#jacks is sitting there like MAN I CAN’T HAVE ANYTHING NICE AROUND HERE
chryzuree · 1 year
chryzurejacks zombie au <- only thing in my brain rn
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slafkovskys · 9 months
𝔫𝔬𝔟𝔬𝔡𝔶 𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔡 𝔦𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔶 ❈ 𝔥𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔰 𝔵 𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩
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summary: in which the truth comes out
word count: 4k
warning(s): angst, language, mentions of cheating, mentions of alcohol consumption
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“i wonder if he knows that we can see that he’s just been sitting in the driveway for the past twenty minutes.”
“probably, but only because you keep walking up to the window to stare at him,” she sends jack a teasing smile when the older man rolls his eyes. she leans forward and presses a soft kiss to his lips, but drew makes a noise in between them and grabs onto his mother’s hair to ensure that her attention is solely on him, “hi. i haven’t forgotten about you, mister.”
there’s a knock at their front door and the two adults share a look. she takes drew from his father and stops jack when he makes a move toward the door, “remember what we talked about?”
“nice words only?” he raises an eyebrow and she smiles, “i’ll be a good boy, you don’t have to worry.”
and she can’t help but feel a little bit worried as he turns on his heel and disappears from her sight. drew tugs on her hair again and she’s quickly distracted once again by her youngest child, “are you hungry?”
jack grins at the gleeful squeals of his children as he makes his way down the hall, but it quickly falls as he spots the figure on the other side of the door. on one hand, he was happy that luke was finally taking a step towards making things right, but on the other was the fact that he had left angel during one of the most vulnerable moments of her life while also leaving him and quinn to pick up the pieces in an attempt at making her whole again.
he has to count to ten more than once before he finally pulls open the door. he hadn’t seen his youngest brother since the stanley cup final when he skated right past him to pass the cup to bratter. he still had the same dark circles under his eyes that he had for the past year and his face was even a little slimmer, but he could tell that he had showered and even gotten a haircut before he came.
“um, thanks for having me.”
“i’m not the one that invited you here,” jack all but spits and it’s only when luke flinches at his words that he remembers that he was supposed to be nice. he steps to the side so luke could come in, but then jack presses a heavy hand to his chest when he tries to enter the house, “you’re here to make amends and i get that, but i promise that if you say anything out of line, you’re gone. are we clear?”
“crystal,” luke stares at his middle brother and he sees something in his eyes that he had never seen. it was more than a warning, it was a promise. jack’s hand falls when the sound of wheels comes from somewhere down the hall, followed by a delighted noise. both brothers turn their heads to find wren in her walker, grinning widely at them around her fist.
“after you,” jack forces a smile and closes the door behind luke, moving past to run up to wren which only delights the girl more, “where are we going, wren? where’s mom?”
jack follows after her and luke pauses in the hallway, taking in everything that had changed since he had been gone. besides the baby gates that now blocked off certain rooms and the few toys he could see strewn about on the floor that led into the living room, the most noticeable difference was the picture wall. he finds himself staring at all of the memories that had been made in his absence.
the picture wall was something she had started during her second summer with the boys, not loving the empty space in their entryway. slowly but surely it became filled with photos of friends and family, of the four of them. now, though, there’s a single picture of luke on the wall from the night he was drafted, placed on the outskirts like an afterthought. the frames that he used to live in were now replaced with pictures of the twins in various stages of their lives. his eyes drift from a photo of jack and quinn holding the two babies right after they were born to the photo that’s strategically placed in the middle. quinn’s on one side, jack is on the other, and she’s standing in between them with the biggest grin on her face as both men stare down at her. she’s clad in a bikini top and a pair of denim shorts and luke can just barely make out the cowboy boots that were on her feet. jack’s got a cowboy hat on his head and quinn’s wearing a flannel with sleeves ripped off and even after almost five years, it’s comforting to know that she can get quinn out of his comfort zone because there is no way that the quinn he knows (or knew) would ever wear a cut-off shirt at twenty-nine.
“you would’ve had fun,” her voice startles him. he turns and finds her standing a few feet away, “all of your favorite artists were there. it was mostly jack’s idea because i still can’t get behind country, but it fell on our anniversary. it was our first little weekend away from the twins. i was facetiming my parents the whole time checking in on them.”
“yeah, five years,” luke says. it was a day he couldn’t forget. he had kept himself in his bedroom for the majority of it, staring at the ceiling. ellen checked on him a couple of times, made him eat dinner with her and jim before letting him disappear to his bed again. “crazy.”
“i’m glad that you came,” she says and he can tell that she means it. she beckons him to follow her and he does. “do you want something to eat? drink?”
“i’m good,” luke looks around the room. the last time he had been there, the place was more reminiscent of a frat house than what it was now. the beer bottles on the counter had been replaced with baby bottles and the clothes that used to be strewn over the floor were replaced by various toys meant to teach the babies their shapes. a pair of delighted squeals and a chuckle from jack causes luke to realize that someone is missing, “where’s quinn?”
“he’s not ready,” is all she says, slicing through a strawberry. she looks up just in time to see his eyes drift over to jack who is now being used as a jungle gym by the twins. she smirks, “and he just doesn’t trust you.”
and that’s, well, fair.
“we’re going to go outside and talk,” she announces, not as much asking him as she was telling him while also letting jack in on their plans. she picks up her bowl and rounds the island, “jacky-”
“i’m on baby duty. don’t let them face plant on the couch because even though they laugh, it’s not actually funny,” he rolls his eyes and they share an affectionate smile, “i know the drill.”
“sometimes i wonder,” she teases as she pulls open the door. luke follows her lead, now a guest in the home he used to reside in. she points to the fire pit, “pick your seat.”
he was surprised to see that his chair was still sitting in the circle, but his eyes couldn’t help but linger on the smaller additions that now sat on either side of angel’s favorite spot. the same spot she curls up in, setting her bowl in her lap and tucking her phone underneath her thigh, an old habit she had never dropped.
she hums, “the floor is yours.”
and he takes that as they weren’t going to be doing any icebreakers.
“i didn’t sleep last night thinking about what i wanted to say, what i could say, and-” he clears his throat, “it didn’t really hit me until i was driving here that there is never anything that i could say or do that would make up for what i did. i know that you don’t have to believe me, but i meant it when i said that i was sorry.”
“i know you did,” she says and he sends her a confused glance, “when you’re lying, you scrunch up your nose and start moving your fingers around. remember that’s how i found out what quinn got me for christmas a couple of years ago? when i asked if it was post malone tickets as a joke and when you said no, you scrunched your nose.”
“oh yeah,” he chuckles at the memory of him begging her to act surprised when she opened the box that contained the tickets that morning.
she hums, “i just want to know why you did it, luke. you can tell me sorry all you want, but there’s got to be a reason.”
and there was.
he takes a deep breath before he lets the words spill from his lips, “when i pulled those tests out of your bag, i didn’t know what to do. i was about to be twenty-three and about to sign a new deal, i didn’t think that i was ready for that yet. i was scared-”
“it’s not like we had just met. we had been making plans, long-term ones,” her eyes narrowed at him, “and you were scared? i wasn’t even out of college. i still had no plans for after graduation, my partners were living on completely different sides of the continent, and all of them wanted me to come back with them after the off-season. there was so much going on in my life and to top it off, now i had a child — children — to worry about. you had a career, a home, everything planned out, but you were scared?”
“it was selfish,” he admits for the first time out loud, “it was selfish to even think of leaving that night. i wasn’t considering how you would feel or quinn or jack, i just wanted to figure it out on my own. i thought if i went to mom’s and slept on it, i would be good in the morning, but then i got on the plane to florida and i- i knew.”
“you knew?”
“how bad i had fucked up by leaving. i think in my mind, i had already lost you so there was no point in going back.”
“i promise you that if you would’ve come back that morning instead of getting on that plane, i would’ve let you. we could’ve talked like adults, laid all of our fears out on the table, and figured it out. i would’ve let you back because i still loved you then,” luke feels something reach into his chest and rip the air right from his lungs at those words, “and my problem now is that there was as much of a chance that they could have been yours as it was quinn and jack’s, but you still left. you never called. you never texted.”
“i- i wanted to,” he tries, “every day for the past year i wanted to reach out to you, talk to you, tell you how much i still love you-”
“oh, that’s rich,” she snorts, “you actually have the nerve to tell me that you still love me when it didn’t take you, what was it, luke? two weeks to hook up with someone that i thought was my friend and then continue to be with her the entire time-”
“we were never together and we never will be,” he quickly interrupts her and he watches her demeanor falter for the first time since he had arrived, “i’m not denying that we hooked up, or that we did it more than once, but she treats it as more than it is. i told her it wasn’t anything serious and she said she was fine with that. she’s the one that tells everyone that we’re together-”
“but you’re letting her?” she fired back and that was something that luke couldn’t argue with because he did let her. “she had a jacket for the playoffs.”
“i told her not to order one. i told elisa not to let her order one. she went behind our backs to the artist and ordered it herself. i promise. i have the messages,” he goes to reach for his phone and she stops him with a shake of her head.
“how,” she sniffles before using her finger to wipe underneath her eyes. behind her, luke watches as jack holds drew over his head as (he guesses) he pretends that the boy is an airplane. she takes a deep breath before speaking again, “i want to know how it happened, you and her. why it happened.”
“it must’ve been two weeks after i left, maybe three? i had already moved most of my stuff out of the townhouse and into an airbnb because i knew jack wouldn’t want me around, so i was alone a lot. she messaged me late one night and i guess you had just told her that you were pregnant, but she kept saying how she understands what i did and she doesn’t blame me for it. i- i was drinking and i called her and before i knew it, i had booked her a ticket to come out. she was at my door the next morning and i was too hungover to tell her to leave.
“we went out for dinner after i got home from skate and we just kept drinking and talking and she was taking my side and- i slept with her that night,” he watches as she tears her eyes away from his and turns her head towards the lake. her hand covers her mouth as she closes her eyes, trying to conceal the sobs, “angel-”
“don’t call me that. you don’t have the privilege right now.”
he closes his eyes too, letting his head hang ashamed. he doesn’t know how much time passes before she clears her throat, “you let four years go down the drain because you were too scared to come and talk to me.”
she’s mumbling the words to herself over and over again. she looks back at him, eyes red-rimmed, “is there anything — anyone — else that you want me to know about?”
he shakes his head, “that’s everything.”
“i tried to leave too, you know? for real,” she starts and luke’s eyes widen at her admission, “after you left here that night, i started really doubting everything. we made plans the next night, sure, and talked about it all week. we were in love and about to start a family and we should be excited about houses with fences and baby gates and onesies, but you took a piece of me with you that night, luke.
“after i found out that i was having twins, i called quinn and jack and they were both so excited. they were bickering about names and who they would look like. they even started working on a pool for when they would be born, but i couldn’t even enjoy that. i went to the appointment by myself because it was the start of playoff season and watching them argue about who they would be like the most made me start to think about you and i honestly had stopped thinking about you. i hated thinking about you.
“i hung up with them and decided that if i could do these appointments alone, i could raise them alone. what if they weren’t quinn or jack’s? what if they were yours? the first person that i had ever loved left me and never looked back. you made leaving look so easy and i got scared that they would do the same, so the next day i changed my number and put in with school for sick leave. thank god my professor was understanding of my situation or i would’ve failed the last class that i needed to graduate.
“i went back home to my parents, but jack was at my door within twelve hours. quinn couldn’t get a flight quick enough, but he had just landed in columbus so he drove. apparently, they were blowing up moms’ phones about me and they told them i was fine, i just needed space, but you and i both know that jack wouldn’t know space if it slapped him in the face,” she chuckles and luke can’t find it in him to share her humor, “i tried to make them understand, but we all knew that i was lying.
“i didn’t want to be by myself. i wanted you, all of you, and the fact that all of you didn’t want me was a lot,” she shakes her head, “there were tears, so many tears. they were begging me to stay and i was begging them to let me go. we were up until like two am until i fell asleep in jack’s lap because i was so exhausted from all the back and forth.
“mom had muffins for us the next morning and jack took me and the rental back to columbus before we caught a flight back to jersey. quinn was still freaking out and i felt so bad for scaring him, i still do, but i- i got in my head. it was a one-time thing. i’ve never thought about leaving before and i haven’t done it since.”
“jack didn’t play in any away games for the rest of the season-”
“because they were both worried i would try to leave again, no matter how many times i promised that it was a one-time thing. quinn tried to quit because of me,” she announces and luke’s mouth falls, “yeah. they were serious about making sure that i knew they were both there for me, he said he’d retire if i wanted him to. i told him he was crazy if he thought that i’d ever ask him to do that.”
he can’t stop the question from leaving his lips, “why did you do it?”
“when i said that you took a piece of me with you that night, luke, i wasn’t kidding. watching the first person you ever loved, the one who encouraged our relationship in the first place, be the first to leave, made me start to question if all the complications were worth it. you might hate hearing me say it, but we’re not us without you. quinn, jack, and i still love each other more than ever, but we’re not whole. we all realize that something is missing and we just try to fill that void the best that we can.”
even after everything, she was saying that he was a part of them, that he was their missing piece.
“i- i didn’t know.”
she shrugs, “how could you have?”
“i wish that i could take it back. every single thing. i never should have left that night,” he lets a tear slip from his eye. she stares at him for a second, two, before reaching over and wiping it away. she lets her palm linger on his cheek and he lets out a shaky breath at the feeling of her skin on his for the first time in over a year.
“i know that you would, lukey,” she whispers, “but i can’t forgive you right now.”
“but that doesn’t mean that i can’t forgive you at some point,” she says with some sense of hopefulness in her tone, something that causes a pull in luke’s chest, “there’s- it’s just a lot we talked about. you said a lot, i said a lot, and i think that we both need time to process it instead of just moving on and trying to pretend that it never happened. is that fair?”
he nods, cheek still pressed against her warm hand, “that’s fair.”
“don’t run away from me again,” this time it’s a demand slipping from her lips, “just because i’m still mad, doesn’t mean i don’t want to speak. i still have love for you, luke, and there’s a lot we have to catch up on.”
he doesn’t need to ask what the ‘a lot’ she was referring to was, the two tiny, wooden lawn chairs that had been placed around the fire pit sometime during his absence were his answer.
“do you want to meet them, officially?” her face is sincere when she asks while luke can’t manage to hide the shocked expression that takes over his features.
“i-” he tries to find the words, “yeah, of course, but… you’re okay with that? so soon, i mean.”
“if you don’t feel comfortable, or even want to meet them, luke, you can say no. i don’t want to force you,” she shakes her head. luke blinks as he thinks about it. truthfully, there was nothing more in this world that he wanted than to know the twins, to know the little slice of life that she and his brothers now lived. she chuckles, “even if you aren’t with me anymore, at the very least you’re still a friend that i want them to know.”
and he wishes she would’ve just delivered a punch to his gut instead of uttering those words, but he nods. she pulls her hand away from his face and he has to refrain from chasing after her touch as she lets out a sigh, “they’ll be going down for their nap soon, so we can’t get them too amped up. you can at least say hi.”
“sounds good,” he agrees, rubbing his hands on his thighs when he stands. he follows her back up to the house and pulls the door closed behind them. jack’s eyes follow her curiously as she goes to deposit her bowl in the sink and luke wants to say something, let him know that he also owes him an apology, but she beats him to it.
“we’re going to be civil, jacky. friends, okay?” she passes in front of luke and he gets a whiff of her perfume, the same one she wore on their first date all those years ago, “and if we’re going to be friends, i want him to meet the kids.”
“we said this was your call, angel,” is all his brother says as she takes up a spot on the floor near him. luke wasn’t surprised that they were letting her call the shots on this because sure, what he did affected them, but there was no doubt that it affected her the most. the ball was always going to be in her court, they were always going to move at her pace.
she leans over and presses a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth, smiling when wren reaches for her.
“this is wren. also goes by wren quinn or kq,” there’s a prideful grin on her face as she takes her daughter from jack’s hands and sets her on her lap, “our oldest.”
“you can sit down, luke, they’re not going to bite. drew only cut his first teeth last week,” jack mumbles, noticing luke lingering between the couch and the wall. the boy in question makes an excited noise as he grabs onto his father’s finger and starts waving it around excitedly, “this is drew, also goes by dj-”
“or drew boo!” angel interrupts and jack makes a face, “he hasn’t been so lucky in the nickname department which they blame me for as if they weren’t involved in the naming process too.”
“maybe when he gets older,” luke offers as he takes a seat on the floor across from the woman. he watches as wren kicks her legs and stares at him curiously, like she knows him, but doesn’t at the same time, “hi wren. i’m-”
there’s a pause. he doesn’t know what to say and jack sends him a look that silently reminds him to heed his earlier warning. angel sends him a soft smile as she stands the seven-month-old up on her thighs and allows her to bounce gently on her feet, “this is luke, wren. he’s mommy’s friend.”
and mommy’s friend was better than nothing.
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harlowsbby · 10 months
Out Of Luck
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Requested, Can you write something about jealous Jack? Or him being a bit overprotective.
“You know with you not talking to him it’s eating him alive.” Ace said as he joined you at the back of the tour bus.
You rolled your eyes and looked up seeing Jack already looking at you, the minute the two of you made eye contact he immediately turned away.
“Good, he should be upset the way he acted was honestly uncalled for and you know that Ace.” You told him and turned back around not wanting to be bothered.
Ace sighed and stood up and made his way back over to Jack who looked at his friend with a desperate and hopeful expression.
“So, what did she say? Does she forgive me?” Ace shook his head.
“Nope she’s still very much upset but I think you need to be the one to go over there and talk to her.” Ace told Jack.
“Why should I have to say sorry? I was just looking out for her.” Jack was just as stubborn as you at times the two of you would go weeks without speaking before apologizing to one another.
“What even happened man? I come back on the bus and she’s over there and you’re over here looking like you just lost your best friend.” Jack groaned and ran his hands over his face.
“I don’t even know I just let my jealousy get the best of me. It’s a long story.” Ace shrugged his shoulders and leaned back into his seat.
“We got lots of time so fill me in.”
“Wait, wait you’re telling me that Apple Juice is more superior than Orange Juice?” The bartender asked in disbelief.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying and you can’t make me think otherwise.” You proudly stated and took a sip of your drink.
“But how? It’s so boring and basic.” He stated. “It is not! Apple Juice whenever it’s nice and cold it just feels so good it’s nice and crispy.” You explained to him.
“You’re insane there is no way Apple Juice beats Orange Juice.” He chuckled. “We can agree to disagree.”
