#jack kiline
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omgitskaii · 10 days ago
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going to comicon sparked back my need for and want to make charms for my niche 2000’s shows because i cant find any good merch… and im only capable of sketches and wips rn, so please once again take these concepts !!
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years ago
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Supernatural 15x19//Inherit the Earth
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deancasapplepie · 5 years ago
Sam: can I be frank with you guys?
Dean: i don't know how changing your name is going to help.
Cas: can I still be castiel?
Jack: shh. Let frank speak
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emmy-lou-badoo · 7 years ago
The Nephilim & Cambion pt.3
Thank you all for the love on this series, it’s awesome!! 
part 1 / part 2 / Part 4
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~Two weeks later~
“What even are these movies” Gabby said inspecting the dvd case critically. “There some of my old movies, I thought you and Jack could watch them, you obviously haven’t seen them and he…well he hasn’t seen a lot of movies” Sam explained to his daughter. “Understandable” she nodded along, arms crossed, glancing back at Jack who was looking at the movie cases with wonder. “I found a case and I’m going to see if Dean wants to go, just us two, you think you’ll be ok with Jack?” Sam asked. Gabby nodded, “yup, we’ll be good”. Sam smiled, ever since he explained what they did. Who and what Jack and her were, it made their relationship stronger. “Ok, well, I think there might be popcorn in the kitchen if you search a bit, but ya, stay safe” “Of course, you to” She smiled as Sam left the living room, to go convince his brother to go on the case.
“Common, I’ll put up extra warding, Gabby will make sure Jack doesn’t get into anything, I mean if his powers whack out, she is probably the only one who could stop him, they’ll be fine” Sam talked to his brother, leaning on the kitchen counter as Dean made a PB & J sandwich. Dean nodded, but looked up at his brother, “you good with leaving them alone” Sam furrowed his eyebrows, “what do mean” “common man, the two of them alone, watchin’ movieess” Dean trailed off seeing that Sam was getting what he was implying. “Dude, please don’t, I’m not worried about that Jack isn’t..doesn’t.. he.. he.. he probably doesn’t even know what that is, so let’s not cross that bridge too early ok” “Ok” Dean shrugged. “Good, can we go” Dean nodded and the two headed out.
I furrowed my eyebrows as the credits rolled on the movie my dad left for us to watch, “that was so weird” I spoke aloud. “Indeed, I found it strange as well” Jack said. “I think we should get some popcorn and watch a good movie” I turned to Jack from my position on the couch, “what do ya say?” He smiled, “that sounds nice, what movie?” I thought for a moment, then grabbed the laptop, “here, you haven’t seen like any of the classic movies, this is a list pick one off of it” I handed him the laptop. While he was picking what we were going to watch I went on a hunt for popcorn. It was shoved way back in a top cupboard, but I found it. Once I got back, Jack looked like he picked something. He looked up when he heard me enter, “Gabby” he smiled proudly, “I picked a movie” “Awesome” I sit down crossed legged on the couch and set the bowl of popcorn between us, “what you pick?” I asked, taking some popcorn and eating it. “Star Wars” He showed me the laptop. “Good choice” I laughed lightly.
After Star Wars, Jack and I were cleaning up the popcorn and such in the kitchen. “Gabby, I have a question..about the movie” Jack spoke lightly, eyebrows creased as they always did when he was confused about something. “Ya, what is it?” I asked genuinely. “Han and Leia, they said they loved each other..what exactly is love, that kind of love…it confuses me” “oh well ahh” I stumbled, a bit taken aback by the question, “well there are different kinds of love” Jack looked at me, waiting for me to continue. “Umm, like you love your mom, that’s family love, I love my dad and uncle Dean cause their my family, then there romantic love, that’s what Han and Leia felt” Jack nodded seeming to understand, “how do you know?” “What?” I jolted. “How do you know it’s romantic love?” Jack asked, innocently. “umm there’s lot’s of signs I guess..I mean if you think their attractive, if you get nervous around them, butterflies in your stomach-“ “Butterflies?” Jack asked a bit shocked “Their not actual butterflies, it’s a feeling you get in your stomach sometimes, it’s like fluttering, that’s why its called butterflies in your stomach” “I see” Jack said looking down, moving his hand to rest on the counter but he didn’t see the beer bottle in the way. “Oh Jack” I tried to warn him, but his elbow hit the bottle, knocking it over. I focused and stopped it from hitting the floor, moving it back on the counter. “how did you do that?” Jack had that child like wonder again. I shrugged “i don’t know it’s just one of my powers”. “I can do it too, but I’m can’t control it like that” Jack said , he then whipped his head to look at me, “can you teach me?” “i..i..i can trrryyy” I answered,he than pulled me by hand gently towards the library where he explained that my dad told him to practice moving a pencil once. So thats what we tried to do.
When Sam and Dean arrived back at the bunker, Jack and Gabby were still in the library. Jack was typing away on the laptop, while Gabby was reading an old book. They were sitting beside each other, and it was something both Sam and Dean noted in the back of their minds. Jack greets the brothers without looking up from the keyboard. Gabby does and she sees a man with her father and uncle, one that perfectly matched the description given to her a a certain angel that was very close with the Winchesters. Gabby stares at him and swats Jacks arm, making the boy look over and see the man he considered his father. “Hello Jack” Castiel spoke. “Castiel” Jack spoke astonished, getting up from his chair. “it’s me” Cas assured the young boy. “But how, we burned your body and what’s burned stays dead, how?” Jack asked. “That’s the question we’ve been asking” Dean says, arms crossed, “did you do something..did Gabby?” Dean asks. “I wanted him back” Jack answered, “i begged, but, is he here because of one of us” Jack half points back at Gabby who had stood from her chair. “We think maybe” Sam said. “Thank you Jack” Cas spoke, as Jack went closer and hugged the angel. “I missed you so much” Jack mumbled into Cas’ shoulder as they hugged. They pulled away and Cas asked how Jack was doing. “I am- oh” Jack interrupted himself, walking over the the table and using his powers to levitate the pencil, “I can move the pencil” he smiled proud then held is arm out in a presenting manner, “Gabby helped”. Cas now turned to the girl and smiled kindly, “It is nice to meet you Gabriella, your..father and uncle have told me all about you” using the new terms to address Sam and Dean was foreign to Castiel. “It’s nice to meet you too, I have heard all about you as well” Gabby answered kindly. “Oh! and Gabby and I found a case” Jack jumped topic again “a possible case..it.. it might be nothing” Gabby was still unsure when it came to the hunter stuff. “It’s zombies” Jack spoke, showing the evidence he found while expertly exploring the internet, after Gabby showed him the basics.
