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meztlijaguar · 1 year ago
Apocalypto Jaguar Paw
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bonnostuff · 1 year ago
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Jaguar Paw Apocalypto Poster!
The whole my alternative movie poster design is now available for purchase as Metal Posters via @displate Check the link in my profile for the whole collection.
So happy! Will also be sharing more about Displate’s super cool Metal Posters!
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goboymusic · 2 years ago
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The docuseries #TheJinx on HBO Max has one of the biggest “oh shit” mic drop moments at the end of the last episode that I’ve ever seen in a piece of media. Definitely worth watching.
The #MelGibson film #Apocalypto inspired the song “I Am Jaguar Paw,” in which the main character's name is Jaguar Paw. Sadly, that movie flew under the radar because of its subtitles and mixed critic reviews. In my opinion, it’s one of the most gut wrenching, intense films ever made, and it deserves to have been seen by everyone.
The intro of “I Am Jaguar Paw” sets the stage of someone on their last legs. The heavy breathing is mixed with machinery audio to make it sound more disturbing (diverging from the historic setting of Apocalypto, but staying true to its focus on the struggle to survive). Clearly, with sounds of machinery / computer equipment, this person is being assisted in survival.
The intro is around 40 seconds, which is a good way to lose listeners before the song begins. Nonetheless, this has remained one of the more popular songs on GoBoy 2. Had the intro been removed, maybe it'd be the most popular.
The breakdown at 1m 15s represents a different scenario. It's loud and violent, representing an able-bodied person fighting for their life. Against what? An animal? Serial killer? Heavy object that has crushed their legs? That's up to the listener.
Musically, this song is meant to cover a wide spectrum of styles, from the sound design intro, to the violent breakdown, to the calm piano and synth segment at 3m 34s. A journey of sorts.
Most of the screamo vocals on this album were recorded in my first car, a hatchback Toyota Yaris. I constructed a makeshift mobile studio and drove to an area where no one would hear me scream my guts out (excerpt from post 26).
At the time of making ”I Am Jaguar Paw,” the #metalcore genre was an enormous passion of mine. That said, the politics of forming and maintaining a metalcore band was something that I had experienced in the past, and I didn’t want to experience it again, especially after the fallout from the N3RD live band (explained in post 15). Rather than recruiting a drummer and guitarist for the metalcore inspired breakdowns in “I Am Jaguar Paw,” the manipulation of an electronic beat and dubstep wobble bass seemed like a more optimal route, as it would only require computer / DJ equipment for live shows, thus allowing me to maintain independence and creative freedom. This idea of using wobble bass instead of guitars for metalcore-esque breakdowns would be utilized for “I Am Jaguar Paw,” along with other songs on GoBoy 1 and 2 (excerpts from post 18).
The wobble bass was created by automating rapid changes in the formant of a techno synth.
Regarding the change from pop music to mostly instrumental music in GoBoy 2: “Throwback (Song 23)” (and it’s music video) enraged my relatives, whom I grew up in a neighborhood with, and who had tremendous influence over my life at the time (explained in post 23). A frenzy of angry emails, metaphorical pitchforks, torches, hulk rage. Being a young, neurotic kid, the backlash from them was too much for me to handle at the time, and to exit their spotlight, I halted further production of pop songs and ultimately pulled the music video and songs 1-23 (GoBoy 1) from the internet (excerpts from post 23).
To the creative kids who find themselves surrounded by people who want to halt or control their creative endeavors, best of luck. I want to say “find a way out,” but that might result in further deterioration of your creative output. If you were born into an environment where you’re free to explore your creativity without constraints, you’ll never know how lucky you are (excerpts from post 23).
After the “Throwback” debacle, focus would be shifted towards creating instrumental songs that would fly under the radar (GoBoy 2, songs 24-35). Fly under the radar they did. Following GoBoy 2, I quit music for seven years. Songs 1-23 wouldn't be reuploaded until 2020. Why does this matter? It doesn't (excerpts from post 23).
