#jacob pander
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browsethestacks · 9 months ago
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Vintage Comic - Grendel #01
Pencils: Arnold Pander And Jacob Pander
Inks: Jay Geldhof
Colors: Matt Wagner
Comico (Oct1986)
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cantsayidont · 5 months ago
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Originally published by Comico and later by Dark Horse, Matt Wagner's Grendel is a creator-owned series that's evolved over the years from costumed adventure to political drama to postapocalyptic action. Most of the stories are now collected in a series of massive Omnibus volumes, which have been reissued in the past couple of years with new covers.
Vol. 1 includes most of the original Hunter Rose saga, about the original Grendel character, a dapper but ruthless and sadistic costumed criminal mastermind battling a werewolf-like antihero called Argent. The Omnibus includes the "Devil by the Deed" storyline originally serialized in Wagner's MAGE series in 1985 (recolored in grayscale and red rather than full color), plus several other sets of stories about Hunter Rose. It's not quite comprehensive: It omits the early, abortive Comico issues Wagner retooled as "Devil by the Deed" (which were reprinted in the 2007 GRENDEL ARCHIVES, and which Wagner considers apocryphal), and crossovers between Hunter Rose and Batman (from 1994) and The Shadow (from 2014). Probably the most peculiar omission is that it excludes the 1989 SILVERBACK miniseries by William Messner-Loebs and John Peck, which presents the origin of Argent; I don't know if Wagner has disowned that series or if the assets needed to reprint it are no longer available.
Vol. 2 covers the first 20 issues of the Comico GRENDEL series, and take place about 40 years after Hunter Rose's death, in a near-future world where Hunter's biographer Christine Spar, daughter of Hunter's adoptive daughter Stacy Palumbo, becomes Grendel. The volume actually begins with a later series called "Devil Child," by Wagner's long-time editor (and sister-in-law) Diana Schutz and Tim Sale (originally published as a miniseries in the late 1990s), which deals with Stacy's fate; it is creatively accomplished but extremely bleak (and needs CWs for sexual assault and spousal abuse). The ongoing series, drawn first by the Pander Bros. in a somewhat dated but generally appealing anime-inspired style, later by Bernie Mireault, is a tragic but engrossing saga of rage and revenge, somewhat more fantastical than the Hunter Rose stories. The Christine Spar story is probably the most compelling and emotionally engaging section of the whole Grendel saga, although the followup, tracing the subsequent fate of her boyfriend Brian, is again very bleak.
Vol. 3 covers the remainder of the Comico series, which ended with issue #40 due to Comico's bankruptcy. This moves the timeline forward hundreds of years, first with a set of experimental (if somewhat annoying) transitional issues, and then with an engrossing but rather frosty saga of political machinations and civil war, as an ambitious businessman called Orion Assante leads an insurrection against the power of a future Catholic Church and a plague of vampirism, with the dubious aid of a mentally unstable man named Eppie Thatcher, who assumes the Grendel role and may or may not be demonically possessed. The transitional issues at the beginning are rough going stylistically, but the main story is interesting and elaborately plotted science fiction, marred chiefly by the deliberate emotional distancing of the main character (CWs apply for incest, along with a lot of sometimes icky violence), whose death decades later brings the arc to a close.
Vol. 4 includes the GRENDEL: WAR CHILD miniseries, originally intended as issues #41–50 of the Comico series, which introduce the cyborg warrior Grendel Prime and deal with the fallout following Orion Assante's death. This is a fairly conventional episodic sci-fi adventure, probably at least partly inspired by LONE WOLF & CUB, with the Terminator-like Prime traveling through the apocalyptic wastes with Orion's son and heir Jupiter. It's most interesting for how it addresses the various ramifications of the previous storyline, although the almost dismissive way Wagner dispenses with that story's survivors is off-putting. This is followed by PAST PRIME, by Wagner and Greg Rucka, which is a rather too purple illustrated prose novel about a later adventure of Grendel Prime and Susan Veraghen, one of the characters from WAR CHILD. This is followed by DEVIL'S QUEST, originally serialized elsewhere, which is actually the prelude to the second Batman-Grendel crossover in 1996. Wagner apparently hasn't yet negotiated the rights to reprint those crossovers again (they were last collected in 2008), which makes DEVIL'S QUEST puzzling if you haven't read the story it sets up. However, QUEST does boast some of the best and most experimental artwork of Wagner's career.
Vols. 5 and 6, not pictured, reprint the GRENDEL TALES series, which were Wagner's attempt to open up his concept to other writer/artist teams, resulting in a series of stories originally published as miniseries by Dark Horse between 1992 and 1998. Unfortunately, all are set in the world of Grendel Prime, full of cliched postapocalyptic horrors and boring warrior-clan bullshit with none of the political scheming and character conflicts that made the Orion saga interesting; there's some nice art, but the endless parade of threadbare concepts, throwaway characters, and nearly inevitable grim denouements becomes wearing quickly. Of the more than 800 pages of material, the only installments worth a look are FOUR DEVILS, ONE HELL (more for its stylish Teddy Kristiansen art than its typically pompous James Robinson script) and HOMECOMING (by Pat McEowon and Dave Cooper), a downbeat story in which Susan Veraghen goes on a bloody, leather-clad rampage to avenge the death of her former girlfriend.
I very much hope Wagner will work something out with DC to reissue the Batman/Grendel crossovers of the '90s. The first, with Batman and Hunter Rose, is by far the best, with an elaborately constructed secondary plot enlivening the shaggy dog story of the main confrontation, enhanced by extremely intricate artwork. The second, with Batman and Robin encountering a time-traveling Grendel Prime, is not as artistically adventuresome, and is basically a TERMINATOR story with Batman, although it's worth a look to see what the DEVIL'S QUEST story was all about.
Wagner's Grendel/Shadow crossover is a contrived but fun romp, and works better than Wagner's misfired THE SHADOW: YEAR ONE, which made me miss the Howard Chaykin/Andy Helfer/Kyle Baker version.
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nfcomics · 1 year ago
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GRENDL DEVIL'S LEGACY no.1 • cover art • Matt Wagner [Mar 2000]
Dark Horse Comics is proud to bring you Devil's Legacy, the critically acclaimed, long out-of-print Grendel series first published in 1986, now digitally remastered and carefully recolored by Jeromy Cox for your reading enjoyment. Written by Matt Wagner (Mage), featuring pencils by Arnold and Jacob Pander (Triple X), and inks by Jay Geldhof, Grendel: Devil's Legacy focuses on Christine Spar, daughter of Stacy Palumbo and spiritual heir of Hunter Rose, who struggles to save her son and her sanity in this serial of criminal intrigue and creepy Kabuki vampires.
