#janis pov
tiredistic · 2 months
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idkwhatever580 · 4 months
I threw it away
Masterlist<< I mostly write Natasha romanoff but if you have a request I’ll be happy to write Regina.
Pairings: Regina George x reader
Prompt: weight had never been a tricky thing for y/n. Until she started dating Regina.
Warnings: bad relationships with food/weight
A/N: idk I wanted to write something like this to show that an ED or a relationship with weight can change even when you’re older and not just at girlhood i guess? Just remember that you are so perfect and loved.
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Y/n’s pov
I started dating Regina during the summer between our junior and senior year.
I used to be friends with Janis. That is until I found out what she did to Regina.
I don’t care if a girl is your mortal enemy. You don’t mess around with her biggest insecurities. Even if it’s what she flaunts the most.
Especially not weight. Those Kalteen bars were horrible of janis to do.
I slowly just got “busier” over time. And I eventually just stopped talking to Janis all together. I didn’t want to surround myself with that energy.
So after Regina got hit by that bus I started visiting her and trying to make it up to her.
It might not have happened if I just told her what they did.
But then again, we might not have started dating. So back to now.
I basically have been living at Regina’s place. I spend the night a lot, but if I go home then Gina is always picking me up when I can go.
My parents don’t care much. They say that I’m allowed to live my life. Thank goodness they’re laid back. Of course not as much as Mrs George but they believe that as long as I’m not getting drunk, high, or pregnant then I’m good.
I’m in Gina’s room and she gets up and says
“I’m going to the bathroom.”
I get up to go with her.
She’s like the black cat and I’m like the golden retriever. But we work really well together.
She walks in and does her business and then after she washes her hands and all, she decides to head over to the scale.
I’ve never used it. But she uses it all the time.
She breaks me out of my thoughts when she thinks out loud
“Yes! Back down to my ideal 120 pounds” (about 54 kilograms?)
I frown. I’ve never heard her say her weight before. And I say
“Congrats baby! Was that from all the kalteen bars?”
She nods her head and says
“I finally worked all the weight off”
I smile and kiss her and say
“That’s great. Why don’t you go tell your mom?”
She shrugs and says
“Eh. It doesnt matter. I’m gonna go back to the room okay?”
I nod my head and say
“I’m gonna pee”
She doesn’t stay since I’m a bit pee shy still so when she leaves I quickly run to the scale and check my weight.
Definitely not Regina’s ideal weight.
Suddenly I feel this rush of guilt fall over me. I walk back to her bed and crawl in with her. As she scrolls through her phone, I get lost in my thoughts.
If Regina tells me I’m perfect the way I am then why would she lie? Obviously she wants to be a certain weight. And if it’s her ideal weight then she clearly wants me to be that way too. I need to lose more weight. Maybe I’ll start a diet. That’s good. I’ll start a diet and just won’t tell Gina until I hit her desired weight and then she’ll think I’m perfect for real.
“What’s on your mind?”
I snap out of it and shake my head
“Nothing! Just watching videos over your shoulder”
She squints at me and says
“Alright. You know if you need anything you can tell me right?”
I nod my head.
Then all of a sudden Mrs George comes into the room and says
“Hey girls! I just wanted to let you know that I made my world famous cookies and they’re cooling in the kitchen right now if you wanted to grab them while they’re warm.”
I smile and Regina gets up so I follow.
She grabs one and says
“Aren’t you gonna eat one?”
I shake my head and say
“I’m not hungry.”
She hums and says
“But you love my mom’s cookies. You always eat a few”
I just now realized how much I eat of those and get slightly flustered so I say
“I’m just not hungry right now”
She nods her head and eats her cookie.
They do smell heavenly. But I must stay strong.
We head back upstairs after Gina finishes her cookie and I go on my phone to look up good diet routines. I find a decent one to start with.
If I don’t like it then I’ll do another one.
So I text my mom and ask her if she can get a few things the next time she goes to the store and she agrees.
Then I turn around and yawn.
“Y/n are you sleepy?”
I nod my head and she says
“Take a nap baby. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
I smile and let my eyes flutter closed and Regina whispers into my ear
“My perfect girl”
I smile at her even though it’s fake. I don’t feel perfect anymore.
It’s been a few weeks on this diet and it’s hard. It’s hard for me to reject a bunch of the foods I love.
Thankfully Mrs George also makes some keto versions of her food every now and then so I can eat those.
I have a routine now. Every time I go to the bathroom I check my weight right after. I check my weight in the mornings and in the evenings. But only at Regina’s house since I am here all the time.
We’re watching tv on her bed and I say
“I gotta pee. I’ll be right back”
Gina nods and says
I do my business and wash my hands. But it isn’t until I go to where her scale is that I find it’s not there.
I look around the room and I don’t see it anywhere.
I say loud enough for her to hear me.
Once I know I have her attention I say
“Where’s the scale?”
“Oh.. I threw it away”
After she says that I walk quickly to the room and say
“What?! What do you mean you threw it away?”
She shrugs as always and says
“I threw it away”
“Why would you do that? I need to see my weight.”
She gets up and comes to me and says
“I threw it away because I noticed that you’ve been doing this thing where you check your weight all the time.”
“Well you check yours all the time too!”
For some reason this is like a huge deal to me. I just want to be perfect for her. She grabs my hand and sits me down and says
“I know. I realized how bad that can be for my mental health. So I decided that I was going to lose the weight from those nasty kalteen bars and then start fresh. I, of course, have been having a healthy balance between my food intake. But it’s not a huge deal if I lose weight or gain weight. As long as I’m healthy.”
I look at her and say
“Oh. That’s nice.”
She nods her head and continues
“I noticed that once I stopped, you started. And I didn’t want that for you. You have never had to worry about your weight before because it was never a bad thing in your house. Most girls would call you lucky. And I don’t want you to start thinking bad about yourself now”
I frown and say
“But you said the ideal weight is 120?” (54)
She sighs and says
“I said that wrong. I wanted to get back to my baseline and start taking care of myself properly. The only reason I lost that weight in the first place was because I didn’t want to feel like Janis had that hold on my body anymore. If I was gonna gain weight it was going to be for myself. And because of myself. Not for anyone else and not because of anyone else.”
I nod my head in understanding and she puts one of her hands on my cheek and the other on my waist and says
“I’m sorry you ever felt less than perfect because of a stupid slip up I made. Your body is literally so beautiful.”
I doubt her until she says things that most people think are ugly
“From your beautiful stretch marks. Right down to the cellulite in your legs. It’s all beautiful. Perfect. And honestly. You’re so healthy. You work out. You’re strong. You have a good balance with food. Well, you did before you started whatever diet thing you have going on. And you are literally like a puzzle piece for me. The way we can cuddle perfectly. I love your soft tummy because I can nap on it and be so comfortable. I love your ass and tits because they make great handles for… sexy times…”
I giggle and she continues.
“I love how each and every scar and divot and bump and mark on your body tells a story. It makes you, you. And I would change that for the world. So I threw the scale away. If I’m starting new. Then you are too.”
I sigh as I get a fluttery feeling in my heart and stomach and I hug her. I finally say
“Thank you. Thank you so much”
She shakes her head and says
“No thank you. You’re the one who convinced me I’m perfect the way I am. And now it’s my turn to do the same.”
I pull away and she says
“Why don’t we go downstairs. I think my mom is making us a snack”
I smile and nod my head.
We head downstairs and Mrs George is making snickerdoodles and I smell the air and say
“It smells delicious!”
