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two adorable people who…can never be together
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vera-dauriac · 2 years
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Watching last year's Francesca da Rimini from Berlin. The staging makes zero sense and seems to have been invented by someone who has never seen the libretto, but the singing is extraordinary, the chemistry between Francesca and Paolo is spectacular, and Jonathan Tetelman is vocally and physically 🔥.
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atlurbanist · 2 months
Turning oceans of blacktop into great places for people
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Vast expanses of asphalt, like the one at Peters & Walker Streets in Atlanta, are not what cities need (notice the circular tire marks, obviously from dangerous behaviors enabled by this expanse).
In the second image, check out a great concept for how to use our public domain in a better way, adding space for pedestrians.
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Even if there's some reason that the exact design pictured in the concept illustration isn't perfect for this exact intersection in Castleberry Hill, it's the spirit of the thing that I'm drawn to -- the idea of asking "how can we redesign this as a great urban space?" (instead of a knee jerk "we can't do that here! Atlanta's a car town!").
Source for the concept image: Tom Jakubiak on LinkedIn
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yamayuandadu · 27 days
was mithra/mithras worshipped in mesopotamia like was his worship introduced into this area during the achaemenid and later periods? what about cities near mesopotamia like Palmyra and dura europos? also was he syncrestised With any local gods? maybe shamash
I’m sorry but due to space constraints and lack of sufficient familiarity with (or deeper interest in) most Roman mystery cults I can’t help much with the dissemination of Mithras and Mithraism on the eastern periphery. There is no evidence of his cult being present in Palmyra (Javier Teixidor, The pantheon of Palmyra, p. 106) but on the other hand it was definitely present in Dura Europos (the mithraeum discovered there is notable enough to have its own wiki page, apparently); I’m not really aware of any attestations from even further east. According to Encyclopedia Iranica, “though represented virtually everywhere in the Roman empire, it was much stronger in the Latin speaking West than in the (predominantly) Greek-speaking East”. As for Mithra proper: the oldest datable attestation of him - or a derivative, at least, since we are dealing with a highly divergent oddity with a plural name, it seems - is technically at least Mesopotamia-adjacent. 
The treaty between Suppiluliuma of the Hittite Empire and Šattiwaza of Mittani (c. 1330 BCE) lists “the Mitra-gods (d.MEŠMitraššil; the determinative signifies plurality), the Varuna-gods, Indra, the Nasatya-gods” (translation courtesy of Gary Beckman, Hittite Diplomatic Texts, p. 43) among deities invoked as witnesses on the Mittani side. As stressed most recently by Eva von Dassow in Mittani and Its Empire (published in The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East), their position is not prominent, and they do not appear anywhere else. People who try to make this attestation into a big deal are basically automatically untrustworthy. The Mitanni rulers, regardless of their origin, were culturally Hurrianized to such a degree the presence of some derivative of Mithra in a single treaty is borderline irrelevant - and it might not even be strictly speaking Mithra, but rather generic “treaty gods” (hence the plural). I’m not really aware of any Achaemenid, Arsacid or Sasanian efforts to introduce the strictly Zoroastrian version of Mithra to Mesopotamia.
Whether it’s possible to speak of any connection between Mithra and Shamash is a complex matter so that’s addressed under the cut. The material from Hatra pertains to that so it’s covered there too.
To begin with, I’m not aware of any clear case of identification between Mithra and Shamash. It’s a suggestion which sometimes pops up in scholarship, but without any conclusive evidence, as far as I am aware. It’s not entirely implausible, though.
Typically the comparisons depend on sharing both judiciary and solar roles, but it needs to be stressed here that Mithra didn’t really have strong solar associations until relatively late. This aspect of his character is absent from the Avesta, and according to his article in Encyclopedia Iranica there’s no clear evidence for him having a solar role predating Strabo’s account of Persian beliefs. Therefore, it probably only developed at some point in the Achaemenid period.
One relatively recent example of seeking possible connections between Mithra and Shamash I’ve stumbled upon is the article Mesopotamian Influence on Persian Sky-watching and Calendar. Part I. Mithra, Shamash and Solar Festivals by Krzysztof Jakubiak and Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (accessible via De Gruyter). Some quite bold claims are made there, with the supposed influence going all the way back to the Bronze Age. However, the authors provide basically no archeological evidence for early Iranian-Mesopotamian contact (they also don’t address the fact early Iranians would very obviously encounter Elamites first when moving westwards); and some of their sources indicate that a thorough survey of literature wasn’t made (in many cases outdated generalist publications are the only sources consulted). I’m reluctant to recommend it as a point of reference for this reason. It seems much more sound to seek possible influence in the Achaemenid period or beyond. However, matters are complicated by the fact that Mithra is essentially absent from some of the earliest available sources like the Persepolis fortification archives, and largely just appears in theophoric names before the reign of Artaxerxes II.
Margaret Cool Root suggests in Defining the Divine in Achaemenid Persian Kingship (published in Every Inch a King – Comparative Studies on Kings and Kingship in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds, accessible via Brill) that there is already evidence for Persians being familiar with the iconography of Shamash and his association with royal power and legitimacy during the reign of Darius I. However, she doesn’t propose any connection with Mithra, only with the semi-divine king and Ahura Mazda, and relies just on motifs in monumental art. More sound evidence is available from the early centuries CE. Michael Shenkar (Intangible Spirits and Graven Images, p. 102) notes a figure on the relief from Tang-e Sarvak might be either Mithra depicted in a similar manner to Shamash or just outright Shamash. He also proposes that an unusual depiction of the Kushan emperor Vima Kadphises rising from between mountains with rays/flames emanating from his shoulders is patterned on Shamash’s iconography (Royal regalia and 'Divine Kingship' in the pre-Islamic Central Asia, p. 58) and that Iranian and adjacent groups might have associated the images of Shamash rising from between mountains with the customary description of Mithra as responsible for surveying the world from atop Mount Harā. He points out Shamash was still depicted this way in the second century CE, as indicated by works of art from Hatra. I personally found these arguments convincing at least in terms of iconography. The situation in Hatra is somewhat unique, and requires some additional explanations, though. 
A good recent outline can be found in Aleksandra Kubiak-Schneider’s Hatra of Shamash. How to assign the city under the divine power? (there is a small mistake on p. 799 though - referring to Ereshkigal as a sister of Shamash is a questionable syllogism at best, and even her sibling credentials wrt Inanna are questionable as recently stressed by Alhena Gadotti). She argues the city god, Maran/Maren, was essentially a derivative of Shamash - or Shamash under an Aramaic title, something like “our lord”. Some of his local features are unique - for example, his symbol was an eagle, but Shamash was never associated with this bird elsewhere in earlier periods (it was mostly Zababa’s thing). Kuciak-Schneider suggests this might be an evolution of depicting him symbolically as a winged solar disk (p. 798). A slightly different view can be found in an earlier publication. Ted Kaizer in his 2000 overview article Some remarks about the religious life of Hatra states that it cannot be determined with certainty if the Shamash worshiped in Hatra was derived from the Mesopotamian god, or instead from the Arabic sun goddess (p. 234). He also the local pantheon combined “Mesopotamian, Arab, Syrian and Graeco-Roman elements” (p. 230) - but not Iranian. This obviously requires partial revision, since Lucinda Dirven in her fantastic My Lord with his Dogs. Continuity and Change in the Cult of Nergal in Parthian Mesopotamia does demonstrate at least a degree of Iranian influence on the worship of Nergal in Hatra. However, all I dug up in the case of Mithra is a handful of Iranian theophoric names listed by Enrico Marcato in Personal Names in the Aramaic Inscriptions of Hatra: Daosha-Mithra (“Mithra is my friend”), Mithra, Mithra-bandag (“servant of Mithra”) and Mithra-dāta (“given by Mithra”). It doesn’t seem these have any deeper implications than that there were some people with an Iranian background in Hatra, though. Marcato states that the presence of an actual cult of Mithra in Hatra is implausible (p. 167) and has been already disproven in the 1970s by Han J. W. Drijvers in the article Mithra at Hatra? Some remarks on the problem of the Irano- Mesopotamian syncretism, which I tragically failed to find online. For what it’s worth, he also notes some of the same theophoric names occur in material from Palmyra as well.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Archaeologists in Armenia Discover an Ancient ‘Golden Tomb’
It's the latest find from a joint Polish and Armenian excavation effort begun in 2013.
Archaeologists at Metsamor, an ancient necropolis in Armenia, have discovered a tomb filled with gold pendants and more than a hundred amber and carnelian beads. Dating to the late Bronze Age (1,300 to 1,200 B.C.E.), the grave also held the remains of a man and a woman, who appear to have be buried at the same time.
“Their death is a mystery to us, we do not know the cause, but everything indicates that they died at the same time, because there are no traces of tomb reopening,” Krzysztof Jakubiak, an archaeology professor at the University of Warsaw, said in a statement.
Laid to rest in an eternal embrace, the couple was buried in a cist, a stone-lined chamber dug into the ground. Believed to have died in their 30s, one wore bronze bracelets, the other a tin wire ring.
The grave also included a wooden burial bed, a faience flask, and about a dozen ceramic vessels. According to researchers, the beads and pendants were originally part of three necklaces, and the flask would have been imported from the Syrian-Mesopotamian borderland.
The research project at the Ararack Valley is a joint effort the Polish Center of Mediterranean Archaeology at the University of Warsaw and Armenia’s Service for the Protection of Historical Environment and Cultural Museum-Reserves, led by Jakubiak and Ashot Piliposian. The partnership has been ongoing since 2013, according to the Greek publication Archaeology; an exhibition of their findings opened last fall at the Armenian History Museum in nearby Yerevan.
To date, archaeologists have discovered about 100 graves in the cemetery, but the newly found golden tomb is one of the few that were not looted prior to the start of excavations in 1965. The cist graves would have been covered with burial mounds of earth that have eroded over the centuries.
Because the ancient Armenians do not appear to have been illiterate, and left behind no written records, archaeologists know little about Metsamor society. The walled settlement was at its height from 4th to the 2nd millennium B.C.E., with temple complexes surrounding a central fortress.
“It was a very large settlement. Even fortifications made of huge stone blocks have survived to our times, encircling the so-called citadel on the hill,” Jakubiak said. “There was no other settlement in the region that could be compared in terms of importance and size.”
By Sarah Cascone.
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klubidzpanstad · 1 year
Marian naucza demokracji
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Ruszyła kampania wyborcza do wyborów parlamentarnych a wraz z nią do pracy zabrały się media sympatyzujące ze swoimi obozami politycznymi oraz niezliczone organizacje, fundacje i inny aktyw partyjny z każdej ze stron. Ciekawa okazała się także karuzela kandydatur na parlamentarzystów, wśród której objawiły się prawdziwe rodzynki. Do Konfederacji powrócił, goszczący często w sekciarskich audycjach Dobromir Sośnierz, któremu w oczy zajrzało widmo utraty mandatu posła, jego kolega buntownik Artur Dziambor, także częsty gość IPP przykleił się do tzw. Trzeciej Drogi, na listy PiS wciągnięci zostali ludzie od dawna pracujący na względy partii rządzącej czyli Marek Jakubiak i Robert Bąkiewicz. Niemałe zamieszanie wytworzyło się wokół miejsca na liście Koalicji Obywatelskiej dla Romana Giertycha a także Bogusława Wołoszańskiego i lidera AgroUnii Michała Kołodziejczaka.
Media po stronie PiS natychmiast wyciągnęły sprawę współpracy ze służbami PRL Wołoszańskiemu, przypominały, że Giertych nie zjawia się w Polsce z obawy przed aresztowaniem gdyż ma poważne problemy z prawem zaś Kołodziejczakowi wyciągnięto wszystkie idiotyczne wypowiedzi i zachowania  a tych było sporo więc było z czego korzystać i trudno dziwić się, że zostały użyte w walce wyborczej.
Jednak w tym samym czasie gdy na Kołodziejczaku, Wołoszańskim czy Giertychu nie zostawiano suchej nitki wypominając nawet dawną krytykę PO, Unii Europejskiej czy samego Donalda Tuska w trasę po kraju wyruszyli aktywiści sympatyzujący z PiS a zorganizowani przez środowisko bliskie Gazecie Polskiej i TV Republika.
Inicjatywa o nazwie „Akademia demokracji” ma w założeniu deklarowanym wzmacniać społeczeństwo obywatelskie w kluczowym dla systemu demokratycznego wymiarze czyli zajmować się sprawami szeroko związanymi z wyborami, była m.in. cyklem spotkań w różnych miastach, podczas których do udziału w wyborach zachęcali np. publicyści przychylnych władzom mediów. W ten oto sposób nauczycielem demokracji, wykładowcą „Akademii demokracji” został Marian Kowalski (któremu miejsca na listach jednak nie zdecydowano się zaoferować), który w towarzystwie red. Adriana Stankowskiego z TV Republika dzielił się z wyborcami swoją wiedzą o demokracji. Niedawny współpracownik sekty dla której przez 2,5 roku niemal codziennie wulgarnie opluwał Polaków i katolików wysłany został w teren by tym samym ludziom opowiadać o demokracji i zachwalać rządzącą partię. Kowalskiemu, w przeciwieństwie do Kołodziejczaka nikt dawnych wypowiedzi nie wyciąga a jest tego o stokroć więcej niż w przypadku lidera AgroUnii i są to naprawdę rzeczy obrzydliwe. Kowalskiego przyjęto na służbę w charakterze „narodowca” i do dziś wciskany jest on widzom mediów Tomasza Sakiewicza jako przejęty losem Polski patriota i człowiek o czystych intencjach.
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1234567ttttttttttt · 5 months
M. Jakubiak: Sikorski siedział w Białym Domu i nawet na chodnik go nie w...
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tn10y · 8 months
Three reasons to now worry about DAFC
🆕 📝 ⚽️ In November, I wrote an article about why it was not time to worry about #DAFC. However, four months on and with no win since early December, there are reasons to be skittish. 👱‍♂️ Michael Wood 🤝 Shares appreciated. 🔗👇
By Michael Wood Injuries have hurt and continue to Just when Dunfermline felt they were getting over their injury issues, the news dropped that Sam Fisher is to miss six to eight weeks with a calf complaint. He joins Aaron Comrie, Andrew Tod, Craig Wighton, Kane Ritchie-Hosler and Kyle Benedictus in the treatment room, but, hopefully, Alex Jakubiak, Matty Todd and Rhys Breen are imminently…
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wausaupilot · 1 year
Stevens Point man gets 30 years in child assault case
He won't be eligible for release until he's almost 94 years old.
Wausau Pilot & Review Portage County District Attorney Cass Cousins announced Friday that a Stevens Point  man was convicted and sentenced to a total of 30 years in prison after being convicted of repeatedly sexually assaulting a child. Michael J. Jakubiak, 63, at a Sept. 15 hearing, was sentenced by Portage County  Circuit Court Judge Patricia Baker to a bifurcated sentence comprising 20 years…
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Touch in close adult relationships increases oxytocin levels, and when that touch is paired with a positive interpretation of the touch, it leads to lowered stress and could cause cognitive changes that increase both relational and psychological well-being (Holt-Lunstad, Birmingham, & Light, 2008; Jakubiak & Feeney, 2017).
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therealefl · 1 year
Carlisle United Eyeing Up Move For Title Winning Scottish Striker
Carlisle United Eyeing Up Move For Title Winning Scottish Striker
Carlisle United have been heavily linked with Dundee striker Alex Jakubiak, according to reports from the Daily Record. Jakubiak is set to become a free agent this summer, with both the club and player deciding to part ways. The 26-year-old is coming off a solid season and will no doubt receive plenty of interest in the transfer window. This was the Scotsman’s third season with Dundee, and by…
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studenttransteacher · 2 years
Colonialization is naturally dehumanizing. Let's explore how Phillip Noyce's 2002 Film "Rabbit-Proof Fence" flips traditional hegemonic standards by proving that being a colonizer is much more barbaric and animalistic than those they are colonizing.
My essay investigates Rabbit-Proof Fence's use of comparison between humans hunting animals for a food and survival resource and how the white colonizers hunt the runaway aboriginal characters.