Creators • Writer: Matt Wagner Penciller: Arnold Pander & Jacob Pander Inker: Jay Geldhof Colorist: Jeromy Cox Letterer: Steve Haynie Editor: Diana Schutz Designer: Cary Grazzini Cover Artist: Matt Wagner
Genre: Action/Adventure, Horror, Science-Fiction
Format: FC, 32 pg. • Price: $2.95
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thedrowsydoormouse · 3 months ago
I’m starting to think award shows are intentionally causing drama around nominations because they know the headlines around the backlash will just make more people watch. I think they’ve crunched the numbers and decided it will draw more eyes than they’d lose from a boycott.
The worst part is performers of color are basically being punished for the sake of rage bait. Not to knock Sam Reid because his nomination is very well deserved but season 2 was carried by Jacob, Delainey, and Assad and the fact that none of them are being recognized for their amazing work is kind of maddening! And I get some categories are more stacked than others but the omission of all 3 feels intentional. It’s almost like they took a look at their list of potential nominees for leading actor in a drama and decided they only had room for one black man from the UK and Doctor Who is a bit more “ advertiser friendly” (again, not knocking Ncuti, Doctor Who is my comfor show and I think he is on track to being one of the best Doctors of modern Who). I’m not saying they should automatically win because they’re POC but the fact that none of the 3 main characters of the season were even nominated is very telling. I hate that bigotted rage bait has become so profitable.
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sprucelogsarepeak · 9 months ago
so excited for this new d20 season it’s actually unreal
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lesbians4armand · 9 months ago
personally i find it deeply boring that amc iwtv is so insistent on the main focus always being on loustat/lestat himself. yes he is the narrator of the majority of the books and yes he is a major character, but iwtv is interview with THE vampire, the vampire being louis. the main character is louis. putting more lestat into s2 works well enough to transition from s1-s2 and as a visual means of literally haunting the narrative but amc is starting to seem like its making everything about lestat, when it shouldn’t be (at least not during the events of the first book and this particular interview) it’s about louis. louis’s life, his relationships- with lestat but also with others (claudia, armand, his own family, hell even DANIEL)
tldr i don’t like how lestat seems to be becoming more of the main character than louis.
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keycomicbooks · 1 year ago
Ginger Fox #1 (1988) Arnold & Jacob Pander Art, Mike Baron Story, 1st Appearance of Ginger Fox 
#GingerFox #1 (1988) #ArnoldAnd JacobPander Art, #MikeBaron Story, 1st Appearance of Ginger Fox The story here centers around a film exec and surrounding cast of characters set in a then-imagined, future sleazy Hollywood underbelly. We get tabloid reporters, gangsters, actors, and corrupt businessmen vying for their piece of the pie. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Ginger%20Fox.html#1  #ComicoComicBooks #ComicoComics #KeyComicBooks #ComicBooks #KeyIssue ##RareComicBooks #Fantasy
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hajima-7 · 6 months ago
yknow im being even more annoying with this on twitter, but it rly RLY pisses me off how a lot of, seemingly new, fans are trying to hype up bioware as like a .. gotcha at larian
"oh i hope at least THEY wont fuck up their only black companion"
"i hope THEY won't pander to the fans so much"
bby, idk how to tell you, bioware invented this shit. they had Gaider who's answer to "is fenris a person of color" was "im not giving ppl fodder for this wankery, interpret it as you like" ...
and also just...Jacob in mass effect
THE ENTIRE "COUNCIL" who's feedback they will listen as theyre developing the game like...
lets be real here for a sec, they both suck equally. and bioware sucked first lmao.
tl;dr stop simping so much for companies pls
peace & love <3
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yetisidelblog · 1 month ago
Google is once again bending to Trump’s demands—this time by renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America on Google Maps, in line with his latest xenophobic stunt. This is unacceptable. Google is the world’s largest search engine and one of the most powerful gatekeepers of information.
By complying with Trump’s absurd rebranding, Google is legitimizing his anti-Mexico agenda and spreading misinformation that echoes his long history of racist rhetoric about Mexico and Latin America.
Tell Google: Don’t support Trump’s anti-Mexico agenda. Add your name to our petition.
Let’s be clear: Trump has called Mexicans “rapists,” claimed they bring “drugs and crime,” and launched his political career by demonizing immigrants. Now, in a desperate attempt to stoke nationalist outrage, he’s ordered a bogus renaming of the Gulf of Mexico. Instead of pushing back, Google is going along with it—just as it cozied up to Trump before, with its CEO attending his inauguration and the company donating to his inaugural fund.
Google has a responsibility to provide accurate, fact-based information—not to serve as a propaganda tool for Trump’s nationalist fantasies. This reckless decision damages Google’s credibility and reinforces a dangerous pattern of tech companies caving to right-wing pressure.
We demand that Google immediately reverse this change and publicly commit to standing up for truth rather than pandering to Trump’s agenda.
Tell Google: Don’t support Trump’s anti-Mexico agenda.
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dragoneyes618 · 5 months ago
Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof speaks of his people's loyalty to "Tradition" where the original Yiddish version of the story has "Torah." The change may have been unconscious but is revealing. The idea of Jewish observances being carried out because such is the Jewish way of life or the tradition is comparatively new. The classical sources prefer to speak of the Torah, which has to be followed because it is true and not because it is a way that others have tried. For the religious mind there is even a kind of betrayal in the appeal to tradition in that it might pander to ancestor worship and act as a barrier between the individual and his God. Kierkegaard, for instance, protested against the notion that he should obey the demands of his religion because millions of others had obeyed in the past. For Kierkegaard, the fact that others had obeyed was a reason for him not to obey. The religious man wishes to know what God would have him do, not what the tradition would have him do, even whe nhe sees the demands of God conveyed to him through the tradition. Rabbi S. Zevin has acutely said that in modern times some Jewish thinkers have inverted the old saying that the minhag ("custom") of Israel is Torah, so that it reads: the Torah of Israel is minhag. That is why in the later development of Jewish law not every custom of the past has to be followed and one frequently comes across such sayings as "This is a foolish custom," "This custom is unfounded," "The Hebrew word for custom (minhag) has the same letters as those of the word for Hell (gehinnom)."
