#james gunn I'm in your walls
fennethianell · 1 year
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Lazy Sunday
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menacing-menace-rat · 5 months
What character in DC canon do you think would be most terrifying as a Yandere?
Oh god I could go on about this for hours! You have triggered an unskippable cut scene.
My knee jerk reaction is to say Martian Manhunter. He can change into almost anything, he can read your mind, he has super strength and can go through walls. Talk about a nightmare yandere. That being said I really feel like he has too much empathy to do anything too horrible. If he hurt someone who didn't deserve it I think that might actually break him so I wouldn't be him. Being a dangerous yandere would go against his personality too much.
Superman is probably high on the list for reasons that far better writers have flushed out way better than I ever could but I feel like again, so long as he is in his right mind he wouldn't be able to take it too far. He'd try and do things by the books for as long as he possibly could. He'd stay in control and try to just date his obsession or just stay in the shadows watching from a far. I also get the feeling if he was truly madly in love with you, you could talk yourself out of any with him. Because he's so soft sometimes.
This might come out of left field and I'm sure he's just on my mind because James Gunn announced recently that peacemaker season 2 was being filmed but I feel like Vigilante (Adrian Chase) would be so scary. I have always gotten the impression he fakes being so dumb. I feel like he can't separate his love life and his vigilante work though. If he fell in love he'd pursue them with the same kind of seemingly unfocused intensity he'd chase down any low life with. Completely unpredictable, utterly obsessed with seemingly no self control, unable to stop himself. There would be no talking him down or out smarting him. He's impossible to plan for. Like a wild animal who can just choose when to use his brain.
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resowrites · 2 years
Hot Seat - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry is interviewed about life post-The Witcher…
Characters: AU!Henry Cavill, Wife!OC, Interviewer
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 2817
A/N: This is something a bit different so I hope you all enjoy. Not that I should have to point it out but as with all my work, it’s pure fiction (as in completely made up) and not in any way meant to reflect reality. As ever, let me know your thoughts - R x
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Hot Seat - oneshot.
My first thought upon starting my interview with Henry Cavill is that I must have got my lines crossed. Instead of the 39-year-old Jersey-born actor, the featureless wall on the screen in front of reveals a woman. She quickly introduces herself and apologises for his absence. "Our puppy got into a multipack of toilet rolls and is still wreaking havoc, but he'll be right with you." This, as it turns out, is his partner Ollie. The 33-year-old financial advisor (she politely asks me not to give her full name as apparently "the people who care already know it"), has been with the actor for the better part of a decade though it's seldom publicised. They're occasionally pictured together but Henry, known for being one of the more private Hollywood actors, has given away few details about the relationship.
This, however, doesn't stop her from graciously chatting with me while we await his arrival. Having a son with her name, I ask if it's short for something else. "No, just Ollie. My parents were fans of Laurel and Hardy," she says with a shrug. So she's not actually Olivia? "Nope, though I suppose it could have been worse, they could have called me Stan," she replies drily. I tell her my wife and I are expecting a girl in the summer. "Oh how lovely - don't give her a boy's name." Duly noted. I then ask after Kal, Henry's longtime canine companion, and she assures me he's still alive and kicking. So what prompted the puppy? "Anniversary gift," she says between sips of water, though she doesn't give a name or clarify who gifted who. Moving on, I ask if she has any tips for interviewing Henry. "Talk slowly," comes her immediate response. It's not difficult to see how he fell for her, big twinkly eyes and a throaty laugh betray a quick wit that's similar to his own. I venture to ask what it's like being in a relationship with him. "Agonising. I mean his looks alone, I'm at a loss," she deadpans before another laugh. And the fame? "Honestly, it's not something I really think about. Our day-to-day life is very normal."
As if on cue, Henry enters the room with a large and very fluffy puppy trying to wriggle free of his arms. His eyes flash briefly with concern but she gives him a reassuring smile, thanks me for my patience, and wishes me well. She then pats Henry on the chest, tells him to behave himself, and disappears with the puppy in tow. The screen now fills with his impressive frame though his demeanour is infinitely milder - if slightly harried. "My apologies John. Akita's - can't live with them, can't live without them." Much has been made of the peaks and troughs of his Hollywood career. At one point in the early aughts, he'd missed out on multiple high-profile roles (Henry Cavill: Hollywood's unluckiest actor?) Finally bagging Superman in 2013 with Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, he proved capable of big returns and even bigger popularity (Henry Cavill: Superman for a new generation).
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In 2013's Man of Steel (image credit: Warner Bros.)
