#Colin Shea x Reader
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 5 months ago
Smile Like You Mean It 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, bullying, humiliation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Colin Shea, Rafe Cameron (Professor AU)
Summary: you're trying to grow up but you keep getting pushed back down.
Part of the Bad Professors AU
Note: Please leave some feedback and reblog <3 As always, I love to chat with you all. 
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College is supposed to be a new start. You're supposed to be an adult. Sophisticated and mature. Too bad you're still figuring out how to be functional. 
It's all the more obvious how behind you are as you sit in the student centre with a can of diet coke. Alone. Watching. Coveting. 
The girls, no, women, with their contour and lululemons and blown out hair. They walk together, gabbing and giggling, with a Stanley or branded coffee cup in hand. They are of the moment and you're once more falling behind. 
You look down at you Gap hoodie and polka dot leggings. Admittedly, the Walmart couture isn't exactly cutting edge. And your crocks don't do much for the look. Or your hair and bare face.  
It isn't for lack of trying. No oil or serum could tame the beast on your head, and you couldn't figure out how to line your lids without squiggles. So you settled for the bare minimum. Hygiene and clean clothes. Hmmm, you did wear the hoodie yesterday too. 
You're trying but that doesn't mean it's good enough.  You put your head down and stare at the curled red C on the can. Well, the year's just started, you can make some good friends... just maybe not the barbie dolls. 
As you take another sip of soda, a figure walks by but is met with catastrophe. His bag catches on the back of the empty chair across from you and he reels back. You watch him untangle himself and his pale blue eye flick up to meet yours. 
He wears one of those blue letterman jackets you've seen around. A jock or frat or both. They are often chasing the heels of the glamorous coeds. 
"Oh, hey," he chuckles as he fixes his messenger bag, "I'm a mess, huh?" 
You shake your head. You can't get the words out; 'it's fine' or even a congenial 'so am I'. You can't even muster a smile. That's your other problem. You go mute in the face of interest. 
"You okay? Did I scare ya?" He asks as he drags his hand over his fluffy blond hair. 
You just blink. Say something, idiot. 
"I'm not always mess," he smirks as he grips the back of the chair. Why is he hanging around? "I'm Colin, actually." 
You can't help but crack. Your cheek dimple and one corner of your lips curve. That's a really stupid joke. 
"And you are, sunshine?" He leans forward. 
You look around. It feels off. It has to be a joke, right? There's nothing but milling bodies and chattering students. 
"Auburn," you voice scratches in your throat. 
"Auburn," he purrs back, "I like that." He smirks, "hey, Aubby," his shoulders slant, "can I sit here? This place is packed." 
You stare at him and shrug. You can't say anything but you definitely can't say no. He winks and drops into the seat, dumping his bag on the floor next to his feet. 
"So, you going to the party tonight?" He asks. 
You frown. Party? You shake your head again.  
"No? Why not? Everyone's going." He says.  
Not me. I'm not cool. You just show your hands as your voice stays stuck in your chest. 
"Huh, too good for us? I get it. You got more important things to do than stop by Delta. I can accept that, Aubby. I'm used to it," he pouts, "all the pretty girls say no." 
Pretty? You try not to make a face. You take a drink of coke. You can do it. 
"I... wasn't invited," you utter. 
"Ah, there's that sweet voice," he leans forward on his elbows. "Well, babe, I'm inviting you. So how about it?" 
You stare back at him. Again. Boy, he’s going to think you’re real dumb. You purse your lips and nod. Why not? You’ve been looking for friends. This isn’t going to be high school all over again. 
Well, you can start by wearing something a little less... schlubby to this party. 
He smiles and slaps the table, “see, I knew when I looked at you that you were the one. Here, I’ll get your number and send you the details.” 
You take your phone out and hand it over. The case is scuffed and tan. It’s not sparkly like the ones you’ve seen in the manicured hands of the other girls on campus. He doesn’t seem to notice as he types with his wide thumbs. He gives it back and sends you another wink. 
“See ya tonight, Aubby,” he stands. “I gotta make sure there’s enough drinks so can’t stick around.” He bends to pick up his bag. “You’re not gonna stand me up, are ya?” You shake your head once more. He grins and snaps his fingers. “Later.” 
As he leaves, your eyes wander around the cafeteria. You see a girl in grey converse and a hoodie kinda like yours. She’s not watching where she’s going. She walks right into a man in a suit, her coffee spilling across his back. He rears on her as you watch on as a silent witness. 
He snarls and she babbles back. He stalks off angrily and she stands there blankly. She forgets almost immediately as she looks at the container in her hand. She’s the first girl you’ve seen that doesn’t make you want to hide. 
You get up and grab some napkins on your way over. You approach her as her coffee drips down her hand. You offer it quietly and she flinches as she notices. 
“Oh, jeez, thanks,” she chuckles. “Can ya hold this for me?” You nod and take her container. She balances the coffee as she wipes the side and her fingers. “I’m fucking idiot sometimes. I was so focus on the noodles.” Her eyes skitter around, “shit fuck, this place is crowded, huh?” 
She looks at you as she crumples the napkin and reaches out. You hand over the container. She narrows her eyes. 
“Quiet, huh? Well, shit, I just can’t stop talking,” she tuts. 
“Um...” you swallow tightly. “I got a table...” you point back to where you left your stuff. 
She tilts her head, “thanks, that’s nice but... okay. I guess things can’t get any worse.” 
You perk up and turn around to lead the way. If you can get a few more words out, you might just be able to call it a successful day. 
“I’m Ash, by the way,” she says as she sets her things down and you sit across from her. 
“Auburn,” you return. 
“Ash and Auburn. One more and we could be musketeers or something,” she kids as she settles in. 
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syntheticavenger · 1 month ago
enamel - three
enam·​el • to beautify with a colorful surface
ransom drysdale x female reader
enamel masterlist
words: 2K
warnings: 18+ ONLY. DNI if you are a minor. Language, more world building, toxic relationship, mentions of past sex, jealousy.
summary | if your marriage to ransom drysdale was a lit match, he’s the kerosene.
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The wine kicks in thirty minutes later than expected, another voicemail on your phone that you let play out, Ransom’s threats no longer thinly veiled. It’s an all out command for you to return home, to stop being childish and come to your senses.
”Selfish son of a bitch,” you mutter, taking another sip of your Cabernet. 
Being alone is a strange feeling, especially since you hadn’t planned this out in advance. It was a simple whim, a response to once again feeling like you weren’t enough. The flirting had gone on longer than you had expected, the burning jealousy propelling you to want to make a scene, to embarrass the both of you. Your self-control will never let you falter in such a way, to show that side of yourself that you only show to him when you’re alone.
Somehow, deep down, you know Ransom was betting on you to break and that unnerves you the most. He’s the balance when you’re finding yourself going too far, relegating you both to the car to argue in private, to have make up sex in private, to apologize in your own way in private.
Too close for comfort this time.
Still, you let your mind wander to the man who caught your attention. A slight boyish smile, a sense of unbridled freedom that you haven’t let yourself ever have.
”Colin,” you say out loud, testing his name on your tongue.
You’ve got to hand it to him. The small crowd of people waiting to check in and he gave you his undivided attention, even bringing up your dinner himself, something you didn’t overlook. It’s almost too easy to let your mind linger to what ifs: what if you flirted back to have a story to hang over Ransom’s head. Maybe you’d get caught up in the ego build up, bask in feeling like you’ve gotten someone’s gaze that isn’t Ransom’s.
It’s always only temporary. Ransom clouds your thoughts again, wondering if he’s pacing in the living room or upstairs, his number flashing across the screen once more.
For once, you got smart and turned off your location. Which is probably why he’s going off the rails - access to you was a given and taken for granted.
When his number lights up once more, you scoff.
Access to you is a privilege. 
He’ll learn that lesson eventually.
”Bastard,” you hiss, turning your phone over and looking out at the view of the city.
After his fifth message, the tension in his shoulders makes him shudder, looking at his phone and knowing deep down that you won’t respond.
At least not right now.
The brunette had been fun to lead on but there was zero chance he’d ever entertain keeping her company outside of what little attention he’d paid her. It was enough for you to get riled up, Ransom’s eyes following your own the entire time you stared, sometimes forgetting to finish your own thought when you were in the middle of a conversation.
