#jake x brooke
onetreehilldaily · 1 year
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Then what is it? Come on, you can tell me. I won’t even remember tomorrow.
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doveriathegoddess · 5 months
Hello hello my good friend @marukane got me back into Be More Chill which I enjoyed in my middle school era, and so I decided to draw my own silly interpretations of the BMC Characters :3
Let us begin!
Starting off we have Jeremy Heere and the Squip himself
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Up next we have Michael Mell and Rich Goranski
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Then we have Christine Canigula and Chloe Valentine
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We can't forget of course Brooke Lohst and Jenna Rolan
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And finally we have Jake Dillinger and just for the fun of it I inserted my sona Dove into the BMC universe as a young girl named Paloma "Dove" Wilson.
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To add some Bonus Content to this post as well, I have a fluffy ship drawing of Jake and Dove being a wholesome pair of high school sweethearts :3
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Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed!
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userlaylivia · 11 months
I didn't put handon in this because I put them in my last non endgame poll like this and I think they won plus I wanted to add some I don't usually put in plus some of my other favorites!! i love handon dgmw but yeah!
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lohstandfound · 1 month
thinking about shakespeare x bmc
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Hi fandom twin! As someone who shares your love for jeyton and brucas and could write a novel-length rant on why I wish those had been the endgame ships, I'm curious which of those couples you love more and what some of your favorite scenes are for both Jeyton and Brucas :)
Hi! @coffeeat-central-perk 🥰
I do love Jeyton and Brucas but out of the two Jeyton has my whole heart! I love Brucas and all but Jeyton just gets me like I don't understand why! My favorite Jeyton scene is...all of them! No but their first kiss scene was just!! 🥰 My favorite Brucas scene is probably the rain scene or the one where she was leaving at the end of season 2 and Lucas tells her how he feels! I also love the Jeyton scene where he tells her he's never been happier than he's been with her and if he could he would stay with her forever! Jeyton has my heart! I love Brucas too but Jeyton! 🥺🥺🥰🥰
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mugiwara-lucy · 3 months
That Jake reference in the beginning 🤣
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blissfulxsins · 1 year
I’m going to be writing this weekend!! Send in requests!!
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onetreehilldaily · 2 years
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ONE TREE HILL 1.17, “Spirit in the Night”
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random-writer-23 · 2 years
Happy Haunts (Rich Goranski x reader)
Warnings: just Rich being a kinky boy so.. be prepared for that... a lot of cursing... probably cringe but whatever it's fine just high schoolers being high schoolers. I'd prefer if minors didn't interact with this post however since there is no explicitly sexual content it should be fine
Requested: no I just wanted Horny boy Rich content so yeah
Sentence starter that inspired this: "oh please you love hearing me scream" "only when you're screaming my name"
Word count: 4102
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I had been head over heels in love with my best friend for 3 years now. Rich Goranski. Rich and I grew up together since we've lived next door to each other for practically our entire lives. Our families became so close the two of us practically lived at each other's houses. In fact, I had spare clothes kept in Rich's closet. Daily movie nights were a frequent occurrence and a tradition we carried on to this day. We were always joined at the hip in elementary school, one of us almost never being seen without the other. But as we grew up, I became friends with the popular kids in middle school and Rich didn't. We were still best friends, of course, I just branched out and became friends with basically everyone and Rich didn't. He told me he didn't like branching out because he didn't want people to make fun of his lisp. Personally, I had always loved his lisp and thought it was adorable, but he hated it. I tried to get him to come sit with me when we got to freshman year but he pushed me away. I was a little hurt but couldn't dwell on it when Chloe and Brooke were constantly bugging me to hang out with them. So that's where I went for lunch, and with their help boys were soon practically crawling over each other trying to ask me out. I of course had no interest in any of them because my eyes were solely fixed on my lifelong best friend. But I pretended to flirt with every guy because it was nice feeling like I was wanted, and yet unattainable. It always made Chloe and Brooke so mad whenever I rejected a guy because they never knew who I actually liked since I flirted with everyone. At this point, Rich and I still hung out every day at home but he never wanted to talk to me at school. Something I never understood since he always wanted to be popular, and I essentially was popular. Our Sophomore year, however, Rich changed, over the course of the summer he became popular, I was happy for him of course but I was confused. He came over every day during summer as usual and one day his lisp just disappeared. I didn't mention it though in case it upset him in some way. It was that same day when I first noticed him hanging out with Jake Dillinger (who tried to ask me out 3 times). I had gone to the mall with Brooke and Chloe. Brooke had spotted Jake from a mile away and quickly pointed him out to Chloe (who had the biggest crush on him).  I looked as Chloe asked me who Jake was hanging out with since I knew everyone. I turned my attention to where Brooke had pointed and saw Rich walking with Jake joking and Laughing like they'd known each other their entire lives.
"Rich, Gorinski" I replied to Chloe's question, "he's my neighbor, and my best friend" I replied with a slight smile. Brooke turned to me incredulously
"I thought we were your best friends" She said putting her hand on her jutted hip.
"I can have more than two Best friends Brooke'' I replied and she laughed, Chloe shushed us and pushed me forward motioning for me to walk towards Jake and Rich. I walked up to the boys waving.
"Hey boys!" I said switching on the instinctual charm and throwing them both a flirtatious smile. I watch Rich pause for a second before smiling and flirting back.
"Looking good today (y/n)" He threw back with a wink, I smiled.
"Thanks Rich" I giggled, Brooke stood by awkwardly as Chloe so obviously flirted with Jake and he even more obviously flirted back. I looked at Brooke giving her a side eye before commenting. "Hey Jake why don't you just fuck her already" I laughed innocently.
"Yeah you're already doing it with your eyes" Brooke added, to which the whole group laughed and Jake replied.
"I'd like to take her on a date first" He winked grabbing Chloe's hand. Chloe giggled, and I jumped in again.
"She's free anytime, I just cleared her schedule" I gave Chloe a Smile, and she threw me a thank you over her shoulder. I nodded and pulled Brooke away with Rich following behind us.
"I'll bet you 20 they do it the minute their first date ends." Brooke giggled.
"And I'll bet you 20 she goes home with him today" I replied with a grin.