This makes news of his recent departure from both Netflix's The Witcher (ostensibly because of creative differences), and DC's Superman franchise (due to the recent hiring of James Gunn as the studio's creative leader), all the more stupefying. But whether or not he really is Hollywood's 'unluckiest' actor, this isn't a term that reflects his life outside of the job, something which definitely marks him out from his contemporaries. In addition to a much-protected relationship (neither he nor his publicist confirms the status of it despite appearing to wear a wedding ring), he hails from a loving family and has a close-knit group of friends. He withdrew from a recent project (for reasons unrelated to the project itself), but is now in talks to appear in and produce an adaptation of Warhammer 40, 000 after Amazon recently secured the rights to the popular tabletop game.
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In 2019's The Witcher (image credit: Netflix)
It's actually not the first time I've met Henry. Our paths once crossed some years ago in a hotel lobby though this brief encounter was part of a jam-packed press tour. Today's meeting isn't scheduled for a considerably longer time, but there's more than enough to discuss. A colleague did however warn me that despite a more ingenuous nature, he can make for a difficult interviewee. For the first part of our interview, I would be inclined to agree. Though pleasant, his answers border on glib and this is perhaps unsurprising given the recent twists and turns of his career. Happily, he warms up as our fourty minutes go by and on this occasion, is more revealing about life away from the cameras…
J: First thing's first, are you watching the Six Nations (an annual international men's rugby union competition)?
H: Yeah, it's been dismal though (England won just two out of five matches)… doesn't bode well for the World Cup does it?
J: No it doesn't. Now I know you can't say much at the moment about more recent as well as upcoming projects, but I wanted to get your take on the development of IPs for modern audiences. More than ever it seems a rather precarious business…
H: I think that's a fair assessment. There's lots of competition and only a finite amount of resources, so balancing what audiences want against the financial gains is tricky.
J: So what's the solution?
H: Are you trying to get me into trouble (laughs)? It depends. I mean, you can experiment a bit more with big projects. But for niche ventures, I think it's probably better to lean on the source material and fanbases already there.
J: But do you think there's a general fatigue with certain genres at the moment?
H: Perhaps, but that's why it's all the more important to look at the project as a whole. More often than not, if a project sinks it's on the project, not the audience.
J: Surely events such as the pandemic have had a huge impact though?
H: Yeah, definitely. But I don't think it's that difficult to produce big and/or successful entertainment because if anything, the need has never been stronger. It may just require studios to slow down a bit and think harder about each stage of development.
J: Do you feel more at peace with your career these days?
H: I would say so. I mean it's not an industry you ever feel secure in because that's not really the nature of it. But I still feel the same rush and excitement. I think there's a tendency to forget that actors act for the same reason people enjoy consuming our work. We like to escape and have fun as well.
J: What has it taught you about yourself?
H: Well for one it's bettered my patience (laughs). There's also nothing like acting to improve your physique (laughs).
J: Do you still feel the same pressures to look and perform a certain way?
H: I mean to an extent it's just the expectation and I completely respect that - if you're spending millions bringing, say, Superman to life, whoever plays him must at the very least, look like him.
J: And what are your thoughts now that that franchise will be moving ahead without you?
H: Well, for one, I'm not as devastated as everyone seems to think (laughs). I had a blast making those films and I was looking forward to expanding on what was created but the workouts were something else. As were the press tours (laugh).
J: Would you say that's one of the biggest drawbacks now for actors?
H: I suppose. I mean who honestly wants to be hooked up to a lie detector and asked leading questions (laughs)? I find it a bit unfair at times. I'm not suggesting for one minute that actors aren't immensely lucky or privileged. Of course, what we do is comparatively easy. But the amount of exposure will always be a double-edged sword, no question.
J: You've said in the past you're not a huge fan of social media, do you think it's essential to what you do?
H: Perhaps not essential but it's undeniably very useful. And I have no issue in sharing parts of my life with those who find it interesting. But I also don’t see the harm in a bit of mystery, there's no need to upload and share absolutely everything.
J: More male stars are speaking up about the double standards in how they're treated by fans and the wider public. Are those sentiments you share?
H: Yes and no. I mean most of the time it's harmless and of course very flattering, but I think it's always best to put others at ease rather than risk making them uncomfortable. Of course, everyone has different ideas on how to do that (laughs) but as the old saying goes, do unto others…
J: I imagine it's different when that attention is also directed at those closest to you?
H: Oh absolutely. My friends and family didn't sign up for that but luckily they're good-natured about it.
J: It seems the lines are becoming more and more blurred though…
H: Yeah, and that's a shame. But it's also why you need to be prudent about how much of it you elicit and engage in.
J: But do you take issue with the amount of gossip? I imagine it's hard knowing it's out there when there's not much you can do about it.
