You don't have to be perfect to be perfect
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themessyjournals · 2 years ago
How to pronounce Plus
Plus can have three possible pronunciations:
\ply\ "plu"
In "ne... plus" (Not anymore): Je ne t'aime plus - I don't love you anymore (unless there's a liaison)
In a superlative construction: Je suis la plus drôle - I am the funniest
In a comparative construction, before a consonant: Ton grand frère est plus grand que moi - Your older brother is taller than me
\plys\ "plusse"
When followed by De (More of): Il y a plus de chats que de chiens à Paris - There are more cats than dogs in Paris
When followed by Plus que (More than): Je dors plus que d'habitude en ce moment - I sleep more than usual these days
When it's the last word of the sentence: Allez, à plus! - Alright, see you later!
In certain expressions: Plus que, De plus, Sans plus, En plus...
In maths: Trois plus deux - Three plus two
\plyz\ "pluz"
When followed by a mute H: Je suis plus heureuse aujourd'hui - I am happier today
When there's a liaison (i.e. when followed by a vowel): Il est encore plus aimable que je ne pensais - He's even nicer than I thought
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themessyjournals · 2 years ago
Maybe this is a weird take, but I ask all of you: Write into your books. Add bookmarks, add doodles, add notes, add whatever you want. They are yours. I'm going through the books I inherited from my Grandfather and not only is it interesting to look at books that are 40+ years old, especially history books, it's also always... a surprise, a memento and memory, an added value whenever i stumble upon a note he left on a text, a bookmark or even newspaper articles he clipped out and added to the books because the articles relate to the book's contents.
Preservation of books is great and all, but don't be afraid to add to the physical books you own. There is something incredibly intimate and charming and also very honest to discover a persons notes. Something they deemed noteworthy, bookmark worthy, necessary to leave a note of and for themselves in a published book. It feels a lot more valuable.
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themessyjournals · 2 years ago
Joan Didion writes, in On Keeping a Notebook, that the purpose of keeping a notebook, or a journal for that matter, isn’t because you simply want keep a personal record of things; but because you want to remember the person you were at that specific moment. we write things down on our notebook/journal/diary (whichever one of those you keep) because we want to remember. we want to remember what specific people meant to us on a particular day or hour. or minute. we want to remember our first impression of something (or of doing that something), possibly of someone, too. sometimes we think we’ll “always remember” important events: “I’ll make a mental note of that” etc etc. but in reality everything is fleeting. so Didion says write it down. keep a journal. that way, people, places, and certain events will always be there in case you ever want to come back to them sometime in the future. but also so that they don’t ever haunt you.
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themessyjournals · 2 years ago
Au coeur de l’histoire (history)
les chasseurs de nazis (nazi hunters)
france musique 
on ne parle pas la bouche pleine (food + literature)
les chemins de la philosophie
le collège de france (advanced)
il était une fois (fairy tales)
la main verte (gardening)
la méthode scientifique
regardez voir (photography)
sur les épaules de darwin
very good trip (rock n roll)
chroniques du ciel (aviation)
la tête au carré (popularization)
les p’tits bateaux (pros answering children’s qs)
les grands musiciens (interview with a pro musician)
littérature moderne et contemporaine
Arte radio (politics, health, history, tech…)
slate (similarish to ted talks)
hashtag (debating very current problems)
quoi de meuf (women talking about pop culture)
affaires sensibles (trials)
les gentilshommes (relationships men/women)
bouddhisme et méditation
kiffe ta race (about racial problematics)
le flow (well being)
sois gentille dis merci fais un bisou (portraits of women)
les couilles sur la table (men talking to women)
miroir miroir (destroy social norms)
du grain à moudre (debating sensible questions)
coucou le q (casual sex ed)
change ma vie (about personal growth)
la poudre (powerful women’s interviews)
nice to hear you (talks with creators, ceos, artists and nice humans)
mortel (to reconcile you with death and mortality)
la menstruelle (periods)
Movies + tech:
La cartouche (gaming)
la chronique ciné
studio 404 (tech)
geek inc (nerd chatter)
nouveau monde (innovations)
2h de perdues (shitty movies)
silence on joue (gaming)
radio rôliste (role playing, mmorpg)
nociné (pop culture/movies)
season one (to discover new shows)
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themessyjournals · 3 years ago
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themessyjournals · 3 years ago
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything 
[click images for high quality]
[transcript under the cut]
Other advice posts that may be of interest:
All About Procrastination
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
Common Study Mistakes
7 Strategies to Improve Concentration
Keep reading
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
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It’s here y’all!!! The 2021 Summer Studying Challenge! 
