patrickkurtiskent · 5 years
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Be a Man is a 365 day devotional dedicated to men
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Is God calling you to accompany the poorest of the poor? Interested in accompanying the incarcerated? Do you have the pastoral gift of listening? Check out Session 3 (Listening - Pastoral Formation) of our Jail and Prison Ministry 101 video formation. https://www.catholicprisonministries.org/resources#featured #jailandprisonministry #socialjustice #massincarceration #restorativejustice #catholicprisonchaplains #beajesuit #preferentialoptionforthepoor #prisonministry #matthew2535 #jailministry https://www.instagram.com/p/B4EctjLlOqc/?igshid=myr2bfy9do7m
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Did a lot of things during our trip to Bangkok this week. None of them stand out in my mind as much as our visit to the IDC. Thanks for taking us Chris, may God continue to bless you in your ministry. #persecution #jailministry #reachingoutbyreachingin #liferaft (at Immigration Detention Centre Suanplu)
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admajoremperaspera · 9 years
any of my followers/know anyone who does prison ministry?
it's somethings I've thought about passingly a few times...but now I'm seriously praying through it. I'd like to talk to anyone who has or is doing it. thanks.
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patrickkurtiskent · 5 years
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Be a Man Devotional is a 365 day devotional dedicated to men
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Know more about restorative justice. Watch our last webinar: Restorative Justice with People Impacted by Incarceration. Follow the link: https://www.catholicprisonministries.org/restorative-justice-with-people-impacted-by-incarceration/ #restorativejustice #prisonministry #jailministry #catholicprisonchaplains #catholicmobilizingnetwork #popefrancis #beajesuit #jesuitswest #bridgestolife #matthew2535 #massincarceration #jesuitrestorativejusticeinitiative #jrji https://www.instagram.com/p/B22AJ0lALbn/?igshid=k7slxpw6p5lx
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patrickkurtiskent · 5 years
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July 17th 2018 was when the first two copies of Be a Man Devotional entered the prison system. The books where donated to the Aroostook County Jail in Houlton, Maine and it was through your support and prayers that this happened.
Today: December 17th 2019 is when the very first donated copy of Be a Woman of God Devotional was donated to Aroostook County Jail in Houlton, Maine through your support and prayers.
Please pray for both Devotional’s as they go forth and for the soul’s of incarcerated men and women. Let us join together to send out these Devotional’s to every prison in Canada and the United States...
Let us also unite our heart’s in prayer for these men and women alike. Pray that they would be introduced to Jesus and His glorious gospel through, Be a Man Devotional and Be a Woman of God Devotional...Acts 4:12
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A Cornell-led study regarding the scope of mass incarceration, found nearly 1 in 2 Americans have had a family member (spouse,child,brother, sister or parent) spend time in prison or jail. 45 percent of Americans have had an immediate family member jailed or imprisoned for one night or more. Watch the video: https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2019/03/study-nearly-half-americans-have-had-family-member-jailed-imprisoned# Take action. Join our ministry: https://www.catholicprisonministries.org/seeking-to-minister/ #prisonministry #jailministry #massincarceration #prisonchaplains #usccb #catholicprisonministriescoalition #popefrancis #matthew2535 #beajesuit #jesuitswest #restorativejustice #jesuitrefugeeservice #americanmedia #jrsusa #catholicchaplains https://www.instagram.com/p/B2a_f7vApXO/?igshid=166v1alfwh5gy
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Criminal justice reform. Ending capital punishment. Care for creation. Economic justice. Just migration policies. Upholding human dignity. Standing with refugees and other displaced people. Take concrete action. Advocate and make a difference. Check our partners for advocacy: https://www.catholicprisonministries.org/advocacy/ #prisonministry #jailministry #massincarceration #restorativejustice #criminaljusticereform #jrs #jrsusa #catholicprisonchaplains #usccb #catholiccharitiesusa #ccusa #catholicmobilizingnetwork #jesuitswest #beajesuit #catholicprisonministriescoalition #cpmc #jesuitconference #jesuitconferenceofficeofjusticeandecology #popefrancis #prisonreform https://www.instagram.com/p/B2maqs_gxuR/?igshid=in6nsg1mm6c0
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Register now for our September 17 webinar: Restorative Justice with People Impacted by Incarceration. Click on the link to register: https://usfca.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TjYkFmZhRE6-ZL31qgblZA
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Accompanying the incarcerated is a collaborative effort. Get to know our 22 partners (so far....). Click on their logo to know more about their valuable work and ministries. https://www.catholicprisonministries.org/our-partners/. Ready to join our mission? https://www.catholicprisonministries.org/join-our-mission/ #catholicprisonministriescoalition #americamedia #apostolicnunciatureunitedstatesofamerica #bridgestolife #catholiccharitiescoalition #americanbiblesociety #catholiclegalimmigrationnetwork #catholicmobilizingnetwork #dismasministry #homeboyindustries #jesuitconference #jrsusa #jesuitsouthresearchinstitute #knightsofpeterclaver #lcwr #leadershipcouncilofwomenreligious #loyolainstituteofpastoralstudies #migrationandrefugeeservices #nationalassociationofcatholicchaplains #orderofmaltanorthamericanprisonministryapostolate #paulistevangelizationministries #preciousbloodministryofreconciliation #societyofstvincentdepaul #unitedstatesconferenceofcatholicbishops #usccb #jesuits #beajesuit #jesuitswest #popefrancis #prisonministry #jailministry #massincarceration #matthew2535 #jesuitsouthresearchinstitute #catholicchaplains #catholicprisonchaplains #restorativejustice #criminaljusticereform https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pEBgxAJsy/?igshid=2xdctu0thl5i
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Check out our featured video: ““Fr Bill Nadeau: How prison chaplaincy prepared him to be a parish priest” Click on the link and tell us what you think: https://www.catholicprisonministries.org/resources/#featured 
#prisonministry #restorativejustice #prisonchaplaincy #catholicprisonministriescoalition #beajesuit #jesuitswest #usccb #popefrancis #jailministry 
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