#jana pope
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The ONLY thing I’ll say about Pedro and Giada is

Here is me, about to give my friend the biggest fucking smooch on her wedding day!
I, like Pedro, am very affectionate with my friends.
Pedro would not be touching Giada like that with her husband RIGHT THERE if there was anything happening
No one would be stupid enough to fuck with the green goblins wife
Also, and feel free to correct me if this is incorrect or a stereotype but it is very American cultural standards of affection being used as THE standard. My best friend my whole life is Mexican-Guatemalan and in my experience, kissing and touching and holding is just much common. Now that I’m an adult, I visit every few years and her parents always kiss me on the cheek.
This is such a none issue its embarrassing
#if anyone reads within the leather and lace universe they are always touching there#santi kisses Jana’s cheek#will kissing Lacis head#Frankie and Santi kiss each others cheek#if you watch triple frontier you can see the diff with how much Frankie and pope touch vs. the others#this is blown so out of proportion lmfao#get a life#every week there’s new Pedro dating rumors and when I look it up it’s bc he’s smiling at someone or kissing on the cheek#grow up
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Kraków Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny czyli Bazylika Mariacka foto z 18 grudnia 2019 i 15 lipca 2020
Wysokie na ponad cztery metry epitafium z czarnego marmuru dębnickiego, projektu Franciszka Placidiego, poświęcone dwudziestemu czwartemu archiprezbiterowi parafii mariackiej. Jacek Augustyn Łopacki herbu Kotwica (1690-1761) był doktorem filozofii i medycyny oraz fundatorem licznych przedsięwzięć charytatywnych i artystycznych. W młodości osobisty medyk kardynała Conti zanim ten został papieżem Innocentym XIII, potem w Krakowie leczył na równi magnatów i robotników. Pochowano go w tym miejscu zgodnie z jego własnym życzeniem.
Pragnę i nieodmiennie naznaczam, aby ciało moje bez żadnej odwłoki, zaraz in crastino śmierci pogrzebione było przy kościele Najświętszej Panny Maryi w Krakowie na cmentarzu w ziemi w tyle ołtarza Crucifixi przy murze kościelnym. fragment testamentu J.A. Łopackiego
Czemu się mam żalić, że chociaż dopiero przy zaczynających się żniwach, a już frumentum Electorum nieodżałowany Prałat grobowym na proch jest starty kamieniem, że usechł w oczach naszych tak ozdobny rozmaitym cnót Świętych kolorem, dosyć pięknego bo liliowej niewinności różowego wstydu, ten hiacyntowy kwiat flos decidit & decor. fragment mowy Jana Kantego Laskiewicza na pogrzebie Łopackiego
rysunek Stanisława Cerchy z 1902 r.
akwarela Stanisława Fabijańskiego z 1917 r.
rysunek Leona Kowalskiego z 1924 r.
akwarela Stanisława Janowskiego sprzed 1942 r.
Zdzisław Gajda, historyk medycyny, przytacza anegdotę o Łopackim: …były krakowskie odpusty u Panny Maryi okazją do swoistego widowiska: przychodziły tłumy opętanych, wzbudzając widokiem swych cierpień najwyższe politowanie, co równoznaczne było z rozsupływaniem mieszka. Otóż po głównych uroczystościach kościelnych wychodził archiprezbiter na plac przed kościołem w stroju pontyfikalnym, przed nim zbierała się gromada dręczonych przez złe duchy (…). Otóż Łopacki, jak to u dobrych lekarzy bywa, nie był w ciemię bity i miał dobry zmysł obserwacji, nie odmawiał tradycją przyjętego zwyczaju, ale podejrzenie miał. I pewnego dnia się przejadło. Wyszedł jak zwykle, modły odmówił, kropidło wziął, opętanych pokropił, a gdy spodziewanego skutku wszyscy się dopatrzyli, rzekł: A oszuści, a nicponie! A udawacze! Gdybyście byli prawdziwie opętani, nic by wam nie dało to moje kropienie, bom zwykłej, a nie święconej wody na was użył!
fragmenty dyplomu doktora medycyny Jacka Łopackiego wydanego przez Uniwersytet w Padwie w 1711 r.
portret Iacentego (Jacka) Łopackiego w siedzibie Arcybractwa Miłosierdzia, mniej niż 100 metrów od jego grobu
Kraków, Poland Saint Mary's Basilica taken on 18 December 2019 and 15 July 2020
Over four meters (14 ft) tall epitaph made of black marble, designed by Francesco Placidi, marking the grave of Jacek Augustyn Łopacki (1690-1761) of the Kotwica coat of arms, the 24th Arch-Priest of the St. Mary's parish, and also Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy, a philanthropist and art patron. In his younger years he was the personal physician of Cardinal Michelangelo dei Conti before the latter became Pope Innocent XIII; later in Kraków he kept treating magnates as well as laborers. He was buried on this site in accordance with his own wish.
