#jaehyun decides to take a bathroom break after finding out i was the last girl and this biss made us wait even though he got back already
#lets try this#every time i post this emoji#expect my recent dream in the tags ayt#so i was hired as an event photographer for a fanmeet#and i didnt know who it was but im like okay sure if im getting paid then lets do it man#so im outside this specific mall here in the philippines and theres this huge crowd gathering in front and im like oh it must be the artists#but i didnt care much so i just walk on by but then i caught the eye of the artist and biTCH it was Jaehyun and beside hik#him* was johnny and they were waiting for event organizers or some shit and at this point im#hella aware that is is a dream so okay i go in to the event hall and i get directed to the staffs waiting room but like three seconds later#johnjae were in the room with me and im like oh shit sorry i must be im the wrong waiting room & johns like nah gurl its fine even though#our managers would probs get mad and im like??? biss no im not gonna get in trouble for you and jaehyun says im right and he tries to hide m#in the most ridiculous places until i get tired and im like fuck this shit im quitting this job and i walk out#my best friend and her cousins are queueing up to enter and shes like hey rose we have an extra ticket join us and im like okay bc i def#want to see jaehyun again even tho i acted like a brat and for the hi touch/photo op option#we were the last pair and while johnny was talking to her cousins#jaehyun decides to take a bathroom break after finding out i was the last girl and this biss made us wait even though he got back already#he was making excuses like he tried practicing a new choreo like??? boi just fucking take a photo with us already so cue my second walk out#bc im an impatient bitch and jaehyun runs after me and shoves me into the room where their managers are and he just shouts#get out i want to fuck her#and im like oh shit while the managers obey without a care??? and jaes lile#like* youre such a brat you cant handle a little teasing when youve been teasing me when we first saw each other and i was so confused bc#iwasnt teasing you??? but okay puniSH ME THEN DADDY#but i woke up and 🙃🙃🙃#submit your own stories with the emoji at the start too uwu#🌙
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sluttyten · 5 years
Hi, how would the members react to you telling them you might be pregnant, i.e. missing period & vomiting. Thank you! I love your writing.
It’s been a while I feel like since I actually did a NCT Reaction, but here it is!
Taeil: You had your suspicions. Unprotected sex a few weeks before while you were both drunk, the nausea you’d been feeling lately, and your period being late had you suspicious that you just might be pregnant. Taeil didn’t think anything about you asking him if you could talk, so when he was alone at the dorm you came over and pulled him to sit down almost right away. He could feel you trembling, see your nervousness in your eyes, so he asks, “What’s wrong?” You flutter your hands over your hair finally clasp them together in your lap. “I just want to talk with you about something.” Taeil sits up straighter, devastatingly serious suddenly. “Are you breaking up with me?” You shake your head quickly, reaching for his hands, and your eyes sting with rising tears, and say, “No, I— that’s not it at all. I just, I think I might be pregnant.” Taeil’s eyes go wide and he stands up, saying, “Are you thirsty? I’m thirsty. Anything to eat?” And he walks away toward the kitchen, so you follow. “Taeil, I’m not certain. I haven’t taken a test yet, I just am late and feeling a little nauseous sometimes. It could be nothing. I just wanted to talk to you about it before I find out, just to see where we’re at, but clearly you’re not in a place where you’d want a baby.” Taeil fills a glass with water, gulps it down in seconds, then says, “It’s not that I don’t want a baby, I just wasn’t prepared for you to say that.”
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Johnny: He noticed something was wrong with you before you did, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to point it out and be wrong. Maybe you were just sick. There was a bug going around, so maybe you’d just caught it and that’s why you were vomiting. But then one day he was going to go to the store for you to stock up on some necessities, and he just decided to check on toiletries when he noticed that the last box of feminine sanitary products you’d bought two months ago wasn’t even opened. And he decided maybe it was time to ask you about it. “Hey, babe,” he called, “Uh, do you need any—“ You appeared in the doorway, glancing between the box in his hand and his face. Your face falls and you nervously turn away from him, but Johnny sits the box down and wraps his arms around you instead. You twist to tuck your face against his chest where you murmur, “I think I might be pregnant.” His arms squeeze around you, “That’s wonderful. If you are, we can figure it out. If not, well, false alarm. But either way, I love you, I want you, and whatever you want, I’ll support.”
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Taeyong: Seeing Taeyong like this, surrounded by kids, playing with them. It made you feel a little more sure about everything. He smiled as a little girl touched his hair, as the little boy told him a joke. Once you were leaving with him later, Taeyong was babbling about the kids, and when he draped his arm over your shoulders to draw you into his side, he sighed and said, “I can’t wait to be a dad some day.” You twist your fingers into his shirt, tugging lightly to get him to face you. “Taeyong, would now be a good time to tell you that I’m late?” He frowns for a second. “Late? Late for what?” And then it dawns on him, a slow expression of wondrous surprise, and he clutched you closer, “Really? A baby?” You nite your lip. “Maybe? I’m not sure yet. I need a test still, but I just feel like I am.” Taeyong kisses you then, deeply and longingly, and tells you, “We’re going to have the cutest kid, guaranteed.”
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Yuta: You were hanging out with Jaehyun, WinWin, and Yuta as they were three of your closest friends in the group since you began working for them. And then you’d secretly hooked up with Yuta a handful of times, not ever mentioning it in front of anyone else. It was all good and fine, you never worried about anything because you were on birth control. But. Two months without a period, an odd feeling in your bones, nausea and some weird other things (that upon searching online turned up suggestions of pregnancy) led you to believe that perhaps your birth control had failed you. And sitting there with the three of your best friends only made your anxiety about it worse, especially when they wanted to start drinking, so you excused yourself for a little bit, claiming you were going to run to the convenience store to grab a snack you were craving, and while you were there you grabbed a pregnancy test, which you snuck into the bathroom once you’d returned to their dorm. Ten nervous minutes passed before you emerged. “Yuta, can I talk to you?” You asked, standing before him. But they were all playing a video game, and Jae and him were so competitive that neither of them paid you any mind. Only WinWin looked at you. He saw the look on your face, saw how determined you were to speak to Yuta, and he’d seen you two dancing around each other, so he put it together. “Yuta. Can I talk to you?” You asked again. And when he still tried to play the game by just looking around you, you stepped in front of him again and just outright told him, “Yuta, I’m pregnant.” That got his attention. WinWin laughed, Yuta froze, Jaehyun looked shocked as well but also slightly amused. Yuta swore then, under his breath, and finally stood up to go talk to you alone about this.
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Kun: You just had a gut feeling. Something was different about you. You spent a week and a half keeping it to yourself, but then one morning you rolled out of bed and went straight to heaving into the toilet. Kun was at your side moments later, rubbing your back and pressing a hand to your forehead. “Are you okay? Was it something you ate?” He asked, and you laid your head against his shoulder. It was a few moments like that before you leaned over again to gag over the toilet bowl. Kun waited for you to finish before he rose to get a damp cloth and fill a glass with some water for you to at least rinse your mouth out with. He’s still filling the glass when you turn your head to the side to look up at him, and you just tell him, “I think I’m pregnant.” Kun smiles and nods, which seems to you like an odd reaction to what you just said, but then he kneels down beside you, wipes the cloth over your face and it feels amazing against your skin, and then you swish the water around in your mouth before spitting it into the toilet and flushing it down. “Are you sure? Could it be that you’re just ill?” He asks, rubbing your back still. “I don’t know. I’m not sure, I’m confused and worried, Kun.” He wraps his arms around you, pulls you against him, “Why are you worried? Because of me? Don’t let it be because of me, love. If you are pregnant, well then let’s have a baby. If you’re not, we should still have a baby. I want one with you.”
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Doyoung: It’s not the first time you’ve had a pregnancy scare, though the first time was because you were careless, having unprotected sex. Since then you’d been on birth control, but now you were feeling nauseous, random smells turned your stomach until you were curled over a toilet or sink or garbage can. And you hadn’t really had your period, just a bit of spotting. You were three weeks late, but you didn’t want to worry Doyoung except that you were worrying yourself. So finally you break down and go to see him, collapse into his arms on his bed and mumble, “I think I could be pregnant.” Doyoung holds you, strokes your back with his thumbs, and after a quiet moment he says, “Maybe you’re just late. It happens, right? Like last time. And maybe you’re just sick.” You rest your chin on his chest. “Or pregnant. I don’t want to be. Not now. Things are going so well for you, and also I’m not really in a situation right now to be having a kid.” Doyoung just stares up at the ceiling, rubbing circles on your back, and it takes a long while before he says, “Would it really be the worst? You’re my life, and having a baby with you, that’s the goal. Isn’t it? Us having a family some day?” You nod, and ask, “But now? With your career where it’s at? You’re so busy now, Doyoung.” Doyoung cups your face, making you look at him as he says, “I’ll always have time for you. And we’re worrying about this now, but we don’t know for sure. Why don’t you take a pregnancy test, then we’ll figure out if this is something to talk about now, or to save for months or years in the future. Okay?” And you know he’s right, so you press your cheek to his heartbeat, knowing that whatever the truth is, it will all be alright.
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Ten: “I think I’m pregnant.” Ten rolls his eyes and smiles, pulling you closer to him. “You’re not pregnant. Come on.” He tries to tug you into bed but you stubbornly hold your ground, “Seriously, Ten. What if I am?” He crawls to the edge of the bed, taking your face between his hands. “You are not pregnant, silly. We’ve used condoms, birth control. You’ve used Plan B, even. We’re safe. I think you’re just worrying yourself sick, worrying yourself even more with your period being late.” You know he’s probably right, not one to panic when you first told him your worry earlier. Ten draws backwards, crooking his finger at you as he strikes a seductive pose, “Now, come on, we’ll be fine. And a baby? We’d make a great baby even if we’re not fully ready. Kids love me, you’re beautiful, I’m hot. I don’t see what could go wrong, so please come into bed.”
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Jaehyun: A hookup. Just one night when you met him. A broken condom, a missed birth control, Plan B. A definite swelling of your belly, halting of your period, and now an ultrasound picture in your hand, your phone with the number Jaehyun had given you that next morning months ago. You can still remember the phone call when you realized that the Plan B had actually not worked, your missed period and waves of nausea alerting you to you possibly being pregnant. Jaehyun had panicked over that phone call, actually hanging up on you and refusing to answer when you called him back. It took a few days for him to call you back, but then you actually talked it through. By that point you’d gone to the doctor, had it confirmed, and you and Jaehyun actually had to make some sort of plan for it all. And now, you’d gone in for your first real ultrasound where you could actually see something that genuinely looked like a baby. You sent the picture to Jaehyun and seconds later he FaceTimed you, a wide smile as he said, “That’s our baby? It looks so real.” You put a hand on your belly. “The baby is very real. Trust me. My mom wants to know when you’re going to come meet the whole family for dinner. I think she wants to harass you about marrying me again, but she promised she’ll make that dish you liked again.” Jaehyun laughs, and then says, “I’ll come whenever you want me to.”
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WinWin: “Look me in the eye and tell me that Hendery didn’t put you up to this,” Sicheng tells you. You shake your head. “I’m not lying. My period’s late. I’ve been puking the past several days. I had the weirdest dreams and when I told my friends about them, the ones who’ve had kids said that they also had some weird dreams shortly after they became pregnant. I’m not lying!” You push at his shoulder when he still makes a doubting face. He looks you in the eyes, “Hendery was just joking around yesterday saying that one of us is bound to have a kid soon, since he’s the only one who’s single right now. You swear he didn’t put you up to this?” You climb into his lap, push him flat onto his back. “Dong Sicheng, I swear to you that I honestly believe that I am pregnant with a baby that you put inside me. Stop talking about Hendery, or else I’ll tell him he can be the father.” WinWin shakes his head, gripping your hips, “No, it’s my baby. You’re my baby.”
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Jungwoo: The moment you suspected, you told him. Your period was just three days late according to your period tracker, but you told Jungwoo anyway. He insisted that you wait a few more days, see if maybe you were just running late. But another week passed and still nothing, so you drag Jungwoo along with you to buy a pregnancy test, and make him sit with you while you wait for the result. It’s so dumb, it’s just a little plastic stick and it’s going to change your life. “Jungwoo, if this is positive….” He shakes his head at you, “If it’s positive, then we’re going to have a baby. If you’re worried, you don’t need to be. We’ll figure it out, and I’m going to be here by your side as much as I possibly can, but I swear to you, I will be here with you through it all.”
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Lucas: You’d talked about kids before. You agreed they were cute and adorable and messy and a handful. It was one morning after he woke you up by laying kisses down your spine, prodding you open with his fingers, that you had the discussion about kids in a more specific way rather than the general way you’d discussed them before. “Yeah, I want kids,” Lucas told you, watching the way that you traced your fingers over the back of his hand. “I don’t see why not, anyway. To have another person who is part you, part of the person who you love...” His gaze melded with yours for a moment before he continued, “To be able to create and mold a whole human being to love and cherish forever, I want that.” And you agreed, and deep inside, you knew that you wanted to have that with Lucas. A family. One child or two or three. You didn’t really mind how many. And it was over a year after that conversation when it came time to have that conversation again. His body was warm against yours, his chest glued to your back with sweat and proximity, and your heart pounded in your chest as you dragged his hand to your belly. There was nothing there to feel yet, not really, but you swore you could feel a difference. “Can I tell you something?” You ask him, and Lucas makes a quiet noise that you take as a yes before you say, “I’m pregnant.” And when he rolls away from you and sits up to look down at you, he’s beaming, every bit of his excitement etched on his face.
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Mark: “Is it mine?” He asks as soon as you’ve told him. You swat at his shoulder. “Yes it’s yours! Do you think I’ve been sleeping with anyone else?” He still looks a little shocked, a little confused, but he asks, “What are we supposed to do now?” You don’t know, that’s why you’re telling him. To see what he wants. To figure out what you want. To see if the things each of you want line up together. You shrug at him, and ask, “I mean, do you want to keep it? Are you ready for the responsibility of being a dad?” At that word Mark’s face pales, his eyes go wide and he drops his gaze to stare at the floor. “Mark?” He stares in silence for a few moments longer before finally whispering, “Me, a dad? That’s just... that seems crazy.” As if he’d never really thought about it before. But you have. You’ve thought about him being a dad, you being a mom. You’d had silly little dreams before of you and him and children, a happy little family. But were you ready for it now? Was he? You were both young still, busy with your careers, and having a baby would definitely require some changes to be made in your lives. You kneel down in front of him, touch his chin to draw his gaze to yours, and you say, “Mark. We don’t have to make any decisions or anything right now. I just thought it was important that you know too. But we do need to talk about it. About what to do, like if we’re going to keep it or--” He jolts then. “We’re definitely keeping it!” A warmth bleeds through you then at those words, at the conviction in his gaze. He wants this, this baby with you. But he shakes his head now, smiling a little in disbelief, and he whispers, “I’m going to be a dad.”
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Xiaojun: It wasn’t like you expected a lot. You were a fan who got very lucky to share his bed for a few nights. You’d both been careful, or at least you thought so until a few weeks later when your period never came and a few other pregnancy symptoms began to show up. Getting back in contact with him was awkward at first, like you could tell he was confused about why you were contacting him again. You’d both known that this thing wasn’t meant to last longer than those few nights, but when you asked him to meet, Xiaojun came. It was definitely awkward, sitting there beside him in the park. The cool breeze at least helped calm you down a bit when Xiaojun finally asked, “So why did you want to see me? Just to catch up?” You nervously fiddled with the hem of your shirt and sighed, “I mean, sort of in a way. We should catch up on some things. You guys are releasing a new album soon, right? That’s great. I got that job I told you about. What else is there? Oh! Right, I’m pregnant.” Xiaojun doesn’t react; he stares off into the distance, and you wait for him to say or do anything. Eventually he does. “We were careful, weren’t we? How did this happen?” You shrug, “Condoms aren’t one hundred percent effective. There’s always a very slim chance that this could happen. I never thought it would happen to me. I’m sorry.” Xiaojun looks at you again then, and says, “It’s not your fault. If anything it’s mine.” You have to agree with that a bit, but you don’t say that. Instead, you say, “So what do you want to do? I’m going to have this baby no matter what. But whether you want to be a part of its life or not, that’s up to you.” Xiaojun leans down and picks up a rock on the ground, turns it over and over in his hand, and then hands it over to you. “It’s not a ring, it’s not a marriage proposal either, but it is a promise that I want to be a part of this baby’s life, and a part of yours. It’ll take a lot of work, but if we’re together, I think we can handle it.”
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Hendery: He was goofy and lovely and all yours, and you planned to keep it that way for forever. That’s what the ring was on your finger for after all, but now, with the feeling in your belly, you were beginning to believe that Hendery and you and forever was truly going to happen. “Hendery, can you come here for a second?” You called from in the bathroom. The pregnancy test sat there on the bathroom sink, waiting for the result. You hadn’t even told him your suspicions yet. He came into the bathroom, “Yes, my love?” A bright smile and a red heart stuck to his cheek as he faced you. You reached up to pluck the paper from his cheek, one of the little red hearts you’d been cutting out to decorate your classroom with at the school where you taught. You stretch up to kiss him, and Hendery sinks into it, wrapping his arms around you to keep you there, and he even lifts you onto the edge of the sink until you hear the sound of plastic tumbling into the sink’s basin. “What was that?” Hendery asked, breaking the kiss, and attempting to look around you. You reach back, fish the plastic test out of the basin, and hold it behind your back. “So, actually, I called you in here because I wanted you to be here with me because I took a test, and I just thought you might want to be here too.” Hendery glances at your phone which is also sitting on the sink’s edge, and then he looks at you as he asks, “Is it that Buzzfeed which fruit matches your personality quiz? Because I took that one earlier and I got a strawberry, and I don’t think that’s right at all.” You laugh and shake your head. “That’s not the kind of test I mean. I took one of these.” You present the stick between you, and he looks at it blankly for one second before his expression shifts. He looks at you, then back at the stick, then back at you. “Are you pregnant?” You shrug, “I think I might be. That’s what I’m waiting to see. It’s why I called you in here. If it’s positive, I want you to be here with me when I find out.” Hendery cranes his head to look down at the little stick again, and you look as well, both of you waiting as it finally finishes processing, and the result fully appears. Positive.
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lovestrucked-again · 4 years
Sanguine I Mafia
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Genre: Mafia AU Warnings: dark themes Word Count: 3k ANON Ask: Hi I really LOVE your writing and I’d like to request the reader in the nct mafia series gets in some trouble with another company. Serious trouble. But on accident. So the boys have to really work something out to get her back – I’ve taken the idea and done a little series, hope you like it <3 Summary: You were a second year med student taken in by the house of NCT. It’s not uncommon to be the last to learn things within the house but when your safety is threatened, your forced to leave home with no option. But it only makes things worse.
Waking up to a loud racket in the morning was nothing new or surprising for you. After moving in, the rarity of having a silent morning was priceless and you could only dream of those days. However, for this Thursday morning, waking up so late in the morning was a disaster, finding out you’re running late to your morning lecture wasn’t what you were expecting. As a second year med student, suggested by yours truly, Qian Kun, you were crushed by the weight of content, leading to late study nights and hectic schedules.
When you were first bought in, you were still a first year student, confused in what course direction to take, what your interests were, and your own capability. As you got comfortable within the house while your first year ended, Kun suggested going into medical school, noticing your attention to detail and caring nature. Lucky for you, your studies were never an issue and getting in proved no difficulty.
Your bedside clock given as a gift from Doyoung (because your always late), showed 8:02am, 28 minutes before it starts. Quickly jumping out of bed you ran to your bathroom, brushing through the knots that had formed in your hair overnight and taking a shower. After getting dressed and grabbing your phone and bag you ran downstairs to grab a snack before leaving. Surprisingly the house seemed strangely quiet for an early morning. A few of the boys slept in during the mornings, somehow managing to sleep though the heavy noise, but majority would be up and about by now.
You sneaked a peak into the living room while grabbing an apple from the fridge, seeing the absence of people. You grabbed your usual set of keys from the row of hooks at the entrance to the garage, noticing most of the car keys were missing but too late to think deeply into it. You ran over to your favourite car within the garage and threw your backpack onto the passenger seat beside you before starting the engine and driving as fast as you could to your class.
Arriving 5minutes after the lecture started, you sneak in through the back door hoping no one would notice you. Obviously with your luck, the class happened to be completely silent when you entered and the sound of the door creaking open caught everyone’s attention. You mumbled a small apology to the lecturer who didn’t bother to acknowledge your presence and continued with his talk. You settle into your seat and pull out your laptop and begin typing away as he talks.
Almost halfway through your lecture your phone buzzes. You ignore the initial vibration felt from the phone on your desk, too immersed in typing as your lecturer continues talking without bothering to slow down. However, as soon as the continuous texts popped through, the students around you were starting to give you looks and you had no choice but to answer to your phone. You glance at the screen noticing the texts from Jaehyun.
Jaehyun: Where are you?
Jaehyun: Y/N?
Jaehyun: Y/N? Answer me.
Y/N: In a lecture, something up?
You see the three little dots typing through the screen for a minute, then disappearing, and then reappearing.
Jaehyun: No, have fun and stay safe.
Not bothering with it too much, you placed your phone in your bag this time, and tried to catch up to what the lecturer was explaining. When the digital clock above the board showed 10am, the lecturer began piling up his paperwork, and dismissed the class.
Normally you’d find the Dream group who would be roaming around the campus around the same time as you had your lunch break. The 2000s line were first year students due to their part time commitment as students. They balanced life at home with training and missions while also completing a normal life – forced upon by Taeyong. You made your way over to the tables under the shaded trees and pulled out your phone to pass time. It was almost 10:30 when you realised there was still no one here.
You pull up the group chat you had for the bunch of you who attended college; Renjun, Haechan, Jeno, Jaemin and you.
Y/N: Did you guys all ditch today?
Haechan: We got held back at home
Y/N: You’re at home?
Haechan: Yeah
Y/N: It was so quiet this morning though, I thought no one was home.
Haechan: Big meeting today
Y/N: Guess I’m spending lunch alone
Jaemin: Go make some new friends
Jaemin: Girl-friends only
Y/N: :(
You hum to yourself, putting in your earphones and grabbing your drawing pad along with a pen. The time passes rather quickly as you sketch out the trees in your view, the figures of people passing by, the group of friends gathered on the lawn. The music abruptly stops and you look at your phone, confused at the interruption. You notice the call coming through and pull out your earphones to place the phone against your ear.
“Hey can you come to the car?”
“My car?” You ask, confused.
“Yeah, I’m at your car.”
“Okay, give me a few minutes.” You tell him, hanging up to gather all your belongings.
You notice the familiar car parked next to your own car and your face crinkles up confused at the unannounced visit from Lucas coming to your campus. Lucas stands leaning against the bumper of his car, staring at his phone not seeing you approach him.
“Hey what are you doing here?” You ask,
“I’m picking you up.” He simply states, putting his phone in his pocket and taking your laptop and textbooks from your grasp.
“I drove though.” You tell him.
“I know, one of the guys will get your car,” he says, motioning to the passenger side of his car for you to get in as he places your stuff in the back seat and opens the door on the driver’s side for himself.
“What’s going on?” You ask, closing the door before your fighting with your seatbelt strap to pull over your shoulder.
“We’re going on a vacation.” Lucas replies, leaning over to help you with your seatbelt. You lean back against your seat as he fumbles with it for a second and then buckles you in.
“Thanks, and I don’t know if you’ve realised but I still have lectures to attend tomorrow.” You tell him.
“Jaehyun handled them already.” He tells you.
“What do you mean?” You ask, starting to get concerned with the sudden situation. “Lucas what’s going on?” you ask again.
“Call Jaehyun, it’s better he tells you,” Lucas says, letting out a sigh as he pushes the gear stick into drive. You pull out your phone and dial his number, being sent straight into voicemail. You try again while Lucas watches, waiting for a response as well.
“He isn’t answering.”
“Try Taeyong.” He tells you. You click onto your speed dial for 1, calling Taeyong immediately. The phone rings for a few seconds and as your about to give up, he answers.
“Hey princess what’s up?”
“Jaehyun didn’t pick up his phone and what’s with this sudden vacation? I still have classes to attend.”
“I’ve put your application on defer for now.”
“You did what?!” You yell into the phone. Lucas flinches from your sudden raise in voice.
“Sorry I should’ve talked about this with you.” You hear Taeyong sigh through the other end.
“Yeah, obviously. I’m not going on vacation or whatever this crap is Tae, I’m going back to class tomorrow.”
“Y/N things aren’t going very well recently and I need you to get away from everyone so your safe.��
“I don’t care about that, since when did you have a say in my education and what I do?!” You yell, “I’ll move in with a friend if I have to but I’m not leaving.”
“Sorry Y/N but I can’t let you do that, please just go with Lucas for now okay? I’m busy at the moment so I’ll call you back later.” He states, hanging up before anyone has a chance to say more.
Little did you know, the meeting that occurred earlier in the day was to discuss the current situation with enemy plans and events that have recently been going on. The members had been taking turns following you secretly to classes or trying to accompany you wherever you went without you realising it. Taeyong had been receiving threats lately regarding the entire NCT and the safety of the members. When someone sent an anonymous email to him containing images taken of you doing your daily activities outside of the house he decided it was time to separate you from the group.
Much to many of the members disliking of being separated and out of site, you were in danger to be living with them in this current situation. You leaving the city was planned last minute today and was agreed upon by majority in the meeting. Doyoung and Lucas had packed all your essentials within a few minutes before Lucas left to pick you up, leading you to where you were now. Your safety had been left in the hands of Lucas, unfortunately. Not saying that you were on bad terms with Lucas but more of his reliability seemed to be questionable.
Lucas on the other hand was even more miserable than you. The problem of babysitting you while being separated from all the action back home and being stuck inside a hotel would kill him of boredom.
The car ride was mostly silent, Lucas trying to change through the music playing and then being interrupted by phone calls coming through. He connected them to his in ear Bluetooth, trying to avoid you from hearing about the business projects he was dealing with. You rotated between sleeping and scrolling through social media for the car ride. Eventually as night falls, he pulls into a hotel within a small town. The two of you get out the car and he goes in ahead of you, tossing the keys to you while he susses it out.
The front desk lady had placed a pair of keys on the counter bench when you walked in the front door. You could see Lucas was running a hand through his hair – a habit he did when he was frustrated - when you approach him.
“What happened? Did you place a reservation?” You ask Lucas as he dials Jaehyun.
“The guys did, Jaehyun gave me the address for this place.”
“What’s the problem then?” You question, confused.
“Why did you book only one room and there’s only one bed?” Lucas complains into the phone. As soon as Lucas mentions one room you go blank. Sharing a bed wasn’t an issue for either of you, considering you’d had frequent movie nights with him which you ended up sleeping there instead of returning to your room. The problem is his sleeping habits. They want me to share a room with this loudass? How am I meant to sleep through his snoring? Your head was running through a billion problems and you were bought back into reality just as Lucas was about to hang up.
“Jaehyun what is this?” You ask, motioning for the phone from Lucas.
“Hey baby how are you?”
“Great. A little frustrated but you know, nothing new.” You tell him sarcastically.
“Yeah I know, sorry everything was too sudden for you.”
You sigh into the phone, knowing that you shouldn’t be taking your feelings out on him, “Yeah.”
“It’ll be over soon,” He says, comforting you through the phone.
“Okay,” you mumble, “Lucas and I are checking in now, be careful okay?”
“Yeah you too.” He replies, just as you end the call and hand the phone back to Lucas.
Lucas takes the keys on the counter and the two of you head back to the car to bring your belongings up. The room was simple. A large king sized bed and a TV in its direct line of sight. The bathroom connected near the entrance in a separate area and a little study desk and lamp. A little couch at the far end near the curtains covering the sight of a balcony.
“I’m going to shower first.” You tell him, searching for your pyjamas.
“Don’t be so slow, I’m tired.” He complains.
“Says the boy who spends 20minutes in there.” You shoot him a glare and he smiles at you blinking his eyes with innocence. “Also who packed my suitcase, where’s my pjs?”
“Doyoung and I did, don’t know if we packed pjs though..” he trails off. He pushes himself up from the couch and flips through his bag. He pulls out a plain white shirt and throws it across the room to you, “Wear this.”
“Is it clean?” You ask, holding it with the tips of your fingers. His hygiene routine isn’t classified as one of the best within the group and you feared he had given you a sweaty one.
“Obviously.” You give him a suspicious look and gather your night time things, heading into the bathroom. You strip down and step slowly into the tub, turning the water on high and letting it beat over your head as the steam begins to fog up the mirror. Closing your eyes, the heat of the water soaks into your skin and you lean against the cool tiles, exhausted at the day of events.
After you’ve washed shampoo and conditioner through your hair, you turn the tap off, squeezing out the water with your hands into the tub before stepping out. The towel hangs from the door hook and your easily able to grab it without getting the floor wet. You quickly dry yourself off and chuck on a bra, undies and Lucas’ white shirt. You wrap the towel around your hair as you step out and the temperature difference of the rooms immediately causes you to shiver.
“You can go now.” You tell Lucas, jumping straight under the covers of the bed. He hums in response, throwing you the TV remote while he disappears. You lean up against the bed board and flick through the channels, finally deciding to just turn it off instead when nothing seems interesting just as your phone beeps.
Johnny: Hey Princess are you still awake?
Y/N: Yeah, how is everyone?
Johnny: Everyone’s okay, there’s a training session going on at the moment so they’re all a bit busy
Y/N: Ahh okay.
Your debating whether you should ask about Taeyong, regretting yelling at him earlier and knowing he was only trying to keep you safe.