The sheets still smell like you - faint perfume that cost a small fortune that he got you for your birthday that you’ve been obsessed with. He inhales for a moment, remembering the night prior when you were under him, fingers scoring his back and eventually leaving puncture marks when he hit a spot that made you nearly feral. There’s a sense of entitlement he enjoys, knowing that you’re aware of how he can find every single spot in and on your body to bring you to your knees.
He’d like to see that juiced personal trainer of yours to even try.
Flopping onto his back, Ransom stares at the ceiling, phone still in hand as he secretly wishes that you’d return his phone call. As it stands, he’s dodging the brunette, who can’t take a hint that he’s not interested. These little games he likes to play usually don’t last long and they can take a hint - but not her. Blocking her number, he swipes through some pictures of you and him during your winter holiday in Switzerland the year prior, your happy smile lighting up the room under the backdrop of pristine, fresh white snow.
Turning off your location is new, the picture app swiped away as he focuses on looking at your pretty face on his screen.
For a moment, he wonders if he’s gone a little too far, only to remember Jake Jensen standing in his kitchen.
”Serves you right,” he grumbles, thinking back to how Walt had gleefully told him you left.
You should be home now, next to him, poking him in the chest to make sure you relay your opinions on how he treats you. It’s a preamble to how you want him to treat you in other ways, demanding tone turning into breathy sobs when he takes you into his arms.
Your jealousy is like a powder keg, something Linda had warned him from the get go when he’d proposed. She’d cautioned him on teasing you, giving him a road map of a woman’s emotions among a reformed playboy like him.
For a while, he had listened. But under the surface, he liked to coax out your wild side, the sharp tongued insults you’d hurl at the women who dared to get close. Unafraid of your own emotions, willing to show a passionate side of yourself that you had reserved for just him.
And he had wanted more of it.
Publically was even better because he reaped the rewards at home.
For the first time, he’s rendered speechless at your distance, almost wondering if he should make a few phone calls to track you down. Oddly enough, he’s not worried - yet. With a quick view of the credit card, he smirks at the charge.
”Stubborn,” he says to the ceiling, closing his eyes. “At least you have good taste.”
Normally Colin Shea isn’t interested in the clientele who patronize this boutique hotel, the exorbitant rates enough to keep normal travelers away. There’s something about you, the way you’d asked for a room, credit card in hand before he even had to ask, determined to take no for an answer as Colin had furrowed his brow to wonder if there were any rooms left. The big rock on your finger meant you were probably a trophy wife, something that filled him with disgust for even thinking so until you’d rambled off your last name.
He’d known that name well. Joni Thrombey had done a few seminars at the hotel across the street, opting to stay here so that people wouldn’t follow her. If you asked him, he wasn’t even sure if she was able to garner any sort of recognition by her name only. 
Knowing his luck, a simple phone call to the usual suspects that ask about the patrons who are lucky enough to get a reservation, a tip that a disgruntled wife of a rich man would be enough for someone to talk about it but Colin has never been the sort to even attempt to get involved in someone else’s business, let alone report out to the masses.
You were running from something, looking over your shoulder more than once while he processed your reservation, no bags for the bellhop to take up as you quickly muttered that you just needed to get away for a night, only to call down a few minutes later to order dinner.
He didn’t have to deliver it himself. There was that pesky sense of curiosity and the smooth talking to the server who was trying to get off a little early that he could do it himself. What Colin didn’t expect was you to answer the door, barefoot and nearly teary eyed, pulling the strap of your dress up over your shoulder. 
For a short moment, he dreamed of punching Ransom Drysdale right in his smug face for making you upset.
He had to calm himself down to thinking such a thought, stepping inside of the hotel room to place your food down, even uncorking the wine and pouring you a glass to start. 
The clock shows an ungodly time when he finally glances up from his computer, rubbing his eyes for a moment before deciding to take a break. The amount of call outs for a Celtic’s game had him pulling a double - not that he minds it, he needs to make rent this month, after all. 
There’s a little space that he can retreat to, grabbing his backpack before heading toward the elevator.
By the time he takes the steps up to the top of the hotel, he’s aware that he’s not alone, the door slightly ajar. His suspicion is at high alert, moving through the next set of steps to the chairs that some of the servers have left out when they need a smoke break and a view.
The last person he expects to see is you, drinking straight from the bottle of wine, your dress hiked up to your thighs while you look out at the glittering lights from the city.
“I was wondering who found my hiding spot,” Colin says, breaking the silence when you look over your shoulder at the sound of his voice.
”I used to climb rooftops when I was a teenager. Felt a little freeing,” you say with a shrug. “And if this is your hiding spot, it’s not exactly a secret. I scared two people who tried to come up here.”
Colin takes a seat next to you, rummaging through his backpack while your stare follows him. He pulls out a sandwich from the deli down the street, opening it quickly before slowing down his movements.
”You want some?” He offers, seeing you shake your head.
”Thanks but I’m good. Probably should stop drinking but,” you pause, taking another long sip. “This wine was fucking expensive. It would be a waste if I stopped.”
He wants to ask why you’re up here, not to scare you into going back down but because you don’t seem like the sort to do something spontaneous like finding yourself at the top of a hotel, drinking from a wine bottle without a care in the world.
Or maybe it’s the wine talking, he isn’t sure.
He decides to be brave and ask anyway.
”What brings you up here?”
You look up at the blanket of stars in the sky and back to him.
”I needed to breathe.”
He nods, knowing that feeling all too well.
With another sip, you cradle the bottle to your chest.
”What about you?” You counter.
”Same. World gets a little suffocating sometimes.”
”Tell me about it,” you agree, looking down at your phone, eyes narrowing at the time. “Shit, I need to sleep. Check out is at what, ten?”
”Eleven. Unless you want a later check out. Not that I would say anything.”
You waver for a moment, unlocking your phone to take a picture of the skyline and then back at him, Colin giving you a thumbs up in the picture with a smile. You laugh at the action, carefully hoisting yourself up as you teeter for a second, taking a deep breath.
”You have a goodnight, Colin, wearer of many hats.”
He watches you carefully as you go down the steps, bottle in hand. You move with such grace that he’s not even sure if you’re as drunk as you seem, possibly an act for sympathy - or you’re just conditioned to draw back any authenticity before you reach the door.
“Leave the door open!” Colin calls out, seeing the door open slightly.
You’re gone in an instant, leaving him to wonder what you’re all about as he takes a bite of his sandwich.
Ransom sleeps past his alarm, the sun hitting him squarely in the eyes when he finally wakes, lulled into a false sense of security by a dream he had of you.
It comes crashing down when he realizes you still aren’t home, looking at his phone to find a picture you sent. It isn’t of you but a random man, giving a thumbs up to the camera under cover of darkness. He studies the picture for a long while, a cold smile coming over his features.
It’s not the personal trainer this time but a hotel employee, judging by the name tag. Ransom expands the picture to look closer.
”Colin,” he says to himself, saving the picture to his phone. “What were you doing with my wife, hmm?”
Pulling himself out of bed, he heads to the shower, thinking just how he’ll get all the answers to his questions.
He’ll go right to the source.
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cottagecheese1 · 7 months ago
unhinged worlds 4
summary: A few years after your father died, your mother marries a new man, to you having a new family meant new beginnings, but what happens when your new beginning comes spiraling apart just because of the people that made them.
paring: dark stepdad Andy Barber x reader x dark dbf Lloyd Hansen x reader x dark stepbrother Johnny storm x reader x dark bbf Colin Shea. warnings- (DDLG undertones) stepcest, Johnny is NOT Andy's biological father, he is the adopted son. smut, do not engage if you are uncomfortable with any of the following, spanking, blackmail, p in v, edging, thigh riding, oral, fingering.
Series master list right here
Another day, that's what you always seem to think when you wake up and the sun burns through your eyelids, when the seemingly 8 hours of sleep comes to an end, but this morning just seemed worse than the other ones. Mostly because you knew and dreaded what was coming as Andy grumbled, and pulled you tighter to his bare chest as he tried to hide away from the sun peaking through the blinds.
