#jack perry fic
mrsarcherofinfamy · 2 months
●Jack Perry x Reader●
Summary: You get revenge on The Elite for hurting Tony Khan and Kenny Omega.
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*Y/N's POV*
Standing backstage, eyes wide as I watch Jack, Okada and The Young Bucks beating up Tony Khan. I gasp and cover my mouth seeing The Bucks hit Tony with a Meltzer Driver. All four of them make their way to gorilla than down the hallway where I am standing, shocked at what happened. They start walking past me with a camera man behind them and I grab Jack's arm.
He turns and so does the rest of them.
"What was that?! Why did you do that?! How could you?!"
I look at Jack than at the Bucks and Okada than back to Jack. He scoffs at me and rolls his eyes.
"It's none of your business Y/N."
"He is the owner! Why would you do that?! What is wrong with you?!"
He sighs than quickly puts his hand around my neck and pushes me against the wall. He moves his head next to mine.
"I said it is none of your business. Got it?"
I gulp, shake my head yes as I look at him trying to breathe properly. Matt comes over and pats his shoulder.
"I think you made your point Jack. Let's go."
Jack looks me in my eyes than slowly lets go watching me fall to my knees. I start coughing, looking down as they all walk away. I hear someone come running over to me.
"Y/N! Are you okay?"
I look up seeing Dax and Cash kneeling down next to me. Cash puts his hand on my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. I look slightly over his shoulder seeing Jack standing at the end of the hallway watching. I look back at Cash, lean into his hand and smile at him. Cash helps me up when I look over seeing Jack is gone. The camera guy turns off his camera and walks off.
"Thanks guys. If you ever need anything, let me know."
"How about you stick around us just incase?"
"Good idea. Seems like I need a little bit of backup now."
"We got you lady!"
We fist bump than head off our separate ways.
*next Wednesday Dynamite*
Kenny Omega makes his way to the ring and cuts a promo about his condition. Okada makes his way out to the ring, arguing with Kenny about who is the best bout machine. Jack Perry comes up behind Kenny and hits him in the back. They start smacking Kenny with a chair and hit the EVP trigger on him. I run to FTR's locker room and start banging on the door.
"Guys! Guys! They are beating up Kenny!"
Dax and Cash come running out of the room as I run behind them. We run down to gorilla as I grab a steel chair and we run down to the ring. We slide in and I swing the chair at Jack as he is climbing out of the ring smacking the back of his shoulder. Dax and Cash chase The Bucks out of the ring and Okada stands at the top of the ramp waiting for them. I throw the chair at them almost hitting Jack again than kneel down next to Kenny.
"Kenny. The doctors are coming. I am here."
He groans as the doctors help him on the stretcher. I walk next to Kenny as we start walking backstage when, out of nowhere, Dax and Cash get attacked. I yelp when someone grabs my hair and yanks me into their body, wrapping their one arm around my waist.
"Stop! Let me..."
Their other hand wraps around my mouth as they bring their mouth up to my ear.
"You better chill out or I am going to make you chill out."
I gulp hearing Jack's voice in my ear but, I keep trying to get out of his grip. He makes me watch as Matthew flips Kenny off the stretcher. Jack throws me onto the ground and they all leave. I crawl over to Kenny and put my hand on his chest.
"Kenny. I'm here. The doctors are here."
Kenny looks up at me, puts his arm up and wipes my forehead with his thumb.
"You are bleeding Y/N. You should get your head checked out."
"You are more important. I'm coming with you."
"That would be great. I have an idea to talk to you about."
The doctors help him on the stretcher, put him in the ambulance than I climb in, sitting next to him. We head off for the hospital.
*next Wednesday Dynamite*
Kenny has a video package from the hospital playing on the titantron while The Elite are standing in the middle of the ring. Kenny tells them they are having an Anarchy at the Arena match at Double or Nothing.
"Oh and guys..... the leader of Team AEW, Jack knows very well. Good luck."
The video shuts off and it goes back to The Elite in the ring. Nicholas brings the microphone to his mouth looking at Jack.
"Who is it Jack? Kenny says you know this person very well!"
"I'm not su...."
He gets cut off by my music blaring over the speakers, making the crowd erupt and I walk out to the top of the ramp smirking down at them in the ring. Jack's jaw is dropped staring up at me. Nicholas leans on the ropes looking at me.
"Who is on your team? Bring them out! Because we are just going to take them out at Double or Nothing."
FTR's music hits and The Bucks start freaking out in the ring. We all fist bump than they stand on my left. The arena goes quiet when Eddie Kingston's music hits as he comes out ready for a fight. I smirk looking down at the ring as Cash walks to my right side and puts his arm around my neck. Jack's face goes from normal to straight anger. The arena goes quiet again until Bryan Danielson's music hits and the crowd booms with the yes chants. We make our way down to the ring and get in their faces. Me and Dax are staring down Jack, Eddie with Matthew, Cash with Nicholas and Bryan with Okada.
"Don't even think about putting one finger on us! Don't even...."
We all start throwing hands and beating the crap out of them. The refs and security pull us apart and The Bucks and Okada retreat out of the ring. I grab Jack by his arm and pull him towards me.
"This is for your own good baby."
I kiss his cheek, toss him towards Cash and he lifts him up as him and Dax hit Jack with the shatter machine. I push him out of the ring towards the ramp and the rest of them yell at them at the top of the ramp. Cash walks over, puts his arm around me and we celebrate with the crowd to end Dynamite.
*in my locker room*
Changing into some sweatpants, I hear my locker room door open. Before I can barely turn around, I am pushed onto the couch with a hand around my throat. I look up seeing Jack towering over me.
"Don't make a sound."
I gulp, shaking my head yes as he lets go of me and walks over to the door, locking it. I watch him slowly breathing and he walks back over to me. He slowly puts his hand around my throat again making me look up at him.
"Why are you sticking your nose in my business? Huh? Is it because I broke up with you when I left AEW months ago? Is it because you still love me?"
I gulp, looking at him as a tear streams down my cheek onto his hand. He slowly takes his hand off my throat looking at me with a concerned face.
"You.... you still love me....?"
I look up at him trying to blink back the tears in my eyes.
"Jack..... I've never stopped...."
He puts his hand on the side of my face and rubs his thumb along my jawline.
"I never stopped loving you too. I was so stupid for letting you go. I thought it would be better if we weren't together and I was totally wrong. I'm so sorry."
"Do you really mean that?"
"Every word."
I look up at his face trying to find even a hint of him lying but, his face looks very upset and concerned.
"I believe you. For now. You are gonna have to earn my trust back."
"I will do whatever it takes. I love you."
I stand up looking at him and put my hands on his shoulders.
"You love me? And will do whatever it takes to make this right?"
"Whatever it takes."
"Than lets start planning for me turning on Team AEW at Double or Nothing."
