#jake lockey I'll see you again
Moon Knight really is the best thing the MCU created. And I say this as someone who loves the Avengers movies and Loki.
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nowiamcoveredinyou · 1 year
Jake lockey x reader
Word count :- 304
30 days writing challenge
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"no, I know" y/n said on phone, "I did take my favourite bag."
Y/n is a big fan of the brand Jimmy Choo. And to own a bag from them was her dream. After a lot of hard work she got her hands on them finally. "don't worry I'll be fine, my bag is more important right now."
The weather forecast mentioned an approaching storm moved away from y/n's location. But seemes like the news was deceived by mother nature. It was approaching and y/n had two thing to take care of, herself and her bag, rather important one to her. She was walking along as there was barely any cab to be seen to finally stopped by a honking horn.
"Get in, I'll get you a lift".
Turning around y/n found Jake and his limo 'woah' she thought. But would it be safe to get into the stranger's car? y/n was wondering until Jake said, "I know you're afraid, but your bag's life seem to be important for you". He joked seeing y/n clung to her bag as if her life depended on it.
"get in now, before anything happens to your precious bag". He laughed lightly, his laugh, as if urged her to get in. So she did, somehow his laughter gave her a sense of comfort.
"Thanks" after thanking him, she gave him, her address as they drove off. And ten minutes later they were infront of her main door. She got down to thank him again and Jake nodded,
"well señorita!" he called before she could get in, "I didn't give you a lift for that stupid bag".
Y/n's mouth left open, a gasp escaped, how dare he said her bag stupid?
"yes, stupid." he clarified, "I did it for you, your life in far more important than that leather purse."
Oh! thought she, it sounded good. So good that a smile spreaded accross her lips as she bid Jake good bye, wondering if she'd find him again, afterall that stranger wasn't that bad, no?
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 10
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Gif Caption: Top Gif: Marc and Steven from Marvel's Moonknight, Bottom Gif: Billy Hargrove from Netflix's Stranger Things
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Reader: 17-18 | female
Characters Mentioned: Frank Castle (MCU), Matt Murdock (MCU), Marc Spector/Steven Grant/ Jake Lockey (MCU), Peter Parker (MCU), Curt Hoyle (MCU), Dinah Madani (MCU), Karen Page (MCU), Billy Hargrove (ST), Steve Harringotn (ST), Dr.Sam Owens (ST), Joyce Byers (ST), Will Byers(ST), Mike Wheeler (ST), Jim Hopper (ST) Nancy Wheeler (ST), Lucas Sinclair (ST), Dustin Hednerson (ST), Max Mayfeild (ST), Jonathan Byers (ST)
A/n: Here we go shits goin down just wait till i make billy and Y/n fight
Warnings: Guns, fighting with Billy, chaos is a comin around the corner.
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So you rushed to get the kids at school, driving quickly to the middle school.
Parking in the first spot you seen just in time as the bell rang.
You got out and quickly went to stand by the bike racks.
Mike was the first out, and certainly in a rush.
"We need to go." Y/n deamnded.
"No. I need to go to Will's house-"
"Exactly," y/n spoke picking his bike up with ease.
"Hey!" Mike argued, Y/n carrying it to the car and putting it in the back, "Thats my bike! Be careful!"
"Kid! I could give less than one fuck about a bike. Hell. I'll buy you a new one- I know about Will."
Mike looked up at her as she closed the trunk.
"You know about the Shadow Monster-"
"Yeah. Fucker had will draw me." Y/n informed, "Where are the rest of your friends."
"They dont know Will's been seeing it. Just. I do." Mike told, "Im just going, we lost Dart."
"Dustin's pet?" Y/n asked.
"I'll explain on the way."
The two got in but a hand slammed ontop the car on her side.
"You." Billy growled, "what The FUCK is happening. You were just arrested a few hours ago! What did you tell them?"
"I dont have time for this-"
"Oh no- You're gonna fucking answer me!" Billy argued, "Now Y/n!"
"Stay in the car." Y/n told Mike as she got out slamming the door closed.
"I suggest you back up Billy." Y/n threatened
Real names were being used, this was getting serious
He took a step forward they beyond invading personal space now, "Or what."
"Watch yourself." Y/n warned.