"Oh you're on (l/n)" Brooke shook my hand with a determined expression on her face.
"No backing out" I insisted, still shaking her hand.
"Wasn't planning on it" She giggled as my phone dinged signaling I got a text. I held my hand out to Brooke showing her the text.
MyMainHoe😘😘: you and Brooke go on ahead I'm gonna go home with Jake 😉 Me: Yesss get it queen!!! 😍😍😍 USE PROTECTION HOE!!!!!! 🤪🤪
"DAMNIT" Brooke yelled as she begrudgingly handed me a 20, and I laughed.
"Well my mom's gonna pick me up soon then" She said with a sigh.
"Awe two bad I was gonna treat you to lunch" I added holding up my brand new 20.
"Oh whatever" Brooke replied.
"You can treat me for lunch," Rich added with a sly smile.
"I'll take you out for some (f/restaurant) after Brooke leaves, K?" I gave him a smile and he nodded. For the next hour Brooke, Rich and I wandered around the mall laughing at all the jokes Rich told us. A second thing I noticed was new with Rich, he never used to be this funny. I mean sure he was funny to me but no one else ever really got his humor. After like another hour of the three of us walking through the mall, Brooke's mom picked her up.
"So (y/n)" he said wrapping an arm around my shoulder because somehow he was taller than me (if you're taller than him just pretend you're shorter) He pulled me into his side and I giggled.
"Yes gorinski? You ready to go to (f/restaurant)?" I replied looking up at him.
"Well that's not exactly what I had in mind for lunch" He mumbled into my ear with a sly grin. I looked at him and smacked his arm.
"Richard Gorinski! You kinky bastard" I whisper yelled at him to which he just pulled me closer and laughed.
"You want a ride home?" He asked looking down at me with a wide smile.
"That would be wonderful, Rich," I replied as he led me out to the mall parking lot.
-Time skip A month or so-
As time went on, Rich came to join our group, and very quickly got bolder in the way he outwardly flirted with me. He used to get so flustered whenever I tried flirting with him it made this new bold Rich kinda refreshing. But the bolder he got with his flirting the more flustered I ended up. And also with this new bold Rich came a new bully Rich that I didn't like as much. Whenever I saw Rich bullying someone, it was usually Jeremy Heere, who was actually very nice so I tried to stick up for him as much as possible. Rich also became very touchy and flirty during our movie nights, something deep down I didn't mind as much. It was one of our friday movie nights, my parents were both at work as usual and Rich and I were watching my favorite movie (f/m). I had changed out of the uncomfortable stylish clothes I had worn to school and changed into one of Rich's old shirts I had stolen a year ago, and some short pajama shorts, (and a bra obvi). I was... comfy which was the only thing that mattered. I smiled and was laying down on the one end of the couch with my blanket tucked under my arms and one of my legs thrown over it while Rich got the popcorn ready in my kitchen. I heard him mumbling to himself in the kitchen, I listened to his mumblings for another minute or so before I untangled myself from my blanket and walked into the kitchen.
"Rich you good?" I asked peeking around the corner into my kitchen.
"Oh uh yeah yeah I'm fine" He mumbled nervously twitching quickly then stopping.
"You sure" I asked, walking fully into the kitchen.
"Yeah" He said, looking at me and smiling confidently.
"Really?" I hopped up onto the kitchen counter "because the popcorn is burning" I pointed to the microwave and Rich's eyes widened.
He laughed "sorry I'll make some more" he replied rubbing the back of his neck. I covered my giggle with my hand. "Don't cover your laugh" he crossed the kitchen as he said this to lower my hand "it's cute" He winked, and turned around to make the popcorn. I waited till the popcorn was popped and then Rich handed me the bag. I shivered and he looked concerned. "You cold?" he asked, to which I nodded.
"Yeah but pass me a bowl" He got me a bowl from the cupboard, and I hopped off the counter turning to fill it with the popcorn when I felt Rich snake his hands around my waist. I stiffened up as they rested on my waist under his old shirt. "Rich..." I said hesitantly, slowly relaxing in his hold.
"Hmm?" He smiled, humming in response and resting head on my shoulder.
"Your hands are cold" I mumbled feeling the tips of my ears heating up.
"That's why I'm using you as a human heater," He laughed, fully wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up in the air. He carried me to the living room and flopped onto the couch still holding me. He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck and mumbled "you look really pretty in my shirt" while tightening his hold around me. 
"Rich, the popcorn" I whined turning around in his arms to face the tv trying to get up. He sighed and let me go.
"Alright go get it" He replied tiredly sitting up to grab the tv remote while I grabbed the popcorn. I scurried to the kitchen to grab the popcorn taking a few deep breaths before going back to the living room. I put the popcorn on the coffee table. I pulled my blanket out from under Rich's body and sat on the other side of the couch. He sat up flabbergasted.
"Why are you sitting so far away" He whined.
"What do ya  mean? This is where I always sit" I looked at Rich confused.
"Yeah but it's too far" He whined again making grabby motions towards me with his hands.
"Oh fine you big baby" I laughed crawling towards him settling down in between his legs with my back against his chest, with my blanket covering both of. He smiled.
"Much better" He rested his hand under my shirt on my stomach, and the other on my thigh gently squeezing it. I smiled and relaxed against him.
--The next morning--
I don't even remember when I fell asleep but I woke up to mine and Rich's mom standing over me taking pictures of me and smiling.
"Good morning sunshine" My mom giggled.
"DID YOU SLEEP WELL" My dad said from the corner of the room angrily while my mom turned to glare at him.
"Wha?" I answered groggily, utterly confused as to why they were standing over me. I tried to get up but couldn't as I felt someone's arm tighten around my waist. I turned my head around to see who was holding me and saw Rich with his eyes scrunched up tight behind me. I smiled softly at him before turning back to our moms. Rich's mom smiled at me and touched my cheek gently rubbing it with her thumb. Before her and my mom wandered to the kitchen where my mom pulled my dad along behind them. I twisted around and straddled Rich's lap.
"Wakey wakey" I poked his face with a giggle.
"Stop" he mumbled groggily, god damn his morning voice was hot.