Read my essay below:
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motylowy · 2 years
Jak widzę nagłówki
"Tomasz Jakubiak z "MasterChef Junior" schudł bez drastycznej diety. "Był Tomek i nie ma Tomka""
"Ile można schudnąć w miesiąc? Zastosuj się do 4 zasad, a boczki będą znikać w oczach"
"Dlaczego jedna osoba chudnie, a druga tyje? Chodzi m.in. o bakterie"
"Przez pięć dni testowałam dietę od Joanny Krupy. Zaskoczeń nie brakowało"
pojawiające się na pierwszej stronie mimo, że nigdy nie wyszukuje i nie wchodzę w takie materiały, to jedyne o czym marzę w tym momencie, to, żeby schudnąć. Czuje się wtedy obrzydliwie we własnym ciele. Fakt, że czytam takie nagłówki przy napadzie powoduje, że czuje się gorszx od innych.
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Tattoo by Chris @piercedhearts . Contact Chris @ 206-729-0200 to make an appointment with him. . . #tattoo #tattooseattle #colortattoo #seattle #beautiful #jakubiak #beardedtattooer #japanesegirl #geisha #geishatattoo #kickingass (at Pierced Hearts Tattoo Parlor)
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revelstein · 3 years
Dumny obrońca
Wiecie, że są tacy, którzy odczuwają dumę z postawy Pawła Kukiza? Dla nich Kukiz nie jest szmatą, chujem, mendą, kurwa polityczną (to tylko niektóre z propozycji), dla nich Kukiz jest bohaterem, heroiczną osobowością poświęcającą się dla Polski. Continue reading
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fan-of-mulligan · 5 years
Before leaving the house at 6.10AM In The Morning, I made sure that I had the following things on me,,,,,,, Money, Keys, My Fleetwood Town Ticket, My Sony Xperia XA1, Fleece-Jacket, Newspapers, 500ML Bottle Of Coca Cola, Lynx, Polo’s, Pad And Pen, Gloves, Spare Lids, Match-Day Programmes, Gillingham Bag, Charger and Portable Chargers - And after double checking that I had everything on me that I needed, I left the house, locked the door and made the ten to fifteen minute walk to the bus stop out-side The Cricketers Pub, which is the pick up point for The Kings Ferry Coach, And while I was waiting for the coach, I got speaking with Haydn, and we spoke about the previous fixture, which was Gillingham’s 1-0 win against Sunderland and how that was a fantastic win for The Gills, I mentioned that Brandon Hanlan’s Header was actually a goal, And I added that Two Gillingham Supporters Post Match also confirmed that it was a goal, while another gentlemen standing next to both of us mentioned that he sits In The Medway Stand close to The Brian Moore Stand and he also confirmed that the ball had in-fact crossed the goal-line.
The Kings Ferry Coach then arrived and everyone waiting for The Coach outside The Cricketers got on the coach and Peter mentioned that there were spare seats at the back, and as I got on the coach and sat down, I updated My Statuses On Facebook and Twitter with the following response, On my way to Highbury Stadium as Gillingham take on Fleetwood Town In League One This Afternoon, Hopefully, Gillingham can build on Last Saturday’s Fantastic 1-0 win against Sunderland by picking up all three points today - COME ON THE GILLS!!!!!!!! - Seeing as Nicholas wasn’t on the coach, I sent Nicholas a message mentioning that I assume that you are giving Fleetwood Town a miss because ticket prices for Ipswich Town and West Ham United are not exactly cheap, and I asked Nicholas if he was going to watch Bearsted play instead, Nicholas spoke about the number of matches coming up in quick succession and he was still going to be following Fleetwood Town V Gillingham, But he couldn’t make it to the game, Stephen, Diane, and Ann were also not going to Fleetwood Town V Gillingham as well.
I also sent the predictions for The Noircat Prediction League, Diane, Ann and Lisa have all predicted A Gillingham Win while I have predicted a draw, and a draw would be a decent result for The Gills, but we would love to see Gillingham pick up all three points, and after picking up supporters from Priestfield Stadium, Outside The Strand, and Strood Sports Centre, we were on our way to Fleetwood Town, and even though I still had a spare seat next to me, there was still quite a few Gillingham Supporters making the long trip to Fleetwood Town on the coach, and once everyone was on the coach, Peter went through all the formalities of the rules and regulations, and The Coach Prices for Adults and Children and no alcohol on the coach - not that anyone would carry alcohol on the coach - and the travel costs were £35 for Adults, and thankfully there were two drivers on the coach, which means that The Driving Hours Regulations will not affect us severely, because I think Drivers are allowed to drive for four hours non stop before having a break, and with two drivers, they can simply rotate to ensure that The Driving Regulation Rules are not broken.
Peter also spoke about how the coach will stop at Watford Gap Services and another service station closer to Fleetwood depending on traffic, And Peter also mentioned about the time where someone thought it would be a good idea to crash into our coach while it was stationary on the road, this meant that we had to wait an hour for a replacement coach, and we then had to wait at Norton Caines Services for the trip back to Kent (No Wonder Nicholas Isn’t Going To Fleetwood Town This Season) Also, Peter spoke about the possibility of running several coaches to West Ham United should that match go to a replay - I will be going via train for that game 100% - But I am sure we would like to see Gillingham win against West Ham United at Priestfield Stadium instead though.
Louis mentioned that he had forgotten to charge up his mobile phone, which is not a good start to an away game, thankfully, there are USB Chargers On The Kings Ferry Coach, But I always take Portable Chargers with me now, because that way, you know for sure that you are covered and you don’t have to worry about charging your electronic devices, Because it is not always the case that there are USB Chargers on the coach for long away trips, I remember telling Lewis to bring his portable chargers with him on the coach and I think everyone has there own Portable Chargers and Power-Packs with them now for away games.
Dartford Crossing at this time in the morning was easy to travel through and we had gone through Dartford Crossing at 7.35AM In The Morning and there wasn’t a lot of traffic on the road, and hopefully we don’t hit many traffic problems on our way to Fleetwood Town as well, I was looking on Twitter at a few tweets, And Barry Fuller was voted into AFC Wimbledon’s Team Of The Decade At Right Back, Max Ehmer has spoken very highly about Joey Barton and had always tipped The Premier League Midfielder to go into management, I then re-tweeted a few more tweets before re-tweeting polls from Gills Debate and Gills In The Blood, I had predicted Gillingham to get a score draw against Fleetwood Town and as long as Gillingham avoid defeat then this would be a good result, with the obvious exception being if Gillingham were winning 3-0 and ended up drawing 3-3.
The early start meant getting some sleep on the coach, and when I woke up again, we were close to Watford Gap Services, and we stopped off at Watford Gap Services At 9.18AM In The Morning for a fifteen to twenty minute stop, It was too early for me to buy anything from McDonalds, I know some supporters were probably looking by Breakfast or buy a snack, But I wasn’t going to buy anything when we stopped, and once everyone had got food and drink and were back on the coach again, we left Watford Gap Services at 9.35AM and we were on our way to Fleetwood Town.
And once we were on the road on our way to Fleetwood, I checked My Notifications On Facebook And Twitter and I noticed that Gillingham Town’s Home Match Was Postponed because of A Waterlogged Pitch and D3D4 uploaded there usual tweet where they ask supporters which game they are going to and the score prediction, and I responded back with the following,,,, Highbury Stadium, Fleetwood Town V Gillingham, Fleetwood Town 1-1 Gillingham - Olly Lee to get himself on the score-sheet for Gillingham. I had also uploaded my predicted Gillingham Starting Line Up And Substitutes Bench For Fleetwood Town V Gillingham, and I had predicted the following,,,,, Bonham, Fuller, Ehmer, Tucker, Ogilvie, Jones, O’Keefe, O’Connor, Lee, Mandron, Hanlan SUBS: Walsh (GK) Hodson, Willock, Marshall, Charles-Cook, Ndjoli, Jakubiak - I know that Stuart O’Keefe has just come back from injury, But it may well be the case that we have to make do, play Stuart O’Keefe for an hour before substituting him and maybe Matty Willock can come on and play for the final thirty minutes of the match.
Peter then came round to collect the money, And I paid My £35 fare and I had the correct amount of money on me so that Peter didn’t have to give me any change, Peter asked if I had got My Fleetwood Town Ticket On Me, And I added that I have already brought my ticket, And unless it is pay on the gate only, I always get my ticket in advance, For some away games the price goes up on the day, and also, I just prefer to get my ticket and save the hassle of queuing up for a ticket on the turnstiles, especially if we were to encounter any traffic problems, which we did experience traveling to Fleetwood Town two year’s ago now.
I got a few messages on Twitter, With One Gillingham Supporter wishing me a safe trip and hopefully it will turn out to be a happy trip, while A Fleetwood Town Supporter replied to me adding that I should wrap up warm for the "gentle breeze" in Fleetwood!, Now if the weather turns out to be awful, then at least Fleetwood Town’s Ground is covered and we can stand in the back few rows of the seated stand, or we can stand In the back row of the terrace, I am assuming that Gillingham will have there supporters situated in the seated stand, Because I cannot see Gillingham taking many supporters to Fleetwood Town just two weeks before Christmas.
After getting some more sleep on the coach, I woke up around 11.50AM, And I had been on the coach for almost five hours now, and I know many Gillingham Supporters who regularly traveled to away games game in and game out who simply have stopped going, not because of the performances and results on the pitch, not because of any financial problems, but simply it is the time it takes traveling to and from an away game, Your on the coach at 6.30AM In The Morning and chances are that we will be getting back home at 11PM at night, and you feel the after effects of traveling via coach for fourteen hours to and from an away game the day afterwards as well, So I do understand and realise why supporters cannot travel to away games, because the time it takes traveling to and from away games is time consuming to say the least.
We then stopped off at Charnock Richard Services at 12.05PM for A Forty Minute Stop, And already, I had heard conversations from supporters who believe that Gillingham have hit the jackpot with The West Ham United Home Game and Gillingham can spend big in The January Transfer Window, It used to be the case that for A FA Cup Tie, The Home Team Gets 60%, Away Team Gets 30% and The FA Gets 10%, But the rules have changed very recently, And Gillingham and West Ham United get 45% of The Gate Revenue, And The FA Get 10%, So while we don’t get as much as we used to in-terms of Gate Revenue, Gillingham V West Ham United Is Televised, And Gillingham have made over £100,000 in Prize Money for our results against Sunderland and Doncaster Rovers In The First and Second Rounds Of The FA Cup, Not to mention that we will get our share of the gate revenue from the three matches as well, But if Gillingham were to win against West Ham United, then your talking £135,000 in Prize Money and the possibility of A Money Spinning Fourth Round Draw, and that could change our entire January Transfer Window Entirely as well.
But while the focus of any money gained from Gillingham’s FA Cup Run has been conversations regarding new signings, Me and Charlie Spoke About Gillingham Players who need to be offered extended contracts, Players like Jack Tucker, and Brandon Hanlan are both young players with high potential and both players need to be tied down to long term contracts as soon as possible, and another player I believe who should also be tied down to a long term contract is Regan Charles-Cook, I know that Regan Charles-Cook has not featured in the first team as much as he would have liked, But I can see Regan Charles-Cook being one of those players who might go to another team in League One, Play regular first team football and then move on and play for A Championship Club in the near future, So I do think that Regan Charles-Cook needs to be offered a new contract sooner rather then later.
And all three players we have spoken about are young players with sell on potential, And I think that is the market that Gillingham are in at this moment in time, We need to be looking to sign young players who we can sell on for a profit so that we can generate our own revenue, and that means that Gillingham need to be watching and scouting U23 Football Games and looking at players who we can convince to sign for Gillingham Football Club, and those young players will be keen to play competitive first team football and they will want game-time and they will want to be playing in meaningful matches early on in there playing career, and when you look at our loan signings like Alfie Jones and Tom O’Connor, both players have been magnificent for Gillingham and there is no way that those two are going to go back to Southampton Next Season and play U23 Football, those two will want to go out on loan again next season, and whether Gillingham can sign those two players again on loan for next season, then time will tell.
I headed off to The NewsAgents to Buy Two 500ML Bottles Of Coca Cola and Two Cadbury Bars For £4.50, And I then headed back to the coach and sat down in my seat, before charging up My Mobile Phone with the portable charger. and portable chargers are so valuable whenever your traveling to and from an away game, And after everyone had got back on the coach again, we left the services at 12.45PM and we were on our way to Fleetwood Town and we’re just over a hour away from Fleetwood, And I messaged Knappers On Twitter to say that we are just over a hour away from Fleetwood Town, And I was looking at messages I was getting from Stephen and Diane on Facebook and I mentioned to Stephen that I predicted A Draw For The NoirCat Prediction League, and how I need to start getting a few results right in a row, Because I am starting to drop down towards the relegation zone in my division, While I mentioned to Diane whereabouts we were and how long we had to arrive at Highbury Stadium, And what we had predicted for The NoirCat Prediction League.
We then arrived outside Fleetwood Town’s Ground at 13.40PM, And The Kings Ferry Coach had to do A U Turn and park down one of the side streets within walking distance of the ground so that we do not repeat what happened last season where someone thought it would be a good idea to crash into the coach, And I double checked that I had everything that I wanted on me before getting off the coach, and after getting off the coach (and noticing just how terrible the windy conditions were) I made my towards The Highbury Chip Shop to get something to eat because I had not eaten anything since breakfast at 5.10AM In The Morning and we’re coming up to 2PM, I decided to buy a small portion of chips and two jumbo sausages for £4, And Charlie also brought sausage and chips as well, You defiantly get value for money, which is the complete opposite when I paid £5 for A Bacon Cheese-Burger At AFC Wimbledon when the cheese wasn’t melted and the buns of the burgers were not fully cooked, This applies to food inside football stadiums for the most part, And I only buy food inside the stadium if there is no other alternative.
After finishing our meals from the local chippy, we headed around to the entrance for away supporters, not knowing if Gillingham Supporters had the option to stand and sit, or if we are in the seated section only, and depending on where our supporters were situated will depend on whether we will be standing or sitting, I saw the programme seller selling programmes out-side the ground, and I Brought My Match-Day Programme For £2, and you only have to look at the back of the programme to see the quality that Fleetwood Town have got in there squad, Peter Clarke, Ashley Eastham, Chad Evans, Josh Morris, Alex Cairns, Matt Gilks, Paddy Madden and Dean Marney, You can tell looking on the back of this programme that Fleetwood Town have got the quality in there squad which shows why Fleetwood Town are Ninth In The League One Table going into this fixture.
We then headed towards the entrance for away supporters, And My Gillingham Bag was Searched before being allowed through the away turnstiles, and I then queued up to buy One 500ML Bottle Of Coca Cola For £2.20, and after getting my change back, I stood with a few Gillingham Supporters as we were watching Liverpool play against Watford at Anfield on the main screen whilst talking about our score predictions, And I had predicted A 1-1 Draw, Charlie and a few others had predicted a draw as well, and there was a general consensus that a point away from home against Fleetwood Town would be a decent point, obviously, we would love to see Gillingham pick up all three points, But a draw would still be a respectable result for The Gills.
Eventually, The Team News Came Through On Twitter, And Gillingham Lined Up As Follows,,,,,,, Jack Bonham, Barry Fuller, Max Ehmer, Jack Tucker, Connor Ogilvie, Alfie Jones, Stuart O’Keefe, Tom O’Connor, Olly Lee, Mikael Mandron, Brandon Hanlan SUBS: Joe Walsh (GK), Lee Hodson, Ben Pringle, Regan Charles-Cook, Mark Marshall, Alex Jakubiak and Mikael Ndjoli - So Stuart O’Keefe comes in to replace Mark Byrne and Ben Pringle is back named on the substitutes bench after serving a two match suspension, Matty Willock wasn’t named in the squad and with Matty Willock not in the squad, Mark Byrne out injured for the rest of the season and Stuart O’Keefe coming back from injury and Ben Pringle available for selection after serving a two match suspension, This does highlight the need for Gillingham to bring in reinforcements in midfield, as well as looking to bring in a centre back to provide defensive cover and looking to sign A Striker In The January Transfer Window.
