#jamie dominion smp
betweenlands · 2 years
hey. remember when Legundo said that a lot of the chaos on this server has been Viking's fault? that they'd only have peace and quiet if they got rid of him for good?
let's go over some major conflicts and put that theory to the test, shall we?
(under a cut. this gets long.)
Fix, Kill The Thief: Legundo is the first person to escalate, demanding he steal something in return for "borrowing" the gold blocks. Fix gives him the painting but can't resist the urge to twist the knife from there. Legundo responds by killing him on-sight the next time they meet, reinforcing Fix's belief that everyone's out to get him. We get the spiral of "if someone hires me i need to still show i have the upper hand" that leads directly into Kill The Thief, and also into Shadow being hired to assassinate Jamie.
Nukeri and the wing-stealing threat: This one was just Shadowmech, I think. (Though Legundo is frequently pretty brusque with Nuke, for what it's worth.) Also Nukeri later ends up unable to fly during S2 as a result of jumping into the Void to find his friends, but that one's also kind of solidly on the Oracle.
Jamie, pre-Void: Legundo suggests Jamie become queen. When her leadership becomes questionable and her behavior becomes erratic, Legundo immediately turns and begins assembling a group to sneak into the stronghold, convincing them that the dragon has to die. Jamie and her court attempt to stop them, first by trying to explain their actual motivations and then by force. When the dragon dies, Jamie ends up being right about something horrible happening, as she literally explodes.
Viking, part 1: The dragon's death results in Viking becoming tangible. He starts off as friendly and seemingly well-adjusted but quickly becomes obsessed with getting the grand prize of a Legundo IOU, ending up having to deal with Taneesha and her hiding her taxes in the process. He steadily loses his hinges after this but remains friendly until people start directly pushing his buttons, with perhaps the sole example to the contrary being pitting Legundo and Fix against each other (telling Legundo to help him steal the diamonds and Fix to stop Legundo from doing Something during the exorcism).
Various forms of tax evasion: A lot of people do this in a lot of different ways, because the diamond tax just kind of sucks. Taneesha tries and fails to frame Fix and gets snitched on by Fix, Legundo attempts to clog the system with unenchanted diamond pickaxes, Viking frames himself to take the fall for Taneesha, Shadow's a hired gun for the queen and is therefore just having a good time.
Jamie, post-Void: So, remember when Jamie exploded because the dragon was killed? Turns out she's evil now! Possessed by the Void, Jamie attempts to start a cult and in general funnel her power as queen towards accomplishing its goals. Good thing Legundo knows an exorcism ritual and has found the diamonds to seal all that chaos energy into!
Fix, ritual diamonds: Yeah, it turns out Fix still has that urge to steal, and -- seemingly unrelated to Viking's request to stop Legundo from messing up the ritual -- steals the diamonds on the ritual platform, releasing a bunch of chaos energy and causing the apocalypse in the process. He didn't exactly know this would happen -- he was told they shouldn't be moved but wasn't told why until after he'd already stolen them. Anyway, the Oracle curses him and he's a genie now.
the Blood Moons: Are a direct result of the released chaos energy. They also may have caused something with Shadowmech to go haywire as he's currently a silent murder machine.
POOPA: Formed by Grady and Mongo. I'm gonna be honest, I don't know their exact reasoning other than potentially to try and sell more of Mongo's beetroot, but either way, Legundo clearly doesn't like them even if he's willing to bribe them. The IOU forms separately as another way to stop them and Legundo is either roped in or asked to join depending on your point of view.
Taneesha's Void stuff: Turns out Tan's still a little bit Void-possessed and/or something with the Blood Moons affected her as well! She's now got urges to kill -- urges that Legundo chooses to test by sending her on a solo mission alongside Joy to see if someone dies. Someone (Joy) does. He continues to observe until she starts trying to blow things up with End Crystals. This is also the point at which Viking gets involved...
Viking, part 2: The reason Viking wanted the ritual diamonds is to do a ritual of his own that would hopefully bring his and Taneesha's memories back -- worth noting, Viking also didn't know that moving the diamonds would cause the apocalypse. Taneesha and Viking are close, and when Tan opens up to him about her urges to murder, Viking does his best to support her -- his idea of "support" is a little skewed, considering he shoots an End Crystal and causes her to explode Legundo, but he definitely had reasoning behind it. Besides -- he doesn't quite trust Legundo.
