moonlight-dragon · 7 years
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JACKUNZEL MONTH 2017. NOV 2 >> Anastasia
“Princesses don’t marry kitchen boys”
Screenshot manipulation instead of art... yay! 
I felt quite unwell and this was the best way to do something and making it look kinda “cool” (ha ha ha, cool my foot) The minimalistic painting of 2D animated films is harder than it looks... I found myself desperate cause I’m used to mix much more colors... Anyway, hope you like it!
 Totally inspired by an amazing @rapunzlily’s post (Anastasia AU of course)
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jackunzel-time · 7 years
Jackunzel Month 2017 Prompts
Welcome back ya’ll!! Hope you’re all excited to see this year’s prompts!! A lot of it was inspired by @mericcupmonth and several pieces of art that I will be posting here soon. Hope you like this year’s prompts, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Without further ado, the prompts: 
Week 1: Movies
Nov 1: Disney’s Enchanted 
Nov 2: Anastasia
Nov 3: Jumanjii
Nov 4: Return of the Jedi
Nov 5: A Walk to Remember
Nov 6: Princess Diaries 2
Nov 7: Thumbelina
Week 2: Dialogue (movies/literature & the occasional lyrics)
Nov 8: “I love you!” “I know.” - Empire Strikes Back
Nov 9: “Why me?” “Because you saw me when I was invisible.” - Princess Diaries. 
Nov 10: “I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream.” - Sleeping Beauty
Nov 11: “For you are a lady high and valiant and have yourself won renown that shall not be forgotten; and you are a lady beautiful, I deem, beyond even the words of the Elven-tongue to tell. And I love you.” - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Nov 12: “ In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. “ - Pride & Prejudice
Nov 13: “ You have to make a vow of everlasting love. “ - Swan Princess
Nov 14: “ There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. “ - A Christmas Carol
Week 3: Emotions
Nov 15: Loneliness
Nov 16: Joy
Nov 17: Wonder
Nov 18: Fear
Nov 19: Freedom/Burden Lifted
Nov 20: Courage
Nov 21: Friendship/Friendzoned
Week 4: Weather/Special Days/Holidays
Nov 22: Blizzard
Nov 23: Spring Equinox
Nov 24: Festival of Lights
Nov 25: Christmas
Nov 26: Halloween
Nov 27: St. Lucy’s Day
Nov 28: Candlemas
Week 5: Free Prompt
Nov 29: Free Day
Nov 30: Free Day
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rosesnvines · 7 years
Floating Lights
Fort he prompt Festival of Lights (and the reason for the extension . . . sorta. ^^; The other reason being . . . we need more Jackunzel!). 
“Be careful, Punz,” whispered Jack as he led her over the fence.
“I’m trying! It’s hard to be quiet with this dumb fence,” she muttered in reply. She grunted as she finally got her leg over, only yelp as she fell. Jack caught her and quickly set her down.
“What would you do without me?” he asked flirtingly.
Rapunzel giggled. “Why do you think I didn’t do this without you?”
“Well, considering I did invite you . . .” he began, only to be cut off by Rapunzel’s excitement as she pulled him away from the fence and out towards the middle of town, the two giggling along the way. Jack led her over fences, through alleys, and past darkened houses. They paused in a meadow in the middle of a park. Jack st down on the grassless mound, while Rapunzel was bouncing slightly.
“When is it going to start?” she asked excitedly.
“When you sit down,” quipped Jack. He laughed when she did sit down. “Not literally, Punz!”
“Oh,” she muttered, wondering if she should get up again.
“You really need to get out more. Why don’t you accept Adrien’s Christmas party invitation? You know Marinette, Alya, and I will be there.”
“But, I don’t know if Mother will allow it. She still doesn’t know about it.”
Jack scoffed. “Come on. It’s at the mansion of the most famous fashion designer! Your mother should at least allow that.”
Rapunzel fiddled with her hair as she decided to sit down. “Well, I don’t know . . .”
“Come on, just ask her. And if she does say no, I’ll bust you out and take you myself, just like tonight.”
Rapunzel smiled shyly at him. “Thank you Jack.”
“Anything for you, Punz,” stated Jack as he leaned in. A flash of light caught their attention.
Rapunzel gasped. “Jack!”