Surprisingly Dean was the one that agreed to check out the case the kids found, Cas and Sam agreed in surprise that Dean was willing to give them such a chance. Now the group was entering the Stampede Hotel, adorned completely in everything cowboy. “this is it” Dean lead the group down the hallway to their room, “the wild bill suite” Dean said as he unlocked and pushed open the door. Dean immediately began to praise the room, geeking out on the various pictures of famous outlaws. “He really likes cowboys” Jack spoke still watching Dean “Ya..he does” Cas added as he to stood watching in mild confusion as Dean went about the room. “Ok, I say showers, steak dinner then we hit the cemetery in the morning” Dean suggests, everyone agrees. Dean then goes through saloon type doors and into the bedroom. Gabby stood holding her small bag looking around the room, their was so many people she didn’t really know where she would be sleeping. “Hey, Gabby” Sam gets his daughters attention, “The small couch is a pull out bed, that’s yours” “Ok” she smiles brightly up at him and goes over to the small couch adjacent to the larger couch. As Gabby was prepping her bed, she heard Cas and Jack talking. “you can have the couch..I don’t sleep much” Jack told Castiel, who countered with “You can have it.. I don’t sleep..at all”.
Hours passed, Jack and Castiel were still awake, sitting on the couch, with only one lamp and the laptop for light. As Gabby was asleep on the pullout couch, facing away from them. “Look” Jack suddenly spoke, turning the laptop to show Cas, “there is a hit on something, i’ll wake them” Jack stood from the couch ignoring Cas’ hushed protests, as he went into the bedroom and poked Dean’s arm. Dean jolted awake, gun pulled out from under his pillow and pointed at Jack. He was still half asleep, but he saw who it was and yawned lowering the gun, “who is making me coffee”
Now all the boys were awake, around the computer, Gabby was able to sleep through any sound that came from Dean being awaken. Sam was sitting looking at the hit they got, Jack and Castiel were standing between the two couches and Dean was hunched over with a cup of coffee on the foot of Gabby’s bed. Jack looked over the sleeping girl then at her father, “should we wake her?” “Umm ya she should get caught up” Sam nodded. “If I have to be awake so does everybody else” Dean grumbled, still angry from being woken up, he went to grab Gabby’s ankle and shake her awake, but Jack stopped him, “i’ll do it” The three men watched a bit dumbfounded as Jack quickly walked to the side of the bed and sat down gently placing a hand on Gabby’s shoulder, “Gabby wake up…wake up” Jack was gentle and Gabby slowly groaned and rose from her rest. “Jack” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. Jack smiled goofily, “we have a hit on the case” “Oh..ok” Gabby sat up and made more room for Jack to sit down beside her, which he did, then both of them looked expectantly at the parental figures to inform them. Dean looked at Sam, eyebrows raised, as to say ‘you remember what i said’ Sam noted it and began to speak, “Code 3, officer down, but this officer was covered in bite marks” “Zombie” Jack beamed “Or anything with teeth” Dean countered
Sam, Jack and Gabby all went to the graveyard, while Cas and Dean went to talk to the police about the officer.
Jack and I followed my dad, we had new professional clothes on, to disguise ourselves as FBI. We were heading to the mortuary, having to go downstairs as we found no one upstairs. As we descend the stairs we see a woman she dressed in a retro style and she has headphones on, which explains why she didn’t hear us. We stand at the bottom of the stairs, trying to get her attention, which we do, but we end up scaring her. “sorry, we didn’t mean to scare you, there was no one upstairs” Dad spoke. “Ya it’s just me here” She sounds a little pissed that she was startled “And you are?” Dad asks. “Athena Lopez, undertaker” Dad nods, but to my left I see Jack beginning to wonder off. “I’m agent Elliot, this is agent Brooks and that agent Paxton” Sam’s words falter a bit when he sees Jack has wondered and is looking at some of Athena’s stuff that decorates the space. Athena looks to me, “you and him are FBI?” she points to Jack who is still doing his own thing. “Yes, top of their class” Dad said trying to cover for us, but I added to it “We’re still technically interns, but they bumped us up because of our scores” She nods, “well if you guys want to take a look at the grave, it’s taped off on the west plot”. We nod and leave to go take a look. As we are walking out to the grave, Jack has the EMF reader out. It was constantly going off every two seconds, seeing as we were in a graveyard. “Jack there is EMF everywhere, you can put that away” Dad chuckled slightly as Jack kept pointing out that there was ‘something there/here’. We found the gravesite and the coffin was out of the ground, sitting beside the empty grave. “The report said that rats damaged the coffin” Jack pointed out as Dad inspected the coffin, lifting a piece to reveal a giant whole. “Some big rats then” I mumbled face contorted in reaction to the broken coffin. “Here goes nothing” I hear Dad say to himself before jumping into the grave. Jack and I watch as he pulls back at some loose dirt, revealing some kind of hole. I cringe thinking it will turn out like a horror movie when he reaches in. Nothing pulls him in thank god, but he pulls out a bone, and it looked like it had teeth marks on it.
