#janus has injuries after an accident
guthan-jivak · 1 year
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Knee pain was once an ailment of older age, today it has become common even in the younger generation. Knee pain can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from injuries and medical conditions to lifestyle and biomechanical issues.
According to Ayurveda, the buildup of toxins within our body is thought to be responsible for issues like knee pain. Frequently, we miss these early signals and end up getting used to living with these discomforts over time.
Causes of Knee Pain
Some medical conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, strains, and sprains cause knee and joint pain.
Several other factors like overstretching or tearing of muscles or ligaments, excess body weight, weak muscles around the knee, and insufficient warm-up before physical activity may also lead to knee pain and discomfort.
Ayurvedic Natural Knee Pain Relief
Ayurveda has natural knee pain relief remedies that are holistic and effective. Ayurveda believes that a cure for any ailment lies within the soul, body, and mind. The three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are highly emphasized in Ayurveda and their balance is of utmost importance.
In Ayurveda, personalized treatment is determined by the unique constitution of each individual. The treatment includes overall well-being through proper diet, yoga and exercises, and the right herbs.
Here are some recommended approaches for knee pain relief in Ayurveda:
Massaging is a type of therapy that can ease stress in your knee joints. The knee pain relief oil for the massage helps with early-stage pain relief. Massaging increases blood flow, which can reduce swelling in the area.
In Ayurveda, this is a strong way to get relief from knee pain and activate the body's natural healing process. Massaging the knee with knee pain relief oil can work for accidents too, and it's good for relieving joint stiffness.
Janu Basti
Janu Basti is an old Ayurvedic treatment that's great for chronic knee pain. A circle dam-like structure using black gram flour dough is made around the knees. Warm natural knee pain relief oil is poured into this structure and allowed to stay for a period. This helps in nourishing the knee joint, reducing inflammation, and providing knee pain relief.
Pain Relief Bale or Potli
Ayurveda suggests an old method using a cloth pouch filled with herbs like ajwain and methi. This warm therapy can provide long-term and natural knee pain relief.
Knee Pain Relief Oil
Ghutna Jivak, natural knee pain relief oil, and lep are carefully crafted Ayurvedic solutions that follow the principles of Ayurveda. These remedies blend rare Himalayan herbs, making them effective solutions for knee pain relief.
Ghutna Jivak Lep comes in powder form. You mix it with lukewarm water to make a paste and apply it to the painful area before sleep. After washing off the lep the next morning, gently massage the area with Ghutna Jivak, natural knee pain relief oil until the oil is absorbed.
Ghutna Jivak, knee pain relief oil improves blood circulation, reduces pain and inflammation, rejuvenates bones, enhances joint lubrication, and strengthens joint muscles.
This combination of knee pain relief oil and lep help manage conditions like arthritis, osteoarthritis, spondylitis, and other joint discomforts. It's safe for regular use because it's natural and doesn't contain chemicals.
By embracing Ayurveda and its comprehensive approach that includes healthy lifestyle choices, mindful movement, natural knee pain relief oil, and expert guidance, individuals can achieve renewed vitality and well-being.
Reference : https://www.ghutnajivak.com/blog/natural-knee-pain-relief-with-ayurveda.php
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naminethewriter · 2 years
One Good Thing
Day 6 and I chose a medical setting despite knowing I couldn’t do the research to do it properly... I’m a fool. Anyway, all the medical stuff is kinda vague so it’s not so bad, I think 😅 Also I’m finally back to Loceit being a romantic pairing, so that’s something. Hope you enjoy! @loceitweek2022
Here on Ao3
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2022 Masterpost
Summary:  Janus is stuck in a hospital after an accident. Logan is his doctor and Janus is very intrigued by him.
Janus hated hospitals. Ever since the fire happened when he’d been ten years old. To this day he didn’t know who of the neighbours in the apartment building he’d been living with his single father set it ablaze but Janus didn’t really care. He got out alive with most of his left side scarred and his father hadn’t been home so he didn’t lose anyone he cared about.
 After the incident he’d been stuck in a hospital for month, bored out of his mind since any toys he had had been destroyed. He didn’t have any friends who’d visit him and his father had to work long hours to make up for their loss. At least his grandparents supported the both of them so they didn’t end up on the street.
Now Janus was bound to a hospital bed again, this time because he’d been run over by a distracted driver. Thankfully he’d been more attentive and managed to react fast enough to protect his head from heavy injuries. But his right leg was broken, as were a few ribs and most of his fingers on his right hand.
 Good thing he was lefthanded otherwise he’d be bored beyond belief. This way he could still do some stuff.
 It’s been a month and he was finally going to be discharged in a few days. His ribs were basically healed, as were his fingers but his leg would take more time. But he could deal with using crutches as long as he could go back home. He got a roommate to rely on if he really needed it, though most would question whether describing Remus as reliable was supposed to be a joke. Janus knew better though. If it came down to it Remus would be there for him.
 There was one good thing that came out of his stay though.
 A knock on the door brought him out of his revelry. Looking over he spotted one of the nurses, Patton, poking his head in.
 “Hey there, kiddo! Mind if I come in?”
 “Sure.” Janus had quickly learned that Patton called everyone ‘kiddo’ and it was futile to get him to stop.
 “I’ll just give everything a quick look, Logan will come for a proper check-up in a bit,” Patton said with that bright smile he wore pretty much all the time. Janus had no idea how he was so chipper while in the most dreadful environment he could imagine. But again, he was totally biased in that regard.
 “You called him by his first name again.”
 “Did I?” Patton giggled. “It’s so weird to call my cousin Dr. Sanders, I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.”
 “He’s going to get angry again if you don’t.”
 “Don’t tell him please. He said if I did it again he’ll insist that I call him that outside of work, too!” Janus snickered.
 “Your secret’s safe with me.”
 “Thanks!” Patton beamed before he finished checking everything. “Everything looks good on my end. I’m sure Lo- the doctor will agree.”
 “Thanks, Pat.”
 “No problem, it’s my job! Literally!”
 “Speaking of which,” Janus quickly spoke up as he saw an opportunity to ask something he’d wanted to know since his first week there. “I was wondering – and you don’t have to answer if it’s too personal – but do Doctors work a lot more than nurses? It feels like I’ve seen Dr. Sanders run around the place more than you and I always thought it was the other way around.”
 “It’s okay to ask, kiddo,” Patton reassured with a sadder smile than Janus had seen from him before. “I’m not entirely sure what normal hours are supposed to be in our jobs, basically everyone here works overtime most days. But Logan sure goes even beyond that, sometimes I think he only goes home to sleep. Getting him to take a day off is a feat, I’ll tell you that much.” He chuckled but even that sounded strained. “He’s always had trouble forming connections with people, so he doesn’t really have connections outside of work. He’s married to his job as some would say.”
 It was obvious that Patton was very worried and trying to hide it. Janus gave him a reassuring smile.
 “Tell you what, I’m good with getting people to take care of themselves, I’ll see if I can’t get him to loosen up a bit.” Patton beamed.
 “Would you? Thanks so much! I think if it’s you he might listen. He really took a liking to you.” Janus blushed a bit at that and Patton’s smile widened. But before either could say any more, another knock sounded from the door and Dr. Sanders himself appeared.
 “Oh, Patton. I wasn’t aware that you were here.”
 “It’s fine, I’m done anyway. You go on with the check-up.” He practically skipped out of the room and Logan looked after him with a look of confusion.
 “Well, Doctor?” Janus called, burying his slight embarrassment behind his usual confident façade. Logan startled before remembering where he was.
 “My apologies. I will start with the check-up right away.”
 There was no small talk during check-ups. Dr. Sanders was entirely focused on his work and Janus was only allowed to talk to answer his questions about his physical condition. He didn’t mind. It gave him time to admire the handsome features of his doctor.
 Meeting Logan truly was the only good thing about him being stuck in a hospital. The man was first and foremost great at his job. Janus felt respected, informed, and cared for since day one. No matter how many questions he had, Logan had taken the time to answer them all (as long as they revolved around Janus’ condition, of course).
 But he was also exactly Janus’ type. Tall, lean, dark hair, piercing blue eyes and glasses. He had no idea why but Janus had always been weak for men in glasses. Plus he was smart, curious and a good listener.
 Janus had attempted to flirt with the doctor a few times but was either met with confusion (the man was very literal and often didn’t understand what Janus was implying) or immediate rejection since accepting advances from a patient was not professional. But this time Janus wouldn’t let it go as easily. Especially since Patton very clearly implied that Logan was single.
 “Everything is well, Mr. Lawrence. Nothing stands in the way of your discharge the day after tomorrow once we take another x-ray of your injuries tomorrow and no complications arise.” Janus nodded.
 “Thank you, doctor.”
 “No problem, Mr. Lawrence.” With that Logan turned to leave, but Janus stopped him.
 “If you could lend me a bit more of your time, Doctor. I have one last question.”
 “Would you be willing to go on a date with me?” Logan blinked, confused for a moment before he straightened his pose and cleared his throat.
 “I believe I was quite clear in the past, Mr. Lawrence, that I do not start relationships with patients.”
 “I am well aware. But if there are no complications I will no longer be your patient the day after tomorrow, correct?”
 “I suppose,” Logan said slowly, his face tinting red slightly. Janus grinned.
 “I will need some time to build up a new routine when I get back home, especially with my foot like this.” He gestured towards the cast around his foot. “But I’m sure I will have it figured out in two weeks’ time. And then I would like to see you again in a more… private setting.”
 “I am not… I mean…” Janus found it adorable to watch this man he’d seen so confident the entire time he’d been treating him stumble over his words by an invitation to a date.
 “I only ask for this one time, Logan.” At the mention of his first name, the doctor’s face turned deep red but Janus kept going. “If you do not want to see me again after that I will back off. But see it this way: Laughter is the best medicine as they say. And if you agree to this, I will have something to look forward to which will improve my mindset significantly.”
 Logan held up a hand to get him to stop while burying his face in the other.
 “Please stop, I understand already.” He took a deep breath before lifting his head and looking Janus in the eyes. “I admit that I find myself drawn to you in a very unexpected way which is why I insisted on a professional relationship during your stay here. But you are right that since said stay is almost over, I cannot use that as an excuse anymore.” He took another deep breath.
 “I am interested in trying out a relationship with you that is more than platonic. I will go on a date with you once you are discharged and acclimated to your daily life.”
 “Wonderful. I feel healthier already.”
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sidespromptblog · 4 years
The Accident
Warning: Medical scene, mention of broken bones, blacking out (once mentioned), cast, and Logan angst.
Summary: While out on a date with Remus and Janus, Logan falls and hurts his wrist.
Word Count: 1,631
“Are you sure that it’s alright?” Janus asked suspiciously, as his cold fingers gingerly touched the tinder flesh of Logan’s wrist. His eyes were narrowed as if he was already on high alert to see if Logan was going to dare even lying about something like this.
“It looks a little swollen,” Remus helpfully added, circling around them like a wild hyena protecting his little pack, his eyes barely stood still long enough to even get a glimpse of Logan’s wrist.
But when he did, without a moment’s worth of hesitation…
He cringed every time.
That should have told Logan everything he needed to know about the situation. Remus wasn’t making jokes, and was well past being worried. Janus was using his literal body as a shield so that no one could even dare to get close, and there wasn’t the slightest bit of sarcasm coming from him. Logan should have been more worried about the state of his wrist, in his writing hand no less. But all he could feel was the sharp throbbing of where Janus’ grip was, and the occasional fleeting touch from where Remus would look over his shoulder and down at his injury.
He had been so stupid.
Of course there would still be patches of ice, even with the weather being over the standard freezing of thirty-two. The wind chill matched with it being later time of day should have made it obvious, he had been too careless. Too…
“Logan?” Remus’ worried voice struck up again, as he took up the position on his other shoulder. “You’re not going to black out again are you?”
Ah yes, that one moment of pitch darkness the moment his head had connected with the frozen sidewalk. He doubted that any of them wanted to recall that, especially given the way that Janus had screamed and he had come to being cradled in Remus’ arms like a limp noodle.
Swallowing thickly Logan attempted a smile. “It hurts,” He honestly said, because what was the point in lying with a human lie detector right in front of him. “But, I’m sure that once we return back to Thomas’ mind, the injury will go away. Just like they’ve done before in the imagination… right?”
An uncertain whine curled in Remus’ throat, like he was a dog that had been left chained outside on a rainy day.
That alone told Logan that even he wasn’t exactly sure just how much the imagination could and couldn’t cure.
“No.” Janus firmly shook his head, “If we don’t know then there’s no use in going back and just causing you more pain. We’ll…” Here Janus grimaced just a little bit, the scales in his face shifting into something more socially acceptable. “We’ll have to take you to the hospital for an X-ray…”
Two groans accompanied this declaration.
It was almost three hours later that Logan was able to see the doctor in question.
But by far the most annoying and anxiety inducing tribulation was the fact that he had to be separated from the other two sides when he needed to have the X-ray done. Which he had known going in, of course he had known it. But knowing it and actually having to do it we’re two entire different things. When it had come to him leaving the mind space, he had never been alone. Usually he’d had Thomas, or some of the other sides to accompany him on his days out and to be without them for some terrifying and quite painful procedure, was… scary.
He was scared, and also quite a bit embarrassed about the whole ordeal.
Sitting back in the doctor’s office with both Janus and Remus on either side of him waiting for whatever news was to come, made him feel both worse and better at the same time.
“I’m sorry.” He finally mumbled, a bolt of shame ramming itself into his guts.
A part of him wasn’t even sure what to be sorry for, but another part deep and loathing knew exactly what he was apologizing for.
Janus who had been staring ahead at the posters decorating the walls immediately snapped his attention back to Logan, his brows furrowing for a moment before an unreadable expression took over his face. It was an expression that both Remus and Logan knew all too well. “Sorry?” Janus asked, his voice carefully clipped. “For what might I ask.” Having just started he shifted his entire body to face Logan. “For having an accident? For slipping? For falling? For doing something that wasn’t your fault to begin with?”
Behind him Remus cringed back, they both knew what was coming.
“I ruined our day.” Logan tried to argue, trying being the key word there.
Just for Janus to immediately shake his head, his cold fingers seeking out Logan’s cheeks and cupping them carefully enough to avoid the scrapes on his face. The look on his face was adoring and yet exasperated at the same time, as his eyes watered but no tears seemed to fall in Logan’s presence.
“You,” Janus choked out, “Didn’t ruin anything. We can always have another day, hopefully with you being hurt a little less. It’s okay Logan… I promise. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Behind him Remus dug his fingers into the fabric of Logan’s thick winter coat as he buries his face into the logical side’s neck. His bristly whiskers tickled as he merely held Logan in place, bestowing all the love he could possibly give to him.
A laugh then shook Remus’ middle, “Hopefully Thomas has insurance.” His muffled voice finally got out.
And just like that the other two sides were tearfully giggling, knowing that thanks to Virgil’s worrywart tendencies Thomas had the best possible medical insurance he could get. And whether Logan knew it or no, which he did, he was technically going to be committing insurance fraud simply by the fact that he looked so much like Thomas.
Almost another several hours later though, with a dark blue cast now seated on his hand and wrist with the instructions to come back in a months time it was time to go home.
“So,” Remus popped the word out of his mouth, as he took up the duty of spoon feeding Logan some ice cream before they actually had to go back. “What are you going to tell the others, you know… about the cast and everything?” There was a quick glance shared between him and Janus. “The truth?”
It took genuine effort to not snort in Remus’ face after swallowing his mouthful of ice cream, and by a lot of effort it obviously meant that he coughed right into the crook of his arm in an attempt to hide it.
“No.” Logan answered back almost immediately, “Are you kidding me?! Virgil would never let me leave the house again if I came back looking like this. Roman would more than a little bit blame you. Patton would go along with it, in an effort to keep me ‘out of harm’s way’, and Thomas would just be concerned.” He gestured with his newly casted arm, they all knew that if it was discovered that Logan had left to go on a date with Janus and Remus, and had come back with a broken wrist they would be dramatic as possible when it came to any future dates with the dark sides.
He wouldn’t allow that.
Janus hummed as he nodded his head, his lips twisting just a little at the unpleasant thoughts that came with the scenario that Logan had just explained. “So what are you going to do?”
Surely Logan couldn’t just hide in his room until a month passed, and then get the cast off.
“I’ll just stay in my room until it’s time to get the cast off,” Logan shrugged, “I’ll put a sticky note on the door saying that I’m working on a big project and I don’t want to be disturbed. They usually listen to my sticky notes, a lot better than me since there’s no actual listening involved.”
“Are they threatening, these sticky notes?” Remus teased.
Instead of replying to his teasing with a retort Logan merely rolled his eyes, grabbing the front of Remus’ shirt to pull him in for a short sighted kiss.
“You know,” Remus mumbled in between kisses, “You can just stay with us right? The couch is always open for you, and so is any of our bedrooms.”
Logan pecked one last kiss on the corner of the creative side’s mouth, a warmth stirring in his chest at the offer of another place to stay if he wished to.
