#janae creates
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cutejk123 · 5 months ago
I created my Luaisy fankiddos on Zepeto 💜🩷
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With their Mum and Dad
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+ Prince Peasley
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What a wonderful family they have 😄😄 and they have an amazing and supportive parents ❤️
@silenzahra @miss-freak @peaches2217 @itsavee4117 @vulpixfairy1985 @marshyelmint @pkf111
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creativepromptsforwriting · 22 days ago
Do you have any tips for how to slow down time in a story?
How to slow down time
To slow down time in your story you need to use a mix of different writing ingredients: you need different descriptions that capture the reader in the moment as well as internal monologue and different sentence structures.
Detailed Descriptions:
Sensory Details: Use the five senses—sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to describe what the character is seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting in intricate detail.
Detailed Observations: Zoom in on small, often overlooked details. The sound a tea cup makes as it hits the ground, the way an expression on a character's face changes, the turning of heads as someone enters the room.
Slow Motion: Manipulate the time by describing how it feels like slow motion to the characters: "Time slowed down, and it felt as if the whole of humanity had decided to stop breathing for a moment."
Physical Reactions: A detailed description of the physical aspects of a scene. The movements a character makes, how their gaze turns, their breathing changes, their body begins to shake.
Psychological Aspects: Focus on the anxiety of a character looking at a clock that never seems to move, their nervousness seeping out of them
Internal Monologue:
Memories and Flashbacks: Add context by showing memories or flashbacks that relate to the situation.
Pondering: Let the character reflect on the situation, their feelings and their plan for the next steps. Let the reader explore the character's inner life.
Reduced Dialogue: Dialogue brings a scene into real time. Use it thoughtfully and sparringly, with lots of inner thoughts and reactions in between.
Silence: Make use of silence between the characters which can be filled with more descriptions.
Smaller Steps: Write out each action taken, no matter how small, and focus on describing each step that happens.
Control Pacing: Use your sentence structure to create long descriptions that slow it down, and short, impactful ones to pick up the pace if needed for a moment.
More: Masterpost: How to write a story
- Jana
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rainturned · 1 year ago
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The lives of a gay couple who lived in a Dorset village for nearly six decades have been turned into an exhibition. Norman Notley (1890–1980) and David Brynley (1902–1981) moved to Corfe Castle in 1923 and lived openly as a couple, despite homosexuality being illegal at the time. The two men were successful musicians who sang together in Britain and the United States and they had many friends in the art world. Photographs and diaries on display at Dorset Museum reveal they lived peacefully with the local community for 57 years until their deaths.
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In 1973, local people organised an event for the couple to celebrate their 50 years in the village. Museum director Claire Dixon said: "They were known as 'the boys' quite affectionately by the community. "They didn't throw the party, the community threw it for them. "When lots of people were having to hide the fact that they were gay, or think about their behaviour in public space, it seems that they were able to live quite a peaceful life in the village." The couple shared a passion for creating art as well as collecting and Notley bequeathed his collection of paintings to Dorset Museum. Despite being able to live authentically, the only image in the collection of them being affectionate to one another is a photo of Brynley kissing Notley on the cheek.
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Notley died in 1980, aged 90, and Brynley a year later, aged 81. Maisie Ball, an archaeology student at Bournemouth University, began digitising the couple's photographs and transcribing their journals and letters as part of a work placement at the museum. She said: "Being able to share their story has been so important as there are not many collections like this that give a glimpse into the lives of LGBTQ+ people from this time period. "The photographs that have stuck with me the most are the ones with their many dogs and the rare few of Norman on his own, where you get to see a glimpse of his personality." The display, curated by Ms Ball, with advice from Prof Jana Funke of the University of Exeter, is on display throughout February to coincide with LGBT+ History Month. (Full article)
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lovegalor333 · 5 months ago
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˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
safe house (next part)
summary: your boyfriend takes it too far again and paige picks us the pieces
content warnings: domestic violence
“Pick up, pick up, pick up.” You plead over the drone of the dialling tone. You were trying to reach your friend Allie, her apartment wasn’t far from where you were but you didn’t want to show up unannounced, but you also didn’t really have a choice. It was either Allies place or a park beach at 11PM because there was no way you were going back to your own apartment.
You lived with your boyfriend who had a temper firey enough to melt ice caps and you often ended up on the receiving end of said temper and today was no different.
You had gone to your classes and studied in the library for a few hours before heading home to cook dinner. Your apartment was silent and unlit when you walked in and you said a silent prayer, thankful that you would get a moments peace.
You cooked dinner, your favourite playlist softly emitting from the speakers, curating the perfect evening vibe.
The sound of a key turning in the door made your head snap up from the stove and you quickly paused your music in an attempt to not create any unnecessary arguments. Your boyfriend had an opinion on everything you did from the way you dressed, who you hung out with and even your music preference. He made it clear that no girl of his would listen to slutty music after you had played SZA one time.
“Hi baby, I cooked for us.” You announced as he joined you the kitchen, peering over your shoulder to look at the pot of freshly cooked pasta.
He’d been at the gym, he smelt of sweat and his skin was clammy against yours as he pressed into you.
“Pasta?” He questioned in disgust as if you just offered him a plate of raw meat.
“Yeah, you love pasta.” You said gently, he did love pasta, you’d been together almost a year now and he’s said many times it’s his favourite food but somehow you knew you’d be in the wrong tonight.
“I’m not eating that.” He scoffed, purposefully knocking the handle of the pot sending the pasta you had just cooked flying to the floor. The tomato sauce still hot, splattered up your leg causing you to jump back and collide into his chest.
“You don’t know me at all.” He says shaking his head, a deep frown set on his face. “You love pasta.” He mocked your words.
You mummbled out apology after apology as you begin to clean the mess he made but it’s no use. His hands were in your hair and then around your throat and you squeeze your eyes closed knowing what was coming next.
Like always, you told yourself just take it, there’s no use fighting back. He was bigger and stronger than you, your small hands are no match to his. Once he got bored, he goes to take a shower, without a second look in your direction and that’s when you left.
By the time you reach Allies place, she still hasn’t picked up so you hope that she’s in and just not on her phone as you knock at the door.
Your face ached and throbbed as you wait for the door to be opened and you knew the metallic taste in your mouth was blood, undoubtedly from a busted lip. Allie knew what your boyfriend was like so the sight of you wouldn’t be a shock but it was because it wasn’t Allie who opened the door.
“Y/N?” Paige, Allies roommate stutters, eyes darting around your face, her shock at your appearance evident.
“Um- is- is Allie here?” You murmur feeling embarrassed that someone else is seeing you like this.
“Um, no. Her and Jana are out. Are you OK? Come in.” She rambles out, stepping aside to let you through the door.
“I can wait in Allies room.” You suggest, noticing the setup of the living room. There was a blanket on the couch and Greys Anatomy was on the television and from the way Paige was dressed, in slouchy plaid pyjama pants and a black sports bra, you assumed you just interrupted her chilled night.
“Wait.” Paige stops you as you begin to walk to your friend’s bedroom. “What happened?”
You turn to look at Paige and her brows are furrowed and eyes turned down in genuine concern. You stare at her for a while, not knowing what to say or how to say it.
“Who did this to you?” She asks gently, voice soft and caring and your walls crumble as tears spill out and you stumble to sit on the couch, suddenly very light headed.
“My boyfriend.” You choke out between sobs and you watch as Paiges face turns from soft and concerned to hard and filled with anger.
“What the fuck?” She hisses coming to sit beside you on the couch. “How long has he been doing that?”
“A while. It’s fine. It looks worse than it is.” You reassure Paige and it was true. It always looked worse when it was fresh, once you washed your face and iced it, it would look better and with the right amount of makeup, you could cover it completely.
“Fine? Y/N this is not fine!” She fumed and brought her hand up to your face causing you to flinch at the unexpected, sudden movement.
“Sorry. I’m sorry. Can I touch you? I want to check you’re OK.” She apologises, her voice light and calm, an adjustment from a few seconds ago.
You nod your head, granting her permission to inspect your face. Her hands are soft and warm against your skin, they’re big but not big and scary like your boyfriends, they’re big and comforting as they trail across your face causing you to wince every now and then.
Paige uses a cloth and warm water to wipe away the dried blood on your lip, it stings but you’re used to it so you don’t react. Her movements are slow and careful as if your a piece of fine china and she’s scared to use any force incase you break.
“Are those- are those hand prints around your neck?” Paige asks and you can only nod, there’s no point denying it, the blonde girl is practically in your lap she’s so close to you.
“Fucking hell Y/N.” She breaths out and her hand comfortingly rubs up and down your arm.
“I don’t know what to do. He just gets so angry for no reason and I can’t fight back. I’m not strong enough.” You begin to sob again, only now realising the severity of the situation. You’re blooded and bruised again because of your boyfriend but you can’t see a way out.
“You have to leave him. You can’t keep going through this.”
“I can’t Paige. He’s already told me he won’t let me leave him.” You cry.
“Listen,” Paige begins, taking your face in her hands, “listen to me good. Tonight was the last night he’ll ever put his hands on you. Do you hear me? He’ll never hurt you again.” She comforts as tears spill down your cheeks and she wipes them as they fall.
“You’re safe here.” She adds before leaning in pressing a kiss to your forehead, it wasn’t sexual at all, it was completely platonic and warm and comforting and you believed her. You were safe here.
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
a/n: hello guys, hope u enjoyed. let me know what u think, im still new to this 💋
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months ago
Mignon's Halloween
Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
Summary: The eleventh of my Halloween-centric fics
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It's Jana that finds the headline first. It's Jana who opens her phone one day on camp to see it trending.
'Barcelona Superstar to Return to her Childhood Club?'
With her contract running out in the summer, question marks over whether young French star y/n l/n will stay at Barcelona remain but eagle eyed fans think they've solved the mystery.
In a recent TikTok posted on her girlfriend's account, the young star seems to have been pictured wearing her old Olympique Lyonnais jersey.
Click Read More below to see what our experts think of this startling discovery:
It's Jana that slides her phone over to Alexia at breakfast. It's Jana who has to explain that the site looks kind of sketchy and it likely isn't true.
But then you start posting things while you're away on camp with France.
Most of it is harmless stuff. The kind of stuff Alexia expects from a teenager back in their home country - a few harmless pranks on your teammates, a picture of you and your parents, a cute video of you kissing your girlfriend's cheek.
But then there's a random selfie of you in your childhood bedroom.
You're relaxed back on your pillows, your family dog laying on your chest.
His snout is covering the emblem over your heart but Alexia can recognise a Lyon jersey anywhere.
That's when she gets a bit worried.
You left Lyon because you wanted game time they wouldn't give you. You'd pushed a bit too hard for game time and they'd told you they weren't going to renew your contract.
Surely you wouldn't go back to them now.
Surely even if they begged and begged and begged, you'd hold yourself in a high enough regard that you wouldn't go back to them.
But the Lyon shirt pops up a few more times while you're away.
There's even a video of your girlfriend wearing one of your old jerseys as she walks her own dog.
"Don't tell me you're stalking the girlfriend now," Mapi gripes as Alexia stares down at her phone," The kids can have fun without you hovering over them."
"I'm not stalking anyone!"
"You haven't even met her girlfriend yet you follow her on every bit of social media you can find her on."
"That's for safety. I'm making sure she's a good one."
"I think y/n is capable of choosing her own girlfriend."
Alexia makes a face and Mapi corrects herself.
"I think y/n's parents are capable of approving a good girlfriend. Don't be so worried."
"That's not what I'm worried about," Alexia mutters, looking up from her phone when you finally walk in with Vicky.
The both of you are speaking in hushed whispers, giggling to yourselves until you both split off to go to your own cubbies.
Back when Lucy still played with the team, your cubby used to be next to hers but now that she's gone back to England, you've been moved next to Alexia so she can keep an eye on you.
"So," She says, trying to be as casual as she can," How was camp?"
You give her an odd look. "Yeah it was alright. But you know that already. Because you're a stalker."
"Why does everyone think I'm a stalker?!"
"You follow my girlfriend on all your social media. You didn't even create a fake account."
"Fake account? What's that?"
You smile at her, the same smile that Vicky does at camp when Alexia tries to show off one of those dances from TikTok that she knows young people like.
"Don't worry about it." You pull on your training shirt. "Is the Halloween party thing still on for tonight?"
"Yes, why?"
"Just checking. I might be a little late though. I've got a meeting with my agent."
Alexia tries to make it seem like she's not all that interested in it but she isn't quite sure it works. "Oh? What about?"
"Just contract stuff. I'm going to head off with Vicky before training," You say," We're going to see if we can break into the vending machine again."
Normally, Alexia would try to stop you but her eyes catch on the familiar white of the Lyon shirt you have stuffed in your bag.
The sinking feeling in Alexia's chest returns in full force, staying with her for most of the day to the point that she finds herself glancing at you much more than she usually does.
"She's not going to just up and leave," Patri says that evening at the Halloween party," She loves it here."
"She had Lucy here with her," Alexia points out," They spoke French together. None of us speak French. What if she misses speaking French?"
Irene rolls her eyes, slightly preoccupied with making sure that her son isn't eating all of the sweets that Marta has been spoiling him with. "She calls her parents regularly. She calls her girlfriend. And I can speak French. She's not been missing the French language in the slightest."
"But what if-"
"If she's leaving us," Marta says, reaching across the table to give Matteo another skittle," Then it won't be for Lyon."
Alexia finds it kind of hard to believe Marta when she's dressed in an inflatable pig costume.
"She's meeting with her agent and-"
"And she's here," Patri interrupts, chin jerking towards the door that you've just slipped in through.
"She's wearing it!" Alexia hisses, heart thumping in her chest," The Lyon shirt! She's wearing it! This is it. This is it. She's leaving us."
"No way!" Vicky laughs from across the room," You actually did it?"
You grin back at her, showing off your ripped shirt. "I think Laporta thought I was crazy when I pulled out the scissors and the lighter. What do you think? Do I look axe-murderer victim enough?"
"Do you mind if we add blood?" Vicky asks.
"You have fake blood? You should have led with that!"
You and Vicky barely take a moment to look at the congregation of captains at the table before you're pouring blood all over your head and shirt, really rubbing it all over the white fabric.
Alexia's mouth hangs up just as Jana's phone chimes with a notification from the Barcelona Femení account.
Happy Halloween Culers!
