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lanwangjihouse · 2 months ago
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tag of the week:
#that better not awaken anything in me ✳ @its-a--love-story #two wolves battling inside wangji and their names are Hornee-for-my-Wei-Ying and Concerned-about-my-Wei-Ying 〰 he is looking respectfully! lqr raised a gentleman ✳ @hanguan-achoo #lwj staring around like 〰 'yes those are *my* under robes. I hope this has confirmed our relationship status. there will be no questions' ✳ @jaggedcliffs #wangji's like: i like that underrobe on you but id like it better on the floor of this cave ✳ @squeelokitty #calm yourself there wangji! 〰 your inside thoughts are showing ✳ @slonekaru #only i was supposed to know you're wearing my underwear 🥺 〰 now everyone gets to see you in them 〰 lan zhan 〰 stop pouting ✳ @bentnotbroken1fanfiction #wwx is the one focused on the job 😂 ✳ @age85 #sadly it doesn’t show lan qirens indignantly look ✳ @a-cookie2121 #lan zhan you're in a life and death situation there leave the horny thoughts for later asdfghj ✳ @ohnowangxian #lwj: ''well so much for a secret relationship'' ✳ @yusahana6323 So that's where all of Lan Zhan's under robes went. ✳ @emrinalex #god.... you do look good in my clothes. 〰 we need to share clothes more often ✳ @awolfstudio #when the husband strips and shows off he's wearing your underwear to the entirety of society 〰 but you still have to ogle him a little 👀 ✳ @towards-the-sky #lwj.exe has stopped operating ✳ @jadedbirch 
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heycarrots · 10 months ago
Happy Tuesday, Black Sails Nation!
As was requested by @billie-bones, I’ve listened back through 18 hours of interviews and compiled a list of every fic mentioned on the podcast.
This list is categorized by episode and includes ratings and summaries, as well as direct links to the fics, themselves. I’ll tag as many authors as I can, but I may not know the tumblr accounts for everyone. If you see someone who’s fics are referenced and you don’t see them tagged and happen to know their handle on here, you may want to send this on to them, that way they know which episode they’re mentioned in and can listen to hear the fic discussed if they so choose.
Some fics got multiple mentions across several episodes and so, to streamline, I’ve listed them only under the first episode in which they are mentioned, so there are no duplicate listings.
Edit: This will be a living document, updated with each new episode with any new fic recommendations. If you’re an upcoming guest and want to compile your top 5 and prefer to mention fics that haven’t been mentioned before, this list will be a valuable resource to cross-reference.
I want to thank my dear @tiofrean, partner in crime and all-around badass extraordinaire, for taking my bare bones list of titles, authors, and links, and filling them out with summaries and all the details you may want to know before committing to a fic. She also broke down every series referenced into its individual parts, since ratings and details will change throughout a particular series. She did this without me requesting it because she’s simply that awesome. Not only has she donated cover art commissions for several episodes, including the upcoming-coming Episode 13, but she helped with this project, which took several days, just for that part, out of the goodness of her heart. You sincerely fucking rock!
And without further ado, here is the Reading Between the Lines Podcast: Fic rec Masterlist!
@lupismaris @jaynovz @etoilesombre @tiofrean @b1uetrees @aisalynn @vowel-in-thug @jadedbirch @justadearie @lurkerdelima @r0b0tb0y @primal--scream @stele3 @twofrontteethstillcrooked @citrinekay @tahiri-veila @bisexualpirateheart @reluming @flintfag @mycapeisplaid @redwhale
Once again, if you don’t see your friend’s account tagged and they are on this list, please tag them or send this to them.
Sincerest thanks to all of our listeners! When you listen to the podcast, you’re supporting so so many people in this fandom!
Preview of Tora’s next episode art featuring Flint and Vane:
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rainbowsky · 11 months ago
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In reference to this post I was tagged in by @jadedbirch, regarding political discussions about War of Faith.
