#jacques derrida
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Jacques Derrida and Ornette Coleman at La Villette Jazz Festival in Paris, 1997.
Photo by Christian Ducasse
#ornette coleman#jacques derrida#Christian Ducasse#Jazz à la Villette#jazz#free improvisation#deconstruction
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#dark academia#chaotic academia#studyblr#studyinspo#studyspo#pen and ink#dark academism#dark acadamia aesthetic#classic academia#romantic academia#the little prince#le petit prince#albertine#books and reading#bookstore#books#hand#jewerly#dark academia moodboard#academic#academia#academia aesthetic#light academia#photography#jacques derrida#the secret history
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Exploring the Hidden Messages of Negative Space

Remember when we first started seeing negative space images? Our brains had to adjust to seeing both images in the simplest art. Today we have logos that make use of both negative and positive spaces to maximize the value of the real estate it uses. Read that last sentence again.
We find ourselves opposed to each other because big money has capitalized on using this technique on us as well. Prime real estate, indeed. Let me float this out there to you. What if we quit focusing on ending appropriation and calling people out for dog whistles and got to work on not letting those things trigger us?
Language matters. We, as a people have failed the discernment test on almost every level because we move and think too fast to notice the real messages contained, seemingly inadvertently, in the whole of the message. There are no mistakes. Sometimes the light shines through anyway.
This post is about negative space and some of the ways it shows up right under our noses. Daily, I look through multiple lenses at concepts and words. I find I'm developing an uncanny ability to pick them out. I mentally rifle through them in hopes of making sure I have covered more than just the face value (pun intended).
Hang on to the part where we had to adjust to seeing both the light and the dark parts of the image to understand the whole. We have been conditioned to only see one of the two spaces and we don't even bother to inquire about the other.
So back to the concept of negative space. The idea of this has crept into our consciousness without our noticing. Well played, evil ones, well played. We, as a people have failed the discernment test on almost every level because we are way too up in ourselves collectively to look for the the hidden agenda the underlying messages contain. From the Bible to investment strategies to the addiction to social media. Don't get me wrong, I love me some social media, but don't think for a second that doom scrolling isn't an intentional assault on our senses - teaching us to speed scroll for the next dopamine hit.
Metaphysics - remember, this above is from the below and the below is from the above (in this case think of the below as hell, the home of demons)
In my last post, I wrote about the some of the ways I was able to observe the behavior of these demon energies around me along with their metaphysical attributes. You do what you can when you can't see the enemy. Pattern recognition is tough.
Somewhere along the way, I was thinking about how we're trying to "become four, five, maybe even six dimensional beings as we ascend as a people. It was around this idea I began to contemplate the loss of dimensionality as a being. If one has to demonstrate a big heart, or a giving nature to experience fifth dimensional being, what happens when one is stuck in a negative 5th dimension state? How does one continue to exist in a negative dimensional state? I'm not exactly sure what plane or dimension these entities exist in. I think it must be hell, although I hadn't really believed in it before. I think these are the people who "don't go into the light". Ghosts for lack of a better word. Ghosts with abilities.
There are two concepts that come up for me around these beings. They are "between worlds". There is a Tarot card for this. I think it has dual meanings. 1) They are the folks that didn't go into the light when they died 2) They're from some place else, so think like "between gigs" or planets.
Shouldn't there be rules around being able to exist in that state? Naturally, I have submitted this to the Multiverse for consideration. It's easy with the living, when you're an asshat, you don't get your life lease renewed - but what about this darker group of beings? First, let me say I believe they exist only for our education so trying to figure this out in a logical way, doesn't seem particularly helpful, but one does wonder. Well. this one does. I wonder about a lot of things. Back to the educational portion of this program. As a people, many of us have failed bigly at discernment, but if we on earth are truly in a graduate level program the spiritually enlightened people talk about, I think we have a high failure rate.
I'm okay with that. If I'm shaping the world I want to live in, I'm genuinely okay if those folks go someplace else, or if they don't have their lease renewed at all. Hasta la vista, baby - or as the bible thumpers say, "Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya". I have a feeling, it's going to be a lot of the good lord's people who end up missing next time around. If not, I'm happy to get shipped off somewhere myself. One way or another, right?