FRENCH SUPERSTAR HERE TO STAY! Find out more below!⬇️
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imaginespazzi · 6 months ago
Part 9: These Moments Of Ours
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15
Just crash, it's our time now (to make this work second time around)
(In which a people-pleasing author gives the people what they've been begging for)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Fluff with a little bit Angst
Words: 7.2K Words
TW: Explicit Sexual Content, Swearing
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3 Thank you for being oh so patient with me because I know I really made y'all wait and hopefully it'll be worth the wait. I'm gonna keep this pretty short and sweet today so onto the usual. Please keep sending me your thoughts and theories; they're the best motivation a girl could ask for. I did edit but feel free to point out the inevitable typos/mistakes. As always, let me know what you liked, what you disliked and what you'd like to see going forward. Have a lovely rest of your week my loves :)
April 2030 
UConn 84   Notre Dame 82 
The blue and white section of the Moda Center crowd erupts in cheers as the final buzzer rings through the stadium. Confetti rains down on the court as the UConn Huskies are crowned national champions once again. Paige’s scream is drowned out by KK’s louder whoop as the two of them excitedly wrap their arms around each other, jumping up and down like they’re college students all over again. 
“Oh okay, love the inclusion,” Ice rolls her eyes but it morphs into a grin as her former teammates pull her into their group hug, all three of them making a ruckus that’s drowned out by the crowd around them roaring in excitement. 
“Can y’all be a little quieter. I’m tryna mourn my Irish in peace,” Sonia says lousily, glaring at them in irritation as she fiddles with her clover bracelet. 
“Oh cheer up Citron,” Paige teases her Wings teammate, “at least y’all finally made it back to the Final Four.”
“Fuck all the way off Bueckers-”
“GO HUSKIES,” a loud voice interrupts Sonia’s grumbling as Jana rushes into their section, the Valkyries center smiling vibrantly as she crashes into her old friends, “BLEED BLUE BABY!”
“Bleed blue!” the three UConn faithful chorus back as Sonia glumly saunters over to Maddy Westbeld who had come over with Jana, the two Fighting Irish alum sharing a commiserating hug. 
“This is why everyone finds you Huskies insufferable,” Maddy says with disgust. 
“Because we just keep winning? There, there little leprechauns,” Ice taunts, light-heartedly patting Maddy and Sonia’s heads as both of them bristle and flash the Wings forward with a synchronized middle finger, “I’m sure you’ll catch up to us never.”
Paige is about to join in on the ribbing when KK turns to Jana with a frown, “where’s Azzi? I thought all of y’all came together.”
She shouldn’t care this much anymore. It’s been five years and Paige thinks it’s a little ridiculous how quickly her ears perks up at the mention of her girlfriend, thinks it’s a little pathetic how she leans in closer to Jana, embarrassingly eager to hear the answer to KK’s question. 
“We did. She wanted to go call her parents to check on Stephie,” Jana explains. 
KK rolls her eyes, her face as disappointed as Paige feels, “of course she did.”
“What’s that supposed to mean,” Jana narrows her eyes at the shorter woman, a protective edge to her tone.  
“It means that this avoidance bullshit Azzi’s on is pretty fucking tired,” KK sneers. 
“KK bro chill,” Ice steps in immediately, looking worriedly between her two friends as Jana’s eyes flash with fire. 
“She’s checking on her daughter KK. She’s not trying to avoid anything,” Jana’s quietness is in stark contrast with the loud cheers around them and Paige swallows the guilt clawing at her throat. This is their fault. Her and Azzi’s. They’d caused an earthquake in their own lives and the aftershocks had rippled throughout their friends and families, creating rubble where there had once been solid foundations. 
KK laughs bitterly, “she had to check on her daughter right now? The game ended like three fucking seconds ago and she couldn’t just wait?”
“You’re being unfair.”
“Why are you always defending her?”
“Because she’s my teammate and it’s not all her fault,” Jana spits out, eyes briefly darting towards Paige who digs her fingernails into her palm, “it’s not her fault that she doesn’t always feel welcome around certain people.”
“And how about the rest of us people who’d really like to see her once in a while?” hurt tinges in KK’s words, “she can’t put the other shit aside for one fucking second?”
Jana opens her mouth, ready to defend her Azzi again but before she can speak, a calm voice cuts in, “hi guys.”
Goosebumps rush up Paige’s arms as she takes in the sight of the ex-girlfriend. There’s nothing extravagant to Azzi’s outfit, a simple UConn sweatshirt paired with black ripped jeans and minimal jewelry but she looks as radiant as always. There’s an awkward tension in the air as Azzi warily takes in the way KK and Jana are still glaring at each other. Her eyes accidentally lock with Paige and the blonde can see the same guilt of this is our collateral damage reflected back in those dark brown orbs. 
“Hi Azzi,” Ice is the first one to break the silence, wrapping the Valkyries shooting guard in a hug, “how’s Stephanie?”
Paige watches as Azzi’s eyes light up at the mention of her daughter's name, all of her previous apprehension gone as she begins to gush about the little girl, “she’s good. Somehow manipulated my dad into letting her stay up past her bedtime but good. She’s only two years old but already such a damn menace,” the brunette’s gaze wanders over to KK, “I guess that was to be expected huh? Any child of mine was bound to be one.”
KK cracks a half smile, bumping her shoulder against Jana’s as a truce sign, “you call it being menace, we call it being smart as hell right El Alfy?”
“Dude that’s what I tell her every time,” Jana immediately accepts the white flag, slinging an arm around the shorter woman, “Azzi just has genius children. Me, you, Nés and now Stephie.”
Ice gawks at the two of them, “seriously?”
“Well you see Ice, statistically she can’t have all genius children. Someone needed to be average,” KK mocks, high-fiving a giggling Jana. 
“Are y’all seeing this bullying?” Ice rounds on Paige and Azzi, hands on her hips with dramatically wide eyes, “are y’all really gonna let them bully your favorite child like this?”
“We don’t have favorites,” Paige and Azzi say at the same, pausing abruptly at the resurgence of familiar synchronicity between them. They glance briefly at each other, shuffling nervously, before immediately looking away. 
“I hate all of y’all,” Ice pouts, petulantly folding her arms against her chest. 
“Aw cheer up Icey,” Jana pats the top of Ice’s head, “how about a round of shots at the hotel bar to cheer you up?” she turns to Maddy and Sonia, who’d been having their own conversation, with a devilish grin, “losing team’s paying.”
“Y’all are sore winners,” Maddy huffs. 
Paige’s eyes dart towards Azzi, waiting for the younger woman to come up with a shallow excuse like she usually does to get out of having to spend more time with the blonde than necessary. And she knows that it’s unfair of her, knows that it’s only natural for someone to actively avoid being stuck in the same place as their past -thinks only a fool like her could want to be in their ex’s presence- but every time Azzi escapes being around her, Paige can’t help the disappointment that curls in her stomach. 
“Y’all coming,” KK asks, a slight edge to her voice as she twists to look at Paige and Azzi. 
“Of course,” Paige grins, locking arms with Sonia who immediately groans, “I’m not passing up free drinks. Especially not when the Irish are paying.”
“Az?” KK’s eyes are hopeful. 
Azzi bites her lip and Paige can almost see the cogs turning in her brain before she schools her features into a soft smile, “yeah. I’ll come.”
Paige isn’t sure how it happens. Well actually, that’s not quite right. She definitely has an idea of how it happened. She’s not quite sure when KK, Ice and Jana had had time to devise the plan but she’s certain that’s how it happened. Because really, there’s no other reasonable explanation for how she and Azzi have ended up being the only two people, from their previous party of seven, that are still sitting at the bar. Maddy and Sonia had left first, muttering under their breaths about not wanting to be around insufferable winners. Ice had been the next to leave, making up an excuse about how she wanted to call her boyfriend. Then Jana had apparently needed the bathroom. When she hadn’t returned in a solid 15 minutes, it was KK’s turn. A barely disguised grin and a hard-to-believe lie of  I think Jana got lost, I should go help her on her lips as she’d excused herself to the sound of Paige and Azzi’s protests. 
The two of them sit in awkward silence for a bit until Azzi suddenly bursts out laughing, the corner of her eyes crinkling. Paige regards her with amusement, trying to ignore the way the sound of the younger woman laughing feels like hearing her favorite song come on in the car on a warm summer road trip. 
“You’re a little young to be going crazy,” she remarks. 
“Shut up,” Azzi rolls her eyes, lightly punching Paige’s shoulder, “it’s just- they’re still all really shitty liars.”
Paige laughs, “and they still come up with the dumbest plans.”
“Do you remember when they locked us in the Werth changing rooms when we had that stupid fight-”
“Hey,” Paige interrupts indignantly, “it wasn’t stupid-”
“It was definitely stupid-”
“You asked Carol to drive you to rehab instead of me.”
“Because you had practice at the same time.”
“I wouldn’t have minded being five minutes late to practice.”
Azzi snorts, “more like half an hour and you sure as shit wouldn’t have been fine when coach would have yelled at you and made you run suicides after.”
“I wouldn’t have cared,” Paige shrugs, “running suicides would have been worth it for an extra hour with you.”
Azzi stares at her, mouth opening and closing several times before she finally looks away, a soft sigh falling from her lips, “you’re doing it again.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Paige says, unable to keep the defensiveness from creeping into her words. 
“You are,” Azzi slips off the barstool, “you are and you don’t even know it.”
“Azzi,” Paige curls her hand around the other woman’s bicep, pulling her in to stop her from leaving and it’s a bad idea because now they’re too close and her heartbeat quickens immediately at the fact that if she leaned in just a little bit more, there would be no more space left between them, “what am I doing?”
“You’re- you-” Azzi stutters, gulping as her eyes briefly flicker down to Paige’s lips, “you’re making me feel.”
“Making you feel what?” Paige presses. 
For a second, Paige thinks Azzi might just give in to her heart, might just tell the truth but then something hardens in her face, and the next word that slips out of her mouth has both of them going rigid, “how’s your wife Paige?”
“I should go to bed,” Azzi says firmly, trying to wriggle out of Paige’s tightening grip. 
“I have an early flight and I should probably wake up a little earlier than I normally would cause you know Jana’s gonna need me to wake her up,” Azzi rambles still trying to twist her arm out of Paige’s hold. 
“Hold on-”
“Can you just let go of me-”
“I’m trying to tell-”
“I really need to get to bed-’
“I have to go-”
“Azzi I’m getting a divorce,” Paige bursts out; the admission feels light a heavy weight off her chest.
Azzi stops fighting against the blonde’s grip, “oh.”
“We’ve- um-” Paige’s throat feels dry as Azzi’s eyes continue to bore into her, “we’ve been separated for a while and I finally-uh- finally filed the papers a little while ago. So um- to your question- I uh- I don’t know how she is because I- I don’t- there uh- there isn’t- there isn’t a wife.”
There’s silence for a bit as Azzi’s head bops up and down as she processes Paige’s revelation, “I’m um-” she clears her throat, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s not like it’s your fault,” and that’s not completely true -not when Olivia had repeatedly thrown the past back in Paige’s face- but she doesn’t think Azzi needs to know that, doesn’t want the younger woman to feel guilty for things beyond her control. She’s confused when Azzi flinches, like a memory has just pinched her nerves. 
“Right,” Azzi bites, “I really should- I really should be going to bed.”
Something gloomy settles across Paige’s heart as she nods at the brunette’s words, slipping out of her own chair as they start walking towards the elevator in the lobby. She feels antsy, like she’s leaving something incomplete. The silence rings loud between them as they wait for the elevator doors to open, keeping as much distance as they can from each other. It feels like ages before the familiar ding! finally rings out around them. Despite the abundance of room inside, the doorway into the elevator is rather condensed and their shoulders brush against each other as they make their way inside. Audible sighs involuntarily roll off of their tongues at the brief second of contact as they both shiver from each other’s familiar touch. There’s enough space now that they could easily move away -they probably should move away- but instead they stay pressed together. The sound of their uneven breathing fills the elevator as the doors close in front of them.
“I’m uh- I’m on the third floor,” Azzi says as she presses the #3 button, “you?”
“Fifth,” Paige breathes out, eyes fixated on the goosebumps that appear on the back of Azzi’s neck as her hands shake while pushing the #5 button. 
The elevator jolts up and Paige immediately reaches for Azzi’s hips to steady her, eliciting a small gasp from the other woman. She waits for Azzi to move away but the brunette stays put and Paige doesn’t move her hands. 
The doors open on the third floor. Both of them suck in a sharp breath. 
Azzi doesn’t get out. 
Paige wakes up to the dreadful sound of her alarm clock blaring around her room. It takes a second before the memories of last night start pounding against her skull. Her body aches in the best way possible. The room is still dark -just like it had been last night- and she closes her eyes, trying to revisit the feeling of Azzi’s lips pressed against her forehead, right before the younger woman -with her hair disheveled and bitemarks littered across her jawline-  had left Paige’s room. 
Paige hadn’t asked Azzi to stay. She wonders if she should have; wonders if Azzi would have agreed if she’d asked. But she hadn’t asked and Azzi hadn’t stayed. She regrets it a little bit. She wonders if Azzi does too. And Paige thinks that maybe that’s just the melancholic truth about their tragic story. 
Maybe they’re destined to always regret. 
April 2033
Paige thinks Azzi’s guest room air conditioning must be broken or something. There’s no other explanation for why, despite having kicked off every single blanket, she feels like she’s tossing and turning in red hot lava. She feels restless, like she has a purpose that she’s leaving unfulfilled. All the different scenes from tonight are rushing through her head, but her heart keeps stuttering on the last one; an image of the way Azzi had looked at her before they’d kissed good night. 
Azzi had asked her to stay even if she’d hidden it under a lame disguise of it being too late and Paige being too angry to drive home alone. And it’s not completely false that her blood is still boiling, their little encounter with fucking asshole still dangerously lingering in her mind as she thinks of the 101 ways she would have liked to murder him. But they both know that the minute Azzi had run her hand down Paige’s back, the moment she’d called her baby, the moment she’d given her the reassurance she was too scared to ask for but needed desperately, Paige had felt all the anger in her body replaced by that familiar sense of calm only Azzi had ever been able to provide. 
And after that had been decided, they’d both hesitated in the hallway, looking back and forth between Azzi’s master bedroom and the guestroom. Paige doesn’t know what had possessed her, why she’d decided tonight of all nights to play this false chivalrous rule-abiding good girl persona when it was the last thing she wanted to do. Because the last couple of weeks had been hell. The stupid rules had been hell. Going slow had been hell. Having to pull away from Azzi and walk out the door every night when all she wanted to was to lose herself in the brunette’s arms had been hell. But she’d done it for Azzi. She’d done it because there isn’t a thing in the world that she wouldn’t do for Azzi. Except tonight had been different. There had been that look on Azzi’s face -the way the younger woman had bitten her lips, the way her eyes had been hooded over, the way her cheeks had been flushed as her gaze roamed over Paige’s body- and  it had morphed into one of pure disappointment when Paige had said she’d take the guestroom. 