The classical Jewish view in this matter is that tradition is of great value but only insofar as it serves as a means of worshiping God. Judaism as a historical religion naturally gives considerable binding force to the ways of the past because it is in these that God's will becomes revealed. There is an appeal to tradition in Moses' song (Deutoronomy 32:7):
Remember the days of old,
Consider the years of many generations
Ask thy father, and he will declare unto thee,
Thine elders, and they will tell thee.
David Gans (1541-1613), the author of Zemah David, one of the earliest works on Jewish history, quotes this verse as Biblical support for the study of Jewish history. A Talmudic interpretation (Berakhot 35b) understands the "father" in the verse: "Hear my son, the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the teaching of thy mother" (Proverbs 1:8) to be God and the "mother" the Community of Israel. Solomon Schechter's idea of "Catholic Israel" as the source of Jewish teaching and its deciding factor is based on Rabbinic views of this kind. The verse in Proverbs is also applies by the Rabbis (Pesahim 50b) to local and parental customs which are binding upon those affected by them.
In short, the Jewish tradition itself is that of Jewish tradition deriving its authority not from and in itself but from God. Tradition is helpful as a guide. It is not a god to be worshiped.
- What Does Judaism Say About...? Louis Jacobs, pages 320-321
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idontwikeit · 9 months ago
oh i 100% agree that they don't actually like loustat/louis. they are mainly just lestat fans. they do not give a shit about louis and it's obvious in the way they treat him outside loustat. he only matters to them if he is able to be talked about in relation to lestat. it's why you see these horribly racist takes about loumand, them comparing sexual prowess between lestat and armand, armand being the only actual evil vampire around, not their poor white man. i went on reddit, because i hate myself, and people are scared about the trial because armand will manipulate everyone into seeing lestat as the bad guy.... because physical violence and abuse towards two black characters still means nothing or it's just black people lying to these people. i'm sorry for ranting in your inbox, it's just such a shame that a well written show with phenomenal actors like iwtv is cursed with these people (and a willfully ignorant and/or incompetent promo department who emboldens them as well)
their antiblackness is truly so transparent with them going oh i love gothic romance i love imperfect characters, but immediately turn to defend lestat or criticize the story-writing when it comes to portraying lestat as abuser and toxic and a privileged white man, and attacking louis and claudia. And not to mention being extremely quick to demonize loumand, and judge Armand based on his backstory as dismissal but quick to use lestat's trauma to defend him...like the bias towards non-white characters are so palpable it's disgusting. Even sometimes fans of dev/il's minion irked me out as they are much more fanatic towards it than loumand and seems to treat it as a buttjoke, and I feel like it has to do with a white man in a relationship idk? I still remember when I first watched s1ep7 with the Armand's reveal and I was so excited I checked out iwtv spoilers tag (which I never did back then) and the first posts I saw were oh Armand must be mind-controlling Louis and wow Louis looks so fake, it just took me out. And there are so many big iwtv blogs that are openly racist and getting tons of reblogs coz ppl don't know it's just so infuriating. They just made the fandom so insufferable I won't even venture into reddit and twitter like yikes
don't even mention the marketing department they are so damn incompetent i have no idea what their strategies are like c'mon they cancelled the good s1 podcast with a great host for some unknown youtuber that isn't even good at nuanced questions, barely any good cast interviews and it's like tv insider got everything and NO jacob & assad interviews at all when they are the mains in s2...and all to make memes on social media and pandering to book fans i'm just mad
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sidewayspeace444 · 1 year ago
I’m not sure how to word this and hopefully it’s not long, but I’ll begin by saying, Chris Evans’ fandom just needs to ignore EVERYTHING from his side, that includes his friends, family, the “wife” and her friends, etc.
I do believe there may be more than meets the eye with this mess behind the scenes, but I also recognize that as much as this entire “shitshow” as its now been deemed, seems phony and fake…. At this point, let’s just say it’s what it is. Chris is a married man and he married a woman that I don’t believe he truly knows, but that’s on him. 🤷🏻‍♀️
See, looking back at everything, even if this started as PR, which I’m partial to believe…..Chris still sat his ass on stage last week and said he…. Married a woman from Portugal. 😂
But, I remember his likes on IG years ago, he liked and followed some big booty fitness influencer and no, not that Sara chick. I think he and 🐟 might’ve had a PR thing that started professionally and then he liked whatever, but when it was time to “debut” this mess….. his dumbass never expected the backlash. If this has always been real or pr turned real or just pr, etc he never expected fans to deep dive into the problematic woman who keeps trolling his fandom? See, people stated her IG cleaned up of over 100 posts so he or someone knew enough. He is not permanently attached to racist scum.
Look Chris is a very privileged white male, like….DUH!
But look how he talks about project roles, so many deserving actors and actresses are out here scraping for decent roles and then there’s Chris….Mr. “I turn down lead roles”, “I only want to make one movie a year”, “I don’t understand my privilege so I take advantage of it”.
Chris has been in a Marvel/Disney protection bubble for over a decade. It prevented him from growing as an actor and person. He had people at the ready to clean his mess and wipe his ass. He’s no longer in that bubble and ironically you can go back and see how he’s been cascading down ever since. He started decent with Knives Out and Defending Jacob, but then the pandemic happened and he like many…. Lost their minds and sanity.
First it was Lily James PR mess and then I guess money was decent that he chose to do another stunt and it’s led to all of this. Chris wants to seem like he’s smarter than he comes off, but I do believe he’s the type to go…. You like Eckart Tolle?!…..omg me too, yep we’re destined to be together. Boston has a huge population from PT, and racist history so 🐟 should enjoy her time there. 🙄
Anyway Chris has ALWAYS had problematic individuals in his circle both personally and professionally, again….privileged white man who loves to act holier than thou. He did some basic ass tweets during trump era and people started stanning him because everyone hated trump and Chris was basically the conduit of their thoughts.
He pandered to black women, even reprimanded one during an interview, after again…pandering …pretending to flirt over her white boots, knowing he’s being recorded …..then got pissy with her…all because she used the word “brand”. But look at his “brand” now. 😒
This man left social media because he couldn’t withstand the pressure of people not kissing his ass and his choice in life partner. He keeps saying the internet is bad, no sweetie, the internet isn’t the problem it’s YOU!
Ugh, I’m done, mainly because I too wanted this to turn out to be 100% PR, he acted like he didn’t like her publicly only to put a ring on it, yet that could have been to have people wondering and staying engaged with this mess.
I think she’ll be his karma for however long they last.
