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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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I am so deeply grateful to the many people that have believed in and supported my vision & mission @spectrumdancecenteroc It is my desire to provide a space for professional dance in Southern California, help to provide diversity & equity in the community, and share the movement arts with people of all backgrounds! Please come visit me at the studio, take a class, and spread the good word of healthy dance & movement arts happening at Spectrum Dance Center! ____________ #dance #dancelife #dancing #dancearts #danceclass #adultdanceclasses #orangecounty #jsdc #continuingthelegacy #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #artisticdirector #thedanceratplay (at Spectrum Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPeDPguYIp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alivingdeity · 6 years ago
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Hey everyone! #DEITYLoveIsReligionLIVE #dancer @thedanceratplay has an inspirational promotion right now #checkitout #preorder @jordanmatter ‘s book “Born to Dance” and receive a beautiful limited edition Dream Duffle Gym Bag! @dreamduffle purchase at #workmanpublishing on this link workman.com/borntodance @workmanpub DEITY Love Is Religion™️ LIVE #supportartists #supportdancers #buybooks #inspirationalbooks #inspirationaldancers #jordanmatter #janellburgess #bookrelease #dreamduffle #gymbag #dreamit #dreamitdoit #mondaymotivation #shoppingonline #shopping #shoppingspree #bookstagram #book #loveisreligion (at Workman Publishing) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9wBRDBWpZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b40wj787vo7z
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unferalhippie · 7 years ago
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Feeling lucky thanks to the fabulous @thedanceratplay - platinum seats up the front at @kcandthesunshineband @sistersledgeofficial @officialvillagepeople @themarciahines . . . #toocoolforoldschool #kcandthesunshineband #giveitup #janellburgess #janellburgessdance #thedanceratplay #sistersledge #villagepeople #marciahines #adayonthegreen #sirromentwinery #hoopsistars #nobraclub @thenobraclub ❤
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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Dancing daily besides fine humans at Spectrum Dance Center. Classes for people of all levels & backgrounds are always welcome to JSDC’s @jazzspectrumdancecompany ‘s home studio! Follow @spectrumdancecenteroc to learn more! ___________ #dance #dancelife #dancing #starsofdance #dancers #jazzing #jazz #jazzdance #jazzdancers #dothethang #jsdc #sdc #jazzspectrumdancecompany #spectrumdancecenter #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #danceeducator #thedanceratplay (at Spectrum Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqI6JvYpKLx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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I am super excited to be dancing beside this gorgeous dancer @karli_padilla again this weekend @brockusprojectstudios JSDC Jazz Spectrum Dance Company @jazzspectrumdancecompany presents “Midnight Blues” in an in studio performance this Friday & Saturday night. Tix on sale now @brockusprojectstudios limited seating available ______________ #dance #dancelife #dancing #dancelife #jazz #jazzdance #jazzdancers #jsdc #jazzspectrumdancecompany #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #artisticdirector #thedanceratplay (at Brockus Project Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwrCP9OBUe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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I couldn’t be more thrilled than to have re-staged Chris’s original jazz work “History” on Evolution Dance Company @evolutiondance_co “History” was the very first piece of Chris’s I ever danced. It’s a 5 minute highly technical, dynamic, and crowd pleasing piece that I am proud to premiere alongside @jazzspectrumdancecompany @josecostascontempoballet and @nannettebrodiedancetheatre at Spectrum Dance Center @spectrumdancecenteroc One Night Only! “Let the Music Move You!” Sunday April 30th, 2023 6pm Limited Ticket Availability On Sale Now! Link In Bio ⬆️ _____________ #jazz #jazzdance #realjazz #jsdc #jazzspectrum #jazzspectrumdancecompany #realjazz #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #danceeducator #legacymaker #thedanceratplay (at Spectrum Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpimqAavrar/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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I couldn’t be more delighted with these 2 dancers and their performances yesterday! They shined onstage and represented the SDC @spectrumdancecenteroc youth conservatory with pride! Bravo 👏🏻🥳✨🩰❤️ ___________ #dance #dancelife #dancing #dancers #danceeducators #starsofdance #nextgeneration #dancersoftomorrow #spectrumdancecenter #theconservatory #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #danceeducator #thedanceratplay (at Spectrum Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpasWqUPSLX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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Molding, shaping, and guiding the dance stars ✨ of tomorrow. Having a background in physical therapy and holistic health, I am able to give my dancers the proper training to keep them dancing stronger longer! Join me at SDC @spectrumdancecenteroc Classes for dancers of all ages! _____________ #dance #dancelife #trainingdancers #shapinglives #sdc #healthybodies #spectrumdancecenter #youthconservatory #theconservatory #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #danceeducator #thedanceratplay (at Spectrum Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZcas4OJcf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 5 years ago