You’re a fucking idiot Paige Bueckers, she thinks to herself as she bolts right up, the image finally burning a little too bright behind her eyelids to continue this façade of trying to sleep. Perhaps it’s pointless. It’s late and Azzi loves her sleep; there’s no way she’s awake. But Paige slides out of bed anyways, breathing unevenly as she turns on the nightlight and walks towards her door. She doesn’t have a plan, doesn’t have any idea what she’d even say if Azzi is, by some miracle of god, even awake. But fuck it, Paige needs to see this through. She pauses at the door, hands wrapping around the cold handle as she gives herself one more chance to back out. Really, she doesn’t even know why she’s so nervous. It’s Azzi. Her Azzi. 
Paige twists the handle to tug the door open. 
Azzi’s eyes widen in surprise, her fisted hand -that had clearly been raised to knock on the mahogany door- freezing in place as she swallows and Paige is mesmerized by the way it highlights the veins in her neck. Her eyes move downwards, fixating on where Azzi’s oversized t-shirt hangs looser on one-side, leaving her right shoulder and collarbone on display. The shirt right above her thighs, giving Paige the perfect display of Azzi’s toned long legs looming beneath and the blonde gulps at the sight. 
“Hi,” Azzi speaks first, the low graveliness in her tone causing a coil of want to wrap itself around Paige’s stomach. 
“Hey,” Paige whispers back, “couldn’t sleep?”
Azzi bites her lip, “no- I just uh-, people always say- like when Jana sleeps over or something- she always says that- that the guest room is um- it’s too cold so I just- I wanted to make sure- wanted to ask-” she clears her throat, taking a step forward as she look earnestly at Paige, “are you cold?”
“So cold,” Paige confirms, moving closer to Azzi so their chests are almost touching. 
“You could um-” Azzi licks her teeth, “you could stay in Stephie’s room-” 
“I could?” Paige asks, pressing herself flush against the younger woman, hands wrapping around her waist. There’s barely space for air between them but she wants to get closer, wants to stitch herself into Azzi’s skin and keep them intertwined forever. 
“You could but,” Azzi’s hand trails Paige’s biceps, causing the blonde to shiver, before finally interlocking around her neck, “I think- I think her bed might be a little small for you.”
“Way too small,” Paige breathes against Azzi’s skin as she nips at the brunette’s jawline, before ghosting her lips against her neck, leaving a trail of mine mine mine down her throat.
“Paige,” Azzi’s voice is breathless as she tilts her head, hissing when Paige bites harshly right above her collarbone, immediately soothing it with her tongue, “I think- I think-fuck” she cuts herself with a moan as Paige turns them around, maneuvering them back towards the bed that suddenly looks far more inviting then it had before,  “I just think-”
“You think too much,” Paige says softly, finally removing her lips from Azzi’s skin -she misses the taste of it immediately- so she can smile teasingly at the brunette. 
“Do I?” Azzi grins dopily. 
Paige rolls her eyes, continuing to walk them backwards, “way, way too much.”
They’re forced to a halt when the back of Azzi’s thighs collide against the backframe of the bed. It feels like a turning point, like they could unlock a new chapter or keep themselves on the one they’re already on. And while Paige would really to skip forward, she’ll be okay with whatever happens next as long as the story being written is still theirs, still about her and Azzi. 
“Paige,” Azzi whispers again -and Paige loves the way Azzi’s lips curl around the syllable of her name- as she bunches the blonde’s shirt in her hands, “make me stop thinking.”
“Whatever you want baby,” Paige promises before they both go tumbling into the mattress, their lips colliding in a heated kiss. It feels like they’re trying to meld themselves into each other, like their bodies are carving out an indent of you and i just always feel right against the bedsheets. 
“I want this off,” Azzi breathes out between kisses, hands lifting the edge of Paige’s shirt, “off, off, off.”
“So bossy,” Paige smirks, leaning up off of Azzi to take off her shirt in a tantalizingly slow manner, enjoying the way the brunette’s eyes darken as they glide across her abs first and then her breasts, “enjoying the sho- fuck Az.”
The words are stolen from her mouth as Azzi swirls her tongue around one erect nipple, her hands cupping Paige’s ass to balance the blonde on top of her. She’s always known exactly how to get Paige to shut the fuck up. Paige groans as Azzi flips them over, shifting herself to press her thigh in between Paige’s legs and the blonde can’t help but grind up against it, desperate for some much needed friction, as Azzi sucks a possessive bruise against her jaw. 
“Missed this,” Azzi whispers, as she kisses down Paige’s neck, “and this,” a kiss pressed against her collarbone, “and these,” Azzi presses her lips softly to each breast, “and this,” against Paige’s stomach, “and these,” two featherlight kisses are peppered against her hip bones, “and I really missed these.”
“Azzi,” Paige moans as the brunette’s lips glide across the inside of her thighs, taking her sweet time marking only i could ever make you feel like this against every inch of Paige’s skin. 
Azzi stops right above the edge of Paige’s boxers before slowly peeling them off as sparkling brown eyes staring up at her with a myriad of unspoken emotions that Paige could spend a lifetime trying to memorize, “missed all of this. Missed everything about you. Missed you so much baby.”
Vulnerability echoes in Azzi’s voice as she slowly moves herself back up, hands coming to cup Paige’s face as they press their foreheads together. And it’s not like she hadn’t known that Azzi must have missed her in these last couple of years. But there’s a part of Paige that had thought that there was no way Azzi could have missed her as much as she missed Azzi. Because missing Azzi had felt all consuming, like there was a constant noose around her neck that got tighter and tighter with every day that passed by. But there’s something about the way the words reverberate around the room, something about the way Azzi looks like she can finally breathe again after saying it out loud that it hits Paige; it hits her that they’ve both been suffocating without each other. 
“I missed you too,” she breathes out, tears pooling at the edge of her eyes, “missed you so fucking much Azzi.”
“Yeah?” Azzi whispers, lips catching the lone tear that falls from Paige’s eyes, “how much?”
Paige shudders as Azzi’s fingers teasingly ghost over her wet folds, “s-so much. Azzi please. Need it so bad. Need you so bad.”
“Whatever you want baby,” Azzi repeats Paige’s own words back to her before she finally gives her what she’s desperately been craving, two fingers rhythmically pumping in and out of her pussy as her thumb rubs circles against Paige’s clit. 
“Fuck, fuck, just like that-” a litany of curses waterfall from Paige’s lips as she bucks her hips up against Azzi’s hand, “fuck please.”
“Please what?” Azzi asks coyly, fingers moving at a faster face as she hides a grin against Paige’s neck, “gotta tell me what you want baby.”
“W-want your mouth please- please Azzi-baby please,” Paige begs, writhing underneath her when Azzi immediately complies, lips attaching to her clit as she adds another finger, “fuck Azzi- I’m so close.”
“I know baby,” the words vibrate against Paige’s core, sending another bout of ecstasy shooting up her spine as she feels that familiar buildup in her stomach.
“Azz I’m gonna-”
“I know. Let go baby. I’ve got you. I’m gonna catch you I promise,” Azzi whispers. 
And it’s those words, that promise, that sends Paige over the edge, a cry of Azzi’s name falling from her lips. Because she knows Azzi means them for a lot more than just this moment, that those words -the promise- are born out of something deeper than lust. And maybe neither of them are quite ready to acknowledge that yet, not ready to make vows that teeter dangerously close to the ones they watched themselves break in the past, but it lingers between them, like a string made of we’ve always been inevitable connecting their hearts to each other. 
Azzi slowly eases her fingers out of Paige, pressing open-mouthed kisses against the older woman’s stomach as she recovers from her high, before looking up at her with a smirk. Never breaking eye contact, Azzi slips her fingers into her own mouth, leisurely sucking at them as she watches Paige’s face contort with desire. 
“Was I good?” she asks teasingly and Paige growls. 
“How have you gotten better at that? Actually you know what never mind,” Paige shakes her head, “I don’t want to know that.”
Azzi laughs, hiding her face against Paige’s neck, “only that good for you.”
“Good,” Paige tightens her arms around the woman on top of her and then scrunches her face as she feels the material of Azzi’s shirt itch against her wrists, “well this is unfair.”
“What is?” Azzi hum backs. 
“I’m fully fucking naked and you haven’t taken a single thing off,” Paige grumbles as she coaxes Azzi’s face out of her neck, hands gripping the edge of her shit, “take this off.”
Azzi stills, her previous serene expression replaced by something more nervous, as she lifts herself up so she’s straddling the older woman’s hips, “Paige-”
“What’s wrong?” Paige’s senses are on high alert immediately as she rises up herself, maneuvering them so Azzi’s fully on her lap. 
“I just-,” Azzi draws in a deep breath, looking downwards as she chews her lips.
“Hey,” Paige whispers, lifting the younger woman’s chin back up before pressing their foreheads together, “talk to me baby.”
“Can we just-” Azzi plays with the end of Paige’s hair, “can we maybe just-” she cocks her head towards the nightlight on the desk, “do you think we could turn the light off?”
“What?” Paige asks confusedly, “Azzi I’ve seen you naked-”
“Not since- not since I had Stephie,” Azzi interrupts, cowering under Paige’s intense stare, “the lights- the lights were off that one time and the other time I don't think- I don’t think we were sober enough for me to care or for you to remember so can we just-”
“Azzi,” Paige cups the younger woman’s face, “baby there is no amount of alcohol in the world that could make me forget you. Trust me I’ve tried,” she slips her hand under Azzi’s shirt, caressing the skin underneath, “but every time I see you baby, I memorize every little part of you,” she dances her fingertips across where she remembers those stretch marks -the ones Azzi is so afraid of her seeing again- are littered across her stomach, “and whether I’m sober or drunk or something in between, I always think every little bit of you is perfect.”
“Paige,” Azzi says softly, something akin to awe coating her voice. 
“Just wanna make you feel as good as you made me feel baby. Please,” Paige wraps her fingers around the edge of Azzi’s shirt again, “can I?”
“Okay,” Azzi concedes quietly, lifting her arms so Paige can finally tug the offending shirt off. 
Paige gives herself a moment to look at the woman in front of her, the woman whose body she’s seen countless times yet she swears that it feels like a different adventure every time. And then she lets herself have a taste, running her tongue lazily across Azzi’s skin, as she slowly maneuvers them so she can hover above the younger woman. A soft smile flitter across her face as she rubs her fingers over the tattoo printed across Azzi’s ribcage. It’s a purple S tattoo, with butterfly wings fanning out on either side. For Stephie. 
Keeping her eyes trained on the darker-skinned , she brushes her lips across the stretch marks on the darker-skinned woman’s abdomen and she hopes that Azzi can read the all of your imperfections are still made for me that Paige is spelling out against her skin. She uses her teeth to pull down Azzi’s panties, smirking to herself when she hears the younger woman's breath hitch above her. Eyes still interlocked with Azzi’s, Paige is purposefully slow as she licks a stripe up Azzi’s folds, relishing the way the other woman’s eyes roll back into her head. 
“So fucking wet,” she hums, “all for me?”
“You know-” Azzi shudders when Paige’s lips brush against her clit, still teasing, “you know it is.”
Paige smirks, “only for me.”
“Please,” Azzi begs as Paige continues to lazily lap at her pussy, giving her something but not quite enough. 
“Say it,” Paige demands, harshly biting against Azzi’s inner thigh as she brings up a hand to rub infinity signs around Azzi’s clit, “say it’s only for me.”
“It’s only for you-” Azzi cuts herself off with a scream as Paige plunges her tongue deep inside her, setting a tempo she knows will have Azzi seeing stars. 
“Doing so good for me baby,” Paige coos as she adds two fingers with her tongue, “always so good for me.”
“Fuck,” Azzi fists the bedsheets, trying to gain some semblance of control as she writhes under Paige’s touch, “feels so good. Paige please.”
“I know,” Paige whispers, “I know what you need baby.”
And that’s the thing about them. That’s why it’s good every single time. Because Paige knows every little crevice of Azzi’s body like it’s her own, knows exactly where to touch and how to touch to elicit those little gasps of pleasure that she wishes she could record and listen to on loop. And it doesn’t matter how long they go without each other in between, coming back always feels like home. But as much as she loves the feeling of coming back, Paige never wants to feel it again. Because this time, she hopes there is no in between without each other. She hopes that this time, they both stay. 
“Paige,” Azzi moans again, her name falling from her mouth like a prayer. 
“I’ve got you,” Paige whispers, capturing Azzi’s lips with her own as she continues her ministrations with her hand, “fall apart for me baby. I swear I’ll put you back together.”
There’s nothing quite like watching Azzi come undone and Paige drinks in the sight of the other woman quivering as she grabs the blonde’s bicep so tight that it’s bound to leave a victory mark. Paige coaxes her through it, nibbling at Azzi’s jawline as the younger woman slowly climbs down from her peak, going limp in Paige’s arms. 
They’re quiet for a while, languorously pressing delicate kisses against each other's skin, soft hands exploring all over each other’s familiar bodies as they tangle their legs together; close not being close enough. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Paige whines when Azzi starts to move out of her grasp. 
“I got what I came for,” Azzi teases, “so I’m going back to my own bed.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Paige scowls, pulling the younger woman back into her chest. 
Azzi laughs, kissing away Paige’s pout as she wriggles out of her grip and slips out of the bed, “relax. I’m just getting something to clean us up with.”
“Well hurry up. I’m already cold,” Paige mewls before letting out a wolf-whistle as her eyes drift over Azzi’s naked retreating form, appreciating the tautness of the brunette’s back muscles down to her perfectly curved ass. 
“You’re 31 years old Paige Bueckers,” Azzi chides as she walks into the ensuite bathroom but Paige can hear the blush in her voice. 
“And you’re hot as fuck Azzi Fudd,” Paige calls out with a smirk, keeping the and you’re all mine as a secret in her own thoughts. 
“You’re not bad yourself Bueckers,” Azzi returns from the bathroom with a smile and a damp cloth as she hops back onto the bed, gently dabbing it between Paige’s thighs. 
It’s a simple act but Paige feels tears prickle at the corner of the eyes. Because it signifies so much more than just this moment. For most of her life, Paige had grown accustomed to the idea that no one would take care of her unless she took care of them first. She didn't know it was possible that someone could reach out first, that they could hold her first without any expectation of anything else in return. Until Azzi. 
“Baby?” Azzi’s voice is wrapped in concern as she takes notice of Paige’s tears, immediately rising up to brush them away, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing I just-” Paige loops her arms around Azzi’s neck, shuddering slightly at how earnest the younger woman’s face is, “I really fucking missed you.”
Azzi’s eyes soften as she caresses Paige’s cheek before pressing her lips against her forehead, “I really fucking missed you too.”
Paige’s eyes flutter awake to sunlight peeking through the blue curtains of Azzi’s guest bedroom. She groans, shifting to bury her face further into the brunette’s stomach, pinching it when Azzi laughs above her. Lifting her head slightly, Paige can’t help but smile at the woman above her. Azzi’s got her glasses on, a book in her hands as she peers down at Paige with nothing but pure fondness. Something aches in Paige’s chest as countless visions of mornings just like this fill her head. She’d resigned herself to believing that she’d never get this back again, that she’d have to rely on memories of the past to fill the empty void that rattled hollowly against her chest every time she’d woken up without Azzi by her side. 
