Lucas Palleschi: Keeper File
11 posts
CAB 180
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11: Big Idea
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Being a first semester it was hard for me to really grasp the concept of a big idea. However, once you see a big idea, its pretty easy to understand why it makes a brand so successful. Therefore, the big idea i have decided to present for this keeper file entry is probably the most famous idea ever, Nike’s “Just Do It.” The Just Do It campaign has been with Nike for over 25 years and still to this day is one of the most highly used and successful big ideas. 
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This idea has scaled globally, making Nike one of the most highly endorsed and recognized brands in the world, Nike has even made athletes into billionaires with this campaign. The reason the Just Do It campaign works so well for a sports giant like Nike, is because it is easy to understand, relates to any consumer, and it is positioned perfectly in accordance to the brands goals and image. 
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Moreover, the Just Do It campaign is about action, its about encouraging everyone, at any skill level, to push themselves and go above and beyond. Its a motivator and it makes the consumer feel good, therefore it makes them feel good about the brand.
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10: Creative Strategy
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The Lexus ‘Intensity’ campaign is a brilliant example of how a creative strategy done right can recall some emotion, feeling and participation from the viewer. This campaign’s goal was to capture the heightened sensory experience of driving the new Lexus IS. It was able to do this so well, by bringing the viewer into a state of flux, using a series of evocative images in accordance to the motion and design of the vehicle. Almost like a dream, the viewer is put into the imagination of the driver, where they experience the thrill of the drive through his eyes and ears. Without a doubt, this is one of the best uses of creative strategy to pull the viewer in, with a plan to attach a high level of feeling and involvement through the use of senses. Creating, exhilaration through imagery and sound, this commercial also makes the car the object of pleasure, whether its the pleasure of actually driving or just the euphoric symbolism of the brand being presented. This commercial makes it hard for any car lover to resist the need to experience the Lexus IS.
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9: Target Markets
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Red-Bull is a perfect example of a brand that uses psychographics, in particularly, life-style appeals to attract a certain target to their energy drinks. Red-Bull focuses on the use of extreme sports, daring activities, and high adrenaline stunts to not only associate their brand with the type of energy needed to be this out-going, but to also using surreal landscapes and, quite literally, out of this world adventures to maintain a certain “dare-devil” type of target market. 
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One of the biggest examples of this was sponsoring, dare-devil skydiver, Felix Baumgartner  in becoming the first human to record the highest altitude jump. The mission was called Red-Bull Stratos, it involved Baumgartner being launched 39 kilometers into the stratosphere by a helium balloon before free falling for approximately 5-6 minutes, reaching a top speed of 843.6 mph, braking the sound barrier, and then shortly after, parachuting safely down to earth. 
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The event was globally viewed on multiple platforms and was trending on twitter within minutes after launch, even celebrities, athletes, and popular magazines were joining i on the discussion. With this event, Red-Bull brought extreme sports to new heights and redefined the idea of content marketing, PR stunt, and Brand Utility.  
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8: Creative Strategy & Insights
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I personally love campaigns that evoke an emotional reaction from the viewer. I also think that the campaigns/ads that are able to do so are ones with the greatest insights. One of my favourite campaigns/advertisements is the Nike “Find Your Greatness”. The short tv spot for this campaign is a long to close shot of young boy jogging down a road. When he gets closer to the camera, the viewer sees that the boy is heavy set, not moving very fast, and is dripping wet from sweat. Although Nike usually does a tremendous job in convincing the viewer to become more active, this spot of a heavy set kid running down a long road is truly inspirational. The insight of course being that working out is good for all of us, you have to start somewhere and no matter what you're personal goals are, everyone has the ability to be great, whatever that means to you. Even more amazing is Nike’s timing, creating such an inspired ad right before the 2012 London Summer Olympic games. Nike used the Olympics as a platform to build their insight off of. Nike took advantage of the global influence of the Olympics and created this campaign knowing most people watching would become inspired to start being active and create their own “greatness”, and who knows, maybe one day qualify for the Olympic games themselves. Truly powerful stuff.   
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7: Class, Gender & Age
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If you can remember about a month ago, a big colour debate blew up on social media about a picture of a dress that looked white and gold and/or black and blue, tagged #Dressgate. Shortly after, Salvation Army came out with an ad that capitalized on the success of the #Dressgate debate in order to push a more important/immediate issue about domestic abuse. Salvation army produced a poster showing an image of a young woman, covered in cuts and bruises, wearing the white and gold version of the dress. Displayed under the image is copy that reads: “Why is it so hard to see black and blue?” “The only illusion is if you think it was her choice. One in six women are victims of abuse. Stop abuse against women.” This ad was widely successful in taking such a stupid debate and turning it into a discussion about an evil that still exist today between a woman and her significant other at home. This advertisement was also very successful in raising awareness about domestic abuse because it launched globally ahead of International Women’s day on March 8. Furthermore, Salvation Army, an organization that helps people who are in dire situations, particularly poverty, really pushed a particular agenda about gender inequalities in all facets of life with the launch of this advertisement, being that domestic abuse is a “full circle issue”. Women get paid less than men, therefore, women are still dependent on men, and therefore, men take advantage of women (abuse, sex, etc.). I was personally shocked when i heard there was a debate about the colour of a dress on twitter, then i was floored that Salvation Army came out with such a powerful campaign about such a serious issue. By far one of my favourite ads in terms of branding and messaging! 