Jack grinned. “That’s right, it’s starting.” He rose and bowed, before holding out his hand. “Come on, let’s get a closer look, shall we?”
Rapunzel giggled as she took his hand. “Yes, let’s.” Jack grinned and helped her up before the two took off down the hill, getting closer towards the lights. Rapunzel gasped as they got closer, the parade had started, and everything was covered in lights. There were horse-drawn carriages, a train, Santa’s sleigh was even covered in lights. There were floating trees and angels that paraded past. A few carolers sang Christmas carols under some of the lit displays. “Oh Jack, it’s so lovely,” whispered Rapunzel.
“Just wait, here comes the best part,” Jack whispered back. Rapunzel glanced at him curiously, but he only pointed back to the light show. She turned back to the parade, eagerly awaiting for the best part, according to Jack. Jack could only watch her expressions with glee, she was finally having some fun, and he couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she saw the best part. The floats came around the corner, each with a large lantern. Jack’s face felt like it was going to crack, he was grinning so hard. Rapunzel gasped as her eyes widened when the large lanterns were released into the night sky. She put her hand over her mouth as tears began to fall.
“You were right Jack, this was the best part,” she whispered in awe.
“Told you,” he replied as he pecked her cheek.
“Thank you Jack, for everything,” said Rapunzel as she turned to him.
“You’re welcome,” replied Jack as he pulled her in close. And there, under the light of the festival, the two had their first kiss.
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moonlight-dragon · 7 years
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JACKUNZEL MONTH 2017. NOV 4 >> Return of the Jedi
Kinda of a late -Halloween AU- were Punz convinces Jack to dress up like Han and Leia and Jack who has a major crush on her of course accepts cause how can he turn down this excited girl? This is a photo they take in some random mirror ♡ ✧*。♥
I know Leia doesn’t wear that dress in the film and that I’m kinda late (8 days in fact ha ha ha, sorry) but I’m really proud of how it turned out! Rapunzel’s medium length hair +space buns look super cute right? I’ll totally draw her more like that.
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rosesnvines · 7 years
Moonrise Park
A Mansfield Park AU for a Free day.
“Who’s the letter from?” asked Jamie as Rapunzel tore open the letter. Jamie peered over her shoulder as she read it quickly.
She let out a gasp. “Mother! I need to get back to Moonrise Park!” She jumped up and rushed into the kitchen where her mother was bending over a fire, cooking dinner. She glanced at her eldest questioningly.
“Whatever is the matter, Rapunzel?” she asked, wiping her hands on her apron. At that moment, Rapunzel thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and money couldn’t bring her the joy she had with her family. Rapunzel shook her mind from the thought and brought it back to the urgency in the letter.
“Eugene came down with a fever! Jack asked me to come back, his mother needs me there to comfort her,” she replied.
Arianna’ eyes widened and began to usher her daughter back up the stairs. “Of course, my dear! You must go back! Jamie and Sophie have been helping me here the entire time you’ve been gone,  and Laura and rachel are getting old enough to help, we will manage. They need you. Sophie! Keep an eye on the food! Jamie! Call a cab! Laura, keep an eye on your younger siblings! Rachel, come help me get Rapunzel ready!” ordered their mother. The children leaped into action.
“Thank you mother,”  stated Rapunzel.
“Thank me when everything is under control. I swear, I think your aunt just wanted you to be her good deed, but you became the rock for her brother and his family!”
“Well, I don’t know . . .”
“No more talk, let’s just get this done. I’ll explain everything to your father when he gets home. He’ll miss you, of course.” Rapunzel nodded, and within a matter of minutes, Rapunzel was on her way back to Moonrise Park. She pulled up to the doors almost an exact day to the minute that she left her family. Jack rushed out to meet her.
“Rapunzel! I’m so glad you made it!” he stated, pulling her into a hug the instant her feet touched the ground.
“Of course! How is Eugene?”
“Not good, and Mother is dreadfully worried. Father is away on business, and Cassandra and Emily won’t be back for another two days!” he explained as he rushed her into the house. “I’ve been busy with keeping the household under control, but, I mean . . . listen Punz, I don’t want to . . .”
“Don’t worry about a thing, Jack, I’ll be fine. I haven’t been handling my siblings for the past month for nothing.”
“Yes, about that . . . you did see Stabbington?”
“What did you expect me to say, Jack? I told him no.”
