jimmyspades · 8 months
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"There are certain facets of my personality that I'm not giving away to some character in a movie. They're mine. And they're mine as Jimmy Spader."
"I think things are great when we accept chaos in life. That goes against my being obsessive-compulsive and ritualistic, but I don't mind adversity. The fight is okay with me. My life is wonderful. It's a grand time, you know?"
"I'm not much good at good, clean fun—and I'm not sure what to do with it. It's just a matter of taste. I like it a lot dirtier."
Happy 64th birthday, James Spader (b. February 7, 1960)! ❤️
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potter-solomons · 14 days
I feel like feeding us.
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bitseybloom · 4 months
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askmovieslate · 27 days
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I would be fair with any other movie, but this one wasn't salvageable from a purely conceptual point of view. Not even the most cutting edge visual effects in the world could've made this movie work, you'd need a complete re-write.
It's shameful they took one of Ray Bradbury's best tales and bastardized it in such a ludicrous and despicable manner, a pile of cinematic excrement that insults the audience's intelligence by merely existing.
You'd think I'm about to do some twist on ya and recommend it in the end, but no. Don't bother. It's not even "Ha-ha funny" bad. It's bland and boring bad. It's uncharismatic bad. It's like being stuck in a room with the most boring person in the world as they tell you all about their favorite tones of white noise.
Don't bother. Skip it. Movie bad. I'm done.
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planet-gay-comic · 2 months
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Kings and Their Lovers
Male Kings and Their Homoromantic or Erotic Relationships from Antiquity to Modern Times History offers numerous examples of male rulers who had homoromantic or erotic relationships with other men. These connections were often complex and influenced by cultural, societal, and personal factors. Here are some remarkable examples:
Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) The Macedonian king and famous conqueror had a particularly close relationship with Hephaestion, his childhood friend and confidant. Plutarch described Hephaestion as "Alexander's lover." After Hephaestion's death, Alexander was inconsolable and ordered a nationwide mourning. The Persian eunuch Bagoas is also mentioned in ancient sources as Alexander's lover.
Emperor Hadrian (76–138 AD) The Roman emperor is known for his passionate relationship with the young Greek Antinous. When Antinous drowned in the Nile, Hadrian was devastated. He had his lover deified, founded the city of Antinoopolis, and erected statues of Antinous throughout the empire. These actions testify to Hadrian's deep affection and grief.
Middle Ages
Richard the Lionheart (1157–1199) Richard I of England had a close relationship with Philip II of France. Contemporary chroniclers described how the two kings "ate from the same table and drank from the same cup every night" and "slept in the same bed." Although the exact nature of their relationship remains disputed, such reports suggest a very intimate connection.
Edward II of England (1284–1327) Edward II had an intense relationship with Piers Gaveston, which chroniclers of the time described as excessively intimate. Later, he developed a similarly close relationship with Hugh Despenser the Younger. These connections led to political tensions and ultimately contributed to Edward's deposition.
Modern Times
James I of England (1566–1625) James, also known as James VI of Scotland, had several close relationships with men. Particularly notable was his connection with George Villiers, the Duke of Buckingham. In letters, James called Villiers "my sweet child and wife" and "my dear Venus boy." This correspondence indicates a passionate and intimate relationship.
Louis XIV of France (1638–1715) Although the Sun King is primarily known for his female mistresses, there are indications of intimate relationships with men. The Duke of Saint-Simon reported in his memoirs of several homosexual affairs at court, including one between Louis and his brother Philippe, Duke of Orléans.
Frederick the Great of Prussia (1712–1786) Frederick had close relationships with several men, particularly Hans Hermann von Katte in his youth. Although Frederick married, the marriage remained childless and distant. Instead, he surrounded himself with a circle of close male friends and confidants.
Ludwig II of Bavaria (1845–1886) Known as the "Fairy Tale King," Ludwig II had close and presumably romantic relationships with several men. Particularly well-known are his connections to Richard Hornig, his stable master, and Paul von Thurn und Taxis. Ludwig's homosexuality was an open secret during his lifetime and contributed to the accusations that led to his dethronement.