“Morning sleepy head,” Azzi says softly, putting her book down to brush her fingers through Paige’s hair, “assuming you slept well considering you didn’t even notice when I left to grab my glasses and a book from my room.”
Paige frowns, “you left me?”
“I was bored,” Azzi defends herself, “you were fast asleep and I had nothing to occupy myself with.”
“I can believe you left me,” Paige petulantly accuses again. 
“I didn’t leave-”
“You left me!”
“Okay fine,” Azzi concedes with an eyeroll, “but I came back.”
“Yeah you did,” a soft smile takes over Paige’s features as she leans up to brush her lips against Azzi’s, “you came back.”
“I did,” Azzi whispers against Paige’s mouth, cupping the older woman’s face with her hands. 
Paige is about to deepen the kiss, her hands beginning to slip lower, when the sound of a doorbell ruins any chances of putting in motion any of the uncordial ideas that had taken birth in her mind. She groans as Azzi immediately pulls away.
“Shit, I didn’t realize they’d be here so early.” the younger woman curses, hurriedly tossing Paige’s discarded clothes at her, “here, put your clothes on. I’ll go down first while you change.”
“I- I can come down?” Paige asks slowly. 
Azzi crinkles her eyes in confusion, “what do you mean? What else would you do?”
“I just. I dunno-” Paige shrugs, “I just assumed you uh- you wouldn’t want Stephie to know I stayed the night. I figured I’d sneak out of the window or something.”
“Paige,” Azzi whispers, walking over to grip the older girl’s hands, “you’re not- you’re not my dirty little secret or anything. I’m not- I’m not quite ready to tell Stephie about us- hell I’m not even really sure what we are yet but I know- I know that I don’t want to hide you from her. Besides,” she nudges Paige humorously, “we’re on the 2nd floor babe. I don’t need you trying to climb out the window and breaking your knee before the season even starts.”
Paige watches quietly as Azzi walks out the door. She doesn’t think the younger woman quite understands how much she had needed to hear those words, how much she had needed to not feel like a secret again. It fills Paige with a sense of hope, hope that maybe things would be different this time. Maybe things would be better this time. 
“Miss Buecks,” Stephie squeals from Azzi’s arms as she spots Paige descending down the stairs, “you’re already here!”
Paige smiles at the little girl, tapping her nose over Azzi’s shoulder, “I promised you I’d be here bright and early didn’t I?”
“Very bright and early,” Katie cocks an eyebrow as she smirks at Paige and Azzi, “how did you get here so early Paige?”
“Don’t be silly Nanna. She drove of course,” Stephie says matter-of-factly before scrunching up her nose, “but Miss Buecks. How come your car isn’t outside then?”
“That’s a great question Stephie,” Katie says and Paige thinks the woman’s a little bit too peppy for a grandmother, “why isn’t your car outside Paige?”
“Because-” Azzi gives her mother an exasperated look before fixing her eyes on her daughter, “because Paige slept over last night.”
“Miss Buecks slept over last night?” Stephie repeats. 
“I did,” Paige confirms, glaring at Katie as she snickers in the corner. 
“Mama can you please put me down,” Stephie says finally. 
The little girl looks upset and Paige feels her heart constrict with fear. In general, she doesn’t really do well with people being mad at her. But she definitely doesn't think she can take Stephie of all people being mad at her. The little girl has chiseled herself into Paige’s heart and if she ever left, Paige thinks she’d leave a hole so big, her entire heart would cease working. 
Azzi shares a nervous look with Paige as she sets her daughter down before crouching down to Stephie’s level, “what’s wrong Stephie-bean?”
Stephie’s bottom lip trembles as she looks between her mother and Paige, “you let Miss Buecks sleepover.”
“I-” Azzi looks helplessly between her own mother and Paige, both of whom look just as tense, “I did but sweetheart why is that upsetting you? You like Miss Buecks.”
“I love Miss Buecks,” Stephie wails and Paige lets out a sigh of relief, the little girl's words wrapping themselves around her like a warm blanket. 
Azzi blanches for a second, “I don’t understand then what’s the problem-”
 “YOU GUYS HAD A SLEEPOVER WITHOUT ME,” Stephie yells, stomping her tiny feet.  
“Stephie-” Azzi says softly, unable to keep the smile off of her face. 
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me Mama,” Stephie sniffs as she turns to Paige with a betrayed expression, “and you Miss Buecks. How could you guys have a sleepover without me?”
“Oh sweetheart,” Paige falls to her knees beside Azzi, trying not to smile when Stephie dramatically turns her face away from them, “we didn’t mean to. It was just really late when we got back from the party-”
“The party,” Stephie cries out, “first you went to a party without me and then you had a sleepover without me. I can’t bel-ieve you guys would do that to me. Don’t you guys love me at all?”
“We’re really sorry Stephie,” Paige says as seriously as she can, reaching out to fold Stephie’s tiny hands into her much larger one. 
“Very, very, sorry,” Azzi echoes. 
“I don’t know,” Katie supplies unhelpfully from where she’s watching the whole situation with pure amusement, “they don’t seem that sorry Stephie.”
“Mom!” “Katie!”
Katie raises her hands in mock surrender as both Paige and Azzi glare at her, “just looking out for my granddaughter’s best interest.”
“Stephie-bean,” Paige says again, maneuvering the little girl’s body to face her, “your Mama and I are very, very, sorry for having a sleepover without you. Please forgive us.”
Stephie looks at the adults kneeling in front of her with a contemplative expression, “you promise you’ll never do it again?”
“Never,” Azzi promises as Paige nods along.
“And when we go to the park today I can get three scoops of ice cream?” the little girl asks, the hint of a smile starting to breakthrough her lips. 
“I don’t know about that one sweetheart. That’s a lot of ice-”
“Of course you can!”
“Paige!” Azzi hisses. 
“And you’ll push me on the swing at the park for twenty minutes?”
“I’ll even push you for thirty minutes if you want,” Paige says and Azzi rolls her eyes. 
“Just had to one-up it didn’t you Bueckers,” she mutters under her breath. 
“And even though Miss Buecks said she’d get me fries at the park, I can get In-N-Out for dinner too?”
“You’re pushing it Stephie-bean-”
“In-N-Out for dinner sounds perfect,” Paige winks at Stephie as a full smile finally overtakes the little girl’s face. 
“You’re hopeless,” Azzi chides the blonde, throwing her hands up exasperatedly but there’s no denying the grin on her face as she looks back at Stephie, “is that all your highness? Are we finally forgiven or did you want to ask us for more unhealthy things?”
“Just one more thing,” Stephie’s eyes twinkle with mischief, “Miss Buecks has to sleepover tonight too.”
Paige and Azzi share a toothy smile with each other before turning to the little girl. 
“I think that could be arranged.”
The words are barely out of Paige’s mouth before Stephie goes tumbling into her and Azzi, tiny arms somehow wrapping around both of their necks as she pulls them into a group hug. The two adults laugh, cocooning the little girl in between them as she rambles on about how excited she is.  And Paige thinks that when all is said and done, when she looks back on her life, she’ll remember this moment as the one where everything started to finally come together. Right now, with Stephie's arms wrapped around her neck and Azzi’s hands curling around the little girl’s back to intertwine their fingers together, this moment here feels perfect. This moment feels like it belongs to Paige.
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yapileon · 4 months ago
@TacklerCulers: The Chaotic Teen Serie pt. 2
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fcb femení x chaoticteen!reader pt. 1 2235w
17yo La Masia defender gets promoted to the first team. Will you be able to keep your fcb femení fan account hidden while slowly making your place in the team with your idols?
Alright you'll admit it. When you heard Aitana talking about your meme, you panicked, spending most of the night turning over in your bed. Realistically, there was no way anyone would ever link that account back to you, and also, you just used it to create funny memes and sometimes, you'd talk strategy too. Ok fair, you maybe had insulted some of the strategic decision from the Spanish federation once or twice (or a hundred time, but who's counting?). It was the Spanish federation after all, and you doubted anyone, and certainly not the team, would blame you for that.
To make sure to keep your hidden identity secret, it'd be simple, you just had to make sure to not be logged in the fan account when posting on your professional account. Also, you'd need to make sure to not use pictures you had taken yourself to make the memes. You smiled, satisfied, the plan was easy. Which means you now had time to post, Ingrid was your target today. It's true that you had a thing for memes, but what you liked even better were stats. Ingrid' stats? Magnificent. Chef kiss.
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posted 23 minutes ago...
You made a mental note to ask Ingrid's for passing tips later during your daily training session. But before, Alexia and most of the veteran players had decided a team bonding moment would be good to make sure you were well integrated.
While making your way to the training ground—because of course the team bonding would be in a recovery room from the training center— you spotted a chocolate store. Deciding coming empty handed would be unpolite, you bought some boxes to bring to the team. Because who doesn't like chocolate, right?
Alexia Putellas. Of course Alexia does not eat chocolate. The blonde had smiled to you when you had knocked on the door, waving the sweets when the Catalan had opened. She had taken them gently to put them on the side, and spoke "Gracias, cariño, but I don’t eat chocolate during the season." Your face fell so low she quickly added, "The others will love it!" Talk about dying inside.
Patri had embraced you, before looking at you, worried.
"Something's wrong?"
You slumped. "I just arrived and I'm already messing up Alexia's routine..." The midfielder looked at you questioningly. "I brought chocolate."
The brunette smirked, "Great, more for us." and then she had ran to grab the chocolate boxes, dragging Pina with her. You couldn't help but giggle.
You made your way forward to where most of the team was staying. Jana patted the couch, inviting you and you threw yourself in the gap next to her.
"Hi guys! I brought chocolate, but Pina and Patri ran off with them, so I don't think you'll get any." You had said innocently.
And just like that, Mapi, Vicky and Kika jumped off their chairs, letting them fall to the ground in a loud bang and ran.
Irene sighed, "I swear these three don't even sprint that fast during matches." She was shaking her head, feigning disappointment, but you swore you could see a smirk on her lips.
You were too busy exchanging social medias with Jana to realize the two chocolate thief had come back, now chased by the three women. Pina and Patri were protecting the box as if it was their children, keeping it tight in between them. Vicky was trying to tear them apart to access the chocolate treasure, while Kika and Mapi were apparently plotting. That's when Mapi decided to throw herself at the thieve, tackling Patri to the ground.
"Ref! Unfair advantage! You're a defender you know how to tackle!" The midfielder tried to argue, but it was too late as Mapi held the box above her head, victorious.
"You'd all be getting red cards." Caro added, sighing at the desperate sight of the players acting like children.
You watched, amused, never thinking a simple box of chocolate would cause such a fuss.
Jana had gotten closer to you, and whispered in your ear "They like Churros even more than this, imagine the chaos it'd be." The smirk you gave her said it all, and you both mentally agreed to go and get Churros next time there would be a team bonding.
But Pina seemed set on making you pay for betraying her to the trio. She jumped on top of you and Jana, leaning heavily in both of your laps, looking at your phone.
That's when her eyes caught sight of your wallpaper of Mapi. She grabbed your phone. You screamed. She took off and you chased after her bickering for her to give you back your phone, but you hadn't seen that she had thrown it in Alexia's lap. The Catalan was squinting at your wallpaper, trying to decipher it.
"Is that..." She had started, unsure. "Is that a cardboard cutout of Mapi, next to you in bed?"
Your jaw dropped. "That's not what it looks like!" You were blushing furiously, if only you had been an ostrich your life would have been so much easier. You could have just banged your head in the ground and forget about whatever on earth was happening right now.
Mapi had sprinted even faster than when she went to run after the chocolate, hovering over Alexia's shoulder to look. She let herself fall on ground, holding her ribs while wheezing.
If you were not frozen, you could have tried grabbing back your phone before Alexia gave it to someone else, bus alas. The team was passing it to each other, all laughing.
"Wait, is she tucked in?!" Patri wheezed, already laughing so hard she could barely breathe. Vicky and Kika were both hitting each other, dying.
That sent some of the other players in a longer laughing fit. You dropped yourself on the couch, face buried in a pillow.
"It's the pyjamas for me," Ingrid added, pointing at the Christmas themed barça clothes you're wearing in the pic. You groan in response.
"Care to explain, cariño?" Alexia had said when most of your teammates had calmed down.
You whined, still hiding your face. "It's not fair, this is slander!"
Mapi, who had recovered from her laughing fit, had started to forcefully tear the pillow from you, but you were putting up a fight, unwilling to face the embarrassing truth just yet.
"Drop it or I'm filling a restraining order." The center back had teased, making you loosen your grip on the pillow, "You drop it! Or I'm never bringing you chocolate again!" you really tried to win, but the Spaniard was too strong for you.
When she took off the pillow from your face, you gasped, looking at her in horror. "First of all," you had started, furiously counting on your fingers. "That's your fault actually, because two years ago you didn't want to take a picture with me, so I stole that carboard from the Barcelona store." you recalled.
Now it was Alexia's turn to gasp "You stole that?" Her looks disapproving. You could tell she was not happy about that.
"It's cardboard anyways, it should be free?" You tried arguing, but were cut off by Frido, "That does not explain why you got the fake Mapi in your bed."
"Because my roommates wanted to steal her! So I had to protect cardboard Mapi."
You were dead serious. Two years ago, Barça B had won a big tournament, as a reward, the whole team was invited to watch a match from the first team. You had been delighted, thinking it would finally be your chance to get a picture with your idol. Except, things had not been going according to plan. The defender had been so focused on waving her barça flag around the field, time had slipped her mind and she was being hurried off the field. Leaving Mapi no time to interact with the fans. Before leaving, your group had been allowed to visit the merchandise store, as you were stomping around, visibly disappointed, you had seen it. A cardboard version of your idol, doing her famous lion pose. You hadn't really planned of doing it. Ok, maybe a little. So you had waited till the last moment, and when most of your teammates were out of the store, you had grabbed the cardboard cut-out and ran. You were a woman on a mission. Not stopping when you heard security guards shouting in Spanish behind you, or when you coach called your name in vain. When you were safe and sound, waiting in front of the team bus, you had looked at the life sized cardboard, appreciating it's beauty. "Totally worth it," you had mumbled to yourself.
The bus driver had looked at you weirdly, and you'd always remember the walk of shame of dragging that cardboard to the bedroom you shared with one of your teammates. Except she really wanted to have it too, asking if you two could split the custody. You did not want that, which meant you spent some long week never leaving fake Mapi alone, going as far as taking her in the bathroom with you when you showered, and keeping it in your bed.
Screeching brought your attention back to the women in the room with you.