“What is she doing?” Jack grumbled as he eyed down Joey and You.
“Looks like she’s making a friend which is normal so don’t do anything.” Urban told him.
Being on the tour bus 24/7 got a bit too much sometimes with everyone being all under one another a break sometimes was needed.
Which is why for tonight Jack suggested that you all go out and just have some fun, but Jack wasn’t having any fun instead he was sitting in the corner of the club sulking and pouting.
“She’s allowed to make friends I don’t own her but she isn’t making friends with that guy.” He told Urban and made his way over to you.
“I bet you $100 she’s gonna be ignoring him for a few days.” 2fo said as the two of them watch Jack make his way over towards the bar.
“I bet you $200 he’ll end up crying.” Urban said.
“I bet you all $300 that Y/N ends up making him take her out shopping or something as a form of an apology.” They all laughed because they all knew they were right.
“So what are you doing here? You’re just here alone?” Joey asked you and you shook your head, you went to answer but Jack answered for you.
“She’s here with me, her man.” He bitterly stated and put an arm around your shoulder, you sat there awkwardly because you already knew how this was going to end.
“Oh you must be Jack! I’ve heard a lot about you!” Joey smiled and stuck his hand out for Jack to shake but when Jack didn’t his hand slowly lowered.
“Well alright then, I’ll let you two be.” Joey gave you a small smile before going to the back.
“What are you doing over here? Why aren’t you with us in the section.” Jack asked you. “Because I don’t wanna just sit there I wanna walk around and mingle.” You stated.
“Okay well you can mingle with someone else that isn’t the bartender.” Your eyebrows scrunched up.
“Are you jealous or something? He wasn’t even doing anything to me, or is it me you don’t trust?”
He smacked his lips. “Now come on you know that isn’t true.” Jack said.
“Okay so why can’t I sit here? I wasn’t do anything.” You stated your voice rising slightly.
“I just don’t want you sitting with over here with him. I’m not stupid I know how guys think Y/N he was looking you up and down like a snack.”
You shook your head at him you were in disbelief that he’d even act this way, you get it most guys were dogs but you thought he’d have at least an inch of faith in you that you’d never cheat or whatever he thought was going to happen.
“Alright bro.” You spat and stood up. “Bro? I’m not your bro, don’t do that.” You turned to face him and rolled your eyes at him. “You just rolled your eyes at me?” He said with a raised brow.
“Oh, so now you wanna try and control my face? honestly what’s your issue last time I checked I’m grown. You say you trust me but it doesn’t look like it.” You told him your voice slightly rising.
“I do trust you baby but let’s talk about this on the bus though.” He mumbled and went to grab your arm but you pulled back.
“No, what now you’re embarrassed? Just say you can’t trust me. Or that you’re too overprotective or whatever.” When you didn’t get a response you already knew your answer.
“I can’t believe you Jack.” You stood up and made your way out of the club, the crowd that had formed faded away when you left.
flashback over.
“And now she won’t talk to me and I don’t blame her, I embarrassed her.” Jack groaned and tossed his head back.
Ace shook his head at his friend even though Ace loved the two of you what Jack did was very wrong.
“You know what you need to do Jack, put the pride to the side and go say sorry.” Jack nodded his head.
“Yeah you’re right Ace.” Jack stood up and made his way to where you sat.
The last thing he wanted to do was to make you ever second guess him or the relationship the two of you had. He knew he needed to make things right.
“Babe.” He said as he made his way into the little room in the back of the tour bus.
“Yes Jack?” You mumbled not even bothering to look up from your phone. “Can you look at me please.” He urged.
You placed your phone down and turned around to look at Jack, he had a frown displayed on his face.
“I’m sorry for the way I acted it shouldn’t have acted like that in front of all those people.” He told you.
“What was the reason though? You know I’d never even think about cheating on you.” You told him and patted the spot next to you so he’d sit.
“I just feel like one day you’ll leave me for someone who doesn’t have a as stressful or busy lifestyle. I love you and only you Jack.”
He smiled and laid down on the bed pulling you on top of him. “I’m sorry again baby, do you forgive me?”
You thought about it for a few seconds before a small smirk tugged at the corner of your lips. “I’ll forgive you under one condition?”
“Uh oh.”
time skip.
“What is this shit? The game is going to be on in ten minutes.” Nemo said as he walked into the tour bus with Urban, Ace and Druski.
“It’s mean girls it’s really good and it’s what we’re watching tonight isn’t that right babe?” You smiled and asked Jack as you leaned into him some more.
“That’s right babe I’m so excited to be watching all these chick flicks with you tonight.” He lied, the last thing he wanted to do was watch a bunch of girly movies.
“What? Are you kidding me or something? The cowboys are playing against the raiders.” Urban stated.
“So, we’re watching Regina George getting hit by a bus for right now.” You stated. The guys groaned but nonetheless took a seat around the tv together.
“Why are we watching this?” Urban whispered to Jack. “Because it’ll make her happy and she won’t be upset.” He whispered back.
“You’re so whipped.” Urban whispered back.
(writers block is kicking my ass but I hope you still love this anon and everyone else 💘)
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idkelly · 1 year
𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤 | 𝐉.𝐑 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
jackson rippner x reader, no use of (Y/n), suggestive, sexual tension.
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She blamed her husband for this.
all of this
“should’ve signed those papers on sight” she huffed and brushed her hair away from her face in a swift motion, going back to writing in her journal, her handwriting wasn’t the greatest in the moment, but she didn’t care. she needed to get her anger out on something before she did on someone.
She heard a few girls chuckling and stealing glimpses of her, ignoring it would’ve been easy if they were even trying to hide it, but it was the least of her concern now. she blamed him for making her lash out on the phone in the middle of the airport cafe and making her look like a fool.
It's been about forty-five minutes and only 10 minutes till she has to get on the plane. forty-five minutes of scrambling her thoughts out on paper, pissed at her situation and the fact that the waitress couldn’t take her order right.
This couldn’t get any worse.
Her attention was taken by the sound of glass on the table, A cranberry vodka? that’s what she told the waitress earlier but instead got a cocktail, a very bad one too. the person who set the drink on the table didn’t say a word, just smiled a bit.
He had ocean eyes, and clear snow-like skin that had a little flush to it, high cheekbones, pump lips that complimented his sharp jawline. She caught a glimpse of him earlier when she first sat down, he wasn’t that far away from her.
“i couldn’t help but overhear you earlier, you should complain to the manager”
“Maybe when i change my name to karen i will” she chuckled “but i guess people heard enough about my complaining here”
He rolled his head back a bit stretching his neck smiling at the remark “What do you mean i didn’t hear anything? you’ve been enjoying your drink- that the waitress has gotten right the first time and writing in your little book” Sarcasm was dripping down his lips at this point.
Finally she fully laughed “Oh shut up” she nudged his shoulder.
he stayed quiet for a beat then added “For the record, i think he was the unreasonable one”
he looked up at her, he noticed that she was keen on eye-contact from the get go, she didn’t say anything nor give him a nod or any facial expression till she coughed out “i appreciate it but i don’t think a stranger has the right to judge in my personal life”
As soon as her heels clicked the ground, the Man stood up as well and cleared his throat, he watched her pick up her belongings and jacket from her chair, avoiding his gaze.
She felt him, almost burning holes into her skull, she could feel her hair sticking to the nape of her neck.
“First, my apologies, second, how about I change that? my name is jackson, jack for short” he held out his hand.
She looked up at him, even in heels his eyes looked down upon her figure. “ Nice to meet you jack” she smiled at him and introduced herself in return. still not shaking his hand. 
They fell into silence, his hand still hanging, he looked down at his hand then at her waiting for her to do something, but slowly her small smile turned bigger, behind him were those girls from earlier now giggling at him.
he looked back at them giving them a glare but before he could fathom when he turned around she was nowhere to be found. dissappeared.
She kicked off her heels as soon as she sat down, her legs have been killing her all day, but heels have always been her thing, she can’t let them go. her husband always picks her outfits to meet his family, a classic red heels that accentuated her already long legs, usually paired with some black translucent tights with a line that goes up to her thighs and disappears into her her skirt that goes down to her upper thigh sitting down, and usually a dress-shirt with her emerald necklace. it matches her ring— Where the fuck is it.
“I think you might have dropped something earlier” Same voice, Same situation. The strang— jack brings her something that makes her drop her shoulders in relief, she could get used to that feeling.
“You’ve got to be kidding me”
“I'm gonna forget what happened earlier, this is my seat next to you. What are the chances?” he tilted his head at the end then sat down. His jawline looked even better from this angle, his whole side profile.
“staring is rude you know”
“I know” her gaze didn’t bulge, jack turned his head towards her, his eyes went from her hair to her legs and the heels scattered next to it.
“I never understood why you women wear those”
“to make men like you have a desire that they can’t accomplish” bold, she was bold.”Also i some women like the torture, might be a masochist thing”
Her eyes traveled to the window next to her, his face almost felt cold without her gaze, but he needed the job to be done.
“What do you do”
She turned to him “I'm a retired criminal lawyer, but I'm thinking of coming back from the dead” her voice was quiet.
“You could represent me when you do, i'm a killer”
She didn’t laugh or smile, but there wasn’t any use of making it seem like a joke, He needed the upperhand to get this done. She kept looking at him not blinking once “What do you want”
“I want you to listen closely” he pulled out a suitcase on the table, it was clear what was inside it, as he was beginning to speak a receptionist passed them, he brought her face close to him from the back of her neck, his fingers tangled her hair.
She was standing in the hallway looking at all the passengers, stealing glances at the two.
Exchanged between the two were hot breaths due to the close proximity, she could tell her was sweating and got caught off guard by that woman.
mmph! without a second thought she pulled him by his hair into her, the short distance has disappeared. it was a small kiss, neither of them moved that much, but it was enough to make a sound and make the danger go back to her station, she pulled away pulling his bottom lip as well.
What she didn’t expect was the shocked look on his face, it was obvious he wasn’t faking it either, her eyes fell down to his lips, they looked even better with her saliva on it, jack thought the same.
“Finish what you want”
“Oh right— you’re gonna make a phone call, your husband is staying at your beach house, i need you to call his brother and tell him that he has to get there as fast as possible, i’ll leave the details to you”
“So you just need them both at the house?” her calm demeanor wasn’t usual, it was almost like she was on autopilot. He kept note of that.”Why?”
“Just a hangout, some friends of mind will drop by have fun with them and everyone goes home happy, maybe they’ll pop champagne—”
“or my husband’s head, along with his brother, you’re sick” there wasn’t any venom in her tone, only amusement. Is she on something?
“I think you might be sicker” his hand creeped on her knee as he leaned over to her side slightly “you haven’t shed a single tear or seemed the tiniest bit frightened by the thought of your husband’s head blown off, what kind of wife are you?”
“The one that dreamed of being a widow” she placed her hand on top of his gliding his fingers up ever so slowly.
“Your hand is shaking, are you sure you have the power to kill with these shaky hands” she said to him laughing innocently.
a few heads turned at the sound of the squeak she made, his hand dangerously resting on her inner thigh he gave her a hard squeeze, his fingernails left a pattern on her tights.
“You might want to repeat that sweetheart”
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nattinatalia · 10 months
Jack request: He buys you concert tickets to Peso Pluma. 🤭
A/N: Changed it into him buying the tickets for Mia. Iykyk 🤪
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Jack was dreading this surprise, he was even trying to put off buying the damn tickets in the first place. He claims his little girl is just that, little and she doesn’t need to be obsessing over another man’s music, in his selfish eyes, his kids should only be excited about his music. 
“Mia, can you come over here real quick bug? Daddy has a surprise for you.” You yell out. 
Jack takes a deep sigh, “Do I have to?” 
You roll your eyes, smile at him and squeeze his hand. “You can always give the tickets to me.” 
He scoffs, “Hell no.” 
You laugh, “Why?” 
“You’re my cheerleader, I don’t want to see you singing another man’s songs, only mine.”
You shake your head in amusement. “Silly daddy.” 
“I got your daddy right he-heyyyy bug.” He immediately pushes your hand off and sits up. 
“Nice save.” You Shake your head again. You watch your husband as he’s looking and smiling at your daughter. 
Mia smiles, “Hi?” She looks around “What’s going on?”
You wait for Jack to say something, but all he does is stare at her, his thumb and pointer finger holding his chin. 
You cough and elbow him softly, “Jackman.” 
He sighs, “You know how your birthday is next week?” 
Mia nods, “I’m turning ten” 
You and Jack share a look, you can’t believe your first born is already going to turn ten. Time is a thief and you can’t help but feel emotional.
“Well.” Jack begins, “We got you a little something.” 
“But my birthday is not today.” Mia says, confused. 
You smile at her, “We know, pero tu papá te compro algo que no puede esperar hasta tu cumpleaños.” 
Mia instantly turns to stare at her dad in questioning, her eyebrows furrowed, lip tucked in. It’s like looking at a copy of Jack. “What is it?” 
“Just a few things that you needed.” Jack tells her, standing up and heading behind the couch to grab the little basket you helped him fix.
Mia gasps, “It’s so pink.” 
Jack shrugs, “I couldn’t find anything in purple so your second favorite color had to do.” 
“I love it, thank you daddy.” 
Jack chuckles, “You haven’t even seen what it is yet.” 
“I know, but thank you.” 
“Alright.” Jack says, and motions for Mia to sit down on the couch. “I’m going to put it on your lap okay?” 
Mia nods excitedly. “I’m ready.” 
Jack turns to you giving you a sad smile, all you can do is give him a small nod and wink. 
“Alright, here you go.” He tells her as he puts a pink envelope on her lap. “You can open your eyes now.”
Mia opens her eyes, smiles at her daddy then looks down to her lap. “What is it?” 
You and Jack share a chuckle, “Well open it and find out.” 
It took less than five seconds for Mia to tear it open and gasped at what she read. 
“OH MY GOD.” She jumps out of her seat. “IS THIS REAL???” 
You nod, “Your daddy has been getting close to him and he was nice enough to invite you to his show.” 
“Well technically he said I should bring my family and I went and bought the tickets.” Jack sassily says.
Mia jumps up and down. “THIS IS THE BEST GIFT EVER!!!!!!” She yells. 
A grumpily Ezequiel comes walking into the living room. “Was going on? I sleeping.” As he scrubs his eyes.
“Cheesy look.” Mia runs to her brother showing her the tickets. “Daddy got me tickets to go see my boyfriend.” 
“Aht aht, none of that.” Jack says sternly. 
Mia rolls her eyes. “But you say that one girl from the show is your girlfriend when you’re married to mama.” 
You chuckle and raise your eyebrows, “She got you there.” 
Ez groans, “you wokes me up just for that?” 
“Cheesy, this is important.” She shoves the tickets to his face. “It’s Peso Pluma.” 
EZ gasps, “We seeing Peyso sing?” 
You chuckle, “You and your daddy say his name the same.” 
Jack and Ezequiel both roll their eyes. “So bug, you think you got time tonight to go see his concert?”
Mia chuckles, “I have no plans.” she quickly gasps and turns to look at you “Mamma, I need a spiderman mask”
You nod, “I got you covered with that.”
Mia smiles and starts jumping around the house, singing along to a few songs of Peso Pluma. You can’t help but smile and watch her get excited.
Jack sighs and sits down next to you, “I wish she’d get that excited for my shows.”
He probably didn’t think Mia would hear him, but that little girl did and that comment made her stop in her tracks. She runs immediately to Jack. “Daddy.”
“You know I get excited about your shows too.” 
Jack is surprised, “You do?”
Mia nods, “Mommy says it’ll get to your head-”
“WHAT?” Jack gasps.
You shyly shrug but let Mia continue. “I’m your biggest fan, I like Peso, but you’re my daddy. You know how cool that is?”
“Ugh, I go mimis.” Ez lazily mumbles.
“Anyway.” Mia rolls her eyes, “I love you and you need to learn how to share.”
“I know how to share.”
You and Mia snort. “You get jealous fast.”
“I do not.”
You nod, “You do babe.”
“Whatever, I just want you girls to myself.”
“Daddy, we don’t have to go if you’re gonna feel weird.”
Your heart tugged at her suggestion, that’s who Mia was, thoughtful and respectful, even if it meant putting her feelings aside. Your soon to be ten year old daughter was more caring and loving than most adults.
Jack smiles at her. “Nah, I’m totally okay with it bug.”
Mia hugs him. “Okay good.”
“Plus.” Jack starts. “I may or may not be working on a song with him.”
“OMG WHAT?” Both Mia and you gasp out while Jack is smirking with his arms crossed. 
“You’ll have to wait and see.” 
Mia chuckles, “Yup, coolest dad ever.
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hangmatts · 19 days
jungle boy goes to matt for help.
[ set before full gear 2022 ]
word count: 1,036. also posted on ao3
Jungle Boy very rarely gets frustrated. He’s a very calm and relaxed person. But, when he keeps messing up his hair, he can’t help but get mad. He throws the hair tie down on the floor and tries not to yell.
It’s a basic hairstyle, one that he’s done many times. His hands can’t help but shake because of his nerves. He tries sitting and thinking about what to do. He listens to the pre-show talk about the in-ring return of the Elite when the idea hits him. If anyone knows anything about hairstyles, it’s Matt Jackson.
He finds himself at the door of the Elite’s locker room, afraid to knock. He’s not even sure Matt likes him or if visitors are even welcome. He comes to the conclusion that he needs Matt’s help. He quickly shakes off the nerves and places a knock on the door.
Nick opened the door, peeking his head out. He looked confused when he saw the young man standing in front of him.
“Jack?” He asked. “What’s up?”
“Oh- um, is Matt here?”
“Yeah? You need to talk to him?”
“Yeah, please? If that’s okay?”
“Of course it’s okay! Come on in!” Nick smiled and opened the door to invite him in.
Jungle Boy looked over to see Matt in front of a mirror, trying to style his hair.
“Matt, you have a visitor.” Nick said before sitting back down on the couch.
“Hm?” Matt turned around. “Oh, Jack! So nice to see you! What can I do for you?”
“Um. I was hoping you could help me style my hair?”
Matt’s face immediately lit up with excitement. He jumped out of his seat, causing Jack to step back.
“I would LOVE TO. Come sit in front of me.”
Jack sat in the chair in front of the mirror, inspecting everything. He messed with the tiny butterfly clips. He color coordinated the hair ties. He picked up Matt’s silver, dangly earrings and started messing with them.
“Do you like the accessories?” Matt asked.
“Oh- yeah, they’re fun. Sorry, I didn’t mean to touch them.”