"C'mon my mom is making breakfast" I mumbled climbing off the couch with my face pink. Rich got up slowly and followed me to the kitchen. My mom put two plates of pancakes on the table before her and Rich's mom went to clean up our mess in the living room. My dad stayed in the kitchen with his arms crossed glaring at Rich. Rich just looked at my dad warily while he ate his pancakes while I gave my dad a pointed and threatening look.
--Time skip another month--
From that movie night on, Rich only got more touchy and flirty until the day our group went to a haunted house. Now at this point Chloe and Jake were dating, thanks to Brooke and I. But unfortunately for me Rich and I were not. I was being stubborn and waiting for him to stop flirting and gain the balls to ask me out, not even knowing if he ever planned on doing that. Brooke, Chloe and I had dressed up in one of those cute cliche group costumes except we were the Sanderson sisters from Hocus pocus... But 'sexy' as Chloe had put it. I was Sarah, and we wore the girls' dresses but we had bought altered versions that were shorter and more revealing. We looked pretty hot not gonna lie. Brooke and I carpooled to the haunted house. I don't know why I had agreed to go to the haunted house since I am a very skittish person and get scared very easily. But that's a problem for future me. Brooke and I arrived at the haunted house and Chloe and Jake were already making out. Rich stood off to the side looking down at his phone. I texted him I was here and his head shot up eyes zoning in on the car immediately. A wide smile stretched across his face and Brooke elbowed me suggestively. I laughed and got out of Brooke's mom's car. He ran up to me but stopped for a minute to admire my costume.
"Looking good" He complimented with a smile, "not leaving much to the imagination are you though" He continued with a laugh. I smacked his arm and started adjusting the corset I had worn as part of Sarah's costume trying to make my boobs look less defined. Rich swatted my hands away from my corset in protest to my adjustments. "No leave it the way it is its hot" He said his eyes lowering from my face ever so slightly.
"Oh shut up, and keep your eyes up here" I replied motioning to my face with a light laugh. Brooke hooked her arm through mine and we walked over to Chloe and Jake.
"Hey you two" Brooke said slyly and they looked at the rest of us sheepishly. Chloe smiled at our costumes.
"Ahh we look so hot!!" She laughed, moving away from Jake to stand next to us. Jake looked at us confused.
"Who are you supposed to be?" He asked
"The Sanderson Sisters" Chloe explained, giving a little twirl.
"Who?" He asked.
"Y'know I'd break up with him for that question, Clo" I said sideying Jake, who started apologizing to Chloe. We all laughed and Brooke slowly ushered us into the line for the haunted house. As we closed the door behind us we were enveloped in a thick darkness that was almost suffocating. I blindly reached out for the hand of the closest person, who happened to be Brooke. She gave me a wide smile and pulled me forward further into the haunted house with a loud laugh. A bloody butcher holding a giant rotting boar head jumped out from the darkness shoving the boar head in our faces as we turned the corner to walk into the next area of the haunted house... A giant meat locker.. I screamed and Brooke laughed at me. I pulled my hand away and ran back towards Jake, Chloe and Rich. Running into Rich's arms with a scream. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close until I stopped breathing heavily.
"You want to wait outside for the others" He asked, jerking his head to the doors. "We can leave if you want to" He smiled down at me softly, and I was really tempted to take him up on that offer. But if I did, Brooke would never let me hear the end of it.
"No I'm fine" I smiled nervously as Rich let me out of his hold, but I heard something move behind us. I squeaked and reached out to cling to his arm.
"I forgot how easily frightened you are," Rich laughed, putting the arm I was holding around my waist gently and pulling me to his side. I put my hand on his to keep it around me as we moved forward.  I heard Brooke scream from up ahead the four of us so we all hurried through the meat locker scene to get to her. Tons of fake dead animals hung from the ceiling, more than one of them twitching waiting till we walked past to move. I shut my eyes tightly trusting Rich to lead me through without bumping into anything. I heard Chloe and Jake scream from a few feet ahead of me and I risked a peek from my closed eyes. Re-shutting them when I saw a costumed person looming over the couple. I burrowed further into Rich's side as we left the meat locker scene, I opened my eyes to see where we were going next and it looked like a high school hallway with lockers lining the walls. A bathroom scene was off to the left and a bloodied crazed looking football jock stood over the corpse of a cheerleader, who had a puddle of fake blood leaking from her side. The jock ran towards us with a snarl, growling.
"Nothing to see here" He twirled his knife in his hand with a murderous smile and ushered us along.
"You'd never murder me would you Jakey" Chloe asked pulling Jake past the Bathroom quickly.
"Of course not" He smiled, giving a curt nod to the bloodied jock. We turned another corner and were met with a pitch black hallway, where Brooke was waiting for us. She trailed along, Chloe and her linking  arms happily, while Chloe reached for Jake's hand. We continued walking and at the end of the hallway a single red balloon stood illuminated.
"Awe Fuck no" I mumbled seeing the balloon. "Wherever there's a balloon a clown isn't too far behind" I squeezed my eyes shut but had to open them when I stumbled over my own feet. I looked at the ground when the loud pop of the balloon sounded throughout the hallway. I screamed loudly.
--time skip because I actually am a scaredy cat--
After a whole hour of my heart racing and beating wildly we finally came to the last 10 minutes of the haunted house. I had finally started calming down but Rich never let go of me. Which I was thankful for, we walked down another dark hallway, before Rich spoke to me.
"Y'know if I had remembered you were so skittish I wouldn't have suggested the haunted house" He mumbled with a chuckle glancing around to see if anything was going to pop out and scare me.
"Oh please you love hearing me scream"  I joked back laughing lightly, trying to look ahead and find Chloe, Jake and Brooke, but to no avail. I couldn't even hear Brooke's loud giggle screams anymore. So I froze when I felt Rich's breath on the back of my neck and both his arms wrap around my waist.
"Only when it's my name you're screaming" He whispered in my ear and I shivered turning around in his arms to face him.
"I-" I started to speak but soon stopped.
"Speechless for once are you" He laughed walking me backwards till my back was pressed against the hallway wall. I tensed up. I tried thinking of ways to tease him back, or force him to make a move, but Rich was really distracting right now.
"How would you even know what me screaming your name sounds like" I mumbled without really thinking, I was too caught up in the intense whatever it was we had going on.