There was a very unfortunate moment however, Because Stewards kept insisting on Gillingham Supporters to move away from blocking the view from The Control Box, Now after what happened last season, most Gillingham Supporters kept away from the control box and because of two rows had to be kept clear, it meant that Gillingham Supporters had to stand in the aisle, and we needed to stand in the back few rows because the weather was horrific, Gillingham Supporters were pleading with The Stewards to move us into The Terrace, If they don’t want us to block the view from The Control Box then if moving The Control Box is not viable, then at the very least, make sure that away supporters are either moved into the terrace, or, Put Away Supporters In The Highbury Stand down the opposite side of the pitch - And if stewards are complaining about Gillingham Supporters standing and blocking The Control Box, and there were not many of us at Fleetwood Town, then how are Fleetwood Town going to cope with Blackpool bringing a large away following to Fleetwood Town ???
I uploaded a photo of Highbury Stadium and I Tweeted The Following,,,,,, Just over ten minutes until kick off. The chippy from the local chip shop was great, Hopefully, Gillingham can pick up all three points today - COME ON THE GILLS!!!!!!!! - And I have got to say that it was freezing in the away end, and there were so many away regular’s who you normally see game in and game out who were not at the game this afternoon for a number of reasons, The time it takes traveling to and from Fleetwood is probably the main reason, Tickets For Ipswich Town and West Ham United are not exactly cheap, Fleetwood Town V Gillingham was being played two weeks before Christmas so maybe fans chose this as a match being a good game to miss to get Christmas Shopping Done, and away games are not cheap either, But despite the low turnout, it was crowded in the away end because Fleetwood wanted to keep the control box clear with a perfect view of the pitch.
I was speaking with Jim, who was going to AC Milan on Sunday, and he has always wanted to go to The San Siro, especially as The San Siro is going to be redeveloped in a year or two, And Jim was speaking about favourite grounds you have gone to as A Gillingham Supporter, And Jim added that the away games had to be grounds that Gillingham go to on a regular basis and not a one off (EG White Heart Lane When Tottenham Won 5-0 Against Gillingham) I mentioned Griffin Park Which Is Brentford’s Ground, Huish Park, Which Is Yeovil Town’s Ground and the main reason I mention Yeovil Town’s Ground is because we can go to Gillingham Town, And the last time Gillingham played against Yeovil Town, Gillingham Town moved there home game against Bristol Manor Farm to a early kick off and Me, Diane and Rob were going to watch Gillingham Town V Bristol Manor Farm before watching Yeovil Town V Gillingham, But Gillingham Town’s Home Game Was Postponed.
Other Grounds that were mentioned was Leyton Orient, MK Dons, Crewe Alexandra and Doncaster Rovers, I would like to see Gillingham play against Liverpool, Manchester United or Arsenal at Anfield, Old Trafford and The Emirates respectively, But to do that, Gillingham need to beat West Ham In The FA Cup Third Round and get a money spinning FA Cup Fourth Round Draw, And as far as tickets for The FA Cup Go, I am sorted and I think for the most part everyone has brought there tickets, but there might be a few who need to rely and hope that tickets go on general sale if they are looking to buy any additional tickets for Gillingham V West Ham United, And we were all in agreement that Gillingham V West Ham United will be a sell out capacity crowd and everyone is looking forward to that match as well.
Both Teams then walked out on to the pitch and the atmosphere raised in volume around Highbury Stadium with both teams lined up in-front of The Main Stand, Fleetwood Town were kicking towards The Percy Ronson Terrace and Gillingham were kicking towards The Memorial Stand, Meaning that Fleetwood Town will be kicking towards there supporters In The Second Half and Gillingham will be kicking close to where there supporters are situated, Because Gillingham Supporters are situated close to The Percy Ronson Terrace, And we are hoping that Gillingham can pick up all three points against Fleetwood Town and keep this momentum going - COME ON THE GILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And In The First Minute Of The Match, Max Ehmer wins the aerial challenge up against Ched Evans and headers the ball forwards down the line and Danny Andrew jumps into the back of Stuart O’Keefe and knocks Stuart O’Keefe down to the deck and Gillingham have been awarded a free kick, Again, I have got to mention that it was freezing in Fleetwood and the windy conditions were not for the faint hearted, and also, Fleetwood Town Stewards Kept telling us to move out of the view from The Control Box, which meant that supporters either moved sideways or dropped down a row, and it was getting irritating to say the least, We understood that the control box needs to see the pitch, which is why several Gillingham Supporters added that we should be allowed into the terrace.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Barry Fuller kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar wins the aerial challenge up against Brandon Hanlan and Olly Lee is on to the second ball and passes the ball out-wide to Stuart O’Keefe, who evades the challenge from Paddy Madden before being penalised for his foul on Ched Evans and Paddy Madden had looked to switch play to the opposite flank, But Referee Graham Salisbury had awarded Fleetwood Town A Defensive Free Kick, And From The Resulting Free Kick, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field and Kyle Dempsey flicks the ball on and Ched Evans chests the ball under control and Tom O’Connor kicks the ball long down-field towards Mikael Mandron on the halfway line, and Mikael Mandron manages to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Connor Ogilvie and Connor Ogilvie kicks the ball long down-field towards Brandon Hanlan, and Connor Ogilvie’s long ball down-field runs all the way through to Billy Crellin, who was able to gather the ball with ease.
And From Here, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field and Jack Tucker wins the aerial challenge up against and Ched Evans and Olly Lee manages to get to the second ball ahead of Jack Sowerby, But Olly Lee has over-run the ball out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On In Gillingham’s Half Of The Pitch, And From The Resulting Throw On, Lewis Coyle throws the ball long down-field and Ched Evans flicks the ball on and Max Ehmer manages to clear the ball partially away from danger, and Lewis Coyle manages to get to the loose ball ahead of Mikael Mandron and Lewis Coyle manages to evade the attempted challenge from Mikael Mandron and Lewis Coyle takes a few touches in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Wes Burns, who see’s his attempted one / two with Kyle Dempsey cut out by Tom O’Connor, who manages to pass the ball forwards to Mikael Mandron, and Mikael Mandron plays a first time pass inside to Olly Lee, who passes the ball forwards to Brandon Hanlan, And Brandon Hanlan is crowded out by three Fleetwood Town Players and Wes Burns manages to pass the ball back to Lewis Coyle, who plays a long pass down the line and there was Connor Ogilvie in the right place at the right time to win the initial aerial challenge, but Kyle Dempsey manages to win the second fifty / fifty challenge, and Barry Fuller wisely headers the ball back to Jack Bonham, who was able to gather the ball with ease.
And From Here, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Alfie Jones was able to win the second aerial challenge, But Paddy Madden was able to kick the ball up into the air and as the ball came back down by the byline in-front of the dugout, Stuart O’Keefe and Max Ehmer had done enough between the two of them to intercept the ball, However, Ched Evans manages to get himself between the ball and Stuart O’Keefe and Stuart O’Keefe is penalised for a foul and Fleetwood Town have been awarded a defensive free kick, and from the resulting free kick, Danny Andrew kicks the ball long down-field and Connor Ogilvie wins the initial aerial challenge and Alfie Jones back-header back towards Jack Bonham is headed back too firmly and Jack Bonham cannot prevent the ball from going out of play for A Fleetwood Town Corner Kick, And From The Resulting Corner Kick, Josh Morris whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the near post and Mikael Mandron manages to get to the loose ball first and boot the ball clear and away from danger and Danny Andrew gets to the ball ahead of Brandon Hanlan and boots the ball long down-field and Barry Fuller headers the ball forwards to Brandon Hanlan, who is penalised for a foul on Danny Andrew when it looked likely that Brandon Hanlan had turned past Danny Andrew and read the bounce of the ball better, and despite our irritation and frustration with the decision, Fleetwood Town have been awarded a free kick, And From The Resulting Free Kick, Harry Souttar’s long kick down-field towards Ched Evans is over-hit and runs out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick.
And when play resumes, Fleetwood Town were on the front-foot yet again, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Stuart O’Keefe headers the second ball forwards and Harry Souttar wins the next aerial challenge and Barry Fuller headers the ball forwards and Mikael Mandron wins the aerial challenge up against Josh Morris and Kyle Dempsey wins the aerial challenge up against Tom O’Connor, and Mikael Mandron gets to the loose ball first, however, Mikael Mandron’s first touch is poor and this allows Wes Burns to intercept the ball and Wes Burns manages to pass the ball back to Lewis Coyle, who passes the ball inside to Jack Sowerby, who has possession of the ball in the centre circle and Jack Sowerby passes the ball out-wide to Danny Andrew, And Danny Andrew takes a touch to control the ball before looking to pick out Ched Evans with a threaded through-ball which is slightly over-hit and the ball runs all the way through to Jack Bonham who was able to gather the ball with ease.
Six Minutes Into The Match, And Stuart O’Keefe manages to time his challenge to perfection on Josh Morris and Stuart O’Keefe manages to win a throw on for Gillingham as well, and from the resulting throw on, Barry Fuller throws the ball long down the line and Mikael Mandron wins the initial aerial challenge to flick the ball on towards Brandon Hanlan, and Jack Sowerby manages to header the ball clear and away from danger, however, Danny Andrew has pushed Brandon Hanlan in the back and Gillingham have been awarded a free kick in a very promising situation here, and from the resulting free kick, Olly Lee whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the back-stick and Connor Ogilvie manages to header the ball back across the face of goal and Ched Evans gets the ball under control and takes a few touches in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Kyle Dempsey, who passes the ball down-field towards Josh Morris, who looks to hit Gillingham on the counter attack, But Connor Ogilvie and Tom O’Connor do enough between the two of them to slow Josh Morris down and as Josh Morris continue’s his run down the right flank, Barry Fuller has come across and ran towards the byline down the left side of the pitch in Gillingham’s Final Third and Barry Fuller kicks the ball long down-field and Wes Burns gets the ball under control and looks to start another attack for Fleetwood Town, However, Tom O’Connor manages to intercept the ball and Tom O’Connor passes the ball forwards to Brandon Hanlan, who’s first touch on the half-turn takes him past Peter Clarke, But Harry Souttar comes across and kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar’s clearance has been caught in the wind and runs all the way through to Jack Bonham, who was able to gather the ball with ease, and Jack Bonham rolls the ball short to Barry Fuller, who takes a touch to control the ball, and Barry Fuller takes a few more touches in possession of the ball before kicking the ball long down the line and Harry Souttar comes across and shields the ball out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On and thus preventing Brandon Hanlan getting on to the long ball down-field from Barry Fuller.
And From The Resulting Throw On, Danny Andrew throws the ball long down the line and Stuart O’Keefe wins the initial aerial challenge and Jack Sowerby manages to get to the second ball ahead of Mikael Mandron and kick the ball up into the air and Kyle Dempsey wins the aerial challenge and Wes Burns is on to the loose ball and takes a few touches in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Ched Evans, And Ched Evans is under pressure from Barry Fuller and forced back towards his own goal and Ched Evans manages to pass the ball out-wide to Danny Andrew, However, Barry Fuller has slid in late on Ched Evans and Fleetwood Town have been awarded a free kick, Also, Barry Fuller was shown A Yellow Card From Referee Graham Salisbury and there can be no complaints about that booking.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down the left side of the pitch and neither Wes Burns or Connor Ogilvie can win the aerial battle and the ball goes out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, And From The Resulting Throw On, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line and Jack Sowerby wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Wes Burns headers the ball forwards and Alfie Jones wins the aerial battle up against Kyle Dempsey, and Mikael Mandron gets the ball under control before looking to play the ball over the top towards Brandon Hanlan, But Lewis Coyle cuts that pass out with a headed clearance, But Tom O’Connor is on to the loose ball and Tom O’Connor kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar takes no chances and kicks the ball into touch for a throw on, And From The Resulting Throw On, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball towards Brandon Hanlan, who chests the ball under control and Peter Clarke pulls Brandon Hanlan down to the ground and every Gillingham Supporter was appealing either for a penalty or free kick, But Peter Clarke manages to boot the ball long down-field and Max Ehmer and Jack Bonham are both going for the same ball and Jack Bonham has completely sliced the ball down towards the left side of the pitch and fortunately, the ball goes out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On In Gillingham’s Final Third, And From The Resulting Throw On, Ched Evans throws the ball back to Josh Morris, who see’s his attempted pass down the line cut out by Stuart O’Keefe at the expense of conceding another throw on.
And From The Resulting Throw On, Danny Andrew throws the ball long down the line towards Ched Evans, who wins the aerial challenge up against Barry Fuller and Alfie Jones wins the second aerial challenge to header the ball out-wide and Stuart O’Keefe forces Danny Andrew to header the ball out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, And From This Throw, Barry Fuller throws the ball long down the line and Harry Souttar wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Jack Sowerby gets the fortunate ricochet off Olly Lee and passes the ball short back to Kyle Dempsey, who passes the ball back to Lewis Coyle, And Lewis Coyle kicks the ball long down the line towards Wes Burns, who puts Connor Ogilvie under pressure and Connor Ogilvie over-head kicks the ball partially clear and away from goal and Tom O’Connor flicks the ball on towards Brandon Hanlan, who is being marked very tightly by Harry Souttar, And Brandon Hanlan does exceptionally well to pass the ball out-wide to Barry Fuller, who takes a few touches in possession of the ball before playing a long pass down the line towards Mikael Mandron, And Mikael Mandron passes the ball back to Stuart O’Keefe, and Stuart O’Keefe passes the ball back to Barry Fuller, And Barry Fuller clips the ball long down the line towards Mikael Mandron, who flicks the ball inside to Stuart O’Keefe, and there was Danny Andrew in the right place to clear the ball away from danger for Fleetwood Town and Jack Tucker headers the ball out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, But Wes Burns gets to the ball first and Connor Ogilvie takes out Wes Burns on the halfway line and Fleetwood Town have been awarded a free kick, and only a free kick as well, Because Connor Ogilvie could and perhaps should have been booked for that challenge on Wes Burns.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Lewis Coyle passes the ball short to Wes Burns, who passes the ball back to Lewis Coyle, And Lewis Coyle takes a few touches in possession of the ball before trying to pick out Danny Andrew with a cross-field pass which goes out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, In Gillingham’s Defensive Final Third, Thirteen Minutes Into The Match, And Tom O’Connor was very harshly penalised for a foul when Wes Burns wasn’t going anywhere and fell to the ground very easily and Fleetwood Town have been awarded a free kick down the right side of the pitch, and from the resulting free kick, Lewis Coyle kicks a long diagonal cross-field pass and Danny Andrew just about manages to keep the ball in play before working his way into a crossing position and passing the ball back to Josh Morris, And Josh Morris whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Max Ehmer just about manages to block the cross and Barry Fuller kicks the ball into touch at the expense of conceding a throw on, and from the resulting throw on, Danny Andrew throws the ball down the line to Josh Morris, who works his way into a crossing position, and Josh Morris passes the ball back to Danny Andrew, who whips in a high and hanging cross and Tom O’Connor wins the initial aerial challenge and headers the ball partially clear and away from danger, But Jack Sowerby is on to the loose ball and passes the ball out-wide to Lewis Coyle, who tries to pick out Ched Evans with a dangerous in-swinging cross and there was Max Ehmer in the right place at the right time to header the ball clear and away from danger at the expense of conceding a corner kick, and from the resulting corner kick, Josh Morris whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Mikael Mandron headers the ball clear and away from danger and Danny Andrew is on to the loose ball and plays a first time diagonal cross-field cross and Harry Souttar chests the ball down to Peter Clarke who plays a first time flicked pass out-wide to where Josh Morris Is Situated, and Barry Fuller is in the right place at the right time to header the ball clear and out of play for a throw on.
And when play resumes, Danny Andrew throws the ball short to Josh Morris, who passes the ball out-wide to Danny Andrew, And Danny Andrew passes the ball down the line towards Josh Morris, who goes to ground underneath Alfie Jones’ Attempted Challenge, But despite the calls from Fleetwood Town Supporters for A Free Kick, the ball goes out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick and Gillingham can just do with a five to ten minute quiet spell just to ease our way through this match and acclimatise to the windy conditions.