Y/N: Is Taeyong mad at me?
Johnny: He’s not mad, just a little stressed is all.
Johnny: Don’t worry about it.
Y/N: Okay
Johnny: Go to sleep now, it’s getting late, you and Lucas still have to keep driving tomorrow.
Y/N: I will, goodnight.
Johnny: Night <3.
Just as you shut your bedside light, Lucas walks out the bathroom shirtless, ruffling his hair with the towel and eyes glued to his phone.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch?” He asks, glancing over at you.
“Me?” You question.
“Well I’m too tall to fit and besides, I’ve been driving all day and I’ll be driving all day tomorrow.” He states, pulling the sheets down on the other side.
“Do you know how many bedbugs are on that couch?” You ask before answering it yourself, “too many.”
“Just don’t kick me throughout the night like last time.” He warns you, flipping over to his side.
“Wow you’re so terrifying.” You mumble, crawling more towards your side of the bed. “Don’t snore like your Santa Claus okay?” You remind him.
Lucas obviously ignored your warning as he snores throughout the night. You let out a groan as you sit up and push him over, tossing him more towards his side of the bed. He stops snoring momentarily and then it starts again after a few minutes of peaceful silence. Are you kidding me. You do your best to just ignore him and fold the pillow against your ear, making the sound as quiet as possible. Your phone rings just as you feel like you’re finally falling into sleep and you cry in frustration, rolling over to reach it and pick up, not looking at the caller ID.
“Hey baby, how have you been?” The deeper voice asks.
“Sorry, do I know you?” You mumble, still asleep in your state.
“Ouch, that hurts, how could you say that to your lover.”
You open your eyes, squinting at the light of the unknown number on your phone screen. “Sorry I think you’ve got the wrong number.”
“Do I really? I swear this was the number for Miss Y/N, the beautiful lady who happens to be living with one of the desired Mafia gangs.” You stayed silent through the phone, immediately sitting up, obviously this guy knew who you were and your relation to the boys. You glance at Lucas whose still asleep and your feet search for your slippers. Quietly you tip toe out to the hallway, leaving a gap in the door behind you. “If I’ve still got the wrong number feel free to hang up, I’ll continue chatting with the so notorious leader who happens to be knocked unconscious.”
“WAIT!” You whisper into the phone,
“Wh-what do you want?” You hesitatingly ask.
“That’s what I thought.” He laughs. “Now I know you aren’t alone baby, so is anyone listening to us?”
“Good girl.” He hums before continuing “I want you to come home.”
“Come home, alone.” He says, “and remember to keep this a secret, or it might be bad for the present I have for you. I’ll be waiting.”
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simpsiren · 4 years
sung in our heads.
nct jaehyun x reader
so i got the idea from the tiktok trend where your soulmate can hear what song you’re singing or listening and thoughts as well so here’s a short story on it. ENJOY :D
i would gladly continue if you guys are interested in the story so do give feedback alrights!
jaehyun just got home from a night out with his friends. he staggered over to the couch and slouch into it, letting out a long sigh. he knew it was a bad idea to drink since he could get real drunk after only a few shots. the rub his left palm on his face as his other hand grabbed his phone from his pocket to check the time. 4:20AM. he groaned and layed on the couch properly to get some sleep before day break.
however, he suddenly heared music playing in his head. he recognised the song. its Lights Down Low by Bei Maejor. he sighed and shook his head. he looked down at his wrist, where there was the initial of his so called soulmate engraved on it. “it’s gotta be her again.” jaehyun mumbled to himself. he thought why his soulmate would be listening to this kind of song at four in the god damn morning. more importantly, how he would not be able to sleep if his soulmate continued to listen to music. he closed his eyes shut, hoping she would stop soon as he tried to fall to sleep.
you on the other hand, were working on your computer as you bobbed your head to the rhythm of the song you’re listening to, you liked hard core music. the kind that blasts into your ears. it is kind of hard to concentrate on your work while listening to such music, but it really did help you to push on. you had an assignment due first period and your procrastinating ass decided to do it the in early morning. you were almosy done when you looked down at your wrist, the letter ‘J’ engraved in your skin as your eyes widened. are you possibly disturbing your soulmate? in all honesty, you didn’t care about this soulmate shit. why does the world work like this? well only heaven knows. you were thinking of just blasting the music but you were being considerate to your soulmate, whom you still have yet to find, and lowered your music enough, hoping it wouldn’t disturb him too much. you sighed and continued till you were and done and closed your eyes, laying your head on your arms as you fell asleep on your work table.
the next morning, you head your alarm ringing. you groaned as you woke up and stretched your arms out in the air. you stood up and closed the alarm on your phone. you hurried to get ready, shuffling all the folders with your assignments and made sure to stuff it in your bag to make sure you efforts wont go to waste by forgetting to bring it. within less than an hour, you were out the door.
jaehyun woke up after 2 hours of sleep. he looked at his phone to check the time, gaping his mouth open as he realised he would be late to school if he doesn’t go out in 20 minutes. he stood up, quickly feeling the aftermath of last nights drinking while hurrying to the bathroom to get ready. he went out in his hoodie and sweatpants, his hair not even properly groomed and briskly walk to the train station.
jaehyun was waiting patiently for the train to arrive. he really hoped that he wouldn’t be late since he needed to submit an assignment for his major. to distract himself instead of being so anxious, he soft hummed to himself and tried to figure out a rhythm for his next song that he had in mind. due to all the work he needed to do, he didn’t have much time to spend on making music, something he was passionate about since he was a kid. he shook in disapproval and tried to find another rhythm he could use, bobbing his head as he tried to envision a song that he could write and compose.
jaehyun finally hears the train coming. he stopped and looked straight ahead, wanting to get on the train so that he could enjoy the air conditioning in there, since it was such a hot day out. the train door opens and he waited for all the other passengers to move out before he came in. he walks to the opposite side of the train and slouched in glass panel that has a seat beside it in a corner. there, he noticed a girl who sat there with her head hanging freely with her earbuds on. jeahyun shrugged at this and looked out to the window of the train.
a few minutes went past when jaemin suddenly heard a song playing at the back of his head. he could make out that the song was Lauv’s I Like Me Better. jaehyun frowned at this as he thought of how he remembered making a cover of the song and posting it on the internet. in his offfence, he wasnt spectacularly popular but many has heard his covers and music and he is popular- only in this part of town he thought. he turned to look back at the girl who has earbuds on. he noticed that her phone was on and saw that she was playing the same music that he could hear at the back of his head. he furrows his eyebrow at this. he didn’t want to believe that his “soulmate” is just right there beside him. he couldn’t see the initial thats written on her wrist as she slid her hand in her pocket.
you bobbed your head slowly to the music, wanting to feel some peace before you alight at your desinated station. soon you heard the train signalling that your station is next. you sighed quietly as you waited for the train to stop. once you hear the train doors open, you waited for those who wanted to get out first, since you did not want to be part of the fast paced group of people who are always eager to get out the moment the train doors open. you took a look at your phone and realised that your friend, Chista, texted you. you took a look at the notification and widened your eyes. apparently, your work at you left in school got damaged since a commotion of some sort occurred. you didn’t really care about what exactly happened, you were just mad at the fact that you thought your hard work could be kept safely at school. turns out that was completely false. you clicked your tongue at this chuckled in amusement.
as you stood up to walk out of the train, you muttered a soft “well fucking shit.” , taking into consideration that the people beside you might hear but you were not giving two shits about public socialism right now. jaemin heard what you said and raised his eyebrow. he thought to himself “damn bold much.” however, one thing he was unaware of was the fact that you could hear the thought that jaehyun had. before you stepped out of the train, you turned around, wondering who the heck thought of that. you rolled your eyes in response and quick stepped out before talking out of the train station. jaehyun noticed your reaction. he ruffled his hair, shrugged it off, the fact never occurred to him that his soulmate could hear his thoughts as well, not just music.
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nuoyipeach · 4 years
Pregnancy (jaejoy os) pt1
Sooyoung dropped her spoon getting up in a haste, her bowl of cereal falling over as she accidentally hit it and spilled everywhere. She ran off to their bedroom, and Jaehyun heard her slam a door open. He stopped eating and quickly followed behind, and found her in the bathroom leaned over the toilet as she threw up continuously. He went behind her and held her hair back with one hand, the other holding her body up.
"It's OK, slowly... Take it easy baby..."
Sooyoung was on the verge of tears from throwing up so much. Her throat hurt, head spinning, not to mention the horrible feeling in her stomach. She grabbed her tummy with one hand while had other held her up from practically falling into the toilet.
After a few minutes, she seemed better as she simply breathed heavily. Jaehyun slowly held her up and took her to the sink, helping her wash her face and gargle. He then picked her up bridal style and took her to bed, before going back to the toilet to flush and clean up. He returned to see her laying sideways and heard her sniffle. Sitting behind her, he looked over her shoulder to see her crying. He held her hand over her tummy, slowly laying upright next to her, slipping his other arm underneath her to hold her close.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm... I don't know... I feel bad... I don't know anymore..."
Jaehyun left soft kisses on her cheek, shoulder and hand, then he'd her tighter with his head in the crook of her neck. "Don't cry. I'm here." he knew why she cried. He realised a pattern, that whenever she threw up, she'd have a mood swing right after.
Sooyoung held his hand tighter and tighter, afraid that if she let go she'd lose him. For some reason she had a fear of him leaving, because she was pregnant.
She threw up, which was disgusting. She was starting to lose her attractive figure. She wouldn't be able to attend his needs. She was becoming a load to take care off, finding herself burdensome.
What if he doesn't love me anymore?
"I heard that." she heard him say, and realised she said the last line out loud. "And your wrong. If I didn't love you, I would've left you the moment I found out you were pregnant. Also, why wouldn't I love my own wife? This baby is mine too. I'm more than happy we're having a baby. Don't do this Sooyoung. Don't think like this."
Sooyoung slowly turned to his side, burying her face into his chest. Jaehyun brushed her hair with one hand, and traced her slightly protruding tummy with the other. It has only been three months, but he was already craving to hold the baby, wanting it out soon. He wasn't lying when he said he loved it. He was so overwhelmed with joy, that he almost held a party if not for Sooyoung's protest.
"Come on, you still need to eat something. What do you feel like having that won't make you sick?"
Sooyoung moved her face away slightly and played with his tank top thinking. A lot of things made her nauseous, even milk like earlier. Whatever she thought of made her feel sick, and that made her sadder because she couldn't find something to eat.
"I don't know..." she teared up. Jaehyun sighed and kissed her head, wiping away her tears.
"I'll make you a strawberry smoothie. How's that?"
Not feeling sick, Sooyoung decided to just go with it and nodded. Jaehyun got up and tucked her in, handing her the TV remote. "Stay here, I'll be right back." he smiled and kissed her before leaving. Sooyoung turned on a random cartoon channel, but simply thought about Jaehyun the whole time. He was so perfect in everything that she couldn't think about one small flaw even. Even his skin was too perfect.
Sooyoung heard him say all the same to her, but that was before she got pregnant. Now, she wondered whether he thought about her the same way. Or did his feelings change. She can't help think this way. Her mood swings were horrible, and she could only be thankful Jaehyun was calm enough to deal with her.
"Here." she turned to see jaehyun back with strawberry smoothie, and a bowl of gelatto. "Since you're getting sick to diary, maybe this will be better."
Sooyoung sat up smiling as he placed the tray next to her and sat at the edge of the bed. He first gave her some medicine, then the smoothie. She drank it up, finishing halfway in one go, and heard him chuckle amused.
"Damn. I should make more next time, you are going eating twice as much from now on."
Jaehyun instantly regretted his words when she slammed the cup down.
"Are you calling me fat?" she asked upset. He shook his head smiling, and held her hand.
"Of course not. You have to eat a lot. It's for the baby. We don't want either of you weak, right?"
Sooyoung looked down to her hands, when he suddenly spooned some gelatto and fed her. She looked at him, and decided to ask what's been bothering her the whole time.
"Do you think I'm perfect to you like I was before?"
Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows confused and set the bowl down. "What do you mean?"
"You always called me perfect, pretty, healthy fit, graceful... But you don't anymore... Am I ugly now that I'm pregnant? I mean, I know I'm breaking out a little on my forehead, and I lost shape, but it's not that bad right? I've been gobbling up food though... I must look unattractive now to people. I feel so down..."
Before she could say anymore, Jaehyun jumped onto her pushing her down and hovered above her, making sure not to put pressure on her body. He pressed his lips onto hers, and bit on her bottom lip sucking it.
Their make out session was quick as Jaehyun pulled away and turned then over, having Sooyoung straddle his lap as they both sat up. He continued to kiss her, lips, cheek, nose, jaw, collar, neck, even until the valley of her breasts, her low cut night dress giving him easy access. He nuzzled into her chest, one hand on her back, and another tracing her tummy again.
"I'm sorry if I didn't say it to you up front. I'll be honest with you, but you're even more beautiful when you're pregnant. I don't care about your fit body, your break outs, your eating habits. Your body is perfect for our baby, your face is always pretty to me no matter what, and your eating habits are adorable, because you're eating for two people now. You're always perfect to me. Everything happening to you is natural, and that's what I love about you, so you're perfect. I don't want you to change a thing."
He kissed her exposed skin above her breasts, slowly going back up to her lips to see her cheeks stained with tears. He kissed them away before attaching their lips again, Sooyoung's hands finally leaving his tank top and gripping his hair and around his neck as she too pulled him closer.
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"I need more strawberries!"
Sooyoung whined kicking the blanket. Six and a half months and her cravings were getting worse, as did her mood swings. She got mad too easily, to the point Jaehyun decided to work from home since she'd get upset of him leaving her alone.
Right now he checked the fridge but they ran out. He sighed and closed it, going back to the bedroom where Sooyoung laid sprawled across the bed.
"We're out baby. How about we both go down to the grocery store and get some? You must feel sad staying in all the time."
Sooyoung huffed not wanting to get up, crossing her arms and pouting. But Jaehyun could only chuckle because he knew she'd listen. He knew she'd been feeling sad staying in a lot since she was scared to go out, so going out once today would help her open up a little. And she knows that he knew that she'd go anyways. He sat next to her and opened his arms.
"Come here." he cooed. Being extra emotional now, Jaehyun would try to show affection to her even more seeing that it made her happy. Sooyoung looked at him with a big smile and slowly got up scooting closer. She snuggled into his embrace, her bump pressing against his side where he felt a kick, and squealed. "See, even the baby loves my cuddles."
Sooyoung looked up and grinned at him. "What can I say. Your cuddles are the best. But not to be shared outside us, got that?" she commanded, making him laugh and nod. He got up and slowly helped her stand as well, passing her her coat as he put his on himself.
"I'll walk you, don't worry. But it's time to go out and get some fresh air, especially for you."
They were soon out walking around the neighbourhood to the grocery store. Sooyoung really enjoyed the outdoors from being inside for so long. The fresh air really helped her feel better. Though she was taking a long time to walk, Jaehyun didn't care and walked with her, an arm around her waist holding her close to him. Any passerby around them could tell what kind of a happy family they already were, and could only imagine how happy they would be more when the baby comes out.
Once at the store, Sooyoung decided to sit on the benches at the entrance while Jaehyun did the shopping since he didn't want her to walk around too much. Sooyoung's place was at the opening, near the counter that she could hear them. She was playing with her phone, going through some things when she saw a text from Jaehyun saying he's almost at the cashier. Sooyoung was about to get up when she over heard the cashier talking into her phone.
"Yea he's here again. You know, pale tall guy, built and has dimples. I can never ever focus... Oh my God, he's coming, gotta go!"
Sooyoung looked and saw Jaehyun making his way to the cash register, and noticed the way the young lady, obviously a new adult, suddenly became all shy and flirty. Jaehyun placed the basket on the counter and smiled, being the polite man he was, while she looked through the items.
"Wow, so many strawberries again. You must really like them." she tried to converse. Jaehyun chuckled and was about to answer, when someone called him.
"Hyunnie, did you get my strawberries?"
Both the cashier and Jaehyun looked to see Sooyoung come and hold his hand. Sooyoung peeked and saw the girl's smile drop, especially when she saw her baby bump. Jaehyun chuckled and kissed her forehead.
"Enough for two weeks this time. Then we won't have to come out again." he joked. Sooyoung scowled at him, then peeked again to see the cashier glare at her, scanning the products faster this time. She rested her head on his shoulder and hugged Jaehyun's arm, and he knew there was only one reason behind her clingy behaviour, and this wasn't only when she's pregnant, but since they were together three years ago.
She was jealous.
Once she was done packing their things up, Jaehyun gave his (black) card and waited for her to swipe it, when he decided to have some fun.
"You should smile more, you look prettier."
He felt a sharp pain in his arm as Sooyoung dug her nails into it, and bit his bottom lip holding in the yelp. The girl pressed her lips holding in a smile and blushed, losing focus for a second. She quickly got back, and gave them the bag, and before anymore was exchanged, Sooyoung dragged Jaehyun away the moment he took his card back.
Jaehyun chuckled as she ignored him on the way home. But he noticed how she wasn't angry like usual, but she was sad. He felt bad for teasing her, but couldn't get her to talk even when they reached home. Sooyoung went to the bedroom, and Jaehyun followed after putting away the groceries, finding her laid down facing away from the door. He laid down next to her, and tried to hug her but she pushed his arms off.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
"You've been seeing someone... And it's that cashier sl*t!"
Jaehyun felt hurt, but it was partly his fault. He knew he shouldn't be teasing her like this during her last few weeks, especially when she was naturally protective of him. He sighed and hugged her tight so that she couldn't let go this time, and kissed her shoulder and neck.
"I'm sorry I teased you. But it's not true. I don't even know her name, she's just always working there, so I became familiarised. I'd never do that to you baby, you know it. Look at me, please."
Sooyoung couldn't, as she was hiding her face into the pillow with a smaller one on top because she couldn't stop crying. Jaehyun snaked an arm under her head, and pulled her over to turn around to him. He pulled the top pillow away and tried to face her, but she forced her face down and hid in his chest.
"Baby please, trust me. I shouldn't have teased you. I'm sorry Sooyoung, look at me just please, you don't have to talk to me."
Sooyoung wrapped an arm around his torso, cuddling more into him, face burying into his chest. Jaehyun smiled lightly and held her close as well, his arm under head head combing her hair back.
"You know, with you and Sohyun later around, I don't think I'll be able to look let alone talk to any other girl." he chuckled trying to lighten the mood. Sooyoung just sighed, suddenly whining silently before sitting up. Jaehyun could tell she felt uncomfortable about something. "What's wrong?"
"It's just..." her left hand went up to the top of her right breast, pressing into it. "It hurts here..."
Jaehyun took her hand off and kissed it. "You're lactating. Remember the doctor said it would hurt sometimes since they're growing." he slowly shifted to sit behind her, trapping her between his legs. "I'll massage, here."
He started to softly press down her shoulders, putting small pressures with his fingers at wherever he felt knots. Slowly he shifted his hands to the top of her breasts where she claimed it hurt, and gently pressed down. Sooyoung flinched in discomfort, and he mumbled a quiet sorry before massaging more gently.
Sooyoung leaned back against his chest, her head falling back on his shoulder as she tried to relax. His hands slowly went underneath her breasts, massaging them gently there. "Better?" he asked and pecked her forehead.
"Hmm... Thank you..." she mumbled. Jaehyun stopped, and wrapped his arms around her chest hugging her, and continued kissing her neck.
"I love everything about you..."
"What do you mean?" she asked, confused by his sudden confession.
His hands started to move up to her hair, combing it down. "I love your hair."
Poked her nose. "I love seeing your face."
Rubbed and kissed her shoulder. "I love touching your skin."
Held her hand. "I love your delicate hands."
Held her breast, and her tummy. "I love that you're going through all this for our baby. Your breasts, tummy, hips are getting bigger. I know how uncomfortable you are, but you're going through with it for our baby. I can't love you enough for all this."
Sooyoung looked down at their hands as he held both hers around her tummy, and continuously kissed her from head to shoulder. She slowly faced him when he suddenly rubbed his nose on hers lovingly.
"Jaehyun, why are my mood swings so bad... I hate it. I feel like I'm disturbing you... And even to myself, I hate it."
Jaehyun sighed and kissed both her hands before hugging her again, and swung side to side.
"I don't find it a nuisance. But I'm sorry you feel bad about it yourself. It's normal, but I guess I shouldn't tease you anymore." he chuckled. "From now on, I'll love you so much you'll be begging for me to stop, but I won't because you deserve to be loved more than ever."
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Sooyoung felt uncomfortable, and woke up. Something wasn't letting her sleep, and she figured the baby must have been moving around as she felt something on her tummy. She shifted, and realised Jaehyun's arm was holding her securely to himself, so turned around slowly to face him. She cupped his cheek and traced it with her thumb, and a smile slowly crept onto her lips.
"Why... are you up... so late?" Jaehyun mumbled and held her hand on his cheek, eyes still closed.
"I can't sleep... The baby's awake I thi- Ack!" she suddenly crouched slightly, grabbing her lower tummy. Her sound was enough to wake Jaehyun completely and sit up right away. He held her arms and helped her sit up.
"What happened?"
"I think she just kicked too ha- AKH!" she groaned louder, crouching even more. Jaehyun quickly got up, put on a tank top and sweat pants, and got both their coats. He then took his own hoodie and shorts and put them on Sooyoung after taking off her night dress, not bothered to help her out on a bra. He carried her to stand, and helped her out on her coat, put his own on, then carried her again downstairs to his car.
"Wait, no, it's just a ki- AKH!" he stood her up to open the door, when his attention was taken away by her next action, as liquid poured out between her legs.
Jaehyun didn't take another second before pushing her into the passenger's seat and driving off, one hand on the wheel while the other held her hand to let her squeeze something through the pain.
It didn't take long to reach the hospital, and Sooyoung was quickly taken into a ward. But the doctor came in, and shook her head.
"We'll have to wait. The opening is too small, or she'll be hurt."
Sooyoung couldn't take having to sit through her labour pain, at three in the morning, and for the next four hours. She cried every few minutes, and all Jaehyun could do was lay down next to her and hold her close. He wished to share the pain, as seeing her tears broke his heart. At one point she yelled so loud he couldn't take it, and forced the nurse to call the doctor.
"She's in pain! Just check, I'm sure it's OK now, please!"
The doctor took a look at Sooyoung, and nodded at the nurse. "I think it is OK. Take her to the delivery room. Sir, you can follow her and put on the robe and mask."
Jaehyun was prepared, and he stood next to Sooyoung as she kept tossing and turning on bed, gripping on the side bars of the delivery bed. He took both her hands and held them himself. Sooyoung hesitated, but with a sudden pain, dug her nails into his skin.
"That's it... It's OK, let it out. It'll be over soon." he whispered and kissed her forehead.
The baby was out, and Sooyoung opened her arms out coaxing to hold her, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. "Jung Sohyun... Our beautiful daughter... You're here, with us... I can't believe it."
Jaehyun crouched down next to them and held both of them close to him. He looked at Sooyoung as they shared a loving stare and kissed. "Thank you Sooyoung. You gave us the best gift anyone could ask for. You made us happier. I love you so much." he let out a tear before kissing her again.
"I promise, both of you, and any future child we have, that I'll never love anyone else but you."
"Future child?" Sooyoung asked quietly. Jaehyun simply smiled back with a wink.
"Remember what I said, you're even more beautiful when you're pregnant."
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part 2
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toeil · 4 years
summer is over, and so are we. [3] ↠ jung jaehyun
[pt.1] [pt.2]
➹ jaehyun x reader ➹ genre: angst, fluff ➹ word count: 3,385
➹ summary: He introduced you to a warm summer you thought you would never have to leave. Yet, here you are, in the middle of a ruthless winter which’s ending seems to be nowhere in sight.
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“Where’s Doyoung?” Johnny dropped down onto your couch, spreading out his limbs.
“He’s staying at Taeyong’s.” You replied before walking into your kitchen to grab two beers. When you returned Johnny was sitting upright, his face showcasing his concern, “again? Why?” You handed him his can before taking a seat next to him, “We had a fight.”
“About what?”
“The dishes.”
“...What?” He stared at you incredulously as you flipped through the tv channels. “Wait y/n, are you joking?”
You dropped the hand that was holding the tv remote in your lap and turned your body towards him, “nope! He turned my simple question about the stupid fucking dirty dishes into an argument and then just fucking left. He sent me a text while we were at the store saying he was going to stay over Taeyong’s.” You scoffed and leaned back on the couch, going back to flipping through the tv channels. “Stupid idiot.”
“y/n hold on, wait, I’m so confused? You just let him leave over that?”
“Yes I did. What else was I supposed to do!?He does this every goddamn day!!” You took a deep breath and then let your voice lower into a soft whisper, “what else was I supposed to do?”
“Look, I don’t want to talk about this right now, okay? Just...please drop it.
Things never got to this extent with Jaehyun, and you couldn’t help but wonder why it did with Doyoung.
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Today was Johnny and Ten’s anniversary party and as soon as you arrived with Doyoung, you were drawn to the bar they had set up and spent most of your time there, only leaving when Johnny or Ten dragged you away. Eventually  you’d find your way back there anyway. Now you were home, currently leaning against your bathroom sink  just in case your body decided to purge your guts out again.
“Go away.” The moment you saw Doyoung entering the bathroom, you instantly turned your face away to stare at the products littering the bathtub. He stepped forward and set a water bottle down next to you before moving back to the doorframe, “what’s wrong with you? Why would you drink so much?”
“I don’t know.”
“Come on, drink the water and then let’s go to bed.” His voice sounded distant, the once sweet and gentle tone that coated it no longer there. It was hard to catch at times, but it was tinged with a sort of coldness now. You knew he wasn’t standing in the bathroom right now because he wanted to. No, it was because he felt obligated to. You were his wife after all and he felt a sense of responsibility for you because of it. Not to mention that small amount of guilt that kept nagging him at the back of his head.
“I’ll throw up again.”
“You threw everything up at the party, there isn’t anything left. Drink the water.” He wasn’t wrong, but you didn’t want to be with him right now and this was the perfect excuse to try and be alone. Even if it’s just for a little while.
He called out your name sternly and glared at the back of your head briefly before letting out a short breath, “why can’t you just listen to me sometimes?” You lifted yourself up away from the sink and turned towards him with a sigh, allowing your eyes to meet his, “why don’t you just say it?”
“Say what?”
“That you don’t love me anymore.” Your voice was weak, barely above a whisper but he heard you loud and clear. It was obvious by the way his eyes widened, standing completely frozen to his spot.
“You know I can’t do it.”
“Do what?” His voice lowered to a whisper too.
“Tell you I want to end it. I can’t do it because…” your voice started to crack as your eyes began to tear up, blurring your vision of Doyoung, “because...I can’t because...because I still love you. You don’t want to say it because you want me to, right? That’s why you’re always picking fights with me over nothing, hoping that my patience would run thin and I’d eventually get fed up with you and then want to call it quits. But I just fucking can’t. So just...let go of your ‘I’m too nice of a guy’ bullshit and say it.”
He opened his mouth, wanting nothing more than to deny your accusations. He’d be lying if he did, thought. He has never lied to you and he never would. He had promised himself that from the very beginning because he knew better than to build a relationship with secrets and lies. Maybe that was one of the many things you loved most about him, how truthful and honest he had always been with you about everything. Except for this one thing that was probably the most important thing of all.
His gaze fell to the floor, finding it difficult to watch you, “it just feels different. It’s not...it’s not the same anymore between you and me. B-but we can work through it, can’t we? You said you still love me so...we can fix this. Maybe couples therapy can help us?”
“Do you still love me?”
“y/n-” His eyes shot up finding their way back to you, almost pleading you to stop.
“Answer the question.”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Then there’s your answer. We can’t work through this because trying to would be like forcing you to have feelings that are no longer there and I can’t do that to you...it doesn’t matter if I still love you.”
After a long period of silence he spoke up again, “so it’s really over?”
“...It’s really over.”
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Last month you and Doyoung had filed for divorce and last week it had finally been decreed. You moved out two weeks after that night in the bathroom. Moving in only took you a day, but finding a suitable apartment was what took you the longest. You didn’t tell family or your close friends until a week after filing for the divorce, the only reason for taking so long being that you knew they’d ask questions and you nor Doyoung were feeling up to answering them. If you told them before filing, they’d want to meddle in and try to get you two to reconsider and those suckers have a way with their words so there was a possibility that they’d be able to convince you two you could save your marriage. So you decided it would be better to wait until the ball was officially rolling and there’d be no way to undo it.
The hardest part about this whole thing was learning to be alone but not lonely. You had spent the last six years of your life with Doyoung. Four years of dating, one year of being engaged, and another year of being married. You got used to him in your everyday life so quickly and now having to adjust without him made you want to coop yourself up in your room all day to avoid your responsibilities.
But as you began to get used to doing things without Doyoung, you began to think that maybe your love had died on both sides. As you spent countless nights awake and thinking, you realized that when you and Doyoung fought, your feelings for him were there. But when you’d stop and you two were okay, your feelings weren’t as strong, if not completely gone. Things began to just feel like a routine. Maybe it was like that for him too and that was why he’d always pick fights over petty things, because he needed to assure himself that he did still love you. In the end though, it just wasn’t there for the both of you.
It never felt like that with Jaehyun.
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“What’re you doing today?” Johnny’s voice asked through your phone.
“Nothing. I was supposed to go grocery shopping but the rain made me feel lazy.” As if on cue a yawn escaped your mouth.
