#jacintas work
unamused-kookaburra · 2 months
One of the main things I learnt this week was to remove my glasses while helping patients shower because I got sprayed right in the face with the shower head while helping a lovely older gentleman clean himself
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fortune-maiden · 2 years
I think the biggest mystery in this show is how Fermin is able to keep his job when he is absent so often
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nevalizona · 2 years
Marshall spends time with his girlfriend, Jacinta ‘Baya’ Kelly!
Pardon any errors.
    “Jackinta? Jackinta Kelly?” A lady called, walking into view. Jacinta sighed, rubbing her face, before plastering on a smile.
    “Jacinta Kelly.” She held her hand out, correcting her pronunciation but still trying to be friendly. The woman’s handshake was not very strong.
    “You are the girl Velma said would do my Charlotte’s nails?” The woman looked down at Jacinta.
    “Yes! I can do her nails real good! She has a birthday party coming up, no?” Jacinta gestured to follow her. The lady did so reluctantly.
    “I did Mrs.Vercetti’s nails. Look at how nice they look. French tipped. Just like the Hollywood starlets!” Jacinta presented her work with pride.
    “May I look at your hands, Mrs.Vercetti?”
    “Oh please do, hon’. Baya is great at doing nails! I’m so glad I started coming here! Not a flaw.” Mrs.Vercetti shot Jacinta a warm smile.
    “Oh, ma’am it’s a nickname. It means Berry in Spanish, some people call me that too! You can use whatever feels fine to you!” Jacinta hoped that maybe this would soften the woman up some.
    “Jackinta will be just fine. Mrs.Vercetti, your nails look great. I’ll call Velma and see what days would work.” The woman said, standing to her feet and sliding her purse strap back up her arm.
    “I could schedule you an-”
    “I’ll call Velma. This is exactly what Charlotte wants by the way.” The woman grabbed a pair of sunglasses out of her purse and turned on her heels, leaving as abruptly as she came.
    “Some woman!” Mrs.Vercetti grumbled, shaking her head.
    “You should be all dry now ma’am. Let me help you up.”
    “Thank you, hon’. You have a good day, alright?” She asked, as she reached into her purse and handed Jacinta a single bill.
    “Of course, you have a good day too!” Jacinta held the door open for her as she left. She looked down at the bill and sighed. Not enough to deal with people like that woman. She didn’t even introduce herself.
    Jacinta walked over to the cash register and put the bill into the till. The rest of the day went quick enough. There weren't many clients and the few that had appointments were chatty Kathys, which Jacinta enjoyed. She likes having talkative clients, it makes it easier to forget the rude ones.
    She locked up the shop and started heading off down the road. She wondered if her boyfriend was working late. He didn’t think that he would be, but sometimes things were sprung on him last minute. She wishes that her watch wasn’t busted. She forgot to check the clock before she left. She didn’t have much planned for the night. Her sisters were busy and her parents were still on their little getaway. All she could hope for was that her boyfriend would be around sooner than later. She pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her purse and grabbed one, realizing she didn’t have her lighter with her. She groaned and kept the cigarette pinched between her lips as she stuffed the pack back in her purse, fumbling around for her matchbook. While she was completely lost in what she was doing, there was a honk, scaring her nearly to death. She shot a look in the direction the honk came from, and was greeted by her boyfriend, Robert Marshall, smiling at her. He had his window rolled down, arm resting casually on the door.
    “Need a ride?” He asked, cheesy grin only getting wider as she shot him a smile of her own.
    “I was hoping you weren't going to be late.” She grabbed the cigarette from her mouth and walked around his car, he opened the door from inside and pushed it open for her.
    “Aren’t you a gentleman?” She teased as she climbed into his car, closing the door behind her. She reached over to the lighter in his dashboard and lit her cigarette, taking a couple puffs before putting the lighter back.
    He watched her as she did that. Waiting for something, but she couldn’t figure out what.
    “How was your day?” Jacinta asked, offering him the cigarette.
    “Fine. Aldridge has an assignment so he won’t be at the office for a while. Which I’m pretty fucking glad about. He’s such an ass.” He shrugged and grabbed the cigarette, taking a small puff before passing it back. He doesn’t smoke cigarettes often, he’s always preferred alcohol and marijuana. Jacinta noticed that he still hasn’t started driving. What is he waiting for?
    “You gonna wait for a line up before you go?” Jacinta glanced at the rearview mirror, there were still no cars in sight. One perk of working in a boring area. Not a lot of  people come through here, and it makes it so business can get kind of slow.
    “Well I was waiting for a kiss. You know Baya, I don’t ask for much.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her as he talked. She rolled her eyes, all playful, she doesn’t have an angry bone in her body. She took a drag of her cigarette and blew smoke away from him.
    She leaned over and pressed a kiss against his lips. He pecked her back, as soon as she was back in her seat, he put the car into drive, and started heading off to his house.
    “Was that so hard?”
    “Robbie, you can be so skeevy sometimes. You’re lucky I love you!” Jacinta gushed. He reached his hand over and intertwined their fingers.
    “Skeevy? Really?”
    “Yes! Very much so! You’d think you’d know that by now. I can’t be the first woman to ever say that to you.” She stroked his hand with her thumb.
    “Maybe not. But I would hope that my girlfriend would have a better opinion of me.” He shot her a look, before returning his attention to the road. He drives incredibly slow, it used to drive Jacinta nuts, but now she enjoys it, especially after a long day of work, she can just sit in the car with him, talking about nothing.
    “I do, most of the time.” She awkwardly dropped her finished cigarette into a nearly empty bottle of beer.
    “Yeah, yeah. Anyways, how was your day?”
    “Fine until this lady came in. She said my name wrong and I kindly told her how to say it and I think that put her off me. She barely shook my hand. Supposedly Velma told her I was the best in her shop.”
    “What a bitch. Velma said that? Wasn’t she just berating you because she claimed she wouldn’t let you paint a wall let alone a nail?” He asked, sounding annoyed for Jacinta.
    “Guess so. Luckily Mrs.Vercetti was there.”
    “That’s that Italian woman that thinks you walk on water right?”
    Jacinta smiled and nodded.
    “Yeah, she’s so lovely. She has so much money to throw around, I would be getting my nails done all the time if I was her too.”
    “I’m really sorry, Baya. I still think you should find another nail place to work. There has to be one that would treat you better than Velma does.”
    “Yeah, but what about the clients I know? Mrs.Vercetti? Senora Salinas? I can’t leave them hanging!”
    “That’s a shitty excuse, Jacinta.” His firm tone slipped into his words, and Jacinta wondered if she was going to be lectured. He doesn't do it often, but on occasion, he can go on and on about something.
     “Maybe it is. Maybe I just don’t want to be jobless. I’ve worked here since I got my license, Robbie! I can’t just leave!” Jacinta exclaimed, pulling her hand away from his, and throwing her hands up in one motion.
    “Why can’t you?”
    That stopped her in her tracks. Why can’t you? She played with her nails as she thought. What’s stopping her? She should be able to look for a job that didn’t make her feel so small. There had to be a nail salon she would be better at. One that appreciated her work.
    “Look for a new job while you’re still here and put your two weeks in. Isn’t that what most people do?” He leaned against his arm that was propped up on the door. He looked calm and collected. Like there was nothing to fret about.
    “You have a point. I guess I could always reach out to Mrs.Vercetti and Senora Salinas and see if they would want to come to my new shop. I know I’m not supposed to do that technically, but what’s two clients?”
    “That’s my girl! Steal those two clients and show them that they lost the best goddamn manicurist they ever had!”
    “Robbie, I’m not stealing them! They’re going to come to me because they heard I moved to a new salon.” Jacinta winked.
    He tapped the tip of his nose with his index finger.
    “I got you, Baya. I got you.” He smiled at her and glanced at his watch. “Oh by the way,’ he looked over at her as they stopped at a red light, ‘we gotta go get Terry.”
    “Terry!? No problem! I definitely don’t mind. Sandra has a shift?”
    “Yeah, Adriana Saint called in again and they’re scrambling for a nurse to cover for her.”
    “Screw Adriana Saint! Doesn’t Sandra work enough hours?”
    “I don’t wanna go into it. I get pissy. Sandra does so much for that fucking hospital and this is how they treat her! Anyways, Ter-Bear is at my mom’s house.”
    “I don’t mind watching Terry with you, but uh, she’s already at your mom’s house? Why do you have to watch her?”
    A big smile pulled across his face and he shrugged.
    “You know how my family is. Crazy as hell, but it’s okay with me.”