And From The Resulting Goal-Kick, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar  headers the ball down-field and Max Ehmer kicks the ball high up into the air and as the ball drops down, Mikael Mandron lays the ball off to Stuart O’Keefe, who passes the ball down the line towards Brandon Hanlan, who is being pushed and pulled by Harry Souttar and Referee Graham Salisbury hasn’t awarded Gillingham A Free Kick and Brandon Hanlan manages to lay the ball off to Stuart O’Keefe, And Stuart O’Keefe goes on a driving run forwards in possession of the ball, And Stuart O’Keefe continue’s his run forwards in possession of the ball and passes the ball out-wide to Brandon Hanlan, and Brandon Hanlan manages to work his way towards the byline and Brandon Hanlan skips past Danny Andrew’s Attempted Challenge but Brandon Hanlan over-complicates things a bit and passes the ball back to Barry Fuller, And Barry Fuller’s first time shot goes high and wide and fails to hit the target by some considerable distance.
After the ball had gone out of play, I decided to stand up because my view of the corner kick Josh Morris had whipped in earlier was slightly obscured and it is very irritating when the stewards tell supporters to sit down to not block the view of the control box, and every Gillingham Supporter who was standing offered The Stewards a solution by moving Gillingham Supporters Into The Terrace Behind The Goal, If The Control Box has to look out on the football pitch and there is no-where else inside Highbury Stadium where The Control Box can go, then The Highbury Stand on the opposite side of the pitch should be given to away supporters, and then home fans can sit in the end few blocks of The Parkside Stand.
Seventeen Minutes Into The Match, Brandon Hanlan puts Harry Souttar under pressure and The Fleetwood Town Defender knocks the ball out of play for a throw on, and from the resulting throw, Barry Fuller throws the ball short to Mikael Mandron, who initially manages to retain possession of the ball, But Danny Andrew manages to nip in there to intercept the ball and Mikael Mandron is then penalised for a foul on Josh Morris, And I personally thought that the decision to award Fleetwood Town A Free Kick was a very soft decision, And From The Resulting Free Kick, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field, But Billy Crellin’s long clearance is over-hit and runs out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick, And From Here, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Alfie Jones flicks the ball on and Olly Lee lays the ball off to Mikael Mandron, who is crowded out by four Fleetwood Town Players and Paddy Madden is on to the loose ball, and Paddy Madden passes the ball out-wide to Ched Evans, who flicks the ball past Barry Fuller and is through down the left side of the pitch, But Max Ehmer has come across to cover and kicked the ball against Ched Evans to win Gillingham A Defensive Throw On, And From Here, Barry Fuller throws the ball long down the line and Danny Andrew headers the ball out of play for another Gillingham Throw On, And From This Throw On, Barry Fuller throws the ball long down the line and Mikael Mandron chests the ball down towards Brandon Hanlan, who manages to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Barry Fuller, who manages to pick out Olly Lee with a clipped pass down the line, and Olly Lee is waiting for some support, But Harry Souttar times his challenge to perfection and knocks the ball out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, And From Gillingham’s Third Throw, Connor Ogilvie hurls in a long dangerous throw and Harry Souttar headers the ball out of play for A Gillingham Corner Kick, And The Atmosphere raises in volume from The Gillingham Supporters In The Away End.
And From The Resulting Corner Kick, Tom O’Connor whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Ched Evans looping header goes out of play for another Gillingham Corner Kick, And From The Resulting Corner Kick, Olly Lee whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the near post and Paddy Madden flicks the ball on at the near post and I have no idea how no-one in A Gillingham or Fleetwood Town Shirt was able to get on to the end of the second ball and the ball runs out of play for another Gillingham Throw On, And From The Resulting Throw On, Gillingham had the chance to open the scoring, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball down the line towards Olly Lee, who manages to keep the ball in play and pass the ball back out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, who also manages to keep the ball in play, and Connor Ogilvie gets the ball under control and checks back on himself before whipping in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Jack Sowerby wins the initial aerial challenge and Josh Morris boots the ball clear and away from danger, and Tom O’Connor manages to pass the ball through to Stuart O’Keefe first time, and Stuart O’Keefe gets the ball under control before passing the ball out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, and Connor Ogilvie manages to whip in another in-swinging cross and Lewis Coyle manages to header the ball partially clear and away from danger - and why Stuart O’Keefe didn’t shoot first time I have no idea and the extra touch allowed Kyle Dempsey to clear the ball away from danger and the chance had gone for The Gills.
Twenty Three Minutes Into The Match, And Brandon Hanlan is penalised for a foul on Lewis Coyle down the right side of the pitch in Gillingham’s Half Of The Pitch and Fleetwood Town have been awarded a free kick, and from the resulting free kick, Kyle Dempsey whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Barry Fuller wins the aerial challenge and headers the ball away from goal, But Jack Bonham has to move quickly across his goal-line and dive on to the loose ball to prevent Barry Fuller’s header from going out of play for A Fleetwood Town Corner Kick.
And From Here, Jack Bonham rolls the ball short to Connor Ogilvie, who kicks the ball long down-field and Lewis Coyle headers the ball partially clear and away from danger and Olly Lee runs down the left side of the pitch in possession of the ball, and Lewis Coyle manages to time his challenge to perfection and Wes Burns gets the ball under control, and Wes Burns see’s his pass blocked by Referee Graham Salisbury and the ball ricochets towards Alfie Jones, who was going to pass the ball out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, But Referee Graham Salisbury stops play and this allows Fleetwood Town to re-group and re-organise themselves, and from the resulting free kick, Jack Sowerby kicks the ball long down-field and Jack Sowerby’s long pass towards Paddy Madden is over-hit and runs all the way through to Jack Bonham, and from here, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Mikael Mandron wins the initial aerial challenge and Mikael Mandron’s attempted flick on goes out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On Down The Left Side Of The Pitch In Fleetwood Town’s Final Third, And From Here, Danny Andrew throws the ball long down the line and Barry Fuller wins the initial aerial challenge and Jack Sowerby partially clears the ball away from danger, But Stuart O’Keefe is on to the second ball, And Stuart O’Keefe tries to pick out Brandon Hanlan with a clipped ball over the top, but Harry Souttar wins the initial aerial challenge and Danny Andrew kicks the ball long down-field, and Barry Fuller headers the ball out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On In Fleetwood Town’s Half Of The Pitch, And From The Resulting Throw On, Danny Andrew throws the ball long down the line and Barry Fuller wins the initial aerial challenge and Harry Souttar gets to the loose ball ahead of Mikael Mandron and passes the ball down the line towards Ched Evans, but Barry Fuller was in the right place at the right time to boot the ball long down-field and Brandon Hanlan manages to retain possession of the ball ahead of Peter Clarke and pass the ball back to Mikael Mandron, who manages to pass the ball out-wide to Stuart O’Keefe, who passes the ball down the line towards Brandon Hanlan, And Brandon Hanlan manages to win a throw on for Gillingham in Fleetwood Town’s Final Third.
And From The Resulting Throw On, Barry Fuller throws the ball short to Stuart O’Keefe, who passes the ball back to Barry Fuller, And Barry Fuller passes the ball all the way back to Jack Tucker, who takes a touch to control the ball before kicking the ball long down-field, and Jack Tucker’s long clearance is over-hit and runs all the way through to Goalkeeper Billy Crellin, And Billy Crellin takes a few touches in possession of the ball before kicking the ball long down the left side of the pitch and Ched Evans chests the ball under control and wins the fifty / fifty battle up against Barry Fuller, But Stuart O’Keefe doubles up with Barry Fuller and kicks the ball into touch at the expense of conceding a throw on for Fleetwood Town, And From This Throw On, Danny Andrew throws the ball towards Ched Evans, who takes one touch to control the ball and another touch to try and pick out Paddy Madden with a clipped ball over the top, However, Ched Evans Pass over the top is over-hit and runs out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick.
And while this was a let off for Gillingham, when play resumed, Fleetwood Town had the chance to open the scoring In The Twenty Seventh Minute Of The Match, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar’s header hits the back of Mikael Mandron and Danny Andrew is quick on to the second ball and passes the ball square to Jack Sowerby, And Jack Sowerby passes the ball square to Peter Clarke, who goes on a driving run forwards in possession of the ball into Gillingham’s Half Of The Pitch, And Peter Clarke passes the ball out-wide to Wes Burns, And Wes Burns takes a touch to control the ball before going on a driving run down the right side of the pitch and Wes Burns whips in a dangerous cross / shot across the face of goal and Wes Burns dangerous cross / shot goes across the face of goal and goes out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick - And Fleetwood Town came close to opening the scoring and that was a huge warning for The Gills - And Gillingham have got to try and deal with the conditions, as well as the fact that we need to be wary of Paddy Madden, Ched Evans, Josh Morris and Wes Burns, because those four as Fleetwood Town’s Front Four are going to cause Gillingham problems throughout the rest of this match.
And From The Resulting Goal-Kick, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Brandon Hanlan manages to retain possession of the ball despite being closely marked by Peter Clarke, And Brandon Hanlan manages to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball back to Alfie Jones, who passes the ball out-wide to Stuart O’Keefe, And Stuart O’Keefe takes a touch to control the ball before whipping in a high and hanging cross towards Mikael Mandron and Fleetwood Town Goalkeeper Billy Crellin was quick off his goal-line to gather the ball, all be it with some difficulty, and from here, Billy Crellin rolls the ball out-wide to Lewis Coyle, who takes a touch to control the ball before clipping the ball long down the line and Jack Tucker comes across and kicks the ball into touch at the expense of conceding a throw on, and from the resulting throw, Lewis Coyle throws the ball short to Jack Sowerby, who manages to turn past Olly Lee’s attempted challenge and Jack Sowerby takes a few touches in possession of the ball before passing the ball cross-field towards Danny Andrew, And Danny Andrew takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball down the line towards Ched Evans, And Ched Evans passes the ball back to Danny Andrew, who manages to skip past Stuart O’Keefe’s attempted challenge before running down the left flank in possession of the ball, and Danny Andrew continue’s his run down the left flank right down by the byline, and Danny Andrew see’s his attempted cross charged down by Max Ehmer at the expense of conceding a corner kick, and from the resulting corner kick, Josh Morris whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Mikael Mandron was able to header the ball clear and away from goal and out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On In Gillingham’s Defensive Final Third.
And From The Resulting Throw On, Danny Andrew throws the ball short to Paddy Madden, who passes the ball back out-wide to Danny Andrew, And Danny Andrew looks to pick out Paddy Madden with an attempted pass down the line, But Barry Fuller is in the right place at the right time to kick the ball out of play for another Fleetwood Town Throw On, And From The Resulting Throw On, Danny Andrew throws the ball down the line towards Josh Morris and Josh Morris passes the ball back towards Danny Andrew, and there were claims from Gillingham Supporters that the ball had in-fact gone out of play for a throw on, and The Linesman Down The Main Stand Side Of The Pitch had in-fact flagged for A Gillingham Throw On, And this throw on just relieves pressure building on to Gillingham’s Goal.
But From The Resulting Throw On, And Fleetwood Town had the chance to open the scoring, Barry Fuller throws the ball long down the line and Harry Souttar wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Paddy Madden gets the ball under control and takes a few more touches before passing the ball square to Lewis Coyle, who goes on a driving run forwards in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Wes Burns down the right side of the pitch in Gillingham’s Final Third, And Wes Burns takes a touch to control the ball before taking on Tom O’Connor and firing a low cross across the face of goal and neither Paddy Madden nor Ched Evans can make the telling connection to stick the ball into the back of the net and Jack Bonham had dived across at full stretch expecting Ched Evans to be at the back-post, and every Gillingham Supporter was relieved to see the ball flash across the face of goal and go out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick.
Thirty Minutes Into The Match, And Harry Souttar is penalised for climbing all over Brandon Hanlan and Gillingham have been awarded a free kick in a very promising position on the pitch, and from the resulting free kick, Olly Lee whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the near post and Paddy Madden manages to header the ball clear and away from danger for A Gillingham Throw On In Fleetwood Town’s Final Third, and the cross from Olly Lee was very disappointing because Gillingham have not beaten the first man from the cross, and while the difficult conditions have to be taken into consideration, But we do need to see better delivery from dead ball situations from The Gills, And From The Resulting Throw On, Gillingham had half chances to try and open the scoring, Connor Ogilvie hurls in a long dangerous throw which is headed clear and away from goal by Harry Souttar, And Connor Ogilvie manages to get to the second ball first and whip in a dangerous in-swinging cross first time which is headed clear and away from goal by Defender Peter Clarke and Padden Madden manage to boot the ball clear and away from danger and Tom O’Connor was able to get to the loose ball first and kick the ball long down-field, and Tom O’Connor’s long ball down-field actually turns into a decent pass towards Max Ehmer down the right side of Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area, And Max Ehmer manages to get the ball under control before passing the ball back to Stuart O’Keefe on the edge of Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area, And Stuart O’Keefe takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball forwards to Olly Lee, who plays a first time pass out-wide to Max Ehmer, And Max Ehmer gets the ball under control before whipping in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Peter Clarke is in the right place at the right time to boot the ball clear and away from danger, and Barry Fuller and Ched Evans are both competing to get on to the loose ball on the halfway line and Jack Tucker has come across and booted the ball long down the line and the ball goes out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On right in Fleetwood Town’s Defensive Final Third.
And From The Resulting Throw On, Danny Andrew throws the ball long down the line and Ched Evans flicks the ball on to Paddy Madden, who flicks the ball on towards Kyle Dempsey and Jack Tucker comes across and kicks the ball long down-field and clears the ball out of play for A Fleetwood Town Goal-Kick and anywhere away from goal will do as far as Gillingham are concerned, and from the resulting goal-kick, Fleetwood Town have the chance to open the scoring, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field and Max Ehmer wins the aerial challenge up against Paddy Madden and the second ball drops back into Paddy Madden’s Path, But Alfie Jones manages to nip in there and intercept the ball and Alfie Jones pass down the line is charged down by Paddy Madden and Barry Fuller comes across to slide tackle the ball out of play for a throw on, But Barry Fuller has missed the ball and Paddy Madden is in by the byline and Paddy Madden works his way into a crossing position before whipping in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Wes Burns manages to nip in there in-between Jack Tucker and Connor Ogilvie to header the ball just wide of the far left post - AND THAT WAS THE CHANCE FOR FLEETWOOD TOWN TO OPEN THE SCORING!!!!! - Wes Burns Header going just wide was a golden goal-scoring opportunity for Fleetwood Town and I genuinely thought that Fleetwood Town had scored, and that was a huge let off for The Gills.
And From The Resulting Goal-Kick, Fleetwood Town had another chance to open the scoring, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down the left side of the pitch and Mikael Mandron wins the initial aerial challenge and Tom O’Connor wins the second challenge up against Paddy Madden and passes the ball forwards to Olly Lee, who’s pass back to Alfie Jones was to short and Kyle Dempsey passes the ball back to Jack Sowerby, who takes a few touches in possession of the ball before passing the ball square to Lewis Coyle, And Lewis Coyle takes a few touches in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Wes Burns, who takes on Connor Ogilvie and whips in a dangerous in-swinging low cross which Jack Bonham was able to gather with ease.
Thirty Four Minutes Into The Match, And Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field and Ched Evans manages to initially retain possession of the ball and Stuart O’Keefe manages to header the ball back to Barry Fuller, who takes no chances by smashing the ball into touch at the expense of conceding a throw on, and from the resulting throw on, Danny Andrew throws the ball square to Paddy Madden, who manages to retain possession of the ball despite being closely marked by Jack Tucker, and Paddy Madden is now being double marked by Jack Tucker and Alfie Jones and Paddy Madden lunges in on Olly Lee with a late challenge and Referee Graham Salisbury has booked Paddy Madden for his reckless challenge.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Gillingham look to open the scoring, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Mikael Mandron wins the aerial challenge up against Danny Andrew and Olly Lee manages to retain possession of the ball despite being closely marked by Jack Sowerby and Olly Lee manages to pass the ball out-wide to Mikael Mandron, and Mikael Mandron manages to take on Josh Morris before passing the ball inside to Olly Lee, and Olly Lee manages to flick the ball into Brandon Hanlan’s Path down the right side of the pitch in Fleetwood Town’s Final Third, and Brandon Hanlan manages to retain possession of the ball despite being closely marked by Harry Souttar, And Brandon Hanlan passes the ball back to Olly Lee, who takes on Josh Morris and whips in a high and hanging cross which is routinely saved by Billy Crellin, and although Gillingham have not severely tested The Fleetwood Town Goalkeeper Here, the build up and that passage of play was very good from The Gills.