“It’s okay. You can mess with them as much as you want.”
Matt leaned down to whisper the next part. “I can tell you’re a little nervous and if messing with my earrings calms you down, go ahead.”
“Thanks- thank you.” Jack smiled.
“So, what hairstyle were you thinking?”
“I just wanted a half up ponytail.”
“Oh, a classic! One of my specialties too! You came to the right place.”
“I tried doing it myself but I couldn’t get it. It always looked wrong or bad.” Jack explained.
“I get it. I mean, I truly believe if your hair is wrong, your entire life is wrong.”
“Who said that?”
Matt tilted his head, trying to think.
“I don’t know but I say it all the time so, I’m gonna say it’s a Matt Jackson original!”
Matt smiled, proud at himself for that answer. Jack just nodded in response. Nick overheard and rolled his eyes.
Matt grabbed out all the tools he needed.
“Now, do you want a silent appointment or do you want to talk?” He asked.
Jack lowered his voice. “I’d love to talk but I would prefer if it was just us? Is that okay?”
“Of course!” Matt responded before turning to face Nick. “Nicky, please leave.”
“What? Why?” Nick was confused.
“I prefer to work in a less crowded environment.” Matt made it up on the spot, just to make sure Jack felt comfortable.
“Crowded? I’m ONE person.”
“NICK! Go find Kenny and talk about sports or something!” Matt pointed towards the door.
Nick rolled his eyes, mumbling something about Matt being dramatic as he walked out of their locker room. Matt rolled his eyes back.
“So, what’s on your mind?” Matt asked, picking up the first tool he needed.
“You know what it’s like to fight your best friend, right?”
Matt nearly froze. “All too well.” He answered.
“How do you go on after? I feel like everything is gonna change. It already has changed, but it’s gonna be so different when this match is finished. What do I do with myself? How do I move on?”
“Well, everything is gonna change.” Matt started as he brushed Jack’s hair back. “But, that doesn’t necessarily mean for the worse. A lot of the times, change is good. You will find your way after this ends. It’s always difficult to move on but I just know you’re gonna go on to do greater things.”
“What do you mean?”
“When this match is over, when this whole mess with Christian is over, you should put it all behind you. You’re amazing at what you do, Jack. I truly believe you’re gonna be a world champion someday. You are a star.”
“You think so?” Jack asked, fidgeting with Matt’s earring.
“I know so.” Matt smiled. “And soon, the entire world will see it. You’re so special. One day, you’re gonna realize that.”
“That means so much coming from you.” Jack awkwardly smiled back.
“Well, I’m glad I could help. I’m all finished. What do you think?”
Jack examined his hair in the mirror. Something so simple, yet so efficient.
“It’s perfect. Exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much for helping me.”
“Of course! You know, you should come by some other time. I can put some of these clips in your hair. We could try out a bunch of different hairstyles together.”
“Yeah… I’d like that, actually.”
“Great! I’ll text you when I’m free.”
“Well, I should probably go. My match is on first.” Jack got up from the chair.
“Right, of course. One more thing.”
Jack looked at Matt confused. Matt leaned up to place a small kiss on Jack’s cheek.
“Good luck.” Matt said, pulling back.
Jack tried to ignore the blush quickly creeping up on his face. Matt noticed.
“Right! Thank you. I will see you some other time. Um- thanks for the hair and talk. Bye.” Jack quickly shuffled out of the room.
Matt couldn’t help but giggle at how cute Jack looked nervously blushing. He put his dangly earrings in and turned on the TV just to watch Jack’s match.
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basilone · 2 months
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“Morrison.” Her name is spoken like lead, heavy and unwelcome. “I wasn’t aware you get paid to sit down and do nothing.”
Max almost rolls her eyes. Almost makes it a full-body event the way she’s seen Lottie do, all well-practiced shoulders and an expression of affected annoyance written all over her face. Catches herself just in time, though she still topples back against the crates in what she hopes looks like an intended sort of reclining.
Captain Brady doesn’t look fooled by it, if the slight uptick of his brow is anything to go by.
“Push told me to sit here and, I quote, touch nothing, Max,” she says, even though Push had technically said that yesterday and not today. “Gotta listen to your flight engineer, sir. Also”– she blows the next words out like they’re air, hot and stuffy –“Dee’s mad at me. Again.”
“Perrault needs to stop bossing everyone around,” says Captain Brady, with the air of a man who’s been on the receiving end of Push’s orders one too many times. He looks tired, here, squinting against the sunlight, hugging a bag to his chest. “And you,” he says, then, squint turning into glare the longer Max looks at him, “are not exempt from your duties just because Llewellyn takes offense at everything that moves.”
“Not everything, sir.”
“Close enough.” He drops his bag on one of the ammo crates. Leans against a stack of other crates that George hasn’t seen fit to move yet. “I get that it’s not ideal…”
Jules screaming over comms. One-Eye limping across the tarmac, eyes wild. Max shakes her head. Shuts her eyes. Tiny collapsing against Dorrance-Jones during interrogation. Lucy repeating “there’s nothing I can do” over and over until Jack Ellis pulls her hands off another man who died before Max even learned his name. She shakes her head again. Feels her breath whoosh out of her. Lifeless eyes, staring eyes. Lottie sobbing into her pillow night after night, Frosty sleeping outside, Dee punching the door over and over.
“It’s not,” she forces out, opening her eyes to Captain Brady’s frown. “But it’s what we’ve got.” She doesn’t think she could stomach Bucky’s well-meant jokes over comms. Doesn’t think she could take Major Cleven’s prolonged silences, either. Is entirely sure she can’t be on a plane with Benny DeMarco, who always greets her like he will remember her. “Blakely wouldn’t take us, said Push would jinx his luck or something,” she says, which is a version of the truth as good as any, “and Dee said she needed a pilot without a mustache, sir, so that’s you winning in her book by a landslide.”
“Which I am certain explains her asking after my shaving habits.”
Max nods, careful to not let the fresh bubble of mirth rise from her belly to her mouth. “Her ex-fiancé had a most dreadful mustache, sir.”
Captain Brady’s nod is as sharp as it is measuring. “I assume any letters she sets on fire come from him?”
“Yup.” The ‘p’ pops nice and round in her mouth. “Everyone says that’s healthy. Lottie does the same with her letters, I think,” she says, frowning as though she isn’t fully aware of every move Lottie makes in their space. “Seems to me like you ought to be able to tell people to quit writing, though.”
“Some people might not listen,” he says, gingerly taking the crate two places over from hers to perch upon. “Especially not if they feel wronged in some way.” He exhales loudly. Fixes his gaze on their plane, which is almost through with repairs. “You have the right idea, Morrison. Just perhaps not the tact required to tell others about it.”
Max’s eyes narrow. “Dee told you.” She hisses through her teeth as he gives her a little affirmative nod. Swallows down a cuss word that would make One-Eye blanch and Tiny start another lecture. “She tell you what she said to me, too?” She keeps her eyes fixed on their plane’s yellow lettering, which Darlene still needs to go over with another brush. “That at least she, unlike poor little orphan me, got someone to return-to-sender any letters to?”
“No, she did not.”
“Figures,” she snorts out. Dee’s always been that. Half-stories that keep herself out of trouble. Max would’ve knocked her teeth out about some of it if it wasn’t just so damn sad. “Well, sir, now you know. I need more tact, Dee needs more honesty. We’re all right together because of that.” Better than Lana or Polly had been, in training, before they’d washed out and joined the WACs instead. “Ask Push if you don’t buy it.”
“I prefer to be my own judge of character, Morrison.”
“Is that why half the base avoids meeting your eye, sir?”
“I can’t speak for other people’s decisions,” he says, which Max translates as a yes without too much difficulty. “You might say I am not one for tact, either”– and isn’t that a funny little something –“nor am I someone who… sugarcoats.” His sharpening tone speaks greater volumes than his words. “Is that something you foresee yourself having a problem with, Morrison?”
Max hums thoughtfully. “Not me, sir,” she allows, casting a glance sideways only to find him looking straight at her. His eyes are flinty, much like Major Cleven’s are when calling Bucky to order, but Max doesn’t quite mind the blatant measuring. “At least you’re honest about it,” she adds, tucking her spiraling curls behind her ear best she can. “And you’re not singling me out any. You’re just like that with everybody.”
She longs to call it reassuring. Bites her tongue just in time, because she’s already said plenty about it without quite saying it. Doesn’t want to jinx things with a new captain now that Jules is gone and Tiny’s thinly veiled judgment finally isn’t anywhere near Max while flying.
“If you experience any…. singling out,” he says, emphasizing the term with a mouthful of abject distaste, “I want to know about it.”
The fuck’s a white boy from a nice little town upstate gonna do about it? Max digs her fingernails into the palms of her hands to stop herself from scowling. “Yessir,” she answers, gaze fixed on his neat little pressed uniform collar. Wonders if there’s a difference, for him, between knowing and doing something about it. Doubts she’ll involve him when it happens again. “I’ll let you know.”
“Especially,” he adds, hopping off his crate and stretching out, “if they tell you it’s just a joke.”
“Everything is just a joke when you have enough power to make it sound like just a joke,” counters Max sourly, huddling into her fur-lined collar despite the fact that the weather is balmy today. “Most people don’t know the difference.”
“Most people,” says Captain Brady, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “are not very clever.”
But you are, aren’t you? Max exhales. Remembers that Captain Brady can hold his own when talking with Push and George, who know more about planes than anybody she’s ever met. Recalls, too, that he’d put himself between Lucy and some belligerent replacement quicker than anything. You’re clever enough to realize some of the men aren’t joking when they try to ship me off to Tuskegee territory in Italy.
“– or not, Morrison?”
Max blinks. “Sir?”
“Are you going to help fix the plane or not, Morrison? She’s your bird now, too.”
“Still says Brady’s Crash Wagon on the side, sir,” quips Max cheekily, sliding down from her own crate. “Push has opinions about that, you know. She’s been saying it’s bad luck.”
“What do you think it is?”
Max stops. Considers. Narrows her eyes at him in a most flinty-gazed mimicry of his best stare. “Might be an honor, sir,” she says, testing the words out in her mouth. Liking how they sound. Liking, even more, the way he blinks in surprise. “Unless you crash us. I’m going to be mad as a buzzing beehive about that.”
“Noted,” he says wryly, turning his gaze toward the wing. “Fix her up right and we might get lucky.”
She isn’t entirely certain why, out of his mouth, hope starts to sound an awful lot like prayer.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Terms Of Endearment is one of the best series I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. I can’t wait for the next update.
I hammered through this last night. It just came out of me. And that’s from your support and concepts and interactions. So thank you.
A little bit of a filler chapter but a necessary chapter. As always, here the Terms Of Endearment Masterlist.
Warnings: Jaidyn….just anything to do with Jaidyn at this point.
“It's nice to finally meet you.” Bradley couldn't help but to beam at you from across the booth he’d slid into across from you. “I mean, other than the time you told me to fuck off.” The Hard Deck was the first place Jake had brought you when he was finally able to get you out of the house. He thought the social interaction would be good for you. What he wasn't banking on though was that his wingman would gravitate to you instantly. Like a moth drawn to a fucking flame. Honestly, he should have expected it. 
“I've been meaning to apologise for that.” You smiled as softly as you could back at the moustache clag man sitting across from you and your daughter. “I wasn't in a good place.” 
“No need to explain.” Rooster took a sip of his beer as he watched you feed your little girl, she was too busy smiling up at him to register that you were holding up some mashed potato to her lips. “Just promise that I'll get a chance to see you around more often?” You couldn't help but to laugh. “And hear that laugh.” You just nodded in response. Feeling the heat righting in your cheeks the longer you sat in the booth in the corner of the Hard Deck with Bradley.
“Apparently Jake set me up with a job, so I think I'll be sticking around for a while if I'm being honest.” Bradleys lips twitched up into a shit eating smirk that's so pure, there's just something about you that has him so intrigued. He's got his sights set on you. 
“You Navy?” He asks just to keep you talking, wanting to know everything about you but he’d settle for what you were willing to tell him. 
“Indeed, not an Aviator like you bunch though, I’m just the engineer that makes sure your million dollar toys don't fall apart mid flight.” Again, you smiled, reaching across to stick your hand out to shake Bradley Bradshaw's hand for the first time. Ever. You were sure there was a spark there when his fingers grazed yours. “Fix it Felix at your service.” 
Bradley could have swore he felt his heart skip a beat when your hand slid into his for the first time. He couldn't speak, he just sat there and stared until you were clearing your throat. “Are you still there?” 
“uh – yeah! Yeah I'm just–” Rooster didn't know how to explain it but it felt like he'd been hit by a bus. So he settled for something super easy to manage. “Felix, its an honour to meet you, I’m Rooster–” 
“Okay, okay, okay—“ Sometimes Amilia felt as if she strived for a life of apathy, she’d partake in callous deeds and other mindless acts of greed. There wasn’t jack for free these days, she even thought if given the chance they'd try and tax you just for breathing. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—“ It's like she fought day to day just to remind herself that she bled like everyone else. Mortal and unsure of her own significance in the world. She took flight in the night from lack of sleep because peace of minds the only time that she felt free. Her own insecurities had a hold on her, but she chased that feeling well into the morning if given the chance to. 
“Don’t think about it, just do it—“ Amilia Fisher was abundantly aware that she was just a grain of sand getting washed from God's hands, nothing but a lamb in the great expanse. She caught herself constantly staring into space, feeling so damn insignificant. Primal on the vinyl she felt cro-magnificent. But she was far that. She was important and she was significant and she was all the things she thought she wasn’t. She was just programmed differently. 
Amilia had scattered the content of her sister's survival kit across the boot of her car. Looking for something, anything she could use to stall this guy who she knew nothing about. But Jake seemed to be serious enough that whoever this guy was couldn’t leave with that little girl. And Amilia would be condemned to hell for eternity before she let some innocent little girl get swept up in whatever extenuating circumstances were currently going on. 
As Jaidyn waited in the lobby of SunnySide daycare, Amilia, as calmly and as cautiously as ever—made her way over to Jaidyns car. She sussed it out for a few seconds before taking a deep breath in. Holding, then exhaling—letting out a small huff as she stabbed the fishing knife her sister kept in her kit into the rubber of Jaidyns back left tire. 
“Oh my god, fuck yes.” To be completely honest, this wasn’t the first time Amilia Fisher had stabbed a tire. But she’d learnt from her previous mistakes and although most cars carry a spare which is easily swapped out, they can’t go over eighty kilometres an hour. She wasn’t sure what that worked out to be in miles and she wasn’t sure if Jaidyn even had one. 
But what she did know as she stalked around to the right side of Jaidyn Dolans Toyota Corolla, is that you don’t carry two spare tires. Letting out another gruff, she stabbed the knife into the rubber. Pulling it out as she admired her handy work. Watching as the tiers she’d stabbed holes into deflated enough to have the car sinking into the gravel. It made her feel so alive. 
“I better not get arrested for that.” She groaned, for a split second regret crept across her face, Amilia was stunned at her own stupidity, knowing that if she was even detained for a split second she could be deported in an instant. Her working visa only allowed her to do just that, work and travel. There was no clause for arrest. 
All her regret was instantly washed away when she heard the painful screams and gut wrenching cry’s of a little girl. A little girl being carried out of her daycare by who she only assumed was her father. But it just didn’t sit right—the way Odette pushed at his face, cried her little heart out and just wanted to jump from Jaidyns grip. 
“Okay, no—you did the right thing.” Amilia shook her head softly to clear her mind, throwing the knife into the boot as she closed it before making her way into the daycare to collect her nephew. “Hurry the fuck up Hangman—“
Rhett Abbott had a lot on his plate. He was focusing on a national title when his phone rang out in his back pocket. Watching from the sidelines of the pit as his competitors were either demolished or held on just long enough to cling to a slither of a chance at success. He was gonna claim the title though, this was his rodeo, his domain. 
“Whoever’s on the other side of that call doesn’t know how important today is for you.” Rhett heard his old brother Perry mumble out of the corner of his lips beside him. Perry hadnt taken his eyes off the guy holding onto Mickey Bull long enough to even turn his head Rhett’s way–but regardless, his point had been heard loud and clear. When Rhett fished his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans and saw none other than the calling ID displaying ‘Rob’ he knew he was in some sort of trouble. 
Bob Floyd didn’t call his family for anything unless he was dead or had already died of death. So when Rhett caught himself staring at the caller ID until it left his screen, the call having rung out in his hand, a million scenarios played out in his mind that could have happened to have his eight minute younger brother calling. When the call dropped out with no message left, Rhett was calling back in a millisecond. 
Bob’s phone hadn’t buzzed twice in his hand before he was swiping the pad of his thumb across his screen. Sitting in the passenger’s seat of Penny Benjamin’s car that Jake had claimed as his own. He hadnt spoken to his brother in a year, so the impromptu call really had been one that put the fear of God in Rhett Abbott. He was expecting some he didn't know to answer–Rhett expected someone on the other end of the line to tell him that Rob had died in some sort of work accident, because it wasn't Royal or Ceclilia Abbott down as Bob's next of kin. It was Rhett. 
“I know you have nationals—“ Bob made sure to let Rhett know he still kept up to date on what his brother was up to. He always had and always would, even if he didn't reach out often to say that he was rooting for him on the sideline. 
“Are you alright?” Rhett asked first and foremost. His mind was running a million miles an hour. “Rob?” 
“And I know you’re probably in between rides.” Again, Bob knew. He always knew. He ignored Rhett's question because no, he wasn't. None of this was alright. Nothing about this situation was alright. But this wasn't about him, even if he wanted to just crawl into a hole in the wall and forget he ever got involved. “But I’ve got a situation here.” He didn’t know how to say it without sounding stupid or over the top. But regardless Bob had to get it out. “My friend’s girlfriend–” He started, choking back tears of his own because he really did miss his brother and hated the fact it took this to get him to just pick up the damn phone and call. “Her ex had been abusing her, for a while she was good but he’s in town and he’s abusing her again and I smacked him in the fact with chocks but—“ 
“Rob, Rob—“ Rhett sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and stepped away from the roar of the crowd and the sound of the announcer blaring through the speakers. “Slow down man I can’t keep up, you're going a hundred miles an hour”. 
“I need you to come out to San Diego for a while.” That’s what Bob was trying to get at to begin with. “I need you to come out to San Diego because there’s a little girl who needs help and her mothers missing and this guy’s literally crazy and I can't do anything of any significance to help.” Jake frowned to himself at Bob's words. That was so far from the truth. If it weren't for Bob there was a major chance you could have ended up beaten half to death. 