As you laid there stiff, scared, and a bit shocked at the previous night activities circulated through your head, but one seemed to never stop nagging you. You close your eyes and furrow your eyebrows thoughtlessly, as you recall the conversation the night before that Andy had brought up, and had desperately scared you when he mentioned a man named Lloyd. Who was this man? Your heartbeat quickens at the thought of another man coming in with the intentions of the men who were supposed to love, and protect you when your mother went away.
Andy grumbles and tosses around some more and you tense up and mentally curse yourself, secretly hoping for some more time with your thoughts, as you sigh in defeat and hear stomping and kitchen drawers being pulled open roughly. Andy groans and you feel him lean over the top of your head and pepper kisses all over the side of your face with a hum, while he strokes your sweater covered arm with a smug smile.
“Morning' honey..how did you sleep babygirl?” Andy says with a deep rumble as he strokes a stray piece of hair away from your face when you refuse to look at him.
You pause for a moment and your real response races through your head, scared, worried, afraid. Knowing that's not an answer he’d accept you sigh, “Fine.”
He looks at you with a little irritation when you cut him a short answer, and he sighs with annoyance, “Honey..I know you're angry, but you better knock the attitude off before I do..”
Andy grabs your face roughly, forcing you to look at him and his expression softens, “Daddy loves you sweetheart, but the last thing I wanna do is punish you first thing in the morning. Especially when we have a guest coming over today”, he smiles softly and loosens the grip on your cheeks slightly.
You nod slowly, and you notice how quickly his temper rises and falls within all of 40 seconds. You force yourself to give a small smile and sit up slowly. Not wanting to provoke the larger man in some way, your mouth feels dry and croaky as you open your mouth to suggest something, “we should..”, but the words get caught in your throat and you manage to force them out anyway, “we should get some breakfast..”
Andy chuckles and leans in closer, inches away from your face and pushes you back down flat to the mattress, “ah, give me a kiss first and we can go eat..” he smiles smugly and brushes your hair back.
Chills seem to run up your spine and you swallow nervously, while managing to keep your small smile, you lean up slowly to press a small kiss to his lips. Before you can pull back Andy grabs the back of your head gently with a bit of roughness, as he deepens the kiss and manages to slide his tongue in while he hums in contentment. Your eyes widen and attempt to push him away as you plant your hands on either side of his broad shoulders, and after a moment of him enduring your struggle, Andy finally pulls away with a chuckle while leaning over you.
“Just having some fun honey..no need to act like that”, Andy winks with a smile and lets you sit up. He gets out of bed, watching him throw on a plain white T-shirt with some gray sweatpants, and you both hear a knock on the door.
“Hey! Can you two hurry up already..Lloyds been bitching about wanting to see her already”, You furrow your eyebrows and what you can make out to be Johnny on the other side of the door, and then you realize that the man you’ve been scared to meet is on the other side of the room.
You glance over to Andy and he rolls his eyes while he lets out a huff, “tell him to hold on..! And that he’s in my house” he yells loud enough to where Johnny can hear, and Andy glances over at you while walking over to your side of the bed, then kneeling down to grip your hands in his larger ones as he stares into your worried expression, “I know your scared honey, and trust me. I was gonna talk to you about this, but he came earlier than expected, so all you need to do is be a good girl..can you do that for Daddy?” he says softly and for a moment you feel safe.
You nod your head and get up out of bed, in only Andy’s sweater and panties. Before you look at the door nervously and you glance behind you to see Andy's hands on your shoulders softly as he smiles down at you, “um..can I get some shorts.? Or pants would be ok to..” You say nervously.
Andy hums softly and nods, before looking down at your bare legs and panty clad ass in front of him, “of course honey..I don’t want anyone else seeing that pretty ass first thing in the morning either..” he winks before pulling out a pair of shorts that he seemed to take from your room, and you sigh in relief as he hands them to you.
Taking the shorts eagerly, you slide them on quickly as Andy watches you hungrily. A twitch to his cock makes him groan a bit when you bend over, his disappointment shows when you stand back up, turning back around to look at him and he gives a hum in contentment while motioning you out the door, which leads straight into the kitchen.
You turn the door handle and push the door open in unwanted anticipation. You feel Andy push you further out the door like you were a scared puppy, and he leans down to whisper slowly into your ear, “Remember to be a good girl..” a shiver runs through your spine and you nod.
“Morning sweetheart, you got a special someone who wants to see you..” Colin teases you playfully before Johnny elbows him in the side, before smiling at you with a bit of a mischievous glint to his eyes.
You try to ignore the two men standing in the kitchen before you see a taller man walk from behind the two boys, and you feel Andy's grip tighten on your hips as the man walks closer. He smiles down at you and pulls you roughly away from Andy with a laugh, “There's my pumpkin.! Oh look at you, such a cutie..gotta nice ass too”, the man known as Lloyd pulls you into his chest and gropes your ass playfully.
The mustached man leads you into the living room, and you can faintly hear Andy groan in the back while the laughter of Johnny and Colin stop. Lloyd sits down on the couch and pulls you roughly onto his lap, “Oh come to daddy pumpkin.. I just couldn’t wait to see you sugar, I know you're tired of these fucker-”, Lloyd gets cut off by hands grunt.
“I’m daddy, you moron..why didn’t you tell me you were coming this early?” Andy says with irritation, and Lloyd just shoots Andy an amused grin while pulling you closer into him and pressing a soft kiss on your cheek, which confuses you.
“Then I can be daddy when you're not around dickhead..like I said I was saying, I just couldn’t wait to see my pumpkin so I wanted to get here as early as possible..how about you sugar? You wanna ride in daddy's private jet? I think you do..” Lloyd coos at you as he grabs your cheeks teasingly, before Johnny scoffs behind him.
“She’s not going anywhere with you..let alone back to wherever you came from” Johnny states with a little humor in his voice, and you shuffle awkwardly on his lap. They aren’t actually gonna let his weirdo take you home with him right?
Andy immediately pipes into the conversation and waves his hand in a dismissing motion, “no, no, no..your not taking her anywhere with you, let alone on a plane or since I’m already pissed off at you” he says sternly while crossing his arms, and you just decide to stay put and listen.
“Oh stop being a little bitch, I’ll show her a good time..she behaves so well anyway” He scoffs for a minute before turning back to you with a teasing smile as you sit uncomfortably in his lap and look the other way.
Your actions seem to make a rise out of him and he grabs you face to make you look at him, and his hand wonders under your shirt until he pinches your nipples, and you jolt a bit and whine which seems to make everyone chuckle except for Andy, “Such a good girl..quiet as a mouse to aren’t you pumpkin? You haven’t even said a word to me yet”, he smiles and caresses your cheek softly, and you whine when he pinches your peaked nipples much rougher this time.
Colin seems to laugh at that and join in, “She's shy..barely even said more than a few sentences to us, not to mention how pretty she was whining. Desperate to cum when her pussy was getting some special kisses isn't that right baby?” Colin teases you relentlessly as his mocking tone makes you put your head down in embarrassment.
Lloyd Laughs at your shyness, and everyone seems to laugh along, including Andy. Lloyd tilts your chin up to look at him and runs his thumb over your bottom lip, before he slides his hand down your flimsy shorts and you whimper, looking at Andy for some kind of help but he just groans in amusement and adjusts the bulge in his sweatpants. As does everyone else and you can’t help but feel like you're being used. Mocked.
“Is that right pumpkin? Well you're shy now but you won’t be once I give you some special attention..daddy will make sure to spoil his princess” Lloyd teases and rubs your damp pussy through your cotton panties and you let out a soft moan and lean back against him.
“That's right baby girl..nothing wrong with a little attention, you like it don’t you?” Lloyd whispers lowly into your ear as you feel his thick fingers slide past your panties and you squeeze your thighs together in unwanted pleasure, as the others behind you groan in pleasure and you feel your climax coming closer than ever.
You grid against Lloyds fingers needily and let out shameless soft moans as he rubs quick small circles on your clit while he smiles at your neediness. “Thats it pumpkin..I know your close, go ahead and cum” he says deeply and you feel the coil in your lower stomach unravel and you let out a moan and slump back against Lloyd, as he takes his fingers covered in your juices and sucks them clean while the others smile and look down at you with lust and desire as your eyes are half lidded in pleasure, Andy chuckles.