“Well get your lazy ass ready! We’re going out!” You tried to protest but he wasn’t having any of it.
“Just come! Ten’s work gave him a free dinner coupon at this new expensive restaurant like an hour away, but he can’t come because he’s busy with work today.”
“Okay, then go another day!”
“Today’s the last day for the coupon and he told me to just ask you to go. And I refuse to just miss out on free food! I’d much rather go with Ten than you but I have no other option.”
“You’re so annoying.”
“So you’re going to come right?”
“I don’t really have a choice now do I?”
“Nope! See you in twenty!” You let out a huff before setting your phone down and heading into the bathroom to start getting ready.
As soon as Johnny saw you, he sneered, “Oh come on, you could have worn something a little better than-” he motioned to your outfit, “whatever that is.” 
“Just drive you idiot.” But when you arrived and took a look around, you had wished that you had worn something better too. You felt a little out of place, watching girls walking in with cute blouses and floral summer dresses.
“I feel so embarrassed,” Johnny said as soon as the server walked away with your menus and your orders scribbled down on his notepad.
“Imagine how embarrassed I feel. Why didn’t you tell me earlier about how to dress?”
“Well, I assumed you would’ve known because I did mention it was an expensive restaurant. But like always, I underestimated your stupidity.”
As you were taking a sip of your water, your eyes fell on two people behind Johnny who were a few tables away. You squint your eyes to get a better look and when you recognized one of them you couldn’t help but choke on water and break out in a coughing fit.
“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?”
After you calmed down and everyone stopped staring at you, you spoke, “I’m fine, but listen. Don’t turn around right now bu-” Johnny whipped around and began to look, earning him a slap on his arm from you, “I told you not to turn around yet!”
“Is someone there?”
“Yeah, it’s Jisoo. But she’s not here with Jaehyun.” Johnny’s interest peaked and he turned around again, this time a lot less obviously.
“Who is that?”
“It looks like one of Jaehyun’s friends. I remember seeing him a few times. Pretty sure his name was Jinwoo? Jungwoo? Something like that.”
“Hopefully they’re just here as friends.”
“At a restaurant like this? That’s an hour away from town?”
“That’ll be literally like us.”
“Yeah may- oh. Oh no. Well we do not do that.” Johnny turned back around to face you with widened eyes, “They just kissed...”
After a few minutes of silence you spoke up, “are Jisoo and Jaehyun even dating anymore?”
“Yeah! They’re engaged.”
“Oh my god...”
“Should I take a picture?”
“What!? No! Are you fucking crazy?”
“To send to Jaehyun!” He didn’t wait for you to protest, “I’m taking a picture. I can’t just act like I didn’t just see his fiance cheating on him!”
“Johnny wai-” He quickly and discreetly snapped the picture and sent it to Jaehyun right away.
“You idiot! Don’t send it to him right now!” Your eyes flew back to Jisoo who was busy staring into Jinwoo’s, or Jungwoo’s, eyes lovingly. Your eyes fell to her phone that neatly sat on the table next to her hand and you watched it like a hawk, waiting for it to light up with a call or text. When Johnny was done ferociously texting, a few minutes later Jisoo got a call. As soon as she saw the caller ID she looked up at the guy across from her in panic. Jaehyun was calling.
You couldn’t hear her but from watching her face turn red with anger, you could tell it wasn’t going well. After she ended the call she slammed her hands down on the table and stood up to storm out. When she passed your table, both you and Johnny turned the other way in an attempt to avoid getting found out by her.
She must’ve been angry because he found out. Maybe he broke it off with her over the phone and she didn’t want to. But you couldn’t help but think that she had no right to be angry with him when she was the lying, cheating bitch in their relationship.
Jaehyun didn’t deserve that.
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“Jaehyun was asking about you.” You snapped your head in Johnny’s direction out of surprise, “he what?”
“I can’t believe you two still aren’t over each other. Especially after such a long time with different people. I guess you two really do love each other that much.” He mumbled under his breath.
“He said he wasn’t over me?” Jaehyun did say he wouldn’t ever stop loving you, you always thought he was just being dramatic. Or maybe you just didn’t want to believe him.
“Technically he did not say that, but I could tell that he still loves you. I can read people like a book.” You rolled your eyes at your best friend, “yeah, no.”
“You should talk to him. Do you want me to give you his number?” Your heart was ready to fall out of your chest. Was this really happening? Now?
You weren’t ready for it, “N-no! I don’t- no!”
Johnny groaned and leaned his head back against his seat, “you both are so fucking dumb. He didn’t want me to give him your number either because he thinks you don’t want to talk to him.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, it's just...I don’t know.”
“Just text him.” Johnny had provided you with Jaehyun’s number but you were still scared to send a text. So after a week of debating what you’d first say to him, you finally hit send.  Once the conversation started, it didn’t seem like it’d end. Doyoung nor Jisoo ever came up which was probably the only thing that could’ve made it awkward. It felt like things were picking up right where you had left them off with him. The feelings you thought had died began to bloom again out of their dormancy. But the both of you did not acknowledge this with each other.
It stayed like that for a few weeks, just texting back and forth or staying up into the night on the phone. Until you got a text from an unknown number.
+82  xxx-xxxx: Is this y/n?
You: Yes, who is this?
+82 xxx-xxxx: This is Jaehyun’s mom. Would you like to come over for dinner?
You stared at your phone for a solid ten minutes, unintentionally leaving her on read. You didn’t know what to think or reply back to her with.
+82 xxx-xxxx: Sorry, I know this is out of the blue. But I know everything. I wish I knew a little sooner so that I could’ve prevented my idiot son from compromising his happiness and breaking up with you. He still loves you, I can tell. I feel like this was all my fault and I want to try and fix it because he sure as hell won’t. He’s coming over for dinner tonight, so if you still love him, I’m hoping you’d come over too.
You: I’ll come. Could you please send me the address?
When you pulled up in her driveway you saw that Jaehyun was already here and you suddenly got cold feet. After giving yourself a small pep talk in your head, you finally got out of your car and shakily walked up to the front door where you quickly rang the doorbell before you could give yourself the chance to change your mind. His mom opened the door and grinned, her smile just as beautiful as Jaehyun’s. She ushered you in and spoke about how happy she was that you came as she walked you to the dining room. You tried your best to listen to her every word, but it was hard to try and focus when a million thoughts were racing through your brain as you stepped closer to the room Jaehyun was probably currently sitting in, waiting for you, an unexpected guest.
Oh, you were so scared, but when you walked in and you saw Jaehyun after such a long time, everything just melted away into a pool beneath your feet. His eyes were wide as he stared into yours and he had no idea what to do. Was he supposed to get up and hug you? Shake your hand? He should at least say hello, but he was frozen. He knew he’d see you soon, but he didn’t know it’d be this soon. His mom made you take the open seat next to him and then excused herself from the room, saying she had to grab something from the kitchen. As soon as you sat down you softly gave him a ‘hey’ which he replied back to softly too.
“You’re here?” You nodded and cleared your throat, “yeah, your mom invited me.”
“How does she even know you?”
“That’s what I’ve been wondering about, too. She texted me and told me she found out about everything so I thought maybe you told her.”
“I don’t recall…” You two went quiet for a little bit, trying to think of a way she could’ve found out. It clicked in your heads at the same time, “it was probably Johnny!” You two said in unison, causing you two to erupt in soft laughter.
His mom came back in after that and you all started to eat shortly after. There was a lot more talking than there was eating because of all the questions his mom asked the both of you. And just as you expected, she confessed that it was Johnny that told her.
After an amazing dinner filled with laughter and childhood stories, Jaehyun offered to go out in the backyard to talk. Although it was dark and you couldn’t see that well, you recalled all the stories he would tell you about his childhood that took place in this very spot. Your heart felt warm as you imagined Jaehyun as a little boy running around his mom’s garden, accidentally stepping on the flowers she had just planted. 
“My mom exaggerates her stories sometimes, by the way.” Jaehyun’s ears had turned a bright red out of embarrassment from how his mom didn’t hold back with telling you about him as a child.
“You don’t have to feel embarrassed,” you chuckled and looked over at him, “they were cute stories.”
He nodded and looked up at the sky. It was silent for a little while, the only sound being the crickets starting to sing out between the plants. “I’m glad you came. It was nice seeing you and being able to talk like that after so long.” 
“I’m glad I came too, I missed you a lot more than I’d like to admit.” You watched a smile begin to lift at the sides of his mouth, his dimple popping in on the side of his cheek.
“...Can I kiss you?” He whispered into the night.
“...Yeah.” He moved closer and brought his forehead to rest against yours. You two watched each other for a little while, soft smiles on both of your lips. He brushed his lips against yours a few times just to tease you, but after having enough, your hand settled behind his neck and you pulled him in to allow your lips to fully attach to his. The kiss was slow and soft, much like the first kiss you two shared. His hand rested below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breaths mingled together. You hadn’t realized how much you actually missed this until just now. When you two pulled apart, he rested his forehead against yours again.
“So, what now?”
“We start from square one.”
“What do you mean?”
He leaned away from you and straightened his back out, holding his hand out for you to shake, “hi, I’m Jaehyun.”
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markleesthighs · 4 years
Mea Bella | Chapter 2
Pairings: Reader x Jaehyun, Reader x ??? Genre: NCT royalty!au, angst, fluff, subtle flirting Warnings: flashbacks, forbidden love, smutty Words: 2.5k
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Chapter 2 - One More Day
You were hanging laundry up to dry on clothespins when you saw Jaehyun and his advisors and planners with him in the garden, picking out what flowers to use for the decorations. When they caught your eye, you curtsied and allowed them to continue. However, you felt Jaehyun's eyes lingering upon you, gazing at your features and beauty. Jaehyun was so distracted that he almost fell into the fountain.
"Prince Jaehyun, please look where you are going," said his royal advisor, Taeyong.
"R-right, thank you."
You smiled as you walked back into the castle to finish cleaning before helping the needs of Jaehyun. You cleaned and organized his room, closet, and office and eventually met up with Jaehyun around noon. You went to serve them lunch, and they were discussing the guest list.
"The Lees, Suhs, Moons, Kims, Wongs, and Parks have RSVPed so far."
"Fantastic. Hopefully, everyone else will as well."
"Prince, I am required by law to invite princess-"
"Yes, I know, and I am fully aware that she and her family have RSVPed."
"Now that everything is in order, you still have a tasting of the food and outfit fittings left for the Prince Jaehyun."
"Thank you for your kindest services, now let's eat."
When you walked away, you wanted to know who the lucky princess is. You hoped some of the other maids in the kitchen had heard anything. From what you heard, they said that she was a flirt and slept with wealthy men to reach the top, which is how she became a prospect for Jaehyun. You felt sick by this and hoped that Jaehyun wouldn't fall for her, but he might have to marry her.
Jaehyun finished his lunch but still had to taste the food for the midnight ball. You walked out to see him sitting by himself, awaiting food with a list and quill in his hand. He notices you walking in and smiled at your presence. You walked over to him, and he immediately gave you a quick peck on the lips.
"Is this the first course I'm tasting?"
You laughed while blushing.
"Because this tastes REALLY sweet."
He pulled you in for another kiss that was longer than the first one, but you pulled away in fear that someone would see.
"I'll go get your actual course."
"Come back quick before I perish from loneliness."
"Don't be so dramatic."
You brought out some hors d 'oeuvres such as deviled eggs, stuffed mushrooms, and pate. Jaehyun ate and checked off or crossed out the foods he wanted for the ball. But he had been talking about 10-15 minutes with each hors d'oeuvre, and you still had more food for him to taste.
"y/n, tell me what you think of this"
"b-but Jaehyun, it's caviar, you should be tasting these things."
"Yeah, but I need another outside opinion, you know?"
"I don't know…"
"Do it for me?"
Jaehyun put some caviar on a cracker and fed it to you. You swear it was the best thing you have ever tasted in your life, and you wanted more of it.
"Jaehyun…This is really good, and it's creamy and salty. I like it."
"Do you know what's also creamy and salty?"
"Oh, shut up."
"Here, try the smoked salmon with cream cheese."
Jaehyun fed it to you again, and you smiled back as you tasted the smokey fish and cream cheese touch your tastebuds. It was a perfect combination of food.
"Hey you got a little cream cheese on your face, let me get it for you."
Jaehyun licked his thumb and rubbed it against the spot on your cheek where the cream cheese was, and you felt your face turning red.
"I-is it gone?"
"Nope. I missed a spot."
Jaehyun pecked your lips, which made you throw your head into his lap out of embarrassment. Jaehyun caressed your hair and attempted to calm you down while smiling at your shy figure.
You and Jaehyun turned to see his mother staring at you and Jaehyun intently to intimidate you.
"I understand that both of you are close friends, but you must not act this way at the ball, we have guests and a reputation to uphold. Jaehyun, your father would not be too pleased to see you like this infant of your potential wives. If you both continue to fool around, then you won't be matching this year, understand?"
"Yes, mother, I understand, I'll continue tasting now."
"Can you please go to the fitting room, to kill two birds with one stone so that Jaehyun can focus and that you can get fitted for your dress."
"Of course, enjoy the rest of your afternoon."
You bowed to both of them and walked up to the seamstress' room where they took your measurements and fitted you for the dress. They also took notes on what hair and makeup you'll be doing to accommodate the dress as well. You noticed a suit that looked similar to the fabric the seamstress was working on.
"Is that Jaehyun's suit?"
"Yes ma'am, would you like to peak?"
"If I may?"
"Of course."
She pulled to mannequin out from behind the divider, and you saw a beautiful royal blue suit with black detailing, symbolizing the colors of the kingdom, meaning confidence, wisdom, intelligence, and strength. You felt the soft fabric and saw on Jaehyun's suit a sash with all of his badges from the military and inherited ones from his ancestors. Each badge was perfectly polished and shined brightly in the light. You admired Jaehyun, and he had accomplished so much for an (almost) 18-year old. However, one badge caught your eye; it was an amber gemstone in the center of what appeared to be a flower or a daisy. That badge was a badge you gave to Jaehyun for helping him pick flowers with you, it was a cute badge at the time, but now you look back and realize it was a badge Jaehyun never took off. The seamstress noticed you were staring at the badge for a long time and decided to give some input.
"Ever since Jaehyun was young, he refused to take off that badge. It was very special to him. I also heard that he never took it off in battle too, whenever it was becoming rusty or old he constantly wanted it polished and fixed right away, it was very sweet. When I asked him about it, he said someone very special gave it to him, and it motivates him that he can do anything as long as he has his heart set on it."
You smiled and have never felt warm and fuzzy about something in your life. But it only made it bittersweet when you realized that Jaehyun was going to be courting people wearing your badge. You said your goodbyes and thanks to the seamstress and continued your daily routine. Preparing bread and food for dinner, cleaning and dusting several parts of the castle, and having to assist Jaehyun when he needed it. You were helping Jaehyun with selecting flowers, and he asked for your opinion.
"y/n, roses or lilies?"
"roses, they look more elegant and fitting for the ball."
"hm, good choice."
Later that night, it was dinner time, and you were helping serve dinner as usual, due to this, you were always exposed to the daily conversations at the dinner table.
"Did you see if your suit fits?"
"It does mother."
"How about the food is everything suitable, presented perfectly, and tastes lavish?"
"Of course."
"Have you looked at the list of princesses attending tomorrow evening?"
"Jung Jaehyun! I told you look at that weeks ago! You must have done some research in the library!"
"My darling, leave him alone, I didn't even research you because there was no need once I spoke with you."
"Can you stop being so irrational right now! I just want what's best for our son!"
"He will choose what is best, I've taught him to have a good heart."
"Have you heard of the rumors of some of these princesses? If my son marries, please excuse my language, but a whore, I won't be able to breathe."
"Mother, will you please relax, there's nothing to worry about."
While Jaehyun's mother looked in distress, she saw you fill her glass with more water, and she turned to you and began to speak.
"Ah, y/n, since you are attending, can you please make sure that Jaehyun stays clear of the troublesome princesses? I trust you because you know as women, we know how vicious we can be."
"Of course, my queen, I will try my best."
Great, picking Jaehyun's future wife while you are secretly dating, doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. You turned to Jaehyun, giving him a small smile before returning to bring out dessert, raspberry tarts.
After dinner, you helped clean up when you saw Jaehyun waiting so you could help him with his nighttime routine of bathing, getting dressed, and going to bed. You walked up to his room to see him sitting against his window, still looking out into the starts.
"I'm not ready, y/n."
"I don't think anyone is ever ready."
"It's a big moment in my life. I don't think I'll be able to do it, especially when you are going to be there."
"Don't worry about me. I'll be okay."
"But it's not okay!"
"I- I love you, y/n! to have you watch me go off with another girl is just wrong! I-I don't want to hurt you!"
"Jae, it's fine, we both knew this day would come eventually….trust me, I'll be okay."
"Are you sure, my daisy?"
"Of course, I will always love you, no matter how many times you could break my heart."
"I promise I will find some way for us to be together, and I promise I will have a dance with you at the ball."
Jaehyun kissed your hand as you bitterly smiled, and you went to go prepare his bath filled with rose petals and lavender. The aromatics in his bathroom were warm and florescent. Jaehyun noticed how monotone your face was while filling his bath, so he came behind you, only in a robe hugging you from behind.
"Join me."
"Please, it might the last time we have this chance together."
"B-but Jae I'm just a maid I'm not supposed to- let alone see you naked."
Jaehyun looked at you with puppy-like eyes begging you to take a bath with him, and you couldn't resist.
"Fine, but you are getting in first."
Jaehyun smiled as you turned around because you were too shy to see Jaehyun naked, your mind would go lewd places. Jaehyun laughed as you heard him, slowly dip into the bath. You started to strip your clothes and tie up your hair with a black ribbon so your hair would not get wet. You hesitated to turn around once you removed all of your clothes, but Jaehyun encouraged you to turn around. You turned around slowly looking at the floor, but you could sense the smile forming on Jaehyun's face. He reached out a hand for you to join him, but you were still looking at the floor when you walked to the edge of the bathtub. You looked at Jaehyun's loving gaze as you slowly dipped into the bath, now only looking at the candles around you trying to avoid looking at Jaehyun and his body. Your back met Jaehyun's chest, and you felt Jaehyun pull his head down into your neck. His hands started to rub your arms and legs lightly, massaging them. You felt your cheeks blush, and your whole body feeling hot.
"Shh, let me love you, my daisy."
Jaehyun started to kiss your neck softly, and his hands moved all over your body, making you become breathless under his touch. You turned your head to meet his eyes, kissing him delicately while the bright candles and warm water hug both of you. It was as if time stopped, and you turned your whole body to straddle Jaehyun deepening every kiss. Jaehyun wrapped his arms around you hugging your waist tight, wanting you to be closer to his body.
"God, you are so beautiful," Jaehyun moaned.
You felt his member get harder against your thigh begging to enter inside you, and you felt hungrier for Jaehyun. You looked at Jaehyun's eyes filled with lust, pleading for you. Jaehyun whispered in your ear.
"I'm going to put it in, okay? Relax, you'll be okay love,"
With that, he entered inside you, kissing you every second of the way and whispering words of encouragement to keep you relaxed. You felt the pain and pleasure scratching Jaehyun's shoulders, moaning loudly like music to his ears. Tears streamed from your eyes from the pain, and Jaehyun lifted your head from his neck and wiped them away, kissing your neck.
"Is it okay for me to move?"
"M-maybe one more- ah- second- mmh-"
"Of course, take all the time you need."
You took about 2 minutes before you told him that it was okay for him to move, and he began moving at a slow pace, for you and him. Jaehyun eventually picked up the pace while kissing you and caressing your entire body, splashing water, petals, and moans scattering all over the bathroom. It eventually led to Jaehyun, making you both reach your climaxes at the same time. You both panted, taking deep breaths to relax your breathing. You straddled off of Jaehyun, sitting in between his legs, and you laid against his chest, fiddling with his fingers.
"Are you alright, my little Daisy?"
"Yes, Jae, I love you so much."
"I love you too, y/n."
Jaehyun got up from the bath and carried you out, knowing that your body would be a little sore, and you would not be able to walk. He wrapped you in a towel and laid you down on his bed, letting you dry off and relax.
"Wait, Jae, I'll clean- the bathroom- ah-"
"No, no, no, you've cleaned up after me several times, let me."
"Please rest, for once, let me take care of you now."
So, you laid on the plush bed as Jaehyun started to clean up the bath, throwing the petals out the window and draining the tub and cleaning the floor with a cloth. Once he finished, he kissed your forehead to wake you up from your small nap. You smiled, looking at Jaehyun, who smiled back and left to get your nightwear from your room. He removed the towel and helped you get dressed. He also prepared clean clothes for you the next day when you woke up. You could barely walk, so you stayed with Jaehyun for the night. Jaehyun changed out of his robe and into his pajamas, cuddling up next to you, kissing your neck.
"Goodnight, my daisy."
Follow me for updates and to follow the series! also, dm me your thoughts I would love to know 🥺
~ n ✧*:・゚
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h2omyeon · 4 years
You Were Beautiful (KJM x Reader)
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Summary: You had been in love with your classmate Kim Junmyeon for the last year and a half. You finally find the guts to tell him the truth about how you feel, but at the wrong time. (PS: Chanyeol makes a cameo in this story and Junmyeon is an Art History major!)
Pairing: Junmyeon x Female Reader
Tags: College Student Junmyeon, Art Hoe Junmyeon, bittersweet stuff
Warnings: Mentions of suicide towards the end of this chapter
Word Count (in total): 8.5k
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my first ever story I wrote and published on here. Feel free to leave comments and I will try to publish each chapter weekly! This story is based off of a combination of dreams that I had which included people who weren’t Junmyeon and Junmyeon himself during the beginning of this whole COVID pandemic (AKA: when things began to fall apart). Like the world that I was living in at that time, this story/dream is just as (I hope to believe) chaotic. I also apologize if there are a ton of plot holes in the story because it was based on a dream and I could not think of any filler parts. Enjoy!- PS
PPS: Thank you so much for reading up to this point; I really appreciate all the likes, reblogs and comments by you all and the overall support. I am also honored to tell you all that I will be publishing a story called “Cocoon” (which will pair the reader with Jaehyun from NCT) within the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for that. 
PPPS: Before you read this chapter, I apologize for the way the story ends and feel free to ask, comment or message me about it. I felt like it was the best way to end it. I hope you have enjoyed the story thus far as much as I have enjoyed writing and sharing it. Thank you again!- h2omyeon <3
Read the previous parts here: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Epilogue: Universe 
Three days after the accident, the press had confirmed that there were more than 20 survivors; there were 40 altogether, although the names were not stated. Most of the people who had passed on the flight were older people or young children. You had no idea if Junmyeon had survived the crash after the on-site investigation was completed as rescue workers and police officers were still going around to friends and family members of those who may have been on the flight. 
That same week, your family decided to go visit the Kims on Saturday afternoon to keep them company. While you all were enjoying some of Mrs Kim’s comforting homemade food on their patio that day, the doorbell began to ring. Mr Kim immediately got up from his seat and ran to the door; you saw through the net that there were two rescue workers and a tall male police officer talking to him about something; Mrs Kim walked to the door while the rest of you followed. 
You watched a conversation unfold in the front door and the Kims were handed a letter World War 2 style; Mrs Kim opened the letter and read it out loud; her voice had begun to break.
“Good day, we regret to inform you that your family member passed away in the crash that occurred to Flight 496 last Saturday.”
Your heart dropped; the love of your life really was gone. All the memories he had of you were gone, forever. You went into your mother’s arms and began to weep. She sobbed too, as your father consoled the crying women in front of him.
Mr Kim consoled his wife, who asked in Korean, “How will I tell his mother?” Natasha and Molly, not knowing how to react because they were both watching TV, both turned pale after hearing the news and turned off the TV. After a few moments, you and your father walked to the front door. You skimmed through the letter, realizing that there was a mistake; the address and the name were wrong. 
The rescue worker, who you recognized as a guy from your history class, spoke. “Wait, I think I got the letters mixed up,” he admitted, taking the letter from you. He looked at the front and the back to check the name; “Yeah, I got it mixed up.” He went to retape the letter, while the other worker handed you a letter with the right address. 
“How the hell do you get addresses mixed up?!?!?!” Mr Kim snapped at the young man; the young man had a look of confusion. “Y/N, please read the letter.” Mr and Mrs Kim held one another’s hands; your parents held one another tightly and silently prayed as they watched you read the fate of your first love in your hands. 
Your hands shook as you tried to open the letter: “Dear Mr and Mrs Kim, your family member Kim Junmyeon, survived the crash of Flight 496 and is doing well at the hospital; he will be coming home soon.” Along with the brief letter, there was the address of the hospital that he was staying at; it was located in Long Island. Everyone began to happily embrace one another; you couldn’t help but hug your sisters and parents. He was alive; it was a sigh of relief for all of you. You were unable to sleep in fear that he died without wanting to and now for the first time in a week, you could sleep in peace. Mr Kim and your father, two people who initially despised one another, hugged one another for the first time. 
“Thank you,” you thanked the rescue workers and the police officer. The workers watched the brief sadness turn into a sigh of relief and happiness . 
“I apologize for my colleague’s mistake. Have a good day,” the police officer stated and the three of them went off to the next family. You had a smile on your face; “We will visit him first thing tomorrow,” Mr Kim declared. That night, they went to buy ingredients to make some of their nephew’s favorite foods, both Korean and American. 
Later that night, you told Angela the good news; “He’s a brave and very resilient man. I knew he would come out of it alive,” she stated. You two proceeded to talk about how you all were going to meet to go to the hospital the next morning. 
The next morning, you heard loud banging from the front door, while you were asleep. You could hear your father leave the bedroom he shared with your mother to open the door. You woke up immediately and the rest of your family followed suit and walked to the front door. 
Mr Kim hurriedly entered the house and rapidly spoke as he walked in. Your mother walked to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. You were unable to understand what had happened. 
“What happened?” Natasha and Molly asked; you did not know what was going on either. You didn’t want to bother your parents, so you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. The young girls walked down the stairs to the living room by the time you came out of the bathroom. You walked down the stairs and to the living room; you saw that everyone was crying. Junmyeon was alive, you thought. Why are they crying?
“That letter was a lie,” Mr Kim consoled you. He wiped his tears, took a sip of his water and began to explain that he had received a call from the hospital that Junmyeon had suffered a seizure in his sleep as a result of his head trauma and passed away earlier that morning. Your father looked at you; your heart dropped. You got up to feel if the world you were living in was stimulation; you felt the room spin, then go black and produced a loud thud as your body fell on the floor. 
Fifteen minutes later, you woke up on the sofa, having no recollection of being there. There was a wet towel on your forehead; Angela and Chanyeol had arrived by that time. Angela’s face was red and puffy from crying, while Chanyeol consoled her. He had tried not to cry, but the tears in his eyes were about to come out and he finally cried. Your mother and sisters were all crying, but at that moment, you were confused as to why they were so sad. By this time, Mr Kim and your father had gone to the hospital to collect Junmyeon’s remaining belongings. 
It had suddenly hit you that Junmyeon had passed away; that was the reason you fell on the ground. You hoped to reunite with the love of your life that same day at the hospital but all hopes of reunion died along with your hopes in life.  You didn’t know how to process what had been going on; he wasn’t dead, he was just away for a long period of time, you claimed in your head. You couldn’t eat and refused to move from the sofa for the rest of the day. Your mother sang songs as a way to console you and your sisters sat with you, holding your hand. 
“I know how much you loved him,” your mother consoled. “He’s in a better place now.”
Later that evening, your parents were watching the news when the reporters had confirmed he was the passenger who had died of his injuries. You stared blankly at the television screen; Junmyeon was now a memory embedded in a voicemail, a text message conversation and many pictures taken during your time together. Another thing passed away that day, which was your ability to feel love. It would take a while for you to grow that ability back.
The funeral was a week after the news broke. It was small and quick, since Junmyeon’s body was flown to Korea that same night. Your sister Natasha and Chanyeol had sung his favorite song, “Universe” by EXO as a way to say goodbye with Molly playing the piano. Along with Angela and Chanyeol and a few of your other friends, your father spoke about how much he saw Junmyeon as the Glue that held two families together. Mr and Mrs Kim spoke, sharing their experiences with him as their beloved nephew, while your mother spoke about how he possessed a rare quality to love unconditionally and spread that love to everyone around him. 
It was your turn to speak. You didn’t prepare a speech and were naturally awkward when it came with words, despite being an English major. You took a breath and finally, after formulating somewhat of a hasty eulogy, began to speak:
“Junmyeon was like glue; he stuck by you no matter what you were going through. Whenever I felt upset, I knew I could always go to him to talk to him about it. He brought two families who initially did not know one another together and formed a trust that will last a lifetime,” you began.
“Most of all, he made me the happiest I had been in a long time. I remember the night before he left, he told me that I made him happy. I never thought I could be the source of someone’s happiness, let alone be happy myself. Happiness is something I don’t think I will ever find in a long time and for most of you, Junmyeon may be just a memory. I know that for you  all, he is memorialized in physical items such as pictures, voicemails and text messages, but for me he is memorialized both in my heart and in my life. I’m glad I got to know Junmyeon; he was the light in everyone’s life that has now extinguished. I will miss him deeply. The sad thing is, I never even got to say goodbye to him at the hospital and tell him how much I really loved him. Now I can finally tell him that I will always love him.”
The attendees clapped as you walked back and sat next to your mother. The rest of the funeral went by like a breeze; you began to wonder how you were going to live your life now that Junmyeon was gone. You could have been able to contact him had he flown to Korea safely, but now you were never going to hear him tell the stories of his life in the military, his admiration for paintings, his stupidly corny jokes and his singing voice; he was gone forever. 