“I can't come out to San Diego.” It's the answer Bob knew he would be met with, but it was still worth a shot to ask because Bob knew what was at stake here. “You made your bed man, sleep in it and I'll sleep in mine, here.” 
“Rhett, please–” Bob choked out. Jake could hear in Bob's voice that it was hard to say. Oh, he’d been there before. “I'm not asking for me, I'm asking because these girls man, they don't deserve to be put through what they're going through.” Rhett doesn't reply, he could hear his name being called over the loudspeaker. He could see Perry waiting for him, gesturing for him to hurry up. Now just wasn't a good time, but when had Bob ever been good at timing? “Please man, I wouldn't be asking if I had any other cards.” Again, Rhett doesn't answer. He doesn't know what to say because there's a part of him that's considering it. “Rhett?” 
“Don’t you work for good old Uncle Sam?” Rhett smirked to himself as he kicked his boot in the dirt, holding his phone up tight to his ear. He couldn't do this, not now, not today, not this week. “I’m sure there’s someone in your immediate vicinity that could help you out man—I got my own shit to deal with.” He didn’t mean to sound so unwilling to listen or help. He just didn’t have the time. 
“Yeah—“ Bob signed, he let his head hit the back of the headrest as Jake looked over. “Yeah No, no you’re right.” Closing his eyes, Bob knew he’d regret this call. Asking for help. He knew he should’ve kept his mouth shut. It would have been less painful to be turned away from flesh and blood. “Don’t even worry about it, we’ll figure it out.” There's so much tension between Rhett and Bob Jake could cut through it with a knife just by the one sided conversation he was listening in on. Their sibling relationship was clearly strained, to what extent though, Jake wasn't sure. 
Before Rhett could answer, Bobs already hung up, frustrated in himself for asking for help when he knew deep down what the answer was always going to be. 
No way no how. 
“Rob?” Rhett’s asking as he hears nothing but silence. “Hello?” As Rhett pulled his phone away from his ear to see that Bob had hung up, it dawned on him. Bob was pretty self sufficient, he never asks for help from anyone. Especially not him, not if he could go to anyone but Rhett first. 
And the one time he did Rhett turned him down. 
“Dammit—“ Rhett sighed as he jogged on over to Perry who'd been trying to coax him over for the duration of the call. He was looking all kinds of unimpressed when Rhett finally made it over. “That was Rob–” is all Rhett mumbled out, he’s gritting his teeth because he hates that he's even considering dropping everything as soon as Bob's calling. “Said he needs help.” 
“He seems like a real team player.” Jake tuts, he’s got his hands gripped tight around the steering while his foot is pressed to the floor. Road rules be damned. Dot needs him. “Listen, for what it’s worth, I appreciate what you were trying to do, but while we’re on the subject–I don’t remember you ever mentioning having a brother?” 
“Twin—“ Bob replied “Twin brother–” He still has his eyes closed. “Got an older brother too, Perry.” Bob lulled his head Jake's way, he didnt wanna dive too deep into his family history. There were more important things going on than the complicated relationship that was the Abbott-Floyd family. Besides, it didn’t matter anyway—Rhett wasn’t coming. “You never told us about Felix and Dot?” 
“Guess there was always a part of me that was scared to lose them.” Jake admitted to the weapons system office sitting in his passenger seat. “Thought If I spoke about them, no one would think they were as important as they are.” Jake had kidnapped Bob right after Rooster and Jake had decided on different paths on how to go about the whole situation. He’d marched out of the hanger on a warpath and Bob just so happened to be in his path. “So I kept her and Dot to myself—“ It probably wasn’t the best idea to keep you a secret for so long, but regardless if that ended up on his regret list or not, Jake couldn’t take it back. “Kinda backfired on me though.” 
“How so?” Bob asked as Jake turned into the carpark of SunnySide Daycare, catching a glimpse of Amilia standing over Jaidyn with two very familiar children on her hips. Odette Dolan and Chase Fitch. 
“Seems that everyone’s willing to put their lives on the line for her.” Jake spoke with enough conviction that even he had himself believing it. “Makes me feel sick to my stomach that I didn't step in sooner.” 
“Shut-up!” Jaidyn was high strung, he wasn't prepared for the major hiccup that was not one, but two flat tires. He couldn't deal with the incessant screaming Odette was doing as she wiggled in his grasp either. “Would you just shut the hell up?” He snarled in her face, gripping her forearm a little too tight as she screamed out at an octave that could have broken glass. “God, just like your fucking mother, always fucking crying.” 
“Hi!” Amilia cooed. She’d come running up behind Jaidyn as he paced back and forth in the car pack with Odette on his hip. “Hey! I uh, I couldn't help but notice your girl’s a little upset?” 
“Someone fucked with my car–” Is all Jaidyn replied with, he barely even acknowledged the worry in Amilias voice when it came to the safety and security of his daughter. “She won't be quiet.” 
“Well when people yell at me I tend to wanna cry as well–” It wasn't a lie, moreso a fact Jaidyn didn't wanna know. He scoffed at the way Dot cried a little harder when he turned away from Amilia. Still pacing. “You got a flat or something mate?” Amilia was a grade A shit stirrer, it was one of her favourite past times. 
“Would you believe it if I said I've got two?” Jaidyn snarled, still trying to process how he’d ended up with two fucking flat tiers. Amilia just bit her bottom lip for a second before she spoke. 
“Damn, win some you lose some I guess.” The chuckle she let escape momentarily went unnoticed as Jaidyn kept pacing back and forth. “I could uh, hold her while you call a tow? I've got nowhere to be and Chase here's pretty content if we kick around for a little while.” It's an offer that Jaidyn nearly passes up, but as he turns to his car, really susses out the damage done, he knows he isn't going anywhere without calling a damn tow truck. Dot’s still crying in his arms, she's in hysterics and all Amilia is focused on is getting her hands on that little girl. “Honest, it's no drama.” 
“Uh–yeah, yeah sure here.” Jaidyn is handing over Dot to Amilia who's already holding Chase on her hip. Immediately as if Dot knows she's safe in Amilias arms, she begins to settle. “Far out, you got the magic touch or something have you?” 
Unbeknownst to Jaidyn, while Amilia had been in at reception picking up her nephew—she’d asked the woman sitting behind the counter to call the cops. It didn't look good that they’d been asked to call the police on the same guy in the span of one day. What also didn��t look good for the day care the Penny had recommended and had been so fucking good to you and Dot up until this point, is that they’d not once stepped in to help in the situation. Dot was basically in the early stages of being kidnapped by her biological dad. That shit doesn’t look good on paper. 
Amilia watched as Jaidyn walked away, leaving Odette in her care. Bouncing her up and down softly to soothe her sobs, growing quieter and quieter with every step Jaidyn took towards his car and away from Odette. 
“Guess kids are just super intuitive when it comes to knowing when they’re in safe hands.” 
There's some time that passes before Admiral Simpson is returning to the scene unfolding in the janitor's closet. He has the most senior ranking nurse available to him on sight in toe. Lila Adams. Bradley had just been sitting on the ground amongst all the buckets and the chemicals and the rags that had fallen down in the time Jaidyn took to beat you half to death. Holding you in his arms as he rocked gently side to side and sung to you under his breath as you just laid there. Silently sobbing in his warm, comforting arms. 
“An ambulance is on the way, shouldn't be too far off now.” Lila crouches down to get a better look at you. Your face was so swollen that you could barely see her. “Lieutenant Bradshaw, she's in pretty bad condition, do you think when the medics arrive you'd be able to step aside and let them get her on a stretcher? Or will I need to call security and have them escort you off base?” It was a threat Rooster took seriously as the order looking woman looked him dead in the eyes, waiting for his answer without so much as twitching. 
“I’ll only let her go if you promise me I'll get to hold her again.” Lila knows it's not a question but a demand that escapes Bradley Bradshaw's mouth. He's distort, there's no amount of words that could comfort him right now. In the background Bradley can hear Admiral Simpson on the phone in the hall talking to someone about shutting down training for the next few days, but he doesn't care. All he cares about at the moment is you. “I need to stay with her, please.” Lila nods silently.
“As soon as she's stable and loaded up, I'm sure you'll be able to ride with her to the hospital. I can arrange for someone to contact whoever you need me to contact on her behalf.” 
“I'll do that.” Rooster knows the minute Jake finds out about this all hell will break loose. He doesn't want anyone getting caught up in this that doesn't need to be, he didn't want some poor nurse just doing her job to have to deal with the fallout of jake Seresin coming to the realisation that although they tried, Him nor Bradley had followed through with their promise to protect you. 
“Alright then, just wait there till the medics arrive and I'll let you know when they need you to move.” Lila coos. “Just keep her still for me, the less she moves around the better.” Bradley nods silently in response, his hands are wrapped in yours as you keep them close to your chest. There's blood everywhere, all over his hands and uniform. He doesn't know where it's coming from exactly. 
“Bradley—“ You sound like you're crying when your voice rips through the smog clouding Roosters mind. “You there?” 
“I’m here, I’m not going anywhere darlin.” It's hard to mask the way Bradleys voice quivers when he speaks. Looking down at your head that lays heavy and lulled in his lap against his thigh. “Hi beautiful girl.” 
“I’d really like to think in the end it’s us.” At first, Bradley thought you were just mumbling incoherently from the pain. But as he leaned over to listen in slightly, his heart broke for what felt like the thousandth time. “But I can’t help myself from wondering if you’re just another lesson.” 
“Oh god Y/n no—no baby no lessons to be learnt here.” 
“Another person to teach me something.” It's like you weren't listening to Bradley when he spoke to you. “Someone I don’t get to keep.” You were slipping, fast. Barely holding yourself together as unconsciousness threatened to take a hold of you again. 
“Hey, listen to me gorgeous.” Bradley can’t help the tears that are streaming down his cheeks. “You have me forever you hear me? You have me for as long as you’ll have me for and long after you decide you don’t want me, because you are so far out of my league it’s a joke.” The way Bradley leans in to press a gentle kiss to your knuckles as he guides your hand up to his mouth has you grinning gently. “You’ve had me since you first told me to fuck off and you’ll have me even after you don’t want me anymore, because you’re it for me.” It's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. “I love you with all my heart.” 
“Roo it’s not doubt.” You could barely talk, but you’d fight the pain of your jaw aching with every word you spoke to tell Bradley how you truly felt. “And I’m not second guessing what we have, I’m just really scared to lose it.” That's about as much as you could stammer out before you were falling limp in Bradleys gasp. He broke out into a full blown sob when he relished you were gone again, he pressed two fingers into your neck to make sure there was still a pulse. There was. But it still didn't make it any easier. 
“I'm gonna marry you one day, show you everyday how you were always meant to be loved.” 
“Who's holding Dott and Chase?” Bob asked Jake as he pulled up into the carpark of Sunnyside daycare. It makes Jake question to himself how the fuck Amilia knew Payback, because thats Paybacks son on her hip and thats Jaidyn on the ground looking as his back tier.
“That's the love of my life–” Jakes smiling to himself, he's kidding, being over dramatic and overzealous, but there's just a hint of truth in his outspoken declaration. “That's Amilia.” 
“Chelsea has a sister named Amilia.” Bob adds a piece to the puzzle as he unclips his seatbelt, watching as Jaidyn stands to turn to Amilia. “Is Amilia Reubens wifes sister?” 
“Holy shit–” Is all Jake can say as he steps out of Penny's car. He slams the door hard enough that it has Jaidyn craning his head in the direction of the thud. Jake points at the guy he wishes was six feet under, he's gritting his teeth harder with every stride he takes and soon enough his blood has reached a boiling point. “Amilia, give Odette to Bob, now.” Without so much as a second of hesitation, Amilia is walking towards Bob who she's never met before and handing the glasses clad Weapons System Officer the little girl who instantly clings to the familiar face. She's safe. “You're a dead man, you know that right?” 
“Mama?” Dot’s sobbing in Bobs arms. Her tears soak into his flight-suit.
“You fucking whore you’re with him?” Jaidyn scowls at Amilia as she places Chase down on his two little feet beside Bob, he's holding Dot on his hip and Chase's hand as he stands beside him. Amilia just squares her shoulders. 
“Well who the fuck else slashed your tires mate?” She says it in an isn't it obvious way. 
“You Bitch!” Jaidyn doesn't slow down for anything as he lunges at Amilia. He slaps her so hard it rings in her ears. 
“HEY!” That's all it takes for Jake Seresin to spring into action. He grips onto Jaidyns shoulder, swings him back before he’s balling his fist and landing a major right hook against his cheek. “YOU DON'T TOUCH HER! EVER!” 
“Oh–!” Bob flinches at the sound, he shuts his eyes and turns himself and the kiddos around as Jaidyn falls to the ground in a heap, he's unconscious. One hit was all it took this time as Jake shakes his hand out with a growl. 
“Oh my god what a fucking rush!” Amilia squeals, Jakes turning to her with shock in his eyes and a slack jaw. In seconds he's on her, cupping her cheeks and rubbing the pad of his thumb across the mark that's forming from the slap she took like a champion. 
“You alright?” Amilia feels her heart skip a beat at Jake's touch. She's so caught up in his stunning emerald green eyes that she doesn't notice that his gaze has trailed down to her lips and back. “Amilia–” Jake doesn't know what hit him when Amilias lips were suddenly on his. There's police sirens heading their way but Jake cant do anything but kiss this amazing woman back. She’d saved his niece's life all because she was in the right place at the right time. She’d saved his ass from incarceration for being in the right place at the right time. 
But Amilia Fisher never felt like she was in the right place at the right time. 
Although Alimlia started the unexpected but cherished kiss, Jake was the one who broke it. Only doing so because he felt like his heart was about to burst through his chest. He’s never believed in love at first sight, but Amilia was making him question his beliefs. 
“Who are you Jake, Jake Seresin and what have you gotten me into?” Amili smiled, biting her bottom lip as the police car finally pulled up to SunnySide Daycare centre for the second time that day. Jake simply smiled. His niece was safe with him, one problem down, one more to go. Now all that was left was to find out where you’d disappeared to. 
“I work with your brother in law.” 
There's not much Bradley can do while he's in the ambulance with you, he just sits there watching as paramedics do their thing to stabilise you enough to wheel you up and out of the ambulance into the emergency department. 
Everything moved in slow motion around him, as Bradley stood in the middle of the waiting room at the Miramar Base Hospital. He's been given a sheet to fill out on your behalf but as it turns out he only knows half the information they need him to fill out. He needs to call Jake. 
With a heavy sigh and after having been standing there for ten entire minutes looking at the stupid icon of Jake's caller ID on Bradleys phone, he takes a seat and presses call–holding his phone up to his ear as it rings and rings and rings and rings. Until–” 
“Rooster, I got her.” Jake's answering, he's strapping Dot into her booster seat in Pennys car all the while Bob chats with Amilia and Chase. Jaidyn’s in cuffs over the hood of the police car in the carpark screaming his lungs out. It's a whole scene, but nothing could bring Jake's mood down now, he'd won. That ass hat was done for, finally. “Sorry I kicked up at you before, you were right, someone had to–” 
“Jake, I'm at the hospital.” Jake can tell by the tone in Roosters voice alone that he’d been crying. “I need you to meet me here because the nurses just handed me papers I can’t fill out because I don’t know Y/ns blood type and I don't know if she's allergic to any medication.” 
“What happened?” Jake can feel his chest tightening as he stares down at Odette. She was tired, already falling asleep against her booster seat headrest. “What did that fuck ass do?” 
“Cyclone found her.” Bradley explained as he looked down at his hands, your blood was all over them. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs. “It's bad bro, can you just get here?” 
“Rooster, what did he do?” 
“Almost killed her man, exactly like he said he was gonna do.” That was Bradleys breaking point, he sobbed into the phone as he slouched in the world's most uncomfortable hospital chair ever. “She was tied up in the janitor's closet–” Jake's heart sank into his stomach as his knees buckled. “She was there the whole time we were looking for her.” 
“Oh god–” Jake could feel himself letting go of the grasp he had on reality as his legs felt weak. “Fuck–” 
“Jake?” Bob's voice broke through the haze. “Hey you alright?” He wasn't alright, not in the slightest bit.
“SHE FUCKING DESEVED EVERY SECOND OF IT SERESIN!” Jaidyn shouted as the cops cuffed his hands behind his back and led him into the back of the police car. “SHE'S A WHORE!!! SHE HAS IT COMING FUCKER!” 
“Hangman, you want me to drive?” Bob asked as he watched whatever colour Jake had in his face drain. He was spiralling and spiralling fast. “What happened?” 
“Jake, I need you to get here.” Everyone needed him. Odette needed him, you needed him, Bradley needed him. Jake couldn't take it, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't think. Before he knew what was going on Bob had his phone and Amilia was leaning over him. Cupping his face, she was speaking but there was no sound. When did Jake end up on the ground? Had he passed out? The answer was yes, yes he had. 
“Hangman?” You alright?” Amilia frowned as she felt Jake's forehead. “Fucking hell mate you went down like a sack of shit.” 
“What happened?” Jake's groaning, reaching for his head as he sits up. “Holy shit I gotta get to the hospital, Y/n.” 
“Woah, woah, easy easy– You hit your head pretty hard when you hit the deck.” Amilia explained as she helped Jake to his feet. “I'll take you over to the hospital, Bobs gonna take Odette and Chase back to my sister's house. She doesn't need to see her mum right now if she's not in a good way.” 
“Yeah, yeah no that's probably a good call.” Jake mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head, letting Amilia lead him over to her car. “I'll call you later Bob, thanks man.” All Bob does is wave. He's got a back seat full of kids and a headache bigger than ever. It's been a long day. 
There's an unanswered message on Bob's lock screen that had gone unnoticed while Bob and Jake were at the daycare centre. Bob just sighs in relief when he finally reads it, letting his forehead rest against the steering wheel as he turns the key inside the ignition. 
Rhett: “I’ll be on the next flight out, don't say I never do nothing for you.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd @emma8895eb
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idanceuntilidie · 10 months
Requests are allowed right? If so I like to request at least 1 wholesome I guess… please
Yandere game show host x winning contestant reader
(Naming the host jack)
I have tried and failed to write this for few days, THE STRUGGLE
I have never watched a game show, bear with me, I made the yandere male by accident do forgive me I will watch brother bear as a reward for writing this, I hope you will like it Yandere male game show host x gn winning contestant reader
There are no warnings needed this is pretty chill.
Requests are open
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You can’t believe you are doing this.