“That was real sweet baby, but way more where that came from...”, Andy says darkly while Lloyd lays your back on the couch, and suddenly your back where you started out.
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A/n: Sorry it took me so long to continue, let me know if you have any recommendations for part 5
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lives-in-midgard · 1 year ago
Christmas fic Recommendation
On this Masterlist you can find some of my favorite Christmas themed fics I've read. Let's show those amazing writers some love and enjoy their storys.
If you would like to check out the Christmas one shots that I wrote click here.
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Bucky Barnes:
Christmas miracle by @buckys-wintersoldier
Christmas Tree Farm by @bucky-barnes-diaries
Daughter’s First Snowfall by @sergeantbarnessdoll
Decorating The Christmas Tree by @sergeantbarnessdoll
Christmas Magic by @obsessedwithseb
Finding the Christmas Spirit by @mrsbuckybarnes1917
Snowman by @mrsbarnesblog
Holiday Treats by @im-a-marvel-ous-hoe
Mistletoe by @sergeantbarnessdoll
Steve Rogers:
Forever yours by @nicoline1998enilocin
Dough fight by @buckys-wintersoldier
Advent Season by @lokisbiiiitch1993
Mistletoe Magic by @lokisbiiiitch1993
Natasha Romanoff:
Holiday Spirit by @yelenasdiary
Secret Santa by @romanoffshouse
Colin Shea:
Christmas tree accident by @buckys-wintersoldier
Chris Evans:
Christmas Goats by @buckys-wintersoldier
Making cookies with Chris by @cevansbaby-dove
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jamneuromain · 1 year ago
JAMMY'S 500 Followers Celebration
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Thank you all for achieving this milestone. My thanks and appreciation are beyond words at this point (//∇//)
In light of this achievement, I'm starting my first celebration ever. Rules are as follows⬇️
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🙈 [I don't write hardcore BDSM, or elements such as incest or bestiality]👈
🕓 The time limit for sending in requests for this celebration event is 11/23-12/23👈
✍ Select two or three from my most commonly used emojis + a cevans character and send them to my inbox. I'll start writing the one-shot based on how these emojis could form a story.👈
So slip into my inbox, anon or not, and send a little something that you'd like to read! 😌❤️ (I'm also working on a few asks on AWOB sry it's taking so long😭)
Questions? Comments? Requests? 👉Send them to my inbox👂
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Ticking-bomb: Curtis wants his cream, and he doesn't mean the cream on the cake.
Bad B*tch: Jake is in a tough spot with a terrible person around. You choose to be the bitch and snap him out of it.
Payback Time: Ransom is getting his payback for you, public enemy No.1.
Hearty-eyes: You are sure you can't be heard, or at least, understood when you thirst over coach Ari Levinson in your native language.
Take Care: Lloyd is going to take care of you.
Not Him: You met someone unexpected, your ex, Steve, on your way to your class. What's the worst that could happen? Answer: Andy happened.
Disguise: It's your first mission, and Captain America has told you to disguise yourself. You've followed that order to a "T".
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years ago
How about reader and Colin watching world cup or some sport games
And when one player who reader support lifts his shirt and reader was like 🫠🫠🫠🤤🤤🤤
I really adore a lit jealous Colin and maybe smut in the end 🤤🤤🤤
As for bear Ari, how do they through the winter together?
hey honey, I'm sorry for the poorly written smut, but I hope you enjoy it! also, I think bear Ari would get through the winter well with his little fairy.
summary - colin gets jealous by how you stare at some other guy.
warning - smut, jealousy.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Colin didn’t like this. He didn’t like this at all. He thought you might sit to watch some random sports channel with him, get bored, and beg him for cuddles. But no, here you are, mouth agape as you stare at the shirtless athlete. His eyes squint as he swears there’s drool dripping from the side of your mouth. Colin huffs, “What do you even see in that guy? His abs aren’t even that impressive.” 
You blink, a pout growing on your lips as you turn your head to look at him. “What do you mean?” You turn your attention back to the tv and gawk at the handsome man, licking your lips as your eyes drag down his chiselled sweaty body. “He’s like… A god… So, perfect… So beautiful, I mean… Have you ever seen someone with a body like that?” You miss the growl that escapes him, a darkened look in his eyes, not noticing him moving slowly closer to you. 
Colin couldn’t take it anymore. He could feel his heart squeezing inside his chest at the thought of you finding another man more attractive than him. The green monster enters his body, making him only see green as you continue to ogle another man. You gasp as Colin grips the back of your neck and turns your head to face him. Your widened eyes meet his lust-filled ones, and a soft whimper escapes you as he crashes his lips into yours. He pushes you down onto the couch, climbing on top of you and pressing his lips harder into you, slipping his tongue inside your mouth. “You’re mine.”
You whimper as he grinds his bulge into your sopping cunt. His lips move against yours as if they're dancing, his tongue dominating yours before he disconnects, pulling away to watch the string of saliva break, and he buries his face into your neck, licking, sucking and biting on it. Colin feels his cock throb from the little whimpers that slip from your lips, and your nails dig into his back as he presses himself harder against you, grunting at the feeling of your damp knickers. “C–Colin… F–feels good, please….” You whine, hand moving up his back and to his hair, running your hands through the silky strands as your back arches. 
His lips crash into yours again, hips moving faster against you, and one hand grips your hips while the other cups your cheek. His end approaches quickly, grunts and groans filling the room as rubbing against you feels too good. Your little legs wrap around him, hips moving to chase his movements, your eyes slip close as you fall deeper into his kiss and the bliss of pleasure coming from your core. “You going to cum, baby? Gonna cum in your little knickers, hmm? Gonna cum just from me rubbing against you, such a naughty slut.” You moan, and your eyes roll back as you feel your juices gush out of you, turning red with embarrassment. Colin grunts, looking down to see the wet patch on the front of his undies, feeling his cock twitch. “Jesus, baby. Gonna make me cum like a goddamn teenager.” His pace picks up more, grinding harder into you until he feels thick spurts of cum shoot out of his tip and fill his boxers. 
You whine, shivering with pleasure as you watch him cum, biting your lip as you stare at the panting man with half-lidded eyes. Colin’s eyes open, catching yours before smirking. “Think you’ll be watching another man now?” You nod, and he looks at you, shocked.
“If it makes you react like this, I’ll continue to do it.” You giggle.
“Why, you little–” He cuts off as he tickles you, smiling down at you as you burst out into laughter, begging him to stop.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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Crushed Masterlist
Summary: Your next door neighbours hook up, bringing to surface deep-seated feelings. (Colin Shea, Jonathan Pine)
Status: In Progress
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 2 years ago
Colin Shea Masterlist
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Fics with a ❤️‍🔥 contain smut and are 18+. MINORS DNI!
I do not have a schedule please don’t ask when updates will be!
One Shots
New Neighbour
Daddy Daughter Day
Not Another Conquest
Make it up to you ❤️‍🔥
Miracle Maker
Break the Rules ❤️‍🔥
Moving Day Surprise ❤️‍🔥
Glastonbury Adventures  ❤️‍🔥
In The Middle Of The Night
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 4 months ago
Smile Like You Mean It 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, bullying, humiliation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Colin Shea, Rafe Cameron (Professor AU)
Summary: you’re trying to grow up but you keep getting pushed back down.
Part of the Bad Professors AU
Note: Please leave some feedback and reblog <3 As always, I love to chat with you all. 
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Your new dress isn’t quite new. Yet, it’s better than anything you brought from home. You can’t afford the designer looks but you found a nice dupe. You think. There was a tiktok of a similar outfit, though your vans don’t quite compliment the look. Well, how many people are going to be looking at your feet. Or looking at you. 
It’s too bad your new friend, Ash, had to rush off to get her books. You could have used the moral support and yet, it’s a bit too early to be inviting her places, isn’t it? And to think of it, Colin invited you, not anyone else. 
You check your phone as you walk across campus. Your tights do little against the cold and make your thighs itch. You clutch the strap of your purse, the fringe swaying with each step.  
You hear the party before you get to it. As you walk up, the windows glow against the backdrop of the evening and tiki torches are lit to light the folding tables of red cups and chips and other things. Some bounce balls into the cups as the guests already there cluster around and chatter at a blustering volume. 
