#james keziah delaney fic
mlmxreader · 1 year
Protection | James Keziah Delaney x gn!reader
anonymous asked: May I please humbly request of you something using the following prompts for James Keziah Delaney X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: “I’ll always protect you”
summary: James is many things to many people, but he'll always be your protector.
tws: swearing, (vague) domestic abuse, gun violence
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
To James, it had felt like he had been home for all of five minutes when he had bumped into an old flame; he was happy to see you, of course, he had never stopped thinking about you or missing you when he wasn't there.
He knew that he had thrown you to the wolves. But what he didn't expect was that in the middle of the afternoon, you would barge into his home and cower behind him, clutching the back of his shirt like a scared pup as a woman who should have been your family charged over.
Screaming and shouting. Hurling insult after insult after insult at you. You pressed your face against James' back, and he stiffened up; his gaze was enough to intimidate anybody, and when she caught it, she froze. Silenced.
"I think," James started, his voice low and rough, "you should get the fuck off my property."
She didn't back up, only got more in his face as her hatred and bigotry overtook common sense. "Move. I want it out of this world."
James squared his shoulders, nearly looming over her as he sighed heavily and shook his head. "You will have to get through me."
You cowered, flinching when she drew closer, voice breaking as you desperately tried to tug James back; he didn't know the things she had done and said, the awful and cruel things that she had subjected you to since he had been gone.
He didn't know, he would get hurt. You couldn't let that happen, not to James. You pressed yourself into him, pleading and whimpering; trembling with fear until he turned to you, his voice soft like summer rain and his gaze gentle.
"Go upstairs."
You did as he said, narrowly missing her talons as you bolted up the stairs; Brace met you on the landing, and ushered you into his bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind him. He knew.
Brace had been there to comfort you many times when James was gone, he knew what to do as he sat you down on his bed and gave you one of James' coats to hug tightly against your chest. Brace had been your rock, and although now he didn't have to call for someone to lend a hand with the situation, his instincts were still the same.
He sat down beside you, putting his arm around your shoulders and keeping you close as he gently rubbed your arm.
"It's alright, pup," he said as softly as he could, although his voice was still gruff. "James will take care of it, don't you worry."
You couldn't breathe, your heart was pounding and your breathing was uneven and unsteady; Brace had watched you grow up, grow into a fine adult he would have been proud to call family.
Now he felt like all those years had been a lie, and you were just a snivelling scared child. He leaned his head against yours the way a father would.
There was screaming and shouting downstairs, James' voice was booming, a roar of thunder the angrier he was getting; the Devil Delaney. He really could be scary when he wanted to be. He wasn't faltering at all, defending you with each syllable and each breath that he had; you could hear her punching him, but he didn't sound like he cared.
Then there was a gunshot, and the door soon slammed.
You clung onto Brace, expecting the worst, listening to the footsteps from downstairs; you squeezed your eyes tightly shut and got under the bed when there was a knock at the door.
Brace stood in the best position to obscure any view of you as he unlocked it and stiffly pulled it ajar.
A sigh of relief left him, and he opened the door fully. "It's alright, pup. It's James."
You were on your feet in an instant, not even a second passing by the time you clung onto James tightly, pressing your face against his chest and sobbing weakly against him; for all his gruffness, James gently put his arm around you, and sighed.
He nodded at Brace. She wouldn't be coming back. Yet again, it had been James who had protected you and who had come between you and someone who wanted to hurt you; yet again, you owed your life to him.
But James never cared about that debt, especially not when he gently pushed you away, just enough to get a good look at your face as he hummed and nodded slowly.
"Thank you," you whispered softly, voice trembling and breaking.
James pulled you in again, gently kissing your forehead as he grumbled under his breath; you didn't care, knowing that you were finally safe was more than enough. Knowing that, above all else, you had James right there with you. That for all of his faults, he always protected you, and always would.
You shuddered, tugging at his shirt slightly. "Thank you…"
"I'll always protect you," he rumbled. "I should have taken you with me."
You shook your head. It didn't matter now. "I owe you my life."
He shook his head. No. No, you didn't. He wasn't sure why he had always been so protective over you, why he had always cared so much and never admitted to it, but there was something; maybe it was the way you had grown up together or the fact that he simply liked having you near, but James would never let any harm come to you.