Stuck like glue no more, your father and Mr Kim got into spats over small things once again. They went back to Korea to live with Junmyeon’s parents after a month. Your family went on to live their lives, but you felt out of place in their happiness and normality. Since the funeral, dark thoughts appeared in your mind that had never appeared before. You had thoughts of joining him above in ways unimaginable; one way was covering your aired out body parts in plastic bags (such as your arms and head), then jumping from the top of the George Washington Bridge into the Hudson River, while another included knives, although thankfully you never acted on these thoughts. You occupied yourself with listening to music, writing, cooking, talking with family and friends, going to museums and walking around the park whenever the weather was nice to get rid of the thoughts; the thoughts were not frequent, but they lasted for days at a time. 
One year after his death, you went to visit Mr and Mrs Kim’s now empty house that was about to be filled with new neighbors and sat on the empty bench at their front porch. You reminisced about the confessions you made to him and he did to you; the liveliness and spark were no longer there. The laughs shared, the kisses shared, the stories told were memories you could no longer experience again. You sat for an hour and stared up at the sky deeply immersed in your thoughts about life as some bass music from your neighbor’s house played in the background. Suddenly, the lyrics to “Rough” by GFriend began to ring in your head: 
If I could run through time and become an adult
I will hold your hand in this cruel world
Grieving is different for everyone; for you, it took a year to accept Junmyeon’s untimely death. You knew that you could not spend your life being sad forever and had to look at the future ahead of you instead of dwelling in the past. No amount of songs, dreams, fantasies, voicemail replays, nostalgia talks with Angela and Chanyeol about him, and re-wearing the sweater he had left in your room after a theater rehearsal could ever bring him back. 
For three years, you held each other’s hands and guided each other through this world in unusual ways and that bond was abruptly broken by his sudden departure. However, you still held it out in hopes that you would reunite with him in the future and now that was no more. You remembered that you had to help your mother cook beef Stroganoff and got off the bench. For one last time, you took a glance at it before the new people were to move into the house and it would be gone forever. 
“Bye,” you whispered, then walked back out into the strange world you were living in, seeking for a new hand to hold and cherish forever.
The End
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years
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Meeting his girlfriend
It was SM's annual Christmas party organized by your company. You were pretty proud because you did your best. Your boss mentioned that he was looking for new partners for the sister company in Seoul and you see in this your chance. You honestly just moved to Seoul for the job. But since Jaehyun came back into your life, everything has become more complicated. You have deliberately not contacted him. After you kissed it was hard to forget him, actually you could never forget him. But you managed to distract yourself with sports, friends, and work. Your boss was so enthusiastic about you that he saw you as the ideal candidate for the new company in Seoul. And you finally had the chance to advance your career. Besides, you didn't have much in America anyway. Now your sister Audrey, which was the person with to whom you shared your apartment, has also moved to Cape Town with her fiancée and you thought that you had to move on also. You also visit the SM celebration, but more incognito, because you have to check that everything went according to plan. For the evening you bought yourself a tight red dress. For days you have been on a diet to make you look good in it. Sometimes you didn’t know why you did it all yourself. For Jaehyun? Who has a girlfriend? You were sometimes disappointed with yourself. You liked him, but he wasn’t ready to end the relationship with her. You look in the mirror and feel again this emptiness inside you. When would this be finally filled? Sometimes you wonder if you have ever been able to love. Maybe Jaehyun was better with his girlfriend than with you anyway. You just a being that couldn’t love.
Everything went well at the party. Everyone was excited about the event and everyone seemed to enjoy it. You went through the hall and stopped by a Christmas tree. The decoration was a bit crooked and you wanted to fix it. Everything had to be perfect because your career success depends on this party. "You look so beautiful." You suddenly hear a familiar voice and you have to smile a little bit. You turn to the side and see him. Jaehyun Jung. The hair styled and in a suit. He looked bigger than usual and you look at him with big eyes. "Hi." Like a stupid teenage girl adoring her crush, you grin at him. You try to control the corner of your mouth, but they keep pulling up. "Hi." His voice was so gentle and he looked deep into your eyes. You two say nothing at all, just staring at each other. You thought about how you would like to touch his lips now and feel his skin on yours. Everything in you got hot and you suddenly wanted so much more. Not like back in Paris. You wanted to take everything from him, feel his body, inhale his scent. You just wanted more from him. But you get interrupted. A slim figure clung to Jaehyun's body and turned his collar. "Here you are." She was here, the girlfriend of Jaehyun. It didn’t surprise you that she was beautiful. She was slim and stylish. She looked like from a fashion magazine. She could almost have been an idol here. Her look was amazing and now you could understand why Jaehyun was with her. "I have to go. Have fun." You try to smile and turn away from the couple. It was only a matter of time anyway that you got to know his girlfriend. But she was so perfect, so petite. You hoped that she had at least some flaw. But she was flawless, like Jaehyun. They looked like the perfect couple. Your heart ached and you would like to lie down with a pack of chips and watch awful love movies. But you had to work, you had to keep your composure.
You try to compensate your sadness with work, as always in the last weeks. But it was hard for you because Jaehyun passes always by with his stunning look. He always gave you a lovingly smile, but you didn’t talk to each other anymore. His girlfriend, you learned that night that she was called Suji, was with him all the time. At some point, you couldn’t anymore and wanted to collect yourself. That's why you go to the bathroom and lock yourself up in the toilet for a moment. You only need a minute for yourself. But then you hear how a group of high heels came into the room. "Oh my god, I hate this Y/N so much, why does she have to be in Seoul now?" It was clearly Suji's voice that you hear. You could hardly believe what she said and you couldn’t move. "What did she do?" You suddenly hear another voice that you didn’t know. "The bitch thinks she can take Jaehyun away from me, but we love each other and I think he'll soon make me a marriage proposal." The girls began to giggle and your heart stopped. Was that true? Did he intend to do that? Your heart beats faster and faster and you couldn’t realize it all. "But what does she think? Did you see how she looks like? Awful! And did you see her butt? Totally fat! Jaehyun needs more a woman who is classic and elegant and not as cheap and slutty as Y/N." Tears came up in you, but you don’t try to sob, because of course, you didn’t want anyone to notice you. The next moment you hear again the high heels, who leave the bathroom. You hear the door banging and after a few seconds you dare to get out again. You look if they are really gone and then you go out. You stop by the sink and look at yourself in the mirror. You feel so small and terrible at this moment. Unbelievable how fast someone can destroy your self-esteem. With a tissue, you dab off your tears and check if your makeup still fits. After you have gathered, you decide to go out again and finish the evening as soon as possible. When you went back to the hall you saw Jaehyun again. Next to him is Suji. You look at her and she grins, almost as if she knew what she had done. Does she even maybe? You look at Jaehyun and his eyes were soft and loving again. But you can’t bear it anymore. You turn away and disappear.
You found a small room that was unused. The chairs were still on the tables and in the middle was a bar that you could lean on. You hear to the music from the room next door and you knew that it would break you to go back and see Jaehyun with her. You had been thinking all along that you managed to forget him. But the truth was that you were in love with Jaehyun and you didn't remember when you experienced such intense love like this before. When you try to hold back your tears, you hear steps. You look down quickly to keep your composure and when you look up again, Jaehyun was already in front of you. He stares at you but said nothing. You had a hard time holding back your tears and when the first tear ran down your cheek you couldn't keep your words back. "You know, we had such a great time in America. We had so much fun, listened to music, watched movies, talked all night. Then the kiss that just triggered so much in me because it was so intense. And then you look for me at my work and send me my favorite flowers. Maybe I'm a fool, but I always thought there is something between us!?" You could just take only a breath after your speaking when you feel Jaehyun's lips on yours. He grabbed your hips and pushed you against the bar. And for a moment you let it go because it felt so good. As if you deserve it. All your suffering, tears and pain were rewarded. Just to feel his lips, to take in his love. But in the next moment, you realize what just happened and you push him softly aways. "Jaehyun, your girlfriend insulted me a few minutes earlier on the toilet and said that you wanted to marry her." You look up at him desperately. Why did it have to be so difficult? Why couldn't you just know what he felt, what he thought? "My life is not easy. Relationships are very complicated. If I leave Suji for you, are you really ready to have a secret relationship with me? We can never get out easily, go on dates or just have a coffee in public. We have to constantly hide. Are you really ready for this?" He takes your hand and looks at you seriously as if it were a matter of life or death. You didn't know what to say, it was all so unreal. You would never have expected such a question. Of course, you wanted to be with him, but you didn't know what it all entails. You keep forgetting that he's an idol. It was all so unreal and you didn't know what to say to him. You just stare at him with your mouth open and try to find words. "Y/N, I really like you. I want it to work between us. But I need to know that because if I leave Suji, I risk my whole career. So are you ready for all of this?" He put your hands on his chest with his and you could feel his pulse that was getting faster and faster. And suddenly you knew the answer. "Yes." You hadn't thought about it for a second. You wanted Jaehyun, even if the price was high. And Jaehyun looked visibly relieved. He took your face in his hands and leaned his forehead against yours. He smiled and stroked your cheek with his thumb. "I'll try to sort this out with Suji and try to find a solution." Jaehyun looked into your eyes and you just enjoy his skin on yours. "Jaehyun? Does she have anything against you?" You loosen your forehead from his and look at him with concern. None of this was normal. Why should his career depend on when he leaves any employee? "Yes ..." He said no more and you could see that he was ashamed. "Is it bad?" Your gaze sticks on him and you can see him slowly looking up again. "Whichever way you take it." He sighed and took your hand again. He didn't want to hide anything from you and wanted to start your relationship honestly right away. "When we were in America, Johnny and I smoked a joint. Somehow, she secretly took a picture and want to use it to blackmail me if I leave her." He looked up at you guiltily, but you were relieved. You were more likely to expect a sex scandal or something like that. "It's not a bad thing. It's legal in many countries and even I smoke sometimes one." You laugh and take a deep breath again. "But it is illegal here and if such a scandal became public, then SM would banish me." He ran his fingers over your hand and you think for a while. "So that's why you were with her all the time?" He nodded and slowly everything became clear to you. But you didn't want him to give it all up for you. Maybe it was a wrong decision, maybe you could forget him, no longer love him ... for him. "Jaehuyn, you don't have to risk it all. Not for me ..." You didn't want him to take such a burden. "I want you. And someone owes me a favor. Maybe I can solve it quietly and secretly. Give me a week." He looked at you seriously and you nodded silently. At that moment, you just had to trust him, you had no choice. But for the first time, it was okay for you. "Come over." He suddenly pulled you by the hand and take you to the middle of the room. "Let’s dance." He smiled and put his hands on your hips and you put your arms over his shoulders. As if that wasn't all cliché enough, it played the song of "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran.
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own. And in your eyes you're holding mine. Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms.
You moved together slowly to the music and you put your head on his shoulder. He pushes you closer to you and so you linger. In the empty room, with all the chairs on the tables and where there was none except you two. And you knew at that moment that your story had just started.
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About us masterlist
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 40
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, GDragon x Bigbang
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Pregnancy, Alcohol Consumption (drink responsibly), mentions making love, cumplay (not really), birth, tasting breast milk, emotions and more that I cant think of.
Length: 5.8k words
Announcement: This is dedicated to the Sherlock holmes anon who guessed the dad debate correct. It was Yoongi. Autocorrects may occur and other errors just let me know if there is anything majorly wrong.
Recap: Back from America. You and the boys have to deal with sickness as the last of winter turns to spring. You are finally able to go back to work, however, you find out you are pregnant. The doctor is running the DNA test who is the father.
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The boys joined you one by one, each taking boxes and sorting through them, you helped to carry a rubbish bag for anything they were finally ready to part with. You organised so much stuff, and could finally see the crisp cream walls and grey marble tiles. 
“We finally can have a computer room for our games?” Taehyung wiggles excitedly bumping fists with Jungkook who was wearing a pair of rabbit ears.  “Or a new dance studio” Jimin grinned at Hoseok who made a cheerful noise while he was buried under a pile of little bags. 
“Actually I was wondering if perhaps I could have this room” You spoke quietly folding an old shirt of Jin’s.  “What why?” Namjoon was quite alarmed, “did we do something wrong?”
“No it is not that, I just want to make something special in this room. A surprise” they nodded some did so reluctantly. You got the key to the room. And ushered them out so you could start planning. 
Over the next few weeks, Jiyong and Moon Inshik helped paint and they snuck in furniture while the boys were out. Jiyong was designing the whole thing. Describing your dream nursery with sketches and the colour scheme was white, grey and peach. Later moving on to clothing and designs preferring no pictures or words on the clothes. The baby clothes colour scheme was peach and yellow. 
“You think the baby will be a girl?”  “I think the baby would look cute in pink and yellow” “Have you heard back from the doctor about the DNA test?”
“Uh yeah yesterday I received the letter, I just wanted to make it special, I don’t know whether to tell him first or if it should be a group thing?” “Whatever feels right” he leaned down to your belly, his hands were cold and fingers thin, his daughter followed his actions touching your stomach as well and whispered to your baby giggling. “Uncle Jiyong is going to spoil you rotten” 
“I don’t think you could if you tried”
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Yoongi was in his studio returning home in a formal suit, he had met with a client and it seemed the meeting had gone really well; by the way, he didn’t shuffle and drop his bag but was actually humming. Knocking politely before opening the door he grinned “y/n? come in kitten” 
The studio was brightly lit, which seemed odd, and his lips were pulled up in a smile. He looked content just satisfied with his day. You walked over slowly, he looked too happy, you were now having second thoughts. Maybe you shouldn’t tell them who the father is and just say we are pregnant to all the boys. “How was your day?”
“Really good, those boys are hectic, but they liked the song and I got a good percentage of its profits. And there will be more if I help them with the rest of their album. They actually invited us all to dinner tonight so, would you like to come”
He was so chatty and bubbly you hoped this didn’t ruin it, he kept trying to pull you forward and you were subtly avoiding him. Touching things on his desk and cleaning up a few papers. His sweater paws laid on the arms of his desk chair no longer grabbing for you.
“Why are you avoiding me, did I do something wrong?” His smile faded and you wanted to hit yourself for being the reason.  “No, you are perfect Yoongi,” Not looking at him, the guilt of ruining his happiness set in.  “Did you do something wrong, did you break something?”
“Yoongi, I have something to tell you and it’s important” he licked his pretty pink lips in anticipation. Standing with a sigh he ran his hand down his face, loosening his tie and removing his jacket. The sight stirring you, you liked watching Yoongi undress. He walked you to the couch, where he held your hand and waited patiently. 
“Tell me” his voice was low and serious offering you a moment.  “It’s good news well I think so, but I am worried how you will feel”
Searching your face for the answer, your hands were shaking as you pulled the opened letter from your pocket and you handed it to him. 
Opening the paper he began reading, he was quiet for a long time frowning “what does it mean? the DNA results confirm with ninety-nine point eight percent accuracy that Min Yoongi is determined as the biological father”
He looked up to see you crying. “I’m not your great great great granddad or something am I, we aren’t even from the same country”  “No idiot” Laughing through misty eyes you pulled out the ultrasound photo and sniffled “This is our baby, Yoongi. You're going to be a dad”
Lunging into your arms he pulled back alarmed touching your belly to make sure he hadn’t hurt the precious bean inside. He wasted no time kissing your lips, face and neck. Laughing even though he was crying, he held you to his chest. “My kitten we are having a baby”
The afternoon was spent cuddling in his bedroom. He rubbed your tummy humming quietly, it was a soft tune that you had never heard before and he looked so content. Stirring only occasionally to ask you questions, “How long has it been?”
“Well I found out when I was about nine weeks, and I technically didn’t want anyone to know until after sixteen weeks, but currently I am twelve weeks which is three months. I’m not showing just yet, but, will you still love me when I get fat?” “I want to see you big with my baby inside of you” he grinned leisurely tracing his fingers around your belly button. 
Deciding to show Yoongi the nursery, the two of you agreed to keep it a secret until sixteen weeks. Just in case anything went wrong. Yoongi stepped inside and you showed him the crib, little toys, blankets and a few outfits. “There’s a little rocking chair for when I am nursing the baby, everything is themed peach and yellow because I don’t want my baby limited to ‘girl colours’ or ‘boy colours’. I just want them to be clean, happy, healthy and look cute like their dad”
“It’s beautiful” he smiled sitting in the white rocking chair and humming the tune again.  “What are you humming?” “Ah, nothing just something my mum used to sing to me” he rubbed his neck sheepishly pulling you onto his lap rocking you both as he hummed. 
You were so peaceful you didn’t hear someone come home. Not even when they stepped into the room. “Wah these boots are so little and cute,” Namjoon was holding the tiny boots up to his face, eyes wide marvelling at how they sat on the palm of his hand. 
“Ah, Namjoon!”  “Are we having a baby?” He asked glassy eyes meeting yours. You could only nod before he pulled you into a hug  “Is Yoongi the father?” “We are all the fathers, I can’t do it on my own, I have no idea how to raise a child, but biologically yes” 
“Congratulations, we should celebrate wait till the boys find out,” grabbing Namjoon’s arm before he ran off. “Joonie no, we have to wait until sixteen weeks, because before that it seems too early what if something happens and the maknaes get sad because of it,” he nodded getting serious. 
“Okay I won’t tell anyone” he raised his hand to his heart to swear it to you. The three of you left the room locking it up so no one would enter. You got ready for dinner dressing up nicely and stepping into Yoongi’s bedroom. 
“Hoseok just came home, did you tell them about dinner tonight?” “Mm, I texted them earlier today” he rolled out of bed his hair dishevelled and his crescent moon eyes bright. 
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Arriving at the restaurant you saw a large group of young men, each well dressed, handsome, tall and very lean.  “hello you must be Suga’s family” “Suga?”  “Yeah that’s his producer name” Taehyung whispered before playfully nipping at the shell of your ear. 
“Hello my name is Taeyong, I am the leader of NCT” he shook your hand bowing. Everyone sat down ordering food from the elaborate and expensive menu, “how about some champagne, to celebrate”
“Excuse me, Can we get a bottle of Champagne and what would you kids like?” Jaehyun grinned slapping the boys on the back.  “Hyung?” They pouted, not happy with being called kids.
“Can we get a pitcher of cherry coke and another of sprite please?” You asked the waiter and he nodded, the boys looked at you curiously. “I feel like some soda” 
You had fun playing games with Chenle and Jisung. Proud that you only had to go to the bathroom twice throughout the whole meal. Namjoon and Yoongi were getting really drunk as Namjoon kept slurring Congratulations to Yoongi and toasting to him. Taehyung the only other sober adult at the table helped you call rides for everyone to head home.
Carrying Namjoon inside your apartment building while he was singing at the top of his lungs Taehyung had started to sweat. “Moonchild you shine, When you rise, it's your time, C'mon yo” he tried to get the others to sing each wobbling comically in the elevator. Someone stepped onto the elevator and he grinned at the stumbling detective, recognition on his face.
“Namjoon?” “Moooooonchild dooooon't cry, When moooooon rise, it's your time, C'mon yo” Namjoon was trying to convince this man who seemed to know his name into singing his strange song with him.
“Namjoon how have you been?” “Soup-” he snickered into his hand “sooper dooper good” “I haven’t seen you since school, hey I just moved into this building so I guess I can see you around” He laughed patting him on the back making him fall forward. 
“Sorry about him they were celebrating tonight, I am Y/N” “Jackson Wang, you’re the girl who does the femme guide videos that BamBam has been watching. How did I not recognize Namjoon in the videos?”
“Do you have a femme?” “No, but we will very soon and are kind of scared about what to do?” “If you have any questions feel free to ask” you gave him your number and herded the boys out the elevator and towards your apartment.
Once inside you sent the boys who were more cognitive to shower and go to bed. While you and Taehyung were practically carrying Namjoon and Yoongi to their rooms. Yoongi was kissing your belly giggling a wide gummy grin. “I am your dad, and I love you and…” Wondering if he had fallen asleep you heard a sniffle 
“... I will try not to fuck up, okay so just go easy on me, I don’t really know what I am supposed to do, I will be there when you get sad and I will try to not get mad at you when you break my things, which you will cause you’re a child. I love you and your mum loves you and when the boys find out they will love you, I know this cause I am a dad, your dad”
There were steps thumping back down the hallway and Taehyung covered in tears ran at you stopping to delicately hug you. “we’re having a baby.” He was square mouth crying his body shaking with the small sobs “Namjoon said Yoongi is the father?”
“Don’t cry, it’s okay, I am a dad, you can hug me,” Yoongi said so sure of himself, puffing his chest out, standing to hug collapse against Taehyung “You want to say hi to the baby, you can’t see them ‘cause they are in there Tae, I put the baby in here, cause I am a dad”
Namjoon stumbled in holding the little baby shoes he had stolen from the nursery. “Yoongi, I got you a present for you, look they are so little” Namjoon and Yoongi curled up on the bed together holding a shoe each. Only after they argued on who got the left one, Namjoon said it was the most important as the left always goes missing. “I should have the left one because I am a dad”
Taehyung ignored the two drunkards and lifted your shirt bending down to place a kiss on your tummy. Whispering quietly and rubbing soothing circles on your hips. He lured you to his room and stripped and laid you on his bed so he could take photos. 
“Hello my friend I expect it would be warm inside someone’s belly, I don’t know where you are hiding because I can’t see you yet, but I know your in there” he looked up at you, “can they hear me?”
With no time to answer Taehyung opened your legs and practically shouted into your vagina, you lost it laughing so hard and he pouted.  “It’s really sweet but don’t scream at my business” he grinned and wiggling his eyebrows 
“Would you rather I do something else” you nodded at his offer. Slowly and hesitantly he buried himself between your legs, rolling his body against yours in slow thrusts trying not to hurt you. 
For the first time, he wasn’t chasing his high with you, he was holding your hands and telling you how much he loved you. You felt so special his slow moans were in a thick baritone. The two of you cuddled all night listening to classical music.
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You had such a peaceful rest, Taehyung had exhausted you into a deep sleep. When you woke you felt sick rushing to the nearest bathroom. Vomiting in the toilet, your throat burnt with the acid from your stomach. No matter how bad the morning sickness got, you were thankful that it always faded quickly.
Washing your mouth out and heading to the kitchen, you saw Jimin was making some toast. He was dressed in a pastel blue button-up and tan trousers, looking angelic. He pushed the plate of toast across the bench towards you and proceeded to make another two pieces for himself.
He looked tired from last night and you giggled, his thick lips pursed staring out the window. “My prince you look-“
“Princess, I think you might be pregnant” he blurted out “I don’t know much about females but I started researching after the incident in the bathroom and well... you have been throwing up every morning and you have been to the bathroom a lot and you didn’t drink last night and just so many things”
Jimin crossed the bench and hugged you, burying his nose in your hair where he gently inhaled your scented conditioner. “it’s okay love we are all here for you, have you been to the doctor, we can book you in for a check-up-”
“Jimin, I have already been, you can’t tell anyone okay?” “Tell anyone what?” Seokjin walked in heading to the fridge, he opened the doors and was shuffling around the fruit and vegetable crisper, his broad shoulder facing you. Throwing an egg at the kitchen window, it hit with a loud bang. Seokjin jumped at the noise turning around eyes wide looking for the source of the noise. Only to see Jimin frozen and looking at you like you were crazed.
“Don’t tell anyone Jimin threw an egg at the window” Pointing accusingly at Jimin and then at the said window, his mouth opening and shutting trying to speak and defend himself before he deflated. “Please don’t tell” he pouted, Seokjin took a cup of coffee and his fruit breakfast and left for work, the two of you alone once more eating toast silently.
“Jimin, pregnancies are really unstable you don’t tell anyone until sixteen weeks, I am only twelve please don’t tell anyone, imagine how devastated everyone would be if something happened” You held out your pinky and he took it with his, swearing to you he wouldn’t tell before sharing a kiss.
“You are not lying to me are you, you really are?” he whispered nodding you told him that you were, in fact, pregnant and it was Yoongi’s baby, but you wanted all the boys to treat this baby as if it was theirs as you were one big family. He dragged you to his room, locking the door, and sitting you on the bed. 
You felt electricity buzz through you, as he knelt between your legs, followed by warmth when he hugged your middle. “Hello Um… baby, my name is Uh Jimin, I love you little one. I know you will be loved by everyone. I will teach you everything I know, and when you need help I want you to know you can come to me. I promise” he was smiling so brightly at your tummy his fingers delicately caressing and tickling your sides. He saw you had started crying hand pressed to your mouth to suppress whimpers. 
“Princess don’t cry,” kissing your forehead he smelt like orange blossom and when his lips met yours he tasted like plum jam on toast. “I’m sorry it’s just everyone has been so good and talking to the baby and I’m so hormonal and emotional” 
Rounding up all the boys who knew your secret and dragging them into Yoongi’s studio much to his dismay, you discussed keeping it top secret. They all understood swearing they would try not to let it slip.
“What are you working on? A lullaby?” Taehyung read the computer screen, “Is it for the baby, I want to make a song too please” “Me too” Jimin piped up, they all got Yoongi to agree, Namjoon was also onboard with the idea of writing something. You were all excited and in your own thoughts when you heard Hoseok shout from the kitchen. 
“Why is there an egg splattered on the kitchen window, god I hope that’s egg if it’s not y’all need some sort of god to save your soul from sins and maybe a doctor yellow-orange is not a good colour”
You didn’t make it till the end of the day until they all knew, “You're pregnant!” Hoseok accused the ultrasound had fallen from Yoongi’s pocket, “this is a baby right, not a lumpy tumour, I have seen an ultrasound before”
Seokjin was choking on noodles, “really?” “Jagiya have you been playing with strays?” Hoseok grinned “You knew and didn’t tell us?” Jungkook pointed
Jimin put on a shocked face, pretending like he didn’t know “princess, you are pregnant? Since when? who is the father?” “But Jimin you already knew,” Taehyung said causing everyone to facepalm.  “You all knew?”  “I just found out” Seokjin breathed trying to console the screeching Jungkook.
“Same” Hoseok raising his hands innocently. You explained why you didn’t tell them and how the boys had found out you were expecting. “I told Yoongi, because, this is his biological child. Namjoon found out on and got drunk accidentally telling Taehyung and Jimin figure it out on his own.
Jungkook finally forgave you and each of the boys took turns talking to your belly and looking at the ultrasound. 
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Seven months pregnant and staying in a hotel, you walked out of the elaborate bathroom and got dressed. You had a small paid crew filming you for your channel. 
Your phone started ringing the caller ID said Seokjin, you answered, “hello my love” “Are you ready, the boys are getting tired of waiting?” “Alright stop complaining I need to get my room key” you scooped up your things up and headed to the elevator. Handing T.O.P your room key. 
Looking at your reflection in the mirror the dress you wore made your little round tummy look cute and you felt like you were glowing. The elevator stopped on the ground floor and you slowly walked out and headed towards the hall. Seokjin's hotel was a luxury style building a perfect place for all occasions and the food was lovely. 
The boys would be waiting for you just around the corner, there was a sweet piano piece playing. You recognised it as the one Yoongi had gifted you in the piano-shaped music box. 
Inshik smiled by the entrance and took your hand kissing it. He told you how beautiful you looked and Jiyong placed your veil in your hair. It was time to go in. The boys next door, we’re all dressed in pretty suits each carrying a basket of petals. They were your flower boys.
They each hugged you Kai and Soobin patting your round belly. “Rub the belly for good luck?” “I’m not Buddha”
They went down the aisle first throwing the petals. Jiyong followed wearing a spectacular bridesmaid dress, he had made it to perfectly work with his shape and it was in your weddings accent colour.
Inshik held out his arm and you hooked yours around it, “you don’t have to do this, just remember we can leave at any time if you are scared or have second thoughts”
“Nothing can stop me from getting married today.” He led you down the aisle. Everyone you knew was there the NCT group, Rose, Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo, Jiyong’s family including Misuk who had the rings and Jackson and his family there. Jackson had introduced you to his family which had a new member a lovely femme who you had visited and helped her get settled in this new lifestyle. 
One look at each other across the hall and you all started crying, thanking the heavens you wore waterproof makeup. Reading your vows addressing them each one at a time and telling them intricately how much you loved and adored them. They read theirs to you each telling you how much you completed them and made them better. The celebrant was an old friend of Seokjin’s. His name was Leeteuk. Apparently, he officiated weddings often for the hotel. He had great fun making everyone feel special and relaxed during the ceremony. 
“I now pronounce you, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride” They each took their turn kissing you each kiss different. But each kiss was filled with love and passion. 
The ceremony led into the reception where you danced a small progressive waltz with the boys, spinning you onto the next partner. Cutting the cake and throwing the bouquet marked the end of the evening. The honeymoon suite was spacious and very romantically set. You were worshipped through the evening and well into the morning until you were utterly exhausted. 
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Nine months pregnant and waddling to work beside Jungkook, who was trying and failing to hide his amusement at the way you swayed. Going to work was less about actually working and more about talking with Inshik. You sat keeping him company and served a few customers. It wasn't a hard job, you also liked the cool temperature of the icecream van. You had some ice cream and was talking with Inshik about the book you bought for his birthday two months ago. He had finally finished it and was discussing the plot twists and character development.
Jungkook arrived to pack up the picnic tables and umbrellas, he refused to let you set up or pack up the equipment. He would just smile and tell you to go easy as pregnant women shouldn’t lift or exert themselves. Then at the end of the day, the two of you walked home hand in hand picking up, Jimin and Seokjin along the way. 