"Do I have to be jealous?" Ingrid had screaming in between laughs. This was the final straw, chaos erupted in the recovery room. Even the serious players were gasping for breath. You swore you saw Ona almost fell out of her chair, clutching her side. The whole team was vibrating with joy.
You sighed, looking at Mapi. She had tears in her eyes and her grin was so wide you guessed her cheeks were burning. Those rare moments when the euphoria is so big, it feels like your whole body ache with it, the dopamine rush hitting you. That's when you decided that maybe, it wasn't so embarrassing after all and you laughed with them. If the center back, who was at least as concerned as you in this story, wasn't embarrassed or weirded out, then you wouldn't be either.
For a long time, it seemed everyone was driving themselves to laugh ever harder. Anytime someone stopped crackling, they'd look at each other and start loosing it even harder.
Though a knock had interrupted the room, allowing most players to catch their breath. Ona had jumped up to go get what you assumed was the food that had been ordered earlier. She had come back in record time.
Just as you thought the team might forget about your embarrassment, Aitana’s voice cut through the laughter, dragging you into your next moment of doom.
"Look at that Ona, you're being as fast as The Flash again."
Ona had taken this for a challenge apparently, and was now running in circle around everyone. Bumping against Caro, who had started unpacking the take outs, making her curse at Ona.
The younger players snickered, aware of the meme. But when you heard that you paled, you had almost forgot about what had happened in the locker room yesterday. And for Ona to take the meme at heart so much meant that some of the players really knew about it. It was just one funny picture, you did not think they'd bring the subject up again.
Sinking into the comfy couch, you went silent, listening to the team. The older players were distributing the food, making plates for everyone while looking at Aitana, unsure of what she was talking about.
"¿Qué?" Alexia questioned, looking confused, "The...The Flash?"
Ona and Vicky threw themselves next to the captain, pulling out their phone to show her the meme. Oh god, did they knew that much about your account?
Seriously, what on earth had you done to deserve all this. First there was the chocolate chaos, secondly your Mapi cardboard story, and now you had to deal with all of them talking about your secret fan account. Your karma was very obviously failing you, or you were a terrible person in a past life, but it definitely felt like some stronger power was against you today.
"Wait, is this me?" Ingrid exclaimed, pointing at the phone with a smile.
Jana looked, "Yeah, look like they posted a new meme this morning...94% pass completion, that's really good Ingrid!" she said brightly.
Irene joined the conversation, "So they don't just make funny memes, but also keep up with our statistics?"
"That's actually hilarious, send me their account please!" Frido chimed in, chewing on food.
You were too absorbed watching them, horror in your eyes, to realize Mapi had plopped down next to you. The woman looked so serious you almost panicked.
"You know kid," she had started, looking deep in your eyes, "If I had known you were so great, I would have fought the security to take a picture with you," You could see she was dead serious, and couldn't help bursting out laughing at the thought of her fighting off the security using her barça flag as a sword.
"Sure," you beamed, relaxed but trying you best to look serious.
She gave you a cheeky smile, before continuing "So, you're bringing my cardboard twin to training tomorrow?" the defender ruffled you hair. "That's it, no more chocolate for you, ever." Back to cringing in the pillow you went. But deep down, you felt exhilarated, like everything you had dreamt of for years was finally happening. You were making your place in the best team in the world. And if being teased was all you had to deal with, you'd take it in a heartbeat.
Oh and, you were definitely bringing fake Mapi to training tomorrow.
pt. 3
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achrams · 8 months ago
𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨, 𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐩.
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: On your trip to get familiar with the area, Ethan decides to be annoying and you show him his place.
𝐂𝐰: Jealous Ethan tries to get the two of you caught mid act.
To everyone’s surprise Ethan behaved rather well for the rest of the ride and upon making it to the campsite it was as if nothing had happened just a few hours ago. Walking out the bus that had you all crammed together in a, to you, comically small seat had you letting out a sigh and stretch of relief. Trying to get all the kinks out of your body before familiarising yourself with the place.
With the fresh air hitting your nose, came a sense of freedom. You and all your classmates would be enjoying the quietness and adventures this forest holds. While some people were busy rushing to stand by the bus, taking the various bags and suitcases from the luggage compartment, you decided to look around the area. Until most people had got their stuff, that is.
Taking note of the wooden buildings- a larger community house in the middle, a teacher’s and guide’s cabin and a bit further out the smaller cabins that were to fit this class. From the small talk you overheard from the teachers when on the way here, each cabin holds around 4 people total. So you’d likely spend the room with Ethan and 2 others. Hopefully people you actually knew better than as a ‘classmate’.
Taking your eyes off the buildings for a moment and putting your attention on the scenery instead. Tall and dark trees all around you create a calm and protected feeling in your chest. Small and rugged rocky trails going through the forest, leading to all sorts of mysteries- a lake and a sauna right by it, a nice fire pit for midnight talks and last but not least the activities you all would be kept busy with. In all honesty it sounded and looked more like a summer camp than a school trip but who were you to judge this event that had been the talk of the town or well.. class.
A blow of warm air to the back of your neck made you turn around only to be met with a grinning Ethan. He chucked your bag into your hands to which you thanked him quietly. Raising an eyebrow upon seeing his suitcase. “What’s all that for? You make it seem like you’re moving somewhere.”
Ethan followed your pointing finger and gave a nonchalant shrug. “Have to be prepared for everything. Wouldn’t you say so?”
With a snort and a simple roll of your eyes you turned around to look at the cabins once more, trying to look for one that seemed good to stay in. “Yeah right. As if we’re in an apocalypse.” The faux offended gasp made you tilt your head back to Ethan, only to see him frowning at you.
“When you have a zombie after you, I’m not gonna help you. You’ve lost that privilege, just so you know.”  Of course Ethan would play right into the banter. It’s almost heartwarming to see how well he knows you and your remarks. He seems happy about it too, given the cheeky grin now on his face.
Fighting back an actually genuine smile at your thoughts you forced out a sarcastic laugh. “Consider my boots quaking.” Ain't no way you'll let him see just how much you actually valued him as a friend.
Fighting back a twitch of your eye, you stood in the middle of your cabin. ‘I thought the number seven meant luck not misfortune.’ Mentally groaning as you were forced to share a cabin with Ethan alongside Jana and her friend. Of course it would be the two other people who fit perfectly in the classmate category instead of friend. Not exactly what you had hoped for.
Now, what had you irritated in the first place? A very questionable situation you found yourself in. Jana and Ethan were proper bickering on each side of you, trying to convince each other why you should share their bunk bed with them. Ethan to your left, saying that you should share his bunk bed because the two of you were close friends and Jana to your right counter arguing that you needed a change and the best way was to share her bunk bed.
Leaning your head back with a groan you muttered out a simple ‘Stop arguing for the love of-” You really couldn’t handle the two whining any longer.
“Jana, let the guy go. You already know him and Ethan are like two peas in a pod.” Thank fuck for Jana’s friend interfering this banter and dragging Jana off you. Otherwise it would have gone on forever, you feared. Though when Jana was pulled off you, Ethan didn’t let go as expected. Instead he hugged your hands tightly close to you, practically trying to prove that ‘you were his’.
“Oi. Let go.” Ethan looked at you and smiled, dragging you to the bunk bed so you could unpack your things.
“You owe me now, just saved you from a zombie.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at Ethan’s joke, having to hide your laugh into your hand. It wasn’t exactly proper to laugh at your friend's whispered insult when the person was in the room, now was it?
“Thought you were supposed to leave me to fend for myself?” A snarky question earned a nudge to your side followed by a small ‘Changed my mind.’ from Ethan.
You could already feel how fun this whole event was going to be despite the situation a few seconds ago, it wasn’t even the evening and you felt like you had lived through 2 weeks of this campy life. Better unpack your bag and make this cabin feel like home as quickly as possible so you could go and explore the place.
Yeahh…not ever did you think that your curiosity to look round the place was a popular thought, so much so that it would bring together an ‘exploring group’. Not that little either, most people decided to tag along, not to mention the teacher deciding to come too. Taking off along one of the roads into the trail that was supposed to make a circle around the area. Get used to the place, you know?
You and Ethan seemed to be the two leaders of the group for now, starting the stroll while chatting about random things. Then some more people joined the conversation and then more…and more, until it seemed like you were the one tagging along. 
It’s not that you hated the other, gods no, your extroverted part just died off midway so now you opted for listening to the others. Ethan, however, didn’t seem to catch the hint and kept trying to get you more into the conversation. Which only annoyed you given the remarks he was making.
Walking a bit slower as you took your time to admire the scenery to save your mind, practically zoning out on the sight of the lake below you. This hill with some benches was a prime spot to hang out, noting the place into that good memory of yours.
“Come on bro, wouldn’t want you to get lost now..” Ethan’s hand was hanging off your shoulder as he practically pressed his cheek against yours. 
Not bothering to fight back you let the guy try to drag  you back to the others who had made it a fair bit ahead already. “You’re awfully quiet. What’s got your panties in a twist?”
You could already hear the awful grin on Ethan’s face, so out of habit you gave him a look. “Didn’t expect so many people to tag along. Little tired is all.” A hum escaped Ethan. A perfect sign he was plotting something and his next words confirmed it.
“Want me to take care of them? I’m good at combat!” Apparently Ethan was really going all in on the apocalypse roleplay for some reason and you couldn’t help but feel your face contort into a confused expression.
“You and combat? Those two do not go well together. You know that.” The offended sigh that you heard next to you stopped abruptly and then Ethan grabbed your cheeks, making you face him.
“Oor.. you want me to take care of you instead?” A simple twitch of your eye made him back off with a casual laugh. Almost made him feel the need to surrender to save himself of your wrath. It was either your mind was in the gutter or he was purposefully being suggestive.
“I mean it though,” Ethan said after a moment of silence, turning to glance at you again, “I can help you get your spark back. Have some fun between the two of us, you know the good old primal style-”
Seems he had chosen some bad words to describe his ideas because before Ethan could go on, he was very quickly pulled off the trail, pushed against the nearest tree. Your hand over his mouth to properly shut him and his stupid ideas up. There was no need to get so riled up by some ‘jokes’ your best friend made but they did have an effect. More than you’d like to admit.
Feeling him smile against your hand made you lean closer to Ethan’s face, whispering into his ear, “You better shut the fuck up right now before I make you.” And by the way his smile grew underneath your hand, it told you everything you needed to know.
“Turn around.” A simple command that Ethan eagerly followed, looking over his shoulder as he moved your hand from over his mouth to be wrapped around his lower stomach. Trying so damn hard to get you all riled up. To make you lose yourself. To finally give him your attention. Only you and him. Alone.
The perfect arch in his back as he tried to press himself against you did not go unnoticed at all. Using your free hand to trail it down his back to rest on his hip to suddenly pull your own hips flush against his ass. “You want this don’t you? Being annoying on purpose to get what you crave?” Leaning close to whisper against his neck. Giving Ethan a taste of his own medicine. “Tell me why I should be nice, hmm?”
Ethan pressed his eyes shut for a moment, letting out a breath of air. You could notice how he tightened his hands against the bark of the tree he was leaning on. “ Wanna be good for you..”
How sweet. So eager to make you feel good. Even if it was a blatant lie, Ethan was a perv and you could see it clearly now. This was no kind gesture on his part, he just wanted you. Needed you. Disguising it as ‘wanting to make you feel nice’. So naughty you are Ethan.
“You expect me to believe that after that stunt you pulled in the bus?” Smirking evilly against Ethan’s neck as you kept him neatly pressed against your groin while the hand that was previously wrapped around him, moved to touch his skin. Sliding up his shirt to leave teasing touches on his warm skin. So sensitive just from this? Oh.. poor guy and his shallow breaths.
Nodding desperately and pressing his forehead against the tree, “Yeah...please? I’ll behave.” Ethan’s little breaths and begging made you hum against his neck. Leaning back a bit to really take in how eager he was. Already the perfect putty for you to play with. “Where’d all your attitude go? Lost it in your throat, did you?” He could handle a little more teasing, couldn’t he? Well, he better handle it.
Pressing your chest against his back as both of your hands made it under his shirt, keeping him stuck against you. Sliding your hands up his stomach as you smirked at his surprised noises. Leaning your head to the side to glance at his reddening face. With a resolved whisper and a meaningful sharper press against him you teased, “You better have a condom with you, otherwise I’m leaving you here.” Ethan shuddered against you and slowly dug into his front pocket, pulling out a condom. An amused hum escaped you. Had he really been preparing this whole thing? So needy, especially the hopeful look he gave you. Looking innocently in your direction, waiting for you. So obviously you took the condom and held it between your teeth. Hands are busy creatures.
A quick look around confirmed that you two were indeed alone. The group had continued walking along the trail. ‘This can’t be any more perfect.’ 
Finally you got to work, moving your hands to remove Ethan from his pants. As soon as the zipper was opened you pushed his pants down to his ankles. Enjoying how Ethan shivered and kept an anticipation filled gaze on every small action on your part. Keeping one hand on his surprisingly already hard dick, palming him through his boxers with slow movements, while the other was presented before him. He looked at your fingers for a moment before opening his mouth for you.
A swift push and you could hear him slightly gag on your fingers. Lewdly sucking at them as if they were a meal to devour. Slurps and whines left his lips that were neatly around your fingers, keeping them wet as he looked at you with a proud look. Trying to milk any sort of praises from you by sliding his tongue all over your fingers to show how good he was. Only for you.
With a breathy whine from Ethan you withdrew your hand, pushing his boxers out the way, the slick and wet fingers toying with him before slowly pressing a finger into him. Savouring the gentle gasp it earned from Ethan. You had never seen him this way and honestly. You kinda liked it.
The teasing and slow moves your fingers did in order to prep the guy earned a whiny sigh from Ethan, “Can you just do it already..I can’t wait..” Halting your hand for a moment, giving him a scare of leaving completely before harshly shoving two digits into him. ‘That should shut him up,’ A sharp breath in did exactly that, leaving Ethan wordless.
Soon enough Ethan was rocking back on three of your fingers, hands balled into fists against the tree as he desperately tried to find some sort of satisfaction. Something deeper. The heavy huffs and puffs by him helped quite a bit by making you more willing to be in him already. The sounds were sweet and addicting. You really couldn’t wait anymore.
Pulling your hand away made Ethan turn his head in your direction, not that he could see much from over his shoulder anyways, which left a pout on his needy and red face. Though the sound of your zipper opening peaked his interest. Pushing your pants and boxers out the way, quickly ripping the condom open and rolling it onto your dick.
Lining it up with his needy hole left you little to no time to think before Ethan himself pressed himself back against you. Forcing you to enter him, his back arched immediately and a pleased mewl left him. “Oh… so someone’s this needy?” The chuckle didn’t even make it to Ethan’s ears, he was too busy getting himself used to you.