"I hear it every night in my dreams. But I'd really like to hear it in real life." He murmured slowly inching his face closer to mine, his eyes darting to my lips and back to my eyes silently asking if he could kiss me. I smiled reaching up to pull his face closer and he pressed his lips against mine. We stayed like that for about a minute before separating. "God you're hot" He growled leaning down to kiss my jaw gently, his voice was music to my ears. I pulled his head away from my jaw and back to my lips by tugging on his hair gently. I kissed him softly before responding.
"I know" I smiled offhandedly, "you are too I guess" I smiled running my hands through his hair and he sighed.
"As much as I love how fuckin hot you look in that costume" He paused and I felt his fingers ghost over my curves (If you look like a cereal box like me, we're gonna pretend you're CuRvY) before he continued. "I think you'd look way better with it on my bedroom floor" He smiled, kissing me again.
"You do know how cliche that sounds right" I laughed after he had pulled away again.
"Eh, I've been waiting years to at least kiss you. I don't care how cliche I sound at this point" He smiled and was about to pull me in for another kiss when Brooke yelled.
"Found them!!!" She shrieked throwing me a devilish grin "You were totally right Jake they were making out!" She teased, I groaned trying to hide my face in Rich's chest. Brooke led us out the Haunted house, thankfully there were no more jump scares for the last 5 minutes to the exit. Chloe looked at me, saw my slightly disheveled appearance, and gave me a knowing look. Jake looked at Rich, saw his mussed up hair and raised his eyebrows with a smile. Brooke was giggling into her hand. "They were 100% making out," Brooke informed the others, who laughed.
"Well in that case, Jake can you give me and Brooke a ride to Pinkberry please? We want some ice cream" Chloe said, turning to Jake, faking a pout.
"How can I ever say no to you" Jake smiled, taking Chloe by the hand and leading her and Brooke to his car.
"Bye you two!" Brooke waved at us excitedly.
"Soo..." Rich said slyly, turning to face me and plant a quick kiss on my lips. "Wanna come over?" He asked with a wide grin.
"Uh huh" I murmured, before shaking my head. "Sorry what did you say? You kissing me is super distracting." I replied with a smile wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Guess I'll have to do it more often then" He replied happily kissing me again. I laughed and moved out of his hold to walk to his car. "You were just agreeing to come home with me" He teased lightly, wrapping his arm around my waist again.
"Oh a little bit eager are you" I smiled.
"Between how hot you look in that costume right now, and how long I've been wanting to fuck you of course I'm fucking eager" He replied opening the passenger door for me.
"Oh wow, horny AND a gentleman" I laughed, trying to brush off his previous comment, as we both climbed into his car and got settled.
"Of course, I have to treat you like a lady now, cause I sure as hell won't be treating you like one later" He kissed me briefly, and laughed as his comment turned me into a blushing mess.
"God you're hot" I said quietly, looking down at my lap and playing with my fingers.
"I try to be, darling," He replied, starting the car and driving us home. 
QOTD: What is your favourite musical
A/N: can you tell how much I love Hocus pocus from this one shot... or do I need to spell it out for you because I  L O V E that movie man. It's great, I was told by a friend I'd totally be Sarah and I was like that's fair I do dance and sing a lot at random times and am DEFINITElY boy obsessed. On another note I really wanted to put the "are we about to kiss right now" meme in there because that's what I thought initially thought but I didn't because I didn't want to ruin the tone of this. Anyway hope you enjoyed!
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cuddlyreader · 1 year
Another OTH challenge if you feel like doing it :) How would you rank all these OTH ships from the one you love most to the one you like least with no ties? Naley, Leyton, Brucas, Brulian, Jeyton, Clay/Quinn, Alex/Chase, Mia/Chase, Brooke/Chase (I always forget they were a thing!), Mouth/Millie.
I work at a university that is having opening week, so I have had a super busy and long day. The notification for this made me smile. I just wanted you to know that. :)
I'm going to be honest here. I didn't like Chase and couldn't have cared less about who he dated. I didn't like him with Brooke. I don't remember Alex, which is funny since I love Jana Kramer, and only remember that Mia sang.
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
tags with @story1ines bc we literally never stop chatting :)
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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dont-trust-list · 6 months
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lohstandfound · 2 years
Jakob Dillinger and the Loves of His Life
A little fic/character study/examination of Jake's relationships with his friends. These can probably be interpreted however you please. Yes, this is already on AO3 and now it's here because I say so.
Jake Dillinger and Chloe Valentine were best friends in middle school. They did almost everything together. They were a force to be reckoned with. Jake was the one who fell first, getting flustered and nervous at the thought of his best friend. In freshman year, he wrote a poem. It was dumb, stupid, and honestly not even good. But he stuck it in Chloe’s locker. The next day, they were joined again at the hip as the newest and sweetest couple at Middleborough High School.
Chloe believed that she was destined for popularity, so she dragged Jake and Brooke with her. Chloe Valentine and Jake Dillinger became the queen and king of Middleborough High School. Middleborough’s ‘It’ couple then started to crumble. Fights and arguments and breakups and makeups and relief and stress. And they weren’t happy. Chloe had her claws dug into Jake, and Chloe was wrapped around Jake’s finger.
Chloe and Jake had a fight on Halloween, before the fire. Then Chloe and Jake were no more.
Chloe and Jake were bought together because of some dumb robot pills in the beaker of the school play. Chloe and Jake decided to make up.
They talked, and they talked and talked and talked. They missed each other, they missed being close, and they couldn’t imagine not being together. But being together wasn’t good for them. (Rich and Brooke both begged them to stop getting back together because why would they want to hurt themselves like that?).
Chloe and Jake decided not to date again, but they are almost joined at the hip again. There’s an understanding between them, a deep and unconditional love for their first love. They were still tied together, but no longer with a heavy chain. It was something softer, more gentle, more flexible. Chloe and Jake would never describe their relationship as romantic. In fact, Jake once said their relationship is basically a divorced couple who are still really good friends.
Growing to love Brooke Lohst was not part of the plan for either of them. Sure, maybe Jake wanted to get to know Chloe’s new best friend, but Chloe’s new best friend avoided him like the plague. So Jake never really got the chance to know Brooke one-on-one.