Living for those jazz lines! Who remembers this port de bras series Chris gifted us? Don’t miss class with me Sunday February 16th at 3pm @danceafterhours and get your jazz style on! ______________ #dance #jazz #style #baltes #jazzdance #dontmissclass #sunday #february #16 #3pm #letsdance #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #artisticdirector #jazzspectrum #dancecompany #thedanceratplay (at AfterHours Dance Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FsvYdnWEV/?igshid=1h8c2pi47x5w1
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fridayfrolicks · 5 years ago
Curious about Baltes Jazz? Come learn about “blades and m&m’s” this Sunday Feb 2 at 3pm @danceafterhours with me! Who needs the super bowl when there is jazz to dance! 💃🏼 All earned monies go to support @jazzspectrumdancecompany _______________ #jsdc #jazzspectrumdancecompany #baltesjazz #real #jazz #dance #this #sunday #february #2 #superbowlsunday #takeclass #3pm #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #danceeducator #thedanceratplay (at AfterHours Dance Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8AjiVnHXwv/?igshid=1nk3slz4eglia
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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Such an amazing 🤩 time performing with my JSDC @jazzspectrumdancecompany fam this weekend @afterhoursdancestudio as we premiered our latest work “Unbreak My Heart” __________ #dance #dancelife #dancing #starsofdance #jazzing #jsdc #stayclassic #jazzdance #realjazz #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreograoher #keeperofthejazz #thedanceratplay (at Spectrum Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpMD_McLIbu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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Loving 🥰 beautiful moments with incredible friends! At SDC @spectrumdancecenteroc we focus on community building and connection thru our artistry. Come and be apart of our heartfelt dance family today! Classes and connections available for all humans 7 days a week! Spectrum Dance Center 22661 Lambert St Suite 204 Lake Forest, CA 92630 949.916.9979 _____________ #dance #dancefamily #dancemoments #create #connect #communicate #dancestars #starsofdance #movementarts #sdc #spectrumdancecenter #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #danceeducator #thedanceratplay (at Spectrum Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co-jDxHPKGN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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We @jazzspectrumdancecompany had a blast in Ogden, Utah at the Rocky Mountain Choreography Festival hosted by @imagineballettheatre at the very beautiful @egyptiantheater We are already looking forward to next year! ____________ #dance #dancelife #dancers #jazz #jazzdance #jazzdancers #jazzstyle #invert #jsdc #jazzspectrumdancecompany #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #performingartist #thedanceratplay (at Peery's Egyptian Theater) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cobn2hruZVB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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In Director mode at the Rocky Mountain Choreography Festival @egyptiantheater hosted by @imagineballettheatre Looking forward to @jazzspectrumdancecompany performing again tonight! Onstage, JSDC member, Karli Padilla @karli_padilla _________ #dance #dancelife #ontour #companylife #jazzdance #jazzcompany #jsdc #jazzspectrumdancecompany #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #artisticdirector #thedanceratplay (at Peery's Egyptian Theater) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoaY8KPv8Gi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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Ready to hit the stage tonight with Jazz Spectrum Dance Company @jazzspectrumdancecompany performing our classic jazz work, “Midnight Blues” tonight at the Rocky Mountain Choreography Festival @egyptiantheater produced by @imagineballettheatre in Ogden, Utah. Join us tonight and tomorrow at 7pm for a beautiful choreographic collective. _________ #dance #dancelife #dancing #dancestars #starsofdance #jsdc #jazz #jazzdance #jazzspectrumdancecompany #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #artisticdirector #thedanceratplay https://www.instagram.com/p/CoX1c6UP3-H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fridayfrolicks · 2 years ago
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Loving these moments of pure joy 🤩 with my students! Priceless moments …achieving a skill for the first time, overcoming fears, realizing “I can do it!” happen at SDC @spectrumdancecenteroc daily. Interested in learning more? DM me to find out how to enroll your student in SDC’s youth conservatory. ____________ #dance #dancelife #dancing #dancestars #starsofdance #danceeducation #janell #janellburgess #dancer #choreographer #danceeducator #thedanceratplay (at Spectrum Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVAYBDp7ZL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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