And From Here, Goalkeeper Billy Crellin rolls the ball short to Kyle Dempsey, and Kyle Dempsey’s pass out-wide to Wes Burns is over-hit and runs out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, And From The Resulting Throw On, Connor Ogilvie hurls the ball long down the line and Lewis Coyle and Kyle Dempsey win the first two aerial challenges and Alfie Jones wins the fifty / fifty challenge up against Paddy Madden, But Alfie Jones can only knock the ball out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On In Fleetwood Town’s Final Third, And From The Resulting Throw On, Lewis Coyle throws the ball long down the line and Connor Ogilvie wins the initial aerial challenge and headers the ball down towards Olly Lee, who manages to retain possession of the ball before laying the ball off to Tom O’Connor, And Tom O’Connor see’s his attempted pass down the line charged down by Kyle Dempsey, And the ball deflects out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, And From The Resulting Throw On, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line and Mikael Mandron wins the initial flick on and Josh Morris kicks the ball long down-field and Connor Ogilvie was in the right place at the right time to get to the loose ball first and pass the ball back to Jack Bonham, And Jack Bonham takes a touch to control the ball before kicking the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar wins the fifty / fifty battle up against Brandon Hanlan and Harry Souttar boots the ball long down-field and the ball runs out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick.
And In The Thirty Eighth Minute Of The Match, Gillingham require some desperate defending to prevent Fleetwood Town from opening the scoring, Wes Burns passes the ball forwards to Kyle Dempsey down the right side of the pitch, who retains possession of the ball before flicking the ball back into Wes Burns Path, And Wes Burns runs down the right side of the pitch in possession of the ball, and Wes Burns runs towards the byline and is being closely marked by Tom O’Connor and Wes Burns checks the ball back to Lewis Coyle, who whips in a dangerous first time cross which is blocked by Alfie Jones and Connor Ogilvie boots the ball long down-field, and Mikael Mandron does exceptionally well to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball back to Tom O’Connor, who kicks the ball long down-field and pressure from Brandon Hanlan forces Peter Clarke to kick the ball into touch at the expense of conceding a throw on, and from the resulting throw, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball down the line towards Mikael Mandron, But Wes Burns intercepts the ball and Wes Burns attempted clearance is smashed into Tom O’Connor and the ball ricochets towards Mikael Mandron, who tried to pass the ball inside to Brandon Hanlan, But Peter Clarke wins the initial challenge before going in for a fifty / fifty challenge up against Tom O’Connor and the ball ricochets out of play for A Gillingham Throw On.
And From The Resulting Throw On, Connor Ogilvie hurls in a long dangerous throw and Wes Burns headers the ball out of play for another Gillingham Throw On, And From This Throw On, Connor Ogilvie hurls in a long dangerous throw on and Mikael Mandron flicks the ball on and neither Brandon Hanlan nor Olly Lee can get the ball under control and Josh Morris was able to smash the ball clear and away from danger and Jack Bonham comes outside his penalty area to get to the loose ball, and Jack Bonham was fortunate that his clearance avoided Paddy Madden and went down the left side of the pitch to where Connor Ogilvie was situated, and Connor Ogilvie gets the ball under control and Connor Ogilvie retains possession of the ball before passing the ball back to Tom O’Connor, who hits a diagonal cross-field cross towards Brandon Hanlan and Danny Andrew was able to header the ball clear and Jack Sowerby is on to the second ball, and Jack Sowerby gets the ball under control before taking a few touches in possession of the ball and then passes the ball out-wide to Danny Andrew, who passes the ball back inside to Jack Sowerby in a central area on the pitch, and Jack Sowerby passes the ball square to Wes Burns down the right side of the pitch, and Wes Burns takes a touch to control the ball before seeing his attempted pass down the line ricochet off Connor Ogilvie at the expense of knocking the ball out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On, And From The Resulting Throw, Lewis Coyle throws the ball short to Ched Evans, who passes the ball back out-wide to Lewis Coyle, And Lewis Coyle manages to pick out Paddy Madden with a lofted ball over the top, however, The Linesman had flagged Paddy Madden for offside, and that offside decision just relieves some of the pressure building on to Gillingham’s Goal.
Forty One Minutes Into The Match, And Kyle Dempsey is penalised for his challenge on Connor Ogilvie In Fleetwood Town’s Half Of The Pitch, And From The Resulting Free Kick, Tom O’Connor whips in a diagonal cross-field cross towards the back-stick and Max Ehmer tried to header the ball down towards Connor Ogilvie, But Kyle Dempsey was in the right place at the right time to make the important interception, but the ball deflects out of play for A Gillingham Corner Kick, And Gillingham could potentially take the lead just before half time, and from the resulting corner kick, Gillingham almost take the lead, Tom O’Connor whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Billy Crellin Punches the ball partially clear and away from danger and Stuart O’Keefe’s follow up effort is cleared off the line by Kyle Dempsey and Danny Andrew boots the ball clear and away from danger and Fleetwood Town survive a real scare on there goal.
And from the resulting throw on, Barry Fuller throws the ball long down the line and Harry Souttar wins the initial aerial battle and Olly Lee headers the second ball forwards towards Brandon Hanlan and Harry Souttar slices the ball up into the air and as the ball comes back again, Brandon Hanlan is almost in on goal and Lewis Coyle comes across and intercepts the ball and clears the ball long down-field and Ched Evans flicks the ball on and Josh Morris is first to react to the second ball, and there is a chance for Fleetwood Town to cause Gillingham problems defensively, however, Max Ehmer is in the right place at the right time to kick the ball long down-field and the ball goes out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On, And From Here, Danny Andrew throws the ball long down the line and Barry Fuller was able to get the ball under control before passing the ball short to Stuart O’Keefe, and Stuart O’Keefe kicks the ball against Ched Evans to win Gillingham a throw on, and from here, Barry Fuller throws the ball long down the line and Mikael Mandron gets the ball under control, but Jack Sowerby manages to intercept the ball, however, Stuart O’Keefe is on to the loose ball and plays a ball over the top down the line towards Mikael Mandron, and Mikael Mandron is forced to overrun the ball out-wide for A Fleetwood Town Throw On.
And From here is the last noteworthy moment of the first half, Danny Andrew throws the ball long down the line and Paddy Madden flicks the ball on and Barry Fuller wins the aerial challenge and Alfie Jones kicks the ball over his shoulder to kick the ball long down the line and Mikael Mandron manages to win a throw on for The Gills by competing up against Danny Andrew for a fifty / fifty ball, and from the resulting throw on, Barry Fuller throws the ball short to Brandon Hanlan, who’s first touch was poor and the ball goes out of play, and finally, Danny Andrew throws the ball long down the line and Ched Evans flicks the ball on and Jack Tucker’s defensive clearance was not the best, thankfully, the ball ricochets back to Tom O’Connor who just smashes the ball out of play as Gillingham look to go in at the break with the score-line still goal-less, and finally, Danny Andrew throws the ball short to Josh Morris, who slips as he controls the ball and Stuart O’Keefe goes on a driving run forwards in possession of the ball before passing the ball forwards to Mikael Mandron, and Mikael Mandron retains possession of the ball and lays the ball off to Stuart O’Keefe, And Referee Graham Salisbury blows his whistle for half time and both teams go in at the break with the score-line still goal-less.
At Half Time, I uploaded the photo of Fleetwood Town and Gillingham Lining Up Before Kick Off, And I had also posted the following on to Twitter,,,,,, HALF TIME: FLEETWOOD TOWN 0-0 GILLINGHAM - Gills have been second best for the majority of the first half and we are relieved to be going in at the break with the score-line goal-less, Burns should have opened the scoring for Fleetwood, Fleetwood have looked strong from crosses.
The dreadful windy conditions do have to be taken into consideration and Fleetwood Town V Gillingham is not a away journey for the faint hearted, and also, when you take the poor weather conditions into account and the fact that this game is being played two weeks before Christmas, then it is understandable why the away attendance is so low, and the attendance in general inside Highbury looked to be very low as well, Stephen, Diane, Ann, Ben and Nicholas have all given this game a miss, And there are so many away regular’s who are not here who would have gone and watch Gillingham Play, Ticket Prices For West Ham United and Ipswich Town are not cheap, so if you want to go to both matches, then I can see why so many are going to give Fleetwood Town V Gillingham a miss.
As for the match itself, Fleetwood Town should be winning and Wes Burns should have scored that header from Paddy Madden’s Cross and there have been a couple of cross / shots which have gone across the face of goal that Fleetwood Town have not capitalised on, and I think we need to see something different from Gillingham In The Second Half, Because Peter Clarke and Harry Souttar are dominating everything in the air in defence for Fleetwood Town, and an aerial bombardment is not going to work against Fleetwood Town, If Gillingham can get the ball down and cause problems in wide area’s, then we might be able to whip in low crosses across the face of goal for Brandon Hanlan and Mikael Mandron to get on the end of.
Me and Charlie were both looking at our options on the bench, and Ben Pringle could come on to try and help Gillingham retain possession of the ball, Regan Charles-Cook and Alex Jakubiak could provide pace in the final third and we could try to switch formation to grab a foot-hold in the game, at this moment in time though, I don’t think Gillingham will make a half-time substitution unless there was an injury, But maybe we will give it fifteen minutes and then look to make a change around the hour mark.
Just as the players came out on to the pitch for The Second Half, I took A Photo with the following comment attached, Big Second Half Coming Up - COME ON THE GILLS!!!!!!!!, And as both teams came out on to the pitch, neither Gillingham nor Fleetwood Town had made half time substitutions and both Steve Evans and Joey Barton will look to see how the game goes for the first fifteen / twenty minutes of the second half before looking to make any changes, hopefully, Gillingham can show signs of improvement in the second half and pick up all three points - COME ON THE GILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And The First Noteworthy Moment Of The Second Half See’s Barry Fuller play a clipped ball over the top towards Brandon Hanlan, who manages to retain possession of the ball, and Brandon Hanlan passes the ball out-wide to Stuart O’Keefe, who whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross first time and Danny Andrew was in the right place at the right time to kick the ball into touch at the expense of conceding a throw on, and from the resulting throw, Connor Ogilvie hurls in a long dangerous throw and Danny Andrew headers the ball partially clear and away from danger and Alfie Jones wins the second aerial challenge and Max Ehmer’s attempted flick on is deflected into Lewis Coyle’s Path, And Lewis Coyle manages to pass the ball down the line towards Wes Burns, who looks to get Fleetwood Town on the front-foot as Fleetwood Town look to hit Gillingham on the counter attack and Brandon Hanlan takes Wes Burns down to stop him in his tracks and Brandon Hanlan was booked for his challenge on Wes Burns, and there can be no complaints about that decision either and the booking was the correct decision.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Lewis Coyle whips in a diagonal high and hanging cross-field cross and Ched Evans wins the aerial challenge up against Max Ehmer and Jack Tucker headers the ball clear and away from danger, and Mikael Mandron tries to retain possession of the ball and Harry Souttar wins the fifty / fifty challenge up against The Gillingham Number Nine and Jack Sowerby is on to the loose ball and Jack Sowerby passes the ball square to Wes Burns, And Wes Burns passes the ball out-wide to Lewis Coyle, who takes a touch to control the ball, and Lewis Coyle goes on a driving run down the right side of the pitch and Lewis Coyle takes on Tom O’Connor and Lewis Coyle see’s his cross hit the back of The Memorial Stand and the ball goes out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick, And From The Resulting Goal-Kick, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down the left side of the pitch and Mikael Mandron headers the ball on and the ball goes out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On, And From The Resulting Throw, Lewis Coyle throws the ball long down the line and Connor Ogilvie headers the ball forwards and Olly Lee wins the aerial challenge up against Jack Sowerby and the ball goes out of play for a throw on, and from this throw, Lewis Coyle throws the ball long down the line and I thought that Ched Evans had flicked the ball against Connor Ogilvie to win another throw for Fleetwood Town, but the ball had in-fact gone out of play for A Gillingham Throw On.
And From The Resulting Throw On In The Forty Eighth Minute, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line and Wes Burns wins the initial aerial challenge and Olly Lee wins the aerial challenge up against Jack Sowerby to flick the ball on towards Brandon Hanlan and Brandon Hanlan cannot get on to the loose ball ahead of Peter Clarke, and Harry Souttar passes the ball square to Danny Andrew, who takes a touch to control the ball before playing a diagonal cross-field cross towards Ched Evans, who wins the aerial challenge up against Connor Ogilvie to header the ball down the line towards Wes Burns, and Wes Burns is intercepted by Jack Tucker and Connor Ogilvie is first to get on to the loose ball, and Connor Ogilvie kicks the ball long down-field and Lewis Coyle headers the ball forwards for Fleetwood Town and Kyle Dempsey flicks the ball around the corner towards Ched Evans, who waits for the ball to come to him and Connor Ogilvie nips in there to clear the ball away from danger and Ched Evans catches Connor Ogilvie late and Gillingham have been awarded a defensive free kick.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Jack Tucker kicks the ball long down-field towards Max Ehmer, But Jack Tucker’s Long Kick Down-Field is too long and runs all the way through to Goalkeeper Billy Crellin, who was able to gather the ball with ease, and from here, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field and neither Wes Burns or Connor Ogilvie can win the aerial battle to keep the ball in play and the ball goes out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, And before play can resume, Connor Ogilvie is down on the deck requiring treatment and if Gillingham are going to have to make a defensive substitution, either Lee Hodson comes on to replace Connor Ogilvie and Barry Fuller comes across to play at Left Back and Lee Hodson plays at Right Back, Or, Tom O’Connor drops back to Left Back and one of Ben Pringle, Regan Charles-Cook or Mark Marshall come on to play down the left side of the diamond, Thankfully, Connor Ogilvie gets back on his feat and is OK to continue playing - for the time being - But Connor Ogilvie going down injured momentarily is a reminder of the lack of defensive options that Gillingham have available to them and Gillingham will need at least one more defensive signing in The January Transfer Window.
And From The Resulting Throw On, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line and Wes Burns wins the aerial challenge up against Brandon Hanlan and Paddy Madden cannot retain possession of the ball and the ball ricochets back towards Kyle Dempsey, who passes the ball down the line towards Wes Burns, who clips the ball long down the line towards Ched Evans and Jack Tucker manages to clear the ball partially clear and away from danger and Paddy Madden headers the ball down the line towards Ched Evens, who tries to pick out Paddy Madden with a clipped ball over the top and Max Ehmer kicks the ball clear and away from danger and Lewis Coyle wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron, and Alfie Jones wins the aerial challenge up against Kyle Dempsey to header the ball forwards to Brandon Hanlan, who is clattered to the ground by Jack Sowerby and Every Gillingham Supporter was appealing for a free kick and Referee Graham Salisbury doesn’t award Gillingham a free kick, much to our irritation.
And from here, Fleetwood Town had the chance to open the scoring, Peter Clarke takes a few touches in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Danny Andrew, who takes a touch to control the ball, And Danny Andrew manages to pick out Wes Burns with an accurate cross-field pass, And Wes Burns takes a touch to control the ball before taking on Tom O’Connor and Wes Burns continue’s his run forwards before managing to pick out Danny Andrew with a very accurate pass down the left side of the pitch, And Danny Andrew see’s his fiercely driven effort towards goal only just go over the crossbar at the angle of crossbar and post, and that was the chance for Fleetwood Town to open the scoring, and had Fleetwood Town scored, that would have been double irritation, Because Jack Sowerby’s Foul On Brandon Hanlan went unpunished and Fleetwood Town went down the other end of the pitch and almost scored with Danny Andrew’s driven effort on goal just clearing Gillingham’s Crossbar.