His eyes light up with a big smile on his face and he grabs me into a big hug.
"I love you so much Y/N! I am gonna prove you can trust me from now on!"
"I love you so much too Jack! I am willing to give you one more chance."
"That's all I need!"
He puts his hands on the sides of my face, pulls me into him and kisses me hard. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back. He pulls back looking at me, still holding the sides of my face.
"Let's go work out that plan of yours with the guys."
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r3dr3ality · 3 months
As a hooray for the last part of the stich event coming out I have weird drawings
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sydsaint · 5 months
Smug little baatard man. I love you <3
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Summary: The reader is surprised to see Jack Perry finally back in AEW after his prolonged hiatus from the company. The two were close before the incident with CM Punk. But Jack never tried to reach out after the fight.
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You are backstage for Dynamite talking with Willow and Kris after your match against Robyn Renegade a few minutes ago.
"The belt looks so good on you, Willow." You compliment Willow and the shiny new TBS championship belt hanging off her shoulder. "I can't wait to see you and Mercedes go at it. It's going to be such a good match."
"Thanks, YN." Willow smiles at you. "I saw your match with Robyn just now. You looked great back there." She pays the compliment back.
You, Willow, and Kris chat for a while about work. Kris is showing you a new photo of her pet lizard when the three of you notice the sound of the AEW crowd becoming rowdy.
"What's got them all worked up?" You wonder aloud.
"No clue. Wanna go see?" Kris shrugs.
You and Willow nod so the three of you weave your way through the backstage are. You make it down near the tunnel entrance where some monitors are streaming the show.
"Isn't that Jack Perry?" Willow is the first one to speak up. "What's he doing out there with the Jackson brothers and Okada?" She asks.
Your attention snaps to the monitor in front of you at the mention of Jack's name. You haven't seen Jack since the incident last Summer at All-In with CM Punk. Kris notices the surprised look in your eyes and remembers that you and Jack were hanging out a bunch before the incident.
"Hey, didn't you and Jack used to be close?" Kris asks you.
"Yeah." You nod. "I haven't talked to him since that fight he got into with CM Punk." You explain.
Willow turns around to join the conversation. "That long?" She asks you. "He didn't even like text you?"
You shake your head and turn back to the monitor. You watch Jack commit an assault on poor defenseless Tony Khan with help from The Elite. Your stomach churns at the despicable sight. But in the back of your mind, you can't help but notice how attractive Jack seems now. This new persona he's putting on is enticing, to say the least.
"Damn, that was brutal." Willow shakes her head when the camera feed cuts out, signaling the end of the show.
"I know." You agree.
Kris and Willow head back to the locker rooms so they can get ready to leave. But you linger backstage for a bit. You hang around and try not to act suspicious until eventually, Jack comes strutting back through the tunnel with his new friends.
"YN!" Matt Jackson greets you with a smug grin. "What are you doing hanging out all the way out here?" He asks you casually.
"Hi, Matt- er, Matthew. Sorry." You offer the EVP a small wave. "I was just cooling off and enjoying the show." You explain.
Matt nods and steps off to the side with Nick and Okada. Jack steps up to the front of the group and locks eyes with you.
"Hey, Jack." You smile at your former close friend. "You grew a beard! It looks nice." You pay him a friendly compliment.
"YN." Jack returns your smile. "It's good to see you again." He takes a step toward you and away from his newfound friends. "You've been growing out your hair? It looks nice too." He adds.
You smile at the ground sheepishly and nod. "Yeah, thanks. How are you?" You ask him. "I heard that you were off doing some work in Japan. How was it over there?"
"It was good." Jack shrugs. "I learned a lot while I was over there, that's for sure." He explains. "Hey...listen, YN. I'm sorry that I didn't call or anything these past few months." He rubs the back of his neck.
You shake your head at Jack's admittance of guilt. "Jack, no, it's alright." You assure him. You step forward and close the gap between the two of you. Jack looks a bit surprised when you place a gentle hand on his arm.
"You're forgiving me? Just like that?" Jack laughs. "But I was such a dick to you these past few months." He shakes his head again. "I mean. I just up and left! I ghosted you for so long!"
You shrug and crack a small smile. "You were getting railroaded!" You remind him. "Scapegoat, remember? I get it. And sure, it would have been nice to get a call or a text just to see how you were doing. But it's okay. I get it." You assure him one more time.
Jack laughs again and you suddenly find yourself trapped against his chest in a warm embrace. "Man. You've really got it bad for me, don't you?" He teases you. His new bad-boy persona breaking through.
You giggle and break out of his embrace. "I've got it bad?" You quirk a brow at him. "You spent half a year in Japan surrounded by groupies and yet here you are." You tease him right back. "Right here begging me to forgive you for ghosting me."
You and Jack both laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. You glance down at his hand now holding your wrist in the gap between the two of you. It's like he's making sure that you aren't going to go anywhere.
When you glance back up at Jack's face you find him staring at you with a tell-tale twinkle in his eye. You recognize the look to be the same one you used to give him when he wasn't paying attention. Like you are just dying to kiss him.
"If I try and kiss you right now, you aren't going to slap me, right?" Jack asks you playfully.
You shrug and match his playful smile. "I guess you'll just have to try it and find out." You tease him.
Your teasing remark earns one last laugh from Jack before he closes the gap between the two of you. You feel his hand snake behind your back, his palm laying flat against the small of your back as he pulls you flush against him. Your eyes flutter shut as Jack crashes his lips to yours in a sweet but passionate kiss. A kiss that's about three years in the making and about six months late.
But damn was it worth the wait.
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*These weren’t necessarily written and/or posted in December, but that’s when I read them 😊
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
Christmas Tree Farm (Modern!Poe Dameron x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Headcanons for Poe with someone shy and quiet - @ivystoryweaver
🔥Santa Baby (Modern!Poe Dameron x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Moon Knight
🔥Somnophilia (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @juneknight
Perks of Being a Wallflower (Jake Lockley x Plus Size!F!Reader) - @soft-girl-musings
Blossoms & Whiskers (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
It's Cold Outside (Steven Grant x Reader) - @dailyreverie
🔥My Turn (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥Study Buddy (Uni!Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
The Old Oak (Jake Lockley x Reader) - @mccn-bcys
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps (Noir!Jake Lockley x WOC Lounge Singer!Reader) - @soft-girl-musings
🔥Divine Nights (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @moonlight-prose
🔥Helpless (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥Audible (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @juneknight
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
🔥Always Yours, Never Mine (Yandere Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor (new chapter means it gets rec-ed again 😌)
🔥Scratches and Bites (Miguel O'Hara x Spidergirl!Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥After Dark (Dark!Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
Ex Machina
🔥Centerpiece (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Accidental Kiss (Nathan Bateman x Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
🔥Kinktober Day 9 (Pegging) (Nathan Bateman x Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
🔥(Not) Good Enough (Nathan Bateman x Reader) - @midgardian-witch
🔥Sugar & Spice (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @hon3yboy
Untitled Soft Nathan blurb (Nathan Bateman x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Triple Frontier
🔥Santi & Aftercare (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥Tied Together (Javier Peña x Black!F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥Cruel Intentions (Jack x F!Reader) - @hon3yboy
Won't Back Down
🔥High Tension (Youth Pastor!Michael Perry x F!Reader) - @hon3yboy
Inside Llewyn Davis
Untitled Sweet, Fluffy blurb (Llewyn Davis x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed from the list, I completely understand, just let me know
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thesupreme316 · 4 months
Girl I’m ready for the next part of Had it Coming 😩🫶🏼
Had it Coming (Part 5): Hook'sSister!Reader X Christian Cage, Reader X Jack Perry
Summary: It's been some months after the confrontation with Jack about your relationship. Are things still holding up strongly in your life?