To help him along you pressed yourself against his back, pulling him a bit up so instead of his head resting against the tree it was his chest that touched nature. Hands holding onto his overly warm skin, massaging it with gentle touches.
“Move.” Aand there was the signal you needed to hear. The first pull back, leaving only your tip buried into Ethan along the need-filled buck, completely sheathing yourself into the warm and gushy walls earned a low groan from the both of you. Ethan felt so damn good around you, it felt as though he knew exactly what to do and when. Perfectly keeping you snug inside him.
Leaning your forehead onto his shoulder you began bucking yourself in and out of him at a decent pace, not enough to be considered ‘teasing’ but not fast enough to properly stimulate the whiny Ethan beneath you. This was supposed to be a bit of a punishment to Ethan for being annoying after all.
Never did you think that Ethan would be vocal…well this vocal. It almost felt like he was living through this ten times in one go. From fear of people hearing you took a hold of his head, pressing your palm over his mouth. Gently pulling his head back a bit as his body rocked along with every thrust you did. Feeling how the warm air from his nostrils bushed your knuckles while he tried to keep sounds to a minimum. Spoiler: it wasn't really working. 
Ethan seemed to grow more and more needy as time went on and his moans and mewls only increased your inner need to fuck him completely dumb right here and right now. So as any guy would, you picked up your pace.
Each nasty slap of your pelvis meeting his ass earned a breath from you and a pleased yet muffled moan from Ethan. Feeling how sensitive he was, all because of you, made you proud. You didn’t even know why. Ethan was your best friend for fuck sake….this was no activity between friends. You knew that but didn’t acknowledge it.
Suddenly Ethan shuddered in your grasp, tightening around you. Even from underneath your hand he managed to whine out ‘Keep going- that…fuck..’ Ah so you found his prostate. A smirk made its way to your face. A new purpose made itself visible. With unfaltering thrusts you drove yourself into himself in just the right angle to brush against his prostate. Toying with his sensitivity to see him crumble and wither in pleasure.
The filthy slaps of skin to skin contact came to an abrupt stop. Making Ethan grumble and look over to the side to give you a glare. Seeing the focused look on you made him follow your line of sight. ‘Oh.’ Someone was there. From the faint sounds that grew louder you could figure out who it was. Jana.
She was calling out for someone…wait you? Why the hell was she looking for you? Didn’t the rest of the people keep going? So why was she walking back after you?  Unbeknownst to you Ethan squinted his eyes in displeasure. Not only because Jana had stopped you from moving but because she was getting on Ethan’s nerves. How did she not get that you were his? He decided to prove it to her once and for all.
With sly actions he began moving against you to keep the momentum going. Who cares if someone is walking past, right? Ethan just needed to keep his lips shut. With a shocked look you put both of your hands on his hips, trying to keep Ethan still, to which he just looked at you and whispered, “I’ll keep quiet…’s need to feel you..”
With a silent sigh you gave in and let Ethan move against you, though you kept your attention on making sure the coast would be clear. ‘Omfg Jana walk faster.’ Mentally cursing at the snail speed Jana seemed to be using to pass by. Ethan, who noticed your focused manner, smirked at the information and picked up his pace, perfect for catching you off guard. Really bucking himself back to feel you.
With a sick idea, he opened his mouth to let out probably the most lewd moan ever. Loud too. Just when Jana was done passing by yet not completely out of the picture. Ethan was purposefully whining and moaning your name to make Jana jealous. So this was a jealousy thing between Ethan and Jana, huh? In Ethan’s mind this whole scene confirmed you were properly his and if Jana knew better she’d back off.
With a quick and harsh manner your hand was over Ethan’s mouth again. “The fuck are you doing!? Shut up Ethan.” He just pressed himself against you and mumbled ‘She’s gone..’ against your hand to urge you to fuck him again. He was correct that Jana was gone now and the others would make it to the cabins from the other side. Oh...Ethan was so going to get it, now that it was certain no interruptions would happen. 
Freeing Ethan’s mouth, instead gripping his hips to drill yourself into him. You were pissed at his jealous stunt but with his moans hitting your ears you couldn’t stay mad at him for long. Surprisingly enough his sensitivity hadn’t gone down at all given he let out every sound imaginable when he felt you target his prostate. Feeling him twitch and shudder, how he tightened around you, how his legs threatened to give out because you just felt sooo good in him. So perfect.
With a whiny mewl Ethan let his head fall forward against the tree feeling how his body rocked along with your harsh thrusts. Eyes pressed shut as shaky breaths left his parted lips. He came. And hard. The sticky substance painting the tree, dripping down in small droplets. Hmmm, at least it's some nutrients for the tree? No clue.
The tight squeeze of his ass only heightened your own need to find your relief. Hands gripping Ethan’s hips to the point of leaving bruises as you pushed yourself as deep as possible. Breaths heavy and rugged. ‘So close.. So damn close.’ Only a bit more, Ethan could handle it, yeah?
That warm knot in you tightened even more and with a low groan you sheathed your dick into him as hard as you could in your hazed state that was looking for the tipping point. Pulling Ethan tight against you as you came. Just keeping him close as you came down from your high, warm breaths against his neck.
Ethan could feel how warm his insides were, though he didn’t show his disappointment of not properly being able to  feel it. Lifting his hand up to hold your head, messing with your hair as you were nuzzled into his neck. “Feel better now?” Oh for fucks sake..of course he was going to be unserious and continue his previous banter.
“Yeah. Refreshed and dealt with.” He shivered a bit from the chuckle, and reference to the earlier conversation, against his neck. Smiling to himself as he felt you lean back and slowly pull out of him. Slowly making sure he was mentally good enough to go back to the cabins. Wouldn’t want to miss this too much. To not miss your dick too much. Yeah, a hard task for Ethan.
While you were busy with tying up the condom, Ethan slowly turned around to lean his back against the tree. His tired and satisfied eyes looking at you, admiring you with every inch of your being. It was clear that he was head over heels in love with you, yet you seemed to be so oblivious. Calling him a friend psshh as if. You couldn’t ignore him and his feelings now, right?
“What do I do with this?” Chucking the used rubber on the ground for a moment, just long enough to get yourself clothed up again. Ethan followed suit and picked the briefly discarded item up.
“I’ll throw it away, don’t worry.” He ensured and hid it in his hand for the time being, until a trash bin was visible. A small hum came as a reply for Ethan.
Taking the course back to the cabins. You two would probably need to walk slow for Ethan’s sake but also so the flushed and messed up appearances would fade. The smell of sex was most likely still around you two but at least you wouldn’t look like dogs in heat.
A quick glance to your right and Ethan’s proud smile was on full display. “Someone seems content.”
Ethan shrugged and clicked his tongue, “Very much so. 0-2.” You gave him a simple nudge to his side and gave a playful roll of your eyes.
“Help me think of an excuse why we were gone instead of keeping score. I doubt ‘I got lost with my friend’ is viable here. We look fucked.” Oh… Seems you still don’t see him as a partner, just means Ethan needs to try a little harder and he is known to be stubborn. He won’t give up until he gets what he wants, isn’t that right?
At least he can fondly look back on being fucked by the beautiful scenery of a lake behind you. Don’t get hard again Ethan.
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cutejk123 · 10 months ago
Blossom's Friends
So I have thinking about giving Blossom (my Luigi and Daisy's youngest daughter) some friends. I used this picrew for the designs of her friends as a prototype of what I would imagine they would look like and I have their aus and headcanons for them.
Here the links:
TOON ME! ⟪ A ⟫|Picrew
TOON ME! ⟪ B ⟫|Picrew
So here they are:
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Age 12
Straight, ''Cis''
Birthday: May 24th
Asian- Japanese
Dad- Hideki, Mum- Yumiko
Has a 6-year old little brother named Nobita
Has 1 pet: A Norwegian Forest cat (Female, colour: beige and white) named Bibi
Born in Osaka, Japan, but then moved to Brooklyn, New York State, USA at the age of 9 years old.
Speaks Japanese fluently, as this is her first language, English is her second. So she has a Japanese accent.
Himari first met Blossom at primary school, when she first came to Brooklyn from Japan. Himari was a bit shy as she didn't know much English, but soon, she made really good friends with Blossom and also learned English too.
Personality: friendly, spiritual, fun, helpful, hardworking, amazing, slightly strict.
Loves: Maths, comic books (especially shoujo manga), anime and tokusatsu like Doraemon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Super Sentai series, Showa-era anime and tokusatsu shows, drawing, hanging out with friends, ramen, computer games, her family, martial arts.
Dislikes: people making fun at her accent, dirty rooms, most modern new music.
Himari often teaches Blossom about Japanese culture, especially kawaii culture.
Clothing aesthetic style: Indie and Normcore.
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Age 12
Straight, ''Cis''
Birthday: November 9th
Dad- Michael, Mum- Olivia
She is the only child
Has 2 pets: A Bird (Male, colour: white) named Mr Sparkles, and a hamster (Female, colour: ginger) named Robin
She wears glasses due to poor eyesight
An Animal lover and wants to help animals.
She is a Baptist Christian
She takes swimming lessons once every 2 weeks on Friday evenings.
Jada first met Blossom on the first day of secondary school, in Science class. Since Blossom is also an animal lover, she really connected to Jada and they started talking about different animals and breeds after class.
Bird enthusiast and often carries the book about birds in her school bag.
Personality: smart, intelligent, thoughtful, kind, sweet, helpful, brave, brainy.
Loves: animals, birds, science (especially biology), sports, family and friends, her pets, geography, the beach, swimming, gospel music, zoology.
Dislikes: Maths, sad songs, being late for important things, rude people, people hating on her love for birds.
Clothing aesthetic style: VSCO.
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Birthname: Rachael
Age 12
Nonbinary, Pansexual
Birthday: October 20th
Has ADHD and Anxiety.
Dad- Brandon, Mum- Abby
Has an older sister (sibling) named Sam, who is 17 years old and is genderfluid and uses she/he/they pronouns.
Has 1 pet: A Dog (Male, colour: brown and white) named Sparky
Gothic music lover
River first met Blossom during break time at school before River came out as nonbinary and pansexual. River commented on Blossom's clothing style, saying that Blossom was very adorable and fluffy, which made Blossom smile.
Personality: moody, cool, a little bossy, nice, sometimes calm, wild, loyal.
Loves: Gothic music, their dog, their best mate, anime such as My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen and Pokémon, art, drawing, chocolate cake, Hazbin Hotel, gory stuff like spiders, Halloween, Tim Burton films, videogames.
Dislikes: people using the wrong pronouns, their anxiety, pastel colours, cute things, Harry Potter, the colour pink. 
Clothing aesthetic style: Grunge.
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Age 12
Straight, ''Cis''
Birthday: January 25th
White- Canadian
Has Dyslexia
Dad- Richard, Mum- Elizabeth
Has a younger 9 year old sister named Ann and a younger 5 year old sister named Lucy.
No pets
Food lover (sweets)
Born in Ottawa, Canada, but then moved to Brooklyn, when her dad got a new job at the age of 6 years old.
Speaks in a Canadian accent
A Great Singer
She is proud to be a little larger than her friends despite comments by other people.
Darcy first met Blossom at Reading help centre in their local area, when they were 10 years old. Blossom also struggled with reading despite not having dyslexia, so they started to play dollies together in the play area of the centre, and the friendship grew over time.
Personality: cheeky, funny, giggly, lovable, pouty, a little stubborn, greedy, bubbly, a little quiet.
Loves: cake, lots of fun, her little sisters, ball games like catch, biscuits, food, her Canadian culture, her friends, music, singing, sleeping.
Dislikes: getting sick, overeating, reading too much, being tired, annoyance, fat shaming, people making fun of her appearance.
Clothing aesthetic style: Art Hoe.
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Age 12
Straight, ''Cis''
Birthday: June 30th
White- of Irish decent
Has Autism, Dyslexia, Anxiety.
She wears glasses.
Dad- Danial, Mum- Bertha
Has twin 7 year old younger brothers named Peter and Luca, and a baby 2 year old little sister named Penny. (all of them has Autism).
Refers to her parents as Mummy and Daddy.
Has 3 pets: 2 guinea pigs (both Female) named Pearl and Sweetie and a Lionhead rabbit (Female, colour- beige) named Creamy.
Always carries her yellow dog plushie named Caramel with her, just like Blossom does with her Bubbles the bunny plushie.
She is Blossom's best friend, she is always there to protect and help Blossom.
Fannie first met Blossom on the first day of primary school, when they were 4 years old. Blossom fell over and hurt herself and Fannie came over and patted Blossom's head gently.
Fannie's interests are similar to Blossom's.
Her hyper fixations are True and the Rainbow Kingdom, Sanrio and Play-Doh.
Personality: extremely shy, sensitive, cry-baby, kind, sweet, protective, quiet, prone to tears quickly, helpful, gentle, childlike, clumsy, humble.
Loves: colouring, watching cartoons, Play-Doh, drawing, art, her pets, family and friends, her plushies, making cute bracelets, painting, Blossom's Dad; Luigi (because he's the most sweetest, understanding and caring person with a very BIG heart), shows like True and the Rainbow Kingdom, MLP, Care Bears, playing card games, dress-up games, Sanrio, hugs and kisses, playing with Blossom, her Nintendo Switch.
Dislikes: messy rooms, untidy things, people making her uncomfortable, horrible people, others making fun for her childlike interests, anyone hurting poor Blossom, tall heights.
Clothing aesthetic style: Soft girl.
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Age 12
Demisexual (with male preference), ''Cis''
Birthday: April 2nd
Hispanic- Mexican
Dad- Miguel, Mum- Selena. Also her grandma Valentina lives with her family.
She was born in Brooklyn to parents who were from Mexico and moved to the USA.
She is the only child
No pets
She is the best baker in Blossom's year. Everyone LOVES her baking and her sweets.
She often bakes Mexican sweets like: Concha (sweet bread roll), churros, etc.
Usually bakes with her grandma, who taught her many Mexican baking skills and the cuisine.
If something goes wrong her baking, she becomes resilient and try it again.
She also speaks Spanish fluently.
She bakes special treats at the end for each term (Christmas, Spring, Summer).
Camila first met Blossom during Art class in secondary school and they sat next to each other. Camila positively commented on Blossom's OC drawings on her sketchbook, this made Blossom really happy.
Personality: resilient, strong, kind, creative, mature, loyal, reliable, trustworthy, patient, a little bit cheeky.
Loves: baking, cooking, friends and family, Mexican cuisine, family gatherings, cleaning, playing the guitar, helping her friends, volleyball, cakes, sweets, making people happy, learning new things and skills, watching Spanish movies.
Dislikes: getting things wrong, bullying, rainy days, rock climbing, trains.
Clothing aesthetic style: Cottagecore and Bakerycore.
