#jank yells at everyone
ottosbigtop · 4 months
What would your top 5 game recommendations be?
oh man I don’t know if I have 5, I really don’t play a lot of games but lemme see if I can scrounge up a list <:]
I will always and forever recommend Outer Wilds to anyone who asks. If you’ve ever been recommended it before you know that it’s a game everyone says you can really only play once and it’s entirely true. It’s a game about exploring space while being trapped in a timeloop, and it’s just. Any sort of blockades within the gameplay are entirely based on the information you find out for yourself, there’s no leveling up or item collecting you need to think about, just explore the world and follow the threads of the story of a long-dead race of aliens that once existed in your solar system. The game just has so much emotion to it. Despite having none to be found, it’s so human in a way that makes my heart ache. Play it with as little spoilers as possible and then yell about it to everyone who asks.
Psychonauts 2. Platformer. Ranking this above psychonauts 1 purely because on top of all the things the first game has to offer, Psychonauts 2 has all of that and is also just good to play. The psychonauts games revolve around the levels being depictions of people’s mental worlds, and in Psychonauts 2 you go into the minds of characters mainly to follow and discover the story of the psychic 6- the group of psychics that founded the Psychonauts, the psychic super-agent type organization helping track down and deal with psychic threats. it’s just kind of got everything. The style is unconventional and fun and so shapely and asymmetrical, the voice acting and soundtrack and gameplay are all at peak fucking performance, and the art direction of this game is so good. I think it goes without saying that I’m just a very big fan of this game.
Psychonauts. Platformer. Suffers from the jank of being a video game from 2005. The controls aren’t anything you can’t get used to, but the gameplay has really never added to the experience of the story, unfortunately. Just something you have to learn to work with. However, managing to work through that gives you just a really fucking good story. The comedy of psychonauts is really good throughout both games, but Psychonauts 1 is clearly much lower stakes and has more of a dark humor to it, while still being surprisingly optimistic and nice to the characters whose brains you explore. The shapes in the first game are exceedingly more weird than the second, which is really fun. If you don’t mind some janky controls, I’d recommend playing it before the second :) But as someone who played the second one before the first, going back and playing the first afterwards is still really fun!!
Detective Grimoire - Tangle Tower. Point and click mystery game! Absolutely phenomenal art and atmosphere, I cannot overstate how much the character sprite animations absolutely fascinate me. It’s a game I appreciate for the story over the gameplay, the puzzles aren’t really that difficult, and it’s really easy to sort of brute-force your way through matching evidence to characters, but it’s still real interesting to see the story unfold and piece it together yourself! Also- incredible voice acting. The characters are wonderful but the voice acting sells every single one of them.
Bugsnax - adventure game. Honestly this game is just so fuckin silly dude. Such a good time. It’s a game about being a dude stranded on an island full of weird muppet creatures and snacks that are bugs! The creature designs are so cute and silly and it’s just a really heartfelt game too. Very character centric story, but on top of that the gameplay is just real nice. Get creative with collecting weird little beasts!
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wigglepiggle · 1 year
I had another dream about ace attorney but this was incredibly just. what
edit i made an objection.lol thing of this
I had a dream that I was playing a minecraft sims like game(never played the sims either this is just my minds recreation of it) and I made a house with phoenix edgeworth franziska mia maya and pearl in it and gumshoe was there but he was just kind of roaming around the streets and coming in the house randomly unannounced and edgeworth kept kicking him out I don't think he lived there???
and trucy apollo klavier and I think her name is athena bc I haven't gotten to her yet but I know what she looks like and she was there (orange hair blue clothing??) lived somewhere else but idk if they were all in the same house they just were there
anyways so this game had two game modes I was either god (playing a game normally) or I was inside of it myself and it was called survival which I didn't understand but. I'm about to find out
so I built my sims house and was ready to enter so I went in but apparently I was playing on hostile mode(literally just called that not like normal easy no just hostile) which I saw in the menu and never changed bc I didn't know what it was
so I spawn near the house, everyone (including apollo klavier trucy and athena) are standing in the side yard or something
and everyone suddenly turns to look at me, opens their mouths, and start RAPIDLY SHOOTING MINECRAFT ARROWS FROM THE MOUTHS AT ME WHILE I START HOLLERING so I panic and open the menu and turn it to peaceful which made everyone abruptly stop and I also then changed myself back to god bc I was fearing another attack
so now I'm just kind of flying around invisible and the characters who don't live in the house (except gumshoe he already got in) are invited over by edgeworth and franziska for tea apparently so everyone is downstairs
except maya and pearl who I sent to sleep (and for some reason in this dream maya is really young she's like 9) even though it's still goddamn light out it's like 6 so of course neither of them want to so I send gumshoe to do it for me and he tried coaxing them but they just start having a fit and then maya bit him so I decided to take action and I used my invisible god self to push pearl towards the bed but the bed is jank as hell so I end up launching pearl off the bed out of the giant window behind them and straight into this ocean thing with a giant rock island in it by accident
maya and gumshoe only look mildly inconvenienced by that for a minute and then apollo comes upstairs and starts screaming about this kid that I don't know if he even knows exist being launched into the stratosphere and then I don't even know what happens to this mans brain bc he starts jumping around and running around the walls on all fours because I guess animal time so gumshoe tries to catch him with a net but it does not work because his hair spikes and his nails keep tearing the nets apart so he pulls out more while maya is just sitting in the corner crying screaming fearing for her safety
also halfway through that klavier got in the room somehow and spoke like the only words anyone said in this dream in a textbox "FRÄLIEIN!!! HERR FORHEAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! HER FOREHEAD!!!" he yelled that textbox for like 3 minutes until apollo stopped he didn't even try to help gumshoe with the nets but edgeworth did come in and had a visual sigh and then grabbed a net and started hitting apollo over the head with it and that made apollo pissed so he started fighting edgeworth and edgeworth was completely unphased the entire time and I think at some point trucy just started watching from the doorway with a completely static smile
while that was happening I tried to teleport pearl back to the room and it just said "pearl exploded somewhere" when I tried and then an explosive went off so I just kind of assumed she was dead because there was like 3 massive (like bigger than normal) orcas swimming around and also the explosion
and then I accidentally hit survival again and everyone started shooting arrows at me again even the people downstairs were shooting through the walls at meso I go back to god and i guess the arrows fixed apollos rabies??? so he's now normal and he casually pops off the wall and walks back downstairs while gumshoe and klavier look at him like he just killed a man and
then klavier has another textbox which he yells at apollo while he's going back to the tea party "FRÄLEIN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!" and then he goes downstairs calmly too. throughout that whole thing apollo and klavier were just holding the teacups btw
maya is so traumatized by that she just goes to sleep. I didnt respawn pearl she's just dead everyone continues the tea party like everything is normal. normal fucking day in this household child explosion and rabies .
also klavier yelled "THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!!!!" at nobody a couple minutes after the pearl incident and nobody cared but franziska whipped him so he stormed out with the other extras
I think that's the end dear god
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weaseltotheface · 8 months
Something that constantly annoys me is when people complain and complain about how things aren't free anymore but don't mention the fact that things cost money to make. It's not free to make the things you consumed online when you were younger
Its not even free to put an app on the app store. It's, last I looked, like 90 bucks to get something up on the app store and a huge long process, so like whenever I see a post that's like "every app should be free and no ads" I'm like ok sure but why do you feel like you deserve other people's time, money and skills to entertain yourself?
Even outside of the money it costs to build things and host things, the time it takes and the time it takes to build those skills is substantial, why do you feel like you should get that for free?
This webbed site is always "don't devalue your skills and time!!" Until someone makes an app on the app store or a little game and then everyone thinks it should be free for some reason.
And the annoyingest thing about it is that there ARE still tons of places to get your free entertainment
Ppl write fanfiction all day long and that's free as hell
Itch.io has a billion free games to play that people make for fun! Or for practice! Or game jams! So much stuff to do there for free
But the thing a lot of people yelling about how nothing is free anymore don't wanna say out loud is that a lot if that free stuff? It's jank. And they don't wanna sort through the jank to get to the good free stuff. They want curated and polished but they don't want to pay for it.
And like...the free shit you liked as kids on the internet was also jank. All of it was jank, your standards are just higher now
Like just go play some shit on itch.io or throw five bucks at an indie app dev like idk
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supermo0 · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers has to be breathing a massive sigh of relief rn now that everyone’s moved on to yelling about Scarlet/Violet’s technical jank
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sleeper354 · 2 years
Traps and Min/Max
World of Warcraft dominated a lot of my early online gaming.  One portion that always stood out to me was the talent system and the builds that would come out of it.  I used to play a warlock and when I looked at what the warlock class description was it emphasized the demons and curses.  I was like, pets class dots class?  Sign me up, I played a ton of D2 necromancer it was right up my alley.
What I found out, was that it turns out that a lot of things were stacked against curse/demon warlocks.  During vanilla, there was a harsh debuff limit which really hurt both warlocks and shadow priests.  You had so many debuff slots spoken for so that tanks could do their thing.  And curses were mutually exclusive so even in smaller content you were either doing curse of elements to buff the mages who did the actual cast damage or weakness to help out the tanks and healers.  No shadow, no agony because one, you could only have one up and a raid wide boost to the 6 mages or what have you was better than the boost to the 2 or 3 warlocks, or just your own personal damage.
Then on the pets end, so many bosses had cleaves or mechanics that would target pets and become a huge fucking problem that a demon was more often than not a liability.  When you did have a demon out, it was the imp, for the HP buff, and the fact that it phase shifted out and was un-hittable.
So where did that leave warlocks?  A shitty version of a mage with a shitty version of a priest buff and a damage buff for the non-shitty mages.  So you would run enough into affliction to get some support for your shadow bolts and then into destruction.  On top of that, the demonology tree had a bunch of useless talents that buffed useless things, like improved firestone or improved spell stone (that one sat at the bottom of the tree with the other 31 point talent!).