"You'll stay here," he ordered, no room for argument. "Brace and I will fetch your things this evening. Is it the same address?"
You nodded.
James hummed. "Have you met Lorna?"
You nodded.
"She'll look after you while we're getting your things," he told you. "She'll see to it no harm comes to you."
James was right, of course. His stepmother Lorna would never let any harm come to you, and she could be just as scary as James when she wanted to be; but knowing that you could stay, knowing that James would protect you… that meant more than the sum of the parts of everything else.
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Hey how’s it going 🥰🥰🥰 34. why are you so cold? 77..“i’ve been thinking about you all day.” For James Delaney please??
You quite literally were one of the only people keeping James Delaney alive. Brace did everything he could but the hardheaded man only ever listened to you.
You were his maid, but sometimes it felt more like you were his mother. On this particular night, the house was swarmed with anxiety. James hadn't come home the previous night, and you and Brace searched all of London with no such luck.
Both of you came home with your tails between your legs and stood shocked, staring at none other than James Delaney nursing a glass of whiskey in the den. You threw down your coat and caught his attention.
"Where the hell have you been? Brace and I have been worried sick all day, James." You seethed. James had yet to look at either of you, his stony eyes glaring into the fire.
"Out." He spoke. You scoffed.
"Out where? You couldn't have checked in with us?" You exclaimed. James stood from his chair and stormed up to you, eyes blazing.
"You'd like that wouldn't you? Constantly pining over my attention the way you do." James bit out, venom laced in his tone.
"Why are you so cold? You are a cold hearted man, James Delaney. Brace and I have been worried and searching all day! I’ve been thinking about you all day, the way I do every day when I'm cleaning your wounds and keeping you alive. You're a spiteful and ungrateful man, James. I am done pining over a man who does not respect me. I am leaving, see how long you last without me James." You ranted, tears brimming your eyes. Like expected, James said nothing, and you weren't going to stand around hoping he'd fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness.
You stormed upstairs to begin packing, and Brace followed after a shameful shake of the head in James's direction.
James had really done it this time.
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hecatemoon87 · 3 years
Valentine's Day - Tom Hardy Characters
James Delaney
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He would forget and go the whole day clueless until he realized you were upset with him. James wouldn't really be too concerned over the matter, but since he loves you he'd go out and buy you an expensive gift to make up for his mistake. He'd then, of course ravish you in the bedroom 😉
Alfie Solomons 
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He would definitely forget, but Ollie would remind him. He'd spend the whole day with last minute preparations or at least Ollie would be arranging everything. Then Alfie would pretend he had planned the whole thing for weeks.
"Thought I'd forget, yeah? Well, tonight will be something you don't forget."
Eddie Brock
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He'd be freaking out because he'd want it to be special. But he and Venom would encounter a villain and have to play Lethal Protector. He'd come back home drenched in sweat and apologizing profusely. He'd jump in the shower, but you'd join him and enjoy your Valentine's Day with some shower sex and on the couch watching a movie ❤️
Forrest Bondurant
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Forrest is old fashioned. He'd take you to a cabin and give a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolate. And you'd surprise him with red lingerie. He'd mumble and grunt his approval and you'd both enjoy Valentine's day away from the hustle and bustle of the city!
Leo Demidov 
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He NEVERS forgets this day nor does he forget your anniversary. He will go all out with fancy dinner, flowers and jewelry. He likes to lavish you with his love and on this day, he is free to go overboard. In the bedroom, he'd make sure you were given proper attention as well!
Tuck Hansen
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This day is Tuck's jam! He'd have you take the day off, take you somewhere romantic, wine and dine you and overall just profess how much he loves you!
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mlmxreader · 4 months
Killer | James Delaney x gn!reader
↳ ❝ James Delaney x Reader -> "They pay me the money and I do the job, I got a contract on you" [No one expected Delaney to be on their list, least of all reader] ❞
: ̗̀➛ Delaney settles down with a bounty hunter, but there's still a fair few surprises to come your way; even if one of them requires both a lot of gall and even more stupidity to even think about.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ swearing, mentions of death and murder
↳ word count: 1000
Delaney looked up from his desk with a soft huff, slowly putting his pen down as he watched you carefully; you walked with great tension in your shoulders and back, hunched over slightly and staring at the piece of paper in your hands with furrowed brows and a tight sneer.
