#jake virtanen imagines
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pucksnsticksnhockeyboys · 4 years ago
all my focus on you
summary: all of your focus is on Jake, and yet you can’t see that he loves you.
warnings: mentions of injury
word count: 3.2k
note from the writer: this is the first thing I've posted in months and I really like how it turned out. let me know what you think! also I didn’t edit it so sorry ahead of time.
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“Who’s Tuna?”
You had heard the nickname tossed around a lot. At least, you were pretty sure it was a nickname. You were new to the world of hockey, having only really paid attention to the sport in the past few months as a result of your roommate, Jess, dating professional player Brock Boeser. Through him, you had met Elias, Quinn, Thatcher, Troy, and a whole assortment of others. But, Tuna still remained a mystery to you. Apparently, he was going to be joining your group out to the bar that night.
“You’ll like him.” Brock declared, giving you the same response he always did whenever you asked, while Elias’ smile turned the special kind of mischievous that only he could ever pull off. You didn’t have the chance to question how he could have been so certain, because Jess called your name and insisted that you start getting ready to go.
You’d never, not once in a million years, admit it that Brock was right.
You did like ‘Tuna’. A lot more than you probably should have. He was fun and outgoing from the moment Brock introduced you to him at the bar. Your heart stopped in your chest when you realized that Tuna was Jake Virtanen, your secret hockey crush. When Jess started seeing Brock, she showed you the entire Canucks roster. Jake’s piercing blue eyes struck out to you from the moment you saw his picture, but other than a ‘oh he’s cute’ and a mental note of his name and number, you kept quiet.
Now, he was standing before you, handing extended for you to shake with a dazzling smile that nearly made you forget your own name.
“I’m Jake.” He said brightly, and you offered your own smile in return as you slipped your hand into his meekly. Your face warmed at his touch, and if you possessed the ability to look away from Jake, you would have seen the shit-eating grin Brock wore. But you couldn’t, and instead you saw the way Jake’s gaze stayed on you, his own cheeks turning red. “What’re you drinking? I’m buying tonight.”
And thus, an amazing friendship grew. Which, for whatever reason, Brock seemed to loathe.
He was insistent that there was something more between you and Jake, which you vehemently denied, and each time your cheeks would burn brightly. It wasn’t as if you didn’t want anything more with Jake, in the few months that you had gotten to know him, he had become one of your closest friends and the person you told everything too.
And your secret hockey crush turned into full blown feelings. Most of your time was spent with him, even if you felt nothing but butterflies in your stomach whenever he was near. Only a few short months after meeting him, you couldn’t imagine your life without him. He was a constant presence in your life, as sure as you were that the sun would rise, you knew that Jake would be there for you.
With a schedule as crazy as a professional athlete’s, you jumped on any opportunity to spend time with Jake and any of the guys on the team, who all quickly became good friends of yours, along with their partners. Currently, you were at a diner, getting a quick lunch with Jake, Petey, and Brock, the two blondes sharing a side of the booth opposite of you.
Jake was in the middle of animatedly telling a story, and you watched with your undivided attention. Well, nearly undivided, since he had swung an arm around your shoulders shortly after sitting down and the simple contact had your heart beating like crazy. Petey had sent you no less than three shit-eating grins, and Brock was openly chuckling at how flustered you were. You were just thankful Jake was as oblivious as he was.
“You’re coming to the game tonight, right?” Jake asked, jostling you with the arm that was around his shouler to get your attention as soon as he finished his story. You nodded, taking a sip of your drink to cover up the fact that you had been openly staring at him as he spoke. “Perfect. Alright, I’ve got to run. I’m supposed to meet with my nutritionist.”
There was a chorus of ‘goodbyes’ as he tossed some cash on the table, enough to cover both his bill and yours, since he always insisted on paying for you. Before he could slide out of the booth, though, he pressed a quick kiss to your temple, an innocent act that had your heart doing cartwheels. You avoided Petey and Brock’s gazes, trying to will the heat in your cheeks away. It was only when the bell chimed on the door signalling that Jake had left, did someone speak up.
“Oh, come on!” Brock groaned, and you shot him a curious look. He ignored you, turning to face Elias, who was grinning in amusement. “I’m just going to tell her. It’s painful at this point.”
“Tell me what?” You question, nerves seeping into you, watching Elias shrug and grin wider. Instantly, your mind thought about the worst, like someone was getting traded or something similar, but nothing could have prepared you for what Brock said next.
“Jake is in love with you.”
“What? No, he’s not.” You spluttered, eyes wide and cheeks warm. Brock rolled his eyes at you, a scoff leaving his lips as if he thought his teammate’s apparent affection was obvious.
“He talks about you all the time.” Petey offered, and you fell silent. Elias wasn’t one to mess around with something like that. Sure, he made sly comments that had you laughing everytime, but this was different.
“He thinks you could never like him back, so we have to listen to him complain about it.” Brock’s tone was serious, but you could hear the subtle chirp. You pursed your lips, dropping your focus onto your plate to avoid meeting either of their gazes.
“You guys are ridiculous.” You settled on saying, though just because you dropped the conversation, it didn’t mean that you stopped thinking about it.
Even hours later as you were walking through the doors of the arena, you were still thinking about it. Though, you were quickly distracted as Jess led you through the crowd to find your seats and watch warm-ups.
Despite your inner turmoil, the Virtanen jersey felt right on your shoulders, now a regular part of your wardrobe. When Jake had found out that you had no idea about hockey, he had bought you the number eighteen Canucks sweater, along with tickets to just about every home game, claiming you were his good luck charm. When he gave you his jersey, he stated that it was to make your hockey experience complete—thought now you weren’t so sure.
Brock’s words from earlier in the day were still bouncing in your head. You had a hard time believing they were true, but then you thought over nearly every interaction you had with Jake. They all had a common theme—Jake was always looking at you with a softness to his eyes that you had, at the time, chaked up to his friendliness. Now, thinking back, you recognized the look. It was the same look you gave him.
A look of utter adoration and total love.
You settled into your seat to watch the game with a wide smile on your face, borderline giddy with the conclusion you had come to. You decided that after the game, when you would be going back to Jake’s for a movie night and a sleepover, a tradition that had been established after celebrating a win too hard one night and you spent the night at his place, and at the following brunch it was decided his guest room would be yours after any home games. Though, if you played your cards right, you wouldn’t be sleeping in the guest room.
Your happiness only lasted until halfway through the first period, and quickly dread formed in the pit of your stomach. The game was back and forth, neither team able to keep possession of the puck for very long. Petey scored first, and you cheered loudly, but clamped your mouth shut when a player on the opposite team—you couldn’t see a name on his jersey, and even so, you didn’t pay attention to any hockey team outside of Vancouver—started shoving Jake. Of course, Jake was running his mouth and shoving back, and it was only when a ref skated between the two players did you let out a breath of relief you hadn’t realized you were holding.
Apparently, Jake pissed off the other team a lot more than you originally thought.
You would have sworn he was being targeted. Everytime he was on the ice, it seemed, that an opposing player would check him into the boards. He wad getting hit hard from all angles, he got tripped twice but only drew a penalty on one—and if you screamed bullshit! at the ref, then who would have blamed you—and got into a fight late in the second after an opposing player shoved into Thatcher.
It was the third period when things really went awry.
It was the final minutes of the period, Vancouver up by one, thanks to Bo’s goal at the end of the second. The Canucks were fighting to hold on, maybe score an extra point to cement their victory, while the other team was getting desperate. And they were playing dirty, too.
You didn’t really register the gasp that fell from your lips as some unknown opponent slammed Jake into the boards, head on, with clear intent to injure him. You did remember jumping to your feet, as if that would make everything better.
Jess, who you hadn’t really acknowledged was sitting next to you in your stress, gripped your arm tightly. You watched in horror as Jake stayed down, hands holding his head as the athletic trainer jogged across the ice with the assistance of Troy Stetcher. You couldn’t tear your gaze away from Jake, but if you could, you would have seen Brock looking worriedly from his injured teammate to where he knew you were in the stands.
It felt like years later when Jake finally stood, and while leaning heavily on his trainer and Troy, he went down the tunnel. You sat down stifly into your seat, leg bouncing in nerves and fingers tapping an unknown pattern as you anxiously waited for the game to be over so you could check on Jake.
Five minute major, game misconduct.
Good, you thought, but you kept your mouth clamped shut as nausea swirl in your stomach. Distantly, you heard Jess say that the opposing player was most likely going to get fined for his actions. You knew hockey was a hard hitting sport, but that was terrible. You had seen Jake hurt before, blocked shots, highsticks, and the sorts—but not once had it taken him that long to get back up.
You couldn’t focus on the rest of the game, you were pretty sure that at some point Quinn had scored, but eventually Jess was leading you down to the tunnel where had to meet the other players. Holly, Bo’s wife, had tried to assure you that Jake would be fine the moment she saw you.
“He’s got a thick skull.” She tried to lighten the mood, but all you could muster was a weak smile and a laugh that sounded forced and foriegn to even your own ears. You listened to the other wives and girlfriends of players chatter about who knows what—certainly not you, you were staring at the door you knew the boys emerged from—for minutes. The girls knew you, how you were always around Jake, acting like a couple but not once taking that extra step, so they knew how stressed you were, waiting for the verdict.
Elias was the first one to exit the room, heading straight to you with a tiny, reassuring, smile on his face. Your arms were crossed tightly across your body, an indicator of just how uncomfortable you were in the moment.
“He’s fine. He’ll be out in a few minutes.” He told you quietly. Though it helped calmed you slightly, you couldn’t get the imagine of him laying on the ice out of your head. You nodded your head in thanks, before he patted your shoulder comfortingly and departed. Quinn was next out, shooting you a pitiful smile. Tanev, Toffoli, and Edler all came out before finally, the brunette you had been waiting for emerged with Brock at his side.
He looked terrible, his tie was loose around his neck, hair a mess from the quick post-game shower he had just taken. His shoulders were slumped, and he looked so tired that your heart clenched in your chest.
“How are you?” You asked quietly once he stopped before you. Jess and Brock left to give you some privacy, but you didn’t notice in the slightest. Your focus was on Jake—like it always was.
“A little beat up, nothing I can’t handle.” He waved off his injured like it was nothing. You pouted for a moment, knowing he was playing down the severity of it. He seemed to sense your disbelief, because he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest. You sank into the embrace, reciprocating the hug with a deep sigh.
“Don’t you ever do that to me again.” You threatened into the fabric of his suit, wrapping your arms tiger around his middle. He chuckled lowly, holding you just as tight in return. Your heart was thundering in your chest, your stomach a lightning storm of nerves.
“I’ll try not to.” He assured you quietly, dropping a kiss to top of your head. You thought back to your decision before the game, how you were going to confront both his feelings and yours, and decided that it could wait just a little bit longer.
“Come on, let’s get you home.” You mumbled, pulling away sightly. He nodded and you, and you were pleasantly surprised as he slipped his hand into yours, threading your fingers together, as you headed in the direction of his car.
You insisted on driving, and Jake only protested slightly. The ride was quiet, and you could tell something was bothering him, but chose to stay quiet and let him come to you when he was ready. Or at least until you got back to his home. Instead, you listened to his music play softly from the car as you weaved through the streets of Vancouver, taking the familiar path to Jake’s place.
When you finally arrived, he slipped into his bedroom to change into something more comfortable, and you made yourself comfortable on his couch. When he returned, he was in a Canucks hoodie and pair of grey sweats, and instead of sitting next to you on the couch, he laid across it so his head was in your lap. Instantly, your hand threaded though his hair and you scratched at his scalp, something you knew he loved. His eyes fluttered shut at the action, and he hummed contentedly.
“You scared me tonight.” You said softly after a moment. You tried to will away the tears that welled up in your eyes, remembering how it felt to see him laying on the ice, injured. It tore you in two, you had never felt more sick to your stomach at a sight than you did when he was down.
“I know.” He sighed queitly in response. Not trusting yourself to keep your voice steady, you chose not to respond right away. He reached a hand up, grabbing yours out of his hair and pressing a kiss to your palm, before threading your fingers through his and resting it on his chest.