It would be easier to recover in his own bedroom without Janus’ or Remus’ room effecting him in anyway, and recovering from a broken wrist on the couch didn’t exactly sound like fun to him.
“I know Rem,” The warmth he felt blossomed onto his face as a loving smile. “And rest assured you and Janus will see me in this month. But my room is probably easier for me.”
Satisfied with his answer, Janus nodded as he threw away the plastic spoons and cups that they had been eating from. Finally ready to head on back to the mind space, as both he and Remus held tight to Logan’s hands on the way back. It’d be a while before they could go on another date again, and maybe a little bit longer before it was anywhere in the wintertime again. But that was okay, because he could wait.
So with him lovingly holding onto the blue cast that kept Logan’s broken hand safe from the world, Janus felt at peace for the first time since the accident.
Everything would be okay.
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re: your last ask about the time travel shenanigans—holy fuck yes please more of this. like, not only is it funny as hell, which i appreciate, but it's also a. more c!thomas and b. points to just how interestingly both the plot and characters of this series have grown over the years and i am ALL for it
"Janus!" is the first thing Thomas exclaims when he sees the Side Formerly Known Exclusively As Deceit rise up where Logan would usually stand. Which just might be a mistake, if Janus’s expression is anything to go by.
Okay, in Thomas's defence -
This is a really, really weird day, even by his standards. Because, like, Logan's currently standing in front of the stairs, and that's not where Logan's supposed to be, and his shirt and tie are all wrong. And had had been grinning. Openly. He had been openly grinning when Thomas had first woken up and looked in his wardrobe and realized that his favorite t-shirt apparently doesn't exist anymore and all his clothes are a half-size smaller than he's used to but also they still fit and - okay, no, back to Logan. He'd gone downstairs and tripped over a chair that wasn't supposed to be there and called out Logic. And he'd been about to ask him what's going on and why everything feels so off and also why Logan's standing in Virgil's usual spot instead of over to the right of the stairs. But then he'd noticed all the aforementioned Very Weird Clothing Things. And he'd stopped and said, "Uh, Logan?" and Logan's grin had dropped and he'd stared at Thomas for a full ten seconds then whispered, "what the fuck," with great emotion.
And then Patton had shown up with a ridiculous amount of pun-riddled cheerfulness that Thomas had been able to clock as sixty-percent fake within about half a second. And his clothes had been all wrong, too, and after a lot of confused, borderline-incomprehensible yelling at each other, Roman had showed up and added to the chaos.
"I am scared and confused and on the verge of completely losing it!" Thomas had declared at some point, which had been the cue for an ominous music sting somewhere to Thomas's right that made everybody jolt in terrified unison.
"Did somebody say scared and confused and on the verge of completely losing it?"
"Virgil, thank god!" Thomas had practically yelled, and just about thrown himself across the room to get to him - before pausing midway and allowing his brain to process... wrong hoodie. Wrong amount of eyeshadow. "Wait. No, hang on, is this - "
"FUCKING WHO," Virgil shrieked, leaping backwards half a flight of stairs, which had led to another round of confused yelling, with Thomas trying to assure them all that he's fine he hasn't had some sort of strange head injury or whatever, he's just really happy to see Virgil and no of course that's not weird, what do you mean who's Virgil, that's Virgil right over there, Roman please put down that sword things are already out of hand -
And at some point Thomas had got it into his head that the most reasonable course of events was to summon the one person who always seems to know everything that everybody else doesn't, which brings everything up to speed, more or less. Roman had gone, "Thomas, what are you doing," and Thomas, feeling slightly manic at this point, had said, "I'm trying to summon a demon, obviously," because the best way to get hold of a certain someone probably is blatant lying, and boom, instant Janus.
"Jeee-sus Christ on a cookie-shaped canoe, what is he doing here?!"
So, Janus pops up, he looks literally the same as he always has (except maybe with shorter hair? Wait, they all have shorter hair, including Thomas, wait a second -) with his half-snake-face and his hat and gloves that cosy-looking capelet of his. And although his expression reflects faint bewilderment and that very particular 'wait, what' emotion that results in being pulled abruptly away from something you were busy with, he looks so normal that Thomas thinks for a moment he might be the only sane person left.
But then Janus makes a series of start-and-stop noises of incomprehension, and gestures wildly towards Virgil, who's crouched midway up on the stairs behind Logan, looking like a cornered wild animal, and snaps, "Why for the love of everything that's holy would you tell him my name?"
"You think this is me?" Virgil retorts, hands going up to grab desperately at the bars lining the side of the staircase. "I don't understand anything that's going on! He somehow knows my name! He's - he's being nice to me!"
It suddenly occurs to Thomas that this might just possibly be a time travel sort of thing. It would explain the clothes shift. And the altered layout of his house. And the fact that when he'd checked his phone this morning it had told him it was 2016, and also it hadn't been his phone, it had been the one he'd broken a few years ago in a tragic piano-moving-related accident.
...Okay, yeah, this is absolutely a time travel thing.
"Is somebody going to explain why Thomas ruined all of our heartfelt name reveal moments in one fell swoop?" Roman demands. "I thought we agreed we were going to do them gradually and draw them out as long as possible for dramatic effect!"
"I agreed to none of that," Virgil snaps from his position halfway up the stairs.
"Yes," says Logan, "yes, I think we all would like to know what's going on. Thomas? What's going on?"
"Uh - " Thomas, who has just come to a rather startling realization about time travel and also about how shitty his Sides' taste in costumes were pre-wardrobe change, doesn't really have a prepared answer for this. "I have... I am - I just - "
Thomas struggles for words. Really struggles. And everyone's just standing there, watching him with expressions that range from terror to confusion to suspicion, and they all look so weirdly young in a way that's hard to pin down. It's the clothes. It's probably the clothes, or maybe it's the way they hold themselves. Roman, carelessly confident, without a doubt in the world. Patton, still wearing a fixed dad-grin, politely baffled and looking back and forth. Logan, who hasn't been systematically beaten down and pushed back over the course of many, many years. Virgil, who's basically just a ball of grey-and-black anger and acerbic anger at this point. Janus, who's... Janus. Who's looking at him in a way that Janus has never looked at him before.
And Remus is probably lurking somewhere in the back of his mind, too, doing whatever Remus does, and - would Remus be any different now, four years prior? Thomas hadn't had any significant problems with intrusive thoughts, not back then... or, well, back now. Maybe he's calmer, maybe Thomas could actually talk with him. Try to work something out, try to understand.
But wait, he's still got to give the Sides right here and right now an answer.
...Thomas has been through a lot in the past four years. Not, like, fantasy protagonist a lot, but more like a extended psychological journey of self-discovery and mental health crises. Now, he wouldn't trade any of this for the world, because he's learned a hell of a lot about himself in the process - but also? The Sides have put him through a lot of horrifying realization-type things.
Which is why he absolutely one hundred percent deserves to do what he's about to do next.
"I," says Thomas, with an extraordinary amount of confidence and self-assuredness, "am psychic."
And the dead silence holds. Now even Patton is staring at him in disbelief. Janus has graduated into outright horror, his face twisted up into a oh god no I am somehow responsible for letting him delude himself this far expression.
"Thomas!" Roman gasps, almost instantly lighting up with genuine enthusiasm. "Oh, Thomas, I'm so proud, we've been working on this for years. Tell me, does this extend to telekinesis, or just somehow knowing all our names and nothing else?"
"What?" Janus says. "What - no. No, you can't seriously be going along with this - what? That... what? That doesn't even make any sense?" He turns wildly from left to right, and - okay, it's very enjoyable to see him out of his depth, to be perfectly honest. Thomas likes Janus a lot, knows he has his best interests at heart, but the whole courtroom thing had been a major dick move. This is satisfying. "Are any of you getting this? Does anyone here understand what's going on?"
"I'm psychic," Thomas repeats doggedly. "I acquired magical psychic powers and now I know all of your names and tragic backstories. Surprise! I unlocked my full potential and the ninety-percent of my brain power that I wasn't using."
"That's - that's a widely-perpetuated and wildly incorrect myth," Logan says weakly.
"Nope. Turns out it's true, and I was only using ten percent of it, and now that I've gone full big-brain, I know that Patton's repressing all his bad feelings because he doesn't want to bother anyone with them, Virgil acts all scary and menacing because he thinks it's the only way that I'll ever listen to him, and Janus is secretly a huge dork with a heart of gold - uh, yellow, I guess."
"How dare you," Janus breathes, looking horrified.
"Wha - " Patton suddenly looks very pale indeed.
"Also, Roman, you're my hero; Logan, please never stop smiling like that ever again, it's literally my favorite thing in the world and if you ever stop being enthusiastic about teaching me things I will cry - and Virgil, I love you."
Virgil lets out a choked little noise like he's just been punched directly in the stomach.
"I love all of you," Thomas adds, an afterthought. "I never say that enough. Janus, that goes for you as well. You're right, I need to take care of myself more."
"I'm - " Janus is still looking around at everyone in complete disbelief, but now his gaze fixes onto Thomas, his eyes wide. "I'm what?"
Thomas is now on a roll. An extremely cathartic sort of roll. "And Remus -"
Everybody immediately panics. Virgil and Logan's hands both immediately leap up to clasp over their mouths, which seems to be a reflexive reaction on Janus's behalf. Patton lets out a deranged-sounding high pitched giggle that edges into genuine hysteria.
"Brother? What brother? I don't know what a brother is!" Roman says loudly. "I've never had a brother in my life! Thomas, your glorious psychic powers are malfunctioning. Have you tried turning them off and turning them on again?"
" - I'm not going to lie and say I love him, but -" Thomas stops abruptly, and staggers  backwards to catch himself on the couch as a thought strikes him out of literally nowhere. "Son of a bitch -"
"Does being psychic make you swear a lot?" Patton asks weakly. "Because, uh. Not sure I like this side of you, kiddo - "
"Logan," says Thomas. "Logan, what's the date today? This is so, so important, what's the date."
"It's... October," Logan says, very slowly. "October twentieth. 2016?"
"Holy shit," Thomas whispers, and then says it louder, "holy shit. Okay, listen. I was going to sort out all of our collective psychological issues in one impressive emotional speedrun, but I've realized we have something much more important to do." He pauses, and takes in a very deep, shuddering breath. "Guys. We can save Vine. Excuse me. I've just realized I’ve got to make a lot of calls."
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Whumptober Day Three, Alt. Six: Head injury
I am very excited to present the first installment of my new Sides AU. This AU takes place in the Canonverse, and not long after TWIT, but in this story everyone has Sides.
Thomas let out a moan as he started to wake. He had no clue what he could have done last night to warrant such a horrific headache, but he was very sure he'd never felt worse.
"Hey." There was a soft voice somewhere to his right. He tried to tell Patton to let him sleep another five minutes, but all that came out was another groan.
"Thomas, can you hear me?"
He frowned. That wasn't Patton's voice. Or any of the other Sides for that matter. Why did he feel so heavy?
A hand rested on his and gently squeezed his fingers. "C'mon, Thomas, you're almost there. Hey!" Nico's face came into view when Thomas finally managed to pry his eyes open. He smiled warmly, even while Thomas wore a confused scowl.
"Nico? How'd you-" He glanced around the room, all at once realizing it was unfamiliar. "What- where- what happened?"
"It's okay! It's alright." Nico squeezed his hand again. "You have a concussion, so I don't know if you'll remember, but you were in a car accident. It was a hit and run-"
"Oh my- Did I hit someone?!"
Nico stifled a snicker. He could practically feel his Logic rolling his eyes. "No, no, you were hit. You're in the emergency room."
"Oh. Yeah. Guess that makes more sense..."
"Hang on, I'm gonna grab a nurse or someone and let them know you're awake, okay?"
Thomas rolled his head back and stared up at the ceiling. "How are you guys doing?" He silently asked his Sides.
"We're okay," Patton answered without fully manifesting. "Better now that you're awake. Logan's the worst off right now, but...it kinda makes sense with the concussion. He's coherent, just...dazed."
Thomas let out a sigh. "Yeah, that makes-"
"Mr. Sanders?"
Thomas glanced up to find a woman in a messy bun smiling and standing at the foot of the hospital bed. "I'm Dr. Sanchez, how are you feeling?"
He mustered a smile. "Would it be in poor taste to say I feel like I've been hit by a truck?"
Dr. Sanchez snickered. "Maybe a little."
"Hey, I'm gonna...wait over there while you guys...go over stuff, okay?" Nico pointed over his shoulder.
"You can stay," Thomas answered quickly. "It's just...if she's gonna be telling me things I'm supposed to remember i-it would help to have someone listening who might actually remember them." It wasn't entirely a fib, Janus reasoned. Thomas would need help remembering anything right now, and Nico's presences might help Virgil stay calm. "I-if- if you don't mind?"
Nico's face softened at the wide eyed, anxious expression on Thomas's face. He looked like he could use a friend for moral support, the thought whispered in the back of his mind. "Okay, yeah, I can stay." Nico nodded and sat in the chair next to the bed. "My tía always tells me I should have been a doctor anyway, so maybe I'll learn something to tell her."
"Education is my role here," Dr. Sanchez smiled. "I specialize in educating people in aftercare of injuries after an E.R. visit, but also aftercare of Sides after an E.R. visit. Have you had a chance to check in with them at all?"
"Just for a minute when Nico went to find someone. Um. My Morality mentioned that Logic was a little worse off then the rest of them..."
Dr. Sanchez nodded. "There are two reasons for that. One is the concussion itself, but specifically the location of the concussion. You do have fairly significant bruising to left side of your forehead and temple so that clues us into the location of the injury. The frontal lobe is where decision making and executive function occur in the brain and for the vast majority of people, their Logic has the most say over those things. Another area of concern in particular with the left side of the brain being involved is your Broca's area, which is the part of the brain that turns our thoughts into words. Again, that tends to fall under a Logic's position anyway, but injury to the left side of the brain can be concerning if the Broca's area is damaged because it can cause speech problems."
"Oh. I- I already kinda...stutter a little bit. Um. So- so I'm not really sure I'd even notice."
"I think she means more like word finding trouble. Right? Damage there can cause people to almost lose their words. They can know what word they want, but can't actually get it out."
"I see why your tía thinks you should be a doctor. Yes, it's called anomic aphasia, and it is something that can be brought on by traumatic brain injury, which is a category all concussions fall under, and yours is more sever."
"Well, that's...awesome..." Thomas deadpanned.
The doctor smiled warmly. "If aphasia does become an issue, it's common to see it reflected most strongly in Logic, but really all of your Sides will experience it with you. Another major symptom you might experience is some...temperamentalness. Irritability, heightened anxiety, even depressed moods can be very common with concussion. It's important to be patient with yourself during the healing process and allowing your Emotional Center, whatever that might look like for you, a little more compassion and understanding. And also helping him to understand that any emotional dysregulation you feel is completely normal and has a very physical cause."
"As long as my Anxiety doesn't start picking fightswith everyone else, I think we'll be okay," Thomas chuckled.
"Just remember to be patient with him too," Dr. Sanchez advised. "The other major thing I'd like to talk to you about is your arm-"
"My arm?"
The doctor blinked. "It's broken, honey."
Thomas glanced down and found his left arm in a bulky bandage. "Oh. I...guess it is."
"We're going to be putting a hard cast on it before you leave today, and you'll need to make follow up appointments for x-rays to see how it's healing in a few weeks. You'll also need to make a follow up appointment to get some of stitches removed-"
"Do I even wanna know how bad that is?"
"Well, it was the driver side window that broke so there were quite a few cuts along your left side, with proper care they shouldn't scar too badly. I have all your aftercare instructions and information for appointments in here for you." She set down a folder on the bedside table. "If your feeling up to it though, we can get you into a cast and get you home. And I would suggest either staying with someone or having someone stay with you the next few days, just to make sure you're feeling okay. Dizzy spells are common with concussion and the last thing we want is for you to fall and hurt yourself again."
Thomas nodded. "Yeah, I guess it would be bad if I, like, tripped and broke my other arm or something. Right. Okay..."
"I mean..." Nico could practically feel his Anxiety smacking him upside the head. "I don't mind helping out. I was kind of expecting to at least take you home anyway. Since your car was kinda totalled."
"Oh, I couldn't ask-" Thomas's eyes suddenly went wide. "Oh my- Nobody even knows I'm here! I need to call my parents! I- they're gonna kill me!"
"No, no, Thomas, it's okay," Nico cut in. "I already talked to everyone. I sent them all a message that you were awake and we'd update when we left the hospital."
"Oh," Thomas let out a relieved breathe. "Okay, good. Thank you for doing- Wait, how did you do that?"
Nico grimaced. "Ah. I, uh, may have borrowed your finger print to unlock your phone and let everyone know? I gave them all my number after that though so it was only one time. Ah, well, twice because in closed it the first time without thinking. But. I sorta...hacked your phone. ...Sorry about that."
"You- you don't have to stay though, if you dont want to. You've already done so much today. I-i don't wanna be a burden-"
"No, that's- honestly, thank you for thinking of them."
"You're welcome."
"I know I don't have to, but that's what friends do. Right? I totally understand if you're not comfortable with that, I mean, we only met a few weeks ago," he added quickly.