She smiles and says
“I made some keto ones for your diet y/n!”
She pulls out one singular cookie that was set apart from the others and I say
“Oh. No thanks. I’m not gonna diet anymore. My body is perfect the way it is.”
She smiles and nods her head affirming that and then hands each of us a cookie that is still warm and soft from the oven.
I hum when I take the first bite and Gina does it at the same time as me so we end up giggling from it.
This time. I eat two cookies and Gina does the same.
Then Gina asks
“Mom? What did you do with that other cookie?”
She turns around and says
“Oh! I threw it in the trash.”
Gina nods and turns to me. I smile at her and say
We love a good parallel.
A/N: I hope y’all liked it! It’s my first time writing Regina George. But I’m thinking of writing a prequel to this and doing how Janis and y/n had their fall out. And when y/n started being friends with Regina. Let me know what y’all think!
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish
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frogs00 · 2 months
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This was a real conversation I had with my friend so I made it Rejanis (Me being Janis lmao!)
(Janis POV just so you know)
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ashecampos · 7 months
Part one part two
Warnings - smoking, alcohol, drugs, swearing, cheating, mentions of anxiety.
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to reblog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies 🫶🏼
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“and where have you been?” My best friend Tess says while she sits on my bed, cross legged, her gym clothes still on. She smirks at me before throwing my pillow at me face, earning a groan from me. “Tee I feel like shit, no abusing ur token gay today please” I look over at her before falling next to her on my bed face first. “What’s wrong? Did Bea or Jason approach you again? Look when I come back to school tomorrow I’ll stick by your side to make sure they piss off yeah?” She states proudly.
Tess has been my best friend since middle school, we can’t actually remember how we became friends but our closest guess would be that we got sat together in some class, the rest is history. She got put into a different high school freshman year, however she is being transferred to Evanston for the rest of high school.
I lift up my head and smirk “oh yes my princess in shining armour please save me from this distressing part of my life” I say dramatically, rolling over to face her fully. She smiles back, shoving my shoulder a little laughing, her face lights up and she scoots forward a little “oh before I forget, this girl in my bookclub called Cady said we can sit with her and her friends at school, she’s really nice, and her friends sound amazing” she says while grabbing her tote bag off of the floor and pulling a book out, swatting me on the head with it “now read and we shall watch a movie of your choosing later” she hands me my book off of my cabinet.
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Cady walks into my basement where me and Damien are already sat down gossiping about todays events “hey guys where did you two disappear to earlier?” She says while plopping her backpack down and sitting on one of the beanbags. I look over to Damien begging him to not say anything, but let’s be real it’s Damien. “Damage control, little miss lover girl may or may not have overdosed a little” he says, earning a slap on the arm from me “for one” I look over to Cady pointing “she didn’t overdose, two she got spiked, three don’t call it damage control, im really worried about her” I say with a sad smile. Cadys phone pings a few times earning an ‘ooo’ from Damien, she picks it up and smiles “oh it’s my friend Tess, she’s just transferred to Evanston, I invited her to sit with us if that’s cool?” She says vibrating with excitement.
Great another new friend. Actually this might take my mind off of y/n, seeming though she hasn’t stopped ringing through my mind since that one gig.
“Y/n/n. Wake uppppp” I am shook awake by Tess, “cmon we fell asleep” she says, my body jolts up, how did we fall asleep? What time is it? I look over at my alarmclock, it’s only 6am. Thankgod.
I roll over to face her and she smirks “hey do you have any clothes I can steal?” She laughs before getting up out of the bed and grabbing me by the ankle and pulling me with her to my closet. “Ugh fuck you and your strong rugby arms” I curse her out half asleep as im being dragged across my room.
I sit up and she is raiding my closet. Groaning I lay back down on the floor, she walks back to my bed, clothes in hand then back to my closet. I start laughing “you’re in the closet” I say squinting up at her with a smirk. She kicks my shoulder and throws some clothes on my head “cmon goofy, get your emo ass dressed” I stand up and we get changed.
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Upon entering the school, Tessa is stared at by every man we walk by, we attend classes together, I thank every god in the sky that me and her have all of our classes together. The day is going smooth until third period art, we walk into the room, she is told to sit in front of me, that’s when Janis strides into the room, immediately noticing the blonde and freezing up.
The story is, Tess is Regina Georges cousin, she attended the same middle school, was indeed apart of the plastics. However Tess had no part of the downfall of Janis.
Tess turns around to me “is that?” She asks leaving the question open. “Mhm” I groan back to her. “As in your longtime crush Janis?” She mocks me, with a sweet smirk. I throw a pencil at her as Janis walks by, sits down next to us. “Hey Janis, y/n here has told me so much about you” she continues, making me regret being born. The class goes by, I end up drawing sketches of people in the class, while my dearest best friend talks to Janis, telling her embarrassing stories.
Walking into that art classroom was my worst mistake of the day so far. As soon as I walked through that door, I saw her. Tessa George, or as she goes by now Tess. You see the problem with Tess is that she is one of the kindest souls to walk the streets of suburban Illinois, however she is regrettably related to the one and only Regina George. In middle school, Tess was there for me when we were both plastic but when Regina ruined my life she was out of town and didn’t find out till I was long gone and expelled.
“Heyy Janis, y/n has told me so much about you” she says happily, meanwhile y/n groans a little and puts her face in her hands before slowly putting her head on her desk while Tess continues to talk about y/n, spilling secrets and telling stories. “Oh and then there was the time she tried to fight a man a foot taller than her when she was drunk” the blonde continues her rant. My eyes flicker from y/n to Tess, I never knew y/n was even friends with Tess, never mind best friends. Tess sounds really good for y/n. The bell chimes to indicate lunch has started, Tess grabs her phone and squeals causing y/n to roll her eyes, I try to ignore them, I start to pack up, grabbing my bag “Cady said meet her outside, she can’t wait to meet you” Tess said, grabbing y/n’s arm and dragging her out of the classroom. So Tess is cadys mysterious friend.
I walk to outside and find Damien, we end up sitting under our tree, I pull out my cross stitch and start sewing the rest of the eye I have been working on for this art contest. I hear leaves crunching and look up to see Cady, Tess and y/n walking over. “Oh my god, is that Tessa?” Damien starts to freak out. “Y/ns best friend Tess, Regina’s goddam cousin Tess?!” He exaggerates but shuts up just before they reach us. They all say hi and sit down. Y/n sits next to me, Tess and Cady sit on the other side of Damien.
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“So Cady tell us about this Aaron dude you cannot shut up about” Tess says while nudging Cady. to this all of us snapped our heads toward her “Samuel’s Aaron Samuel’s?” Damien asks “oh no Cady no” I continue “are you unwell?” Damien leans forward. “Wait you like my brother?” Y/n speaks up making everyone stay quiet, I look over and she shakes her head “Cady in the nicest way possible be careful, things with him and Regina ended horribly, and I don’t want him to be hurt” she says protectively “well things ended horribly with you and Bea but I don’t see Aaron sticking up for you” Cady bites back. A few seconds go by in silence before y/n stands up “sorry I have to go grab my charger from the art classroom” she says, Damien and his quick thinking blurts out “Janis can go with you, she left her needles there” which makes me look over and mouth ‘what?’ To him.
