quidprokarma · 2 years
You one of those never lift a finger type? Lame.
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How so? We live in different areas so our powergrid is different. I live in a luxury home, you know. 
Yeah, no. Don’t start thinking I’m not a hard worker or that I don’t take things into my own hands just because I don’t waste my time on small things. Or things I don’t have any expertise in. Got it?
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Luxury or not, I figured the woods would lose power a lot sooner. Like when the trees or their branches or whatever hit things or stuff like that. Not to mention all of the, well, let’s just call it troubling occurrences in the woods.
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quidprokarma · 2 years
Uh, you don’t need to be an electrician to know how to switch a breaker.
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My power is working since I live out in the woods. Sorry about your luck though.
Sure, but that’s part of the perks of having an apartment. You can just call maintenance and make it their problem, you know? Yeah, I could do it myself, but I have way more important things to do.
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You’re telling me the electricity is working in the woods and not working downtown?  This is seriously unacceptable. 
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quidprokarma · 2 years
I mean
Have you checked to see if there is an Eye-Eclipse out?
Those are rough on the power, nothing you can do about it unfortunately
An Eye Eclipse? Uh huh. Can’t say I’m familiar. Is that like a band or a big event or something that blows the power? If it’s some dumbass coven doing this, I’m so going to hex them. 
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If you’re like really high or something, I’m not saying it’s time to plead the fifth but you know, it’s something to consider when chatting in public. 
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quidprokarma · 2 years
Sadly I do not! But I figure the public works people or electricians are on it, and should be fixing it soon!
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I suppose you could call the public works department if you wanted?? I’m sorry I can’t be of any more help. Do you have a … breaker? Conductor? Thing in your home? Maybe resetting that will do well.
Well I’m going to need to hurry this up. Chop chop. No time like the present.
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That might be more helpful than calling maintenance for the building. The whole place is out so I’m super sure they’re a little swamped right now. Granted, that probably means that public works has it worse. Worth a shot, right? And hey, if it doesn’t come back in time, I can just see them in court. Definitely legal grounds here. At least for civil. I’m telling you, I’ve seen cases go through litigation for way less. 
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quidprokarma · 2 years
Have you tried simply using a flashlight? 
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Sure, I’ll just shine a flashlight on my dead computer screen. What a great idea, Portia. I’m sure that’ll help me read these documents. Great thinking. This is definitely why you’re such a winner. Oh wait. That’s right. I won the last case. We’ll just ignore the others because those so do not count since half the evidence was supernatural so there really wasn’t anything I could d--
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quidprokarma · 2 years
Have you tried switching your breaker on and off again?
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No. I’m a lawyer not an electrician.
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It looks like the lights are off in the whole apartment. So even if I had, I’m not sure it would have made a difference. Does that mean your power is working?
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quidprokarma · 2 years
Cool, does anyone know why the hell the power is out? And when it’s coming back? I have way too many documents to read tonight for the power to stay out.
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This needs to be fixed ASAP. So who’s on top of this? Who do I need to call to make this happen?
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quidprokarma · 2 years
Not always. Kill to win? No. Kill to survive? Hopefully I never have to find out. I can tell you if I was defending my own life, I wouldn’t be all that concerned with what karma I might be bringing into a next, hypothetical life. 
But that isn’t quite how it operates. Sure, guilty or not guilty are the two ultimate outcomes but there are so many exceptions and defenses and standards that come into play. You can commit the act and, in the eyes of the law, be not guilty. The rules are always evolving - or don’t they teach you that down in New Haven? 
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And I firmly believe justice has already been served. 
Win, survive, what’s the difference in that situation? One of you comes out alive and one dead in your scenario. So there’s one winner and one loser. And I never said I wouldn’t fight, just that there’s a line I won’t cross. I play by the rules, thank you very much. Hypothetical or not, killing someone is still illegal in this lifetime. I see that Harvard taught you that it’s okay to ignore the law when it suits you, but that’s not how I operate. 
And you don’t have an issue with that? People who committed the act not being seen for what they are? Because I do. Sure, there are plenty of out of date laws and the rules should evolve, but not to the point that guilty people get labelled as not guilty in the eyes of the law on a technicality. I do believe, in the same token, that innocent people shouldn’t be falsely accused or convicted. That’s not my goal, here. It’s just to make sure that the guilty are charged correctly. And if you start making exceptions with the law or skirt around on technicalities, that’s when you run into problems. On both sides. But if you’d like to have criminals walking free with no consequences, that’s your problem, not the law’s. 