    She smiled at him. She can’t help but feel her heart ache in the best way possible. Robert cares about his family so much. Everything he does is for them. Especially when it comes to his little sister, Teresa. Terry was born when Robert was 19. He for some reason decided to get really involved. He juggled college classes, jobs and still tried to be an active part of his little sister’s life. He had a huge hand in raising her. Often, when he isn’t around his parents, he proclaims that she might as well be his kid. She listens to him more than she does their parents.
    “Wanna take her out for dinner? Make her feel a little special? I used to love it when my parents would do that for me.” Jacinta said, reaching over and lacing their fingers together.
    “Sounds great. I have nothing to eat at the house anyways.” He snorted, rubbing her hand with his thumb.
    “Of course you don’t, Robbie. That would require you to be a responsible adult.”
    “Okay, don’t even get started with that. I am completely responsible!” He's only getting worked up because he knows it’s true.
    “Did Terry not almost eat a moldy PB&J at your house? Am I mistaken?” Jacinta teased.
    “You got me there. Maybe I need to do some shopping. Maybe you’d like to come with me after work tomorrow?”
    “Sure, I got a couple things I need to pick up too.”
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lost-romantique · 11 days
Dispelling Rumors
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Alright, for the past few days Viv and her team have been releasing tidbits of the recording progress for Season 3.5 (second half of Season 3).
Viv and her team did this with Harvey Guillén (Vassago's VA) first.
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And recently they did this with Bryce Pinkham...
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Now I'm not sure where these rumors started, but fans have been speculating that because Harvey and Bryce both have songs being recorded right now, than that means Stolas and Vassago have a duet together!
Frankly, I don't think it's a duet.
Here's why...
A while back Sam Haft teased that he and his team (Andrew Underburg) recently finished a really "filthy" and "straight-up-horniest" song.
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Many believe that the song he's referring to is the one Bryce recently recorded which is titled, "Dirty Bird".
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Thus some speculate that "Dirty Bird" must be the song Harvey was singing as well.
However, that can't be the case because...
Jacinta announced on her instagram story that she was the one who wrote the song Vassago was going to sing.
Harvey then confirmed it by tagging Jacinta in his own instagram story.
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Which leads me to the conclusion that I really don't think "Dirty Bird" is going to be a Stolago Duet.
However, I am positive that the song Bryce is going to sing, "Dirty Bird" is the horny song that Sam mentioned a while back. Simply because Sam on the instagram video, laughs awkwardly and goes "Lets get out of here.... I'm at work... uhm..."
Again, this is all speculation, even if "Dirty Bird" is the horny song Sam wrote, no one knows if Stolas is going to sing about Vassago or Blitz.
But lets face it...
I think we all know who Stolas is singing about...
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"Oh, so you're a kinky little imp, aren't you? Do you like it when I talk dirty to you? I want you to [CENSORED] me with your [CENSORED] imp [CENSORED] get it all the way [CENSORED] get it all the way through me, you [CENSORED]!"
Anyway, super massive thanks to @timkontheunsure for providing screenshots! They genuinely made making this post so much easier.
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cuprohastes · 7 months
The chant.
The Varshan Invaders had this thing: Unity.
They dropped Anjax, which was mostly just thirty farms raising the local safe-to-eat animals nicknamed Argnu.
The farmers had all read the briefing packets: If it's the Xss, the Dormavir, the Jince... run. Run n' hide. They'll eat you, literally eat you and that won't do you any good.
The Twon-hai, Gir and Tsush, they're slavers, they'll give up if you stand up to them. Expect up to 68% losses. Still better than what they'll do to you.
The Vershan, the On-dotir, the uHown or the Kelth... Jsut surrender, don't annoy them the Terran Colonial force wills how up and sort it, and there's a chance you can jsut persuade them to be chill and mark you down as Not For Conquering.
So anyway. The Varshan. They'll only take over if they think that the population are disUnified. It's their holy mission to reduce entropy via unity or something. They're pretty chill about it - Nobody gets sacrificed to the dark god, or put in the Castigation Pit - but it's a huge pain in the ass when you really need to be shipping Argnu Beef and not e.g. nonconsensually being inducted into an alien religion.
So they dragged everyone into one area and did their Unity Chant to show that they all were unified.
Then they sent thier guy out and planted a flag.
The next part is they grab some rando and tell them to "Show their Unity". This works well usually because you pick anyone form even a fairly smoothly integrated society and put them on the spot, they'll panic.
Which was why Jacinta Omura, 45, admin, completely bewildered, was dragged out in front of everyone she knew.
So she looks at the aliens who are all looking smug having done thier weird Haka, looks back at the crowd of farmers, and shippers and what-not... And it's her time to shine.
She strieks a pose, head down, one arm up, wide stance.
Everyone in the front row behind her are like OK Jace has flipped her burger here.
But then she starts to sing... Well chant. Not well, not nearly loud enough...
"Buddy, you're a boy," she says, voice breaking. She swallows and adds "make a big noise... Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday."
Now her voice is getting a little more confident.
About this time the crowd behind her has started to pick up on what she's doing, and there's a ripple of people starting to back her up: The rows behind them catching on.
"You got mud on your face, you're a big disgrace - Kicking your can all over the place, singin'..."
She lifts both arms like she's conducting, and behind her there's the entire colony: clap-clap stomp, Clap-clap stomp, shaking the ground, singing, as one:
"We will, we will rock you! We will, we will rock you"
Well the Vershan were kind of impressed, because hey that ticks the box, and also, style points there. So they loaded up on Argnu meat at a good price so show no hard feelings and went off on their holy crusade to annoy everyone.
And that's how Freddie Mercury saved Anjax.
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Trading Site Reopening and Gifting Spree!
So. After weeks of work (*insert alpaca scream here*), my trading site is open for trading! To celebrate, I decided to gift a few audios and videos from Phantom of the Opera, a few audios from Les Misérables, two cast recordings from Elisabeth das Musical, and a cast recording for Sweeney Todd. Enjoy!
(If you're the master of a listed audio/video, please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you want me to remove your stuff from the list.)
POTO audios