"It's okay-"
"The way everyone else reacted when I told them what was going on I know they'd all be more than happy to help out, but-"
"No, it's, really, I appreciate the help. Honestly, I think I'd rather you coming over because at least you already know what happened. I-I know everyone else is going tonhave questions, but honestly...I'm not even sure I remember getting up this morning."
Nico nodded. "Anything I can do to help."
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canvas-the-florist · 3 years
The Store Doesn’t Have Butter
Ship: Romantic Moceit, Platonic DLAMPR (they’re all just friends, y’know?)
Warnings: Temporary main character death, blood (not in detail), swearing, vague jokes about sex, guns, injuries, suffocation mention, car accident, depictions of a depressive episode, food, there is a lot of death in this one folks be safe :)
Summary: Patton’s just having a day filled with surprises and mishaps! But he won’t let that stop him from having a good time.
Word Count: 10.4K
Patton wakes up to a happy song playing on his phone and his husband asleep next to him. He stopped the alarm, sitting up and stretching. Janus mumbled and turned to his side to look up at Patton tiredly. Patton greeted him with a smile and a kiss on the forehead, going to get out of bed to start the day. Janus grabbed his arm softly, almost complaining incoherently.
“We do this every morning, love. Can’t I just go make breakfast without you fussing about?” He asked as he reached for his glasses with his free hand and put them on.
Janus let go of Patton, squinting his eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He sat up, letting the blankets fall off his chest and onto his lap. “We have never had this conversation before.”
“Sure, Jan.” With one last kiss on the cheek, Patton sat up and got dressed. Janus slowly followed suit. Patton brushed out his curls and grabbed his head of hair to get a short ponytail. The shorter hairs would fall out, which Janus would call adorable, but it annoyed Patton greatly. The compromise was a few brightly colored barrettes. Janus fixed up his own hair beside him. “Dang Janus, I think we look pretty good today!”
Janus raised an eyebrow with a smirk. “Yes, sure. Very fetching.” He looked like he wanted to say more but was cut off by an alarm on his watch. Janus put on his hat and walked out to the front door. “I must be off dear! If I don’t return by seven, assume that I have been kidnapped by my horrible fellow employees.”
Patton leaned against the wall next to the door. “Don’t be mean! It can’t be that bad to work with Roman and Logan, can it?”
His eyes turned dark from whatever he had experienced. “It really can.” Janus lightened up and opened the door. “Well, goodbye Patton! Remember to buy butter!”
The door closed and Patton was left with his own devices. He started by watering the plants, feeding the cat, feeding the turtle, drinking a glass of water, and feeding that murder of crows that started following the couple around a few months ago. Patton sat down on the concrete of the patio in the backyard. A few crows dropped random shiny things before flying off. He watched for a moment before picking them up, hoping to make an interesting necklace from them. Patton dropped them in a small plastic bag before moving to other things he needed to do. He didn’t have work on Mondays, so that’s when he preferred to do groceries and other errands.
It was slightly windy out, causing Patton’s cardigan to drift updraft. He gave the world a smile before walking around. A plane went by, supposedly going down towards the airport. He saw a woman chasing a dog with a leash running wild and helped her out. A group of kids were walking to school. And then he reached the grocery store. Patton went in only needing four things: Butter, bread, eggs, and bagels. He left with seven. They were out of butter too. Walking out, the wind seemed to have simmered down which he was very grateful for.
The walk back was always more frustrating. People were going to their jobs or having a day out with their families. Which meant doing the ten minute walk home with easily squishable foods was a lot more difficult. Patton was humming a song to himself when a biker collided with him, dropping the food.
“Ah, sorry man!” The person apologized.
   “It’s okay!” Patton reassured, helping them up. “It’s just food. Are you alright though? That was quite the fall!”
   “Oh- yeah! That was nothing.” They grabbed their bike. “Sorry about the eggs though. Have a good one!”
   “You too!” Patton looked down at the food. The breads would be fine but half of the eggs had cracked and spilled over everything. He took out the carton and threw it away in the nearest trash can he could find before heading home. The cat lovingly named, Ladle, mewed at him loudly begging for attention. Janus didn’t want Ladle at first, insisting that Patton’s cat allergy was something important, but she quickly made him love her. Patton gave her a few scratches under her chin before sitting down on the couch. Ladle jumped up next to him before making her way to sleep on the windowsill. “Gosh Ladle, today has been an ordeal!”
   She ignored him but he didn’t really mind. Talking to her was really just a thing for himself. Patton took a breath and decided to make lunch. Despite knowing that Janus’s lunch break wasn’t actually two hours long, Patton knew he would be on the bar stool for that duration before returning to work late. The door opened up and Patton finished making the second sandwich. Just on time.
   “Hey dear! You really need to stop skipping work for-” Patton stopped as he looked up. “Oh, Roman! I didn’t expect to see you here…”
The man was covered in blood and seemed shell shocked. Roman looked over at Patton who was taking off his apron and getting a rag wet under the sink. “Pat… I’m so sorry.” Patton’s face fell before he continued but blinked away any fear and started cleaning up Roman’s face. “Logan and I, we tried to stop what happened but… Janus died.”
   Patton clenched his fist around the rag and put it to his side, dropping it to the floor. He took a breath in but it broke as he felt his face warm under tears. Ladle meowed loudly in concern but Patton ignored it. Roman sat him down on the couch and hugged him. The rest of the day was a blur. He vaguely remembered letting Roman borrow some of his clothes so he could shower and clean up. Patton spent the rest of the day with a cat on his chest and the cucumber sandwiches completely forgotten.
   Eventually Roman got Patton to drink some water and left him alone in the dark. Patton stared up at the ceiling. He wasn’t crying anymore, but his face left evidence of his sobbing. None of it felt real. It was supposed to be fine. But the problems kept coming. Ladle jumped off his chest and he made his way to the bed. The bed sheets were still messy from that morning. Patton collapsed down on his husband’s side of the bed and surrounded himself with the comforter. The wind was almost completely gone so the only sounds outside were people’s dogs and a few birds. He turned to lay on his back and fell asleep.
   Patton wakes up to a happy song playing on his phone and his husband asleep next to him. He gasps and shoots upward with a start. Breathing heavily, Patton grabbed Janus’s arm and checked to see if he was real. Janus let out a noise of complaint and pulled the blanket over his head. Patton took in a deep breath and smiled through his tears. Just a nightmare.
   “We can’t do this every morning, love. Let’s go get some breakfast, okay?” Patton put on his glasses and Janus sat up, letting the blankets fall from his head to his lap.
    “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Janus stated sarcastically. “We’ve never had this conversation before.” Patton blinked in confusion but let it slide.
   “Whatever you say, Janus.” His voice hurt from the crying. Patton gave his husband a kiss on the cheek and got out of bed to get ready for the day. He did his hair in a short ponytail and put in the barrettes to get the small curls out of his face. Janus fixed up his hair beside him. Patton couldn’t shake the dream however much he wanted to. “Janus? Do you ever get bad dreams about me… getting hurt?”
Janus looked at him curiously. “How hurt are you talking about?”
“I-” Patton was cut off by the alarm on Janus’s watch. He put on his hat but looked back at Patton with concern. He gave a smile. “Go to your job, we can talk at… lunch.”
They both walked to the front door. Janus kissed Patton briefly. “Okay, dear. If I don’t return by seven, assume that I have been kidnapped by my horrible fellow employees.”
“Hey!” Patton said, ignoring the feeling of déjà vu. “Be nice and be safe. Roman and Logan aren’t that bad.”
His eyes turned dark from whatever he had experienced. “It really can.” Janus lightened up and opened the door. “Well, goodbye Patton! Remember to buy butter!” The door slammed and Patton already knew that the grocery store probably didn’t have butter. He didn’t know why he suspected that but took a deep breath. Patton had things to do today that wasn’t about moping.
He started by watering the plants, feeding the cat, feeding the turtle, drinking a glass of water, and feeding that murder of crows that started following the couple around a few months ago. Patton sat down on the concrete of the patio in the backyard. A few crows looked at him and called in concern before dropping off shiny objects and flying away. He watched for a moment, confused, before picking them up. Patton dropped them in a small plastic bag before moving to other things he needed to do. It was time to do errands but he wasn’t sure that it was going to go well. It was windy outside and at the moment people were heading to their jobs and school so the world was going to be really busy. But he did anyway, like he needed to prove something to himself.
It was slightly windy out, causing Patton’s cardigan to drift updraft. A plane went by, supposedly going down towards the airport. He saw a woman chasing a dog with a leash running wild and helped her out after a second of confusion. A group of kids were walking to school. There wasn’t any butter and he shouldn’t have expected it there. Patton stared at the empty space before buying the other things he needed: eggs, bread, and bagels.
   Patton looked around with caution as he walked back, carefully weaving between families and people down the street. He was halfway home when he heard the bike. Patton turned and saw someone about to run into him so he took a step back and tumbled into the grass, hearing the eggs break and scatter. The biker stopped and helped him up.
   “Ah, sorry man!” The person apologized.
   “It’s… It’s okay! Are you okay?” Patton asked.
   The biker looked at them quizzically. “What?”
   Right, they were fine. Patton gave a smile. “Oh never mind. Have a good day!”
   The biker got back on their bike. “Sorry about the eggs. Have a good one!” They zoomed past him and Patton blinked away all his thoughts, forgetting to respond. This didn’t just feel like déjà vu. He finished walking home and put away the bread and bagels.
Ladle meowed for attention and curled around Patton’s shoulders. He pet her idly as he went to sit down at the couch. It was almost time for lunch. Patton thought back to the dream and took in a shaky breath. He had to make sure. With a moment’s hesitation, he called Janus’s burner phone. Patton knew that Janus said to stop spamming him with pictures of Ladle to his burner, because it could be bad and they could be caught with whatever illegal thing he was doing… But Patton needed to know. To warn him something was about to happen.. Probably.
   “Patton? Why did you call me? You know that you can’t just-”
   “Janus, something bad is going to happen. You need to be safe or hide or stop whatever you’re doing!” Patton was trying to stay calm but he kept remembering Roman’s expression and crumbling to the floor. He didn’t even know what happened.
   He heard Janus say something incoherent to someone else on the other end of the line before responding directly. “You’re not normally like this Patton. Why am I in danger, exactly?”
   The only issue with that was that Patton didn’t know the answer to the question. This would be so much easier if Patton knew what the fuck was going on. He felt his throat dry as tears welled up. “I… You just are. Please.”
   “Okay, dear. I’ll be there so-” Janus was cut off by his own screaming. Patton stood up suddenly, yelling Janus’s name and got no response. The line went dead after a minute. He threw his phone at the wall, causing Ladle to jump off his shoulders and he stared at the hole he just created. It got blurrier the more he cried. Patton heard the door open with a bloody Roman who looked just as bad as Patton remembered from the dream, if it even was one.
   Roman sat on the floor next to him and gave him a hug. “I’m so sorry, Patton, I’m so sorry.” This mantra was repeated for hours before silence fell between the two of them. The room darken around them and Patton finally got up and ushered Roman to the bathroom to clean off the blood and take a shower. He got out in Patton’s oversized clothes and watched Patton as he cleaned up the floor. “Do… you need to be alone right now or should I stay with you?”
   The silence was filled by the chirping of birds and people’s dogs. Patton shook his head. “Please don’t leave me alone right now.” His voice was small but he wasn’t sure how much he was actually feeling at the moment. Roman and Patton decided to sleep on the couch together with Ladle nestled by Patton’s stomach. Their backs would kill them tomorrow but that wouldn’t matter. Janus died. Patton looked at Roman’s head before taking off his glasses and closing his eyes, hoping he wouldn’t dream.
Patton wakes up to a happy song playing on his phone and his husband asleep next to him. He opened his eyes tiredly, not bothering to stop the alarm. He looked over to Janus and frowned. He finally understood what was happening, and Patton was pretty sure that he hated the answer. With a sigh he turned off the alarm and decided full heartedly that he was not going to let Janus die today, however many todays that would take.
He grabbed Janus’s arm and pulled him into a hug. Okay, he would save his husband after getting a little support. Janus flickered open his eyes in confusion but hugged back. They stayed there for a while before Patton let go to sit up and put on his glasses.
“As much as I love your affection, this seems a bit early in the morning, even for you.” Janus pointed out. Patton kept putting on his clothes, half ignoring Janus, just trying to concoct a plan that would save him. Janus got off the bed and went in front of him as he finished putting on his shirt. “Patton. What is happening today?”
Patton looked at him with a determined smile and fear in his eyes. “You’re going to go to work and I’m going to take care of all the things here. Now go! We need to get ready for the day.”
Janus complied, pretending to shrug off Patton’s demeanor and put on his clothes. Patton did up his hair in a short ponytail and 4 colorful barrettes to hide the short curly hairs that were left. Janus barely finished his hair as his watch beeped. He gave Patton a kiss on the cheek before saying, “I must be off dear! If I don’t return by seven, assume that I have been kidnapped by my horrible fellow employees.”
“Yeah, mhm, don’t be rude to them. Be safe!” Patton responded walking out to the front doorway.
Janus gave a look but opened the door. “Well, goodbye Patton! Remember to buy butter!” The door closed and Patton took out his phone to text Remus. He needed a car and someone who wouldn’t ask questions. Remus was good at both of those. As he awaited the reply he quickly went through all his chores including feeding several animals and watering the plants. Remus sent back a reply with many curses and agreed to it. Wonderful.
With that a plan was in action! Follow husband to work and find out how he keeps dying and prevent it! Easy. Patton heard a loud car horn sound repeatedly outside his house and immediately knew that Remus had arrived. He walked outside, wearing his cardigan on his arms instead of around his shoulders to show that he was serious about it. Remus smiled and moved to the passenger seat instead of getting out completely.
“Uh, Remus?” Patton got into the driver’s seat and looked at his friend awkwardly. “I thought I mentioned wanting to do this alone?”
Remus put on his seat belt. “You did, but I’m ignoring you, fuckface! Whatever the fuck you’re doing seems like a fun time and I am extremely bored.” Patton scrunched his nose and pushed up his glasses before starting the car. He knew exactly how Remus was when he was bored and wasn’t a fan of dealing with it. Perhaps someone who kind of knew Janus’s line of work could be helpful. They started driving after Patton set up a GPS route to the workplace. Remus looked at it and back at him. “We’re visiting J-anus and my brother? OH! Are you going to prank them?! It’d be so exciting to set the entire building on fire!”
Patton’s hands tightened on the wheel and glanced at his friend. “No, you know I don’t condone killing people with arson. We’re here to hopefully prevent something that’s going to happen.”
“What’s going to happen? Murder without arson?”
He stopped at a stop sign before making a left turn. Patton shrugged as he corrected the wheel. “I don’t actually know. That’s what I’m going to find out though.” It couldn’t hurt to be honest with Remus, seeing as he didn’t know if the next day was even going to exist in the first place. With a few gross conversations that led to vague responses from Patton, the two finally reached their destination. To find out what the fuck was going to happen to Janus. They walked up to the front building, Patton had a smile on his face that was apparently intimidating according to the reaction of the receptionist. “Hi, sorry to disturb you I was just wondering if Janus Lyre-Hart is in the office today? I’m his husband.”
“Sorry sir... He’s, he’s not actually here today? He was sent on a field mission with two others to deal with an issue with the company.” She stated nervously.
“Where did they go?” Remus asked with more seriousness than Patton had heard in several years. They were told the location and drove there together. Remus had seemed to gage the seriousness of the situation and adjusted SOME of his actions accordingly. “Do you think you’re going to find their entrails all over here or something?” Some actions.
Patton sighed and slammed the car door shut, looking around the place. Just a bunch of buildings. The place seemed completely normal. He noticed a few crows over an old blue wooden bar that didn’t appear significant. Patton started walking towards it and Remus followed, taking huge steps to keep up. The door creaked open and a few of the birds flew away. Patton peaked in and Remus knelt over to peak through underneath Patton’s head. The place was empty. The two stepped in.
“This isn’t as planned out as I’d like.” Patton said, even though his real thoughts were ‘I can try again tomorrow anyway’. Remus walked around, kicking over an empty trash can. It fell over making a loud sound against the floor. Patton flinched but noticed something weird with the floorboards. He kneeled down. “Huh. Hey Remus? I think we just found a trapdoor.”
“Then let’s open it!” Remus exclaimed, and he slammed his fingers around the corners, pulling up. Patton bit a protest and helped. The door lifted and slammed down on, the force of which made a wave of dust fly up. Patton coughed before looking down. There was a metal ladder on one of the walls, small rectangular slots lined up evenly all the way down to the bottom of the tunnel; it was much lower down than he expected. Remus shoved past Patton and started climbing down. He looked back up. “Come on! I wanna see what’s down here! Like a sex dungeon or just a dungeon dungeon! With worms!”
The two reached the bottom and walked until they reached a point with two turns they could go. Remus mentioned splitting up but Patton thought that it was a bad idea. So instead, the two made a right turn right into Logan, Roman, and Janus running rapidly.