We regrouped back at the hotel with Cas and Dean to talk about what we found. From what we have gathered it’s a ghoul, they feed on the dead and can take the form of those who they feed on. I’m still new to this so it gives me the chills every time I learn of a new monster. After some debate about who it could be and some traveling back to mortuary we discovered the ghoul is Athena’s boyfriend and he is taken the form of a legendary outlaw, Dave Mather. It was kinda a wild goose chase, we went to the mortuary first, Dad and Uncle Dean went in and tried to get him but Athena told them that Dave went to the bank, so now er are headed there. Before we exit the car Uncle Dean turns to the backseat, “Gabby I want you and Jack to stay close to Cas alright, Cas make sure they don’t get hurt”. Can, Jack and I stood near the side of the building, Dad was crouched behind a car and Dean stood out front, waiting for Dave to come out. There’s a little standoff when he does, Uncle Dean trying to convince him to just let it out and come with us, quick and quiet. That does not work, so Dad nods towards us, letting us know were gonna try and intimidate Dave into giving himself up. “Well, two hunters!” Dave exclaims seeing Dad, “oh wait! it must be my birthday, 5 hunters” he exclaims, gun still ready in hand. Then the shots start, guess the ghoul really is taking on the role of Dave, a good -well not so good- texas shoot out. I scream and duck as shoots fire all around the small parking lot. I feel arms wrap around me and pull me down to get better cover.   When I look up I see Jack, arms still protectively around me. A shot wings right above my head and a jump, hands clinging to Jack’s jacket. “I can stop him” Jack says confidently, “What Jack” he let’s me go but I try to hold him back, “no!”. He turns the corner and I stand as well, Cas pulls me behind him as Jack takes a few rounds right in his chest. I gasp in horror, but he’s fine, and he keeps moving. Jack uses his powers, sending Dave and the bank guard who picked the wrong moment to come out to the parking lot. I watched shocked as the guard is sent into a metal pole, I saw his head snap off it, and was bleeding before he hit the ground. Everyone is too him in a second and Jack feels horrible. “Save him, I didn’t mean to” Jack says sadly and frantically. “I can’t” Cas is glum in his statement. “Why?” Jack is desperate. “Cause he’s dead” My dad was kneeled down, he had just checked the guards pulse.
Jack wasn’t talking, he didn’t talk when we finished the case, he didn’t talk the ride back to the hotel, and here he was sitting on the couch beside me and he still wasn’t talking. The adults were off on the other side of the room, they were talking about Jack. Hearing it was making me feel bad for him, I could only imagine how it was making him feel, how he already felt. I slide across the couch and was about to try and comfort him in anyway I could but uncle Dean’s voice stopped me. 
“Gabby” they had finished talking, “jack” his voice changed when he said Jack’s name, “you guys, Cas and Sam are gonna head back to the bunker, while I finish up here, too uhh pack your stuff” 
I nod, looking over my shoulder at Jack, who was still looking at a fixed spot on the ground and went to pack. I knew it wasn’t much, but I packed up Jack’s few things as well. I didn’t know what else to do. 
The car ride was the same, possibly worse. 
“Jack, what happened” Cas spoke, breaking the thick silence, “i’ve killed people before too, people I was close with, that doesn’t change who you are” Jack still said nothing, he was just staring out the window, the only way I knew he was hearing them was his jaw was clenching. “I have killed people, me and Dean, it was a mistake Jack-“ dad tried to comfort him too, but Jack broke, “STOP, just stop”. I met my dad’s eyes through the rearview mirror, my eyes were hazy. I didn’t like seeing Jack being so hard on himself..because I used to do the same thing. I unbuckled my seatbelt, Jack needed to hear it from someone who had struggled like him, I didn’t care if my dad and Cas heard. I slide across the leather seats and took Jack’s hand, looking at my feet. “Jack, I know you don’t want comfort or to be told it was just a mistake..an accident..but you need to know that” I shook my head, trying to pull in tears, “that at least you have us, you have Castiel, Sam and Dean..me.. I had no one when I couldn’t control my powers” I was crying now and i knew everyone was listening. “I had no one to tell me it was an accident, no one I could tell that every person that got hurt was my fault, but that I didn’t mean too..cause they wouldn’t have understood…the Hupp family was loving and caring, but if they found out what I could do or the things I have done..they would have locked me in the basement and tried to exorcise me” I felt Jack’s hand gripping mine tightly, “I hurt people too Jack, they were accident’s…but I didn’t know that then…” I looked at him in the eyes, tears streaming down my face, “but I’m gonna make sure you know that what happened today, it was and accident Jack, you are good”. I looked back down unable to bring myself to meet anyone’s gaze. When I felt a thumb wiping my cheek I looked up at Jack as he wiped my tears away, “I don’t like seeing you cry” he whispered. I sniffed and placed my head on his shoulder, burying my face in his jacket, refusing to open my eyes. I fell asleep like that.
Back at the bunker things had calmed down, I knew Jack still felt horrible, but I hoped he would take my words to heart. Something about being around Jack made me feel better..normal. Dean was back, I almost didn’t hear him come back in the bunker. I was avoiding my dad, I knew I would have to talk to him about what I mentioned in the car, I would ..at some point. “did you take care of it?” Dad asked Dean as he came down the main stairs. “Ya” Uncle Dean nodded curtly, “it’s done” “done?” Jack came out of the shadows where he had been mourning, “I killed him…did he have a family?” “Jack don’t do that to yourself” Cas shook his head “No, did he?” Jack insisted. “Yes” Dean nodded, not bullshitting with the kid. “I’m a monster” Jack cringed at himself, his actions. “You are not a monster” Cas spoke firmly, everyone shaking their heads that he was not. “No I am, every time I try to do something people get hurt, I know I can make the world a better place, but if I stay i’ll hurt you all and your my family…I can’t - your all I have…I have to go”
Everyone protested, but I was the loudest, “Jack no” I was beside him, he turned to me, he looked like he was going to cry. “I’m sorry Gabby-“ “NO” I yelled, “no, don’t, you don’t have to, remember what I told you please” I sobbed “please don’t go” He shook his head, “I need to” Then with a wave of his hand he sent the guys flying backwards to stop them from stopping him. I blocked it with my arms, but when I lowered them he was gone.
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@bellero, @lynnmariefaith
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eleventhdoctorsangel · 5 years ago
The hunter and dauntless leader
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Summary: Y/N and jack find themselves alone in the divergent world. Now both having to by time till Sam, dean, and cas find them. But they had to choose a faction. That faction was dauntless. 