Word Count: 2K (hehe...i need help)
Supreme Speaks: thank you guys so much for supporting this series and showing it love. aight look, this took a hot minute so please go easy on this. also, thank you so much for being patient and to my anons i hope you are still here. Please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: DARK PORTRAYAL OF JACK (tw: obsessive, stalking), explicit language, proofread i hope (if yall wanna help a sista out lmk hmu)
You thought that all of your problems were solved. You thought you were actually moving towards happiness yet again. But no, this shit can’t get any fucking worse.
It’s been approximately 6 months since you last saw Jack. For the first month, you kept receiving messages from him ranging from angry to sadness. You blocked his number but he was getting new phone numbers and using his friends’ phones to text you. You ended up getting a new number but that didn’t even stop him as he even began texting you on Instagram and Twitter.
It was driving you crazy, the constant noise of your phone going off, and the constant feeling that you were being watched. You started to seek therapy because of it and tried everything to distract you from it. Even Tony allowed you to take time off however much you needed to cope and heal.
But then one day and for the rest of the 5 months, he was radio silent.
It wasn’t because he finally got the hints though. It was because he signed to New Japan Pro Wrestling. Because they have a rigorous training and performance schedule, he didn’t have enough time to text you.
The new silence and peace allowed you to focus on other and more important things. You started wrestling again and actually made you feel better. You were winning more matches all by yourself, the crowd slowly but surely started to get behind you again, and you were rising up to be one of the top talents within the women’s division. You decided that being in the ring was the best course of action for your career, mindset, and peace. After all, there wasn’t much you could do in just a managerial position, besides supporting your boyfriend.
And speaking of your boyfriend, you two have been going through some challenges within your relationship. Christian was keeping a closer eye on you. He never allowed you to leave the house by yourself when you had days off, and when you were at work you were always escorted to your destinations. At first, it was endearing, however, over time it became smothering and overbearing. It was like Christian was becoming less of the person you fell in love with and more into a….
After all, he hasn’t been catering to your needs or relationship, always focused on work. You’ve tried to tell him your feelings but he doesn’t seem to listen as he’s too absorbed with his career. And was too absorbed to even send you flowers like he normally does.
He began to get very obsessed with his TNT Championship and his rivalry with his former best friend, Adam Copeland. He started to wrestle even less than usual and just paraded around the building before going home. And then he became very obsessed with The Patriarchy, the name of his faction. Originally, it was just you, Christian, and Luchasaurus. But now, you were in and out of the picture, he changed Luchasaurus’ name to Killswitch, and he added Nick Wayne to the group, the same kid he embarrassed months ago. Which all contributed to why you’re sitting here in the group’s locker room now.
Killswitch was pacing around the room, shadowboxing the air. You were sitting on the couch listening to Nick Wayne and his various questions and stories about wrestling. He’s a sweet kid, a second-generation wrestler, and very curious just about life. His big brown eyes just lit up every time you offered him advice or laughed at his jokes.
“So Miss. Y/N-“
“Nick, I told you that you don’t have to call me that. Y/N is fine with me.”
“Oh okay, Y/N, has Mr. Cage always been very stoic? He seems to be very uptight.” Nick said in a whisper, careful to not let Killswitch hear.
You giggled as you looked towards the open door where Christian was loudly talking on the phone.“Yeah, but he knew how to relax, have fun, and make others a priority. But right now, he’s going through a phase.” Nick’s eyes widened at you as you cleared your throat. “He’s just a little on edge right now. But look at the bright side; you’re improving so much in the ring.”
Nick smiled at you, “Thank you! Mr. Cage has really been giving me great pointers. But I also wanna thank you for helping me with that submission move.”
“No problem, I-“ you started but cut yourself off when you heard Christian start to yell in the hallways. You excused yourself before going in the hallway and shutting the door. You grabbed his phone and put it up to your ear, making your boyfriend’s jaw drop. “I’m sorry for that. Mr. Cage is busy and will have to call you later. Thank you!” You said before hanging up the phone.
“You are being way too loud and you're going back to your old ways. This is the first time you’re yelling on the phone in months.”
His eyes cut at you and his tone grew to very stern, “That was a very important business-“
“Everything is very important business with you, right? The faction, your championship, but not your relationship. You’re focused on everything but me and I just ask if you can just once think about me.”
Christian’s face grew with confusion as he ran his fingers through his short dirty blonde hair. “Everything I do is for you Y/N. I fight for you, I protect you, I provide for you, especially ever since that day with Jack. But I’ve been trying to give you space since you feel smothered and whatnot.”
You huffed, upset that he hasn’t seen your ways yet, “Oh so that TNT Championship is for me? So this group is for me? Newsflash, all this is your doing and for your benefit but it wasn’t ever anything until I came into the picture. Has it ever crossed your mind that I feel smothered because I feel like I’m not in a relationship anymore? In terms of Jack, I’ve been doing a lot of healing but I cannot continue to heal if you’re holding me hostage like how he did.”
Christian’s eyes widened before shock, fear, and disappointment took over his eyes. It made your heart hurt, but it was something that you felt and you had to let him know. He stepped closer and leaned down, not taking his blue eyes off of you, “What are you trying to say?”
“I think you know what.” You whispered as his face was centimeters close to yours. The silence and air became so tense that you felt like you were suffocating. Before either of you could say something, his phone started to ring in your hand. He grabbed the phone and looked at the name.
“Go inside now. I’ll be there shortly.” He said as he turned his body away to answer the phone. Upon entering the locker room, you could have sworn his tone was more excited and softer…like how he used to talk to you. As you closed the door, Nick looked at you and gave you a soft smile. You sat next to him and began another conversation to wait out Christian.
Five minutes later, Christian came back into the locker room with something- someone in tow. She was a tall blonde woman, who was a little bit taller than Christian due to her heels. She looked like a supermodel. She was dressed in all black, matching your boyfriend’s actions. You looked over at Nick, whose eyes were about to pop out of his head. Already, you felt some off vibes. Christian cleared his throat to address the room.