I’ve literally been planning on doing this since my last summer challenge so i’m so happy to finally have it out in the world and i can’t wait to see what everyone posts and discover some amazing new studyblrs! i am genuinely so excited to get back to posting consistently and finally having the time to engage with you all after my exams so please get involved and give it ago! 
so without further ado, here’s all you need to know:
✨Info ✨
If you do the challenge, use the tag #summer studying challenge so i (and others) can see your posts
I will try to reblog as many posts in the tag as possible (and it doesn’t matter if you think they aren’t ‘aesthetic’ cause i will reblog them!)
This challenge will run for two months - from the 1st July to the 31st August
There are daily prompts for every day of July and August 
But, as always, I don’t expect everyone to be able to post every day so you can always do catch-up posts or answer the prompts in batches
Likewise, you don’t have to post for the entire period - it is completely up to you but i will be posting for the entire two months 
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask!
✨Rules ✨
If you want to do the challenge, please reblog this post
If you do it on any other social media platform (ie. Instagram), please give credit. My Instagram is also @/myhoneststudyblr
The challenge will officially start on the 1st July, but if you come across this later, you can definitely start anytime during these two months!
✨ Prompts ✨
1st July - What are your plans for this summer?
2nd July - Do you have a specific goal for this summer?
3rd July - Do you have a lot of work to do for school, university or your job this summer?
4th July - What is the most important task that you need to complete this summer? 
5th July -  Do you have any special plans or activities for this summer?
6th July - What do you usually do during the summer? Is anything different this year?
7th July - What did you do during the summer when you were a young child?
8th July - What’s your happiest summer memory from your childhood?
9th July - Do you usually go on vacation during the summer?
10th July - What is the best vacation you have ever been on? (note: doesn’t have to be a summer vacation)
11th July - What is your favourite vacation memory?
12th July - What is the worst vacation you have ever been on?
13th July - What is your dream vacation?
14th July - Would you rather stay in one resort for a month or travel across the country for one month? 
15th July - Are there any special events for you in the summer? (for example, birthdays, festivals, etc.)
16th July - Do you have any summer traditions?
17th July - What is your typical daily routine in the summer?
18th July -  How do you stay motivated during the summer? (for example, to study)
19th July - Do you stay indoors or outdoors more in the summer?
20th July - Are you a ‘summer person’?
21st July - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about summer?
22nd July - What does summer feel like where you live?
23rd July - Would you prefer summer to be hotter or colder than it usually is for you?
24th July - Would you prefer your summer to be shorter or longer?
25th July - Daytime or nighttime – what’s your favourite time during summer?
26th July - Do your sleeping habits change during summer?
27th July - Do your eating habits change during summer?
28th July - When you hear the word ‘summer’, what is the first thing that you think of?
29th July - What colour do you associate with summer?
30th July - What would be your perfect summer day?
31st July - Would you rather spend the day at the beach or at the swimming pool?
1st August - What do you do when you go to the beach?
2nd August - What do you like most about the beach?
3rd August - What is your least favourite thing about the beach?
4th August - What is your song of the summer this year?
5th August - What is your ultimate summertime song?
6th August - What is your favourite summertime movie?
7th August - Do you read a lot in the summer?
8th August - What book are you currently reading?
9th August - What is your favourite summer ‘beach read’ book?
10th August - What TV show are you currently watching?
11th August - What was the last movie you watched?
12th August - What is your favourite summertime snack?
13th August - What is your favourite seasonal fruit to eat during the summer?
14th August - What is your favourite meal to have on the beach?
15th August - What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
16th August - What is the weirdest ice cream flavour that you’ve ever seen (and maybe even tasted?
17th August - If you could make up a new ice cream flavour, what ingredients would you use? What would you call it?  