He knew that look.
You had a new client, and they had just sent you your orders. A bounty hunter by trade, you took money from whatever and wherever you could within reason; usually it was just murderers who had escaped justice one way or another - often because they were of a pale complexion.
Delaney knew you all too well, though, and knew that this one was likely not that - or it was someone who was genuinely innocent.
So he watched, listening to the harsh, marching sounds of your pacing as you went back and forth in front of his desk as if you were a caged animal, starving and parched and yearning for freedom - about to risk it all to escape the iron bars.
He leaned back, abandoning his few bits of paperwork for a moment as he tilted his head to the side and kept watching; you kept rereading the paper, as if it would make any more sense the more you studied it. He knew you only did that when you were genuinely conflicted about the bounty.
Often because it wasn’t enough money. You sneered and scowled when you read the section that he guessed held the name, so it couldn’t have been the money. They must have asked you to go after someone innocent. But he couldn’t tell, and he knew that the only way of finding out would be to ask.
You turned to him with a sharpness in your eyes that he usually smiled at; so professionally cold and cruel at times, your stare could rival his. Although his was animalistic, yours was trained.
“They pay me the money and I do the job, I got a contract on you now, and I’m not fucking doing it.”
Delaney nodded, partially in agreement as he hummed and looked for his pen; he grabbed a new bit of paper, and started to write something down, but you couldn’t see what.
“James!” You barked with all the authority and brutality of a general. “Did you not fucking hear me?!”
He nodded again, his words just grunting out past his lips. “I’m writing a letter.”
Sure, he was surprised that anyone would have the gall to ask you to hunt him down and kill him, given the fact that you had recently changed your last name to his and constantly wore a ring with his name engraved on it; but he couldn’t be surprised that there was a bounty on his head.
It was brave to ask you to be the one, of course, but bravery was incredibly fucking stupid as well. So he grabbed his pen, and he started to write out the letter as he ignored your continued pacing and loud grumbling.
A tiger trapped in a cage, it wasn’t long until you screwed the contract up and threw it at his head.
“Did that make you feel better?” Delaney grumbled, only looking up at you for a moment.
You huffed as you collapsed in the chair next to his desk, folding your arms across your chest and bouncing your leg. “They want me to fucking kill you, and your response is to… to fucking write a letter?! Are you stupid?!”
Delaney shook his head as he glanced at you, almost smiling as he carried on scratching the pen against the paper. “Stupidity was sending you the fucking contract.”
You couldn’t argue with that. “Oh, so you did hear!”
“Fuck off,” he rumbled, shaking his head. “Do you want this to go away or not?”
You huffed, watching him carefully and curiously as he took the screwed up contract and unfurled it; he studied the lettering and the return address, and grunted to himself before continuing to write.
You guessed that either he was going to ask one of his contacts to kill the person who had placed the bounty, or he was writing directly to them and threatening them himself - either way, you couldn’t see the person who took the contract out living to see the dawn. If they were lucky.
You weren’t quite sure what to do, though; you knew that it was only a matter of time before someone asked the same again, but you also needed the money that came through from the jobs.
You couldn’t hurt Delaney, even when you accidentally tripped over his feet, you always felt immense guilt for it; anyone else, you wouldn’t have batted an eye but he… he was different.
He had always been different. You didn’t want to see him hurt, but maybe… maybe you were the only person who could truly protect him - you knew how bounty hunters and assassins operated, you knew how they worked and how they thought.
Maybe you were his best option for any sort of defence.
But he would never let you do it so outwardly; he said that the second he put the ring on your finger, he would not allow you to become his bodyguard. You were not to get involved with his affairs at all, and you were not to start using your talents and skills to ensure his survival. 
But obviously it wasn’t as easy as it all seemed, and from the way his hands shook when he grabbed the contract again, you knew that he was about two seconds away from grabbing his hat and fucking off to find the person himself.
“James,” you said softly. “If you’re gonna kill the cunt, do me a favour?”