Michael Crawford, Rebecca Caine (alt.), Steve Barton October 10, 1987; London Michael Crawford and Steve Barton's last in London. Soundboard, very good quality, and this one is complete. And Rebecca Caine sounds amazing in it (as she always does). https://www.mediafire.com/file/pttrjfqzb84gatm/POTO_West_End_10-10-1987_-_Crawford%252C_Caine%252C_Barton.rar/file Steve Barton, Rebecca Luker, Gary Lindemenn (u/s),  Marilyn Caskey, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews, Leila Martin September 26, 1990; Broadway Soundboard audio. Because Steve Barton was almost as good of a Phantom as he was as Raoul, and Rebecca Luker is a legend (RIP). https://www.mediafire.com/file/xc9ywojtdesptje/POTO_Broadway_26-09-1990_-_Barton%252C_Luker%252C_Lindemenn.rar/file Davis Gaines, Tracy Shayne, Matthew R. Jones, George Lee Andrews, Jeff Keller, Lelia Martin October 5, 1996; Broadway Davis Gaines's last performance. Because Davis Gaines has one of the best voices I've heard in the role. https://www.mediafire.com/file/w1ybvl8v6e4ex6r/POTO_Broadway_05-01-1996_-_Gaines%252C_Shayne%252C_Little.rar/file Brad Little, Lisa Vroman, Tim Martin Gleason, Kim Stengel, DC Anderson, David Cryer, Patti  Davidson-Gorbea, Kate Wray, Jimmy Smagula December 5, 2003; Los Angeles Lisa Vroman’s second-to-last performance as Christine. Both she and Brad Little are glorious vocal-wise. https://www.mediafire.com/file/muavx4ocvs62eav/POTO_US_Tour_05-12-2003_-_Little%252C_Vroman%252C_Gleason.rar/file Anthony Warlow, Julie Goodwin, John Bowles, Andrea Creighton, John O'May, Derek Taylor, Jackie Rees, Nadia Komazec, David Rogers-Smith August 15, 2007; Melbourne Not the biggest fan of Anthony Warlow acting-wise, but he does not disappoint on the vocals - and neither does Julie Goodwin. https://www.mediafire.com/file/3pm0ksips30n3it/POTO_Melbourne_15-08-2007_-_Warlow%252C_Goodwin%252C_Bowles.rar/file John Owen-Jones, Katie Hall, Simon Bailey, Angela M. Caesar, Andy Hockley, Simon Green, Elizabeth Mars, Hannah Cadec, Vincent Pirillo September 29, 2012; Edinburgh Not the biggest fan of the restaged tour, but... Katie Hall's "Tears of HAAAAAATE" is pretty great. And John Owen-Jones! https://www.mediafire.com/file/00vtvziy172lpkv/POTO_UK_Tour_29-09-2012_-_Owen-Jones%252C_Hall%252C_Bailey.rar/file Hugh Panaro, Elizabeth Welch (u/s), Jeremy Hays March 3, 2014; Broadway Great trio overall, but Elizabeth Welch is a standout (to me at least). https://www.mediafire.com/file/1hc1ozi96vok5pd/POTO_Broadway_03-03-2014_-_Panaro%252C_Welch%252C_Hays.rar/file Dmitry Ermak, Tamara Kotova, Eugeny Zaytsev, Irina Samoylova, Alexei Bobrov, Yuri Mazihin, Elena Charkviani, Valeria Migalina, Rustim Bahtiyarov (u/s) July 16, 2015; Moscow A lovely production that I miss - Tamara Kotova in particular is great. https://www.mediafire.com/file/w56tx5d7fkh4kse/POTO_Moscow_16-07-2015_-_Ermak%252C_Kotova%252C_Zaytsev.rar/file John Owen-Jones, Celinde Schoenmaker, Nadim Naaman, Megan Llewellyn, Michael Matus, Christopher Dickens, Jacinta Mulcahy, Alicia Beck, John Ellis September 7, 2015; London First performance of the 2015-2016 cast. https://www.mediafire.com/file/5hswf44ldku6ngm/POTO_West_End_07-09-2015_-_Owen-Jones%252C_Schoenmaker%252C_Naaman.rar/file Peter Jöback, Emmi Christensson, Anton Zetterholm, Karolina Andresson, Glenn Kjellberg, Rolf Lydhal, Sanna Martin, Tehilla Blad, Sindre Postholm March 19, 2017; Stockholm Given Christine is from Sweden, it's only fair to include the recent Stockholm production. https://www.mediafire.com/file/zkl38t9388gcvh7/POTO_Sweden_2017-03-19_PJ_EC_AZ.wav/file Tim Howar, Amy Manford, Jeremy Taylor, Kimberly Blake, Ross Dawes, Alan Vicary, Jacinta Mulcahy, Georgia Ware, Paul Ettore Tabone September 7, 2019; London This one is different from the one listed as NFT (so don't get mad at me, haha). Last performance for Amy Manford in the West End production. https://www.mediafire.com/file/vf60ie1er18rkon/POTO_West_End_07-09-2019_-_Howar%252C_Manford%252C_Taylor.rar/file Ben Crawford, Meghan Picerno, John Riddle October 26, 2019 Because we all love a Christine with opera chops. https://www.mediafire.com/file/9gji0khgfoazjqd/POTO_Broadway_26-10-2019_-_Crawford%252C_Picerno%252C_Riddle.rar/file 
POTO videos
Earl Carpenter, Rachel Barrell, David Shannon, Wendy Ferguson, David Lawrence (u/s), Sam Hiller, Emily Harvey (u/s), Heidi Ann O'Brien, Rohan Tickell January 2006 VOB format.  If you want to see Earl in London right now but can't... this video is the best quality overall that features him, and Rachel Barrell is a fantastic Christine - one of my favorites in the role. https://mega.nz/folder/u09GQKyR#gjNHj4Letd9YInTsuLowjA Gary Mauer, Elizabeth Southard, Jim Weitzer, Kim Stengel, John Jellison, DC Anderson, Patti Davidson-Gorbea, Kate Wray, John Whitney April 6, 2006; Dallas VOB format.  For my Eristine moots (I see you!): Gary Mauer and Elizabeth Southard were (and as far as I know, still are) married while performing as the Phantom and Christine, and you thought Ramin and Sierra's chemistry was off the charts, think again. https://mega.nz/folder/PtExxS5A#D4yyf2g_lXoN-cIDPkMU2Q Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Geena Jeffries Mattox, John Leslie Wolfe, Lawson Skala, Tina Walsh, Brianne Kelly Morgan, Larry Wayne Morbitt August 8, 2008; Las Vegas VOB format. This is the Las Vegas Spectacular production, which is abriged compared to the original but totally worth seeing. If you want to understand why I love Meg Giry so much, Brianne Kelly Morgan is one of the best I've ever seen in the role. Also, if you’re meh about Raoul... with Andrew Ragone, think again. He’s one of the most Superman/Clark Kent Raouls I’ve seen. And I really like Kristi Holden’s Leroux-esque Christine too.  https://mega.nz/folder/Sh1zxSAB#twtXau8Y8pd_L9tMQLa4Mg Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Samantha Hill, Greg Mills (u/s), Michele McConnell, Tim Jerome, Richard Poole (u/s), Ellen Harvey, Kara Klein, Christian Sebek March 9, 2013 VOB format. Missing part of Act 1 (‘Stranger Than You Dreamt It’ to Il Muto), but otherwise complete. This is one of the best trios I've seen on Broadway, and Samantha Hill is just a fantastic Christine overall. https://mega.nz/folder/y1slyJRD#OP1Tp5Cj_fMk9LbAWJMqAA Tomas Ambt Kofod, Sibylle Glosted, Christian Lund, Louise Fribo, Carl Christian Rasmussen, Sebastian Harris, Elisabeth Halling, Imogen-Lilly Ash, Rasmus Jupin March 2019; Copenhagen VOB format. This one is more recent, but given it's been uploaded on YouTube, I guess it's fine to gift it (again, if you’re the master and you want me to remove this, please let me know).This one has one of the best casts ever caught on tape. Seriously. Everyone in this is a star. https://mega.nz/folder/q40hTagI#Zui14MWo-F2YSQ0gNdaL6Q

Les Mis Audios
Colm Wilkinson, Roger Allam, Patti LuPone, Alun Armstrong, Sue Jane Tanner, Michael Ball, Frances Ruffele, Rebecca Caine, David Burt 1985; London Preview at the Barbican Centre. This is interesting since it includes Cosette's song "I Saw Him Once", which has been cut later.  https://www.mediafire.com/file/jbedqiemuk9qnd1/Les_Mis_West_End_1985_-_Wilkinson%252C_Allam.rar/file Symphonic recording (1989)  Gary Morris, Philip Quast, Debra Byrne, Michael Ball, Tracy Shayne, Kaho Shimada, Anthony Warlow, Barry James, Gay Soper https://www.mediafire.com/file/n7gp30jcpnjfkf7/Les_Miserables_Symphonic_Recording.rar/file Kyle Jean-Baptiste (u/s), Earl Carpenter, Erika Henningsen, Chris McCarrell, Samantha Hill, Brennyn Lark, Max Quinlan (u/s), Gavin Lee, Rachel Izen August 13, 2015; Broadway For Kyle Jean-Baptiste, who was an amazing performer gone way too soon. RIP. https://www.mediafire.com/file/fzj2qubunkrrfhc/Les_Mis_Broadway_13-08-2015_-_Jean-Baptiste%252C_Carpenter.rar/file John Owen-Jones, Michael Ball, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Craig Mather (u/s), Lily Kerhoas, Shan Ako, Bradley Jaden, Matt Lucas, Katy Secombe, Earl Carpenter October 16, 2019; London All-star concert! https://www.mediafire.com/file/nh28zdry93vhry2/Les_Mis_London_Concert_16-10-2019_-_Owen-Jones%252C_Ball.rar/file
Elisabeth das Musical
Original Cast Recording (1992) Pia Douwes, Uwe Kroeger, Ethan Freeman, Andreas Bieber, Viktor Gernot, Else Ludwig https://www.mediafire.com/file/fagi9ctooeq2y11/Elisabeth-Original_German_Cast.rar/file Vienna revival cast recording (2006)  Maya Hakvoort, Mate Kamaras, Serkan Kaya, André Bauer, Fritz Schmid, Else Ludwig https://www.mediafire.com/file/7wpqbotp8oszzz3/Elisabeth_-_2006_Vienna_Cast.rar/file

Sweeney Todd
2000 Concert Cast Recording George Hearn, Patti LuPone, Davis Gaines, Heidi Grant Murphy, Paul Plishka, Audra McDonald, Standford Olsen, Neil Patrick Harris, John Aler Pretty sure this isn't on Spotify, which is a real shame given its cast. So enjoy! EDIT: Someone pointed out to me that the recording is incomplete - probably a result of the Great Hardware Crash of 2016, so until I get the full version, this will probably stay incomplete. Sorry about that! https://www.mediafire.com/file/ywoiqe5bnlzr7bs/Sweeney_Todd_2000_New_York_Concert_Cast.rar/file
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docpiplup · 11 months
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Period dramas- El Mestre Que Va Prometre El Mar (The teacher who promised the sea) (2023)
7,7/10 ⭐ on IMDB
The film focuses on the life of Antoni Benaiges , a teacher from Mont-roig del Camp, in the Baix Camp, in Tarragona, Catalunya, who in 1935 was sent to the public school in Bañuelos de Bureba, a small town in the province of Burgos, Castilla la Vieja (Castilla y León). Little by little, and thanks to a pioneering and revolutionary teaching methodology for the time, he will begin to transform the lives of his students, but also that of the town, which is not always to everyone's taste.