“Everyone, I would like to introduce someone. This is will be my new manager,” Those words made both your stomach drop. However, him pulling flowers out from behind him to give them to her would make your heart drop. He continued, “and I’m sure she will be a great asset to The Patriarchy, please welcome Shayna-“
“Mom?” Nick’s voice shouted from beside you. Your eyes also began to pop out of your head. ”What is this?!”
“Nick, this is a business arrangement. This should be fun, I get more acquainted with the wrestling industry and I get to spend more time with you. Mr. Cage made me an offer that I couldn’t refuse.” She said giggling while leaning on his shoulder, making your boyfriend smile and chuckle. She rubbed his shoulder and flipped her hair while continuing to talk.
Normally, you wouldn’t get insecure about another woman near Christian but at this point, you couldn’t help it. It made your eyes and heart hurt, seeing them so comfortable together and for her to look like she naturally belonged next to him.
But also, it made you mad as hell that he was allowing someone else to showcase this behavior alone right in front of you.
To distract yourself, you started looking at your phone and you found two text messages. One was from your brother, Tyler, asking you to come see him as he had important news. From the looks of his text, which has no acronyms or emojis, you assumed that it was bad news. The other one was from an unknown number, you were about to unlock and read the text until a figure was standing over you. You looked up from your phone to see Shayna standing over you, with almost a smug smirk.
“You must be Y/N, I’ve heard a lot about you!” She said as her smirk transformed into a smile. You stood up and gave her a small fake smile. She extended her hand to you.
Looking at her hand, you said, “Nice to meet you. However, I should be going.” You stepped aside and headed towards the door.
“Killswitch, go with her,” Christian commanded as you opened the door. Killswitch started to make his way over to you.
You rolled your eyes saying, “These are family matters. I’m going alone.” Before slamming the door shut in Killswitch’s face. You quickly marched, damn near ran, to Tyler’s locker room.
You took a deep breath and opened the door. “Okay, you had no emotions in your text, is everything ok-” You looked up to see your brother…kissing a brunette woman.
Which at first you didn’t have a problem with.
Tyler quickly stepped away from the woman but soon grabbed her waist, turning her to you, to reveal all-too-familiar blue eyes mooning as she made an awkward smile.
“Anna?” You said with your voice hesitating. Anna Jay gave a small wave to you as Tyler scratched his neck and then ran his hand through his own hair.
Now, you have a problem with it. In a shocked state, turned around despite your brother’s protesting and asking you to let him explain. You shut the door and just kept walking down the hallway.
You were just shocked and angry. Your brother, whom you’re very close with just stood there making out with the same woman who was detrimental in the break up of your last relationship. You couldn’t help but think that all this trouble was karma catching up with you. After all, you did at first betray him to date his best friend and become his enemy at first.
As you’re trying to process what was happening between your relationship with Christian and your relationship with Tyler, your phone goes off to show you the message that you never opened. Your body naturally stopped in the hallway to pay attention to your phone. You swiped on your screen to reveal a message that sent chills down your spine and your phone crashing to the floor. Tears started to fill your eyes as you began to feel overwhelmed with all that was going on in your life. You dropped to your knees as you re-read the text with your tears hitting your now cracked phone screen.
Unknown number: 7:08 PM
Hey Y/N, I would like to talk and apologize to you…properly. Please text me back.
~Love, Jack
At this point, karma and trouble has caught up to you.
And you only had yourself to blame.
Taglist: @hookerforhook @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @wwenhlimagines @kat04ie @batzy-watzy @cassie0sstuff  (lmk if you wanna be on or off my taglist, i don't bite)
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daddyhausen · 1 year
Can you maybe do 21, 58 and 66 from the dialogue prompts (not the NSFW) for jack Perry and hook again, I really like the one you did for them before :)
Thank you :)
• merely a scratch — jungle boy + hook •
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{ masterlist } | { aew masterlist } | { hook masterlist } | { jungle boy masterlist }
{ summary } — after a gruelling match against former friend ruby soho, jack and tyler go check up on you, the boys both worried for your safety after catching the sight of blood
{ warnings } — injury, blood
{ word count } — 354
{ pairing } — fem!reader x hook x jungle boy
{ genre } — fluff
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @baybay-boom @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @eddie-kingstons-wifey @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
{ 21 } — "you're bleeding!"
{ 58 } —"you're insane!, "you love me though”
{ 66 } — "it's just a scratch, you worry too much"
your head was spinning
mind in as a daze as the once fresh blood now congealed to your flesh
staining your forehead and cheeks in crimson streams
this new side of ruby was unlike no other
she was vicious, violent, not a shread of empathy left in your once former friend
as evident by the nasty gash just above your right eyebrow
consider your friendship no more after she slammed your head into the ring poll
the wound still oozing fresh blood
albeit not as much as before
just as you were unceremoniously dumped into the medical office
tyler and jack made their presence known
jack practically kicking the door off the hinges
“you’re bleeding!” his voice frantic, rushing over to you despite the doctor trying to stitch you back up
tyler followed soon after with his usual casual demeanour
eyes widening with worry as his gazed upon your bloody face
as soon as the doctor had finished the final stitch, jack cupped your face gingerly between his palm
treating you as if you were a porcelain doll he was afraid to break
tyler still remained silent
offering a small hand on your thigh for comfort
“it’s just a scratch, you worry too much”
“just a scratch?” tyler interjected.
“you got five stitches in your head, princess”
jack tightened his lips together at the sight, still a slight furrow of worry knitted in his brows
“eh, i’ve had worse”
tyler gave a small chuckle at your remark
placing a sweet kiss to your cheek, sitting beside you stop the makeshift examination table
an arm wrapped around your shoulder
all the while jack continued to stroke your cheeks gently
“you’re insane” jack mumbled under his breath
“you love me though” you eyed both of the boys momentarily
leaning into tyler’s shoulder with a soft sigh
“doc said i can’t wrestle for a couple of days. guess my boys are gonna have to take care of me”
jack rolled his eyes playfully, the soft honey-brown of his irises glimmering under the harsh light of the medical lamp
“you know we wouldn’t have it any other way, sweetheart”
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catch-needed-hobbies · 2 months
Jack and Fire Types
The Elite had a hard job in professional wrestling; entertain the masses, showcase incredible athletes, change the world, pray on people’s downfall—the lives of the EVPs and their associates were not easy. As such, Jack Perry only thought it was deserved for him to rest by the pool for the afternoon.
Tropius meanwhile, was splashing away in the water, its foliage soaking up the sun reflecting off the water droplets sticking to it. Because of the Pokémon’s large size, water was going everywhere, and Jack felt justified in pulling his lawn chair further into the grass than to stay in its original spot.