There is 0.1% in me that would LOVE for this mess to be revealed as shitty PR, fake marriage and all, but I’m tired of trying to force feed things. Chris has a ring… fake or not, it would be stupid to acknowledge himself as married only to come back with….. I’m not married, still single.
So for those believing this is PR, I stand with you, but I’m tired of holding out hope that he was ever truly decent. Decent people don’t have multiple problematic friends and coworkers, Emily Blunt is a fat shamed too, her and Justin should get along very well. Decent people don’t take their career and fans for granted EVER!
This IS who Chris Evans is and it’s time everyone drops the projection and fantasy. If I’m wrong…… I’d like to see Chris himself prove me wrong, but that’s not going to happen…..is it?
This fandom use to be a source of fun and relief from personal shit, but now it’s aided in more gaslighting and emotional hurt about a guy I never knew.
You all have been so cool and I wish Chris turned out to be the man we all thought he actually was, but his own actions have proven, he’s not.
Everyone take care! ✌️
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Let’s stop defending this man like we are getting paid. Let’s drag him! He wants to blame everyone but himself for his flop era
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tricia-swritingcorner · 1 year ago
-The Lockpick and the Canary Cage Pt.1-
Jacob Frye x OC!Reader (Leandra Starrick)
No warnings, honestly just a rewrite of something I wrote years ago. I am currently working on the next installation. As always, if you like please enjoy. If not, scroll on.
‘Oh look, it’s raining. How interesting.’ Hearing the light drumming from her window, Leandra sighed as she stared up at the ceiling. Three weeks in an asylum and yet her own sanity remained intact, though daily visits from her father certainly weren’t helping. He was certainly an important man, who else could imprison their own child in Lambeth asylum with little outcry or comment? Though, one might ask just why he would go to such lengths, and it was simple…Leandra had no intention of becoming a Templar.
Admittedly, to refuse the Grandmaster of the Templar order borough in London was certainly an action that held consequences. While she had sworn that she had no intention of becoming an Assassin instead, apparently Crawford Starrick did not enjoy the idea that his daughter did not wish to follow in his footsteps. Though truthfully, adopting a child from Crawley likely wasn’t his wisest decision. Maybe he believed that by locking her away, Leandra would agree to join out of desperation. It wouldn’t work though and humorously he had the Assassin’s to blame for that.
‘What was my last record again? Two months?” Chuckling at the memory, Starrick did not know the half of her time with the Assassin’s, and she did so on purpose. Regardless of the two friends Leandra had, those higher up in the order often disregarded her after the death of her parents. While the order knew she was their charge for a time, it meant little when no one could agree on to whom she was to go to. Back then, as long as she was given a daily meal there was nothing else they felt she needed to pass time in her “room”.
Despite her current predicament, Crawford Starrick was a fine father figure. He certainly fairs much better than many of the other doting old men who looked in to adopt her. While living with his, she was allowed to study philosophy, economics, even medicine. Not many men of the age were so open to allowing a woman to learn beyond her role as homebody and bearer of children. ‘I suppose that’s why he saw fit to stick me here. Where better to dangle a hook than where I study and what I most risk losing.’
As Leandra continued to stare at nothing, her thoughts were disturbed by a knock at the door. Turning her gaze, the meal slot opened without a word and a package was slid halfway though. How interesting. “My lady?” Oh, Arnold was on guard today. He was always the nicest of her guards, even told her of news from outside or at least what he could tell her. “I got a book for ya. Mutual friend asked for this to be delivered.” Twisting herself out of the oddly comfortable bed, Leandra beamed as she took the bundle into her hands. Must be Dickens, he had been writing something the last time the two met at the George and Vulture. Ripping apart the wrapping, the joy of something new to take her mind off the situation could not be adequately described.
“Thank you Arnold. Tell me, what news is there? Last time you were here Dr. Elliotson was in the midst of trafficking his soothing syrup.” Setting the book down onto her desk, even mentioning the disgusting draught sent shivers down Leandra’s back. Before her incarceration, Starrick had asked her to check in and get an understanding of what Elliotson was pandering to the common man. While she was no chemist, the drug’s combination of opium and datura stramonium was something that she was abhorred by.
“I’m sure you’ve ‘eard the commotion around here. Someone managed to slip into the main distillery and blow the damn thing. While I wouldn’t mind shaking their ‘and, your father ain’t none too pleased. Talk around the boroughs is about these Frye twins and their gang, the Rooks.” At mentioning the name, Arthur definitely had a mocking tone. To Leandra…Blighters wasn’t much better though at least they weren’t named after a chess piece. Hold on a moment, did he say Frye?!
“Frye? Haven’t heard that name in a long time. It can’t be them…could it?” Leandra spoke her thoughts, as if saying their name herself would make it make sense. The last time she saw Jacob and Evie Frye was after her mother’s funeral in Crawley. The assassins weren’t in London, they hadn’t been for years. Shaking her head, she shifted her focus to the other parts of Arthur’s news.
“On that, you and I agree. I will never understand why father believed selling that was a good idea. Poisoning your enemies is one thing, but poisoning innocents? Nothing warrants that. How’s the Lambeth group doing? What with these Rooks and all.” Acting along with Arthur’s mockery, Leandra couldn’t let it slip that she knew Jacob and Evie. To her knowledge, not even Starrick knew about her past with the two especially as he’s never asked during his visits. If he suspected that she did know them, he never let it show.
“Last I ‘eard they got chased out, at least those who didn’t betray their kin.” CHASED OUT?! How long have they lost control? Leandra turned to gaze at the door, trying to understand what she just heard.
“Chased out? How is that possible? There hasn’t been a change here, at least not a noticeable one.” Hearing this, she could hear Arthur hum in response. Perhaps they’ve doubled their efforts in the asylum, at the very least due to having two high value individuals within its walls. She may not have agreed with the good doctor, but Starrick couldn’t afford to lose his hold on the medical field in the city. Before their conversation could continue on, Leandra heard a crash outside the door.
“Arthur?! What’s going on out there?” Genuine concern sat in her voice, something she hadn’t felt since before her incarceration. Slowly approaching the door, she could hear a cocking sound before her guard spoke.
“Not sure miss, but nuttin’ you need to concern ‘urself with. Just read that book a’yours.” Sighing, his bravado was certainly a comfort. It wasn’t like she could provide much help within her cage anyhow. Stepping back, Leandra returned to her desk but before she could even open the book’s cover there was another crash. This time the sound was followed by Arthur’s barking voice. “The FUCK are you doing here?!” Drawing in a sharp breath, she looked around the room for a suitable hiding spot.