So you have these talents that everyone says “Oh these are traps to show new players what isn’t a good talent”.  And that’s such bullshit, new players should never say “Ugh, I can choose garbage”.  But then, even a good set of talents would then be overshadowed by “This doesn’t do optimal damage in the constraints of the game” so now you have the min//maxxers going “21/0/30 so that you have the best DPS a warlock can get” and how boring is that.  Why have any variety if the only way a community lets you play is by ignoring 90% of it?
So I played differently, I used the firestone, I had the DPS pets out, I would swing a sword that was enchanted to do fire damage, on my dumb little caster class.  Did I top a DPS chart? No.  Was I gonna anyway without raid gear?  Also no.  So I finally found something fun to do, and I’d get yelled at in groups and raids.  “Where’s my imp buff, why are you swinging a sword, the fuck is a succubus?”
On the one hand, I get it, some people want a system they can game.  I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t worked out the ratios for a good chunk of items in factorio so I could have a 0 wait and 0 overflow production line.  But at the same time, so many games trend towards the min/max that variety and fun become very specific.  Cards in MTG that have fun effects that you will never see because even when you account for jank deck tournaments, they still stick to these formulas which do in fact work, but just playing bread decks all day just doesn’t appeal.
Where am I going with this rant?  These ideas of newbie traps and min/max bleed out.  They seep into other things and people start putting up gates.  It starts in the games themselves, in WotLK the halls of reflections had the alcove strat.  Because the waves spawned spread out, it meant they would all bunch up.  But by now I’ve switched to warrior.  I have 3 different ways to charge and a ranged silence, I want to use these buttons the game has given me.  “No, stand in this corner”, and I’d argue with groups, just come out and have fun.  But now you see it bleed out into things like real life toys.  I saw a commercial for a hand held music playing device which you could control by waving it around certain ways.  The commercial had one of it’s selling points as “Make content creation easier”.  What the fuck?  Why is it content.  Why can’t it just be, “make some music” why do we have to min/max our own enjoyment of life.  And why does that min/max have to be economical?  Why can’t I have a fun dj toy be a toy that I make music with.  Or put on a concert for my cat, why, when even just describing this toy, is it still pushing towards “Better max your marketability!”
Just fucking enjoy things, stem the tide of people saying, “But this is the best way to do it” do suboptimal shit.
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songship · 2 years
WAIT I just remembered this is a secluded corner of the internet where I can bitch about things that dont matter and nobody will care. Awesome
So in addition to being a dying student and cybersecurity boy by day, I also rig vtubers right? But I'm not super invested in like vtubing culture or watch any vtubers, I would honestly compare it to making fursuits without being a furry yourself.
Anyways I'm gettin real fuckin tired of hololive/nijisanji(/vshojo's on real thin fuckin ice)... so like both holo and niji have dropped their new sets of talents literally within days of each other and idk man, it feels fucking ghoulish to see the accounts #funny vtuber tweeting all 'haha horny on main look at me i'm a fellow filthy weeb' before even debuting. Like yeah "holo/niji give their talents lots of freedom" or whatever but not actually because it still has to be approved by a social media manager, it's just that that's a favorable image to project right now. It's not really any different than ye olde funny brand twitter that folks eventually grew tired of.
So I'm seeing my friends get super into corporate vtubers and it's like... listen bud. I respect you as a friend. But by god get some better taste PLEASE and support independent creators instead of the anime flavored dregs of late stage capitalism. It's petty!! It's a minor gripe really!! I'm just mad because my job necessitates high amounts of exposure to other rigger's fanart/clip/etc retweets just so I can get to the cool rigging tips! ANYWAY
TLDR stop watching corpos, start watching my clients and give me money so i can make you a vtuber too
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fuckmymunson · 2 years
🔮 remus + outdoor sex ?
Thank you for the request! I swear this had me...😵‍💫, 18+!
🏛𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧!🫖
You hiss in discomfort as the cold brick wall of the alley collides with your bare back, perhaps the backless satin dress was a bad idea after all. “Fuck, Remus be careful—”
“Shut up." He smirks against your neck, placing wet kisses all over it. “You love it.” He was right, you absolutely adore it when he manhandles you.
His hands roll the hem of your dress, exposing your lacy underwear to the world. Wasting no time, he janks the item off, quick to pump two fingers inside you with comical ease. “Look at you, dripping for me.”
Your hands struggle with his belt, and Remus chuckles at how desperate you look. “Hurry up, sweetheart, we don’t have all night.” He groans in delight when you release his hard cock, pumping it hurriedly with one hand.
The size of this man.
“Hurry, please.” You beg, brushing your thumb at the swollen tip, smearing the sticky pre-cum around. “Remus, please just fuck me.”
“Jump.” He briefly instructs, and you do, giggling as his arms hook under your thighs, and his cock slides between your folds, teasing your clit. “Good girl, ready for me?” You nod with a pout. “You have to be quiet, okay? We don’t want everyone inside the bar to know how much of a slut you are.”
“Shut up, as if you—” Your words melt into a moan of pure bliss, at the burning stretch on your aching cunt. “I swear to God—Shit.” He keeps going and with every inch, you feel the air being punched out of your lungs. “Can’t with how b—big you are.”
“Shhh.” He coos at you, rolling his eyes at the wet clenching around his hard length. “There you go, see?” He kisses your jaw, spellbound by the addictive grip of your sweet pussy. “I’ll make it fit every time I want.” He pulls out just to slam his cock inside you without mercy. "I'll stretch this tight pretty pussy every day if I need to."
The muffled music inside the building, the loud engines of the cars on the street, the voices and laughs of people around you, above you, in the city, the permanent reminder of where you are. Someone could easily walk past this exact alley, to have a smoke, park, or even take a pee and they’ll find you struggling to keep your voice down as your boyfriend fucks you in the open.
You didn't mean to, but the simple thought of it, makes you moan and roll your hips involuntarily, making Remus growl in pleasure.
“I know what you’re thinking.” He whispers hotly in your ear. “What if someone sees us, eh?” With every snap of his hips, he’s hitting that spot inside you. “All they’ll see is a whore being fucked silly in an alley.”
Biting your lip, you nod. “Oh, am I right?” You nod again. “Fuck— You’ll be the death of me, I swear.” Remus presses his forehead against yours as he impales you with his cock. “So pretty.”
Just in time, you hear your friends yelling inside the bar, covering your loud moan as you cum around him, the wet gushing of your dripping cunt being borderline obscene. Remus curses loudly at the feeling and continues his thrusts, cumming inside you and groaning at the sensation of your velvety walls milking him dry.
“Let’s go home, please.” You look at him with pleading doe eyes.
“Let me call a cab.” Remus replies, zipping his pants up and placing the belt over his shoulder, kneeling to pick up your underwear and tucking it inside his pockets. “So I can finger you in the backseat.”
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solarwonux · 3 years
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1. “We have to be quiet.”
67.  “You should wear that more often.”
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literary agent!jin x f!reader
genre: slice of life, fluff
w.c: 2.3k
warnings: a little suggestive, nudity, lots of fluff
note: writing this made me soft lolol. I love this couple so much, they’re absolutely adorable tbh lolol. Anyway, let me know your thoughts. Enjoy.xx
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“Come back to mine.” Seokjin flashes you an award winning smile, sending your heart into a frenzy. It fights against the beat of the pop song quietly playing through his car speakers, while he drives through the empty streets, not a car in sight, your hand gripped tightly in his.  
“But your roommates.” You whisper even though you don’t have to as there was no one around except for you and Seokjin. Yet, every time either of you mentioned your roommates your voices would dial down, fade into a whisper like an unspoken rule. Afraid that saying their names out loud would somehow summon them. 
“It’s almost four in the morning.” Seokjin stops at a red light, bringing your palm up to his lips, lingering there for a few seconds before setting it down to his lap. “They’re likely sleeping as we speak.” He states, flooring the gas once the light turns green. The impact makes your body hit his leather seat with a light ‘thud’. 
You groan, Seokjin laughs before easing up, slowing down. He liked to do that; catch you off guard. He showered himself in your reactions only to tease you until you kissed him to shut him up. 
“Please, I leave for my business trip tomorrow night and I want to spend all the time that I can with you before I leave.” Briefly, he takes his eyes off the road, fluttering his eyelashes, winding them into flight. 
You cave, because you also do and he knew that you would have no matter what. “Fine, but you’re only going to be gone for two days.” You roll your eyes, a pretty, soft smile decorating your face. The smile Seokjin first fell in love with five years ago. It’s amazing the two of you have been sneaking around for three of those five years and never once been caught. It’s stupid but he prides himself in keeping up with appearances. 
“But it’s my first one without you.” Seokjin grimaces, pulling into the parking lot in front of his apartment building, setting his car on park and turning the engine off. The penthouse he shared with three of his friends was dark and you let out a sigh of relief. 
He was right. There wasn’t a soul awake in that house. 
You shake your head, letting go of his hand and unbuckling your seat belt. Cringing when it hits the car window. Seokjin sends you a glare, his poor precious car that he saved up for years would break if he left it in your hands. You mumble a low apology before leaning over the middle console and planting a soft kiss against his plump lips to seal the deal. 
Seokjin beams, kissing you once more, “let’s go, I don’t think I can stay awake any longer.” He says and opens his car door, jogging over to your side. You wait, knowing that if you were to take initiative in opening your own door he would throw a mini tantrum, stating: “babe I know you’re an independent woman and don’t need me but let me feed my ego every once in a while.” So you let him. 
He janks the door open, the impulse threatening to knock him off his feet. His body was tired, so was yours. But neither of you had been able to sleep after knowing that there were barely twenty four hours left until Seokjin left for his first business trip without you.
You were promoted to Chief Editor at the publishing company. No longer a literary agent or sharing an office with your boyfriend as you were now a floor higher. It had really sent the two of you off the rails for a few days. He was light years proud of you, but he missed having you around. 
Seokjin offers his hand, leaning nonchalantly against the car door, his eyes drooping, heavy with sleep. He looked adorable, “thanks Jin.” You take his hand and he lazily pulls you out of the car, his arm circling around your waist. 
“Anything for you, my queen.” He mumbles, leaning in and leaving a chaste kiss against your forehead. “Now let's go, remember we have to be quiet.” He winks, placing his index finger above his lips, his hand traveling around your waist to your hand, lacing his fingers in between the spaces of yours.