H: I try and look for the silver linings, I mean if people are that invested it means you at least have some relevance still. Besides, I have a very happy, successful life outside of what I do and that makes all the difference.
J: I am curious to know how you've managed to make that work…
H: Well I don't want to give the impression that it's easy because it's not. Spending so much time away from the people you love is easily the worst thing about this job and it's something I'm always trying to improve.
J: You're also approaching 40, has that caused you to stop and take stock?
H: Thanks for the reminder (laughs). Nah I'm in a good place about it actually. Well, for now… (laughs).
J: Are there any roles, in particular, you still wish to play?
H: Not really. I think most people see me as an action star and I'm happy to remain so. It seems to be what I excel at though I've also enjoyed branching out into more comedic roles. More of those would be nice.
J: So you've no burning desires for the future? What about regrets?
H: I wouldn't say that (laughs). There's some stuff I've yet to get around to, as for regrets I've very few.
J: Such as?
H: Well, some of the films I've made for starters (laughs). Although that's not really fair as there's always something to take away from those experiences.
J: What about personally?
H: Um (pauses), nothing springs to mind. I wish I'd met my better half a lot sooner. But we've been together for over seven years so I can't complain.
J: If I remember rightly you'd just started seeing each other the last time we spoke.
H: That's right! God, where's the time gone?
J: How were the lockdowns for you both?
H: You know, as scary and traumatic as that time was, I can honestly say it reaffirmed to me that I'd made the right choices.
J: Did she feel similarly?
H: Perhaps not at first (laughs).
J: You certainly seem to share the same sense of humour. You know she introduced herself as the maid?
H: (Looks around) I hope you didn't fall for it… (laughs). And she's far more warped, trust me. She's just better at hiding it (laughs).
J: Care to give some examples?
H: Oh God, where do I start (laughs)? To be honest I'm not sure I can without making her look completely mad… though that wouldn't be an unfair assessment (laughs) (slight pause). She's a nightmare to text. Her idea of messaging me usually involves repeating a word until I manage to guess what on earth she's on about (laughs). I was in London a few days back and I messaged her asking how her morning had gone and she just kept responding with the word 'log' (laughs). So there I was, in a meeting with my business manager, trying to figure out at the back of my mind what she meant. Did she want to log a complaint (laughs)? Was I supposed to bring home a chocolate log? Did we need more firewood (laughs)? Turns out she'd just tripped over one while walking the dogs. See? Mad (grins).
J: My wife's like that but with GIFs.
H: Yeah, I get those less often but to maximum effect (laughs). Like I remember when I was getting fitted for the suits I wore in The Man from Uncle. I sent her a picture of my favourite and she immediately winged back a gif of Sterling Archer (from FX's 2009 animated sitcom Archer) (laughs).
J: Is she indifferent to what you do?
H: It's not that she's indifferent, she's just not taken in by it and thank God because it helps keep me sane.
J: So she likes to keep you on your toes?
H: Oh yeah, our life's never dull (laugh). The last time I was away filming, I'd stupidly warned her beforehand not to go anywhere near this rare Warhammer figurine that a friend sent me. So cue the photos of it in the dust container of the Dyson, at the edge of Kal's food bowl as his face was in it… she even sent me one of it in the washing machine just as it was filling up with water. That one warranted a phone call (laughs).
J: Oh dear. Did it survive?
H: Annoyingly it was absolutely fine… she's done worse (laughs).
J: Such as?
H: Er, well there was the time I was in New Zealand shooting the helicopter sequence for Mission Impossible: Fallout. I've talked about it before so I'm not going to rehash it but the conditions were extreme so everyone was pretty miserable. What made it worse was that a few weeks before, she'd broken her hand - the story of how she did that is actually funnier than the one I'm about to tell—
J: What happened?
H: … No, I can't say. She'd kill me (laughs). Anyway, being halfway across the world I couldn't get back to her and was in a bit of a state about it. So to cheer me up, one afternoon she sends me a video of her at the physio's office and in it (laughs)… she's wearing one of those old-fashioned prosthetic split hooks (laughs). What's amazing is how she somehow managed to rope the physio in, like as soon as he comes into the room she puts her phone down so as not to film him (laughs).
J: Where on earth did she get a split hook?
H: I know right? She told me Etsy but God knows… apparently the physio provided the arm it was attached to (laughs). So there I was, suspended above the Southern Alps, laughing the hardest I've ever laughed in my life.
J: Did you show it to Tom Cruise?
H: Oh yeah.
J: And what did he say?
H: She's a keeper (laughs). I'd play it for you but it got deleted when I changed phones a little while back.
J: Well, that's disappointing. What happened to the hook?
H: When I finally came home we had some champagne to celebrate and when I went to the drawer, I found she'd chucked it in there with the bottle openers (laughs).