And then, you couldn’t stop the words from tumbling past your lips—
“I love you too much to see you get hurt like that.” You hated how your voice cracked, and most of all you hated how you confessed your feelings. You wanted to do so during a happy moment, one shared with smiles and he’d tell you he felt the same, but no, you were holding back tears on his couch as he tensed, your words registering.
“What?” He questioned, sitting up abruptly. You would have thought that you had screwed everything up, if it weren’t for the near-death grip he had on your hand. Still, you couldn’t meet his gaze, and instead focused on the coffee table. Gently, with his free hand, he cupped your jaw, turning so you were facing him. It was then that you realized that you were crying, silent tear tracks running down your cheeks that he brushed away carefully as he studied your face intently. “What did you just say?”
“I love you.” You choked out, voice tight. “And I’m new to the hockey thing, so I’m not used to seeing hits like that and I—”
Your ramblings were cut short as Jake surged forward, connecting your lips to his. It took you a moment to react, but your free hand eventually moved to the back of his neck, your other still gripped in yours. The kiss wasn’t heated, but loaded with so much passion and emotion it made your head swirl. Months of casual flirting and innocent touches built to this moment, and you would be lying if you said you were aware of how long you actually were pressed against him.
Eventually, he did pull back, a wide and dopey grin on his face. You smiled just as brightly, the hand on the back of his neck toying slightly with the strands of hair there. Chasing your lips for a few quick pecks that your readily complied with.
“I love you, too.” He hummed, seemingly unable to tear his focus from you. You didn’t mind, not one bit, considering he had you attention from the moment you had met.
“I know.” You grinned, watching as his brows pull together in confusion, a silent question and urge for you to elaborate. With a giggle, you explained. “Brock told me.”
“Of course he did.” Jake groaned, tipping his head back. You chuckled at his dramatics, looking at him with the same fond look you always did. Only this time, you didn’t have to worry about him finding out. Your hand moved from behind his head to his jaw, thumb brushing across his cheekbone. You smiled as he brought his attenton back to you, and you leaned forward to press a quick kiss to the tip of his nose. “You know, he’s been trying to set me up with you this entire time.”
“Yeah, he told me that I’d like you the night we met. He and Petey were planning this.” You explained, watching as he lifted your joined hands and kissed the back of yours, a barking laugh leaving him as you finished your sentence.
“Was he right?” He asked cheekily, swinging an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest so he could cuddle you. You admired him with a soft smile, watching as he grabbed the remote on the couch beside him to put on a movie. Never in a millions years would you admit that Brock was right, but you with the way Jake was smiling, you decided to make an acception.
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dripkingpetey · 4 years ago
give me a chance-j.virtanen
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a/n:this took me way longer than it should’ve but I've just had no motivation for writing lol (watch me not post another fic for the longest time-)
1910 words
“Y/n, I bet you’re the only girl that’s ever turned Jake down.” Brock said to you over the loud sounds of people talking in the background of the bar and he wasn’t wrong, any girl who Jake has every approached or even talked to would be falling in love with him right away but not you. You always used the excuses like “I’ve known him for too long, it would be weird.” Or “I just don’t want anything with anyone right now,” But all of that just made Jake want you more.
“He’s not wrong.” The young swede sitting to the left of you chimed in. “I’ve never seen anyone turn Jake down, you must have some anti Jake gene in you or something.” The three of you bursted laughing at Elias’ words before you took a sip of your drink. “I don’t know, I want something serious and I know Jake can’t give me that.” You said quietly but Brock and Elias definitely heard you as they exchanged a look to each other.
Jake came back to the area that all of you were seated and nuzzled his face into your shoulder, clearly very drunk. “Hey,” He grinned while slowly closing his eyes as he couldn’t help but drift off to sleep.
“Are you sure you guys don’t have something going on? Secretly fucking or friends with benefits?” Brock joked quietly, looking at you rubbing Jakes back and comforting him. “Seems like you and petey are the ones that are secretly fucking.” You commented at Brocks words and his face immediately turned red. 
By the next morning you had completely forgotten what you had said last night, the only thing occupying your head was the pounding headache from your hangover. “Hey,” Jake grinned while taking a sip of water in his kitchen and that was when you realized you had fallen asleep on his couch last night. “You’re creepy, were you watching me sleep?” You joked and threw a pillow at him. “For your information, I was not. I actually need to get ready for practice.”
“Do you mind taking care of Bruce and Donny today? I forgot they had to go to the groomers.” Jake asked nicely knowing you would say yes. “Yes, but only if you hangout with me tonight.” You smiled at him as he nodded. “Count me in, okay I really gotta go get ready.” Jake pulled you in for a hug and a light kiss on the head before he rushed to get ready, you waited till Jake left to get ready for the day. You had clothes there from spending time over there so much so you grabbed a pair of leggings and your favourite hoodie of Jakes before you hopped in the shower.
You ran some errands before you had to pick the dogs up from the groomer, you sat them in the backseat before taking a photo of you and the dogs to show Jake you had picked them up.
i got the boys :) 
*image attachment*
Is that my sweater?
I’ll be home soon, should I pick up dinner?
nope, i already planned what we’re doing for dinner
You started putting away the groceries and grabbed the ingredients you needed for dinner, you decided to make burgers and salad for dinner since you knew it was Jakes favourite meal and he was dying to try out the new grill he purchased the other day. 
“Hey.” Jake whispered right by your ear which made you jump while preparing the salad. “I already knew you were here,” “Yeah but you still got scared.” Jake chuckled at you and sat on the stool for the kitchen island. “What’s for dinner?” Jake raised an eyebrow at you before you pulled out the hamburger patties. “Burgers, you get to use the grill that you’ve been dying to use.” You smiled as Jakes eyes immediately lit up. “Oh god, you are a literal man-child.” You sighed with a chuckle.
Since Jake was gone on a road trip, you went over to his house to take care of his dogs and the house, it was the second game of their road trip when Jake got his injury.
You couldn’t help but sigh as you saw Jake get hit, he was against Dallas when Jamie Oleksiak collided with Jake. But the sigh quickly turned into fear when Jake was struggling to get up. “Oh shit.” You mumbled to yourself as the refs whistled and the trainer went on to help him. Jake slipped a little but got off the ice quickly with the help of Bo and Brock.
You watched the replays of the hit that they were showing on tv before you texted Jake.
i watched the game, call me when you can please.
You were half asleep when Jake called you, you quickly woke up from the call and answered.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Your voice was sleepy and Jake could tell. “Hey, I’m okay. Sorry did I wake you up?” Hearing Jakes voice made you calm down. “No, no its okay.” You mumbled, half asleep which made Jake chuckle. “I’ll be home tomorrow.” Jake quickly realized you weren’t listening when he heard your light little snores. “I love you” He whispered before hanging up to fall asleep as well.
You woke up early next morning and cleaned up around the house and  waited for him to come home. “Oh god I look like a mess.” You mumbled as you saw a glimpse of yourself in the window.  You quickly tried to fix your hair and outfit but quickly gave up and changed into a set of Jakes clothes along with a messy bun.
“Hey.” Jake said cheekily as he flopped himself on top on you, wincing a little from his injury. “Hey,” You mumbled quietly, now realizing you were asleep. “You’re home.” You grinned. “Would be better if it was our home though,” Jake winked as he whispered into your ear. “Jake,” You sighed as he kissed your cheek. “Y/n, just kiddinggg.” Jake said as he dragged on the ‘g’ and sat up on the couch.
“How was your trip? Well other than the injury.” You asked but quickly realized it wasn’t a good question to ask him. “The trip was pretty fun, but did you know the doctor actually said that cuddling will help out my concussion and my injuries?” Jake smirked as you looked up at him. “Oh really?” You teased, moving your body onto Jakes and burying your face in his chest while you traced the tattoos on his arm with your fingers. “Yeah, just like that.” Jake chuckled and rested his face into the top of your head.
Jake didn’t want anything super special for his birthday this year, just a little party at his place with close friends, which was surprising since Jake was a party guy.
“Morning, birthday boy.” You grinned over FaceTime to a half asleep Jake. “Hey.” Jake mumbled, pulling his blanket up to his head. “What do you want?”
“Woah, woah. I’m just trying to be nice and wish you a happy birthday,” You defended yourself as Jake laughed. “I’m just kidding, thank you y/n.”
You ended the call shortly after to go get ready for the day since Jake kept on whining about wanting to go back to sleep. 
You snuck into Jakes house with your spare key, setting down the breakfast you had picked up from his favourite cafe. You tippy toed quietly up the stairs to Jakes room, trying not to wake him up yet. Sneaking into Jakes bed and cuddling up behind him. “Hey.” You mumbled against Jakes neck before giving him a kiss there. “Y/n?” Jake mumbled, chuckling a little. “How did you get in?” 
“I have your key dummy.” You laughed, starting to play with Jakes hair and you knew he loved it. “I brought you your favourite breakfast.” You smiled as you saw the smile grow on Jakes face as well. “You did?” “Yep its in the kitchen,” Jake jumped up out go bed and headed downstairs as you sighed and laid in his bed for awhile.
Before you knew it, you had dozed off to sleep. Groaning as you woke up to the loud music playing downstairs combined with the sound of people talking. Making sure you looked presentable and awake before going downstairs.
“Hey, you’re up!” Jake exclaimed as you walked downstairs and greeted everyone, realizing that Jake was already very drunk. “The drinks are in the kitchen if you want one.” Jake grinned with his visible rosy cheeks. “Thank you.” You smiled at Jake and made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a red bull and taking a big sip so you can pour way too much vodka in the can than needed. 
Completely tipsy and almost drunk, you found yourself sitting on top of Jakes lap with your face inches away from his. Jake softly but his hand on your cheek and you leaned in as well, realizing what you were doing and pulled away.
“Why won’t you give me a chance?” Jake whined at you pulling your face away from his. “Jake.” You mumbled quietly. “No, don’t give me that ‘Jake’ bullshit. Give me a reason.” “Its not that I don’t feel the same way about you, I do, but I don’t know what you want out of this and I want something serious, not one of your casual Friday night hookups, I want an actual relationship but I don’t think you want that.” You finally let it all out, the things you’ve been whining about to Brock and Elias, he finally knew. 
It took Jake a moment to process what you said especially under the influence, but he tried to sober up before he could say anything else. “Just give me a chance y/n, I promise I can be the serious relationship you want.” You sighed at his words, knowing you needed another sip of alcohol before you could do anything else. “Tell me that in the morning Jake, when you’re sober.” You stood up and left the living room so you didn’t have to see the disappointed look on Jakes face, finding yourself in his bedroom and changing into Jakes clothes so you could drift off to sleep. 
You woke up to Jake wanting to talk about last night immediately but you somehow successfully persuaded him to let you wake up and have a cup of coffee.“I know I haven’t had the best reputation with long-term relationships but I wanna try, with you. So just please, can we work this out?” Jake said quietly, he’s never had to do stuff like this before and you could tell he was taking it seriously. “You know how this is gonna end if it doesn’t go well right? I need you and I can’t lose you.” You said quietly, afraid to make any eye contact with him because you were tearing up at the thought of losing him.
“Then I won’t let it go bad.” Jake sat closer to you and tucked the loose strands of your hair behind your ear and he noticed the tears. 
“You promise?” You mumbled, looking up at him. “I promise y/n.” Jake said while smiling lightly at you before you pressed your lips onto his and you could’ve sworn the kiss was out of a movie, it was perfect.
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years ago
Playing House - Jake Virtanen
Word Count: 1,000
Requested: Yes
Warnings: Mentions quarantine
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You’d been dating Jake a few months when the Coronavirus hit, putting a pause on the NHL season and practically shutting down the world. Your office shutdown and had you work from home around the same time Jake found out that he would off from hockey. It wasn’t long after he found out, that your phone rang. “Hey babe, did you hear?”
 “Yeah, it popped up on my ESPN app,” you told him.
 “What about you? Are you shut down as well?”
 “Yeah, they told us this morning to take all our stuff so that we could work from home.” It had been a bit chaotic at first trying to grab everything, but in the end, you got all the stuff you needed. You were kind of excited to work from home; it would mean lots of free time to binge-watch some tv.
 “So, is that going to keep you busy all the time?” You weren’t sure what Jake was getting at. It wasn’t like the two of you could go out on dates because everything was closed.