Since this was an asylum, it was understandable that her room was mostly bare. Though in cases such as this, it was a grand inconvenience. Remembering how the door opened reminded her that it swung inward, if whoever attacked Arthur came in she could potentially hide behind it and make an escape. Thinking quickly, Leandra grabbed her present and rushed to hide. Time was apparently not on her side as right as she hid, the door’s lock was being picked.
‘I hope Arthur’s okay. Only a Rook would warrant that kind of response from him.’ Covering her mouth, the door was unlocked and just as she thought the burglar entered her room. Thankfully, he didn’t need to open the door completely to enter and so he did not notice the other body that hid from his sight.
“Armed guard, Starrick must have something important stored here. Dr. Elliotson can wait.” Dr. Elliotson? So, she wasn’t his target, that was a tad reassuring. Tiptoeing from behind the door, Leandra was met with the back of a rather average sized male with a hood. While he hadn’t quite noticed her yet, she could not risk him turning around before she was fully out of the room and catching her. Bringing the thick tome above her head, she slammed the book as hard as she could down onto his head and appeared to stun him as she planned. Bolting out of the room, she heard a shout of anger right as she shut the door. Unfortunately for whoever it was, the doors look from the outside and once closed her door always locked itself without the use of a key.
Turning away from the other side of her cell door, Leandra spotted an unconscious Arthur a few steps away along with several other Blighters. Checking the man she had come to see as a friend, there was a steady pulse and his breathing appeared unimpeded. Releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding, for a second Leandra contemplated what her next move was. The guards were down and whoever had broken into her cell was going to become a much larger issue soon if Dr. Elliotson was his target. This was the kind of opportunity she had prayed for. But what would happen once she leaves?
Her father was never one to let those under his thumb go without a fight. Yet, if he was losing control of the city then maybe could…get lost in it. While she had no prospects as a woman in London, Starrick had set up accounts in the past she could access for “frivolities” as he called them. That money could easily be used to set up a new life, whether it was in the city or not. Plus…there was her other friends in the city. Living with the assassins for the first ten years of life did not leave her completely without aid.
‘Now is the moment, alright time to go.’ Walking away from Arthur’s unconscious body, Leandra ran through the hall. Looking for an exit, it wasn’t until she found a stairwell with roof access that she managed to truly escape. Seeing a pile of hay at the bottom, she gathered the courage mentally before performing an eagle dive into the cart. Feeling the rush of air and the adrenaline that came from the free fall, when she jumped out and brushed herself off the rush propelled her. Calmly but quickly walking to the front gate, Leandra took her first steps out of the asylum a free woman.
Continuing on through the streets of London, it dawned on her that her clothes were the same ones she had been incarcerated in. Had she been there a night or two, that would be easy to explain away. Yet, three weeks was much less of an instance. ‘Which street am I on?’ Looking for a nearby sign, she was relieved to find that it was the very same one that her tailor was on. ‘Today must be a very lucky for me. Hopefully he’s open.’ Using muscle memory from the days where she would leave the asylum for a new coat or a fix on a skirt, it didn’t take very long for her to find Thimbles and Threads.
Entering the quaint shop, the shop keep stood at attention and smiled warmly at the sight of her. “Leandra! My dear, it has far too long since your last visit. Asylum keeping you busy? Here, let me have a look at you.” Gliding across the floor, her dear friend Michael gingerly took her hands and guided her to one of the fitting rooms. Helping her to step up onto a small platform, he did a full look at her wears and tusked at the state.
“When was the last time you had something new to wear? I swear, it looks you’ve worn this for the past week at least.” At this, Leandra gave a sheepish smile before speaking.
“Make that three. Oh Michael, it’s been awful. Father didn’t like what I had to say about paving my own way…so I might have spent a little time as a patient at the asylum and not a caretaker. Think you give me a hand?” The look on Michael’s face said it all when he heard her out. Over the following few hours, the two spoke on everything they’ve missed in each other’s lives the last few weeks. Once everything was said and done, Leandra offered to pay for his services, but Michael promptly and adamantly refused.
“You have been through hell my dear. Consider this a gift.” Placing a hand over her heart, if only the man wasn’t already wed. She would have kissed him right then and there.
“Well thank you, my dear friend. Now, do you know where I can find Mr. Dickens these days? I left something in his care and was hoping to retrieve it.” The man nodded his head, of course he did. As far as tailors go, the upper level of society chose from a select few. Thankfully for me, he was one of those.
“Aye, I believe you can find him at Devil’s Acre in West Minster. He claims it’s their ale, but there’s been talk of other things. You know how it goes.” Lightly chuckling, she understood very well what Michael implied. Shaking his hands, Leandra continued on her way through London. West Minster was where both her father and the leader of the Blighters dwelled, so she was certainly going to use great caution. But if she wished to retrieve her belongings, it was there she had to go.
Prior to her incarceration, tensions with her father had been building to a dangerous point. While she had no true clue has to the extent his was willing to go, something was brewing in his mind. The last time she saw Dickens he noticed her unease and offered a solution. Pack a trunk, one her father wouldn’t take note of, and leave it with him at a pub. From there, he would hide for her. ‘Dickens, you wonderfully chaotic mind.’ Hailing a cab with ease, the quick journey to the Devil’s Acre was a quiet one.
Once she reached the tavern however, the peace of the day ended as the slow roar of revelry reached her ears. ‘Hopefully none of the other guards from Lambeth are here.’ Keeping her head down as she entered, it felt as though her presence was greatly…unnoticed. Which made looking for Dickens that much easier, adding to the fact that he was probably the only classy gentleman in the place. Gingerly snagging the seat next to him, the poor man nearly choked on his ale at the sight.
“*cough* Leandra! Dear girl it has been many a night since I last saw you. Did you receive the book I sent you? Arthur promised he would bring it to you.” Covering the laugh that escaped, she nodded her head and gestured to him with said book in hand.
“He did, haven’t had the chance to read it quite yet. It makes a very good weapon of defense. Thank you for finding a way to get it to me.” The old man chuckled and took a sip of his ale, without choking this time.
“So, our mutual friend was tight-lipped on your whereabouts. Were you right to be cautious?” Leandra nodded her head, unperturbed by Dickens’ sudden serious tone. For the pair, it had been a month since their last conversation. Dickens had been someone outside of her father’s circle that she could speak freely with. So, it was not difficult to understand his worry for her after disappearing for three whole weeks.