You shrink at the precipice of the walk that divides the grass. Music pumps from within, churning in the air with the garbling voices. The front door is wide open as people come and go. You’re nearly knocked off your feet as two guys in the blue jackets brush past you. 
You exhale and make yourself go forward. You grip your phone tight and look down at the screen. You should text Colin and figure out where he is. You’re distracted from sending the message as you pass a girl being crushed by a guy against the siding.  
They make out sloppily, the girl seemingly helpless to his affections as he pens her in. She has her hands on his chest as he clamps her head tight. She wears corduroy skirt and puffy blouse. It’s not exactly cutting edge. 
You peek at the other guests. You prepared for tall blondes and gorgeous brunettes. All the other girls are pretty and yet they aren’t the lululemon, PSL-guzzling coeds you marvel at. They’re just like you... 
“Aubby!” The voice booms like thunder and centers your anxiety.  
You look at Colin with wide eyes as he approaches. Oh my. He’s wearing his jacket but no shirt under it. There are blue emblems painted on his buff chest. Your eyes skim the lines of his tight muscles.  
“There you are, baby doll,” he nears and drapes his arm across your shoulder. “You get a drink? You need a drink.” 
You let him take over easily. Your voice remains elusive. 
“See, I love that about you, Auburn. You’re so gentle and quiet. You let a man take control. Just the way it should be,” he squeezes you against him. “Fuck, I’m all over the place. Did I tell you that dress is hot as hell?” 
You look down and hug yourself. You don’t know that anyone ever complimented your clothes. There wasn’t really anything to like about them. Or you. 
“Let me give you a lay of the land...” he declares as he grabs a red cup from another table and hands it to you. You accept it as he claims on for himself. 
He walks you through the house, yapping about the fraternity and how they have pledges serving the drinks. You notice they don’t have jackets and are dressed in tight spandex shorts and feather boas. You try not to stare. 
You taste the beer. You don’t drink. You never saw the need for it. You always overheard the girls in English talking about getting lit and waking up face down but you were never in with them, and that didn’t really sound too fun. 
“Eh, there he is,” Colin booms and makes you flinch. “Rafe,” he lets you go to the dab up the other guy. He’s a bit more slender than Colin, his hair is longer and floppy, and his eyes look a bit sleepy. “Aubby, this is the best guy in the place. Rafe, this is Auburn... my date.” 
Date? Your eyes flicker. Is that what this is? 
“Uh... hi,” you force out and nearly cough. 
Rafe’s brows tilt and he looks at Colin, “she’s quiet,” the latter says.  
“Cute,” the other replies as he gives you a look up and down. “I been making the rounds. Making sure everyone’s cozy.” 
“Right, right,” Colin says. 
“Good turn out,” Rafe says. “Thing will get going soon.” 
“Sure, well, see ya round, we’re going to try to catch up,” Colin raises his cup and drains it. He turns you past Rafe and presses on. He swallows a belch, “hey, you need another?” 
You look down at your cup. You’ve barely had any. You shake your head. 
“Ah, babe, no problem. You take your time. Lots of beer to go around,” he assures you and waves his cup in the air. A pledge appears to switch it out. You’re embarrassed at all the nakedness. 
“How about we find somewhere quiet? Lots going on, right?” 
You nod. He directs you around a cluster of guys and girls. You get to the stairs and climb with him. He clings to your hand as he drags you down the hall and into a bedroom. He shuts the door and you’re relieved to have the cacophony blocked out. Then all at once, you’re nervous at the reality of being alone with him. 
“I really mean it, that dress looks good on you,” he lets you go and faces you as he bites his thumb, “you got a nice body.” 
You push your legs together and cradle your hot cheek. You slurp the beer before you squeak out a thank you. He smiles. 
“Come on,” he goes to the bed and hops on it. He sits against the head board and slaps the space next to him. You hesitate. “No funny business. I been on my feet all day. That’s it.” 
“Oh, okay,” you murmur. 
You go to the bed and climb up next to him. You put one leg over the other as you extend them and he wraps his arm around your shoulder once more. He pulls himself closer. He takes a drink then puts his cup on the table at his other side. 
“Are you a freshman?” He asks. You nod. “Ah, makes sense. Well, that makes you special. Freshman don’t often get in at Delta.” 
“Really,” you say behind the brim of the cup. 
“Well, baby, I knew you were special when I saw you,” he trails his fingers along your thigh and you twitch in surprise. 
“Yeah, you’re not like other girls. You’re just you. I like that.” He purrs as his other hand rubs your shoulder. “And you’re pretty as all hell.” 
You stare at him, burning to the core. You’ve never been this close to a guy. Never had them being so touchy or sweet. It’s overwhelming. 
“I’m sorry to be a fucking simp but can I kiss you?” He rasps, “I been thinking of it all day.” 
“Kiss?” You echo. “Umm...” 
He gently retracts his hand and grips the cup in your hand. He dislodges it and reaches to set it with his. He turns you again and caresses your cheek. 
“Just a kiss, babe? Please?” 
You stare at him. You are on fire. You can’t speak. Not enough to say no. So, you nod.  
Today has been a day of firsts. Your first friend, your first kiss. It’s the first day of an amazing year, you can feel it. 
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cottagecheese1 · 1 year ago
Chapter 2
summary: A few years after your father died, your mother marries a new man, to you having a new family meant new begging's, but what happens when your new begging comes spiraling apart just because of the people that made them. paring: dark stepdad Andy Barber x reader x dark dbf Lloyd Hansen x reader x dark stepbrother Johnny storm x reader x dark bbf Colin Shea.
warnings- (DDLG undertones) stepcest, Johnny is NOT Andy's biological father, he is the adopted son. smut, do not engage if you are uncomfortable with any of the following, spanking, blackmail, p in v, edging, thigh riding, oral, fingering.
Series master list right here
The day was new, sadly, after last night you didn’t know if leaving your room was a good option in the first place, well of course you’d live, but the embarrassment you felt at the moment made you feel like the world was ending. You always felt a little sensitive and awkward towards every little situation that came your way. When you say it in your head it always sounds like a bad thing even though there are worse things in the world, and you shouldn’t even come close to feeling unfortunate in any situation–or thats what your mother would tell you, at a point your life your mother used to make you feel vain–blaming you for your fathers death saying it was your fault, of course you knew your mother had loved you, I mean she was also going through the grief of losing her husband, you shouldn’t be selfish–thats what she would also tell you.
After a long two hours of laying in bed, you rolled in bed and looked at your alarm clock that read 9:23am, and you could already hear the shuffling and laughter of the boys in the kitchen, deciding to just suffer through it and just hope nobody brings up the previous night, they all probably forgot about it by now, right? You could only hope because you sure haven’t forgotten.
Making your way down the hall where the chuckling and the sizzling of bacon started to make itself more present as you stepped into the kitchen, your head automatically goes down towards the floor when the chatter abruptly stops–the awkward sizzling of bacon mocking you as you walk towards the bread.
Andy stops and turns toward you with a small smile while leaning on the marble countertop, finally deciding to break the silence, “good morning honey, I made breakfast if you’re interested, bacon and uh maybe some pancakes if Johnny will save some for the rest of us.” he says the last part while turning towards a shirtless johnny stuffing his mouth full, mumbling out a “sorry”.
You tilt your head up toward Andy, and grab the bread, “no thanks Andy, maybe later–thanks though–well not that I don’t want any it's just-” you stutter out, until Andy interrupts you with a soft chuckle.
Andy walks behind you–tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before he leaned down to press a small kiss to your temple, “Oh pumpkin, what am I gonna do with you hm? With your cute self.” your cheeks tinted red, and besides that you could hear Johnny, and Colin snickering–probably making fun of you.
Not really knowing how to respond, but suddenly another thought comes to mind–where's your mother? Now curious, you turned and asked Andy, face still red as a beet, “um- where's my mom?” Andy half listens to you as he plays with your hair softly.
“She’s on a business trip, won’t be back for a few weeks, so you get to spend some alone time with us.” Andy says as he smirks.
You advert your gaze back to the toaster and give him a quick “okay”, before turning back around he huffs dramatically grabbing his keys swiftly, but before he heads out, he stops before the two chuckling boys.