J: Are there any more stories you can share?
H: Yeah, but I think I've said enough (laughs).
J: What makes the two of you such a good match do you think?
H: She's got a long fuse which certainly helps (laughs). We were just meant for each other (shrugs).
J: Did it feel that way quite early on? I know it did with my wife.
H: Oh yeah, almost instantly. When you know, you know.
A week after we meet I receive a gift at the office - a box of homemade cookies (which are heavenly) and a beautiful baby blanket. Accompanied is a note which first apologises for the gift's tardiness 'Henry ate the first batch,' thanks me for a good interview and then encourages some skepticism of the tales told as 'they're only mostly true.' Either way, I concede that he is indeed a lucky man.
Enola Holmes 2 is on Netflix.
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astromechs · 2 years
I know people are focused on Rocket but I'm starting to worry maybe Nebula will die. It feels like we're back at vol 2 with one of Thanos daughters being on team good guy and the other's role is more ambiguous. After Gamora died we saw Nebula's focus shift and now she's fully a guardian. So maybe that's what's going to happen for Gamora? There should be a place for both of them thats their own but I'm concerned there seems to be hesitancy to have them both more developed and on the team together
if nebula dies i am in your walls, james gunn
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vigilvntes · 3 years
Sweet Fantasy - Adrian Chase x Reader
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A/N: today has been a wild ride between me having the worst morning, my vigilante shirt arriving and then scaring the shit out of james gunn on twitter by letting him know that i'm in his walls... so yeah have this. maybe i'll write a part 2 who knows
Warnings: NSFW (not full smut but like . basically), language
Request: "it's not like i've fantasized about you or anything" + "you said i had nice lips"
Word Count: 2k
"Hey, are you listening to me?" You asked Adrian, poking his cheek to snap him out of his daze, the two of you standing around the back of Fennel Fields on your break.
You knew Adrian was a little bit of a weirdo, and that was one of things you loved most about working with him. Some of the things he said, whether it be the random nonsense that he spurted to other co-workers, or the quiet comments he reserved only for you, had you giggling to yourself for days afterwards. But lately, Adrian had been acting strange. Like, really strange, and it was starting to concern you.
You worked behind the small bar in the corner of the restaurant, pulling the occasional round of drinks and polishing glasses, which meant you had a little more free time than most others in the restaurant. For this, you were grateful, it meant you could slack off and text your friends or your family, or scroll through social media. Lately, though, on your free time at work, you had been noticing little things that you hadn't previously picked up on.
Like how Adrian would stare at you from across the room like a predator eyeing up its prey.
At first, you shrugged it off. He was your friend and he was probably just zoning out, his gaze just so happening to land on you. However, as the weeks passed, you felt the situation begin to intensify. Not only was he staring at you from across the room, he was staring at you right in front of your face. You couldn't begin to count how many times you had to wave your hand in front of his face to bring his attention back around to whatever the hell the two of you were talking about.
It was frustrating you to no end, mostly becasue you just wanted to know why. Could he see something on your face that you never noticed? Were you ugly? Or was he truly just zoning out? You were going to find out one way or another.
"Huh? W-... What? Yeah, yeah. I'm listening to you." Adrian stuttered out, squeezing his eyes closed and shaking his head. Fuck. He really had to stop doing that.
"Okay, well, if you were listening then... what did I just say?" A barely noticeable smirk played on your lips as you practically watched his brain buffer.
"You said... You were talking about, uh... About how an octopus' arms have a mind of their own?" His voice now a higher pitch than before as he stumbled over his words.
You pressed your lips together and resisted the urge to laugh, knowing that Adrian often said these strange things to deflect. You knew his tactics. "I was actually talking about squids, but nice try." You responded sarcastically.
"You were?" He asked, his face now twisted in confusion.
You sighed, "Okay, listen to me this time, please?" Adrian nodded once in affirmation that he was listening, so you continued. "I have to take my car in to be checked over next week, and I was wondering if I could carpool with you until I get it back? I can pay for gas..."
He was gone again.
Adrian wasn't sure when exactly he developed a crush on you. Sure, you were always nice to him and after spending some time together the two of you realised that you got along like a house on fire. But he was sure he never felt this way about you when he first met you. Or did he?
All he knew was that one night (around two weeks ago) he climbed into bed, after a night of catching (killing) criminals with his buddy, Peacemaker, and his thoughts drifted to you.
Innocent, at first. He thought about your smile, how easy it was for him to make you laugh, the way you would respond with an attitude to your other co-workers but never to him. Though, it didn't take long for his thoughts to take a detour.