“I was, despite your usual joyful demeanor, you were right about him. He placed me in Lambeth, a few days after we spoke. I managed to get out but without the things I gave you, it shan’t be long before he throws me back in and walks away with the key. Where is it?” Speaking in hushed tones, Leandra began to feel the gazes of others on her back. Devil’s Acre was not a place to linger for long, and both knew this.
“The prize you seek,” Dickens paused as he took another sip, “lies amongst oddities galore, which could not be further from the river’s shore.” A moment passed and Leandra had her answer. Henry Green’s curio shop. The belongings of the Templar Grandmaster’s daughter are with the one assassin in all of London…clever move. Tipping her head, Leandra slipped out as silently as she had entered. While she could hail a cab once again, the chance of being spotted by a Blighter as she waited was too high here. Instead, she chose to stalk the side alleys for an unabandoned carriage whose owner was too drunk to care where it might be.
Thankfully, it did not take very long around Devil’s Acre just nearby. Procuring her mode of transport, it was easy to move through the streets as she attempted to remain as unnoticed by Blighters as possible. Reaching Whitechapel within the hour, there was a sharp change in scenery from the Whitechapel she remembered. Men and women walked the streets but instead of Starrick’s red coats, they wore dark green plaid. Children played in the streets instead of slaving away in factories. People here appeared…happier? The sky remained the same dreary hue as in the rest of London, yet the people around didn’t seem to mind as much.
‘Maybe the Rooks are what London needs. Certainly appear to do more good than harm.’ Driving the carriage until she was a few blocks from the shop, it seemed like a good idea to leave it there. Certainly would not want someone mistaking her for a Blighter sent to hurt Mr. Green. Once she reached the shop, Leandra noticed the unburnt candles and seeming desertion. Had Henry left London? Why would he leave his shop unattended?
‘No matter, just need to get my things and leave. Starrick likely knows of my absence by now.’ Going around to the back of the shop, she was pleased to know the spare key was still where she had been shown in the past. Unlocking the door, Leandra scoured the shop and managed to find her chest amongst Mr. Green’s personal things. Opening the chest with ease, certainly helped that it wasn’t latched by a true “key” but a puzzle, she was on the verge of opening it when a chime was heard behind her.
Did someone see her? Leandra didn’t notice any lingering eyes on her walk here, or any carriages that possibly followed her. Stepping away from her chest, she spotted a nearby armoire that was not against the wall. Quickly squeezing herself behind it, luck must have once again been on her side for as soon as she was secure there was the sound of footsteps approaching.
“Who’s in here? I saw you through the window. I don’t think Greenie would be happy someone is going through his things.” Greenie? Did the voice mean Henry? Leandra held her breath as the voice grew closer. She couldn’t leave the chest open, regardless of this person’s potential friendship with Green. The floorboards creaked as he stepped in front of the armoire and in a split second, she recognized a chance to flee. Using the wall as a grounding force, she toppled the furniture onto the man. Hopefully it would only render him incapacitated for as long as she needed.
Racing back to the chest, she grabbed whatever she could and fled through the front door. In her haste, the only thing she could get her hands on were papers from her father’s study. While there were other things of value, these just might have been the most important to her. As she fled, the voice called out again in rage for her to come back. Strangely enough, she recognized the voice this time…the same one she heard back in the asylum. Certainly it wasn’t the same person from before, right?
No matter, for now the next stop was Bishopsgate station. Green may not have been in his shop but that doesn’t mean she had to stay and wait for him. Right now, her best move would be to return to Crawley. While she had no intentions of joining the assassins in their fight, these papers from Starrick might be enough to grant her safe passage to America or Europe…or literally anywhere other than here.
Easily making it to the station, the next train to Crawley wasn’t set until for several hours. ‘Unfortunate, but I don’t mind waiting.’ Finding a seat by the tracks, Leandra thumbed through the documents. If she was going to be carrying these around, it wouldn’t hurt to know what she had in her possession. The first few were nothing of consequence, however the further in she went the more crucial they appeared to be. Contacts, debts owed, and locations of owned businesses were in her hand. Somehow she seems to have snagged a literal treasure trove of documents. No wonder her father was adamant of her return to the fold, he likely knew what she had taken and wanted it back.
‘Well…shit. What have you gotten yourself into Leandra?’ Taking a deep breath, she allowed herself to be lost in thought as time ticked by. Trains came and went, and it became a game for her to make up stories to keep herself entertained about their lives. Whilst doing this, Leandra hadn’t noticed a certain figure slump next to her until he groaned. Keeping her head still whilst stealing a glance, there was something recognizable about the man she couldn’t quite place. Maybe he was someone she had run into at the asylum during her rounds, he certainly fit the description of a Lambeth asylum patient. Before she could steal anymore glances, a woman approached the man and chuckled at his appearance.
“Tired brother? And here I thought you were the brawn of us.” Wait a moment, that snark. Leandra remembered it well, only when they were children it was much more high-pitched.
“Yes sister, having a wardrobe fall on someone would do well to tire them out.” The man hissed out, oh shit. Had she pushed it onto him of all people?! Looking out onto the tracks, she risked another look at the pair beside her. Seeing them together, it was undeniable. Despite the years, she would recognize the Frye twins anywhere. So many questions filled her head at this realization. What were they doing in London? Did they know Mr. Green? Could they help her?
Before she could speak out, Evie spoke. “Ah, was that before or after being hit in the head with a book at Lambeth?” That was him too? Oh god, she had a lot of apologizing to do for today.
“Hey, I at least finished the job. Damn nutter got the jump on me. Besides, someone was in Greenie’s shop. Figured he should know some trunk was opened. Whoever it was wanted something. I don’t know what, but it was probably important.” At hearing this, she looked down and gripped the papers tightly. Either Jacob or Evie must have noticed her action as the two shifted to whispers, none of which she could hear. Good Lord has today been a long day. Leandra became consumed by her thoughts, embarrassed at the fact she had not only hurt the same man twice but both instances had been one of her TWO childhood friends all for the sake of survival. Was it worth it?!
Before she could answer herself, a pair of shadows loomed over her. Shifting her gaze, it was of course the twins standing over her. Evie was thankfully the first to speak, always being the more…socially polite. “Excuse me, my brother and I couldn’t help but notice how tightly you’re holding onto those papers. Mind if we see them?” She didn’t recognize her, how could she? It had been eleven years since they had seen each other. Taking a deep breath, Leandra steeled herself before answering.