Y/n starts to walk away not waiting for me, which would be my que to get up and follow her, I stumble up and run after her. We end up in the art classroom, she grabs her charger and turns to leave but I grab her arm. “Wha..” she starts to say “what’s going on with you?” I cut her off, she looks at me as if she’s trying to analyse me to see if she can trust me. “Nothing in fine” she shrugs “no no your not now tell me what the fuck is going on” I push further, walking to the door and locking it. I walk back to her and hug her. She stumbles back a little but regardless her arms wrap around my waist. “Sorry” she mumbles into my shoulder “maybe let’s try explaining our actions instead of apologising for them” I say while rubbing her back. “Jason got his friends and beat me up, I rely on drugs to cope, my brother is in love with the queen bee of the school. Everything hurts jan” she says while tears stream down her face. I pull away from the hug and wipe her eyes. “Okay so we keep you away from Jason, we find better ways to deal with pain and we ignore the fact Regina exists mh?” I push some hair out of her eyes. She stares up at me before stepping forward a little, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling our faces together, she pulls me into a kiss. My fingers graze her hips and I use the loops of her belt to pull her closer to me. She starts to pull away to say something “this isn’t going to be awkward later right?” She questions, “no..I really don’t think so” I say pulling her in again, deepening the kiss.
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(With Damien and the girls)
“So shall we talk about the elephant in the room?” Damien says as Janis and y/n walk away.
“What the fact that those two would make an adorable yet scary power couple?” Tess quips back to the boy, in return he clicks his fingers and points at her “truth” he says smirking.
“So how do we get them together because I know Janis is as stubborn as they come and y/n well y/n is just y/n” Damien laughs.
Heyyy my gayssss, I hope you liked this chapter, it is a bit happier than the last one. The next chapter should be up in a few days, thankyou for reading.
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kittyvolvox · 7 months
re-listening to snow angel and omg this song gives me such rejanis vibes. like specifically janis' pov like "god forbid you're not the center of attention" and "as far as i'm concerned they should burn this whole city down" and "how'd you sleep?"
and ofc poison poison also gives me rejanis/janis vibes anyway the rejanis brainrot is really setting in if you guys can't tell :D
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erikahenningsen · 4 months
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House of Memories, the slow version is a rejanis introspection song from Janis pov in this essay I wi-
Once you watch Mean Girls (2024) every song becomes about your ship and there is no cure
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super-rangers · 24 days
Hi there! I come to your ask box to humbly offer some UIW based Rejanis headcannons because they have been rotating in my brain as if they were on the glass turntable of a microwave. I hope you enjoy and I apologize in advance for the length 😅 please add on as you may see fit! thank you for this story!
1. Because the height discrepancy between Regina and Janis is a constant subject of jokes between them, Regina jokingly starts taking those x0.5 lens top-down forehead photos of Janis (the kind that make her look like that one Megamind meme, you know the one) and shows them to her, saying, “This is what it’s like to date you.” The thing that she forgets to consider, however, is that Janis completely leans in to it because that is exactly the brand of goofy humor that she thrives in. And thus begins a growing photo collection in Regina’s phone of just 0.5 photos of Janis, taken at school, every time they go on a date, where ever 😄 (Bonus: on their anniversary, Regina makes two posts. The first, on her main account, is so beautiful and sentimental and more vulnerable than she is usually— a show of how far she’s come and how much more comfortable she’s grown in herself and how much she loves Janis. The other is on her finsta, and it’s just a carousel post of those photos of Janis with the caption, “One year of this POV 🥰🥰🥰”. Janis is comparing them later and says of the finsta post, “You should’ve posted this one on your main instead”
2. In the same vein, Regina sends those Gnometok tiktok videos to Janis (for reference: https://www.tiktok.com/@thefreshestdoug/video/7387230517243972906) along with commentary like, “Oh my goodness, Jan—I had no idea your relatives have had to endure so much 😔”
3. (At the risk of being a little too meta considering the iterations of these characters are based off of the movie musical 😅) in addition to playing the guitar, Janis has a beautiful voice. She really doesn’t think much of it—it’s something she likes to do for herself and is so commonplace for her and done so mindlessly but Regina absolutely loves LOVES to listen to her, even if the singing and humming is near constant sometimes. In fact, and no one knows of this because she knows it’s so disgustingly sappy that she would get super shy and deny it if anyone were to bring it up, but she likes to sometimes ask Janis to sing to her. Of course, Janis always obliges, and has taken particularly to singing her old Hawaiian folksongs or lullabies while they’re cuddling that her mom used to sing to her as a young child. Regina becomes the human embodiment of the “🥹🥰🥹🥰🥹” emojis and melts into a puddle every time
4. As a segway from that last bit, I don’t want to frame this as something that’s remarkable because it’s something that any good partner would and should do, but I am always such a sucker for cultural exchange/learning about and engaging with your partner’s culture as a form of honoring & loving them, and I think that’s something that would be really important to Regina. Like she’ll often ask about customs and she tries her best to commit the little Hawaiian words and phrases she hears Janis and her parents use to memory and even sometimes try to use them too 😄 (her pronunciation is a little off a lot of the time but she’s got the spirit!)
5. As headstrong and stubborn as Regina can be in her own right, after reading about Regina’s reservations re: her and Janis staging a fake fight (though I completely understand where she was coming from), I can’t help but think that at least towards the the beginning of the relationship, whenever she and Janis DO actually get into an argument, she embodies the “my girl is mad at me, hope i die” meme, at least a little bit 😆 like, she doesn’t necessarily make Janis privy to that, but I can definitely see her wallowing in her angst and being like, “Janis hasn’t talked to or smiled at or kissed me in 12 hours and I feel like I’m DYING”
Oh my god I love all of these
1. I'm obsessed with this bc like,,,true. They would 😂 I'm tacking a little bit onto the end of this one lol
"You always post feelings on your finsta. At least, that's what I do."
Regina is instantly on alert bc she did not know Janis had a finsta. Just all up in Janis' face like "You have a finsta?"
And Janis is like "uh. No?"
And thus begins Regina’s hunt. it takes her like an hour at most, and when she finds it, it's just full of pictures of her (both serious and goofy), pictures of their dates, and paintings. The posts range from sentimental to shit like "shes so hot I think I hauve covid"
It has 3 followers: Damian, Cady, and (maybe surprisingly) Karen
2. I had never seen a gnometok video before I'm cackling
I love that headcanon lolll
3. This one fits perfectly on with my headcanon that Regina can't sing! She totally takes every opportunity to hear Janis sing. She's got a playlist titled "songs Janis likes to sing to" and she plays it in the car all the time
4. 🥹😭 that's so cute omggg
Janis one day is like "babe, you've been so sweet learning about my culture, so I decided to return the favor. As you can see, I'm wearing my shoes in your bedroom."