 “Nah, it’s kind of minimal work at this point.”
 “That’s great.” He was really excited about you not having to work that much. To which you just breathed out a huh back to him. “Well, I was thinking. My place is a lot bigger than yours. Would you want to maybe…you know, stay with me during this thing?”
 Wait, was he just asking you to temporarily move in? Was this a test or something? “I mean that would be great, but…”
 “But what?”
 “Well if I get on your nerves, you have to tell me.” You really liked Jake and were completely falling for him. This could mess everything up.
 “Babe, you’re not going to get on my nerves. We’d both be alone, and I’d probably be face timing you like 24/7. Besides, I might be the one to get on your nerves.”
 “I doubt that, but…if you’re sure.”
 “One thousand percent sure. Pack some stuff and I’ll come and get you.” Two hours later you were all moved into Jake’s place. He’d even cleared out drawers for you and made room in his closet. You were a week into it and realized that he would’ve been pretty helpless had you not been there. The boy barely cooked, but he was learning as he would help you every night in the kitchen. 
 “Can you chop these for me?” You asked him while you were finishing up the chicken to put in the oven. 
 “Sure babe.” He started on the zucchini. It wasn’t a minute later that you heard him holler. “Ouch.”
 “Tell me you didn’t cut yourself.”
 “Ok. How about I say that there’s blood on the zucchini?” You rolled your eyes.
 “How bad is it?”
 “Well it’s just a little bit; I think we can wash it off.” He answered you.
 God, he was so cute. “Not the vegetables, Jake. I meant your finger?” You moved over to look at the damage he’d done. “Here let me see. Looks like you’ll live. Go put a Band-Aid on that and I’ll finish up here.”
 He kissed your forehead, before heading off to the bathroom. “You’re the best babe.”
 It was a few days later, that you noticed his clothes basket was overflowing. You’d been doing most of the laundry, but he told you not to worry about his stuff, that he’d get it. Which was funny, because you totally heard him asking his mom about how to do it on the phone. It occurred to you then, that he probably had someone come in and do all of his stuff. He could’ve easily just had you do it, but he was such a sweetheart and didn’t want you doing all the chores around his place.
 You saw him take all of his clothes into the laundry not long after ending the call. It was a few hours later while you were doing some work stuff that you heard him call for you. “Babe, do you have a minute?”
 “Coming,” you called back to him, then made your way to the washer and dryer. “What’s up?”
 “What did I do wrong?” You looked inside the washer. He’d obviously separated his whites and colors, but must have gotten something in the wrong pile as an entire load of laundry was now pink.
 You sifted through the clothes and found the previously red t-shirt that had gotten mixed in. “Did you put this in there?”
 “Well yeah. I kind of forgot to put it in with the other clothes and just threw it in with these.”
 “Oh god, I’m in love with an idiot.” You muttered. “Sweetie, you can’t put colors in with the whites or this happens.”
 The look of shock on his face was priceless. “What did you say?”
 Really had he not been listening to a word you’d just said. “You can’t put colors in with the whites babe.”
 “No, no…not that part.” 
 You gave him a questioning look, not really sure what he was talking about now. “The part where I called you an idiot?”
 “Yeah but before that, you said you love me? Did you mean that?”
 It never occurred to you that it wasn’t something that either of you had said to the other, but now that you had, you realized you really did love him. There was no taking it back now. “Yeah, Jake, I do. I love you.”
 His mouth came down on yours hard, kissing you with everything he had. “I love you too.” He breathed out after breaking the kiss. “I’ve wanted to tell you so many times, but I was so afraid you weren’t ready for me to say it.”
 A smile burst across your lips. “I’ve been more than ready to hear that.” You kissed him again with all the love you had in your heart. “I love you so much, but please let me do your laundry from now on.”
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boeswhore · 5 years ago
always here → j.virtanen
prompt: the reader loses a close family member and is absolutely devastated and jake is there to comfort and be there for her.
warnings: not any i could think of! but a supportive jake 🥺
prompt lists: | one | two | three |
15. “thank you for staying with me.”
16. “i don’t think i’ve ever loved someone this much before.” 
my masterlist!
*lowercase intended*
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jake drapes his jacket around my small frame and i give him a small smile. “thanks.” i whisper softly and he nods his head. “you’re welcome.” he says, wrapping his arm around me tightly as we walk back to his car.
the car ride was silent, the quiet music on the radio filled the car as i keep my eyes glued on out the window. the car comes to a hault as jake pulls up into the driveway of our driveway and i make my way slowly out the car doors.
jake walks behind me, placing his hand on the small of my back as he unlocks the house door, closing it behind him as we enter. i shrug off his jacket and place it on the coat rack behind me and turn to face him, tears welling in my eyes again.
jake takes this as his cue to pull me into his embrace as i let out a choked sob. “i can’t believe she’s gone jake.” i croak out and he runs his fingers through my hair. “i know baby, i know. but she’s in a better place now.” jake coos and he sways my shaking my body.
i just lost my grandma and today was her funeral and jake accompanied me alongside, knowing i couldn’t face it alone. he knew how close i was with her and hard it was for me to let her go.
“thank you for staying with me.” i whisper and he nods. “i wouldn’t imagine being anywhere else.” he hums and i tighten my grip around his neck. “i just- i miss her so much.” i murmur, choking up on my words and he gives me a comforting pat and kiss on the forehead. “i understand baby, but she wouldn’t want you to be upset. she’s always looking over you.”
“you’re right.” i hiccup, pulling away from him. he places his hand on my face, wiping away at the tears. “i dont know what i would have done without you.” i start and jake shakes his head. “you wouldn’t ever have to know because i’m never leaving you. ever. i don’t think i’ve ever loved someone this much before.”
“i love you.” i croak out and he smiles leaning down to press his lips against mine. “and i love you.” he mumbles back causing me to smile softly up at him. “now let’s get you changed out of this dress and into something more comfortable. we can watch some disney movies and order some takeout okay? taking it slow.” jake says and i nod.
“sounds great jake, thank you.” i reply, thankfully and he grins. “no need to thank me, i’m always here.”
even though it was a hard time for me, i knew jake would bring some light into it every single day.
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running-on-fanfiction · 7 years ago
Jake Virtanen - Winning Goal
Can you please do an imagine where your at the game with your 3 young children and it’s the Stanley Cup Final. It’s an OT game and your husband Jake Virtanen scores the gwg for the Canucks.
“Come on, come on, come on.” You whispered to yourself as you watched your husband and your kids uncles race down the ice.
The Canucks had made it all the way in the Stanley Cup Final and to be honest all of Vancouver was on the edge. The Canucks have never won a Cup, but that never stopped them from trying. As you looked around the arena you were sure that half of Vancouver was in the building.
But, as the game went into overtime the whole arena held their breath. You looked down at your kids, each one had their faces glued to the glass. You smirked, as you looked back onto the ice to see who had the puck.
“Come on Jake. COME ON!” You said as you jumped up and down. Everything seemed to go silent as you watched your husband reach the net. He took his shot and not a breath was taken as they all watched the puck.
The arena was then filled with the sound of the buzzer, then followed by a roar from the crowd.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Your daddy won!” You cheered as you looked down at your happy children.
~ “DADDY!” Your youngest kid Lana yelled as she ran into Jake’s arms. He smiled as he caught her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Good Job Daddy!” She smiled as she grabbed his cheeks, so he had a fishy face.
“Thank you baby.” He smiled.
“I can’t want to tell everyone at school that MY dad won the game!” Robert said as he hugged his dad. Jake laughed as Jesse added in on the hug. Soon he was cover with three small child. Each held a smile, you couldn’t help but take a picture.
“Okay, let’s get you guys home. It’s WAY past your bedtime and we have school in the morning.” You said.
~ “Jesse, told me that she super proud of her daddy.” Jake grinned as he walked into your bedroom.
Once, you got home the kids made it know that they wanted daddy to tuck them in, and Jake did. He smiled at you as he took his tie off. You had already slipped in bed.
“I’m pretty proud of you too.” You smiled as he climbed into the bed. You pulled him in for a kiss as your hands traveled down his bare chest. “So, proud that I bought you a little gift.” You grinned as you pushed the covers off you to reveal some sexy underwear.
“Wanna take it off, champ.” You smirked as you placed your hands in his shorts.
“God, I love you.” He growled as he flipped you two over.
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hockeywhhores · 4 years ago
arrangements- q. hughes
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Quinn Hughes x f!Reader
warnings~ smut, alcohol, male receiving, vaginal sex twice, swearing 
summary~ You and Quinn had an arrangement, put in one night everything fell apart. 
genre~ smut, friends with benefits to lovers
word count~ 2.7k 
This is NSFW please do not read if it makes you uncomfortable. 
Jake Virtian was your best friend growing up, and that is how you ended up best friends with the whole Canucks roster, especially Quinn Hughes. Quinn and you just clicked. Within days of meeting you, he was smitten. You grabbed his attention, and would not let it go.
One night you both got way to drunk, and things ended up with you two together in Quinn’s bedroom. After that incident, you both agreed to be friends with benefits. You enjoyed the sex, and he enjoyed having you around. Even if this wasn’t how he had planned to get you, it would have to work for now. Quinn had even invited you to come back to Orlando with him, during the offseason. You had said no, not wanting to intrude on his family time, but he insisted. You both left it maybe. The offseason is coming in two weeks, so he gave you time to think about it.
Wanting to forget about college, and getting a job, you asked the guys if they wanted to go out. Quinn always said yes, and then most of the other guys agreed to a night out. You picked the bar, and everyone agreed to meet there. Before you had finished getting ready, Quinn had called you.
“Hey!” you said as you put your phone on speaker, so you could finish with your hair.
“Hey y/n! I was wondering if you wanted me to pick you up tonight?” Quinn asked, sounding unsure of himself.
“Sure! that would be great! You don’t even know how many Ubers i’ve called this week!” You exaggerated.
“Perfect pick you up in twenty minutes.” He ended the call quickly after you both said your ‘goodbyes’ and you went back to curling your hair. finishing with minutes to spare you did a little bit of pregaming with some random alcohol you found in your apartment. When you heard a knock on your door, you were surprised to say the least. Quinn usually just texted you when he was here. You shrugged it off, and answered the door. There was Quinn a little early, and standing in your doorway. He was holding a bottle of vodka, and when he saw you he held it up higher for you to see.
“I brought you something to pregame with,” He explained, “I was going to pregame with you, but I realized that I stupidly told you I would drive.” He finished with a little smile, and you couldn’t help a laugh a little at how forgetful he was.
“Oh, I already drink some tequila, but I will be perfectly happy taking that beautiful bottle of vodka off your hands.” You were playing with him, but weren’t surprised when he handed you the bottle. You set it on the kitchen table, and left for his car.
The car ride was perfectly fine, with you and Quinn never missing a beat while you talked. You told him all about how you were needing to start internering, but your school work load was so big, that you didn’t know when you were going to be able to level time in between them. He told you about how he was stressed out with hockey, and just wanted to go home for the offseason, and take a small break from hockey. Quinn’s left hand never left your upper thigh, and your hand never left from its place; resting on top of his. Nothing ever felt awkward between the two of you. You swear if anyone asked you, you would say you had gotten closer to Quinn than you were with Jake, and that was really saying something.
When you pulled up to the club, you jumped out of the car. You couldn’t wait to see all the guys before they left for their last away game stretch. They were going to be all the way in Montreal playing the Candians. You were sad to see them go, but you knew that that was their jobs. Shaking everything off, you entered the club with Quinn by your side. Everyone that was already there greeted you right as you set through the doors. You waved to everyone, but went to the bar before you went to sit down with them. You didn’t know that Quinn had followed you, until after you finished ordering your drink and was planning on opening a tab, but then you felt his arm lightly touch the back of your upper arm and saw him slide his card to the bartender.
“You can put all her drinks on my tab.” Quinn told the guy. the guy nodded and started to get to work with making your drink.
“Quinn! You didn't have to do that!” You protested. Quinn just looked at you as if he was bored, and not wanting to engage in this debate. Quinn bought you a lot of things, he always put up the argument, that he was a hockey player, and he wanted to help you while you go through college. You just wanted to prove that you could pay for yourself, but telling him this was like beating a dead horse. The bartender gave you your drink, and Quinn a beer, you knew he was just going to nurse it all night. you and Quinn walked over to the table of hockey players and their wifes/girlfriends. You were happy just sitting at the table in between Quinn and Brock, but when one of your favorite dance songs came on; you just had to get on the dance floor.