Jack let out a sigh. “Well, dear old Aunt Gothel won’t be happy about that.”
“Is that my Rapunzel’s voice I hear? Rapunzel!”
Jack let out a sigh. “You’d better see to Mother dear before she has another fit.”
“Don’t worry about a thing Jack, everything will be fine.” Rapunzel smiled and patted his shoulder before entering the sitting room. “How are you today, Aunt Bonnie?” Even though they really weren’t aunt and niece, Rapunzel did feel like she was more of her aunt that old Aunt Gothel was. The elderly woman looked up from the sofa, her face beaming when she saw Rapunzel.
“Oh Rapunzel, my nerves are so poor. And my dear Eugene! Could you check on him my dear, for me, please? I didn’t want to disturb Jack, he’s been so busy taking care of his father’s business around the house. But with you here, everything will get better soon, I’m sure.”
Rapunzel patted her hand. “I’ll go check on him, my dear aunt, and see what I can do for him.”
“Oh, you are such a dear! Thank you so much!”
“Of course! I shall be right back.” Rapunzel kissed Bonnie’s forehead before heading off to check on Eugene. It was worse than she thought. He was running a fever, he couldn’t stomach anything, and he was growing delusional. The next few days ran into each other like a blur, with Rapunzel and Jack running around making sure the household didn’t fall apart. But under Rapunzel’s care, Eugene began to get on the mend, and everyone began to breathe easier when the worst of it was over. By then, Mr. North had come back, along with Cassandra and Emily. They had a huge party once Eugene was able to walk down the stairs, with some help from Jack. Later, once everything was cleaned up and just about everyone had gone to bed, Rapunzel found Jack sitting outside on the stairs, looking up at the stars.
“Hey, what’s on your mind?” she asked softly.
“It’s like . . . everything is back to the way it was, if only for a little while. Cassandra still has to go back to her husband and children, but, we’re all here.” He glanced at her as he pressed her hand to his lips. “Even you.”
“Well of course I did, my mother insisted that you needed me more.”
Jack chuckled. “Well, I think your mother was right. If this house was a ship, I think we would have crashed had you not been here.”
“Oh, I’m sure everything would have been just fine, you were at the helm.”
Jack chuckled. “I guess so.”
“You know who isn’t here?”
“Lady Caine. I haven’t seen her since her last visit with Sir Stabbington.” Rapunzel paused, nearly afraid to speak the next sentence, but she had to know. “Weren’t, weren’t you going to marry her?”
“I was, but then, I realized something, she was never around during troubled times, like this. That time we nearly lost Emily she . . . she hightailed it back to London. If a woman truly loves a man, or if a man loves a woman, they’d see fit to go through both good times and bad together, just like in the marriage vows. For better or for worse, through sickness and through health, till death do we part.”
“You’re taking this rather seriously.”
“We all need to, because when I marry someone, I want to know that she will stick by me through thick and thin, just like I would stick by her. And Lady Caine’s ways blinded me, preventing me from seeing that what I had was right beneath my nose this entire time.”
Rapunzel glanced at him, hope beginning to fill her chest. “You, you’re in love with someone else already?”
“No, I think I’ve been in love with her this whole time, and I was just too stupid to realize it,” replied Jack.
“Does she like you?”
“I’m pretty sure she does, but, after letting my stupidity show, I wonder if she’ll have me as her husband.” Jack lifted Rapunzel’s chin. Rapunzel’s eyes widened as she quickly realized she was the girl he was talking about. “I mean, that is why you told Stabbington no, right? Because you love me?”
“Y-yes,” replied Rapunzel. “But, I guess you aren’t that stupid if you could figure that out.”
Jack laughed. “It wasn’t too hard. Besides, Eugene kind of let me know.”
“Oh, of course he did. He can’t keep any secrets,” muttered Rapunzel as their lips began to get ever closer, like two magnets attracted to each other. The next instant, their lips touched in a soft, gentle kiss, a kiss Rapunzel had been dreaming for a very long time.
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jackunzel-time · 7 years
Hey everyone! Jackunzel Month has been extended until Dec 3! So take a breather, or get another piece done, and I hope you’ve been having fun this month! 
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rosesnvines · 7 years
For the prompt Enchanted, this was too perfect. XD 
Rapunzel walked from her room, all decked out in her wedding gown. She let out a giddy squeal. She was never happier!