Grass types loved being in the water, and growing up in California meant that even if Jack didn’t have a Water type Pokémon himself, someone he knew did. It was not uncommon to wander through beaches and see people letting their Pokémon out into the sea so they can enjoy the warm sun and bask in it. Both Water types and Grass types enjoyed such things.
Fire types… not so much. It wasn’t rare to see them at the beach—bonfires and fireworks and grills were a thing—but rarely ever would you see any getting close to the ocean, especially if any of them had flames actively engulfing any part of their body. It wasn’t life threatening or anything; it seemed to just be an instinctual avoidance of bodies of water on their part.
But then again, Grass types exhibited similar behavior in the wild. A lot of forest fire safety PSAs focused on how certain Grass or Bug type Pokémon could grow to fear their home if fires were made by humans there.
So he supposed it was a bit funny how many people with Fire types as their partner Pokémon Jack had surrounded himself with. Funny but also pathetic.
The first one that came to mind was of course Christian Cage; joining Jack and Luchasaurus—not Killswitch, fuck that stupid name—with his at-the-time Litleo. Christian was one of those wrestlers that had been in the game for so long his original partner no longer fought alongside him, being a stay-at-home Mon while Christian returned to the sport with a new partner. That of course was the little Litleo with fire in her heart and a mischief in her eyes. It was cute at first; a man of Christian Cage’s reputation and status battling with a cub that barely produced a powerful enough Ember to make the other Pokémon even flinch.
But Christian had insisted on nurturing and raising his new partner from the beginning, as he’d done when he first started wrestling. And soon enough, Litleo evolved into a powerful and vicious Pyroar, one that Christian adored very much and spoiled rotten. Jack had always been amused by how much of a diva she’d evolved into, until the betrayal hit and he watched as that same Pokémon he used to carry in his arms to the ring viciously attacked his poor Tropius.
The singe marks on its leaf wings didn’t go away for weeks.
But one bad experience with Fire Pokémon was nothing; there are no bad Pokémon after all, only bad trainers. So Jack didn’t think anything of it when Hook offered him a helping hand after he was attacked; a hand that extended to his Pokémon as well as Jack watched Hook’s little Scorbunny helping Tropius stand on his feet—well, try to help at least. It was a cute sight and even Tropius seemed to agree.
The cuteness however didn’t stop Tropius from Headbutting the way smaller creature down the ramp at Forbidden Door while Jack attacked Hook. Type advantages went a bit out the window when your opponent was about eight times your size. Still, Jack couldn’t deny Scorbunny still looked cute as it stood protectively in front of Hook’s crumpled body, its angry stomps not exactly helping him look threatening in the least.
Jack was even a little sad to see the adorable innocence of Scorbunny make way for the stoic demeanor of Raboot after Jack won the FTW Championship a month later. But it also made him finally understand why Hook’s partner was that Pokémon and not anything else; Raboot and Hook we’re comedically similar. And Jack got to see that in full at Wembley as the stupid thing pelted him with rocks during the match.
Whatever, the FTW Championship didn’t matter anyways.
Speaking of championships, the next person on his list was never a real partner but… there had definitely been something there.
Darby and Jack had teamed up out of convenience, but then their Pokémon started to hit it off rather well. Darby’s partner was… interesting. A regional variant of Marowak hailing from the Alola region; Jack didn’t know how he had obtained him but he knew better than to question anything about Darby.
Fire/Ghost was a fascinating type combination though, so against his better judgment Jack found himself asking questions. A lot of them about how he and Marowak had adapted to the sudden change in typings upon evolving. Darby had merely laughed it off, saying that he’s nothing if not adaptable.
Understatement of the century.
It didn’t matter; Jack and Darby both lost the match for the AEW World Championship and the rest was history. They hadn’t crossed paths again until Jack returned from his exile as a member of the Elite.
It was ironic; for as many Fire type enemies as he’d made thus far, it took Darby for him to be lit on fire. It wasn’t even Marowak that did it; Darby’s just insane and needs to be locked up.
So after all that, one would imagine Jack would stay away from Fire types, for Tropius’ safety as well as his own. Maybe team up with some Water or Rock types he could easily beat if the need arose. A Ground type would be ideal, but definitely not an Ice type or an Electric type that could take care of the secondary Flying type his chosen partner had.
But no, once again Jack found himself surrounded by trainers with Pokémon that easily outmatched his own. He was talking of course about the Young Bucks.
Nicholas with his brutish Electivire and Matthew with his powerful Magmortar. An Electric type and a Fire type respectively. But he hadn’t felt like he needed to keep his head on a swivel constantly around the two. They wanted him around, they chose him! And the two Pokémon had already taken a huge liking to Tropius. For once in what seemed like a lifetime, Jack felt like he and Tropius belonged.
But betrayal isn’t always cut and dry, and as he watches Darby threaten to yet again—and let Marowak do the same to his Pokémon—light him on fire he can’t help the disappointment and heartbreak that makes its way onto his face as Matthew gives Darby a match for the TNT Championship and the win at Blood and Guts.
Whatever came next, Jack knew one thing for certain: no more Fire types…
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hangmatts · 29 days
matt reminisces on the past.
[ drabble ]
Matt stared at the wall, fingers tracing over his title. They had just won their match and the TV was turned on to watch Jack’s upcoming match. He was trying to pay attention but found himself struggling. If felt like there were a million thoughts and zero thoughts running through his brain, all at once. He didn’t snap out of it until he heard a noise.
Nick opened the bathroom door, drying his hands and tossing the towel aside. He had just shaved his face completely.
“God, I hated that mustache.” Nick said.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. You only had it for like- thirty minutes.” Matt mumbled.
Nick tilted his head, scanning his brothers face.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked.
Matt sighed. He debated saying “nothing, I’m fine” but, his brother knows him far too well and would detect that’s a lie.
“Just… thinking about the past. Everything that lead us to this moment again.”
“Anything in particular?” Nick sat down next to Matt
God dammit. Nick knows him too well.
“This is the first All In without Kenny.”
“Yeah, it is.”
A silence filled the room. Nick was the first to break it.
“Do you… miss Kenny?” Nick asked.
Matt looked straight at him.
“I thought we agreed to never ask that question to each other?” Matt replied.
“I think this is an exception.”
Matt sat and stared. He looked up at the TV to see Jack, then back down at his title. It all hit him in that very moment.
“You know what? No! We’re tag team champions- the first and only 3 time ones- which we did, no thanks to him. He almost ruined our chance at that! We won our freaking match tonight by ourselves! You know- when he was here last year? We lost our match! We don’t need him.” Matt scoffed.
“You’re right! We don’t need him. We’re the best damn tag team and we proved that tonight. We got all this success with Okada and Jack. We’re here tonight because of us, because of the work we put in and-”
“We did it all without him! This entire year! So no, I don’t miss him.” Matt said.