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sotcwcrp · 1 year ago
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What's New In The Roleplay:
Gosh, lots has happened, hasn’t it? Let’s catch up!
★ — Amurpaw, Cloudedpaw and Jaguarpaw, who have reached the age of six moons and joined the apprentice den.
★ — Violakit, Celandinekit, Timberkit, Fervourkit and Ivykit were found at the border, and taken in.
★ — Viperpaw was found and brought in as an apprentice.
★ — Axolotbubble has birthed two kits, Tadpolekit and Salamanderkit as well as taking in a third, Newtkit.
★ — Flamehaze and Partridgeblight have adopted two outsider kits, Waxwingkit and Kinglekit.
★ — Outsiders by the names of; Scotty, Buttercupbumble, Watermelonsugar, Duchesskit, Silthym and Hollowkit have joined Riverclan!
★ — Totoro, now named Goldfishpaw has begun training under Solsticeglow. Ebonypaw under Drizzleveil and Duchesskit under Poppybounce.
★ — Crabpaw, Minkpaw, Cinderpaw, Glimmerpaw, Dewpaw, Sunpaw, Emberpaw, Kestrelpaw, Sablepaw, Vixenpaw and Stagpaw have all begun training as apprentices.
★ — Bluebelldancer has earned their full name!
★ — Nightsage has stepped down as a WindClan healer.
★ — Atlas, Umbrakit and Penelope have joined the clan.
★ — Penelope and Ivoryskies introduced a two-kit litter; Dimkit and Albedokit.
★ — Nebulapaw, Zephyrpaw, Verglaspaw and Lionpaw have began training as apprentices, while Harvestpaw has begun training as a healer apprentice.
★ — Poprock has earned their full name!
★ — Moonlitpath and Fishtoes have each departed from ShadowClan.
What's New on the Server:
★ — Wren has been promoted to Thunderclan's second lead!
★ — Robin and Moca have joined SC staff!
★ — Anon and Dark have joined WC staff!
★ — We have new folks helping out our lead Jude with advertising! Be on the lookout for WC Mod Ast and SC Mod Tabris in future Tumblr posts and other places we advertise!
★ — We've have a few rules changes, surrounding out character slots & donation exclusive pelts/eye colors. Opening up chimeras and redlav eyes to be freely made!
Opening News!
Stay tuned! We have some upcoming news regarding opening SOTC back up for new members!
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tahitianstarseed · 2 years ago
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ashaaffliction · 4 years ago
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heart attack scene
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stinkerbee · 4 years ago
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I realize I never posted Jaguarpaw’s, of @clansoftheshoshone​ , ref update ahfddajs
I might have gotten a little pretentious when figuring out his pose- I wanted to make sure that he moving in the opposite direction of his old ref and staring straight ahead... he’s finally found his path.
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aureliusrodhworld · 7 years ago
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alleyneart · 8 years ago
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#jaguarpaw #apocalypto
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kitsune-kira · 8 years ago
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Song Used - Youth by Daughter
SO I made a lyric comic ahaha.... Based on a bunch of shitheads. Brightpaw (bright green cat) is mine, but the rest belong to others on VWW.
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babblingbat · 4 years ago
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This is one of my characters for the Shifting Sands RP! Their name is Jaguarpaw and they are very nervous. Recently, they were attacked by monkeys and broke their leg.
Image description: A digital drawing of a cat on a three-toned light blue background. The cat is drawn to look like a jaguar, with a tawny brown base and darker brown 'eyes' of different sizes dotting their fur. The tips of their legs are lighter tan and their tail is ringed with the same dark brown as the eyes. Their eyes are orange and looking behind them. They are crouched with one paw lifted as if to step forward; they look apprehensive. In the upper left-hand corner is the name Jaguarpaw, with a cartoony palm tree underneath it. /end image description
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goboymusic · 2 years ago
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It’s Wednesday. All of us are right here, right now, on planet Earth at this very moment because our parents fucked.