“We have to go!” Roman exclaimed, grabbing Remus and Patton. They all turned and started running through to the left turn. Patton tried to look back but Logan kept his head forward. They eventually got out of the tunnels in a different exit. Janus shoved everyone into the car while Logan started the engine. Patton put on his seat belt quietly. Roman turned to look at them from the passenger seat. “What the hell are you guys doing here?!”
“Looking for you shitheads!” Remus exclaimed. “Patton said that something bad was going to happen!”
Janus looked out the window of the speeding car and grimaced. He got out a gun and Patton fought himself to keep his eyes open. It was almost lunch time, it was almost time. “They’re tailing us, Logan!” Janus turned to Patton with softness in his eyes, and his tone became more controlled. “Why do you think something bad is going to happen?”
“Does this not count as bad to you, Janus?!” Patton exclaimed, Remus pushed his back down as a bullet hit the back window. Janus looked at the glass and shrugged. Patton groaned and leaned back on Remus’s shoulder before giving a glance to the back window. There were a few nicely dressed people with guns and were shooting sporadically at the car. “Seriously?! Jan, I can’t explain what’s going to happen because I wasn’t here originally but you have to be careful!”
“I am doing my best to be safe dear, but I also need to do my job.” Janus said coldly before opening the window and shooting back. Logan made a swift turn and Patton grabbed Remus’s hand for comfort. He felt scared and angry at the same time. Janus needed to trust him on this but only Patton even knew what was going on. Next thing he knew, Roman’s arm got shot. He screamed, dropping his weapon out the car window and leaned back on his seat. Patton didn’t see a gun wound in the dreams, so this happened because of the changes he made. The guilt didn’t have time to sink in when one of the bullets hit the car wheels. Logan cursed under his breath as the car swerved and narrowly avoided a tree; it instead flipped on its side. Patton swallowed an ongoing panic in order to unbuckle his seat belt and helped Remus and Janus out of the car. Logan and Roman got caught up with the airbags. Logan quickly unbuckled and maneuvered his way out.
Patton coughed and looked at the car. “So… what now? How do we get Roman out of there?”
“Well, we can’t move him because if he broke something that could ruin his vital organs or bones permanently.” Logan hummed, nonchalantly pulling Remus back from the car. “I think that the best thing we can do now is leave immediately.”
Remus pulled back from Logan’s grasp sharply. “And just leave him here? He could die!”
“We could also die, Remus!” Janus cut in, shaking. Patton froze up, staring at the door. He had a feeling it was already too late. Janus kept yelling, the cars started arriving and the gunshots got louder. But he couldn’t turn his eyes away from the car. It was on its side and even though Patton couldn’t see him, he imagined Roman’s pain. He couldn’t move. “-Atton! You have to get up! Patton! I’m not looping you into this!”
The others had run off, leaving Roman in the car, but Janus was dragging Patton as he blinked back into hearing others again. But it was too late, Patton heard Janus cry out and looked up to him with concern. “Janus? Are you okay?”
He shook his head, tears welling up and Janus hugged him. Patton looked down and saw blood seeping into his shirt. He looked up at his husband and smiled. “I’ll be okay! I’ll be better next time. You’ll be okay next time!” The light sky hurt so he closed his eyes. He felt Janus’s arms trembling around him and wanted to comfort him. But Patton felt like he was turning into static. “Next time will be better, I promise.”
   Patton woke up to the same cheerful song on his phone, tired but ready to try again. He sat up and examined his chest. It looked normal and his breathing wasn’t hindered anymore but his brain wanted to believe he was in pain. Patton looked over at Janus, who was breathing normally too. He wasn’t even crying. Janus was okay, Roman was okay, he was okay. Right? If Patton just learned how to do better this time everything would turn out fine. So, he decided not to wake up Janus. Patton closed the blinds on the window and slipped back into bed and cuddled into Janus’s side. Even if his husband did wake up, he tended not to care about following what his job wanted him to do anyways. Whatever that job actually was.
   Time passed and eventually Janus did leave. Patton tried to come with him but it didn’t work. And Patton wouldn’t consider himself as stubborn as Janus was. So he let him leave and got on his bicycle to follow him. Patton had visited one of the work locations before, for a potluck or Halloween party usually set up by Roman. It was a secretive place but loved to pretend it was just a normal business.
   He walked in and saw Virgil. Which was a bit unusual, seeing as he didn’t actually work with the others either. Not like Patton had much room to judge if he liked to judge. He gave a smile and waved. “Hey, kiddo! What are you up to?”
Virgil waved awkwardly as he walked over, his other hand in his hoodie. “Sup, Pat. Logan wanted to ask something from me I guess? He was being vague about this place, as always, but I just finished. Why are you here?”
   He hated lying and Virgil hated being lied to. Patton wasn’t exactly sure how to explain his situation without sounding like he was joking or really sleep deprived. He gave a glance to the receptionist and looked back at his friend. “I don’t really know what I’m doing here. But I am having quite a long day, if you want to talk about it over ice cream with me?”
   Patton internally high fived himself for his wonderful pun that no one would get but him.
   “So, we’re stuck in a loop and every time Janus dies when you don’t do anything but Roman died when you tried to mess with it?” Patton nodded nervously. Virgil thought it through while taking a bite of ice cream from his paper bowl. “That sounds like a personal hell if I’ve ever heard one. Especially for you. But from what you’ve said, the loop will probably end when you manage to save everyone. I’m not sure how exactly you’ll do that but I could help out.”
   “You… aren’t freaking out as much as I thought you would.” Patton knew that wasn’t phrased as well as he wanted to, but he was curious about how Virgil felt about everything going on.”
   Virgil put down the plastic spoon and made eye contact with Patton. He noticed just how shaky the man was. “Oh I’m absolutely panicking right now, but it’s probably better to deal with it when tomorrow comes or something. Nothing matters right now and that is terrifying to think about. My actions are actually useless. It’s not like I’ll remember what happened right now anyway, right?”
   He shook his head. “So far I think I’m the only one who knows about it.” Patton decided he’d just not tell Virgil in the next loop, he didn’t see his dark strange son daily so that wasn’t an issue. Patton didn’t want to give Virgil a panic attack every single time they talked on this day. “What should I do about it? I’ve tried coming to help, or preventing it from happening, or doing nothing, but I’m still here.” Alone.
   “Well, putting my pessimism aside for a moment,” Virgil started. “You could tell Janus, Roman, and Logan about what’s happening so they can avoid doing this specific job or whatever until they have a better fleshed out plan. Or… I don’t know, figure out what they’re doing and get to it first.” He opened his mouth before closing it again, and Patton guessed that he probably had another idea that would be upsetting to hear.
   Patton leaned forward. “What’s the last one, Virgil?”
“Nothing!” Virgil exclaimed. He calmed down, letting go of the ice cream bowl. “It’s just that maybe you’re supposed to… accepthisdeathandworkthroughthegrief- I don’t know it’s stupid!”
   “Oh…” Virgil looked away with his arms crossed. Patton looked down at his now melted ice cream. Roman would be at his house by now but he wasn’t quite sure that it mattered. He looked back up at Virgil, trying not to cry. “I mean I can try out the other things first, right? I really don’t want anyone I love to die if I can prevent it somehow.”
   “I know, Pat.” No, you don’t, Patton thought bitterly. He felt guilty but he knew he stood by his thinking no matter how rude it was.
   The next time he tried to just wake up earlier, which worked just as well as you would expect. So he called Roman as soon as he woke up instead and told him everything. “So that’s why you shouldn’t do anything about whatever the hell you found earlier today. It’s doomed to fail, and I believe in you kiddo but this absolutely isn’t going to work.”
   There was a sigh from the other side of the screen. “Patton, you had a weird dream about a time loop? It happens sometimes, Padre. Janus and I aren’t going to die. Remus doesn’t even work here and you don’t even know where we’re going-”
   “Yes I do Roman!” He fought back. One of Virgil’s suggestions was to figure out what the others were doing and to prevent it or solve it before the others did. Patton needed to gather information for that to even work though. “You’re going to an old abandoned blue building that used to be a bar! There’s at least two entrances to the tunnels underneath it and you had a direct route about a mile away from the bar.” Patton sighed, it was hard convincing people about this much of a reach. So, it was time for a different approach. “Look, maybe it is a weird dream but it’s not nothing. Can you at least tell me what you found so I know that you guys are going to be okay?”
   He hummed, contemplating for a moment before sighing. “I can’t do that, Patton. Logan and Janus are already on my case about so many things I’m not adding another to the list. We’re going to be okay today, I promise that.” Patton clenched his phone as his friend kept talking. “I’ll visit you after we’re done today! Does that sound good, padre?”
   “It sounds great Roman, see you..” Patton responded, ending the call.
   True to his word, Patton did hear the door creak open. Roman cried into his arms while Patton just considered what he could do next.
   “Logan, is there ANY way you could do what you’re doing today later?” Patton asked, while Remus was walking through the office idly. Logan gave him a confused look as if to indicate that he wanted more information. “I’m going to be straightforward here-”
  “Good luck attempting that.” Remus cut in. Logan and Patton stared at him for a moment. He shrugged. “Just saying. Keep talking about your psychic powers or whatever.”
   “I’m going to be CLEAR about this.” Patton mended. “Whatever happens at your job today will end with Janus being shot and killed. I can’t really explain why, but you need to do this tomorrow, or plan something. I don’t know! This is really dangerous and I want everyone to be okay.”
   There was a moment of silence between the three of them. Logan sat in his seat, thinking everything over while Remus had paused reorganizing the bookshelf to spell ‘penis’ with the first letters of the book titles. It was so silent that Patton could hear the shuffling of people walking through the halls, and the caws of birds that suspiciously sounded like crows. He took a breath and looked at the ceiling to keep himself from crying. Patton knew that he looked like a mess. He was wearing his cardigan instead of around his shoulders and he was so focused on leaving as fast as possible that his hair was completely neglected.
   Logan cleared his throat. “It would be unwise for us to completely postpone our mission today.” Patton sniffed and Logan continued through seemingly unaffected. “But I suppose it would be wise to make sure we have bulletproof vests and show up more inconspicuously than we previously planned.”
   “Thank you, Lo.” Patton’s voice was quiet, like a sudden breeze could shatter it.
   Patton and Remus were ushered out. Remus suggested they go out to sushi to wait and see how it went. There was a place close by and Remus enjoyed eating raw meats. This was a type of food the two frequently compromised on. The drive was quiet if you tuned out whatever loud artist Remus played in his car. Patton didn’t know them but did know that they swore way more than he would normally listen to.
   When the car stopped Patton didn’t move or do anything. Remus reminded him to unbuckle and get out of the car before he locked him in. He talked about not wanting his best friend to suffocate without any air and getting trapped by the safety lock completely and having to resort to eating his arm. No matter how grotesque his metaphors were, Patton appreciated knowing that Remus was there for him. He took everything Patton said in stride, not mocking or belittling him. He wasn’t a serious man and he didn’t have to be. Remus was passionate and would do anything for the people he cared about, regardless of how dangerous. Which was exactly why he had to make sure Remus and everyone else survived to some sort of future that didn’t exist yet.
   The two picked up their sushi and ate there. Well, Remus did. Patton picked at his a little while listening to the ambient noises of the restaurant. “Do you think they’re going to be okay today?”
   “I have no fucking clue.” Remus said. He paused to drink some of the soy sauce from the bottle. “But they stand a better chance with you fighting for them to finally use all those brain cells they’re hogging. I mean, do you hear that they weren’t even planning on wearing bullet proof vests? Do they want to become rag dolls at the end of this?”
   Patton snorted, tears brimming his eyes. “I guess I really ragged on Logan, huh?”
   Remus took all of Patton’s sushi in his hands and smooshed them together before eating the entire thing. With the food gone it was finally time to leave. When they arrived at the house there was already a car there. Roman’s car. Patton ran into the house to see Roman on the ground, looking very bruised with his hands covered in blood.
   “What happened?” He demanded.
   “Patton?” Roman asked weakly, looking up at him. “Patton! I’m so sorry, Logan and I, we tried to stop what happened but… Janus died.”
   His mind was racing, hearing Remus close the door behind him but he ignored it. “How?”
   “He was… umm, stabbed to death. Are you okay?”
   Roman’s question was ignored. Patton sat down at the table, turned away from the twins. Stabbed. Not shot. Of course they had multiple types of weapons on them. That was an oversight he couldn’t do again. He’d find a way to save them. They can bring their own guns or knives or they could be warned about what their enemies had prepared for them. Patton’s heart was racing as his hands gripped his head. He’d know what to do.
   Patton watched expectedly as Roman walked into the door. “They beat Janus to death.”
   Logan went into Patton’s house holding tightly onto his bleeding leg, with his other arm against the wall to keep his balance. The two made eye contact. “Roman and Janus died when they shot the tires of the car and it crashed. I’m the only one who made it.”
   “Janus was shot.”
   “We just couldn’t save Logan I’m so sorry-”
   “Roman was kidnapped and used against us. Janus thought they were bluffing about killing him but then they did.”
   Janus died. Logan died. They all died and somehow Virgil found out before him. Roman and Janus died. Logan and Janus died. Janus died. Patton was pulling his hair out. Every time he woke up he had darker eye bags than the last time. He didn’t bother to watch as yet another one of his friends limped through the door at 3 PM on a sunny day ready to announce a tragedy.
    “Who died?” He asked, cutting him off. Patton looked up to see Janus. There was blood coming from his nose that was ignored and drying over his skin. It wasn’t a very common version of this day. He showed up sometimes but Janus was very frequently the one dead. “I already know someone got murdered, Jan. Please just tell me how so I can avoid it next time.”
   “What? Next time-” Janus sputtered, shaking his head before looking at Patton. “What the fuck does that mean?! Roman got suffocated to death- why… Do you know what happened? Patton, what’s going on?”
   A question so simple with a very difficult answer. Patton stood up to help Janus walk to a chair. Roman. Strangled. How could he warn them about that next time? Janus was talking as Patton continued to walk around the kitchen but he wasn’t listening. He wet a towel and started cleaning up Janus’s face. Janus shut up and Patton gave a tight lipped smile. “I know you aren’t going to believe me but you, Logan, and Roman have been dying every single day for me and I’m trying to make sure you’re all okay in the end. So, next time I’ll tell Logan about things to avoid doing that didn’t work out this specific time. As long as I mess with the timeline something different will happen. One of these days will turn out okay.”
   Unless they don’t. Unless he really just has to accept it like Virgil said.
   “So you’ve just been handed the world’s most traumatizing time loop?” Janus asked. Patton removed the bloody paper towel and threw it in the trash can. He nodded. “How long have you been stuck here? Just knowing that one of us dies?”
   “I don’t know.” Patton answered honestly. He spent so much effort trying to save his friends he hadn’t bothered to keep track of time. Janus rested his hand on Patton’s arm for the littlest amount of comfort. Patton looked up at him with a sad smile, tears brimming his eyes. “What do I do? I can’t get you to stop, you won’t let me come with you, and I don’t want anyone to be hurt anymore.”
   They both looked so hurt. Janus had bruises setting in just about everywhere and he winced whenever he made a movement too big or too fast. Patton just looked tired. So incredibly tired, as if he had woken up after a fitful night sleep decades ago and never went back to bed. Janus tried to say something but stopped himself. There was no clear cut answer. Why would there be? It was like he had said earlier, the world’s most traumatizing time loop and Patton was the only one with a ticket to the ride. How do you stop something that’s only goal is to make you suffer? He thought about what Virgil said and grimaced.
   Patton fell into Janus’s lap and sobbed. This wasn’t fair, none of it was! And Virgil had to be right about everything. He had to let his husband die. Patton whispered his apologies over and over until he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t figure out a way to save him; perhaps there wasn’t a way to save him at all.
   Patton wakes up to a happy song playing on his phone and his husband asleep next to him. He didn’t stop the alarm, he didn’t do anything. Janus woke up with a yawn, only to see Patton staring blankly at the ceiling above him. The world felt devoid of life, like the more Patton looked, the world would pause before draining away before him. Janus gave him a shake, asking if he was okay, but Patton didn’t answer. It was no use. Nothing he did would work in the end anyways. Why try? Janus seemed more worried, not a common look on him. Patton looked him over and gave a smile. Would this be the last time he’d see him?
   “Are you okay?” He asked, when Patton finally sat up. Patton gave him a hug and let go of it before he wouldn’t be able to. “Patton, do you need me to stay with you?”
   “No, I’m okay.” The lie was breathed to life almost hesitantly. His voice felt raspy. Patton knew that this was the right thing to do, but it hurt so much. Why did it have to hurt so much? “Just, just go to work and I’ll be alright.”
   So Janus did, and Patton was alright. Janus wasn’t. When Roman came to tell him of the news, Patton was still in bed on his husband’s side. Roman stayed after taking a shower, but his attempts to help were in vain. The world was draining away and there was nothing that could stop it. Roman was sleeping on the floor, holding Patton’s hand.