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Birthname: Martha
Age 12
Trans guy, Bisexual, (also experimenting with pupgender).
He/him and They/them
Birthday: March 17th
Has Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Gender Dysphoria.
Getting therapy for his GD and his severe anxiety to help him cope with the mental health issues. 
Dad- Eddie, Mum- Pauline
Has 1 older 15 year old brother named Roy, who is gay.
Has 1 pet, a British shorthair cat (Male, colour- greyish blue) named Bandit.
A huge rabid Bluey fan.
He has a (furry) pupsona called Bobo.
Has severe anxiety, which he is prone to temper tantrums and mental breakdowns.
Only socially transitioned.
He has Bluey merchandise everywhere, including social media pfps and such.
His hyper fixations are: Bluey, Paw Patrol, Blue's Clues, My Hero Academia, Y2K children's shows.
He is best mates with River.
Mars first met Blossom during Art class in secondary school just like Camila, before Mars came out as trans (he was only bisexual then). Blossom was amazed by the Bluey stuff on Mars' books and his bag. So they started talking about Bluey and their favourite characters.
Personality: sensitive, strong, kind, moody, sad, open, anger issues, obsessive, friendly, creative.
Loves: Bluey (obviously), art, drawing, his comfort characters, Paw Patrol, Y2K style, rock music like The Beatles, furry art, being accepted for his identity, LGBT+ memes, Tumblr, children's shows, dogs, friends and family, skateboarding, his plushies, Hazbin Hotel, cats, seeing Bluey memes, Jammidodger (a trans guy Youtuber; his parents wants him to stop watching that person because they believe that he could bring a bad influence on their child), videogames.
Dislikes: people misgendering him (it makes him flip into rage), used the wrong pronouns on him, his parents not accepting his trans and pup identity (but they are fine with the bisexual identity), Blossom's Dad; Luigi (unfortunately), his anxiety, being bullied, being misunderstood.
Clothing aesthetic style: Goth and Kidcore.
Well, that's all of Blossom's friends, I hope you'll like them. :)
Violet's (Blossom's older sister) friends are coming soon.
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creativepromptsforwriting · 12 days ago
How do I write a girldad? Because I saw a severe lack of girldad prompts in your writing prompts.
How to write a girldad
To create a multidimensional girldad character there are some things to consider:
Make the character show love and attention to his daughter(s).
He is proud of everything his daughters do and encourage them to achieve their dreams and simply do what they want to do.
Listening to his daughters concerns, and giving advice if it is wanted.
Being protective of his daughters, but knowing that they also need to respect their independence and the decisions they make.
Being involved in their lives, knowing who their friends are and how they are doing in school and in sports.
Treating other women in his life with respect, showing his daughters the right standard.
That the daughters are getting older may be difficult for the girldad, but he copes and learns to adapt to their new lives.
How to show their good relationship:
Including light-hearted and playful conversations to show their close bond.
Giving them sincere and loving exchanges.
Showing everyday interactions, like discussing school, friends, or plans for the weekend.
Having him give attention and affection to his daughters even in public.
Showing that the daughter's female friends also feel comfortable with the dad.
Having them share a hobby, especially one that is considered more feminine.
More: Masterpost: How to write a story
I hope you have fun with this! I'm thinking about making a prompt list for a girldad, so maybe there is something coming in the future.
- Jana
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meazalykov · 3 months ago
you're still the best
vivianne miedema x barca!reader
summary: you tried your hardest, but your girlfriend knew you too well
warnings: angst
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you knew this day would come. 
when you and vivianne decided to make long distance work after leaving arsenal, the reality of facing her on the pitch was an inevitability. now, as you sat on the plane to manchester with your barcelona teammates, that inevitability felt more like a looming storm cloud than a mere scheduling quirk.
you’d never admit it out loud, but the thought of playing against vivianne was more nerve-wracking than any champions league game, shoot even a final didn’t seem so nerve wracking. it wasn’t just about the competition—you thrived on that. it was the fear of letting your emotions get the best of you, of doing something in the heat of the moment that might upset her or cross an unspoken line. 
you couldn’t imagine how you’d feel if the roles were reversed, if she slid in for a crunching tackle or celebrated a goal in front of you. 
alexia noticed your restless fidgeting as the plane ascended. seated beside you, she nudged your arm gently. 
“you okay?” 
you shrugged, popping an earbud into your ear. 
“yeah, just thinking about the game.”
esmee, sitting across the aisle, leaned forward with a grin. 
“you mean thinking about viv, right?”
your lips twitched, but you didn’t respond. esmee wasn’t wrong, and she knew it. esmee knew vivianne from her national team, probably the only other person at barcelona who knew her as much as you did.
alexia took a different approach, her voice soft but steady. 
“you know, jana and jill make it work. they’ve played against each other so many times, and they’re still solid. you and viv are no different.”
“yeah,” esmee added, “and if barça wins, you can just rub it in her face. maybe send her a barça jersey with her name on it.”
that earned a snort from you, even if the idea made your stomach twist. “thanks for the advice, guys,” you murmured before turning up your music and leaning back in your seat. 
their words didn’t leave your mind. you spent the three-hour flight imagining every scenario. what if barcelona won? what if city did? what if you clattered into viv on the pitch and she got hurt? what if you accidentally celebrated too hard in front of her? 
the possibilities spiraled endlessly until the team bus arrived at the manchester city campus.
the matchday excitement was already palpable when you stepped onto the pitch for warmups. the stadium, filling with fans, felt both massive and suffocating. you caught sight of vivianne across the field, laughing with her city teammates. she looked so carefree, as if this wasn’t a big deal at all. 
maybe it wasn’t for her. maybe you were overthinking everything. 
as kickoff approached, you tried to push your emotions aside. barcelona needed you, and you weren’t about to let your team down. 
the first half was a nightmare. manchester city came out firing, pressing high and dominating possession. barça, usually the team dictating the pace, looked rattled. it was strange seeing your team struggle like this. 
vivianne was everywhere—making runs, holding up the ball, creating chances. every time she got near the box, it was your job to stop her. and you did. again and again, you found yourself in her way, intercepting passes, blocking shots, and denying her space. 
in the 28th minute, she broke through the defense, her eyes locked on goal. you slid in with a perfectly timed tackle, the ball ricocheting away as vivianne went down. the red and blue crowd roared in approval, but you didn’t bother helping her up. 
frustration was bubbling too close to the surface, and you couldn’t afford to let it show. as you jogged back into position, you felt her gaze lingering on you, but you refused to look back.
then, in the 36th minute, disaster struck. ona made an uncharacteristic error, misjudging a cross, and layzell capitalized, slotting the ball past cata. 
you dropped your head into your hands, a groan escaping before you could stop it. this wasn’t how things were supposed to go. 
as the first half neared its end, you pushed higher up the pitch, desperate to create something for your team. in the 43rd minute, you saw an opening and surged forward. just as you prepared to take a shot, alex greenwood stepped on your ankle. pain shot up your leg as you crumpled to the ground. 
anger flared, hotter than the ache in your ankle. you got to your feet and shoved alex, your voice sharp. 
“what the hell was that?”
alex raised her hands in mock surrender, the yellow card already flashing in the ref’s hand. 
“calm down, it wasn’t intentional,” she said, her tone exasperated. 
you weren’t in the mood to calm down. it took alexia and a couple of city players to pull you away. as the teams reset, alex shot a confused look at vivianne, who shook her head and mouthed, “drop it, she's not thinking straight.”
halftime couldn’t come fast enough. in the locker room, romeu tried to rally the team, but you barely heard him. your mind was spinning, replaying the moments that had gone wrong, the pain in your ankle a dull throb reminding you of your earlier outburst. 
the second half didn’t go much better. city continued their relentless attack, and you found yourself clashing with mary fowler in the 65th minute. chasing a loose ball, you collided with the forward, who tumbled dramatically to the ground. 
you won the ball cleanly and sent it up to hansen, but the ref blew the whistle, awarding a free kick to city. you threw your hands up in frustration, muttering under your breath as mary smirked at you. the australian is your friend, but she knew that your actions deserved a consequence at some point.
vivianne jogged past, her voice low but cutting. 
“playing dirty isn’t going to guarantee a win.”
you didn’t even think before snapping back, “tell your teammate, alex, that.”
vivianne sighed, her smirk fading. “just focus on the game, okay?” 
the final whistle blew with the scoreline reading 2-0 in city’s favor. the sting of defeat settled heavily on your chest as the teams lined up for handshakes. you replayed every moment in your head, wondering where you could’ve done more, how you could’ve changed the outcome. 
when you reached vivianne in the line, she didn’t offer her hand. instead, she pulled you into a tight hug, ignoring the cameras and the crowd. 
“i missed you,” you whispered against her shoulder, your voice barely audible over the noise. 
“i missed you too,” she murmured, her hands sliding to your shoulders as she pulled back to look at you. 
“and you were amazing today, liefde. don’t let the loss get to you, okay?”
you hesitated, chewing on the inside of your cheek. “you think so?”
“i know so,” she said firmly. “you kept me from scoring, didn’t you? that’s not easy.”
you managed a small smile. “you played well too. city deserved the win.” 
vivianne laughed, the sound soft and familiar. “you’re still the best, though. don’t forget that.”
you couldn’t resist teasing her. “you’ll see payback when you come to barcelona.”
her eyes sparkled with amusement. “i can’t wait.” 
as the teams began heading toward the tunnel, vivianne squeezed your hand briefly before letting go. the loss still stung, but her reassurance lingered, a small balm against the ache. 
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goodomensaction · 10 months ago
🇵🇸 Good Omens Gotcha for Gaza Fundraiser 🇵🇸
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Welcome to the Good Omens Gotcha for Gaza Fundraiser
This is a fan-run fundraiser to help out people in Palestine. We will be recruiting volunteer fan artists and writers to create fics/art in return for donations to Care for Gaza, the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund, or any Operation Olive Branch project, or Jana’s GoFundMe.
Creator Sign-Ups: CLOSED
Donations: CLOSED
Posting Deadline: September 30
Carrd | Twitter | TikTok | Instagram
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guiltyasdave · 3 months ago
jana's 2024 faves
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hi! as 2024 draws to a close, i thought i’d go through all the fics i read and loved this year and create a list of my favorites. as it turns out, i read a ton, so this list is a two-parter and i’m not doing my usual emoji-guide, because otherwise i’d be here forever 🫠 so many stories moved me this year, made me cry, made me laugh, and i’m really grateful to be part of this community.
i hope you’re having a beautiful end of the year, and if you need something to read: you might find it here :) if you do, please remember to show the writers some love 🫶🏻
dividers of course by the amazing @saradika-graphics! <3
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javier peña
go your own way by @schnarfer
on call by @hellishjoel
girl next door by @goodwithcheese
i'll carry you by @almostfoxglove
a litany of lethe by @kiwisbell
scathed by @dancingtotuyo
the everything shower by @iknowisoundcrazy
joel miller
you know you never stood a chance & of rage and ruin by @corazondebeskar-reads
from eden by @5oh5
a stranger's heart without a home by @morning-star-joy
short days, long nights by @frannyzooey
sex on fire, san angelo & cowboy like me by @macfrog
smother by @beardedjoel
a lover's pinch by @hier--soir
the checklist by @thetriumphantpanda
woman by @dancingtotuyo
your summer dream by @tonysopranosrobe
feelings on fire by @pedropeach
i know it when i see it by @bageldaddy
helen by @kiwisbell
teacher's pet by @javiscigarette
dress up joel by @covetyou
daddy next door by @cavillscurls
clot & listen/watch/touch by @luxurychristmaspudding
chrysalism by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
does anyone know where the love of god goes? by @shellshocklove
hands on your knees by @northernbluess
how do you sleep? by @thriftedtchotchkes
interlude by @wethairjoel
cover me up, see you at three & lock the gate by @almostfoxglove
living high until that fatal day by @familyvideostevie
good neighbors, gimme what i want & meet me in the back by @joelstummy
hungry, lonely, violent by @dontloooknow
marcus acacius
the nymphiad by @pascalispretty
max phillips
i cannot get you close enough by @leslie-lyman
the prettiest by @almostfoxglove
unnamed materialists character
quicksand by @javier-pena
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<- part 1
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writingbuckets · 5 months ago
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𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐢
paige bueckers x reader
wc: 2.4k
synopsis: Paige Bueckers and Y/N share a complicated past, what started as a friends-with-benefits arrangement ended in heartbreak when Paige struggled with commitment. Left heartbroken, the OC moves on while Paige battles her own unresolved feelings.
warnings: emotional distress and heartbreak, miscommunication, emotional manipulation, slut-shaming, mentions of past relationship, angst, fluff
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a/n: thank you so much for all the love on part 1. i'm already editing part 3, so stay tuned <3
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The library was quiet, the muffled sounds of pages turning and keyboards clicking creating a steady background hum. You sat at a large wooden table, your laptop open in front of you and a half-empty iced coffee to your right. It was mid-afternoon, the time when most students were either in class or still recovering from the night before. You’d managed to carve out a peaceful corner for yourself, though that tranquility was soon interrupted when two familiar figures plopped down across from you.
“Yo, hope you don’t mind us crashing your study sesh,” a voice said, drawing your attention away from the screen.
It was Jana and Azzi, two of Paige’s teammates and your classmates in one of the upper-level business courses. The three of you had been grouped together for a project, which was how you’d come to know them better outside of the occasional party or casual interaction.
“Not at all,” youreplied with a faint smile. Jana and Azzi were easygoing, funny, and completely unaware of the complicated mess that was your history with Paige. You liked them for that—they didn’t pry or push, and for the most part, they were blissfully unaware of the tension lurking beneath the surface.
Jana grinned, dropping her backpack onto the table. “Good, because we brought snacks.” She pulled out a bag of chips and offered some to Azzi, who immediately grabbed a handful.
You chuckled, relaxing slightly. “I see you’re taking this study session very seriously.”
“Hey, brain food is important,” Jana said with a mock-serious tone, popping a chip into her mouth. “Plus, we’ve got like an hour before we have to actually be productive, right?”
“Sure,” you said, taking a sip of your coffee. “We’ll go with that.”
For the next few minutes, the three of you fell into easy conversation, mostly about your project and a few upcoming assignments. You found yourself enjoying the banter, grateful for the distraction. But as much as you tried to focus on the conversation, there was an undercurrent of anxiety you couldn’t quite shake.
You hadn’t seen Paige since the party a few weeks ago, but that didn’t mean you hadn’t been thinking about her. It was impossible not to. After your last encounter—the cold, awkward tension, the almost-conversation in the kitchen—you had been left feeling raw, like an open wound that wouldn’t heal. No matter how much distance you tried to put between you two, Paige always seemed to find a way to slip back into you life, even if it was just through mutual friends like Jana and Azzi.