"What did you tell them?" Billy questioned once again.
"What? Bout you?" Y/n argued voice raising, "about what your dad does? Bout there Shit justice system. About how you Let it happen-"
"Shut up. Now." He demanded.
"Why? Because you cant swallow the fucking truth?-"
He grabbed her forearm, face leaning in closer.
"And whats the truth."
"You already know the truth: You came to me I helped but you asked me to stop- to not cross that line, yet you know in a god damn heart beat I'd cross that line for you. Its at the back of your throat but you wont swallow it." Y/n argued, "Now let the fuck go of me Billy. Before I break your arm."
He threw her arm to the side, both still in each other's face: "I fucking hate you," he deemed.
"I'll go cry about it then." Y/n shot back turning around to get back in the car and starting to drive off.
"You're dead to me Castiglione! DEAD!" he shouted as she drove off.
You drove off in heavy silence, Mike afraid to even talk
But you obviously distressed.
"You...okay?" He asked.
"Yeah...Yeah nothing I can handle..." Y/n lied with a smile, "Remember. Secret Supehero."
He looked over at her, "Why do older people lie to everyone?"
Y/n sighed: "I don't know."
It was silent the rest of the trip.
You had said you'd cry about it to Billy in sarcasm, but soon as you let Mike out the car to go to Joyce you sat on the porch trying not to cry
Hopper was leaving, shove over his shoulder when he spotted you
Dad mode?
He took a seat next to you, handing out a pack of cigrattes out to you
"Should a cop be giving a teen a cigratte?"
"Yeah well. We do stupid shit when we're upset." He explained as she took the carton, "plus I was a teenager once."
She pulled out one and lit it with ease handing it back to him.
"Don't make it a habit."
"I wont." Y/n told rubbing her face, "You know. I moved from New York to Hawkins for some peace."
"Seems like the chaos followed you." Hopper told as he lit his own cigratte.
Y/n chuckled under her breathe, "Chaos follows me everywhere."
"Me and you both kid." Hopper spoke, taking a long inhale of his cigratte before blowing the smoke out his nose.
"Come on." He spoke.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"Come on. Lets go diggin."
Odd but. You follow him anyways
This time he didn't put you in hand cuffs.
And he took you to the farms.
You both got out and he told you to start digging
"For what? Roots?"
"No. Just dig until you hit something." He explained pulling out a pistol, "You know how to use that?"
"Revolver, Sam & Wesson. Model...67?" Y/n spoke looking over the revolver, "Sorry. 66."
He looked at her surpises as she tucked it in the back of her jeans and grabbed her shovel starting to dig.
"Well? Are we diggin? Or are you standing there?" Y/n asked.
He'd proceed to dig with you, making small talk along the way
He actually laughed when you told him you had done what you had to Neil Hargrove
Hopper explained he never liked Neil and that you beating Neil up kinda had made his week.
Apparently from what you could piece together: Neil had said he touched you: got into an arguement over something and it escolated.
He said it was good that you knew how to defend yourself
"My dad taught me." Y/n explained, they both take a small break sitting in the hole "but I have a feeling you don't like him."
"Barely know the guy." Hopper told her.
"I think it's about Joyce." Y/n spoke, "Ya know. Pretty ol Joyce Byers."
He rolled his eyes, smoking his break time cigratte.
"Hard to let someone go you love kid."
"I know..."
"thats what she wants and shes happy. Thats the only bad part. You think you can make her even happier but it doesn't get better than that kid." Hopper lectured with a stretch, "Don't think I've seen Joyce so happy before."
Y/n nodded standing up grabbing the shovel again, they both getting back to it.
"It plays out how it should in the end." Y/n spoke up, "Right?"
Hopper nodded, "Right."
The two contuined digging themselves what could of been there own graves
Tossing dirt over there shoulders and up top till Y/n hit something
They both quickly dug and pulled at the black vine like goo
Creating an opening.
"What in the name of America's ass..." Y/n spoke dipping her head downward into the what she assumed was tunnels.
"Fuck- what are you doing-"
Y/n dropped in, with ease. If she was going to be involved might as well as be invested.
She landed on her feet looking both ways Hopper dropping in behind her.
"Well I'll be damned..." Hopper aspirated they both shocked at what was surronding them.