5. Oh no doubt about it. Regina goes an hour with Janis mad at her and she becomes just so depressed. Only her pride is keeping her from groveling
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 8 months
my bf and i were talking recently about who the modern equivalent of jane austen would be, and it really stuck in my brain. after pondering it for many days, i think my answer is actually the television show succession. i get that austen is usually perceived as more romance-focused/light/frilly fare, but i feel like austen's novels are mostly about coexisting with self-centered idiots whilst striving not to be a self-centered idiot yourself and trying to have principles in a world where it's easy and tempting not to.
anyway, some things that i think austen and succession have in common:
various degrees of fancy people fancying about
succession i.e. inheritance being a big deal
relatedly: family really defining, or threatening to define, your fate in a way that is hilarious but also Bleak
i think the ways that people fail each other are also a big thing in both. like, failing the people you were supposed to honor and do right by.
just a spot on delightfully insufferable portrayal of self-centered weirdos and their daily weirdnesses. connor?? greg???? could have come from the pen of janie a herself. (sidenote: is mr. collins, in a way, greg????)
marriage as serious business, marriage as business, the perilous weight of a match made for the wrong reasons
the feeling that you aren't really on the same wavelength with a lot of the people around you. lots of wry judgy faces happening constantly.
i'm biased but i think romangerri kind of illustrates the austen-y concept of a solid connection of like minds and goals who are in harmony for a time. but roman squanders it in a very willoughby move!
i think the big difference is that usually in austen you have a sensible person as your pov character, whereas the roys aren't quite hinged enough to be sensible. but i just feel like there's a lot of thematic and stylistic and comedic overlap! you're welcome for the highest compliment possible, jesse armstrong et al.
edited to add: also obviously tom wambsgans is mr. darcy. there's that.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 7 months
mean girls (2024)
fine. FINE. it is time to discuss mean girls (2024) bc i can't stop thinking about it and i had a severe mean girls the musical phase in 2018 and 2020 two separate times. and also i took notes watching the movie last night. so now you are all subject to hearing them. spoilers, obvi. (under the cut, of course)
i think it should be noted here that i also have Thoughts and Feelings on the bway musical. so if anyone wants to know those... moving on.
it's a movie-musical adapted from the stage musical adapted from the 2004 movie adapted from a BOOK called Queen Bees and Wannabes released in 2002. now that that's out of the way:
the good:
the sets are so much fun in the movie. the musical is like. a few desks and tables and a bed that all move and then. screens. i missed real sets. so much
opening the musical with janis and damien recording the video in the garage and having their narration work like that worked sooooo well. and then of course ending in the garage was very fun.
speaking of janis and damien, these are my favorite versions of janis and damien. auli'i and jaquel KILL IT as janis and damien.
angourie's cady (acting-wise) is really good. really cute and naïve and it feels authentic as a transition from new kid cady to plastic cady.
i also don't mind the changes to apex predator. i think auli'i and jaquel killed it and i think it works! i like the choreo too where everyone is acting animalistic (re: this is Girl World in the og movie) except regina.
avantika and bebe wood are also really great as gretchen and karen. this might be my favorite version of karen. ily karen shetty.
LOVE this version of someone gets hurt. i love regina controlling the atmospehere around her and literally becoming the apex predator. the partygoers don't move unless she allows it, and even planning cady's reaction (which is. gayer than expected) is so good.
CONTROVERSIAL TAKE? i prefer the story behind the pyro-lez thing. i never liked the space dyke story in the musical and i thought it was weird (though i prefer them calling her a space dyke because it's supposed to be mean. ya know)
im saving this for this bullet point bc every other bullet point would've been about but i've been a fan of renee's regina for forever now, so being able to see it outside of broadway and outside of shaky bootlegs is a blessing.
after regina eats shit at the talent show, during the social media montage, you can briefly hear the intrumental version of world burn, and i think thats cool.
SOMEONE GETS HURT (REPRISE) you will always be famous. i am so sorry they didn't put you on the soundtrack
damien on the jazzy will forever be funny. it's better than the og movie. i will stand by this.
also the background/looming beat of world burn like a second after janis gets done singing + the looming threat of regina's revenge is very cool.
OH world burn is very awesome in this bc. duh. of course it is. but what really stands out to me is that it's like apex predator again where everyone is acting like animals and reginas above it all (bc she did this lmao). another thing is the transition between one of the high notes to regina fake crying in mr duvalls office. that was so slay.
the reginald joke is my fave in the whole musical and im so glad they kept it. it makes me giggle every time.
canon lesbian janis imi'ike i love you.
the bad:
i miss all of the songs. give me back It Roars, Where Do You Belong, the entirety of Meet the Plastics, the What's Wrong with Me reprise, FEARLESS! and Whose House is This, More is Better, and Do This Thing!! GIVE THEM BACK TO ME!!! PLEASE!!! OH my god and Stop. jaquel would've blown this out of the water i just know it.
i miss the jokes about mrs george and her boob job. that shit was hilarious.
i don't care for cady's pov in revenge party in this one. those who have seen it Know.
i also miss the "NO! THEY'RE BOTH IN THE COSTUME!" that shit killed me. absolutely hilarious.
the musical (bway edition) actually did cut some of the iconic scenes from the movie, but i think this movie would've benefitted from adding them back in. give me the "we should totally just stab caesar!" line.
i hate Rockin Around The Pole. so fucking much. i hate it in the broadway version and i hated it in this. i hate this song so fucking much.
chris briney. that's all. he's got about as much personality as a wet piece of paper. get a different aaron.
even the broadway musical is like, actually mean. it still pales in comparison to the og movie. this movie could have done a little more to stand out from the actual musical and the og movie. idk. it could've said something. but if you walked into this movie and expected it to say something then that's on you. sorry.
this isn't something that needs to be categorized but i miss cady's inner monologue. it's very obvious in the movie but she's even got these cute little asides in the musical that i WISH they would've kept. like: "it seems kinda bad to spy on someone, but they're the first friends i've got, and i don't want to have none." is so much fun and gives cady so much character and i love it so much. erika henningsen is my favorite variation of cady. she's believable as both nerdy cady and plastic cady. also she's so, so funny. (honestly i think they should've brought her back for cady's songs in this musical. sawry. i don't think they should've replaced angourie bc i really like her cady But.)
another cute and quirky thing that i like from the musical that isn't in the movie (because it would be really hard to pull off) is that mrs heron/mrs george/mrs norbury are all played by the same actress.
anyway that's all i have to say about mean girls (2024). in my (completely unprofessional) opinion, they should've literally just adapted the actual musical script if they wanted to make this so bad. or released a pro-shot with renee as regina and this cast or something. they should've gone all out campy musical with this one instead of trying to market it as a remake bc it's not Really a remake. like it Is but it's Not.
if u read this whole thing thank you. if you saw this post and went "jesus christ" im sorry. i wish i could stop thinking about it, too.
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barblaz-arts · 8 months
Ah yes sorry twas very vague. It's Mean Girls and Janis Imi'ike POV not the original one. And No pressure! Your Vega comics are inspiring cuz like she's your creation but imo she's like a realized character with a past from birth to teenager and I feel like I understand her and could see her like in a show or an even longer fic and you've done that all through drawing not even one like massive comic story its impressive so I thought I'd ask how you did that lmao 😂
Honestly idk how I managed to make you guys as attached to Vega(and Sora) as you guys apparently are, but I highly appreciate it ♥️
I'm not too familiar with Mean Girls, I only ever listened to the musical's soundtrack. Didn't Janis used to be friends with Regina? Maybe you could start with that? Recontextualize how everything in the movie happened by seeing it thru the lens of someone who used to be good friends with Regina and is now seeing somebody about to go thru the same things she did?
(unless i am totally wrong and Janis and Regina were never friends, in which case, i have no clue what to do--)
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tiredistic · 2 months
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OC Origins Tag
Thanks for the tag @paeliae-occasionally! This is a new one for me.
I’ve got a crap ton of characters so I’m only going over a few.
