender, possibly rescued from a bad situation or otherwise joined the Water Tribe warriors as a refugee when he was a child. 
Logan is an earthbender, but because he’s grown up in a land of ice and snow and has never in his life met an earthbender, he doesn’t learn about his own bending ability until after they start their journey. 
Virgil, crown prince of the Fire Nation, is a waterbender. He grew up being rejected in favor of his brother, and when he finally spoke out against the atrocities his father was planning to commit, he was finally banished and told not to return without the Avatar. The youngest prince, Thomas, came with him, worried about his brother and wanting to make sure he stayed safe. (Thomas is taking Iroh’s role here, but not as an old man.) 
The second brother of the royal family, Janus, is a firebender, scarred by their father when he was young for an outburst much like Virgil’s, later. Instead of banishing him after, Janus went quiet for weeks, watching and listening and creating walls inside himself to become what his father expects him to be. He tried to tell Virgil to do the same, but when Virgil didn’t (or couldn’t), he turned his back on him, afraid of their father’s wrath at him associating with the weak one. 
Remus is in Toph’s role -- he becomes the earthbending teacher for Logan and Patton. I’m not sure if he’s blind or not, or if he and Roman are twins who were separated when their village was destroyed. I think they meet him when they return to Omashu to find it taken -- Remus was King Bumi’s “ward,” which basically means he hung around and tried to annoy him, but their senses of humor were so similar the king ended up just taking him in. They meet Remus when they meet Omashu’s resistance fighters, and after he helps the citizens escape and they talk things over with Bumi, Remus decides to go with them. 
Virgil probably ends up joining them at the North Pole -- Patton does have to learn waterbending first, and Virgil was actually hanging around the South Pole not to look for the Avatar, but to try to find out more about waterbending and maybe find a teacher -- he doesn’t really want to bring the Avatar in, but he spends Book 1 chasing them around anyway out of a twisted sense of duty and because he misses his home and his brother. 
Roman teaches Patton most of his firebending, but Thomas probably ends up being his actual formal teacher. Thomas isn’t a bender, but he did grow up in the royal palace, and he spent his childhood ardently wanting to be a bender. He knows all the theory, all of the forms -- he just can’t bend himself. 
That’s mostly everything I have, I think? Some of this is stuff I haven’t discussed with Violet and/or that I just came up with on the spot while writing this. Who knows if I’ll ever manage to write this as a full fic, but I may do bullet fics if enough people seem interested 👀👀 
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