IOU, part 1: Back up a few steps to POOPA. The gang attempts to find a stronghold to set IOU's base in, and it turns out there's one right under the desert that Fix built for Legundo, near where Joy's parked her van. Viking attempts to get to work on building out a version of the stronghold room that looks like the original room and keeps the portal closed, as Legundo very specifically says to not open the portal. Joy and Taneesha don't get the message, and not only open the portal but also destroy the portal frame blocks, leaving Viking scrambling to try and fix things as they proceed to attempt to gaslight him into thinking it was his fault. This goes... very poorly.
IOU, part 2: Viking attempts to seek out Legundo to explain what happened with the portal before Joy and Tan can flip the script, but Legundo's mad about his stuff going missing (it was in a box a little too far away from the place he died for him to notice) and basically shrugs off Viking every chance he gets. They get to the stronghold, and Tan and Joy appear to have broken the other blocks of the portal -- at which point Viking gets extremely frustrated, attempts to explain the situation to Legundo, and Legundo mutes him. Anyway, turns out that Joy and Tan had built a fake room to try and trick Viking into thinking they'd broken the rest of the portal, and he goes a little ballistic after all this, at which point then Legundo pulls Taneesha aside to ask her for help with putting Viking to rest permanently.
Whoof. That's a lot of summary. So. What have we learned?
Well... there's a person at the center of all the chaos, alright. There's definitely one person that consistently sets things into motion and lets things escalate when he could very easily step in, even escalates things himself in some cases, either intentionally with some justification or just by letting his emotions get the better of him.
Legundo had Fix steal that painting, strongarmed him into being a thief for hire. Legundo nominated Jamie as queen and then tore her down as soon as she posed a threat. Legundo rallied as many people as possible to kill the dragon because he didn't want to listen to Jamie, in the process both releasing Viking and making Jamie become evil. Legundo ignores POOPA until they start getting nosy, then pays them off while still letting them exist, then joins an organization dedicated to destroying them. Legundo sends off Joy on a mission with Taneesha, fully aware the latter has murderous urges and may try to kill her, because he wants to double-check.
And now, Viking's gotten a little too much power from sources outside Legundo's control, and all of a sudden Legundo's not just scared of him anymore, no, Legundo wants him gone.
It's almost like someone's trying to create a power vacuum, a series of faulty leaders like dominos, and setting himself up as the person to solve it -- the only person that can bring that peace and quiet to the overworld.
It's almost like someone was sent here to conquer the overworld to begin with, by any means he deems worthy or necessary.
I'm sure that's nothing to worry about. He means well for his people, after all. Follows their ideals. Leads through power.
I'm sure there's no sayings about what absolute power does to a person.
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nho-jungle · 2 years
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shoots you with a laser beam that makes you want to watch dominion smp.
[reblogs help more than likes]
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inbetweenhours · 2 years
viking's playlist should be fine now that he has the most important stream in it :) also if you like piglins BIG agree on legundo being a great pick, there’s actually some interesting worldbuilding for them in his videos you don't really see elsewhere -- let's just say there's more going on with legundo than a casual visit to the overworld.
Ooh okay! I’ve started watching Vikings episode playlist (not the vods) and they’re fun so far :)
Also 👀 piglin lore. Definitely gonna look into legundo pov if he has episodes as well that sounds so funky
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orpheusthelyre · 2 years
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live right now drawing dominion smp jamie!!!
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autisticlalna · 2 years
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stressed-sock · 3 months
Heyyyyy do you want dominion SMP head cannons? Welp your getting some!
You know how birds puff up their wings or frilled lizards will pump their frills with blood? For intimidation purposes? Yeah- everyone on Dominion has some variant of that.
Nukeri puffs up his wings, Jamie and Viking fan theirs out and whip their tails around, Sneve gets very smoky, Shadow and Legundo mock-charge, etc
I think this is fun to think about :)
helloooo sorry for the late response but here’s a bunch of sketches! :D
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all in various stages of pissed off/threatening lol
also I did change the things for shadow and legundo - I think shadow would start smoking from the mouth, kinda similar to how I imagine withers preparing to shoot a projectile ig! meanwhile I couldn’t think of how to draw a mock charge so I just gave legs a knife XD
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frys-the-cat · 6 days
*drops the anvil in your inbox*
I dunno how much exactly you know abt Vikings dominion SMP lore, but apparently the end of it was supposed to be along the lines of the whole memory ritual thing. Viking would perform the ritual and in the process split into two parts, Yellow and Blue. I'm paraphrasing from somebody elses post here btw.