Fifty Three Minutes Into The Match, And Gillingham had the chance to potentially open the scoring, Max Ehmer passes the ball back to Jack Bonham, and Jack Bonham passes the ball out-wide to Jack Tucker, who takes a touch to control the ball, And Jack Tucker kicks the ball long down-field and Brandon Hanlan flicks the ball on towards Mikael Mandron, And Peter Clarke was able to shield the ball back to Goalkeeper Billy Crellin, who was able to gather the ball with ease, and from here, Billy Crellin passes the ball short to Harry Souttar, who takes a touch to control the ball and Harry Souttar kicks the ball long down-field and Tom O’Connor wins the aerial challenge up against Paddy Madden and neither Lewis Coyle or Brandon Hanlan can get on to the second ball and the ball runs out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On, And From The Resulting Throw On, Lewis Coyle throws the ball long down the line towards Paddy Madden and Jack Tucker is in the right place at the right time to kick the ball clear and away from danger and Mikael Mandron manages to get in-front of Harry Souttar to pass the ball back to Olly Lee, who challenges Jack Sowerby with a fifty / fifty challenge and Tom O’Connor passes the ball down the line towards Brandon Hanlan, and Peter Clarke comes across to intercept the ball, But we had no idea how or why Referee Graham Salisbury had awarded Fleetwood Town A Free Kick.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Kyle Dempsey passes the ball short to Lewis Coyle who takes a touch to control the ball, And Lewis Coyle passes the ball down the line towards Kyle Dempsey, And Kyle Dempsey manages to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball back to Lewis Coyle, who takes a touch to control the ball and Lewis Coyle passes the ball square to Jack Sowerby, who takes a touch to control the ball and Jack Sowerby passes the ball back to Harry Souttar, And Harry Souttar passes the ball square to Peter Clarke, And Peter Clarke kicks the ball long down the line and Tom O’Connor headers the ball partially clear and away from danger and Olly Lee flicks the ball on towards Mikael Mandron, And Mikael Mandron passes the ball back towards Olly Lee, And Olly Lee passes the ball down the line towards Brandon Hanlan, and Brandon Hanlan is one on one with Harry Souttar, And Brandon Hanlan now cuts inside Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area and Brandon Hanlan is challenged by Harry Souttar as he was about to shoot and Alfie Jones pass out-wide to Tom O’Connor is intercepted by Lewis Coyle, who kicks the ball long down-field and Max Ehmer wins the aerial challenge up against Paddy Madden, and Ched Evans is on to the second ball and Ched Evans manages to retain possession of the ball before being taken out by Max Ehmer, But Referee Graham Salisbury waves play on because Midfielder Kyle Dempsey passes the ball out-wide to Wes Burns, who looks to take on Jack Tucker, and Wes Burns turns back on himself as Jack Tucker lunges into a challenge and Wes Burns clips in a dangerous cross which Max Ehmer was able to header clear and away from goal and Lewis Coyle is on to the second ball and takes a touch to control the ball before whipping in a high and hanging cross towards the back-stick and Jack Bonham was able to gather the ball with ease.
And From Here, Jack Bonham rolls the ball out-wide to Barry Fuller, who takes a touch to control the ball before looking to pick out Mikael Mandron with a long ball over the top, But Fleetwood Town Goalkeeper Billy Crellin comes rushing off his goal-line and gathers the ball with ease, and unfortunately for Gillingham, Fleetwood Town were able to open the scoring from the next passage of play, Billy Crellin throws the ball out-wide to Lewis Coyle, who takes a touch to control the ball and Lewis Coyle takes a few touches in possession of the ball before kicking the ball long down the line towards Kyle Dempsey, who flicks the ball inside to Paddy Madden and Paddy Madden plays a return pass back down the line towards Kyle Dempsey, And Jack Tucker gets to the loose ball first, and instead of clearing the ball into touch and taking the easy option, Jack Tucker tries to run wide in possession of the ball and the ball is stuck in-between his feat and Kyle Dempsey was able to intercept the ball and pass the ball back to Paddy Madden, who was urged to shoot from The Fleetwood Town Supporters, And Paddy Madden takes a touch to control the ball before working his way into a more central position and passing the ball square to Josh Morris, who takes a touch to control the ball, And Josh Morris whips in a low in-swinging cross across the face of goal, and there was Paddy Madden to stick the ball into the back of the net with a one touch finish and Fleetwood Town have taken the lead.
That goal has all come about because of a dreadful defensive error from Jack Tucker, who truly has been sensational in Gillingham’s Defence This Season, and it is unfortunate that an error from the young centre back has given Fleetwood Town the lead, But that is precisely what has happened, and given how Gillingham have played throughout the entire match and given how poor the conditions are combined with the fact that Fleetwood Town have got a sensational home record this season, It is going to take something special for Gillingham to get back into this match, and we are going to have to see who comes on and who can make an impact from the substitutes bench for The Gills.
Fifty Seven Minutes Into The Match, And Gillingham had a half chance to score an equaliser, Olly Lee had passed the ball back to Max Ehmer from the re-start, And Max Ehmer kicks the ball long down-field and Peter Clarke wins the initial aerial challenge and Alfie Jones just about manages to get to the second ball and pass the ball out-wide to Barry Fuller, who goes on a driving run down the right side of the pitch before waiting for support and laying the ball off to Olly Lee, who takes a touch to control the ball before whipping in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Goalkeeper Billy Crellin makes a comfortable save for Fleetwood Town, And from here, we thought that Fleetwood Town had doubled there lead, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field and Max Ehmer headers the ball back into Fleetwood Town’s Half Of The Pitch, And Peter Clarke headers the ball forwards for Fleetwood Town and Jack Tucker wins the initial aerial challenge and Jack Sowerby wins the fifty / fifty challenge up against Olly Lee, and Alfie Jones passes the ball forwards to Stuart O’Keefe, who is clattered to the floor by Jack Sowerby and play continue’s with Ched Evans in possession of the ball and Ched Evans goes on a driving run forwards right towards the edge of Gillingham’s Penalty Area before passing the ball out-wide to Danny Andrew, who’s first time cross takes a massive deflection off Barry Fuller and the ball deflects out of play for A Fleetwood Town Corner Kick, And From The Resulting Corner Kick, Kyle Dempsey whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the near post and Barry Fuller headers the ball partially clear and away from danger at the near post, and Stuart O’Keefe manages to kick the ball further away from goal and Josh Morris gets the ball under control before passing the ball out-wide to Kyle Dempsey, who gets the ball under control before taking on Tom O’Connor and cutting inside into a more central position, and Kyle Dempsey’s Cross towards the far post is drastically over-hit and runs out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick.
And From The Resulting Goal-Kick, Fleetwood Town are still pilling on the pressure on to Gillingham’s Goal, And Jack Bonham kicks the ball down the left side of the pitch and Lewis Coyle wins the fifty / fifty challenge up against Brandon Hanlan and Lewis Coyle manages to retain possession of the ball and Lewis Coyle kicks the ball long down the line and Max Ehmer wins the initial challenge up against Ched Evans, And Connor Ogilvie gets on to the second ball first and Connor Ogilvie kicks the ball long down-field and Lewis Coyle pushes Mikael Mandron into the back and down to the ground, and again, no free kick was awarded in Gillingham’s Favour, and Wes Burns is on to the second ball and Wes Burns plays a neat one / two with Kyle Dempsey and Wes Burns passes the ball back inside to Kyle Dempsey again, And Kyle Dempsey takes a touch to control the ball and Kyle Dempsey runs forward in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Ched Evans, And Ched Evans takes a touch to control the ball and Ched Evans goes on a driving run down the left side of the pitch, and Ched Evans see’s his low driven cross by the byline deflect off Connor Ogilvie and go out of play for A Fleetwood Town Corner Kick.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Josh Morris whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the back-stick and Jack Bonham palms the ball away from goal and away to safety at the expense of conceding another corner kick, and from the resulting corner kick, Kyle Dempsey whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Jack Bonham was able to gather the ball with ease, and from here, Jack Bonham quickly throws the ball out-wide to Mikael Mandron down the left side of the pitch, And Mikael Mandron goes on a driving run forwards in possession of the ball before passing the ball down the line towards Brandon Hanlan who manages to keep the ball in play and retain possession of the ball, and Brandon Hanlan forces Lewis Coyle to knock the ball out of play for a throw on, and from the resulting throw, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball short to Olly Lee, who takes a touch to control the ball, and Olly Lee see’s his attempted pass out-wide to Connor Ogilvie cut out by Jack Sowerby and the ball goes out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, And From This Throw On Right On The Halfway Line in-front of the dugouts, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line towards Mikael Mandron and Lewis Coyle wins the aerial challenge and knocks the ball down towards Kyle Dempsey, and Tom O’Connor manages to nip in there and intercept the ball and Mikael Mandron manages to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball inside to Olly Lee, and Olly Lee passes the ball back to Alfie Jones, who is intercepted by Paddy Madden, and Jack Sowerby looks to start a counter attack for Fleetwood Town, and Alfie Jones takes Jack Sowerby out on the halfway line and is correctly shown a yellow card by Referee Graham Salisbury and Fleetwood Town have been awarded a free kick.
And From The Resulting Free Kick In The Sixty Second Minute, Peter Clarke’s Long Kick Down-Field is over-hit and runs out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick and Gillingham can just do with a five minute spell where Fleetwood Town are not relentlessly attacking our goal, and we do think that Gillingham need to make a change, Maybe Ben Pringle can come on and help Gillingham retain possession of the ball in midfield, or, Alex Jakubiak, Regan Charles-Cook, and Mikael Ndjoli could all come on to play alongside Brandon Hanlan and Mikael Mandron in a three man strike-force, and maybe Gillingham need to make a tactical change just to give Fleetwood Town more to think about defensively, because a route one approach with Peter Clarke and Harry Souttar In Fleetwood Town’s Defence isn’t going to be very effective.
Sixty Three Minutes Into The Match, And Gillingham had a half chance to try and get back on to level terms, Brandon Hanlan has possession of the ball down the right side of the pitch, And Brandon Hanlan cuts inside into a more central position on the pitch before continuing his run forwards in possession of the ball, and Brandon Hanlan passes the ball forwards to Mikael Mandron, who retains possession of the ball before passing the ball square to Stuart O’Keefe, and Stuart O’Keefe takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Barry Fuller, and Barry Fuller cuts the ball back to Stuart O’Keefe, who whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross first time and Peter Clarke wins the aerial battle up against Mikael Mandron to header the ball clear and Kyle Dempsey boots the ball long down-field, and Jack Tucker gets to the ball first, however, Paddy Madden times his challenge to perfection on Jack Tucker and Fleetwood Town have been awarded a throw on, and from the resulting throw, Lewis Coyle throws the ball long down the line and Ched Evans climbs all over the back of Connor Ogilvie to win the aerial challenge and flick the ball on and Jack Tucker shields the ball out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick - And again - our frustration is with Referee Graham Salisbury for not awarding Gillingham A Defensive Free Kick and Gillingham have not got one or two decisions going in our favour at the moment, also, Gillingham have got to do something tactically to try and get back on to level terms.
And In The Sixty Fifth Minute Of The Match, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Peter Clarke wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Connor Ogilvie’s first time pass forwards is cut out by Kyle Dempsey and Tom O’Connor manages to get to the second ball and kick the ball long down the line, and Brandon Hanlan wins the foot-race up against Lewis Coyle and Brandon Hanlan is very unfortunate that he cannot keep the ball in play and the ball runs out of play for A Fleetwood Town Goal-Kick, And from here, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field and Ched Evans wins the aerial challenge up against Jack Tucker to knock the ball down towards Paddy Madden, who gets the ball under control before Max Ehmer was able to partially clear the ball away from danger with an important clearance, however, Josh Morris gets the ball under control and passes the ball square to Danny Andrew, who takes a touch to control the ball and Danny Andrew whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the back-stick which goes out of play for A Gillingham Throw On In Gillingham’s Defensive Final Third, And From Here, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line and Mikael Mandron flicks the ball on towards Brandon Hanlan, and Brandon Hanlan losses possession of the ball to Wes Burns, who passes the ball back to Lewis Coyle, and Lewis Coyle takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball square to Danny Andrew, who gets the ball under control before hitting a high and hanging cross-field pass towards Ched Evans which is slightly over-hit and runs out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, And From The Resulting Throw, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line and Wes Burns flicks the ball backwards towards Harry Souttar, who kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar has kicked the ball out of play for another Gillingham Defensive Throw On, Which See’s Connor Ogilvie throw the ball long down the line and Mikael Mandron flicks the ball on and Olly Lee wins the second aerial challenge and Jack Sowerby wins the third aerial challenge, and Olly Lee manages to hook the ball over his shoulder and kick the ball down the line and Lewis Coyle was able to header the ball forwards to Wes Burns, who kicks the ball long down-field and Jack Tucker was able to header the ball back to Jack Bonham.
And From Here, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Wes Burns wins the aerial challenge up against Brandon Hanlan and Josh Morris was able to shield the ball back to Harry Souttar despite pressure from Stuart O’Keefe, and Harry Souttar passes the ball square to Danny Andrew, who takes a touch to control the ball before going on a driving run forwards in possession of the ball before passing the ball down the line towards Paddy Madden, and Paddy Madden manages to retain possession of the ball before running into a more central area of the pitch, and Paddy Madden’s pass down the line is cut out by Barry Fuller, who takes a touch to control the ball before running forwards in possession of the ball and clipping the ball long down the line and Fleetwood Town Goalkeeper Billy Crellin has possession of the ball for the hosts, and Billy Crellin takes a few touches in possession of the ball before kicking the ball long down-field and Jack Tucker headers the ball clear and away from goal and Wes Burns gets the ball under control and goes on a driving run down the right side of the pitch, and Wes Burns continue’s his run into Gillingham’s Final Third, and Wes Burns dangerous in-swinging cross deflects off Connor Ogilvie and goes out of play for A Fleetwood Town Corner Kick.
And From The Resulting Corner Kick, Josh Morris whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and the ball ricochets off Paddy Madden and Harry Souttar, and Connor Ogilvie stops Paddy Madden from getting on to the loose ball and Jack Bonham dives on to the loose ball before Alfie Jones can kick the ball clear and away from danger, and it was very scrappy and the ball could have ricocheted anywhere, But Gillingham have survived - But only just - And when the ball goes out of play, Gillingham make a double substitution as Mark Marshall and Alex Jakubiak both come on to replace Barry Fuller and Stuart O’Keefe, Now Stuart O’Keefe being substituted makes sense because he has only just come back from injury and we might want to be cautious and ensure that Stuart O’Keefe is available for Gillingham’s up and coming league matches over the festive period, But Mark Marshall coming on to replace Barry Fuller was strange, especially as away supporters around me thought that Regan Charles-Cook should have come on instead.
Seventy One Minutes Into The Match, And Billy Crellin has played a horrendous pass out-wide down the left side of the pitch - Gillingham’s Right - And Mark Marshall has managed to keep the ball in play and take another touch to retain possession of the ball and Mark Marshall runs down the right side of the pitch before whipping in a horrendous over-hit cross towards the back-stick which goes out of play for A Fleetwood Town Goal-Kick, and that cross was inexcusable because of the time that Mark Marshall had on the ball, and he wasn’t pressurised to over-hit that cross, he had plenty of time to deliver a decent ball and fans around me were asking two questions, One: Why didn’t Regan Charles-Cook come on instead, And Two: Why Didn’t Gillingham keep hold of Elliott List, Because we all know that Elliott List can cause defenders problems with his pace, I think Mark Marshall has been very hit and miss for Gillingham This Season, and this isn’t The Mark Marshall who had pace to burn and was a threat for Barnet in the final third a few season’s ago now.