   It kept repeating. Making Patton live the pain every single day, which wasn’t fair. He still cried when Roman would tell him that Janus died. He still made sure that Roman got cleaned up, but nothing changed. Patton couldn’t make it to yesterday, despite trying so hard to move on. Eventually he decided to keep up the routine he would normally have, trying to show the world that he was going to be okay, but that didn’t work either.
   Nothing did.
   He watered the plants, fed the cat and the turtle, had a glass of water, and hung out with that murder of crows that started following the couple around a few months ago. Patton threw some food at the ground in front of them before sitting down on the patio. He wasn’t really sure what to do. Going to the store probably wouldn’t be helpful, unless he managed to avoid the biker eventually. Janus was already at work and in danger already. Patton sighed and fell to his back. A crow cawed at him.
   “What should I do?” He dragged his hands over his face. None of the birds responded, outside of the one that hopped onto his calf. Patton decided that was a sign to go grocery shopping, despite knowing they wouldn’t have all that’s on the list.
It was slightly windy out, causing Patton’s cardigan to drift updraft. A plane went by, supposedly going down towards the airport. He saw a woman chasing a dog with a leash running wild and helped her out. A group of kids were walking to school. And then he reached the grocery store. Patton went in only needing four things: Butter, bread, eggs, and bagels. He already knew they didn’t have butter, but put the rest in the shopping basket. Patton’s hand hovered over Janus’s favorite candy. He blinked slowly, taking a deep breath in and out, before throwing it into the basket. It wasn’t a horrible thing to indulge anyways.
Walking out, the wind had calmed down. He carefully carried his bags, skillfully dodging out of the way of the biker for the first time. Patton stopped walking to watch the person continue on, not knowing about the collision that had occurred between them before. The rest of the way was uneventful. He put away the groceries and decided to make something for Roman when he was going to stop by.
He made some sort of water based soup, Patton wasn’t sure which because he grabbed the one closest to him, only checking the label to make sure it wasn’t cream based. Last time he hadn’t, Roman got really sick. Just as Patton had finished, the door opened. He didn’t say anything and instead got a rag from a cupboard and turned on the hot water.
Roman limped in and leaned against the wall. “Pat, I’m so sorry.” Patton nodded silently, running the rag underneath the sink and started cleaning up the blood on Roman’s face. “Logan and I, we tried to stop what happened but… Janus died.”
   Patton’s heart pinged in guilt, still feeling like he could do something. He took the rag off Roman’s face. “Yeah, I know. How about you go take a shower, Roman. You can borrow my clothes for tonight.” Roman had a confused expression but seemed too out of it to say anything. Patton took out some of his clothes, not able to go through Janus’s shirts. He set it outside the bathroom door and spent the rest of his time petting Ladle idly. None of this felt right.
   It couldn’t be the right way to go about this, seeing as he awoke again with Janus next to him so many times after. But Patton didn’t know what he COULD do. He stood up a bit too quickly but ignored it. Patton decided he’d finally start putting up his hair again. Not that anyone would know how long he hadn’t bothered to but himself. It would just help. He put in the barrettes and stared at himself in the mirror for a few seconds. Sighing, Patton tied the cardigan to finish his look. Janus walked into the bathroom, brushing his incredibly long hair. He was dressed for work but had yet to grab his hat.
   “Hey love, can we talk before you go to work?” Patton asked. Usually he’d be nervous about Janus misinterpreting his tone but currently things like that haven’t really mattered to him.
   “Well that’s not ominous at all.” Janus replied as he nodded. He put his hair in a bun and put his hat on top. There was a strip of hair loose, highlighting the scarred side of the man’s face. The two walked to the living room. Upon seeing them, Ladle jumped off the couch and ran into the bedroom presumably to hide under something. “What did you need to talk about?”
   Patton took a breath, taking in all the ways this conversation has been messed up before. “You can’t go to work today. I know what you’re going to say-”
“This day is really important,” Janus interjected while Patton said it at the same time as him with a sense of boredom. Janus narrowed his eyes. “Have you been hanging out with Remus more often? There’s no way you were able to copycat that well without practice.”
   “Yeah, I guess you could call it practice if you wanted to.” Patton chuckled to himself. “But we’re getting distracted. If any of you guys, including Roman and Logan, go do the thing you need to do today you will die. It won’t be pleasant, and it will happen no matter how many precautions you decide to take. So please, take the day to plan this out better or something. But you can’t risk anything.”
   Janus was very taken back but scoffed, to hide the fact he was worried. Patton knew that he wasn’t just going to give in without good reason to. He didn’t want to pull the ‘time loop’ card if he didn’t have to. If he could just move onto tomorrow with no one knowing what had happened he would be satisfied. “We are always careful, Patton. Why do you think today’s going to be any different? We haven’t died yet!”
   “But you will! I don’t THINK today’s going to be different, I. KNOW. SO.” Patton was trying to stay as calm as possible, but it really sucked to do that. “If you want me to explain, I can, but it would be so much better for you just to trust me. Please.”
    “Patton. I want to know what’s going on. Are you being threatened or something? Why do you believe we’re going to be hurt?” Janus asked.
   He took a deep breath, Patton’s heart was breaking faster than his patience. “I’m not being threatened, Janus. I’m stuck. I’m stuck watching you die every single day, only learning when Roman comes into our house at 3 PM when I expected you to sneak out of your work place to eat food with me. And I can’t do anything about it or someone else I care about dies! So I’m stuck! Stuck knowing that it’s going to be windy today, that a biker will break the eggs I bought at the grocery store, and that I got other things there to compensate for the fact that the store doesn’t have butter!” His voice broke as he looked at Janus after he ranted loudly. “I’ve been on this day that it’s easier to focus on my small inconveniences instead of the fact that my husband dies today and I can’t do anything.”
   Janus walked over to him, giving Patton a hug. Patton didn’t hug back but put his head on his chest. Everything was silent between the two of them. Janus rubbed circles into Patton’s back. Neither of them were crying. Patton had run out of tears for a long time, and Janus didn’t know enough to understand how horrible the situation was. After a few minutes, Patton pulled back. Janus looked at him, with undivided attention.
  “Will you tell the others that the plan today has changed?” He asked. “I can’t let you go into danger. Not when I can do something about it.”
   “At this point it would be stupid of me not to. Want to come with to make sure none of the other’s fuck up this day?” Janus suggested, Patton gave a weak smile. “I’ll work hard to not die today by planning ahead and having common sense. It might be quite difficult if your rants suggest anything.”
   “Hey,” Patton interjected softly. “You have common sense! I’m not exactly sure how you die but you probably try very hard not to do it. Don’t degrade your worth, Janus.” It was ironic, seeing as how much Janus promoted taking care of yourself and your own self worth in general. Patton tried to get his normal energy but it fell short. He almost literally fell too, but Janus caught him and stood him back up. “I’ll… physically fight you.”
   “Of course you will, let’s go tell the other’s okay?”
   Patton watched as his friends huddled around Logan’s desk coming up with some sort of game plan. He was trying to listen but his exhaustion caught up to him and he mainly focused on staying awake. Roman gave him a concerned look before he kept talking. Clearly, the three were talking about him. The whole reason this was happening was because of Patton. He let Janus argue his points and kept his attention on staring at the small things on Logan’s bookshelf. It was uniform, organized by the author's last name. The only deviation being the small nick knacks and items that the other’s gave him over the years. Patton smiled, even though Logan didn’t see the purpose of the small toys, he still kept them. Things like this reminded Patton how much he loved his friends.
“Okay, what dangers are there that we aren’t prepared for?” Logan asked.
   Janus thought for a moment, and looked at Patton. He just barely started listening again. “I wouldn’t really know. What about you, Patton?”
He looked up seeing all of them looking directly back. Patton took a breath. “Well, they have a whole range of weapons. If you aren’t immediately shot and manage to get into the car they’re going to shoot the tires. You could be strangled, hurt in the car wreck, manipulated into a situation where you could put someone else at risk…” Patton trailed off awkwardly. Logan, Roman, and Janus all made eye contact for a brief moment. Patton liked to imagine they could all talk to each other telepathically, even though Logan didn’t think that was logical.
“This seems like a lot,” Roman commented. “Are you sure that you’re not just overthinking every single thing that can go wrong? That sounds more like Virgil’s thing if we’re being real-”
Logan looked at him, confused. “Of course we’re being real, but I don’t see what that has to do with it.” Janus looked like he wanted to cut in but decided not to say anything, simply clearing his throat instead. “Roman the entire point of our job is to make sure we’re prepared for any given situation, why is that a problem?”
“Well, uh, it just-” Roman sputtered through his sentence. “Without taking chances and trying to plan everything out we’re not going to get anything done! How can we be expected to save anyone from danger if we spend all day just thinking about what COULD happen?”
“Without planning at all we’re not going to be able to save ourselves!” Janus argued back. “And if we die that’s not going to do anyone any good.”
He looked over at Patton with a small smile, signalling that he was going to stand up for his side of the argument, which was comforting. Janus was a very persuasive person. But in the end, Patton didn’t care what conclusion they went to as long as they lasted to the end of the day. Logan looked between his two coworkers and friends, sighing. “Well clearly we need a healthy balance instead. If we put too much weight on taking risks or preparing, it won’t be productive either way.”
“So…” Roman started. “Yerkes-Dodson curve again?”
   Logan looked at him, unimpressed. “Yes, the Yerkes-Dodson curve again.”
   He didn’t really understand what that was referencing, but Patton decided to speak up again. “So you’re going to spend the rest of the day coming up with a flexible but concrete plan for tomorrow?”
   “That does sound like the consensus.” Janus shrugged. No one else argued.
   By the time the three were done planning, Patton had fallen asleep on the chair he was on. Janus gently picked up his husband on his back. Patton’s arms fell loosely around his neck as he was coming out of unconsciousness. The car ride was quiet, and they reached home. Janus waved to Remus before heading inside, helping Patton follow along.
   It was 6 PM. The longest that anyone had lived on that day. Patton was suddenly awake when he realized that. His grip on Janus’s shirt tightened significantly. But the two still didn’t say anything. Patton took out his barrettes and ponytail. He shook out his hair, looking at himself in the mirror again as he took off the cardigan. Janus was making a quick dinner for the two of them. Patton had to keep reminding himself that Janus was still there, still alive. He almost believed that something would keep going wrong, and that wouldn’t be fair. None of it seemed fair though, so it was possible. Patton gave himself a nod. “It’s going to be okay.”
   After they ate, Janus and Patton got into pajamas. They laid on top of the blankets, holding hands despite facing opposite ways. Janus cleared his throat. “What are you going to do if today repeats again, Patton?”
   “I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “I mean obviously I’ll try to keep you all alive but I’m going to try different things. This is the closest I’ve ever gotten. I keep thinking that you’ll die in front of me or that Roman and Logan already died and I just don’t yet. Virgil suggested that I might just have to accept the fact that you’re going to die. I certainly don’t want that to be true.”
   Janus nodded solemnly. “I mean I guess it’s finally been proven that I can die now.”
   Patton hit him softly with his free hand. “No jokes! This is a serious time, we gotta be serious.” Janus gave him a look, some mix between mock offended and trying desperately not to laugh. “JAn! Stop trying to make me laugh- no stop poking my face- I’m trying to have a conversation with you-” He was cut off by his own laughter, followed by his husband’s laughter. Patton’s laugh turned into crying. The two sat up. “You’ll be okay, right Jan? I don’t want this to be the last time we joke around like this. I’ll miss you so much.”
    There was a pause, and then Janus cradled Patton’s check with one of his hands. “You’re strong, Patton. If anyone had the moral capability to save everyone repeatedly, it would be you. Then again, I’ll ask you to consider taking up a therapist when you do get out of the time loop, regardless of the end result.”
   “Fair enough.” Patton allowed Janus to pull him into a kiss. It was short. When they pulled away Patton pulled them into a hug. “Can you stay up with me until twelve? I want to make sure that tomorrow will actually come.”
   “Of course, dear.”
   Time passed. Patton and Janus mostly just bothered Ladle when she went into the room, talked about things that didn’t matter, and kept each other company. Patton checked the clock on the bedside table and his phone with basically every free thought he had. Janus tried to distract him with a movie playing on his laptop, but his hand remained on his phone. They finished the movie when it turned 11 PM.
   “So, should we play another movie or just scroll on our phones or something?” Janus asked. Patton hummed for a moment, giving a look. Janus narrowed his eyebrows, feigning suspicion. “Oh, you want to do a special thing don’t you?”
   “Yeah,” Patton relented. “Something simple though! I haven’t made any of the loops, so it’s been awhile for me. Please? If we start now we might be able to finish before midnight!”
   So they made cookies. Despite being on a time limit, the two spent plenty of it messing around. Janus ate some of the cookie dough after the chocolate chips were put in despite Patton’s insistence not to. But after a very small amount of convincing, Patton ate cookie dough as well. Janus put in the first batch of cookies at about 11:47. So maybe they should have rushed just a little bit more. Patton looked at Janus, with innocence in his expression but mischievousness in his heart. “Looks like we’re in a real time crunch now, huh?”
   “Patton. We have been married for three years and four months but I’m willing to end it there if you continue to keep doing this to me.” If someone who didn’t know Janus heard him say that, they would’ve believed that he was being completely honest. Patton though, just laughed proudly. Janus sat on the floor, across from the oven, watching the cookies and pretending not to pay attention to Patton.
   “Come on, Jan!” Patton exclaimed, shaking his shoulders. “If this really is the last of the time loop I got to end with a sweet pun!”
   Before there could be any more arguments, or god forbid, puns the timer went off and the first batch of cookies were done. Patton took out the tray as Janus put in the next one. The two checked the time. 11:58. Janus lifted the cookie. “Looks like there’s no time to let it cool. I want to have at least one cookie if the day is going to reset anyways.”
   “Well, I guess just this once, it’s okay.” Patton said, picking up his own cookie. He looked at the clock to see they only had one minute left. Patton made eye contact with Janus. “If this day repeats, I just want you to know that I’ll never stop until I save you.”
   “I know.” and they both took bites into the cookies.
   Patton looked at the clock after a moment. He chewed and swallowed the cookie, seeing that it was 12 AM. Patton looked quickly back at Janus, who was there and alive. Janus put down his cookie just as he was enveloped in a hug. Patton was crying already, holding onto him like he was going to disappear at any moment. “You’re alive! You’re alive… It’s finally over. I’m not stuck anymore.”
   He cried into Janus’s shoulder, finally breathing in a new today.
Taglist: @rosalynravenclaw16 @genderkwerfirebird @littlefufu10 @hailcap85 @infawrit10 @dontask25 @shinekittenace @reginaofdoctorwho @harmonydiaries @tomori-outtit @wundergirllovesyou @you-gay-bitch @tradernate @vinnievinvibing @gender-guts @the-dead-and-the-decaying @qtkittencorn @elsecaller617 @made-of-love-and-loneliness @venus-virgil77 @sablesides @mainfor-theo @inge-nine @drunk-logan-cursed-facts @pastelpatton @gay-artist-626 @ace-ace-in-yo-face @lemonlinelights @mk-wastebin @kayte-wren @jaunssanders @asdfghjklicia
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foursideharmony · 4 years
Okay, so remember this post I made a few months ago about how I think the Mindscape “works” in terms of structure? I thought I should also share some of my headcanons about how the Sides themselves work.
(Note: I prefer to capitalize Side because it’s a fairly common word on its own, and this distinguishes the characters we love so much from other uses which are likely to crop up.)
Question #1: Do they need to eat, sleep, etc.? You know what? I think they do. Your brain functions need energy and downtime in order to keep operating at peak efficiency, and that translates, in the Mindscape, into actual food and sleep.
It can be entirely literal—the food that Thomas eats becomes stored caloric energy, and that manifests in the Mindscape as the stuff available in the Sides’ fridge and pantry. What they have available reflects the kind of stuff he’s been eating lately, so they try to influence his eating habits in accordance with their tastes. Logan wants perfect nutritional balance, Patton’s into comfort food, Roman wants to experiment with flavors and try gourmet and exotic cuisine, etc.
As for sleep/rest, I think they need differing amounts, which may or may not correspond to Thomas’s own sleep schedule. Logan sleeps when Thomas does, almost by definition. Virgil has to drift off before Thomas can sleep…but he is the lightest sleeper of the lot, and might well wake up in the middle of the night and start poking Thomas’s dreams. Roman and Patton can both remain active all night, on and off, but balance it by being the most likely to need naps during the day. (Ever had a night of intense dreams that leave you with subdued emotional affect the next day? That happens to Thomas too...it means Patton stayed up way too late and is sleeping in.) Janus and Remus have, I think, unpredictable sleep patterns, and are especially prone to timing their bouts of activity for when at least three other Sides are asleep, so Thomas is caught off-guard.
Question #2: Can they be hurt? Well, the answer to this one is an unambiguous YES, as proven in several episodes, so let’s tweak it: How can they be hurt, and how do they recover from being hurt? Yeah, that’s much more fun to speculate about!