You roll your eyes and slam the car door making him jump. A knowing glare sent your way making you laugh.
 “Babe.” He whines. 
 “We’re outside and they’re fourteen stories up, asleep. Even if the car door were to wake them up they have no way of knowing it’s us. Don’t worry.” You pat his chest and walk past him pulling him along. “Plus I can be quiet when I need to.” You look over your shoulder sending him a kiss. He shakes his head, pretending to grab it mid air and then placing it above his heart, with a lovesick look on his face. 
“So cheesy.” You say, a sigh of protest leaving his lips. 
“Only for you.” 
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Sneaking into Seokjin’s apartment prompted it to be harder than expected.
For starter’s the second Seokjin and you walked into the dark apartment, he bumped into the coat rack near the front door, knocking it over. It hit the floor with a loud clatter, leaving you frozen, your pulse pounding against your ears. 
Even in the dark you could see Seokjin’s wide eyes. Panic streaked past them replacing the galaxies he kept hidden behind them. The sweat was pooling against your brow when the hallway light turned on. “The kitchen,” Seokjin’s yell is coated in a whisper. His arms signaling to the kitchen in a haste. “They won’t see you if you go into the kitchen.” 
You nod, jumping over the coat rack and running into the kitchen. Squatting down behind the counter for extra precaution. A laugh stifles behind your closed lips, the adrenaline rush waking you up. This is why you and Seokjin still snuck around, not that you needed to. You were more than positive that everyone has known about your relationship for years. The two of you weren’t necessarily careful, but it was still fun. 
“I thought you were sleeping.” Namjoon says. His voice drenched in sleep, arms crossed in front of him looking down at his roommate confused. 
Seokjin stood up, bringing the coat rack with him and leaned against it. “Couldn’t sleep, pre-business trip jitters so I went out for a drive.” He shrugs.
Namjoon raises his eyebrows suspiciously. Surely he was tired as hell and didn’t want to deal with yours and Seokjin’s antics tonight. He knew you were here, your choked laugh had given you away while he made his way into the living room. But for the sake of going back to the bed that was calling out to him. So, he pretended not to know. He’s been pretending for nearly three years. Another night wouldn’t hurt. 
“Alright well good night,” He squints, bringing up his wrist and taps his apple watch, 4:30am, it reads. “Or good morning, do you still need me to drive you to the airport tomorrow night?” He scratches the back of his neck and lets out a tired sigh. 
“Yeah, that would be great, thanks man. And sorry for waking you up. I think your clumsiness is rubbing off on me.” Seokjin drags the coat hanger, the legs screeching against the wooden floor making all three of you cringe at the noise. He sets it against the wall, fixing the coats to buy time. 
Namjoon shakes his head and yawns, stretching his arms above his head. “Whatever.” He says and turns around making his way to the comfort of his room once again. 
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Seokjin closes the door to his room quietly. Letting out a sigh of relief thanking all his angel’s that the only one that woke up was Namjoon and not Hoseok. The ladder would’ve made him sit down on the couch and talk about his troubles. Or if he was in one of his moods - not the bad ones - he would’ve given him a run down on how his day went in full detail. 
“So much for being quiet Jin.” You scoff. 
Seokjin turns around and walks to you bringing you in into a tight hug, “It’s not my fault I forgot the stupid coat rack was there.” He mumbles against your hair, running a soothing hand down your back. 
“It’s your place, how do you forget the way things are set up.” You pull back, tilting your head to look up at him. Maybe it was because you were close to letting the sleep take over your body but he looked more radiant underneath the dim light of his room and somehow taller than earlier. It definitely had to be your sleep deprived delusions. There was no way the man before you could’ve grown another two inches in the last three hours.
“I’m too tired to argue with you so yes baby, my beautiful lover you are right.” He nuzzles his head into your neck, tickling your skin in the process. A tiny laugh falls out of your lips. It sounds like music to Seokjin’s ears. “Do you want to change?” He stands up straight, his brows furrowed in concern, while he takes in your stuffy work attire. 
“Yes, I feel I’ve been wearing these slacks for five days straight.” You huff pulling on the legs of your pants, revealing your lavender painted toenails, wiggling them against his carpeted floor.
At around eight Jin had clocked out and snuck his way into your office asking if you wanted him to take you home. A promise to stop at your favorite burger joint failing to finish escaping his mouth when you had cut him off and told him that you had to finish the re-edits of the novel you were assigned too. Your department was heavily understaffed which meant your work was doubled, biding you to stay late after hours to be able to make all your deadlines. It worried Jin to see you so overworked, but as much as it tired you out. You loved it so he never once complained to the company. 
Plus the two of you had appearances to keep up. Can’t have everyone knowing that he was head over heels for you and vice versa. 
But at around one he started to worry after not hearing from you for nearly two hours. He called you and that’s when he found out you were still at the office. Without a form of hesitation he put on his shirt and walked out the front door, keys in hand. Telling you he would be there in fifteen minutes. Which is how the two of you ended up driving around town for the last two hours sharing fries and caramel sundae from the fast food restaurant down the street of the company. Of course a couple make out sessions here and there after he parked the car at an abandoned Toy’s R’s Us. (The ‘r’ unlit so it read Toy’s Us instead, which for some reason sent the two of you in an uncontrollable fit of laughter.) 
Now you were here, in his room, still wearing your work clothes, shoulders dropping as finally the wave of exhaustion that had been plaguing your boyfriend for a good hour hit you. 
Seokjin untangles his limbs from you and walks to his closet. “They look good on you. I had half a mind to walk into your office this morning and get a good feel.”
“A good feel of what?” You cock your head. Nimble fingers moving up to unbutton your blouse. The annoying Chiffon material scraping against your soft skin. 
“Your ass.” He states throwing you the matching shirt of one of his pajamas. “Do you want the pants?” He turns around holding the striped material in his hands, swallowing thickly as he watches you remove your clothes, leaving you naked in the middle of his room. The only thing protecting you from his prying, hunger filled eyes were the flower patterned panties you kept on. 
“No, they're uncomfortable.” You bend down picking up the pajama shirt and unbutton the first few buttons. Oblivious to the way Seokjin was looking at you right now, burning his heated gaze into your body, loving the way it seemed to glow, shimmer, underneath the moonlight casting through his wide bedroom windows. In about two hours it would disappear for the night so he made sure he imprinted the image into the part of his brain that belonged to you. 
“You should wear that more often.” He throws the pants over his shoulders and stalks over to you.
“I’m not really wearing anything.” 
“Exactly.” He smirks. 
You roll your eyes and shrug on his shirt, leaving the first few buttons undone. You walk to the right of the bed - the one nearest to the window and the wall - and pull back his navy blue comforter. “Let’s go to sleep, I’m too tired to do anything.” You lay down.
Seokjin agrees, as much as he would like to just hold you close and make love to you until the sun rises. His eyes were closing in on him and he was sure the second he felt the heat of your body and your warmth wrap around him, he’d fall asleep. 
It’s not like it hasn’t happened before. 
“I agree, there’s always tomorrow...Well I mean today but in eight hours.” He reassures, laying down on his side and bringing the comforter up to his chin. He wraps his arm around your waist, resting his head against your chest, humming as the comfort overtakes him.
You rake your fingers through his hair, placing your cheek against the crown of it. “I love you, Jin, you make me so happy.” You whisper, closing your eyes. 
Seokjin smiles, bringing you closer, kissing the sliver of skin against his shirt. “I love you angel, you make my life worth living.” 
In seconds the silence and stillness of the night takes over. Your bodies relaxing, tangled up in a mess of limbs, finally welcoming sleep.
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innuendostudios · 4 years
Thoughts on Even More Games
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[vague, unspecific spoilers for Heaven’s Vault, Later Alligator, and Life is Strange 2]
Thoughts on Heaven’s Vault
Heaven’s Vault is a game about archeology, which means it’s also a game about incompleteness. This is very clever. Inkle - also the developers of 80 Days, which I will play someday! - specialize in deep narratives that can be explored many, many ways, allowing for a lot of player choice. You make a lot of small decisions - do you share a discovery with the trader in exchange for a valuable item, or hide it so he doesn’t plunder it? do you go looking for your missing friend, or let her stay missing in case there are people trying to follow you to her? These all have their own little arcs and resolutions, and there are so many of them, and so many ways they can play out, that the game can never be played the same way twice. The overall story begins and ends in the same place and theoretically hits the same major beats, but the journey is tailored broadly and finely to each player; it’s a style of design Aaron A. Reed refers to as “not... a branching tree but a braided rope.”
Making a narrative about archeology is how you dodge the exponentially complicated nature of that design: if there are dozens of locations, characters, plot threads, bits of color, which can be engaged with at many points in time, or ignored, or dropped by the player halfway through, how do you avoid telling a story full of gaps and dead ends? Well... you don’t. Having only partial information and having to infer the rest is what archeology is.
The protagonist of Heaven’s Vault, Aliya, is digging up the secrets of an ancient civilization, having been sent by her academy to find a researcher who’s gone missing, and stumbling into his incredible discovery. Everywhere she goes, there are holes: she has partial understanding of the researcher’s journey and motives; he, in turn, had partial understanding of the mystery he was uncovering, and Aliya has only fragments of his knowledge; the ancient texts she translates are usually fragments of larger works, and she is guessing at the meanings of many of the words; the game’s constantly updating historical timeline has entire centuries with nothing but question marks. Aliya arrives in a new location and wonders aloud to her robot companion about what this place was, when it was founded, when it was abandoned, how her predecessor found his way her and where he went next and what he took with him.
The constant feeling of discovery - of unearthing - is magnificent. Site after site, I asked, “What is this place?” Always thinking, if the eventual answer is any good, this is going to be one of the best games I’ve ever played. And, in the end, it doesn’t give you an answer, it just give you enough to make the story feel complete. It answers by not answering.
Also, translating alien texts is just extremely my jam. I’m the weirdo who enjoyed the ending of Arrival but secretly wished the whole movie had been about xenolinguistics like the first half. I guess Inkle felt similar.