It's based on the book of the same name by Francesc Escribano and has been adapted for the big screen by Albert Val, and its director is Patrícia Font.
To tell the story of Antoni Benaiges (Enric Auquer), the film interweaves past and present and the master's story will be known through the eyes of Ariadna (Laia Costa), a woman looking for her great-grandfather who disappeared during the Civil War.
The producers of the film wanted to emphasize the essence of this exciting story: " 'El mestre que va prometre el mar'  is a great story that has been unfairly forgotten for many years. With this film we are repairing an oblivion and at the same time valuing the work of the republican teachers and recognizing the struggle of so many people who still continue to search for their relatives buried anonymously in mass graves. An exciting and fully valid story.
Part of the technical team is made up of David Valldepérez, director of photography; Josep Rosell, art director; Dani Arregui, editor, and Natasha Arizu, composer, among other professionals.  
The film is shot for six weeks in various locations in the demarcation of Barcelona, in Mura, and in Briviesca (Burgos). It is a production of Minoria Absoluta, Lastor Media, Filmax and Mestres Films AIE. 
RTVE and TV3 participate and it has the support of the ICAA and the ICEC . Filmax is in charge of distribution to cinemas.
Length: 1 h 45 min
Premiere: November 10th 2023
Enric Auquer: Antoni Benaiges
Laia Costa: Ariadna
Luisa Gavasa: Charo
Ramón Agirre: Adult Ramón
Gael Aparicio: Carlos
Alba Hermoso: Josefina
Nicolás Calvo: Emilio
Antonio Mora: Mayor
Milo Taboada: Priest Primitivo
Jorge Da Rocha: Camilo
Eduardo Ferrés: Rodríguez
Alba Guilera: Laura
Laura Conejero: Rosa
Xavi Francés: Education inspector
David Climent: Falangist Chief
Felipe García Vélez: Adult Carlos
Elisa Crehuet: Adult Josefina
Padi Padilla: Encarna
Alicia Reyero: Ángeles
Gema Sala: Jacinta
Alía Torres: Ariadna's daughter
Carlos Troya: Bernardo Ramírez
Arnau Casanovas: Portraitist
Laura Gaja: Elvira
María Escoda: Juana
Chus Gutiérrez: Archivist
Joan Scufesis: Sergio
Cristina Murillo: Residency nurse
Sara Madrid: Hiker
Pep Linares: Falangist waiter
Albert Malla: Radio announcer
Izan Barragán: Leandro (School boy)
Didac Cano: Casimiro (School boy)
Hernán Gracia: Eulogio (School boy)
Noa Guillén: Asunción (School girl)
Ona Macía: Saturnina (School girl)
Elena Moreno: Dionisia (School girl)
Gal-La Petit: Hilaria (School girl)
Genís Lama: Falangist
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🐧 + Pedro!!
Their favorite Disney/Pixar movie: Pedro is a not-so-secret fan of the animated version of The Lion King. In his opinion, it is one of the greatest films in Hollywood, and he refuses to watch the so-called live action version. He also loves the Toy Story franchise too. Although he won’t admit it, he cries at the end of the third film, much to Kurt’s amusement.
Their go-to style of clothing: His go-to style is a shirt, a black leather jacket, ripped jeans and a dog tag necklace. 
Their favorite vacation memory: It was when both him and Ariel eventually did decide to travel together, and they went to New York to see Rachel perform as Janet in a Broadway production of Rocky Horror Show, when they befriended a performer named Belladonna Russo, who was playing Magenta on that night, and both he and Ariel decided to set their new friend on a date with Brittany, and luckily for them both, Belladonna and Brittany are perfect for each other, and Pedro and Ariel were very glad that their idea worked.
Their favorite fairy tale: Puss in Boots. He loves how the main character is such a smooth-talking, suave, charming cat - like a furry version of Kurt.
One hidden talent of theirs: Tap, and jazz dancing.
One thing they’ve kept since childhood days: Polaroid photographs of him and Ariel that were taken during various moments throughout both their childhood.
Their favorite holiday memory: Pedro's birthday is around the same day as The Day of the Dead, and on that year, Pedro and his familia didn't feel like celebrating as it was also a year's anniversary that Pedro's padre walked out on them (not that Pedro minded; he was a shitty padre anyways!!). and Ariel and the rest of The New Directions decided to cheer him up by throwing a fiesta with lots of alcoholic drinks and snacks. Ariel even surprised him with an edited video full of messages from his beloved friends, including Kurt, where he confesses his love for Pedro and apologises for getting off the wrong way at first and his biphobia, in which a drunk Pedro kisses him as a response to his feelings.
Their first crush: His first crush was actually his best friend Ariel Berry when they were both six years old, in which Ariel scoffed of the idea. His first celebrity crush, however was James Dean when he first discovered his Papito’s old VHS tape of Rebel Without a Cause.
Something they would never admit to anybody: He defended his sister Jacinta when her abusive ex-boyfriend grabbed her while she was trying to move her belongings out. This led to Pedro beating him to a pulp and almost being sent to a juvenile detention center for doing so.
Their favorite wild animal: Tigers.
Thank you for the ask @luucypevensie!! 💕 Also Tagging the Glee gang @daughter-of-melpomene @ginger-grimm @manyfandomocs @ginevrastilinski-ocs!!
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ofgods · 4 months
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            cierra  ramirez.   she  +  her.   cis   woman.      »       whoa!   JACINTA  VARGAS   just  stole  my  cab!  not  cool,  but  maybe  they  needed  it  more.  they  have  lived  in  the  city  for   A  DAY,   working  as  a   FLEA  MARKET  VENDOR  +  SMALL  E-COMMERCE  OWNER.  that  can't  be  easy,  especially  at  only  THIRTY2.  some  people  say  they  can  be  a  little  bit   MANIPULATIVE   and   SYBARITIC,  but  i  know  them  to  be   RESOURCEFUL   and   CONFIDANT.  whatever.  i  guess  i'll  catch  the  next  cab.  hope  they  like  the  ride  back  to   BROOKLYN.      ›    pinterest.
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as  usual,  tumblr  told  me  i  wrote  way  too  much,  so  pls  click  THIS  LINK  to  be  taken  to  her  full  introduction.  however,  please  be  warned  that  the  following  triggers  are  very  briefly  mentioned  or  hinted  at  throughout  her  background  &  in  some  of  her  extra  headcanons:
abuse - not really tbh, but just to be safe??
( and  my  horrible  writing  🥹✌️ ).
i  think  i  got  everything,  but  do  let  me  know  if  i  missed  one.
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
the first thing i really want to say, i hate being right. i really hate it this time. WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU BUCKY. I !!! WAS !!! FUCKING !!! ROOTING !!! FOR !!! YOU !!! I'll be calling you other names now until further notice. honestly, what more can I say? I basically said all the thoughts I had on my previous ask, and while at first they were based on theories, well, now they're not 😭 I'm not even mad at him anymore, I'm just so drained and tired of it all. Disappointed really. Just disappointed. I do know he didn't do the "<3" tho. Since Jethro went through his phone so she probably changed it herself. But that's the least of everyone's problem right now.
Like I said, if he had just confessed right off the bat, it wouldn't have been as bad, in my opinion at least. I mean, it's still a shitty thing to do no matter the semantics or technically, but it's the LYING. It's truly what fucks a person up. And yes with what you said!!! Brendon took so many choices away from Pocket!!! She was blindsided and manipulated to some degree and it's just. sigh. so disappointed.