Not only can the Sides be injured, but the show gives us two ways it can happen. The simpler one is, they can hurt each other, just like real people can hurt each other. We have several instances in the series of Sides throwing things at each other and causing pain or injury as a result. I extend that to mean that they can also be injured within the Mindscape via household accidents, misadventure in the Imagination, etc. That’s their “world,” and it can affect them just as the physical world affects physical people.
The other way they can be hurt, of course, is if something happens in Thomas’s life that negatively impacts his self-image vis-à-vis their function. We saw this happen in “My NEGATIVE Thinking” when Roman, as Thomas’s ego, was “bruised” by his fumble at the audition. It’s easy to imagine situations where this happens to other Sides. Thomas’s feelings might be hurt, which means Patton takes a hit. Or he might have his intelligence called into question, which could damage Logan. Fortunately, they apparently heal this damage as soon as Thomas gets over whichever crisis caused it. This leads me to my major thesis statement about their faux-physicality:
The Sides’ “physical” condition is largely determined by their expectations.
The Sides aren’t precisely human. They are, however, aspects of a human, which means they have human experiences of the world, human reactions to events, and human expectations regarding their environment. Thomas knows that when a wadded-up piece of paper hits your eye, it hurts, and so Roman knows it too, and so when a wadded-up piece of paper hits his eye, it hurts. It’s actually the same mechanism by which Thomas flubbing his audition causes Roman to become bruised. The audition goof changes Roman’s opinion of himself from “amazing actor” to “terrible actor,” and since Thomas’s acting ability is a major part of his function, that damages him. Being hit in the eye with a wadded-up piece of paper changes his self-image from “person who is totally fine” to “person who has just been hit in the eye with a wadded-up piece of paper,” and because he knows it’s supposed to hurt, that damages him. Not much, since being hit in the eye with a wadded-up piece of paper only hurts a little, and briefly, but that’s the process.
And that’s why Logan is able to shake off Remus’s violent attacks in “Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts.” As Logic, Logan is able to maintain the presence of mind to remember that they are not actually physically real, and therefore the attacks aren’t actually happening to anyone. He still reels when Remus hurls a shuriken into his forehead, because that’s a reflexive reaction, but he is braced for it; it does not affect his self-image enough to do any lasting damage. Perhaps the other Sides could also “roll to disbelieve” in this fashion, but it would likely be much harder for them, because they are not cold hard Logic.
If an injury does stick, expectations also govern how fast they recover. Fortunately for the Sides, it’s not as straightforward as the process of getting hurt in the first place. Although they know, like Thomas does, how long many types of injuries take to heal, for them it can go much faster because of the self-image thing. Say Patton trips going down the stairs. He breaks his arm because the fall changes his self-image to “person who just fell down the stairs OOOOOWWWWWW,” and he remains that way for a time. But with proper care, he soon starts to feel better, his self-image changes again to “person who is getting better,” and this accelerates his healing process.
All the whumpy goodness a fan writer could want, without the hassle of long-term impairment or permanent damage.
Question #3: Can they…you know…bite the big one?
I honestly haven’t given this one as much thought as the other questions…or as much thought as some other fans have. Here are the possibilities I’ve seen explored:
No. No matter how much damage a Side takes, he can’t actually die. Chop off his head, and he walks around carrying it. It probably looks annoyed.
Yes, but not permanently. They come back after a while. The exact length of the while depends on the writer, and sometimes varies by method of death. In some cases, they spring back to life, while in others, the “body” disappears and reforms later in some designated part of the Mindscape. They might lose some memories in the process or otherwise be altered slightly.
Yes, and it’s awful. Eventually a new personification will form in order to be that Side of Thomas’s personality, but the original is gone forever and we will all miss him terribly.
Yes, and it’s devastating for Thomas, who outright loses that facet of himself for the rest of his life. AND we miss the dead Side terribly.
I tend to lean toward the first two answers myself. It seems to me that the only way to outright erase part of someone’s personality is for the person to willingly and deliberately undergo intensive therapy to that specific end, and even then, I think it would result in the Side transforming into something very different, rather than going away forever. And it would be a slow enough process that the transformation itself would seem like a natural evolution rather than a replacement of one character with another.
But ultimately? I don’t know. More to the point, in my headcanon-verse, neither do the Sides. It makes for better drama if they have no idea how mortal they are and don’t dare to find out.
Wow, this went on longer than I expected. I hope you all enjoyed it!
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A Prince’s Room
Part 2
Concept by @yeet-ceit
TW: Unsympathetic Sides (Except for Roman), Perfectionism, Self-Doubt, Cursing, Arguing, Injury? (Roman gets slapped). If I missed any, pleased tell me and I will add it.
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1807
Roman wants to be perfect. No, he needs to be perfect. And part of being perfect is being a good friend. Roman loves the other sides. He loves them more than anything in the world. Even more than Disney and musical theater. His friends are the main reason why his still holding on. He doesn’t want to lose them. He can’t lose them. He won’t survive if he does.
So, to make sure he doesn’t he takes notes. He writes down ways to make sure he’s constantly improving. Any bad habits that the others point out or flaws he writes down and tries to fix. 
The lists went on and on. Hung up on the walls of his room to make sure he always remembers. And as time goes on, more and more is added to the list. Every small addition getting him one step closer to perfection.
Remember to keep your voice level normal. Don’t talk too loudly.
Stop being so dramatic, you're taking too much attention away from the others.
Don’t be too confident, it comes off as cocky and no one like someone that’s too cocky.
Don’t rant about your interest for too long it gets annoying and boring.
Don’t be selfish, no one likes a selfish person.
The chart came along a few months later. 
Roman had already been taking notes on how to please his friends however he decided to reorganize his notes into a chart. Each side had their own section containing list of what they liked, disliked, what cheered them up, and what upsets them.
Likes: Crofters, astrology, coffee, books, teaching, silence, human anatomy, schedules, deadlines, Thomas being productive, debating, constellations, being listened to, law, learning, classical music, poetry, Sherlock.
Dislikes: Being ignored, unnecessary emotions, sweets, dumb people, someone being too loud, childish movies, games, being behind schedule, illogical decisions, jokes, unrealistic dreams.
What makes him happy?: Stargazing, writing, meeting deadlines, winning debates, telling random facts, rapping, his onesie, reading, being left alone, being called cool, teaching.
What upsets him?: Being treated as a joke, being teased, being reminded of his mistakes, making mistakes, being ignored or overlooked, losing a debate, feeling dumb.
Likes: Cookies, drawing, cure animals, compliments, happy songs, seeing his friends happy, t.v shows, helping others, singing, dancing, playing dress up, stuffed animals, gifts, holidays, baking, sweets.
Dislikes: Screaming, loud noises, getting stuff thrown at him, blood, weapons, violence, seeing his friends injured, sad movies and stories.
What makes him happy?: Cuddles, movie nights, being showered with affection, cookies, drawing, karaoke nights, talking about his emotions, playing games with his friends, helping others, his onesie. 
What upsets him?: Seeing an animal die, seeing people in pain, being forced to grow up, seeing his friends in hurt, not being able to help someone, disappointing someone, letting Thomas down, letting his emotions control him.
Likes: Candles, alternative music, spiders, his hoodie, Tim Burton films, My Chemical Romance, headphones, fidget cubes, staying up late, drama shows, bats, knives, collecting pins.  
Dislikes: The ocean, sudden loud noises, cheesy pop music, people that are too optimistic (except for Patton), someone being mean to his friends,
What makes him happy?: Doing makeup, painting his nails, listening to music, Patton’s baking, playing with his pet spider, meditating, watching murder myterious, watching Disney and Tim Burton movies.
What upsets him?: Being put on the spot, being called evil, being treated like an innocent kid, being called a darkside, being called a disorder rejection, talk about serious topics such as suicide and self harm. 
Likes: Gore, blood, mud, fighting, collecting weapons, deodorant, musicals, inappropriate jokes, Fleischer Studios, pranks, dancing, mythical creatures, things that glow in the dark, random t.v shows, horror movie, slime, candy, octopus, skirts, crop tops.
Dislikes: Cheesy love songs, rules, normal food aside from fast food, birds, learning, shaving, reading, romance movies/shows, backstabbers, lying, shaving cream, showers, losing fights.
What makes him happy?: Dissecting stuff, fighting, pranking others, dancing, singing, coming up with outfit ideas, punching stuff, playing with slime, reenacting horror movies, inappropriate jokes, hanging out in his trash can, being pet, Shrek, eating deodorant, someone doing his makeup.
What upsets him?: Being abandoned or left behind, being told he isn’t good enough, being compared to me, seeing Janus upset, seeing Virgil upset, being told to shave.
Like: Snakes, philosophy, Greek mythology, sewing, horror movies, mystery books, murder documentaries, self care, sleeping, warm baths, weighted blankets, debating, law.
Dislikes: The cold, when someone takes his hat, dumb comedy movies, eagles, action movies, unnecessary violence or gore, close minded people, liars, sharing secrets, being vulnerable. 
What makes hims happy?: Massages, weighted blankets, cuddling, hanging out with Remus, acting, having debates, seeing Remus and Virgil playfully argue, watching murder mysteries, singing.
What upsets him?: Being called evil, being ignored, seeing Remus or Virgil upset, Thomas not taking care of himself, being replaced, being left behind, people not understanding him, someone making fun of his scales, taking off his gloves.
“Come on pussy! Let’s just march into his room, what’s the worse that could happen?”
“Language!” Patton quickly scolds Remus.
“What if he’s in there and he screams at us for barging in?! What if he gets really mad and chooses to get physical!? What if we see something we don’t want to!? What if he’s asleep and he get mad that we woke him up!? What if-”
“Virgil,” Logan interrupts the panicking side, “Your anxiety is causing you to catastrophize. Please, take a deep breath and try to filter out your cognitive distortion.”
The anxious side nods and takes a few deep breaths to calm himself.
“Now, I would like to add that I personally believe that Remus’ plan isn’t the worst idea ever and is currently the best one we have.” The logical side states.
“Well, while I love to agree with Remus, he is wrong in this instance,” 
Remus smirks widely, “Awe! Thanks Jany~ You’re too generous~”
The deceitful side rolls his eyes, “Let’s just go.”
“Fine,” Virgil stands up, looking rather done with everything.
The rest of the sides stand up as well and begin to make their way to the prince’s room.
Once they make it to his door, Remus immediately just breaks the door down and lets himself in.
 They walk in, greeted only by silence.
“He isn’t here?” Patton mumbles to himself.
“Doesn’t look like it. Let’s not go then.”
The other sides nod and start making their way out. Well, everyone except for Logan. 
The logical side instead gets distracted by a paper stabled to the wall. He walks over to it and reads it to himself. Once he’s done reading his looks around the room and notices all the papers on the wall. As well, as the lack of theater and Disney merchandise.
“Wait, doesn't Roman’s room look,” He pauses to search for the right words, “Wrong?”
The other sides stop walking and looks around.
“Now that you mention it,” Remus mumbles, “His room has changed a lot since I last saw it...”
The other start reading through the endless papers of tips to improve himself and advice. 
Suddenly Patton stops in front of a chart titled “Duties”
He slowly goes over it and buy the time he is done he is fuming with rage.
“What the hell!? Guys come look at this!”
The others go over, slightly amused and concerned.
Each of them take turns analyzing the chart. 
Roman had spend his day at the Imagination. After the whole wedding accident, he’s been stuck in a very toxic place and well he thought a small guest might help. So, he left early in the morning and began his guest. He hadn’t meant to stay there for as long as he did but he lost track of time. 
“Kiddo, we have a lot to talk about,” Patton mumbles in a passive aggressive tone.
As the tired side starts approaching his room, he notices that all the either sides are gathered outside his room. Once he’s a bit closer, Virgil is the first to notice him. To his shock though, Virgil rushes to him and slaps him
“Roman, what the fuck!?”
Roman stands there shocked for a few minutes before looking at Patton, expecting to hear him scold Virgil. Instead however, Patton just look away from him.
“I-...” Roman bites his lip to hold back the tears in his eyes, “I-I don’t understand... W-what did I do....?”
The prince-like-side flinches and looks down.
Remus puts a hand on Virgil’s shoulder, "Let me handle this.”
For some reason, Roman thought that Remus would be on his side. He thought that if anyone understood what he was trying to do, it would be his brother. Or that his brother would at least explain what happened and let him tell his part of the story.
So, he looked up with a hopeful expression. 
“Don’t look at me like that. What the fuck is wrong with you!? If you think we were such a hassle then why did you stay friends with us!?”
Any hope that Roman had immediately leaves his body, “I-I... I never said that! Where is this coming?!”
The usual confident side is now frozen in shock. They weren’t supposed to see that chart. They weren’t supposed to see his room at all. If Roman was being honest, he could understand why they took the chart the wrong way. The name of it wasn’t exactly the best but it was all he could think of while actually making it. Now though, he wished he would have pushed himself to think of a better name.
“N-No! You got it all wrong!” He is now crying, flinching away from his brother, “I was just trying to make you guys happy!”
Remus scoffs and puts his weapon away. He walks away from Roman and returns to Janus’ side.
“Whatever, Roman.”
His knees give out and he falls to the floor in defeat.
“I would greatly appreciate if you keep your distance from Patton and I from now on. If you fail to do so, I can’t exactly guarantee that I will be nice. Goodbye Roman.”
“Fucking pussy.” Remus throws out.
And just like that Logan sinks down with a crying Patton.
“And I thought I was the snake,” Janus adds, looking at him in pure disgust.
Then, they’re gone.
For a few seconds Virgil stares at the broken prince in front of him.
“You really are an idiot.”
He looks away from him and sinks down with a scoff leaving the weeping prince on the floor. 
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 22)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Janus, Logan & Patton, Emile & Remy, Roman & Remus & Janus
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Janus, Remus, Roman, Logan, Emile, Remy
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Meanwhile, everyone else is trying to find a missing 15 year old, all with different pieces of the puzzle about where he is. It really is too bad that no one is answering their phones.
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned, explosions, car crashes (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 My Master Post
Janus did not respond to Roman’s quip about the car. Instead, he shoved past Roman the second he heard the boy’s voice. Roman recognized the kid immediately from the pictures he’d been sent along with his mission directives.
“Virgil,” Janus said, crossing the room to get to his little brother without regard to anything else. “Thank god. Are you alright?” He grabbed his face and titled it as though to look for injuries. Nothing about what Roman had learned about Janus in the past few hours would have prepared him for the way he descended directly into mother-hen mode, cupping the boy’s face with delicate fingers.
He was even less prepared for when Virgil shoved his hands away with an eye roll and a “I’m fine, Janus,” and Janus immediately started to cry.
Janus pulled Virgil into a hug, and Roman winced in sympathy for Janus’s injured ribs when the kid hugged him back tightly. They should really get that checked out as soon as the two of them had their moment.
“I’ve been worried sick about you,” Janus said, voice all types of wrecked. The past few hours of worry that Janus had kept careful hold of lashed out suddenly, and it was even more than Roman had anticipated. “I showed up to the house, and you were gone, and the window was broken.” Virgil was getting a bit wobbly lipped himself, and Roman couldn’t exactly blame him with how gutted Janus sounded. “Where did you go? How did you get here? How did you know to come here? Did Logan send someone else after you?”
“Dad let the name slip,” Virgil explained, “and Mom sent someone to pick me up, but I’d already accidently heard that she’d killed him with the radio Dad keeps in his room. So, I really didn’t want to go with the man, and he was mean especially when I said no.” His voice cracked a bit as he spoke, and he too started crying. “I didn’t know where to go or what to do. At first, I just wanted to get out of the city so Mom couldn’t find me. Once I was out, I decided to try to get here because dad said he worked with the owner, and no one was answering their phones.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Janus said. “That was my fault. I broke my phone. I should have thought about you wanting to call me.” He pulled back to kiss Virgil ever so gently on the forehead.
“Hey, what gives,” another man said, and Roman blinked and actually looked at the other occupants of the room. Both Dad and Uncle Patton were there along with a man he didn’t recognize. Yet, his attention was quickly drawn to the speaker because that was Remy Gates and Remy was definitely supposed to be dead. “I was dead, and I didn’t even get that much of a heartfelt reunion.” Janus seemed to freeze for a moment and then turned to him.
There was a long almost painful moment of silence where Janus just stared blankly at Remy. Roman recalled the short conversation that Remus and Janus had in the car about Remy and how Janus was probably more upset about the man’s death than he was allowing himself to express. Remus clearly had known what he was talking about, because there was a stunned, surprisingly vulnerable look on Janus’s face as he looked at his brother’s father.
Remy casually put his hands in his pockets. “Sup, kid.”
Roman had never seen someone’s face change so dramatically so quickly. His face twisted up into a scowl and his eyes lit up with fury. He looked like he was about to finish the job for his mother.
“You bastard,” Janus spat. “You bastard, you aren’t even dead?”
Remy seemed unconcerned with the fact that the man was basically foaming at the mouth. “You sound disappointed.”
“Do you know how much stress and hurt you caused… Virgil?!”
“Virgil, huh?” Remy asked, and goodness the man must have a death wish. “Don’t worry, Virgil and I already worked that out. I’m going to teach him how to shoot a gun as an apology.”