But Yellow and Blue had some Interesting Moral Opinions that didn't exactly agree the most with each other, and in that split Blue was going to end up killing Yellow and something something somewhere in the whole bit with that and the memory ritual, somebody was going to fall into the void.
This is relevant because Summertime Viking seems to have vanished to some extent? I dunno still. What I *do* know however, is that we now have one Very Confused Yellow Viking running around on skyblock kingdoms! The sheer excitement in learning he's corporeal again deals minor emotional damage (the fact that you get to hear a ghost cheer about being alive again really makes you Think about how he Wasn't and you feel bad that this is something he had to worry abt to begin with) but also brings joy because!!! He's solid now!!
He also forgets he can't just go through walls anymore a lot though, which makes that internal conflict do Even More damage though. Aw. Buddy :(
Anyways. We have one Very Confused Yellow Viking who does Not know Where he is, nor who any* of these people are, all he knows is that The Void is Scary! And uh. It's skyblock. Also, Avid, in his newfound acceptance of the void is now very passionate in his "praise the void" bit, which is *probably* giving Yellow some minor flashbacks about Jamie, assuming Yellow remembers that much of dominion. I'm assuming he does, because uh.
*He remembers Fix and Josh.
Which I'm sure will go *wonderfully* for his skyblock partner! Who is now Much Taller.
ANYWAYS. My friends got to sit there and listen to me shout at my screen as Yellow proceeded to immediately end up interacting with Avid, who was expecting Summertime Viking, and is confused at Yellow. Avid seemed so sad about some things and I can do naught but sit here. As Yellow goes about doing things, taking a tour around the server, very hesitantly testing his ability to stand in the sun (!!! Emotional damage mr vikingpilot sir you can't keep DOING THIS-) and stashing the jungle kingdom IOU in his ender chest. Because why wouldn't he. He's So Normal about IOU's after all! Definitely should be trusted with an IOU. Definitely.
Anyways. He takes a trip around the server, chats with Trog for a bit, very happy about learning about redstone, and chats with Avid for a bit again. Where Avid says that Milkman should be violence. On sight. Oh dear. Yellow continues with his fly around, he's incredibly baffled as to how there's so much land in the sky btw and it's kinda hilarious, but anyways he finds milkman. Chat at this point starts shouting at him like he's an unruly cat (to be fair, he kinda is) because Yellow's ability to clock hyperbole, exaggeration, or sarcasm, is a little shot right now? So he is Absolutely planning to violence the Milkman. Hence, "DO NOT THE MILKMAN". It reminds me of my cousin trying to get one of their cats out of her christmas tree.
Anyways no violence occurs, Yellow however does inform Milkman of Avid's opinion on violencing the Milkman, and Milkman proceeds to explain that he has several bones to pick with Avid. "More like an entire ribcage" he says, which amuses me to no end.
And of course, because this is relevant to Dominion Viking, on interacting with Milkman, he immediately enters a deal to get himself an IOU. We return to "Do Not the Milkman." Yellow, again, like an unruly cat, cares not for the whims of man, chat, nor god, and is attemting to the Milkman. Okay.
I can't tell if the emotional state is fending off anybody who looks at this poor guy wrong with a baseball bat or if I'm staring at him holding an empty paper towel roll in a threat against committing silly guy crimes.
I'm so sorry for the coherency level here btw.
OH. And as one final note. The line about him being in my walls again is from this wonderful reply! Thank you for that, mr vikingpilot sir. Much appreciated.
Anyways have a nice day 👍😀👍
*gets squashed* Ah! Thank you friend :'3
This... Was a stream? This was a lore stream. I need to watch several hours of vods again...
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dominionsweep · 2 years
Girl formerly possessed by the Void and guy who is made of butter. Yeah. Sure. This seems like a fair match.