You only pushed forward Revolver in hand
Hopper stopped her, he cutting off his sleeves
"Airs toxic." He explained as she took it from him tying it around her head to make a makeshift mask.
"Just like my realtionship with Stark." Y/n sighed pulling a small flashlight from her boot.
The thing about being in front is your use to Frank keeping up, or you keeping up with Frank
You're use to fast pace, you can sight see later
So when you push on and loose Hopper you're kinda fumbernucked
"Chief!?" Y/n shouted looking around, "Cheif!"
"Oh fuck...I should of listened to Marc..." Y/n sighed contuining on, "what are the odds he's down here with his bird mother fucker..."
She looked around, but the shouting from Hopper caught her attention, she quickly rushing after him.
"Cheif! Cheif!" Y/n shouted looking around "Cheif!!"
Y/n looked down feeling something wrapping around her ankles, "Fu-"
She was pulled by the ankles and too the ground, being dragged down a tunnel.
"Fuck! I just wanted a Normal fucking school year!" Y/n protested in anger as she tried to grab onto something. Her shouting only echoning in the distance.
Meanwhile Dustin was trying to find SOMEONE ANYONE to help him
He was knocking on the Wheeler's door. Just to get an uncaring answer from Mr.Wheeler
"Son of a bitch, you no help at all." Dustin complained walking away.
"Lanuage!" Mr.Wheeler complained shutting the door as Steve had pulled up flowers in his hand he muttering to himself.
"Yeah. I made a mistake. Okay. These are an apology gift for Y/n but I dont know what Im apologizing for even though I do but nothing happened at the halloween party just. I dont know how to tell her what did happen." Steve muttered to himself, he going to ask Nancy for help, and for an apology to Y/n herself, Steve felt like Nancy could atleast do that, "yeah makes sense...:
"Are those for Mrs. Wheeler?" Dustin spoke up.
Steve looked up, "what no-"
Dustin grabbed them, "hey! Man-"
"Do you still have that bat?"
"The one with the nails?"
"Yeah. Why?" Steve asked.
"I'll explain on the way lover boy. I need to go to Y/n's house."
So Dustin explained it to him, how he kept a baby demogorgin, and how he named it Dart
And how it REALLY didnt like you
Like. Despited you
"So?" Steve spoke, "You're freaky little pet didnt like Y/n-"
"Im assuming it'll go after her, and she doesnt know anything about the-"
Steve immediately floored it, driving faster to her house.
"Dude! Calm down!"
"If that thing Kills her Henderson, I'll make sure she drags you down to the grave with her!"
"Okay! Okay!"
They make it to your house and Steve bangs on the door.
Frank answers it, cup of coffee in his hand, must've just gotten home from work.
"You better have a good reason for-"
"Is Y/n home?" Steve asked frantically.
"No." Frank spoke, "She went with you last night-"
Matt joined Frank at the door.
"Is something wrong?" Matt questioned, "Y/n's not with you?"
"She's most likely with Billy-" Steve brushed off, "Yeah. There..."
"Probally out at a party." Dustin finsihed.
"Y/n hates parties." Frank argued.
"Yeah! But you know Y/n always the...life of stuff! We're gonna go." Dustin contuined as they both quickly walked away to Steve's car and quickly drove off.
"I'll get my suit." Matt spoke walking off.
Meanwhile your still stuck in the Upside down, hanging upside down, blood rushing to your head as more vines hold your arms straight down.
"What a bunch of a holes leaving me upside down...like atleast sacerfice me in a cool way."
"Hopper!? Hopper!?" A female called from the distance, it was Joyce.
"Oh thank god!" She cried out, she must've gotten Hopper out from wherever he was trapped.
"Kid! Kid!"
"Im here!" Y/n called, "Over here!"
The small group walked towards her, "Who's that?" Y/n asked.
"Im Bob. Im a friend of Joyce."
"Hi Bob Im Y/n. Joyce is dating my dad."
"What are you doing?" Hopper asked.
"Oh Just ya know. Hanging around with Mephisto's sperm." Y/n stated in a matter of fact tone, and glared at him, "What the fuck do you think Im doing!?"