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Your beliefs have nothing to do with the truth of the matter, thankfully.
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quidprokarma · 2 years
You’re telling me there’s no spots in the entirety of your apartment or house or whatever? 
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There’s certainly no stains and dust wouldn’t dare. The floors are crumbless and the bathroom is sparkling. Because I’m rarely ever there but that’s totally fine. So yes, spotless. 
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quidprokarma · 2 years
So if your back was up against a wall and someone had a knife to your throat… you’d what? Rather let them take your life than defend it? Nah, I don’t think you’d stop fighting because there might be consequences. When are you going to realize that life doesn’t operate in binaries? 
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Which we’ll win on the pleadings and you know it. 
You can defend your life without taking theirs. And I would rather die knowing I was lawful and not ruin my karma for the next life. Don’t tell me Miss goody-two-shoes Defense Attorney would kill to win. That’s good to know. I don’t think that life operates in binaries. I just believe that people should face consequences for their actions, especially actions that are against the law. It’s not my fault that the courts function as guilty or not guilty which, in your view, is rather binary. I don’t make the rules, I just play by them. 
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You wish. There were plenty of holes in your case and I firmly believe that justice will be served.
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quidprokarma · 2 years
Really, Sita? Not even a self-defense killing? Cause that jury sure thought my client's actions were pretty redeemable last week.
Well that jury was wrong. Yes, even a “self-defense” killing, Portia. Even if it wasn’t first degree murder, even manslaughter still results in the loss of a life. That shouldn’t go without consequences. No matter what they do, they can’t bring that life back. And it’s not up to an individual to decide who gets to live and die. 
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But don’t worry. The appeal’s already in progress.
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quidprokarma · 2 years
I bet there are some spots.
Are you sure you want to make that bet? It’s not going to go in your favor.
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quidprokarma · 2 years
What do you think is irredeemable?
Hmm, that's hard. As long as you get what you earned in return for what you've done, I think you can eventually come back from things. So long as you get what you give, you know? That said, I think murder is pretty irredeemable. There's no way to balance that out in the universe, really. If you kill someone, there's no coming back from that. Not in this lifetime, at least. And if you kill someone, I'll see you in court :)
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quidprokarma · 2 years
Caterpillars or worms?
Caterpillars get all the glory and attention just like someone else I know which isn't ver-- because they get to turn into butterflies and all that. Which, yeah, sure, good for them, but worms have an important job. They help nourish the soil and enrich the earth. So sure, they're not as glamourous as a butterfly, but they're super freaking important. Team worms.
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quidprokarma · 2 years
Do you own a mop?
Uh, yeah, why wouldn't I? That's like basic cleanliness. Do you think I don't clean my apartment? It's very clean, thank you very much. I'd even go so far as to call it spotless.
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quidprokarma · 2 years
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Name: Sita Mehan Species: Human (Spellcaster) Occupation: Assistant District Attorney Age: 27 Years Old Played By: Liz Face Claim: Nishi Munshi
“Sometimes karma just needs a little help. That’s where I come in.”
Sita grew up knowing all about karma, how your physical and mental actions rippled out into the world around you and came back in return. Her nani made sure she knew as much even though the older woman still lived in India and was halfway around the world most of the time, far away from Sita and the rest of the family. The distance never stopped her from making sure that her granddaughter and grandson learned tradition, both religious and magical, insisting that they join her for puja every morning. Their mother would have much preferred that they wait to learn spells and potion making until they were older and could better grasp the consequences of magic and so that they could concentrate on school work. Nani disagreed and taught them anyway, always rambling about dharma this and dharma that as she did.
Amar was a quick study, a natural, destined to be a powerful sorcerer within their family and the community. Sita never let herself fall behind, though, even if it meant working twice as hard and twice as long to be as good as her brother. It wasn’t just magic, either. Amar made school look easy. And sports. And friendships. None of it was easy for Sita but she always pushed herself to be what her parents expected of her. Well, that wasn’t entirely true, they didn’t expect much from her on the whole. That didn’t stop them from constantly comparing her to her brother. 
She would always roll her eyes and set her sights higher. Screw being a stupid doctor, she was going to go to law school and be a lawyer and be more successful than Amar. In one thing, just one time. Not that Amar ever saw things as a competition. They were close in age, only about a year apart from one another, and as much as Sita was annoyed by how her parents treated her brother, it was hard to ever be angry at him. He was her big brother and one of her best friends. They were thick as thieves all throughout grade school, even if they had completely different friend groups;  Amar’s friends tolerated his little sister and hers usually crushed on her brother, much to her dismay. 