As I got closer to the kitchen I could hear the boys talking. I couldn’t help but smile just happy to be back home. I walked into the kitchen to join them. “Hey boys.” I said as I made my way and stood by Eric. Eric wrapped his arm around my waist as he pulled me into his side. “Why don’t we give them time to talk.” Dean as he got up. Then Sam, Cass and Jack followed him. But before they left Dean, Sam, and Cass each gave me a kiss on the head. “Should you be out of bed this quickly?” Eric asked as I sat down next to him. “Dying and coming back is normal for a hunter. I’ve lost counts on the times that it has happened to Sam and Dean.” I said. “But they were never pregnant.” Eric said. “True.” I said. “I just can’t see how you are so calm about this.” Eric said. “Calm? I’m heartbroken as I know you are.” I said. “I’m sorry.” Eric said. “It’s okay you’re hurting.” I said. “I don’t want to take my anger out on you.” Eric said. “But you’re not. We can always try again you know.” I said. “Just not right away.” Eric said. I nodded as I laid my head on his shoulder. “Seems like they like you.” I said making Eric laugh a little. “I still think it’s too early to tell if they like me or not. You need to tell them what happened with Jack.” Eric said. “I know.” I said taking my head off his shoulder to look at him. “How long before do you think it will be before their taking me on a hunt. “Probably after we get settle back in and their probably want to give you so more training.” I said. “I have enough training.” Eric said. This made me laugh. “What do you think I don’t have enough training?” Eric asked. “For a member of dauntless yes as a hunter no. Being a hunter requires a little more killing than a member of dauntless.” I said. “Yeah you’re right.” Eric said. Then I could hear Dean yelling Jack’s name. I quickly shot up from my seat and ran towards Dean’s yelling. I could hear Eric get up and follow me. I ran into the library area to see Jack passed out on the ground with blood coming from his nose and mouth with Dean kneeling beside him. I quickly fell to the ground kneeling on the other side of him with tears form fast in my eyes. “No.No. Jack please not again.” I said as I started to cry. “Again? Y/n what do you mean again?” Dean asked. “This happened back in dauntless but no one could figure out what was wrong with him. But y/n had a feeling it had something to do with him losing his grace. She was afraid to tell anyone because she didn’t want anyone to take Jack away to do any testing on him.” Eric said as He, Sam, and Cass  came in to see what was happening. “We have to get him to a hospital.” Sam said. Dean looked at him and nodded. Eric came and help me up as Sam help Dean with Jack. I was still in tears as I followed them to Jack’s room. 
They laid Jack on his bed and Cass stayed in the room to see if there was anything he could do. Eric leaned up against the wall and held me close to him. I still had tears in my eyes. Sam was also leaning against the wall next to Eric and Dean was pacing. “What’s taking so long?” Dean asked. “I don’t know. Whatever’s going on with Jack is probably complicated.” Sam said. “I’m sorry. I should have told you guys sooner. Maybe we could have done something to prevent this.” I said wiping my eyes. “We don’t blame you for this Y/n. You had no way of knowing that this was going to happened so soon after we found you two.” Sam said. “Sammy right kiddo and you had to worry about yourself and getting back on your feet.” Dean said. “I still feel like this is my fault.” I said. “Jack could have told them what was going on with him himself and he didn’t so don’t blame yourself.” Eric said as he kissed the side of my head. “Yeah but I mean weird stuff happens to kids all the time. They get coughs bloody noses.” Dean said as Cass opened the door and walked over to us. I gripped onto Eric’s arms nervous to what he was about to tell us. “Is he okay?” Dean asked. Cass let out a sigh. “I-I did what I could but I don’t. I-I don’t know what’s wrong him.” Cass said. “But you can figure it out right?” Dean asked. Then we heard a thump sound coming from inside the room. I got out of Eric’s grip and ran into Jack’s room. I saw that Jack wasn’t in his bed anymore I rush over to the other side of his bed to see him on the ground. He was coughing and wheezing. Sam came over putting Jack in his lap as Jack started to foam at the mouth and by that point I was sobbing as Sam looked back at Dean, Cass, and Eric they all had a look of horror on their faces. Sam quickly got Jack off the ground and Cass helped him as they made their way out of the room. I got up and followed them out as Dean and Eric followed me. Sam and Cass got Jack out of the bunker and loaded into the Impala. Cass handed me the keys to his truck so Eric and I could follow them in his car. Eric tried to take the keys. “I can drive.” I said. “Well I don’t want you to be driving in this state.” Eric said. “I know where the hospital is you don’t.” I said. “I can follow Dean. Please give me the keys.” Eric said as he held out his hand. I dropped the keys in his hand. I climbed into the passenger side of the truck and Eric got into the driver seat and we followed Dean to the hospital Eric holding onto my hand the whole way there. 
Once we got to the hospital we rushed inside. Eric and I were behind Dean but in front of Sam and Cass who were bringing Jack in. “I need a doctor!” Dean yelled as we walked into the emergency room. But it seem that the emergency was packed. Dean with over to the front desk nad tried to get him in quicker but it wasn’t working. “Look could you just get him inside?” Dean asked. “Sir I just need some basic information. That’s the procedure. I do the work up then I take him back.” The nurse said. “Okay basic information is he’s sick.” Dean said. “Do you see anyone here who isn’t? His full name please? You do know his name right?” The nurse asked. “Jack. “ Dean said as he looked at Sam. “uh, uh Kiline. Jack Kline.” Sam said. “K-l-i-n-e.” Cass as he was hold Jack up. “Date of birth?” the nurse asked. “Come on. Is that important?” Dean asked. “What did you say your relationship is to the patient?” the nurse asked. “May 18th. Date of birth May 18th.” Sam said. “2000-’99. 2000.” Dean said. “Uh-huh. Family medical history? Let’s start with the father.” The nurse said. “He’s dead.” Dean said. “Cause of death?” The nurse asked. “He was stabbed through the heart and the he exploded.” Cass said. I came closed to slapping my hand against my forehead. The nurse, Sam and Dean all looked at Cass like he had lost his mind. “Okay you know what? We don’t have time for this. Alright he’s sick. His name is Jack Kline. His father exploded. There you’ve got all the basics. Now what does he need to do to see a doctor?” Dean asked as Jack fell to the ground. “Jack!” Cass yelled as he kneeled on the ground next to him. “Jack?!” Sam yelled as he quickly got to Jack’s side. The nurse called for help and they got Jack onto a gurney and they took him back. But they only let Sam, Dean and Cass go back with him. Eric and I had to stay in the waiting room for one of them to come back and get us.