“Don’t get blood all over our floors when you come home,” you told him with a soft laugh, almost too quiet to be heard. “I spent far too fucking long cleaning it up last time.”
thank you for reading! now, if I may, I would like to direct your attention to Sara - she is a 12 year old in Gaza whose family is trying to flee the genocide and seek medical care for her. If you have any, any money at all, even if it's just £1, then please, consider sending it to Sara and her family. Every little bit of money will go such a long, long way in helping this family, so please, consider making a contribution.
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
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Biker AU
biker!James Delaney x Reader
You've heard of James "The Devil" Delaney before but you always thought it was just foolish rumours that he had magical powers, he might have been a dangerous man but he was no devil.
Meeting him changed your mind. He must have some powers because you feel enchanted and the sinful dreams feel so real that they must be magical.
• moodboards masterlist •
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So, my loves. If I wrote a full length story about this dude, who would be interested in reading it and engaging with regular feedback? 
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I have an idea in it’s very infancy at the moment, but I’m unsure whether to proceed or not. It would basically be me writing my own version of S2 of Taboo, lol, not that I could ever measure up to the real writing team behind the show, but hey ho! If a girl has interest, a girl shall write.
UPDATE (30/03/22) - The story is now being written, the first chapter now posted! Find it here.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
I Need You | James Keziah Delaney x gn!reader
↳ ❝ anonymous asked: May I please humbly request of you something using the following prompts for James Keziah Delaney X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: “Would you shut the fuck up?” “Would you make me?” ❞
: ̗̀➛ James returns to find that his ex-partner has now moved on, but he knows that he can't conduct his business without them.
: ̗̀➛ mild violence, swearing, mentions of alcohol
James had just returned to London, and one of the first things on his mind was to see you again; he had left you brokenhearted when he had left, as he did not even say goodbye. He had a strong feeling that you wouldn’t want to see him again after the things that he had done and how he had hurt you.
He had heard whispers that you were seeing someone else, and although he didn't want to believe it; he couldn’t believe it, he didn’t want to.
But even still, he held out hope that you would at least entertain greeting him for even just a moment; his hands shook slightly when he approached the door, not knowing if he should knock or if he should turn around and leave.
Swallowing thickly, James brought his hand up to the thick oak, and harshly rapped on it. He waited, hands stuffed in his pockets and bouncing slightly on his heels, wondering why he was suddenly so unsure of his position.
But then the door opened, and he felt everything fade away the second he looked into your eyes; he felt every single droplet of anxiety shred from his bones.
James suddenly couldn’t think of what to say, removing his hand and clearing his throat yet never taking his eyes off of you for even a second; his glare was intense, cold and semi-feral. You couldn’t even bring yourself to speak, staring at him blankly, as if he was a ghost.
But in all honesty, he sort of was. You had assumed, just like everybody else did, that he was dead; you had not expected him to show up at your doorstep, although when your new partner called to ask you who was at the door, you felt yourself freeze up a little.
Quickly, you excused yourself, and stepped out so that you were chest to chest with James. He grunted softly under his breath, still glaring at you, and took a step back.
“James…” you breathed out eventually, still unsure if he was actually there or not. “Is this… are you…”
James nodded slowly, raking a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I’m here.”
“Why?” You asked, shaking your head. “James… why? Why now?”
“I have some things to do,” he told you bluntly. “And I know I can’t do it without you.”
You scoffed, hardly able to do anything except stare at him. You shook your head again, unable to believe him. “You managed so far.”
“I can’t manage London without you,” James admitted. “I never can.”
“Would you shut the fuck up?”
“Would you make me?” James asked, raising his brows a little as he leaned in so that the tip of his nose was almost against yours. “Go on, make me.”
You brought your hand up, and slapped him across the face; he hadn’t expected such a reaction, but in all honesty, it wasn’t like he could blame you.
He brought his hand up to his cheek, gently stroking it as he grumbled quietly under his breath to try and ease the pain. But he couldn’t hit you back, he wouldn’t. He knew he deserved it, so he merely nodded as he cleared his throat.
“I’m sorry.”
“You broke my heart,” you told him bitterly. “And you come back and just… what? Expect me to jump into your arms? Fuck you.”
“James, just…” you sighed. “Just go. I love you, I really do, but I can’t be hurt by you again. Please.”