“Neither do I.” Nick replied.
“Why should I miss him? Why should we? If he came back, he’d just take up all the spotlight anyways. That’s who he is, right? He doesn’t care about his friends. He just wants to be at the top. But we’re at the top now, and we did it all by ourselves. Screw him!”
Nick nodded in agreement before looking up at the TV when he heard a bell ring.
“Look at that!” Nick tapped Matt’s shoulder. “Jack won!” He got up, grabbing something that was in the corner.
Matt looked up to the TV and smiled. “That’s what I’m talking about!”
Nick tapped the gas can, getting Matt’s attention in the process.
“You ready to go?” He asked.
Matt stood up. “Yeah. Let’s go set this prick on fire.”
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feelneurotic · 10 days
i would like more jack/matt fics of them getting freaky in the back of the scapegoat bus idk.
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
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Hey guys remember when that big pillars moment happened and Jack came out wearing black pants sporting a beard to save Darby and it was this huge big lead-up and it announced the pillars tag match and also weirdly the only time he wore those black pants and also that he posted this photo with no context or caption and then 3 months later he turned heel and adopted that look specifically as his new heel gimmick ANYWAY super weird hoop dee doooooo
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 3 months
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bowie-boy · 1 year
Help girl I’m rewatching Community
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sydsaint · 4 months
Evil Jack Perry kinda doing it for me ngl <3
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Summary: The reader is shocked to find Jack Perry has changed into a completely new person now that's he's back from his hiatus from AEW.
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The roar of the crowd out in the arena is deafening as Jack bears down on a defenseless Tony Khan in the middle of the ring. Okada and the Jackson brothers look on with sinister smiles and laugh as Jack continues his assault.
"Finish him off, Jack." Matt snickers as he admires Jack's handiwork.
"Yeah!" Nick agrees. "Before someone decides to be brave and try and stop us." He scoffs.
Backstage you watch in horror as Tony takes hit after hit from Jack. Your mouth hangs ajar in disbelief as you witness the attack. You knew that the Jackson brothers had invited Jack back to AEW now that his suspension is over. But this? You'd never thought in a million years you'd be a witness to this blatant display of disrespect and savagery. Especially not from someone who's usually as bright and nonviolent as Jack Perry.
"Where's security at?" You finally snap out of your trance-like state and begin thinking again. You've got to stop this! "Well?" You whirl around to the staff all standing behind you frozen. "Security! Where is security? Tony needs help!" You shout at them.
"The-th-they're all still breaking up that fight between Eddie Kingston and Malakai Black." One of the staffers finally offers you an answer.
Your heart pounds in your chest. You know that you can't just sit by and do nothing. Not after everything that Tony's done for you. "Well go get them! Now!" You bark an order at your group of terrified subordinates.
Most of your staff hurries off in a rush to find the security team. But you set your sights on the ring. You've got to put a stop to this. No matter what it takes.
Heartbeat pounding in your ears, you head out to the ring alone. The Jackson brothers are the first ones to notice you but choose to let you join them in the ring. They whisper to one another as you come up the stairs and dare to enter the ring. Okada is the next one to spot you. But he doesn't seem bothered by your presence either.
"Jack!" You step into the ring and call out the name of the man you thought was a friend.
Jack recognizes your voice instantly, despite the crowd all shouting at the top of their lungs. His foot stops midair and returns to the mat rather than collide with Tony's torso again and Jack turns toward you.
"YN." Jack greets you with a smile that makes a shiver run down your spine.
This isn't the Jack Perry you knew before.
"Jack, stop this!" You try your best to sound intimidating, but your voice cracks when you say his name.
Pathetic. You think to yourself.
"Go backstage, YN," Jack warns you, his eyes dark with rage.
"No!" You protest. "I'm not going anywhere until Tony is safe!" You stand your ground, but you're trembling in fear where you stand.
Jack steps away from Tony's body and approaches you. You take a step back and retreat out to the ring apron, putting as much distance between you and Jack as you can.
"Go backstage, YN," Jack warns you again. "I'm not going to ask you again." His jaw twitches with malice.
"N-n-no." You shake your head, hands shaking as you grip the top ring rope. "I-i-im not afraid of you, Jack." You lie to him.
There was a time when that statement couldn't be more true. You never used to be afraid of the man standing in front of you. The Jack you knew was carefree and sweet. A gentleman who was always there when you needed someone to talk to. A comforting shoulder to cry on.
This Jack isn't the same person you once knew. The old Jack Perry is dead.
"If you're not scared, then why are you trembling?" Jack asks you, his gaze flitting down to your shaking hands.
"I'm worried about, Tony." You reply, voice cracking again.
Jack scoffs at the mention of Tony's name and inches closer to you. You remain on the outside of the apron and cautiously step onto the steel stairs to steady yourself. Jack steps through the ropes and meets you on the stairs with his icy gaze directed at you.
"Don't be a stubborn bitch, YN," Jack warns you one last time. "You're a good person, YN. Sweet and innocent. So go. This isn't about you." He points up the ramp.
"Or what?" You dare to stand your ground one last time, despite your fear.
Your reply seems to ignite something in Jack. He takes a hefty step forward and stops right in front of you. His chest is puffed out in a display of dominance, and for a split second you fear that he might actually strike you.
You flinch when Jack's hand moves from his side and raises toward your face. But a strike never comes. Instead, Jack lays a surprisingly gentle hand on your cheek.
"You think that I'd hurt you?" He asks you in a whisper.
"I-I don't know." You squeak out a response.
Jack huffs a breath out of his nose and glances back into the ring where the Bucks and Okada are waiting for him before turning back to you. His gaze softens ever so slightly when he looks at you.
"Please go backstage where it's safe, YN. For me." He asks you. "I have to do this. It's the only way I can move on. But I can't if there's even a chance you'll be collateral damage." He grits his teeth. "Not you. So please, go." He sets his hands on your shoulders and turns you around toward the ramp before giving you a small shove.
You stumble forward and look back at Jack. His posture is still rigid. But there's a small hint of the Jack you used to know in his eyes still.
Reluctantly, you slowly move up the ramp and over to the tunnel. The security team finally file out from backstage and await your orders.
"Ma'am? What's the orders?" The head of the security team asks you.
"Get Tony out of the ring and to the medical team." You reply, gaze transfixed on Jack.
The security team all nod and begin their retrieval of Tony Khan. Jack meets your gaze and offers you a subtle nod as he and the rest of The Elite are driven off. The security team begin flooding into the ring and Jack is forced to retreat as well, but he keeps his eyes on you until he can't anymore.
This isn't over.