I want and consistently make a disposition for that my body, with no delay [and] just in crastino of death, shall have buried in the cemetery next to St. Mary's Church in Kraków, in the ground behind the Crucifixi altar next to the church's wall. excerpt from J.A. Łopacki's last will
Why should I complain that though the harvest time has barely started, frumentum Electorum lamented Prelate already is ground by tombstone into dust, that a Hyacinth flower, so adorned with the color of various Holy virtues [that is] quite beautiful lily-rose innocent modesty, already wilted before our eyes, flos decidit & decor. excerpt from the speech of Jan Kanty Laskiewicz at Łopacki's funeral
[drawing by Stanisław Cercha, 1902]
[watercolor by Stanisław Fabijański, 1917]
[drawing by Leon Kowalski, 1924]
[watercolor by Stanisław Janowski, before 1942]
Zdzisław Gajda, historian of medicine, recounts an anecdote about Łopacki: …parish festivals at St Mary's used to be an occasion for a peculiar spectacle: crowds of possessed came arousing pity with the sight of their suffering, which resulted in loosening the purse strings. After the main celebration the Arch-Priest used to come out wearing the pontifical vestments to the square in front of the church and before him gathered a huddle of those tormented by evil spirits … Łopacki, as good doctors are, was no fool and had good observation skills, hence while not denying the tradition, he had his suspicions. And some day he had enough. He came out as usual, said the prayers, took the aspergillum, sprinkled the possessed, and as soon as everybody saw the expected result, he exclaimed: Ah, you frauds! Scallywags and impostors! If you were truly possessed, my sprinkling would help you nothing, as I have used ordinary, not holy water on you!
[pieces of Doctor of Medicine diploma of Jacek Łopacki issued by the University of Padua in 1711]
[portrait of Hiacynt (Jacek) Łopacki in the premises of the Archbrotherhood of Mercy, less than 100 m (90 yd) from his grave]
#dark academia#Baroque#historical facts#anecdotes#tombstones#tombs#graves#historical figures#photographers on tumblr#original photography#Poland#Polska#Kraków#Krakow#marble#catholicism#medicine doctors#priests#memorials#monuments
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This took freaking ages for my PC to render, but here you go: A nice big group photo of characters from my novel Irongate. Not all of the named characters are here as I haven't made models for all of them yet, but who we do have is:
At the back, Pythia - or at least the holographic avatar of Meridiem's AI. At the front are the kids; Perpetually pissed off tween Tenley Tych and her friend Jake.
And the rest from left to right: Titania, her henchwomen Lilian then Ella. Sir Klaus Ragin, Doctor Jana Sarkis, Jennifer Airhart, Kaya Cade, Sayuri Oshiro, Chauncey Delainy, Francis Daramy, Hiroki, Samuel Pope, and Alvin Stag.
#writeblr#writers on tumblr#science fiction#irongate#sci-fi & fantasy#sf&f#charcters#original characters#my characters
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propaganda for St Pope John Paul II, my gf went to a museum dedicated to him in Poland and I'm begging her to send the link to the website. they had a wax figure and it rotated
POPE ST JOHN PAUL 2!! Link below for the website (thank you for following up with that anon! FYI it is in Polish!!)
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Pope John Paul I: I would have studied harder
pope john paul (Photo credit: 416style) Venice, Plaque commemorating pope John Paul I, previously a Patriarch of Venice, on the facade of the Palazzo patriarcale (the palace of the bishops of Venice). Picture by Giovanni Dall’Orto, August 8, 2007. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) 30pxPope John Paul I coat of arms 30pxHerb Jana Pawła I (Photo credit: Wikipedia) “If someone had told me I would be Pope one…

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Chocolate in the Underworld Space of Death: Cacao Seeds from an Early Classic Mortuary Cave (Keith M. Prufer and William Jeffrey Hurst) Chocolate: Cultivation and Culture in pre-Hispanic Mexico Author(s): Margarita de Orellana, Richard Moszka, Timothy Adès, Valentine Tibère, J.M. Hoppan, Philippe Nondedeo, Nezahualcóyotl, Nikita Harwich, Nisao Ogata, Quentin Pope, Fray Toribio de Benavente, Motolinía, Guadalupe M. Santamaría and Daniel Schechter Source: Artes de México, No. 103, CHOCOLATE: CULTIVO Y CULTURA DEL MÉXICO ANTIGUO (SEPTIEMBRE 2011), pp. 65-80 The Power of Chocolate Author(s): Blake Edgar Source: Archaeology, Vol. 63, No. 6 (November/December 2010), pp. 20-25 Published by: Archaeological Institute of America Tasting Empire: Chocolate and the European Internalization of Mesoamerican Aesthetics by MARCY NORTON CHOCOLATE II: Mysticism and Cultural Blends Author(s): Margarita de Orellana, Quentin Pope, Sonia Corcuera Mancera, José Luis Trueba Lara, Jana Schroeder, Laura Esquivel, Jill Derais, Mario Humberto Ruz, Clara Marín, Miguel León-Portilla, Michelle Suderman, Marta Turok, Mario M. Aliphat Fernández, Laura Caso Barrera, Sophie D. Coe, Michael D. Coe and Pedro Pitarch Source: Artes de México, No. 105, CHOCOLATE II: Mística y Mestizaje (marzo 2012), pp. 73- 96 The Introduction of Chocolate into England: Retailers, Researchers, and Consumers, 1640- 1730 Author(s): Kate Loveman Source: Journal of Social History, Vol. 47, No. 1 (Fall 2013), pp. 27-46 