“I would actually. They’re for a friend, he was holding on to them for me. I wouldn’t suppose you know him, Mr. Henry Green? I was hoping to give them to him.” She had to act unbothered. The twins she remembered were always quick to action, even if Evie was one to know more than her brother beforehand. Speaking firmly, she noticed how Jacob became defensive.
“And how do you know Greenie?” He growled the name, as if itching for a fight. Shit, this was not how she wanted this to go. However, before she could explain a train pulled into the station as if in the nick of time…with Henry Green hopping out. Honestly, something was working hard in her favor today.
“Leandra! You’re okay. When Dickens dropped off your trunk I thought something had happened.” Practically jumping to her feet, Leandra was happy to see her friend.
“Henry. God you have perfect timing. Here,” she held out the stack of papers in her hand as he approached the three of them, “I need you to take this. And I have to ask a favor if you can help me.” Evie and Jacob parted as Henry walked up. Gingerly taking the papers from her, he peered over them and as he realized what she was giving him his eyes bulged.
“Leandra, how did you get these?” Of course that was his first question. She had never told him about Starrick, why would she when the two were staunch enemies? Though, she supposed now was as good a time as any.
“They’re from my father’s desk, or better yet Crawford Starrick’s. There is much to discuss but I’d rather not do it here. Please Henry.” Her gaze turned to pleading as she looked at him. While they may not be in Blighter territory, the more time she spent outside, the higher her risk of being found.
The twins, still present, shared a look before turning to Mr. Green. It would appear her safety was in his hands. However, it would appear that he valued their friendship. Taking a deep breath, he looked to Evie and nodded his head. “Come Leandra, you’ll be safe on the train. After we’re aboard you can tell us everything.” Adamantly nodding her head, the trio turned to the train that had yet to leave the station and headed towards it. Leandra followed behind, hopeful for what was to come.
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truculentbitch · 3 months ago
here's an opinion: some of the shit that george does that stans go crazy over and use as examples of his cuteness is so clearly deliberate pandering on his part that it ranks up there with karl jacobs sweater paws double handed drinking out of a cup
george also does a lot of organically cute shit! so it's annoying to me when the pandering gets hyped up.
the same is true of dnf.
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gamesception · 1 year ago
Sception Reads Cass Cain #29
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Robin (1993) #86 writer: Ed Brubaker art: Jacob & Arnold Pander
Birds of Prey (1999) #27 writer: Chuck Dixon pencils: N. Steven Harris
Catwoman (1993) #90 writer: Bronwyn Carlton pencils: Mike Lilly
Last time we looked at Batgirls sort of stand alone tie in to the Officer Down crossover, which ended with Cass abandoning her solo detective efforts on the case to meet up with the rest of the clan. This time we see her showing up as a side character in the crossover proper, already in progress. She doesn't have too big a role in things, though, so I think it's fair to cram her remaining Officer Down appearances into a single post.
Robin 86 covers the bat crew learning about Gordon being shot and collecting at the hospital to comfort Babs and start to plan. Batman gets real grumpy about it, attacking a random thug when he first hears about Gordon, hitting Dick when he tries to hold Bruce back, and then just brooding over Gordon's unconscious body while the rest are sent out to actually catch the shooter.
Cass is there for some of that, but not really saying or doing too much, so we're mostly looking at the art. Iirc, the Pander Bros are new artists to this retrospective. So how's their Cass?
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Remember last time how I mentioned how depicting cass as a shadowy silhouette or trying to convey how she moves was more effective at making her spooky and intimidating than emphasizing the stitches in her mask or just giving her an angry face or whatever? This is the kind of stuff I was talking about there. Not enough to have stitches over the mouth, the Panders make her entire suit stitched together, like Catwoman in Batman Returns. They also drop her chunky yellow utility belt - and frequently also the yellow bat-symbol on her chest, though that might be a colorist issue.
I don't think they do a bad job exactly, apart from their super angular cartoony style not really clicking with me, but that's an aesthetic preference, not a judgment on quality. But the lack of facial expression in their Cass really hurts here.
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I mean, at least there's some body language & physicality put into comforting Babs here, and it's nice that Babs looks to Cass in this one panel/moment here.
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And I also like this bit, where Cass is the first to notice that Bruce is already in the room with Jim.
So Catwoman was seen at the scene where Gordon was shot, and they were feuding recently, so she's the prime suspect even if gun murder isn't really her style. The bat crew, minus Bruce, try to track her down, eventually leading to them interrupting a museum heist, but it turns out to be Harley Quinn running interference for Selina.
I like N. Steven Harris's general style more than the Panders, but he makes some weird decisions with Cass.
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Combat Heels? Really?
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This is a writing thing, so more on Dixon than Harris again, but...
has the memo not yet gotten around that Cass can talk now? She could just ask 'where is Catwoman'?
are we supposed to believe she can write the word 'woman' but not the word 'cat'? The cat part she has to draw?
This is kind of silly and ridiculous.
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Mostly she's just kind of standing around in group shots in this one, and she looks fine.
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The only real character beat Cass gets in this one is this extra and unnecessary kick at Harley Quinn at the end. Kind of mean spirited, which doesn't exactly fit Cass's usual character, but she's frustrated and her friend is hurting so I can't exactly say lashing out like this is exactly out of character either.
The last issue with Harley Quinn was mostly just spinning wheels to spread the crossover to one more title, Catwoman 90 actually advances the plot with the crew tracking Selina down, capturing her, and getting her version of the story - that another cop shot the commissioner.
Is Mike Lilly also a new artist for Cass? 3 for 3 new artists this week? I probably like his version of Batgirl the best out of the three today, but it does suffer noticeably from 'only knows how to draw one body type for female characters' syndrome.
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It's a cute line I guess, but Selina has met Cass before. They had a whole little side adventure.
That's-not-Cass body measurements aside, Lilly does a great job of portraying just how athletic and acrobatic Cass is in just a few panels, how overwhelming her skill is in a physical confrontation. Selina pretty easily slipped past Dick, Tim, and Jean-Paul before this, but she just can't shake Cass.
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Later on Cass is also the one who retrieves the shooter's gun from the vent Selina stowed it in:
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Nice to see her and Jean-Paul working together in a nod to some of the No Man's Land stuff.
Overall three new artistic takes on Cass-Batgirl, and while I have my gripes about each none of them are bad exactly. It's nice that she's here for the crossover event, not left out entirely, and the writing teams remember enough of her character that she's making a show of consoling Barbara, or just naturally teaming up with Jean-Paul. It's also nice that she's treated as the most physically adept member of the bat team.