I've said it before, but it bears repeating here. The world population in 1950 was 2.5 billion people. We are closer to 8 billion people right now. There are two very important things to consider in my estimate. 1) I think almost all the players are on the table right now 2) I think this life is a review of the important parts of previous lives. From Cradle to Grave, what has your experience been like? When I was a kid, I spent all my time outdoors, from playing with neighborhood kids, to hitting the hills and local creeks and rivers alone. It feels very full circle to me. If this is your life flashing before your eyes in slow-motion, what are you proud of, and what ails you about where you are? Perhaps more importantly, what ails others about where you are?
Math and Money
Let's move to negative integers. My understanding is that negative integers were made an official concept thanks to debt. We used to barter for goods. At some point, a debt system was created to keep up with that. We created a system of unreal numbers to represent debt. We essentially un-created the dollar on our way to digitizing money. Currency has become a concept rather than actual "matter". We exist in debt and allow banking organizations to use our digital money to make more money...for them.
We're conditioned to invest in the stock market. There is algorithmic metadata on how long we are willing to go after a crash, or using a more acceptable marketing term, "correction" before we go right back to investing our money in an institution that tells us outright there are no guarantees. Our pensions, retirement, and even Social Security (if the rich had their way), are tied up in the stock market. We are now in a place where our government is so corrupt that the market is being manipulated by policy. There's something intrinsically wrong when the people who make the laws are allowed to invest in the markets over which they govern.
Now we're seeing the government manipulate the market with policy. Nice! This way when there is a downturn, the rich can buy low.
Investment banking, our government, and billionaires skulk in the negative space - behind the scenes where we can't see what they're doing. They do this by keeping the distraction of border issues, abortion, the war on drugs, and even impeachments at the forefront of our psyche. Shame on us for being so gullible.
Also contained in this negative space are all of the industrial complexes where we are literally malnourished by our food and become dependent on drugs for conditions never experienced in our genetic lines. We can also get really dark and talk about sex trafficking and the dark web. Things that all exist among the demons of the wealthy, but not shown in the light of day because they control social media and the news. Hence my taking to my own platform to write about what I'm witnessing.
Here is a reminder of how we can get caught up watching the game and completely miss the other stuff that's going on. That other stuff can be the hundred and forty pound mascot in a guerrilla suit.
Source: Exploring the Hidden Messages of Negative Space
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Edward Said
#edward said#jurgen habermas#gilles deleuze#tzvetan todorov#jacques derrida#raymond williams#stuart hall
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Un secreto siempre hace temblar. No sólo estremecerse o tiritar, lo que también ocurre a veces, sino temblar. El estremecimiento puede ciertamente manifestar el miedo, la angustia, la aprehensión de la muerte, cuando nos estremecemos de antemano ante el anuncio de lo que va a venir. Pero puede ser ligero, a flor de piel, cuando el estremecimiento anuncia el placer o el gozo. Momento de tránsito, tiempo suspendido de la seducción. Un estremecimiento no siempre es algo excesivamente grave, a veces es discreto, apenas sensible, un poco epifenomenal. Más que seguir al acontecimiento, nos prepara para él. Se dice que el agua se estremece antes de hervir, es lo que llamamos la seducción: una preebullición superficial, una agitación preliminar y visible
_ Jacques Derrida, Dar la muerte, traducción de Cristina de Peretti y Paco Vidarte, Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2000.
_ Herbert List, Young Couple, Ammersee, Bavaria, 1959

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"I am a dictation, pronounces poetry, learn me by heart, copy me down, guard and keep me, look out for me, look at me, dictated dictation, right before your eyes: soundtrack, wake, trail of light, photograph of the feast in mourning."
—Jacques Derrida, in Poesia (1988).
#ran a derrida deconstruction workshop at my poetry group on saturday and just stumbled upon this#ars poetica#prose poetry#jacques derrida#poesia#poetry
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Derrida, The Politics of Friendship
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Jacques Derrida, Desplegar a Ponge. Entrevista con Gérard de Farasse. Traducción de Alejandro Madrid y Zeto Bórquez.
Sin duda que este libro está lleno de momentos mucho mejores que el que comparto, pero…
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Heidegger says that "for a long time, too long, thought has been desiccated," like a fish out of water, the element to which he wishes to return thought is still-already-the Greek element, the Greek thought of Being, the thought of Being whose irruption or call produced Greece. The knowledge and security of which we are speaking are therefore not in the world: rather, they are the possibility of our language and the nexus of our world.