“You boys be nice, treat her good until I get home, okay? Oh honey, if you need anything just give me a call, okay? Johnny should help you with anything, if not, I’ll be back around 11:00. Be good you two.”, and at that Andy was out the door, now it’s just you and them.
Johnny sighed and got up dramatically, “I’m gonna go take a shower, you kids have fun.” he said as he walked toward his bedroom.
Now it was just Colin and you, but as soon as you heard the toaster pop up, you scurried to your room–not even bothering to grab the butter–once you got to your room, closing the door you sighed and switched your phone on for the next hour.
After another 30 minutes of contemplating if you should leave your room or not, you do. Opening the door slowly, and walking down the hall to the living room, where you thought watching TV would be an option for you, but Colin seemed to be taking up the couch and the entire atmosphere, and God was it intimidating.
Before you could turn away, and advance to the comfort of your own room–Colin stopped you abruptly. He threw his head back over the back of the couch, and called your name out.
“Hey!- don’t leave, come join me, I’m watching 21 jump street, I want you to come watch it with me.”
He sounded so demanding, but maybe that's just his way of expressing himself, so you watch as he scoots over a tad, and pats the spot next to him. This is when you seem to notice he doesn’t have a shirt on under his thin jacket, but you still sit down awkwardly next to him.
Suddenly he scoots closer to you, and wraps an arm around you, pulling you to him slightly as he says “relax baby, just getting comfortable, you wanna lay on me?”
“Oh, well I’m ok right now, I wouldn’t wanna-” he cuts you off by his own words, “cmon baby, I don’t mind, it's just some friendly cuddles, don’t gotta be all shy about it.” he says the last part chuckling.
You stay silent as he speaks again, “Here–I’ll help you.” Coin grunts a bit as he pulls you on top of him, and pushes your head onto his chest, softly stroking your hair. As much as you’d hate to admit it, it did feel kind of nice, maybe because he was nice and warm, and solid–Colin interrupts your train of thought when he speaks again.
“Isn’t this nice baby? All nice and relaxed…You're such a good girl, you know that?” he says with a mischievous glint in his voice while stroking your back, his voice still vibrating off of you he continues, “So, so quiet. Bet you're a virgin huh? All pure and untouched, from the way you're grinding on my dick and acting all innocent about it, you have to be.”
You feel stiff all the sudden, like you can’t move, now you're overly aware of the fact that his dick is poking your thigh. Then to make things worse he leans down toward your ear, “You know me, and Johnny talked about fucking you last night? Or how adorable you would look trying to wrap your lips around our cocks–and the tears that would run down that pretty face as we both fucked you till you couldn’t walk–or talk–bet you're a cock drunk bitch when you have the chance, huh?”
This is when you really started to freak out, trying to shove away from him eagerly, “Stop! Get off me! Andy will come back any time.”, and Colin just laughed at your plea, which made you slightly confused.
“Oh Baby, you poor girl, Andy’s the worst of both of us, if you knew all the dirty shit he’s said about you, you’d be crying–or well you already are–your new daddy just wants to pound you into his mattress until you're crying honey, and so much more.”
Your eyes widened at his statement, that couldn’t be, Andy cared about you..right? The thoughts that ran a million miles in your head suddenly got interrupted by another presence entering the room. Johnny.
Crying out for him as Colin licked and sucked on your neck, making you whimper pathetically in the process, “Johnny, please get him off of me..” you said pleadingly.
Johnny stared at you mockingly as he bent down to your level, where you still laid beneath Colin helplessly. He stroked the side of your face teasingly before he said, “Now why would I do that hm? Not when you’re whimpering so sweetly baby.” Colin then let up off you, leaning back into the couch, pulling you into his lap in the process as you felt your thighs subconsciously rub together.
After Johnny made his way beside you and Colin–sandwiching yourself between them as result, he stroked your thigh up and down, slowly making his way to your clothed core, “Look how fucking red you are, just from some teasing hm? you wanna feel me sweetheart? Don’t even try to hide how wet you are–bet you haven’t even had your first kiss yet.”
You had to be slightly surprised at his forwardness, no you haven’t had your first kiss yet, but you just told yourself that you're waiting for the right person. Colin chuckled at Johnny’s antics, this is also when you noticed that Johnny was not wearing a shirt–or pants for a matter of fact, this realization made you feel hotter all over.
Colin leaned over and looked at Johnny, “You know the old man won’t like it if we take her first kiss without him being here."
Johnny rolled his eyes and scoffed, still stroking your thighs, “Fuck that old geezer, I'm taking what's min-” Johnny got cut off by a loud slam of a door and jingling of car keys jingling. You three looked over toward the door to see Andy in the doorway, his arms crossed intimidatingly.
“what's going on here fellas..trying to break her in without me?” Andy said with a smirk as he reached the end of his sentence. He walked over to you slowly, and took your small face into both of his large hands, “And what about you honey? Having fun without daddy, hm? Good thing I’m here now.” He ends the last of his words with a chuckle.
Pleading for help wouldn’t even save you right now, after what Johnny and Colin just confessed to you–especially Andy–all you can do is hope for the best.
A/n: sorry for the short late chapter ya'll (I edited it at the end because the order was fucked up for those who were as confused as me.)
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dc418writes · 2 years ago
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✨Pairing✨: NBA!Colin Sheaxblack!reader
Summary🪄: It’s time to settle a long lasting dispute
⚠️: partial nudity, likkle bit of playful, sexual tension, pretty much all fluff in the form of a hilarious game of horse
A/N🎙️: a little sneak peak of a story I’ve been thinking of inspired by the iconic basketball scene from “What’s Your Number?” I hope you guys like it☺️!
“Colin, if you get us arrested I swear-“
“Relax peaches we’ll be fine,” he winks holding open the large, metal door leading to the quiet tunnel.
Knowing Colin everything definitely would not be fine.
The hum of the AC and low squeaks of your sneakers along the linoleum wood - appearing freshly polished from its shine of the few overhead lights on above - is all you hear in the empty arena. Looking around at the vacant seats imagining the cheers and shouts from fans, you understand how it could become addicting.
“And you’re sure you can be in here?”
“I’m a player aren’t I?”
“Yea but not with the Lakers,” you answer. Arms crossed against your chest anxiously biting your lower lip it reminds him of the you he knew from his childhood. Incredibly shy at first, but once comfortable enough around him - and only him at the time - he found just how sassy you could be.
“Will you tell me why we’re here now?”
A grin spreads along his pink lips squatting down to his duffle. “We’re gonna settle this once and for all.”
Watching as he removes the orange and black basketball, you suck your teeth before huffing a laugh of disbelief.
“Are you serious right now? Colin it’s one am.”
“And neither of us could sleep, so what better way to kill time?,” he responds as he repeatedly bounces the ball. Of course he knew of a better way that would definitely tire both of you out, but with your situation this would have to do. “Or do you not wanna play because you’ll have to cheat again to beat me?”
“I didn’t cheat! It’s not my fault you were off your game that day.” Little did you know the reason was you and all the feelings you awoke in your childhood friend that he didn’t fully understand until becoming an adult.
“We’ll see.” He bounces the ball a few more times warming it up - even dribbling between his legs in cocky yet impressive fashion - before passing to you. Your finger pads running along the smooth yet bumpy surface bring back so many memories you’ve desperately tried to forget.
Although some of your happiest times, the unresolved trauma always had to tag along growing obnoxiously louder the longer you reminisced.
Colin lightly bouncing on the balls of his feet flapping his arms like a chicken is his tactic to spur you on. Smirking as you narrow your pretty brown eyes, he sees it’s working.
“You’re so childish. It’s been over 10 years and you’re still thinking about that game?”
“Fine,” he stops, taking a step closer to you. “No more kids games. We play See-Horse.”
Colin nods with that famous boyish grin. “Still horse. But every shot you miss, I’m gonna see a lot more of you. And vice versa.”
“So..basically strip horse,” you state trying to ignore that pesky tingling you feel.
“Yep, an adult game for those who aren’t at all childish. Here, I’ll even give you a one up.” Before any words could pass your lips, all you see is his bare chest littered with more tattoos than you remember. The formerly single quote on his left pec now joined by various pictures and words scattered along his torso and sides. You swear you see what looks like a peach on his ribs, but his arm blocks you from further investigating.