He noticed things, though. When Brooke was their third wheel. Or when he was the third wheel, particularly during trips to the mall to carry their things. He noticed Chloe liked to have control. He noticed Brooke was always in the background, always second best to Chloe.
The catalyst was their English class in Junior year. That is when they really clicked. Suddenly, Brooke didn’t avoid Jake as much. And Jake was always happy to hang out with Brooke. When she wasn’t with Chloe, when she wasn’t with anyone, Jake discovered that Brooke was bloody amazing. She was sweet, kind, fierce, smart, and determined. She had just as many goals as Chloe; she was more than just Cloe’s best friend.
Jake liked seeing more of Brooke.
Of course, Chloe used to get jealous when Brooke and Jake would hang out. It was just inevitable back then, but that didn’t stop Jake from getting close to Brooke. And sometimes, he’d surprise her by taking her out.
“Yo, B!” Jake would call out to her.
Brooke would smile as Jake pushed his way through the crowds. “Hey, J.”
Jake would sling an arm around her shoulders and flash a grin. “You doing anything tonight?”
Brooke would respond with, “I think Chloe was-”
Jake: “I didn’t ask about Chloe. I asked about you.”
Brooke: “Oh, uh, no. I don’t think I have any plans.”
Jake: “Now you do. I’m taking you out tonight.”
The first time it happened, Brooke was confused.
Brooke: “What?”
Jake: “Oh, god- Not like that, definitely not like that. Chloe would be pissed.”
Brooke: “I don’t know whether I should be hurt by that or not.”
Jake: “I’m sorry, I don’t mean in, like, a romantic way. Not a date date. Because I don’t see you in, y’know, that way and-”
Brooke: “Jake, you’re rambling again.”
Jake: “Right- uh. A platonic date. Friend date.”
And so out they would go. Pinkberry, Sbarros, rollerskating. Those were usually the locations for their friend dates. It was nice. Pleasantly surprised at the discovery of the ‘real’ Jake and the ‘real’ Brooke.
Besides, Brooke always made awesome baking and was a super good cook; Jake loved being the test subject for her new recipes. Especially anything Italian.
Jake and Brooke grew super close, especially after the play. Brooke visited him a lot in hospital, and Jake always looked forward to her visits. She bought him food, books, missed school work, and caught him up on everything he missed. And they were both left without Chloe for a period of time. It was only when Chloe saw Jake and Brooke together did she realise how much she missed them, and how much she fucked up.
Jake and Jenna were unexpected. Jenna never really felt seen by anyone, and Jake was seen by everyone. Everyone would talk to Jenna to hear the latest gossip, wanting to hear the dirt on someone they knew or to hear the juicy news from within the popular kid circle.
But Jake was different. Jake didn’t care about hearing the latest news and gossip. (Okay, sometimes he wanted to know what was up, but he rarely went to Jenna for that). Jake spoke to her like she was a real human being. Jake and Jenna had always shared a lot of classes together, and Jake and Jenna were always competing for the top marks in those classes.
Jenna was one of the few people to see Jake as a regular human being. He wasn’t some stereotypical dumb jock heartthrob who threw parties every other weekend. Okay, maybe he was a jock heartthrob who threw parties every other weekend. But he certainly wasn’t dumb. Maybe just a little oblivious.
Jenna was Jake’s favourite study buddy. Even if their study sessions were less study and more just hanging out. Jake wanted to make Jenna feel seen and heard, and he was certainly doing a good job at that. He let her vent about her problems and tried to give her advice. They would hang out, they were friends.
Jake was a little less open about his feelings and problems, but Jenna was observant. She noticed the way his shoulders started to drop a little, she noticed that his eyes didn’t light up the same way they used to, she noticed that his smile seemed a little forced, she noticed the way he avoided certain topics, the way he screwed up permission forms for parents only for him to hand in the crumpled letter a few days later, the way he only seemed to let himself relax when he was at a party.
Jenna was the first person to see through Jake’s act. Even if it wasn’t the whole picture. Finally, Jenna was able to return the favour and be Jake’s shoulder to cry on.
Jenna Rolan was widely known to spread any and every juicy bit of gossip she heard, but for some reason, Jake trusted her the most with the secret of his empty home.
Jake and Jenna care deeply about each other. Thick as thieves. Always looking out for each other.
Christine Canigula and Jake Dillinger were like fireworks. After a semi-disastrous first relationship that had suffered Chloe’s attempts at sabotage, they got on surprisingly well for exes. Like the best of friends, Christine was the first person that made Jake show off his soft side.
Christine doesn’t take shit from anyone and was not letting Jake get away with what happened during their relationship. We had an angry Christine and an already apologetic Jake.
A week later, they were hanging out again.
Jake wasn’t lying when he spoke to Christine the first time. He was enamoured seeing her act, and he loved watching her on that stage. He always loved watching her during rehearsal. She was fantastic, mesmerising, even if the play was Midsummer Night’s Dream but with zombies.
After the disastrous Midsummer Night’s Dream with Zombies, Jake decided that acting on a stage wasn’t really for him. He decided he’d be Christine’s partner when she wanted to run lines with someone, and that was it. If someone told him he should be in the upcoming school show, he’d respond with, “I am never stepping foot on that stage. The only way I’m getting up there is if Christine Canigula herself convinces me, and she never will.”
But she always does. She is determined.
Like the time he helped Christine run lines for the proper version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A scene with Helena and Demetrius, to be precise. It was weird and difficult, and Christine was uncomfortable. Jake had already decided he wasn’t going to act. He missed the auditions. But he didn’t want Christine doing this scene with just anyone.
Three days later, Jake was cast as Demetrius.
Christine and Jake are like fireworks. Jake and Christine are a force to be reckoned with. They’re wild and fun and love each other dearly. They’re the mum friends of the group, despite the fact they need to be reminded to eat, sleep, and take breaks. Organised messes.
But, of course, they make sure the other take care of themselves. The star athlete needs to remember to eat, and the star actor needs to sleep, of course. They support each other just as much as they support their friends.
Jake Dillinger decided Jeremy Heere was a pretty neat person after a dance-off on Halloween. Jake had only known Jeremy as the weird, awkward kid in his grade that Rich liked to mess with. The guy who was friends with the headphones guy with the cool hoodie.