This is ground I've already covered years ago, so I'll link to those posts. Ultimately everyone gets to decide to what degree they want to confront the politics of a situation, but they definitely don't get to dictate how others approach such things, or to shame them or make it seem disloyal, culturally inappropriate or wrong to critique the politics inherent in what is an intentionally propagandistic drama.
A fairly comprehensive post about politics in fandom where I break down all the ways in which trying to shut down political discussions in fandom is not OK.
A fairly comprehensive discussion about false equivalence when comparing the political climate of China vs the West.
I have a lot of other posts about these topics, many of which can be found under my sociopolitical analysis tag. If anyone has specific questions about these topics feel free to add them in the notes, or message me or send in an ask and I'll address them when I get a chance.
A post about how I reconcile myself politically as a fan of GGDD.
I also recommend reading Pie's post about these types of issues because it is incredibly detailed and gives a very clear picture of the stakes of propaganda in China.
No one has any rationale for bitching about my coverage of these kinds of topics, since I tag everything. People who want to avoid these topics can simply filter, "your poltical disengagement is a weapon against you."
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westiec · 18 days ago
WIP tag game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have wips. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I was tagged by @wolffyluna AND @tavina-writes! Let's see what non-exchange WIPs I have rolling around that I've actually touched recently-ish... we shall not talk about all the semi-abandoned ones in my gdocs...
small dick lwj
wen popo OF
WNX ghost boyfriend
JYL slime
... I honestly feel like these are all very self-explanatory. XD
tagging @livingmeatloaf @wrecklwj @jadedbirch @jaggededges123 AND YOU if you like!
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ellelans · 2 months ago
I was tagged by @leothil - thank you very much Frida! <3
summer or winter // coffee or tea // straight hair or curly hair //fiction or nonfiction // necklaces or bracelets // marshmallows or whipped cream // night in or night out // sunset or sunrise // pizza or pasta // cold drink or hot drink // vampire or werewolf // crop top or oversized hoodie // be able to fly or run at super speed // speak many languages or able to speak to animals // be invisible or read minds// phone call or text// laundry or dishes // pool or beach //flats or heels //stay home or go out // coke or pepsi // cook dinner or do dishes // books or movies // dogs or cats // chocolate or vanilla // facebook or instagram// over-dressed or under-dressed // morning or late nights // always late or always early // dancer or singer // always eat only dessert or always eat only savoury // shopping or museum // art gallery or zoo //parties or picnics // white lights or multicolored lights//
tagging @roseszirnheld @the-lady-of-the-cake @grapenehifics @primal--scream @jadedbirch @littlerosetrove @queer-crusader @zwergenmaedchen
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aelemercier · 8 months ago
It's my wife's birthday and there's a sale! :D
It's @jadedbirch's birthday and all our books are 50% off on Smashwords right now if you've ever had an inkling for some Quality Gay Shit!
Simona Niles at Smashwords
A.E. LeMercier at Smashwords
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thelaithlyworm · 5 months ago
last line game
just got tagged by @mimosaeyes
rules: share the last line you’ve written, then tag some people, and have fun
He was on his back, feet propped up against the sloping wall of the chamber behind the bronze gate, ankles and feet trussed like a pig at the slaughterhouse.
Tagging (if you choose to play): @regionalpancake @procrastinatorproject @jazzfic @bladedweaponsandswishycoats @jadedbirch
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significanceofmoths · 2 years ago
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for @jadedbirch Happy Birthday!
everyone should read El's fabulous fic Rambutan by ElDiablito_SF For six years, Lan Xichen has lived in self-imposed exile in Singapore. But when he hears that his Didi is in a stable relationship with Jiang Wanyin, he decides it is finally time to come home.
Not to break them up or anything. Nope, definitely not to do anything like that.