“No! You aren’t!” the man next to Remy that Roman didn’t recognize said.
“Like that is a sufficient apology for all that duress! How could you?!
“It wasn’t exactly my plan, Jan,” Remy drawled.
“Remy please,” the man next to Remy said.
“Oh, well, pray tell, what the hell was your plan you absolute ignorant, wretched excuse for a human being?” Janus asked.
“Janus please,” the man said.
“Just let them do it, Uncle Emile,” Virgil said with a sigh.
Remy scoffed. “Oh, please,” he said. “There was no plan, obviously. Do you know me at all?”
Janus full on exploded in rage at that. “What the hell is wrong with you?! Where do you get off on being such an idiot all of the time? You have a 15-year-old child and you just waltz into danger like it’s nothing and almost die! I thought you were dead!”
And like, seriously, Remy really must be comfortable with the concept of his own demise after whatever had happened to him earlier, because all he said was, “What, would you have missed me?”
“No,” Janus said, far too intense for that to be the truth. In fact, tears started to prickle at the corner of his eyes.
“Aw,” Remy cooed, still mocking, but perhaps just a bit gentler now. He walked the couple of steps to Janus and threw an arm around his shoulder. “Don’t cry, kid. I’m okay. I promise.”
“I’m not crying,” Janus insisted even though his voice cracked a bit and the tears were starting to escape out of the corners of his eyes. He attempted to push Remy away, but his efforts were weak and easily resisted. He gave up a moment later. “You’re crying!”
“I’m really not,” Remy said with a chuckle.
“You will be if you don’t shut up and let go of me,” Janus insisted even though when Remy tugged him closer into a proper hug, he folded himself into the embrace like a small child and proceeded to cry into the man’s shoulder.
Well that was… an event. Roman didn’t know what to think about Janus at this point. He’d been cold, calculating, and scary at the beginning of their adventure, and now he was sobbing into a man’s arms.
“Aw, there it is,” said Remus cheerfully.
Janus didn’t look at him, but just pulled one of his arms out of the embrace to flip him off.
“As touching as this is,” Dad interjected. “Now that everyone is here and aware that no one is dead.” He looked specifically in Remus and Roman’s direction. The expression on his face was one Roman was very familiar with from his childhood. Roman grimaced even before Dad continued with, “Would anyone care to explain themselves?” in a dark tone.
Uh oh.
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 23
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cherry-sofa-729 · 4 years
Hiding An Injury, with Patton?
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@veesidesandrarities Hiding an injury
Patton did not mean to hurt himself.
Well, who does, but he especially didn’t mean to hurt himself.
He was… well, he was based off Thomas’ dad. Which meant he was quite a bit older than the others. Which was fine! And he wasn’t that much older. And Virgil was younger, so it evened out.
But being the oldest came with a few… issues.
Oh screw it. He threw his back out. And yeah it was embarrassing and silly. He tried to lift some of his photo boxes back up into his closet and suddenly the worst pain he had ever felt just erupted across his lower back.
It was hard to walk much after that, the pain spiking as he tried to move anywhere. God, he wasn’t a hundred.
But he was embarrassed.
So he hid it. Of course he did! He couldn’t just admit that he hurt himself that badly picking up some boxes.
Patton was shuffling (shuffling!) around the kitchen trying to make breakfast literally the day after he threw out his back.
It really hurt. He wanted to lay down, ice it a bit. He took Advil already, but clearly it wasn’t working, because the pain wouldn’t stop. He had to walk bent at the waist, forcing himself to straighten up painfully every time someone entered the room.
Like right now.
He grit his teeth to keep from screaming at the sharp spasm of pain. “Oh! Hey Lo, want some toast and Crofters?” He tried to sound chipper, letting his right hand massage his lower back to try and ease the pain.
Logan’s eyes narrowed. Shit.
“You have done something to your back.”
“W-what?! No, no I haven’t! Don’t be silly.”
“Yes you have. You’re carrying yourself differently, and you’re rubbing your lower back.”
Well, he was right about that. It’s Logan, when is he ever wrong.
He had to trust in his reputation. “Lo, if I did something to it, I’d tell you.” Patton waved off Logan’s questions and swallowed the lump in his throat.
“Someone’s lying down here.” Janus! Shit, how could he forget the snake could sense lies! Patton was screwed. Triple screwed.
“Patton has hurt himself. Probably rather severely.” Logan said sharply.
“No I haven’t.”
“Now that’s a lie. Where does it hurt, angel?”
“Nowhere!” Patton tried to walk away but the pain wouldn’t let him move far. His eyes watered as his muscles spasmed again, and he really wanted to sit down, maybe lie down and make it stop hurting.
“Okay, angel.” He didn’t realize he was bent so far over until he felt Janus underneath him in a type of hug.
To hell with embarrassment, he thought, and let Janus support all his weight.
“Oof, okay. What hurts? Your back?”
He nodded, a little ashamed. “I threw my back out yesterday.”
“Oh angel! What didn’t you tell us, that’s serious! How did you sleep?”
“Advil and ice packs.”
“Oh you poor thing. You need to tell us about this stuff, sweetie. We would’ve come straight to help you.”
Patton huffed. “I know that, I’m just-“ it felt even sillier to admit now.
“I’m embarrassed okay? It’s a stupid old-person injury.” He hid his burning red face in the crook of Janus’ neck.
“Oh darling. Hurting yourself is never stupid, especially when it’s on accident. Logan’s getting you an ice pack right now, and we’re gonna have a nice, easy day on the couch.”
“That sounds nice.” He admitted, as Janus slowly helped him over to the couch. He stared quizzically at the rolled up towel near the middle of the couch, placed in a divot between cushions.
Janus smiled at his adorable scrunched confused face. “It’s a lumbar roll. It’ll take the pressure off your injury.” He helped Patton sit and gently lowered him down so the roll laid directly at the curve of his back. “Comfy?”
Patton hummed and squeezed Janus’ hand.
He didn’t deserve a family that was so caring and kind. Especially when it was his own darn fault that he was so hurt in the first place.
“What movie do you wanna watch, darling?”
He shrugged, and even that hurt. “Dunno. You pick.”
“Hmm. Since you’ll be on bedrest for a few days, how about we binge a movie series?”
“B-bedrest?” Why did that very word send a pit into his stomach?
“Of course! You aren’t moving until your back is healed!”
What?!! He couldn’t have that! He had things to do! People to help! “No- what?! No, I have to make dinner for everyone, and make sure Roman and Virgil can get to sleep, and-“
“And nothing, you are injured.” Logan said, helping to lift Patton up and put an ice pack under him. “You are confined to bedrest until further notice.”
Patton put on a perfect pout and tried to make puppy eyes at the most impassive sides in the mind palace.
Janus only laughed. “Think about it, this way you’ll finally get around to doing the self care you always tell me you’re too busy for!”
Patton just huffed, but it wasn’t like he could move and get out of his supposed bedrest. He’d just have to suffer through his famILY pampering him, watching all the movies he likes, and being by his side 24/7. Torture.
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chuchiotaku · 4 years
TBA Chapter 14 Preview: The Trial of the Decade
[So yes, I’m alive, and yes, I’m still writing TBA.  Forgive me for having RL priorities. :D]
Target Date: Late November to December
Peter Pettigrew, Alive and a Death Eater!
By Andy Smudgley
19 December 1991:  Once thought dead for the last ten years, Peter Pettigrew, recipient of Order of Merlin, First Class, was discovered in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry disguised as a student’s pet.  Further questioning by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (DMLE) revealed that not only was Pettigrew an unregistered Animagus, but is also in fact a Death Eater who was the real perpetrator behind the massacre of the twelve Muggles at downtown London last 2 November 1981.
Pettigrew also confessed to being the key accomplice of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named in the attack on Godric’s Hollow and the deaths of Lord James Fleamont Potter of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter, and his wife, Lily Evans Potter.  It was once believed that it was their Secret Keeper, and Lord Potter’s friend, Sirius Orion Black who was behind these crimes, and has been sentenced to fifteen life sentences with no parole in Azkaban.
 “It is indeed a shocking discovery, to find that a once admired hero is in fact a traitor, and that we have incarcerated an innocent man for the past ten years,” said Albus Dumbledore, the current Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  
When questioned on how Pettigrew was discovered in the first place, Dumbledore answered, “A fortunate accident due to a student’s diligence and intellectual curiosity.  Rest assured that the student is safe, that Hogwarts is as secure as it has always been, and that our staff is constantly vigilant in ensuring the safety of everyone in our school.”
Due to the quick action of the Minister of Magic and the DMLE, under the leadership of Lady Amelia Susan Bones of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Bones, Pettigrew is to stand trial this coming Saturday, 21 December.  Black is also reportedly pulled out of Azkaban, and is currently recuperating at St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
Dumbledore adds, “I give my word as Headmaster that Hogwarts will cooperate with our esteemed Minister to ensure that the true culprit and his innocent victims will finally receive due justice.”
“We believe that you have one more witness, Lord Dumbledore?” Zabini asked after Snape was dismissed.
Dumbledore’s lips tilted downwards slightly.  “With all due respect, my Lords and Ladies, would that be necessary?”
One of the blonds in the Court raised their hands, to which Bones promptly said.  “Acknowledging Lord Janus Haywood of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Haywood.”
Ron’s eyes widened in recognition.  Haywood?  Don’t I have a clubmate in Ancient Runes club with that surname?  Is this man her father? 
“It is interesting that the catalyst that led to this trial is saved for last,” Haywood said, his eyes twinkling the same way Dumbledore’s would.  “Personally, I do not see the need for reservation.  Minor or not, a witness is a witness, isn’t he, Professor Dumbledore?”
Fudge cleared his throat.  “I must agree, Dumbledore, seeing as the boy is already here.  Might as well have him wrap up the whole trial.”
Ron grit his teeth but held his tongue while the Headmaster sighed deeply.  “As the Court wishes, I call Ronald Weasley to the stand.”
He felt a couple of hands clap him on the back, and heard his father whisper, “it will be all right,” as he numbly made his way to the podium.
Come on, Weasley, get a grip.  You practiced for this.  Besides, with all the evidence, a guilty verdict is a definite given.  Just remember what Dumbledore and Percy taught you—
Wait.  It was a couple of steps from the stand that Ron remembered to stand straight and bow.  “Greetings to the honored Lords and Ladies of the Court.”
Shite!  Nearly messed that up!  Thank Merlin I remembered!
There was a soft chuckle.  “A Weasley who remembers his Pureblood manners.  You trained him well, Dumbledore.”
It took all of Ron’s willpower to not find who the hell said that and glare at him to death.  Focus, Weasley.  Focus.
“The Court acknowledges Ronald Weasley of the Most Ancient House of Weasley.”  Bones said without missing a beat.  “Professor Dumbledore, if you would.”
“Very well then.”  Dumbledore turned to him with a kind smile.  “Now, dear boy, can you tell our esteemed Court how this all started?”
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Multichapter Fic Masterlist
Links to all series and chapters below the cut. If you’d like to be tagged in one or all series or put on the general taglist, feel free to send an ask or message! The only thing I ask when you’re tagged is that you reblog.
Dee Little Snake
Series Summary -  Janus uses age regression as a way to destress but has little control over it whenever he grows upset. Trying to keep a secret like that can be hard when you’re only four years old, and thus family bonding ensues in a way nobody expected, least of all Deceit.
March Ado About Nothing
Series Summary - A series of one-shots and  drabbles written based off of prompts posted in the TSS Fanworks Collective server. The goal is to take traditional whump prompts and fill them in the least-angsty way possible every day through March.
A note that though some of these fills are written bait and switch style (written in a way you think is going in one direction but reveals it to be the opposite towards the end) they are all written in a fluffy or silly style with very little, if any at all, actual angst.
When Our Hands Next Meet
Series Summary: Made for Analogical Week. Soulmates are given memories of their past lives when their hands touch. For Virgil and Logan, each memory is happier than the last.  A beautiful piece of art accompanies all of the stories made by @birdsongisland. They are tagged in each of the stories as well with links leading to each piece they illustrated. They also beta read each of the chapters so a huge thank you again to them!
Dee Little Snake
Chapter 1: A Little Upset A mishap with a thermos leads Janus’ secret to come spilling out to someone he had kept it from for years.   wc: 3039
Chapter 2: All Bottled Up Janus finally gets his best friend back.   wc:2391
Chapter 3: Carrots and Cuddles  Virgil and Dee are compromised by carrots; it turns out better than either of them thought it could.    wc: 1846
Chapter 4: Safe at Night  Patton can't sleep and Dee doesn't want to, so Logan offers a solution to fix at least one of their problems.     wc: 2358
Chapter 5: Deserving of Comfort  Janus has been avoiding the others for a couple of days. When he finally emerges for a simple lunch and gets caught by Patton the results are better than he was expecting.     wc: 1708
Chapter 6: A Storm in Purple and Blue  Dee wakes up small in the middle of thunderstorm but thankfully Logan and Virgil are there to make it better. wc: 1295
March Ado About Nothing
Hold Me Close:  Roman doesn't want to let go of Virgil. Virgil doesn't really mind.  Prompts: Branding, Car Accident, *Failed Escape*  wc: 590    
Stuff Your Secrets:  Stuffed animals are good and normal to have no matter what age you are- except for Remus. Logan quickly fixes that line of thinking.  Prompts: "Please, no more!, Extreme Weather, *Dirty Secret*  wc: 1235
Blind and Silenced:  Roman does something stupid, but it earns him affection so who is he to complain?  Prompts: Punctured, Kidnapped, *Blinded*  wc: 504
A Nice family Outing:  It was always nice for Janus and Patton to get out of their house and take the twins somewhere they could play and scream without disturbing the neighbors...again.  Prompts: *Stabbing*, Rescues, Adverse Reaction  wc: 850
Incoherent But Still In Love:  Remus takes Nyquil and becomes a bit loopy as a result, unwittingly throwing off Logan's plans for the time being.  Prompts: *Poisoned/Drugged*, Shackled, Science Gone Wrong  wc: 733
You Look Pretty:  Remus buys Virgil a dog collar on a whim purely for the aesthetic. Virgil absolutely loves it despite the weird looks it gets him.  Prompts: *Collared*, Stitches, Shot  wc: 559
To Make the Broken New:  After much begging from Roman and Virgil, Logan and Patton decide to make fixing up the old treehouse they find one day into a summer project.  Prompts: Burned, *Broken Down*, Blackmail   wc: 881
April Fools Month:  Logan wonders why Virgil is acting off, until he sees Remus and remembers it's April.  Prompts: Power Outage, Possession, *Paranoia*  wc: 941
An Exception:  Janus never thought he'd grow to love an infection.  Prompts: Concussion, Silenced, *Infection*  wc: 532
Just Leave Me:  When Roman can no longer go on, Patton is there to defend his honor.  Prompts: *Left For Dead*, Altered States, Falling  wc: 809
Song of Grief:  Virgil takes time off for a concert of a lifetime, but when they cancel at the last minute nothing can console him. That is, until Janus offers a solution. Prompts: Wound Reveal/Secret Injury, *Grief*, "Run!"  wc: 620
Care For Me:  Roman gets a paper cut and Janus could care less. Enter Patton. Prompts: Broken Trust/Betrayal, Torture, *Accident*  wc: 473
You’re Sweeter:  Logan and Virgil go comping. Logan just can't stop admiring Virg- the view. Prompts: Blurred Vision, Wrongfully Accused, *Fire* wc: 592
Keep Them Safe:  Virgil has three amazing kids he swears to keep safe. Remus often tests his limits. Prompts: "Pick Who Dies", *Manhandled*, Defiance wc: 1197
When Our Hands Next Meet
Chapter 1: Did You Forget?    Logan plans a surprise for Virgil on their anniversary, only to receive one instead.  wc: 1320
Chapter 2: The Lines Trace Back to You   Logan and Virgil share a quiet moment away from their ship as Logan tells stories with the stars.  wc: 1348
Chapter 3: Lay With Me     Having a soulbond means sharing dreams- and nightmares. Logan and Virgil comfort each other with hopes for their future.    wc: 2109
Chapter 4: Bite Me     Logan has been searching for something he lost for centuries. Despite hiccups along the way he eventually ends up with something even better.   wc: 438
Chapter 5: We’ll Meet in the Middle     Virgil didn’t know what he had been expecting when he asked for a tutor to help with his studies, but it definitely wasn’t who could kick flip a skateboard without even looking down and also happened to be his soulmate.   wc: 1539
Chapter 6: Mirror Our Past With A Better Future    Virgil didn’t know how he had gotten so lucky being able to work with Logan in stars tailoring shop. All he knew is Logan made him feel beautiful, inside and out. wc: 1918
Chapter 7: I Remember   In a nostalgic museum of their own creation, Virgil feels as content as he ever has living out lifetime after lifetime with Logan. wc: 1787
All of these stories can also  be found on AO3!
If you’d like to be tagged for either of these works or any of my writing in general please let me know!