But now, Jeremy was pretty cool.
Of course, that Jeremy he got to know wasn’t exactly the real Jeremy. Besides, that Jeremy was an ass. Cheating on Brooke by sleeping with Chloe in his parents’ bedroom? Not cool.
(Although that isn’t the true story, that was just what Jake saw that night).
The real Jeremy is also pretty neat. Much, much better than before. They mesh surprisingly well. It took a while for Jeremy to warm up to the idea of Jake wanting to be his friend.
If Jeremy was being honest, he was always jealous of Jake. Perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect body, perfect face, perfect everything. He was envious, and Jeremy was an asshole, so why was Jake trying to befriend him now?
But eventually, Jeremy began to warm up to Jake, allowing himself to enjoy the other’s company. Jake wasn’t all cool and chill and intimidating as he thought. Jake was a massive dork.
The first time Jake saw Jeremy’s room, he was gushing over anything and everything. Jeremy was almost dumbfounded. When he mentioned it around Rich and Michael, Rich just said that’s how Jake’s always been, and Michael told him about the Donkey Kong high score.
Jake and Jeremy were a wonderful pair. They balanced each other nicely. They grounded each other, they bought out sides of each other they didn’t know they had. Jeremy could learn to let loose, have fun, and make a fool of himself because Jake would be right there doing the same thing. Jake could learn to be soft, gentle, quiet, to relax because Jeremy proved to be some sort of calming presence in Jake’s whirlwind life.
Jake thought Jeremy was pretty neat; Jake liked being around Jeremy a lot.
Michael Mell always remained a mystery to Jake Dillinger. Michael was a mystery, and Jake was Indiana Jones. Or Lara Croft. Jake quite enjoyed the Tomb Raider games.
They had more in common than they thought.
And they admired each other for very similar reasons. Or opposites. Jake admired how little Michael cared what other people thought of him. Michael wished he could care a little bit more like Jake. Even though Michael was determined not to like Jake at first. The guy was just too perfect, but goddammit, he’s just too nice.
It was such a surprise when Michael found out that the top score on Donkey Kong at the arcade he was trying so hard to beat belonged to the one and only Jake Dillinger. Michael was determined to change that.
However, Jake was good at everything. But video games were not one of those things. The few exceptions are Tomb Raider and Donkey Kong. And Michael was determined to beat Jake at Donkey Kong. Michael was the self-appointed video game master. So, Michael would set up tournaments for the two of them, and Jake was just happy to spend time with Michael.
He liked being around Michael. The guy just seemed to know how to make anyone feel better; he was funny, gave the best hugs, and smoking with him was always pretty fun. Not to mention he felt right at home with the Mell family. Michael’s mothers always welcomed him into their home.
Eventually, they grew from their mutual admiration and one-sided gaming rivalry. Michael Mell and Jake Dillinger were great friends. They helped each other grow. The one thing they always had in common was how much they cared about their friends. Jake and Michael are the kings at gift-giving.
Jake Dillinger and Rich Goranski. Jake and Rich. Rich and Jake. Soulmates. They are always meant for each other, no matter what way that may be. They’ve been through hell and back and still have each other.
Maybe their relationship was built on a lie. But that doesn’t change how they felt about each other before the play, before Halloween.
Jake would wake up some nights, or maybe he was already awake at odd hours of the morning, to a knock on his door. He’d open it to find Rich standing there, a bag over his shoulder, and doing everything he could to avoid looking at Jake as he asked to crash on his couch for the night. Without fail, Jake always let him in.
It happened more and more, and Rich was always worried he was being a bother, but Jake liked the company. It went from Rich asking permission to sending a warning, to just showing up and knocking, to letting himself in if the door was unlocked.
Eventually, Jake got Rich his own key. And, very slowly, Rich just seemed to move in. And it just felt right. Jake liked having Rich around, and it motivated him to keep the kitchen stocked. And Rich liked having his safe place.
Jake and Rich are more than just best friends. They are fiercely protective of each other. Rich would jump to defend Jake. He’s explosive and ready to fight to defend those he loves. Jake is more quiet, reserved. (Maybe it’s because he wanted to focus on his friends, or maybe it’s because he doesn’t know how to process his emotions, so they sit on the back burner. Even he doesn’t know the answer to that). His focus lies more on Rich while sending the coldest death glare anyone could receive. An angry Jake Dillinger was not something you wanted.
Something then switched. Halloween. Everyone had gotten out of the house, and Jake had made sure of that. But he scanned the crowds of people for Rich, only to find him absent. Before anyone, including himself, could stop him, he ran back into the burning house. He would be damned if he lost Rich. And he found him, lighter in hand and an empty container of gasoline.
Jake was not going to lose Rich.
Jake grabbed Rich, opened the window, and jumped. That was the last time he saw Rich for a while.
They next saw each other after the play. Jake was mad. So, so, mad. Rich had seen Jake mad at other people but never at him. He knew he deserved Jake’s anger, and Jake started asking all these questions, some of which Rich didn’t know the answers to. Or he didn’t want to say them out of fear of them coming true. But they’re yelling, screaming, crying. They are both hurt, so, so hurt.
But they feel better once the silence falls over them. It’s a slow movement, but Jake slowly moves forward in the wheelchair, moving closer to Rich. He hesitates before grabbing his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. And Rich crumbles. He cries again, covering his mouth to muffle the sobs. Jake gently tugs him down into a hug.
It’s a start to rebuilding their relationship. One full of honesty and trust and love and care. They’re open with each other, they love each other, they care for each other. Maybe Jake doesn’t know the real Rich, and maybe Rich doesn’t even know who he is anymore. But they’re finding out together.
It’s Jake and Rich. Rich and Jake. How it’s always been and how it should be. Friends, brothers, soulmates.
Jake used to think that maybe he just wasn’t meant for a family. Destined for flings and temporary relationships and for keeping people an arm’s length away from his heart.
It took a supercomputer pill to make him realise that he did have a family, right in front of him. They certainly weren’t the family he was asking for, but it was the family he needed.
His favourite way to describe his family is that one Lilo and Stitch quote:
“This is my family. I found it all on my own. It’s little and broken… but still good. Yeah, still good.”