Now, let me put my theory cap on because lol surprise, I have some. You said the first time didn't count. So something must've happened and I know you said it wasn't SA but sex pollen? could be? Or omg, something Hydra put because you know how they would probably want super soldiers to procreate even if it's against their will? What if Jacinta knows that code? and ..... shit, omg. wait. I just realized something. I really had to stare at my screen because this could be mind blowing but I also could be so wrong because this probably won't make any sense. BUT, (i know this will seem like i'm defending him but hear me out) if the first time wasn't his choice (not fully anyway), he probably still felt disgusted by himself that it happened. So, the second time, do you think Bob did it to punish himself? Like doing the act didn't give him any pleasure at all, just disgust and guilt and regret and actual physical pain? !!! TW !!! but kinda self-harm but in a different way? Because maybe in the back of his mind, he knew this would destroy Pocket, and the thought of that itself is so painful to him that, he did it as a way to punish himself? To hurt himself by hurting pocket? Which is a really fucked up mental gymnastic but idk okay, i have no idea how my brain works LMAO. He needs a new therapist my god. Or maybe he needs two. Or maybe I'm just way over my head and the reason the second time happened was because that was the time he saw the articles. OR could be both a mixture of both. And again, he had an actually devil in his shoulder. But still, to given in that easily. Weakass supersoldier if you ask me. Like I said, the whole "I did it for revenge" cuts differently too. Honestly just basically what i said on my previous ask hahaha
Sigh, I know there's something else going on. I know something was cooking underneath all that. I'm sure Jenny had more at play to this than Baker. I don't think she's that lucky that the universe just decided for everything to fall into place like that. I'm sure she had all the string. Like yes, I won't deny Bryan is an asshole, and he still did what he did. But still, no matter if there was something that happened that led up to the act (apart from the articles which is shitty on its own as a reason but he's a fragile weakass man so) It still won't change how he lied about it after. I do think the heaviest part of it, especially to Pocket, wasn't exactly the fact that he slept with Junia but the fact that he lied about it and covered it up.
I will add tho, as much as I am looking forward for Pocket to have her villain origin story, because she absolutely does deserve it, I'm just hoping she won't do something that she's regret later on. Though right now, I also have no idea how she's ever going to forgive him. We'll just have to wait and see as everything unfolds.
Honestly, I don't think I've got anything more to add. I'm just sitting here sighing and shaking my head as I'm typing this. Though I can't wait for the truth to unravel, because I really do have a feeling there's more than meets the eye. I'll probably pop back in if I have a new theory, but either way. You're amazing as always!
— Jnon 🤍
I think getting your posts are the favorite part of my day!
Let's address! I'm sorry you were right. I hate that you were right, but right you were. Pocket is also definitely drained and tired from it, too. Exhausted. Brutus definitely did not do the <3; he didn't even know how to unblock her. Venus Flytrap (going with a V-name this time, lol) did it all herself.
Part of what hurts Pocket so much is that Buckwheat knows her history, knows how much trouble she has with trusting people, and yet, he keeps lying. It's one of those "I lied because I knew the truth would hurt you," but he doesn't realize that the truth is so much more easy for her to digest than having to constantly wonder if he's being honest with her, just to find out he's not. One of the things they bonded over, early on in their friendship, was that they had had their bodies used by others, without their consent, so she thought he understood how important that was for her, and to have him make the same decisions her abusers did, by taking away her ability for informed consent, that's what's killing her. She thought he knew her better than that. Your theories! The "first time" doesn't have anything to do with sex pollen or Hydra. You are definitely close in that he felt disgusted with himself, which has a lot to do why the first time doesn't count. You'll have to wait until Chapter 27 to find out! It really was a happy accident for Jaeger Bomb that the articles happened. She didn't pull any strings, but she absolutely used them to her advantage. If they hadn't come out, she would have most likely come up with some other diabolical plan to get what she wanted. Pocket's going to face some dark times coming up, definitely. There will be a lot of self-destructive behavior and spiraling, but she's not gonna go full-on Thanos or anything (who could blame her if she did, let's be honest). The only person she's really going to hurt, going forward, is herself :( As always, Jnon, it is a pleasure. Thank you so much for bringing such happiness to my days <3 I love you!
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Reunion Track ; Two ; Omega
Following Grimshaw's release, he has little time to rest, with no more time left before he has to face Omega's threat. But he isn't going to Corfu Island, Greece alone.
Pua and Ryuujin belong to: @ha-ule-nalu
Silver belongs to: @cat-buried-in-tall-grass
and the taglist is those two mains' so..
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“This mission will remain strictly need to know. You are the agents Grimshaw has chosen to enact it. Understood?”
Ryuujin clasped her hands on the table, leaning forward to listen more clearly. But she gave the man beside the monitor a nod of affirmation.
Silver refused to sit, instead pacing nearby, arms crossed over his chest. “Got it.” He agreed, annoyed by Brimstone’s mere presence.
Pua had her legs up on the table, leaning back in her chair as she nodded. “Doesn’t leave this room.” She affirmed.
“You know me.” Cypher tilted his hat, leaning against a nearby pillar in the meeting room.
“All yours, Grim.” Brimstone tossed the remote to the man as he stood, the two switching spots.
Grimshaw hesitated as he situated himself beside the monitor. He wasn’t nervous because he’d just been released from the holding facility, but revealing this part of his life to other people? This scared him. The risks were near insurmountable, and any mistake could end with his death. 
“This is an extraction mission. But unlike Omega, we aren’t going for radianite. We’re going for something more important.”
“Something my counterpart has?”
Cypher’s question turned heads as he flipped his tripwire in his hand, the eyes of his mask remained focused on Grimshaw. “Yes, that’s correct. He contacted my sister and told me that.. Well. Let’s just.” Grimshaw pointed the remote at the monitor, clicking it to show a photo.
A headshot of a brunette woman with tanned skin and striking pink eyes showed on the monitor. 
“This is Vera González. She’s a researcher with Kingdom.” The attention was turned back to the screen. 
“Is she who we’re getting back? She’s pretty!” Pua complimented but Grimshaw shook his head.
“No. More accurately, she was a researcher with Kingdom.” And the man remained outwardly calm despite what that meant to him. “Several years ago she was slated to join Kingdom Industries’ research in New Mexico.” He clicked the remote and a photo of himself before radianite changed him.
“I took her place to provide Legion with information on the collider and of course, the cross-world teleportation side effects. She uh. Well.” Grimshaw rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “She divorced me after that.”
Pua choked, sitting up straight so hard that her chair rolled back slightly. Silver stopped pacing, eyes widening slightly at the information. Cypher chuckled watching their reactions while Brimstone did his best to shush them, even though he too was surprised by the information that Grimshaw was married.
Ryuujin typed on her bracer, finding it easier than mouthing all of the necessary words. “Is this the rose you’d mentioned during work?” Her mask’s machine voice sounded out for her. But Grimshaw shook his head no again.
“In my time masquerading as Alpha Achlys, I’ve learned that Vera died when she was sixteen, a car accident. That would have been a year before..” Click and the slide changed again.
A young girl holding a stuffed plant themed teddy bear was the next slide. Her eyes mimicked Vera’s, but a darker hue of pink. Her dark brown hair was tied into low pigtails, and the thickness matched Grimshaw’s. Plum streaks lined her hair as she grinned into the camera.
“Jacinta Hajime.”
Ryuujin’s expression softened immediately.
The lollipop Silver had acquired at some point dropped to the ground, shattering in pieces as the information in front of him came to light. “You- You have- you have a? huh?”
“A daughter.” Brimstone exhaled, he brought his hand up over his face, sighing into his hand.
“I do. And I haven’t seen her in.. Three years. Omega Cypher and I were very close, unable to tell the truth to our wives, a child. He is her emergency contact. And now she is in his possession.”
“But he won’t hurt her.” Cypher reasoned, using what he’d do as reference. Grimshaw nodded, affirming his theory.
“No, he won’t. But I can’t promise an ambush when I attempt to retrieve her. That’s why I need a team, that’s why I’ve chosen all of you.” 
Pua had been silent as she processed the information in front of her, her eyes wide as she stared at the little girl on the screen. She couldn’t have even been ten in the picture in front of them. Orange eyes blinked, once, twice. 
“We’re gonna get her back.” The bunny radiant decided, already prepared to risk limb and life for this child she didn’t know.
“I agree.” Ryuujin nodded, closing her visible eye as she smiled beneath her mask, hoping it reflected on the rest of her face.
Grimshaw smiled beneath his own mask, pleased by the reactions of those he held close. “There is one other thing, however.” He admitted, clicking the remote again, the slide changed to a video of the little girl in question but much younger. 
She was sitting on a bed of flowers, giggling as little green sprouts grew from her hair. 
“She’s a radiant, similar to Pua. But..” The flowers disappeared in the video, a man that was clearly Grimshaw when he was younger diving to catch the toddler before she hit the grass. “She never had a good grasp on her abilities. And maybe that has changed in three years, but it might not have.”
“Her abilities were often triggered by two things, one if she wanted to impress mom, another radiant, or two, if she was anxious. We cannot set her off. I don’t know what Jacinta is capable of anymore.”
“Alright, you’ve heard the man. Are you all prepared to go to Omega?” 