That was up until his senior year, Sita’s junior. A string of vandalisms popped up around the school: graffiti on the lockers, weed killer on the fields, mustard and eggs left on the principal’s car. It could have been labeled as nothing more than a few senior pranks, but there was no mistaking that there was something more to it. The words scrawled on the lockers and the fields and the car all mentioned some secret that was being kept; there was a sinister feeling behind it all. The school was adamant to track down who it was and how they had escaped being caught on the security cameras. An anonymous source insisted that it was Amar, that he was into weird stuff and they’d seen him do it. Sita knew it wasn’t her brother; he would never do something like that. Even so, something compelled her to go to the principal and assure him that the anonymous source was right; her brother had done it, all of it. All by himself.
Sita didn’t know why she felt like she had to, an hour later she couldn’t piece together what made her say anything in the first place. The snickering gaggle of girls down the hallway clued her in. So did the reflection of them in some kid’s locker mirror – the one girl was covered in feathers with sharp teeth and talons in her mirrored vision. Sita didn’t know what she was or what was going on, but she knew that girl had something to do with it. And that some kind of magic was involved.
When she told Amar, he didn’t want to hear his little sister’s excuses for why he was being charged for a misdemeanor and why his college admissions were in jeopardy. It didn’t matter what Sita said, he wouldn’t believe it, and he wouldn’t try to help her get to the bottom of what actually happened. He told her that karma would take care of it and that she should drop it and stop trying to ruin his life. 
Amar left for college (UC Berkeley, even if it wasn’t his first choice) before they could reconcile and that girl never got caught and never got any punishment for what she’d done. It was fine, Sita didn’t have time for distractions, anyway. She pushed herself to get into Amherst, and later Yale law (the best law school, which she constantly reminded people), and pushed herself just as hard in her classes, graduating salutatorian (but not valedictorian, as her parents constantly reminded her).
Sita wasn’t done proving herself. She was going to help clean up the streets, change the world, make it better. And where better to start than her hometown? She wasn’t going to let what happened to her and her brother back in high school ever happen again. Not to mention, the death rate was high and so were unsolved cases. There was plenty of work to do, plenty of criminals to put away. Sita always knew the town was weird, but that was no reason to let the law slide for anyone. She applied to be an Assistant District Attorney and got the job no problem. Not that her parents mentioned that as much as they did Amar’s residency, but that was fine.
As time went on, she won a number of cases, just like she planned, but those didn’t stick with her. The ones that stayed were the losses. The thought of all the criminals that she failed to convict haunted her. And there was seemingly nothing she could do about it.
“Karma will take care of it.” She heard her brother’s words in her head. But karma had failed her in the past, so why should she trust it now? No, she was going to have to take things into her own hands. If the law wouldn’t punish criminals, she would turn to magic. A curse of pox or bad luck was hardly as just as being locked behind bars, but it was the very least of what they deserved. And Sita is only getting started. 
Character Facts:
Personality: Ambitious, stubborn, loyal, unwavering, abrasive, defensive, idealistic, impatient, judgmental, confident, empathetic, perceptive, resourceful
Sita’s parents are from India and moved to the states before her and her brother were born. They would frequently visit India and their grandparents and relatives would come visit them often, as well. Family is extremely important to the Mehans and they make sure to remain close despite their physical distance.
Sita is hindu, though she doesn’t consider herself very religious. Her nani (grandmother) passed on many traditions to Sita and Amar, both spiritual and magical. To nani, they are one in the same. She believes that their family’s magic is a gift from brahman and brings them closer to oneness and should be treated as such.
Both of Sita’s parents are spellcasters, and her mother grew up learning the same traditions as Sita and her brother, but both of her parents value more traditional paths above magical ones. They think religion and magic are important, but not above being able to take care of yourself and your family; something that can only be done through hard work as far as they’re concerned.
Sita is an elemental spellcaster and able to use terrakinesis. Her mother was shocked when her powers were something so grounded when Sita’s head was “always up in the clouds.”
Sita works so much that she doesn’t understand how people have time for hobbies or prioritizing friendships above their job. On the rare occasion she has free time, though, she does like to ice skate. She also thoroughly believes that home organization and planning in general is a hobby. 
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