Far from it,
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junglemax · 4 months
ever think about how mjf and jack perry are the yin and yang of this company. both strongly affected by two people who were, at different points for the most part, considered the strongest soldiers of the company, who have now left and shouldered them both with the burden.
mjf takes every opportunity to thank Cody Rhodes for bringing him in, and giving him a chance, and considers him a mentor. he was practically passed this torch. he uses the cross Rhodes. but Perry, its almost like he wasnt supposed to go down like this. I mean he really wasn't. he got the burden dropped onto him and became the scapegoat of the situation. and so they both have their mentors legacies to live up to but whereas mjf using the cross Rhodes is a tribute, jack Perry using the gts is a middle finger.
and the way those two interacted in the pillars feud... they're bound by the soul. the circumstances have flipped and now its jack who is taking the shortcuts and mjf who will have to return to reconcile with his past and his future.
they should probably kiss or something idk
LISTEN. LISTEN ANON. I WAS THINKING THE EXACT SAME THING. Especially after the four pillars story when jack turned on hook, losing the only friend he really had and mjf gained a friend in adam cole (which in turn becomes his only friend)??? Their stories literally switched at the exact same time. Like they can’t both be faces at the same time and they can’t both be heels at the same time or it disrupts everything that they have. I’m also pretty sure i remember mjf saying jack was the most like him anyways, that they were the closest in level to each other and for MJF AS A HEEL TO SAY THAT TO JACK??? HOO BOY. THATS A LOT.
i cannot WAIT for mjf to come back and eventually interact with jack. i wanted it so bad when they started switching, and i really hope it happens when they’re both on screen. i need to see them study each other and just wonder where the other went wrong, because now they’re on the other side of things! jack wonders why he never took mjf’s advice in the first place. mjf wonders where jack’s optimism and innocence went. they HAD to have seen each other in themselves, right?
also i 100% agree they should kiss.
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
I’ll never be over with Jungle boy turn on hook
Therefore I’m in need for something, anything with either
- the reader being at ringside/ JB side when he turn ( in shock ex:when Seth turned on the shield and the reader having the same reaction as Dean/Jon did)
- Reader’s backstage reaction plus Anna Jay next to them ( reader could be angry and Anna having to hold them back;Confused( Reader and Anna are tag partners in this one); or no reaction as they felt that this was gonna happen
- Reader joining in on turning on Hook
- Reader taking it to Twitter like how Bowers and Danhausen did(love them for that😌)
- Reader being at the announcer table with Taz and him having to hold them down
- Or (personally my favourite) reader beating the ever loving shit out of Jungle Boy either the same night or the following Wednesday
The reader can be any gender, can be a champion
Much love ❤️
SHIT I DID ALL THE ABOVE AND YALL GONNA READ IT choose your adventure bitchesssss
You Reacting to Jungle Boy Turning on Hook:
Word Count: 1.5K
Supreme Speaks: hiii, i did all the above! I left Y/N gender-neutral and entirely up to the reader's design (i hope). Thank you to @hookerforhook for requesting this ❤️. I did both a heel and face reaction. Please know that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: things that are said about Jack Perry are not true and come from a very deep (AND HURT AND INSULTED) place within me, fake twitter pic, not proofread.
Taglist: @hookerforhook @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom
If you wanna be a heel:
You were backstage with your best friend, Anna Jay (who’s a part of JAS ew)
The two of you were watching Jack’s (Anna’s boyfriend and your other best friend) match against Sanada on the monitor
You were also watching Hook; a person you didn’t have any particular way of feeling towards
Nothing against him, just particularly didn’t care for him (imagine that) or this little partnership they have
At times you would help them out, evening the odds with JAS or other teams; but still no attachment to Hook (despite the media calling you the 3 Amigos)
Over the course of weeks, you knew something was gonna happen…you could just feel it
Jack was getting nastier and more aggressive over the past month
Maybe it was Christian getting under his skin, or the comparisons to Hook, or maybe even the doubtful opinions of the fans
But one thing is for sure, something was bound to happen this week
After Jack lost to Sanada, they were walking back up the ramp when Jack tackled Hook; resulting in the entire arena booing him and gasping
“Holy shit!” Anna exclaimed, not believing what she saw. She looked over at you for a reaction, but you didn’t have one. 
Not a single emotion ran through your body.
“Y/N? Are you there?”
“Yeah, I’m here. I’m not surprised.” You said as Jack stood over Hook’s body. Then, an idea came into your head, making your eyes gleam with mischief. “But I’m gonna do something.” You started to walk away from Anna, towards the stage.
“Y/N! Be careful, and don’t be stupid!” Anna yelled as you went through the curtains.
And as if a switch went off in you, your emotionless face was replaced with a concerned one, making the crowd grow antsy yet sad. You looked at Jack with fear as you went over to “check” on Hook.
You got him up on his feet to the crowd cheering…but then the audience grew with anger as you delivered a roundhouse kick to Hook, knocking him back down again. Looking around the arena, you heard and saw all the negativity that was being thrown at you. You turned around to see Jack with a smile on his face, you two high-fived each other. Both you and Jack raised your hands in victory. As you two walked to the back, Taz was screaming at you and vowing that Hook would get his revenge.
You didn’t care.
It was just business….
nothing personal.
If you wanna be a face (this is much longer my bad):
You were in a tag team with Anna Jay (who was freed from the shackles from JAS)
The two of you held tag team championship gold (either a women’s tag team or a mixed tag team championship; whatever you choose)
On the other hand, you were really good friends with Hook and Jack Perry
Going to the point where JungleHook would team up with you and Anna to take on various teams
For Jack’s match at Forbidden Door against Sanada, Jack invited you and Anna to observe his match while Hook accompanied him
After your title defense earlier that night, you and Anna decided to take that offer
Instead of crowding the ring, you and Anna sat at the commentary table with Taz, Hook’s dad
After the match, you and Anna were gonna go up to Jack to comfort him
Until he attacked Hook, leaving everyone speechless and you with a beyond shocked look on your face (that also became a viral meme in the wrestling community)
Sidenote: like everyone and their momma referenced your picture like that one dude when Undertaker’s streak ended
Even though you were shocked and blindsided, you had to contain Taz, who was begging to punch Jack
“Nah! Nah! Lemme beat his ass! I’ll show him what’s up!” Taz said trying to get out of his seat. You took off your headphones and tried to hold him back. But as you turned around, you saw Jack gloating and making fun of Hook to the audience. Immediately, anger rose within you, making you jump out of your chair and almost over the table to get to Jack. But you were held back by Anna as Jack ran backstage.
Looking at her, something clicked in your mind, “Did you know?” You asked with betrayal and disbelief in your voice. The thought of one of your best friends would keep a secret this hurtful from you made you sick. Anna’s eyes widened as she shook her head.
“No! No! I didn’t know anything! I swear!” Anna said with her eyes pleading for you to believe her. You sighed as you and Taz walked over to Hook, who was making his way to his feet. The four of you went backstage as Hook put ice on his neck and Taz stared daggers into the floor. “Guys, I’m so sorry about that. I honestly didn’t know, and if I did I would have told you.”