“First point is yours.”
Rolling your eyes, you begin to dribble stepping closer to the net. “I don’t need your petty point Shea.” You stop at the corner spot closest to the rim bouncing the ball a couple more times before flicking your wrist and easily sinking what would be a point in a regular game.
He easily catches your pass grinning as he gets into position and readies his shooting stance. “Alright then peaches.”
About an hour later Colin is down to his boxers with bare feet padding around the court thinking of what to do next while you stood in your lacy, black bra and grey biker shorts. Your own bare feet starting to get cold the longer you waited.
“Cmon Shea, before we turn 100.”
“Hey I didn’t hassle you with your shots. Gimme a minute.”
Hands up, you silently giggle watching him pace back and forth trying to come up with something to stump you. He finally settles on a half court shot, surprisingly making it look simple as the ball easily slides through the net with a swish.
“Your turn sweetheart,” he winks passing you the ball once he’s retrieved it. It shouldn’t make your gut flutter the way it is now, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the feeling.
Standing in the exact same spot, you analyze the space between you and the net trying to figure out how you could do this.
“Take your time,” Colin states with a knowing grin. Your glare just makes him chuckle with arms crossed on the top of his head. “Just trying to be encouraging peaches.”
Dipping the ball between your legs, you swing both arms up with all your might hoping for that swish but it falls just in front of the rim before bouncing into the chairs that were the floor seats.
An air ball that of course tickled the man a few feet away from you. “You messed me up.”
“You talking threw off my concentration,” you grumble. Along with your tattoos, big arms, and stupidly muscular body. Turning around reluctantly removing your shorts and tossing them in the little pile with the others, you miss the way his eyes rake over your body greatly appreciating how you’ve grown up and filled out in all his favorite places over the years. Not to say he didn’t admire you as teens, because you were beautiful then - although he knew you didn’t think so. But grown you with this confidence and newfound attitude of not letting anyone get in your way or treat you any less than what you deserved? Let’s just say this moment was the most self restraint he’s had to use in a long while.
“Well, looks like I win again.”
“Um..I’m sorry?”
“I have two pieces left on, you only have one.”
He snorts with hands on his hips. “Only because I don’t wear a bra.”
“Excuses excuses,” you tsk making him playfully narrow his eyes.
“Whoever misses their next shot loses.” Dribbling the ball he begins his jog to the board, but any further movement is interrupted by a bright beam of light shining down on the both of you.
“What’s going on here!?,” a baritone voice yells clearly not pleased with what they’re seeing. Colin’s quick to shield your body from any further view as your feet keep you stuck in place. Your brain seemingly not functioning either being solely focused on your embarrassment and how mortified you were to be in this situation in the first place.
Colin’s clearly nervous too how his finger taps against his thigh, but definitely holding himself together better than you could. “Uh, hey! Um..i-it’s not what it looks like!”
“So you and that beautiful young lady behind you weren’t in here trespassing?”
“Well..,” he nervously chuckles scratching the back of his neck, “I mean..”
A group of giggles breaks the silence confusing both you and Colin as he tries to peer through the light to see what was going on.
“I think we scared him enough Q,” a much higher pitched voice states before giggling herself.
Very fitting nickname.
Colin’s confused yet relieved tone let’s you know he’s familiar with whoever Mouse is which eases your newfound anxiety. There’s also a hint of something else taking its place though. Jealousy? Possessiveness? Anger? You’re not sure and equally don’t know why it’s there in the first place.
The light suddenly goes away to show a group of five standing in what would be the upstairs press boxes. You shift just enough to the right - peering through his underarm - that you can see the shortest, and most petite, of the group standing with arms crossed over her chest. Behind her three other women ranging in races and heights, and one man. All wearing exercise clothes of some sort.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, seeing as though we have scheduled practices, being cheerleaders, I’d say we have more of a reason to be here than you do,” she replies earning another set of hushed chuckles. The man still shielding you simply nods with hands on his hips. An embarrassed “right” slipping from his lips as he reaches behind to press you to his back.
The pleasure seeking portion of your brain enjoys the warmth of his palm resting on your lower back instantly igniting your body, while the logical part knows better trying to push against his skin to re-establish space between you.
Feeling his muscles bunch and move beneath your fingertips only incites your internal pleasure seeker to want for more though.
“Um what are you doing?,” you ask with a hint of annoyance.
“Trying to keep you covered while also getting our clothes if you’d stop moving back there.”
“Oh no worries! We’ll give you guys some privacy,” the girl termed Mouse smiles with gleaming teeth. “Heads up though, Bobbie the security guard is on his way. He usually meets us out here, for safety reasons of course, and he might not be as understanding as us.”
You and Colin manage to sidestep in sync until you can get to your clothes; pressing all of them close to your front seemingly not caring about Colin and his black boxer briefs.
“Thanks. We’ll be out in a few seconds,” he waves. “And uh keep this between us guys?”
Sliding her manicured, pinched index finger and thumb across her lips she mimes as if she’s zipped and locked them before throwing away the key. “Our lips are sealed,” she winks. “Always nice seeing you Colin. And friend!”
Arriving back on your floor, the mood is noticeably lighter than when you first left the arena. Colin of course apologized before trying to charm his way back to your good side noting how nothing happened like he said.
“Cmon peaches, we’re good! You gonna be mad at me the rest of the week now?” Meanwhile you silently contemplated if you could get away with this man’s murder.
In conclusion, yes but only if he wasn’t such a notable player.
“Well, I guess in the end it was a good thing your friend was the one to catch us,” you state before a yawn bombards its way through your throat even catching you off guard.
“Why you gotta say it like that?,” he asks with an amused tilt to his thick brow. His fit body leaning against your doorframe prevents you from escaping this conversation and to your bed calling out for you louder and louder as the seconds pass.
“Say what?”
“Friend. Why’d you say it like you don’t like her or something?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You did. Those feelings from earlier still hadn’t left, which only annoyed you more - in turn making you crave the safety and solace of your room. “I just met her, how could I not like her.”
Tilting his head back, his eyes study you like a teacher knowing he’s caught his student in a lie. You don’t make it any better tucking your lips between your teeth growing more antsy the longer he gazed at you.
Clearly a guilty move you’ve had since your youth.
“Colin come on it’s almost four and I need my bed.”
He grins slowly standing up while he bites the corner of his lip. The remnants of his cologne hitting you with one final, dizzying punch as he leans forward hovering just above your ear. “Alright. See you tomorrow peaches.”
“S-See you,” you quietly reply watching him saunter to his suite right next to yours throwing you a final wave.
Finally on the other side of your door, your feet drag but help you to your neatly made, king bed. You don’t even bother changing into your pajamas instead opting to stay in the oversized hoodie comfortably draped over your upper body.
The hoodie that you now remember is not yours, but the man sleeping next door.
Hey, forgot I have your hoodie..I’ll bring it over later (sent 4:12 am)
Keep it (sent 4:13 am)
Have a feeling you’ll get more use out of it than me 😉 (sent 4:13 am)
The light fluttering building in your gut at his words is soon replaced with hot bricks from your newest incoming message. Suddenly - with a harsh pause - your soft smile fades as you’re brought back to the reality you seemed to forget the moment Colin Shea entered your life again.
Morning babe❤️! About to go in the office (sent 4:20 am)
Know you’re still probably sleeping but hope you’re having fun! (sent 4:20 am)
Not too much tho since I’m not there lol😘 (sent 4:21 am)
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holylulusworld · 21 days ago
Colin Shea masterlist
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Masterlist for all Colin Shea stories
Contains: 💦 smut   // 💔 angst // 💕 fluff // 🖤 light smut
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First meeting headcannon
more to be added
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Find all other stories with Steve/Chris here: CEvans Masterlist
Dividers by me *for my blog use only*
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jamneuromain · 2 years ago
The Slumber Party Present Bingo Challenge
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Hello friendly readers😌❤️
I'm in the mood to do a summer bingo challenge arranged by the Slumberparty, and you are welcomed to send requests to my inbox😆
A few rules for this bingo challenge:
🙈 [I don't write hardcore BDSM, physical/mental torture, or elements such as incest or bestiality]👈
🕓 The time limit for sending in requests for this bingo event is 08/01-09/21, I will be needing some time to write the one-shots/drabbles👈
✍ As for the request, please send one tropes/kink in the bingo card and one CE character. Tropes aren't burners here ;) so you can send in the same trope if even it's been asked before/or you want the same trope but with a different character. You can decide how you want the story to go in the request, or a simple "trope+character" style request is okay too :) (Though for tropes such as cheating or voyeurism, you can decide who the third party is😌❤️
So slip into my inbox, anon or not, and send a little something that you'd like to read! <3 I'll also be randomly selecting a trope to write every week if there's no ask.