It was a few hours before Dean came back to get Eric and I to take us back to the waiting area that was outside of Jack’s room. He told us that they have done testing but they haven’t said what was wrong with him yet. Eric and I took the seats that were next Cass. Sam was sitting in on to the other chairs next to the ones we were sitting in. Dean wasn’t sitting down he was pacing again. I was leaned forward with my elbows on my knees with my hand folded in front of my face. Eric was running a hand up and down my back hoping it would calm me down. After another hour or two of not hearing anything we all were up near the windows of Jack’s room. “This is crazy. When Jack became human I was worried you know given what we do that-that something would happened to him but I thought it’s be a vampire or a ghoul not a friggin cough. He’s just a kid.” Dean said. “Hey hey hey.” Sam said as he noticed that a doctor was finally walking towards us. “Cass. Doctor. So um. What do we know?” Sam said as I grabbed a hold of Eric’s hand. “Well I can tell you what we don’t know.” The doctor (hehehe) said. “I don’t like the sound of that.” Dean said. “Jack’s test results all came back negative.” The doctor said. “That’s great right?” Sam asked. “Well Jack he’s very ill. We’re just not sure what we’re up against.” The doctor said. “You just said his test came back negative.” Dean said. “Well those test but we have to run more test.” The doctor said. “More test?” Sam asked. “Yes until we can figure out what’s happening to him.” The doctor said. “What is happening to him right now?” Dean asked. “Jack’s. Jack’s in total systemic failure. His body’s in the process of shutting down.” The doctor said. “Will you guys be excuse me.” I said as I let go of Eric’s hand and started to walked away.   
Taglist: @imprtanttyruler @jaiboomer11​ @darkqueennox​ @letsthedogpackandthecats​ @sassyslytherinshai​ 
Overall Taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer​
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theplaidfox · 7 years ago
That moment when your drawing fanart using a reference and you realize the person your drawing has absolutely no behind because you’ve spent the last ten minutes shading the creases (mostly concave ones) into his blue jeans. XD
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omgitskaii · 26 days ago
SPN 14x14
also family coffee date !!! and sam and rowena study buddy date !!
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bloglizziekamiya · 3 years ago
Just wanted to add that there might actually be two things Jack and Lucifer have in common
One is a strong connection to Sam Winchester (even though it’s ENTIRELY different)
Two is Jack might not have gotten all of his stubborn streak from his birth dad, but like, I don’t think it HELPED
Guys I feel like we’re sleeping on the sheer hilarity of Jack being Lucifer’s son even if it’s only genetic.
Let’s recap!
Lucifer: Most Evil Being In The Series, Prince of Lies, Attempted mass genocide of humanity multiple times, Murdered Castiel Twice and generally makes it his life’s Mission to make Sam Winchester suffer
Apologies to inanimate furniture for bumping into it
Can’t select the mean options in video games
Literally can’t lie to save his life (Examples include “What’s a ghost?” and “I’m 2–uh—22”)
Most certainly cries at Every Disney movie
Has most likely fallen for over 5 Nigerian prince email scams
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omgitskaii · 2 months ago
okay. so. dean IS a bit of a dick right now. but i can understand because he just lost 2 people that he really cared about within the span of what 24? 48 hours??? he could DEF cut jack some slack ffs, and im not saying any of that to defend dean cuz he is being an asshole, but. i do say i can understand? RIGHT NOW at least.
also. jack copying dean. ily jack.
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omgitskaii · 2 months ago
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years ago
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Merry Fudging Christmas!
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emmy-lou-badoo · 7 years ago
The Nephilim & Cambion pt. 1
This is the first imagine I am ever writing on here, so sorry if it’s not great. If you like it let me know. This will be a series. Read on Wayward children
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The Winchester’s found themselves in a tricky situation. Who are we kidding their whole lives have been a series of tricky situations. The latest one being caring for the child of the devil himself. From the moment Jack was born it was difficult. He went from baby to matured teen two seconds after his birth, he teleported and they had to find him, as well as having the angels always on their tail for him. A more recent thing added to the list was the demons, Heaven and hell were after this kid and it wasn’t making this easy for them.
The three of them are currently residing in a sleazy roadside motel, usual type place. Jack was reading the bible, that every place had whether it was 1 star or 5. He liked to catch up on the “family history”.
Sam and Dean didn’t mind, as Dean says, “it keeps the kid busy”.
Sam is at the small round kitchen table in the room, laptop open researching cases or a way they could get to the other place, where their mom was.
Dean was cleaning weapons on the bed, just having finished warding the room, to keep the angels and demons and alike out.
Practically loud footsteps sounded from the hallway, It was a motel, there were other people, but the way the air shifted put the Winchester’s on alert.
The boys were up guns in hand. Dean instructed Jack to get back, away from the door.
The steps stopped outside their door, the soft shadow of two feet just coming through under the doorframe.
Knocks sounded against the wooden door a eerie feminine voice sounded on the other side with each rap on the door, “knock, knock, knock”.
The Winchester’s didn’t move.
“aw not home, well then you won’t mind” Then the door unlocked by itself, slamming open to reveal a woman, her eyes had a faint yellow glow.
“Demon” Dean grumbled, gripping the gun in his hand.
“It’s eyes Dean, it’s …Azazel” Sam trailed off.
The woman smirks, “close sammy boy, I’m a child of Azazel and I’m here for dear little devil jr.”.
“Not gonna happen” Dean glares.
The demon takes a few steps into the room, slowly stalking, forcibly stopped when they reach a certain point on the rug in the living space of the small motel room. The demon stops confused trying to push against the invisible force then sighs, “you boys really are paranoid”.
“Well simple Devils trap, figured better safe, since you have been after the kid” Dean speaks, him and Sam coming to stand in front of the she demon.
“Why are you after him, we know why the angels want him, and I mean besides him being the devils son, there has to be a reason” Dean questions her.
She rolls her eyes, “you just want me to spill everything, he’s strong like the other one, we need them” She says not even realizing what she said.
“Other one? Them? is there another Nephilim?” Sam asks.
The woman huffs annoyed, letting out a “shit” under her breath.
“Tell us” Dean demanded
“ugh fine, I never have been good at keeping secrets, and besides she’s related to you, you have a right to know” the smirk finding the way back on her face.
Both brothers look confused, “what do you mean?” Dean prompted further.
She smirked, “She’s not exactly a Nephilim, but similar I suppose” The brothers glanced at each other waiting for the demon to continue.
“My father had a pattern, one you are very familiar with Sammy. Ya know burn the mother, give the baby demon blood, bam! powerful kid”
“What does this have to do with anything?” Dean asked angry from the memories brought up from the statement.
“It has everything to do with it” she directed her gaze completely to Sam, “can you think of anyone close to you that burned on a ceiling, but with no kid to your knowledge involved?”
Sam’s eyes widened after a moment of thought, “Jess..”
“Bingo Sammy”
“So Jessica had a kid who’s addicted to demon blood, what’s so special about that” Dean asked ignoring his brothers shocked face.