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won4kiss · 3 months
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𝜗𝜚 ༘⋆ ⋆˙pairing. brothers best friend! jake sim x fem! reader synopsis. in which your brothers best friend whom you’d been in love with for years- suddenly ghosts you after kissing you, making a mess in the process. genre. angst ,, fluff wc. 2500. 𝐥u𝐧a notes ⋆.˚ im reformatting my works!! 🤭.. 🫧 — 𝓵𝗂𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗋𝔂
if you enjoyed ,, please reblog & like !! <3
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GROWING UP WITH AN OLDER BROTHER MEANT CONSTANTLY BEING IN THE SHADOW OF HIS FRIENDS AND ANTICS. among his friends, jake sim has always stood out in your eyes.
with his rebellious attitude, dark clothes, and the gleam of mischief in his eyes, jake was the boy all the parents had warned their kids about, a bad influence with a not so great family.
you never cared about any of that, you had always been in love with him, ever since you were a kid.
he was kind to you, he wasn’t the jake everybody had talked about, he had a way of making your heart race with just a single glance directed at you.
but your brother, sunghoon, had always been adamant. “jake’s off limits,” he’d say, his tone brooking no argument. “he’ll just hurt you. trust me, he’s not the guy you think he is.”
despite your brother’s warnings, you couldn’t help but be drawn to jake. over the years, your paths crossed more frequently, and each encounter seemed to intensify the tension between you.
the stolen glances, the brief touches, the way his gaze would linger on you just a moment too long—it all built up to a point where the air crackled with unspoken desire.
it was a warm summer night, the warm air invading seoul. you found yourself alone at home. sunghoon was out, and you were enjoying the rare peace and quiet. the doorbell rang,
“that’s probably hoon..” you mumbled to yourself, and to your surprise, you opened it to find jake standing there, looking as effortlessly handsome as ever. he gave you a soft grin, that familiar twinkle in his eye.
“hey, y/n” he said casually, ruffling your hair as he leaned against the doorframe. “sunghoon around?”
you shook your head, flustered with his touch, trying to keep your voice steady. “no, hoon’s out. why?”
jake shrugged, his eyes locking onto yours. “just thought i’d hang out. mind if i come in?”
you knew what that meant, jake had always confided into the comfort of your home after another argument took place in his, you nodded with a smile.
stepping aside, you allowed him to enter. as he walked past you, the subtle scent of his cologne filled your senses, making your pulse quicken. you closed the door and followed him to the living room, where he flopped onto the couch, looking completely at ease.
“so, what are you up to, puppy?” he asked teasingly, his eyes never leaving yours.
“just… relaxing,” you replied,
feeling a bit self-conscious under his intense gaze, internally groaning at your outfit choice, a worn-out shirt you had worn since you were fifteen and pants with golden retrievers on them? of course this would happen to you.
“what about you?”
jake chuckled, the sound low and smooth. “trying to escape my house. too much drama.”
he said with a lingering sadness fleeing his words, making you frown.
you nodded, understanding. jake’s home life wasn’t the best. his parents were always fighting, and he often sought refuge elsewhere—usually with sunghoon. but tonight, it was just the two of you. the tension between you was almost tangible, the air thick with unspoken words and unfulfilled desire.
as you sat down beside him, the proximity made your heart race. you tried to focus on something—anything—else, but jake’s presence was overwhelming. he leaned back, stretching his arms along the back of the couch, one arm brushing lightly against your shoulders.
“why so tense?” he asked, his voice low and teasing. “i don’t bite… much.”
you laughed nervously, the sound awkward even to your own ears. “just… not used to being alone with you, i guess.”
jake’s eyes darkened slightly, a smirk playing on his lips. “is that so, puppy? don’t get shy on me now, let me change that.”
before you could respond, he leaned in, his face inches from yours. your breath hitched as his nose touched yours, and your heart pounded in your chest.
every rational thought screamed at you to move away, to stop this before it went too far. but you couldn’t. you didn’t want to.
jake’s lips brushed against yours, hesitant at first, as if he was testing the waters. when you didn’t pull away, he deepened the kiss, his hand moving to cup your face as his other wrapped around your thighs pulling you on top of him.
the kiss was slow and exploratory, filled with the pent-up tension and desire that had been building for years.
you melted into him, your hands finding their way to his shoulders as you tugged on his hair.
“don’t do that… i really won’t be able to hold back.” he whispered against your lips.
his touch was intoxicating, and you couldn’t get enough. the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in your own little bubble of passion.
but all too soon, the sound of a car pulling into the driveway shattered the moment. you pulled back abruptly, your heart racing for an entirely different reason now.
“hoon’s home,” you whispered, panic evident in your voice as you felt the pang of guilt from your actions kicking in.
jake’s eyes widened, and he quickly stood up, straightening his clothes. “i should go,” he said, his voice hushed and quiet.’
you nodded, unable to find the words to express the number of emotions coursing through you.
jake moved toward the back door, but before he left, he turned to you, his eyes softening as he pats your head, a familiar habit he’s had your whole lives. “we’ll talk later, okay y/n?”
you nodded again, watching as he slipped out of the house just as sunghoon walked in. your brother greeted you with a happy smile, completely unaware of what had just transpired.
you forced a smile in return, trying to act normal, but the guilt was running through your vein’s as your mind was still reeling from the kiss.
that night, as you laid in the comfort of your bed, you replayed the events over and over in your head. the kiss, the look in jake’s eyes, the way your heart had felt like it might burst from your chest—it all felt like a fever dream.
a part of you wondered if jake felt the same way, if he had also been thinking of you, if he was in love with you, or if it had just been a moment of weakness for him.
you were more than confused with his feelings, you sighed as you sat up,
unable to sleep, you picked up your phone and sent jake a message.
“can we talk?” you typed, your fingers trembling with nervousness.
you hesitated for a moment before hitting send, hoping for a quick response.
minutes turned into hours, and as you stared at your phone, there was no reply. your heart sank with each passing moment, doubt and insecurity creeping in. had it meant nothing to him? was he regretting it now? the questions swirled in your mind, making it impossible to find any peace whatsoever.