So they helped you down and all of you luckily got out of there of course after being fuckin jumpscared by some guy in a hazmat suit
Your so done with different relams
Cant you just call Dr.Strange for this to be done?
God you wish
When you get out you're panicking seeing what's clearly a goverment operation
But then Will goes into what you can only describe as a severe seizure
Fuck the goverment now.
Wills in obvious pain and your main focus is to get him up and okay
But as quick as you go to help him your shoved away.
Unlike the others you actually detained, despite everyone's shouting for your release.
You fighting them to the best of your ability without severely injuring anyone
But they detain you anyways
And wow. Hawkins Lab who could of guess
There violent with you, or alteast of the verge of violent
They scrub you down with a damn hose while your in cuffs, they've cuffed your ankles.
This is beyond you just knowing now. They have to know something else.
And your chained to your chair, you had bit someone so they muzzled you
A doctor walked in, older man.
"Hello Ms.Castiglione." he spoke tossing a thick file on the table, "what do you prefer?"
Y/n glared at him, "Ms.Castiglione? Or Ms.Castle?"
She didnt answer as he sighed, "Perhaps Ms.Russo?"
"Fuck. You." Y/n spoke, venom dripping from her lips, "My name. Is Y/n Castiglione my father is Franklin Castiglione. I don't know a Russo. "
He nodded, "Alright. Lucky for you it was just a side research on my part. No one else knows."
Y/n was quiet as he opened up the file, "Multiple Premeditated and Conducted Murders. You're quiet Bust Ms.Y/n. I do thank you for taking down that molester slash serial killer, just before you moved to Hawkins. Horrible person he is."
"What do you want? Me to be quiet?"
"Infact. Yes. But I don't think that'd be a problem. With all your...past lets call it?" He explained, "Now I could care less about your track record. Wipe it clean for you if you do me just one small favor. Both you and your dad's track record."
"Why does this...entity. lets call it. You know. Where you were trapped?"
"The upside down." Y/n filled in.
"Sure. Yes." He went along with, "The upside down. What connection do you have with it?"
"It tried to kill me." Y/n told, "thats the only connection I have to it. Not a good one if you ask me."
"Why is it scared of you?"
"Shit." Y/n spoke leaning back in her chair, " why arent you asking yourself that? Aren't you afraid of me? You're the one threating my track record."
He shifted in his seat: he's uncomfortable.
"Now." Y/n spoke standing up, chains falling off her body, she pulled the muzzle from her face, red lines showed where it once pushed deep into her skin, "Shall we? Doctor-?"
Y/n looked at him as he sat in shock, she leaning in closer.
"Owens." She spoke, "Doctor Owens. Can We go? If its afraid of me. Dont you want me out there?"
He took you around the Lab, you thought you were going to see Will but ended up with Hopper
Both given hazmat suits which you decided against and just took a respirator.
Thats when you seen it for the first time.
The gate.
Unlike Hopper or the others you did hesitate to go and walk up to it.
It was like an infection, that spread throughout a body and that body was loosing
You reached your hand out but it retracted immediately and spread else where.
"What the fuck..." y/n laughed looking back at Hopper who had been yelling at her the whole time to get back.
But did you?
You walked through the gate, becausw fuck it at this point
You still dont understand how this place, or thing, or whatever is afraid of you
Can a place be afraid of you? That just doesnt sit right
Unless this Shadow Monster affecting Will is controlling this place
That would make more sense, but why?
Hopper was yelling at you to be careful when you realized it and rushed back through the portal
It knows who you are and if it knows who you are, it knows who your dad is what you both are.
You demanded to know where Will was, and Dr.Owens wouldnt tell you, so you pulled a gun from a gaurd on him.
Eventually you got it out of him and rushed to see him, Dr.Ownes behind you
Will was surpised to see you, and so was Joyce who quickly stood infront of Will's bed.
"Leave now." Joyce demanded.
She knows, "Joyce. Mrs.Byers. please. Let me explain-"
"Explain what?" She questioned, "That you killed people. Both you and you're dad!? The Punisher!? Really!?"
"Mrs.Byers those people had the right to die!" Y/n argued, "you don't understand-"
"No. I don't!-"
"Mrs.Byers. Please. Those people killed children." Y/n explained to her, her expression seemed to let up just the slightest, "Its how I ended up with Frank to begin with. He has my back, and I have his. I may have killed people but I wouldn't lie to no one. Especially not you."