To be honest these are going to be a bit of a bummer, sorry. (CW: Grief and Death)
Narul comes from a number of places. His name actually comes from a little fantasy story I wrote during middle school. It was about a world of underground people below the Sahara desert, that country was called Narul. The name Narul is literally the only thing leftover from that. Narul's character is based on something that happened to me when I was still in highschool. I wasn't very popular and I was kind of a quiet person, people didn't really mess with me but aside from a few people they didn't talk to me all that much either (the black trench coat and combat boots that I insisted on wearing probably didn't help.) One place where I was active was in drama and there was a person that I had been talking to for a while and I thought we were pretty close friends. One day they came up to me and said "When I first met you, you were kind of scary, but you're actually pretty cool." Now I know that was supposed to be a compliment, but something about the fact that they had thought I was scary really bothered me. It sort of messed with my self-esteem for a while. Narul is "scary" but he is in actuality a very emotional and caring person, and he struggles with the idea that other people are scared or intimidated by him. Narul is also sort of meant to be a way for me to address some of my fears and thoughts about time and forgetting and losing the people around you.
So Ninma came from a number of places. Her name was mostly just thought up, roughly inspired by a few different Sumerian/Akkadian names and places.  As for Ninma herself, she’s of course inspired by characters like Ellie from the Last of Us, Laura from Logan, and Koda from Brother Bear. She’s also inspired by a couple people that I know in real life, namely my partner and my brother. When she grows up and is with Jani in particular, she’s inspired by my partner. Ninma is meant to be the opposite of Narul, she’s rash and clever, charismatic. Though Narul is of course bigger and stronger and is the main POV, in terms of their effect on the world around them, Ninma is by far the more important character. The meaning that she is able to find in a human life is at the core of the first three books of my WIP (The Ninma Cycle).
Akard’s name comes from the city of Akkad, the capital of the Akkadian Empire, arguably the first in history. He is inspired by characters like Cyrus and Alexander the Great, as well as other famous rulers. A lot of the story as a whole revolves around the theme of Death (Narul’s inability to die, war, sickness, growing old, etc.), Akard’s terminal sickness, Asherdul’s Bane, is meant to serve as a sort of driving force behind his actions. Of course we all know that we have a limited time, but for Akard it's more real. He has to finish what there is to finish before his time is up. In that he acts as the opposite side of the coin to characters like Narul and Mikrab or Batricca, all of which have so much time that it sort of just becomes meaningless. Akard initially started as a much more villainous and evil character, the sort of typical “evil lord” sort of character, but as I thought about him more he changed. Akard is genuinely a good king (as good as absolute monarchs can be at least), he’s brave and fair, and even the terrible things he does, he does for a reason. It just so happens that these reasons endanger the MCs. 
Speaking of characters with terminal illness, Penetinos is directly inspired by and modeled after my grandfather, he’s probably the most blatant character basis. He was a history teacher, quiet and kind. His hands shook from an accident when he was a kid. He read constantly and he introduced me to online gaming.  He had cancer almost the entire time that I knew him. It was pretty easy to forget about it sometimes, until it wasn’t. For the last couple of years, we all, including him, knew that the end was coming. I’ll admit I’ve never been particularly comfortable with the idea of death. As a kid I’d run into the bathroom in the middle of the night and cry thinking about death, and just the thought of things ending. He never seemed all that bothered by it, at least in front of me. We never really talked about it, but something about his attitude and seeing how he dealt with his illness helped me come to terms with that sort of thing. A big part of my inspiration for writing this story was addressing my own thoughts and anxieties about the passing of time, losing people, and death. He passed last year.  I regret that I didn’t talk to him more. We were both sort of quiet people, and as I got older and he got sicker, we just had less to talk about. I think that in some ways, his introducing me to things like Everquest, is a reason why I got interested in fantasy and thus why I started writing this book. It only feels right that he should have some part in Kobani. 
The name Istek is pretty much just gibberish, just a random sound that I made which I turned into a name, even in Kishite it's not really a name, his name means Seagull. Istek is also inspired by one of my grandpas. He was the opposite in a lot of the ways of the person that inspired Penetinos. He was loud, he liked to wrestle, he would tell stories about his time in the navy and growing up in the middle of nowhere, he would spend hours at estates hours and come back with old national geographics and vintage toys to give to his grandkids. It's this sort of bigger than life personality that inspired Istek. It's not a coincidence that they were both sailors. He passed my freshman year. Istek is all about memory, he tells stories about his adventures all the time, he brags, he wants people to remember him. Even as he lives life to the fullest he also holds onto the past. My grandfather had Alzheimer's and as a result he would often forget that he had told us a story. And so he would tell the same story multiple times. There’s a lot of stories of his that I vividly remember because of how many times he told him. I think part of the reason he told those stories so many times was to make sure that he remembered them too.  I’ve dealt with a lot of anxieties that I might also start to forget things about myself too one day. Narul’s fears about forgetting the people he cares about as time passes is inspired by that anxiety, as is Mikrab who has forgotten everything about his past. Now Istek, being queer is entirely something that I made up, I’m pretty certain that my grandfather wasn’t queer. My grandfather was also a very tall and strong man, so Istek being short is sort of a personal joke of mine. In some ways, Istek is who I wish I could be, free and happy, secure in himself and his place in the world. Istek doesn't let himself worry about the future, not when there is so much in the present to be enjoy and be thankful for.
Tagging @illarian-rambling, @roach-pizza, @katenewmanwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @mk-writes-stuff and open tag
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Not to over analyze a bad movie remake that we all knew was going to be bad but—
Why did this movie not take the chance to tell the story of Mean Girls with Janis as the protagonist? Not only was Auliʻi Cravalho a clearly better singer than the girl who played Cady, the alleged main character, but everything in that movie revolves around Janis. She’s the one that jumpstarts Cady’s transformation, she drives the spying on Plastics portion, she’s the one to call Cady out about turning Plastic, she’s got this great reveal during the apology portion! It’s Janis’s story!
And what a story it is: from Janis’s POV, Cady and Regina are direct parallels. The emotional gut punch of Cady saying Janis is obsessed with her is devastating when we remember Janis’s history with Regina, who said the exact same thing, but we never really get to explore that! We don’t get the chance to! And we could get insight to the art show Cady misses, and probably more Damien screen time (always a win).
Like? The movie clearly couldn’t commit to being a musical or a movie, and don’t get me started on the structural integrity of the fourth wall, but you’d think the movie people would be aware they’re making a remake that would pretty much only appeal to fans. You’re not going to entice new viewers in with this. So give the fans new material! Expand the canon! Norbury and Duvall were married in this one, and Cady just didn’t have a dad, so you’re clearly not against making changes!
What a wasted opportunity. I’m gonna go listen to the musical again.
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frogs00 · 4 months
Fire and Ice || Chapter: one
Note: Please leave your opinions and enjoy! I'll try and release a new chapter whenever I can! Summary: Literally just a Regina x Janis slow-burn with rotating POVs
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Janis walked past Regina in the hall, not paying her any attention, and Regina watched her. Memories plagued her, every time she saw her. Her most recent ones, positive ones: the dance, and holding her, if only for a moment. Regina was healing, physically that was, it had been 6 months since the ‘Bus incident’. She was in Senior year now and still held her title somewhat, people pitied her. She still had up her walls of ice, she still was cold and fierce, despite making peace with everyone she had wronged; Everyone but Janis. She had apologized, poorly, but she did it without expecting the brunette to accept her pathetic excuse for an apology. Which Janis didn’t; she remembered the brunette had only grunted in response and then basically ran away. She was not even meeting the tall girl’s eyes. “Yeah, so Janis, I’m sorry for,” she had stammered, fidgeting with her fingers, “everything and all.”  She cringed at the memory. She hadn’t sounded sincere at all in the moment. Like she was being forced into it, she hadn’t been, nobody put her up to it, not even Cady had pushed her to. Cady knew better than to play with fire and ice. (Ironic that is, huh?) Janis and Regina weren’t a good mix, simple as that. She turned to open her locker and pulled out her book, specifically, her math textbook. She didn’t need Janis, Janis hated her. And she has every right to, you monster. She shook that voice away, that stupid voice. She had Gretchen, Karen, and Cady, and even Damian. Sometimes that is, they hung out at the same table and went shopping together twice. Still, he was Janis’s best friend, and therefore she and Damian weren’t all that close. She had never expected to share a table with the ‘art freaks’, it was Cady’s doing. She’d do anything for Cady, even if it meant having to sit at the table of her ex-nemesis.
