saintlucretia · 3 months
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I guess i have a type mental disorder
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not-rab · 1 year
☀︎part 13 of my Singer/Songwriter Twitter AU☀︎
☀︎ time skip (only about a month though<3) ☀︎
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☀︎ part 12 ☀︎ part 14 ☀︎
@malakiwis <3
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monsieuroverlord · 9 months
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Covers for April's Fall of X issues have been released.
In Wolverine #47, Laura goes toe-to-toe with the Savage Sabretooth
Written by Victor LaValle & Benjamin Percy, art by Geoff Shaw, cover by Leinil Francis Yu
"Savage escape! "Sabretooth War" – Part 7! Laura Kinney must escape the clutches of the Savage Sabretooth! Will Victor Creed’s weapon spell the end for Logan? A can’t-miss issue!  "
In Wolverine #48, Graydon Creed reappears (perhaps along with that Barrington Coil?)
Written by Victor LaValle & Benjamin Percy, art by Cory Smith, cover by Leinil Francis Yu
"Creed vs. Creed! "Sabretooth War" – Part 8! It’s a family affair as Graydon Creed, the maligned son of Victor Creed, AKA Sabretooth, brings the fight to his father. The winner gets Wolverine – or…what’s left of him…!"
In X-Men Forever #2, based on the alone, in looks like Jubilee is officially back to the land of the living and the displaced mutants escaped the White Hot Room (assuming the cover isn't a fake-out)
written by Kieron Gillen, art by Luca Maresca, cover by Mark Brooks
"Immortal means forever! The fight for Krakoa's future begins here! Since RISE OF THE POWERS OF X began, there have been a few mysteries unrevealed! Now writer Kieron Gillen fills in the gap of what happened between the end of IMMORTAL X-MEN and the beginning of the end of the Krakoan Age!"
source here
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partiallypearl · 3 months
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kendall’s little sister. prank star. honestly could run for president and win 🏆
taglist: @selangkir @raging-violets @ceruleanmusings @myloveforhergoeson @happinessismagicc
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lantern-lit-eyes · 1 year
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"all the fear and the fire of the end of the world happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl" - wasteland, baby! - i finished candela obscura the other day and thought i was normal about these two and then immediately realized that evening that i was, in fact, not! so please enjoy some soft, slight canon divergence art where everyone is fine actually, and they get to do more assignments together using their "betrothed" cover while totally not falling in love <3
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james-stark-the-writer · 10 months
feel like pure shit, just want her back
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#james talks#riverdale#miss the whole crew really but Betty especially bc Lili was so magnificent#god as perfect as the finale was (and it really was one of the greatest finales ever) i wish we had gotten another season#they had as good a run as a show on that network could hope for but there are few shows on there that eclipsed the network like Riverdale#like the list includes like. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Gossip Girl. and ig The Vampire Diaries. and that's it.#(that list is for shows almost exclusively produced by the CW. CXG DID have other producing companies but it was largely the CW).#no show will ever quite be like Riverdale ever again and no show will ever reach the heights it did.#especially not on their shoestring CW budget.#like honestly i just need more Riverdale in my life.#like RAS and the writing team found such a great way to turn their weaknesses into strengths.#as an article on the show once said [paraphrased]: it was a great show that was really good at pretending to be bad.#even now nobody gets the show like i do.#everyone thinks it's some silly little show about crazy shit with crazy plotlines and pretty lighting and aesthetics but no substance—#when in reality it's an incredible pulpy anti-fascist text questioning the role of authority using those aesthetics for a larger purpose#but i'll save the real analysis for whenever i get around to actually making the Riverdale video essay i need in my life#unless Quinton Reviews or SuperEyepatchWolf beat me to it first. they're the only people who i think will actually understand the show.#like SuperEyepatchWolf's video on the show is already pretty fun even if it's a little dismissive of the substance of the show—#(tbf to him it only covered up until the S05 mid-season finale and S06 hadn't released yet)#but like he at least feels like he gets the spirit of the show. especially with the wrestling comparison.#and i hope i don't need to explain why Quinton would get it.#anyway. i need the Riverdale crew back.