“well first of all, not just Jessica’s kid, Sammy’s the father”
The dramatic pause had both brother’s speechless.
“And, she’s not addicted to demon blood, father had a special plan for this one, He asked me to possess little miss Jessica and ya know” she winked at sam, “a few tricks later Jess is gone, you don’t suspect a thing and boom we have a cambion baby….congradualtions it’s a girl”
Sam was absolutely shocked, so was Dean, but he was able to snap out of it to ask more questions.
“where is she?”
“I haven’t seen my kinda daughter since she was a baby she’s a teenager now, adopted”
“you have to know where she is” Sam finally spoke.
“I do, but I don’t wanna tell you, I will tell you her name is Gabriella Hupp, that’s all you get”
Then the windows shattered and more demons appeared in the room, causing a fight, Sam and Dean fought back the three demons that came in, but in the chaos the devils trap was broken, letting Azazel’s child go.
The boys paused watching her, she flung them into the wall, turning to Jack who was in the corner, “common now”
Jack watched Sam and Dean on the floor and he heard everything, he wanted to make a good impression on the Winchester’s, especially Dean. He wanted to help find Sam’s daughter.
“No” Jack stood tall and held his hand out causing her to fly back. Jack grew more angry, and the next thing that happened was the demon being killed, glowing from within as it was cast out.
Things just got trickier.
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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omgitskaii · 2 months ago
okay. so. dean IS a bit of a dick right now. but i can understand because he just lost 2 people that he really cared about within the span of what 24? 48 hours??? he could DEF cut jack some slack ffs, and im not saying any of that to defend dean cuz he is being an asshole, but. i do say i can understand? RIGHT NOW at least.
also. jack copying dean. ily jack.
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bellero · 7 years ago
The Nephilim & Cambion pt.3
Thank you all for the love on this series, it’s awesome!! 
part 1 / part 2
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~Two weeks later~
“What even are these movies” Gabby said inspecting the dvd case critically. “There some of my old movies, I thought you and Jack could watch them, you obviously haven’t seen them and he…well he hasn’t seen a lot of movies” Sam explained to his daughter. “Understandable” she nodded along, arms crossed, glancing back at Jack who was looking at the movie cases with wonder. “I found a case and I’m going to see if Dean wants to go, just us two, you think you’ll be ok with Jack?” Sam asked. Gabby nodded, “yup, we’ll be good”. Sam smiled, ever since he explained what they did. Who and what Jack and her were, it made their relationship stronger. “Ok, well, I think there might be popcorn in the kitchen if you search a bit, but ya, stay safe” “Of course, you to” She smiled as Sam left the living room, to go convince his brother to go on the case.
“Common, I’ll put up extra warding, Gabby will make sure Jack doesn’t get into anything, I mean if his powers whack out, she is probably the only one who could stop him, they’ll be fine” Sam talked to his brother, leaning on the kitchen counter as Dean made a PB & J sandwich. Dean nodded, but looked up at his brother, “you good with leaving them alone” Sam furrowed his eyebrows, “what do mean” “common man, the two of them alone, watchin’ movieess” Dean trailed off seeing that Sam was getting what he was implying. “Dude, please don’t, I’m not worried about that Jack isn’t..doesn’t.. he.. he.. he probably doesn’t even know what that is, so let’s not cross that bridge too early ok” “Ok” Dean shrugged. “Good, can we go” Dean nodded and the two headed out.
I furrowed my eyebrows as the credits rolled on the movie my dad left for us to watch, “that was so weird” I spoke aloud. “Indeed, I found it strange as well” Jack said. “I think we should get some popcorn and watch a good movie” I turned to Jack from my position on the couch, “what do ya say?” He smiled, “that sounds nice, what movie?” I thought for a moment, then grabbed the laptop, “here, you haven’t seen like any of the classic movies, this is a list pick one off of it” I handed him the laptop. While he was picking what we were going to watch I went on a hunt for popcorn. It was shoved way back in a top cupboard, but I found it. Once I got back, Jack looked like he picked something. He looked up when he heard me enter, “Gabby” he smiled proudly, “I picked a movie” “Awesome” I sit down crossed legged on the couch and set the bowl of popcorn between us, “what you pick?” I asked, taking some popcorn and eating it. “Star Wars” He showed me the laptop. “Good choice” I laughed lightly.
After Star Wars, Jack and I were cleaning up the popcorn and such in the kitchen. “Gabby, I have a question..about the movie” Jack spoke lightly, eyebrows creased as they always did when he was confused about something. “Ya, what is it?” I asked genuinely. “Han and Leia, they said they loved each other..what exactly is love, that kind of love…it confuses me” “oh well ahh” I stumbled, a bit taken aback by the question, “well there are different kinds of love” Jack looked at me, waiting for me to continue. “Umm, like you love your mom, that’s family love, I love my dad and uncle Dean cause their my family, then there romantic love, that’s what Han and Leia felt” Jack nodded seeming to understand, “how do you know?” “What?” I jolted. “How do you know it’s romantic love?” Jack asked, innocently. “umm there’s lot’s of signs I guess..I mean if you think their attractive, if you get nervous around them, butterflies in your stomach-“ “Butterflies?” Jack asked a bit shocked “Their not actual butterflies, it’s a feeling you get in your stomach sometimes, it’s like fluttering, that’s why its called butterflies in your stomach” “I see” Jack said looking down, moving his hand to rest on the counter but he didn’t see the beer bottle in the way. “Oh Jack” I tried to warn him, but his elbow hit the bottle, knocking it over. I focused and stopped it from hitting the floor, moving it back on the counter. “how did you do that?” Jack had that child like wonder again. I shrugged “i don’t know it’s just one of my powers”. “I can do it too, but I’m can’t control it like that” Jack said , he then whipped his head to look at me, “can you teach me?” “i..i..i can trrryyy” I answered,he than pulled me by hand gently towards the library where he explained that my dad told him to practice moving a pencil once. So thats what we tried to do.