Soon enough his cock was in his hand, pumping furiously as he imagined you spread out beneath him, your voice whispering praises and words of affirmation as he fucked you dizzy, your pretty face contorting in pleasure until you were drunk on his cock and begging him to cum inside of you.
He moaned your name that night as he came into his own hand, panting and sweating, afterwards willing himself to go to sleep as quickly as possible to forget what he had done and who he thought of whilst he did it.
Then, every night after that one he found himself in the same situation. His cock in his hand, your face occupying the space in his head, and your name on his lips.
He sometimes imagined himself in different scenarios with you (he was creative like that). Adrian imagined his face being between your legs, eating you out like you were his last good meal on earth. How pretty your moans would sound as he attatched his lips to your soaked cunt, swirling his tongue over your clit, pushing you steadily over the edge.
He also imagined how you would feel on top of him, rolling your hips and fucking yourself on his cock, using his body however you needed or wanted. You would throw your head back and push your chest out, fingers circling your clit until you came hard on his cock.
Soon, though, his imagination took him beyond the sex, into more romantic territory. He would think about holding you afterwards, how warm your body would be against his, and how you would probably snake your hand into his hair to scratch against his scalp gently. He would also think about kissing you slowly, his hand cupping your cheek and you sighing against his lips after a long day at work.
Hand-holding, going out for drives, going on dates, kissing your cheek, pressing his forehead against yours.
Yeah, he was down something atrocious. Just one look from you from across the room, or even just one thought of you could get him rock hard and make him feel all fuzzy inside.
This made working with you everyday excruciatingly awkward for him. To begin with, he was sure that you had just brushed it off as another one of his 'Adrian-isms', as you liked to call them. But as your hand waved in front of his face, and a scowl played on your lips, he was sure that you knew something was wrong.
And there was: he had been staring at your lips the whole time.
"Hello?! Why the fuck are you staring at me like that? Seriously, you've been staring at me non-stop for, like, a week. It's freaking me the fuck out."
Adrian blinked a few times, "I'm sorry. I don't... I'm sorry. Please don't be freaked out. I'm just... I'm zoning out. I don't know. Just don't be freaked. It's not like I'm fantasizing about you or anything." He replied, his words eventually coming out faster and more panicked as he tried to reassure you. "And I mean that. I'm definitely not fantasizing about you." He reiterated, a grimace flashing across his features before he forced a grin.
You were silent for a few moments, staring up at him through your lips parted. Eventually, you managed to breathe out, "You fantasize about me?"
"Wha-...? No! I just said that I'm not fantasizing about you! You might have nice lips and a nice face, and I might spend a lot of my time staring at you and thinking about you, but I don't fantasize about you!" He protested, pointing his finger at you.
"Well you brought up fan-... Wait. You think I have nice lips?" You raised your fingers to your lips. You knew you were blushing, too.
Out of all the things you expected from your typical, mundane conversation with Adrian about him possibly driving you to and from work for a a couple of days, this certainly wasn't on your list. You had planned to confront him if you caught him staring at you again, but you didn't expect him to admit it. Although maybe you should have expected it. He was a rambler, after all.
"Of course I think you have nice lips! They're soft and pretty and perfect just like you! But that doesn't mean that I think about kissing you or-... or anything else!"
This... was such a weird and unexpected turn of events for you. First of all, you had finally figured out the reason why Adrian had been staring at you. Second of all, you couldn't exactly say you were mad about it. Adrian was pretty, not to mention hilarious and kind and everything you could ever want in a man. You would be lying if you said that you hadn't though about being in a relationship with him before. How it would feel to be able to call him yours. You just weren't too sure if he was actually interested in you.
This was your confirmation.
"Or... anything else?" You asked slowly, taking a step towards him, placing a warm hand on his arm. "Tell me, Adrian, what is 'anything else'?"
He became flustered immediately, and you couldn't help but smile as his mouth opened and closed repeatedly, as if he had the words on the tip of his tongue but he couldn't find the strength to say them out loud. It was quite amusing, actually. Seeing someone usually so talkative be so, so quiet. Maybe even a little shy.
The blush on his cheeks suited him, you decided.
You gripped his arm gently and tugged him closer to you, hearing his breath hitch in his throat as he looked down at you. "What do you fantasize about, Adrian? I want you to tell me."
"I-... I think about taking you out. To dinner- I mean... Not with a sniper. That, uh... that came out wrong." You tried not to laugh, knowing that it'd only discourage him. "But, I mean, if you didn't wanna go out I'd cook you dinner. I-... I know my way around a Guy Fieri cookbook."
"And then?" You mumbled, sliding your hand down your arm to take your hand in his. "What happens after that?"
"I-... We... I take you to bed."
"You take me to bed, huh?"