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newwavesylviaplath · 8 months
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idk guys i saw this on pinterest and thought to myself "very james patrick march kai anderson core!" so here 😘
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oakendesk · 11 months
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book cover - Bad Girls - 1958
James Meese
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faeriegirl · 11 months
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Some sketches I made during a dnd session
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imstressedx · 2 years
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Maybe Someday by @areseebee
I know you’re a fiction writer, but have you thought about trying a different genre? Like maybe documentary film?
Next year’s the 10th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement and I want to do a little something about NI that’ll be ready around the anniversary in April. Nothing huge, just a retrospective over the past 10 years with a personal angle.
And I want you to write the script.
i) Personal Space ii) Smoke Break iii) Someday
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Jessica Biel for CosmoGirl October/November 1999 by Jodi Bryson 
Find out why this 7th Heaven star is the coolest friend a girl could have!  
"I'm definitely weird," Jessica Biel confesses as she digs  through the knick-knacks in her bedroom.   "I have some really wild  stuff."  She points out her collection of vintage sunglasses, a bunch of  so-bright-they're-blinding wigs, dozens of phone numbers taped to the  wall, and her favorite Abercrombie & Fitch ad.  "He is the hottest  Abercrombie model ever," she says.  
The 17 year old star of 7th Heaven just finished her third season  on the show and aced her junior year of high school.  Now she's  flinging clothes around her bedroom to prep for a European vacation with  two of her closest friends.  "I want to go someplace I've never been  with people I really love hanging out with," she says.  "I want to see  some amazing things."  
Jessie has that I'll-try-anything-once outlook down pat.  She  started her career as a model, but at 14 decided to give acting a whirl.   Like in a Hollywood fairy tale, she flew to L.A. and had just a few  auditions before scoring the primo role of Mary Camden.  
Jessie works on 7th Heaven six days a week, nine months a year.   But as soon as she steps off the set, straight-arrow Mary vanishes and  the real Jessie charms everyone around her with warp-speed chitchat  about her big plans for the future (a backpacking trip with her best  friend, college, and maybe a second career as a photographer).  Clearly,  Jessie is ready to take on the world.  First stop, Europe!  
The Big Trip 
"I have no idea what to expect," Jessie says of her European  vacation, "but I just can't wait to eat that good food!"  Is she worried  about travelling to strange countries where she doesn't know a soul?   "No, I'm very excited.  My mom has a checklist of things for me to do  before I go:  Make copies of my passport, driver's license, and credit  cards; pack these things close to my body but separate from my wallet.   My mother has planed it all out -- I just gotta do it."  
Jessie makes a surprisingly small pile of clothes at the bottom  of her bed, then crams it into a backpack.  "I'm honestly taking one  pair of pants, a T-shirt, a couple pairs of shorts, a few tank tops, a  sweatshirt, a bathing suit, and two pairs of underwear that I'll keep  throwing in the sink.  My camera is the most important thing."  
In addition to taking tons of snaps, Jessie has dreamed up the  coolest way to keep track of her European adventures.  "Instead of a  private diary, I'm going to take a big book, like a communal journal,  and anyone can write in it," she says.  "If someone says, 'Can I see  your journal and write a little entry?' that's cool.  It will be nice to  look back and read what we all did and what we felt together."  Bon  voyage!  
Best Friends  
Her travelling companions are her friends Shane Nelson and Light  Dreamer Eternity.  "Light rocks so hard," Jessie says.  And even though  she lives in L.A. now, Jessie is still supertight with her best friend  from her hometown of Boulder, Colorado, who's also named Jessie.  "I  have pictures of Jessie and me stuck all over my room," she says.   What's her secret for maintaining such strong friendships?  "There's  never the silent treatment," Jessie explains. "If I was in a fight with a  friend, I would just call and be like, What is the deal?  What did I  do?  What do we need to talk about?  How can we get it over with?"   Jessie's the kind of friend who wouldn't let you stay mad at her.  