Cassandra let out a chuckle as she made some finishing touches to the dress. “If you could, you would infect everybody with your happiness! Now hold still!”
“Sorry Cassandra, I’m just so excited!”
“Of course you are, it’s your wedding day.”
“Right! And it’s the happiest day of my life! Well, getting out of the tower was also the happiest day, I mean, I met Eugene that day, and . . .”
“Rapunzel, I get the idea. And guess what, you’ll have plenty of happiest days of your life, don’t worry. Let’s just get through this one first.”
Rapunzel let out a chuckle. “Oh, alright Cassandra, let’s get through today first.”
“Thank you, now, if you could just wait here and not make another move, I can finish this in time. So, please, wait here, I need one last bead, and it’s finally done!” Cassandra took a step before turning back to Rapunzel.
“Yes, yes, I’ll stay right here, Cassandra. I promise.”
“Thank you,” said Cassandra with a nod before dashing off down the hall. Rapunzel hummed to herself, very much overjoyed. She bounced up and down in time to the rhythm in her head. She danced a few steps around in a circle, but didn’t leave the spot.
“Rapunzel! Could you come here please?” came a voice from down the hall. Rapunzel peeked down the hall, it was the one that led to the garden.
“Cassandra?” she asked. The voice didn’t sound right.
“Quick, I want to show you something!”
“What? Who are you? And what do you really want?” Rapunzel asked sternly.
“Alright, fine, it’s Lady Craine, if you want your friend to be your maid-of-honor still, you’d better get out here!”
Rapunzel let out a gasp and gathered up her skirt. “Alright, I’m coming!” What did Lady Craine want now? When she reached the garden, she glanced around quickly, expecting an attack, but when none came, she began to worry. “Where are you?” she called out.
“By the fountain,” came Lady Craine’s answer. Rapunzel dashed to that area, but when no one came into view when the fountain did, she really began to worry.
“I’m by the fountain, now what?”
“Look in, see anything different?” Rapunzel glanced in, worried that her friend might be in there, but it was just the fountain. Then she noticed what Lady Craine was talking about, the fountain looked different. Very different. It seemed to glow with the same light as the rocks that grew back Rapunzel’s hair. She let out a yelp as Lady Craine pushed her in.  rapunzel fell into the water, but it didn’t feel like water. It felt like magic, a whole lot of it. Rapunzel landed, or at least seemed to land, in a dark place where the magic lit it up, making it look like a night sky full of blue stars. Rapunzel glanced around, trying to find her way back, and saw that several blue stars seemed to be clustered in one area. Rapunzel dashed for it and jumped in, only to come out in a place she had not expected. This was by no means Corona. She had no clue where she was. And there were lots of light and sound! She climbed out of the gaping hole, fascinated with the new sights, only to jump back as a pair of lights moved towards her, and past her, letting out a deep sound as it went past.
“Hey, move it lady!” called out a man from within the contraption with the two lights.
“Sorry!” Rapunzel called back as she dashed to a safer location. She followed a crowd of people through a much more narrow path than what the contraptions with the lights were on. Along the way, she tried to talk to people, but most just ignored. “Well, if I’m going to find out where I am, I need to get someplace high,” she finally muttered with frustration after the upteenth time of being ignored. She came to a side path that nobody was walking down, and just a ways down she saw a ladder going up its side. “Ah-ha!” she exclaimed as she dashed towards the ladder and began climbing up. “Maybe now I can find out something . . . uh . . . ah! Help!” Her dress got snagged in the ladder, and the ladder wobbled dangerously. No one seemed to notice her plight, leaving her to groan in frustration and attempt to free herself from the snag. “Yes! Got it . . . whoa . . . wha - ah!!” She screamed as she fell from the ladder. She braced herself for the impact, only to find herself landing in someone’s arms.
“Hey, are you alright?” asked a kind voice. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced up at a pair of ice blue eyes accented by waves of snow white hair.
“Um, yes, yes, thank you. You, you saved my life. Thank you,” she said as he set her down gently. That’s when she noticed how pale he looked in the moonlight. Well, what moonlight there was surrounded by all of the lanterns.
“What are you doing all the way out here? Shouldn’t you be walking down the aisle right about now?” he asked with a tilt of his head and a soft grin.
