#jack (cielgram)
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cielgram · 6 months ago
The lights flicker on and off. The familiar buzzing of a lightbulb resounds on your ears as your eyes adjust to the light.
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Good morning, Warden Key. I'm assuming you had a nice sleep? I would hope that's the case.
… Hm? A nightmare? I apologise about that. I suppose the first trial took a bit of a toll on you.
Speaking of which… Your awakening means the start of the second trial. Although… I guess I never really explained something crucial… … Now, now. Don't look at me like that. Even a few details escape my mind. I'll explain right away.
After the first trial… The prisoners were treated in accordance to whether they were FORGIVABLE or UNFORGIVABLE. That is to say, those found INNOCENT were given slightly more freedom. Look. You'll notice some of their restraints have loosened up. Conversely, those found GUILTY have been… Restrained, so to say. A harder existence, so they can atone for their sins and reflect more upon it. That being said… They have not really been… Excessively punished. At least by me personally. Their freedom of thought is still left intact. Unfortunately… This has caused a few things that… I wasn't really able to interfere in.
… None of them resulted in death, Key. You can stop looking at me like that.
Sigh… I guess a status report would be better. Very well.
Prisoner #O1: Ueno Kei.
Your judgement was INNOCENT, and thus, their ideas were affirmed.
Because their ideals were affirmed… They've found even more comfort in a bit of… Self expression. Dare I say, they've been finding themselves more comfortable on their own skin?
I would say it slightly attributes to #O6 also helping around… But we'll get to her later. That being said… #O1 has also become somewhat… Self-centered? Earnestly throwing away the opinions of others. I'd say good for them, if I didn't find that mentality somewhat unhealthy.
Prisoner #O2: Hanakawa Aya.
Your judgement was INNOCENT, and thus, her ideas were affirmed.
Much like #O1, Aya has become somewhat more expressive. Almost as if she has thrown caution to the wind. Well… More specifically… She seems far more cheerful. Almost as if she has returned to her idol persona. Although… She definitely seems more genuine than before? I'm… Unsure of what to make of this.
Prisoner #O3: Hoshino Shuu.
Your judgement was GUILTY, and thus, his ideas were denied.
Although… Saying his ideas were denied is a bit of a stretch? If anything… It seems more like he's doubled down on them. Feeling exceedingly nervous and trying to make sure he's becoming "better". It's gotten to a point where he'll often practice and… Injure himself, due to the restraints not allowing him to move as much. It's a sad spectacle.
Prisoner #O4: Minoharu Tentou.
Your judgement was GUILTY, and thus, it's ideas were denied.
#O4 has… Definitely become more hostile towards others. Although not as badly as #O9. …No. Rather, I'd say it's become spiteful? Cursing the prison's system rather than you as an individual. That being said, #O4 is one of the few that has become apprehensive towards #O6. To them, it appears camaraderie is just some sort of trick.
Prisoner #O5: Takahashi Minoru.
Your judgement was INNOCENT, and thus, his ideas were affirmed.
#O5's change… How do I explain it…
It seems like #O5 has… Become extremely complacent with MILGRAM. Almost to a scary degree. I don't really know how to word this correctly? But he's become far friendler and a massive people pleaser. Most notably, it seems like he's also established some sort of coodependency with #O6. Of course, #O6 has taken herself to try to help everyone… But #O5 seems the most attached to her. Speaking of which…
Prisoner #O6: Dokugamori Satsuki.
Your judgement was INNOCENT, and thus, her ideas were affirmed.
#O6 has decided to take her role as a "good girl" pretty seriously. Trying to be the prison's "moral support" or "healer" in a sense. Of course, she seems to be dismissive to those who reject her. That being said… I can't really make sure that's entirely the case. Well… At least she's kept people from extremely freaking out over #O8's attacks. … Huh? What do I mean? I'll talk about it in a bit. For now, let me continue with the status report.