"Why wouldn't you- Frank. Tell me." She asked, genuinely heartbroken.
"I. Its not something you can go flashing around." Y/n explained, "Look. You know me. You know my dad. Frank. My dad loves you and you know he'd do anything for you and your family."
Joyce slowly dropped her shoulders, "i get it. I do. Its scary." Y/n explained.
"But I know. For a fact. That If I can help save any of you. I would." Y/n contuined taking a few steps closer, "and that thing, knows I can do some serious damage. Let me help you."
She sighed, and nodded, Y/n sighing in relief, but wasnt expecting the hug that came next.
Joyce Byers was hugging you, after your whole identity was releved to her.
You don't think you've had anyone hug you after someone knew of well. You killing people.
So Joyce allows you to contuine to help
You sit besides Will.
"Hey bud...do I...scare you?" Y/n asked.
He shook his head no, "No...you're a good person."
Y/n smiled holding his hand,
"Are you kidding?" Mike added, "Your a totally bad ass! Taking down Badguys! I knew you were a superhero!"
Y/n laughed, "thank you Mike...But Will,I scare that thing?"
He nodded.
"Why? Do you know?"
Will shook his head no, "It doesnt like your friends either."
"My friends?" Y/n questioned.
"You're new york friends" He explained, "it doesnt like your dad either."
Y/n was silent for a moment, "fuck-"
Y/n got up quickly, "Where are you going?" Joyce asked.
"Its after my family!" Y/n argued, Dr.Owns throwing her keys.
"Take mine." He spoke, "go!"
You've never rushed off so quick before.
But he never told you what car he drives, and you got fucking annoyed and just broke into one and hot wired it and was off at the speed of light
Plus it was dark outside making it worse.
"Fuck. Marc I could really use you now!" Y/n argued, "Should Of just fucking listened! But No! You wanted a boyfriend! A normal life! Fuck a normal life!"
Y/n made it to her house, jumping out the car and rushing inside the house, no one home.
"Dad! Matt! Matthew!" Y/n shouted, curising as she looked around, "Karen! Peter!"
She walked into his room, "Curt!? Madani!"
No one. She went into her room, pushing over her bed, with ease and going to the loose floorboard.
"Fuck... Y/n cursed, but paused, looking at the vest, she could take it, put it back on.
Instead she grabbed the hatchets besides holstered on a belt.
"I can do this without you." She spoke, covering the floorboard and grabbing knifes from her wall.
"Thank god for Loki." Y/n spoke kissing one of the blades before holstering them on her belt.
Y/n covered the hole again and left to find her family.
You walked out the house, looking up at the full moon and screamed at the top of your lungs for Moonknight.
You were glad when part of the moon became blocked out, it Marc in the ceremonial armour landing at your feet.
"Now you need me?" Marc asked the coustume breaking away.
"Get in the damn car." Y/n ordered getting in the driver seat, "I need Steven."
"Well of course you do." Steven spoke getting into the passanger seat, "What is it today love? Midnight sons? Ancient Egyptian battle-"
Y/n speed off quickly, "Well slow down!" Steven complained.
"Theres a gateway here in Hawkins. To what they call the Upside down- It knows about me and Frank. I dont know where he is! And You need to help me!"
"Where the bloody hell would he be?" Steven asked
"I don't know!-"
Y/n floored on the breaks, rocking them both forward, "The Byers house."
"The Byers house! If Frank's going to look for anyone it'd be at the Byers house! Fuck he knows me too well!" Y/n argued making a fast U turn, going back to Joyce's house.
"Who's the Byers!" Steven asked
"The moms Franks Girlfriend!"
"Frank has a girlfriend!?" Marc aspirated.
So you quickly drove to Joyce's house, well you where-
Until you stopped, smelling blood as you floored on the breaks.
"Marc I need you to contuine to look for my dad." Y/n explained getting out the driver seat.
"Excuse me!?"
"Look! Go look for my dad!" Y/n ordered, "Please."
He sighed, "You're lucky I like you."
He shifted over and took her seat, "becareful. I know you sense ya know....werid shit."
Y/n nodded.