The game’s by no means perfect. I think I enjoyed the sailing between worlds more than most - it’s slow, but very pretty - but it’s going to discourage a replay. I don’t think the relationship between Aliya and her robot, Six, ever gets terribly interesting. Some of the archeology is a little too obviously game-y - sail around, wait to find a random ruin, beam Six down to grab an ancient doodad, translate a bit of text, lo and behold it’s from one of the sites you’re looking for and it’s narrowed your search radius somehow. (It gives Star Trek explanations the first few times - e.g. “it has radiation that only exists in one part of the nebula” - and then stops bothering.) And the game sags a little in the middle; it could’ve hacked out 3 or 4 dig sites and still given me the same experience.
But, all told, there’s magic in it, and it just feels good to be there. Do not sleep on this one.
Thoughts on Later Alligator
There’s not a ton to say about this game except that is charming as hell. Lindsay and Alex Small-Butera have build a beautifully animated world of cute alligators, one of whom is having a birthday party where he’s convinced he’s going to be murdered. He wants you to run around getting information out of everyone who’s going to be there, which you get by completing minigames. It’s a cast of weird and funny characters with weird and funny dialogue and there’s not much more to it than that.
The design can be a little frustrating. Some minigames, if you lose, you don’t get to try again. Some are annoyingly finicky. You need to complete them all to get the true ending, which means, in my case, playing the game three times to complete all the bits you missed or got locked out of. The ending was a little different each time, so it wasn’t a total wash, but the game’s on a timer that only advances when you play a game or take the bus, and once you’ve completed most of the games there’s a lot of traveling back and forth from one nowhere to another just to advance time to the next unskippable plot beat.
(It’s also a little unclear what you’re missing as you try to get the final ending, as some of the ongoing puzzle are optional.)
But I can’t get mad. The game is too damn cute! Each character is lively and unique, with tons of personality, and the dialogue is just clever enough not to fall into empty adorkability.
It good.
Thoughts on Life is Strange 2
Somewhere, early in the development of Life is Strange 2, some Dontnod employee wrote in a design document “Episode 4 - cult?” (but in French) and nobody told them “no.”
I will not forgive them for this,
After twenty minutes of LiS2, I was ready to yell at everyone who had reported it was boring. It has one of the most powerful, gut-punching openings of any game I’ve played in recent memory. And all through the first, second, and third episodes, I was in love. Unlike Before the Storm, this was its own creature, willing to make dramatic departures from the original game’s template. Instead of controlling a character with supernatural powers, you play as the superpowered character’s older brother. The one with the magic is a 9-year-old, unable to fully understand or control his abilities, suffering a recent trauma, and needing to be guided through a dangerous and racist world. All the ambition missing from Before the Storm is back, and this time the animation isn’t creepy and the writing is wildly improved (thanks to some journeyman script work from Fullbright’s Steve Gaynor) and I even have a computer able to play it on higher graphical settings.
But nothing good lasts.
Everything good about the series screeches to a halt in Episode 4, the one where some asshole said “cult?” and didn’t get a Nerf football thrown at their head. And it’s not just that it’s a terrible idea; it’s actually sort of amazing how much the game relies on an alchemy of plot, tone, theme, and writing, and how a slight imbalance can throw the whole thing off. Episode 4 has scene after scene that are powerful in their conception - brothers reunited after a violent rift; a boy having his first conversation with his estranged mother in nearly a decade; getting interrogated by the feds for a crime that can’t even be explained by physics - fall flat because the writers can’t think of anything interesting for the characters to say. (Steve Gaynor’s name stops appearing in the credits as of this episode.)
And here the game’s rickety bits, kept delicately together for three episodes, start to shake apart. Dontnod’s overly-earnest voice direction, which I didn’t notice in the early episodes, started to wear me down. (”Could you sigh mid-syllable, like you’re slightly overwhelmed with emotion?” “Sure, on which line?” “All of them.”) The thinness of the secondary characters, most of whom pop up for one episode and disappear, became more noticeable. The lack of a mechanical hook like the time rewinding of the original game, and the attendant commentary on choice-based games and power fantasies, made the game feel less substantial. The surreal imagery of the original, obligatorily evoked in the prequel, is sensibly absent, but there’s nothing equally striking that replaces it. Even the branching path decisions become less clear: the end-of-episode stat screens for the final episodes mentioned at least a dozen choices I didn’t even know I’d made, some of which were critical in shaping my younger brother’s morality and were not necessarily the choices I’d have made if I’d known I was making a choice at all.
Come the final episode, I got An Ending that seemed right for the way I’d played, but much of the way I’d played felt accidental.
So what are we to make of this? Life is Strange is a beautiful disaster, an ambitious disaster, where Life is Strange 2 is almost less interesting for being  more competent. It has a huge mess of charged topics - American racism, teens losing their virginity, raising a child outside the nuclear family, grief and trauma - and, while it handles them without the gracelessness and sledgehammer subtlety of the original, it doesn’t come to any conclusions about any of them. LiS1, for all its jank, had some opinions, where LiS2 falls into the category of “this sure is some shit, innit?” games.
It starts with a powerful premise, deeply relatable characters, fine writing, beautiful art, but can’t even manage, in the end, to be a disaster. It is the only game in the series so far to be forgettable.
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merakiaes · 5 years
Warmed Up - Arthur Shelby
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Pairing: Arthur Shelby x reader
Requested: Yes.
Prompts: #2, #3 and #4 from the common tropes-list. 
Warnings/notes: A bit of implied smut, maybe, nothing too major. Hope this was what you wanted and that you like it!
Wordcount: 3753
Summary: You get caught up in a storm with Arthur on your way home from London and have to seek shelter in an abandoned cabin in the woods, where you are forced to share body heat to keep warm. 
Driving all the way to London with Arthur and only Arthur wasn’t something you’d put in the top ten on your ‘things I want to do’-list. Not that you had a list like that to begin with, but you probably made your point clear.
It wasn’t that you disliked him, quite the opposite, really. You liked him really much. Probably too much. The problem was that he was so God damn socially awkward.
With everyone else, he could laugh and joke around like an absolute madman without any problem whatsoever. It was that side of him that had made you attracted to him in the first place.
But with you, he was the exact opposite. He was quiet, reserved and quiet as a mouse, so to speak. It was infuriating.
You talked a lot, especially when in the company of someone you genuinely enjoyed being with. So it was a given that you would have preferred it if the person on the other side of the conversation actually talked back.
But Arthur never did. He just listened, glanced at you when he thought you weren’t looking, and fidgeted whenever you would visibly catch him in the middle of the act.
You weren’t an idiot. In fact, the reason you had been offered a position as a Peaky Blinder in the first place was because of your abnormally high intelligence and ability to talk yourself into and out of every imaginable situation.
You knew he fancied you, just like you did him. The first three months or so, you had just waited for him to finally gather the courage to spark up a conversation with you alone and act on the attraction everyone – yourself included - could see he had for you.
But that moment never came, so you had to take matters into your own hands. 
You had been trying to get him alone for another three months now, but Tommy kept you busy, and him as well, always sending you off in different directions.
And when you on the very rare occasion actually did get the chance to talk to him alone, he took any excuse he could find to get away from you.
He avoided you as if you had the worst case of the clap in history, which after three months of waiting around for him, and another three months of desperately trying to get his attention, caused your feeling of attraction to be pushed back and locked away in a chest at the back of your mind.
Now, every time you saw his face or heard his name, you would instantly get bitter and turn your head the other way.
Mature, right? Well, in your defense, the women in your family had always had a certain immature stubbornness to them. If anyone should be blamed, it should be the women before you for passing it down another generation.
The car ride to London had been so quiet it was actually physically painful, and the air hanging over the two of you was thick enough to cut with a dull butter knife.
But the entire situation only got worse when you made the mistake of driving home despite being warned about an upcoming storm, in which you were now caught with a broken-down car.
The rain smattered violently on the metal surface of the car, and just as violently on your body. 
You were soaked from head to toe and chilled all the way to your bone. You were hugging your arms close to your chest in a desperate attempt to preserve the little body heat you still had left, but you could sadly admit that it was doing nothing of the sort.
You sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time in the past ten minutes, bouncing your foot lightly to get your blood running.
“Come on, Arthur.” You called out over the loud rain, squinting your eyes in order to see him cleared through the water that had built up on your eyelashes. “We should go look for some help, you obviously can’t fix it by yourself.”
But Arthur didn’t move and inch, barely even reacting where he was bent into the hood of the car, pulling and pushing at things he probably had no idea what to do with.
“I’ve got it.” He insisted in a snappy voice, without a doubt annoyed from your nagging. But you didn’t care.
You rolled your eyes and uncrossed your arms, taking three long strides towards where he was standing and roughly grabbed at the fabric of his soaked coat, pulling him up from the car to his full height.
He glared down at you, but before he even got the chance to yell anything back at you, you reached up and smacked the hood closed, missing his fingers by barely a millimeter.
“You obviously haven’t got it and that’s fine. There’s no shame in needing help. Now come on, I had a lot of things on my agenda today and getting hit by lighting was not one of them.”
Just as the final word passed your lips, a deafening clap of thunder hit right above you, causing both of you to jump slightly. It was getting significantly closer.
“Where do you suppose we’re gonna get any help then, ay? We’re in the middle of fookin’ nowhere!”  He yelled back, ripping his arm out of your grasp in all his furious glory.
“Well, anywhere is better than here!” You kept arguing, throwing your arms out in exasperation. “If we don’t find help, we can in the very least try to find shelter, somewhere to take cover until the storm’s blown over.”
“There’s cover in the car.” He threw his arm out towards the car for extra emphasis. “I’ve told you to get back in there for the past ten minutes but you just have to be so fookin’ stubborn all the time.”
He turned around to open the hood again, propping it open and getting back to not knowing what he was doing in the slightest.
You yelled out in frustration. “The car is cold, Arthur! There’s surely some place nearby where we could settle down and start a fire or something.”
Without waiting for an answer you re-did the procedure you had done only a minute before, grabbing the back of his coat this time and janking him away from the car so that you could slam the hood shut.
He whipped around to face you with nothing but anger behind his eyes, but before he got the chance to utter a single word, your fist hit his chest in a harsh and actually rather painful blow.