“Let’s get her home!”
“After you.”
Ryuujin gave a double thumbs up. 
“Fantastic because I already set up a meeting spot with Omega Cypher. We leave in two hours, go get geared up.”
Killjoy looked up at the man as they all finished their preparations in front of the teleporter. “Be safe, okay?” She spoke quietly as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Grimshaw’s smile faltered beneath his mask as he brought his hand up to her back. 
“I’ll try.”
“I’m glad it wasn’t you.”
“I know, Klara.” He leaned down, pressing his face to the top of her head. 
And then just like that, they were transported to a whole different world.
“How do you know he’ll be in Corfu?”
Cypher laughed at Silver’s question, adjusting the duffel bag with their guns he was carrying on his shoulder. “Because that is where they met.” The masked man mused, looking at the man ahead of them.
“Yes.. When Kingdom Industries began construction on the island, I worked here for a short time. I got lost very quickly and that was when I met Amir. And I was recruited into the Legion not long after that. But Corfu.. It’s..”
“It was Alpha Achlys’ and I’s place too. That’s where we met as well. My my if only I had been able to recruit that one the way my counterpart did you..”
But Grimshaw merely shrugged as they walked towards the main town from where the teleporter dropped them on the island. If Valorant Protocol had recruited his counterpart, would he even be here? Grimshaw didn’t want to think of it.
“Is it that small restaurant I showed him to?”
“Anthos, yeah.”
“Great food.”
“Amir always got takeout.”
“You and Omega Cypher were really close, huh?” Ryuujin asked, moving a little quicker so she could be beside Grimshaw.
Grimshaw hesitated, but nodded. “We were. The similarities, right? I mean.. We understood each other.” 
“I can’t believe you managed to hide having a daughter! And one with flower powers? That’s crazy.” 
He snickered at Pua’s comment, turning to ruffle her hair between her ears. “Yeah I found another one. Now I get two!” He joked, the woman sticking her tongue out at him as she dodged away from his hand. 
“She’ll be surprised to see you as a radiant, are you worried?” Silver questioned, well aware of what it’s like to suddenly not be human.
He looked up at the main street into what was once a beautiful quaint town, now overrun by his former employer. “Position’s everybody.” He reached behind him, taking the ghost that Cypher slid into his hand, he hid it within his cloak. 
“Pua and I go in alone. Cypher I want you providing constant updates on the location outside the restaurant. I don’t want anybody sneaking up on us. Silver you’ll be ready to act on Cypher’s intel, nobody gets close to us. Ryuujin, I need you to control the citizens in the surrounding area as best as you can. Remember, Legion is famous here. Your task is to make sure nobody gets too excited.”
“I’m the only outlier, my team became famous after I left. We’ll use that. Pua if you have to defect, do so.”
“Got it.”
“Alright, team. Operation Overhaul is go.”
And the team split off from one another, Ryuujin stayed on the main road while Silver and Cypher took to the rooftops. Pua nodded at Grimshaw and the two entered the side street the restaurant was situated in. 
The sun of Greece burned his visible skin but he did his best to ignore it as they approached carefully. Pua kept careful guard, ears alert to any strange sounds as she walked beside him. Upon hearing fast steps, the radiant was prepared to react, but she was caught off guard by a child running towards them.
Grimshaw crouched down, catching the girl and picking her up. “Other me is approaching.” The comm crackled and Pua looked up in time to see the Cypher in question approaching leisurely. Grimshaw narrowed his visible eye, holding onto Jacinta protectively as the man closed the distance.
“Hello, Amir.”
“Papa!” He looked down at her as she stared up at him. “You’re hurt.” She brought her hand up to her eye, bringing attention to the bandages over his on the reflecting side.
He smiled softly, leaning down to gently press his forehead against hers. “I’m okay, sprout. Let’s go inside, okay?” 
“Okay!! Come on Amir!” She wiggled out of Grimshaw’s arms to grab Ω-Cypher’s hand. Pua looked at Grimshaw behind the girl’s back, raising an eyebrow as the man stood straight. She didn’t like this, and he knew just by her expression. But they had to play along.
Inside of the restaurant was quiet, the building was empty sans one waitress and the chef visible through the window. “In you go.” Ω-Cypher released her hand so she could slide into the booth before he slid in beside her. Grimshaw slid into the booth followed by Pua, allowing the woman to be on the outside just in case. After all, she was faster than him.
“Do you know about mama?” 
Grimshaw didn’t expect her to get into it so quickly, she was only twelve. But then, she’d been abandoned and now her mother was dead. It was no surprise she grew up too quick. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” He spoke softly, reaching his hand across the table. A hand the girl was quick to take.
But she shook her head at him too.
“Amir said you got hurt too. And you couldn’t come home until you were better.”
Pua did her best to control her expressions, but she was an expressive woman, eyebrows furrowing at the mere idea one of their omega counterparts could have so much heart. 
“I did get hurt. I was in an accident.” He explained, tilting his head somewhat at her. “Did mama tell you where papa went to work three years ago?”
“New Mexico!”
He smiled beneath his mask. “Poor naive girl.” Cypher’s voice in his comm made him twitch slightly.
“Shut up, Cy.” Silver hissed, the sound of the younger agent smacking the older man’s arm clear as day through the communication device. Pua bit the inside of her cheek so as not to snicker.
“Right, but not our New Mexico.” She looked visibly confused, and Pua saw when she tilted her head, the resemblance between father and daughter was uncanny. “This is Nohealani.” He introduced the woman sitting beside him.
“Pua! I have an action figure of you cause you’re like me!”
“Oh- aw.. I’m- that’s cool kid!”
Grimshaw nodded. “But she’s not your Pua. Nohealani here is from a different world, a different earth entirely. Isn’t that cool?”
“Whoaaa, really?!”
“Yeah! I’m from Alpha Earth.” 
“And I got stuck in Alpha Earth after the accident. But my counterpart didn’t make it. So..”
“Is there another me?!”
“No, you’re the only you, sprout.”
“She’s taking the whole two worlds thing pretty well.” Ryuujin observed as she diverted another person from entering the side street.
“Yeah, she’s a hella smart kid, Grim.”
“I have to go back to Alpha Earth. And Amir brought you here so that you can come with me.”
Jacinta blinked, straightening out again. “Why can’t you stay here? Why can’t we stay with Amir?”
Grimshaw reached up, pulling his mask off his face and setting it on the table beside their hands. “Because my life there is very important to me. But not as important as you. That’s why I want you to come with me.” 
“Is.. Mama there?”
“No, mija, I’m sorry. It’s just us. Auntie Hemera is there though. You always thought she was so pretty.”
“She is?!”
He nodded. “Amir, can I really go?!” She looked up at the man who had been taking care of her for the last few months, her eyes wide and shiny. 
“Of course, ayouni. Your dad will keep you safe.” He brought his hand up, poking her nose gently.
Jacinta turned her attention back to her father, nodding eagerly in anticipation. “Can we go home to get my things? I wanna show Pua my action figure!”
“You can call me Lani if you want.”
“Yay! Can we?” 
Grimshaw lifted his head to look at Ω-Cypher, even with his mask, even with all the technology that went into it to obscure his face, obscure his identity and feelings. The man could read him to such a worrying degree, and Ω-Cypher knew that.
“It’s too dangerous, sprout, I’m sorry.” 
“Wait, how can you tell?” Silver asked over the comms, confused at Grimshaw’s decision.
“They wouldn’t set up an ambush here, Legion doesn’t want to look bad attacking a man with his child. Inside their house though…” Cypher reasoned.
“Damn, that’s fucked up.”
“Language, Silver.”
“She can’t hear me!”
“Anything you need from home we’ll have Amir send over, okay?” She nodded, that seemed reasonable. “Good girl, now are you hungry? Let’s eat while you make that list for him.” He leaned back, waving the waitress over.
“Are you sure that’s smart, Grimshaw? What if they use the time to ambush us here?” Ryuujin questioned.
“I’m going to feed my daughter, Ryuujin. Hold your position.”
“Do you have an earpiece!?
“Sure do, sprout.” He pulled something out of his cloak and tossed it towards her, the girl catching it with glee. She put the earpiece on, tucking her curly hair back so she could listen in on their conversation.
“No swearing, Silver.”
“That’s rich coming from you, Pua.”
Jacinta worked on her list while the four waited for her food, Pua too nervous to eat, Ω-Cypher unable to, and Grimshaw ordering a single glass of coke. “Man can we go in there for grub? I’m starving. Did anyone bring any snacks?”