James wanted to say something, to tell you that he still held the time he had spent with you in his heart; he wanted to tell you that he still loved you, and he could still remember when he had shared a bottle of brandy with you and stolen a kiss under the excuse of wanting just one last taste of the alcohol even though you both knew it was a lie.
He wanted to tell you that he still thought of you, no matter how far away and how lonely his nights were. James could never forget you. He would ever want to, either, as much as he could have tried.
He could have sworn that you were always haunting him, your shadow always entwined with his. Constantly forever tied to you, unable to leave one another.
James would keep trying though, he knew that the second he laid eyes on you, he would not give up so easily this time.
So he sighed, and he nodded slowly. “I won’t give up… I need you, you know that.”
“Please do,” you begged him quietly. “Please just leave me alone, James.”
James grumbled, but stood his ground as he put his hands on your shoulders. “I can’t do that.”
“I know you can,” you told him, putting your hands on his forearms. “Please, it’s for the best.”
He shook his head, raising his brows slightly. “I need you. I need you as much as I did back then.”
“Go,” you whispered, breaking away from him and getting to the door, you put your hand on the knob and sighed. “Just go, James. Please.”
But James didn’t leave, watching you head inside to be greeted by your partner; James saw his brown eyes and soft brown hair, his medium length beard, and he knew that he would not get you back so easily even though he wished he could.
That didn’t mean that he would give up, though; as much as he would not tell anyone else in the world besides you, he really did need you.
He needed the partner that he once knew, the partner that he once loved more than anything; he just needed to give you time, and to refuse to give up on going back.
So, he turned on his heel, stuffing his hands into his pockets again, and he started to walk back; formulating a plan in his head about how he was going to convince you to go back to his side again.
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hecatemoon87 · 3 years
Like Tom Hardy and the Supernatural?
Take a look below at a collection of hot reads!!
Werewolf Story with Forrest Bondurant & James Delaney -> Blood Moon : The Curse of the Loup-garou
- Delve into a magical world of Werewolves, Vampires and Witches!
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Haunted House Story with Ian Eames -> A Haunting at Blackwater Manor
- Normally calm and in control Eames tests his skeptic nature in the halls of Blackwater Manor
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Vampire Tale! With James K. Delaney -> Heart of Darkness
- See how my Dark Universe begins! Blood Moon is a sequel to this story. James returns from Africa as a vampire. He must change the heart of a Huntress who is hellbent on killing him.
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dreamlandcreations · 3 years
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Completed ✔ Unfinished❓Ongoing❗
Poe Dameron
@no-droids The Bet Series - Part 1, Part 2 ✔
@halfwaythereroyalwrites Trust in Me - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 ❓
Bucky Barnes
@thejamesoldier Like Silver Glass - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 ❓
@invisibleanonymousmonsters Runaway ✔
@buckitybarnes Inevitable - Part 1, Part 2 ✔
@sherrybaby14 The Vikings Sannr Ast - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (dark fic!!!) ✔
@nellblazer My Right to Purge - Dark!Steve, Bucky x Reader (dark fic!!!) ✔
@supersoldierslover Two Night Stand ✔
@221bshrlocked​ A gentle touch ✔
Nathan Bateman
@youvebeenlivingfictional The Logical Progression + Epilogue ✔
@youvebeenlivingfictional Bateman Begins❗
Santiago Garcia
@youvebeenlivingfictional Don't Treat My Love Like a Habit ✔
Billy Russo
@becauseicantthinkwritings Monster Masterlist (werepanther!Billy, warlock!Billy, etc.) ❗
@fight-so-dirty Way Down We Go ✔
@pillow-titties Get it outta your system ✔
@yagurlrosie Nyctophobia (dark fic!!!) ✔
Sherlock Holmes (Henry Cavill)
@cinebration A Challenge Part 1, Part 2 ✔
James Keziah Delaney
@cinebration Who Spins the Coin ✔
Alfie Solomons
@cinebration Wicked Creature ✔
@cinebration Screaming Demons ✔
@theshelbyclan Off the Menu ✔
I can’t name a specific work for them, but I adore 
@autumnleaves1991-blog  @princessxkenobi and @tripleissue for their Triple Frontier fics
@thefact0rygirl mainly for her Boba Fett pieces but essentially for all her posts
@maybege @rosethornxs @saradika @the-little-ewok @princessxkenobi​ @galacticgraffiti​ and many others for their Boba, Poe and other Star Wars fics