Rapunzel chuckled nervously. “Yes, right, well, about that . . . Lady Craine pushed me into this magical fountain and I find myself here! Um, where is here, anyway?”
The young man raised an eyebrow, “Uh, this is Burgess, Pennsylvania. Where did you say you were from?”
Rapunzel’s mouth dropped before she finally got out, “C-C-Corona.”
“Uh, I’ve never heard of a Corona, and I’ve been all over the world. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Rapunzel began to tear up. “No, no, I’m far away from home, I don’t know how I got here, and I don’t know how to get back.”
“Whoa, whoa, hey, calm down. There can be on tears on Jack Frost’s turf. You can do that on Bunny’s turf, but not mine. I can’t help you, but I know someone who can. However he is a busy man, so, if you don’t mind, I’ll leave you with a few friends of mine until he can see you. How’s that?”
Rapunzel wiped her eyes and smiled. “That, that would be great, thank you! You’re so kind!”
“Hey, it’s the least I can do, besides saving you from that fall.” Rapunzel chuckled. “There, that’s better. I don’t like sad faces.”
“And apparently neither does Jack Frost,” she said.
He let out a laugh, “Of course not, that’s because I’m Jack Frost.”
“Oh. Oh! Oh, well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Jack Frost. I’m Rapunzel.” He paused and glanced her oddly.
“Wait, did you just say, Rapunzel?”
“Um, yes, that is my name. You mean you have heard of Corona?”
“No, but I have heard of Rapunzel, the girl in the tower with the hair so long it’s used like a ladder,” Jack said.
Rapunzel’s mouth dropped open. “You, you mean I’m famous?”
“Well, yeah, with hair like that, you’d be in the Guinness World Records!”
“Never mind, but if you are who you say you are . . .”
“I am.”
“Then I really need to go talk to two of my friends. Maybe they both might have an answer. Come on, let’s get you the Bennetts so I can find out what’s going on,” stated Jack, as he led her through the city.
“The Bennetts?”
“Oh yes, they’re great people. They’ll take care of you while I’m visiting Katherine and Manny.”
“Why can’t I go with you?”
“Um, because I have to be fast. And they’re in two different places. And if they know you’re here, they can come here.”
“Oh, alright.” Rapunzel paused as Jack walked up to a door and knocked on it. It was opened by two children, the boy looked to be thirteen and the girl looked to be about seven.
“Jack!” they both called out as they gave Jack a hug.
“Hiya, Jamie, Sophie! Is your mom home?”
“Of course she is! Come on in! Oh, who’s this?” asked Jamie when he noticed Rapunzel.
“She’s pretty,” said Sophie.
“Why thank you,” said Rapunzel with a smile.
“That’s why I want to talk to your mom. See, Rapunzel here is lost and . . .”
“Rapunzel!’ the children blurted.
“As in, the Rapunzel?” asked Jamie. Rapunzel and Jack nodded. “Whoa.” Jamie glanced at Jack. “So you need her to stay here while you talk to Mother Goose, huh?”
Jack cracked a grin. “You got it, buddy. Smart kid, isn’t he?”
“Oh, I don’t know, I know one who’s probably smarter.”
“Highly unlikely,” said Jack.
“Want to bet?” asked Rapunzel as she placed her hands on her hips.
“See Mommy, isn’t she pretty?” came Sophie’s voice. She was leading her mother to the door.
“Oh my, come on in, the both of you? How are you Jack dear?” asked Mrs. Bennett as she gave Jack a quick motherly hug.
“I’m doing good, Mrs. Bennett, but I came to ask you a favor. That is, if you don’t mind,” replied Jack as the group followed Mrs. Bennett into the living room, where the whole situation was explained, and everyone learned about Rapunzel.
“OK, yeah, I really have to see Manny and Katherine for sure now. This sounds pretty serious,” stated Jack when Rapunzel finished her tale.
“You go do that, we’ll take care of her,” said Mrs. Bennett understandably.
“Thanks, I’ll be back soon, most likely with Katherine!” said Jack as he rushed out the door.
“Alright!” shouted the Bennetts before he closed the door behind them. They turned to making Rapunzel feel at home until Manny, Katherine, and Jack could figure out how to get her back home.