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old-long-john · 2 months ago
I was tagged by @primal--scream Thanks!
summer or winter // coffee or tea // straight hair or curly hair // fiction or nonfiction // necklaces or bracelets // marshmallows or whipped cream // night in or night out // sunset or sunrise // pizza or pasta // cold drink or hot drink // vampire or werewolf // crop top or oversized hoodie // be able to fly or run at super speed // speak many languages or able to speak to animals // be invisible or read minds // phone call or text // laundry or dishes // pool or beach // flats or heels // stay home or go out // coke or pepsi // cook dinner or do dishes // books or movies // dogs or cats // chocolate or vanilla // facebook or instagram // over-dressed or under-dressed // morning or late nights // always late or always early // dancer or singer // always eat only dessert or always eat only savoury // shopping or museum // art gallery or zoo // parties or picnics // white lights or multicolored lights//
Tagging: @nettlekettle @breaddemon @jadedbirch @zoi-no-miko @sherlock-is-no-sociopath @uncommonsockeater @lurkerdelima and anyone else who fancies doing it, just say I tagged you!
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foxyyaoguai · 2 years ago
Stuff in my WIPs Folder
Tagged by @eghfeithrean, thank you for tagging me! This looks fun. 🤭
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oh, oh god, here we go!! Some of these are almost done, others are just an outline. I hope to get to all of them eventually 🤭 pls beware I am terrible at naming things and some of these titles are very literal and almost all of them will have to be changed before posting 🤣
A Brush Dipped in Fate
Catcher of Nightmares & Pursuer of Dreams
ChengXian dogs
Moonlight in your eyes
Tentacle seclusion
Separation Hurts
Broken Swords and Cutesy Dates
Pretty Lan Wangji
Sweet, Rejuvenating Milk (yup)
Make A Wish
Run away with me
WangXiZhui Part 2
Claiming Him
Confessing on Repeat
Heart Deviation
To Buy a Slave
Jadecest + Sizhui Omegaverse
Jadecest Influencer AU
Accidental Stoner LWJ
A Flicker in Seungho’s Soul
LWJ is Eggpreg
Lwj has an oral fixation
Ohhh damn those are a lot more than I expected 😭 🤭
Tagging (if you feel like it!): @deathbyoctopi @foreheadkissesforzewu-jun @theindianghost @erotica-hooligan @jaggededges123 @jadedbirch @valkyrieshepard @kianspo @rx-mercury @likeaflamingkiss-consume @anaxandria-writes @iamwestiec @whoretsumu @veraverorum @omegaji @ck90
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lanwangjihouse · 5 months ago
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tag of the week:
#my last two braincells ✳ @thewalrus-said #xiao zhan casting spell of You Will Sneeze Now ✳ @spohkh  #i don't understand how watching someone sneeze can be cute 〰 he must surely be a kitten ✳ @jadedbirch #when fall hits we're all yibo ✳ @peanutbutter-nutella #little kitten sneezing ✳ @too-old-for-wangxian #we always say 'bless you! bless you baby!' 〰 to the baby when she sneezes 〰 and it makes her giggle 〰 and i just said it looking at this gif ✳ @sunflowerfollowsyou #omg so cute 〰 a super adorable sneezing puppy 〰 is it weird that I've watched this on loop about 20 times before rbing it? ✳ @chadekelevra
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foreheadkissesforzewu-jun · 2 years ago
Stuff in my WIPs Folder
Tagged by@foxyyaoguai, thank you for tagging me!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Actually these aren't as many as I had expected! I'll only need about... six years to finish all of these, so...? Yay?
Wen Ruohan AU
Twin Jades Warprize - Yiling Laozu
Taking Baxia
At The Beach (day 7)
Daddy Issues (day 8)
Meeting Uncle Qiren
To be joined
To be owned
NaNoWriMo 2022 - Twilight, Midnight and Dawn
Baked Air
Spy of Venice
Small History of Life and Death
The Wildness Saga
Tagging (if you feel like it!): @jaggededges123 @jadedbirch @rx-mercury @likeaflamingkiss-consume @anaxandria-writes @satonthelotuspier @whoretsumu @veraverorum @omegaji @ck90 @sunshine-png-moved-blog @bottomlwjrights @chokolateaddictz @alliandra @zyzyawa @tunnelofdusk @pumpci
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rainbowsky · 9 months ago
I have an unusual question but it's relevant to our boys and I'd love to hear your thoughts! I just reread The Little Prince for the first time since childhood. And it was just as heartbreaking and depressing as I remembered it. 😭😭😭
My question for you is, what do you think it is about this story that draws DDGG to it? I'm not imagining that they've both said before that they love it, right? And I feel like they've both referenced it before separately. Or am I getting fannon and cannon confused? 🤣🙏🏻💗
Hey @jadedbirch!