Game shows were not really your thing actually, but your life was missing something. A little bit of excitement and maybe love. It sounds embarrassing, and maybe it is but you don’t really care.
The theme was a slasher movie, but that didn’t tell you much really.
You even met the host, Jack, and you two talked for hours. Jack being Jck didn’t give you a lot of spoilers because “It would ruin the surprise”. Man, all you wanted was to mentally get ready for what’s about to come really. When you voiced out your worries, Jack hugged you and told you that everything will be fine and he will make sure nothing happens to you. It made you feel better, you smiled and hugged him back. Man you miss him. You look in the mirror, they took the theme seriously, you look like you just crawled out of the 80s. You liked the golf sweater especially, no one will notice if you happen to ‘borrow’ it. The turquoise, green and purple mixed really nicely and the material wasn’t itchy. To go with that you had bell pants.  When you made sure everything was in place you headed to the door that would lead you to where the game would be taking place. It was still quite empty, it wasn’t surprising since there were still a few minutes of free time left, so like a good person you were. You decided to check the place out.
It was a singular room, black and small. It surprised you honestly. How would you all be able to even do anything here? Then you noticed the door, damn you curiosity, you are sure as hell going in. The door led you through a long corridor and when you finally got to the end of it, no surprise, you saw another door. It somehow felt like this whole corridor was sentient and made you want to consider your choices but curiosity once again won and you opened the door and ended up outside. It was nighttime, and the only source of light was the full moon. Talk about the atmosphere, you continued onward, at this point you are starting to think that you might have wandered off the set. Checking the watch to make sure you still had time to go back you looked around, you couldn’t see the building, nor the door. You were surrounded by the forest and night. It was eerie and almost calming. For a moment you felt like the world stood still, well that was before a rustle came from behind you. Oh hell nah, you aren’t checking it out, you think before walking in the direction from which the sound came from. That’s called being a hypocrite. When you finally go close enough you are pretty sure you saw a person looming in the shadows of the trees. Man is that a knife? Oh holy shit it’s a machete. That had you worried for a second. Wait, a machete? Your smirk fell as the person raised it in the air. Ah man is that the part you die in? You turn around and start running in the direction you were going previously. The person behind you ran after you. At least he is not fucking around. You try your best to lose him and after a while you did. You also almost ran into a lamp, but that’s besides the point. You even found a small cabin and when you got into it you saw 5 other people sitting in a circle looking at you like you were crazy. You were sweaty, trying to catch your breath, pointing in the direction of the woods. “We know, congrats on getting away” someone said, you looked in the direction of the voice to see a young man, with that black outfit he just blended into the darkness. One of the people in the circle actually made an effort and got up to hug you, you didn’t have energy to hug her back. “Yeah, congrats on winning the first round or well two, haha.” she smiled apologetically. “I’m guessing you didn’t expect the chase, give me a sec I will grab a sleeping bag for you. You thanked her, you sat on the ground since your legs refused to stand any longer, someone even joined you and a familiar scent of perfume hit your noise. “Jack..?” “Sup, be quieter please” “You shouldn’t be here” You whisper yelled at him. He only chuckled at that.
“I found a cool spot you wanna see?” he asked, but then dragged you away anyway. You didn’t even have a chance to respond to him.
Soon you found yourself outside, Jack dragging you away from the cabin until you found a clearing. “Here you can lay on the grass” He let go of your hand and laid on the patch of short grass and patted the spot next to him. You did the same. “What the fuck dude”  you groaned.
“I know right? He is terrifying” “You shouldn’t even be here you are the motherfucking hooost, what have you gotten me into??” “A game show- Ow” You kicked him.
“Why the fuck are you in here and why did you drag me HERE” “Because this is the dead spot, plus I wanted to talk to you”
“Sure you did”  You stare at the sky, eyes slowly focusing on the dark. You are finally, once again, met with the beauty that comes during night. You are even able to see stars.
“Sorry for the scare y/n, but hey you will be seeing more of me” he hummed
“How so?”
“Well, you told me how scared you were so I will come by now and then to make sure you are okay and well, oh and congrats on winning the rounds by the way, I knew you could do it”
“Thanks, I almost pissed myself”
He cackled and you joined in,
“Dead spot?”
“Yeah, the hunter won’t come here and there is no cameras, you can chill here if everything gets overwhelming”
“Thanks Jack, after this is over I am beating you up”
“I hope so”
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sylkiddsey · 5 months
Proving A Point
Sylvie fixes Matt a drink and joins him in the living room. Julia’s been going through a sleep regression, and they have both realized they aren’t falling asleep anytime soon. Instead of struggling to get her to sleep, they’ve decided to let her stay up.
It’s easier and this way, they can spend extra time together. The boys are both staying with friends, so they like to take advantage of the quiet.
“She’s out,” Matt whispers.
The problem is, she fell asleep in her swing chair. They both know if they move her, she’ll wake up screaming.
“At least she’s finally sleeping,” Sylvie replies, sitting on the couch. “We’ll just keep her there for now.”
Matt climbs off the floor and joins her. He grabs her legs and swings them into his lap, massaging her calf. “I think that’s wise.”
Sylvie cuddles into him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I miss this.”
“Staying up till three in the morning?”
She chuckles. “No. Not that. You and me. You know, just us together without any distractions.”
Matt kisses her. “Me too. Now that we have all this down time, I’ve been meaning to ask how the new candidate has been?”
Sylvie grabs his hand, intertwining their fingers. “He’s great. He seems really nice and he’s also freakishly strong.”
“What do you mean freakishly strong?” Matt asks.
“The guy is very muscular, Matt. He’s jacked. He practically lifted a car on his own,” Sylvie explains.
It was super impressive. The new guy, Denny, isn’t even in his thirties yet and he’s already ripped. She didn’t know a human could be that strong.
Matt scrunches his face. “You sound so surprised a firefighter could be so muscular.”
“Trust me, you’d see where I’m coming from if you met him. He bench pressed my partner at the station like it was nothing. He did like fifty reps, Matt.”
Denny offered to lift her, but she politely declined. It felt too awkward when she barely knows the guy.
Matt squeezes her thigh, grazing his fingers against the skin exposed from her night shorts riding up. “Should I be worried you’re so impressed with this guy?”
Sylvie nudges him. “Oh come on, baby. You know it wasn’t like that. I just didn’t know a human could do that so easily. That’s all.”
“Okay, I’m starting to take offense here,” he chuckles. “May I remind you that your husband happens to be a pretty capable firefighter?”
He’s such a dork. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him until she needs air.
She brushes her nose against his. “You definitely don’t. I know just how capable you are. Denny’s just younger. He probably has more stamina.”
Matt scoffs against her lips. “Hang on. First, you're talking about how jacked this guy is and now I’m old? Yes, I’m probably quite a few years older but I’m not ancient.”
Sylvie can’t help but laugh at the genuine offense on his face. She didn’t mean it like that.
“I never said you were,” she says. “Matt, I’m just saying that Denny is in his twenties. He has youth on his side but you’re not old. Not old at all.”
“You honestly believe I can’t do what he did, can you?” He asks.
Sylvie doesn’t say anything. Matt’s very strong. She knows that but he’s also a bit older than the candidate. It doesn’t make him inferior, just a little bit at a disadvantage.
Matt moves her legs off his lap.
“Hey, where are you going?” Sylvie asks, slightly panicked. She thought they were just playing around but maybe he’s genuinely upset? “Matt, please.”
He stands and holds out his hand. “I’m proving to my wife that I’m not a washed-up firefighter.”
“I never ever said you were.”
He flexes his fingers. “Stand up, babe.”
She grabs his hand and lets him haul her to her feet. “Matt, you don’t have to do this. I think you are incredible. This is silly.”
“I need to get that other firefighter out of that ridiculously beautiful head of yours.”
“He is not in my head. Trust me, you are the only man on my mind. There’s no reason to get jealous.”
He gives her a look and then sits down on the rug. “This isn’t about jealousy, Sylvie.”
It sure looks like it. She has no clue what he is trying to prove from the floor.
Matt grabs her hand and tugs her down with him. She gasps in surprise when she lands on his chest.
“What on earth are you doing?” Sylvie laughs, trying to keep her voice down. “Is this what sleep deprivation does to you?”
“I’m proving a point,” Matt grins. “Lay flat.”
“I’d rather lay like this,” Sylvie charms, hovering her lips over his. “We could make out like teens on the living room floor.”
“Yes, to that but we’re doing my thing first. I’m benching you. Stay still.”
Before she can process, Matt has one hand under her breasts and the other on her thigh. He pushes her into the air which leaves her giggling. She goes up and then back down against his chest.
“You are crazy,” she laughs. “And your grip on my thigh tickles.”
“Still thinking about the candidate?” Matt teases, pushing her above his head.
“I was never thinking about him, but I am impressed.”
“I might push around a lot of paperwork these days, but I still have a few moves.”
Yeah, she’d agree. Although she never once thought he was losing his skill.
“Will you put me down?” She chuckles.
“Not until I out do that amateur.”
“Baby, I can’t make out with you and prove to you how impressed I am from the air. Put me down so I can kiss my hot firefighter husband.”
He lowers her onto his chest, wrapping his arms around her. “That’s more like it.”
“You know I love you.”
He nods. “Yes, I do. It just doesn’t hurt to remind you that I’m not that old.”
Sylvie kisses him, moving her lips to his neck. “I have never thought that. You look as good as you did the day I met you.”
“Okay, now you’re definitely sweet talking me.”
“Okay fine. That’s not true.” She skims her fingers through his hair. “You actually look better. I’ve always been a huge fan of distinguished Captain Matt Casey.”
He smirks. “Is that so?”
He runs his hand down her back, resting it on her ass. “I happen to really love PIC/hot mom Sylvie, so I guess we are on the same page.”
He knows how she feels about his hand placement. He’s starting something they probably won’t finish.
“How long do you think we can make out before our sweet daughter ruins the fun?” Sylvie asks.
“Probably five minutes if we are lucky.”
She pulls him closer, mumbling against his mouth. “Oh well. I’ll take it.”
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gilverrwrites · 5 months
if you had any inclination to do nsfw black mask headcanons, i'm just saying there is an audience for that and i'm in the front row 🖤🔥
NSFW Alphabet- Black Mask
Have been waiting all my life for 1 (one) singular person to ask for this. So here you go. Have a full alphabet of entirely self-serving NSFW Black Mask headcanons that give me life, I could go on forever but I wont. Please just take whatever resonates and have fun with it.
You can fix him? Oh yeah, well I don’t want to fix him, I want to be his good girl while he continues to be a vile and despicable villain.
CWs: Swearing, dirty talk, mentions of: humiliation/degradation, bdsm, blood, spit, pain. Nothing is graphic, but its there. I just think he's kinky and depraved, and I want him to do bad things to me ok bye. Rating: 18+
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Aftercare can really vary. Roman is very kinky, and intense kink can come with intense drop both sides. So, if you’re someone he really cares about, he’s really good with the aftercare. He’s rubbing lotion on your bruises, running a bath for you both to relax in, “Whatever you need doll, I’m your man.” If you’re not someone he cares about, he’s not good with the aftercare. He’s sparking up an after-sex cigarette and tapping his fingers until you leave. If you take too long he’s kicking you out, he’s a busy man, no time to be waitin’ around for you to get of your ass. You should of known what to expect when you jumped into bed (or whatever surface) with him.   If you’re in the weird in between phase where he’s trying to woo you, but he’s not ready to bare all yet, you’ll get a slightly softer side to him. He’ll offer you a cigarette, wipe down any stray fluid, and maybe even let you stay the night. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hands, they’re the best tools for inflicting pleasure and pain. With his partner, he likes their mouth. Likes hearing them moan, or cry, or praise him. Likes putting his fingers to the back of their throat and seeing how long they can handle sitting still, fighting their gag reflex, ignoring the drool that seeps down their chin, until they crack. “That’s it baby, hold still. Get my fingers nice and sloppy.” 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
There isn’t a single part of your body he would object to cuming in/on. However, he really enjoys a good cream pie. Especially loves watching his cum seeping out of you, then scooping it up and either pushing it back in, or having you lick it off his fingers. “Can’t let a single drop go to waste.”
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I thought long and hard about this, I really did but… This man just has no sexual shame. Will he jack off into your lingerie, yes, and then he’ll tell you to wear it. Does he wanna watch you fuck yourself? Yes, so spread your legs and show him what you can do. Does he x, y, z… Yes, let’s do it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Roman has been around the block and back again, multiple times. It’s rare however that he comes back to the same person unless he sees potential.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary may seem vanilla, but it gives him most of the power, and allows him a good view of your face. He wants to watch the way you respond to him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Usually deadly serious, but he can crack a joke or too, usually at your expense.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
(This may be a little self-indulgent here but:) Mans got such a deliciously hair chest and a matching happy trail, leading to a well-trimmed pubic area. Gotta look smart, in and out of his clothes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I think intimacy and romance are two different things in this scenario. The things he does to you, and the things you do for him in the bedroom are highly intimate, but not necessarily romantic. His romantic side comes out in the seduction and the aftercare.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Why would he ever jack off, when he has a perfectly good cocksleeve available to him 24/7 (you). He does masturbate when you’re separated for whatever reason, but if he can, he’ll do it with the aid of photos/videos he has of you. Will sext, but prefers a phone call, he wants to hear you getting off, and he loves the sound of his own voice.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Include, but are not limited to:
S&M: By nature he’s a sadist/dom, but will occasionally switch for the right person. Gotta put his money where his mouth is. Prove he can take as hard as he gives. Bondage: Less shibari, more suspension, spreader bars. Think restrictive and exposing. Medical kink: I’m not talking costumes and role play, I’m talking insertion, scalpels, examinations, enemas, etc, the whole 9 yards. Sensory deprivation: Sight, sound, touch. Impact play: Self-explanatory. Body worship: Give and take, he likes to be worshipped, but he loves to adore you too. Degradation/humiliation: Extension of worship, wants to fuck you so hard that you’ll do anything for him, even at the expense of your dignity. Don’t worry, it’s for his eyes only, “nobody will know what a desperate little whore you are for me.” Orgasm control and overstimulation: Especially when it results in dumbification. Praise: You did such a good job for me, “who’s my good girl/boy/baby?”  Gotta keep you sweet. He also likes to be told when he’s doing a good job.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Man loves pain and torture, you can’t tell me he doesn’t have some kind of red room for a good torture session with one of his enemies. By extension, I refuse to believe that he doesn’t have a sex room. Both are filled with tools and toys meant for inflicting very similar, but very different forms of pain, yk?  
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I once heard someone say something to the effect of: Sex is like money, only to much is enough. And I think that perfectly encapsulates Roman’s libido. Show him some shoulder, look at him too long, breathe in his direction and you’re in for it. “You lookin’ to get your shit rocked right here, right now sweetheart?” “What, no I just- ” “You keep makin’ eyes at me like that and I won’t have a choice.”
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Roman loves to get down and dirty, cum, spit, blood, sweat, and tears. However, he doesn’t like actual dirt. You’d catch him dead before he fucked you in a back alley, or just outdoors in general.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
In his heart of hearts, Roman is a taker. He loves having someone on their knees. There are very few feelings better than having your cock worshipped, choked on, cried on, by someone ready and willing. One of the few better things is pushing someone over the edge again and again until they’re bumbling and begging with no idea if they want him to stop or to NEVER stop. Overstimulation and/or edging is a delicious form of torture all on its own.
“Are you all fucked out already? Pity, cause I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
It may seem generous of him, but he’s really doing it for his own thrills.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on the mood, but typically foreplay & build up is slow, teasing, building to a hard and fast main event.   
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not his first choice, but still a fan. If he has too busy a day or hasn’t seen you in a long while, then he won’t be able to help himself from bending you over the nearest surface and reminding you why you keep coming back to him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’d never let someone other than himself see you in a precarious position, however, that wont stop him teasing you about it. Taking you in his office or the back seat of his car. Anyone could poke their head in and get an eye full. “What would everyone think if they saw you like this huh? Maybe I should show everyone what a needy little slut you are.” Realistically if anyone actually did interrupt, they’d be leaving without eyes, if they’re lucky. Bonus points if you have a secret hero/villain dynamic going on!!! He’d fucking love winding you up by telling you he’s gonna film you and show all your bat-friends, or that he’s gonna broadcast to all the civilians that their hero gets their kicks on their knees for him ahhhhhh.  
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go like 2-3 short rounds at a push, but prefers one long, drawn out session.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes. Yes. Yes and yes. Whips, chains, gags, a myriad or impact toys, vibrators, plugs, the works, and then some. See K= Kinks for more idea of what kind.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
His teasing is relentless. Before during and after. “You want me to what now? Oh, well you’re gonna have to bed real nicely then, aren’t ya?” “Does that feel good? Don’t you fucking look away, I said does that feel good?” “You were so sexy, blissed out on my cock earlier, think I’m gonna have to make you do that again, soon.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not loud per se, but he does not shut the fuck up. Grunting with each thrust, raspy groans against your skin, in your ear, and so so so much dirty talk. “Don’t you fucking dare squirm away. That’s it, you can take it, take it reeeallll good baby.” “What do you want, you want it here? You want it harder? Tell me what you need.” “Does that feel good? Yeah? Who did that to you? That’s it baby say my name, say my fucking name.”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I can’t not talk about the gloves, right? I mean, the gloves don’t always stay on, obviously, he loves running his bare hands over your skin, pulling, pinching, spanking, skin on skin is so intimate. But also him being fully clothed, masked*, gloves on, just his zipper open enough to let his cock out while you’re fully nude; total head rush, he loves the power exchange.
*Yall can HC/imagine whichever version you want but I personally prefer my Roman with the mask stuck on, so it’s not like he has a choice in the matter.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sad to say its nothing special. He is physically fit, yes, with maybe a bit of pudge after overindulging, but the main attraction is maybe 6 inches, cut, and of average thickness. It’s not the size that counts, its what you do with it, but he’ll internally thank you if you pretend it’s the best and biggest you’ve ever had.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
See M = Motivation. Very high sex drive, he’s ready to go at the drop of a hat. However, he’s good at suppressing it, being a busy man, he cannot be thinking about sex all hours.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I think he has a pretty good control over his body clock, he’s one of those people that can just switch himself on and off when it comes to sleeping. He doesn’t have the time to be lying awake when he needs the rest, so through sheer spite he can will himself to sleep as soon as it’s time to, and he wakes up when he knows he needs to. This man is too busy, and to stressed. So if you’re doing it before bed, as soon as his needs are met he’s conked out.