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43306044 Encomienda, African Slavery, and Agriculture in Seventeenth-Century Caracas Author(s): Robert J. Ferry Source: The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Nov., 1981), pp. 609-635 Published by: Duke University Press Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2514606 Accessed: 12-07-2019 16:34 UTC The Cacao Economy of the Eighteenth-Century Province of Caracas and the Spanish Cacao Market Author(s): Eugenio Pinero Source: The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 68, No. 1 (Feb., 1988), pp. 75-100 Published by: Duke University Press Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2516221 Accessed: 12-07-2019 17:03 UTC Establishing Cacao Plantation Culture in the Western World - Timothy Walker The Ghirardelli Story Author(s): Sidney Lawrence Source: California History, Vol. 81, No. 2 (2002), pp. 90-115 Published by: University of California Press in association with the California Historical Society Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/25177676 The Evolution of Chocolate Manufacturing Rodney Snyder, Bradley Foliart Olsen, and Laura Pallas Brindle The Emperors of Chocolate - Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars by Joel Glenn Brenner (Random House, 1998) Bitter Chocolate by Carol Off (The New Press, 2006) "Cocoa's child labrorers", Whoriskey, Peter; Siegel, Rachel, The Washington Post, June 10 2019 The Harkin-Engel Protocol (Chocolate Manufacturers' Association, 2001) "Role of Trade Cards in Marketing Chocolate during the Late 19th Century", Virginia Westbrook "Chocolate at the World's Fairs, 1851-1964", Nicholas Westbrook Edible Ideologies by Kathleen LeBesco (SUNY 2008) Cosmopolitan cocoa farmers: refashioning Africa in Divine Chocolate advertisements Author(s): Kristy Leissle Source: Journal of African Cultural Studies, Vol. 24, No. 2 (December 2012), pp. 121-139 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/42005280 Chocolate Nations: Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa by Orla Ryan (Zed Books, 2011) Cocoa by Kristy Leissle (Polity, 2018) How Mars Inc., maker of M&Ms, vowed to make its chocolate green. And failed. Mufson, Steven . The Washington Post (Online) , Washington, D.C.: WP Company LLC d/b/a The Washington Post. Oct 29, 2019.
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Jana Kratochvílová aka Jana Pope
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Events 12.27
537 – The construction of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is completed. 1512 – The Spanish Crown issues the Laws of Burgos, governing the conduct of settlers with regard to native Indians in the New World. 1521 – The Zwickau prophets arrive in Wittenberg, disturbing the peace and preaching the Apocalypse. 1655 – Second Northern War/the Deluge: Monks at the Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa are successful in fending off a month-long siege. 1657 – The Flushing Remonstrance articulates for the first time in North American history that freedom of religion is a fundamental right. 1703 – Portugal and England sign the Methuen Treaty which gives preference to Portuguese imported wines into England. 1814 – War of 1812: The American schooner USS Carolina is destroyed. It was the last of Commodore Daniel Patterson's makeshift fleet that fought a series of delaying actions that contributed to Andrew Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans. 1831 – Charles Darwin embarks on his journey aboard HMS Beagle, during which he will begin to formulate his theory of evolution. 1836 – The worst ever avalanche in England occurs at Lewes, Sussex, killing eight people. 1845 – Ether anesthetic is used for childbirth for the first time by Dr. Crawford Long in Jefferson, Georgia. 1845 – Journalist John L. O'Sullivan, writing in his newspaper the New York Morning News, argues that the USA had the right to claim the entire Oregon Country "by the right of our manifest destiny". 1911 – "Jana Gana Mana", the national anthem of India, is first sung in the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress. 1918 – The Great Poland Uprising against the Germans begins. 1918 – Ukrainian War of Independence: The Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine occupies Yekaterinoslav and seizes 7 airplanes from the UPRAF, establishing an Insurgent Air Fleet. 1922 – Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō becomes the first purpose built aircraft carrier to be commissioned in the world. 1927 – Kern and Hammerstein's musical play Show Boat, considered to be the first true American musical play, opens at the Ziegfeld Theatre on Broadway. 1929 – Soviet General Secretary Joseph Stalin orders the "liquidation of the kulaks as a class". 1932 – Radio City Music Hall, "Showplace of the Nation", opens in New York City. 1935 – Regina Jonas is ordained as the first female rabbi in the history of Judaism. 1939 – The 7.8 Mw Erzincan earthquake shakes eastern Turkey with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme). At least 32,700 people were killed. 1939 – Winter War: Finland holds off a Soviet attack in the Battle of Kelja. 1945 – The International Monetary Fund is created with the signing of an agreement by 29 nations. 1949 – Indonesian National Revolution: The Netherlands officially recognizes Indonesian independence. End of the Dutch East Indies. 