18th August -  What is your favourite summer drink?
19th August - What is your go-to summer outfit?
20th August - Do you like wearing sunglasses?
21st August - Sandals or flip flops? 
22nd August - Do you wear sunscreen?
23rd August - Have you ever been really badly sunburnt? 
24th August - What three things would you take to your desert island? 
25th August - Imagine that you could fill a swimming pool with anything except water and swim in it. What would your pool be filled with?
26th August - Would you rather surf the waves or read a book?
27th August - What’s happening once this summer is over? Returning to school or uni? Starting something new? 
28th August - Have you managed to complete your main task and goal for the summer?
29th August - When you remember this summer, what three adjectives will define it?
30th August - What did you learn over the summer? (note: this doesn’t have to be academic-related)
31st August - What was your favourite memory from this summer?
✨ So this is the challenge! I hope that you will join in and enjoy doing it during the summer! Please message me or send me an ask if you have any questions about it or just want to have a chat <3 ✨
[Taglist under the cut:]
Keep reading
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
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this is probably one of my fave spreads, it’s from back when the bts comeback happened :’) god i’m still completely obsessed with their album.
ig: booksnjournals
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
I have never been into dark academia but after 6 months of non-stop lockdown and 13 months of zoom university I have started to romanticize a new type of university aesthetic which I call
Just Normal Academia:
The taste of cheap vending machine coffee. The dusty smell of your library seat. Clothes that are not remarkable in any way, but hey, you are wearing actual pants. Trying to read books that are relavant for your essay but getting distracted by your friend who wants to chat. The feeling of being cramped into public transport with hundreds of other tired students in the morning.
I never thought I’d be the type of person to have an academia aesthetic but I’d do almost anything to live the Just Normal Academia life right now
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
maybe if i order new highlighters and sticky notes this essay will get easier
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
How to recover an unsaved draft on Microsoft Word
 This literally saved my ass a few minutes ago. Yes, you can recover those files that you accidentally closed and thought you couldnt get back. 
Right after that happens, open Microsoft Word again and click File - Info - Manage Versions - Recover Unsaved Documents.
It is literally that simple.
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
realistic language goal:
pronunciation so perfect that you pass as a native speaker polished enough to confuse natives because they just. can’t. tell. where you’re from
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
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paperocelot on ig
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
some things i’ve learned while studying in quarantine
drink more water instead of more coffee.
weekly goals are bullshit. set yourself 3-day goals. you’ll be less laid-back.
don’t just mindlessly stare at words. before you start studying, know your approach to it. have a plan.
summarizing the concept in your own words is the key part of taking notes. don’t just copy things down, convert them into your own way of talking, your own vocabulary, no matter how dumb and unprofessional it sounds.
don’t let the “studyblr aesthetic” fool you. studying doesn’t have to be pretty. summaries and notes can be messy as long as they’re comprehensible. you can always rewrite and reorganize them later. (honestly, you better do. and you better keep them.)
don’t throw away the papers you’ve solved your problems in. staple them to the fucking textbook. you need to see them constantly. cause you’ll need reminders of how far you’ve came, when you’re feeling discouraged.
don’t be an armchair analyst for your issues. if you have an idea then act on it.
remember: the exact point where it becomes difficult, is where your growth begins. take a deep breath, and try to focus on the paragraph in front of you.
get off your high horse and understand that if you’re a zero, you won’t go to 100 in a couple of days. first, you’ll need to reach 30, then from 30 to 60, and then from 60 to 90. nobody is 100 everyday. that happens very rarely.
you need to have fun everyday. you need to have peaceful time every single day. even on exam night. especially on exam night, actually. so make sure you’ve studied enough so you can have some time to yourself.
once you’re on a roll and in need of some challenge to stay on track, start writing down your studying hours. tell yourself you’re not allowed to do less than 80% of what you did yesterday. whatever the hell it was, even just one hour. so if yesterday you really studied for like, say 8 hours, today your goal is to study for at least 6 and a half hours. if you can’t keep up with that, make it 70%, or 60%. 
be forgiving of yourself. be kind to yourself. even if you bounced back and lost your streak. start again. as slowly as you did before. take your time. it’s okay, you were there once you can get there again.