When Sam and Dean arrived back at the bunker, Jack and Gabby were still in the library. Jack was typing away on the laptop, while Gabby was reading an old book. They were sitting beside each other, and it was something both Sam and Dean noted in the back of their minds. Jack greets the brothers without looking up from the keyboard. Gabby does and she sees a man with her father and uncle, one that perfectly matched the description given to her a a certain angel that was very close with the Winchesters. Gabby stares at him and swats Jacks arm, making the boy look over and see the man he considered his father. “Hello Jack” Castiel spoke. “Castiel” Jack spoke astonished, getting up from his chair. “it’s me” Cas assured the young boy. “But how, we burned your body and what’s burned stays dead, how?” Jack asked. “That’s the question we’ve been asking” Dean says, arms crossed, “did you do something..did Gabby?” Dean asks. “I wanted him back” Jack answered, “i begged, but, is he here because of one of us” Jack half points back at Gabby who had stood from her chair. “We think maybe” Sam said. “Thank you Jack” Cas spoke, as Jack went closer and hugged the angel. “I missed you so much” Jack mumbled into Cas’ shoulder as they hugged. They pulled away and Cas asked how Jack was doing. “I am- oh” Jack interrupted himself, walking over the the table and using his powers to levitate the pencil, “I can move the pencil” he smiled proud then held is arm out in a presenting manner, “Gabby helped”. Cas now turned to the girl and smiled kindly, “It is nice to meet you Gabriella, your..father and uncle have told me all about you” using the new terms to address Sam and Dean was foreign to Castiel. “It’s nice to meet you too, I have heard all about you as well” Gabby answered kindly. “Oh! and Gabby and I found a case” Jack jumped topic again “a possible case..it.. it might be nothing” Gabby was still unsure when it came to the hunter stuff. “It’s zombies” Jack spoke, showing the evidence he found while expertly exploring the internet, after Gabby showed him the basics.
Surprisingly Dean was the one that agreed to check out the case the kids found, Cas and Sam agreed in surprise that Dean was willing to give them such a chance. Now the group was entering the Stampede Hotel, adorned completely in everything cowboy. “this is it” Dean lead the group down the hallway to their room, “the wild bill suite” Dean said as he unlocked and pushed open the door. Dean immediately began to praise the room, geeking out on the various pictures of famous outlaws. “He really likes cowboys” Jack spoke still watching Dean “Ya..he does” Cas added as he to stood watching in mild confusion as Dean went about the room. “Ok, I say showers, steak dinner then we hit the cemetery in the morning” Dean suggests, everyone agrees. Dean then goes through saloon type doors and into the bedroom. Gabby stood holding her small bag looking around the room, their was so many people she didn’t really know where she would be sleeping. “Hey, Gabby” Sam gets his daughters attention, “The small couch is a pull out bed, that’s yours” “Ok” she smiles brightly up at him and goes over to the small couch adjacent to the larger couch. As Gabby was prepping her bed, she heard Cas and Jack talking. “you can have the couch..I don’t sleep much” Jack told Castiel, who countered with “You can have it.. I don’t sleep..at all”.
Hours passed, Jack and Castiel were still awake, sitting on the couch, with only one lamp and the laptop for light. As Gabby was asleep on the pullout couch, facing away from them. “Look” Jack suddenly spoke, turning the laptop to show Cas, “there is a hit on something, i’ll wake them” Jack stood from the couch ignoring Cas’ hushed protests, as he went into the bedroom and poked Dean’s arm. Dean jolted awake, gun pulled out from under his pillow and pointed at Jack. He was still half asleep, but he saw who it was and yawned lowering the gun, “who is making me coffee”
Now all the boys were awake, around the computer, Gabby was able to sleep through any sound that came from Dean being awaken. Sam was sitting looking at the hit they got, Jack and Castiel were standing between the two couches and Dean was hunched over with a cup of coffee on the foot of Gabby’s bed. Jack looked over the sleeping girl then at her father, “should we wake her?” “Umm ya she should get caught up” Sam nodded. “If I have to be awake so does everybody else” Dean grumbled, still angry from being woken up, he went to grab Gabby’s ankle and shake her awake, but Jack stopped him, “i’ll do it” The three men watched a bit dumbfounded as Jack quickly walked to the side of the bed and sat down gently placing a hand on Gabby’s shoulder, “Gabby wake up…wake up” Jack was gentle and Gabby slowly groaned and rose from her rest. “Jack” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. Jack smiled goofily, “we have a hit on the case” “Oh..ok” Gabby sat up and made more room for Jack to sit down beside her, which he did, then both of them looked expectantly at the parental figures to inform them. Dean looked at Sam, eyebrows raised, as to say ‘you remember what i said’ Sam noted it and began to speak, “Code 3, officer down, but this officer was covered in bite marks” “Zombie” Jack beamed “Or anything with teeth” Dean countered
Sam, Jack and Gabby all went to the graveyard, while Cas and Dean went to talk to the police about the officer.
Jack and I followed my dad, we had new professional clothes on, to disguise ourselves as FBI. We were heading to the mortuary, having to go downstairs as we found no one upstairs. As we descend the stairs we see a woman she dressed in a retro style and she has headphones on, which explains why she didn’t hear us. We stand at the bottom of the stairs, trying to get her attention, which we do, but we end up scaring her. “sorry, we didn’t mean to scare you, there was no one upstairs” Dad spoke. “Ya it’s just me here” She sounds a little pissed that she was startled “And you are?” Dad asks. “Athena Lopez, undertaker” Dad nods, but to my left I see Jack beginning to wonder off. “I’m agent Elliot, this is agent Brooks and that agent Paxton” Sam’s words falter a bit when he sees Jack has wondered and is looking at some of Athena’s stuff that decorates the space. Athena looks to me, “you and him are FBI?” she points to Jack who is still doing his own thing. “Yes, top of their class” Dad said trying to cover for us, but I added to it “We’re still technically interns, but they bumped us up because of our scores” She nods, “well if you guys want to take a look at the grave, it’s taped off on the west plot”. We nod and leave to go take a look. As we are walking out to the grave, Jack has the EMF reader out. It was constantly going off every two seconds, seeing as we were in a graveyard. “Jack there is EMF everywhere, you can put that away” Dad chuckled slightly as Jack kept pointing out that there was ‘something there/here’. We found the gravesite and the coffin was out of the ground, sitting beside the empty grave. “The report said that rats damaged the coffin” Jack pointed out as Dad inspected the coffin, lifting a piece to reveal a giant whole. “Some big rats then” I mumbled face contorted in reaction to the broken coffin. “Here goes nothing” I hear Dad say to himself before jumping into the grave. Jack and I watch as he pulls back at some loose dirt, revealing some kind of hole. I cringe thinking it will turn out like a horror movie when he reaches in. Nothing pulls him in thank god, but he pulls out a bone, and it looked like it had teeth marks on it.