Prisoner #O7: Mochizuki Hikaru.
Your judgement was GUILTY, and thus, their ideas were affirmed.
Sigh… I wish I could say their ideas were denied. But it looks like they were looking forward to this. I don't think I can understand them. That being said… #O7 seems… Awfully sturdy. Guess those supposed years of delinquency paid off.
#O7, though not as badly battered as #O3, has been shielding those who were guilty from #O8's attacks. That being said, they also didn't seem to attack back. Guess they feel like they're above hurting a child.
Prisoner #O8: Inaba Rika.
Your judgement was INNOCENT, and thus, her ideas were affirmed.
I assume I don't have to repeat what I said before, right? Childhood innocence can be terrifying if left unchecked.
#O8 has decided to take her role as a hero quite seriously. She even managed to get a metal pipe to use between trials.
Of those who you said were UNFORGIVABLE, #O8 attacked #O3, #O9, and #O7. As stated earlier, #O7 taking the vast majority of blows. It doesn't seem like she was… Fully content with it though. Maybe it's the fact she saw #O3 and #O7 as sources of comfort before. Or maybe it could also be attributed to #1O's intervention. Her feeling conflicted doesn't seem to change much however. She still seems willing to enact her so called "justice".
Prisoner #O9: Itsuki Umi.
Your judgement was GUILTY, and thus, his ideas were denied.
You might call it a much needed wake up call. He definitely has taken a knock off his pedestal, and treating others a bit more…. Equally. Best example of this is #1O. …That being said… I'd argue it might have felt like the change was quite abrupt for him. He's definitely become more… Defensive. Hostile. Like a small kicked dog. That's not to mention periods of time where he seems to…. Zone off. Even I am conflicted. I did not think someone could fall this low in the span of one trial.
Finally… Prisoner #1O: Yoru Makoto.
Your judgement was INNOCENT, and thus, her ideas were…. Hm.
I'm not sure whether to say they've been affirmed or denied. Dare I say… She's doing more of her own thing. Helping others in a different way. Most notably, she's been trying to calm down #O9 as best as she can, and even intervened every time #O8 was about to hit him. And yet… It feels as if she's given away her own free will. She's become more of a puppet than anything.
Thus, concludes the status report on the prisoners. As you can see… Just their veredicts were enough to drastically change things. Their relationships, their mindsets, and so on. Ah. Worry not. Fighting will not be allowed throughout the duration of the trials.
Haa… I can see this being quite troubling, however.
That being said… You have more plans on how to vote, right? MILGRAM allows for many reasons to vote someone INNOCENT or GUILTY as your basis. …Though…
It would be dissapointing to see you vote based on what's best for everyone. These people are first and foremost murderers after all. Even the smallest change can have massive ripple effects.
Just because you think someone could be more benefitial… That doesn't ensure that they'll actually be in the way you expect. Humans are complicated and unpredictable, after all.
Ahem… Withthis information in mind… I hope you can continue judging without too many problems.
Do not waver. We're counting on you, Key.
Let CIELGRAM: The Second Trial…
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cielgram · 1 year ago
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➤ Gender: Male? we think? (He/It) | Watashi (私)
➤ Age: ???
➤ Birthday: April 27
➤ Height: 50cm
➤ Blood Type: None lol
➤ Voice Claim: Jun Fukuyama
➤ Color Code: #F1E5AA
A plush of a hare with horns. This cryptid is said to inhabit Wyoming, America, but, for some reason, he is instead guarding the prison alongside Key. Functions as the guide for MILGRAM and exists to teach Key about the prison, their job as the guard and so on.
Being knowlegeable about the innerworkings of MILGRAM, it tends to have a stern, ''wise'' teacher sort of attitude. However, much to the confusion of others, it seems that only Key can hear his voice.
Getting attached is natural. But think carefully about your choice instead of winging it. That is... Don't let your personal bias cloud your judgement.
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