(Remember: Consider your personal qualifications for a Tumblr or MCYTblr sexyman when voting, not just who you like more/who's more popular!)
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Origin: Dragonborn
Elected queen of the server early into Season 1, and almost immediately implements a tax of "give me all your diamonds, yes all of them, all your diamond gear also, and do it every two weeks while you're at it."
Tried to stop everyone from killing the Ender Dragon, failed, exploded, and Came Back Wrong (aka, possessed by the Void). Able to do a really creepy voice filter whenever she wants and starts sacrificing animals to the Void during this time, as well as continuing to hoard diamonds.
Eventually exorcised via the combined effort of all Dominion members. Except she doesn't remember being evil. And then the apocalypse happens, she explodes again, and now she's a resident of the Outer End with no memory of anything that happened in the entire series. So that went great.
Origin: Blazeborn
His character name is canonically Barry the Buttery Blazeborn. Everyone just calls him Sneve anyway. Despite being immune to fire he kind of wants to blow up the sun. Very shitposty video style.
Undoubtedly holds the record for "person that has to be reminded that Dominion is family friendly the most times." Quite possibly worse than other unrelated CCs at this in terms of toeing the line.
Can sneeze fire as of Season 2, and also has a glorious mustache in place of his perpetual :D face. His voice sounds exactly like how you would expect someone named Sneve to sound.
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enderprtl · 2 years
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anyways run up! by iamjakehill is Perfectly Jamie DominionSMP Egg Voided core. ily girly. slay <3
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bgech · 2 years
Back at it again with the fanfic
Cw for animal cruelty, Jamie kills a horse :(
1134 words
Viking was sick, which is bullshit by the way because he's dead. How a dead man can contract the common cold is beyond his means of understanding, but whatever, fine. He'll stew in misery with a headache, a stuffy nose and a sore throat and he'll stew loudly. He complains to anyone and anything that will listen and after Nukeri kicked him out under the guise of not wanting to catch the ghost cold, Viking decided that if anything will listen, it's the void.
The void isn't a thing, it's the lack of things, the absence of matter, the great big nothing that lurks at the edges of the world. So it can't get tired of listening because it can't listen at all, and it can't tell him off for being annoying because, well, no voice to cry suffering and all that.
So he's sat himself down on the obsidian platform people spawn on when they take the leap and go through an Overworld portal, throwing eggs into the abyss, complaining about being sick.
He's been here for long enough that the obsidian is starting to hurt, but he's still got all these eggs and it'd be a shame to not throw them. Eventually he stops running his mouth and focuses on the throwing of the eggs, trying to make one hit another mid air before it disappears into the fog. He gets it a few times, the satisfying crack of the shells destroying eachother giving him a burst of sweet, sweet serotonin.
He's about to go for a new and improved Egg Smash Trickshot, one where he'd have to hit Two eggs mid air, when the very out of place clip clopping of a horse disturbs him.
He turns around to find Jamie, the freakin Queen of Dominion, leading a horse closer to the edge of the obsidian.
"Whatcha..whatcha got there? Your majesty..?"
"Viking you know how I feel about formalities," she steps onto the ledge of the platform, yanking the horse along with her, "I'm just trying to give this sacrifice to the Void."
"Sacrifice eh? Well I've been throwin' these eggs for a while.."
"Oh you have? Very good, very good Viking, the Void is sure to favor you just as it has favored me if you should continue."
She gets the horse up on the ledge with her and it whinnies in fear, surly the poor thing can sense the danger it's in now. She gets behind it and picks up it's hind leg, unbalancing it enough so she can topple it over the edge, sending it falling.
A sickening crack rings out through the air when the horses lead tightens around its neck and breaks it, crushing it's windpipe. The rope got cought up on a crack in the obsidian and Viking has to turn away as Jamie huffs irritably and mutters about how the void much prefers live sacrifices. He knows she got it unstuck from the when it's limp corpse falls into the depths.
He feels a little worse about throwing his eggs now.
"So why are you chucking all these eggs?" At some point she sat down next to him, gazing at the void with a sort of respect Viking has never seen.
"Oh, I thought it was fun to watch 'em fall, y'know?"
"Oh it is fun! I wonder where they go."
"I...I donno Jamie I've never thought of it like that, you wanna have a go?" He holds out a stack of eggs, which she takes eagerly.