“Oh my god, I love this song! Someone come dance with!” You exclaimed as you jumped out of your seat. You looked back and noticed no one had followed you.
“Ok losers…” you frowned at them, “Quinn please come dance with me!” you gave him your best puppy dog eyes, and lightly tugged on his arm. He huffed but came with you to the dance floor.
“Thank you!” You smiled brightly at him as you started swaying your hips to the beat. Quinn awkwardly dances with you. He did not know where to put his hands, or even how to move his body. You giggled at him, and grabbed his hands and placed them on your hips. Then you gently hand him rock side to side with you. He was still stiff and looked like he was doing something wrong.
You smiled in reassurance, “You are doing great, Romeo” you whispered into his ear.
“I’m sorry, but you know I hate dancing.” Quinn huffed back into your ear. “But did I tell you how good you look tonight.” You did look good in your short black dress, and perfectly styled makeup and hair.
“Oh stop.” You were blushing, “But to answer your question, no you did not.” the blush was still there but you tried to hide it with a confident-ish smirk.
“My bad then. What kind of gentleman am I? Can’t even remember to tell the prettiest girl I have ever seen, how beautiful she looks.” He was messing with you, but that didn’t stop your blush from growing.
“Want to go back to your car?” you asked after a couple songs have ended. You were surprised when Quinn didn’t leave after the song you originally wanted to dance to was over.
“You have your things?” He quested you, looking deep into your eyes.
“Yes, why?” you looked back into his eyes. He knew you saw the hungriness he had for you in his eyes, and he even saw the same in your eyes.
“Because when I’m finished with you, you are not going to be able to come back in here.” he spelt out for you.
“Oh, well do you think if anyone would notice if we just left?” now it's your turn to question him.
“Not if we're careful.” Quinn quiered. Looking back at the table you noticed some have already left, and the ones that were still there were all wrapped up in their own conversations.
“I think we are in the clear.” you testified. Quinn took your hand and you both rushed out of the club and to his black car. He quickly got into the driver's seat, while you got into the passenger’s seat. Without telling you where he was driving to, he started the car and left the parking lot. You ended up in a dark street that was far enough away from everything. Quickly both of you unbuckled your seat belts, and you were strpped your dress off, and took off your shoes. Quinn climbed into the backseat, and you went after him.
“Everything off, baby girl.” he reminded you.
“I just thought you would like to do the honors.” you joked, and before you knew it your bra was in his lap.
“consider me honored,” Quinn joked back. You quickly got to work unbuttoning his pants, and pulled them down to his knees. Before going any further with undressing him you gave his growing erection a soft, little kiss. Quinn let out a strong huff of air.
“Don’t play with me.” he warned. You responded by pulling down his boxers, and grabbing his now fully-erect penis with your small hands. Pumping it up and down, while you sucked on the tip. He was a sighing mess, you knew you weren’t giving him fully what he wanted. Quinn applied some pressure down on the top of your head, in a warning type of way. You pushed him into your mouth as far as you could take him, pumping everything you couldn’t fit. As you looked up into his eyes, you saw that he was already looking at you with hooded eyes. With one hand you messaged his balls, while your other hand was pumping the bit you couldn’t fit into your mouth. He had made a makeshift ponytail with his hand, trying to see as much of you as he could. You continued like this for a couple of minutes, until you felt sticky ropes of cum cover your mouth. You set back up, and whipped your lips, while staring at him in the eyes.
Quinn kissed you deeply, and pasionalty. You knew he could taste himself on your mouth, but he didn’t care. He accidentally ripped your underwear, while trying to get it off of you as fast as he could. No one cared. Both of you know if you asked from him to buy you new ones, you would get several new pairs in return. The car was getting steamy, but you didn;t care. Climbing on top of Quinn, you sat down on top of his already reerected dick. He slid in easily, with how wet you were. His shirt buttons there undid proved the perfect amount of room for you hand to feel his chest up, and down. Quinn helped guide your hips, helping set a pace you were both happy with. Everything was overriding your brain, and you only seemed to know his name; chanting it as if it was a prayer. All that you could hear was his panting, your moans, and skin slapping skin. When you felt his pace slow, and his thrust get sloppy, you knew he was close. you were too. You matched your hips to his, and came with him. You didn’t get off of him, until you stopped feeling aftershocks from your orgasm. Quinn happily let you stay connected with him. Both of your faces were plastered with dumb- looking smiles.
Needing his help you got off of him, and used your ripped pantys to clean yourself up a bit. Sitting back next to him in his backseat, made you feel happy. You don’t know if it was the orgasm or you genuinely liked him, but you felt like you were on cloud nine. Quinn buttoned up his pants, and helped you get your dress on, before he helped you get back into the front seat, so he could take you home.
When you were safely in you apartment you asked him something you never had before, “Do you want to stay?” your eyes looked tired, but your body felt too wired to sleep.
“Sure, If you want me too.” Quinn tried to seem as nonchalant as he could. He did not need you knowing about how he has always wanted you to ask him this.
“There is a pair of your sweat pants in the top drawer. I am going to clean myself up.” you said as you walked to your bathroom. Quinn made his way to your bedroom, and looked into your draw. There was a pair of his gray sweatpants that he had lent to you, after your pants had ripped. He knew he had been in your bedroom before, but  whenever he had there were more pressing matters to deal with. So while you were in the bathroom he took the time to look around your room. Your bed was in the far corner, and there were pictures of you and the team. One picture was of you and Quinn when he had scored, in overtime,  after a tough game. The other pictures were of you and Jake, or your family.
When you came back from the bathroom you found Quinn already changed into his sweatpants, and was laying in your bed. He playfully whistled when you started changing, and you just sent him a playful glare. He held up the blanket as you climbed into your bed, and you noticed he decided to go without a shirt.
“Wow aren’t I one lucky girl.” you teased him as you ran your hand up and down his bare chest.
“You know I like to think of myself as one lucky guy. I mean I have the cutest girl feeling me up right now!” Quinn laughed into your ear and then kissed your cheek. You don’t why but all of this just felt right. Having him here in your bed, felt like it was always supposed to happen. You talked  about everything under the sun as you cuddled. his hand was rubbing, soft, light-feathered circles on your back. You felt so loved. No one has ever made you feel the way Quinn does.
“Quinn?” you whispered into the darkness.
“Yes darling?” he answered back.
“I love you.” you professed. You felt his breathing and hand falter. At that moment you were sure that you stopped breathing as well. The world even felt as if it had stopped spinning.
“I love you too.” Quinn whispered as if you would break if he talked louder than that.  
“I have since I met you.”  He confessed as he looked down at you. You could barely see him in the dark, but you shot yourself up to give him a kiss. The kiss was passionate, not the passionate like when you were just fucking around, but passionate in the way that told you how much he loved you.
You reached down and pulled his sweatpants down, he wasn’t wearing any boxers. Quinn pushed your shorts, along with your panties, to the ground. You managed to get everything off your legs. Before pushing you down onto the bed, you discarded your shirt. When you both were completely nude Quinn took charge. With him holding your arms on top of your head, he ground his hips into yours. Then when he felt you were wet enough he slipped his hard, throbbing dick into you. Quinn took his time, pushing in and out of you. You were a moaning mess. Nothing was fast about this. It was all slow and loving. Hidden emotions were coming out. Hidden emotions of love and pining. Quinn and you come together.
After Quinn got out of bed he came back with a damp rag, and gently cleaned you up. Crawling back into bed with you he never let go of your hands. You both slept with a new sense of purpose. And when you woke up the next morning you told him how much you would love to go back to Orlando and stay with him and his family. You fell in love with Quinn Hughes and wasn’t going to let him go anytime soon.
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laurenairay · 4 years ago
Ooh can you do number 12 with Jake virtanen?
Thanks for requesting this one, anon! I haven’t written for Jake Virtanen before, so this was fun!
And thank you to @danglesnipecelly for giving me a rundown on Jake – I hope I did him justice! Also tagging @denis-scorianov because I love your Jake fics!
“Shut up and take your pants off”
Another Friday night, another party/get-together/casual drinks. There were many perks to your best friend dating one of the Vancouver Canucks – the parties and gatherings were just one of them. At this point, you’d hung around the guys so many times, that you felt like could call some of them your friends. God knows you had enough of them texting you asking you for advice on basic life skills. They were all just so easy to get along with, so easy to like, and you always had fun when you hung out with them. What’s not to love?
Speaking of guys that were easy to like…
“Oh my god Virts, I’m so sorry!”
You turned your head sharply at the gasp of one of the team girlfriends, a few others following like meerkats, and you winced when you saw a large red wine stain spreading across his pale blue jeans. By the hisses of the people in the kitchen around you, they agreed – red wine was a bitch to get out of clothing. Anything, really. But ouch.
“Hey, not your fault, we both crashed,” Jake said with a smile, shaking his head.
But then he looked down at his jeans again and grimaced slightly, and you could tell how devastated he was. Who could blame him – those jeans look good on him. But now wasn’t the time. Jake Virtanen was one of the guys on the team that you were closest too – always there with a way to make you laugh, to smile, to have your heart beat a little faster with his flirting – and if you could help him, you absolutely would.
“I can get the stain out, like, right now, if someone can find me a tub of table salt?” you offered.
“You can?” Jake asked hopefully.
Like you could say no to that smile now.
“Of course,” you nodded, smiling back at him, “But I’m going to need your pants,”
Jake immediately blushed at the swell of cheers, and you felt your own cheeks flush warm as well, but you just rolled your eyes fondly.
“If our very generous host could loan you some basketball shorts so you’re not just walking around in your underwear?” you mused.
Brock laughed but nodded, clapping Jake on the shoulder as he walked out of the room. The kitchen started to clear, giving Jake some space as he unbuttoned his jeans, and you bit your lip before looking away from him. Then Jake nudged you with his elbow, making you look back at him.
“You know, if you wanted to get me naked, you could’ve just asked,” Jake grinned.
Oh god. What a thought. What a flirt.
Not the time.
“Shut up and take your pants off, Virtanen,” you laughed, shaking your head.
“At least buy me dinner first” he smirked.
Huh. Was he…was he really…
There was no-one around to make this flirting a joke – was he actually serious this time?
“Nah, I think I’ll let you buy me dinner,” you said calmly, although inside your heartbeat was racing.
Too much?
Jake’s eyes widened in surprise, before he smiled widely. And then he shoved his jeans to the ground, making you shriek with laughter, looking firmly in his eyes and not downwards like you wanted to.
“It’s a date,” he grinned.
You bit your bottom lip to hide the stupid grin threatening to spread across your lips, even more so as Jake almost tripped over his shoes in an effort to take them off to get the jeans off his feet. So cute.
“So, about dinner…” Jake said.
“Virts! Shorts!”
You startled at the sound of Brock’s voice and stepped backwards as Brock walked into the room. He winked at you, making your cheeks flare with warmth again, and tossed the shorts to Jake.
“You needed table salt, right?” Brock asked you.
“Yeah, table salt and a large bowl. While the salt is soaking into the wine, I’ll boil some water and pour it over the salt. It might take a couple of tries but it should ‘push’ the stain right out. Then they can just be washed as normal,” you explained.
Both men looked at you a little stunned, but you just laughed.
“Removing a red wine stain, from all kinds of spills whether its light fabric, heavy fabric or upholstery, was one of the first things my mom taught me when I turned 16. She didn’t raise a fool,” you shrugged.
“No she didn’t,” Jake murmured, awe tinging his words.
You grinned as Brock laughed, nudging his friend, making Jake blush fiercely. Bless him.
“So, salt?” you prompted, trying to ease Jake’s embarrassment.
“Coming right up. While I’m getting it, maybe you can give Virts your number so he can take you on that dinner date,” Brock said faux-innocently.
Oh damn. Whoops.
“You heard that?” Jake winced.
“Oh yeah,” Brock smirked, “and I already texted Petey,”
“Well shit, now the whole team knows,” Jake huffed.