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
What should you be reading to maximize your language learning?
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It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of literature we can learn from. Baby books bore you, but you’re not ready for any type of novel, so what’s left?
Here are some tips 
For beginner/A1/A2 learners
Watch a YouTube video in your target language, then read the comments
you’ll already have vocabulary from watching the video, most of the comments will probably use that vocab
it’s a short enough text that you won’t get fatigued
the only downside is that sometimes people utilize abbreviations and slang terms, but even these are good to know
Read news headlines and if you find one you understand almost fully, try to read the full article
sometimes the vocabulary used is not common in everyday usage, but it’s a total win for an A1 learner to fully read and mostly understand any text
while vocab is not used everyday, it will give you the ammunition to talk about that particular topic
Watch Netflix in target language with subtitles in the same language
believe it or not, you will learn to read better, especially because you don’t have to understand written description of visuals (usually uses very niche vocab) or emotion
and now you can slow down or speed up 
I watched DARK in German before I felt like I could read a book, and I understood 85% of it. This is because I looked up some vocabulary in the first episodes and they continued to use it throughout the show so it really cemented in my head to the point where I don’t even think about it. Now, I had to rewatch some conversations the characters had, but that’s much better for understanding than switching it to English or looking up full phrases and sentences. 
For intermediate/B1/B2 learners
read fanfiction
it’s ALWAYS good to read about something you’re interested in so if you like any major movies, books, television, this is the perfect option for you
most people use relatively basic language and you can choose the length 
find a comic book or graphic novel
like watching tv, that visual aid really helps with understanding of the plot without all those tricky descriptions
read a book in your target language that you’ve read and loved in your native language
this is by far my favorite way
you don’t have to worry about trying to understanding the bigger picture because you already know what’s happening/what will happen, you really have to discover the meaning of each sentence and then you begin to picture the scene using only your target language
Check out my other post for methods of how to get the most out of reading !
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
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hey guys :) as promised, a january study challenge! I’m hoping this time I’ll be able to stick through the whole thing lol. don’t forget to tag it #stu-dna challenge so I can see what you guys post!
what did you achieve last year? what are you setting out to achieve this month? this year?
how are you balancing the holidays and your studies?
do you tend to make new year’s resolutions? how well has that gone for you in the past?
tv shows / movies you’re watching right now?
why did you choose your major, or if you’re still in the process of choosing (or if you haven’t even started), what’s your thought process in choosing one?
are you an early bird or a night owl?
after you’ve finished using your notes, like after the exam, what do you do with them?
opinion on snow??
how do you keep yourself awake when studying?
do you / can you study at home? how do you keep yourself focused?
~winter aesthetic~
do you listen to music when studying? show us your top 3 study songs or favourite study playlist!
how do you deal with stress?
show us how you keep cosy in the cold months!
halfway—did you make any / have you kept up with your new years resolutions?
what’s in your bag / backpack?
what does home mean to you?
food while studying?
show us your planning system!
favourite hot drink? recipe pls ;)
can you play any instruments? how long have you been playing?
do you use colour-coding? explain your system!
if you could travel anywhere, regardless of money or other limitations, where would you go? what would you do?
what’s on your desk? do you function best in a tidy or a messy space?
what’s your go-to study method? are there cases in which you wouldn’t use it?
what’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make?
study in groups or study alone?
do you like the cold? what are your favourite winter activities?
do you have any hobbies?
how do you plan for the next month? anything fun happening in february?
reflect on how it went & what could have gone better. have you improved anything about yourself this month?
have fun :) xxx
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themessyjournals · 4 years ago
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here is my brand new challenge! i’ve known that i was going to do this challenge since i started my summer challenge in july so i am so psyched to be able to finally share it with you guys! i hope that you will enjoy it <3
DISCLAIMER: lots of the prompts in December are to do with Christmas because that is what i celebrate at this time of year. i was very aware of that when i was writing the prompts but i did not think that knew enough about other festivals and holidays at this time to write prompts about them. i did not want any prompts i made to be disrespectful. if you don’t celebrate Christmas, please know that this challenge is still for you! you can either just use the prompts anyway (if they are applicable) or adapt them to fit the festival or holiday that you celebrate. if it is impossible to adapt, then simply tell me about what you celebrate because i am excited to learn about them! [this was edited later because i realised i forgot to add it - thank you to the anon who queried this issue for reminding me <3]
✨ Info ✨
If you do the challenge, use the tag #winter studying challenge so i (and others) can see your posts. I try to reblog as many as possible. 