“You sound like Iso.” Cypher muttered, but judging by the rustling and Silver’s ecstatic noise, he did in fact bring a snack of sorts. Jacinta giggled as she listened, finishing off her list with the waitress’ pen, she handed it to Ω-Cypher who took it.
“I will have it sent to our safe spot in your world.” Ω-Cypher slid out of the booth, but leaned into it to press his face against the top of Jacinta’s head. “Be good for your father, ayouni.” And she nodded excitedly as he stood straight. “Take care of her, azizi.” He looked to Grimshaw who smiled at him.
“Thank you, Amir.” 
“Until next time, my friend.” 
He gently smacked the top of Pua’s head, almost playfully, with the paper list as he walked by her. She scowled at him but he had already walked on by, unbothered by her response to his casualness. 
“Papa?” Jacinta drew the man’s attention to her as she picked her fork up. “Are you a radiant like me now too?”
“Sort of. Not like you or mama. More like frankenstein’s monster.” He laughed, and Jacinta lit up when she realised he remembered her favourite book. He let go of her hand to hold it up, the limb dissolving into shadowy wisps. Her eyes widened, fork and food a mere inch from her now gaping mouth.
“Whoa! You’re a shadowman!”
Pua laughed. Loudly.
“S-Sorry- hehe..”
Silver was also audibly laughing on the other end, with small huffs of mechanical sounding air signifying Ryuujin’s giggles.
“I.. Yes, sprout, kinda. I can do a lot of cool things. Nohealani, do you still have that scrape from when you fell out of the teleporter?”
“I didn’t FALL- it was a tactical landing.”
She shifted in the booth to bring her knee up, pulling her baggy pants up so she could show him her scraped knee. Grimshaw’s hand reformed and he formed a small shadowy ball in his hand, the darkness leaching into Pua’s skin. She shuddered, it was always so cold when the heat of battle wasn’t getting to her.
When the darkness dissipated off of her skin, the scrape was completely gone. “I like healing.” He announced to his daughter who was stuffing her face with chocolate cake, nodding with big wide pink eyes.
“That’s so cool-” She spoke with her mouth full.
“Chew, mija.” And she nodded, closing her mouth and chewing.
“The background check on that waitress just came back, she has ties to Legion, you have to get out of there.” 
Pua’s eyes widened and she slid out of the booth. “Come on kid, we gotta go. Bring your plate.” She looked over her shoulder, where was the waitress? Or the chef for that matter? Jacinta nodded, but she just stuffed the rest of the cake slice in her mouth as she bounced out of the booth with her backpack.
Grimshaw slid out of the booth calmly, picking up his full glass of cola. Pua dodged when something sharp was thrown at her. “Hey we have a kid here!” She growled, grabbing Jacinta’s arm and tugging her behind her. Jacinta clung to the back of the woman’s shirt as another icicle came their way. 
The waitress came into view, a radiant with ice abilities no doubt. But before she could throw another sharp blade of ice at the bunny radiant, Grimshaw threw the contents of his glass into her face. The waitress yelled out, bringing her hands up to wipe the cola from her eyes. But the trio were gone before she could.
“How did you know?!”
Pua asked, Jacinta on her shoulder instead as it was faster to run away. “Her hair was down, not proper attire for a waitress really.. Okay, team. Like we discussed. The extraction is the most important part.” 
“I’m on it.” From above, Silver leaned over the edge of the roof, throwing down several of his mats to block anybody from following the trio from the sidestreet into the main road. Ryuujin followed suit in blocking areas, disappearing in her phased world to set several water orbs.
“Jacinta, stay with Nohealani no matter what, got it?”
“But what about you?”
“She’s faster and stronger than me. But I’m right behind you. Pua get her home.”
“Got it, Shaw.” 
Grimshaw stopped suddenly, turning quickly, his cloak blew softly in the wind as Pua carried the girl away. He brought his right hand up, the glowing tattoo changed in hue from a navy blue to a deep red as shadows wisped off of his skin. “Knock knock.” He mumbled, sending forth the dread call in range in front of him.
And with the area between his daughter and Omega’s forces blocked by metal, water, and shadow. The Alpha team was able to get away.
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unamused-kookaburra · 6 months
Another funny thing that happened with the theft incident at work is when my co-worker was called into the mangers office, she panicked because she thought she was in trouble for hiding clothes under her register to buy after her shift. We're technically not allowed to do it but we're paying for it and the shop still gets the sale so I don't think the managers really care, but she was really worried.
And then today when we were walking out together she stopped by the registers because she stashed a bunch of clothes again today.
0 notes
apileofpans · 1 year
Birthday audio/video gifts!
It is my hecking birthday this month, y’all! To celebrate I am giving away videos and audios from Phantom of the Opera that positively ruined me (AKA some of my faves) !
NOTE: the links will work until November 6th, 10 AM CEST! After that they won’t work anymore :) If any of the masters want me to remove their master, let me know and I will!
Everything, including cast info, is under the cut!
US Tour - Dallas, April 6, 2006 Evening Gary Mauer, Elizabeth Southard, Jim Weitzer, Kim Stengel, John Jellison, DC Anderson, Patti Davidson-Gorbea, John Whitney, Kate Wray https://ln5.sync.com/dl/b833dd740/gvnusjtv-a7wywsjy-98mvkiid-nsa6ksqp
Las Vegas Spectacular - August 8, 2008 (SunsetBlvd79) Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Geena Jeffries Mattox, John Leslie Wolfe, Lawson Skala, Tina Walsh, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Brianne Kelly Morgan https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f4b151790/79fc7xe8-emk99ug5-va2ndite-vrapb47x
Broadway - May 12, 2014 (inallyorufantasies, turnofthescorpion) Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays, Michele McConnell, Tim Jerome, Laird Mackintosh, Ellen Harvey, Christian Šebek https://ln5.sync.com/dl/9dbe75640/89h6694u-db6i4y53-ker76kab-xtm9qbj3
Boadway - May 20, 2003 Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia, Julie Schmidt (u/s), Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews , Marilyn Caskey, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Joelle Gates https://ln5.sync.com/dl/04cef73f0/watx9j5t-s2amh9zy-hmxqchav-2h2sf3ra
West End - August, 2018 Ben Lewis, Amy Manford, Jeremy Taylor https://ln5.sync.com/dl/8a1ae4700/ys5mbar9-yas2ewaq-rrnk4sye-wt5pgdtb
Trieste, Italy - July 15, 2023 (Filthybonnet) Ramin Karimloo, Amelia Milo, Bradley Jaden, Earl Carpenter, Ian Mowat, Anna Corvino, Gian Luca Pasolini, Alice Mistroni, Zoe Nochi https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f916fe200/6dw52cqj-usu7pimm-zbgk2gdg-9qixj3d4
Broadway - September 26, 1990 Steve Barton, Rebecca Luker, Gary Lindemenn (u/s), Marilyn Caskey, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews, Leila Martin https://ln5.sync.com/dl/21e8e2db0/wsqmti8i-4d4vukku-xs8fvh3y-85kjak3h
Broadway - May 10, 2003 Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia, Patricia Phillips, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews (u/s), Marilyn Caskey, Joelle Gates, Larry Wayne Morbitt https://ln5.sync.com/dl/5640398d0/3d5axeix-ie6cpr3t-4j7fbew7-5q8mjcqq
Broadway - August 19, 2014 (Oogie Boogie) Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays https://ln5.sync.com/dl/59b8c8720/hzpmzgq7-5hx5xqx9-4e6h4qt2-ynn5dmw6
Broadway - April 6, 2023 (phantomygoodness) Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Julia Udine (alt.), John Riddle, Nehal Joshi, Craig Bennett, Raquel Suarez Groen, Maree Johnson, Carlton Moe, Sara Etsy https://ln5.sync.com/dl/dfa420090/i2m495z9-zwdgyka9-r2k9njdn-tu9hwt9m
Las Vegas Spectacular - September 2, 2012 Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Joan Sobel, Lawson Skala, John Leslie Wolfe, Tina Walsh, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Brianne Kelly Morgan https://ln5.sync.com/dl/882621a90/2kz2ajn8-nkre4uhw-5y7vesm6-gmk3pv7v
West End- October 27, 2017 Ben Lewis, Amy Manford (alt), Jeremy Taylor, Una Reynolds (u/s), Siôn Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Jacinta Mulcahy, Paul Ettore Tabone, Lily Howes (u/s) https://ln5.sync.com/dl/d6fa41cb0/axfwkn8z-66dpfim8-7uekxefw-aahsqs8x
West End - September 1, 2018 Evening (Winschi) Ben Lewis, Kelly Mathieson, Jeremy Taylor, Lara Martins, Siôn Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Jacinta Mulcahy, Paul Ettore Tabone, Georgia Ware https://ln5.sync.com/dl/99b982430/9dpb2hez-rex5y3nn-z9e963m3-wm57qfu2
West End - November 13, 2021 Evening (starprincess) Killian Donnelly, Lucy St Louis, Rhys Whitfield, Saori Oda, Tim Morgan, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, Greg Castiglioni, Ellie Young https://ln5.sync.com/dl/fcffc67e0/7362xu65-tefiqt8x-9z3njksk-353iuqjk
West End -March 4, 2023 (verytheatricaltrades) Earl Carpenter (t/r), Holly-Anne Hull, Matt Blaker, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Kelly Glyptis, Greg Castiglioni, Francesca Ellis, Ellie Young https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f142d9230/5ngjfdrx-fhjmc9wf-x2yhme8h-z4exy8cf
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nevalizona · 2 years
I need to do bios for so many of my m3 ocs sksksksk. I have like 3 or 4 or 5 now and I only did ones for Genevieve and Ivy Nicole sksksksk I might make them a little less ambitious so some stuff can be known about them. I love how big Ivy Nicole and Genevieve's are but my brain just isn't working right now sksksks it's only fair that I work on Jesús' first since I've had him the longest of the new set sksksksk
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talesofpassingtime · 9 months
Essential Readings for a Serious Writer
Literature is a dialogue between story-tellers that has gone on for about six thousand years. Unless an author knows the conversation thus far, it is nearly impossible for that poorly read author to contribute anything meaningful to the dialogue. Serious writing requires serious reading. All great authors have been great readers.