You watched Marc drive off as you walked into the forest
You smelled Blood and Unlike Matt you couldnt identify who's blood
But with everything going on.. it was best to check
You found yourself farther than you thought as you made it to what seemed to be an old dumping grounds, an old bus, some old cars along with rubble here and there.
"Hello!" Y/n called.
She stopped when something squished below her.
"Aw...shit...always my fuckin feet..." y/n complained raising her foot.
Y/n kneeled down, taking a knife from her belt. Sticking it in the substance and bringing it closer. It was meat. Most likely beef from the color, or perhaps pork-
"Y/n!" Someone whispered in a rush. She looked up.
"Get over here!"
She looked up, and squinted, "Max?"
There was a low growl, Y/n pausing in her spot.
The bus door opened slowly, barely making a squeak Steve slowly walking out, hand loose in one hand and the other one out in sign for her to not make a move. Then brought a finger to his lips to tell her to keep quiet.
Another low growl as Y/n turned her head.
Just a rabid dog at first glance. Until it got closer. It's head made of what could be a flower bulb as it stalked closer.
Y/n slowly pulled one of her hatches from her side.
"Steve." Y/n started, "get in the bus."
"Get in the fuckin' bus." Y/n ordered.
"I'm not-"
The growl came closer as it slowly closed in.
"Fuckin' stay close then..." Y/n whispered to him facing the dog.
It came running at the two, jumping for it's killing just for Y/n to slash it off to the side.
"Let me guess. Gift from a god." Steve spoke another growl being heard from behind, Steve's shoulder blades met hers quickly, they back to back.
"No." Y/n responded, "sharpened from the thrift store. Camping department."
"Keep on the toes in a circle," Y/n told taking the second hatchet out a second dog coming at them, Steve takinga swing at it, knocking it off and back into the on rolling fog.
"Gotta admit." Steve spoke up, twilring the bat in his hand, "Kinda hot seeing you kick ass Killer."
"Not the time to flirt hot shot." Y/n laughed.
"Steve! Y/n!" Dustin shouted.
"Busy!" Y/n complained.
"There's More!" Lucas shouted, "A shit load more!"
Y/n and Steve looked around them, they completely surronded by more of these flower head dogs.
"Oh..." y/n started.
"Fuck..." Steve finished.
"Abort! Abort!" Dustin shouted.
"Go! Go!" Y/n shouted.
The two took back back towards the bus, Steve rushing in with Y/n behind him, yet one clamped down on her hand.
"AH!" Y/n screamed.
"Y/n!" Steve shouted regripping his bat.
But Y/n dragged the monster in and Dustin shut the foor.
"Im keeping my fucking hand!" Y/n shouted at it, grabbing the lip of the monster and forcing it's mouth open.
"Holy Shit!" Max screamed Y/n getting her hand out and holding onto one of its petal like lips.
"Fuck. You!"
She pulled at it's mouth forcing it more open than it should be naturally, it screeching in pain as Y/n raised her foot up.
"Die! You!" Y/n shouted kicking it down, "peice!"
With more force and the help of her weight the thing was split, "Of shit!" She shouted for a final time, it dieing as Y/n threw it off to the side.
She falling onto the floor with heavy breathe, leaning against one of the broken seats "fuck..."
They looked at her in Horror, she covered in blood and guts, then the kids lauged.
"YOU'RE A TOTAL BAD ASS!" They cheered.
Yet it didnt last long as the dogs charged at the door, trying to get in, resulting in the fear setting back in.
"FUCKING HELL! IM DONE WITH FUCKING FLOWER FUCKIN FACES!" Y/n shouted grabbing the bat from Steve.
"Y/n! Y/N!"
You had already gone to the door where Dustin had tried to block it in and with the reching in demodog you beat it half to death.
Yet it didnt stop there, a scream from Max ripping you attention away, one of these dogs, screeching down at her from the open bus emergency exit.
But before anyone could make a move, it stopped and looking off to the side it chirping, growling then roaring before it left in a hurry.
You guys were quiet no one making a move for a good five mintues.
Steve was out the door first, back with his signature bat in hand as he checked
But the creatures had just vanished
And now that you all have a mintue to breathe in the outside air the adrenaline is starting to wear off.