And From The Resulting Goal-Kick, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field and Max Ehmer headers the ball down the line and Kyle Dempsey headers the ball up into the air and into Gillingham’s Half Of The Pitch, and Jack Tucker wins the aerial challenge up against Paddy Madden and Wes Burns wins the aerial challenge up against Olly Lee, and Paddy Madden gets the ball under control and works his way towards the byline before seeing his pass down the line cut out by Connor Ogilvie, who gets the ball under control before kicking the ball long down-field and Alex Jakubiak was competing with Lewis Coyle for a fifty / fifty ball and it was never a foul by Alex Jakubiak, But Fleetwood Town have been awarded a free kick, and from the resulting free kick, Peter Clarke passes the ball short to Lewis Coyle, who takes a touch to control the ball, and Lewis Coyle clips the ball long down-field and Max Ehmer was able to get the ball under control before kicking the ball long down-field and Peter Clarke wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron, and despite demands for A Free Kick From Gillingham Supporters for a foul on Mikael Mandron, play continued as Josh Morris lays the ball off to Jack Sowerby, who passes the ball forwards to Paddy Madden on the halfway line, and Paddy Madden takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball short to Ched Evans, And Ched Evans takes a touch to control the ball before threading a through-ball through to Josh Morris, who reads the run better of the ball better then Mark Marshall and Josh Morris is now through on goal inside Gillingham’s Penalty Area, and Jack Bonham was able to make himself big and stretch his leg out at full stretch to intercept the ball before gathering the ball at the second attempt and that was a fantastic save by Jack Bonham to keep Gillingham in this match.
And halving almost conceded the second goal at one end of the pitch, Gillingham almost equalised down the opposite end, Jack Bonham rolls the ball short to Olly Lee, who takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball forwards to Mark Marshall, and Mark Marshall runs forwards in possession of the ball into Fleetwood Town’s Half Of The Pitch, And Mark Marshall plays a one / two with Brandon Hanlan before passing the ball back to Olly Lee, who passes the ball forwards to Brandon Hanlan, and Brandon Hanlan runs forwards in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Mark Marshall, who waits for service and support before threading the ball down by the byline towards Olly Lee, who see’s his cross deflect across the six yard box and Peter Clarke does just about enough to clear the ball off the line before Mikael Mandron can score and Brandon Hanlan see’s his follow up effort blocked by Jack Sowerby, but the ball ricochets towards Alex Jakubiak, who manages to pass the ball out-wide to Mark Marshall, and Mark Marshall manages to whip in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards Brandon Hanlan and there were penalty appeals from Gillingham Supporters waved away because Harry Souttar’s Foot looked very high, and play continued because Paddy Madden has possession of the ball, and Paddy Madden kicks the ball very long down-field and down the line towards Ched Evans, And Max Ehmer has come across and looked like he got to the ball first before the momentum of Max Ehmer’s challenge took him into Ched Evans, But The Linesman Down The Main Stand Side Of The Pitch had his flag raised for a foul, And Referee Graham Salisbury had booked Max Ehmer for that challenge as well - That means that Barry Fuller, Max Ehmer, Brandon Hanlan and Alfie Jones have all been booked for Gillingham in this match now.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Josh Morris passes the ball short to Kyle Dempsey, who takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball back out-wide to Josh Morris, who goes on a driving run forwards in possession of the ball and Josh Morris’s pass down the line is intercepted by Alfie Jones, and Alfie Jones cannot get on to the loose ball because Josh Morris gets on to the second ball first, and Josh Morris passes the ball out-wide to Wes Burns, who passes the ball back inside to Kyle Dempsey, And Kyle Dempsey takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball back to Jack Sowerby, And Jack Sowerby passes the ball square to Lewis Coyle, who takes a few touches in possession of the ball before passing the ball back inside to Jack Sowerby, who passes the ball back out-wide to Lewis Coyle, and Lewis Coyle passes the ball forwards to Kyle Dempsey, who is under pressure and passes the ball back to Lewis Coyle, and Lewis Coyle passes the ball down the line towards Ched Evans, who manages to retain possession of the ball despite being under pressure from Tom O’Connor, and Ched Evans passes the ball back towards Jack Sowerby, who looks to pick out Paddy Madden with a clipped ball down the line and Connor Ogilvie has come across to shield the ball out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick.
Seventy Five Minutes Into The Match, And Jack Sowerby boots the ball out of play for A Gillingham Throw On In Gillingham’s Half Of The Pitch, And From The Resulting Throw On, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line and the ball bounces through to Lewis Coyle, who takes a touch to control the ball before heading the ball out-wide and Mikael Mandron manages to get himself on to the second ball and Mikael Mandron gets the ball under control before passing the ball forwards to Alex Jakubiak, and Alex Jakubiak forces Lewis Coyle to knock the ball out of play for A Gillingham Throw On In Fleetwood Town’s Final Third - and there was a loud roar from The Gillingham Supporters In The Away End, who were pushing the team on to try and find the equaliser - and from the resulting throw on, Connor Ogilvie hurls in a long dangerous throw and Peter Clarke was able to header the ball clear and away from goal and Connor Ogilvie was able to get the loose ball first and pass the ball back to Jack Tucker, who passes the ball back to Jack Bonham, and Jack Bonham’s kick down-field was very poor and Josh Morris gets the ball under control and turns back on himself and passes the ball back to Danny Andrew, who plays a first time ball long down the line and Ched Evans and Jack Tucker are both competing for the same ball and both players fall to the ground, but play continue’s because Josh Morris is on to the second ball, and Josh Morris is forced to run wide to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball back to Danny Andrew, and Danny Andrew passes the ball inside to Jack Sowerby, who takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball square to Kyle Dempsey, who passes the ball out-wide to Lewis Coyle, and Lewis Coyle takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball down the line towards Wes Burns, and Wes Burns goes on a decent run forwards in possession of the ball, and Tom O’Connor times his challenge to perfection while Alfie Jones passes the ball forwards to Olly Lee, and Olly Lee passes the ball forwards to Alex Jakubiak, who goes on a decent run forwards in possession of the ball before laying the ball off to Alfie Jones, who passes the ball out-wide to Tom O’Connor, and Tom O��Connor takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball back inside to Alfie Jones on the edge of Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area, And Alfie Jones through-ball through to Alex Jakubiak is cleared by Peter Clarke, and Connor Ogilvie is on to the loose ball on the half-way line, and Connor Ogilvie clips the ball forwards and Harry Souttar headers the ball clear and away from goal and Paddy Madden was able to flick the ball around the corner to Ched Evans, who was able to turn and retain possession of the ball before laying the ball off to Paddy Madden, and Paddy Madden see’s his clipped pass out-wide to Wes Burns go out of play for A Gillingham Defensive Throw On.
And From Here, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line and Alfie Jones flicks the ball on and Lewis Coyle is on to the loose ball, and Lewis Coyle was able to hook the ball over his shoulder and kick the ball long down-field and the ball bounces in-front of Connor Ogilvie who headers the ball out of play for A Fleetwood Town Throw On and that was a disappointing header from Connor Ogilvie there, And from here, the match starts to stretch out from end to end, Lewis Coyle throws the ball long down the line and Connor Ogilvie wins the initial aerial challenge and Tom O’Connor see’s his attempted clearance deflect up into the air and Olly Lee can only header the ball partially clear because Jack Sowerby manages to pass the ball square to Wes Burns, who passes the ball back inside to Jack Sowerby, and Jack Sowerby passes the ball out-wide to Lewis Coyle, who gets the ball under control and kicks the ball long down the line and Connor Ogilvie was able to get to the loose ball first and hook the ball partially clear and away from danger and Tom O’Connor flicks the ball on towards Alex Jakubiak, But Lewis Coyle gets to the loose ball first and Lewis Coyle somehow manages to win a free kick for Fleetwood Town - And the decision to award Fleetwood Town a free kick was a very poor decision.
And From The Resulting Free Kick, Kyle Dempsey takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball back to Lewis Coyle, who plays a diagonal cross-field pass and Mark Marshall wins the first aerial challenge and Jack Tucker wins the second aerial challenge and Danny Andrew headers the ball forwards to Paddy Madden, and Alfie Jones gets to the ball ahead of Paddy Madden and boots the ball up into the air and Peter Clarke wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Kyle Dempsey gets the ball under control before passing the ball back to Jack Sowerby, and Jack Sowerby takes a few touches in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Wes Burns, and Wes Burns goes on a driving run down the right side of the pitch before checking the ball back to Ched Evans, and Ched Evans passes the ball inside to Kyle Dempsey, who was able to square the ball to Jack Sowerby, and Jack Sowerby takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball forwards to Wes Burns on the edge of Gillingham’s Penalty Area, and Wes Burns was quick to get his ball out his feat before whipping a curling effort towards goal and Jack Bonham had to be alert to palm the ball over the top at the expense of conceding a corner kick - and that save from Jack Bonham has kept Gillingham in this match at 1-0 down - and from the resulting corner kick, Josh Morris whips in a high and hanging cross towards the back-stick which goes out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick.
And From Here, Gillingham managed to get back on to level terms, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Josh Morris headers the ball forwards and Jack Bonham comes rushing out of his penalty area to get on to the loose ball, and takes a few touches in possession of the ball before kicking the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Jack Tucker wins the fifty / fifty challenge up against Ched Evans and passes the ball back to Jack Bonham, who kicks the ball long down-field, and again, Harry Souttar wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Josh Morris headers the ball forwards to Paddy Madden, who flicks the ball on towards Ched Evans, and Ched Evans is challenged by Max Ehmer, who manages to pass the ball forwards to Olly Lee, who goes on a driving run forwards in possession of the ball into Fleetwood Town’s Half Of The Pitch, And Olly Lee passes the ball square to Mikael Mandron, who manages to pass the ball square to Alex Jakubiak on the edge of Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area, and Alex Jakubiak works his way inside Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area before taking the shot on early and bending the ball into the far right corner of the net and Goalkeeper Billy Crellin had no chance keeping that effort out, 1-1, great goal, that goal was the one bit of quality that Gillingham have been able to produce all game, and the celebrations in the away end were something to savour as well.
And when play resumed, Billy Crellin kicks the ball long down-field and Wes Burns wins the aerial challenge up against Connor Ogilvie to header the ball out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick, Fleetwood Town Supporters wanted a free kick, but a free kick was not given in the hosts favour this time around, but we have got to speak about that goal again from Alex Jakubiak, what a sensational goal and that is what you want to see from your substitutes as well, come on and make an impact from the bench and see if you can try and force your way into the starting line up, and speaking of substitutes, Ben Pringle comes on to replace Tom O’Connor In The Eighty Third Minute Of The Game, And hopefully, Ben Pringle can come on just to give Gillingham some creativity and quality in midfield, many of us believed that Mikael Ndjoli could have come on for Mikael Mandron, who was having an off day, and you can say that for quite a few players playing for Gillingham against Fleetwood Town, But Mikael Mandron’s Performance was terrible though.
And From The Resulting Goal-Kick, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down the left side of the pitch and Lewis Coyle wins the aerial challenge up against Ben Pringle to header the ball out of play for a throw on, and from the resulting throw on, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball long down the line and Mikael Mandron almost flicks the ball on into Alex Jakubiak’s Path, But Goalkeeper Billy Crellin was off his goal-line to gather the ball with ease, but from here, Fleetwood Town should have retaken the lead, Billy Crellin has kicked the ball long down the right side of the pitch and Ched Evans has read the distance of the kick better than Connor Ogilvie and Ched Evans is through on goal by the byline, and Ched Evans takes a few touches to control the ball before firing a low cross across towards the near post and Paddy Madden lays the ball off to Josh Morris, who prods a first time effort wide of Jack Bonham’s far Left Post when Josh Morris should have scored - COME ON GILLS!!!!!!! - Was our response in the away end, and that was a massive let off for Gillingham because Fleetwood Town should have scored, OK, we will take the draw and we will take the draw right now.
And from here, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Peter Clarke wins the aerial battle up against Mikael Mandron and Josh Morris kicks the ball long down-field, and Connor Ogilvie gets to the loose ball first and skilfully evades the challenge from Paddy Madden, and Connor Ogilvie passes the ball square to Jack Tucker, who takes a touch to control the ball, and Jack Tucker passes the ball down the line towards Mark Marshall, who runs forwards in possession of the ball, and Mark Marshall continue’s his run forwards before whipping in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Harry Souttar headers the ball clear away from goal and Alfie Jones gets to the loose ball first and passes the ball out-wide to Ben Pringle, and Ben Pringle see’s his cross charged down by Kyle Dempsey and the ball deflects out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, And The Gillingham Supporters were cheering there team on to find the winner.
And from the resulting throw on, Connor Ogilvie hurls in a long dangerous throw and Peter Clarke headers the ball clear towards the edge of Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area and Kyle Dempsey helps the ball further away from goal, and Ben Pringle does well to kick the ball back into Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area and Lewis Coyle headers the ball clear and Wes Burns kicks the ball long down the line and Jack Tucker kicks the ball up into the air, and as the ball comes back down again, Ben Pringle and Ched Evans were competing for the fifty / fifty ball and Ben Pringle wins that challenge and passes the ball back to Alfie Jones, who clips the ball long down the line and Mikael Mandron is on to the loose ball, and Mikael Mandron retains possession of the ball before going on a driving run across Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area and Mikael Mandron really should have shot there and then, But Mikael Mandron passes the ball back to Mark Marshall, who takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Olly Lee, and Olly Lee plays a neat give and go with Mark Marshall with Olly Lee receiving the ball on the edge of Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area and Olly Lee has fired a first time effort which has gone high and wide of Fleetwood Town’s Gaol by some considerable distance - but that was a shot that Olly Lee had to take on first time though.
And From Here, Gillingham had another chance to potentially take the lead, Billy Crellin has passed the ball short to Peter Clarke, who takes a touch to control the ball before kicking the ball long down-field and the ball runs through to Mark Marshall, who takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball down the line towards Alex Jakubiak, who retain possession of the ball and passes the ball back to Mark Marshall, and Mark Marshall passes the ball back to Jack Tucker, who kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar brings the ball under control before kicking the ball down-field and Max Ehmer’s Header was not the best but Mark Marshall does enough to header the ball towards Alfie Jones, who kicks the ball long down-field and anywhere will do as far as Gillingham are concerned, Billy Crellin kicks the ball forwards for Fleetwood Town and Ched Evans flicks the ball on and Kyle Dempsey tried to header the ball towards Paddy Madden, But Max Ehmer is in the right place at the right time to kick the ball long down-field and Mikael Mandron chests the ball down towards Alex Jakubiak, who passes the ball short to Ben Pringle, and Ben Pringle passes the ball forwards to Mikael Mandron, And Mikael Mandron runs forwards in possession of the ball before passing the ball down the line towards Brandon Hanlan, and Brandon Hanlan is twisting and turning before working his way into a shooting position, and Brandon Hanlan’s Low Shot towards goal was on target and Harry Souttar makes an important block to deflect the ball out of play for A Gillingham Corner Kick - And Yet Referee Graham Salisbury awards a goal-kick instead - much to the irritation of The Gillingham Supporters In The Away End.
And when the ball goes out of play, Fleetwood Town make there first substitution of the match as Harvey Saunders comes on to replace Ched Evans, And when play resumes, Harvey Saunders is penalised for a foul on Max Ehmer, and that free kick just relieves some of the pressure building on to Gillingham’s Goal, And From The Resulting Free Kick, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Mikael Mandron manages to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Olly Lee, and Olly Lee cuts back inside and Wes Burns manages to get the ball partially clear and away from goal, but Alfie Jones was able to pass the ball out-wide to Ben Pringle, who manages to win a throw on for Gillingham, and from the resulting throw on, Ben Pringle throws the ball short to Olly Lee, who passes the ball out-wide to Ben Pringle, and Ben Pringle is twisting and turning and passes the ball back to Connor Ogilvie, who cuts inside and goes on a driving run towards the byline, and Connor Ogilvie’s low cross is blocked by Peter Clarke, And Wes Burns manages to keep the ball in play before going on a driving run down the right side of the pitch and Connor Ogilvie is penalised for a foul when it was clear that Conor Ogilvie put himself in a position between the ball and player and somehow a free kick was awarded, then Ben Pringle was penalised for a foul and there can be no complaints about the foul on Wes Burns and Ben Pringle was also booked for that challenge as well, and from the resulting free kick, Danny Andrew’s cross towards the back-stick is over-hit and runs out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick.