Well you sure as hell weren’t going to let him feel awkward, not now.
“So are you getting your phone out or not?” you said, smiling sweetly.
Brock just laughed again at the stunned look on Jake’s face, even more so as Jake scrabbled to pull his phone out of his wet jeans. So much for Jake’s earlier bravado!
“He’s usually smoother than this,” Brock teased, passing the container of salt to you.
“I know. But this is cute too,” you grinned back, unashamed.
“Suck it Boeser,” Jake said cheerfully, putting his phone on the counter.
Brock laughed and rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna leave you two lovebirds to it. Yell if you need anything more for the pants,”
You grinned to yourself, laying the jeans out flat on the kitchen counter, covering the red wine stain liberally in salt while it was still damp enough to soak in properly, before reaching for Jake’s phone. You could feel him watching you as you typed in your phone number, but it wasn’t until you saved it and put the phone down that you looked up at him.
That pretty smile. The cheeky flirting. That gorgeous face. Those strong tattooed arms. That sweet heart. All of that, just for you?
“He’s right, I’m usually way smoother,” Jake mused, finally tugging on the borrowed shorts.
“I like both sides of you. Makes things more interesting,” you shrugged.
“Yeah?” he grinned.
“Yeah,” you nodded, not bothering to lie. Why lie? Why deny yourself what you want?
The sparkle in his eyes sent the butterflies in your stomach crazy, and you turned away from him, using the excuse of finding a large bowl to get your control back. Jake truly had no idea what he did to you, did he?
“I’ve gotta boil the water, probably a few times, so don’t feel like you need to hang around,” you said, reaching up on your tiptoes for the bowl you needed.
You startled as you felt a hand on the small of your back, Jake’s familiar scent filling your senses as his body pressed close to yours.
“I think I like where I am right now,” he murmured, easily picking up the bowl you were reaching for.
You inhaled sharply at the return of his easy charm, looking up at him with a smile. Oh this was going to be fun.
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ptersparkers · 4 years ago
put your head on my shoulder
summary: jake virtanen’s got his eye on a certain friend of his. 
notes: uh, hey! this isn’t meant to be long but i had an idea and needed to get it out of my system. this is an x reader insert but i wanted to try writing from a different perspective and challenge myself. enjoy!! 
warnings: mentions of alcohol and general dumbassery from brock <3
masterlist n stuff + add yourself to my taglist 
(as a reminder, im NOT writing for outer banks anymore so please don’t add yourself to a specific list. you’re gonna be disappointed lol.) 
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The girl who had Jake’s attention at the beginning of the night was slowly losing her patience when she noticed his eyes wander instead of focusing on her.
Jessica, in her prim little black dress that was short enough for her liking, came to the house party with the intention to have her dress taken off by none other than Jake Virtanen after one of her friends had mentioned how easy it was for her to do it. The girl wrapped her lips around the beer bottle seductively every time she went to take a sip, watching as his Adam’s apple moved with every syllable as he spoke.
She knew the host of the party and knew he was friends with some of the Canucks players, and knew it would be easy to get lost in the crowd of other Vancouver locals and visitors who were there to celebrate a successful week of wins. Jessica was sure to arrive fashionably late with her best friend by her side and paid no attention to the gazes of other men down her body, her own mission to find Jake more prevalent than lustful stares from drunk men.
Jake entertained the girl when she spotted one of their mutual friends, who was standing next to him, and made her presence known when she said hello over the loud music. Their mutual friend adopted her into the conversation and she put herself right next to the player, tucking herself by his side in an attempt to distance herself from the other partygoers beside her. She didn’t think Jake minded after seeing him give her a close-mouthed smile and licked her lips.
If Jessica could remember correctly, her friend had hooked up with Jake a few months back and, to her knowledge, was still single. She tried to remember how her friend had managed to seduce him with a few drinks in both of their systems and little conversation. Jessica was itching to leave the party with Jake’s hand in hers (or find the nearest unoccupied bedroom because she wasn’t picky) but the pleasant conversation between Jake and their mutual friend seemed to keep him preoccupied, leaving Jessica no room to interject.
After a while, their mutual friend excused themselves to say hello to another individual at the party and the group that had gathered to talk began to disperse or left to grab another drink. Jessica considered the best way to seduce Jake without being completely upfront and forward.
But when her eyes looked at his face, she could see his mind was elsewhere.
They continued the conversation from before but she steered the discussion to get to know him; where he was from, what he did in his free time, and how he knew the host of the party, all of which she knew but wanted to hear anyway. Jake spoke to Jessica nonchalantly and seemed to reciprocate the kindness Jessica was showing him. To her, it seemed as if he was genuinely interested in her advances because he didn’t shrug off her hand that she put on his bicep nor flinched when she swatted his chest whenever he made her laugh.
Jake’s eyes began to wander a few minutes into their conversation and she was wondering if he was looking for someone in particular. His tattoos were on full display and all Jessica could think about was his arms wrapped tightly around her, encouraging her to continue the mission she set herself on. She licked her lips more, tried to fix her posture to make herself look more appealing in the moment, and made intense eye contact with the hopes that he’d pick up what she was putting down.
However, her efforts would be unrewarded when he excused himself from their conversation, leaving Jessica standing alone. One of her friends had pulled her into their circle but she watched from her place as Jake traveled to the front of the house and could make out his white shirt until he stopped near the front door. She couldn’t see much past the bodies in front of her but saw a pair of arms—that looked to be from a woman—wrap themselves around his torso for a brief moment before letting him go.
Jessica wondered who the girl was and did her best to listen to her friends speaking but watched from the corner of her eye as Jake arrived with you, a girl she had never met before.
Jake walked behind you as you approached where Jessica was standing and waved hello to the people in the group Jessica was standing with. She looked at Jake and saw that his gaze wasn’t on her anymore but on you as you introduced yourself to those you didn’t know, including Jessica herself.
“God, it’s loud in here, huh?” you said, laughing at your own comment.
“Maybe a little too loud,” one of Jessica’s friends chimed in. “I can feel my ears ringing.” 
“I’m Y/N,” you said, giving Jessica a friendly wave.
“Jessica,” she replied with a nod and reciprocated your smile, though not as genuine. “How do you know the host?” 
“Work friend! He invites me to these things and I’m not one to go out every weekend but Jake convinced me to go.” Jessica watched as Jake looked down to your smaller figure and grinned.
“Hey, everyone needs a good Friday night,” he said.
“Amen to that!” Jessica’s best friend exclaimed before finishing her drink. 
“How do you know Jake?” someone asked. Jessica was relieved that she didn’t ask the question because she felt like she would’ve been invasive if she did.
“We met through Brock and Elias,” Jake explained. “She used to work at this coffee place they go to and I guess they stayed in touch after she left. The rest is history.”
Jessica witnessed Jake put his arm around her shoulder, letting his hand fall and watched as you leaned into his side. She watched as his grin stayed painted on his lips and sighed.
Eventually, the conversation took a turn and the small group that gathered for a while had dispersed throughout the gargantuan house. Jessica followed her friend to the spacious balcony and was pleased when Jake made the executive decision to do the same. But her hopes lessened when she saw Jake lead you to a less crowded part of the balcony.
Jessica watched as he used his right hand to squish your cheeks, laughing at your contorted expression and your pouted lips. She watched as he put his arms on your waist and moved your body to the beat of the song as you spoke. She watched as you took his hands and began examining them as if you’d never seen his body before and witnessed as Jake grinned at the sight of you comparing the size of your hands to his.
She could hear you two speak in the hum of the night despite the volume of the music inside and the chatter of people on the balcony.
“Your hands are so soft,” you commented, toying with his fingers and clasping them with yours. Jake laughed and used this to his advantage, pulling your body flush against his. “You’re so soft.”
“I’m not soft,” Jake mumbled in the crook of your neck, hiding his face from view as you feel his breaths on your neck.
Your hand was still wrapped in his and Jake made no effort to let go. He maneuvered so that your body was in front of his with your back flush against his chest and when he heard you laugh, Jake’s cheeks deepened into a rose blush. His hands clasped around the front of your body and moved the two of you as if a slow along was echoing through the balcony and he watched as you bit your lip. He let his cheek rest against the top of your head, a content smile resting on his lips.
“Are they together?” Jessica asked Brock, who came outside with the girl she came with. The blond looked at her before glancing at where you two stood, grinning knowingly.
“Not yet,” he said.
Brock looked at Jessica, who he knew in passing and saw only at public events and parties, and shrugged.
“I don’t really know how to explain it,” he explained. “They’ve been friends for a while but he’s very gentle with her.”
“So they’re dating, then?” she asked.
“Like I said, not yet.” Brock smiled politely and left her standing on the ledge in favor of speaking with another friend.
Jessica watched as Jake spun you around to face him once more and used his hands to cup your face, his thumbs stroking your cheeks as your eyes fluttered close in pure delight. He murmured what Jessica could make out as “I want to kiss you” and watched as Jake waited for your consent before keeping his hands steady and pressing his lips to yours.
Jessica couldn’t watch anymore without feeling invasive so she left the balcony to find another drink.
“You. Are. So. Cute,” Jake said in between kisses while squishing your cheeks between his palms. He laughed as he watched your eyes widened in surprise at his actions before removing his hands to slip by your waist once more, pulling you closer to him.
“We aren’t just friends, are we?” you asked him as you put your hands on his chest, toying with the chain around his neck.
“You’ve always been my girl,” he confessed. “I haven’t thought about being with another girl for a few months now but I think I’ve felt this way ever since you chewed Brock out for standing on a swivel chair.”
You laughed at the memory and tugged on his chain mindlessly and Jake watched as your fingers wrapped themselves around the gold material and dug his fingers into your hips. You squealed and Jake laughed at your reaction.
“Come home with me,” you mumbled before widening your eyes. “I mean, not like that. I just want to go home and watch a movie.”
“Mm,” he replied, dipping his head to pepper kisses along your jawline. “That sounds nice. Stop to buy snacks on the way home?”
“You are the perfect person.”
Jake laughed and pulled away, holding your hand in his as he made his rounds. The both of you said goodbye to mutual friends and both Brock and Elias gave you two thumbs up.
His hand was on your thigh on the drive home and he kissed the back of your hand when your eyes were fluttering shut.
“Don’t sleep on me yet, pretty girl,” he said gently, squeezing your thigh. “You can sleep when we get home.”
True to his word, Jake let you sleep, wrapped up in a blanket with your head on his chest.
@thedemonsimpofcamphalfblood​ @kerwritesthings @oc3an-vib3s @kaitieskidmore1​ @becihadshawn @storiesbymads​. 
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kniesyswrld · 4 years ago
Putting my Boyfriend in Yoga Positions That Are Really Our Seggsy Time Positions- j.virtanen
(You put him in different positions that you say are yoga poses, but actually sex positions)
Warning(s): none really
It’s a Tik Tok Trend
Song Inspired By: None
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“Ok so you get on all fours.” I said and held the camera on him, he got on his hands and knees. “K good, now arch your back more.” I said to him so he does and I laughed.
He smiled up at me then looked away, “Am I doing it, baby?” He asked, “Yeah and if you can arch it more.” I smirked and he does, I burst out laughing. “Why are you laughing?” He asked laughing too.
“Babe.” He said and I kept laughing, he got out the position and sat on the floor, looking up at me. “You’re annoying.” He groaned and stood up, “Babe!” I called for him and chuckled.
I posted that singular clip to my story.
“Ok baby, now lay on your side and then lift your right leg as high as you can.” I said, he lifts his leg as much as he can. “Higher.” I said to him, he scoffed, “I have a dick, baby.” He said and I chuckled.
He tried to lift higher and he groaned, “This fucking hurts.” He said to me, “I do this everyday.” I said to him, “How?” He asked and I shrugged.
“Ok, now try and grab your foot.” I said to him, he stuck his tongue out as he leaned up to grab it. I smacked his chest, “No you can’t lean up.” I said to him and he grunts.
He leaned back again and failed at grabbing his foot, I posted the video to my story as well.
“Next yoga pose, babe.” I said to him, he stands with his hands on his hips as he waits for me to tell him. “K, you stand how you are but just bend over to touch your toes.” I said.
He nods and got in the position, “Um okay.” He said and I laughed a bit. I stand behind him and showed the camera my view, “K, that’s it.” I said and he chuckled.