We regrouped back at the hotel with Cas and Dean to talk about what we found. From what we have gathered it’s a ghoul, they feed on the dead and can take the form of those who they feed on. I’m still new to this so it gives me the chills every time I learn of a new monster. After some debate about who it could be and some traveling back to mortuary we discovered the ghoul is Athena’s boyfriend and he is taken the form of a legendary outlaw, Dave Mather. It was kinda a wild goose chase, we went to the mortuary first, Dad and Uncle Dean went in and tried to get him but Athena told them that Dave went to the bank, so now er are headed there. Before we exit the car Uncle Dean turns to the backseat, “Gabby I want you and Jack to stay close to Cas alright, Cas make sure they don’t get hurt”. Can, Jack and I stood near the side of the building, Dad was crouched behind a car and Dean stood out front, waiting for Dave to come out. There’s a little standoff when he does, Uncle Dean trying to convince him to just let it out and come with us, quick and quiet. That does not work, so Dad nods towards us, letting us know were gonna try and intimidate Dave into giving himself up. “Well, two hunters!” Dave exclaims seeing Dad, “oh wait! it must be my birthday, 5 hunters” he exclaims, gun still ready in hand. Then the shots start, guess the ghoul really is taking on the role of Dave, a good -well not so good- texas shoot out. I scream and duck as shoots fire all around the small parking lot. I feel arms wrap around me and pull me down to get better cover.   When I look up I see Jack, arms still protectively around me. A shot wings right above my head and a jump, hands clinging to Jack’s jacket. “I can stop him” Jack says confidently, “What Jack” he let’s me go but I try to hold him back, “no!”. He turns the corner and I stand as well, Cas pulls me behind him as Jack takes a few rounds right in his chest. I gasp in horror, but he’s fine, and he keeps moving. Jack uses his powers, sending Dave and the bank guard who picked the wrong moment to come out to the parking lot. I watched shocked as the guard is sent into a metal pole, I saw his head snap off it, and was bleeding before he hit the ground. Everyone is too him in a second and Jack feels horrible. “Save him, I didn’t mean to” Jack says sadly and frantically. “I can’t” Cas is glum in his statement. “Why?” Jack is desperate. “Cause he’s dead” My dad was kneeled down, he had just checked the guards pulse.
Jack wasn’t talking, he didn’t talk when we finished the case, he didn’t talk the ride back to the hotel, and here he was sitting on the couch beside me and he still wasn’t talking. The adults were off on the other side of the room, they were talking about Jack. Hearing it was making me feel bad for him, I could only imagine how it was making him feel, how he already felt. I slide across the couch and was about to try and comfort him in anyway I could but uncle Dean’s voice stopped me. 
“Gabby” they had finished talking, “jack” his voice changed when he said Jack’s name, “you guys, Cas and Sam are gonna head back to the bunker, while I finish up here, too uhh pack your stuff” 
I nod, looking over my shoulder at Jack, who was still looking at a fixed spot on the ground and went to pack. I knew it wasn’t much, but I packed up Jack’s few things as well. I didn’t know what else to do. 
The car ride was the same, possibly worse. 
“Jack, what happened” Cas spoke, breaking the thick silence, “i’ve killed people before too, people I was close with, that doesn’t change who you are” Jack still said nothing, he was just staring out the window, the only way I knew he was hearing them was his jaw was clenching. “I have killed people, me and Dean, it was a mistake Jack-“ dad tried to comfort him too, but Jack broke, “STOP, just stop”. I met my dad’s eyes through the rearview mirror, my eyes were hazy. I didn’t like seeing Jack being so hard on himself..because I used to do the same thing. I unbuckled my seatbelt, Jack needed to hear it from someone who had struggled like him, I didn’t care if my dad and Cas heard. I slide across the leather seats and took Jack’s hand, looking at my feet. “Jack, I know you don’t want comfort or to be told it was just a mistake..an accident..but you need to know that” I shook my head, trying to pull in tears, “that at least you have us, you have Castiel, Sam and Dean..me.. I had no one when I couldn’t control my powers” I was crying now and i knew everyone was listening. “I had no one to tell me it was an accident, no one I could tell that every person that got hurt was my fault, but that I didn’t mean too..cause they wouldn’t have understood…the Hupp family was loving and caring, but if they found out what I could do or the things I have done..they would have locked me in the basement and tried to exorcise me” I felt Jack’s hand gripping mine tightly, “I hurt people too Jack, they were accident’s…but I didn’t know that then…” I looked at him in the eyes, tears streaming down my face, “but I’m gonna make sure you know that what happened today, it was and accident Jack, you are good”. I looked back down unable to bring myself to meet anyone’s gaze. When I felt a thumb wiping my cheek I looked up at Jack as he wiped my tears away, “I don’t like seeing you cry” he whispered. I sniffed and placed my head on his shoulder, burying my face in his jacket, refusing to open my eyes. I fell asleep like that.
Back at the bunker things had calmed down, I knew Jack still felt horrible, but I hoped he would take my words to heart. Something about being around Jack made me feel better..normal. Dean was back, I almost didn’t hear him come back in the bunker. I was avoiding my dad, I knew I would have to talk to him about what I mentioned in the car, I would ..at some point. “did you take care of it?” Dad asked Dean as he came down the main stairs. “Ya” Uncle Dean nodded curtly, “it’s done” “done?” Jack came out of the shadows where he had been mourning, “I killed him…did he have a family?” “Jack don’t do that to yourself” Cas shook his head “No, did he?” Jack insisted. “Yes” Dean nodded, not bullshitting with the kid. “I’m a monster” Jack cringed at himself, his actions. “You are not a monster” Cas spoke firmly, everyone shaking their heads that he was not. “No I am, every time I try to do something people get hurt, I know I can make the world a better place, but if I stay i’ll hurt you all and your my family…I can’t - your all I have…I have to go”
Everyone protested, but I was the loudest, “Jack no” I was beside him, he turned to me, he looked like he was going to cry. “I’m sorry Gabby-“ “NO” I yelled, “no, don’t, you don’t have to, remember what I told you please” I sobbed “please don’t go” He shook his head, “I need to” Then with a wave of his hand he sent the guys flying backwards to stop them from stopping him. I blocked it with my arms, but when I lowered them he was gone.
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@bellero, @lynnmariefaith
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