Janis and her didn’t talk to each other, the only time they did was snide remarks tossed between each other, often leading to a quarrel for someone to break up. 
She didn’t need Janis’s forgiveness. Then why do you want it so badly? That little voice in her head that never seemed to leave her alone asked. She slammed the locker closed, inhaling sharply, drawing the eyes of a few students, whom she shot a glare to shut them up. Then she turned away and made her way to her next class.
- Regina sat in silence, deep in thought, she refrained from staring at Janis (not that she had that temptation, she was just a bit more avoidant than usual, totally). Her foot twitched, she was irritated, her back was sore and everything was loud. It was the cafeteria, it was always loud. But is it? is it always this loud? She asked herself. God, her head hurt. Maybe I should just leave, I’m being quiet, and my friends always are so suspicious when I’m quiet. I don’t want them to worry for no reason, but would it be weirder if I just left? What if- “Regina, hello?” A voice pulled her from her trance, she looked up from the table, looking towards the voice, it was Janis. “Huh?” She asked, still slightly dazed.
“Can you pass me a napkin or two?” she asked her expression a mixture of confusion and annoyance. She must’ve called my name multiple times. Regina realized. The blonde stared at her for a bit too long before nodding and handing one to her wordlessly. She didn’t react to Janis’s ‘Thanks’ at all. All of her friends seemed to be staring at her now, “What? Why are you staring at me like that?” Regina snapped.
Damian put up his hands defensively, “You just seem,” waving his hand as he searched for the word, “weird?” Damian suggested. Weird? Regina's eyes widened, Regina George isn’t ‘weird’. Regina scowled, and stood up, placing her hands on the table and leaning forward, “I am not,” she growled defensively, this was the first time she had acted like this in a while. She saw Cady out of the corner of her eye flinch. She glanced the other way to see Gretchen cringe. She even saw Karen frown. Damian rolled his eyes, displeased but not angry, Regina could tell he wasn’t angry. He was always patient with her. He opened his mouth to speak, but Janis spoke. Her voice was condescending, “Right forgot you’re ‘Little Miss Perfect’! you can’t be ‘weird’, right, Reggie?”  Regina's face fell at the nickname, the one Janis called her when she was young, used in that way. Regina opened her mouth to snap back, but stopped herself, and just turned and stomped away. She heard Cady’s voice say something along the lines of; ‘Wait!’ and ‘Janis, what the heck?!’ but she kept walking, fist clenched at her sides. Perfect. She hated that word, she hated that she had to be it. ‘Little miss perfect.’  Janis’s voice rang in her head. That’s all she’d ever be; what she had to be. She turned into the restroom and took a few deep breaths. Counting to ten while she leaned against the sink.
She heard the restroom door open again and turned to see who it was. It was Janis, who was actively walking towards her. What is she doing here? At that moment she couldn’t help herself, “Oh, hey, were you tasked with coming to tame the beast?” She sneered, “Go away.” she realized how self-loathing that sounded a few moments later, and turned away and cringed.
Janis only scoffed at this and crossed her arms, “No, actually, I came to check on you all of my own, and maybe say sorry, but I changed my mind.” She made no move to leave though, and Regina just stared at her in the mirror, having the privilege of watching the shorter girl's face soften from a scowl to a look of concern. “What’s wrong?” Janis said, sighing, and coming up behind her, gently rubbing her back. “Nothing.” She sighed and shrugged, She heard Janis scoff but didn’t see her face since her eyes were closed tightly now. “Just…” She stood straight, “Leave me be.” she pulled away from her touch, which she so yearned for. She shouldn’t feel this way, she hurt her, then gave her a half-ass apology. She didn’t deserve this; This comfort, this kindness, this… What is this? She must want something. Why would she care? “Regina, I-” Janis started, Regina swung around to face her, and Janis flinched away like she would have struck her. This offended her slightly, she narrowed her eyes, I wouldn’t lay hands on someone. “Leave me be, you shouldn’t care anyways,” Regina pushed past her, then stopped, and turned to look at her “No, actually, you don’t. So stop pretending like you do.” and she turned back away, and went to push the door open, tears pricking at her eyes. A hand grabbed her wrist before she could exit the restroom, which she tried to shake off, but the artist's hands stuck, “Stop it, Regina,” Janis said sternly, “I get you don’t want to talk to me, but at least talk to your counselor-” Regina gave Janis a look of guilt that made the brunette stiffen. “You said you were in counseling,” Janis said, releasing her hand, she seemed disappointed. “I stopped, it wasn’t changing anything, it was useless” Regina swallowed the growing lump in her throat, straightening her stance. Janis scoffed at this, crossing her arms, “It was actually,” she said, “It was doing some good, it’s better than bottling everything up!” Regina cut her off instantly, “That’s rich coming from you of all people.” Regina snapped, shoving a finger in her face, and Janis froze, something flashing in her eyes. Regina knew she had struck a nerve, “You push everyone away, you always do, you’re pathetic,” Janis said after a long moment. Shaking her head, her voice was soft, and storming out, mumbling something. She wasn’t mad, she was hurt, and Regina could tell. Regina watched her leave, anger boiling inside of her, she had messed up. Fuck. 
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ashecampos · 5 months
a little Regina x reader
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Warnings - swearing, mentions of cheating, mentions of anxiety. Regina being Regina. Hurt. Angst
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to reblog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies 🫶🏼
I am startled awake by a familiar vibration next to my head, i squint to see who’s phone is ringing, of course it is mine. I groan and sleepily wiggle out of Janis’ arms, grabbing my phone while exiting the room to take the call, I find my way to the bathroom again and sit against the bathtub, answering the call not bothering to read the caller ID, assuming it’s Tessa or Damien.
“Y/n?” The person on the other end asks, as if they knew there would be a chance someone else could’ve answered. I instantly freeze up recognising the voice on the other side of the phone call. “B..Bea? Why the fuck are you calling me?” I say as I start to pace back and forth. “I know im the last person you want to hear this from but I was told you have been seeing Janis Imi’ike, im so sorry y/n” she says, obviously putting what she needs to say off. “Just spit it out bea, whatever you must say, say it” i speak with a sense of urgency “me and Janis have been seeing eachother in secret for a few months now, she had admitted she only helped you that night to make sure you broke up with me” she says. I search for a reason for her to be lying about this but come up with nothing, all rational thoughts gone. I make quick work of ending the call and storming back into the room where me and Janis were peacefully sleeping not even five minutes prior. I grab my hoodie and jeans, throwing them on, I then grab my shoes and leave.