“Could you just stop arguing with me on every single thing and get your head out of your arse?!” You yelled while you delivered another punch to his chest. “I’m fucking freezing and if I stay out in the rain any longer, I’m going to get fucking hypothermia and have to amputate my limbs!”
You went to punch him a third time, but this time around he caught your wrist before you could hit him, and then your second wrist as well when you raised it to try a second time.
You glared up at him, but found that the anger behind his eyes was now gone as if it had never been there in the first place. Instead, he was just staring down at you with a look you couldn’t quite figure out the meaning of in your angry state.
“Alright.” He agreed, his voice now much quieter than it had been before. Once he was sure you weren’t going to hit him again, he carefully let your wrists go. “We’ll go look for help, or shelter. Just, calm yourself.”
His voice was rough, but his eyes were soft, calming you down easier than you would’ve like to admit.
You just gave him a curt and determined nod, straightened out the sleeves of your coat and turned on your heel, starting to walk towards an unknown destination.
He followed behind you silently, coming up to walk at your side. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him stuffing one of his hands to his pocket, while he used the other one to pull his wet hair out of his face, slicking it back over the middle of his head.
But it only stayed in place for a second before it fell right back into his face, and even in the midst of your fuming anger, you had to stop yourself from reaching over and fixing it. 
The longing to touch him wasn’t an unusual occurrence for you, but in the circumstances you were currently in, it just drew a scoff from you, and either he just ignored it, or the rain was too loud for him to hear it.
You walked around in the rain for what seemed like an eternity, not spotting as much as a shed to bunker down in.
It was getting dark and the storm was still raging on without any intent of stopping. You were just about to give up and admit defeat, when you finally caught a glimpse of something red in the middle of the trees in the distance.
You squinted your eyes to make sure you weren’t just fooling yourself, that it wasn’t just a trick of your mind caused by that uncomfortable lightning between light and dark. But as you walked closer, it became apparent that you were truly seeing what you thought you were seeing.
Your eyes widened, relief flooding your body at the sweet sight of the small cabin and your hand shot out to tug on Arthur’s sleeve out of instinct.
“Arthur!” You yelled over the sound of the rain, tugging more aggressively at his coat.
He turned to look at you, and you pointed towards the cabin, yelling out: “There!”
Once Arthur had spotted the small, red house, too, the two of you wasted no time in sprinting off, having to shield your faces as the wind started pulling even harder at your clothes and hair.
Luckily, you made it to your goal in just another minute, and hurried inside, Arthur actually having to force the front door shut as the wind was fighting back so hard.
When he finally got it shut after a few seconds of struggles, thanks to the shitty, loose lock and handle you allowed yourselves to take a look around.
Arthur went into a room to the right of the front door, while you ventured into the one on the opposite side. 
The big table in the middle of the room and the pieces of broken chairs littering the floors suggested that this had once been a kitchen, but judging by the state of the place, no one had lived here for years.
The floorboards were soft and rotten, a thin layer of moss covering a big part of it. The walls were yellow and damaged by water, and you could tell just by looking at it that the house was most definitely mold infested, and that you should get out of there as soon as you possibly could to avoid getting sick.
But then again, you would without a doubt get sick if you left, too. Now that you thought about it, feeling the way your clothes stuck uncomfortably to your skin and hung heavily off of your shaking body, you were probably already on your way there, assuming Arthur was in the same state as you.
You got lost in your thoughts as you were looking around, completely missing that Arthur had entered the room and called your name. It wasn’t until he reached out and touched your shoulder that you came back to reality, or rather jumped back to reality.
Out of pure instinct, you reached your own hand up to grab the one on your shoulder, twisting it and turning around with your other hand fisted in the air, ready to strike.
Luckily, Arthur was well used to your jumpy antics after six months of knowing you and easily caught your fist in the air. 
You quickly registered his face and hurried to let go of his hand, noting by the way that he was clenching his jaw that the position you had twisted it into was less than pleasant.
Rather than apologizing however, you simply glared. “Don’t sneak up on me like that, if I had a gun I could’ve killed you.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t.” He threw back tiredly. “So quit your whinging and come on. We have to get you out of your clothes and get you warm. Started a fire in the living room and found some old blankets that still felt alright enough to use.”
The second he spoke those words, the smell of burning wood reached your nostrils and you could feel your entire body tingling with excitement at the thought of getting warm. 
Taking another look at the man in front of you, you noticed that he was now only wearing his undershirt and pants, with his suspenders hanging limply at his sides, probably having discarded the rest of his clothes by the fire to dry.
Too tired and cold to fight back, you just let him lead you to the room you had watched him disappear into when you first got inside, pleased to see that he had, in fact, managed to start a fire that was now burning high in the long-ago abandoned fireplace in the middle of the room.
To the side of the fire, he had draped his clothes over an old chair, and in front of it he had pulled up an old, moth-eaten couch that he had covered with blankets so that you wouldn’t have to sit directly on the grime that had without a doubt been building up for however long this place had been abandoned.
Had it been under any other circumstances, you probably would have consider the whole thing romantic, even though it probably wasn’t meant to be. But as the circumstances were, in fact, not the best, you were just happy you would be able to get warm.
Arthur left you to undress on your own, crouching down in front of the fire and poking at the wood with a rusty fire poker to get the flames to dance just a little higher.
You raised your hands to start unbuttoning your coat, but soon came to the realization that it wouldn’t be possible. 
Your fingers were completely numb and your hands, and your entire body with them, shaking more than you originally realized, making you completely unable to grasp the tiny buttons between your fingers.
And it you couldn’t even get a hold of them, you sure as hell wouldn’t be able to push them all through the narrow, tiny holes of the fabric, either.
You sighed sourly, coming to term with the fact that now was the time you would have to give up your stubbornness. You needed to get out of your wet clothes in order to get warm, but you wouldn’t be able to on your own.
His name fell quietly from your lips, but as the room was silent if you didn’t count the crackling of the fire and smattering of the rain against the roof and windows, he still heard you, turning to look at you at the sound of his names being called.
You silently moved your hands up to the first button, demonstrating with shaky fingers that you couldn’t undo them by yourself.
He stared at you for a moment after you had let your hands fall back to your sides, before wordlessly putting the fire poker to the side and standing up, coming over to you where he wasted no time in starting to unbutton your coat with nimble fingers.
You just stood there limply, gazing at his face as he put all of his concentration on the task at hand. 
It was clear that it took some effort, his hands clearly, although not numb like yours as he was now on the fourth button, still very cold.
He quickly reached the bottom of your coat, and instead of walking away to let you undress by yourself like you had expected him to do, he instead started peeling the article of clothing off your arms to reveal your equally as soaked through white blouse.
And as always with white clothing, when it was soaked through, it was also very see through. And of course, this just happened to be the only day you decided not to wear a bra, as the trip to London had been a last minute call and you were originally supposed to have your day off.
No sane woman walked around their home on a day off with a bra on.
He was flustered by the fact that he could now practically see your bosom, something you could see clearly by the way his eyes flickered from your chest to your eyes before he hurriedly fled to the chair that had held his clothes with your coat in his hand.
He moved his own clothes to the side slightly so that he could hang your coat at the back of the chair, and then made move to go back to his spot by the fireplace. But before he could get very far, you cleared your throat, causing him to halt and turn back to you.
And this time, he wasn’t the only one to be flustered.
You were happy the warm hue of the fire illuminated the room, or else he would’ve for sure been able to see the faint dusty pink on your cheeks.
You cleared your throat again, motioning to the belt and several buttons of your black cargo pants. “I need help with this, too.”
Arthur didn’t make any sound of protest, only avoiding your eyes and coming back up to where you stood and wasting no time in getting to work on your belt.
He undid the clasp and left the belt in the loops, going straight to the buttons. One button, two buttons, three buttons, four, and your pants were successfully undone and ready to get rid of.
This time, it was Arthur’s time to clear his throat, as he slowly started inching them down your hips. But it was easier said than done, the wet fabric having sucked onto your skin like a leech.
He had to get down on his knees to even have a chance to get them off, and out of instinct, your hands went to his hair, holding on gently to keep your balance as you helped pull your legs out of the pant-legs.
Once they were completely off he stood back up, his face now much closer to yours than it had been before he kneeled down,
Your eyes locked together, both scanning each other with almost suspicious gazes. 
His breath was warm against your cold lips and smelled of the countless of cigars he had smoked on the way to, in and from London; a smell you had hated before you met him but had now grown to love because you loved him.
You caught yourself by surprise when thinking that, as it had been the first time you had really admitted your feelings towards him to yourself.
But Arthur took both you and himself by surprise when he in the next second with hurried motions leaned in, closing the small space between you and attaching his lips to yours.
Your eyes widened at the sudden turn of events and your body stood frozen on the spot, not daring to move a muscle. 
You didn’t get much time, at least not as much as you would have needed, to respond to his actions, as he pulled away just as quickly.
Even though the kiss barely even lasted five seconds, it left both of you breathless. 
He looked at you, clearly debating what to do next. And to be truthful, he didn’t look to have a clue.
So you did what you had been doing, or attempting to, at least, for the past three months; you took matters into your own hands, grabbing him by the backside of his neck and pulling him back down, crashing your lips against his with thrice the force than before.
And he responded immediately, hands coming to grab at your waist to pull you closer and moving his lips against yours desperately.
As you tensed your muscles, a rather harsh shiver ran through your entire body, causing Arthur to break apart briefly.
“You’re shakin’.” He mumbled against your lips, but you were too eager to even hear what he was saying.
“Yeah.” You only mumbled back, pulling him back in for another kiss by his neck. His fingers slowly started inching the fabric of your wet blouse up and just the intense anticipation building in your chest caused your breath to grow heavier.
But much to your dismay, he came to a stop just as quickly again, visibly flinching when his now somehow warm fingers came in contact with the icy cold skin of your waist, and this time, he broke away from your lips completely, taking a small step back.
“Fookin’ hell, you’re freezing.” He commented.
A trembling chuckle left your lips at that, but whether it was from the cold or from the feeling of his fingers absentmindedly caressing your hip that you were now trembling, you didn’t know.