1966 – The Cave of Swallows, the largest known cave shaft in the world, is discovered in Aquismón, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. 1968 – Apollo program: Apollo 8 splashes down in the Pacific Ocean, ending the first orbital manned mission to the Moon. 1978 – Spain becomes a democracy after 40 years of fascist dictatorship. 1983 – Pope John Paul II visits Mehmet Ali Ağca in Rebibbia's prison and personally forgives him for the 1981 attack on him in St. Peter's Square. 1985 – Palestinian guerrillas kill eighteen people inside the airports of Rome, Italy, and Vienna, Austria. 1989 – The Romanian Revolution concludes, as the last minor street confrontations and stray shootings abruptly end in the country's capital, Bucharest. 1991 – Scandinavian Airlines System Flight 751 crashes in Gottröra in the Norrtälje Municipality in Sweden, injuring 25. 1996 – Taliban forces retake the strategic Bagram Airfield which solidifies their buffer zone around Kabul, Afghanistan. 1997 – Protestant paramilitary leader Billy Wright is assassinated in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. 2002 – Two truck bombs kill 72 and wound 200 at the pro-Moscow headquarters of the Chechen government in Grozny, Chechnya, Russia. 2004 – Radiation from an explosion on the magnetar SGR 1806-20 reaches Earth. It is the brightest extrasolar event known to have been witnessed on the planet. 2007 – Former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated in a shooting incident. 2007 – Riots erupt in Mombasa, Kenya, after Mwai Kibaki is declared the winner of the presidential election, triggering a political, economic, and humanitarian crisis. 2008 – Operation Cast Lead: Israel launches 3-week operation on Gaza. 2009 – Iranian election protests: On the Day of Ashura in Tehran, Iran, government security forces fire upon demonstrators. 2019 – Bek Air Flight 2100 crashes during takeoff from Almaty International Airport in Almaty, Kazakhstan, killing 13.
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The Morgenthau Playlist
And all I can taste is this moment, And all I can breathe is your life.{Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls}
I see a mess in the mirror, but you see the girl of your dreams. I see the dark clouds rolling in, but you see the sky I can't see. I hear this melody coming out all wrong, but you hear a song .. {You Hear A Song by Cassadee Pope}
For better or worse, till death do us part, I'll love you with every beat of my heart. I swear. {I Swear by John Michael Montgomery}
So let them be little 'cause they're only that way for a while. Give them hope, give them praise, give them love every day. Let them cry, let them giggle, let them sleep in the middle, oh, just let them be little. {Let Them Be Little by Billy Dean}
In a world torn by change, still with all of my heart 'til my dying day, I do Cherish you . {I Do (Cherish You) by Mark Willis}
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me. There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me. The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall. You say it best, when you say nothing at all~ {When You Say Nothing At All by Allison Krauss ft. Union Station}
There's a carrot top who can barely walk with a sippy cup of milk. A little blue eyed blonde with shoes on wrong ‘cause she likes to dress herself. And the most beautiful girl holding both of them, Yeah the view I love the most is my front porch looking in! {My Front Porch Looking In by Lonestar}
Well, there's no place that I'd rather be. Well, it's two hearts and one dream. I wouldn't trade it for anything. And I ask the lord every night for just another day in paradise~ {Just Another Day in Paradise by Phil Vassar }
I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope, Keeping your faith when it's gone. The one you should call was standing there all along and I will take you in my arms and hold you right where you belong. 'Til the day my life is through, This I promise you … {This I Promise You by NSYNC}
You got me spinning like a wheel, oh how you make me feel. It's more than gold on my finger, it's six feet down and forever. 'Cause where I am is where you begin. You picked up the pieces and put me together. You're the only part of me unbroken, and I'm going... in circles. {Circles by Jana Kramer}
@muselandwrites @museland
#👑🐦 Jaime Morgenthau#👑🐦 {Life with you makes perfect sense} AJ Morgenthau#👑 🐦 {you hear a song} jaime's playlists
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Culture, parallels & meta - S2 E1
Previous season Prologue
Maandag 20:25
The ambiguity of this clip, showing us Zoë’s POV as well as Robbe’s, was intentional. Unfortunately, wtFOCK decided to queer bait us at that time. Their banner on their website even portrayed Robbe as S2 main, before the release of the second clip.
C is for culture:
"I collected your favorite easter eggs" - During Easter, it’s a tradition for children to search for chocolate eggs hidden 'by the Easter Bunny’ or ‘the Roman Easter Clocks who flew over’ in the gardens of (grand)parents. This is usually followed by a brunch with the family. During the weeks before, friends/colleagues might gift others mini flavored chocolate eggs, with praliné, pistachio, marzipan, mokka, ...
"I’m looking forward to it" - It’s back to school time in this episode. They just had two weeks of Easter break, which is situated somewhere in April - depending on the date of that religious day. They also have this Monday off, since it’s Easter Monday.