One foot after the other I make a run from it. Like I ran from bea when she cheated. Like I’ve ran from every situation that’s caused me pain. I make my way back to my house, seeing a figure sat on my poarch, it seems they had saw me before i got the chance to see them. The person stands up and walks over. Only now do I realise the hot, sticky tears running down my cheeks causing my ability to make out the person falter. I desperately rub my face using the sleeves of my hoodie, silently praying it’s not my mom who is the one to see me like this. Thankfully I see blonde hair. Bleached blonde hair. Regina George.
She makes her way over, her pace quickening when she sees the state im in. “Oh y/n what happened? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?” She bombards me with questions while gripping my chin and tilting my head up to look at my face properly. A frown upon her own. “I’m fine I just want to be alone, go see Aaron or something Regina” I choke out trying to hold back the tears threatening to pour again. She shakes her head, unhanding my face and instead grabbing my hand, dragging me into the house. And up the stairs into my room. “Jesus y/n why is your room so dark. No wonder you’re so pale..no offence” she says while running to my curtains, pulling them open and allowing the natural light inside. I wince at the brightness of the morning sun.
She sits me down on my bed, leaning closer to me. “So tell me what’s got you so upset?” She says gently and in a genuine tone. So I tell her everything. I mean it’s Regina George. She may be seen as the ‘queen bee’ but honestly she’s never been bad to me or my brother so I trust her.
“So let me get this straight. She got you to break up with your ex so she could get with her then continued to see the both of you behind each other’s backs? Oh my god. I’m going to kill her” the blonde says while grabbing her phone out of her pocket and aggressively typing away. After a few seconds she looks up and smiles sadly “you’re gonna sit with me and my group at lunch now, trust me she won’t bother you baby.” She says while putting her phone away.
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I wake up and stretch, extending my arms out, feeling the surface of the sofa to find it empty. My eyes shoot open looking for the girl. She’s nowhere to be seen. I groggily stand up and head for the bathroom. She wasn’t there either. I sigh assuming she got asked to run some errands by her mom or something. I turn some music on and start to move the basement back to how it was before the date.
The day goes by so fast. The day turns into the next and then the next. No word from y/n at all. She must just be busy.
Entering school on the Monday was probably one of the worst decisions of my life. First everyone was looking at me. Then I got to my locker and there she was at hers. She sees me and walks away quickly. I frown assuming she was just in a mood with it being so early in the day or something like that.. until I see Damien and Tessa storming over. “Janis ‘Imi’ike I have known you for fifteen years but this. This is a new low even for you” the boy starts. “Tell me this is some sick joke right now Janis I swear to god” Tessa says almost immediately after Damien. I look at them taken aback at their sudden disgust and anger toward me. “Can someone please tell me what I done?” I say slamming my locker shut, staring both of them down. “you used her to fuck her ex. Janis I thought you genuinely liked her” Tessa snapped before Damien could say anything “what are you talking about? I do like her. And I despise bea” I say, frowning. “well the morning after you and her had that date night, I got a call from Regina telling me to haul ass to y/N’s house because the poor girl was hysterical, turns out Bea had called her and told her everything about you and… oh fuck, it’s a setup. We need to get to y/n before they do anything else”
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These past few days Regina has been the nicest I’ve ever known her to be, yes she is the ‘queen bitch’ of north shore but she’s always been nice to me for some reason. After what happened the other day, she’s only been nicer. I haven’t really spoke to anyone about what happened. I kinda went off the radar until Tessa turned up at my house demanding to know why I hadn’t been answering. Naturally I broke down and told her everything and after reassuring her (a lot) that i would be okay, she left to go home and sleep for school. Aaron didn’t really care about what happened. Not that I really told him. Yes he’s my twin, I’ll always love and be there for him but we don’t really associate with each other anymore. So when I woke up this morning I decided to ‘suck it up’ as my dad would say. I threw on a hoodie and some baggy jeans. Then Regina called me. “Hey short stuf- oh Jesus please tell me you aren’t wearing that?!” She nearly screams down the phone, I cringe looking down at my outfit earning a sigh from her. “I’ll be over in five, do your makeup and I’ll pick some clothes for you when i get there okay?” She asks in a sweet tone. I smile and nod before hanging up and grabbing a joint I rolled last night ready for today. I stare down at it for a few minutes contemplating what im going to do if Janis approaches me today. I haven’t spoke to her since the phone call. I didn’t confront her, I just ran. Shaking my head I light up and take a few drags of the blunt with laying on my bed, all tasks out of sight and mind.
By the time I finished the joint, Regina is in my room and looking through my closet, she looks over at me her smile fading while she grabs an outfit that fits ‘plastic’ standards, but is still in my style. Then she comes and sits next to me on the bed. “So what’s the plan?” She speaks before I can, I shrug “go into school and show her who she messed with” I say in a mocking tone earning a smack over the back of my head from the blonde, she laughs and drags me off of my bed, keeping a tight hold on my wrist to keep me steady. She drags us into my closet and sits me down, pulling my hoodie off and replacing it with an old band shirt I made into a cropped vest, she smirks and grabs my backpack, throwing it at me. She grabs my hand and we are out of the door, in her jeep and on the way to school.
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I stand at my locker waiting for Regina to find Gretchen and Karen and come back to get me so she can introduce me to them. Looking up from my phone I see Janis, I roll my eyes and walk the other way, not wanting to start a fight twenty minutes before homeroom. I pull out my phone and call Regina to ask where she is.
Minutes later im stood with the plastics. Gretchen looks me up and down trying to figure me out, while Karen just stands there smiling at me. “I love your shirt, where can I get one?” Gretchen starts off, I smile with a little bit of a blush forming “oh uhm I made it actually” I say looking at the shirt I made a few weeks ago just after meeting Janis. The girls eyes light up as she leans closer “omg so your like an artist and a musician, that’s so fetch” she bounces with excitement. A laugh erupts from beside me “what’s fetch?” Regina asks cringing a little. “Oh it’s like slang from some movie I saw” the girl explains the plot of the movie, I smile at her and her little quirks “well that movie sounds fetch, we will have to watch it one time, right Regina?” I nudge the blonde, knowing how mean she can be towards Gretchen at times. Karen looks over my shoulder and gasps a little. We all turn around to see the commotion. Tessa and Damien are shouting at Janis. I guess Tessa told Damien. Well at least they’ve got to her before I could. Not that I’d even know what to say. “Hey cmon we should get to PE so we can get changed out of sight from the creeps” Regina tugs my arm. I know she’s never early for anything, which lets me know that she is only suggesting that so I wouldn’t have to see Janis. She grabs onto my hand as we all walk to the changing rooms. I drop my bag to the floor and pull off my vest, replacing it with the track hoodie I originally had put on. I change into some shorts and put on my not so white converse. Once we are all changed, we sit on the benches outside of the changing rooms, waiting for the bell to ring and for everyone to come to class, I put my hair in a messy bun before looking up to see two faces laced with shock “you have a tattoo?” Karen says with a smile, earning a confused look from me “you guys don’t?” I answer the question with another question, they all shake their heads making me laugh, I shrug the interaction off and pull on the strings of my hoodie.
The bell eventually chimes and people start flooding into the changing rooms, Janis and Damien included, the both of them are glared at by the three girls while I stare at the floor. The coach shows up, smiling at me, waving his arms around like a goof “y/n congratulations on last weeks race kid” he enthusiastically says before patting my back. “Thanks, hope the next one is just as easy” I laugh a little. To say track is stressful would be an understatement. Some people join to have something to put on their college forms, some join because they love sports, me, I joined because my dad wanted me to be apart of every hobby, he wants me to have as many skills as possible. I know he means good but the pressure to be the best at everything is crushing. I get snapped out of my thoughts when Regina’s hand holds onto mine, I look around and see people leaving to head to the field, I look at Regina and she mouths “you okay?” towards me, I simply nod, I wasn’t about to scare off the person who offered me a safe space this fast.