The moment you stepped in the door Taehyung was waiting to whisk you away into Namjoon’s office where he would undress you. He had been using the back of the office for photoshoots. Most people have one maternity shoot you had one every day, sometimes he just took different angles of your belly. Your favourite photo was one he took where your feet were peeking out from behind your belly.
You couldn’t say no especially when he praised you so much and made you feel beautiful, it always ended with the two of you making love in Namjoons office. Which Namjoon himself had confessed was always a nice sight to come home to. 
Namjoon and the boys had all practised how to change a baby’s clothes, Jungkook was admittedly better at it than you. “I love you mama bear” Taehyung whispered helping you into your robe. Jimin poked his head into the room with a bright smile, he clicked his tongue in disapproval. “Taehyungie, you not supposed to leave marks like this every day, our princess has work”
“I didn’t leave any yesterday” he held his arms up with a grin. 
“Princess, I got another bottle of cream” Jimin excitedly hugged you his chest pressed to your back swaying you both his hands under your tummy taking the weight off your back. Moaning in relief you laid your head back. “I will rub it onto your belly, this is the best for stretch marks they say you won’t even be able to see anything.”
“Mmm?” “And then afterwards I can cut some peaches” he kissed your jaw.  “Mmm yeah then what baby?” “Then maybe I can rub your back” “I love when you talk dirty to me”
After you were lathered in vitamin E cream, fed and massaged, everyone had returned home. Seokjin massaged your feet and painted your toenails.
“Excuse me, are you single?” You grinned at the broad-shouldered gentleman at your feet.  “Ah I am married and my pregnant wife is so stunning” he smiled wiggling his hand to flash the ring on his hand. 
“My pregnant wife is pretty too” Hoseok kissed your temple making hearts at you.  “Oh, what are your wives names?” “Y/n” they answered in unison and pretended to raise fists at each other.
“You trying to steal my wife?” “Ya! Who would want to marry your horse face” 
You took their moment of distraction to sneak of looking for Jungkook. He was supposed to be making dinner. You looked everywhere. Instead finding Yoongi sitting in the nursery hands clasped together gently rocking back and forth on the rocking chair. His eyes closed as he made a sound that could have been mistaken as a purr. 
“Hey daddy” you grinned he didn’t even flinch but his lips pulled up in a soft lazy smile. He blinked slowly coming out of his daze and looking up at your swollen figure, “you still love me?” 
You asked them every day and each one replied the same. ‘Always’ he held his arms out and you walked into them his long arms wrapping around your waist just touching at the small of your back. He gently pressed his soft and squishy cheek against your tummy, you felt the baby shift pressing an elbow into his face. “hey are you ruining my moment with your mother, when you get out we will have words”
Yoongi walked you to his room, passing the chaos in the lounge. He shut the bedroom door cancelling out the noise, he took a moment to admire how beautiful you looked just being yourself. You were flicking through the books on his bedside table. 
“Jimin has been on our backs to read these stupid books about pregnancy. Reading is what we have Namjoon for” You laughed smacking his arm, his eyes darkened and he growled at you “did you just hit me?”
“Get on your hands and knees” he pulled off your robe. Undoing his pants and grasping his shaft firmly he slipped himself inside you gently. His long arms reaching around you to hold your round belly in his hands. You moaned as he took the weight off your back. He always did this and when you asked he said it wasn’t fair that you had to carry the weight all the time. 
You were feeling really good he was warming up, he always started so cautiously and gentle until you asked him for more. Being pregnant made orgasms feel so much stronger except this time you felt weird all of a sudden really really weird. 
A sharp pain in your back and a tightness that rolled down your stomach, you felt trickling down your legs. Yoongi moaned thrusting a little harder at how you had tightened so hard around him he was so close. He was about to let go when you shouted.
“Yoongi wait stop. bangtan bangtan!” He pulled out and looked at you worried, never hearing you say the safe word before touching your face and then your stomach. 
“What did I do?”  “My water just broke” “Your what”
“How far did you get through the fucking book Yoongi” you snatched the book off the bedside table finding the dog eared page, “you’re on the third page?” “Yeah” he frowned guilty his voice breathless and his cock rock hard and throbbing in anticipation to his release. Laughing at his cluelessness.
“Fuck I love you” you kissed him, his hands rubbing your belly forgetting the contraction that had passed through you not a second ago. You scraped your nails along his scalp and moaned into his mouth and this seemed to be all he needed as he came hard on your thigh. 
The two of you looked down, your eyes staring at the pool of cum before your eyes travelled back up his chest to his guilty and pissed off expression. “Did you just come on my thigh?” “What a waste” He pouted, smirking you ran your finger over it swiping a little for a taste which made him smile even though he tried his hardest to still be pissed. 
You cleaned up and began pacing slowly, you needed to hold out for a while before heading to the hospital. Your contractions weren’t anywhere near close. You called the birthing clinic to let them know your water had broke and that you would come in when your contractions get closer. You were timing the contractions on your phone. 
That night at around nine you made your way to the hospital, you had the baby later that evening just before midnight. A little boy. He had his father’s crescent eye shape, cute nose and mouth. The boys stepped into the room their cheeks wet, noses pink. Yoongi had the first hold and the boys patted his shoulders gently in congratulations. 
“His name is Min Kyung Ju” 
Jungkook was a mess he hadn’t stopped crying, he didn’t like to see you in pain and especially didn’t like to hear you crying during the delivery. Taehyung had filmed a little of you in the hospital room before you went into active labour. 
The boys loved Kyungju named as the 32nd generation of the Min clan. The boy’s parents stopped by the hospital dropping off some flowers and meeting the baby. 
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You were breastfeeding one day when Kyungju opened his eyes you started giggling he had your eye colour. They weren’t the dark brown almost black colour of Yoongi‘s they were lighter (lighter brown, green, hazel, grey, blue, pink). 
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Your channel had become so popular. You had the NCT boys on your show for mukbangs, especially with Seokjin. Playing games with the younger ones. The TXT boys had their own channel now and collaborated with you guys often. 
Misuk loved Kyungju. She would lay on her belly and watch him wriggle around on the floor. “Kyungie is so funny”
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You came home from an appointment on a particularly hot day to see Jimin shirtless with the baby lying naked on his chest on the couch. Everything was so beautiful you decided to take a photo. Jimin groaned in exasperation his eyes snapping open. “Really, why would you pee on me?”
“I will get a towel” giggling at Jimin who was glaring up at you to get a towel.
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Kyungju was a vocal baby but never really cried, ever since birth, he would make gummy squeaks and little sounds when he breathed, he liked to hear his own voice, Yoongi had made a space in his studio where a small bouncer sat beside the desk and he could watch his son chew on the ears of his Woogie. (A floppy cat toy that had a small rattle sound inside)
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Taehyung took so many photos of your son you couldn’t help but grin as he ran to you with his camera showing you all the photos. “This is when he started to yawn, this is him smiling the same gummy smile as Yoongi.”
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While playing with Seokjin, he started babbling a string of dadadada and blowing raspberries, the whole room went quiet as he squealed and giggled at his Woogie before pulling his feet up to hold, his foot in his mouth. 
“Ew, feet are not for mouths” Seokjin grinned at the boy, “did your foul mouth daddy teach you that one?”
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Namjoon was playing with Kyungju bouncing him, while you got dressed for the day. Kyungju’s eyebrows pulled together in concentration made Namjoon laugh that is until milk poured from the infant’s mouth and onto his suit. He called for help. “Ahh someone grab the baby, he vomited on me” 
“Hold him properly, you’re scaring him” Taehyung scolded grabbing a cloth to clean the mess. Hoseok scooped up the bundle and cooed making the boy giggle once more. 
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It was a special night you went on a date with Jungkook. You went to Han River on a dinner cruise and had delicious food. Returning home late Jungkook led you to his room pulling off your dress and kissing your neck. You were both excited to have some time to indulge in your pleasures, it had been two months since having Kyungju, two months since you last had sex. Wearing your best lingerie. You told him you wanted to ride him and he responded with a grin, laying back on the bed propping his head up with pillows. He pushed your panties to the side and guided you down his thick length.
Getting really into the moment, Jungkook gripping your hips as you bounced on top of him. He hissed when you circled your hips. Yet the moment had to be broken by a cry from the baby monitor, freezing in place, you both turned to the monitor screen which was in all the boy’s rooms. You watched as Hoseok entered the Nursery to take care of the baby his voice playing through the monitor. “Your mum just wants one night off” the crying settled but you heard a gasp from underneath you. 
Looking down you noticed your bra was wet, the babies' cry made your milk start leaking. Jungkook gently massaged your hips and bit his lip. His shy bunny smile and his knitted brows showed you he was curious and wanting to ask something. “Yeobo, can I try some?”
“I mean if you want. I heard a lot of bodybuilders actually use breast milk” Laughing at how quick he was to sit up. He shushed you his cheeks flushed pulling down your bra and tasting some of your milk. You blushed and he grinned up at you. “It’s weird, not horrible just different, I think I will stick to regular milk”
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Kyungju was a lazy baby, but still liked to wriggle and roll across the floor, he was always up to mischief. Whenever he was picked up by Namjoon he had a habit of drooling or blowing raspberries, you knew it was because he liked the faces Namjoon pulled when he did it.
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The baby album which was released with songs you all had written for Kyungju, it sold twenty thousand copies and every day you sold a few more. It wasn’t anything too spectacular but it made you some money. You discussed the possibility of hosting live shows where you can talk to audiences and meet fans of the channel perhaps even sing a song or two live. However, you decided you were not ready for another overseas type experience, especially with a baby. 
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Waking to a cry. This one sounded different and Namjoon was the first to respond, he arrived at Seokjin’s room with your precious baby.  “Love, I think Kyungie is sick”
You and Seokjin shot out of bed and got dressed heading to the hospital, it was just a fever caused by a cold. After a course of antibiotics, he was back to normal. 
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Kyungju was scared of the vacuum he started crying when Seokjin started cleaning the living room. Jimin tried his best to console him, but it wasn’t going well. Unable to handle the sound of his sons crying nor watching the tears run down the poor boys face Yoongi took his son and walked him into the soundproof studio and patted his son to sleep. You were amused listening to the boys argue.
“So now I am the devil for cleaning the house, no one is yelling at Hoseok for cleaning” “Because the mop isn’t screaming in our son's ear”
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Femme Media 40
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jumoonjae · 4 years
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Pairings: Ji Changmin (Q) X Reader X Jaehyun (Hyunjae) Ft Kevin Moon  Genre: Fluff x Angst X SLIGHT SMUT  Word count: 21,562 words
Summary: A talent show will take place in three week times and you still struggling with putting emotion in the song that you choose, a masterpiece by Lady Gaga, ‘I’ll never love again’. You meet Changmin who you fall for instantly after he jumps in to help you figuring out how to perform the song. Will he manage to help you? Or will he be the one who cause you to sing the song for him? Image are not mine. Credit to Google.
He came late to his group gathering after sending her back to her dorm after another sleepover last night which he had a hard time saying goodbye with a long make out session in his car before he had to let her go and promised to meet her after her class end tomorrow evening.
“Changmin-ah.” Jaehyun call as soon as he get into the restaurant.
“Hyung.” He smiles and walk straight to him giving him a long manly hugs before greeting the other and Kevin who was oddly silent.
“How are you? Isn’t it your semester break too? If you told me you’re here during your break, I’m not going back and hang out with you instead.” Jaehyun pat his shoulder as he took the seat between Jaehyun and Kevin.
“Yeah it was. But I’m helping my girlfriend out with her performance next week, then I’ll be spending the rest of my break with Ghana afterwards.” He didn’t realize how Kevin’s eyes almost popped out from its socket after he heard the words girlfriend. He leaned forward to get Changmin’s attention asking for explanation but the guy just pushed him away playfully and there’s a glint of shyness plastered on his face.
“Girlfriend? Wow. I’m happy for you. Finally, its almost a year now am I right?” Jaehyun smiles at him and he nods. Its no that can’t move on from his ex or anything, its just tiring dealing with the heartbreak. He needs to start over in relationship again sooner or later and she just came into the picture. He was more than happy to claim her for himself.
“Yeah. We just made it official. I think you know her too because she’s Kevi..” He stop at his words when he saw the name of the girl he has spent the whole weekend with a heart emoji and a candid picture of her smiling so sweet holding a flower bouquet admiring it pops on Jaehyun’s phone waiting for Jaehyun to answer, his heart drop dangerously a thousand feet, free falling. The picture probably taken way back because her hair was black and she still look exceptionally beautiful that it hurts him so bad.
“Excuse me guys. Baby hey, why aren’t you answering my calls?” Everything around him seems like a picture that it has stop for a moment, he didn’t move or say anything it's like his body is shutting down, a shock is an understatement to describe how he feels, he was numbed that he couldn’t process what was happening, it was happening so fast that he think that maybe what happened during the weekend was only a dream. Or was it really? He felt a hand squeezing his shoulder and look to his right to find Kevin giving him an apologetic look and that was when he felt the pain, and then anger.
“Kevin. What is this?” His voice came out shaky but loud enough to make the other stop talking and all the attention was on him. He couldn’t believe that the girl he fell hard for which he spent his whole weekend with was the one who his hyung always brag about all the time. How he wish he could turn back time and.. he don’t even have a clue what to do if he turns back time. Falling for her was never an option, it was not something he can control. Maybe it was his fault for falling for her and he has no idea what to do or how to react. He was hurt. No. He felt betrayed and he had to control himself so he wont snap on anyone by balling up his fist tightly until his knuckles turns white.
“Its not what you think Changmin. You need to give her chance to explain. It’s a lot more complicated than what you think.” Kevin grab his shoulder gently try to calm him but he felt otherwise. He was furious but he want to heard it from Kevin if its not from her. Well at least he has a clue about the situation.
“Tell me then Kev. Tell me the truth.” He was about to lose his mind but he couldn’t snap at Kevin because it wasn’t his fault and he couldn’t blame her either because he needs to know from her side of story too.
“I can’t because I’m not in that place to tell you or him. She needs to tell you both herself. But I promise that all her feeling for you is genuine.” Kevin try to talk him out while the other has no clue what was going on. But his answer wasn’t enough, it drive him to the edge even more.
He rub his face harshly out of frustration while Kevin still try to calm him down but when he look out, he saw her outside walking towards Jaehyun. She look fresh with no make up on, nothing. Not even her signature red lips. She wears her black hoodie and matching back ripped jeans and he hates it because he still admires her for it and it kills him to think that she was more comfortable showing her raw side to Jaehyun than him. He prayed hard that it was all a lie. That she was just trying to pull a prank on him and hoping that she’ll walk into the restaurant and run to his embrace instead. But it wasn’t. Because she was walking into another man’s arm making his heart shattered into a million pieces. That was it. That’s the answer he’s been searching for and he wont need any explanation from anyone anymore. He couldn’t stand to look any longer before mustering all the strength he got left and stand abruptly wanting to leave.
“Changmin wait. Please let her explain.” Kevin grab his wrist but he pull away harshly. He was mad. Mad at her, at Kevin and at anyone who already knew about her and Jaehyun but just let him fall for her. Everyone is at fault.  
“You and your best friend can just go to hell.” He growled before walking to the main door towards her and Jaehyun. He saw how her tensing up when Jaehyun pull out a dark blue velvet box from his pocket making Changmin stop walking and as by looking at her in another man arm couldn’t hurt enough, this time he felt like dying is a better option than watching another man was about to propose to her. He saw how she covered her mouth and she frowned when he reveals a diamond ring to her, she looked uncertain and he was disinterested to know why because he was too clouded by his anger. He was about to give up on everything because the pain was unbearable. Her eyes suddenly wanders and caught his who was staring, taking in all the hurt she had caused that he will later will use it against her while she was in shock that she didn’t even look away when Jaehyun shook her body lightly trying to get her attention back to him, the velvet box was closed and Jaehyun followed her line of sight to find him, Jaehyun was confused that he keep looking back and forth at Changmin and her. With the last strength he could muster in his numb body, he walked out the door heading the opposite way from where they both were standing.
“Changmin wait.” He heard her sweet voice calling for him while Jaehyun calls for hers but he didn’t stop even how much he want to. He fight the voice inside his head that asking him to stay and listen to her explanation, but his heart was hurting and he don’t want to cry or fall back into her, what if she tell lies? No. He wont stop or look back or even gives her the chance to play him. He got into his car and speed up without looking back to save himself from breaking apart and refuse to cry in front of her or anyone. He bit his quivering lips hard before hitting the brake stop by the park when he’s sure that he’s far enough from everyone else where he finally break down into tears. He press his eyes hard using his palm to stop himself from crying.
“How could you.” He cries letting it all out. His heart was broken beyond repair and even she couldn’t fix it. She’s broken glass that he had thrown himself into, and falling for her was like walking on a shattered broken glass, the more he tries to pull the pieces out, the more damage it causes.
You smiles closing the door to your room before plopping into your bed shrieking excitedly. You rolled on your back and smile again staring at the ceiling and how you wish that you still staring at his ceiling instead of yours. You decided to take a bath before doing your assignment and call Changmin afterwards. You took out your phone to charge it and realize it was dead for almost 2 days, you smiles again reminiscing the past two day when nothing else matter as long as you have him with you. You turn it on after connecting the charger and it was bombarded by texts and dozens of miscall from Jaehyun washing your smile away. You had forgotten about him for the past two weeks when you were too occupied with Changmin. You were happy and you’re determined that you’ll tell Jaehyun the truth as soon as you can. You decided to check all the text before heading to bathroom.
‘Y/N I’m at Seoul now. Where are you?’
And few asking the same thing but the last and the most recent was the one that made you broke a cold sweats.
‘I love you. I have a surprise for you and for our future. Please call me back. I missed you baby.’
You know what he was about to do because before his semester break, he keep asking about what kind of jewelry do you like and keep showing you a video of man proposing and shit like that and even ask how would you feel if someone proposed to you like that. You suddenly regret for not telling him earlier and making him wait for years. You went to the bathroom to take a shower before calling him as you head out from your room.
“Baby hey, why aren’t you answering my calls?” You stop at your tracks when he greets making inside of you churns at the pet name that he gave without your permission and it somehow made you disgusted with yourself for letting another man other than Changmin calling you that.
“We need to talk. Where are you?” You said urgently, putting on your Vans before walking out of your dorm.
“I’m at the restaurant near your dorm, you want me to come and pick you up?” You know the restaurant located few minutes away just by walking from your dorm and you run. You run hoping that it won't be too late for you to tell him before Kevin does or Changmin. You pretty sure they both hang out together because you knew they both know Kevin and Kevin only have one group of friend. You run without cutting the call until you saw him standing outside the usual restaurant they always went to.
“Oppa.” You call out finally cutting the phone call and he smiles widely as you walked towards him. It kills you that you has to hurt him after knowing what he will do. But you have to, you need to choose between him or Changmin and you didn’t even need to think twice to choose Changmin over anyone else. You stare at him trying to smile back at him, trying blurt out the words you’ve been trying to tell him. But you couldn’t, you were very fond to him, he was your first best friend before he decided to confessed and scared you away. But he never stop chasing you, maybe because you never dare to hurt him or push him away. You love him as a friend but now you need to tell him to stop. You need to tell him the truth.
“Y/N. Oh my god I miss you.” He pulls you into his embrace but you didn’t wrap your hands on him like you always did when Changmin hugs you. You push him away lightly not wanting to hurt him and you hate yourself for doing so. Because you keep on giving him hopes. You don’t mind before because you didn’t have Changmin. But now you have him and you want to cut this non-existent relationship that you and Jaehyun has caught in. You want to stop giving him hopes even if you have no clue how to. You will try anything for god sake.
“I bought something for you.” He pulls out a dark blue velvet box from his pocket and your world came crushing down even you know this will come. You covered your mouth to hide the quivering of your lips when he open the box revealing a diamond ring inside it. If people who doesn’t know your situation they might be feel happy for you. But you almost broke into tears when the guilt started to eat you up. How could you push him when all you could see inside his eyes was sincerity. You stare at his sweet smiley face that was gleaming and it rip you apart because you’re going to take his happiness away. You are the one to blame when his smiles fades and you are the bad guy who will break his heart.  
“Can you please marry me? You still can take your master if you want. We can sort things out just like we always did when we’re in high school.” And at the moment you prayed to god that the ground swallowed you whole and you try to avoid his eyes but somehow your eyes found at a pair of eyes that you adores so much from inside the restaurant standing still probably saw the whole thing. You could feel your heart and head stop working and all your senses numbed when you saw the hurt in his eyes. He look away and walked out the door to the opposite side from where you and Jaehyun were and you started to panic.
“Changmin-ah.” You called and started to run after him. But luck wasn’t at you side when he got into his car and drive away leaving you behind.
“No please. Changmin.” You scream on top of your lungs running to the busy road and almost got hit by a speeding car if it wasn’t Kevin who pull you away from the road.
“Kevin.” You whispered as he grab your both arms trying to get you on your senses.
“Just let him settles first. Just let him be.” He pulls you into his embrace as you break down in tears.
“Y/N.” You heard Jaehyun calling your name but you refuse to look up. You afraid that you’ll lash him out when it was your fault in the first place. You know you just broke his heart too and it will kill you to see his face now. You can’t even apologize to him. Its too late now for everything. Its too late to apologize, its too late to explain. Its too late to fix thing and everything was your fault.  
“Take me home please Kevin. Take me home.” You plead and you could feel he’s turning his head to Jaehyun.
“I’ll call you later hyung. I’m sorry.” He said before starts walking to your dorm leaving the guy behind.
“I should have warned you yesterday I’m sorry. I just don’t think..” you both were almost at your dorm when he breaks the silence between you two which made you stop walking.
“You knew?” You push his body away from you to take a look on his face. You felt you scalp tightens and got goosebumps from his words.
“Why didn’t tell me Kevin?” You snap at him and trying to throw all the blame at him entirely because you’re being denial. You cant register what you have lose in the span of just thirty minute and now you’re going to lose your best friend too. He was taken aback by your sudden rage at him.
“I didn’t know you already made it official with Changmin Y/N. All of you three are my friend. It wont be fair for Jaehyun hyung If I told you about his plans. Do you think I have the choice? Even if I have I cant choose sides. You all are my friend. I didn’t choose to stuck in your love triangle Y/N. But I have warned you about Jaehyun’s hyung feeling and you did nothing about it. You left the poor guy standing on cliff for god sake.” You cover your mouth as his words hit you hard and pull you back to reality. He was right. It was your fault. It will always be your fault. You throw yourself into the mess.
“Don’t blame me for things that you have started. I’ve done my part Y/N.” He lashes out on you making you broke harder into tears. You feel bad for lashing on him and you run back to your dorm leaving him behind and lock yourself in your bedroom crying all night.
You didn’t attend class the next day, you decided to drive to Changmin’s apartment to apologize and explain everything to him. But when you’re sure you saw his car parked on the parking lot, you went up to his floor and rang his bell. When he didn’t answer the first four time you called him, you knock his door on repeat. But his neighbor came out instead greeting you.
“He went to his parents just now.” He said.
“But his car is downstairs.” You force a smile when you felt yourself frowning to his answer. You’re still being denial. Your sleep deprivation didn’t help much when you’re at your most fragile state that you almost broke down at every mention of his name. But you fight it because you need to find him.
“Yeah he usually take the train whenever he head to his parents. I think you can still catch him now.” He said again watching his watch and you thanked him before rushing to the station looking for him franticly. You know you’re on the right place as his neighbor told you. You force yourself to run everywhere looking at people faces even your energy was drained. You stop to catch your breath almost losing hope after running here and there for a few round. You straightens your back when you sense someone was looking at you. When you look up inside the train, you saw him looking at you without any emotion. As if you’re a stranger to him, you were holding back another sets of tear mouthing ‘please’ to him, begging for him to stay, to listen to you just once. You began to panic when the train door was closing and started moving.
“No. No please. Changmin-ah.” You call as you break down again chasing after him banging the side of the train and running dangerously close to the train. While him, he just looked away from you.
“Changmin please.” You pleaded before stop when you reach the end of the platform. You fall to your knee crying shamelessly ignoring the people who was looking at you. You prayed so hard that you have enough courage to just jump on the railways and kill yourself.
You cried and cried and cried as if no one was watching you until you feel someone wraps a jacket over your shoulder and you look up to see Kevin who was looking back at you.
It was during class when he got a call from Jaehyun asking him to pick her up at the station that he had to rush out and take a taxi and sprint to the platform where he saw she was still crying on her knees hands covering her face. He took off his jacket and walked to her covering her petite body and it break him when she look up to him with her swollen eyes from crying. He pulls her up and keep her face covered because some people already taking video of her and take her away from the crowd.
“What are you doing there?” He asked after they both arrives at his shared apartment with Jacob and Eric. He help her settles on the couch before sitting down next to her.
“I was trying to looking for Changmin.” She said in between her sobs.  
“Was he there too? Why are you alone then?” He was irritated at Changmin for leaving her alone crying like that. But he can’t blame him either after what happened last night.
“He left. For good.” She cries harder at her own word and it hurts him too to see her like that. How he wish he could just told her about Jaehyun plans or told Jaehyun about her feeling on her behalf. He had nothing to say because he know how much she love Changmin even before they started dating. He pulls her body closer to him letting her cry on his shoulder.
“How did you know I was there?”
“Jaehyun was looking for Changmin too, but he saw you came out from Changmin’s apartment building and he followed your car. He wanted to comfort you, but he’s afraid that he’ll end up messing up your emotion more. So, he called me.” She didn’t react to his explanation but he know she was lost too. This is her first heartbreak and to put all the blame on her isn’t fair because it's like blaming her for being innocent. For being too nice not daring to reject Jaehyun because she was afraid, she’ll hurt him. But in the end, everyone is hurt.
“I’m sorry Kev, for everything I said last night.” He pat her head slowly.  
“Its fine.”
“I’m sorry for dragging you along with this shit that I made.”
“Hush. Just stop crying. You’ll find another one.” He know it was impossible for her because she’s kind of reserved whenever she is around strangers and it’s a miracle that Changmin could get through the thick wall that she have built up to separate her from others. Even Jaehyun who she have known for years couldn’t make it into her heart after years of trying.
While he himself was a special case, he met her during registration when he and she both came late and almost got into trouble if wasn’t for him who talked the dean out saving both asses from penalties. He’s been the only person she ever talked to and became best friend ever since. He helped her deal with her anti social even she didn’t change much, but he helped her out with gaining confidence while singing by forcing her to sing with his friend Jacob every weekend. He met Jaehyun through her when she constantly avoiding the guy by hiding behind his back and he had to make up tons of excuses for her to get away from him.
“I wont say that I know how you feel because it would be a lie. But lets just focus on this week. Its your long awaited solo. Lets focus solely on that. Okay?” He caress her hair gently and she nodded.
“You can sleep upstairs, Jacob and Eric will be back soon and I don’t want them to see you like this.”  
“Thank you Kevin. What would I do without you.” She lifts her head from his shoulder and he could feel his heart suddenly beating abnormally harder at the close proximate of her face with his chin that he could feel her breath tickles his skin.
He straightens his body up pushing her gently away from his shoulder to shake any feeling from forming inside him even he know it was always been there.
“You’ll live Y/N. I promise.” He looked into her red eyes and then to her red nose making him chuckle.
“What.” She whined adorably still so fragile.
“You look like a clown. Your nose.” He was about to poke it but stop himself from doing so afraid he would fall by such a simple gesture.
“You should get some rest.” He exhaled still looking at her wearing his jacket and she still look good even when she’s a mess and it hurts him to see her like that. He sent her to his room before decided to call Changmin himself. But all his calls goes straight to the voicemails.
A/N: This one a bit long but thank you anyway for reading it. Ahh Kevin, my second bias, i just couldn’t help to put some back story about him and how he’s been crushing on reader for quite sometimes. But that’s just it. He might be getting his own fics later. but i hope you enjoyed this one. Two more chapter will be shorter i promise. Thank you again.
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neo-culture-mafia · 5 years
Bratty (j.jh)
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Summary -> "who's the one in charge here?"..."mind repeating that again sweetheart?"..."excuse you?"..."i would keep little mouth of yours shut."
Warnings -> not really. in first person view
"But that's not fair." I stomped after Jae. "Life isn't fair, sweet pea." He said, still walking towards his office. "But all the other girls are going out tonight!" I argued, getting more upset at his protectiveness. "Yes, and to be honest they're not as smart as you." He said turning around suddenly, making me run straight into him.
He laughed and slipped his arms around my body. "I trust you. Y/n, I don't trust them." He said softly pinching my cheek. "But-" I tried to argue more but he shut down all my arguments with once cock of his eyebrow.
I huffed and rolled my eyes. "...fine..." I said and he smiled. "You can go out soon. Just right now there is a lot of activity outside of the base." He kissed my forehead and turned away to walk again.
"I just don't want you getting hurt." He called as he stepped into his office. You wanted to follow him in there but...no one was aloud in his office except him and his members. He popped his head back out quickly, "cookies are in the jar, and spongebob is having a marathon." He playfully winked and ducked back into the office. "I'm not a baby...but thanks." I rolled my eyes and walked from the hall.
I sighed, walking back into the kitchen where the whole spit-spat began. I just wanted to go out with some friends, probably to a club. I just wanted to get out of the house for a little bit.
I sat down at the counter, and grabbed the remote for the TV. My hand got lost in the jar of cookies and I turned on the comforting cartoon.
I couldn't help but laugh at the crude jokes that I never got as a small child. After a show and a half, Jae ran from the hall.
"Important meeting. Just got called out." He said as he slipped his belt through the loops. I nodded, getting up and grabbing his phones. I went over and stuck them out.