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nhl-stories · 1 year
. – Quinn Hughes
Summary: Ignoring the pain of a break up is a lot easier when you're not best friend's with your ex's brother
Author’s Note: A song title being a period is very annoying for writing, prepare for angst below
Word Count: 4.4k​
Album Series Masterlist
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It's been so hard Ever since you broke my heart But I'll never tell Honey, I'm not doing so well
It’s like a rite of passage to get a crush on your friend’s older sibling. There’s some sort of forbidden love chemical that goes off in your brain and you just can’t help it.
You never expect anything to happen with it, maybe some embarrassing moments of staring or a few ridiculous confessions in a diary, but nothing more.
Lux wishes her crush could have been more aptly named, and the puppy love had been squashed before anything actually happened.
“Can I get into my house and wash the car off of me before you start bothering me,” Lux tries to sidestep Jack who’s sitting on her porch.
After a five-hour drive, the last thing she needs is to deal with a needy Jack. She’s physically exhausted and doesn’t feel like becoming emotionally exhausted on top of it.
“No, you ignored my texts.”
“Gee, I wonder why,” she rolls her eyes.
She tries using her suitcase to box him out and make it to the door, but of course he’s faster than her and grabs her ankle pulling her down onto the porch into a heap. She sits up with a huff, but can’t help but notice how serious Jack looks.
“Are you gonna ignore me all summer? Because you graduate next year and you may never get a summer off again!”
“You can’t expect me to just happily go hang out at the lake all summer.”
“She’s only gonna be there for like two weeks, she has a job to go back to,” he says it like it’s a selling point.
“You know it’s not just about her, but since I can already see you’re not going to stop unless I say yes, I’ll see you in two weeks,” she tries to escape again, but Jack grabs her wrist.
“Luxy, please come to the party this weekend, my mom would love to see you,” she wants to kick him for playing the mom card, “and I’ll even drive you home so you don’t have to spend the night.”
She narrows her eyes, “Yeah right, you’ll get drunk and then I’ll be held captive in the house of testosterone.”
Jack’s eyes dart around because he can’t deny the possibility of that happening.
“Don’t let Quinn ruin our summer fun,” he settles on that dagger.
“Fine,” she caves and Jack does a fist pump in response, “but you have to stay here for dinner because my mom keeps peeking through the curtain and she’ll be pissed if you leave.”
Lux wouldn’t be in the position if she had never befriended Jack in the first place. Or as she usually referred to it, Jack begrudgingly endeared himself to her.
It had started in middle school, when Jack had chosen drama class as his art elective and of course Lux had gotten assigned as his scene partner for the semester. It was the classic partnering of the ‘class disruption’ with the ‘class delight’ in hopes they’d balance each other out.
Jack was loud and brash and loved to rile up Lux, making fun of the way her cheeks would burn red in exasperation. Lux was the quiet girl in class, but one on one she could hold her own with an acid tongue that could easily rattle Jack’s demeanor. Their teacher thought she couldn’t have made a better pair.
The first time Lux went to Hughes’ house to practice lines, she fell in love.
Quinn was only a couple years older but with her tween brain rotting with hormones; Lux thought she was seeing a man for the first time, when she was always surrounded by mere boys.
Lux decided being Jack’s friend was something she needed in her life, if only for the proximity to her new crush. And when Ellen learned Lux was good in science, she recruited her to tutor Jack and the girl became ingrained in the family’s life.
For Lux and Jack their friendship grew to be a nice escape from usual social circles; a comfortable space where there were no expectations to act or talk or think a certain way.
And Lux got the extra benefit of secretly glancing at Quinn. Sure, her mouth turned to sand when he would merely say hi, or her face cherry red when she had even the slightest physical contact with him. Even if was just ruffling her hair in an older brother sort of way. But it all felt worth it for those miniscule interactions.
It was the one thing Jack never made fun of her for, maybe he thought it would fade away over time, like all of his crushes. But it never fully disappeared, even when she dated boys in her own grade, her heart held a special place for Quinn.
And against the odds something happened.
Lux went to Michigan for a college visit and Quinn offered to show her around a little.
“I can even give you a non-parent approved tour,” he had joked.
It was the first time they had spent any time alone, and something just clicked. They laughed at the same jokes, especially at Jack’s expense, talked about their futures even when Quinn’s was clearly more set in stone than Lux’s. By the end of the visit, they didn’t want to stop talking. So, they didn’t.
Texting went from occasionally, to daily. Texting turned to phone calls. Phone calls turned into visits to Quinn’s dorm to hang out and help him study.
Neither made a move for a long time. Lux, because she was worried that she might be reading too much into it. Quinn because she was still in high school and one of Jack’s friends.
Nothing happened until Jack’s graduation party. Jack was preoccupied with his other friends from hockey as they talked about the upcoming draft. And Lux was about to duck out to go to another friend’s party after she finished a piece of cake.
“Congrats valedictorian,” Quinn says, of course, while Lux has a mouthful of cake.
“Congrats on dropping out of college,” she laughs, hoping her wit covers up her nerves.
“Sorry, I spend too much time with Jack and that means keeping his ego in check.”
“The world thanks you for that,” they both laugh.
There’s a long silence, Lux fills it with finishing her cake before she gathers some courage.
“I was going to head out to another party, want to come with?”
They never made it to the party; they ended up pulling into a parking lot and making out. It was a start of a summer romance, something to enjoy before Quinn went to Vancouver and Lux to Northwestern. It was a bonus making Jack constantly annoyed by their PDA.
The summer ended and they didn’t, a long distant relationship tided over by games in Chicago, spring breaks, and summers off.
Things were great. And then they weren’t. And then they were over.
It’s been months since the breakup, but the wound is still fresh for Lux. Her grades started slipping in the last semester, she began losing weight in the bad kind of way, she stopped going out with her friends as much.
Lux wishes she was doing better. Not to show Quinn, who already had a new girlfriend, up.  Rather, to prove to him (or maybe herself) that her world didn’t end when he ended things. Most days it felt like it had.
She checks her rearview mirror for the thousandth time to make sure she looks well-rested and her eyes aren’t puffy and red from crying on the way over.
“You can do this, there will be other people and you don’t have to talk to him more than hello,” she gives herself a pep talk.
After another deep breath she gets out of her car, grabbing her overnight bag because deep down she knows she’ll end up staying.
She lets herself into the house like normal, and is surprised by how quiet it is. She walks further into the house and finds Ellen in the kitchen chopping fruit.
“Lux, it’s so good to see you!” She puts down the knife and engulfs the girl in hug, “I’m glad someone’s here to help keep them out of trouble.”
Lux follows her eyes to where a group of man-children are outside.
“That’s a lot to ask of one person,” she chuckles before meandering around the kitchen island to avoid going outside, “do you need any help?”
Ellen’s eyes soften giving Lux a sad smile before pulling her into another hug.
“I know it’s hard sweetie, but it’s going to be okay,” she squeezes her once more, “and there’s some veggies you can cut.”
Lux can’t help but notice how at home she feels here, she knows where everything is like it’s her own place, which last summer it sort of had been. She had helped the boys move in and decorate and organize.
“How’s school? Your mom tells me you’re taking the MCATs next?”
“I’m taking them, but I don’t know if I want medical school or grad school or what,” she doesn’t mention that her breakup with Quinn has her second guessing every life choice.
 “My dad thinks I should take a year off to figure it out."
"That’s not a terrible idea, you work too hard.”
“Lukey!” She laughs at the lanky teen and pulls him into a hug, “Do they feed not feed you at college? You’re all bones.”
She thinks she hears Luke mumble under his breath, “I could say the same about you,” but Ellen speaks up before she can dwell.
“He’s like a bottomless pit, we’re banishing him to Jack and Quinn’s cause he’s eating us out of house and home,” Ellen laughs from the counter.
“Good call, they got that NHL money now.”
“Why didn’t you come out and say hi?” Jack calls out when he and the boys start entering the house.
“Because I’m a polite house guest and I'm helping your mom with food,” she stabs the knife in the air to make her point.
Jack comes over and gives her a hug and a spin.
“Glad you actually came,” he whispers as he sets her down.
Some of the other boys from the National program come and give her hugs, they were never close friends but friends by proximity.
The back door opens again and Quinn comes in, hair wet from the lake and leading an equally wet girl by the waist. She knew she would see them but it doesn’t stop her heart from deflating a bit.
Lux can already picture how Quinn picked her up and jumped in the lake with her, then kissing her when they resurfaced until she wasn't mad anymore. Maybe they'd gotten more handsy under the water, until one of the guys called them out and they separated a little flustered but not enough to completely detach.
Lux knows from experience.
She feels a pinch on her side removing her from conjuring her own nightmares, “Lux, I said why didn’t I see you at my last game in Chicago?”
She looks over and blushes, embarrassed she’s been caught, she tries to pull it together before she gets any sad eyes. She’s sick of the pity everyone has been giving her.
“I had finals Z,” she rolls her eyes at Trevor.
Lux knows Z only invites her with hopes she’ll bring a cute friend with her.
“And this goes for all of you stop giving me tickets to Chicago games, I don’t care about hockey or you guys enough to go every time. I barely want to go see Jack and he only plays the Hawks like twice a year.”
She tries to ignore the fact that Quinn is standing by the island now, wrapping a towel around the new girl's shoulders while looking towards Lux.
“What about me? We went to prom together!” Cole says with fake offense.
“You only asked me because I make you look tall!”
She hates how comfortable she feels, laughing with the boys and making fun of them. Then she makes the mistake of making eye contact with Quinn’s new girl.
“Hi we haven’t met, I’m Samantha. I’m Quinn’s girlfriend,” she gives a shy wave.
To everyone’s credit they act remarkably chill about the moment, pretending there’s nothing out of the ordinary.
“I’m Lux.”
“Oh, you’re Jack’s girlfriend, he won’t shut up about you,” she smiles brightly.
Lux and Jack can’t help but let out loud, awkward laughs at the same time. Nothing has ever sounded more ridiculous.
“Jack and Lux no way,” Trevor starts to open his big mouth, “it’s Lux and–“
Lux elbows him in the ribs.
“It’s Lux and me all the way,” he puts an arm around her shoulder, “Or at least it will be when she moves to LA.”
“LA?” Quinn speaks up for the first time.
“I looked at some schools down there, it’s a maybe.”
She shrugs like it’s no big deal but feels a little smug that Quinn is so curious.
“I’m still lobbying for Princeton or Columbia,” Jack says.
“Just what Lux needs, you within driving distance all year round,” Ellen chides her middle son, “Quinn why don’t you start grilling the hamburgers.”
Quinn and Ellen head outside carrying some food supplies. Samantha thinks about staying for a second but everyone else must have a weird fake smile like Lux, because she mirrors the smile before following her boyfriend outside.
As soon as the door shuts behind her, Lux pinches Trevor on the shoulder where she can tell a sunburn is coming in.
“Ow fuck!”
“What the hell was that?”
“I wanted to help out, make Quinny jealous,” Lux furrows her brows at him, “It was working for a bit.”
“Did I ask for your help?”
“No, but you looked like you could use a win,” he shrugs.
She looks around at the other guys, they aren’t really making eye contact. She realizes she doesn’t just feel like a pathetic loser, she must look like one too.
She picks up the vegetables she sliced and carries them outside, determined to show them that she’s not broken. Even if that’s not true.
People start trickling in and it starts to become a real party. She mingles with some girls she’s met in previous summers who live in cabins nearby. She even talks to Samantha when she looks a little lost as people start interrogating Quinn about hockey.
In another life Lux and Samantha would be great friends. Lux hates her a little for that. And she drinks a little too much in response.
A haze fills her peripherals, she’s wobbly on her feet but not quite to the level of falling over or getting sick.
“Quinny!” Lux and Samantha say in the same tone when he comes by with a cup of water handing it over to his girlfriend like he used to do for Lux.
“Why didn’t you tell me how great Lux was?” Samantha says a bit too loud and too fast, “I would have made my plans to overlap with her more.”
Quinn awkwardly laughs and raises an eyebrow to Lux.
“What can I say? I’m very lovable. You know that Q,” she feels herself try to wink, but it’s not quite right.
“Luxy come be my pong partner, I need someone to drink for me,” Luke helps the girl out of the chair, he’s not allowed to heavily drink while his parents are around.
“I don’t think she needs to drink more,” Quinn warns.
“That’s none of your business anymore Quinn,” Lux says with a sharper tone than she realizes she’s capable of.
Luke is extra good at pong because he’s practically sober, while their opponents are on par with Lux. Which means there’s not much drinking to be done on Lux’s part. She can feel herself sobering up and she hates it. She hates it even more when she sees Quinn and Samantha making out by the fire pit.
“I don’t feel well,” she mumbles but Luke hears her.
“Want me to take you home?”
She looks over to see Jack didn’t hold up his end of the bargain and is too drunk to drive her home. She’s probably good to drive herself but she thinks she might drive herself into the lake on purpose.
“Um– no. I drove so it will be a whole thing with my car. I’m– I’ll just– I’ll find somewhere to lie down.”
“You can sleep in my room if you want.”
She’s silent for too long thinking about what to do, she should just go home. Ask Ellen for a ride. Anything to get away from here. She could just sleep in her car.
Instead of doing anything she pulls Luke into a hug, he wraps his arms around her. It’s like he’s holding her together.
“Whoa, are you trying to collect Hughes brothers?” Jack says loudly from across the lawn, he’s too drunk to realize it’s not exactly a funny joke.
Everyone knows what he means, Lux whips her head towards Quinn and Samantha.  She looks thoroughly clueless, but Quinn is fuming.
Lux runs into the house, she doesn’t care if she cockblocks Jack or makes him sleep on the couch, she takes his room and buries herself under the covers and sobs.
She didn’t prove to anyone that she’s doing well.
The next morning her head hurts and she can’t tell if it’s from drinking or crying too much. Jack is snoring in a makeshift bed he made on the floor, she thinks about kicking him in the ribs on her way out.
No one is up when she makes her getaway.
The next time she goes to the lake house is by accident.
She’s out with some friends from high school who go to Michigan. They start out with brunch and it spirals out of control from there.
They’re out getting pizza, all on wobbly, baby deer legs, and deciding where to go next when her friend Kylie’s fiancé comes to pick her up.
“Refueling for round two?” He laughs at the group and tries to gather Kylie.
“More like round three,” Kylie giggles and tries to plant a kiss and misses leaving a sloppy, wet kiss on his neck.
Lux and her other friends ‘aww’ at that even though it’s definitely not cute and more embarrassing.
“And you’re you sure you guys want to continue on?”
“Yeah, we’re good,” Lux gives him a thumbs up.
She isn’t entirely wrong, they make it to the next bar with little issue, though maybe the bartender shouldn’t serve them at this point.
They’re talking about planning Kylie’s bachelorette party in the way drunk girls do, too elaborate to actually be executed.
The conversation switches to their current love lives, which is not exactly the topic Lux wants to broach. At least when it comes to herself. She tries to keep the spotlight off her and that works for the most part, it’s nice to hear about her friends falling in love and their bad hookups.
“What the fuck Lux? I’ve been waiting outside for 10 minutes.”
Jack is standing over the table trying his best to look mad, but having a hard time with the four girls staring up at him in a drunken stupor.
“This a is girls’ night, you’re not invited!” Lux slurs and takes a sip through her straw, going back to her friends.
“You texted me an SOS,” he thinks for a second, “or it seemed like it cause you texted me gibberish followed by your location pin, so I thought you needed rescuing.”
“Well, you can see I’m fine so see you later,” she waves him off and her friends laugh.
“Not happening, I haven’t seen you in weeks and I drove all the way here, you’re coming with me.”
He leans forward to grab her arm only to be assaulted by a chorus of ‘nos,’ so he backs off for a bit, reaching for his wallet and taking out a few bills.
“Next round is on me.”
“She’s all yours Jacky boy,” her friend Ashley winks and grabs the cash.
“Traitor,” Lux sticks out her tongue as Jack helps her out of the booth.
“If a Hughes is gonna take you home, we’re glad it’s him,” Ashley makes a stern face, “tell Q he sucks for us.”
“Quinn doesn’t suck,” Lux says protectively, like he’s hers to protect.
“I’ll happily tell him Ash,” Jack cuts in before anyone picks at that scab anymore, “C’mon Luxy I’ll buy you some pizza.”
She reluctantly goes, blowing kisses to her friends. Jack helps her get into the car and she splays out in her seat.
And that’s how she accidentally ends up at the lake house.
“This isn’t my house?” She mumbles through a mouthful of pizza that she snuck during the drive.
“Obviously, if I have to kidnap you to hang out,so be it.”
Lux rolls her eyes, she’s too hungry and getting too sleepy to argue so she just gets out of the car, carefully because she can’t lose any precious pizza.
“Pizza delivery!” Lux yells out and makes a beeline to the fridge taking out a drink.
“Should you really be drinking more?”
“My knight and shining armor brought me to safety,” she ungracefully rubs a hand across Jack’s face, “so I might as well stay this drunk until I fall asleep.”
Jack jokingly puts a hand on her face and grabs the drink out of her hand, “then let me catch up with you a bit first.”
That’s when Quinn and Luke come into the kitchen, with Jack and Lux awkwardly holding each other’s faces.
“Girls’ night?” Quinn smirks, having been on the other side of that hand many times.
“Oh, I thought Lux was settling for the worst Hughes brother,” Luke laughs and Quinn kicks his shin.
“Lux would be so lucky,” Jack grabs a piece of pizza.
“And there would be a murder-suicide,” Quinn rolls his eyes.
If Lux was sober, she would be able to appreciate the normalcy of this moment.
“Lux can hear you and Lux,” she forgets her point for a moment, ”Lux is drunk and over Hughes brothers. Do the Tkachuks need a new friend? They even have a sister it’d be a better fit.”
“I can put a good word in for you with Brady,” Quinn snickers at the drunken rambling.
Lux grins at him and even through her drunken haze her heart does a little flip, this is what it feels like to be with her Quinn.
“Let’s get you to bed before you really embarrass yourself.”
Jack hooks an arm around her shoulder. Lux is smart enough to know what he’s implying, that’s not her Quinn anymore and she’s inebriated enough to say something she regrets. Jack won’t let that happen on his watch.
“There’s even a guest room with your name on it.”
Jack gives her some clothes to wear and tucks her into her bed.
“I know I’m your favorite Hughes,” he kisses her forehead.
“Yeah, but don’t tell anyone, it’s really embarrassing.”