"Yeah." He breathed out, looking away from you.
"And you fuck me real good, right?"
"I... I think so? I'm probably not the best in bed, so I don't think I'd be able to live up to your idea of what being fucked 'real good' would entail, but I would definitely try."
You gave him a soft smile at that. "I'm confident in your ability to wreck me."
Your words, although somewhat crude, meant a lot to Adrian, that much you knew. He was so unsure of himself most of the time, used to being rejected or pushed away. You never wanted to make him feel like that when it came to you.
"Hey, my shift ends soon, so I'm gonna head back inside. But... You should text me when you get off shift, okay?" A subtle invitation extended from yourself to Adrian.
He nodded, "Y-yeah... I'll text you."
"Cool." You grinned and stood on tour tiptoes, pressing your lips the corner of his mouth before you pushed the door open, glancing back at him one last time before you let it close behind you.
Adrian just stood there for a minute in complete silence, giving himself a moment to process what the fuck had just happened. You had pretty much just told him that you would have sex with him, possibly even let him take you out on a date.
That thought made him break out into a grin. He punched the air, mumbling a 'fuck yeah' to himself before heading back inside to eagerly await the end of his shift.
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sandssavvy · 4 years
My guide for online media bingeing
My Brother My Brother & Me - With 500 episodes of upbeat content, this is perfect for people stuck at home.
Welcome to Night Vale - time for those good spooky queer small town vibes.
Stuff You Missed in History Class - Much more interesting than my high school history class. Episodes are about interesting events and people.
The Adventure Zone - There are multiple campaigns. I reccommend starting at the beginning with TAZ Balance, but if you want to start with the McElroy family playing DnD in the ongoing campaign TAZ Graduation is only up to Ep 12 right now.
Web Series:
Critical Role & all of Talks Machina:
Seriously this D&D rpg live game made up entirely of super talented voice actors is the best, and it is a crazy amount of content. Talks Machina, the cast Q&A show tends to be hilarious.
All Work No Play - Liam O'Brien and Sam Riegel are two best friends trying out activities ranging from: Ghost hunting, black smithing, goat yoga, and chainsaw art.
Monster Factory - Griffin & Justin Mcelroy make horrifying characters in various video games. This is the origin of Final Pam.
Ruining History
Puppet History
Buzzfeed Unsolved
The Try Guys
Kittysaurus: Cute cat shenanigans.
Polygon - Unraveled (Brian David Gilbert)
College Humor -
Dimension 20's (college humor folks)amazing D&D campaigns:
- Escape from the Bloodkeep (includes Matt Mercer & Erika Ishii)
- Fantasy High
- The Unsleeping City
Free TV:
Leverage: One of the best TV shows of all time! A group of criminals works to take down evil CEOs, corrupt politicians, and Wall Street criminals etc. And become an epic found family. If you havent seen it you have to try it. If you have seen it, rewatch it!
Schitt's Creek - Season's 1-5: Fantastic funny heartfealt. Including one of the most endearing mlm couples on tv.
Black Books: A hilarious British comedy
Paranormal Home Inspectors - People who believe their homes are haunted get visited by 3 inspectors 2 believe in ghosts and one is a building inspector. I love the building inspector.
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares
Forensic Files: The best true crime show I've ever seen. It's not over the top, it's just a factual exploration of a criminal case from beginning to end. There are 14 Seasons to watch for free!
Peep Show: David Mitchell and Robert Webb's comedy series.
Q.I. : The famous British quiz show.
Kingdom: Stephen Fry plays a small town barrister. It is surprisingly good and upbeat.
Spaced: A fantastic British comedy show with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.
Tubi shows & movies can be watched for free on a phone app or your computer.
But I'm a Cheerleader - Classic queer film which has a happy ending (despite the conversion camp).
Those weird Mythica movies Matt Mercer was in.
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Secret of Nimh
Hulk Vs. (One of the funniest Deadpools in this animated film.)
Penelope: A Christina Ricci & James Mcelvoy film.
Treasure Island: Eddie Izzard plays Long John Silver and it's very good! Elijah Wood plays Ben Gunn.
The crunchyroll website and app are great for watching anime, jdrama, & foreign films for free.
Online plays/musicals:
Starkid Productions!: the people who made A Very Potter Musical (and it's sequels) eventually made a bunch of fantastic musicals.
Twisted (The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier)
Holy Musical B@man!
Trail to Oregon!
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Black Friday
Little White Lie
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powerovernothing · 7 years
Different anon here: because I'm lame I crack myself up thinking of an au where yondu survives and travels with the guardians, getting to know them and slowly becoming more and mores done with his sons weird taste in friends.
