ourpickwickclub · 1 year
Carly’s push week is 3/18-19. She’s on CCUSA. So her single will have peaked by the time CMTs roll around. Perfect time for her new single. I like NB. It’s catchy and fun and as good as some of the other noms. I’m a Carrie fan and do not like IHMH. Keith’s songs all sound alike. Or Luke’s awful Country meh. We’re so critical of Blake but he has such fun performing that song. Also the Voice ratings are as good as anything else. Still won its night. Just can’t fall back on that anymore. I agree with anon who pointed out the spring Voice really wasn’t supposed to happen but after the epic fail of ASC.. They scrambled to fit the Voice in around already scheduled shows. But I’m going to enjoy Blake’s last hurrah. So pleased Niall is on. Such a fun balance with him.
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thegeekx · 2 years
SBS World Movies: Nicole Kidman | Movie News
SBS World Movies: Nicole Kidman | Movie News
Audio Description (AD) available for all titles Closed Captions (CC) available for Margot at the Wedding, Strangerland and Rabbit Hole   Margot at the Wedding Monday 12 December, 9:30pm on SBS World Movies / Now streaming at SBS On Demand M, AD, CCUSA, 2007Genre: Comedy, DramaLanguage: EnglishDirector: Noah BaumbachStarring: Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jack Black, Ciarán Hinds, John…
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locustheologicus · 2 years
Catholic Charities: A leader is Disaster Response
The last segment of the October 4th “Last Week in the Church” episode journalist and author John Allen offers a well earned recognition of the work of Catholic Charities in the United States in how they respond to disaster relief here in this nation. 21 minutes into this episode John Allen honors the work of the Sr. Donna Markham, the CEO of Catholic Charities USA, who is stepping down as head of CCUSA. What touches me here is the overall recognition that John Allen gives to the great work of Catholic Charities but especially with how we have been stepping up in our response to various disasters both social, political and natural. This quote was especially touching.     
I like to think of Sr. Donna as, in a sense as emblematic of, all those Catholics out there, clergy and lay, men and women, young and old, most of whom you will never know their names and their stories will never be told, but nevertheless, when there is tragedy, when there is disaster, when there is heartache, they step up and on the basis of their faith try to bring healing to people whose lives have been broken in ways that most of us can't even imagine. It is the paradoxical effect of a tragedy like a hurricane that it has the capacity to elicit holiness and obviously one would hope that it doesn't take something like that to summon the better angels of our nature but nevertheless it is cheering and edifying to see it when it does happen.
Thank you John for your kind words. As a member of Catholic Charities who works with amazing colleagues I appreciate hearing this thoughtful reflection which captures much of our reality in serving the communities of Brooklyn and Queens.
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aaronruslee · 2 years
Practicas Profesionales En Estados Unidos
Practicas Profesionales En Estados Unidos
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Intern & Trainee son programas diseñados para llevar a cabo Practicas Profesionales En Estados Unidos durante 6, 12 o 18 meses. Pueden realizarse en Negocios, Finanzas, Comercio, Admon., Hospitalidad, Turismo.
Por favor presione aqui para mas informacion:- https://venturpipiol.com/intern-trainee-usa/
Contacto Venturpipiol
A partir del verano 2006, ofrecemos a los jóvenes la oportunidad de participar en el programa CAMP COUNSELORS USA, para tener la oportunidad de trabajar como Counselors o Suppor Staff, en un campamento de verano en Estados Unidos.
CCUSA está enfocado a brindarle a nuestros participantes, la oportunidad de viajar y no ser sólo un turista, sino adentrarse en la cultura del lugar en el que se encuentran, maximizando su experiencia y fomentando la creación de espacios de convivencia, para que personas de distintas culturas y maneras de pensar se relacionen, generando lazos cordiales y de amistad, que propicien un mejor entendimiento de la situación a nivel global.
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holdingbee · 6 years
just got placed at a camp!!! ya boi is going to texas!!!
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cricketerbook · 4 years
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Cricket Back in America https://youtu.be/0amdxNbMjqc #CRICKET #cricketbackinamerica #usacricket #ccusa https://www.instagram.com/p/CBI-O36hURH/?igshid=1ab7fv6duva83
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itsakatething · 4 years
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Today is #camptshirtday. Being part of the @campvega staff changed my life in way I’ll never truly be able to imagine. Camp gave me friendships, memories and happiness that will always last a lifetime and a special place to always call home, no matter how long it’s been since I left. Happy Camp T-Shirt Day! 💚
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An Adventure To Remember
That’s a wrap!
Hiking Half Dome was a seemingly fitting way to end my time at camp. If 2016 Dylan could see me now. What I have achieved in four summers at camp, would not have been possible without a number of people.
Obviously, Skylake Yosemite Camp for one but how did I come to know about them or even summer camp in the USA in general? A family friend, Fiona Mitchell, spent two years at a summer camp in the USA. Her stories had me hooked. They seemed too good to be true. What she said to me has stuck with me.
“I know this sounds too good to be true and that I am hyping this up, but I am really not. Trust me, this will be the best thing you will do.”
Yep, she was right.
So how do I make this happen?
Fiona introduced me to Camp Counselors USA (CCUSA NZ). They are a Visa Sponsor company that specializes in sending New Zealanders to summer camp in the USA. After just one phone call with them, I felt right at home and so excited for my journey. They gave me a family-like feel to their company and it just felt so right choosing them.