Jacques Derrida, Writing and Difference
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Lazy start to a rainy Sunday morning. Last night was games night with some friends, we stayed up till the early hours so we're still wearing sleepiness. Outside, the marathon has closed all the streets surrounding our flat and crowds have gathered to cheer on athletes, friends, loved ones. All a perfect excuse to open all the windows, have one more cup of coffee and do a little reading
#studyblr#studygram#studyspo#books#bookblr#booklr#reading#currently reading#read#jacques derrida#derrida#philosophy#literature#litblr#lit#sunday#weekend#london
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Genres: Apocalyptic
The end approaches, but the apocalypse is long lived.
#apocalypse#post apocalyptic#post apocalypse#apocalyptic#apocalypse stories#apocalyptic world#apocalyptic fiction#end of the world#apocalypse moodboard#apocalyptic horror#apocalypse movies#end of the world aesthetic#genres#genre aesthetic#genre moodboard#aesthetic#moodboard#science fiction#dystopian#dystopia#jacques derrida
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'Archive fever' is a good term for today's delirium of documentation, which extends beyond institutions and professional historians to the Web's explosion of amateur archive creation. There is a feeling of frenzy to all this activity; it's like people are slinging stuff 'up there' - information, images, testimonials - in a mad-dash hurry before some mass shutdown causes all our brains to burn out simultaneously. Nothing is too trivial, too insignificant, to be discarded [...] The result, visible above all on the Internet, is that the archive degenerates into the anarchic: a barely navigable disorder of data-debris and memory-trash. For the archive to maintain any kind of integrity, it must sift and reject, consign some memories to oblivion. History must have a dustbin, or History will be a dustbin, a gigantic, sprawling garbage heap.
Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism (abbreviated by Merlin Coverley, Hauntology)
#capitalist realism#mark fisher#hauntology#merlin coverley#archive fever#< something that warrants more discussion#you have to understand that we cannot have our cake and eat it#we cannot complain that pop culture feels too reliant on a nostalgia and without future#and then insist on weighing ourselves down with that very thing#jacques derrida
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In the early hours, Derrida: “Tell me, who will ever have photographed a sentence? And its silence of things stifled on the surface? Who will ever have photographed anything other than this silence?”
(Athens, Still Remains; tr. Pascale-Anne Brault and Michael Naas)
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içedönüğün ya kendini beğenmiş bir bencil ya da kafadan çatlak bir bağnaz olduğu sonucuna varması dışadönük için kaçınılmazdır.
carl jung - psikolojide tipler
#blogger#edebiyat#felsefe#kitaplar#kitap kurdu#blog#charles bukowski#şiir#kitap#friedrich nietzsche#carl jung#carl gustav jung#psikolojide tipler#dört arketip#sigmund freud#totem ve tabu#psikanaliz#jacques lacan#jacques derrida#gilles deleuze#alain de botton#psikoloji#adam phillips
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Derrida'ya Göre Nasıl Bir Misafirperveriz?

Fransız yapısökümcü filozof Derrida misafirperverlik kavramını ikiye ayırır. Bunlar koşullu misafirperverlik ve koşulsuz misafirperverliktir. Koşullu misafirperverlik, niyet ve istek açısından koşulsuz olandan ayrılır. Çünkü koşullu misafirperverlikte bir yasa, hak ya da kabul görülen bir kural olmalıdır. Örneğin devletin yasası ya da koyduğu kurallar sonrasında yurda giren mültecilerin ülkede misafir olarak kalması ya da devlet yurtlarının karar sonrası depremzedelere ya da tatilcilere açılması yine koşullu misafirperverliğe verilebilecek örneklerdir..
Koşulsuz misafirperverlik ise gönüllülük, özgür iradeyle kabullenme içerir. Herhangi bir zorlayıcı ya da yasa koyucu söz konusu değildir. Bu nedenle ahlaki olarak daha değerlidir. Bu tür misafirperverliğe verebileceğimiz örnek, koşulsuz şartsız sokak hayvanlarını sahiplenmek ya da herhangi bir kar gütmeksiniz içtenlikle bir arkadaşınla evini paylaşmak verilebilir.
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