Oh my, isn’t this a rare treat, and something that completely puts a massive smile on my face! To go from writing a super fun meta for one nice Anon based around our local space dad…and then to turn around and see that another lovely Anon has wandered into my askbox to discuss more Yondu things?
And not only that, but also share with me an adorable headcanon of him and his son post Vol 2 where everything is good and happy and nothing sad ever happened no matter what James Gunn tries to make us believe?
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Oh, I am going to have a fun time with this~
(Lots of Yondad meta and headcanon under the cut, as well as a small drabble where Yondu and Drax get along and embarrass Peter! Prepare for feelings as well as silly things!)
First off, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The Guardians of the Galaxy fandom is just absolutely and all around lovely, and they certainly know their way to my heart with really great ideas coming from their really awesome minds!
Honestly, how could you not just adore this fandom and the people within it?!
Ah, but regardless! Hello there different, but equally as great, Yondu Anon! (Or would you rather me call you Yondad!Anon instead? Seems kind of fitting, yeah?) And thank you very much for popping into my askbox! Seeing all these messages from you guys just really makes my days all the more brighter; you just have no idea!
But there I go, getting off track; for shame! Anyway, you said that you make yourself giggle over a scenario where Yondu travels full time with Peter and his Guardian family after the events of the second film, and that he just, slowly but surely, becomes even more done with his son’s very bizarre choice of friends the more and more he gets to know them?
And, on top of everything, you somehow actually consider that idea to be lame?
Oh, but my dear Yondad friend! That is where you are sadly mistaken, because I don’t think that that idea is lame whatsoever! In fact, I think that it’s a very wonderful idea actually! And one that I, too, often think about in terms of post Vol 2 headcanons – be it silly or cute or just somewhere in between!
And actually, reading over your message reminded me of various ideas that me and my friend @packratofdenialism had in regards to Yondu’s relationship with the Guardians. The ones that come to mind first and foremost being that, other than Rocket and Groot, it would probably be Drax that Yondu would end up having the best kind of friendship with, before anyone else in the group.
And why him of all people, you may be wondering, and not someone like Mantis, considering that she is basically in some ways Peters’ adoptive sister, and Yondu has a thing for strays?
Well, honestly, the reasoning behind this is that Yondu and Drax are actually rather similar. Both warriors/killers with their own sense of honor, both fathers in their own right, both pretty bad with emotions, and yet ends up, after a massive tragedy, accepting a new family…as well as various others I’m probably not remembering.
And besides all that, there’s also the fact that both Yondu and Drax have one amazing ice breaker to spark their friendship. And something that would most certainly embarrass the hell out of Peter once he hears them talking about it.
That Drax was one of the first Guardians whom considered Yondu Peter’s father.
And since we’re all about giving out headcanons, and you had such an awesome one messaged to me above – how about I give you one in return? One that will give you all the emotions, possibly silly and heartwarming both?
(Inspired by late night conversations with @packratofdenialism​, love ya friend~!)
Because honestly, can you imagine the look on Yondu’s face when Drax pulls him aside and he begins to discuss just how wonderful the relationship that Yondu has with his son is? And how proud he must be to have raised such  a grand warrior, or how blessed Yondu should feel to see Peter grow and become a leader of his own crew?
I mean, it’s one thing to say it among friends, and have it be played off as a really big misunderstanding…
As well as have Peter totally deny that Yondu is the dad he’s always wanted, or that he ever called him Dad emotionally after he was saved from space, or how this is something that both father and son are still trying to get used to saying at all…but, dude, that’s only meant to be private sappy bullshit just between them! Not said in mixed company, or aloud, or ever! What the hell, Drax!
But to bring it up again, in a small ship where everyone can hear, and in front of Yondu no less! Peter isn’t sure whether to crawl under the ship’s controls or just smack his head repeatedly into the wall, because he knows well enough that nothing that comes out of this is going to be good, and he’ll probably never live it down…
I mean, just imagine!
“Ah, at long last! I get to go one on one with Quill’s father!” “Sure as hell hope yer not expectin’ the two o’us ta’arm wrest –” He pauses half way through his playful words; realizing slowly just what Drax said. “Wait, whadda’yer sayin’?”“You are indeed the true father of Star Lord? I know that your son tries to deny it with great enthusiasm, but it is surely so plain to see!”
So Peter would just groan aloud, because it was bad enough the first time around but now other members are listening in, and part of him just really hopes that Yondu will cut Drax off with some joke.
And yet, Yondu just smiles. Letting out that very asshole kind of laugh that is hidden with deeper emotion; because it may be slightly embarrassing to be considered Peter’s father by someone – as well as surprising, considering no one is judging him for said feelings…but somehow it just feels right.