They just came out of the ‘Wasbar’ (= laundromat bar). Still a relatively new concept, but slowly gaining more and more popularity in the cities. These types of bars are perfect for students, tourists or locals, who love to eat or drink something, while waiting for their laundry. At some locations, they even organize concerts and events.
Hello from the outside: Right before the release of this clip, a Belgian influencer filmed Jana and Zoë in 'De Wasbar', at ‘the same time as he was there’. He acted all excited and tagged the characters insta’s.
Where’s Wally: We kinda forgot about Robbe’s first girlfriend, Maud. Whoops!
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Robbe immediately stopping his girlfriend from going further than just making-out and deflecting the question about going to his house.
Nod to the OG: Robbe saying "Hell and damnation" about his mother being angry. This is a subtle hint towards the religion obsession of Isak’s mom, a storyline wtFOCK never truly explored in S3.
Perfect parallels: Robbe’s "Can’t we go to your house?" with Maud’s "Or to yours?" in S2 and Sander saying "At my place or yours?" in S3.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana has the same phone case from S1 (the birdies!).
Dinsdag 08:25
C is for culture:
"No, just porno" - More than half of Belgian teens don’t watch porn. Those who do, are mainly men, but a surprising 2 out of 5 female teens also like to explore. Though, this development has a huge impact on the average age to start sex: teens are waiting longer and longer to have their first time, due to insecurities formed by these types of images.
"Bedankt für die blumen" - A phrase the Pope uses every year during Easter in the ‘Urbi et orbi’ to thank the Dutch flower suppliers. This is used as a joke a lot by Dutch and Belgian people, because of the way the former Pope pronounced the phrase so weirdly.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Robbe was wearing his oriental vibe t-shirt from S3. Yasmina pulls off her hijab at the entrance, due to the school’s policy.
Dinsdag 12:52
C is for culture: "Vijgen na Pasen" (= figs after Easter) - This expression for ‘a solution that's too late to have purpose’, comes from the former fasting ritual before Easter. Back then the only sweet thing people were allowed to eat were figs. But the import didn’t always run smoothly. So they sometimes arrived after Easter, which was too late, thus defeating the whole purpose.
Perfect parallel: An annoyed Zoë asking Senne “What’s your plan?” in S2, a happy Sander asking Robbe the same in S3.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Luca is throwing very annoyed glares towards the two lovebirds, Robbe and Maud. According to the FreeFest poll, ‘Beam Team’ is at nr. 1, ‘Blonde Ambition’ (Britt’s group) is at nr. 2 and their team - called ‘GRL PWR’ - is at three.
Woensdag 18:21
Perfect parallel / Funny coincidence: Milan having sexual acts in the same room as Sobbe's reunion later on, both accompanied by a song of a LGBT+ singer.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Each shelf has a name label and they’re all filled with products by 'Colruyt' (a discount store). Milan’s one is almost empty, due to his money issues and Lisa’s has a gluten-free product with a post-it ‘mine’ on it.
Woensdag 19:42
C is for culture: The girls and Jens are going to a concert of ‘blackwave.’ - an Antwerp hiphop duo, who’ve gotten more attention due to their hit single ‘Elusive’ ft. David Ngyah. Their style is rather funky with oldschool influences.
Hello from the outside: The hiphop duo (mentioned above) actually did have a real concert on that exact Wednesday 24th of April 2019 in ‘De Roma’ Antwerp. The actors went to this, put videos on their characters’ insta and made some pictures with fans who spotted them in real life.
Perfect parallel: Amber sending a topless pic to Senne and him screenshotting it in S1, the beat girl doing the same and Jana encouraging Jens to screenshot in S2. Also, Zoë stating they don’t have permission to see this, foreshadowing Viktor taking nude pics of her without permission.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Look at these adorable pics with girlssquad and Robbe!
Donderdag 12:53
Perfect parallel: Amber thanking the girls “You were there for me” in S1, her saying “All four of us are there for you” to Zoë in S2.
Nod to the OG:
Vrijdag 20:42
Perfect parallel: Jana saying to Amber that if someone spills a drink, her dress will be ruined in S2, Aaron actually spilling and ruining her dress in S3.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it / Oopsie: The candle letters behind Zoë says ‘Hapyp Days’ instead of ‘Happy Days’.
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One Margarita, Two Margarita......