Did I know about Skylake before being placed there?
Nope! As I applied early in the season, I was months away from the Camp Job Fair so CCUSA explained to me their application process and based on my application, skills and experience with children, they would find me the best placement for me – and they did. I can’t imagine my life without Skylake – it truly is a home away from home.
Why did I go year after year?
Trust me. After doing it once, you will have that itch to go back. Your summer camp becomes a second family and I am not usually one for the slang, but not going back would give me FOMO. Not only does summer camp introduce you to so many opportunities to grow professionally and personally but you also have the chance to see some of America’s hidden treasures through travel.
Yes, I went back to camp each summer to see my friends, hang out with some of the COOLEST kids you will meet and to travel more of America but each year, camp allowed me to grow as person through giving me senior roles and responsibilities.
From Mountain Biking to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
2016. Mountain Bike Activity Counselor. General Cabin Counselor.
2017. Kayak Activity Counselor. Camper In Leadership Training Counselor.
2018. Full Time Boat Driver. Yes, that’s a thing at camp.
2019. Special Programs Coordinator. Plans Avenger’s Themed Days.
Four summers at camp allowed me to progress up the ladder through various leadership roles. From going in 2016 for what was meant to be a one-time experience, turned into a career path for which I am now on, helping other New Zealanders experience a cultural exchange in America, through summer camp with CCUSA NZ.
My biggest advice to anyone thinking about some work and travel? JUST. DO. IT. You will never regret it. A cultural exchange program in America gives a safe and unique environment that allows you to be adventurous, spontaneous and lets you be you. You will walk away with some of the best friends and memories that will last a lifetime. You may discover hidden talents, interests and hobbies previously not known. You may find a new career path out of it just as I have done. You might change the life of a camper or they might change your life, just as mine did to me. You will never know unless you just do it. Your summer camp family is out there!
                                                                                                                            Dylan Lynch – 11th August, 2019.
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czarsportzglobal · 5 years
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Associates galore on show for 11th edition of US Open T20 in Florida The 11th edition of the US Open T20, the ICC approved T20 League organised by Cricket Council USA (
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Criminal justice reform. Ending capital punishment. Care for creation. Economic justice. Just migration policies. Upholding human dignity. Standing with refugees and other displaced people. Take concrete action. Advocate and make a difference. Check our partners for advocacy: https://www.catholicprisonministries.org/advocacy/ #prisonministry #jailministry #massincarceration #restorativejustice #criminaljusticereform #jrs #jrsusa #catholicprisonchaplains #usccb #catholiccharitiesusa #ccusa #catholicmobilizingnetwork #jesuitswest #beajesuit #catholicprisonministriescoalition #cpmc #jesuitconference #jesuitconferenceofficeofjusticeandecology #popefrancis #prisonreform https://www.instagram.com/p/B2maqs_gxuR/?igshid=in6nsg1mm6c0
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agirlnamedally · 2 years
JUST HAD MY CCUSA INTERVIEW and my (very very cool) camp-coordinator told me she was going to get me placed for sure!!! 👻💖💖💖 Huuuge love to you for inspiring me to do this!!
Ahhh I’m so excited for you!! You have got to keep me posted 🥰
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thegeekx · 2 years
SBS World Movies: Focus on Elisabeth Moss | Movie News
SBS World Movies: Focus on Elisabeth Moss | Movie News
Audio Description (AD) available for The Seagull and Chuck / Closed Captions available for The Seagull and The Square   The Seagull Sunday 2 October, 8:30pm on SBS World Movies / Now streaming at SBS On Demand M, AD, CCUSA, 2018Genre: Drama, Romance, ComedyLanguage: EnglishDirector: Michael MayerStarring: Annette Bening, Saoirse Ronan, Corey Stoll, Elisabeth Moss, Mare WinninghamWhat’s it…
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wrooom · 4 years
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Nissan GT-R (AJM CCUSA) 
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ourpickwickclub · 4 years
🕵️‍♀️ Blake is listed for ccusa cohost on nov 7-8. That generally means he’d be pushing for #1 on the charts released mon nov 16th. It’s interesting though because I’d have though that would be Morgan’s week. (Jameson on pushing this week, Matt stell next week, and Russell the week after that). The burn rate for happy anywhere is fairly high though, so they might not have wanted to wait.
Thanks for this! I always love Blake on CCUSA. He’s so great with Lon Helton. Let’s hope that they hit that #1 spot. 🙏
— M
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bsbear · 4 years
Isn't it weird though, for people who obviously don't believe in Blake and Gwen, that they are fanatically following everything B and G do? I mean, I myself have just heard B's comments in the CCUSA countdown and anon has already had time to send an ask about it 🤔
They are closeted fans 🥰
Mostly like they stalk the blogs and fan twitters to be so updated on Shefani news.
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cricketerbook · 5 years
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MAQ STADIUM - Historic day in Chicago Today will be an historic day in Chicago when the sod is turned to commission the Maq Cricket Stadium. Cricket in this part of the United States will never be the same after today as Mahammad Qureshi has made a significant investment that will take the game to the next level. With three cricket grounds to come into full effect in the not too distant future, people in Chicago can be right in thinking that this is an opening to having international cricket played at this venue in Hanover Park. #chicago #maq #maqsportscomplex #sportscomplex #maqtv #cricket #usopen #t20cricket #t10cricket #t20sports #cricketerbook #ccusa https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7BxR-hb30/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xexx67bq6bgl
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