“Yeah.” You repeated, this time with a shaky chuckle, and you quickly came to conclusion that it was probably the cold in your bones that was causing the tremble of your body when he placed his palm flat against the curve of your back and your entire body started to shiver violently at the contrast of his burning hand against your icy skin.  
How he had managed to get his hands warmed up so quickly when they had been cold only a  minute before, you had no idea.
But no matter what he had done, you knew that you needed his rapidly growing body temperature to get your own up, and he seemed to know it as well. 
He led you over to the couch and sat down, pulling you down on his lap and draping two of the blankets over your shoulders. 
Your hands found their way to his shoulders while his hinds moved to start pulling at the strings of your blouse, all while looking you straight in the eyes. 
“Let’s get ya warmed up, eh?”
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thejankengine · 1 year
I have some ridiculous decks inbound!
Im sorry that I have been dark for a bit yet again.. I have had to overhaul my life because I am now working graveyard shifts and coming to terms with being single again.
I am continuing the Red shenanigans series! At least for like the next three builds (or beyond that. Don't @me Wololoes, I see you)
I have a super spicy build in the works which may or may not reflect how I feel. Expect aggro Jank in the near future.
Stay tuned for some wild things my lovely villains. 😘
Also! Happy pride month! 💜😘
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1hoverman0k · 4 years
hey so im gonna vent real (not) quick about the academic situation im in right now since i have no one in particular to say this to and im really pissed. don’t read if you follow for my funny posts i guess
im lucky as hell, not only for being in a decently funded school district but also for my timing, as graduating this year means i’m not at the whim of the school board and government for the next school year’s dystopian plans. i can decide if/when i want to continue education, and i absolutely intend on postponing my plans until it’s safe to have in-person schooling. however, if i were to be forced into going back to school next year i would be vastly incapable of following the online curriculum (the vast majority of people in my district have internet access) due to whatever the fuck mental jank i have, and i’m pretty convinced it’s not just pure laziness.
for the last couple months of my senior year in hs i basically did no academic work. my dad had to yell at me and sit in my room to get me to do the worksheets and such the 8 classes i had to keep track of assigned, and even then very little got done. i learned fuck all, dropped out of a bunch of non-essential classes, and definitely failed one of my essential classes on the basis of never having an ounce of motivation to shift my attention to schoolwork. every time i decided to put my foot down and Work, i just ended up laying on my bed staring blankly at the ceiling for a couple hours (i didn’t do this before this situation started and this ���depression resting’ thing is now an involuntary thing i do for seemingly no reason). the school still passed me, out of the mercy of the very empathetic staff. now they don’t have such merciful choices. the board is more rigid than it was back in may and i’m sure decisions beyond the wills of the poor teachers have been made already.
i am so inept at focusing on work when im in my own house that not only will i harshly struggle to do any assigned work (which is, at the end of the day, a voluntary decision), but i will retain no information of what i was supposed to learn having begrudgingly done that work (which is involuntary. i can’t just think harder). apparently this wasn’t a common occurrence last spring, or at least i never heard about it, as it seemed almost everyone else was getting work done online just fine. most of the teachers basically operated under normal work loads as if nothing was happening after the initial couple of weeks. it was pretty fucking depressing for me and i was still struggling with other issues, as many others were, and no matter how compassionate and empathetic the teachers were, i could not fucking keep up. i could barely even explain why i couldn’t keep up, and i still don’t really know whats wrong with me.
so, when i had the option to go right into college (but online) this coming fall semester i said No because this exact thing would happen immediately no matter how fancy and funded the “remote learning” would be. i’m lucky that such a thing is flexible and i even have the privilege to delay my classes for several semesters but in the meantime im gonna have to get a job though which is not only risky for people’s health but extremely stress inducing for my totally asocial ass.
this is just my own venting and im absolutely aware i have it a trillion times better than plenty of people. i dont really intend for people to read this anyway i just wanted to write it in a bottle and throw it into the ocean
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annemiek19 · 4 years
Angels and Demons - Topper
A/N I honestly hated how Topper was in the show. But you could see he didn't agree with what his friends were doing, so I think he has a soft side, but he just doesn't like to show it, so I wrote this. I hope you like it as much as I do. :)
Somewhat inspired on the song Angels and Demons by jxdn!
Warnings: idk, drug use?
You're dating Topper. You're at a party he throws and you lose control. He's there to pick the pieces up.
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You were standing on the table in the middle of the crowd. You were dancing on the beat of the music, completely letting yourself go. It had been a bad week and you had to let yourself go. Rafe had gave you something you don’t know the name off, but it made you feel free. You didn’t worry about what the people might think of you, you didn’t acre about your parents or your boyfriend Topper. You were free and you liked it. You screamed along with the lyrics to the song and lifted your hands up in the air. 
“You done now?” You looked down and saw Topper looking up at you. He has been your boyfriend for almost two years now. He’s not the typical nice guy, not by far, but he has always been nice to to you and caring towards you. In the beginning he was a total ass to everyone who got in his way, but that slowly got less and you liked that. You wanted him to be nice to other people and he tried to do that. 
“I’m just getting started baby,” you said with a smile. 
“Please come down,” he said and folded out his hand to you. You rolled your eyes, but grabbed his hand and got down. 
“Thank you,” you said and grabbed the cup from his hands. You quickly drank everything of it. 
“Are you done? You’re completely waisted.” 
You leaned in. “And high,” you whispered in his ear with a smile. You walked away to find Rafe. You wanted more of what he gave you. 
“High? What the hell Y/N!” Topper yelled at you. You walked outside and felt a hand on your wrist. “What did he gave you?” 
“I don’t know and I don’t care, now let me go, Topper.” You janked your arm free and walked back inside to find Rafe. You found him down in the basement. 
“Do you have more of what you just got me?” You asked him as soon as you saw him. 
“Always.” Rafe gave you another pill. You swallowed it without using water. 
“Thank you, Rafe.” You kissed him on the cheek and walked back upstairs, where you bumped into Topper. 
“Please don’t tell me you found Rafe.”
“Then I’ll lie. I didn’t found him. Bad night,” you said and walked away. Again he grabbed your wrist. 
“What the hell is going on with you tonight Y/N? You never took drugs before. You’re an addict now or something? Tell me what’s going on.”
“You’re not my dad. I don’t owe you shit, Top. You can’t stop me, nothing can.”
“Hell I can. You want me to call the cops? Or even your dad? You know he wouldn’t be happy seeing you like this.” You narrowed your eyes. He’s seriously threatening you with your dad right now?
“Call him. Do it. I don’t care. Now let me go and let me live my life without acting like you’re my dad.” You walked away from him and got back on the table, dancing, but you didn’t feel well. Your mind was racing and the room started to move. The girl next to you got two heads and it scared the shit out of you. You slowly got of the table. Maybe you needed to go somewhere quiet. You walked towards the stairs, bumping into almost everything along the way. You crawled up the stairs to Topper his room. You got to the window and opened it, feeling the cool summer breeze on your face. You slid down against the wall and started into nothing. The room was still spinning and you felt sweat dripping down from your face. You were tired and you wanted to sleep. You felt your phone buzzing in your pocket, or at least you thought it was. You got it out of your pocket and saw that Topper was calling you. You answered and you could hear him speak, but it didn’t make sense. 
“You don’t make any sense,” you breathe out. Again he started to talk but you didn’t understand any of it. You layed the phone down on the ground while you layed down next to it. Your felt your heart beat like your life was depending in it. The room started to spin even more and you felt nauseous, but you didn’t’t have the engird to get up. The sound of the music slowly faded away and everything got silent around you. It was nice. You closed your eyes, in the hope that the spinning would stop, but it got even worse. It was like you were in a rollercoaster and you closed your eyes.
“Y/N! Baby oh my god!” You heard someone yell. You tried to open your eyes, but you were too tired. 
“Y/N, babe, please open your eyes. Wake up!” 
“Hmm,” you mumbled. You didn’t know how,  but you slowly got your eyes open. Topper sat down on the ground next to you and the tears were streaming down his face. 
“Thank god,” he mumbled. “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit,” you mumbled. Topper helped you sit up, but you just fell against him. You had no energy left in your body. You just wanted to sleep and wished that this all never happened. 
“Come on, let’s get you to the bed.” He lifted you up from the floor and layed you down on his bed. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. 
“I know.” The tears were streaming down your face. How could you do this to him? He did his best to try to be good for you, but you were here fucking everything up and shutting him out. 
“I’m so sorry,” you cried. He layed down next to you and pulled you closer to him. 
“I know you are. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“I shouldn’t have done that. I’m an ass.”
“No, you’re not. You had a shit week and I should’ve been there for you. I’m sorry too.”
“I love you,” you said and felt your eyes getting heavy. 
“I love you too, babe.”
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chromecutie · 4 years
Not A Ghost - part 37
A/N - Multi-part fic. Colossus x OC where OC has come home after being wrongfully imprisoned in the Icebox. Warnings for whole fic - references and flashbacks to harsh prison environment, including various types of abuse. NEW WARNING - fictional police brutality. Takes place shortly after events in Deadpool 2. Whole thing will end up on my AO3 eventually.
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Taglist: @emma-frxst  @ra-ra-rasputiin  @holamor ​  @empressme-bitch  @marvel-is-perfection  @hazilyimagine ​ @marvelhead17 @rovvboat @angstybadboytrash ​ @whitewitchdown ​ @master-sass-blast ​ @mori-fandom @mooleche @dandyqueen @emberbent @leo-writer @silver-stormy . Wanna be added or removed? Holla at me.
Near the Icebox was a barracks for DMC officers, and they would take a small rail tunnel to the prison for their shifts. The barracks and the prison were in a remote enough area that the tunnel didn’t have any particular protection. Storm sent a small whirlwind to clear the flattest spot they could find to land the jet. 
“They’ll probably send reinforcements soon,” Domino said as she zipped a heavy jacket and grabbed her guns.
Cable grumbled his agreement, “If they haven’t already.” 