You nodded your head, as you know that her words rang true. You just sighed before looking at Hook, who was fuming mad. “What do you wanna do now, Hook?
“I’m gonna kick the living shit out of him.” Hook said before turning to Anna. “I want to apologize to you in advance, cause after I’m done with him, you won’t be able to recognize your little boyfriend.”
Anna shrugged, “He has it coming. I just don’t want this to drive our friendship apart.” She looked at you for reassurance, but you were typing away on your phone. “Y/N?”
“Oh yeah, we’re good. I was tweeting something, but Anna, we’re okay.” You said putting your phone down. Immediately (just like your initial reaction) your tweet went viral as you told Hook that you have an idea. Hook turned to you, motioning for you to continue. You smirked as Taz and Anna both leaned in.
—Time Skip: Wednesday, AEW Dynamite—
Granted, seeing Jack like this was horrible (given the circumstances) but what is worst is this promo he was doing. He was dissing the audience and Hook all in one breath. To you and Anna (who was standing right beside you), it was unnatural, as if he was paid or brainwashed into doing this. Since Sunday, Anna hasn’t talked to Jack like they normally do. She’s still in love with him but is just confused and angry about the fact that she is placed in the center of the feud.
You on the other hand was mad as hell. If your face didn’t show it, your Twitter page sure did. You and Jack had a quick yet heated exchange on Twitter, with your tweets going viral just like your initial reaction.
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It was safe to say as of right now it was you had 1 point and Jack also had 1 point.
“I’m still banging the hottest bitch in this place!” Jack said, making the crowd gasp and slightly cheer.
You shrugged your shoulders, quickly glancing at Anna. “I mean-he ain’t wrong.” You said making Anna giggle. “I don’t know why he had to refer to you as bitch.”
“Right! When I get to him, he’s gonna wish that Hook killed him.” Anna said through her teeth. As if it was right on cue, Hook’s theme song hit the arena and Hook quickly shuffled past you and Anna. “It’s go time,” Anna whispered.
Hook ran down the ramp and slid into the ring, right after Jack slipped out of the ring and started to run around the arena through the crowd. Hook was right on his tail, as he was a D1 athlete. They both made their way backstage where you quickly got into position. You told Anna to stay out of the plan as you didn’t want to complicate things for her.
Jack ran backstage and started to knock things down to trip Hook, he turned around to see if it worked (and to no one’s surprise, it did not). When he turned back around to start running again, he was met with your boot as you gave him a bicycle kick out of nowhere. The audience cheered very loudly for you as Jack laid across the concrete. Hook looked at you before he started to stomp his ribs. With no hesitation you joined him, hitting Jack with elbows, forearms, and eventually a steel chair.
You were separated by security briefly before Hook went around and duplexed Jack through the snack table. You delivered the final blow by performing a spinning back kick to Jack’s face before throwing him into the car he was gonna make his getaway in. You slammed the door and gave Hook a fist bomb. The crowd cheered even louder as you two walked out of the frame.
You and Hook started to trend as people really liked you teaming up against Jack. Now, one can only hope that this really doesn’t conflict with your friendship with Anna.
But until that moment comes, the score is…
You- 2
Jack- 1
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daddyhausen · 1 year
Can I request #30 off the NSFW prompt list with Jungle Boy?
• touch starved — jungle boy •
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{ masterlists } | { aew masterlists } | { jungle boy masterlist }
{ summary } — it’s your first night back after a serious injury, jack being completely unaware of your return and quite frankly, sex deprived, begs you to touch him
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }, switch!reader, handjobs, public sex, switch x switch dynamic, teasing, cumshots, edging, multiple orgasms, begging, male + female orgasm, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, squirting, internal cumshots, vaginal creampie
{ word count } — 610
{ pairing } — fem!reader x jungle boy
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @baybay-boom @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
{ 30 } — i’ll let you do anything if you just touch me right now
it had been months since he saw you last
months since he last felt your warmth, kissed you, tasted you
he’s craving your touch
even more so now the both you were currently at work
still so close but far enough to miss each other
jack found himself in the secluded hallways of the area
you locked with his lips
hands so needy, but not allowed to do more than fumble with zippers and ties
“i’ll let you do anything if you just touch me right now” he whimpered, feeling more touch starved than usual when you were not around
“anything?” you pulled away from his lips momentarily
“yes…anything, sweetheart”
his breathing was frantic
his cock strained in his ring gear
the poor boy looks like he hadn’t gotten off in days
“just relax for me”
jack let out a small sigh of relief as you pried his cock from his trunks
slowly beginning to jerk him off
“feel better?”
“y-yes…” he whined through gritted teeth, sweat starting to gather at his hairline making the luscious curls stick to his skin
his back arched again the cold brick wall
adoring the way your hand worked around his shaft
your eyes never breaking their gaze from his
“fuck…i’ve missed you so much…”
jack spoke through a particularly loud groan
one of which you silenced with a harsh kiss to his lips
pulling away breathlessly
“i know…me too, baby”
“god…need to fuck you so bad”
the pleasure made tears well in his eyes, hips bucking upward to meet the movement of your hands
“cum for me first, okay?”
he gave a small nod
the muscles in his abdomen tightening with release
his cum warm against your skin
coating your knuckles white
he gave a breathless moan, his cock twitching against his stomach as you released him from your grasp
“sit down” you words were soft in his ear, bringing up your hand to lick his cum from your knuckles
“what if someone sees us?” he questioned yet still complied
lowering himself back against the wall
“guess they’ll just have to watch then” you remarked, lowering yourself down onto his cock
oh god how you missed the feeling
his cock spreading your folds so deliciously
stretching you out until your cunt was gripping his size
“oh s-shit-“ he gasped, stuttering over his words as you began to bounce on his cock
“oh my god, sweetheart” he panted, tongue jutting out to wet his lips as you leaned in for another heated kiss
“you feel so good…”
“you do too…” you muttered against his lips trying to keep yourselves quiet
“you make me feel so full, jack…i love it so much”
“me too, baby…now be a good girl and keep quiet for me okay?”
you nodded, burying your head into his shoulder
jack held you tight against his chest, thrusting up into you with light strokes
“you gonna cum?” you questioned, words muttered into his skin
feeling his cock throb deep within your warmth
he gave a simple nod, an arm wrapping around your waist while the other smoothed stray strands of hair from your face
your lips remained close to his, swallowing each others breaths and moans
spilling over around his cock while he pressed short, sweet kisses to your jawline and chin
he followed suit, filling you up as he intended,
his warmth seeping from your sweet folds as he pulled out
admiring the sight of you i top of him for a moment
“you better fix yourself up…” you mentioned, still starting to catch your breath as you placed a gentle kiss to his lips
“don’t you have a match next?”
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