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rosesnvines · 7 years
Guardians of the Universe
For the prompt Loneliness, I guess (considering Rapunzel is lonely after losing everything and everyone she once knew)? But yeah, a Voltron AU. They just work too well. XD 
After the wild ride Eugene took them on, everyone was glad to be out of the lion.
“We . . . are never . . . doing that . . . again,” muttered Cassandra as she fell over, panting.
“We’ll try not to,” quipped Jack Frost as he shot her a lopsided grin before glancing at everyone else. Eugene was walking like he was drunk, Varian had to sit down he was that dizzy, North was rubbing his head, and Sandy was grinning from ear to ear, looking like he was ready to do it again.
“Are you sure about that, Frost? I thought you always liked to have fun. That’s why you got kicked out of the garrison!” blurted Eugene. He became very quiet when North shot him a glare.
“Now is not time to be talking about that. Now is time to be finding out what is going on,” stated North firmly as he pointed at the castle doors they were standing in front of. The lion behind them began to move. Eugene and Varian screamed while the others watched curiously as the lion let out a roar. The doors opened. “Ah, thank you,” said North before leading the way into the castle. Eugene and Varian grinned sheepishly at the lion. Jack shook his head and chuckled as he followed Sandy, Cassandra, and North in, they were going to have to learn how to interpret the situation properly if they were ever going to get anywhere. When the last two of their group joined them in the foyer, a light turned on and a robotic voice spoke.
“Uh, hello? Can you tell us why we are here?” asked North. No answer came but a series of lights turning on, leading them down the hall.
“Uh, I guess we need to follow the lights,” stated Jack with a shrug. North nodded and led the way. The group followed the lights in silence for several minutes before entering a room.
“OK, why did it lead us here? It’s empty,” stated Eugene as the group piled in. A whirring sound startled them as a console of some kind shot from the middle of the floor.
“Hmm . . . perhaps this alien computer?” asked North hopefully. Sandy shrugged.
“Well, only one way to find out,” remarked Varian as he rolled up his sleeves. He glanced at them. “What?”
“You’re more likely to blow this whole place to smithereens if you touch that,” stated Eugene. Varian grinned sheepishly. Another whirring sound caught their attention and they glanced around the room for the source of it. Not far from where they stood, two pods rose from the ground. One pod looked like it was opening, revealing a golden-haired girl. She let out a gasp as she opened her emerald eyes. Jack could only stare in shock, she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“Father!” she called out as she fell towards the floor. Eugene, being the closest, caught her. She glanced up at him. “Wh-who are you? Where am I?”
Eugene cleared his throat. “I know not who you are or how we came to be here, but I just wanted to say . . . hey there gorgeous, I’m Eugene, and you’re in my arms,” he said with his most suave look. Jack groaned and rolled his eyes.
“What is with your nose?” she asked.
“What? It’s perfectly fine! Why does everyone have a problem with my nose?” muttered Eugene. He let out a yelp as she grabbed his ear, turned him around, and knelt him down with his arm behind his back.
“What are you doing here? Where is King Frederic?” she asked rapidly.
“We don’t know anything, we just got here!” blurted Eugene.
“Wait, how long have I been out?” she asked, finally letting go of him and walked over to the console.
“Oh, so that’s how it works,” stated Varian as he intently watched her pushing buttons. The other pod opened at that moment, to reveal a large rabbit. He clapped his eyes on Eugene and let out a yell, bounding out of the pod. Eugene yelped and dashed to the side, the rabbit missing him by inches.
“She has a kangaroo as her guard or something?” asked Jack, watching the whole scene with amusement.
“I am no kangaroo, I am E. Aster Bunnymund, a pooka and best friend of King Frederic. We have served the Coronans for thousands of years,” stated the rabbit.
The girl let out a gasp and took a step back from the console. “And we’ve been asleep for ten thousand years!”
“Hey, looking pretty good,” quipped Eugene.
“Princess?” asked Bunnymund. She turned to him with tears in her eyes.
“And, and Corona is . . . gone,” she muttered, the tears falling from her eyes. Bunnymund pulled her into a hug. “We may be the last Coronans alive.” A squeak came from the pod where the princess had been. She and Bunnymund went and checked it out. “Oh, we might not be the last! Hello there, little fellow,” she said, picking up a bright green lizard. “I’m going to name you Pascal.”