I hope #GeorgeRRMartin finishes #TheWindsofWinter, but not #ADreamofSpring. With things being open ended, the internet fandom is buzzing with speculation, theories, predictions, etc. If George completes the series, much of that will come to an end. Imagine if Tolkien left LOTR open ended, or if Rowling never finished the final Harry Potter book. The fandom would be even more rampant (in a good way) than it is now.
The #MelGibson film #Apocalypto inspired this song. The main character's name is Jaguar Paw.
The intro is around 40 seconds, which is a good way to lose listeners before the song begins. Nonetheless, this has remained one of the more popular songs on GoBoy 2. Had the intro been removed, maybe it'd be the most popular.
The intro sets the stage of someone on their last legs. The heavy breathing is mixed with machinery audio to make it sound more disturbing (diverging from the historic setting of Apocalypto, but staying true to its focus on the struggle to survive). Clearly, with sounds of machinery / computer equipment, this person is being assisted in survival.
The breakdown at 1m 15s represents a different scenario. It's loud and violent, representing an able-bodied person fighting for their life. Against what? An animal? Serial killer? Heavy object that has crushed their legs? That's up to the listener.
Musically, this song is meant to cover a wide spectrum of styles, from the sound design intro, to the violent breakdown, to the calm piano and synth section at 3m 34s. A journey of sorts.
Most of the screamo vocals on this album were recorded in my first car, a hatchback Toyota Yaris. Constructed a makeshift mobile studio and drove to an area where no one would hear me scream my guts out (excerpt from post 26).
Metalcore music was a passion of mine, but dealing with the politics of forming a metalcore band was something I wanted to avoid. Rather than recruiting a drummer and guitarist for the metalcore inspired breakdowns, the manipulation of an electronic beat and dubstep wobble bass seemed like a more optimal route. This idea of using wobble bass instead of guitars for metalcore-esque breakdowns would be utilized for many songs on GoBoy 2 (excerpts from post 18).
The wobble bass was created by automating rapid changes in the formant of different synthesizers (excerpt from post 25).
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wc-outbreak-au · 5 years ago
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Jaguarpath, Warrior of RiverClan
A silver and black tabby tom with amber eyes.
Jaguarkit > Jaguarpaw > Jaguarpath
Age: 38 moons
Kin: Sister - Sparrowclaw
Mate - Redpetal (former), Russetnose (ShadowClan)
Jaguarpath was once an optimistic cat. He is an average warrior, but good enough to be assigned Lichenkit as an apprentice. He is now rather quiet, and over the past few moons had grown more aloof. When the Clan found out about his affair with a ShadowClan warrior, he victimized himself and he looked rather pathetic. He said that Redpetal had abandoned him and their future together and that he needed more substance in his life. Since being disciplined by Minnowstar, he has been given a second chance to prove himself and is actually a very good mentor to Lichenpaw. However, some of his Clanmates still do not trust him.
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wrenavem · 5 years ago
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Creekclan sprites!!
all of the designs for current CreekClan characters, mashed into one!!
the characters are as follows:
Windclaw, leader; Amberbriar, deputy; Cloudfeather, medicine cat; Pumapaw, medicine cat apprentice;
Ivyfang, Addersong, Newtspring, Shadecloud, Cougarfall, Jade, Appletuft, Timber, Tenderheart, Ashflight, Justin, Birdleap, Lionthroat, Owl, Emberfrost, Gale, Caveshade, and Tulipshine, warriors;
Sweetwillow, monarch; Otterkit, babie;
Hazelpaw, Irispaw, Towheepaw, Turtlepaw, Cinderpaw, Jaguarpaw, and Pantherpaw, apprentices.
all from the rp @clansoftheshoshone !!! i loved doing this
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kittetzin-art · 4 years ago
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A number of expression meme requests I’ve done for CreekClan in Clans of the Shoshone Warriors RP! All of these characters belong to the people in the server
Cats are: Amberbriar, Jasperchasm, Dewfrost, Ladybug, Emberfrost, Magpiescreech, Leechfang, and Jaguarpaw.
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stinkerbee · 4 years ago
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Jaguarpaw and Cottonpaw!!! They are joking about rocks!!
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