@anetteaneta for basically all her Oscar Isaac’s character fics
@massivecolorspygiant @drabbles-mc and @bellisperennis0 for their Bishop posts
@solomons-finest-rum and @sceawere because they posted an insane amount of stuff about Alfie Solomons
also, the Bishop x Brat tag of @massivecolorspygiant and @youvebeenlivingfictional is something that’s having a life of its own and worth checking out
Non-fic creators that deserve appreciation:
@softpeter’s moodboards 
@firefly-graphics with the many many dividers
@creativepromptsforwriting with the unwavering devotion to help writers
@uzuriartonline​‘s amazing art
note: I’m sure I missed many I intended to put on this list and sadly a LOT of posts I found memorable over the years are not available anymore or I couldn’t find it in search, I’m sure there are various reasons those accounts are gone but showing appreciation can’t hurt in the long run so... Like, comment, reblog or interact in any way you are comfortable to show support and be kind to creators who share content with us for free 
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hecatemoon87 · 3 years
The Devil in Waiting - A James Delaney Story (Modern Day)
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Chapter Ten: Baby Blues
Jendayi was now six months into her pregnancy. The first five months had gone relatively smoothly, but now her hormones were beginning to affect her moods drastically. She seemed to fluctuate between three moods, sad, angry or horny. James didn’t mind the horny moods, it was the sad and angry ones that confused and terrified him.
One Saturday morning, James woke up to find Jendayi out of bed. He went out to the living room and found her checking the couch cushions, tears streaming down her face.
“Jenny, what are you doing?” he asked.
“My phone! I just had it a minute ago and now I can’t find it! What if I do this with the baby?” she sobbed.
“Lose the baby in the couch cushions? I doubt that will be the case, love,” he said, rubbing his face.
“How is this funny to you? That I’m going to be a terrible mother!” she cried, sitting down on the couch and covering her face with her hands.
James loved Jendayi very much, but he wasn’t good with emotions and he was uncertain how to proceed with this latest outburst. Still only in his black boxer briefs, he walked over to the couch and sat beside her.
“Your phone is right here,” he said, wiggling it from her back pocket.
“Oh…” she said, surprised.
Taking the phone from him, he thought the outburst was over. But then her face changed from surprise to sadness once more.
“How can I be so careless? Am I going crazy or something?” she exclaimed.
“Or something,” he said.
Jendayi shot up from the couch, folding her arms and glaring at James.
“You, James Delaney are an asshole! Do you have a person living inside you?! Are your hormones taking you on a rollercoaster of emotional hell? Do you have to give birth?!” She screamed.
James stayed seated on the couch, wide eyed. He was trying to figure out what to say that would placate his wife, but nothing came to mind that would make anything better. At this point, if he opened his mouth she’d only get angrier. Jendayi stared daggers into him before turning around, heading to the bedroom and slamming the door.
He still needed to get dressed, but he wasn’t about to knock on the door and ask for access to his closet. Instead, he lumbered over to the kitchen and made coffee. Taking his cup over to the couch, he sat down in his underwear and read the news on his phone. While reading a knock came at the front door.
“Bloody hell,” he mumbled as he got up and walked over to the door.
Looking out the peephole he could see that it was his brother, Duncan. He opened the door to let him inside.
“James…just going free-style this morning?” Duncan said, seeing his brother practically naked.
Duncan entered the flat and walked past into the kitchen to pour himself some coffee.
“Jendayi locked me out of the bedroom,” James said, closing the door.
“Ah,” Duncan said, taking a seat in an armchair. “Pregnancy can affect women differently. Unfortunately for Jendayi, it is making her very emotional.” Duncan concluded sympathetically.
“Unfortunately for Jendayi? Yeah, sure.” James huffed.
“Well, with that attitude you’ll definitely get yourself in trouble,” Duncan said.
“Jesus Christ, Duncan. I don’t even have to do anything to get into trouble. The other day she slapped me because she had a dream that I cheated on her. Did you hear me? In a DREAM. What the fuck am I supposed to do then?” James said.
Duncan laughed and took a sip from his coffee mug.