"Dustin." Y/n called, "you got duck tape in that backpack of yours?"
He went through his bag, "Yeah. Here."
Y/n thanked him wrapping her bleeding hand and past her wrist in duck tape, "here."
He was in compelte shock as you just contuined on without a care, putting your hatchets away at your sides.
You all walked off, hoping to find where they went, Lucas found from using his binoculars that they went "home" Hawkins Lab
You told them last time you checked, Will was there
Dustin and Lucas started to try and fill you in
But you said you already knew, and not to worry you could handle it.
You stayed in the back of the group, Max walking besides you.
"Are...you okay?" She asked.
Y/n nodded, "yeah... this? Its nothing."
It was silent, "I know...you and Billy."
"I don't wanna talk about it..." Y/n responsed.
"But I just-"
"Look! Max! I don't care what you think!" Y/n argued, in a whispered shout, "my dad's god knows where, Im dead to Billy! I-"
She stopped rubbing over her face taking a deep breathe in, "Im...look Im sorry...I just...want everyone safe."
"Is that a superhero thing?" Max asked, "taking everything on yourself?"
"It just may be...Im not much of a hero..."
"Just a badass?" Max asked
Y/n chuckled, "Just a badass."
"Well..." she spoke, "if the badass doesn't mind. I don't mind helping with anything."
Y/n smiled patting Max on the head, "I'll remember that. Your first lesson when shits not grinding in the fan. Hot wiring."
You all contuined forward, and you had to break up some stupid fight between Lucas and Dustin
Even tho they both yellled at you to stay out of it.
"Look! Both of you!" Y/n shouted, "You fucked up Dustin! You fucked up Lucas! You both get that!?"
"But-" Lucas tried to interveine.
"I said You fucked up Dustin! You fucked up Lucas! Do you both get that!? Or will I have to have The winter soilder come and stab both of you in the eye!" Y/n argued.
"You know The Winter Soilder?!" The two asked.
"Not the point!" Y/n argued, "so lets just. Go. Alright?"
The two nodded and contuined down the railroad path.
You all coming up on the lab.
Hearing hellos coming from the distance you all started towards the sound. Just for it to be Jonathan.
And Nancy...
Great she first tries to steal your boyfriend, talks to you like nothing happened, and then she was with your brother-Jonathan, she was with Jonathan.
"What are you doing here?!"
"Us!?" Nancy asked, "We're looking for Mike and Will."
"Shit what happen to your hand?" Jonathan asked Y/n grabbing the ducktaped hand.
"Nothing big-"
"Wait what are you doing here?" Nancy asked her.
"Right now? Getting Mike and Will out of there." Y/n argued pointing towards the lab.
"Gate has no power." Jonathan told her.
"Fuck..." Y/n spoke pulling away from him, looking up at the gate, "I can jump it-"
"Are you insane?!" Nancy asked, "That's barbed wire-"
"And?" Y/n asked walking towards the Fence serveying the area,"not as bad as you think."
She started to climb the fence.
"Y/n! Woah woah!" Steve stopped her, "You're injured-"
"Will and Mike are in there!" Y/n defended and started to climb again, but Nancy pulled her down.
"Are you trying to die?" Nancy argued.
Y/n turned to her getting dangerously close, "no but your going to if you touch me again."
Nancy looked offended, "What the hell-"
"Blow it out your ass Nancy." Y/n argued, "You're just Bullshit. You're pure bullshit!"
"Be quiet." Y/n ordered, "You stop me again, I will hurt you."
Y/n climbed over the fence, just barely able to throw herself over the barbed wire.
"Y/n!" Steve shouted, "Y/n!"
You ignored him and managed to hurry to the building, yet the door wouldnt open and if the power is off...
You managed with one of your longer pins to slide it between the door and the door frame wiggling around till you heard a click and the door opened letting you in
It's time to go safe the homies now
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
Tags: @raelwrites @miiikkeey @beebslebobs @ah-witch @supernaturallover2002 @pearlstiare @simonsbluee @stilllivindue2spite @lvbred @dancingqueen21 @writerdream22 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @knivqs @xxlaynaxx @3-spurr @eliskakratochvilova @sunshinepower17 @marssssaturn @howlerwolfmax @mxltifxnd0m @varientlyvisual
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