He smiled small, and took them from my hands. "Love you, baby. Be back late. Eat dinner, not just cookies. Don't stay up too late." He listed as he threw on his shoes and smoothed out his jacket and adjusted his chains. "Got it." I nodded, my happiness growing by the second. He ran over to the door, and stepping out.
I was ready to call my friends and get out of this stuffy house. "Also, don't go out." He popped his head back in. My smile fell as I agreed in a fake happy tone.
This was bull. I'm stuck with SpongeBob and Patrick...not even my real friends...and the stupid jar of cookies that were now getting sickening to even look at.
"You're fine, y/n. Stop worrying so much." My friend laughed, as she dragged me towards the club. Even though I said I wanted to go out, I now want to go back home.
I'm scared Jae is going to find out, the other gangs are going to find out...did I turn the TV off?
"I know, I know...i just...didn't really wanna go out. That's all." I lied straight through my teeth and the group of 5 girls rolled their eyes and continued their teasing.
"Are you scared that your big bad boyfriend will come and find you?" Jinhee laughed and the others laughed. "No. I'm not scared of him." I scoffed...lying through my teeth again.
We were let in and the security guard buzzed the usual buttons, pressing a few extra.
"Scared he's gonna give you a spanking or something?" Jinhee laughed once again, her giggle piercing my ears till I'm pretty sure they're pleading.
"No. I'm not. I'm a grown girl-" "-lady...and No you're not. You're still a baby." Sunni said pinching my cheek hard.
I swatted her clawing hands away and distanced myself a little bit. "Let's go party!" The girls hollered and now I really wished I was back home in comfy clothes and fuzzy socks. These heels were killing me.
My friends pushed me towards the bar and ordered anything they could. "And this little baby will have a Shirley Temple. Extra cherry." Jinhee started laughing so everyone else would. I could only stand the teasing for someone. I took a seat and sipped the fruity kiddy drink in anger.
They were in the sea of sweaty bodies that gave off the smells of a gym locker and peach ciroque. It was intoxicating yet repellant.
"Let's go to the strip side!" Sunni came over and pulled on my arm to drag me away. "Strip side?" I asked as she guided us through the smelly crowd. "Yeah! It's past the strip club. You go, take your clothes off, and dance." She had to yell over the music.
"It's really fun!" She said and I started to worry. I don't even like taking my clothes off in general. This dress was hard enough to get into.
Jaehyun would kill me if he ever caught me in this 'Strip side'. We walked past another security guard and into an ambient room that was dimly lit and smelled like cigar smoke and expensive liquor. Naked women danced all around on tables, chairs, stages, men...each other.
I closed my eyes as she continued to rug on my arm. We got to a new side and it was much more upbeat than the last room, yet more sensual. I opened my eyes and was automatically met with a huge group of naked people. Cigarette and weed was being passed around body to body. It was off-putting.
"I-i don't wanna do this." I gripped onto her arm. "Oh, don't be such a baby." She shoved my chest. I felt a pop and held my chest sweetly. "You'll do fine here. Trust me. You're adorable." She winked and began unzipping her dress. I closed my eyes and felt someone's hands all over me. They caressed my legs, chest, stomach, and tried unzipping my dress.
"No. Stop." I started swatting the hands away. They stopped. I opened my eyes to see my friends dancing on random people and each other.
I closed my eyes and walked back toward the exit. "Nope. Nope. Nope." I muttered and ran into what felt like a wall...with a strong musk scent. Stupid security guards.
"Sorry." I mumbled. I tried going around them but bumped into the same nice smelling wall. I decided to finally open my eyes, ready to apologize for my clumsiness.
I looked up and was met with my worst fear: Jaehyun.
"Oh...hi...um I was just going to the bathroom." I started rambling. He stood there, hands in his pockets, and an unamused and unconvinced look on his face.
He cocked an eyebrow at my excuses, and just stared down at me. "And...I...I...I." I said trying to find anything to save my ass. I would break eye contact, but I'm afraid if I look anywhere else, I'm going to come face to face with a hairy, drunk, naked gorilla.
"I didn't mean to find my way here but it kinda just sorta happe-" "Car. Now." He said and I nodded, taking his keys and walking past him.
I walked back through the strip club portion, through the sea of bodies, and ended up outside again. I swung around to the car park and hit the lock button so an alarm would sound. I found his car hidden in the back and went back.
I unlocked it, got in, and curled up in the passenger seat.
I'm not pissed I got caught...I'm pissed I went out in the first place.
An hour later, Jae finally mosies into his car. I don't dare speak, because I know what's already coming.
He just sits there for a second, and stares ahead of him. He buckled up and started the car. He pulled out too quickly for comfort and I held onto my seat discreetly.
He turned out of the bar parking lot with elegance...and speed. He drifted around corners and sped over bridges, dodging cars left and right. It had been a good 5 minutes and it was flipping my insides to the out. I grabbed onto his hand that was situated onto his shift and braved myself for anything.
"STOP!" I screamed and he slammed on his brakes. I finally opened my eyes and we were on a practically dead street. He retracted his hand from under mine and threw his seatbelt off angrily.
I cringed when the metal hit glass of window, and nothing shattered. He sat so he was looking at me, his head resting in his hand.
"Whatever you want, princess." He sneered and I became silent. "Enough, Jae." I sighed, playing with my hands in my lap.
"No. Obviously it's not enough." He said again with a scoff, sitting back in his seat.
"You've been acting so bratty lately." He admitted and my heart shriveled in my chest. There was a dull ache that was becoming more apparent.
"Oh." I choked out, covering it with a slight cough.
"I told you not to go out for the risk of someone hurting you. Then where do I find you? My own club." He said, astonished by the circumstance.
"I tried leaving, Jae." I said quietly. "Not soon enough, y/n. I watched you order a drink, get dragged to the strip side, get felt up-" "do you think I wanted to be felt up? If you were watching you would've seen that I said no and was trying to leave!" I yelled, turning towards him.
He was taken aback by my sudden outburst. "...i don't know who you think you're talking to, but I would watch that pretty little mouth of yours..." He said and I shut my mouth.
I sat back and kept my mouth shut. I didn't say a word and I didn't breathe too loudly.
He buckled in again and drove softly home. I could feel the stares on the side of my face. I shivered from the air conditioning and the exposed skin didn't help.
He reached behind me and grabbed something. A hoodie was plopped into my lap and the air was turned off. I quietly and quickly slipped it on. I unzipped my dress and shimmied it down my legs. My spandex shorts were the only thing covering my legs.
I sat back and pulled the hood up, pulling the strings tightly.
I could still feel the looks.
We were still 10 minutes away when I finally felt his hand lay on my thigh. A certain missing piece was filled. He always kept his hand on my thigh when driving. It was relaxing for him...or as he claimed.
We finally pulled into the base and up to our house. We got out and I looked over to our neighbors. "Y/n?" Doyoung called from his car. "You went out tonight?" He asked. I huffed and walked to the door. I opened it and walked in.
"That was rude." Jae called from behind me.
I threw my shoes down and ran up the stairs to our bedroom.
I walked into the bedroom and threw myself on the bed. I just wanted to shrivel up and disappear.
"That was rude." He came walking in. I shrugged, snuggling into his hoodie.
"You should go apologize to him." He was as good as talking to a wall. I wasn't going to budge. He scoffed, and threw his jacket off and onto a hanger in the closet.
"Give me my hoodie back. I want to change." He said standing in front of me. "You have like a million different hoodie! Why do you want this one?" I asked, standing up on the bed so I was taller than him. I mimicked him and crossed my arms, looking down at him. His belt was off, shirt unbuttoned, and his hair slightly messed up.
"I just want that one." He said coldly. I got an idea and huffed. I slipped it off, being left in my bra and spandex shorts.
I hopped down from the bed and looked at him. "I'm gonna go apologize to Doyoung." I called and began walking out the door until he registered what I just said.
"No. Get back here." He bellowed from the room, chasing after me and down the stairs. I had one foot out the door until he picked me up and slammed the door.
He threw me over the shoulder and began going back to the bedroom. "You're gonna regret that eventually." He said, his voice rough.
"I mean...the view is pretty nice from here so I'm not seeing what you're getting at...have you been doing squats lately?" I asked and just as fast as he picked me up, I was now able to walk on my own two feet.
"What is with you today?" He asked, arms folded across his chest. "'wHat Is WitH yOu tODaY?'" I mimicked and he didn't find it funny.
"Mind repeating that again, sweetheart." I start marching back into the room. "I'm Jae. I'm a big bossy man that likes being mean. Errhggghh." I mimicked him, walking around the room.
"Oooo I'm y/n. I'm a disobedient brat that doesn't listen to my boyfriend ooo hehehe." He said getting up on the bed and acting like me and acting like I did only moments ago.
My mouth hung open and he thought he won. I hopped onto the bed and kept it going. We were getting closer to each other and getting more vicious. "I'm overprotective and don't like my girlfriend doing grown-up stuff."
"I'm a baby that still watches cartoons every Saturday morning." He said, his voice going up a couple octaves.
"I'm -" I began but lost my footing. I started tumbling backward. I felt his weight shift the bed and his hands grabbed mine, pulling me roughly toward him. He held me tightly and fell on the bed himself. His back was to the mattress and my chest was to his. The bed made a snap and a crack sound, and we were now tilting to one side. 
I just stayed put, afraid of falling through the floor. “Who knew that us breaking the bed would be during an argument.” He sighed, throwing his head back into the pillows. 
“I’m sleeping on the couch.” I said after a moment of silence, grabbing my pillow and a blanket; making my way out of the bedroom. Yet, before I left, I picked up a couple of his hoodies. 
I walked down the stairs, setting up my ‘bedroom’ for the night. 
I laid down and automatically wrapped myself in a blanket burrito after throwing on one of his big hoodies. It was still cold, with the accompaniment of the loneliness beside me. 
I couldn’t help but feel sorry. He really just did want what was best...and he knew that I was safest here...and I should have realized he was just trying to help sooner. 
I was alone with my thoughts and wishes to just fall asleep already. 
“...y/n...” I heard someone from the stairs. I lifted my head up and saw him and automatically felt the guilt from when I first laid down. “I’m sorry.” I said quietly. “Hey hey hey.” He said walking over and sitting next to me on the couch. 
“Don’t cry.” He said and I bit my lip. “I’m not crying.” I spoke quietly again, finally meeting his big and beautiful eyes in the night darkness. I felt the sudden weight settle into my chest. “I didn’t mean it.” I finally broke and sent myself flying into his side. “Awe, my baby.” He said moving me so I was sitting in his lap.
I slipped my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder. His voice wasn’t mad anymore. He didn’t seem happy, but he didn’t seem angry. 
He rubbed my back all the way down till his hands laid on my thighs. 
“You okay sweet heart?” He asked and I shrugged. I sat up so we were face to face. “I’m sorry.” I said again and he chuckled. “Don’t be. Nothing happened and you’re safe. It’s okay.” He pinched my cheek lightly, booping my nose slightly. 
“So...you’re not mad?” I asked with a hopeful smile. “Oh no, I’m absolutely pissed.” He said and my smile fell. “But, I don’t want to go to sleep upset.” He said and I understood. 
Going to sleep angry was as good as no sleep. It was uncomfortable and the mind never, really, truly sleeps. It keeps thinking about what has happened and the million and one possibilities on how you can fix it. 
“But I’m sorry too.” He interrupted my thoughts. “For what?” I asked and he grabbed my hand. His thumb gently rubbed over my outer hand. “...for being too overprotective...” He said as he broke the silence with his heartfelt words. “But I like you being overprotective,” I said and he just smiled shortly. “it shows you really care.” I confessed and he smiled a little. 
“I would always care...even if you didn’t want me to.” He said and I wrapped my arms around his neck again, hugging him and being wrapped in his warmth. 
“I would always want you to.” I mumbled. I couldn’t help but dozing off in his arms, feeling safe and secure in his protection. 
“Goodnight, baby.” He mumbled as he finally realized I was fast asleep in his arms. 
He readjusted us so he was laying down and I was on top of him. 
Jae felt a sense of pride when you latched onto him. It was like he was invincible and he had a sense of purpose. He wanted to feel needed and like he was wanted. With you, he always felt wanted. 
Yeah, you were a huge brat at times and loved pissing him off, but he knew all the ways to set you straight and back on track. So just as much as you depended on him, he depended on you. He wanted you to be needy and close so he was strong and never went far. 
You guys always had fights, every couple did. But even when you both think this was it...you both came crawling back to each other for comfort. 
___________________________ OMG THIS WAS TRASH. I’M DELETING THIS IS 48 HOURS!!!!
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whereisten · 6 years
It Only Takes One Night
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-Pairing: frat boy!Jaehyun X Reader
-Summary: After some convincing, your college roommate gets you to go to a frat party. You meet the school’s well known bad boy, Jaehyun. You weren’t supposed to fall for him, as rumors spread that he was just a f—k boy, but you did anyway after he shared a special secret with you. Will you protect your heart, or will you give in to him like everyone else did?
- Warnings: fluff, angst, smuT, nothing else really.
- Word Count: 5.2k
This wasn’t requested or anything but I hope you guys like it
[11:43 PM] you silently cursed yourself for going out tonight. People were messy, sloppy, and a bit too drunk for your liking at this frat party. You knew what to expect, but you still went anyway.
“It’ll be fun! They have different colored glow necklaces to tell others whether your single and looking, single but not looking for love, and taken. Isn’t it romantic?” Your naive roommate said as she happily pranced around the room in search for her makeup bag.
“Well I don’t know about the love part, I’m sure they mean something else. Maybe they got their four-letter words mixed up” you rolled your eyes and continued to search through your boring closet for something cute to wear.“It’s like 25 degrees outside, why do I have to wear a dress?” You exclaimed.
“Jaehyun’s gonna be there” your roommate flashed you a sly smile. 
She knew you were developing a crush on the school’s newly single bad boy. You both shared psychology together and you always found yourself looking-or well, stating- when he wasn’t looking. His dimples and soft eyes caught your attention.You knew that he was in this fraternity and the last thing you’d want is a fraternity guy in your life, but he was mysterious and so so hot.
You shook your head to stop yourself from daydreaming of how you’d like your night to go. “I’m only going for you. I just wanna make sure you don’t get too messed up like last time.” She gagged. “As long as I don’t have cheap whipped cream flavor tequila, I’ll be good.”
You two finally arrived to the party in dresses that showed just enough skin to get on you in (because let’s face it, these frat guys wouldn’t let just anyone in).
A guy, Johnny, showed you to the table where you could choose which necklace to wear.
Green=single, looking for love
Purple=single, not looking for love
Red= taken
You felt a sharp slap on your hand as you reached for the purple necklace.
“Ow! What was that for?” You said.Your roommate waved a finger at you.“babe, you look way too hot tonight, let’s get you a guy” she winked and handed you the green necklace.
And here you were. Muttering less than nice words to yourself. You weren’t drunk, but you watched as your roommate danced in her slightly tipsy state with her other friends. Lucky for you, they were into dancing way more than you were. You breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn’t drinking more than she could handle because you just did not feel like lifting her off the sticky floor of some fraternity house tonight.
She was having fun, and you were happy for her. She was a stressed pre-med student and definitely deserved some unwinding time to remind herself that she is indeed human and not a study machine.
The pulsing bass and flashing lights made the party feel more alive than it actually was. Most people were talking or playing games, others were making out in the corners. And then you saw him.
Jaehyun’s eyes pierced through yours the moment you caught them. He had been watching you from across the room—or at least you thought he was.He eyed you up and down, your breath hitched, and suddenly you felt like maybe your dress was a little too tight after all.
You couldn’t handle the attention so you darted to your right in hopes of finding a restroom.
When you finally found it, you checked yourself in the mirror. Damn, you did look great. Your smokey eye was done perfectly, making your eyes pop, and your hair actually stayed straight and didn’t frizz up like it usually did during the day.
There was no way he was looking at you, he never showed interest in you before, why tonight? Plus, there were plenty of hot girls around him, sticking their perfect boobs and faces in his face, and he was wearing a green necklace. Surely he would go home with one of them tonight.
You reapplied your lipstick and took a deep breath, temped to take off the green necklace around your neck.You left it on and decided to go out.
You opened the door and turned the corner only to bump into him.
“Oh, I’m so sorry” you said as you collided with his broad chest.
“Hey. No worries” he said in a deep voice that hit you a little too hard. You finally looked up to see that smirk, not realizing that his arms were keeping you in place to prevent you from falling and breaking your ankles in the overly dramatic heels you wore.
“Thank you” you smiled and started to walk away when he stopped you.
“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” He asked.
Should you play cool and act like you haven’t been staring at this guy harder than you stared at the blackboard in class or should you come clean?
“Ahh yes! Psychology!” You laughed awkwardly.
“Oh, right!” He smiled and you saw those dimples, the ones that made your heart stop. The fact that he slightly recognized you from class was enough to make you feel somewhat special. But you couldn’t imagine actually meaning anything to him.
“It was nice seeing you” you turned again to leave.
“What’s your name?” He asked loudly as the DJ started to blast trap music, perhaps in an attempt to liven up the place.“You know, just in case I need a study buddy” he laughed.
“It’s Y/N” you smiled.
“Y/N..pretty..that’s a pretty name” he said and you thanked the gods that the place was too dark for him to possibly see you blushing.
“Thank you” you awkwardly laughed, again.
“Hey—it’s kinda boring here. Can I show you something?” He asked, eyes searching the room. You weren’t sure why, was he embarrassed to be seen with you?
You just formally met Jaehyun, you probably shouldn’t have said yes, but you did anyway. You weren’t drunk and he didn’t seem to be either, so you saw nothing wrong with it.That was, until he started heading for the basement.
He held your hand as he guided you.
“Jaehyun, I don’t know about this.” You pulled back.
“I promise it’s not anything dangerous or illegal, I just wanted someone to see it” he assured you before turning around and taking the lead again.
You braced yourself as you watched him open the door.
In the basement was a small bathroom, a dining table and a couch with a TV across from it. It was like a studio apartment and you were shocked to see how clean everything was.
In the center was a large canvas painted in soft blues of all shades, the strokes didn’t make out a specific shape, but the painting was still beautiful.You gasped at how effortlessly the colors blended in with each other and how precise the lines were.
“You painted this?” You asked Jaehyun who donned a prideful smile on his face. “yes” he responded.
“I would’ve never expected this from you” you said and looked back at the painting.
“Believe it or not, not all frat boys are mindless drunken perverts that only care about ass, business and law” he laughed.
“This is beautiful Jay, I mean it” you said but stopped when you realized the nickname you already had for him.
Were you two really at that level?
“Now, we can really have some fun.” He moved the canvas and brought out a fresh one.
“Let’s paint!” He enthusiastically said.
“You want me to paint..with you? In this dress?” You pointed to yourself.
He laughed. “Hold on” he went to his cabinet and brought out an oversized white tee and basketball shorts you guessed he had put aside for when he painted. 
“Here, change into this.”
You stared at the clothes, what a night this had turned into.
You laughed and shrugged your shoulders, why not. Jaehyun was able to share something special to him with you, you weren’t sure what this meant, but you were happy about it.
You bent down to take off your heels but Jaehyun stopped you.
“Let me help you. These look uncomfortable “ He said as his soft hands came your feet and gently unbuckled the straps on your heels, he held your foot as he placed them to the side.The touch of his hands on your ankles sent shivers up your spine. 
Jaehyun was unlike anything you had expected. He was gentle and obviously artistic. During the day he walked around in black jeans and black t shirts, he looked unapproachable as he barely glanced at any girl that tried to talk to him. But tonight, you saw a soft side to him and felt your easy heart falling.
Jaehyun turned away from you as you changed into his clothes.
“Okay, I’m ready.” You said and he grabbed a brush and handed it to you.
“There’s the paint, now just go for it” He dipped his brush into the red paint and plastered it onto the canvas before swooping it around and filling the space beside it.
You did the same but with the blue paint.You two were painting on the same canvas, actually creating something together. It was strange to you, but you did like it.
You talked about how you both ended up there that night. You told him about your roommate and how you were her right-hand man for the night.
He told you that he only came to this particular party because his brothers wanted him to get over his recent breakup.
“I’m already over it to be honest. She was superficial and used me as an arm piece, I was like some kinda designer bag to her” he said and you couldn’t help but laugh at the description.
“Hey! Don’t laugh” he playfully smiled at you and flashed his brush so that some paint flew in your direction.
“okay, okay I deserve that” you laughed again.
You continued to talk about everything, from the class you guys shared together, how creepy the professor was, the terrible food in the dining hall to the latest Kardashian drama. He even told you that his favorite movie was High School Musical 2.
You were shocked to see Jaehyun talking so much. He was this quiet guy that walked around campus with a stern look on his face. You really didn’t think he’d formulate an opinion on even the simplest of topics.
You weren’t sure if he noticed that every now and then, you’d stop to watch him as he spoke. His delicate and large hands moving gracefully along the canvas.His radiant skin and subtle dimples made your heart skip. His eyes were dark but welcoming.He looked at you too when you spoke.
“Hey. Focus on that, it’s looking kinda messy right now” you teased him when you caught him staring at you.
He laughed then turned back to the canvas and you swore you got a peak of heaven when he did.
You started to talk about your majors and your goals in life. This was when you noticed a shift in the light-hearted mood you two were in.
“Only a few people know that I paint, I didn’t even tell my ex. Not everyone understands it and some people in this frat are assholes” he started.
You didn’t ask him to elaborate, you already knew what he meant. Some students, mostly the business, law, and STEM ones, rarely respected the arts as a valid profession. They saw it as a waste of time because to them, all artists ended up starving and suffering.
If more people were to find out about his art, surely they would make fun of him for it.
You noticed how his brows furrowed and his mouth twisted. He was in deep thought and his strokes were fast and harsh.You knew that the previous painting you saw was done by a more calm and collected Jaehyun.
“Jaehyun, what’s wrong?” You continued painting.
“I don’t know..it’s just” he was hesitant to continue.
“Never mind” he retorted.
“You can talk to me. I’m not here to judge you, it’s college. Everyone has something going on, sometimes it’s best if we get it out.” You quietly said, the bass upstairs still booming and shaking the floor.
“You brought me here because you needed something.” You finally let out.
He suddenly dropped his brush and walked away.
He wiped his forehead with his forearm and tapped his foot as he looked down.
“It’s my dad. He doesn’t understand that I don’t want to follow in his footsteps. I don’t want to be some CEO or CFO whatever the hell they call it.” He stopped.
“He’s always made fun of me for painting, I’ve told him that it’s my passion but he just ignores me and says “passions don’t get you big houses and cars.” What the hell does that even mean?” His hands were placed on his hips as he looked at the ground.
You sighed. You had met plenty of students that had only been fulfilling their parents’ requests. They didn’t really care about law or medicine, they only wanted to make their parents proud.
“Jaehyun, you’ve got real talent. You should continue to do what you love. Sometimes our parents just want what’s best for us, and other times they just want to control us. We’re adults now, which means that we can do whatever the hell we want. Sure, they’ll be consequences, but we’ll get through it.”
You gave him a reassuring smile, but he laughed when he realized that you had gotten a stark blue line of paint on your nose.
“What? Why are you laughing? I just gave a Nobel peace prize worthy speech and you’re laughing at me?” You joked and watched as he came closer to you with a towel.
“Here.” He was close to you now, he tilted your head up and held it by placing his left hand on the side of your face. He took the towel and softly wiped the line. 
His touch was soothing now, you seemed to have calmed him down as you could see a more relaxed expression on his face.
“There you go.” He smiled and continued to hold your face.
“Thanks” Your eyes drifted from his deep brown eyes to his dimples, and then his lips.
He saw you staring and decided to move closer. You could now feel the hot breath on your chin.
You finally placed a kiss on his lips, but quickly pulled away when you realized what you had done.
“I’m sor-.” You started to apologize with wide eyes, but he pulled you back and set his delicate lips on yours again.
His hands worked their way into your hair as he used his tongue to part your lips.Your tongue found his and they gently caressed each other.
His hands then moved to your back in an effort to pull you every closer.You quietly moaned as you felt the yearning in your stomach start to build. 
You were getting close and you could feel every inch of his perfect chest on yours.
“Are you okay with this?” He pulled away and asked while breathing heavily.
“Yes, yes I’m more than okay” you said, desperate for the connection between you two to be reestablished.
He chuckled and quickly picked you up, placed both of your legs around his waist and started walking.
You felt his toned muscles through his black t-shirt and grabbed his arms.
He laid you flat on the dining table in the basement and started to massage your body with his large hands.
He pulled away and watched as your swollen lips parted to let out another moan. You watched as he bit his lips that were now stained deep red by your lipstick.
“Are you sure?” He asked again, and maybe you were a little tipsy because you nodded a bit too fast.
You were into Jaehyun. He spoke well and you liked that. He was unlike any other handsome guy that you met at this school, he actually cared about something and was able to converse about everything, unlike other guys that could only talk about sports or some video game.
He was mature and intelligent, you didn’t mind being with him. However, it dawned on you. What if there was nothing else between you two after tonight? What if this was just a one night thing? You wanted to talk more with him after tonight because you felt that you truly had a good friendship. You two spoke for what felt like hours and were clearly comfortable with each other, surely he’d want to keep in touch with you? 
But you were having second thoughts about how close you’d be after tonight.You should’ve saved yourself from the pain of waking up tomorrow morning, and going about your life like this night didn’t happen, like you and Jaehyun never opened up to each other. 
But in the moment, you didn’t care. You wanted him. You wanted to feel him all over you.
He placed sloppy kisses on your hot neck as you held his back, lightly scratching his muscles through the thin fabric he wore.
His hands found their way under your shirt and gently caressed you breasts. He massaged his thumbs into your sides and used the fingers on your back to bring your body up towards his.
With your legs still around his waist, you felt your growing heat along with his growing member.He let out a soft moan as he came closer to you.
You reached for his shirt and took it off, messing up his perfect hair in the process.He then lifted your T-shirt over your head and tossed it to the floor.
“You look good in my clothes, baby, but you look even better without them” he smirked and started to placed kisses on your neck once again. The coolness from the table providing a great contrast to your heated bodies.
He made his way from your neck to your shoulders where your bra straps were. He used one finger to pull each of them down, giving him more access to your sensitive spots. You moaned as he sucked sharply on your skin, sure to leave a colorful mark there for you to look at in the morning.
You pulled him towards you so that you could hold his face and kiss his lips again. Your heads turned to allow your tongues to explore deeper places. Your hands still on his back, pressing his lower half down and into your body. 
You needed him. Now.
You felt his fingers work their way down your body, from holding your hips to to caressing the soft skin of your inner thigh.He kissed your jawline, touching s sensitive spot.He then rubbed your sensitive core through the fabric of his basketball shorts. 
You threw your head back and broke away from this kiss to moan loudly as you were overwhelmed by the touch on your sensitive and pulsing area.He used the time that you guys had separated to pull your shorts off.
“Jay..do you have..” You breathily whispered into his ears.
“Yes, I do” he stopped you and instantly pulled out a condom from his jeans. He then unbuckled them and let them fall to the floor.You watched as he rolled it onto himself with one hand. 
You were holding yourself up on your elbows when you threw your head back in anticipation.
“Look at me.” He demanded in a deep voice. He titled your head up with his other hand.
His deep, dark eyes watched you as you breathed heavily and bit your lips.He positioned himself between your legs, but stopped moving his hips towards you. 
Instead, he placed his fingers on your thighs once again. He removed your panties and tossed them to the side, leaving you completely exposed.
He slowly made his way to your core and placed two fingers into you, you felt shock waves across your body. You had been aching for him. Your heat had been growing for the past ten minutes and you finally felt him.You threw your head back and moaned, but felt him placed his hand behind your head.
“I said. Look.” He demanded once again.Normally, you wouldn’t have taken orders from anyone, let alone a man, but the way he made his demands only made you yearn for him more.
You looked at his eyes then drifted your attention to his veiny arms and to his long fingers that were now easily pumping in and out of you. You whimpered.
 You were so incredibly turned on by the sight of his perfect body over yours and his fingers covered in you that you felt like you might combust. Once you held your head up on your own, Jaehyun took his hand and unhooked your bra, still making sure to move his other hand.
He tossed your bra to the floor and massaged your breasts, the pressure of his thumbs on both your chest and on your core made you cry out. He placed wet kisses on you breast and it was all too much. 
You felt yourself quiver, you were nearing your climax, but you were still greedy. Jaehyun moaned when he felt you closing around his fingers and pulled them out.
You gasped from the sudden emptiness and held his bicep.
“Please.” You breathily pleaded and with that Jaehyun started to align himself with you once more.
He slowly entered, giving you time to adjust yourself to his length. His hand now to the back of your head again, forcing you to watch as you took him in.You felt a slight pain as he finally filled you completely, but you nodded to tell him to start moving.
You both moaned. The feeling consuming both of you. You had built yourselves up so much that the feeling of him being inside you felt heavenly.He was still intent on sucking small marks on your breast before biting your skin. 
The sharp pain sent electricity through your entire body.
You didn’t know what to do with your hands so you found them on his back, pressing him towards you. You were completely overtaken by him. He filled every thought you had, he was the only thing you saw and felt, you heard his deep groans and quiet curses.
His pace was gentle but his strokes were long and drawn out. Every time he pushed back in, he made sure you felt every inch of him.You watched him, you watched every move he made and it was all so hot.
From the way his muscles flexed with every movement to the way his hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, and from the way his swollen red lips latched onto your nipples to the way his large hands held your hips down, it all made you dizzy.