“Just this?” He asked me, he looks behind him and smiled at the camera. “Yep.” I shrugged and he giggled, he came back up and smiled at me.
I sighed to myself with a satisfied smile and then posted it on my story.
“Almost done.” I said to him and he nods, “K this is where you just stand up and lift your left leg up slightly and you can bend it.
He smiled and easily got in the position, “Easy enough.” He shrugged and I smirked at him. When we do it during sex it’s not easy, “Yeah.” I said and he looked at me.
“Am I doing it?” He asked me, “Yeah, babe.” I said to him, “Yes!” He fist bumped the air, he stuck his foot on the ground again and smiled contently.
I chuckled and posted that as well.
“Last one.” I said to him, “Finally.” He said and I scoffed at him. “K so you lay on your back and bring your legs all the way up to your head, “Really?” He said sighing.
I nodded, he huffed and laid on his back and lifts himself up. I started laughing hysterically, “What?” He asked me and I look at him from above him, “You don’t realize what I’ve been making you do?” I asked him.
“No.” He chuckled, “I’m putting you in sex positions and saying it’s yoga I do, I’ve been posting them on my Instagram story.” I said to him and he got out the position with a pout.
He stood up, “Babe!” He groaned and I laughed zooming in on his face, “Got ya!” I teased and he rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah I’ll get you back.” He smirks and I shook my head.
“Can I post this one?” I asked him, “You might as well.” He shrugged and I hit the story button.
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puckmeupfam · 4 years ago
Can I request something fluffy with jake virtanen👀
Jake had planned and planned and planned, yet everything that could go wrong was going wrong. The grocery store was out of one of the main ingredients to your favorite dish, so he had to substitute and make salmon. But when he turned to work on the side dish, the salmon turned a bit too black. Next thing he knew the smoke alarm was going off and you had to run turn on the fan. Which prompted you to start trying to help him prepare the meal. Jake became so frustrated, all he had wanted to do was make something nice for you and now it was all going to hell.
“Y/N, please, just go out in the living room and drink your wine. I’m making you dinner. Just let me make you dinner,” he told you grumpily. You studied him for a minute and he looked so sad, eyes refusing to meet yours. Instead of leaving, you started taking slow steps towards him. As you reached him, you brought your hand up to pull his face to yours. Placing a soft kiss on his lips. His eyes opened as you part and you laughed lightly at his very dramatic pout.
“Babe, I appreciate the gesture but you don’t have to do all of this for me. I’d be happy with anything as long as you’re here. You could’ve handed me a plate of CheezWhiz and Ritz crackers and I’d be happy,” you said softly. Even though you felt your words were sincere and kind, you had still managed to set Jake off.
“That’s just the thing, I didn’t want you to just be happy with whatever I did. I wanted to do something good for you. I wanted to do more for you. Just tonight, that’s all I wanted and I couldn’t even do it,” he said, gesturing wildly, clearly frustrated. You had a choice to make, either step back and let him have his time - floating along as if nothing was wrong - or prodding a bit more. Obviously, you chose the latter.
“Why tonight, Jake? Huh? Why tonight,” you questioned. He ran his hands through his hair wildly. 
“Because I was going to tell you that I love you,” he exclaimed. His words froze you in your place, eyes going wide and jaw dropping open. Around the time that you processed enough to go to him, Jake came back to reality and began to regret his outburst. He spun around and started walking away. Not wanting his thoughts to cause a storm in his head, you rushed for ward and grabbed his hand to make him face you.
“What were you going to tell me,” you asked, trying to conceal the smile that was taking over your face. Looking down at his feet, Jake mumbled out,
“I love you.” You smiled broadly and threw your arms around his neck and he looked up just in time for your lips to connect with him. His hands came to your waist as he kissed you back. Pulling your head back, you spoke between kisses, trying to make each word resonate like a prayer in the soft lighting of the kitchen.
“I love you, too.” He pulled away and the smile he gave you put butterflies in your stomach and a deep warmth in your heart. But before you could think any further, he reached down and put his arms under your knees. Picking you up bridal style, he moved to carry you up the stairs - your laughter ringing out through the house. It’s safe to say the blackened salmon did not get eaten. 
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pucksnsticksnhockeyboys · 5 years ago
betting on you
summary: your date doesn’t go to plan, and Jake won’t stand for that.
warnings: a gross date
word count: 2.6k
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Your life, described in one word, was chaotic. Being friends with an entire professional hockey roster tended to have that effect. Not that you really minded, especially with the company you usually kept. 
More often than not, there was at least one hockey player on your couch. Sometimes you regretted letting them know where you kept your spare key—you couldn't count how many times you’d come home from work and had a heart attack seeing someone already on your couch. 
But there were nights, like tonight, when the boys were invited over, that you enjoyed their company the most. Currently, Elias, Brock, and Jake were sitting around your kitchen table as you bounced around the room in an effort to cook them dinner as a thank you for always leaving you tickets for their games.
“You’ve got a text.” Brock called, your phone sitting on the table beside him. 
“Who’s it from?” You questioned, hands too busy with putting the chicken in the oven to check it yourself. Though, when Brock spoke next you wished you had just waited a moment to figure out for yourself.
“John, uh, he wants to know if Friday at eight works.” Brock told you, a bit of hesitation in his voice as his gaze flicked to Jake for a moment. Your whole body tensed and you practically lunged across the room to get your phone back, all the while avoiding the questioning glances from the three boys. 
“So you’ve got a date?” Elias asked, and you would’ve hissed at him to shut up, but it’s Petey, and you’re pretty sure he’s the sweetest guy you’ve ever met, so instead, you just flush completely. It was answer enough, though, because suddenly the Minnesota native was wearing a teasing grin.
“Oh my god, you have a date!” Brock all but shouts, raising the beer bottle he’d been sipping and gesturing it towards you like he was cheering. You were certain that by now you looked like a tomato, and with all three boys looking at you, you shrunk into yourself and typed furiously on your phone.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” You finally found your voice, and Brock just laughed heartily at how defensive you got. The boys then started making teasing comments about John, and you completely ignored them because there were three boys sitting at the table but only two were talking. Which was something, because you couldn’t remember the last time Jake had ever been so quiet.
“So is it a first date?” Brock questioned, his chin propped up on his hand as he grinned at you. He was having way too much fun at your expense, and you made a mental note to get back at him later. You mustered up a nod, setting your phone down on the counter after confirming your plans with John.
“How’d you meet?” Elias asked, being ever the gentleman. Once again, your whole body flushed in embarrassment at his question. Jake still was silent, brows furrowed and expression unreadable.
“Um, Tinder.” You offered meekly, finding the veggies you had roasting on the stove suddenly very interesting. It wasn’t necessarily embarrassing that you were on the app, but it was awkward admitting to it surrounded by three guys who probably never would never have to use Tinder to get a date.
Plus, the massive crush you had on Jake probably didn’t help the redness of your cheeks. One wine night with your friends led to you downloading the app in a last ditch effort to get over the hockey player. Now, you were regretting it. Brock was giggling at you, and Petey was trying his best to suppress his grin. You couldn't even look at Jake, until—
“You can’t go on a date with him.” His voice was firm, and for the first time since this whole debacle started, all heads snapped to him. You spun on your heel to face him, and still the look on his face was unreadable.
“And why the hell not?” You questioned, arms crossed and brow raised. You weren't looking for a fight, but Jake was absolutely in no position to tell you whether or not you could see someone.
“Because Tinder guys suck.” He had a point, but your embarrassment had switched to stubbornness, and with the way Brock and Elias were looking between you and Jake like this was the most amusing thing they had ever witnessed, you weren’t about to back down.
“Not all of them.” You mumbled, features softening as you leaned back against the stove. You kicked yourself for the way your heart skipped a beat as you briefly wondered if him caring about whether or not you were going on dates meant something, but you quickly realized you were wrong as Jake spoke next.
“Let’s make a bet.” 
“Oh, it's getting interesting now.” Brock murmured, but neither you nor Jake broke the eye contact you’d been holding since he first spoke., and you quirked a brow at him to continue. 
“If your date goes bad, you have to be my personal chef for a week.” Jake started, and you rolled your eyes. You’d probably end up cooking for him anyways, but you weren't about to point that out and end up with a worse punishment—not that you thought the date would end badly, of course. 
“And when the date works out?” You prompted, one corner of Jake’s lips twitching up at your sentence. 
“If it works out, I’ll get you and James—”
“—ice level seats to the next home game.” Jake finished, and you could tell from the smirk on his face that he had intentionally messed up the name and was proud of himself for it. 
“Really?” You questioned. You tried to ignore the fact that you really didn't want to go to a game with John, because that meant bringing him around the boys and though you loved them all dearly, you knew they could all be a bit much. 
Plus, the idea of introducing John to Jake made your stomach twist.
“Really.” Jake nodded, leaning back into his chair. For the first time in a moment, you spared a glance to the other two men sitting at the table. Elias was trying, and failing, to hide his amused grin. Brock on the other hand, was extending no such curtesy. He was clearly entertained, and you briefly wondered if you should offer him some popcorn to go with the show you and Jake were putting on.
“Fine. Deal.” You said before you even really knew it. You were oozing false confidence, but none of them needed to know that. Jake grinned, but you didn't see it as you turned back to the food on the stove. 
You figured that the date would go okay, maybe it’d be a little awkward but soon you'd either grow to like him or you'd part ways after the game that Jake promised. 
Nothing seemed to go right. Firstly, John had picked some fancy restaurant, which, though it wasn't your style at all, would’ve been fine. But then he kept making comments like how a guy needed to spend a ton of money to get someone to put out and how the top you were wearing was the same color as his sheets—which was followed by an invitation to find out for yourself. 
Your favorite was when the waitress had left the table after taking drink orders and he had the audacity to turn to you and make a comment about how he wondered if she’d go home with the two of you if he asked. 
You got up and left before he could say anything else.
Once you were in your car, you took a moment to catch your breath and bask in just how awful the date had been. Before you really even knew it, your phone was in your hand and you were dialing the one number you knew you could count on no matter what.
“Jake.” You breathed the moment the line connected, not giving him a second to question why you were calling when you were supposed to be on the date. “If you say anything about that stupid bet I will hang up. Okay?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever. Are you okay? Do you need me to come get you?” Jake’s concerned voice sounded from your phone's speaker and the corner of your lips turned upwards at the sound. 
“I’m fine, I drove myself.” You explained with a shake of your head. You leaned back, relaxed from just having Jake on the other end of the line. It was scary, how much he meant to you and how hard getting over him was proving to be. John wasn’t the first guy you’d gone out with since you started trying to shift your affection away from Jake, and even the guys that were total gentlemen never seemed to work. Nothing was as easy as it was with Jake.
“Are you still there?” He asked after a moment of silence on your end. 
“Yeah, sorry. Just in my head.” You muttered, feeling absolutely defeated after the way the past twenty minutes had played out. 
“Come to mine, we can watch a movie or something.” Jake offered, causing the corner of your lips to quirk up. The idea seemed infinitely better than anything else you could have done, so it was easy for you to agree. 
“I’m on my way.” He told you to drive safe, and you hung up, fastening your seatbelt with a grin. The drive was quick and uneventful, the radio playing quietly as your mind went wild with all the ways Jake was probably going to tease you. 
By the time you were at his apartment, you had figured that he’d make a show of how you lost the bet, maybe even draw up a plan for you to get groceries for him to cook. He'd more than likely threaten to beat up John, and though you knew it was for your benefit, you knew Jake wouldn't exactly be happy about how he acted. 
And for the second time that night, what you assumed would happen was completely wrong. 
You knocked on Jake’s door and it took him a moment to answer, but when he did you were met with an unexpected sight. Your best friend was there, but instead of the sweatpants and t-shirt he usually wore around the house, he had on a pair of dress pants and a nice button-up. His sleeves were rolled up, and you pretended that you totally didn't eye his tattoos the second you spotted his exposed forearm.
“What’re you dressed up for?” You questioned, seeing as Jake was just looking at you with a sheepish look on his face. You were certain that you were imaging the slight blush on his cheeks, and as he stepped aside to let you in, he still hadn't spoken. “You didn’t have plans, did you?”