“Yeah, laugh all you want.” James said, still remembering the sting of her dainty hand. “She apologized then started crying. I had to hold her for twenty minutes before she settled down. I’m worried about her.”
“Perhaps you should talk to the doctor and see if there is anything that needs to be done in order for her to cope. In the meantime, brother, you’ll just have to be there for her,” Duncan said.
The sound of the bedroom door opened and Jendayi emerged from the room. She walked into the living room and saw Duncan.
“Duncan! I thought someone was here, how are you?” She said, coming up and giving him a hug.
Duncan rose from the couch and received her hug. “I’m doing well, my lovely Jendayi. How are you?”
“I’m fine,” she said with a smile and looked over at James. “Why are you in your underwear? Go get dressed.”
James rolled his eyes and stood up and went to the bedroom to dress. After Duncan left, Jendayi seemed calmer. She was cleaning up dishes and humming to herself. James didn’t understand how his brother had such an effect on women. James could get a woman aroused and he could satisfy her without issue, but being emotionally available, it wasn’t his forte.
That afternoon, he was watching the stock market news on TV when she came over and joined him. She snuggled up to him and rested her head on his shoulder. She was idly stroking his arm then her hand drifted to his leg. Jendayi kissed his cheek and started kissing his neck as she rubbed his thigh. James could feel himself growing, at least this was something he could do right.
Turning off the TV, he turned his head and accepted her kiss. Jendayi, encouraged that she now had his full attention, quicked the kiss and moaned a little as their tongues connected. James broke the kiss, standing up from the couch he took her back into the bedroom. Since her tummy was now round with child, it was easier for her to have sex doggy-style.
She slipped off her clothing and walked over to the bed, positioning herself for him. When she had gotten bigger, James wanted to know if sex during pregancy was safe. When the doctor said it was, James was relieved. He hadn’t been looking forward to nine months without sex.
Additionally, he was surprised by how horny he got seeing Jendayi pregnant. Something primal inside of him made him pleased that he had impregnated her with his seed. Undressing and then approaching from behind, he smoothed out his large hands over her bottom. He gave her a light slap on her right cheek before moving his fingers in between her thighs.
Finding her clit, he gently stimulated her, ensuring she would be well lubricated upon his entry. He worked her slowly, enjoying the sexy little sounds she made as she chased after her orgasm. He felt her tense up and moan. She arched her back and wiggled her bottom in pleasure as she came, he felt the juices flow over his fingers.
James applied his cock to her opening and slid into her with ease. He began to slowly thrust, his muscular buttocks and thighs taut with power. But he didn’t use that power, instead, he gave her a gentle steady rhythm. Because she was pregnant, James didn’t feel comfortable ramming her into submission as before. He didn’t want to hurt her or the baby, so he was careful.
But of course Jendayi always pleaded for him to go harder.
“James, harder!” she whined with vexation.
“No, princess. After the baby I’ll fuck you good and hard, but not now.”
She fussed a little more, but eventually quieted down and just enjoyed what her husband was offering her. James closed his eyes and slowly edged deep into her, trying to control his impulse to rail her pussy. Finding it harder to control that need, he allowed himself to climax quickly, his seed spilling out from him and filling her core.
After he was finished, he held her in one arm and stroked her baby bump with the other hand.
“Jenny, we need to talk to the doctor about your moods. I’m worried about you.” He said.
“Okay…I’m sorry I can’t help it sometimes, I just feel like I’m so overwhelmed. I know I’m being a bitch.”
“No, don’t say that. I’m just not good at this. I’m scared about becoming a father too, Jen.”
She moved her head to look up at him. “You are?”
“Yeah, my dad wasn’t exactly the best. I worry that I won’t be either,” he confided.
Jendayi idly rubbed her hand back and forth over her bump. “Do you want to know the sex?”
It was James' turn to look down at her. “What? I thought you wanted to wait until the baby was born?”
“I couldn’t help it and I found out last week. Do you want to know?”
“I do, is it a boy?”
She shook her head. “It’s a girl.”
“Damn it, now I’ll never rest again. A boy, at least I’d be proud when he loses his virginity. With a girl, I’ll have to kill the boy that takes hers.”
“Yes, you’re going to be the scary dad that won’t let any boy near his daughter.”
“That’s for damn sure,” He growled.
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