Funny you should ask this particular question, because I have had a along post about them and the Little Prince in my drafts for months and months, probably over a year now (from whenever The Little Prince last came up in the fandom), and with DD's recent Little Prince photo shoot I've had a mind to finally finish it and post it.
I was going to do it today but I have been so busy. My hope is to get it done sometime in the next few days. 🙏🏻
I agree, the story is pretty bittersweet. More when I get the post finished. 😅
Yeah, May of last year. I'm so slow. 😅
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Edit: You can find the post here.
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serinmatheson1 · 1 year ago
So despite my name not, in fact, being Serin Matheson, that is what I go by on like all social media platforms. And its to the point that I fully believe some days that my name *is* Serin Matheson.
I had a co worker adding my number to her phone and she goes "oh by the way, how do you pronounce your last name?" And my first thought was "theres only one way to pronounce Matheson". And I had to remind myself, no bitch that is not your last name. You're just obsessed with a TV show that ended over a decade ago. She means your legal last name.
I eventually told her but the silence was a little awkward as I tried to remember who I was
@jadedbirch @dragormir @jaqofspades @thestateofardadreaming @bea2me
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hithelleth · 2 years ago
Fic stat game
I was tagged by @eveningspirit. I haven't done this one yet, thank you! :D
i have no time or energy to write these days and although the muse was waking up at the beginning of August, life things and stuff put her back to sleep before she could flinch. *sigh*
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words. Let's see...
Most hits:
Each of Us Is Broken, Always and Forever (TVD/TO, Elijah/Rebekah/Klaus) - 15,886 hits.
Perhaps they are broken... but with the edges that fit together. (That could've been a great summary, but I've come up with it right now. :P)
Second most kudos:
Reasons to Fight (The 100, Clarke/Roan) - 305 kudos
Roan lives fix-it fic. He and Clarke weather Primefaya together and there's peaceful future for everyone, because that's how I roll. (All I wanted from this show was to acknowledge Grounds as more than just warmongering savages and different peoples finding a way to peaceful cohabitation. This was my writing it myself. Yes, I'm still angry, why do you ask? :P)
Third most comments:
Prompts exist to be filled (Revolution, various) - 30 comment threads (63 comments)
What the title says, lots of short chapters in answer to tumblr prompts.
Fourth most bookmarks:
Dominoes Falling (TVD/TO, Elena/Elijah/Klaus) - 60 bookmarks.
Preeemptive S5 HEA fix-it.
Fifth most words:
Alone (Revolution, Bass/Charlie) - 6,861 words.
Charlie and Bass are the only survivors after the Tower collapses at the end of S1. I projected my depression onto Charlie a lot.
The least words:
Shot Straight Through the Heart (Revolution, Bass/Charlie) - the one and only true drabble (100 words) I've written, short but sweet if I say so myself.
I don't know who to tag, hmm... @abedsmessedupmeta, @zoi-no-miko, @jadedbirch, @jaqofspades, @serinleone, @vesperass-anuna, @stargazerdaisy I think you people still write, right? (As always, feel free to ignore.) And anyone else who want to do it, consider yourselves tagged as well.
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thelaithlyworm · 7 months ago
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
I have three random cats. (They're all black though.) One of them was born in the wild and took a lot of convincing that living in a human house was a good bet, but is now the biggest sook of the lot.
I was born with a squint -- an out-turning right eye -- and it is even less fun than it sounds like.
I drink possibly a little more coffee than is good for me.
Tagging (but only if you feel like participating) @procrastinatorproject @jazzfic @regionalpancake @danceswithscissors @bladedweaponsandswishycoats @jadedbirch @donnaimmaculata
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