Out of Nowhere Girl- Luke Bryan
Summer Fever- Little Big Town
Back porch Bottle Service- AJ McLean
Vacation-Thomas Rhett
All My Favorite People- Maren Morris
One Margarita- Luke Bryan
Ride-Chase Rice
Sway-Luis Fonsi
Bartender-Lady A
Amor Prohibido- Selena
Bidi Bidi Bom Bom-Selena
All Along the Watchtower- Billy Valentine
Summer Nights-Grease
That’s the way I like it- BSB
Summer-Cassadee Pope
I’ve done love-Jana Kramer
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The reign of Berenguela of Castile, queen-consort of León from 1197 until 1204 and queen-regnant of Castile for a brief moment in 1217, illuminates the dense familial connections created by the royal families of Europe in the twelfth century. Berenguela was the daughter of Alfonso VIII of Castile (d. 1214) and Leonor of England; her sister Blanche, married to King Louis VIII, was Queen of France. She was closely linked not only to Urraca of León-Castile and Teresa of Portugal, but also to her grandparents, Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. This rich lineage made Berenguela a highly sought-after bride, and she caught the attention of German emperor Frederick Barbarossa, who betrothed his son, Conrad, to her in 1187. But when her brother was born and she was demoted in the line of succession, the emperor had the marriage proposal officially annulled. In 1197, Berenguela married her ambitious first cousin, Alfonso IX of León (d. 1230). It is likely that both parties requested dispensations from Pope Celestine III, but there is no proof of this. Pope Innocent III, a stickler for adherence to Church law on matrimonial issues such as obvious consanguinity, moved to annul the marriage. However, he did not take final action until 1204, after Berenguela had given birth to five children. This was the second annulment for both Berenguela and Alfonso, and they fought to keep the marriage intact, but the pope denied their request, although their children were deemed legitimate. Berenguela's reign also illuminates the risky choices a queen sometimes had to make to ensure the success of her family and the realm. When her father died in 1214, he was succeeded by his ten-year-old son Enrique; dowager-queen Leonor was regent for him for just a few weeks until her death. Berenguela then stepped in as regent for her brother until 1217, but leaped to the head of the line of succession when Enrique died in a freak accident. In that instant, Berenguela went from ex-queen consort of León and busy mother of five children, to heiress and queen regnant of Castile. She was in a dangerous position, poised precariously between her former husband - who could easily claim the crown as Enrique's closest male relative, the powerful Lara family - who had been making trouble for a decade, and trying to protect her son, Fernando, then sixteen. For over one month, she refused to tell Alfonso the news of her brother's death and her own accession, waiting until just before she abdicated the Crown in favor of their son:
Therefore the noble queen went out with her sons Fernando and Alfonso and with the bishops - namely, of Burgos and Palencia - and with other men of religion, and with the barons who supported her, and came to the aforesaid place, where a crowd of people awaited her arrival. One of them, speaking for all of them since they had agreed on this, recognized on behalf of the populace that the kingdom belonged by right to Queen doña Berenguela, and that everyone recognized her as domina and queen of the kingdom of Castile. Nevertheless, they all unanimously begged her to grant the kingdom, which was hers by proprietary right, to her elder son, don Fernando, because since she was a woman, she could not withstand the burdens of ruling the kingdom. Seeing what she had most ardently desired, she joyfully agreed to their request and granted the kingdom to her son.
Shadis convincingly critiques scholarship that dismisses Berenguela as 'queen for a day' and argues, instead, that Berenguela's famous grant of kingship to Fernando in 1217 was co-rulership, not abdication. Her choice made perfect sense at the time. Military concerns were probably paramount, with the Christian armies still at war against the Muslims, and with restive and ambitious nobles ready to seize on any weakness. There is nothing like an interregnum to raise the stakes, as the reign of Empress Matilda made clear. Even a queen who inherited directly, had explicit support from nobles and ruled in her own right still needed a husband to lend a hand on the field with an army. Still, as Jana Bianchini notes, contemporaries took pains to note that, although Fernando was king, he humbly and devoutly took counsel with his mother, obeyed her. However, they also note that Berenguela was always careful not to overstep her bounds or make him seem a passive receptacle of her wishes, which would make him appear effeminate and not worthy of the title of king. Her authority was always presented in a non-threatening manner. She was, in short, highly attuned to the careful balance of masculine and feminine elements in a successful monarchy. Berenguela was hardly an absentee queen in other areas, either. She controlled properties known as the Infantazgo that formed the implicit domain of Leonese-Castilian royal women and constituted a significant share of the Crown's demesne. Akin to the English queen's gold, many of these lands were economically valuable and nearly all were situated along the strategically important borders of other Christian kingdoms. Bianchini has studied the Infantazgo and notes that it was given only to royal women who had become consecrated virgins - a status somewhat short of nunhood, but which nonetheless barred these women from marrying and bearing children and meaning they could not alienate the Crown's properties to husbands or children. Sancha Raimúndez (d.1159), who reigned with her brother Alfonso VII, may have been a consecrated nun with properties in the Infantazgo. But Sancha's mother, Queen Urraca of León-Castile also held large portions of the Infantazgo during her widowhood, while she was married to her second husband, and throughout her extramarital affair with a Castilian noble. A patron of the Church, she personally supervized construction of cathedrals and commissioned Lucas of Tuy to compose a chronicle on the kings of Castile and León. She was at Fernando's side as an advisor, intervening indirectly in royal policy, negotiating the marriages of her children. Her intervention on Fernando's behalf in 1230 had far-reaching consequences. When her former husband, Alfonso IX, died, he designated as his heirs Sancha and Dulce, his daughters from his first marriage to Teresa, daughter of Sancho I of Portugal. His claim that the Crown should pass to the eldest child, not the eldest son, effectively superseded what Berenguela considered the birthright of her son, Fernando. Berenguela met with the princesses' mother and they negotiated a treaty stipulating that Sancha and Dulce would renounce their rights to the throne in exchange for lifetime annuities. This was an enduring achievement. It prevented civil war and united León and Castile - not minor feats - but solidifying primogeniture as the right of a king's eldest son, not eldest daughter, had far-reaching consequences for queenship.