The worst part was, you knew you weren’t over her. Not really. As much as you tried to act like you didn’t care anymore, that Paige’s rejection hadn’t cut you deep, there was a part of you that still held on to the memory of what you’d had. Or what you’d thought you had.
Your relationship—or whatever it had been—had started off light, fun, and uncomplicated. You’d met through mutual friends, and it hadn’t taken long for the chemistry between you to spark. It was supposed to be casual, just a few late-night hookups, no expectations, no strings attached. At first, it was exactly that. Paige was charming, confident, and frustratingly attractive, and you had been content to keep things simple. You weren’t looking for anything serious either, and Paige made it clear from the beginning that she wasn’t the type to settle down.
But somewhere along the way, you had broken your own rules. You’d started to fall. Hard. It wasn’t just the sex—though that had been great—it was everything else. The stolen moments in between, the late-night texts, the way Paige had looked at you like you were the only person in the room. It had felt real, even if neither of you had said the words.
Then, just when you had been on the verge of confessing how you felt, Paige had pulled away. Suddenly, the texts were fewer and farther between. The casual meetups became rare, then nonexistent. Paige had distanced herself without explanation, leaving you feeling like you’d been tossed aside the moment things started to get serious.
You’d tried to play it cool, act like it didn’t bother you, but inside, it hurt more than you wanted to admit. Eventually, you’d made the decision to walk away, cutting things off before Paige could hurt you even more. You’d told yourself it was for the best, that you deserved better than someone who couldn’t commit. But knowing that hadn’t made it any easier.
And now, here you were, sitting with Paige’s teammates, trying to pretend like the past wasn’t constantly nipping at your heels.
“So, what’s the plan for this project?” Jana asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Right,” you said, refocusing. “I was thinking we could split up the research into sections. I’ll take the first part, and you two can divide the second and third.”
“Works for me,” Azzi said, typing something into her laptop.
As you settled into a rhythm, you let yourself relax a bit, pushing thoughts of Paige to the back of your mind. But that peace didn’t last long. Just as you were getting into a groove, you heard a voice behind you, one that made your heart sink into your stomach.
“Hey, what’s up?”
Your spine stiffened, but you didn’t turn around. You didn’t need to. You could feel Paige’s presence, could sense her standing just a few feet away. Your throat tightened, and you forced yourself to keep your eyes on your laptop, pretending to be engrossed in whatever was on the screen.
Jana and Azzi didn’t seem to notice the shift in your demeanor. They both smiled at Paige as she approached the table, casually pulling out a chair.
“Bueckers, what are you doing here?” Jana asked, raising an eyebrow. “I thought you had a meeting with coach.”
Paige shrugged, her voice light. “He let me out early. Figured I’d come see what you guys were up to.”
You could hear the smile in her voice, that easy charm you knew all too well. It made your chest tighten with a mix of frustration and something you didn’t want to name.
“Studying for our project,” Azzi said, gesturing to the mess of papers and laptops in front of you all. “Or trying to, anyway.”
Paige’s gaze flicked briefly to you, and for a moment, the air between you crackled with tension. You could feel Paige’s eyes on you, but you refused to look up. You weren’t going to give her the satisfaction.
“Cool, cool,” Paige said casually, though there was an edge to her tone that hadn’t been there before. “Mind if I hang out for a bit?”
Your fingers tightened around the edge of your laptop. Great. Just what you needed.
“Yeah, sure, grab a seat,” Jana said, oblivious to the silent war raging across the table.
Paige pulled out a chair and sat down, her presence an unwelcome weight in your periphery. You could feel Paige’s gaze lingering on you, but you didn’t dare meet it. You wouldn’t give her the power. Not this time.
For the next few minutes, the conversation flowed easily between Paige, Jana, and Azzi, with you contributing only when absolutely necessary. You could tell Paige was trying to act normal, but there was a subtle tension in her voice, like she was holding back. It was as if Paige was testing the waters, gauging how much you were willing to engage. But you weren’t going to give her anything. Not after everything.
Eventually, the conversation shifted back to the project, and Paige leaned back in her chair, watching you all work. You kept your head down, focused on your laptop, but every so often, you could feel Paige’s gaze flit in your direction.
It was maddening, how just being near Paige could stir up so many conflicting emotions. Frustration, anger, longing—everything you’d been trying to bury for months came bubbling back to the surface. But you couldn’t let it show. Not here, not in front of Jana and Azzi.
The longer Paige sat at the table, the more the tension thickened. You could feel it pressing down on you, coiling around your chest. Every time Paige shifted in her chair or made a casual remark, it was like a reminder of the mess you’d left unresolved. You didn’t want to think about it—about the way things had ended, or how Paige had brushed you off like you were nothing. But sitting here, in such close proximity to her, made it impossible to avoid the memories that came flooding back.
You hated how easy it was for Paige to act normal, like nothing had ever happened between you two. Paige was good at that—at pretending, at pushing things aside and focusing on the present. It was part of what had drawn you to her in the first place. You admired Paige’s ability to compartmentalize, to separate her feelings from her actions. But now, that same trait was infuriating. Paige could sit here, joking around with her teammates, while you were left to choke down the bitterness of unresolved emotions.
“Alright, I think we’ve got enough to get started on the research,” Jana announced, breaking the silence. “We’ll meet up again on Wednesday to go over what we’ve found?”
“Sounds good,” Azzi agreed, already packing up her things.
You nodded absently, your mind still swirling. You didn’t want to linger here any longer than necessary, especially with Paige hanging around. You could feel the edge of a headache forming, a dull throb at the base of your skull. You needed space—away from the lingering memories, away from the unresolved tension that seemed to cling to you like a second skin.
As everyone began to gather their belongings, Paige stretched her arms over her head, letting out a low sigh. “I’m heading to the gym later if anyone wants to come,” she said casually, though the offer wasn’t directed at anyone in particular.
You tensed but kept your eyes glued to your laptop screen, pretending not to hear.
Jana grinned. “I might take you up on that. Gotta work off all the junk food I’ve been eating.”
Azzi laughed. “Same. I’ll catch you later, though. I’ve got class in like fifteen.”
You made a quick decision to leave before you could be drawn into any more awkward small talk. You packed up your laptop, grabbing your bag, and pushed your chair back.
“I’ve got to run too,” you muttered, standing abruptly. “See you guys later.”
Before anyone could respond, you turned on your heel and made your way toward the exit, your pulse hammering in your ears. You didn’t look back to see Paige’s reaction—you didn’t need to. The suffocating weight on your chest told you everything you needed to know.
After spending most of the afternoon buried in work at a local café on campus, you finally decided to take a break. You weren’t one to spend your weekends cooped up inside, and besides, you’d agreed to meet someone for a casual dinner. It wasn’t anything serious—just a low-key date with a girl you’d been chatting with online for a few weeks. Her name was Emily, and while you hadn’t met in person before, she seemed cool—funny, smart, and down-to-earth.
You figured it was time to get back out there, to try and move on from the lingering feelings you had for Paige. You deserved to be with someone who didn’t leave you hanging, who didn’t pull away the moment things started to get real.
Emily was waiting at a small, trendy café downtown, dressed in a casual denim jacket and black jeans. She had short, tousled brown hair and a warm smile that immediately put you at ease.
“Hey!” Emily greeted you with a grin as you walked up. “You made it!”
“Yeah, sorry if I’m a little late,” you replied with a smile, feeling a sense of relief at how easy it was to slip into casual conversation. “Lost track of time at the library.”
“No worries. I just got here too,” Emily said, leading the way toward a table outside. The evening was cool, the sky fading into hues of purple and orange as the sun began to set. It was the perfect setting for a laid-back, no-pressure date.
You settled into your seats, ordering drinks and appetizers. The conversation flowed easily, with Emily talking about her recent travels and her love for indie music. You found yourself laughing at Emily’s stories, feeling more relaxed than you had in weeks. Maybe this was exactly what you needed—a fresh start with someone new.
As you waited for your food, you glanced around, taking in the bustling energy of the café. But your light mood quickly soured when you spotted a familiar figure across the street.
Paige. Again.
She was walking with her roommate, Lily, a protein shake in hand, looking as casual and effortlessly cool as ever. Your stomach dropped, your heart racing in your chest as Paige’s eyes landed on you. For a split second, you locked eyes, and the tension between you flared to life once again.
Paige’s expression shifted—her casual smile fading into something darker, something that looked an awful lot like jealousy. She hesitated for a moment, her gaze flicking between you and Emily, before turning back to her roommate, muttering something under her breath.
Your pulse quickened, your throat tightening. You hadn’t expected to see Paige tonight, much less in the middle of what was supposed to be a relaxing date. And from the way Paige was looking at you, it was clear that she wasn’t thrilled about it either.
“Everything okay?” Emily asked, her voice pulling you back to the present.
You forced a smile, shaking off the unsettling feeling creeping up your spine. “Yeah, sorry. Just… thought I saw someone I knew.”
“Oh?” Emily raised an eyebrow, clearly curious, but didn’t press the issue. “No biggie. So, what about you? Been anywhere cool recently?”
You tried to refocus, but your mind kept drifting back to Paige, to the look on her face when she’d seen you with Emily. It was ridiculous—Paige had no right to be jealous, not after everything that had happened. But the memory of that fleeting expression stuck with you, gnawing at the back of your mind.
By the time you’d finished dinner, you felt drained, the weight of your unresolved feelings for Paige dragging you down. Emily was nice—sweet, funny, and kind. But even as you said your goodbyes, you couldn’t help but feel like something was missing.
As Emily leaned in to give you a quick hug, you offered a polite smile, but your mind was already elsewhere. Paige had been an uninvited guest in your thoughts all night, and as much as you hated it, you knew it wasn’t going to stop anytime soon.
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months ago
Tears IV
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: You and Fluffles
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It's not often that people come around to the house.
Most of the time, it's you and Mami.
But today it's you, Mami and some of her teammates.
Mami usually does team bonding at their houses when you're away with Abuela and Tia Alba but today she's been convinced to open the house to them.
They're as quiet as a group of football players can be, having been lectured by Alexia at training today about being respectful of your needs if they're going to be invading the house together.
It's after dinner that they arrive. It's late, not enough for you to be in bed but late enough for you to have already had your night time bath and be in your pyjamas.
You hide away most of the time in your bedroom, just drawing but you pop out occasionally to show Mami what you've created.
The living room is loud with chatter and the tv has been commandeered by Jana and Bruna to play FIFA while everyone else watches and yells out tactics to try to help.
You're sitting on Mami's lap when suddenly everything gets a bit overwhelming and your skin becomes itchy with unease. You go tense, locking up all of your muscles at once until you're frozen like a statue.
Mami notices instantly, slipping your ear defenders on and lightly tap you off her lap. "Go and get Fluffles, pequeñita," She says.
You shake your head, still completely stiff. You glance around the room at where the girls are still watching the screen.
"No one's going to judge you for needing Fluffles," Mami says," I think you're in need of some Fluffles cuddles."
You sniffle and reach for her hand, tugging on it so she comes with you.
"Alright, pequeñita," She says," Let's go and get Fluffles."
You tug out at the collar of your pyjama shirt. You don't like how to feels against your skin and Mami tugs it off you. The air is a bit colder now but it feels nice on your heated skin and you can finally relax when Mami heads into Fluffles' room and unlocks her cage.
Fluffles leaps out of her cage instantly, darting around the room briefly before she leaps into your waiting arms. Her little hands press against your shoulder as you push your face into her soft fur.
Mami got your Fluffles last year for your birthday and she was your favourite thing in the whole world. She was so soft and little and she always made you feel so much better when you held her.
"Do you want to stay in here?" Mami asks," Or should we go back to the living room?"
You think it over for a moment, content with just holding Fluffles against you as she grunts softly against you.
"I take Fluffles with me?"
"Of course," Mami says," I'll even warm you up some milk. Do you want to go back out to the others?"
You nod. "With Fluffles."
It's nosier in the lounge than in Fluffles' room but you've got your ear defenders and your Fluffles so things are getting better.
Mami returns you to your spot on her lap as she sits on the sofa again.
Fluffles rests against you as you take big, deep breaths like Mami taught you to.
"I told you it would be a good idea," Irene says to Alexia when she notices," Pets are always good for kids."
Alexia rolls her eyes. "Oh yes because you can definitely compare your dog and son with my daughter and her chinchilla."
Paredes shrugs. "But I was right. They're cute together."
"They're not cute together when Alba lets it free to roam around the house without permission. I've had to put wrappings around all the wires."
Paredes holds her hands up. "Hey, I said get another dog. You're the one that gave her the chinchilla."
"She loves it," Alexia replies," It helps with her issues. It's the fur I think. If she could take it everywhere with her, she would. I think she wants another one too."
Paredes laughs. "Good luck with that."
Fluffles shifts in your arms until she's buried in the crook of your elbow, falling asleep quickly as you hold her.
Your whole body relaxes as Fluffles does and Mami very gently moves your ear defenders to rest against your neck.
"Do you still want your milk, pequeñita?"
You nod and she very carefully sits you on the sofa while she goes off to the kitchen.
With Mami gone, it's just you and Fluffles and you give her lots of little kisses as she naps.
Keira slides in next to you and very carefully points at Fluffles. "Who's this?"
"Fluffles," You answer," Mami got me her for my birthday last year."
"That's nice. What kind of animal is she?"
"A chinchilla. She's very soft."
"That's nice," Keira says," Does she live in your room?"
You shake your head. "Lives in the spare room so she has lots of room to play."
"That's cool. Is she your best friend?"
You nod. "Her and Mami."
"Her and Mami what?" Mami asks as she returns.
"My best friends," You reply," You and Fluffles." You think for a moment. "And Teeny."
"You're so sweet, pequeñita," Mami coos, layering kisses over your face," You're my best friend too."
You're sat on her lap again quickly and Mami holds your sippy cup of warm milk for you to drink out of.
The noise of the rest of the team has quietened down now because someone's put on a movie to watch. It's an adult movie so it's pretty boring and once you're done with your milk, you shift to get more comfy on Mami's lap.
Her fingers card through your hair before gently drawing circles on your belly. It's nice and relaxing and Fluffles soft weight in your arms is just perfect.
"Alright you lot," Alexia says," Come on, out."
"Aw, Ale!" Mapi complains," Why?"
Alexia glances down at you. "Because my pequeñita needs to go to bed now. You just being here has tired her out!"
Mapi laughs. "See, Ingrid? I'm good at getting babies to sleep when it's late!"
Ingrid rolls her eyes. "Not a chance, Mapi! Teeny's bedtime is the perfect bedtime for her. I'm not changing it."
The girls all stream out promptly after that and Alexia is left to get you and Fluffles settled in bed. She returns Fluffles to her cage and lifts your limp body up into her arms.
She bypasses your bedroom entirely and tucks you nice and safe into her bed, sliding in next to you.
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