"I wonder if there's a bottom to it all, or maybe it goes on and on forever, wouldn't that be something, such an infante expanse right here, waiting for us.."
They fall into silence, watching the eggs fall and fall until they're nothing but off-white specks in the deep black, almost like stars if he squints a bit. Then they get so small that he can't see them at all and they've faded beyond his understanding.
He risks a glance at his companion, and she's stock still, unblinking and unmoving, if he wasn't looking for it he wouldn't have seen her breathing either. Her eyes are glazed over as her bright magenta irises reflect the dark.
She tilts her head towards him and lifts her empty gaze to meet his own and he suddenly wishes he was anywhere else at all. Looking into Jamie's eyes feels no different than looking into the void beneath his feet. The integral nothingness has taken over her eyes and he can't look away. Like he's been caught in a spiderweb looking in to the face of the great tarantula that will be his demise.
Then she blinks and the moment ends, she looks away but her eyes hold light agian, and her face holds expression, she's breathing and moving absently as she throws eggs like it's a game and not a sacrifice.
Viking doesn't need to blink but he does anyway, maybe out of comfort, and rubs at his eyes with his free hand.
"You alright there? You look like you've seen a ghost!" She laughs, and it sounds like her, she sounds alive, she is Alive.
"Ha ha, very funny Jamie, I get it, your great comedy was not lost on me don't worry."
"Awh c'mon that was good!" She stands up from the ledge and hops down to the main platform, "seriously though, you ok?" She offers her hand to him.
"Yeah, yea I'm just a little sick, don't ask me how I'll complain about it till your ears fall off." He takes her hand and has to restrain himself from jerking it away immediately, since when were dragons so cold?
"Sorry to hear that being beyond the grave doesn't save you from mortal sickness, truly unfortunate."
"Truly unfortunate indeed,"
They walk to the portal in silence and Viking lets her go through first. Once she's gone he spares a glance back at the edge of the island.
He'll swear to the end of the earth he saw someone looking back at him, but he admittedly didn't stay long enough to gather any conclusive evidence.
They part ways at spawn and he crawls into his home feeling much worse than he did before. Not only has his headache upgraded to a migraine but he's wracked with horrible chills, like he's alive again and fighting his way out of that damned storm.
Viking curls up under his threadbare blanket, something that never bothered him before because he couldn't feel the cold, holding a lantern like a teddy bear hoping to steal some of it's warmth. It's a fruitless endeavor in the end. He only manages to pass out due to sheer exhaustion, falling into a fitful and restless sleep in the cold forgotten grave where he died.
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betweenlands · 2 years
Ok ill bite whats dominion smp?
dominion smp, which some members call DSMP for what's probably seo reasons but i find intensely hilarious because it's technically not wrong to abbreviate it like that, is a small lightly modded server based around the origins mod! basically, each member has a different origin, and in much the same way empires members are loosely the ruler of their respective countries, you can sort of consider each dominion member to be kind of a paragon of their respective origin.
thing is, while dominion is defined in part by its relation to the origins mod, there is also a lot of plot stuff that happens that is only tangentially related to the fact that everyone is creatures -- you've got people beefing over stolen goods, everyone sort of vying for power in a vacuum while trying to not seem obvious about it, taxes of "give me all of your diamonds every two weeks i am no longer asking nicely", and also. whatever the hell is going on with shadowmech.
oh yeah also literally like 75% of these ccs have 2000+ day hardcore worlds so the builds are insane.
here's a masterpost on everyone's povs! it doesn't have their Vibes down rn but i can do that really briefly (EDIT LOL NO IT'S NOT BRIEF THIS IS GOING UNDER A CUT):
starting members:
jamiejoan/jammers, dragonborn: elected queen of the server during s1. has a corruption arc, as one does. not many s1 episodes, but (without spoiling anything) her pov for s2 is unique and worth checking out
grady, enderian: doesn't have many episodes and is mainly a streamer. his character is half wet cat and half "guy that makes that's what she said jokes", but somehow in a different direction from scar?
legundo, piglin: champion of the piglins, sent to the overworld by his people for. well for takeover purposes probably. this mostly involves doing capitalism and having trusting-distrustful dynamics with the besties. actually the main server admin but this never comes up incharacter.