Theresa Earenfight, Queenship in Medieval Europe (Queenship and Power)
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I Don’t Do, I Love You
Dean x Reader
Part 1
Mentions: a slight mention of self harm, language
Characters: Dean, Reader, Mentions Jody and Donna
Any and all mistakes are mine. Hasn't been Beta'd
Italics are flash back
Bold is songs

“You pushed her away Dean, you broke up with her, and now you're admitting you love her, you miss her, you're pathetic” he says, shaking his head. “Dean, you realize it's been 5 years since she left us, 5 years before you made her leave us” he says.
Dean just looks at him, before he looks down, ���I know Sam. I know I did, and I'll get her back.”

She moves, turning to turn her music on, frowning then the song Why Ya Wanna By Jana Kramer starts playing, “oh great.. even the music” she groans.
Y/n went to work that morning, her eyes puffy, her makeup a mess, and her hair even messier. She growls getting out of bed, “come on y/l/n.. he's an ass and you hate him” she says softly, looking at herself in the mirror. “He didn't look for you for five years. He broke you heart, all because he couldn't say I love you” she says.
She starts getting dressed listening to the song. She chewed her lip and thinks, “out of all of the places, in this little town, yeah you had to come walking in here and sit down… I'm hiding and hoping, my face ain't to red since we've been over been trying like crazy to get you out a my head..
So oh.. why ya wanna show up in a old tshirt that I love, why ya gotta tell me that I'm looking good dont know why, you were thinking, you were doing moving in for a heart like ya dont know I'm coming in glued. Why you gotta, why ya wanna make me keep wanting you” she sings along. She shakes her head, biting her lip as she think, she removes her make up, before she hops in the shower, washing the heartbreak off yesterday off.
“He's already left town, just like you'll do”
“He really had left town, no way in hell is he still he, he's a Winchester.. they only care for family”
“Wasn't I-I family?”
“Stop it.. he's gone.. again, just forget again”
She spoke her head, sitting down in the tub as the water washes over her, shivering and shaking she cries.
“I wasn't family.. I'm not blood either”
She never heard the door to her motel open, nor the knock on the bathroom door. But she did hear.
“Is that really what you think?”
She jumps, grabbing a towel, quickly wrapping herself around in it.
“What're… why are you here?” She stutters, he shakes his head, “is that really what you think?” He questioned again.
She shakes her head, “get out Dean” she all but whispers, “no, damn it, please talk to me. Is that really what you think?” He questioned again, this time more umph in his voice.
“Yea.. Because you always said you'd be there for me Dean, but you weren't… were you? Where were you?” She asks, her voice cracking.
“Oh don't start with me…” he says, “I was there--”
She laughs half heartedly, shaking her head, “no you weren't! You kicked me out, told me we were done Dean” she says. A new song started playing, Wasting All These Tears By Cassadee Pope.
She listens to the music, shaking her head. “Get out Dean… please just let me move on” she cries.
He stops, she hasn't moves on yet, that's a good sign, he needed to try. “Y/n/n please” he whispers, stepping closer, his own tears filling his eyes “please”
She shakes her head, moving to step out of the bathroom, he stops, time freezes as he looks down, “what.. your.. damn it!” He growls, he shakes his head, holding her arm gently. The scars have been added too, ones he knows what happened.
“I did… I made.. oh god” he whispers. Y/n pulls her arm away quickly, “get the fuck out of my room!” She yells, he shakes his head, “I'm not leaving you!”
She goes to push him, but he holds her back, shaking his head, “stop it” he says.
She shakes her head, “you stop. You didn't even fight for me! You just pushed me away, I thought… i thought you were different!”
“I am different! I care about you! I miss you! I miss my best friend” he yells back. “I'm not going anywhere” he says softly. “Ever” he adds, holding her tight against him, before he slides to the floor. Both of them surrounded by the sounds of tears and the music.
An Hour Later
She pulls away, shivering “i.. I need a drink” she spoke quietly, but trusting her voice, “a-and I need to get dressed” she adds.
He stands up, helping her stand up, “I've got Jack in my car.. you get dressed I'll be back” he says. She nods, still standing there.
He walks out, leaving her be for a few moments, quickly grabbing the whiskey from the trunk, and going back in, finding her on the bed, in a giant shirt that.. that was his.
“I can't keep kissing strangers pretending they're you Dean..” she said slowly, “I can't keep pretending that every night, I'll crawl into our… your bed back at the bunker” she says.
“I'm broken… I'm just a vessel than when I was with you” that sentence broke him. He slides over the whiskey and she opens it, chugging from it quickly.
He watches from the couch, giving her space as she talks.
“Wanna know what's even worse?” She questions, looking over at him, through her lashes, he could see the years of hurt. “The worst of it… is that seeing you? Makes me wanna jump right back in” she says.