You felt yourself reaching your climax, the tears were threatening to escape, you were so sensitive and overcome with feeling that you gripped his arm.
“Faster.” You said as you looked him in the eyes.
He nodded and threw one of your legs onto his shoulder. This allowed him to go even deeper than he did before. You tried to keep your head up, but couldn’t as the new position drove you crazy.
You moaned loudly, thankful that you were in the basement and the DJ above refused to stop playing bass-heavy music even at 3 A.M.
He grunted and looked up at you before reaching for your neck. His large hand held your neck, forcing you to look back up at him. When you saw his perfect face looking completely hot and sweaty and his dark eyes silently demanding you to look at him, you felt yourself clench around him.
He stopped moving. “Don’t. Not until I say so”
You whimpered, but nodded. He was choking you now as he continued to pump in and out of you at an increased pace.
He looked at you deep in the eyes and moaned. The sight of you being held by him, the fresh marks he put on your soft skin, your perfectly round lips and your dark eyes now glossy with tears, made him come undone.
He nodded. “Come for me baby”
You felt your body shudder and your eyes roll to the back of your head. His movement’s quickened and he tightened his hand around your neck as he also reached his climax while still inside you.
You sighed and threw your head back as he let go and slowly pulled out.You both collapsed onto the cold table and attempted to regain steady breathing.
“Are you okay?” Jaehyun asked, now speaking in his usual soft tone. His face was covered in concern. “Was I too rough?”
You laughed. His caring nature continued to shock you.
“Yeah, I’m good. That was amazing” you said in between breaths, gaining a prideful smirk from him.
“I’ll be back” he said as he pulled his jeans up and went to his bathroom. He washed his hands then got a towel from his cabinet. He handed you the towel and walked away without looking at you. 
Was he regretting it? Was it time for you to leave? You came to your sense and silently cursed yourself again, a frown replacing your blissful smile. 
What did you just do. You slept with a frat boy and now you’d have to make the walk of shame.You didn’t want to get your hopes up so you cleaned up yourself before putting on your underwear and gathering your things. The faster you left, the less time left for you to embarrass yourself by overstaying your welcome.
“Where are you going?” Jaehyun walked up to you with a glass of water in one hand and a bowl of Doritos in the other.
“Jaehyun, I’m sorry, I don’t know what I’m doing with someone like you. I fall too hard and too fast and my heart is bound to break” you explained while looking at the door to avoid his handsome face.
“Hey. I’m not like the others, you don’t have to leave, let’s watch something together...please, I like spending time with you” He said as he walked closer to you.
You wanted to protect your heart and leave, you wanted to stop the growing ache for him in your heart but you couldn’t. The more you got to know about him, the more you fell in love and surely you were headed for a hard and painful fall.
You sat down on his couch and continued to talk about random things while watching Jurassic Park. Somehow, you ended up in his arms as you two laid down on the couch.He was cuddling you. His face softened and his lips pursed, his dark and long lashes grazed his high cheekbones. You watched as he dreamed, his eyes moving under his lids which told you he was in the REM stage. It was the perfect time to leave.
You finally woke up in your bed and looked at your phone. It was 12:46 PM and you roommate had already left to have bunch with her friends. You opened her text messages.
someone had a good night 
Didn’t want to wake you up, I’ll see you later and yes we’re gonna TALK about it You then remembered what happened last night. All the memories came back to you at once and you cringed. How could you let yourself be so easy? 
Now, it would be awkward to see him in class.You groaned and threw your pillow across the room.You didn’t get a text from him, you couldn’t have gotten a text from him because he never asked for your number.
You silently whined to yourself. He was so sweet and intelligent, and he felt amazing, he was everything you wanted. 
But he was also liked by at least half the girls on campus. 
You shook your head and got up to take a shower, eager to wash off the sweat and memories from last night.
You headed out with your laptop and book bag, the plan was to go to Starbucks and study in hopes of forgetting about last night.
Maybe this plan would’ve worked out if you didn’t see him as soon as you walked out the door of your dorm building.
“y/n!” He yelled and quickly walked towards you. You sighed to yourself.
Oh no. He smiled that bright goofy smile that only you had seen last night, and you saw his dimples again. He was holding two coffees and he handed one to you.
“Hey.” You said quietly, clearly not matching up with his enthusiastic mood.
“You left without saying bye so..I found you” He said while shivering and you remembered telling him which dorm you were staying at some point last night.
It was unbelievably cold outside and his cheeks and nose donned the perfect shade of red. He was so perfect, you felt the tingly sensation in your chest again.
“How..long were you waiting out here?” You furrowed your brows.
“I don’t know, 30 maybe 40 minutes” he shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal.
“Jaehyun! Why would you do that? You’re gonna get sick” you asked and started to walk. It felt less cold if you walked.
“Because..to be honest, y/n..I can’t stop thinking about you” He said as he came closer to you.
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, we slept with each other, it was amazing but I think we should move on.”
“No-not in that way.” He stopped you and turned to face you. “We talked a lot last night, you’re the only one I’ve felt an actual connection to in this horrid place.”
His statement made you feel warm, you felt yourself start to blush but quickly calmed yourself.
“Listen..Jay, I really don’t want to get hurt” you looked into his eyes, tears forming behind your own as you remembered the last time you had your heart broken. “I’m not gonna hurt you, that’s not even in question. I’m not some fuck-boy, okay?” he pleaded. 
“You don’t have to run away from me, trust me”
Trust. It was hard for you to give, but you had to try. You couldn’t barricade yourself in and live behind walls for the rest of your life.
Jaehyun gave you a small smile and held your empty hand. “Plus, you know too much for me to just let you go” he smirked.
The butterflies in your stomach went wild.There were several people around you, some walking by to steal quick glances. You figured they were trying to see who the infamous bad boy on campus had grabbed now. But you didn’t care. 
They didn’t know him like you did, they only saw him from the outside.
You nodded. “Okay” you gave a small smile.
He lowered his face to yours and kissed you, in front of everyone. Something he didn’t even do publicly with his ex.
You smiled as he pulled away. You watched as his eyes focused on you, only you. Snow started to fall and soon there were white specks in his hair that made him look even more majestic than he already did.
He smiled and took your hand so that you walked side by side.
“It’s cold, let’s get out of here”
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nctzenblurbs · 5 years
Victim Number 30 | Part Two | FBI Agent!Jaehyun x Cafe Owner!Reader
Genre: Crime, Angst, Suspense, a touch of fluff
Word count: 3,617
Summary: FBI Agent!Jaehyun is currently working on a homicide case where 15 victims were found dead within 4 months. Deciding to take up on Partner!Doyoung’s offer for a coffee break at a new cafe where he met Cafe Owner!Reader, fallen in love at first sight. But are you who Jaehyun thinks you are?
Warnings: Cursing, mention of blood, death, murder (nothing too extreme but if you are uncomfortable with this kind of story, i suggest don’t read it)
a/n: Here’s the second part for the FBIAgent! Jaehyun fic, sorry it took too long, i’ve been busy. A little reminder that this part has not been proofread so there could be grammar errors and misspelling. Have fun reading 
6 months in, 21 victims and counting, 13 males and 8 females, between the ages from 21 to 57; no clue leading towards the identity of the killer, Jaehyun sighed loudly, leaning his head back against his swivel chair, spinning around a couple of times. Stopping when a knock on the door was heard; you stuck your head in, sending a soft smile towards your boyfriend. You made your way around the desk to wrap your arms around Jaehyun neck. Jaehyun buried his face on your chest, inhaling your sweet scent arms tightly around your waist, bringing you closer to him. You run your fingers through his hair, receiving a delighted groan from the man beneath you. “Take a break, baby” you place a soft kiss on top of his head “You’ve been wracking your brain on this case long enough that you forgot to eat” you left a small chuckled when your received another groan from Jaehyun “This case is driving me crazy” “That’s why you need a break, come on Mr. Big Size, dinner’s ready”
Jaehyun and Doyoung walk through the yellow tape before entering the house; they went upstairs towards the master bedroom. Broken perfume bottles spreading it sweet fragrance but it wasn’t enough to cover the metallic scent, objects scattered across the room, scratches on the floor board from the bedroom door to the bathroom. The two men made their way towards the bathroom, red splashes on the pristine wall, blood pooling in the bathtub where the body was found; Their 22nd victim. Taeyong stood tall in front of the meeting room, making eye contact with each of his subordinates. His eyes lands on Yuta, understanding his boss silent gesture, he stood up from his seat and cleared his throat “Mrs. Bong Young-Hee worked under KRW Enterprise for 5 years as a regular office worker, she was then promoted and work as secretary for the vice chairman for a year. Mrs. Bong and Mr. Bong Yong-Chul got married 2 years ago. We also learned that she was a track star throughout her university years” Yuta clarified with confidence lacing in his voice before sitting back down “The body was found with abrasions on her arms and abdomen area and I found fragments from the floor board under her nails, our killer dragged the victim by their leg which explains the scratches on the floor board and how the victim received her abrasions” Jungwoo explained “The victim then was dragged toward the bathroom and our killer proceed to stab the victim 22 times; 13 stab wounds across the chest and another 9 stab wounds on the victim’s heart and left her body in the bathtub, leaving the scene without a trace”
“22 four stab wounds, 13 across the chest and 9 on the heart” Taeyong scoffed “Seems like our killer is keeping track of their victims” “Mr. Bong was already at work during the attack but he forgot his employee’s ID card and went back home to retrieve it. That’s when he found his wife dead in the bathtub” Kun said “Mr. Bong said he wanted to file a divorce because his wife has been distant towards him, always coming late for work, and she does not wish to carry his child” “Do we know the reasons why?” Taeyong asked “Mrs. Bong committed infidelity with the vice chairman”
A loud sigh left Taeyong’s lips, he leaned his body forward on the table; head hung low “What about the black CR-Z, Johnny?” “There’s a lot of black CR-Z in Seoul, trying to find a specific one without a license plate will take longer than usual to find” Johnny said while stretching his long limbs “Mr. Choi was allegedly seen getting inside a CR-Z by one of the neighbor, but the neighbor could be mistaken the car for a different model”
Jaehyun was sitting across from you; the two of you were having lunch together at an Italian restaurant. Jaehyun had already finished his plate, waiting for you to finish yours as you are a slow eater. You took a last bite of your food asking the waitress for the bill; your attention went back to your boyfriend, sending worried looks as you watched him stir his now empty glass, with the plastic straw “Jaehyun baby, you okay?” Your hand reaching out for Jaehyun’s, rubbing small circles on the back of his hand; Jaehyun sends you a tired smile and nodded his head “Just a little stressed with the case as usual. We found our 22nd victim this morning” Jaehyun explained, looking down at your interlocked hands, failing to catch the unbothered look on your face “is that so?” you replied nonchalantly “what happened this time?” “The killer broke into the house while the victim was getting ready for work, the room was a mess, it was clear the victim put up a fight but got dragged by the feet and stabbed to death in the bathroom” a another sigh left his lips before continuing “I found it strange though” you cocked your eyebrows at him “why didn’t the victim just bolted out of the room? There was broken perfume bottles scattered all over the room, other items were also thrown, there’s a chance at least one of them hit the killer, buying a little time for her to escape and the victim was a track star so she had a higher chance of survival”
“The victims lived in that old neighborhood right? The house there are old designs and it’s common to have doors that can be lock from the outside, especially the master bedroom’s door. The killer probably locked the victim in her bedroom before climbing through the bedroom window” you said as you took a sip of your drink. Jaehyun just stared at you, startled by your words “How do you know the door can be locked from the outside?” Jaehyun watch your expression carefully, he noticed your eyes went wide for a split second; you stopped sipping your drink and slowly place the cup back down “I used to have a friend who lived in the same neighborhood and she stayed in a similar house” you explained softly, before he could ask you another question, hoping to get more details, he was interrupted by a waitress, placing the bill between the two of you. Jaehyun took his wallet out from his pocket to pay but you stopped him by placing your hand on top of his. Your hands were smaller compare to his, however it felt cold. You took the bill in your hand and handed the waitress the right amount of money whilst sending a warm smile at her. Jaehyun couldn’t help but notice a small cut just beneath your hairline.
After dropping you off at your café, he couldn’t help but recalled your words and your expression, it was very unlike you. You always had a smiling face and a cheerful voice but during lunch he had with you, your voice was monotone, the sparkle in your eyes were gone and your face hold no emotion. You were like a different person; he didn’t know you were capable to make such an expression. He drove back to the crime scene to investigate. He shortly arrived at the house, cops still surrounding the area; he showed his badge before stepping inside the house. He stopped just a couple of feet away from the closed door that leads to the master bedroom, his eyes rested upon the golden key in the key hole.
A week later after the lunch with (y/n), he couldn’t shake off the feeling he had. He felt uneasy, shocked at how you seem to know the details of the door being locked from the outside beforehand, and the cut beneath your hairline that day looked fresh. Maybe he shouldn’t be surprise of you knowing about the door. Turns out majority of houses in the neighborhood had at least one door that can lock from the outside. You mentioned having a friend that lived in the same neighborhood so you were probably just stating a fact.
Jaehyun entered the meeting room, surprised to see Doyoung alone, sitting on one of the swivel chairs, spinning mindlessly “You’re early” Jaehyun rested his hand on Doyoung’s chair, stopping him from spinning “And you’re early yourself” Doyong replied before proceeding to spin in his chair again. Jaehyun sat down next to him, letting out a sigh, folding his arms on the table before he lay his head on top of it “What’s wrong with you, trouble in paradise?” He lightly nudge Jaehyun with his foot, earning a groan from the man next to him “I wouldn’t say it’s a ‘trouble’” Jaehyun voice muffled “Come on, spit it out, I could give you some love advice if you want” “Why would I want love advice from a person who bought a mini fridge and place it in their room because they were too lazy to go to the kitchen” “It’s not being lazy, it’s saving energy” Doyoung grumbled, kicking Jaehyun’s chair to push him away but ended up pushing himself away while Jaehyun stay rooted to his spot, earning a laugh from his partner “Well, what’s going on in that head of yours. I haven’t seen you like this since you got rejected by a girl back in high school” Jaehyun shook his head upon remembering the old memory “It’s (y/n)” he said after some time “Oh no, really?” Doyoung faked his surprised, placing a hand over his mouth, only to get hit on the arm “Shut up, anyway, I had lunch with her last week, I explained to her about Mrs. Bong’s case and I found it weird, that after buying some time to distract the killer by throwing objects at them, why didn’t she attempt to escape the room and (y/n) point out that the door could be lock from the outside prior to the attack. It’s like she knew it from the first place” Jaehyun finished explaining
“How did she know the door could be locked outside?” “She said she had a friend who used to live in the same neighborhood” Doyoung hummed while nodding his head “Maybe she was just stating a fact” Doyoung shrugged his shoulder “After connecting the door being lock beforehand and Mrs. Bong failed attempt to escaped, it made sense. If the door wasn’t lock, Mrs. Bong would’ve have escape and we would have a visual on how the killer looked like, their gender, and their height. It seems like (y/n) was able to piece those two together quickly” After letting Doyoung’s words sink in, it does made more sense now and it is true that Mrs. Bong could escape if the door wasn’t locked and when you look back through Mrs. Bong’s history as a track star, she could easily outrun the killer. Maybe he was thinking too much, he shouldn’t jump to conclusion so quickly.
“Well aren’t you two early for the meeting” a voice announced, the two men stopped and looked at the door, seeing their boss, Taeyong by the door, they quickly stood up to greet him. Taeyong raised his hand, returning their greeting and made his way in front of the room “Is there a new victim, sir?” Doyoung asked after taking his seat “Fortunately we don’t have a new victim and I wished it stayed like that because I want this to end as quickly as possible. Apparently, Johnny asked me to gather you all for a meeting, for what reason, we will soon find out” Taeyong said, hands stuffed in his pocket while rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet
“Why, good morning gentleman” Yuta greeted, he sauntered around the table before taking his seat across from Jaehyun “You guys are early today” He addressed towards the two men in front of him. “Knock knock, Johnny’s here” Johnny’s tall figure walked inside the room with his laptop in his arms, followed by Jungwoo “Knock knock” He softly repeated Johnny’s words. After the two men took their seat, they both eyed Jaehyun and Doyoung “Quite rare seeing you guys arriving early for a meeting” Johnny spoke “Do we always arrived late for meetings?” Seeing everyone in the room nod their head silently, Doyoung slumped back in his seat, letting out an annoyed puff “Let’s just start the meeting so I could leave early as well” flailing his hand in the air
Johnny connects his laptop to the projector then proceeds to stand in front of the room to start the meeting “I was right about Mr. Choi’s neighbor recalling the wrong car model” Johnny grinned “It was a black 2001 Civic Hybrid, this footage here was taken by a traffic light camera at 6:15 a.m” Johnny pressed the play button, the video shows the said black car slowly stopping at the intersection, a clear view of the vehicle, Johnny then paused the video “Now, if you zoomed in and made some few adjustment with the footage for a clearer view, you can see Mr. Choi, in the car with a women” Johnny tapped away on his laptop and the screen showed a picture of Mr. Choi with an unidentified women sitting in the driver’s seat “It could be two friends sitting in a car together until you looked at the next frame” The next frame showed the two people leaning forward, lips melding together “It seems Mr. Choi had a lady friend. We also have a witness; the car was spotted once at a park 6 kilometers from Mr. Choi’s apartment around 7:30 a.m, the car was seen rocking back and forth” Johnny wiggled his eyebrows
“Do we know the identity of this woman?” Taeyong asked “25 years old, Lee Eun Bi is a fellow co-worker of Mr. Choi” Yuta answered “She is soon to be brought for interrogation later with Kun” “We also found out the whereabouts of Ms. Chung” Johnny continued “There was footages of her in a hotel with an unknown man. Taeil will bring the results- speak of the devil” Johnny stopped when Taeil entered the room “I apologize for my tardiness but I have the results” waving the paper in the air before handing it to Taeyong “Ms. Chung booked 5 rooms from different hotels with the same man named Jong Youngjae and I can confirm that both of them had perform sexual intercourse. I also found Mr. Choi’s sperm inside of Ms. Lee’s car”
Taeyong sat in his chair quietly, looking through the papers before looking up “Does this lead us anywhere closer to our killer’s identity?” “Honestly sir, not really, we just discovered a dead couple’s disloyalty to each other”
“They did what?” you cried. You were sitting on the couch next to Jaehyun with your legs rested on his lap meanwhile his hand rubbed circle on your bare thigh, giving it an occasional squeeze “Apparently Jihyo booked 5 different rooms and fucked a guy who wasn’t her boyfriend while Yoonwoo fucked his mistress in her car” Jaehyun repeated his words, you had a dejected looked on you face, his hand reached over to brush his finger in your hair to help you calm down “but I remember them being so happy together so why would they do that to each other?” “Sometimes acting like the happiest couple is their way to cover up their toxic relationship” “Now that I think about it, Jihyo did put more effort on her makeup that day” you sighed “Guess, Jiyho, Yoonwoo and Kang Hyun-Jun are the victims that committed infidelity” Jaehyun cocked his eyebrows at you “Actually it was Jihyo, Yoonwoo and Bong Young-Hee that were caught” Jaehyun corrected, emphasizing the word ‘and’, your eyes widen and you let out a nervous laugh “Right, Mrs. Bong, there are just so many victims that I forgot sometimes” You smiled sheepishly
“By the way, last week when we had lunch together, I can’t help but noticed a cut underneath your hairline” Jaehyun asked “How did you get that?” “Oh this” You brush away your hair from your face to reveal an already healed cut “I dropped a mug before you picked me up, guess some shard flew up to my forehead” Jaehyun studied your face for a while, looking for any signs of nervousness or panic, after finding none he softly rubbed over the scar with his thumbs “Be careful next time, alright?” He then focused on the screen in front of him, not noticing you fiddling with your fingers
“Guess Jihyo, Yoonwoo and Kang Hyun-Jun are the victims that committed infidelity” your words keeps replaying in his head, how can you get mixed up between a recent victim and the 15th victim? He doesn’t seem to recall about telling you about Mr. Kang, let alone his full name. ‘Could it be?’ He made his way to Kun’s office, knocking the door before entering
“Oh Jaehyun, nice timing actually” Kun smiled warmly which Jaehyun returned with a small one “Could you hand this to Taeyong, it has all the information about the last interrogation with Ms. Lee and Mr. Jong” after the papers were taken away from his hands, Kun sat back down behind his desk “So, what do you need?” Jaehyun sat down on the chairs that were placed in front of Kun’s desk “Can I have the contact information of Mr. Kang Hyun-Jun’s family?” Kun cocked his head to the side “Sure I can do that but why do you need it for?” he asked while he rummaged through the files “I just need to confirm something” “Is it important?” “I still have no clues but if my assumptions are right, maybe we are able to find out about our killer” Jaehyun explained, Kun let out a soft cheer after finding the contact list and hand it to Jaehyun “Here, have the entire contact list of our victims, whatever you are looking for, I want to help as much as I can” “Are you sure?” he asked worriedly “What if I lose it?” his shoulder slightly shakes as Kun let out a soft laugh “No worries, I have another copy of it” He patted his shoulder, Jaehyun stood up, thanking the older man and walked out of the office
“Thank you for taking your time to come here” Jaehyun shook hands with Mrs. Kang “Please, I will do everything in my power to help you find my husband’s killer, as well for the other victims” Mrs. Kang smiled softly. “Do you have any leads so far?” “Unfortunately, we haven’t gotten anywhere but I hope today you can help me with something” earning a nod from the women, Jaehyun took out files from his breifcase “These files contains information about our previous victims, possibly the same killer. We discovered that these 3 victims has one thing in common, which was disloyalty towards their partners” Jaehyun explained slowly “Mrs. Kang, if you don’t mind me asking, but has your husband been acting strangely before his murder?” Mrs. Kang expression fell, she looked down at her clasped hands on her lap “I was aware that love him too much and I know if I confront him about it, it’ll destroy our family” The women cried, gently wiping her tears “I thought I’d be fine if I just go on with it and act dumb as long my daughter is happy” Jaehyun sat quietly, giving time for Mrs. Kang to calm down “Do you possible know the women that your husband cheated with?” “I believe it’s one of his colleagues but it hurts me too much to know who it is, so I never know”
After a short banter on who should pay for the drinks; Mrs. Kang ended up paying despite Jaehyun’s refusal; he was back in his office, sitting in silence. After meeting with Mrs. Kang, his suspicions for his girlfriend only grew. ‘She knows something’ he took out his phone, searching for your name in his contact list. It rung once, twice, it’s not until the fourth ring is when you answered the call “Hey, baby” You greeted warmly through the phone, your voice is music to his ears, but this time it felt deafening “Sorry, the café is a little pack today but do you need anything?” “Yeah, could we meet up tonight; I need to speak with you” Jaehyun spoke lowly “Oof, tonight’s is not the night; I’m hanging out with my friends at this restaurant near street 135, how about tomorrow?” Jaehyun agreed, biding you goodbye before slouching back into his chair
The clock reads 01:27a.m, Jaehyun is back home, tossing his keys on the table. He sat on the living room couch, head in his hands, file records displayed across the small coffee table. ‘Jihyo, Yoonwoo, Bong Yong-Hee and Mr. Kang’ Jaehyun thought, you were right about Mr. Kang, how were you right? You said it yourself, there were too many victims, of course you get mixed up but it felt too strange that you specifically said Mr. Kang’s name. His eyes fell upon the contact list of the victim’s family, ‘what if-‘ The phone rang, interrupting Jaehyun’s train of thoughts, he looked at the caller ID, Doyoung was calling him
“What is it this time?” Jaehyun answered quickly “Bad news, we found our 23rd victim” Doyoung’s rough voice could be heard through the phone, he sounded distraught “What happened this time and where are you?” Standing up from the couch, he quickly put on his shoes and his keys before rushing towards his car “It’s messy, our killer is feeling bold tonight, we’re waiting for you at street 135”
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jaehyun + if by chance
i. baby dont like it
ii. does she know/she’s not me
song used: x
warnings: swearing / explicit words, unedited
a/n: y’all asked for ONE LAST installment for this and i’ll make it lengthy so it could be worth your time and read ((and holy shit it’s at 6.4k))
Graduating from college meant a lot of things for you. It meant new beginnings; you’d move away from your parents to start working on your own, it meant being independent, it meant making new friends.
It meant leaving Jaehyun behind.
Ever since that night you had confronted him in front of his girlfriend’s home, you never talked to him again. Even when both of you were in your circle of friends, you paid him no attention. For some reason, his girlfriend stopped coming with him when your circle of friends got together but you honestly only noticed when Winwin innocently pointed it out. Maybe Jaehyun told her to back off and she decided to stop hanging out with them, but really, you don’t care.
He also never talked to you again, but there were times when you’d catch him approaching you, only to turn away when you see him or he would just look at you, as if he was debating himself or always hesitant with his moves, and you would move away from him, escaping whatever conversation he wanted to spark up.
It was weeks of avoiding and dodging chances of being alone together, but you were able to graduate with what you forced yourself to believe was peace.
It’s been a couple of years since you’ve graduated and you have been jumping from job to job to find one that suited you the most. Among the guy friends you had back in school, you only kept in touch with Yuta since he lived closest and worked in the same area where your apartment was. He would eat out with you from time to time, depending on your schedules.
You had recently gotten passed a job screening and orientation for all the new applicants would be today at 10 AM. Something in your gut told you this was the job you’d be sticking to and Yuta, who all of a sudden declared to be your new best friend (not that you were complaining since he was all you got in the city,) decided to treat you dinner after the orientation.
Before you could even worry about where to eat, you had to get ready for the orientation. You dressed simply, opting for a smart casual outfit with a ‘no makeup’ makeup look. The building was a 15-minute Uber away and you were there with a few minutes to spare before the call time.
The receptionist directed you to the conference room where 3 other new applicants were already seated and talking amongst themselves. You greet them and introduce yourself as you take a seat at the long table with them.
You learn their names to be Miyoung, Jangmi, and Sora, and as it turns out, they’re all roommates.
“Don’t worry, we’re not the type to ostracize people.” Miyoung shrugs when she catches your expression after learning they were already close friends.  “Who knows, maybe you’d click with the last applicant.”
“There’s one more?” You eye the empty seat in front of you. “Well, she’s not gonna make a good impression if she’s not here in the next minute.”
“Maybe she took her time with makeup, I know someone in this room did.” Jangmi side eyes Sora, who flips her off.
Just then, the door opens and your chest constricts. She is definitely not a she.
Your mouth goes dry a little; he looked more mature, features a little more defined and body thicker with muscles under the fitting clothes he wore. His cheeks and ears red with embarrassment knowing he was almost late and he sported those dimples, smiling when he greets the other girls, only to falter when his eyes met yours.
Jung Jaehyun had become a man since you last saw him.
But then you are reminded of all the tears you have cried because of him, the pain you’ve suffered for being his side chick; for being his second option, so you collected yourself, sat up straight and swallowed hard. You had to prove that you’ve moved on.
As the girls introduce themselves one by one, you were faced with two options: either you greet him casually like the old friend he is, or you pretend you never knew him and just hope to god that he plays along. You thought it was petty to choose the latter, but you end up choosing that option when Miyoung finishes her introduction and looks over to you.
“I’m [Y/N].” You keep your composure despite hurriedly saying your name.
He looks taken aback with your reaction, minutely frowning before giving a polite smile. “My name is Jaehyun.”
As the other girls animatedly talk to him, trying to make him feel welcome since he’s apparently the only male applicant, you busy yourself on your phone. You send consecutive stressed text messages to Yuta, still typing in proper grammar and punctuation despite wanting to abuse the capslock out of your phone.
He doesn’t reply, obviously, because he’s at work but you hope he checks his phone during his bathroom breaks.
Jangmi tries to rope you into the conversation, but luckily for you, the HR head enters the room and starts the orientation.
During the tour of all 18 floors of the building, you kept your distance from Jaehyun, tagging right behind the HR head while he lingers at the back of the small crowd. You could feel him staring at you and the only you can do about it is ignore him and pay attention to what the HR was talking about.
The orientation ended at the cafeteria where all of you had a free late lunch before being divided into the teams you were sorted into. You mostly stuck with Miyoung, who was generally clingy upon meeting you, while Jangmi kept Jaehyun company through random observations during the tour.
The five of you ate at one table, talking about random things until the conversation was about relationships. All three of the girls were apparently taken, with both Sora and Jangmi being engaged, while Miyoung had a slow relationship with her boyfriend.
“How about you, [Y/N]?” Miyoung nudges you with her shoulder.
Caught off guard as you saw Jaehyun’s eyes flicker down to your phone when Yuta’s face comes on screen for an incoming phone call, you blurt out, “Y-yeah! I’m, uh, seeing someone.”
“Is that him?” She peers over your phone and frowns when the call ends, “Oh no, he dropped it.”
“Oh, don’t worry. He’s just checking up on me.” You guessed he’s read the 20+ messages you left him.
“Yuta, was it?” She ponders for a moment, “Is he Korean?”
You shake your head, “No, he’s Japanese. We met in college but only got together after graduation.” You were surprised with how steady your voice was while lying and even more so the fact you weren’t cringing at the thought of having Yuta as a boyfriend. The whole time you told your little lie, you haven’t spared Jaehyun a glance in fear of his reaction.
“Aw, that’s cute.” Sora comments, taking a sip from her water bottle. “How about you, Jaehyun?”
“Ah,” He sighs, “I’m single.”
This made you finally look at him. There was a tinge of pink on his cheeks as he pushed the contents of his rice bowl around with his chopsticks, avoiding the curious smiles of the other three.