fixxitt, inchling: starts off as a thief, escalates WILDLY until by episode 5 welsknight is telling him "you fucked up, buddy" and then he builds a gigantic house. has 2 musical numbers in the middle of episodes that will absolutely knock you out if you're not prepared. also has very good cinematics.
nukeri, elytrian: democracy lover and guy who really, really just wants everyone to get along. canonically descended from icarus; all my friends have emotions about him and i haven't watched him yet but he's a major blorbo-in-law. i'd make a joke about how he's the resident gay scot of the server since they couldn't get smajor, but he literally does have a voice cameo from scott in his s1 finale.
rnjoy, witch: loves doing mad science, committing tax fraud, and has a mushroom son in s2 now. not a lot of s1 episodes but she loves her ravager gertrude i know that much. currently being hunted by --
shadowmech, witherborn: hitman of the server who is only withered rn because he ate a really bad porkchop. no episodes currently, he's in the process of doing a supercut of all his s1 stuff. is also in the process of uh. being very possessed and possibly being the s2 arc baddie rn. it's. fiiiiine. he's just not speaking to anyone and also attacking them during blood moons! totally chill
sneve, blazeborn: like if keralis was oli orionsound but with less musical numbers. sneve is an experience that cannot be described. just. watch his episodes there's only like 3 of them it'll tell you everything and nothing you need to know
taneesha, goat: lover of domes and also psychological warfare. started an advancement race probably as an excuse to steal people's shit. not a lot of s1 episodes but has some plot stuff anyway since she kind of got invited to join jamie's. void cult. yeaaaahhhh.
started midway thru s1:
vikingpilot, phantom: SOMETHING IS SO VERY WRONG WITH HIM. sweet ghostboy who is also incredibly unhinged. canonically dead and was also intangible and invisible for the beginning half of s1 up until the dragon fight. does dark magic, or is at least planning to do dark magic. pluralcoded and you can fight me on this. honestly my top pick for "if you only get one pov"
started at the beginning of s2:
progamebot/josh, sporeling: one video so far! joy's mushroom son. helping her make potions out of a van in the desert atm, which is. actually a breaking bad reference, not a reference to that other dsmp. canonically like a week old at the most. doing pretty well considering this.
kiply, fairy: no episodes yet, but uh. i've been watching her other stuff on and off and something is seriously wrong with her in the best way possible. plays on i think at least 2 different lifesteal-type smps? she is unhinged. she is not a reliable narrator. i love her.
dalilred (wolf) and itsryan (iron golem) also REALLY recently joined so i haven't gotten a pin on their vibes yet. red seems like she has a little bit of a cottagecore aesthetic and ryan seems to be kind of closer to sneve on the shitposter end of the mcyter spectrum, but that's all i've got
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dominionsweep · 2 years
We'll show them a story about the Void!
(Remember: Consider your personal qualifications for a Tumblr or MCYTblr sexyman when voting, not just who you like more/who’s more popular!)
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Origin: Phantom
An amnesiac ghost who was in the world before anyone else, but unable to interact with them or the world in any meaningful way… until the dragon was killed, that is.
Extremely cheerful, even when he really, really shouldn’t be. Loves making new friends. Loves jumpscaring people. Loves letting out an evil giggle on occasion and thinks it’s kind of funny when people are freaked out by it. His ass is not a reliable narrator.
Is not doing so great, mentally. Has murderous urges that he usually doesn’t give into and has evil monologue urges that he often gives into. Supposedly a weird book did this to him. Supposedly if he opens the weird book again he may literally split in half.
Origin: Dragonborn
Elected queen of the server early into Season 1, and almost immediately implements a tax of “give me all your diamonds, yes all of them, all your diamond gear also, and do it every two weeks while you’re at it.”
Tried to stop everyone from killing the Ender Dragon, failed, exploded, and Came Back Wrong (aka, possessed by the Void). Able to do a really creepy voice filter whenever she wants and starts sacrificing animals to the Void during this time, as well as continuing to hoard diamonds.
Eventually exorcised via the combined effort of all Dominion members. Except she doesn’t remember being evil. And then the apocalypse happens, she explodes again, and now she’s a resident of the Outer End with no memory of anything that happened in the entire series. So that went great.