As they disembarked from the jet, the wind howled just as harshly as it had higher in the air. Negasonic winced as the swirling snow hit her face with a hundred little stings. Below their feet, carved into the mountainside, was the tunnel. She dropped to her hands and knees and sent a powerful burst of force that fractured the rock. She sent another, and was about to send one more when Cable tapped her shoulder. 
“Pace yourself,” he said quietly, then waved for everyone to stand back. His techno-organic eye flared like a giant ember, allowing him to see the cracks running deep in the rock as he took careful aim with his gun. With a few good blasts, he had a good sized hole where everyone could climb down and drop into the tunnel. 
It was lit with LED bulbs that washed the small railway in a weak, bluish light. The team could hear vague echoes, mostly from their own movement and from the wind, but there was a foreboding stillness that whispered a chill through everyone’s bones.
Storm listened for a careful moment, then said, “Let’s start walking.”
Then they heard a rumbling, and Cable snapped a look behind them toward the barracks. “Everyone off the tracks.”
Rhonda’s gaze darted all over the yard and mess hall as inmates started attacking Colossus and Beast. She glanced back at Wade, Mimi, and Robinson, then grabbed the microphone for the loudspeaker. “Everyone shut the fuck up for a second,” she shouted. Her voice was strained, but strong enough that a few stopped fighting long enough to listen. “The X-Men are here to help. Work with them, and you can get out of the Icebox. Fight them, and I will kill you myself.” She took a breath and let that sink in. By now, most of the Icebox had gone still to listen to her, including Beast and Colossus. Her husband looked around until he found the glass walls of the office, and stared up at her with wide eyes.
“The collars come off by entering a code from a hard token,” Rhonda continued. Her free hand found her neck and rubbed at her skin. “Come to the office and Mimi and I can help you.”
Mimi tapped her arm and held her hand out for the microphone. “No bullshit, no screwing around,” she added. “We’ve all waited long enough to get out of here. Do anything that threatens everyone’s chances, and if Guestbook doesn’t kill you, I sure as hell will.”
Turning toward the doors of the office, they regarded the inmates who had been threatening Janks to let them through. Rhonda asked Mimi and Robinson, “How many hard tokens are there?”
“Three,” Mimi replied, holding out her hand with the remaining two tokens.
Wade still had one in his hand, Rhonda took a second from Mimi’s palm, leaving the third for the reptilian. “We’ll have everyone line up,” Rhonda said, “and each of us will start taking off collars.”
“Absolutely not,” Mimi shook her head, resting a closed fist on her hip. “We go out there, I give it about ten seconds before they start mobbing us for the tokens.” She absently drummed her fingers on the surface of a desk. “We’ll stay in here, have them pair off and they’ll do each other. If they try anything, they’ll blow their own hands off. Not ours.”
Wade tilted his head and leveled Mimi with a deadpan, “Yours don’t grow back?”
Rhonda sighed and made the effort to ignore Wade. “What about this one?” she jutted her chin at Robinson.
The defected guard smiled pleasantly enough, “Whatever Maria says, goes.”
“You’ll have to get into a yellow jumpsuit,” Rhonda said firmly. “If you look like DMC and not one of us, you won’t make it out of here alive and there’s nothing I’ll be able to do to stop that.” She glanced at Mimi, who nodded.
“That reminds me,” Mimi unzipped her jumpsuit and pulled out another that she had secreted away from the laundry room. 
Robinson went into a corner for the slightest semblance of privacy to change, “And what if someone asks me to prove I’m a mutant? I can’t fake any powers.”
Rhonda rolled her eyes. “Just say you’re a telepath and any demonstration to prove it would be a vulgar display of power.”
Wade guffawed and slapped his friend on the back, adding, “Make sure you ask for some pea soup, Linda Blair.”
“Keep an eye on the monitors, Edmund,” Mimi waved loosely at the bank of screens. “We’ve got at least two DMC guards locked in the armory who will be trying to bust out.” She surveyed the screens herself for a moment. They still had plenty of time before the morning shift would be making their way up the rail passage to report for duty. “We need to be out of here before the next shift shows up. Edmund, give a shout if you see anyone trying to pull something.” He nodded and gave an affirmative as he kept a dutiful watch.
In the yard below, Colossus and Beast maintained a firm stance, sharing a questioning glance and warily eyeing the nearby inmates who had just stopped attacking them. “It would seem we are rescuing you,” Beast offered cheerily. “Why don’t you visit our friend to get your collars off, and we can all go somewhere more pleasant.” Reluctantly, begrudgingly, the inmates took a few steps backward before turning to head up the walkways to the control office, tossing glances over their shoulders at the two massive X-Men. Quieter, from the side of his mouth, he noted to Colossus, “Not sure how we’ll fit all these people with us.”
“Freeing the whole prison was not the plan,” Colossus said. “We have to trust Rhonda has her reasons.” He was no stranger to making sensible plans and then having to throw them out the window, but a new dread crept up in him. “The others should be here by now,” he said. “Something has happened.” He took in the dingy yard - with the rusted fitness equipment that was missing pieces and grimey floors that had old smears of blood. Glass shards littered the whole area from their entrance via skylight. Weak lights and a bit of moonlight highlighted the light snow that drifted down. Despite being an open space, Colossus felt suffocated by the atmosphere - he immediately understood this was a place designed to sap its inhabitants of hope, and was amazed that anyone could survive here.
“I’m sure they’ll be along soon,” Beast assured him as he started to climb to the walkway above him, skipping the stairs.
Colossus looked up at the office one more time. He had recognized his wife’s voice on the intercom, and he was sad to note he also recognized that cold, threatening tone. He’d had just over two days to think of an apology and still wasn’t sure what he would tell her once they were back on the jet.
The rail car roared down the tunnel. Cable and Negasonic planted themselves in the middle, with Storm levitating just above them to send a gale screaming towards the oncoming wave of DMC reinforcements. Domino, Nightcrawler, and Yukio flanked them, weapons drawn and ready. 
The officers were shouting, readying their weapons as their rail car drew closer. Cable fired his biggest gun and an energy blast hit the car, causing it to derail. Immediately following that, Negasonic sent a low powered wave to keep them off balance. As some of them tumbled from the vehicle, Nightcrawler disappeared with a pop in the air and materialized behind them. Using the hilts of his swords, Nightcrawler punched and deflected the DMC, breaking hands and wrists so they could no longer hold their weapons. In such close quarters, Nightcrawler was at particular risk as officers tried to snap a collar around his neck - he easily disappeared at the last possible second and emerged somewhere easy to sucker-punch an enemy.
Three officers tried to rush Yukio, who was closest to them along the wall of the tunnel. She whirled her electrified chain and landed a few hits - and only narrowly avoided the collar one flung at her. “Watch out for collars!” she warned the others. If any of the team got a control collar, this rescue mission would be jeopardized. 
Storm blasted them with wind, Yukio electrified the rails, and Domino got a particularly lucky shot through the squad leader’s head as he was reaching for his radio. “We have to collapse the tunnel!” she yelled. “Cable, up there!” Domino pointed up at a crack that had radiated from the team’s initial breach. Together, Domino and Cable sprayed gunfire at the rock ceiling. Pieces started falling, and some struck the DMC officers. 
Fortunately the team of mutants handled the enemies quickly. The short fight ended with every DMC officer incapacitated. “We’ll have to hurry,” Storm said. “We didn’t expect such a long walk or a surprise fight.”
“Wait,” Domino paused, listening. She followed a faint crackle and picked up a radio that one of the guards had dropped. The voice on the other end was shouting questions about where the hell was the other squad, there were an unknown number of intruders, inmates had taken the control office. “There’s already another team of reinforcements at the prison,” she announced with urgency.
Nightcrawler flicked his blades to shake off some blood. “Ja, we blast the tunnel a little more, and run for the prison?”
Negasonic, Domino, and Cable shared a nod and blasted the rock until the tunnel in the direction of the barracks was sealed. Then the team took off running the other way, fervently closing the distance to the prison.
Mimi, Rhonda, and Wade stood practically shoulder to shoulder, reading off codes for pairs of inmates. Janks was in the first group. He had watched Mimi intently while she read off the code for the inmate behind him to enter into his collar. Her voice hadn't faltered, his partner's fingers moved with quick certainty. He had seen what happens when someone tampers with their collar, and he was too afraid to breathe until finally it clicked open, and Janks threw it away like it was a scorpion.
For all the contempt Rhonda had for the other inmates of the Icebox, she saw in their eyes the same fear and hope she had felt only minutes ago - and months before that. She didn’t recognize the inmate in front of her, a face full of freckles and dark veins, but she gave them a firm nod, a promise that she wouldn’t misread the code and this person would be free in a few more seconds.
“Maria!” Robinson’s voice was pitched high with concern, “We’ve got incoming!”
Shouting echoed distantly, starting somewhere past the kitchen, then grew closer. "What the fuck is that?” Mimi demanded from her spot by the door. Rhonda dashed to check the window.
Heavily booted footfalls added to the shouts. Rounding a corner from a hallway, a squad of DMC officers came barrelling through, bellowing at Colossus and Beast to stop, stop where they were, get on the ground, stop--
Colossus stole one more glance up at the office. Rhonda was too far to see her expression clearly, but he caught the brief press of her palm and fingers against the glass. Fight dirty against the DMC. All the inmates above him still had collars, and they wouldn't be able to leave until they got them off. The pair of X-Men had to buy enough time for them. 
A short few steps for his long legs, and Colossus grabbed one of the metal benches in the mess hall, which were bolted to the concrete floor. He wrenched it free and lobbed it into a wave of riot-armor-clad monsters. One officer threw some kind of canister at him that was spewing a thick, white smoke; he crushed it under the heel of his boot, breaking the dispersal mechanism.
Beast had climbed along the underside of a walkway and dropped into the middle of the throng of guards. Some hit him with cattle prods and bean bag rounds, but their armor barely held up against his claws. The mass of blue fur thrashed and kicked, launching DMC personnel into tables, weight racks, and the railing above. 