“Hah, yeah, ah’guess ya could say ‘dat.”
And at hearing that Yondu isn’t angry, and is possibly going along with it, Peter just pops his head in and glares at them both with a massive blush on his cheeks.
“OH MY GOD YONDU NO. Don’t encourage him, ya stupid ass blueberry! Seriously, man, he’ll never stop at this rate and dude, we’re getting a damn audience here!”
And Drax interjects, because how rude of Peter to call his father a blueberry!
“Do not disrespect your father, Quill!”
And slowly, Yondu just looks over at Peter and sees his flustered look, because he knows that they were never the type for outward or open emotion. But after everything they went through, they could use a little bit of lighthearted teasing, and oh god it’s just so easy!
And he gives him a far too knowing smirk – like yep boy, ya wiggled yerself into dis, now ya gotta deal wit’it.
“Ey, ya heard him, son! Ya go on and treat yer daddy wit’ ‘sum kinda respect!”
And Peter just goes full on blood red, because oh my god Yondu why, and stomps out all the while screaming.
Then Drax would look over at Yondu curiously; still hearing Peter squealing down the hallways.
“Is he always such –”
“A big ol’ drama queen? Hell yes. I mean, damn, th’ stories I could tell –” 
“Oh! Please share your tales, Udonta! I would be overjoyed to listen!”
Hours later, Peter comes back totally drunk, and being far too done with his new extended family of embarrassing people and dad jokes, and oh my god are those two still at it after all this time? If I turn that corner they better not be exchanging baby pictures, what the hell.
And Yondu is still next to Drax, and he has this massively proud smile on his face. And he’s explaining in detail about the first time that Peter tried to shoot the special blaster that that he had given his boy for his birthday, and how their training session ended with Peter accidentally shooting Yondu in the leg instead of the Yaka Arrow that was meant as the target.
And Drax is just laughing out loud, as he often does when he is happy, and Peter expects Yondu to still be angry because of the accidental maiming that happened all those years ago and yet –
“Boy gave me one helluva scar! Still got it too! And oh damn, was he sheepish! Thinkin’ I was gonna up and whup ‘im for doin’ it. Hell, lookin’ back I probably scared im’ cussa my shouting an’ all…but I was REAL DAMN PROUD!””As one should be! To know that your child holds the courage to take down his target no matter who it may be! That shows true strength!””And even’tho dat shit hurt like hell, I was just thinkin, durin’ his stupid ass apology, how ‘dat trick shot coul’ be used on the field! Git’im all backed inna corner, and hav’im hit his target when ‘dey least expect it?”“Ahaha! Imagine the look on your enemy’s face when they are taken down by such a small and frail child!”“Hell yeah! I mean, I always ‘igured Petey to be sumfin’ special, but after all ‘dat, th boy just kept on surprisin’ me!“
Maybe Peter assumes that half of this conversation is just his drunken mind playing tricks on him, because Yondu was, and is proud of him? And Drax is agreeing? And they’re actually getting along? And it’s not just at Peter’s expense?
Obviously he had one too many.
And yet, the more he continues to listen in secret, the more he sees his old man actually smiling, and sees him getting along with his team, and not having to worry about anything that Ego put on his shoulders, or Ravagers betraying him for daring to care…
And sure, maybe he’s still getting used to all of this; the thought of him having an actual family.
…One that is filled with talking raccoons and green skinned warriors, tiny trees that enjoys his odd taste in music and a blue skinned dad with a flying arrow, as well as a brother that still is loyal even though he doesn’t have to be after what happened with the Ravagers…
Okay, so maybe his family is a seriously weirdass one…but it’s still a family nonetheless. And the more that Peter thinks about it, the more he walks away from the conversation, and finds himself placing in certain earbuds from a certain Zune and playing a certain song to help him deal with his awful hangover…
…He realizes that yeah, embarrassing and mismatched and crazy as it may be, this family is still his – and it just feels right.
There you go, Anon! You gave me the wonderful idea of Yondu getting to know the Guardians and just wondering where he went wrong in Peter’s upbringing because SERIOUSLY SON WHY THESE IDIOTS. And in turn, I gave you an idea where everyone else slowly just becomes totally done with Yondu – mostly Peter, because THE EMBARRASSING STORIES, DAD WHY.
As well as some additional feelings on top of the silliness, because why not?
Thank you so much once more for coming into my askbox and talking Yondad related headcanons with me! I deeply appreciate it, always totally have fun with it, and I surely hope that you enjoyed my little mini fan fiction that I gave you in return! (If anyone wants that posted on it’s own without additional talk, just ask.)
Lots of hugs, hope you have a great day full of joy and fandom feelings, and I hope to see you around soon! Pop back in anytime!
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