Lux wakes up an hour later desperately needing to pee, she scrambles out of bed only to realize she’s still heavily under the influence. She tries to wanders the hallway in the dark, pretty sure she’s familiar enough with the layout to find her way.
She’s wrong.
Opening a door she walks into Quinn’s room, who’s just walking out of his ensuite bathroom toweling his hair, naked.
“Oh god, I’m sorry,” she slaps a hand over her eyes, “I was looking for the bathroom and this is the one I’ve used the most.”
He lightly chuckles, “it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“That’s true,” she opens a crack between her fingers and peeks through.
“That wasn’t an invitation to look Lux,” he tinges pink before thumbing towards the open door, “bathroom’s free.”
“Oh right, I’ll be a second then out of your hair.”
When she comes back out, Quinn is sitting on his bed, the side that used to be hers. She can feel hot tears boiling in her eyes and tries to make a quick exit.
She trips over nothing, her faculties still not her own, and finds herself flopping her legs out and leaning against his dresser. Admitting defeat and letting herself cry.
“You okay?” Quinn gets up and takes a seat on the floor next to her.
“I’m sorry.”
“For falling down?”
“No for us. I’m sorry I cut you out and didn’t tell you how I felt and was just a shitty girlfriend.”
“You weren’t a shitty girlfriend.”
He wraps an arm around her shoulder, Lux flinches at the contact before relaxing into the familiar warmth.
“I didn’t know what I wanted and I let get in the way of a good thing,” she kicks her legs like a kid having a tantrum.
“You’re 21, unlike the weirdo Hughes brothers it’s pretty normal to not know what you want Lux.”
He gives her a little squeeze, “I also think us not being in the same city or even country for almost our whole relationship didn’t really help either.”
They sit in silence after that, they’ve always been good at reveling in a quiet moment.
But his hand is so warm on her arm and Lux can’t revel, she can’t hope, she can’t pretend that there’s more to this than just Quinn being nice. And that means fighting her drunken thoughts that are telling her to kiss him or tell him she loves him.
“Samantha seems nice.”
“Yeah?” He looks towards her, trying to hold back a smile as they make eye contact for the first time.
“And it’s nice to see you so happy, I like happy Quinn.”
“I like happy Lux; I have a feeling she hasn’t been around much.”
“No,” she squeaks out, trying to keep the dam of tears together, it doesn’t work for long.
“I’m not dealing with the breakup as well as you.”
“It’s okay,” he pulls her into his chest and lets her cry.
“I’m dealing with it a lot better than I thought I would, and I’m the one who broke up with you,” his voice sounds pinched but Lux doesn’t dare look, “and you’re gonna be okay, I’m not that great.”
Lux gives him a little slap at that comment.
“When you do finally figure out what you want, there’s going to be no stopping you.”
Lux pulls back and kisses the corner of his mouth. There’s no romance in it; it’s a goodbye to what they were.
“I wish we could have worked out, but I guess I’m dodging a bullet by not becoming a Hughes,” she lets out a laugh.
“There’s the Lux, I know,” they’re both grinning like idiots.
He gives her hand one last squeeze as she leaves, hands slowly parting until they’re too far away to touch. It doesn’t fix everything, her heart isn’t completely welded back together, but it’s a start.
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The way you write Deuce is just, *chef's kiss* i love it. it absolutely lives in my head rent-free.
So much so that i saw this tiktok of a pigeon sprinting with a leaf to gently put it on top of his mate sitting in her nest, and my first thought was, 'that's them. That's Deuce/MC. ���💕'
Here's the video but i understand if you're hesistant to click on random links. I do hope you have a nice day btw ^ ^)
No but seriously Deuce 'his gaze softened' Spade is so loving and deserves so much love like I literally can't even explain.
First of all, that video is everything and it’s so Deuce coded I can’t even. Another animal couple I see would be this:
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But, don't get me wrong, I would just like to go on the record and say that I've been watching a lot of dog videos and Deuce is 100% a dog: he's sweet, loyal, supportive, loving, protective - the complete package (though his eyes are much cuter). Just saying that he (and Jack) would be at the top of Crewel's list for approved boyfriends.
I mean as deranged as I am for him, I swear I can quit any time (I say as I stuff my shaking hands into my pockets and send multiple pictures of him flying out of my pocket)
He’s a perfect gentleman despite not being raised as one - and no I don’t mean in the literal sense, actual queen Mama Spade definitely raised her son to be chivalrous and kind and respectful to everyone. I mean he wasn’t raised to be a quintessential refined nobleman like Riddle or Malleus or Vil. He’s the only son of a single mother and as far as we know only his maternal grandmother is around (we don’t know if his father left or is dead but I subscribe to the headcanon that he was a jerk that left when Deuce’s mum was pregnant) so he’s never had an older male relative to look up to. Yet he still has all the traits that you’d see in Austen male leads - he's serious and straightforward, sort of soft spoken, he'll restrain his emotions, he's gentle (at most times), he canonically loves sappy romances, he’s got a strong moral compass and he has this sort of soft touch-starved vibe that I can't really explain.
But he's this sweet, considerate wholesome guy who gives it his all in everything despite his background and personality of an adrenaline-fuelled teenage boy. And he's very realistically (and very endearingly) a teenage boy: he's a troublemaker, he's rough around the edges, he makes mistakes even when his heart is in the right place, there are times where he can be slow on the uptake, he's aggressive, he thinks more with his fists and instincts and feelings than with his head, he's emotional and will lash out if he sees injustice, he's not afraid to use dirty tactics, he was literally in a gang, he's impulsive and reckless and literally itching for a fight. But he’s still as much of a man of honour as Mr Darcy or Captain Wentworth. And e's so loving and he's so sincere and he tries so hard I just-
(I want to kiss him on the mouth)
I just think it's really sweet that the same guy who could violently beat up like five guys bigger than him without a thought would instantly turn into a blushing puddle if you so much as held his hand and follow you around with a wide eyed awestruck look like a lost puppy or baby duckling.
I love to say that the reader is his salvation, his angel, his light and it comes from his inner shame at his past. Yes, he's bettering himself to atone for all the hurt his mother went through but he also really wants to prove to be someone worthy of being at your side. You're his apricity and he loves you more than anything.
He’s very sword and shield coded (though, I’d say he’s less of a shield and more of a sword - Jack seems to fit the shield motif more to me). He's very honour bound and duty driven and he gives me the vibes of those loyal knights you get in period stories.
And I guess that's what appeals to me. Bad boys are literally my least favourite trope in modern fiction and I get irked at practically every broody, angsty 'I hate the world' male love interest I come across (usually because the good boy second ml is so much better but my sister says that red flags are much more interesting than boring green flags so...). But Deuce, my man, my deuce box. He's a (former) bad boy that ticks all of the green flag boxes. He's not a bad boy with a hidden soft side, he's a soft boy with a (not-so-hidden) bad side.
He's not rude and snarky, he's kind and respectful. He doesn't have a problem with authority or hate his parents, one of his main character traits is his healthy love for his mother and he has a high opinion of his upperclassmen and the adults around him and he takes his studies seriously even when he's not good at them. He doesn't hide behind an arrogant facade, he's genuine and sincere to everyone he meets. Yes, he has an innate attraction for violence but instead of acting on it, he spends his time sating his love for adrenaline by speeding along on his magical wheel and joining the most athletic club in the school. He wouldn't tease you for your interests, you could spend hours babbling about your rock collection and he'd be completely rapt.
He's like the perfect dichotomy of the bad boy trope and the wholesome cinnamon roll good boy trope. Like one second he and you are engaged in the 'no you're cuter' or 'no you hang up' cycle on the phone and the next second your arms are wrapped around his torso and your wearing his leather jacket as he does the akira slide on his magical wheel.
Anyway I could go on for ages but instead have Deuce Vibes tumblr text post:
(Censored by moi)
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P.S. I’ve been watching a lot of Ace edits and like 😳🥰 that boy ❤️ People make so many jokes about Malleus not getting invited to the meeting where the Disney executives explain twst is not an otome game but like Ace got the invitation and glanced at it for 0.345 seconds before ripping it into shreds, tossing the pieces into a blender, throwing the blender into a fire and then nuking the fireplace.
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Urban ignoring you at an after party. You are just wanting to have fun with him and vibe. But he is enjoying all the attention and forgetting all about you. You eventually just leave in tears and head back to the bus. Jack and Neelam are there because jack was tired and just wanted to go ahead and rest. They try to comfort you and are pissed at Urban. But you are just tired of Urban mistreating you, you get a hotel and book the next flight home because you just can’t be near him. Jack and Neelam help you and try to get you to stay but also understand. By the time Urban gets back, wondering why you left and not realizing what he had been doing. Jack lays into him. Urban is in a panic.
You can take it from there lol
All for us
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You tended to cling onto people and you told Urban that in the beginning of your relationship with him, of course he didn’t mind because he loved how much you needed him and loved him but eventually he was getting tired of it and wanted his own space and to be around other people without you hot on his tail.
Urban and You were at the after party he was hosting at in Washington D.C. you didn’t really know anybody at the event besides Shloob and the rest of the Private Garden so sticking to Urban’s side the entire night was what you were going to do.
“Urban come on man we’re taking shots at the bar it’s on the house!!” Nemo yelled over the loud music that played in the club.
“I’ll be there in a minute Nemo!” Urban wasn’t completely drunk just a bit tipsy and high off all the weed he smoked before the club and during the club. Partying wasn’t really your scene staying in and watching a romantic movie was your type of scene.
Just as Urban was going to get up and leave you pulled him back by his arm he looked at you with a confused and irritated look on his face.
“Yes baby?”
“Where are you going Urban you can’t just leave me here alone. I don’t know any of these people sitting on this couch.” You stated awkwardly and looked around at all of the either drunk or stick up girls around you.
He smacked his lips and sighed all night you’ve been on Urban and most times he loved how much you wanted him and only him but at the same time he wanted his own space.
“Baby please you’ll be fine you’re a big girl you can mange to sit here by yourself for a few minutes, I’m just taking a few shots with Nemo and the guys then I’ll be right back.”
“Why can’t I come with you?!” You we’re already standing up your purse wrapped around your shoulders and a smile on your face ready to follow Urban to the bar.
“Baby I love you I do I’d do anything for you but please Y/N I need my space, I despise that you always feel like you need to be around me, I am my own person. I don’t need my shadow following me around wherever I go.”
Ouch that one hurt you didn’t even know Urban thought of you that way, you didn’t know anybody if you were being honest and you didn’t really see the issue in wanted to be around your man and only your man but clearly he did.
“I’ll just uh I’ll just stay here then till you get back.” You hugged yourself and went to sit down on the couch before Urban had the chance to say anything else he was being pulled away by Sunni.
“Come on man you’re taking forever.” Sunni laughed and Urban frowned, he looked back at you for as long as he could before he got lost in the crowd of sweaty bodies.
“Was that your boyfriend?” One of the girls on the couch asked you, looking over at her your nose immediately crinkled up. She reeked of alcohol, her hair was a mess and you were pretty positive she was missing an eyelash.
“Yes it was.. why?”
“If that was my man and he was acting like that towards me I definitely would’ve broken up with him.”
“Well it’s a good thing that isn’t your man.” You barked back, tossing her hands up defense she turned to you and smiled weakly.
“All I’m saying if you seem like a really nice girl and the way he treats you doesn’t seem like he’s worth the stress and pain. If he really loved you like he said he does he wouldn’t have a problem with you tagging along with him.” You hated to admit that just maybe this girl was right, ever since you’ve gotten to this club tonight Urban’s been ignoring you and trying his best to blow you off and you were tired of it.
“Thank you so much that means a lot.” The girl gave you a soft smiled and nodded before getting up to find her friends, you sighed and closed your eyes before standing up as well trying to find Urban at the bar through the crowd.
“Where are you Urban.” You mumbled and began to tap your fingers along your purse it was something you did whenever you started to get nervous or overwhelmed.
After looking around the club you finally spotted Urban at the bar with Nemo and Ace. You struggled walking through the crowd of sweaty and drunk people but you safely managed to make it through.
“Uh oh here comes your shadow.” Nemo mumbled in his drink. Urban turned around and mentally rolled his eyes seeing you coming his way.
“Urban I’m staying with you and I don’t care what you say.”
Nemo and Ace snickered and chuckled at your demand, Urban’s face clenched and unclenched.
“No you’re not Y/N go sit back down and make friends or something you’re capable of doing that I’m sure.”
“You know it’s hard for me to be social and you know I have anxiety so leaving me alone isn’t exactly going to help me now is it.”
“Just let her stay Urban she isn’t bothering us at least.” Nemo spoke, you glared at him and turned your attention back to a now red faced Urban.
“Y/N I love you I do and I’d do anything for you but please leave me alone. You’re everywhere I go and it’s honestly really annoying. For the rest of the night do me a favor and act like you don’t know who the fuck I am.” Nemo and Ace ooo’d at his comeback while you were on the verge of tears.
You weren’t sure why he was acting this way but you were fed up.
“F-fine if that’s how you feel I’ll ju-just go wait in the suv.” Urban frowned and reached out to grab you and apologize but with your head hanging low you quickly made your way out of the club.
“Man you sure did tell her ass.” Urban thought he’d feel a sense of relief having you no longer by his side but the minute you left he regretted everything.
After awhile Neelam and Jack were getting tired of being out and had told everyone they’d be resting in the Suv.
“Y/N what are you doing in here? Are you crying.” Worry and concern evident in Jack’s tone he pulled you into him immediately with Neelam right across from his soothing your leg in comfort.
“What happened Y/N?”
“Urban is what happened he knows I have bad anxiety and even coming to the club I didn’t know anybody but obviously Urban and you guys but he kept saying how all I do is follow him around like a shadow.” Neelam frowned at your words because she had no idea why Urban would say something like that to you.
“What made him say that?”
“I don’t know Neelam but I would rather get my own hotel room for the night and leave in the morning.”
“You aren’t leaving Y/N.” Jack was a bit taken back by everything Urban had said to you because Urban was always so sweet and caring when it came to you, the last thing he wanted was for you to leave.
“I can’t stay here Jack especially with not knowing how he really feels about me”
“Well if you feel that’s the right choice we’ll stand beside you but at least let me pay for your room and flight.”
“It’s okay Jack I can pay for my own room and flight honestly.” Just as you were about to book the room Jack had quickly snatched your phone and put in his card information and booked your room.
“Jack why did you do that for?” You punched his shoulder and pouted, rolling his eyes he pulled you back into him and kissed the top of your head.
“I’ll let you pay for your flight and you’re my friend and this is the least I can do.” The car ride back to the hotel was quiet but a peacefully quiet. The entire time you just thought about Urban and your relationship with Urban.
Maybe he was acting out because he had too much to drink but it’s like they say a drunk mind speaks a sober heart.
When you arrived to your hotel room Jack and Neelam helped you check in a settle down before leaving you to be.
“Where’s Y/N at?!” Urban laughed and hiccuped, the beer taking it’s tole on him, Neelam was already off to bed but Jack stayed up waiting to make sure Urban returned safely.
“She left Urban.” Taking his eyes of his private garden ring Jack watched how Urban’s features went from excitement to worry.
“What do you mean she left?”
“Do you not know what you said to her earlier? How you called her your shadow and basically wanted nothing to do with her.”
“What.. what I would never say that to Y/N and you know that Jack.”
“Do I Urban? Because the Urban I know wouldn’t leave his girl or a girl in general to cry her heart out in a city she doesn’t know.” With that Jack got up and went to bed leaving Urban alone standing alone starring in the spot Jack once in.
I’m taking it all for love, doing it all for us.
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love-fictional-men · 2 years
Save a Horse, Ride a Statesman
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Chapter 1: First Day
Summary: You just landed the job of your dreams, working IT at the revered Statesman organization. Even better, Agent Whiskey asks for your help inputting case files for your special project.
Warnings: daddy kink, age gap, power dynamics, power imbalance, lots of smut, unprotected sex, oral (both receiving), PinV.
Word Count: 3698
You take a deep breath, and look up at the large, reflective building towering above you. You can’t believe you’re here, moving across the country to New York for a new job at a prestigious espionage organization. A part of you doubted if you even deserved to be here, but your qualifications spoke for themselves. This felt like a dream come true. You rang the brass bezeled door bell and the doors immediately open.
“Come on in, take the elevator to the top floor and meet us in the conference room straight ahead,” a familiar, feminine voice projects over the intercom.
You take the elevator to the top floor, and as the doors open you make your way directly to the conference room. You open the doors, and see Ginger Ale, the woman you had your first interview with, gives you a smile and pats the seat next to hers. A man with a cowboy hat, suit and glasses sits at the head of the table, along with hologram projections of other men dressed in a similar fashion. You make your way over to Ginger and take a seat.
“It’s so nice to meet every one of you, and I just want to say it’s been an honor being selected to join your team,” you state, attempting to hide your nervousness.
“I hope to aid making Statesman the most effective counter-terrorism organization in all the world,” you declare. The man at the head of the table looks at you with warm, soft welcoming eyes and smiles before saying,
“Well sugar, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Agent Whiskey, but you can call me Jack. Why don’t you go on with tellin’ us your plans to optimize Statesman?” You feel your breath leave your body after briefly admiring his warm brown eyes,
“Actually, my code name is Grenadine but you can call me (y/n),” you say with a smile. You always hated older men addressing you by anything other than your name, especially in front of your constituents. Being a woman in tech, you learned how to navigate these situations tactfully. After a brief pause you open you stand up and all eyes are on you. You notice Agent Whiskey quickly look you up and down before readjusting his eyes toward your face. You clear your throat to speak.
“I plan, with the help of all of you, to review case files dating back as far as possible. I developed an algorithm to review areas of success and opportunity. This will aid Ginger Ale in creating tools to succeed in further missions. I need to review everyone’s case files. They’ll be imported into a new data base and analyzed. Patterns and trends will be created. Ginger and I will be able to review these trends and create more advanced tools to aid agents in the field.” You sit back down and place your hands on top of one another, and lean back a smidge. Ginger gives you a brief smile before asking,
“Does anyone have any questions about Grenadine’s project?”
Jack, lifting his fist away from his chin, turns his chair to you and Ginger.
“And just how secure is this data base darlin?” Again with the pet names, but there’s something about him that makes it permissible. Maybe it’s his sweet southern drawl. Perhaps its his strong, large hands and broad nose. Whatever it is, you cannot deny that Agent Whiskey has an intoxicating effect. He’s smooth, sweet and warm, just like his code name. You resist the urge to consume any more of his charm, attempting to stay sober in front of your peers.