In the office, Rhonda had her first inmate freed, then a terrible boom shook the plexiglass doors and there was a flash of brilliant red splattered across the glass. Rhonda and Mimi had screamed in alarm. Wade yelled, “OH COME ON!” The women stared at him in bewilderment and realized what had happened - the collar of the inmate he’d been helping had exploded. The body fell against the glass and sagged to the floor. The inmate who had been typing the code screamed in agony and horror. He hadn’t lost his hands entirely, but a few fingers were definitely missing. 
Janks, wide-eyed with shock as the rest of them, told Mimi, “Yeah, he’s...dyslexic.”
Wade’s shoulders bounced with an indignant huff, “Okay, so it wasn’t on me!” Rhonda ground her teeth, but Mimi took charge before she could say something.
“Move the body, let’s go! We can’t help him now,” she barked, “Someone find something to wrap this guy’s hands!” The gang boss pointed at a few inmates, “You, you, and you will type the codes. Anyone gonna fuck it up?” When they shook their heads, Mimi slapped her palm on the glass a few times to spur them into action. The poor dead inmate was dragged away, the one with the mangled hands sat down and cried, howling as other collared prisoners tore their sleeves to try to cover the bleeding. Rhonda watched him for a second, hurting for him, before resuming reading codes off to free more prisoners.
Without collars, the inmates immediately started testing their abilities. Like Rhonda, some found they could hardly use them at all. One took a little hop, then stunned, started yelling about how she could still feel gravity. One or two of every ten inmates seemed unaffected by how long they had worn the collars - apparently as strong as they had ever been. Most felt their powers reduced, stunted. The one who swore he could shoot flames from his hands could now only make things hot if he touched them. 
Mimi’s gaze skipped nervously around the group. “What’s happened to them?” she asked Rhonda, even as she tested her own teeth and spat a pale yellow substance on the floor, which sizzled. 
“Something about the collars,” Rhonda explained. “When I first got mine off, I had to rehab for months, but I’ve gotten it back...mostly.”
Mimi gaped, eyes wide. “And you didn’t think to warn us?” She was seething.
She pointed at Wade, “He bounced back just fine! I thought maybe it was just me. Or that it depends on how long you’ve worn a collar.”
“Excuse me, ladies?” Robinson interrupted. “More incoming.”
There was a clap of thunder. A pop in the air. Storm and Nightcrawler tore through the same door as the wave of DMC reinforcements had. Rhonda and Wade watched as their friends rounded the corner - and when Rhonda saw the streaks of pink hair, her heart dropped. Ellie and Yukio were in the Icebox.
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fanpom-imagines · 5 years
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Imagine being a Bat Sibling.
Fandom: DC Comics
Words: 843
Warnings: it’s really fluffy and has a sweet ending
(Gender Neutral Reader)
“Bruuuuuuuuuuuuce!” A scream is heard from somewhere within the manor, “Jason isn’t getting his legs off of me!”
Bruce sighed as he heard his kids arguing once more. As he heard another shout he grumbled out another comment under his breath before lifting up his head and yelling out.
“Jason leave your sister/brother alone!”
“I didn’t do anything!” Bruce heard Jason yell back in protest.
“He’s not leaving (L/N) alone!” Damian screamed out and right afterward there was a yelp heard.
“Shove it you snitch!” Jason screamed out as fighting noises ensued.
Bruce groaned out as he heard something break and his kids arguing over who’s fault it was. Before even trying to block the sounds out of his head there was a knock at his door. He groaned out as he rubbed his eyes in frustration and fatigue.
“Come in,” He said and Alfred entered through his office doors.
“Sir, the children are once again in a quarrel with one another,” Alfred informed him.
“I’ve heard Alfred and thank you,” Bruce told him and Alfred slightly bowed to him before leaving the room to go off and do the things that have kept this mansion from falling apart for decades now.
Bruce begrudgingly got up and made his way towards the living room. Knowing he was going the right direction when he heard the sounds of clashing and yelling become louder.
When walking into the living room he saw Jason holding down Damian who was digging his nails into his older brother whilst trying to bite him while (Y/N) was harshly smacking Jason over the head with a pillow. And all along Tim just watched from the couch right next to the fight as he sipped on what Bruce could assume was coffee. Before Bruce could even intervene Dick popped out of nowhere trying to get the pillow away from (Y/N) who wrestled with her/his older brother over the pillow.
Dick gave it an extra hard jank sending himself backwards into his butt while (Y/N) fell backwards as the pillow was janked out of her/his hands which in turn caused her/him to fall top of Tim who yelped out in unison with his sibling at the clash of their bodies and Tim’s hot coffee spilling on the both of them.
“Oh my God, Tim, (Y/N), I am so sorry,” Dick said as he quickly was by his siblings’ side making sure the two of them were okay.
Tim and (Y/N) shared a look before Tim poured the remainder of the coffee onto Dick’s head and (Y/N) grabbed a pillow from the side of the couch and slammed it straight in his face. Dick fell to his side and stared shocked at his siblings before smirking and another fight ensued.
Bruce groaned internally as he made his way to his kids he pulled (Y/N) and Tim off of Dick and Damian off of Jason who was on his shoulders trying to either pull his older brother’s hair out or trying to choke him.
“Knock it off all of you,” Bruce said as he glared at his kids who awkwardly stood and avoided contact with their father’s eyes.
“But Jason…” (Y/N) started out, but was cut off by Bruce’s harsh Batdad glare.
“I don’t care who started it I’m here to finish it,” Bruce said and when he turned around to make his way back to his office he was fated with his face meeting a pillow that Cass swung at him.
Everyone froze at Cass’ actions. Neither expecting Cass’ actions nor knowing what Bruce’s reaction would be. Without missing a beat though Bruce recover and started to tickle the girl who let out a laugh.
The siblings stared in amazement at their father and sister. Their minds just shit down at never seeing this side of either of them.
(Y/N) snapped out of her/his shocked amazement and she hopped onto her/his father’s back trying to get him off of his sister in a joking manner. Bruce let out a laugh of sorts as he tried to pull (Y/N)’s arms away from his neck which caused the other siblings to go and attack their father.
While everyone was in a pile of limbs and bodies Duke had ended up joining in as well as he tickled (Y/N)’s sides who let go of Bruce in return as she/he tried to get Duke to let her/him go. Dick came to (Y/N) rescue as he picked up Duke, but the two of them fell over as they somehow ended up tripping over Damian who had in some way gotten under them.
As chaos and laughter enveloped the living room none of the Wayne’s saw Alfred in the corner smiling at the family. Because for the first time in a long time all of the Wayne’s were laughing and having fun as if there was no worry in the world. As if it were only them.
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 15
♥️Day 15: Common things that you have with Hyeongjun…
common things huh?……um…NONE.lol😂
all jokes aside there are a few things that I do have in common with him, physically I would say my bottom teeth are the same as his, its not straight, apparently when I was young I did have braces for a few days and I believe that is why my top portion is straight while my bottom is a little jank..that aside we do not have any physical aspects that are similar. LOL I wish I looked like him, look at how nice his skin is, while I struggle with my hormonal acne every month.
You know that quiz that they make you take when you go on that website that says that “you can support a trainee here” thinks it called Dear101, there’s this quiz that you can take to find a trainee that has common things with you based on the the questions, there’s only 2 answers per question and its kind of like playing would you rather. I tried it for fun I think most of my answers were neither for most of those answers,lol. but I just chose an answer for the sake of it. I don’t remember who I had in the first two tries but I remember getting kim shihun for one of those tries…at least that was someone I remembered at that time. I didn’t get Hyeongjun until I went for the answers that I would most unlikely pick and there he was…which means we have nothing in common.lol.
but to be fair most of those questions for me were”nether” than a definite answer.
so what i remember out of those questions was that he prefers winter over summer, understandable since summers in Korea are deadly where as i live in Canada where there’s 2 months of summer and the rest is winter.lol. I think he also prefers romance over thriller for movie choices…um. for me it depends on the movie/drama content, I like psychological thrillers( i.e murder mysteries like criminal minds) I don’t know if thrillers means scary movies…but if that’s the case id choose romance too, cause I can’t do scary movies. he chose mountains over beach, I honestly don’t know what that means but I saw it as hiking versus swimming. I consider both fun things but I recently started hiking and it was enjoyable, so I picked mountains which i think he did too. I don’t really remember the rest which is why I wanted him to do  q and a  for the v-live content question.
I also know that he has two older sisters, and from the way that he treats them he seems to care about them a lot and feels a sense of responsibility towards them, there was some facts about him on twitter saying that he goes and gets his sisters when they come back late, which I don’t know if that’s put on him or if its something that he has taken on himself and I wonder if that’s why he likes his older hyungs a lot because he gets to be treated like the youngest, I mean its nice to have people take care of you once in a while, maybe he doesn’t get that treatment at home. I can relate to this, when I was younger its normal for me as the older sister to take care of my younger sister…but later I did kind of feel resentment towards her since she got away with everything and I got away with nothing, I would get yelled at for her mistakes…which is really stupid…but my parents don’t listen…anyways i’m off on a tangent. bottom line is I cant relate to the whole sisters fool thing. But I really hope that the responsibility of his sisters doesn’t fall on him because of those reasons, by that I mean they aren’t using him.
another thing we might actually have in common is treating people the way you want to be treated, it is something that I practice and you wouldn’t want do/say something bad  to other people that other people could potentially do to you. So I’m glad for a boy his age he knows what that means and uses it every day. He is very mature for his age and that makes it  easy to understand the feelings of those around you and how you make them feel.
and also I’m a sympathetic person, so if anyone cries in front of me, It will bring me to tears, I may not really have gone through what that person did but just hearing someone cry makes me dawn on my own struggles and sad experiences and it makes me cry. So we are both sympathetic emotional people, which is a really good thing because sympathy is not something you are born with, it is something you teach your self and it makes you a more compelling person. those who are void of emotion could potentially be so much more if they can get in touch with them, is what I feel. 
also lack of self worth, everyone can relate to especially if your in the creative field..how many times have we have been told that we aren’t good enough? we just have to keep telling ourselves that what we do is enough and i hope that he can practice that and hopefully believe in those words more and stop doubting himself. We all need words of affirmation! 
I believe that is all, i’ll add more later if I think of any, I have to be at work soon so maybe I’ll edit this more when I get home. But onto day 16.
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