Pre-19th Century
Homer, The Iliad, The Odyssey
Sophocles, works
Aeschylus, works
Euripides, works
Virgil, The Aeneid
Boccaccio, The Decameron
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Cressida
1001 Nights
Dante, The Divine Comedy
Cervantes, Don Quixote
King James Bible
Spencer, The Fairie Queen
Milton, Paradise Lost, Paradise Found, Samson Agonistes
19th Century
Goethe, Faust, Sorrows of Young Werther
British Poets - Byron, Shelley, Keats, Coleridge, Burns, Blake, Wordsworth, Browning, Tennyson, Yeats
Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
Gogol, Dead Souls
Turgenyev, Fathers and Sons
Dostoevsky, works
Tolstoy, works
Hardy, works
Dickens, works
Galdos, Fortunata & Jacinta
Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot), Works
Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
Jane Austin, works
Melville, works
Hawthorne, works
Poe, works
Stoker, Dracula
Hugo, works
Dumas, works
Zola, works
Balzac, works
Flaubert, works
Scott, works
20th Century
Woolf, works
Joyce, works
Lawrence, works
Hardy, works
Proust, La Recherche de la Temps Perdu
Musil, Man without Qualities, Young Torless
Mann, works
Boll, works
Nabokov, works
TS Eliot, works
Martin Amis, works
Gaddis, works
Pynchon, works
Durrell, works
Byatt, works
Burroughs, works
Faulkner, works
Hemingway, works
Fitzgerald, works
O'Neill, works
Anouilh, works
Grass, works
Garcia Marquez, works
Chekov, works
Ibsen, works
Shaw, works
Shepard, works
Fante, works
Maugham, works
Delillo, works
McElroy, Women and Men
Kundera, works
Anderson, Winesburg Ohio
Henry Miller, works
Barnes, works
Broch, works
Nadas, works
Genet, works
Gide, works
Tennessee Williams, works
Bellow, works
A few words of advice:
Reading chronologically makes later allusions to earlier works available. Know your Homer, your Aeschylus, your Virgil. Lots of things won’t make sense at all if you don’t.
Reading all the important works of literature is the work of a lifetime, so don’t fret about how few you’ve read. What matters most is what you read next, because nothing will influence your writing more than what you are currently reading. 
Reading is writing.
Memorize Shakespeare, the plays, the sonnets, the poems. You won’t regret a word. Nothing is more important to a writer’s education than Shakespeare.
I am only including works and authors I have read in this list. It will continue to evolve as I continue to read. I’m sure there are many thousands of important authors still unlisted. As well, sometimes we learn the best lessons from terrible writers. Reading is too important to only read well.
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baeddelicto · 1 year
(Older woman/boy(girl), v light gore, somno?, hypno?, idk i dint actually knw how to label writng mech?)
930 words
《Incubation in 3..2..1..》
*krxh* "Dont you fret hun, i know its daunting down there in that chamber but we're up here with sweaty palms too. Now the fluid is breathable and full of that sweet ambrosia so go ahead and take a breath, relax, and drift away" *khp*
She's right its always a crapshoot isnt it tryn sumthn new nd honestly this fluid hasnt even reached my mouth and i already feel better, less tense, floaty like a salt bath if it were the color and viscosity of dirty engine oil...
Smells sweet, ambrosia huh, hear goes... tastes sweet not that hard to move through my lungs actually, i wonder how lon....
"Slipped right past hypnogogia... hope that ain't the case on the flipside. Lower the serum dosage 20%."
"Yessir, entering stage 3......stage 4..... cresting, begining reentry, stage 3"
"Drop another 20. Shit boy slow down. He lied to you Doc."
"It would seem so."
"0 drinks a day my ass."
"We've reached hypnopompia sir."
"Hot Dog!"
Fuck, fuck why can't i talk? Shit somethings wrong w the fluid i cant move! What is-
"Hey sugar, im sure youre all worked up by now so im gonna remind you of earlier when i told you dont fret but um now im not gonna say that bc right now thats what you need. That fear got you real focused. And i need you to take that focus and push out. Focus on the edges of your vision and try to see past all that filth in that pit."
Oh its Jacinta...thats nice... i guess i should listen to her and do something other than freaking out. seems simple enough. Fuck i didnt think a dark room could spin this much. Dont hurl. No hurling. Pleass God. Wait how did Jacinta get in my-
Woah im outside.... That ridgeline its the Salspar Escarpment...
"There you go, Youre a natural kiddo! Now walk toward the escarpment keep your eyes on Salvor's Peak."
I can do that... heh mom always said i needed direction gues i got one. East by Southeast. Honestly one of the better directions westerly spring winds and the rings of Sarthis blaze violet in the afternoon sun. Oh fuck almost tripped that would have been embarassing Jacinta would hav- Why do my feet look so weird and my legs i look lik afucking bug! FUCK oh god wheres my dick?! Wheres my SkIN! FUCKFUKfuckFug I cant feel anything why didnt my knees hurt when i fall? My hands are tearing into my thighs but i cant feel it FUck im bleeding fuCk its everywhr fuck i-
"heyy kid how ya feeln?"
Jacinta whispers to me as she lightly brushes the hair out of my face. Her weight was flushing the mattress so that the side of my hip was pressed into hers. She clasps her hand to my brow then traces the half moon of my face to my cheek. Her raven hair glows a deep amber in the evening light streaming in from the window. She gave a crooked smile.
"You're burnin up bud. We gotta get some fluids in you..." She turns to a small table behind her, a messy plait spills over her shoulder and swishes over the small of her back. The rattle of paper on board heralds
"Petragua or citralyte?"
I nod to the petragua and she replaces the other and proffers my mouth a straw. She gazes down at me warmly as i suck down the plum-apricot-chem slurry. The infusion perks me up a bit.
"Alright now don't drain it dry. Don't want it coming back up all over my vest." She pulls it from my lips and i eek a short and quiet suckng sound that manages a full 5 seconds of embarrassment even though the sound was .3 seconds long.
"Kid ill be real with ya. You did great..exceptional even! Most of the time we dont even get to a stroll the first time we just... well its a whole lot more work on my end than what happened with you so i just wanted to say... im proud of you."
She squeezes my shoulder and feathers her hand to my cheek again.
"I know all this been hard on you and you've put in a lot of work before you even got in the pit and it payed off." She picks up the petragua again and hangs it in the air for a second.
"To all your work...and all of our work... and to your health." She sips some of it then positions it back towards me again. I slurp with even more energy this time.
"Having such a strong liminal drive link seams to really make a difference. Honestly i think you two should meet but we have to get clearance pfft its bullshit. How are you supposed to pilot together if you dont even know eachother? How are we supposed to figure out what this spark is that makes the liminal drive work if we never get to observe you interacting in a controled manner? I swear im gonna have a word-"
*slurpppppp* she pulls it from my face.
"Oh listen to me blathern on, you got another 18 hours til youre on rotation again. You can head back to your room whenever. Ill see you then ok? I just wanted to check in on you." And with that she rises, throws her vest on, and clacks and jingles out the door with a two finger wave lingering behind her with her plait.
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