Modern Era
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia (1868–1918) Although later married, the last Russian Tsar had a close relationship as a young man with his cousin, Prince Nicholas of Greece. In letters, he described their "special friendship" and the "wonderful nights" they spent together.
These examples show that same-sex relationships among rulers were not uncommon. The nature and perception of such connections varied greatly depending on the cultural and historical context. While some relationships were lived relatively openly, others remained hidden due to societal norms and political implications or were only hinted at in documentation.
It is important to note that modern concepts of sexual orientation and identity cannot be directly applied to historical figures. Many of these rulers would not have identified themselves as homosexual or bisexual, as these terms did not exist in their time. Their relationships must be understood in the context of their respective culture and time.
Nevertheless, these historical examples offer important insights into the diversity of human relationships and show that same-sex love and affection existed even at the highest levels of power.
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cryptic-loser · 4 months
He loves him bug friends...
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giovannadeltoro · 6 months
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yet another eroica dump of colossal proportions
commissions / ig
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jimmyspades · 5 months
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"Look alive!" THE BLACKLIST 10.13 "The Sicilian Error of Color"
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chiropteracupola · 10 months
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would you stay at her ominous motel
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askmovieslate · 1 month
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I'm not sure about what you mean with zebras, there's no zebras in the movie.
But this sure was a super charming romp. It was fun, the characters were very likeable, it's pretty quotable, and it even got the US Army seal of approval, which is hilarious when you think about it.
Sure, sometimes it gets a bit too stupid, and there's a couple of cringe-inducing moments in the middle, but the overall result left me with a smile on my face. Just for that I can recommend it.
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blmpff · 6 months
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JAMES SUPAMONGKON igs (15s) 24.03.24
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leadandblood · 7 months
Negative rant ahead, if you don't want to read, I understand. It's about the czech dub.
I watched a part of the Czech dubbing and it made me sick. It was so bad it made me legitimately unwell. Such butchering of a great show... Of great performances. The translators did a good enough job. It's the voice actors... Well, Actors...
Not only are they the same 5 voice actors that do literally everything, so I'm just sick of them by this point, but they're not even good. Like... They're mostly actually BAD.
Sir John sounds like he smokes 4 packs a day, but like... He's actually kinda good and can actually convey, you know... The emotion the actor is playing? I like him in other stuff too, he gets a pass.
Gibson is fine. Sometimes the emotion he's making isn't what the actor is doing but considering what the others do, i'll give him a pass.
Jopson sounds like a wildlife documentary comentator, but other than that he's whatever.
Little sounds like a literal child. He sounds 25 at most. What the hell. Other than that he's fine.
I'm legitimately convinced Hodgson, Goodsir, and Hickey are all dubbed by the same guy. There's like no difference in their voice. It's just the same guy. Where is Hickey's cuntery? Where's my babyboy Goodsir? Where's my wet kitten Hodgson? 😭
Blanky lost his scruffyness and sounds like 30 y.o. Victorian upper class.
Fitzjames is... whatever. That is untill he's displaying emotion or dying. That voice actor can't do emotions and dying apparently.
Crozier sound like he's given his soul to the devil. Nothing matters to him... Like... At all. He's a husk. No desparation or pain in his voice. Not even during "if you need to ride in a damned boat i'll put you there myself". The voice actor can't even act drunk. Plus i hate his voice actor with passion <3
The only thing I liked about the dub is really the weight of Fitzier switching between the formal and informal "you". It has more punch, especially at the end.... But somehow Crozier still uses the formal "you" with Blanky like what😭 Then again, that's a translator thing. Not as if a voice actor can decide on that.
Overall -100/10, absolute torture, would rather get my soul eaten by Tuunbaq.
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rosekillerbf · 1 year
rip james potter you would have loved electric scooters
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look at this shit
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callmehluzara · 5 months
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Juz reply w/ ur nick cuz roblox don't work in mah skool (they limit our acess 2 our own appz uzin a network thingy dat idk what is O-o) sooo i'll add u when i get home!!! :>
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jimmyspades · 4 months
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They based the 🧍‍♂️ emoji on him
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