Questions? Comments? Requests? 👉Send them to my inbox👂
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Divorce+Steve: Lie, Lie, Lie
Wedding+Cole: Breathe In
Caught in the act+Steve Rogers: Caught ... Right-handed
Aftercare+Steve Rogers: TLC
Wrong Number+Cole Turner: At A Cost
Wrong Number/Meet cute+Steve: Wrong Number
Party+Skinny!Steve: Spiked Punch
Ugly Duckling+Steve: Make an Impression
Mile High Club+Nick: Join the Mile High Club (writer's choice)
Revenge+Steve: Revenge Oh So Sweet
Mob AU+Lloyd: A Whiff of Blood
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years ago
Ok Jen I spun the wheels and (after I respun the character because I refuse Mr freezy) I got:
Colin Shea, Football, arranged marriage and mystery as mood. Have fun making something out of that 😂
What’s wrong with Freezy baby???
Football’s biggest player and bad boy needed a new image. Needed to prove he could be serious. And you needed an out. Being a public figure you could only run so far, and you were growing exhausted. But when present of a choice between marriage or your ex thinking he owned you, it was an easy choice. Plus, everyone loves the quarterback with the cheerleader…right?
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twittytelly · 2 years ago
An Unexpected Gain
Epilogue - Seven Months Later
Colin Shea X Female Reader
Series Masterlist
A/N: This is my submission @the-slumberparty‘s Week 2 Writing Challenge: Blast From The Past. I know I promised to write an epilogue to this in 2020, and I actually started to write this a year ago, but I hated every version of this that I’d written. I just want to say thanks to @navybrat817 and @darkficsyouneveraskedfor for hosting these challenges and giving me a reason to kick myself in the arse and get myself motivated to get this finished. Maybe one day I will revisit these idiots, but I’m not going to promise anything.
Warnings: All the fluff, brief mention of childbirth but nothing graphic
Word count: 568
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Moodboard by @imanuglywombat
Once Upon a Time in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, Colin Shea had forgotten why he didn't like hospitals. Maybe it was something to do with cold, bright lights, or the smell... To be honest, he didn't really care any more; what he had witnessed just hours before was pure magic, and he was sure he was going to be in awe of you for the rest of his life. A small part of him wanted to stay with you in the small cocoon of your hospital room forever, but he couldn't wait to get home and begin his new role, raising his son.
The labour had been long and arduous. Unsurprisingly, Colin had been by your side for the entire thing, his support unflinching. When the midwife placed the small, mucus-covered human onto your chest and the baby started bellowing, he didn't think it was this possible to be this happy.
Colin was reluctantly making his way back to the car to fetch your phone charger. Squinting as he stepped into the early morning sunlight, Colin tried to remember how long he had been in that hospital room for. The last couple of days had been like a particularly vivid fever dream, that felt like an eternity and just a few seconds at the same time. Pausing to take in his surroundings, he wondered if the birds in the sky and the nurses making their way home from the night shift knew that the world had changed irreversibly overnight.
Rentering the building charger in hand, Colin decided to forgo his morning coffee until he was certain that you and the baby had settled. However, as he strode past the gift shop, something green and fuzzy caught his eye that immediately stopped him in is tracks.
When Colin went into the gift shop and took a further look at the chartreuse creature, he smirked in recognition. Picking up the inanimate amphibian, and looking into it's large yellow eyes, Colin knew that it was coming home with him. He could just imagine the look on your face when he presented you with the cuddly toy, but Colin couldn't think of a more appropriate first buddy for his child.
Sure, despite the inside jokes of frogs, princes and jesters; your relationship was nothing like the pile of fairytale books that was sitting in the nursery. There were definitely some communication issues that needed to be straightened out, especially when you decided to be cohabiters, not neighbours; but the pair of you were now stronger than ever in your new home in North End.
As Colin reached the till, and reached into his pocket for his wallet, his fingers brushed against the velvet box that he had kept on him since he had made a sneaky visit to the jewellery store a few weeks ago. He was not planning on getting down on one knee just yet, but after the way he had found out about the pregnancy, he was too scared to try and hide it at home.
Colin wondered what would happen if he could go back in time to tell his smug past self about how you would quickly become the love of his life, and how he would become a father. While commitment and fatherhood were truly an unexpected gain of the friends with benefits arrangement, he wouldn't have changed any of it for the world.
Taglist: @mrs-captain-evans @whiskeyncoke-redux @supersoldiersruined-me @katiew1973  @kelbabyblue @amiquette @feelmyroarrrr @patzammit @daydreamerinadazedworld @denisemarieangelina @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @bellaireland1981 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @georgeweasleydumbhoe​ @ladydmalfoy
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 2 years ago
In The Middle Of The Night - Colin Shea x Reader
A/N: I wrote this ages ago with the plan of putting it into a series I had planned but I decided to scrap that series but still wanted to share this little scene I wrote for it!
Summary: In the middle of the night (in my dreams), you should see the things we do, baby.
Word Count: 581
Warnings: Fluff! Mention of Threesome!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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It was the middle of the night and neither of you had fallen asleep yet. You’d gotten as far as lying in bed together but tiredness and sleep never found you. Instead, you both laughed and talked as you stared up at the ceiling as if you were star gazing.
Colin was listening as you recounted this story from your time at college. You were animatedly talking gesturing wildly with your hands. He smiled whenever you had to stop for a moment because you were laughing too much at the memory.
He moved his head to the side so he could watch you properly. Watching every mini expression you made as you talked. He loved how expressive you could get when you got excited about something. He could listen to you tell this story a million times and he wouldn’t mind because he would never get bored of hearing you talk. He could feel a swelling sensation in his chest when he looked at you as if his heart was taking up all the space. He realised in that exact moment that not only did he love you, but just how deeply he did.
“Oh,” he muttered.
“What?” You ask confused at his interruption.
“Nothing I just-“ he said quickly shaking his head trying to work out if he should say something.
“Ignore me” he waves it off, telling you to continue.
You chuckle at him before jumping straight back into your story while Colin just continued to listen. Except he wasn’t really listening, his mind stuck on the undeniable fact that he loved you. It was a secret that he wanted to scream from the rooftops. He tried thinking of how to tell you, should he buy you a bunch of flowers? Get his guitar out? He wanted the moment to be perfect.
“Okay, what is it?” You say grabbing his attention once more.
“What is what?” He asks playing innocent.
“You weren’t paying attention” you point out turning to face him.
“Yes I was I promise!” Colin defends holding his hands up.
“No, you weren’t because I just said I had a threesome with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman and you didn’t bat an eyelid,” you tell him with a knowing look.
“Okay I’m sorry, I just got distracted for a moment” Colin apologises with a sigh.
“It's okay, what were you thinking about, you had an odd serious look on your face” you ask laying your hand on top of his.
Colin sighed looking down at your hand and turning his over to intertwine his fingers with yours. He then looked back at you watching as your eyes searched his. He remembered the first night you’d met, how you both spent hours talking and laughing with each other. A memory that wasn't too dissimilar to how tonight was playing out. He smiled when he realised there wasn’t a moment more perfect than this one right here.
“I love you” he smiled squeezing your hand gently.
“What?” You whisper in disbelief.
“You’re my best friend and I love you” Colin repeats.
You remain silent for a moment you’re face still one of shock. Colin starts to panic that you don’t feel the same way, was it far too early? Was he about to scare you away? Just as those fears were starting to get the better of him you smiled shifting closer to him and kissing him gently.
“I love you too” you smile resting your forehead against his.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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