“But I'm stronger than that... I'm stronger then just running back to you.. at least that's what I'm telling myself” she says, she takes another chug, this time it was worth 5 shots.
He frowns, “hey.. hey give me that” he says, quickly going over and taking the bottle. He puts the cap back on, and sets it next to him on the ground.
“I wanted to stop loving you.. but it's those damn green eyes. Those perfect emerald eyes..” she spoke, “you don't understand… i'll never stop calling you, no matter what I do”
He sees her wheels turning, before he speaks softly, “I did search for you.. I thought you'd go to Jody's, so I went there, she didn't see you. Went to Donna's, no sign. Garth's: nope.. you weren't anywhere” he says.
“Letting you go.. letting you go was the hardest thing I've had to do” he spoke with a soft voice.
Her next question makes him freeze, snapping his head up to look her in the eyes, why couldn't you love me back?” He shakes his head..
“Seriously?” He growled, before he took a deep breathe, “I fucking loved you more than anything” he spoke, saying that word. “I'd travel to hell and back, just to tell everyone how I felt”
“I couldn't tell you back then because i was fucking terrified! You were the one person who gave a shit about me.”
“Can't you see.. I'm poison, people get close to me they get killed.. or worse. I couldn't let that happen to you!”
She scoffs, the whiskey hitting her head, giving her the push she needed.
“Fuck you Winchester. You don't get to do that. Not now! Not while I'm drinking. Not while we're both crying” her voice was raised, the tears starting to fall again.
“I can't believe you… I won't not matter what I try” she whispers, “but I will. In my head, those words will live on, because I still fucking love you because I'm a--” he rushes forward, crashing his lips into hers.
It was heated, full of sadness, regret, mostly love. Tears fell from both sets of eyes, both of them clawing at the other.
He pulled away first, his forehead resting on hers, “then lets sleep.. sober up, calm down. And talk” he says, he pulled away. Grabbing the Jack, and his jacket, walking to the door.
A small voice stops him as his hand hovers over the doorknob, “please stay…” she whispers.
He nods, he walks over, sitting down, he takes his shoes off, then his shirts, and his jeans next, before he pulls the blankets back, covering her uo, then himself and facing her, running his fingers through her hair.
“Sleep” he spoke softly.
Feedback is important!!
#dean winchester x reader#supernatural#dean winchester#dean x y/n#sisters masterlist#supernatural imagines#supernatural x reader#sister-winchester99#dean winchester imagine#sisters writings#i don't do i love you
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Sanktuarium świętego Jana Pawła II, Kraków - Łagiewniki
Sanktuarium powstało w ramach Centrum Jana Pawła II „Nie lękajcie się!” na tak zwanych „Białych Morzach” w Krakowie. Świątynia została erygowana 11 czerwca 2011 roku. W sanktuarium przechowywane są relikwie. Są to: krew papieża Polaka, zamknięta w szklanej szkatule, umieszczona wewnątrz marmurowego ołtarza; sutanna, w którą święty Jan Paweł II ubrany był 13 maja 1981 roku w czasie zamachu na jego osobę, która znajduje się w szklanej gablocie w Kościele Górnym; papieski krzyż pastoralny oraz ornat wraz z mitrą. Znajdziemy tu także krzyż, przed którym w swojej prywatnej kaplicy, w czasie ostatniej za życia drogi krzyżowej, papież modlił się w rzymskim Colloseum w 2005 roku. W Kaplicy Kapłańskiej można zobaczyć także płytę z grobu Jana Pawła II pochodzącą z Grot Watykańskich Bazyliki świętego Piotra w Rzymie.
Sanctuary of Saint John Paul II, Kraków - Łagiewniki, Poland
The sanctuary was established as part of the John Paul II "Do not be afraid!" Center on the so-called "White Seas" in Krakow. The temple was erected on June 11, 2011. Relics are kept in the sanctuary. These include the blood of the Polish Pope, enclosed in a glass casket, placed inside the marble altar; the cassock in which St. John Paul II was dressed on May 13, 1981, at the time of the assassination attempt on his person, which is in a glass case in the Upper Church; the papal pastoral cross and the chasuble along with the mitre. There is also a cross in front of which, in his private chapel, during the last Way of the Cross in his life, the Pope prayed in the Roman Colloseum in 2005. In the Chapel of Priests you can also see a slab from the tomb of John Paul II from the Vatican Grottoes of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
#kraków#łagiewniki#sanktuarium#jan paweł II#sancturary#religion#religia#papież#pope#cracow#polska#poland#europe#europa#christianity#chrześcijaństwo#katolicyzm#catholic#catholiscism#kościół#church
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NEW VIDEO! NICEST CELEBRITIES I’VE EVER MET! (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_da6RC_wKjM)
#jenna coleman#lance bass#cassadee pope#samantha barks#dan + shay#jana kramer#gloriana#love and theft#youtubee
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANA! May Ryan Supercell have mercy on your soul.
Thank you Brooke Sholt Pope 👊😔
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