“No, I, uh—okay, listen.” He stuttered, hand tugging through his hair and eyes bouncing everywhere across the room but you. His actions concerned you, Jake was not a nervous guy, so whatever he was about to say clearly had an impact on him. 
“Jake?” You prompted after a moment of silence. You knew he was trying to collect his thoughts, but you were getting anxious to hear what he had to say.
“So I know your date was bad, but that must be, like, an understatement, because it's only half an hour past your reservation.” He started, and your eyes widened a bit as you realized he remembered when the date was supposed to start. “And I wanted you to have a good time, so, I figured, we could, if you want, have a date night here?”
He was blushing, and his words were rushed, but you had heard him loud and clear. Your heart was racing as you contemplated the reasoning behind his actions, certain that you are reading too much into things. Jake had never hinted that he wanted anything more than a friendship with you, and friends cheer each up other after bad dates, right? 
But the way he was acting, and the way he simply said date night seemed to imply so much more than your typical movie nights or dinners. And usually the other guys were there, too.
“Why?” You found yourself asking on. Of the dozens of thoughts that were running through your mind, the only thing you were able to ask was why. You felt stupid for it, but something was telling you that there was a reason for his behavior. 
“I, uh, I might really like you.” Jake muttered, and suddenly you felt like the two feet separating you from him was entirely too much. He finally settled his gaze on you, and you could see the worry in his eyes. You probably should’ve said something right away, but you were too caught off guard by his confession to formulate actual words.
Panic had clearly set in on his face, blue eyes searching your expression for any hint of a reaction. You cracked a grin, and the simple action had some of the tension visibly leaving Jake’s body. You took a few steps forward, standing before him and his hands instantly landed on your waist. His grip kept you in place, not that you planned on moving away anytime soon. 
“Please say something.” He breathed, a hint of a chuckle at the end of his plea. Words were failing you, the feeling of Jake’s touch and the smell of his cologne practically turning your mind to mush. Instead, you wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down to connect your lips in a long-awaited kiss. You could tell by the way his hands gripped your waist tighter and tugged you closer that he wanted the kiss just as much as you did. When you pulled away, Jake’s grin was as wide as you’d ever seen. “I was going to ask you if you kiss on the first date, but I guess I know.”
“Shut up.” You mumbled, leaning in to peck his lips again. It was a bit clumsy, with how wide you both were smiling, but you wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world. The two of you were lost in each other, wrapped around the other and grinning like fools for who knows how long. That was, until, you pulled away just enough that your senses weren’t completely clouded by Jake. “Is something burning?” His eyes grew wide, and he all but knocked you out of the way as he raced to the kitchen. You followed after him, not trusting him if there was an actual emergency. 
“I was going to make dinner.” Jake pouted. Apparently, what had been burning was the spaghetti sauce he was going to make, and you couldn’t help but giggle. He shot a playful glare in your direction, but that did nothing to stop your amusement at the whole situation. You were pretty sure the only reason he even had a jar of sauce in his pantry was because you had left it there last time you cooked for him. 
“We can get takeout.” You reasoned, stepping into Jake and wrapping your arms around his torso. “I’ll even let you pick what we get since you’ve been so sweet.” Jake chuckled, and you felt the vibrations from where your cheek was pressed against his chest. He pulled back a bit, his forefinger tilting your chin up so he could connect your lips once more. 
“Takeout can wait.” He mumbled, and before he could deepen the kiss like you knew he was planning to do, you slipped out of his grip. He pouted again, and you chuckled at his adorable expression, even if he was being a bit childish. 
“Not so fast, Virtanen. You’ve got to buy me dinner first.”
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dripkingpetey · 4 years ago
a/n:ahh okay omg, this was supposed to be the fic for me hitting 100 followers (thank you btw🥺 ) but i’ve had no motivation so here's a jakey fic!
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1660 words
“Sorry that was kind of a dick move,” Jake mumbled as he tried to wipe the ice off of your body and shot an apologetic smile at you. “It’s all good, Petey does it to me all the time. It made a pretty sick shot though, wanna check it out?” You quickly accepted his apology and showed Jake the photo you had just taken of him, the extra flurries from Jake skating flew perfectly into the camera and a cheeky smirk was plastered across his face in the picture. “Woah that’s sick!” Jake exclaimed while taking another look at the photo. “I feel really bad though, you’re all soaked now. Let me take you out to lunch as an apology?”
You knew about jakes reputation, how he’s the biggest player in town and he would probably never talk to you again but that didn’t stop you from accepting his offer. Although you were pretty good friends with Petey and Quinn, you haven’t had many conversations with Jake so you agreed.
“I’d stay and talk for longer but coach is going to get mad at me if I do, meet you back here after practice?” Jake started skating back into his drills as you gave him a big thumbs up and continued on working. 
You were one of the main photographers for the Canucks which is what led you to being friends with most of the guys on the team.
“Hey, sorry it took me so long. Coach was talking about the next road trip.” He shoved his wet hair back away from his face while seeing if you were ready to go. “It’s alright, I had to talk to the pr team anyways. What were you thinking of for lunch?” You smiled at him before he lead you out to his car. “There’s a new lunch place downtown I was thinking we could check out?” He suggested as he opened the door to his car and motioned for you to get in.
“I had a really fun time with you today y/n, we should go out for lunch again sometime.” Jake grinned at you at he walked you up to your apartment. “I did too,” you said as he pulled you in for a quick friendly hug, you and Jake quickly exchanged numbers before you headed into your apartment.
It had been a couple months since you and Jake had gone out. You guys were pretty good friends at this point, going out for lunch all the time cause its your “thing” now. Sharing occasional drunk late-night conversations, going over to check on his apartment when he was out on long road trips and spending a couple nights there cause you missed him. 
a couple of the younger guys were going out to the bar for drinks and they invited you to go as well. You couldn’t help but stare at Jake as he was talking to a girl at the bar, you guys have never done anything romantically before but you knew the feelings for him were there. You were usually fine with Jake talking to other girls but for some reason you couldn’t help but feel jealous.
“Dude you look like you’re going to kill her,” Quinn chuckled and shot a concerned look at you as he took a sip of his drink. “Do I?” You sighed as you leaned your head onto his shoulder and kept on staring at Jake and the beautiful girl he was talking to. You tried to shake everything off as you saw the girl walking away and Jake getting a refill for his alcoholic beverage.
Your anxiety was at an all time high as Jake made his was back to the table everyone was sitting at, you weren’t sure if it was the fact that you had poured your feelings out to Elias about Jake last night or cause you were feeling a bit tipsy. The night came to an end as everyone started heading home, a few went home with girls they had met doing god knows what and the rest just went home by themselves which left you and Jake alone.
“C’mon, I’ll take you home y/n it’s too late.” Jake said as he got into the Uber with you because he had a couple of drinks and didn’t want to drive. “Can we go to your place? I don’t want to be alone tonight.” You mumbled just loud enough so Jake could hear you as you settled your head into his chest. “Yeah of course.” 
It wasn’t unusual for you and Jake to be this close, if anyone who’s never met you before saw the both of you together they would assume that you guys were in a relationship.
“Those clothes are probably uncomfortable for you to sleep in, I found your shorts in my drawer and here’s my shirt.” Jake said to you as you were laying down on his bed lazily and slowly pulled yourself up and took the clothes from him. “Thank you,”
You got changed quickly in the en-suite bathroom and went back to Jake room when you were greeted by Jake pulling his sweatpants up and his shirtless body, it wasn’t anything you’ve never seen before but tonight everything felt different. You were more attracted to him but you kept on convincing yourself it was the alcohol taking a toll on you. “Is my toothbrush still in the bathroom? Or should I grab a new one.” You asked Jake trying to distract all of the thoughts that were going on in your head. “Yeah its probably there,” Jake headed into the bathroom to brush his teeth as well and you followed him. 
As weird as it sounds, standing in Jakes bathroom brushing your teeth felt right. It felt like a part of your daily routine even though it wasn’t, you were once again distracted in your thoughts but snapped out of it and flinched a little when Jake wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the top of your head. “What are you thinking about?” 
You quickly spat out your toothpaste and rinse your mouth as you turned around to look at him. “Nothing, just sleepy.” You smiled before wrapping your arms around him for a hug. “You’re really warm,” You giggled into Jakes chest as he picked you up and brought you to his bed. “And tired, get into bed so we can snuggle. Jake got into bed and spread his arms for you to get close to him. “You act like such a tough dude when you’re actually a baby.” You scoffed laying down right where he wanted you to and got comfortable. “Yeah I am, and you’re the only one that knows.” Jake settled his head right behind your neck and started falling asleep almost right away, you scrolled on your phone for a little bit while enjoying his company before falling asleep as well. 
You were woken by Bruce and Donny jumping all over you when Jake let the dogs into his room which he regretted immediately. “Guys! Come here.” You could hear Jake whisper yell trying not to wake you up. “It’s okay Jake I’m already up anyways,” you reassured him am you went to pet the dogs and smiled at how cute they are. 
“Sorry,” Jake mumbled laying down in front of you and admired how gorgeous you looked although you would disagree. “You look beautiful,” Jake smiled and moved closer to you. You smiled and took the compliment not wanting to argue with him. “Will you kiss me already?” You mumbled under your breath as Jake inched his face closer and closer to yours. Jake lifted your face to meet with his as he leaned in and pressed his lips on yours, you lifted your hands to grip his face gently and pulled away from him for a second so the both of you could get air before you continued the kiss. “Fuck,” Jake huffed under his breath and brushed his hair out of his face while you looked at his bright blue eyes. You guys ended up in a heated make-out session which ended in something more.
“Tell me why we haven’t been doing this,” You breathed out heavily as you were laying on top of jakes chest. “I truly couldn’t tell you.” He planted a kiss on the top of your head before playing with your hair.  
You ended up spending the rest of your weekend at Jakes place, you were sitting on Jakes couch thinking about what you guys were right now. There was no label on the relationship but you knew that you wanted something more than being friends with him.
“What’s on your mind?” Jake turned down the country music he had blasting in the kitchen so he could hear you, he filled up the dogs food bowls and sat on the arm of the couch so he could talk to you. “Us,” You looked at him trying to avoid eye contact. “What about us?” Jake questioned while petting Bruce who was dying for attention. “I don’t know, are we labelling this or are we just going to not talk about it ever again?” You questioned him, feeling a little frustrated for no reason. “ I mean, I would like for it to be exclusive. I’ve never felt this way about anyone else but you and I don’t think I want to feel this way about anyone but you. I know I have the player reputation or whatever but I mean it, I really like you.” Nothings ever made you more happy than those words coming out of Jakes mouth. “I feel the same way too Jake,” You moved closer to him and gave him a quick kiss before sitting back down. 
“As much as I’d like for this to be romantic, we’re pathetic aren’t we.” You laughed as Jake nodded and agreed with you. “We are,”
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im-only-joking · 4 years ago
Im thinking I am going to take down my Possesive series considering it has both Brock and Jake in it and involving both in sexual situations. In light of the accusations about Jake i think its probably best to delete the series altogether and considering I'm not a fan of Brock anymore for his Pro-Trump activities on Instagram, I'd like to just get rid of the writing.
It makes me kinda sad esp since it was a passion project when i created it and i was excited to share it but I dont think its fair to any survivors who are uncomfy w Jake and his situation rn to keep it up. Im posting this a few hours before deleting the series just as a warning to y'all.
Thank you for your support no matter what i write and i promise to continue to write, and to write for (hopefully) less problematic people in the future. My askbox is always open if you have questions about who I will write for.
Love you!!!❤❤❤
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running-on-fanfiction · 7 years ago
Jake Virtanen - Trembling Years
Hi! I saw your status on 'currently taking request', so, I wanna request one on Jake Virtanen where he babysits his 2 y/o twin boys during his off day. It was messy at first since his wife had an urgent call to work but later on, she gets back, she was surprised that the boys cuddled on Jake's chest while they're all sleeping.
*Title from: https://www.ruggenberg.nl/titels.html
Your POV
Working for a record label was fun. Being around new bands, helping them get to the fame they wish to be. Not to mentions basically making music and get paid for it. Who, could hate that. For the most part you got to pick your own hours and what bands you wanted to work with. That was a huge perk when you found out you were have twins.