North cleared his throat, getting everyone’s attention. “I hate to interrupt this moment, but, we need some answers, if you don’t mind. We came here thanks to one of your lions, I believe.”
“You found a lion?” asked the princess incredulously. The group nodded. “My father built them, he, he sent them away to keep them from falling into the hands of Pitch Black.”
“Pitch Black?” asked North. The princess nodded. “I heard of him!”
“What? He’s, he’s still alive?” she asked incredulously.
“From what I gather, yes,” replied North.
“Then we can’t stand around, we have to find the rest of the lions,” she said.
Jack cleared his throat. “Um, before we do that, may we introduce ourselves?” She blinked before nodding slowly. “So, um, yeah, you’ve already met Eugene. I’m Jack, this is Cassandra, Varian, Sandy, and North.”
“Pleasure to meet you all. I’m Princess Rapunzel of Corona and this is my trusty adviser and dear friend, Bunny. And, well, this is Pascal.”
“Pleasure to meet you, princess. Now, let’s see what we need to do to take care of this Pitch Black,” quipped Jack.
Rapunzel smiled at him. “Yes, let’s. And the way to do that is by forming Voltron.”
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rosesnvines · 7 years
No Longer Invisible
For the prompt “Why me?” “Because you saw me when I was invisible” from The Princess Diaries (I swear, these movies were meant for them). Enjoy!
“So, how’s the newly found princess of Corona feeling?” asked Jack with a grin as he joined Rapunzel out in the yard. The grin just about disappeared when she turned and he saw the anxiety on her face.
“Worried, nervous, scared . . . I’m going to be leaving home and heading to a country I’ve never even heard of before. I’m going to be leaving all my friends behind, Cassandra, Katherine, everybody.”  
Jack placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her towards him. “Hey, you’ll do fine. We’ll convince your grandmother to let us visit you from time to time, amidst all your princess duties.”
Rapunzel smiled at him. “Thanks Jack, that does make me feel better.”
“Anything for you, princess,” he said as he pulled her hand to his lips.
“Why are you so good to me?” she asked in a half-whisper.
He placed his hand on her face before replying with, “Because, you were the first person to actually see me when everyone else made me invisible.” He tilted her chin up. “And . . . and because . . . I, I love you,” he whispered before pulling her in. Their lips touched, and they got lost in the moment. That is, until Cassandra interrupted them.
“Well, sorry to interrupt but, I’m going to say it, it’s about time!” she blurted. The two jumped at her announcement, both blushing furiously.
“Cassandra, what are you doing here? You won’t tell grandma, will you?”
Cassandra shot her a smirk. “Oh don’t worry, my lips are sealed. Speaking of your grandma, though, she sent me to tell you that you’re supposed to start the next dance.”
“Oh, right, well, um, I, uh, don’t have a dance partner.”
“Really?” muttered Cassandra.
“May I have the pleasure of this dance, your majesty?” asked Jack with a dramatic bow.
Rapunzel’s eyes widened before they brightened with joy as she giggled. “Oh, alright, yes Jack, you may.” She put her hand in the crook of his arm and the two began to walk back into the building. They paused when Cassandra let out a whoop. She wrapped them up into a big bear hug before leading the way back to the party.
Jack glanced at Rapunzel in surprise. “Has she been secretly shipping us this whole time?”
Rapunzel chuckled nervously. “It’s possible.”
“Wait, have you been telling her about your crush on me?”
“Wh-what? Whatever makes you think that?” stammered Rapunzel.
Jack laughed. “From the blush on your face.” Rapunzel glanced away, trying to get the blush to go away.
“Jack! Please! We have a dance!”
“I know, I know, but, you’re so cute when your face is as red as a beet,” quipped Jack before kissing her on the cheek. “But, you are right, we have a dance. I’d rather not get on your grandma’s bad side. Especially if I might end up becoming the king of your little country.”
Rapunzel glanced at him with a bright smile. “Yes, I’d like that.” Jack smiled back and led her back to the dance floor, finally, where the two shared the first of many dances that night. Her grandmother, however, watched the budding romance with a knowing smile, having pretty much pegged Jack as a suitable husband for her little Rapunzel, and would make a wonderful king.
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jackunzel-time · 7 years
How Times Flies
Only one week until Jackunzel Month starts!! Who else is excited? 
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