“I don’t believe it. A face like that can’t be single.” Jangmi shakes her head, to which he shyly laughs at.
“I’ve been single since I graduated college.” His voice trails off and his gaze is set on you.
It doesn’t take you long enough to understand what he was trying to silently tell you. Anger bubbled inside you all of a sudden. Was he suggesting he had broken up with his girlfriend because of you? Was that the reason why she stopped showing up during hang outs or parties? What was he trying to say, that he chose you over her?
“Do you plan to look for love here then?” You don’t even know who suggested that because Jaehyun’s answer made your ears ring and his affectionate, but melancholic gaze made you glare.
“I was hoping it would find me.”
You’re years late, you wanted to scream.
Your phone rings and you thank the heavens that Yuta was calling you. “Excuse me, it’s probably about our dinner reservations for our anniversary.” You say in one breath and this time, you actually cringed. Who on earth tells that much information in one sentence to a bunch of people they just met?
They all congratulate you, sans Jaehyun, who simply stared with an unreadable expression.
You thank them before picking up the call and hurrying outside.
Yuta was hounding you with questions before you can say hello and to shut him up, you just tell him straight away, “I told him we’re dating.”
“You wHAT?!”
You wince at his screeching, pulling your phone away briefly. “I’m just as disgusted, don’t worry.”
“Then why’d you say we were dating? Do you honestly think he’d believe that I, of all people, would be dating someone seriously?”
“Hey,” You scold, “You’ve changed since your fuck boy days back in college, you need to give yourself more credit.”
“He doesn’t know that!”
“Then prove it to him later if he sees you! Kiss my forehead or something when you pick me up.”
You grimace at his tone. “What?”
“You said you moved on.”
“I know and I have, it’s just…” You groan, “The other applicants asked me about my relationship status before him and I assumed he was still together with her. I didn’t want it to seem like I’ve been single and depressed all my life.”
“You are.” He rudely cuts in.
“You’re a dick, you know that?”
“No, I have a dick. And it’s my best asset.”
“Ew. Don’t be gross. I’ll see you later, oh and by the way, today’s our anniversary.”
When you went back inside, it was just time for you guys to be sorted out into your respective departments.
And lo and behold, you were in Marketing with Jaehyun.
The Marketing department head was a nice man, had a wrinkled, eye smile, but still looked young.. “Nice to meet both of you, I’m Jungsu and I should have prepared for both of you to do something, but it’s been such a crazy week that it slipped my mind that I had to give you guys your daily task.”
“Well, we can help alleviate you from some the work?” You suggest and Jungsu hums at the thought.
“It’s a mundane task, but I need some organizing and filing of the documents we’ve accumulated. Are you two sure about doing that?”
Once you’ve assured him that both of you are willing and okay with it, he leads you to a room full of metal organizers and a table overflowing with manila folders and envelopes. Jungsu leaves with another apology and you pick up the first folder on top of the pille, scanning through the papers.
As you look around to find the cabinet it’s supposed to go into, you hear Jaehyun clear his throat.
You don’t look at him and continue your task, “Yeah. He was all I had when I moved out here.”
That struck Jaehyun inside his chest. “But he’s…”
“He was.” You defend, turning back to the table and picking out another document to sort.
In the corner of your eye, you see him move and look through a manila folder. It was silent after that and it was only what felt like half an hour later when he breaks it with, “Are you happy?”
The pile of papers on the table lessened, but there were still a lot to file. You look up from the folder you were reading to look at him for the first time since both of you started working in the room. He looked genuinely curious, eyebrows a little scrunched and lips formed in a straight line.
Were you happy? You know he was asking about being with Yuta and obviously you don’t have an answer to that since the apparently-year-long relationship was just formed in a measly minute. So opted to answer in context of how you have been without him, per se. You open your mouth to answer but shut it close immediately, realizing you didn’t have an exact answer.
Were you?
After you graduated and moved away, you convinced yourself it was because you wanted to start fresh and new. However in reality, you just wanted to move away from him. The years without seeing and hearing of him had helped you forget about him, thinking you had finally moved on.
But seeing him now, having him so close, you’re starting to think you never actually did.
“Yes.” You croak out when you’ve stretched out the time for you to answer for too long. “I am.”
He nods, “I’m glad to hear that.” and he gives you one of the most sincere, yet heartbreaking smile you have ever seen grace his face--or anyone, for that matter.
And it pinched your heart to see it, so much so that you turned away, walking to a cabinet and stuffing the folder you were just reading inside. You take a deep breath, scolding yourself for being affected by it.
Until the table was cleared and the last file was sorted, you and Jaehyun had not exchanged anymore words. The silence was bearable and there wasn’t really any tension in the air because when Jungsu came in to tell you guys you could go home for the day, he didn’t comment on the atmosphere he walked into.
You met up with the girls at the elevator and boarded it with Jaehyun. They also didn’t seem to notice anything strange between you and him, choosing to talk about the software they had to work with under the graphics team.
Yuta was already at the lobby waiting for you, mindlessly scrolling through his phone as he leaned against a column.
You see Jaehyun visibly tense up when he sees him, but you quickly run up to Yuta to even care why he reacted that way.
He sees you, putting his phone down but not really looked like he was all that excited until his eyes catch sight of Jaehyun. He flashes that smile he was always known for, throwing his arms around you for a hug. “Hello, love.”
“Gross. Don’t call me that.” You whisper into his ear as you hug him back, making him chuckle.
“If you want to sell this, than deal with it.” He whispers back, kissing your forehead like you told him to. “Let’s go?”
You nod as you let him lead you away. You didn’t look back anymore, but you were able to catch the one thing you didn’t want to see.
Jung Jaehyun’s disappointed face.
“I still don’t get why we have to pretend to be a couple.” Yuta grumbles before slurping on the ramen he had ordered. “This is a great way for you and Jaehyun to have closure.”
“What if I don’t want closure?” You twirling your chopsticks into the noodles.
“Then you’re basically admitting you haven’t moved on.”
You grimace at Yuta, hating the fact he was right. “But if you only heard him a while ago! Saying ‘I was hoping love would find me’ while staring right at me! Does he think after all these years, I would still be in love with him?”
“Well, aren’t you?” He scoffs and you kick his shin under the table, eliciting a yelp. “Ow!”
“You’re being a horrible boyfriend!”
“Because I’m better at being your best friend!” He scowls, “Aha! Maybe that’s something Jae and I have in common! Or,” He follows up, seeing your eyes narrow and fist tighten around your chopsticks, “Not! Look, if you want my honest opinion, give the guy a chance. Maybe not in love, but maybe become friends again? Where’s the harm in that?”
“I could fall in love with him all over again.”
“[Y/N], you can’t fall into something you haven’t fallen out of yet.”
And you promptly kick him in the shin again.
When you return to work the next morning, you were given a cubicle to work in and you were glad that your work station was at least 4 cubicles away from Jaehyun. You had a scheduled ID picture taking before lunch with the others and while waiting for that, you browsed through previous reports and researches on sales and advertising in the computer’s files. Before you know it, someone was tapping your shoulder.
It was Jaehyun. “Hey, they’re calling us for our photos to be taken.”
“Oh, okay.” You quickly put the computer into sleep mode before following Jaehyun out.
And that was the only conversation you two had for the entire day.
Every day after that, the only interactions you had were greeting each other a good morning or goodbye when it was time to go home. Even during lunch, neither of you would talk to each other and let the Roommates, as you now called them, fill the silence up.
You would notice how he’d stop eating when one of the Roommates ask you about Yuta and do your best not to stutter over your lie. It would seem you were doing a good job at it since he seemed so affected by it. You felt powerful, for some reason, maybe because you were finally letting him experience what you had gone through because of him. It was mean, you have to admit, but a large part of you believes he deserves it.
The days fly by and they turn into weeks, mundane tasks turn into gruesome paperworks that started to pile up day after day. But all of the hard work and working overtime was paid off during the first pay day.
The Roommates suggested to go out for a drink and you agree. Jangmi had managed to rope Jaehyun in and by eight o’clock, all five of you were seated in a dingy booth and ordering shots. You could hold alcohol well, but that doesn’t mean your mouth would coordinate. You were a talkative drunk, amongst other traits alcohol can bring out of you. Jaehyun, as you remember, holds alcohol the best among your circle of college friends. He was a quiet, happy drunk, and you’ll know he’s reached his limit when his face and ears are red.
As the Roommates gossipped about the happenings in their department, you catch Jaehyun lazily smiling at you.
“What?” You ask, suddenly feel conscious about your appearance.
“Nothing.” He shrugs, “I’m just glad we met again.”
You cast a glance at the Roommates, but they didn’t seem to hear him over the music and their own voices. “Okay.”
“I’m also glad Yuta’s changed and is keeping you happy.”
Your fingers twitch around the shot glass, lowering your head. “Thanks--”
“But,” He cuts you off, making you look up at him through your lashes. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry about--”
It was your turn to cut him off, but instead of words, you bolted out the booth and made a beeline for the exit, leaving some money on the table before leaving. You can hear them call out for you, Jaehyun’s voice absent amongst them, and you guessed it was better that way.
The next morning, you run into Jaehyun in the break room, getting coffee for the hangover you supposed both of you had.
“Good morning.” He greets, like always.
“Morning.” You whisper, taking your mug and filling it halfway with the coffee from the maker.
Jaehyun hands you the fresh milk he had previously used. “You still like your coffee with half of it with milk?”
You nod, preparing your drink.
And you think he’d let you be, but he starts talking again.
“[Y/N], about last night--”
“Can we not?”
“I just want to be friends again.”
You stare up at him, watching his face contort in a frustrated frown.
“I just… I just want to be friends again with you.” His voice was soft. “That’s why I wanted to apologize.”
Your lips part to reply, but he’s beaten you by talking again.
“But if you don’t want to, I respect that and--”
“No, we can be friends again.” You say without thinking and he pauses.
You sigh to yourself, it’s not like you can take back what you said, so you nod your head. “Yeah.”
Jaehyun smiles, the kind that makes his eyes into crescents, his nose scrunch, and his dimples appear. The smile that made you smile. “Okay. Well, I have to summarize last week’s meeting for the new campaign. Here,” He hands you three packets of sugar. “These are the last ones in the cupboard.”
“Oh, thanks.” You stare at the packets in your hands before watching him leave. Your lips quirk into a smirk. He still remembers how you had your coffee: half milk with three servings of sugar.
Satisfied with your coffee, you walk back to your cubicle, seeing Jaehyun from his. He takes a sip of his coffee and winces, his reaction making you chuckle to yourself.
It was only when you sat yourself down did you realize he didn’t put sugar in his coffee so you could have yours like how you wanted it.
Just like that, your relationship with Jaehyun improved. You had your friendly banters again like before, but you can see him hesitating from time to time, probably because he was still under the impression that you were with Yuta.
Speaking of, Yuta had been elated with the news and demanded to be fake broken up with effective immediately, and like always, you responded with your middle finger.
After another month passes by and both of you were now well acquainted with most of the employees. Somehow, word got around that you were not single so most of the male employees kept their conversations with you at a professional, but friendly manner.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, was constantly flocked with female workers, even from different departments--from different floors. It was entertaining to watch because it reminded you of your school days with him. Watching all these girls fling themselves at Jaehyun when it was obvious he wasn’t interested. But at the same time, you felt bitter because the only reason why he didn’t entertain them back then was because you were entertaining each other.
So what was stopping him now?
Everything has been platonic between you and Jaehyun. He’s asked about meeting Yuta, but his schedule never matched any of yours and it just so happened he had to go back to Japan for a his sister’s wedding.
He asked if you were going to the company anniversary party and you said you were because it meant free food and booze.
“You really haven’t changed, [Y/N].” He laughs and you simply shrug your shoulders at him.
He offers to pick you up, but you turn him down. You had to run an errand for Yuta since he wasn’t at his apartment and someone had to feed his pets.
The party was held in a rented out club during Friday night, you were actually quite late because Yuta’s pets were way too playful and you had to clean up the mess they made.
When you finally arrived, almost everyone was drunk and jumping to the music. You wave at Miyoung, who seems sober, unlike her roommates who looked like they were just about pass out but still downed shots. She points behind you and you follow her finger.
Among a group of guys, which you recognized as the IT department, was Jaehyun, boisterously laughing while holding a bottle of beer. Even in the bad lighting, you could tell he was drunk with how dark his ears have become.
You approach the group and it was Jaehyun who greets you first.
“Hey! You made it!” He grins and you uneasily return it.
“Yeah.. are you… okay? Maybe you should stop the drinking?”
One of the IT guys, Jun, laughs, “This guy has some great tolerance with alcohol! He’s pushing himself to the limit.”
This makes you worry. “Hey, Jae, maybe you should stop.”
“Jae? Jae!” He howls, “I haven’t heard that nickname from you since college!”
Another IT guy, Wooseok, cocks his head, “You guys know each other from college?”
You open your mouth to answer, but Jaehyun beats you to it.
“College? Oh no, we go way back. We’ve been friends since we were in diapers. Heck, we were best friends!”
You’ve never seen Jaehyun this drunk before and it was scaring you for some reason.
“Man!” He hollers, “[Y/N] and I went through thick and thin together. She meant the world to me, but guess what? Ha! I had to fuck that up!”
“Jaehyun.” You try to grab his arm but he’s swaying around so much that he slipped through your grasp.
“I fucked our relationship up because I. fucked. her.”
You were frozen in place, ice cold dread flooding your veins. Even the amused smiles of the guys around him started to falter.
“Repeatedly!” He laughs, “And you would think because she just meant so much to me, I would make her my girl, but no! I went out and got myself a girlfriend for some stupid ass reason. And here’s the catch, fellas, [Y/N] and I still got it on behind my girlfriend’s back.”
Jun lets out a low whistle of disapproval.
At this point, you don’t even know how to react. You just stood there, staring at this man that looked like your best friend and had the knowledge of the past, but spoke nothing like him.
“Honestly, I was never even in love with my girlfriend-- my ex-girlfriend. Ah, she knew how to punch, seriously.” Jaehyun absentmindedly rubs his jaw. “I thought I could make things right with you, I-I didn’t know how but before I knew it, I was too late. You got Yuta, of all people, who makes you happy and I know it’s selfish but I pray everyday he would break your heart and have you run to me.”
You suddenly felt angry. Not at him, but at yourself, because what he was saying was true. You and Yuta might not be dating, but if anything happens, you would be running to Jaehyun. You wanted to respond to him. Scream at him. Anything. But you did what you always did best: you turned around and ran away.
It was the Saturday noon after the party and you were curled up on the couch, staring at the television.
You haven’t slept properly since you came home last night. You remember crying your eyes out before you can even open the door and stumbling around the house to get your clothes off. You tried to shower it off, the bad memories and the reopened wounds, but you still feel horrible inside.
The television was off. You never turned it on. You just stared at your reflection, the black tint of it all represented your mood. You’ve never felt so alone before.
You finally admit to yourself that you never truly did move on from Jaehyun.
You could have easily replaced him, now that you think of it. There were countless men that had flirted with you, some were decent enough and actually passed your standards, but you never got into a relationship, not even one hook-up since you graduated.
You always thought it was because you were waiting for the one, but now you were beginning to think you were actually waiting for Jaehyun.
You start to tear up again when you can feel your chest ache because you realize Jaehyun broke up with her to choose you even though you told him to choose her. It started to scare you just how deeply in love you are with, but just couldn’t swallow your pride long enough to accept it.
There was a knock on your door and you didn’t think much of it as you wipe your eyes before answering it.
“Please don’t close the door on me.”
You gripped on the doorknob and you swear your knuckles had turned white, nevertheless you stood still and looked at Jaehyun.
He was still in the clothes from the night before and he reeked of the alcohol he had consumed.
“And you don’t have to let me in, I just wanted to say I’m sorry.” He starts off, “I remember everything I said to you last night. I know what I was saying, I just… I just couldn’t stop myself. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” was your instinctive answer but he hushes you.
“No, it’s not okay. I embarrassed you in front of them and I’m fucking up our friendship all over again. God! I’m still so stupid.” He scolds himself, “I’m sorry about wanting Yuta to break your heart. I just… it’s selfish, but I wanted you to know that if he does, I’d be here for you, like… an option.”
You inhaled deeply, nodding your head to show you understood his words.
“I’m also really sorry about… before. I knew how I felt about you and I disregarded it, along with your feelings. I just thought you wanted everything to be physical between us so when I started falling for you, I had to express it elsewhere. That’s where she came in… and I thought maybe I would get serious with her because she’s the perfect description of the type of girl you’d bring home but she’s…” His voice trails off, “She’s not--She’s not you, [Y/N].”
“I don’t know how to respond to what you’re saying.” You quietly admit, casting your eyes downwards to your feet.
“You don’t have to. You can even forget about me telling you, I just had to get it off my chest.” Jaehyun sighs, “Well, I don’t want to hold you up any longer. I probably ruined your day by being here. I’ll get going now.”
You glance up at him when he hasn’t moved after saying he’d go.
“I-I just… I meant what I said before.” He clears his throat. “I’m really am glad that Yuta makes you happy.” He halfheartedly smiles before turning around to leave.
You shut your eyes, feeling a familiar pricking sensation, as your head pounded and chest constrict, “Jae.”
He stops halfway down the hallway and looks over his shoulder.
“Yuta and I…” You shake your head, allowing the tears slip down the corners of your eyes, “We’re not dating. We never were.”
It takes a moment for him to respond, a sad smile on his lips. “I know.”
“W-what? How?”
“I was your best friend, [Y/N]. I know you. I know when you lie.” He fully faces his body towards you, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
A blush manages to find its way across your cheeks, “Then why didn’t you call me out on it?”
“I don’t know. I thought you wanted to show me that you didn’t need me to be happy; that you were fine without me and that you’ve moved on.” He shrugs, chuckling shortly afterwards, “I almost believed it at one point and it hurt, you know, but I guess I deserved that because that’s what I made you go through, right?” He watches you for a bit with a clear frown, “Why are you crying?”
If he hadn’t asked, you wouldn’t have noticed. Your tears had collected on your chin, some dropping to the floor while some continued down your neck. You try to tell him something but sob comes out instead. You crumble to the floor and within seconds, Jaehyun is holding you in his arms and asking you what’s wrong.
“It’s not fair.” You choke out, “It’s been years without any contact, I’ve cried so much because of you. It’s only fair that I keep you out of my life but I just find myself letting you back in.”
“If you want me to leave, then I’ll leave. I’ve hurt you enough.” He whispers into your ear.
“But I,” Your lips quiver, feeling defeated as you finally let go of your pride, “I miss you. Oh god, Jaehyun, I missed you so much.” You bury yourself into his arms, holding onto his shirt with a death grip as if he’d disappear if you held him any looser.
“Shh, I missed you, too. Please stop crying.”
And you honestly did try to calm yourself down, but everything was just so overwhelming. You’ve forgotten what it was like to be hugged by him, how incredibly sweet and comforting he was. When you moved out here for the first time, you felt so alone and all you wanted to do was call him up, but you had to stop yourself every time and end up crying on your bed. When you tried to go out and meet new guys, you’d recoil every time because none of them were your type; none of them were Jaehyun.
You jolt awake, gripping the pillow under your head. It was dark in your room and the only light source was the moon outside. Your foggy mind cleared up a bit and you remembered Jaehyun.
Was it all just a dream?
Your eyes felt raw from crying. Pushing yourself up, you sit on the bed, dazed and confused. Have you been asleep all day? Disappointment overcomes you. It had felt real, though. His arms around you, the sweet nothings he whispered to calm you down. But you guess your emotions have gotten the better of you and heavily influenced your dream.
It said it was one AM on your alarm clock and you begrudgingly got off the bed to grab a bottle of water in the kitchen. You don’t open any lights, knowing your way around your apartment anyways. It was small either way, with the kitchen open to the living room. You open the fridge and let its light illuminate the rest of the room, taking out a bottle of water and drinking from it.
You hear what sounded like a snore from behind you, whipping your head to the direction of where it came from. You see an outline of mass on your couch and you move to the side to let the refrigerator light shine on it. Your breath gets caught in your throat when you make out the person on your couch.
You rub your eyes to double check. Closing the fridge, you cautiously walked up to the light switch and turned it on.
Jaehyun’s head was lolled back, mouth agape as he snored. He was always a light sleeper so when the lights turned on, he immediately reacts. His head snaps up first, eyes screwed shut at the sudden brightness of his environment. He groans, rolling his head a bit before peeking with one eye and discovers you staring at him.
“You’re awake.” He shoots up, a knee hitting the coffee table in front of him. “I, uhm, well, you fainted from crying so hard that I tucked you in--!”
It only took a few quick steps for you to reach him and slip your arms around his waist. “Oh god, I thought I was dreaming. You’re here.”
“I, yeah… I didn’t think leaving you after you fainted was a good idea so,” You feel his hand smooth down your back while the other was on your shoulder.
“You stayed.” You pulled away to look up at him. “Thank you.”
He smiles, “You don’t have to thank me.”
The two of you stood like that for a couple of minutes, assessing what just happened and what is bound to happen, but there was hint of satisfaction beneath all that. The hand on your shoulder had moved to touch your cheek, his thumb stroking the skin as gently as he could.
“Why didn’t you sleep beside me?”
“It didn’t feel right. Besides, I went straight here after waking up in Jun’s apartment. My clothes were soiled and I hadn’t bathed.”
You cock a brow, “Is that why you smell like my detergent?”
He flushes, “I threw my clothes in the laundry while I took a shower.”
“So, you’re telling me that while I was passed out, you were parading around my apartment in a towel?”
“No, I didn’t know where your towels were.”
“Oh,” And now your dirty mind was filled with images of what you remembered how his body looked like, “Even better.”
“Stop, don’t even go there.” He lightly reprimands you. When he sees your confused expression, he starts to explain, “If I’m entering your life again, I’m going to treat you right--”
“You already know how to.” You interject, suggestively.
“[Y/N], please. I meant taking you out on proper dates and show you off as my girlfriend.”
It was your turn to blush, “I’d like that.”
He leans down and presses his lips to your forehead, “Then let’s take it slow. Give or take a couple of months.”
You pull away from him, “I am not waiting a couple of months to have sex with you. We can start tomorrow, don’t you like morning sex?”
“Ugh, I do.” He grumbles to himself before clearing his throat, “But no, next month.”
You can’t believe you were actually haggling how long to wait until you guys have sex again. “Next week.”
“[Y/N]! I don’t want to screw this up. I want to properly date you and--”
“You know, I’m not wearing a bra.” You casually interrupt him, his eyes shamelessly dropping to your chest as he stops mid-sentence.
“Yeah, sure, next week sounds good.” He breathes out.
Victoriously, you tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “It’s a deal then. But,” You take his hand, “Can we please cuddle and go to sleep? It’s almost two and I’m not letting you break your back on my couch.”
He laughs, agreeing to your idea and lets you lead him to your room. Once there, he lets go of your hand to remove his pants so he could comfortably sleep in his boxers while you climbed onto the bed. When he finally slips in beside you, he turns you over so your back was pressed against his front.
You quietly greet each other a good night before letting the silence take over.
a/n: aaand that’s the end pls don’t ask for more. but also, i had a lot of plots for this last installment lol i’ll be working on another Jaehyun request (smut) and a Doyoung request (fluff) tomorrow so watch out for those.
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unicorn-collection · 6 years
Where Are We Off To? Ch. 7
Badboy! Jaehyun Word Count: 1425
Description: Good girl Ava helps bad boy Jaehyun in a tight spot. Her helping hand was taken as an invitation to invade her entire life.
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I slowly woke up with the feeling of an arm wrapped around my side. I turned around slightly to see that Jaehyun was still in the bed. I slowly looked over his entire face as the light shined, hitting different angles. How could someone with such a soft face act like the 'bad boy'? I slightly moved some of his hair out of the way when it fell over his forehead. The touch made him stir slightly in his sleep. I paused my movements as he settled back in. I was in the middle of moving his hair again when his eyes opened. He slowly took in his surrounding before a slight smile spread on his face. His deep dimples slightly uncovered themselves at the action.
"Morning." He spoke. "I'm surprised you're still here." I said rising out of his arms. He whined slightly and held his arms open. "Cuddle me a bit longer." I rolled my eyes, though I fell back into his arms. I relaxed on his chest as he rested his chin on top of my head. He took a deep breath before expelling it through his mouth. "This feels nice." Jaehyun wrapped his hands slightly more around me. I angled my head up to look at him and he stretched down for a kiss but I slightly moved my head so he landed on my cheek instead. "Morning breath." was all I said before getting out of the bed again. "Where are you going now?" "Bathroom."
By the time I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face, Jaehyun was already out of the bed. I found him once again in my kitchen. "The bed got cold without you there. I had no choice but to get up." He said as I went to start the coffee machine. "Coffee?" I asked as I reached for a mug. "Sure." I grabbed a second one and waited by the machine for the brew to finish.
"Do you have anywhere to be today?" He asked when I handed him his fixed cup of coffee. "Not that I know of." "Great, let's stay in and watch movies." I looked at him suspiciously as I took a sip of my own coffee. "What?! It will be a make up for last week." "Oh you mean when you went AWOL." He stood up from where he was previously leaning against the counter and walked over to me. "Think of this as a further apology." He said before leaning in and pecking my lips. I thought it over, knowing I really needed the break. "Come on sweetheart. Pick whatever you wanna watch. We can get all cuddly and order some take out later. Hmm? What do you say?" With a heavy sigh I finally spoke, "Fine." He cheered before going into my living room and already turning on the tv. Shortly after I followed him in, still holding my mug. I settled on the couch beside him and took the remote out of his hands.
I switched onto Netflix and went through the movies to find something I wanted. As I picked Jaehyun slowly moved over until he entrapped my middle to pull me impossibly closer. "I said we would cuddle." He said as he nuzzled his face into my neck. "Don't think this is going to turn into some Netflix & Chill session." I said swatting his face away. "Wouldn't dream of it." He answered back between laughs.
Though I spoke too soon. Halfway through the day I began to get slightly bored. I turned my head to leave small kisses along Jaehyun's jaw. As I travelled further down his neck, I could hear a quiet grunt which only made a small smile form over my lips as I carried on. "I thought you said no Netflix & Chill." I nipped a small section at the base of his neck which I had focused on. "No need to be violent sweetheart." I pulled my face back up to cover his lips with my own. The kiss instantly escalated as I opened my mouth in invitation.
I began to lift his shirt up when the sound of a phone went off. Jaehyun pulled back slightly to check on it when I went back to focusing on leaving kisses down his neck. "Hello?" He asked. I pulled myself back, but remained in his lap and raking my hands through his hair. Through the one side of the conversation I could hear, it sounded serious. "I know. I'll be right there." My mood immediately deflated at his final comment into the phone before hanging up. He looked into my eyes, already seeming apologetic. "Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go to handle some business." "Do you really have to go?" I said though I already moved out of his lap. "Afraid so. I promise I'll come back later." He got up from the couch and headed towards the door. "I don't know if I can believe that promise." His hand on the handle stopped when he heard my words. "Trust me, Ava." Were his last words before he stepped out. Disappointed with the change of events, I layed on the couch and changed movies.
I must have fallen asleep at some point because I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. I checked the time groggily to see that it was already 8 at night. My phone was still ringing so I went to pick it up. "Hello?" I asked, still half asleep. "Hello. Is this Miss Ava?" "This is she." "This is the Main St. police station. We have a Jaehyun Jung here detained. We were told we could call you to pick him up." "Wait. What?" "We can discuss further if you will come to the station." I grabbed my shoes and headed to the doors. "Okay, yeah I'm on my way." "Thank you miss." I hung up while also calling an uber, who knows when the bus would be coming now.
I arrived at the station to see Jaehyun sitting on the other sides of an officer's desk. "I can't believe you had me come down here!" I shouted when I entered. Jaehyun turned to me with an apologetic look. "Babe, It's not that bad." "I assume you are Miss Ava?" The officer behind the desk asked. "Yes." I sighed out, still glaring at Jaehyun. "Here have a seat." He pointed towards the other seat. As I sat down, Jaehyun tried to reach over towards me but I pushed his arm away. "Jaehyun here was trespassing on private property. Luckily the owner decided not to press charges, so he is able to leave now. Though there will be some damages that he will have to pay for. I assume you can take that up with the owner." "Thank you officer." I smiled politely towards him." With a "let's go." directed towards Jaehyun, I stood up without looking to see if he was following suit. "I'm sorry to have disturbed your evening." The officer said as I continued. "And you stay out of trouble." He stated towards Jaehyun. "Of course officer." Was his response before he tried to catch up with me.
Once we were outside, I finally confronted Jaehyun. "What were you even doing?" He only scratched the back of his neck, not even looking at me. "You better have some sort of answer since I had to come here for you." "It's hard to explain." I shook my head at his answer. "Of fucking course it is. Just like everything else in your life, it's some sort of mystery. Why didn't you just call one of the boys then." "They wouldn't have let me go if it was one of them, they know them as delinquents." "Whatever I just wanna go." I walked out to the sidewalk to where my uber was waiting. "Ava!" He called after me. "I'm sorry. I really am." He held the door open for the uber. "Just get in." I whispered, moving over for him.
We both walked through my front door. Already exhausted again, I started shuffling towards my room. "I think it will be best for you to sleep out here tonight." I turned to him before I grabbed a pillow and a spare blanket from the closet and placed them on the couch. I closed the bedroom door and collapsed onto my bed.
When I woke up the next morning, Jaehyun had already left. The only evidence of him being there was the folded blanket resting atop the couch.
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