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dominionsweep · 2 years
And why they ourple.
(Remember: Consider your personal qualifications for a Tumblr or MCYTblr sexyman when voting, not just who you like more/who's more popular!)
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Origin: Enderian
Blacksmith whose civilization was pushed out of the end as a result of shulkers taking over the end cities (unclear if this was a war or an invasive species situation). Immediately starts beef with the local dragonborn and then somehow ends up her right-hand man once she's elected queen of the server.
As of Season 2, runs evil OSHA the HOA of Dominion, which is called POOPA and stands for something I do not remember. Is extremely particular and harsh on anything that violates POOPA guidelines. Constantly threatening to write people up. Also has received a command from maybe the moon to build a giant all-seeing-eye bridge, which is a super normal thing to do. Really cool. Really normal.
Memelord tendencies tempered only by his ability to keep a straight face. Voted canonically most likely to make an "I hardly knew 'er" joke. Ran a tavern that managed to serve chicken nuggets exactly once before the apocalypse happened.
Origin: Witherborn
Hitman for hire and probably one of the best PvPers on the server, able to hold his own in a 2v1 vs Jamie and Grady at one point. Worked as an enforcer for the crown but could very much still be bought if you know what you're doing.
Struggled a lot with his urges towards chaos. Likes explosions but is technically not a Witherborn by birth and very much had to deal with the fallout of those two sides warring. Has a consistent soft spot for Sneve.
Is currently on a silent, murderous rampage through Season 2 that has only been tempered by the fact that he's taking a break IRL. Only logs in during blood moons, doesn't speak to anyone, and attacks pretty much everyone that gets close. He did give Joy some armor and play Pigstep for Viking, though.
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dominionsweep · 2 years
So uh, the thing is, I did in fact design these brackets specifically to be mean and also to parallel things in the series? Which is why Shadow's fighting Grady and now Jamie. Oh, hey, also I can say "and why they ourple" again! Neat!
(Remember: Consider your personal qualifications for a Tumblr or MCYTblr sexyman when voting, not just who you like more/who's more popular!)
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Origin: Dragonborn
Elected queen of the server early into Season 1, and almost immediately implements a tax of "give me all your diamonds, yes all of them, all your diamond gear also, and do it every two weeks while you're at it."
Tried to stop everyone from killing the Ender Dragon, failed, exploded, and Came Back Wrong (aka, possessed by the Void). Able to do a really creepy voice filter whenever she wants and starts sacrificing animals to the Void during this time, as well as continuing to hoard diamonds.
Eventually exorcised via the combined effort of all Dominion members. Except she doesn't remember being evil. And then the apocalypse happens, she explodes again, and now she's a resident of the Outer End with no memory of anything that happened in the entire series. So that went great.
Origin: Witherborn
Hitman for hire and probably one of the best PvPers on the server, able to hold his own in a 2v1 vs Jamie and Grady at one point. Worked as an enforcer for the crown but could very much still be bought if you know what you're doing.
Struggled a lot with his urges towards chaos. Likes explosions but is technically not a Witherborn by birth and very much had to deal with the fallout of those two sides warring. Has a consistent soft spot for Sneve.
Is currently on a silent, murderous rampage through Season 2 that has only been tempered by the fact that he's taking a break IRL. Only logs in during blood moons, doesn't speak to anyone, and attacks pretty much everyone that gets close. He did give Joy some armor and play Pigstep for Viking, though.
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autisticlalna · 2 years
and now, some misc dominion headcanons i've been rattling around in my brain
viking knows a LOT of dark magic and general spooky stuff. it's just that he doesn't remember most of it unless a situation reminds him, and even then it's fleeting. he could refresh his memory on it by rereading the ritual book... but that would involve rereading the ritual book.
nukeri has a scar on his face from the dragon fight, either from the dragon itself or from getting nicked by the end spider sniping him
i've already drawn a comic about this but sneve is wearing a box shadow drew a face on because shadow thinks it's hilarious
grady can unhinge his jaw and scream like a full enderman but doesn't do it because he thinks it looks weird. shadow is impressed
jamie's draconic features get WAY dialed up after the ender dragon dies. she gets a tail! and dragon wings! and keeps them even after getting purified
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enderprtl · 2 years
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[makes them scarier or more fun] perfect
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