And From Here, Gillingham had the chance to find the winner, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down the right flank, and Mark Marshall does brilliantly to retain possession of the ball and Mark Marshall passes the ball back to Olly Lee, who loses possession of the ball to Harvey Saunders and the chance is there for Fleetwood Town to score, but Jack Tucker times his challenge to perfection and passes the ball short to Olly Lee, and Olly Lee kicks the ball long down-field and Harry Souttar wins the aerial challenge up against Mikael Mandron and Brandon Hanlan gets the ball under control and is tripped by Jack Sowerby, but not free kick is awarded and Jack Sowerby kicks the ball long down-field and Paddy Madden headers the ball on towards Harvey Saunders and Max Ehmer does enough to slide tackle the ball to Olly Lee, who passes the ball back to Jack Tucker, and Jack Tucker passes the ball down the line towards Mark Marshall, and Mark Marshall goes on a driving run down the right side of the pitch, and Mark Marshall continue’s his run right into Fleetwood Town’s Defensive Final Third and Mark Marshall manages to pull back a cross across the face of goal and there was Lewis Coyle just to smash the ball out of play for A Gillingham Corner Kick - And the atmosphere raised in volume as Gillingham could potentially score a winner from the resulting corner - And From The Resulting Corner Kick, Ben Pringle whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Peter Clarke was able to header the ball clear and away from goal and Olly Lee was just about able to pass the ball back to Mark Marshall, who passes the ball square to Alfie Jones, and Alfie Jones clips the ball long down the right side of the pitch and Ben Pringle gets the ball under control, cuts inside into a more central area of the pitch on the edge of Fleetwood Town’s Penalty Area, And Ben Pringle see’s his fiercely driven effort towards goal blocked by Paddy Madden and the ball deflects out of play for A Gillingham Throw On.
And From The Resulting Throw, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball down the line towards Mikael Mandron, who works his way towards the byline and passes the ball back out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, and Connor Ogilvie whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the near post, and Harry Souttar manages to boot the ball clear and away from danger and Jack Tucker manages to header the ball forwards and Alex Jakubiak manages to flick the ball on, and somehow, Alex Jakubiak is penalised for a fifty / fifty aerial challenge, and the final noteworthy moment of the match see’s Billy Crellin kick a long diagonal cross-field cross towards Wes Burns, And Fleetwood Town Supporters believed that Connor Ogilvie had fouled Wes Burns there, but A Gillingham Defensive Throw On was given instead, and there was no time remaining to take the resulting throw on as Referee Graham Salisbury blows his whistle for full time, and Gillingham were able to battle back from 1-0 down to draw the game level at 1-1, and you have got to say that is a magnificent result for The Gills.
And after the full time whistle, the players came over to applaud the supporters, who likewise applauded The Gillingham Players On The Pitch, This was a really good result for Gillingham against A Very Strong Fleetwood Town Side in very difficult conditions and Gillingham were not at there best either, and when your losing 1-0 away from home with ten minutes to go, if you manage to score an equaliser and earn a valuable point away from home then that has to be seen as a good result and a very good point for The Gills, I made sure that I had all my belongings on me before heading for the exit, I also got speaking with a few away regular’s post match, who all believed that this was a good point and a point gained for The Gills, and maybe Gillingham could have nicked a winner late on, but we will gladly take the point.
I wished Jim a decent Christmas, Because this was the last away game before Christmas, And Charlie and Myself headed back towards where The Kings Ferry Coach was parked, and A 1-1 Draw away from home is a good result, and if your not at your best, then leaving a away game with something is better then leaving a away game with nothing, also, Thanks To The Fleetwood Town Supporter for wishing The Gillingham Supporters a safe trip back to Kent, it is appreciated and both football clubs do there fair bit of traveling throughout the season.
And As I got back on the coach and sat down in my seat, I checked My Phone For Notifications On Facebook and Twitter and Rob mentioned that the best chippy he ever had was the one opposite the away end at Fleetwood Town, And I replied back with the following,,,,, The chip shop close to Torquay's ground was decent as well, This was when Gillingham were winning 6-1 against Hereford United and 5-2 against Torquay United. And we went to the two cafes in Barnsley with the little wall down the Middle as well. Matt had also uploaded the video clip of Alex Jakubiak’s Equaliser, and that was a really good goal, and the way Alex Jakubiak bent the ball into the far right corner of the net was superb as well, and that was the one bit of quality from Gillingham throughout the match as well.
Once everyone was back on the coach, we were on our way back and traveling back to Kent, and it was good to be back on the coach and back in the warm again, because the weather conditions were horrendous and this wasn’t an away trip for the faint hearted and we are delighted to be going back to Gillingham with a hard fought point, and I uploaded the following status updates on to Facebook and Twitter, and I had posted the following,,,,, FULL TIME: FLEETWOOD TOWN 1-1 GILLINGHAM - Fleetwood Town were the better side and I can see why Fleetwood Town have got a impressive home form based on that performance, The conditions were horrific & Gillingham were not at there best, But Jakubaik has earned Gillingham a point., And Looking at The League One Table, Gillingham have picked up Twenty Five Points From Twenty Games, And Gillingham are eight points clear of The League One Relegation Zone, and six points behind Rotherham United, who are sixth and currently occupy the final League One Playoff Position, So Gillingham are in a solid mid-table position in League One at this present moment in time, and with Gillingham’s Next Home Game being against MK Dons, If Gillingham can win against MK Dons at Priestfield Stadium, then four points out of six from these two matches would be a very decent points tally.
I then re-tweeted a few tweets that were uploaded before kick off on The Gillingham Official Twitter Account before posting the following status update, Feel free to ask me any questions you have about Gillingham's 1-1 draw against Fleetwood Town Today. #Gillingham #Gills And someone asked me for My Choice For Man Of The Match, And I responded back with the following,,,, Bonham has kept the score-line to 1-0 with a few saves and Alex Jakubaik has come off the bench to score Gillingham's Equaliser and Hanlan and Mandron improved when Jakubaik came on to play alongside them in attack. Conditions were dreadful, A tough game against Fleetwood Today. I then re-tweeted a few photo’s that had been uploaded on to Gillingham’s Official Twitter Account, before uploading a few photo’s that I had taken throughout the game, One of the photo’s Gillingham uploaded was the players celebrating in-front of the away supporters when Alex Jakubiak scored Gillingham’s Equaliser and those celebrations were something to savour as well.
As from results from elsewhere, Chatham Town’s Home Game Against Corinthian FC was called off, Bearsted won 2-1 against Beckenham Town, Sheppey United won 5-0 against Erith & Belvedere, and Burgess Tree Hill won 3-1 against Faversham Town, I then re-tweeted A Stat From The Gills Fancast, who pointed out that Gillingham have only lost one in eight matches, and even the game Gillingham lost against AFC Wimbledon, Gillingham should have had three penalties, AFC Wimbledon should have had a penalty and the game was poorly officiated and Gillingham’s Finishing that day was poor as well.
But we have got to say that Alex Jakubiak has bailed Gillingham out there with a fantastic equaliser and when it comes to next week’s home game against MK Dons, Alex Jakubiak is knocking on the door to start for Gillingham, especially when you compare his performance to Mikael Mandron, Because Mikael Mandron put in a shocking performance against Fleetwood Town and Harry Souttar and Peter Clarke constantly won the aerial battles up against Mikael Mandron, and Alex Jakubiak could start up-front alongside Brandon Hanlan against MK Dons, To be fair to Mikael Mandron, he has improved in recent week’s and most of the team had an off day against Fleetwood Town, But his performance was very disappointing, and when Alex Jakubiak comes on and scores, then he is giving Steve Evans a real selection problem.
I then sent the following tweet to Knappers, Fleetwood Town were the better side and I can see why Fleetwood Town have got a very impressive home form based on that performance, The conditions were horrific and Gillingham were not at there best, But Jakubaik has earned Gillingham a point., And Knappers responded back with the following, I thought it was a equal game. Thought you came and made it really tough and played quite well it was effective.
Quest then uploaded Alex Jakubiak’s Goal on to there Twitter Account and I noticed that Ben Nugent and Elliott List had both started for Stevenage against Newport County and Dean Parrett was named among the substitutes bench as well, I was using My Portable Chargers to charge up My Mobile Phone, and portable chargers really are vital for long distance away journey’s, Especially when your using your Mobile Phone - A Tablet, Laptop, Or A DVD Player to watch films, you need ways to pass the time traveling to and from away games on the coach, mostly, It is getting sleep because of the very early start and the long trip traveling to Fleetwood in the early hours in the morning, But your talking about spending fourteen, fifteen or sixteen hours on the coach traveling to and from a long away day.
We then stopped off at Corley Services at 8PM, And this gave us an opportunity to stretch our legs, and while there was A KFC, Burger-King and Starbucks, I wasn’t going to buy anything to eat and I had enough drink on me on the coach, Looking on Google Maps, we were still two hours and forty five minutes away from Gillingham and that doesn’t include any traffic problems on the way back home either, I got back on the coach at 8.15PM And Charlie Mentioned that Bristol Rovers were going to change there manager, and we are thinking what has happened at Bristol Rovers, Because they were fourth in League One and doing exceptionally well, and you just wonder if Manager Graham Coughlan has been told that Striker Jonson Clarke-Harris will move on in January if a decent offer comes in for him and that the money the football club make will not be available for transfers, This reminded me of what Darrell Clarke said when he was Bristol Rovers Manager that the football club is thirty years behind in-terms of training facilities and infrastructure at the ground, and that Bristol Rovers would need to move into A New Stadium if they are to progress to the next level, Because The Memorial Stadium just doesn’t look or feel like A Football Stadium, with small stands bolted on to the ground and the old grandstand opposite the away end, And Bristol Rovers really do deserve a new football stadium as well.
Once everyone was back on the coach again, we were on our way again at 8.20PM, Gillingham had then uploaded a few photo’s of Gillingham Supporters In The Away End At Fleetwood Town and the away allocation had not been mentioned at this point, Ady Kerry had uploaded more Gillingham Photo’s On To Twitter which I had re-tweeted and looking at another result from Kent Non League Football, Tonbridge Angels drew 2-2 against Hampton & Richmond Borough.
I then asked Rocket-Man the following question,,,, What are your thoughts on Port Vale drawing 0-0 against Crawley Town Today???, And Rocket-Man replied back with the following response, A point is a point however we should be beating these teams if we want progress, And it was interesting to see Callum Reilly named as AFC Wimbledon’s Man Of The Match In AFC Wimbledon’s 2-1 Home Win Against Doncaster Rovers, I mentioned to Charlie that Gillingham should have kept hold of Callum Reilly because Callum Reilly can play anywhere down the left side of the pitch, Left Back, Left Wing Back, Left Side Of The Diamond or on The Left Wing, and I think AFC Wimbledon have got themselves a very good footballer in Callum Reilly, who could have done a job for Gillingham in midfield, especially as Gillingham are currently lining up with a diamond midfield formation.
I then re-tweeted Matt’s Video Clip Of Jack Bonham’s Save while the score-line was still 1-0 to Fleetwood Town, And I shared the video clip with the following comment,,,, The save from Jack Bonham which kept Gillingham in the game at 1-0 down, And that save from Jack Bonham meant that Alex Jakubiak could score a late equaliser to earn Gillingham a valuable point away from home against Fleetwood Town Today., And As For The NoirCat Prediction League, Diane, Ann, and Lisa had all predicted a win and Stephen and Myself had predicted a draw, A Draw does feel like a win because of how Gillingham managed to earn this point against Fleetwood Town Though.
BT Sport then sent out a tweet asking football supporters the following question,,, You can sign ONE player you think your club let go too early…. Who is it?, I replied with Luke Freeman, And One Gillingham Supporter asked if I should have named Bruce / Cascarino or Mehmet, And I replied back with the following, All three players played for Gillingham before I started watching Gillingham live, So I couldn't select Cascarino, Bruce or Mehmet.
And as we were still on the coach traveling back to Kent, one possible transfer rumour emerged, and it is looking increasingly likely that Ousseynou Cissé is going to be leaving Gillingham Football Club and there was a long thread on Social Media which I managed to reply to and I replied with the following comment, I have just seen this (I do not have a insta account, so I have not seen any of the video clips) But this sounds like Cisse is going to be leaving Gillingham Football Club In The January Transfer Window., And With Mark Byrne going to miss the rest of The 2019 / 2020 Season and we’re not sure on whether Matty Willock will return to full fitness anytime soon, then, if Ousseynou Cissé is going to leave Gillingham Football Club, then we will need to sign one, maybe two central midfielders to provide depth and cover, and adding to the point that Me and Charlie made earlier, then Gillingham are most likely going to see who is playing U23 Football and who we can entice to the football club in The January Transfer Window, We also have Tom O’Connor and Olly Lee’s Loan Spells Expiring In January, So trying to extend there loan spells until the end of the season is going to be vital for The Gills, I can see Tom O’Connor staying at Gillingham, But Hearts could recall Olly Lee back to there first team squad as Hearts look to retain there SPL Status.
Looking at Premier League Results, And Chelsea losing 1-0 at home to AFC Bournemouth is a surprise, Sheffield United won 2-0 against Aston Villa and Liverpool winning 2-0 against Watford and it is looking increasingly likely that Liverpool will win the league, Liverpool are ten points clear of Leicester City and you just cannot see Liverpool dropping that ten point lead at this moment in time, Leicester City have also done a remarkable job to be in second spot and they have exceeded expectations this season, And Leicester City could still be involved in this Premier League Title Fight This Season.
Our coach then went over Dartford Crossing at 22.32PM, And because it is gone 10PM, The Coach doesn’t have to pay for The Dartford Toll Crossing, And Peter came around to collect the rubbish on the coach first and foremost, before taking bookings on the coach, and I booked myself on the coach for the trip to Ipswich Town On Boxing Day Because Diane has relatives in Ipswich and this is an easy game for her to travel to, I think everyone is looking forward to Ipswich Town Away, and I just wished that Ipswich Town V Gillingham wasn’t played on Boxing Day, Because this would have been a game I would have traveled to via train.
Peter then came round to collect change for the drivers before asking everyone where they would like to be dropped off, And we started to drop supporters off outside of Strood Sports Centre, Two Bus Stops In Gillingham and we then headed towards Priestfield Stadium, where the majority of our supporters got off the coach, and I said c ya to Charlie, Louis and the lads on the back of the coach, who all got off the coach, and once everyone was off the coach, we were on our way towards Rainham, And I was making sure that I had everything on me, including any rubbish I was looking to throw into the bin and not just leave on the coach, and once The Kings Ferry Coach parked in the bus stop opposite The Cricketers Pub, I said c ya to everyone else on the coach, said c ya to Peter and thanked both drivers, who had covered a lot of miles on the coach traveling to and from Fleetwood Town and I was back in Rainham Again.
And after putting the rubbish in the bin, I then made the ten to fifteen walk from The Cricketers Pub to back home again and I was back home at 23.30PM, and when your leaving the house at 6.10AM and getting back home at 23.30PM, It really is a long long day, and thankfully, Gillingham come back from Fleetwood Town with a hard fought point and a valuable point against Fleetwood Town in very difficult conditions, Gillingham were not at there best and the conditions were poor to say the least, But you can also see why Fleetwood Town have got such an impressive home record as well.
Now If Gillingham can build on this with four points from the next three matches against MK Dons, Ipswich Town and Rochdale, Then that would be great, I later found out that Gillingham took just 117 away supporters to Fleetwood Town, which apparently is the lowest away attendance on A Saturday under Paul Scally’s Entire Tenure As Gillingham Chairman, and that you probably have go back to the early 90’s or late 80’s to find even lower away attendances then 117, I guess it is not surprising when you consider that this match is being played just two weeks before Christmas and supporters are saving there money up for Ipswich Town Away and West Ham United At Home In The FA Cup Third Round, Anyway, this was a great point for The Gills, and now Gillingham have to build on this point in our next home match against MK Dons - COME ON THE GILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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