“It’s all stored locally on servers in a secure location. I’ve coded several firewalls that will alert those on a need to know basis if there’s any detection of infiltration. At that point, the entire system will be wiped,” you respond. The holographic Statesmen around the table appear impressed, but Jack doesn’t change his stern facial expression.
“That’s a mighty fine kill switch you got there Miss Grenadine, but ain’t it gonna defeat the purpose if all this information is lost?” Jack asks, without breaking eye contact.
“It won’t be lost, we aren’t destroying the original documents. Those will live in secure locations. I doubt anyone would be willing to physically break into a Statesman’s office to rifle through file boxes like it’s the 70s. And even if they do,” you say, warmly smiling at him, “they’d be caught between in-between a Statesman’s lasso.” The men around the table chuckle, and Jack gives you a slight smile and nod of approval. Champ, the man who gave your final interview and congratulated you on joining Statesman, speaks up. “Now we got a lot of old timers, myself and Whiskey included, who wrote down files on pen and paper. Is that gonna be a problem Grenadine?” You prepped yourself for this question, knowing Statesman had been active since the early 1900s.
“Not at all Champ! You see, I’ve developed a secure application accessible only on Statesman hardware that can translate handwriting to text and import it on the secure algorithm. Even if it can’t, I can review any files and manually input any missing information,” you state with sheer confidence. Champ looks at you and grins,
“Well, good luck translating Whiskey’s hand writing,” Champ quips, and the rest of the room bellows with laughter.
A few more Statesmen ask you questions. You gladly answer without missing a beat. Eventually, the meeting adjourns and the holograms sign off. You stand up from your seat and make your way to the door with Ginger. Agent Whiskey speaks,
“Miss Grenadine, would you mind hangin back for a spell. I just got some more questions.” Ginger looks at you, grabs your wrist and whispers in your ear, “Be careful with that one (y/n).” You gulp, take a deep breath and walk toward him.
“Now sugar, Champ ain’t kiddin’ when he said my writing was God awful,” Jack says with a chuckle. You slightly giggle, and sit down next to him, ignoring the knot growing in your lower abdomen.
“It’s okay Agent Whiskey I-” you say before he cuts you off.
“Sweetheart, I already said you can call me Jack,” he says, leaning closer to you. You feel heat rush to your face,
“Sorry Jack. Like I said in our briefing, I don’t mind transcribing older files manually. Just give me the files and I can take care of it at my desk.”
“Miss Grenadine, I don’t want to burden you with my chicken scratch notes. Would’t it be faster…easier if you came by my office and we reviewed them together?” Ginger’s words of caution rung in your ear, but your heart pounded at the mere idea of being alone with the most attractive Statesman. Was he flirting with you? Or was this just his demeanor? Maybe he was trying to help a newcomer make a name for themselves in this organization? After all, he is technically your boss and what kind of boss wouldn’t want his subordinate to succeed? You take a deep breath.
“That sounds like a fantastic idea Jack. I’d love to get your help and your input on previous missions would greatly benefit my knowledge of Statesman,” you say attempting to sound professional.
“Alright, alright Miss. Meet me in my office around, say, six o clock?” He lets out a deep breath, stands up, and you do as well. You extend your right arm out to shake his, and he firmly, yet gently grasps yours. His large, warm hand engulfs yours and you can’t help but feel a surge of excitement rush throughout you. Breaking away, you leave the conference room and head to the roof top to get some fresh air.
From the rooftop, you can see New York City in all its glory. This feels like a dream come true. Your first day appeared to be a success, you gained respect from the Statesman, and now your handsome boss wants to make sure you get this project up and running. You call your best friend from back home to share the news. After the initial pleasantries, you say to her,
“Oh and get this! Head of the New York office wants me to work with him personally to get to input his information into the new data base I created.”“That’s amazing (y/n)! It seems like you made a really great impression. I always knew you’d do great things. I can’t believe you're working for one of the best distilleries in the US,” she says. Smiling, and looking down at your shoes you mention,
“It also doesn’t hurt that he’s one of the hottest guys in the office.”“Really? Well don’t get a reputation on your first day,” she jokes.
“What’s he look like?” She asks.
“I think he’s from Texas? He’s got a whole cowboy thing going. He’s got brown hair, brown eyes. He’s older too. Totally got a daddy vibe,” you say, feeling that heat rise up to your face again.
“Daddy? Like he’s got kids?”
“No, I mean… well I don’t know. Look I’ll explain it to you later. Gotta go!” You end the call. Little did you know, Jack was behind one of the structures listening in on your conversation. A smile grows wide on his face.
The rest of the day is spent touring the facilities with Ginger, getting to know the equipment and familiarizing yourself with different programs. As exciting as this is, you’re looking forward to tonight more. You try to push back this growing crush to the back of your mind, and focus on absorbing all the interfaces and layouts Statesman has to offer. After all, you’re here to work. Luckily, the day goes by quick and before you know it almost everyone is leaving the office… Everyone except you and Jack.
“Hey Grenadine, wanna share a taxi back home?” Ginger asks. “Oh I’m staying a little later to work on the algorithm project,” you say. Ginger glances away from you, observing Jack’s office with the lights still on. “Ok, just remember what I said earlier and Grenadine?” “Yes Ginger?”
“Don’t work too hard, it's only your first day.”“Good thing I’m on salary,” you joke. She laughs, and bids you a good night.
After seeing the elevator close behind her, you make your way to Jack’s office and knock on the door.
“Well hello gorgeous,” he declares and motions you into his spacious office, furnished with a warm rosewood desk, luxurious rugs and two cozy looking leather seats. You tell yourself he’s just a gentleman, and respond,
“Hello Agent Whiskey, thanks for taking the time to help me with this,” you say trying to sound as professional as possible.
You take a seat across from his on the other side of his desk. He hands you a stack of old, dusty files and Champ wasn’t kidding. This handwriting was a challenge to decipher. You begin shuffling through the papers, and start scanning the documents into your Statesman tablet.
“Hey Whiskey. I got most of this mission inputted, but I’m having trouble making out the location. Could you take a look?” You pass the paper to his side of the desk, and his hand grazes yours and you instinctually jerk back a tad. He looks up at you and grins,
“Now sweet pea I don’t bite,” he says with a chuckle. “You ain’t gotta be scared of old Jack.” The heat rises to your cheeks and you look down at your now empty hands.
“I didn’t mean to come off like that Jack, I’m just nervous since its my first day and all. I guess there’s a reason you’re out in the field and I’m in the office,” you look up at him with your big, beautiful doe eyes. You can see his pupils widen, and he reaches for your hands and begins to stroke them. A surge of excitement rushes through your body as you notice his large hands engulf yours.
This is a mistake, I should go. I should have known this would happen. I should have listened to Ginger. You think to yourself. You’re drunk on Whiskey. You understand the ramifications of sleeping with your boss, but the tingling in your lower parts is too much to handle.
“I like your hands Jack,” you finally say, with your thumb stroking the back of his hand.
“(Y/n), there’s a lot of parts I like about you. Permission to speak freely?” He asks, with his strong, brown eyes piercing yours.
“Yes…Jack.” You feel your face get hot, and you let out a deep breathe.
“I ain’t been able to get you out of my mind since I met you in the conference room,” he confesses in his southern drawl.
“Jack, you’re my boss. I’ve always dreamed of working for such a rivered organization like Statesmen and I don’t want to throw this all away based on a lapse in judgement.”“It don’t have to be that way darlin’,” he says. Jack pulls your hand toward him and plants a kiss on it while looking you deep into your eyes. He moves his lips away from the back of your hand, looks up at you and says,
“Besides, don’t think I didn’t hear what you called me on the phone earlier,” he smirks. Your stomach tingles into your vulva. You let out a deep breathe, and begin to squeeze your legs together.
“Aww sweetheart, look what I’m doin’ to you,” he teases.
“I can’t,” you whine. “It’s not right,” you say with your eyes watering out of frustration.
“Honeybee, don’t get upset. Why don’t you sit on daddy’s lap so you can see what you’re doin’ to him?” Any self control you attempted to muster is completely gone. You know you should leave, in order to preserve your reputation, but you can’t. You get up and make your way to Jack, he grabs your wrist and pulls you down onto his lap. His growing member pushes through his jeans and onto your ass. He grabs the sides of your face and pulls you in for a kiss. His mustache tickles your lips as his tongue dances with yours. You begin to move your hips back and forth, desperate to feel him.
“Now that wasn’t so hard, now was it?” He teases you again. His hands make their way down your frame. You move your legs from the side of the chair and straddle his hips.
“Oh Jack you feel so good,” you let out as your skirt opens and the fabric of your panties grind against the denim outline of his cock.
“Yeah baby girl? You like feelin’ my cock rub against sweet little pussy of yours?” He asks you, taking your top off and throwing it across the room. You let out a breathy “Yes.” He starts massaging your breasts then unclasps your bra, exposing your hard nipples. Cupping your right breast with his hand, he puts his mouth to your nipple and gently moves his tongue in a swirling motion. You grab the shoulders of his blazer and slide it off his rugged body, clasping his forearms as you do so. Then, you grab the bottom of his shirt and begin pulling it off of him, knocking his cowboy hat off. You wrap your arms around him and his mouth meets yours. You can feel his warmth as you two make out. You grab his biceps and rub your hands down them as you kiss each other. You slide down from his lap and onto your knees, looking into those dark, beautiful eyes. Your eyes move down to his silver belt buckle with the engraved Statesman logo.
“Daddy… Can I?” You ask sweetly.
“Baby girl I’d be a god damn fool if I said no,” he responds. Eagerly, you begin to unclasp his belt, and pull down his jeans with his boxers attached. You are amazed watching his cock spring out, hits his belly before staring right at your face. You start to lick the base, moving your tongue up to the tip swirling your tongue around it.
“Darlin’ don’t tease me like that. Show me what a good girl you can be,” he sighs. You put one arm on his thigh, the other at his base and begin taking his length in your mouth. His size is impressive, and grows more as you inch your mouth around it. You relax your jaw, and breathe through your nose as it travels deeper and deeper down your throat. He pushes the back of your head down until your mouth reaches the base of his cock. You look up at him, eyes watering, as his pupils almost engulf his iris. The hand on the back of your head begins bobbing you back and forth as Jack fucks your mouth. You arch you back.
“Now that’s a good girl,” he remarks. He moans with each thrust as your fingers dig into his thigh.
“God damn sugar that mouth is made for me,” he says as he pulls you away from his cock. He bends down, picks you up and places you on his desk facing him. He pulls you in for another kiss and you groan with excitement. He pulls your panties and skirt down to the floor.
“Daddy’s gonna make you feel real nice honey,” he says locking eyes. He grabs both of your knee caps and pushes them away from each other, exposing your sex. He pushes his index finger in you and you whimper, he pulls it out and then pushes two fingers in, twisting around causing you to squirm.
“Oh Jack I want you so badly,” you let out.
“(Y/N) you got me,” he says beginning to pump his fingers more rapidly. His lips make his way down your heat, and begins licking you while his fingers fuck you. You let out several groans. His free hand spreads your folds and his tongue circles around your bud. The fingers that are inside you begin to curl upward and hit your special spot.
“Oh fuck Daddy, keep doing that,” you pant, looking up at him worshipping your body. Encouraged, he picks up his pace and you begin to shake while letting out breathy “yeah”s over and over. The pressure builds up and you let out a long moan, throwing your head back onto the desk. Your body is shaking and your breathing shallow. Jack towers above you and grins,
“Babygirl you taste sweeter than molasses.” He leans down and kisses your lips while positioning himself at your entrance.
“You ready to take Daddy’s cock?” You look down and adjust yourself closer to him. Your back arches, perking up your breasts. He stands back up, and strokes your thighs.
“Jack please go slow,” you tell him, hinting it’s been a while.
“The last thing I wanna do is hurt my little girl,” he says.
“(Y/N), tell me if you want me to stop. You hear me?” He asks, gazing into your eyes and brushing his hand against your cheek.
“I promise,” you respond.
“‘I promise’ what?” He asks sternly.
“I promise Daddy.” You grab his hand, and lace your fingers with his. His tip enters you and you can already feel his width stretch you. He exits you, then enters you again deeper, this time halfway. You feel your walls sweating and your hips buck forward to meet his cock. With this encouragement, he enters you half way. You let out an audible gasp, followed by a moan.
“Keep going Jack, I can take it,” you say looking up at him.
“Thatta girl,” he smiles. He thrusts deeper into you, entering you fully. He lets out a “fuck” under his breath which you follow with a moan. His rhythm is slow and steady and you can feel him stretch you. You lock eyes with him, grab his free hand and put his fingers in your mouth. You begin to suck them, he lets out a groan and begins to fuck you faster. He pulls his fingers out of your mouth and grabs your hips. You moan while putting your hands over his.
“You like that baby girl? You like being full of daddy’s cock?”
“Yes Daddy Whiskey,” you coo. He smiles, releases his hands from you and orders, “Open that pretty little mouth.” He sticks his finger down your throat, pulls it out covered in your saliva and beings vigorously rubbing your clit. Your thighs shake and you start panting heavily.
“Daddy please,” you let out and he fucks harder. He grabs your throat with his free hand and your thighs wrap around his waist. You whimper as he pounds into you, his finger pressing harder on your bud.
“Cum on daddy’s cock sweet thing,” he commands. You shake and let out a muffled moan. He pulls out of you and sits on the leather chair behind you. He pats his lap,
“Go on, show daddy what you got,” he commands. You stand up from the desk, legs shaking like a new born foal. You position yourself above him, he grabs your face and kisses you passionately. You break away and take a deep breathe.
“Save a horse, ride a statesman,” you giggle. He smiles with a chuckle,
“Baby girl you’re perfect,” he says. Your hips move down, and you begin to motion your hips back and forth, riding his cock as if your life depended on it. You feel his balls slap against the area between your sexes. You let out a few squeaks and moans, your tits bouncing in his face as he kisses them. He starts breathing heavier,
“Daddy’s gonna come,” he exhales. He starts to push you off, but you saddle back on his hips. His eyes widen, he lets out a deep groan and shoots his load into you. You can feel his seed shoot into you and you let out a gasp. You get off of him, kissing him softly.
“I’m gonna have to keep you around baby girl,” Jack says as he embraces you.
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader : LIKE DADDY
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“Baby, have you seen my chain?”
You walk into your shared closet and see your husband going through the jewelry cabinet. “Which one?”
“The one you gave me for our anniversary.” He bends down to look at another box. “I’m sure I placed it on the nightstand, but it’s not there and I can’t find it here.”
“Hmm, you probably misplaced it somewhere else. At the studio maybe?”
He groans “No I came home with it last night.”
You shrug, “I’ll help look downstairs, let me just check if the kids need anything.”
You walk out the door and towards the Children's room. You see your daughter Mia playing with her Fujifilm Instax camera her godfather gifted her for Christmas.
“No Ezequiel, you need to pose like daddy so you actually look like twins.” Mia tells him, her voice sounding like she's irritated.
“But mama said that’s not nice.”
“Mama is not here, you baby.”
“Mama is here young lady, what are you making your brother do?” You cross your arms and raise your eyebrows to look at her.
Mia looks like she just got caught doing a crime, but the thing is, she has the same sneaky smirk her father does when he gets caught doing something he’s not supposed to.
“He wanted to look like daddy.”
“Okay, and what was the not nice thing he had to do?”
Mia shakes her head.
You turn to look at your son. “Ezequiel?”
He was about to answer but Mia cut him off. “Fine, fine, I come clean. He was supposed to do the naughty fingers and hold his chain.” She shrugs.
“You know better than that Mia, no naughty fingers- wait, What chain?”
“He has daddy’s chain.”
You stand up straight and head towards your son. “Oh your dad is throwing a fit, he thought he lost it.” You pick up Ezequiel and have him in your arms. “Let’s go show daddy.”
“Can I come?” Mia asks.
You nod, “Of course baby, come on.” You hold out your hand so she can put hers in with you, and you three make it back upstairs.
You hear noises from the bedroom, things being thrown all around.
“He’s mad mama?” Mia asks.
“No, he just really loves this chain.” You walk into your shared bedroom and see the bed is unmade, the side dressers are wide open.
“What?” He’s on the floor looking under the bed. “Yeah sorry, what happened?” He says looking up and seeing you and the kids there, so he stands up and smiles.
“Daddy you made a big mess.” Mia says, looking around the room.
“Yeah, I’ll clean it up in a bit.”
“So I found your chain.” You tell him smiling.
“Fu-I mean duck yes, where was it?”
You walk up to him and hand him Ezequiel. “Your little twin.”
Jack looks down at EZ and smiles. “I should’ve asked him first huh?” You just smile.
“Daddy, Mia took pictures of me with your chain, we twins.”
“I bet she did an amazing job, I can’t wait to see them.” He looks at Mia and winks. “And you definitely are my twin little man.”
Ezequiel smiles at that.
“Now why don’t you all go downstairs, get some snacks ready and pick a movie to watch, while I clean up here?”
“Yes movie please.”
“I want Little Rascals.”
“I’ll help you bubs.” You say and start picking up.
“No, it’s okay, I need to make a call real quick anyway. You go downstairs with the kids, I got this.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
Jack nods, so you and the kids make it downstairs and fix up some snacks and look for a new movie to watch.
A few hours and some movies later, the doorbell rings.
“Are you expecting anyone?” You ask your husband.
He nods, “Actually, yes. But it’s just a drop off.” He says and gets up from the couch and heads towards the door.
“Who is it momma?” Mia asks.
“I don’t know bug, it's probably daddy’s work.”
Mia groans, “It’s our weekend. No work duties.”
“It’s not work baby, I promise.” Jack says as he comes back into the living room and sits down next to Ezequiel.
You look at the velvet box and raise your eyebrows. “Please tell me you didn’t.”
Jack smirks, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Jackman, he doesn’t need it.”
He shrugs, “Only when we’re home.”
You’re smiling at that. “Go on then, he’ll love it.”
“Mia, pass this to your mama please.” Jack hands her a box.
“Oh, for me?” You ask him, smiling.
“Mia, this is for you.” He hands her a smaller box. “And this one's for you Ez.” He hands him a box.
The three of you open the box and see there’s a matching chain with the one you had gifted Jack for your anniversary.
“Oh pretty.”
“Daddy we matching now, yay. Thank you.”
“Anything for you little man.” Jack tells him and helps him put it on.
Ezequiel immediately gets up from the couch and heads your way. “Look mama, I’m just like daddy.”
You smile, “Yeah you are buddy, twins for life.”
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