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the next day at school, you kept an eye out for jake, hoping to catch him and talk. but when you finally saw him, your heart shattered. he was standing with eunhee, the most wanted and prettiest girl in school. she was giggling, as her hand playfully lingered on his bare arm, and he was smiling back at her.
it felt like a punch to the gut. the hope you had clung to crumbled in an instant, replaced by a deep sense of betrayal and hurt. you turned away, the tears stinging your eyes, and hurried to find a place to be alone.
you found your best friend, yunjin, in the cafeteria, and she immediately noticed something was wrong.
“hey, what happened?” she asked, concern evident in her voice.
you shook your head, trying to hold back the tears. “it’s nothing. just… jake.”
yunjin’s eyes widened. she was the only other person who knew about your little ‘crush’ on jake other than sunghoon. “what did he do?”
you took a deep breath, deciding to tell her everything. “last night, he came over, and we… we kissed. but now he’s with eunhee, and he never replied to my message. i feel so stupid.”
your voice breaking as you spoke, yunjin’s eyes widened as she saw the figure behind you, you didn’t notice sunghoon approaching from behind.
he had overheard everything, and his expression darkened with anger. “jake did what?” he growled, his fists clenching.
“sunghoon, no—” you began, but it was too late. he was already storming off, determined to beat the shit out of his best friend.
you and yunjin hurried after him, your heart pounding with fear. sunghoon was protective, but you had never seen him this angry, not even when your boyfriend in tenth grade cheated on you..
when you reached the courtyard, you saw him shoving jake against a wall, complete furt and anger clouding his face.
“what the hell, man?” jake exclaimed, trying to push sunghoon off.
“you stay away from my sister!” sunghoon shouted, his voice filled with rage. “you hear me? she’s not some toy you can play with!”
jake’s eyes flashed with a mix of anger and confusion. “it’s not like that, i’d never play with her sunghoon. i care about her.”
“bullshit!” sunghoon retorted. “you were with eunhee this morning!”
jake’s expression softened, realization dawning on him. “that’s what this is about? eunhee’s just a friend. i was only talking to her.”
sunghoon’s grip loosened slightly, but he didn’t let go. “then why didn’t you reply to her message? why are you messing with her head?”
jake glanced at you, his eyes softened at you as they filled with regret. “i’m sorry,” he said softly.
“i was scared. i’ve never felt this way before, and i didn’t know how to handle it. i thought staying away would be better for her, you know me...”
sunghoon finally released him, but his glare didn’t waver. “if you care about her, then prove it. make it right.”
jake nodded, his gaze never leaving yours. “i will.”
he took a step toward you, his expression nervous and vulnerable. “i’m sorry i didn’t reply,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity. “i was an asshole. i thought pushing you away would protect you from me.”
“protect me from what?” you said as you played with your fingers,
“you know my family, y/n. i’m not the golden boy next door, hell- your parents would probably slam the door on my face if i said i was your boyfriend.” he replied looking down.
tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to him, the way he thought about himself absolutely broke your heart.
“jake, i don’t care about any of that. i just want to be with you.”
he looked at you, his eyes searching yours for any hint of doubt. when he found none, he closed the distance between you, cupping your face in his hands.
“i love you, so much.” he whispered, his voice trembling. “i’ve loved you for so long, but i was too afraid to admit it.”
you felt your heart swell with adoration. “i love you too, jake.”
he placed his soft lips onto yours, a kiss filled with all the love and passion you had both been holding back for years. the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in that moment. his lips moved against yours, soft and insistent, and you kissed him back with equal energy.
when you finally pulled away, jake rested his forehead against yours, his breath coming in ragged gasps. “i don’t deserve you,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “but i’ll spend the rest of my life trying to be even the slightest bit worthy of you, enough for you.”
you smiled through your tears, your heart filled with love. “you’re more than worthy of me, jakey. you’re so much more than enough” you replied caressing his cheek.
sunghoon watched the exchange, his expression softening. he placed a hand on jake’s shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze.
“don’t screw this up, man.” he said, his voice stern but supportive.
jake nodded, grinning at his best friend, his eyes meeting yours as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
“i won’t.”
from that day forward, things changed between you and jake. he became a constant in your life, no longer hiding his feelings or running away from them. you faced your fears together, and with your brothers support, you built a relationship based on love and loyalty.
jake opened up to you about his family, his fears, and his dreams. you listened, offering him the comfort and support he had always needed but never had.
in return, he loved you unconditionally, with a passion that took your breath away.
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one evening, as you both in each other’s arms, watching the stars twinkle outside your bedroom window, jake turned to you with a smile. “you know, i’ve been thinking.”
“that’s not good..” you joked as jake pouted at you, making you giggle with a sparkle in your eyes.
“about what, jakey?” you hummed, nudging your nose against his.
“about how lucky i am to have you, to be called yours” he said softly playing with your fingers.
“and about how i never want to take you for granted again.”
you smiled, your heart overflowing with love. “i’m lucky to have you too, jake.”
he leaned in, kissing you gently. “let’s make a promise,” he said when he pulled away.
“no matter what happens, no matter how stressed or tired we get, we’ll always come back to each other. we’ll always remember how much we love each other.”
you nodded, a warm feeling spilling over your body, a feeling that could bring you into a fit of tears, “i promise.”
jake grinned as he kissed you again, sealing the promise with a kiss that was filled with all the love and devotion you felt for each other.
as you laid there, wrapped in each other’s arms, you knew that no matter what issues came your way, you would never be facing them alone, your love guiding you through the darkness.
the night air flowing in from the window was cool, and the stars shone brightly in the sky.
listening to the steady rhythm of jake’s heartbeat, you felt a deep sense of peace and contentment. the world outside might be full of darkness and pain, but within the warmth of jake’s embrace, you found a haven of love and safety.
jake’s fingers traced gentle patterns on your back, his touch soothing and reassuring. “i love you,” he murmured, his voice a soft caress in the quiet night as he felt himself falling into a deep slumber.
“i love you too,” you whispered, snuggling closer to him. “always.”
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© won4kiss 2024
taglist open <3 @luvlyhee @sjyunnsworld @shawnyle
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mugiwara-lucy · 7 months
Okay but their goodbye sounds gay af
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