Charlie and Oliver were a blessing to you and Jake. You two had tried so many years to have a baby. Yet, after each fail came a new one. You two had basically give up and were looking into other ways when you felt a change in your body. Four store bought test, two doctor test and you two were the happiest people in the world.
It was more of a shock when you went in for your three month check up and found out that not only were you have one baby, but TWO! Jake was an emotional mess. He wanted to be a dad so badly and no matter what he said or how strong he acted you knew that what you two have been through killed him. Here was a man that could take a punch to the face or a flying puck to the body yet he couldn’t give you want you two really wanted.
“Charlie, likes blueberries, Oliver however does not.” You smiled as you looked up at a shirtless Jake coming down the stairs. He smiled as he walked over to you, kissing the top of your head, before kissing the boy’s.
“I don’t blame you bub.” Jake said to Oliver as he peppered his chubby cheeks with kisses, making the boy giggle. “Is daddy being silly.” You cooed as you mushed up more blueberries for Charlie.
You watched Jake grab your coffee cup, as well as one from the cabinet. He pour a cup for him and added more to your half cup. He set the cups down next to you on the table as he dragged a chair to the other side of you to help you feed the boys.
“Go eat.” He said as he grabbed the bowl of food from your hands.
“GO eat.” He laughed playfully pushing you away. “I got this. Don’t I, boys!” He smirked at his sons. 
You laughed but knew it was wise not to fight Jake on this. You had little for food, due to not having enough time, however you planned on getting some shopping down today since Jake was off. You settled on some toast with cinnamon sugar when you heard your phone ring from the table.
“Jake, could you get that please. I have butter on my hands.”
You heard a hello from Jake before he got up and handed you the phone. You looked at him confused.
“Jackie, said there’s an emergency at the label.” Jake said with a worried face. You wiped your hands off on the dish towel and grabbed the phone.
“Jackie. Oh. OH! No. Yes. Yes. Okay, called them. I’ll be there shortly.” You huffed as you placed your phone down. “CRAP!” You said feeling stressed. Jake could tell a mini breakdown was in the works.
“HEY! Hey, hey. What’s wrong?” He calmly asked pulling you into a hug. He rubbed circles on your back while you planted your face in his chest.
“I have to go into work, because Ryan lost half of the songs for Purple House’s new album. I was going to go food shopping today, because we have NO food. Then, I wanted us all to go to the Zoo since you didn’t have to work today, than I was going to make you a special dinner because I miss you and I was going to tell you I’m pregnant.” You sobbed into his shirt, not clueing in that you just told him your big news.
Jake stiffen, but laughed. You looked up at your happy husband.
“You’re pregnant?” He asked hopeful.
You just started crying harder. “I just ruined the night.” Jake chuckled as he engulfed you into a hug. He placed a kiss to your head. 
“You did not ruin the night. Listen, you are going to go upstairs, you are going to shower and get ready for work. I’m going to clean up down here, than the boy’s and I will go food shopping. On Friday you, the boys and I will spend the whole day together at the Zoo. Then, tonight you and I will have some dinner and talk about this one.” He smiled as he placed his large hand on your belly. 
You locked your lips onto his. It wasn’t until your heard a loud crash. You two looked over at the boys to see each of them trying to look at the ground where a bowl of blueberries were laying. You chuckled as you heard a loud laugh coming from Oliver.
“See, told you he didn’t like blueberries.” You joked. Jake, kissed your lips once more before sending you off.
Jake’s POV
I was on cloud 9 when I found out Y/N was pregnant. With the boy turning two soon, it was going to be a handful but I knew that between us and my family that we could do this. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Charlie squeal.
“What buddy?” I laughed as I kissed his cheek. I placed him in the cart and looked down at Oliver. “I need you to hold onto the cart, right here. Do not let go, okay.” I said looking at the one year old. He giggled and jumped up and down.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” I joked as I made my way down the first row of food.
Your POV
You were beyond tired when you got home. You smiled as you made your way into the house. You could hear Micky Mouse’s on the tv. You placed the tv on the table before going off to find Jake and your sons. It didn’t take long once you walked into the living room.
Jake was laying on the couch shirtless, with each boy in a tight diaper laying on his chest. You felt your heart swell. Jake, was an amazing father, and it drowned each bad thought that filled you once you found out your where having a new baby. This was going to be insane. The boys were not even two yet and you were adding a newborn to the mix. Jake, wasn’t away often but often enough to make you feel crazy, but you had his mom, and his brother who would drop everything for you guys. It was this moment however that made you feel like for once you had this.
“I can feel you staring.” Jake giggled as he opened his eyes. You smiled as you grabbed Charlie from his chest. You placed a kiss to his head, along with Oliver and Jake’s. 
“Let’s get these two to bed.” You smiled.
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werenskheeyyy · 8 years ago
Distraction - Jake Virtanen (#14)
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I think Jake is the cutest human in the world and I was having serious feels when I wrote this.  Also, I literally hate studying and I think this would be a fantastic distraction!  Anyways, this one wasn’t requested but I hope you like it anyways!!! Much love!
Word count: 900
Warnings: smut, sex, swearing
“Fuuccckkkkkkk” you groaned.  You had your last final of the semester in two days and you still had so much left to study.  You had your textbook in front of you, notes and practice tests scattered all over the table and pens and highlighters everywhere.
“Babe, I’m home!” you heard your boyfriend Jake call from the front door.  He made his way inside your apartment, stopping to give you a kiss on the top of your head before going to the kitchen.  “I’m pretty sure you’ve been in that exact spot for the last week” Jake laughed as he rummaged through the fridge.
“And I’ll be here for two more days until this fucking exam is done” you said under your breath, barely looking up from the notes that were in your hand.
“You know you should really take a break” Jake said, grabbing an apple and biting into it.  He sat down at the table across from you, watching you study.
“I’ll be done soon, then I’m free” you tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, furrowing your brow after reading a paragraph you didn’t understand.
“You’re really cute when you study” your boyfriend smiled, standing up to throw his apple core away.
“Hm” you looked up at Jake “what’d you say? I’m not really remembering much except economics at this point.”
“I said,” Jake waltzed over to you, resting his hands on your shoulders, “that you’re cute when you study.” He leaned over you, scanning your notes and textbook then shaking his head “this is an entirely different language.”
“I knowwwwww, and I have to be able to speak it in two days! I have no idea how I’m going to pass this class” you groaned.  You took a deep breath and tried to focus on your notes again.
“I think you need a break” Jake said in your ear as he slowly began to massage your neck and shoulders.
“Nope, can’t” you tried to shrug his large hands off of you. “I gotta focus.”
“Come on, just for a little bit, then you can come back to boring economics” he persisted, digging deeper into your tense muscles.
“Babe I have so much left to dooo” you muttered, your eyes fluttering closed at the feeling of your stress being alleviated.
“Mhm, and you can do it all after you relax” he pressed his lips to your cheek.
“Oohhh” you softly moaned as he hit a particularly tense spot.  You leaned your head back, resting it on Jake’s chest
“You like that?” he whispered against your cheek.
“Mhmm” you reached up to pull Jake’s face down to yours and attacked his soft lips.
“There we go” he smiled against you.  He reached in front of you and pushed your books and notes off the table.  You really should have been mad at him but you only had one thing on your mind - Jake.  He picked you up and gently placed you on the now empty table, your legs dangling over the edge.
You grabbed the front of Jake’s shirt and pulled him on top of you, wrapping your legs around his waist.  You tangled your hands in his hair, both of you hungrily attacking each other’s lips.  You broke apart from the kiss long enough to rip off your hoodie and bra then assaulted Jake’s lips once again.
You moaned at the friction Jake created when he ground his hips against yours.  You slipped your tongue into his mouth, both of you fighting for dominance.  You reached your hands down, grasping for Jake’s belt and unzipping his pants.
He grabbed your hands and pressed them above your head “no baby, tonight’s about you.”  He crawls off you and makes his way between your legs.  He yanked your leggings and underwear off you, and peppered kisses to your inner thighs.  
“Jakeee” you whined, squirming at the feel of Jake’s hot breath on your sensitive pussy.
“You’re so wet baby” Jake smirked from between your legs.  He leaned in and began to lap up your juices.  He added a finger to your core, slowly pushing in and out.
“Mhm fuccckkkk” you groaned, “that feels so good.”
Jake gently pinched your sensitive bud with his teeth, making you cry out as waves of pleasure shook through your body.  He added a second finger to the waterfall between your legs, pumping in and out at a painfully slow pace.  “Mhm, that’s it baby” he murmered from between your legs.
“Jake, I’m gunna cum” you got out between sharp breaths, spreading your legs as Jake curled his fingers up into your g-spot.  You felt the familiar heat of an orgasm building in the pit of your stomach.
Jake quickened his pace, reaching up to twist one of your nipples with his free hand and that’s what sends you over the edge.  You writhe around on the table, moaning, under the pressure of Jake’s arms.  Once you caught your breath, you sat up and pulled Jake close.  “Thank you so much” you sigh, “I love you.”  
“I love you too” Jake says, picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom.  “You can study tomorrow.”
You both climbed into bed and before you knew it you had fallen asleep to the sound of Jake breathing in and out.
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hookingminor · 4 years ago
Can you do 5 with Jake Virtanen? ♥️♥️
they’re in bed, one of them’s like “it’s time to get up” and their lover pulls them back down, wraps their hands around their body, snuggles up close, preventing the other one from getting out of bed
Arguably, the worst part about dating a professional hockey player were the early mornings you were forced to endure. You had specifically chosen your classes so you’d never have to be up before nine in the morning, but when you spent the night at Jake’s, you were always up earlier than you wanted.
Whether it was him leaving for practices, or leaving for roadies, or even him on his off days leaving for early morning workouts, Jake was always waking you up in the process.
He tried so hard not to at the beginning, but Jake had the grace of a baby elephant and ended up crashing into nightstands or doors or tripping over clothes on his way to the bathroom before accidentally shining light directly over your face. You eventually gave up and learned to deal with it.
Some mornings were harder than others, though, to let Jake get up and do whatever he needed. Especially when he was the one who kept you up so late the night before. And there was also the fact that it was the middle of the winter and Jake’s sheets were too warm and comfortable to let him leave.
Jake woke up around seven, as was routine for morning workouts on days off. He liked to get runs in before the gym got too crowded, and it was just easier to get it done with now rather than later.
Like all mornings after you slept over at Jake’s, he woke up with you curled into his side, legs and arms draped over his body like he was your own personal teddy bear.
He always thought it was adorable how you clung to him even in your sleep, but he always felt extra bad about waking you up because he knew it was impossible to sneak out without disturbing you.
Brushing a few strands of hair out of your face, Jake gently stroked your cheek and whispered quietly. “Baby, I need to get up,” he said, and he watched your eyes twitch as you were torn from your dreams.
“No you don’t,” you grumbled. You didn’t open your eyes as you nuzzled further into his body and tightened your grip around him.
“If we want to hit up that new restaurant for dinner after the aquarium, I need to workout now,” he explained, but you didn’t listen.
When you didn’t reply, Jake tried removing your limbs from him manually. A big mistake on his part. You easily rearranged your body until you were practically laying all your body weight on him, and Jake’s body was trapped underneath yours.
“Baby,” Jake whined but let his hands trace gentle shapes onto your back.
“I don’t want you to get up. I want to lay in bed all day,” you complained.
“We made plans,” Jake sighed.
“Cancel them,” you answered without hesitation. “We can do it next week or something. I just want one day with you to myself.”
Jake let out another sigh. “I still have to workout at some point.”
“Afternoon,” you replied. “Morning is for sleeping.”
“Fine,” he acquiesced after a moment of consideration. Jake hated waking up early just as much as you, but it was his job and he had no choice more than half the time.
Quickly and gently, Jake rolled your body off of his and back onto your side. You squealed a sound of protest, but before you could get a word out, Jake was wrapping you in his arms from behind and sliding his leg in between yours.
“Don’t get used to it,” Jake mumbled into your hair as you were silently celebrating your victory of getting him to stay in bed for a few more hours.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you hummed happily as you settled into a comfortable position and let your eyes fall shut, warm and sleepy and wrapped in the arms of the man you loved.
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