On the other hand, I'm not sure word has gotten around that she can talk now? The whole point of making her able to talk was so that she didn't fall into the vaguely racial trope of the silent faceless ninja, but that's still very much the role she's filling here.
I'd also mentioned earlier in discussing No Man's Land and more broadly the characterization of Bruce at the time kind of fell into a recurring rut. Something bad would happen that would remind Bruce of how little control he really had over the random injustice of the world, something that would put him back in the headspace of that little boy watching his parents murdered in front of him, and in response he would emotionally seize up and push his surrogate family away, only to later re-(re-re-re-)learn that he can't just do everything on his own and isolating himself only makes things worse and found family is good and he needs to rely on his friends, etc etc.
Officer Down is the start of another of these cycles, and while Gordon survives his injuries, he does retire. And Bruce's behavior towards the others while he's afraid Gordon will die is obnoxious enough that Alfred quits? To teach him a lesson by isolating him? Seems suspect, but whatever. Bruce just in general gets more grumpy and obnoxious for a while in a way that feels pretty repetitive with No Mans Land, a rut that continues to repeat going forward well after the writers seem to have tired of it.
And as a Cass fan it's kind of frustrating, because, again, her entire character concept was designed in dialog with exactly this version of Bruce, and the arc that it felt at the time she was building towards would have given the writers a natural way to write Bruce out of this rut.
It sort of writes itself - something happends that forces Bruce to acknowledge Cass's murder - maybe she finally breaks down and confesses it to him directly. He doesn't take it well, it leads to conflict between them, expanding out into conflict with the rest of the team. Eventually this conflict forces Bruce and Cass to confront and overcome their internalized guilt issues together, probably while physically fighting each other. The resolution of this forces Bruce to acknowledge that it's unprocessed guilt - not anger - that's been driving him to push everyone away. In offering Cass the forgiveness she needs he also learns to forgive himself, and comes out of the whole thing as more mellow and better-socially-adjusted batman, one who at the very least turns to his found family in a crisis instead of always reflexively pushing them away.
Bits and pieces of this narrative show up here and there going forward, but the whole arc never really coalesces. And while eventually there was a shift to a less grumpy and self-isolating Batman, I don't remember any particular catharsis bringing him to that point - though to be fair I wouldn't have seen it if it didn't involve Cass, so *shrug*.
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fllagellant · 11 months ago
hard to choose any of these but im gonna ask about “hey me and my boyfriend saw you from across the bar etcetc” and/or “romanticizing bad joints” 🫶
🫶🫶 HEEHEE okok ‘ hey me and my boyfriend saw you from across the bar etcetc ‘ takes place during citadel dlc but that’ s not really important .. Kaidan has the new habit of training in the arena by himself but he doesn’ t have his score up or has his matches recorded so it’ s something you gotta See Live .. the ‘ me and my boyfriend ‘ in question is Thane and Jacob … Thane is just happy his recovery is well and Jacob is just a Big Fan . Homoromantic all the way down ( eventually when I get to it Yknow how it goes )
Excerpt :
A hand wrapped firm around his shoulder.
No interviews, no teaming up, no pandering.
Kaidan, respectful to a point and not ravenous just yet, let himself be held back.
No interviews, no teaming up, no pandering.
He could only hope that maybe it would be that he was misrecognized, or maybe a quick congratulations and nothing more
No interviews, no teaming up, no pandering-
“I had worried your incident would have scared you off from biotic displays.”
…He knows that voice!
Based on the stories he has heard from Dr. Chakwas, Joker, and from Shepard on rare occasions, Kaidan knew Thane Krios relatively well. The burst of time between them, shared in a hospital room that Kaidan kept waking in- something about the meds, he would fall asleep again and again, no recollection of it happening- and the chair that Thane would keep sitting in, Kaidan knew him from that as well. Not a bad way to meet- there are plenty of better ways, don’t get him wrong, but there are just as many worse ways. He was happy with what he got.
“Hey, you have to tell me how you managed that final push. Never seen a biotic reaction that powerful. Swear I felt tremors.”
Hey! He knows that voice too!
Jacob Taylor was, all around, the sort of guy Kaidan would have liked to work with. He, still, would like to work with him. Maybe they could have met earlier in their Alliance careers, but that idea held far too many uncomfortable facts that would have had to be true to make them line up. And, to be honest, Kaidan was happy with how they met face to face. Joker had been… rather truthful. In his descriptions of the man. A rare sort of thing for him to do.
Romanticizing bad joints is another Jeff/James/Steve classic from me .. another Citadel dlc classic bc I would like them to share a king sized bed . Boils down to James … romanticizing bad joints UM .. Mostly just him getting waaay too aware over little repeat movements that Joker and Steve do + learning exactly what certain actions strain or cause like . The snap / cracking of joints . Listen … maybe it is bc of my own bad joints but I would love for someone to find it almost endearing when my hip cracks .. + more general domesticisms for them
Excerpt :
They had managed to claim a bedroom. Four walls, a door, a bed, a personal bathroom. Joker had the argument that he needs a private bathroom. Pills and ointments and hey, you guys don’t want to see that.
Okay, sure, Joker was the one that claimed the personal suite. But James is a beneficiary. So is Cortez. It was their bedroom.
The door was closed, not locked, but the sound of continuous traffic faintly filled the air of the room. Not bad for sleeping ambiance.
(Steve was a better shuttle pilot than Jeff, something about spatial awareness.)
(The rental flew great, James propped his arms on the middle console.)
(The Wards were busy like always, and Jeff tapped along to a song on the radio.)
(Steve snapped with him.)
(James hummed.)
Joker- countdown still ticking away, sleep still looming- moved weakly. Not moving to get anywhere, just moving so that he could. James- careful, careful- rested a hand against his back. Thumb rubbing the smooth dip down the middle, up and down the small length of spine he could touch.
There was a point when he could feel the bumps. The bone of Joker’s spine firm against the skin. It was comforting to feel, to know the difference now.
Cortez- impossible to tell if he was asleep or just laying still- held one of Joker’s hands loosely. Just barely, fingers untense where they curved to hold, palm laid flat and open. His breathing was even, his other arm tucked underneath his pillow, the blanket barely pulled up or around him.
Him and blankets never got along. He always kicked them off or had them bunched around his legs when he got up. Helped that he ran hot, anyways.
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