A Special Guy  
Will her absence make anyone's heart grow fonder?  Jessie let it  slip that she has a long-distance boyfriend, but then she wouldn't spill  a single detail! (And believe us, we begged!)   But she did share her  sure-fire hook-up advice.  "I'm pretty forward with guys," she says.   "I'll just walk up to somebody and I'll be really blunt and say, 'What a  great-looking person you are!  Have an awesome day.'"   Does that  really work?  "Well, I don't say that to a guy because I want him to be  my boyfriend," she says.  "I just want to tell him."   What guy could  resist?  
Prom Night  
Unfortunately, Jessie didn't get to take her secret boyfriend to  her junior prom.  "I promised Beverley Mitchell [who plays her younger  sister Lucy on 7th Heaven] that I'd go to her friend's prom.  And she  made me promise that I wouldn't back out.  I found out a week later that  my prom was the exact same day!  So I missed my prom to go to another  prom with this kid who didn't have a date," she says.  She didn't skimp  on glamour for her first prom experience: She wore an elegant white  cami-and-skirt combo with superhigh-heeled sandals.  "It turned out that  we had a good time, but Bev totally owes me!"  
Bad Behavior  
Jessie doesn't always play it so straight and narrow.  There's a  sneaky story about the pink flamingo hanging from her bedroom ceiling.  
"We had just sold our house in Boulder, Colorado, and I loved  that house," she says.  "I wanted to see it one more time.   When my  best friend Jessie and I drove up to it, my eyes welled up -- there was a  pink flamingo sticking out of my front yard!  It was the chessiest  thing I'd ever seen.  I was not happy with that flamingo.  I thought,  This has to go.  So I ran and ripped it out of the ground.  I busted to  the car and yelled, 'Go, Jessie, go!' and we just took off.  I pulled  out the stick and put the flamingo in my suitcase, and took it home with  me," she says.  "I don't think the family even knew it was missing."  Um, Jessie...they do now.  
Even though Jessie's a totally fearless adventurer, she still  gets homesick for Boulder.  "I miss the people, I miss the mountains.   It is so laid-back there," she explains.   Does she ever see herself  going back to settle down in the Rocky Mountain foothills?  "I have one  more year of high school, which seems like it's going to take forever --  and then I'm on my own!  I can be wherever I want to be!"   Look out  world -- here she comes!"  
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bibaybe · 2 years
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Making Spotify Covers :: Kira/James
You were out of my league Got my heartbeat racing If I die don't wake me 'Cause you are more than just a dream
taglist: @eddysocs @ocappreciationtag @foxesandmagic @wordspin-shares @veetlegeuse
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dapperrokyuu · 1 year
Moriarty the Patriot has canonically trans James Bond tho. Thats what that series has for it.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the 24th set of Tumblr Cover photos as of this year, and the first one of October 2023 -- of course, I had to start this set off with a proper Halloween-themed pic. Guilty as charged! Let's begin!
Featuring interests, stuff, & awesome things such as: the meta Jack Skellington cameo in 1999's "Sleepy Hollow," directed by Tim Burton, Dutch actress Famke Janssen in the 1999 remake "House on Haunted Hill," supervillain Tyrant of the Marvel Universe as illustrated by the Hildebrandt Brothers, a promo shot of the Lion from McFarlane Toys "Twisted Land of Oz," a James Girl pin-up titled "Red Devil" by Mike James, German serial murderer Fritz Haarmann on the sleeve art to "Born Under a Mad Sign" LP by CHURCH OF MISERY, neon logo art for the sci-fi/dystopian satire "Brazil" (1985), directed by Terry Gilliam, & a posthumous portrait of English science fiction author Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley by Reginald Easton.
Sources: IMDb, McFarlane Toys, Azimuth Design, eBay, Bodleian Libraries (Oxford), Distorted Sound Magazine, various, etc...
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melhekhelmurkun · 1 year
I just went on an entire rant to my sister about how much I loved James Norrington
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milfclaren · 2 years
i would say that i am a guest resident on wanting to fuck that old man island. like i don’t live there but i go there from time to time for fun (and i like to wave at my friends who do) but for flint? for captain james flint? i have property there. that is thee baby girl princess. he is my sweet sunflower. the angel who hath bewitched me body and soul with his revolutionary ideals and his tiny gold earring. don’t even get me started on the incurable god complex. oh of course i want to fuck him so bad it’s beyond comprehension
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