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6: Ethnic Groups & Religious Influences
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Finding an ad was somewhat tricky for this week. If you didn't know already i am from Italian descent, so i wanted to find an ad that fit my ethnic group and actually related to me on a personal level. Therefore, i thought, what is Italy known for across the globe? Food? yes, but still hard to express and too many options, Soccer? yes, but ads about Italian soccer in Canada are really hard to come by, Cars? Perfect. Not only do i love cars, but Italy is renown for some of the best auto manufacturers in the world. Unfortunately, Lamborghini and Ferrari hardly advertise, especially in a market where the auto industry has taken a huge hit. However, i did find a pretty cool Fiat 500 advertisement. This ad actually spoke to me. The ad makes Fiat fun, exciting, and quite frankly exotic. Moreover, growing up in a traditional Italian household, where most of the customs from the ‘old country’ are still practiced, this Fiat 500 commercial struck an ethnic/emotional nerve, being how it tells a story of the “little guy” travelling from Italy to North America for a chance at a more successful life, much like my family. To my surprise, Fiat entered the market with quite a bang, in 2012 they had 7603 cars sold in the first ten months, and that was only with one core model! Even though i do not own one, i feel good whenever i hear or see the global success of the country and heritage that i am apart of, it makes me appreciate my roots and everything i am blessed with today, all that much more. Most importantly, it made me become aware of the brand as a considerable option for a next car purchase, depending on if i can fit in it . 
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5: Memory and Learning
I am a huge fan of golf, i love to play the game, i enjoy the social time and interaction i have with my friends and family playing, and ya i don't mind dressing up in bright colours and dark plaids that speak louder than my golf game ever will. So, when i see the ClubLink "Spoiled" advertisement it is a huge positive reinforcement for me.
This ad is not some mundane voice over of a pro with an Ariel view shot of a golf course, this ad involves a creative montage of golf courses and golf pros that evoke a feeling of excitement and thrill. Moreover, this ad not only makes golf look cool, but it incorporates beautiful, picturesque images of the type of limitless golf experience i, and others like me, can enjoy by joining the "club". ClubLink is a massive private golf membership system that offers the best  and widest variety of golf in North America, as shown in the commercial. For example, if i join a ClubLink golf course in Pickering, i could then play other ClubLink golf courses for free, so long as they are about the same price as the one i join. If i join one i am apart of the "club" and, in theory, i join them all, without having to pay for it. Therefore, i want to join ClubLink because i want to experience the vast and best of what Canada's golf has to offer. Not only is this a unique system that gives golfers some options, but ClubLink is really the future of the growth of golf in Canada.
ClubLinks online magazine Winter 2014 edition:
An interactive map of all the ClubLink golfcourses to join.
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4: Perceptions and Attitudes
The Coca-Cola 2014 Superbowl advertisement was a perfect example of reducing distortion about a brand that is typically bad for you. Although i was not born, nor live in America, i understand the message of togetherness, diversity, love and compassion, themes that were constantly promoted in this commercial. I sympathize with the saying "no matter what colour, race or gender, we are all created equal and we should be treated as such". For me, this ad put a new light on the Coke brand and totally dismantled my feelings toward them promoting an unhealthy product. This ad is perfect because it relates to so many people on so many different levels, so now, everytime i drink coke ill remember that this may be bad for me but its good for "us"
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2: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
This weeks advertisement of choice goes in perfect accordance with Maslow's second "need stage", Safety.
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 Not only do these Farmers insurance ads imply the importance of insurance in today's hectic world, they also, put a fun and exciting spin on what is rather a mundane, and usually glanced over, subject of life. 
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Since Farmers advertises insurance in such a colourfully honest way, they broaden their target market to younger adults, like me, who now will have an interest in making sure we are prepared for our future and to get smarter about our insurance.
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3: Seneca Experience
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So far my experience at Seneca college has been great. Not until recent did i know i wanted to work in the advertising industry, but once i did, i knew that this was the career for me. So naturally, i researched the best schools that i could attend, that not only had a good track record for graduates finding a job, but a faculty that really enriched the student learning experience. Seneca offered all of this and more. This video was the first real piece of content that interested me in attending the Seneca CAB program. It features the faculty head Anthony Kalamut and two Seneca graduates who have found success as a career in advertising.
Once i started to attend i was even more impressed. This is not my first go around at post-secondary, so i know just how much time, effort, and most importantly, the amount of money i have to invest to reap the full benefits. My expectations are met instantly. The Creative Advertising faculty are friendly, open, and honest, moreover they all have personal experience and application as recent or past advertising professionals, working for major ad agencies. First year CAB students were set up with mentors so that our time at Seneca is efficient in its learning and growing process. Everyone i have met, whether attending or working for Seneca college, is really invested in making sure each and every student experience is one to never forget. I actually received a phone call from the Seneca Markham student center to make sure everything was alright because i missed one class in the first week! CRAZY!
No complaints, Just a lot of fun, unique and rewarding experiences so far.
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1: Consumer Buying Behaviour
For this week's keeper file i have decided to pick the Mercedes-Benz "Fable" super-bowl commercial. This ad is a take on the classic fable about the Tortoise and the Hare, except this time, faster always wins the race, especially when you're driving a Mercedes-Benz. This advertisement appeals to me because as a millennial this is a popular fairy-tale/fantasy i grew up with, but also, involves a beautiful, stylish, and powerful car that really goes along with my interests and attitudes as a 22 year old male, who is infatuated with something he really wants but cannot have (Fantasy).  So, for me, this ad is a huge play on the involvment of need recognition, social and group forces, as well as psychological forces.
At last the perfect ad!
Game: (To play in full screen click the title of the post)
[Here comes the game] Source
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