Approaching the field I see the teacher is holding a bag full of equipment, I look over at Tessa knowing what’s in the bag. Fucking rugby balls. I’ve never liked rugby but Tessa on the other hand. She loves it. It’s her whole life. She has been scouted by professional teams since we were kids. Me on the other hand, not the type of person to tackle people, I would happily just stick to track.
I look up to see Tessa running over to me, a massive grin on her face. “Y/n cmon we are doing rugby” she waves a ball in my face like an excited child. I look over to where she is pointing and see Damien and Janis, I frown and shake my head a little “wait T you aren’t in this class, why are you here?” I laugh a little knowing she is meant to be in English language class right now. Once again she waves the ball in my face “coach pulled me out asking if I would help with some tackling drills.” She nudges me before going to grab me to go see Janis. “Actually im going to stay here and help the plastics” I mumble knowing she won’t like me hanging around with Regina. “What why? Your not like in love with my cousin right?” She crosses her arms and stares at me “you and Janis need to talk. Sooner than later I suggest” she lectures me just as the coach blows the whistle.
Me and Tessa both get forced to grab a tackle practice pad and hold them up ready for the coach to tell people to try tackling us both. A lot of them don’t try to tackle too hard, a few manage to push me back a little but one manages to knock me. Regina. She stands staring at me like a predator scoping out its prey, she then gets a running start, getting lower to the ground with every stride closer she gets and eventually she has her arms around my torso and she manages to buckle my legs and she’s on top of me, smirking down at me with a satisfied grin. “Falling for me already huh?” She leans closer to my face with a cheeky grin, we stay like this for a few seconds before she gets off of me and we both stand up. I take my place back at the line, bag in hand ready to go.
I tilt my head to the side and see Tessa and Janis laughing, Tessa looks over at me with a sympathetic expression, it seems like she knows more about this situation than she’s letting on.
Once the lesson is practically done and everyone is walking off of the field I jog a little to catch up with Tessa and nudge her. “Hey can I grab you for a sec after we are changed I need to tell you something?” She says with a sad smile, she glances at Janis and Damien who are a few feet in front of us, then she looks at Regina and the plastics who are a few feet behind us. “Omg yes, I feel like I haven’t seen you since last week, sorry for going off the rails though” I frown feeling as if im to blame for this situation “that’s actually what I need to te- …oh hey Regina” she starts before Regina comes and joins us causing her to quickly change the topic of conversation. “Hey Tes, you should totally come sit with us, y/n has finally agreed to sit with me and the girls” Regina almost brags, a massive grin plaster across her pretty face.
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bookaddict05 · 6 months
The tales of Tessa
hey lovely's, this was requested by the one and only @ladmarkinnit
this is a one shot POV from the point of view of tessa in their 'Anyone but her' series (y/n x Janis). In this story i will be referring to y/n as milo
at the mean time this will only remain as a one shot however maybe in the future it could become a series.
anywho on to the story
I'm home alone when I get a text from my cousin saying she is outside and needs my help.
I walk down the black spray painted metal spiral staircase that connects my room that's in the loft to the 2nd floor of the house. I rush down the 2nd set of stairs and unlock the door, Regina comes crashing through the door in a frantic pace.
"Whoa, you okay? what's happening?" I ask concerned
"What's going on with milo and Janis? Are they dating or not?" she asks agitated
"Erm, I'm not sure if they are dating however I know they both have feelings for each other, why? "
She paces back and forth having an internal conflict debating weather to tell me what's on her mind or not
"I think .."
"I -"
"Ihaveacrushonmilo" she says
As I am about to say something, my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and see that it is Cady, and I show Regina and she gives me a nod to answer.
"Hey girl, what's up?" I ask
"You will never guess what... JANIS AND MILO ARE DATING!" she screams down the phone that I have to pull it away from my ear.
oh no I thought to myself, I whipped my head and looked at Regina and the look on her face told me she heard it. Face like thunder she grabs her things and storms through the front door and before I could stop her she slams the door in my face.
"You had to say that loud didn't you" I hung up the phone and run out the door and see Regina getting in her car. I quickly run over and open the passenger door.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Never been better" she says with a devilish smile, obviously concocting one of her devious plans.
"hey, Gina, don't do anything you will regret at the end of it okay" knowing what I won't stop her but hopefully will make her think about it.
"Don't worry I won't" she says still grinning and leaning across the passenger side to shut the door and drives away.
------------------------------- time jump ----------------------------------
I am running around on the pitch practicing my tackles when I see a familiar face walking towards the bench. Aaron Samuels, every time I look at him my heart skips a beat, and I know it so wrong to feel this way about my best friend's brother and my cousins boyfriend, but it just feels so right. I walk up to him and grab my water off the bench and look up at him and I notice his beautiful ocean eyes are red and puffy.
"hey are you alright?" I ask softly as we both go to sit on the bench.
"Regina just broke up with me" he says heartbroken.
"oh Aaron I am so sorry, do you want to talk about it ?"
"No not really just needed to see a kind face right now, and I remembered that you have rugby practice and well my feet did the rest"
He lifts his head and looked me in the eyes and I gave him an encouraging smile.
That's when an idea popped into my head, and I bent down to take off my boots and put my trainers back on. I stand up and take his hands into mine and pull him off the bench.
"Come on, we are going to the beach" I say with a smile.
Before I moved away when I was younger, me, Milo and Aaron would always run to the beach at every chance we got, it became our place, a place where we could find escapism and just breath and let go of the pressure of the world. Yes I know its hard to think that we had troubles at a young age but if you have met my cousin you would know that she has been Queen Bee since she left the womb, well in my world she has been. Always the favourite, the prettiest out of the both of us, while I just got forgotten about. This is why I loved our beach days because no matter what when we were there it was just us and together and no one got forgotten about.
When me and Aaron arrive at the beach I could tell that his face started to light up a bit, a slight smile starting to crack through his stone like features. I jump out of the car and run over to the passenger side and dragged him out. We ran down the little sandy path towards the sound of crashing waves.
"The last one there is a rotten egg" I say giggling while running.
"Hey no fair you got a head start"
"I don't make the rules" I say sticking out my tongue in a playful way.
As I am running I kick off my shoes and take off my socks. Aaron follows my lead just before I go to jump into the water, I take off my sports crop top, leaving me in my sports bra and sport shorts. Just as I am about to splash my feet in the brisk sea water, when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my stomach and lift me off the floor, swinging me in a circle.
He carries me in to the water with him, him making first contact with the water.
"Hey no fair I was here first" he loosened his grip so I was able to turn and face him. His hands grazing against my skin when doing so sent butterflies throughout my whole body.
Still in his grip he says "I don't make the rules" with a grin spread across his face.
"There's the Aaron I know and love, don't you ever let yourself cry over a girl who doesn't know what she had right in front of her, even if she was my cousin"
we stare in to each others eyes the space between us becoming less and less. As he still holds me by the waist we float in the water, on of his hands leave my waist and brushes the hair out of my face, looking deep into my eyes as he leans in and places a soft kiss on to my lips.
now head on over to @ladmarkinnit's page to read the full story.
I hope you liked Tessa's POV :)
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