This challenge will run for two months - from the 1st December to the 31st January
There are daily prompts for every day of December and January 
But as always I don’t expect everyone to be able to post every day so you can always do catchup posts!
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask!
✨ Rules ✨
If you want to do the challenge, please reblog this post
If you do it on any other social media platform (ie. Instagram), please give credit. You can find my instagram here - my username is the same as on here @myhoneststudyblr
The challenge will officially start on the 1st December, but if you come across this later, you can definitely start anytime during these two months!
✨ Prompts ✨
1st December - Do you like winter?
2nd December - What is your favourite thing about winter?
3rd December - What is your least favourite thing about winter?
4th December - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about winter? 
5th December - Are you usually busy during winter?
6th December - Do you get a break from school/uni/work during winter?
7th December - How do you stay motivated during winter?
8th December - When should people start preparing for, decorating and celebrating Christmas? 
9th December - What do you usually do during the holidays?
10th December - What is a cherished family tradition from your childhood?
11th December - What is a favourite family Christmas/holiday memory that has stuck with you through the years? Why?
12th December - Does your family have any odd traditions during the holidays?
13th December - When do you buy your Christmas presents?
14th December - Share a memorable gift-opening moment from your childhood.
15th December - What is the coolest gift you ever gave someone?
16th December - What is your favourite Christmas movie?
17th December - What is your favourite Christmas song/carol? 
18th December - What is a Christmas song that makes you cringe?
19th December - What is your favourite holiday food?
20th December - What is your least favourite holiday food?
21st December - What was the most memorable holiday celebration you had at school?
22nd December - Finish this thought, “It wouldn’t be Christmas without _____.”
23rd December - If you could design your own ugly Christmas sweater, what would it look like?
24th December - What is your Christmas wish?
25th December - Merry Christmas! Tell us about your day!
26th December - What do you do the day after Christmas?
27th December - What was the best moment 
28th December - What are you grateful for?
29th December - Christmas or New Years
30th December - What is your best memory from 2020?
31st December - Would you rather stay home or go out on New Year’s Eve?
1st January - Happy New Year! What did you learn in the past year? 
2nd January - Have you made any New Years’ Resolutions?
3rd January - What is your aim for 2021?
4th January - What is the most important thing that is going to happen to you this year?
5th January - Would you rather live in a world where it is always winter or always summer?
6th January - What is the weather like during winter in your country?
7th January - Do you like the cold?
8th January - Where is the coldest place you’ve ever been to?
9th January - Name one place you could never live because of the winter weather.
10th January - Have you ever seen snow? When was the last time you saw it?
11th January - Would you rather play in the rain or play in a snowstorm?
12th January - Would you rather have a snowball fight or build a big snowman?
13th January - Would you rather have an entire snow week off from school or an extra week of summer vacation?
14th January - What is your favourite winter outfit?
15th January - Would you rather wear a winter jacket in the summer or a bathing suit in the winter?
16th January -  Scarves or sweaters? 
17th January - Gloves or mittens?
18th January - Wear mittens forever or a winter hat every single day?
19th January - What outdoor winter activity do you love?
20th January - Do you do any winter sports?
21st January - Stay warm inside or go outside in the cold?
22nd January - Ice skate or rollerblade?
23rd January - Polar bear or penguin?
24th January - Arctic fox or snowy owl?
25th January - What is your favourite winter drink?
26th January - Live in a world without hot chocolate or only be able to drink hot apple cider?
27th January - Have icy blue skin or have a runny nose all the time?
28th January - Play in the snow or play in the sand?
29th January - Go skiing or snowboarding?
30th January - Have a birthday in winter or in summer?
31st January - What was your favourite thing about winter this year?
✨ and that is the challenge! i really hope you will enjoy my challenge and if you have any questions, remember you can always send me an ask! ✨
[taglist beneath the cut]
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