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starlocked01 · 4 years
Seldom All They Seem
AO3  First- Previous- Next
Content Warning: Swearing, Innuendo, Body Shaming, Mention of Insect, Descriptions of Physical Injury
Chapter 4 Curiosity-  It's You I Like, Every Part of You
"Well, can you pull them out?" Janus hovered behind Roman as they watched the two sides sleeping. It hadn't been very long yet, maybe an hour since they'd sent Logan in but Janus didn't want to think of the consequences of Thomas being without two of his core sides for much longer.
"Logan I could wake up- I'm just not sure about Remus," Roman bit his lip and the tone in his voice gave Janus pause.
"You're lying," it was neither a question nor an accusation, simply a fact.
"No, that's your job, Two-face," Roman brushed him off with a wave but suspiciously glanced at him out of the corner of his eye in a way that killed any doubt in the deceitful side's mind.
"You can wake them both up at any time. Why did you send Logan in?" Janus' smile was a mixture of confusion and pride at Roman's successful deception.
Roman rolled his eyes, "look, it's spotty. Sometimes I can feel both of them and other times Remus slips away. Right now they seem pretty tethered together so I'm not worried," Roman sighed with a small shrug, "Remus won't admit his crush on Logan because he's convinced we all don't want him. I know for a fact that Logan doesn't see him as the evil twin despite my warnings so I gave them a chance to talk it out. I don't make dangerous daydreams like Remus does; I make romance happen. And if you and Patton are anything to judge by, I'm pretty damn good at it."
Janus flushed at the mention of what he thought were secret rendezvous. He was almost disturbed how subtly Roman must have manipulated the situation for him to not notice, "well, aren't you just so devious. Luckily for you, Remus' affections are mutual otherwise this meddling could have hurt your friendship with Logan even further."
"I had a feeling they were mutual, but how did you know?" Roman asked, turning back towards Janus.
"Well…" ---- Logan knelt beside Remus in the stillness of the forest floor. The wounds looked fairly superficial but Logan wasn't sure how hard Remus had fallen from his back when they'd tumbled in their escape from the gigantic stick bug.
Remus groaned and arched his back to stretch it out, "you didn't warn me that you like it that rough, nerd daddy."
"Does anything feel broken?" Logan's eyes scanned over the various cuts and abrasions. Remus looked down at himself, at the torn clothes and small beads of blood, and crossed a protective arm over his stomach. Logan’s close attention both thrilled and humiliated him. He wouldn't be hurt like this if he could just run and keep pace with the nerd. Like Roman said, too many cookies lately.
"No, I'm not broken. Why would you think I'm broken? I'm fine," Remus huffed, painfully pushing himself up to sitting.
"I didn't say you were broken," Logan replied softly, "I merely asked if anything felt broken, like bones. I don't see you as defective, Remus."
"The only thing broken here are your glasses," Remus winced as he took a deep breath, "and maybe a rib. Thank hell this isn't permanent."
"Unless we can't wake up and are stuck here," Logan reminded him.
"Or we could just try and heal things by dream logic. C'mere," Remus reached up to Logan’s shoulder and pulled him down to his level. The gash on Logan's forehead was no longer bleeding, but it looked pretty nasty. Remus leaned forward and kissed the injury, smiling as the flesh stitched itself back together.
Logan’s eyes went wide as he reached up to touch his forehead, astounded by the lack of blood or scar.
"Oh come on, you do the same thing in the mind palace. I just do it with style," Remus grinned, shaking the scrapes off of his arms.
"I- you're right. But- oh I don't know. I don't work here, remember?" Logan said sourly.
"Awww that's a shame, 'cause you could work it if you tried," Remus giggled, smacking his side and sitting up in less pain. Logan really couldn't understand how aggravating an injury would fix it but Remus seemed confident in what he was doing.
"Are you good to walk?" Logan asked, standing and brushing himself off. He flexed his left hand a few times, thankful they were no longer stuck.
"Yeah, but I'm tired. Can we just chill?" Remus looked up at him with what were apparently puppy dog pleading eyes. Logan chuckled and sat down next to Remus.
"You're never chill. Are you sure this dream hasn't gotten to you?"
"Eh probably has but this isn't so bad is it?"
"No, it's not bad," Logan sighed and leaned back against a log, leg crossed over his knee.
"So why'd you come after me, Specs?" Remus scooted a bit closer to Logan.
"I told you. You've been in here for a week and Roman said he couldn't wake you up," Logan explained matter-of-factly.
Remus gave him a pointed look, "yes but why did you come? Roman could have sent anyone in here, so why did you agree?"
Logan contemplated in silence for a moment, looking out at the trees as Remus watched him curiously, waiting for his answer, "honestly, Janus blackmailed me because he knew I'd be concerned about your absence."
Remus sat back, unhappy with that answer, "oh. I should have guessed…"
Logan turned to look at him, "emphasis on the concern. I-" he looked away again, embarrassed "-care that you wanted to leave permanently."
Remus bounced his foot on the ground, smooshing a mushroom and humming to himself. Logan had to admit, he'd never seen Remus so calm. Perhaps his rampage here had been helpful.
"Why didn't you want to wake up?" Logan asked softly. Remus' foot stilled and he looked back up at Logan, blinking back tears.
"No one wants me around. I'm just your least favorite intrusive, annoying thot. I hurt Thomas with ideas I can't help thinking. Nothing I contribute is redeemable in anyone's eyes. All of those are the reasons I tried to convince myself it would be better this way, but honestly, I was running."
"Running from what?"
"From you."
"Oh," Logan watched Remus very carefully, attuned to his defensive body language. If he acknowledged he had a heart, it would have been breaking to see Remus this terrified- especially of him. He cleared his throat, "what did I do to scare or hurt you?"
Remus looked up and shook his head, "no no no. Not scary or hurtful…" he took a deep breath as though he was trying to brace himself before blurting out, "you are the hottest side, aside from me." Logan snorted back a laugh, "oh come on! I have a mustache- it sets me apart."
"Did I disagree?" Logan asked with a smirk.
Remus turned several shades of pink and ran his fingers through his hair, "uh you weren't supposed to agree with me."
"But you're right," Logan's cheeks flushed and he stretched out his arm to wrap around Remus' shoulders. Remus leaned into his side, almost as if he were trying to disappear into the hug.
"You're also good at rationalizing and compartmentalizing me," Remus hesitated as he reached out to grab Logan’s hand that was resting on his own ankle.
"I don't compartmentalize you. I help Thomas examine your contributions. Sometimes the more hurtful suggestions need ignored. I do the same thing with some of Roman's more fanciful dreams and Virgil’s inaccurate outbursts," Logan smiled and offered his hand and Remus quickly accepted, hoping they'd get stuck again.
"Dressing me down, figuratively and literally," Remus winked, "really does help a lot. I guess I'm just used to being the bad guy so Roman can be the hero."
"I think we all can start to move past that simplistic idea of you," Logan pulled Remus in tighter. Focusing on the conversation was like following a single thread through a knot while trying to untangle the whole thing. Figuring out exactly where Remus was coming from was vital to getting them both out of the dream, together, but also perhaps, unlocking a different level of relationship. He stroked the back of Remus' hand with his thumb and continued, "I do appreciate what you contribute, Remus. Thomas is a good person and you are a part of him. You are not evil. I quite enjoy your spontaneity."
"I like messing with you."
"Perhaps I enjoy organizing the mess."
"I like you," Remus let go of Logan’s hand and traced one of the rips in the logical side's shirt, "more than any of the others. Like romantically."
Logan’s breath caught in his chest at the unexpected confession and the brush of Remus' fingers on his abdomen. It had been hard enough for him to admit his own thoughts about Remus to himself, and on accident when they had been vocalized to Janus. But Remus liked him?
"This has to be a dream because I never had hope of hearing you say that," the admission left Logan feeling weak and nauseous.
"Lo, do you… like me too?" Logan simply nodded and Remus wrapped him in a hug. He could have never dreamed Logan, the real Logan, would ever like him the same way.
"Remus, please get off," Logan's voice was tense and Remus immediately panicked.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know I need to lose weight- I was just so happy-"
"This isn't about your weight. I just wasn't expecting that and need to stand up," Logan cut him off and gently pushed him aside while he stood, offering both hands for Remus to pull himself up on, "believe me, you're not in an unhealthy weight range at all. I can easily lift you. There's no reason for you to be worried," Logan watched a tear slip down Remus' cheek as he smiled gratefully back at him. Logan smirked and picked Remus up, twirling him in a hug to prove his point.
"Thanks, Lo," Remus smiled and grabbed his hand. Without another word they both continued on, Remus leading Logan towards where the beacon had been.
Tag List: @fandersides1234567 @sirprplsnail @bisexualdisaster106 @theiwatobiicepic @nerd-in-space @lost-mentally @intrulogicalweek2020
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It tended to be very busy at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries around Christmas time. In the lead up to the holidays, even experienced witches and wizards sometimes failed charms spectacularly, resulting in disfigurement, displacement or distortion. Just as often, younger children met a misfortune when they tried to figure out what their presents this year were only to come face to face with protecting amulets or illusion charms. And the pent up frustration of too much work and too little time led to more than one domestic argument that resulted in at least one member being admitted to the hospital. As times go, December was a busy one at the hospital.
Things were less hectic on the fourth floor, where the long-term patients resided.
“Gilderoy, I've got a few presents here for you!” One of the resident healers was going around the Janus Thickey ward, distributing Christmas presents after testing them for any ill-willed charms or illegal content. Usually they were from family or friends, but in the case of Gilderoy Lockhart, they were mostly from still-adoring fans.
“Oh, is it my birthday?” The dazzling blond wizard was looking a bit lost, as he did most of the time these days.
“No, Gilderoy, it's Christmas. Your birthday is not for another month.”
“Oh, right, Christmas! And what presents did I get?”
“Well, best find out yourself, I don't wanna ruin the surprise.” The healer put down several small parcels as well as dozens of envelopes, some of which were adorned with glittering kiss marks or pink hearts.
Gilderoy Lockhart opened up the letters first, reading again and again about all the daring deeds he'd done but never feeling any sense of recognition. He put the letters that asked for an autograph on one pile to be answered later and continued with the parcels. When he opened the first one, a dashingly handsome face he'd learned to recognize as his own looked up to him from his lap. He'd been given one of his own books with a heartfelt letter by a witch claiming his work had changed her life and a polite request for him to autograph it.
In the time since his admission he'd read all of his own books (at the suggestion of his healers) in the hope of sparking memories, but he never felt any sense of familiarity with the works. It was as if the adventures he read about had all happened to a complete stranger.
After another book asking to be autographed as well as a new, very elegant tropical bird quill he came to the last package, attached to which was a small note.
'Dear Mr. Lockhart, due to a Doxy infestation, your former office at Hogwarts underwent a thorough cleaning. In the course of this, the enclosed book has been discovered, which is believed to belong to you. We wish you a pleasant holiday season and all the best in your healing process, sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry'
He opened the package, revealing a grubby looking diary, filled from cover to cover with tight, elegant handwriting.
When he started to read, a sense of vertigo hit him, the first real feeling of recognition since his accident. In his own handwriting he read notes on all his adventures, but for the first time, he wasn't the hero in them.
Even though the diary revealed to Gilderoy Lockhart what crimes he'd committed, he couldn't have been happier to receive it. For the first time in years, he had a sense of self once again.
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mutantsrisingrpg · 5 years
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                                     EVENT CONCLUSION
An innocent invitation from the leader of Kings Collective disrupted the peace that settled between mutants in the seedy underbelly of Chicago. Benjamin Granger invited the members of The Blackburn Syndicate and The Jem Family into the Garfield Conservatory to prove a point. But, at what cost to his own members and the rest of the mutants in attendance? 
The event conclusion for The Peace Treaty and The Betrayal is below! Please note that both open and taken skeletons were mentioned in this conclusion. Because of this, your threads are allowed to mention what those open skeletons did! 
TW: gun violence, blood mention, violence
Early in the night, TETHYS calls police on orders from Benjamin to get rid of the protesters outside. Within minutes they arrive to disperse the crowd. Some protesters question which side the police are on and after resisting arrest, are driven to the closest station to be booked. 
PANDORA and ARIEL sneak off to another room for some privacy but are seen by SUTTUNGR. He sees a second of PANDORA before walking away, filing the information for a later time.
CHARAN and DEMIOS are seen by EPIMETHEOS in one of the secluded rooms as he’s walking by. Noticing the closeness between the two, he questions the nature of their relationship for a moment. He goes off to find HATI to let them know what he’s seen. 
HYDRA watches as PORTIA corners JANUS in the Fern Room and watches as their conversation plays out. They step closer as they notice PORTIA inch closer to them. After a moment, they watch as she walks away and they go off to patrol the other rooms. IO is the next victim to cross PORTIA when she catches them peeing on the plants. 
The beginning of the night goes as planned, allowing various members of each gang to get comfortable with each other. It’s only when Benjamin shoots a Blackburn spy in front of each gang. Blood splatters across different members of the gangs due to their unfortunate seating arrangement. Chaos ensues as members of each gang scramble to either escape or take advantage of the destroyed peace treaty. 
PAN comes into contact with EPIMETHEUS, landing multiple blows to the older mutant. He also stops PALLENE before he allows her to pass, unsure of why he does so.
NIX and IAPETUS push through the crowd to find Blackburn members and get them to CHARAN, who ran towards Alma and pushed her through a portal as fast as possible. Other Blackburn members followed while PANDORA is held up by PROTEUS.
DEMIOS finds KERBEROS with a smile on his face and the two decide the best course of action is to cause a distraction and allow others to escape, Their combined powers cause a fire to break out and spread almost immediately. Various Jem Family members manage to escape due to that and IO carrying other members.
HYDRA stops DEMIOS by planting false memories into their The Horticulture Hall, Jensen Room, and Monet Garden are almost completely burnt to the ground while the Show House, Aroid House, and Desert House managed to survive with some damage after the fire spread. 
Bystanders and others who see the fire contact the police and firefighters, who show up within minutes due to the number of calls made to 911. Firefighters descend onto the Conservatory as police evacuate any remaining mutants from the building. RHEA helps firefighters in the Fern Room as TETHYS and HYDRA distract police from going into the Horticulture Hall. PUCK is tasked with cleaning up the mess Benjamin made and asks TITANIA to help. 
Benjamin finally talks to the police, thanking TETHYS and HYDRA for their work. He pays off the police who showed up and promises that he along with the other bosses will go in for an interview the next day. No arrests were made. 
After all outsiders leave, Benjamin calls a meeting with all Kings members. He informs those who did not know of the plan that he did what needed to be done. “In order to be taken seriously, we have to get our hands dirty.” Members don’t start leaving the salvaged part of the Conservatory until 2:00 am. HYDRA and PORTIA leave at 5:00 am and head to her apartment. 
HATI whispers into Alma’s ear about what EPIMETHEUS told them. Before CHARAN has a moment to breathe after stepping into Green Mill, Alma mentions the sighting and questions what it was about. HATI jumps in to question her loyalty to Blackburn. CHARAN mentions that the point of the peace treaty was to create bonds with the other gangs then leaves, followed by NIX and PANDORA.
SUTTUNGR heals the Blackburn members that were injured before he could help them escape. EPIMETHEUS has injuries from PAN and IO, earning him a lecture in reply. DIONE suffered from steam burns as they tried to put out a fire as it surrounded them and PHOEBE. NIX was burned as well.
Once back at The House, Damien uses the night as a lesson for TITAN. He lectures his son about being the type of boss that people bother respect and fear, something that Benjamin made sure he had that night. Damien also mentions that in order to take over, he will have to learn that these things happen in their world. GANYMEDE backs him up, saying that TITAN will be fine in the future.
IO is stuck at The House helping those who were injured during the night. CALYPSO allows him to heal their burns from their escape. 
HYPERION retreats to Cornerstore Convenience to think about which powers he saw that night. Previously uncaring of EUROPA, he noticed how they kept calm under the pressure. PHOBOS also caught his eye even though they weren’t as impressive as he would think.
Alma, Benjamin, and Damien arrive at the local police department the next day to answer questions about the event and fire. All three bosses recite the same thing, no it was not a planned fire and no it was not a crime committed by any of their members. Benjamin takes the police chief aside to pay them off, even more, to make sure the fire gets swept under the rug. 
The Chicago Tribune’s front page the next day is about the fire that broke out, with a photo from one of their reporters plastered across it. The Tribune questions whether or not the cause of the fire is tensions between rival mutant gangs in the city and speculates if more violence will follow this. Members of the Chicago government allude to a possible crackdown on mutant laws and reforms to stop similar acts from happening. Joan Zabinski, the leader of the anti-mutant coalition The Chicago Party For Humans and political candidate, is quoted in the article saying the following, “The unchecked power of mutants in this city has allowed extreme violence to happen on our streets. If we do not take this as a warning sign to rewrite our laws and elect someone who will put humans first, more violence is bound to happen.” The Tribune also reached out to the Conservatory who responded by saying, “The fire that happened was a complete accident. While mutants were in attendance last night for an event, it was not caused by any of the guests. Several candles used for decoration were knocked over in passing and caused the fire to break out. We are hoping to reopen soon.”
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